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Britain can be a lot better than this.

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I just ate 3lbs of chicken hearts and can already feel my power growing.
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>>229688 (OP) good lad
>>229695 moscow occupied government
>mog moggs zog
wish i was a yank and could just put turbos on cars in my massive prairie workshop while my yank gf brings me cooked food
Just look right here
>>229701 *makes a joke about your bald whore wife*
>2114d5 is a channel member and actually pays money to watch his seamonkey lasses
What should I bring to Dartmoor with me? I will take a lot but I have a lot of space in my bag
toil bye
>>229706 bring a tent >>229707 work hard lad bossman needs that second yacht
>>229708 no thats dumb
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anyone want to commit some crimes with me?
telltale signs of telly addiction
>>229712 Or even just the wrong bubble in social media neighbourhood tbh
would you lads back me up if I got into an argument on the Unz review comment section
>>229715 depends on whether or not you can comment without needing to sign up for something tbh
>>229715 *hell march starts playing*
>>229717 always love seeing these creatures get reported tbh
>>229719 tbh but until I see her kicked from the school and banned from medicine it's just words
>>229719 >>229720 >>229717 article on it https://thepostmillennial.com/pronoun-prick-medical-student-boasts-about-abusing-patient-with-needle-for-pronoun-diss >fourth year med student >used her actual name on the acc imagine destroying your fucking future for updoots
>"I am in a unique position as a leader in Safe Zone in Medicine," Del Rosario wrote, "an organization run by healthcare trainees whose goal is to educate health professionals about the needs and disparities in LGBTQ+ healthcare. This role prepares me to become a trustworthy doctor and advocate for the transgender community—a population which the medical field has harmed greatly in the past. It also allows me to train other healthcare professionals who aim to improve their practice to be more welcoming and gender-affirming." >she thought she was immune due to being part of a nonce group
>>229723 >a population which the medical field has harmed greatly in the past Yeah, by lopping off their cocks
>>229688 (OP) >He said the group had a "deeply entrenched extreme right-win mindset". >"The vitriolic hatred expressed by these defendants went far beyond an intolerance of others," he said. >"While the group had no clear target at the time of their arrest, they pushed relentlessly for violent action in pursuit of their objectives. keeek literally minority report, the war of autists >>229703 Didn't even know youtube had this antifeature smh
>you will never be part of a y2k doomsday cult
>>229729 a familiar physiognomy
>wake up >half an hour to NEET torture toil >need to have brekky and shit as well I fucking hate them AUGH they didn't even ask me if I was okay with a morning slot
sitting here enjoying my 3rd breakfast tbh
why don't you all just write ebooks on a niche subject, sell on amazon and rake in cash that way instead of trading every waking moment for pennies
>t. hasn't done this himself
>>229732 take the shit at work, then you get paid for it
>>229736 tbh remember when I did actually have a job, I'd wake up, immediately jump in a cold shower in winter, then cycle to work every morning was torture but I was happy for a time, especially coming home those were the days
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>>229737 that sounds horrible >I was happy for a time >those were the days is this that thing where we look back fondly on the hardest times of our life?
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>went to bed at quarter to 0400 >spent the whole time in bed with a tickly coof
toil tards cant read this because they're at work lmao
>>229729 wew what a fucking embarrassment >>229732 why would they ask you? you forget your place, neetling >>229739 yes lad it only ever gets worse
>>229736 >implying I get paid for NEET torture >>229742 tbh smh
>>229729 Keeek how the fuck is this even real? >blatant sexual deviant who is somehow an MP gets raped and turns into a tranny, everybody cheers im going frickin INSANE
lmao tranny loving tory mong posted this satire and his mong fans are reporting him to the police https://twitter.com/tomhfh/status/1508802614372229130
>>229745 keeeek
>>229745 little rat deserves to get fucked
>>229744 >>229731 >>229742 There's clearly something more to the story than this. >There was a close call in April 2020 when someone blackmailed me, outed me to my father and sent photographs to other family members If he has "felt this way since he was a very young child" then surely it being leaked wouldn't be that big of a deal? Especially since this was in 2020 which was more of the peak of all this troomershit. Then followed up with "waah I got pozzed" and "waah I crashed my car" it sounds more and more like pity seeking. Considering how all these "coming out of the closet" stories ALWAYS coincide with some dodgy noncey shit there's no way he didn't do something dodgy.
>>229748 >there's no way he didn't do something dodgy. lad, he's an MP
>>229748 perhaps an oinkler situation
>tfw your based toff mp is probably a nonce
>>229748 >then surely it being leaked wouldn't be that big of a deal? the world might be dangerously close to the point where people don't blink at openly trannoid "conservative" mps but nobody's going to want to tank his political career by going first >Considering how all these "coming out of the closet" stories ALWAYS coincide with some dodgy noncey shit there's no way he didn't do something dodgy. tbh this is true though >>229751 >probably
>>229752 >but nobody's going to want to tank his political career by going first true, but rather than "being the first" I reckon it's more to do with "not wanting to be connected to the other troomer politicians"
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Frozen pizza enjoyer phenotype
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>>229729 >those comments >SO HECKIN STUNNING AND BRAVE over and over
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>>229753 had forgotten about that mess smh
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Nothing like a coffee to squeeze out those stuck morning farts.
>>229757 good lad
goin' shops
>>229759 get me some carlsberg export lad
>>229739 tbh it was shite but at least i regularly interacted with people other than my parents, got outside, and had money
>>229756 never fully forget it tbh lad, that's what the nonces want
>>229753 >>229754 I want to burn everything he made in minecraft, while his stickman character thing and his father's account is in the buildings. Only fire, in minecraft, can clense the servers of such evil. Fire. Glorious, purifying fire.
A lot of the soldiers dying in Putin’s war are from poorer ‘ethnic minority’ republics, says Russian military expert >“It is becoming clear that a lot of the soldiers who are dying are from the poorer ‘ethnic minority’ republics like Buryatia, Kalmykia and Dagestan,” said Pavel Luzin, a Russian military expert. >Russia is divided into 85 federal subjects, 22 of which are republics, originally created as regions to represent areas of non-Russian ethnicity. >Luzin said the lower ranks of the Russian army were particularly filled with young men from those republics who enlist after their mandatory conscription ends, mainly for financial reasons. >In Dagestan, Radio Svoboda reported that at least 130 soldiers from the mountainous Caucasus region had died, and a senator from Tuva on the Mongolian border has publicly said that 96 soldiers from her small republic were killed in Ukraine. If these numbers are accurate, the three republics of Buryatia, Dagestan and Tuva alone would make up almost a quarter of all the official Russian war deaths. >Pointing to the war of 2015 and the present invasion, Luzin said there was also a darker, more cynical reason why scores of soldiers from the country’s more remote republics have been dying. >“Unfortunately, the average Russian will care less about the death of a Buryat or Dagestani than about the death of blue-eyed soldiers from Moscow and St Petersburg,” Luzin said. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2022/mar/30/coffins-in-buryatia-ukraine-invasion-takes-toll-on-russias-remote-regions Putin is using churkas and gooks to subdue the hohols keeeeeeeeek
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>>229762 keek. Spacey's 'it's just what gays do' response irked them more than the actions themselves.
>>229764 its just good business
>watching boomer duck carving vids and one makes a coof joke Keeeeeeeeek. >>229764 Same as it always was with Soviets. It's also partly because they knew it was easier for either racial aliens or mohammedans to kill whiteoids. According to Peter Hitchens the ones who were killing people in Lithuania at the end of the USSR were asiatic.
>>229764 Sergey Shoigu is Tuvan.
>>229767 >>229764 Same with Afghanistan, they sent in Ukies and Romanians to fight, because at first they used Chechens and the all sorted Central Asians but backfired as their were essentially the same people as the Afghans.
Also the FBI lost Hunter Biden's laptop. https://files.catbox.moe/p57bm9.mp4
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people keep saying chechens are shitskins but most of them look white tbh like if I saw Kadyrov walking down the street I would perceive him as an ordinary white man. the only 'shitskin' thing about his appearance is the 'trimmed moustache, unkept beard' facial hairstyle which we mentally associate with shitskins. otherwise has fair skin, light eyes, lightish hair, no Mongoloid features, looks wholly Caucasoid some chechens look woggy like the one in the front in 3.jpg but the others look totally white. well maybe the one on the left's nose is off but overall though
>>229771 Are you American?
Aren't Caucasians white? If they aren't white why do people refer to white people as Caucasian?
only ginger lasses are white tbh
>>229774 >Aren't Caucasians white? some are >If they aren't white why do people refer to white people as Caucasian? Proto-Indo-Europeans originated from Caucasus, theoretically
>>229774 who's this perfect lass? >>229771 Looks White to me
>>229777 Natalya Varley, some Russian-Welsh actress from the 60s.
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The Russians slotted one of those strong independent childless women that was plastered all over the media. Most likely Olena Bilozerska.
>>229780 >f*male combatants
>>229780 >sniper blyat
>>229776 >>229774 The reason Caucasian is used for white is because of the Circassian genocide. Circassians are an indigenous North Caucasian ethnic group who look typically pale for their origin. They were largely expelled from their native land by advancing imperial Russian troops culminating in the 1864 Circassian genocide, during which many Circassians skulls were collected for anthropological study. As a result the fleeing Circassians stocked Ottoman harems and they quickly became the most prized female slaves, developing a reputation as being the most beautiful women in the world. "Circassian beauties" is an interesting phenomenon, a number of western beauty products, including skin whitening cream, were marketed as used by Circassian women because of this reputation. This along with the collection of Circassian skulls now flooding anthropologist circles in the West led some to believe Circassians were uniquely beautiful and had the perfect White/Aryan skull shape, thus the theory that white people originated in the Caucasus was adopted. The majority of Circassians today live in Turkey and the Middle-East as a result of the genocide so they're usually pretty brown.
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>>229780 >replying to a message on YouTube just yesterday Why do they do this?
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Azov is what happens when you take LARPing too far.
>>229785 pretty based ngl
>>229786 Nah, it's really fucking gay to take NATO money and end up in a big pile actually.
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>>229783 some of those lasses would be 10/10 if not for the swarthoidism smh >>229785 keeeeeeeeeeek >>229786 tbh takes guts
>>229787 can these slav niggers show each other some basic respect for once.
>>229789 That is respect by Slav standards.
>>229784 what's happening here lad? giz'us a quick rundown >>229789 if they could they wouldn't be slavs
>>229789 theyre slavs
>>229791 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FTSNTMIrQQg
Just the JewTube channel of that dead female sniper some posts up, If it's her.
someone come play poker with me with real money
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>>229794 All this begging. You look this with ginger lass too? Kek
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>babe it's payday, where's my cut >thanks lass, now don't wait up, i'm going down to dartmoor with the lads for a month
>make plans for days, weeks, months, years but never do anything
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>>229798 >plan to sort life out >never sort life out
Great, the hat replied to me
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>>229798 just have a little more faith, arthur
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What did the Soviets mean by this?
>retvrn from neet torture >more letters shoved through door >remember I already have a pile to go through that's at least a week old now uuuuoooooooohhhhh I'm AVOOOOOOOOIDING
>>229804 maybe you should just not do anything, just shut down
>>229805 that's how suddenly 5-6 years have passed without any positive change tbh still feels like yesterday I dropped out of uni
remember when wessex was a big shot? getting on camera saying based current year jokes?
>>229806 still have dreams about going back to school
>>229808 Tell the thread about your latest dream
fuck the outside world tbh keep that front door closed >>229804 good lad for me it's double-digit unread messages and missed calls on my phone and a pile of multiple years of unread letters (i only check my letterbox maybe two or three times a year) and an email inbox that reads 999+ unread >>229806 iktf
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"I am done being gay" wdhmbt?
>>229811 I "productively" cleaned my inbox earlier this year by moving the entire lot into a subfolder tbh it's already gotten past a full page again god I hate email senders instantaneous communication was a mistake
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I think one of the major appeals of imageboards for smee is that the way /brit/ and other generals work is as one long flowing public conversation rather than autistically subdivided and moderated shit like bongoland
I hate the sun ffs TURN IT OFF why it is light damn it it should be DARK
>>229812 doubt
goblin spotted in thread
>>229817 Yeah let's trust a (1)
>>229818 keeeeeeeek based bulge chad
>>229813 tbh and not just that smdh it's free instantaneous communication smh "people" who feel entitled to annoy you at any hour (and expect a prompt response) can do so as many times as they want in a single day with no consequence >>229814 keeeeeeeeeeek >>229815 tbh and even in threads that aren't generals derails are a time-honoured tradition and jannies respect that in all but the most cucked of places >>229816 tbh
>it's almost christmas already
go out in the sun you fucking incel freaks
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white boy summer 2.0
put a polo shirt on, a straw hat, sunglasses and some nice shoes people will treat you with respect
>>229826 Imagine getting sunburn on your scalp.
>>229827 keeeek only in the souf
>Germany triggers the first stage of the gas emergency plan to secure supplies. Vice-Chancellor Habeck appeals to consumers: save energy.
Death to sun blaspheming ghouls https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hdxn1qqKxp0
>>229830 how is it possible for one country to cock up so much
>>229831 phwoar woof
me at beach (ogling ladies) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=woNqp6jchVI
>>229831 She looks like a Gyaru JAV idol ngl.
>>229825 keeeeeeeek smh those were the days tbh just good honest huwhite rap >>229826 keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek >he didn't slip slop slap seek and slide no wonder he didn't survive
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>Russian Stock market still going up >USD is down against the RUB
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wish these vultures would leave big willy alone the man is in pain
>>229839 pure coincidence that this happens as hebrews abandon the west for the east what can I say, they're just good businessmen
>>229841 American and British Jews got really fucking cocky tbh, even in Israel they are despised.
>>229839 zog said "pick a side" and people picked a side >>229840 he needs to grow a backbone and ditch his whore wife he's a simp tbh he's one of the biggest names in hollywood and he could have any woman he wanted but he stays with a wife who openly cheats on him he needs to sort himself out tbh he's a disgrace >>229841 tbh
my only hope is that as a soon-to-be failed state the jews will finally leave me alone while they focus on gaying up china and suchlike
>>229843 He's probably gay.
Thought it was an open secret him and his wife are bisexual swingers
>>229845 >>229846 impressed at his acting skills then tbh he looked really broken up about it
>>229847 Still convinced it was a stunt to drawn viewership back to the academy awards.
>>229848 wouldn't be surprised smh
I think a large number of hollywood actors are basically sociopaths that conjure emotions out of thin air.
>>229850 tbh you probably have to be to succeed there
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Russian doxxing is kino tbh.
>>229852 OSINT tbh as soon as you get a suitably large number of autists to care about something suddenly nothing is a secret any more
>>229853 tbh /pol/acks will do it just out of spite
>>229852 What did this one do?
>>229699 >i wish i was rich oh, you're so unique.
>>229855 Killing POWs I'm presuming, he's a Right Sector commander in Krivoy Rog.
>>229839 Dead cat bounce tbh.
>>229857 One montage posted by an anon showed an immolation crucifixion, but only a snippet, that video itself has not yet been posted. So it's possibly that one.
>>229840 We need to bring back fighting words. And if you fuck a guy's wife, he should get a max of 6 months in jail if he shoots you.
Love Italian women. Especially Northern ones.
>>229861 Miss my Italian ex and her nice arse tbh.
>>229859 That was from 2016.
>>229861 still look a bit swarthy for northern Italians .
>>229862 state sponsered paedo grooming, are we sure shartin didn't have links to this company?
>>229813 He reminds me of Will Smith a bit.
>>229861 Why don't you get a wife?
>>229861 one on the right is perfect
>>229864 Darn. Thanks. >>229861 Reminder if you aren't married to a beautiful woman then God hates you.
if youre married, God hates you
>>229860 >And if you fuck a guy's wife, he should get a max of 6 months in jail if he shoots you. he should get a medal for preserving dignity in his community and the right to throw the first stone at her during her public execution >>229861 >go to italy >travel north to find the huwhite lasses >look around >realise you're in denmark >>229862 >divorces and sugar daddies smh basically a stone's throw away from proper sex shite and this is only what's been found out
>>229868 Why would God love me? Don't you know that we are all born with karmic debt, those men born ugly, crippled, or poor, are hated by all the world and God's women, who according to his purpose provide to those men of past life sins misery and woe and lamentation.
>>229871 wrong
might go to bed
Don't reply to me
don't reply to me or my wifes son
>>229868 The last woman to be interested in me was Wetherspoon manager from Birmingham, who came down for staff training looking for a fling in the kitchen.
>>229875 good lad early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy wealthy and wise
>>229879 Why don't you pursue women?
>>229879 saucy
>>229882 Fuck off bint
>he replied to me again
>>229882 >Why don't you pursue women looking for quick flings? You're a retard mate.
>>229885 Right. You are female. Go away GAMER GIRL!!!
>>229887 Why did you add that extra part to my post?
in my mind she has a lunchlady physique and an accent so thick it would blunt your knife
Dear sweet mother of baby Jesus, drive out this whore bitch from our presences, AMEN
If this was real life, it'd be a gang rape.
>>229891 Nah, Uni grad Lisa Simpson looking casual sex.
getting real tired of this metadrama, filter lists will be filled, (you)'s will be taken.
>rapelad is here
Someone hold her down while I watch some anime to get hard.
Last one in the hole's a homo!
>schizo arguing with himself haven't seen this before tbh >>229893 not interested in that tbh kind of gay one man and one woman only thank you very much >>229894 yuck >>229895 it's just schizo on his comeback tour
>>229894 Was he on the money with the accent?
Good. Women should be silent.
I need to take drawing back up.
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>>229904 Pretty sure Oz is a he.
Fuck off stupid ho
Nah, this lass with a Uni grad cosmopolitan with barely an accent.
was a*
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>>229905 yeah lad
Yeah that seems to be the same up and down the country. I was in Durham putting my grandad to rest and the contrast between the accents of the people in their 60's compared to someone in their 20's was vast.
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kek Germany
I don't really like brits much, they don't bathe enough.
>Heckin vagina'd Venusian femoiderinos ITT most repulsive tbh
Lads what should I invest in to hedge against inflation, so far my investment into tinnies and smokes has been a none starter?
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>messed around for 30 minutes and then searched for another few only to find out Microshart's Paint 3D doesn't allow you to erase/cut bits off a 3d object, the most basic and essential thing about a 3d modelling program Smh.
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>>229915 Just pirate adobe.
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>>229911 >stronger than forecast oh if it's strong that means it's good good things are strong and bad things are weak the government told me this
>>229915 Start mowing lawns & save up to buy Blender.
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>>229910 >putting my grandad to rest sorry to hear that lad lost my grandad a long time ago tbh still miss him
>>229917 Cba. It was just on my computer so I thought I'd give it a try, and found out it really is that crap. Has less functionality for editing in 2d than GIMP and basically none for 3d. Lmao.
>>229920 Yeah it was a few years back now. >>229921 I've only ever really used gimp and that was for some lazy OC here.
>>229922 Good lad. Need to redownload it tbh. Some of my best Jahans OC I made in GIMP zonks ago.
>>229921 >>229922 tbh luv gimp
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can't stop listening to italo disco
almost made an abhorent poost that i would regret but instead i buried it deep down no need to thank me lads
Rape is cool Rape is fun Rape with a beat is how it's done
>>229927 THINK IT DREAM IT DO IT >>229926 it's not like mods do anything anymore. We can post anything we want
>>229926 It's okay lad I was just about to post about how I've been listening to an american alt rock band to advertise my terrible taste in music.
>>229926 Do you support the One Nation party lad? Make a prediction for the election for us tbh
>>229927 don't just succeed . . . SNEED!
>>229929 do it lad i unironically like musicpoosts tbh broadens my horizons >>229930 yes lad they're based and i gave them my number one voot this election would have vooted for the united australia party though if they had a candidate in my area but they didn't smdh one nation is still based though but they're not explicitly anti-vax anti-mask unlike the uap
>>229933 I declare thee based
I think some lad posted another song of theirs here and that's how I started listening to them.
>>229935 Weird band name, sounds gay. The song is nice though.
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Haha Kitten, want a rainbow surprise?
sounds like your standard indie shitter band name, the style kind of reminds me of Kings of Leon though.
Right off to buy some bacon.
>>229932 choon tbh >>229934 thanks lad >>229935 decent choon tbh >>229940 good lad bought some bacon earlier today to make smyself a bacon sandwich but then i forgot smh
There was a nice looking Chinese lass working at the till at Greggs
>>229942 Did you tell her to fook off bak where she came from?
wish i was a cowboy in the old west smdh >>229942 based if they're going to curse us with their presence the least they can do is be nice to look at
>>229943 No I wanted to ask her out but I'm a coward so I just took my steak bake said thank you and left
>>229945 >but I'm a coward so I just took my steak bake said thank you and left smdh no judgement here though lad
>>229945 Seems easier than it is sometimes.
>>229946 I'm judging him for wanting to ask her out tbh.
>>229948 This is a Civic-Nationalist board. Can't believe I'm reading this.
No mate outside subspecies. Chinese women for Chinese men. Okray, frank roo.
>>229948 it hasn't been proven that she wasn't huwhite
it's all those nasty mummies lying to us and saying it's not appropriate to do things like straightforwardly ask a lass to date their fault instilling morals and good behaviour into innocent incel lads who assume others will act the same and not be degenerate coombrain niggercattle who think nothing of casual sex the council estate wiggerpill is real
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back from the shops, the butchers was closed so I'm empty handed. I hope he isn't going under.
The blackest and most violent Oscars yet. Love it.
>>229945 >steak bake
That's a shout I could go down to greggs to make up for my lack of bacon.
honestly feeling very nervous about going to centrelink tomorrow to get on the bennies >>229952 tbh they teach us to play fair and do dumb gay shite like "listen" and "stop when she says no" and then we lose to people who never even entertained those thoughts for a single second >>229954 >I hope he isn't going under. unless it's a well-established national chain it'll go under lad consolidation is the name of the game right now
>>229958 That butchers has been trading for over 100 years, I hope it isn't going under.
I just want good quality cuts of real meat, this shouldn't be so hard to get.
>>229960 go into the city and start hunting yuppies
>>229960 my local butcher shop is still going strong, they do lovely bacon
>>229961 Well I'm already in a city so I guess I'll go hunter gather some of the middle classes.
>>229962 luv bacon me >>229963 good lad that's a good source of protein
>>229960 Aggnonce?
>>229958 If it's your first time you'll be fine, they only lay into you after a few months.
>>229958 just pretend to be 0.000001% abo lad you'll be fine https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5YuDDj5w3CI
>>229965 Nope. If I was aggnonce I'd be moaning about the lack of kosher butchers around me.
>>229968 good lad, a local butchers by him in the north end of Liverpool thrive because they sell little hot breaded chicken pieces similar to KFC pretty nice My local butchers does good cuts, always goes hard on the Christmas and Halloween decorations. My condolences if he's gone out of business lad.
>>229966 hope so tbh >>229967 that's what my stepsister did tbh and she got free bennies all through uni no questions asked keeeek despite being an immigrant who in no way at all could be related to the abbos smdh they don't even check they just want more people so they can claim more victim status too proud for that though i'll never allow someone to call my huwhiteness into question >>229969 sounds based tbh
KEEEEK real comfy abo vibes lads turn your volume all the way up https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=REGz-SoS0aw
>>229971 keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek
>>229973 don't even need to click this one
(3.14 MB 848x528 IMG_8798.MP4)

>>229975 such a goodlad
>white man: *says something* >abbo translator: *mumbles it word for word* yeah that's right i have my own unique language and culture >>229976 keeeeeeeek >>229975 based
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Caption video 1: Crimean Tatar battalion (Muslims) destroyed a Russian supply truck Ural-4320 with ammo (seems like shells). Caption video 2: Georgian unit fighting alongside #Ukraine army is hunting #Russia'ns in the woods of northern #Kyiv Caption video 3: Poles tear down a communist monument meant to glorify the murderous and thieving Soviet Red Army. Should have been done in 1989, but better late than never. Caption video 3: 🇷🇺🇺🇦More than a thousand residents of Kherson received humanitarian aid from the Russian Army Caption video 4: 🇷🇺🇺🇦 First aid to a Chechen unit fighter. The video was allegedly shot during the fighting in Mariupol. Caption video 5: #war The people's militia of the LPR, with the help of propaganda shells, calls for the surrender of the Ukrainian military remaining in Popasna
Absolute Kino propaganda.
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Caption video 1: 🇷🇺🇺🇦❗DPR and Russian fighters destroyed a well-known Ukrainian sniper Perhaps she is the well-known sniper Bilozerskaya in Ukraine Caption video 2: 🇷🇺🇺🇦 The flags of the DPR and Russia were raised over my native Kalchik. Work brothers! Caption videos 3-4: 🇷🇺🇺🇦 Instant punishment of Ukrainian cattle in Crimea: Inadequate in Alushta blocked a pedestrian crossing with a car, answered "Glory to Ukraine" and cursed. After talking with the security forces, the bastard quickly realized his mistake. Caption video 5: 🇷🇺🇺🇦 Destroyed cash-in-transit vehicles near Kharkov, used by terbats as improvised trucks
>>229979 lass in video 3 at 0:54 is carrying a doll and not a real baby why is reality never enough for the people in power smdh sick to fucking death of propaganda tbh lads >>229980 based
>>229982 wew lad good catch
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>>229983 thanks lad
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Caption video 1: “The windows are blocked, it’s not cold, there is light, we have enough water and food, there are even more cartridges.” Gostomel heroes send greetings to their homeland. Caption video 2: ❗️Ukrainian Foreign Minister Kuleba called on the world community to ban the letter Z Caption video 3: #Kyiv | #Ukraine ★ A video of the consequences of the strike on the University of the State Fiscal Service of Ukraine in Irpen has been published Caption video 4: The DPR said that a shell that hit a residential high-rise building in Donetsk was fired from the Uragan MLRS, another shell fell near the school Caption video 5: Tigruni went heap. The next trophy Tigers are now in the hands of Ukrainian fighters.
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>>229986 Video 5
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>>229986 >called on the world community to ban the letter Z
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These dafties were always going to lose.
BBK fresh interview
>>229989 honestly can't fault them for committing to based local trad hairstyles tbh sure they were always going to lose but they chose to lose in style
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Bought some bug spray to genocide the greenflies on my roses. Get them fucked tbh
>>229991 They embraced an ideology that viewed them as sub-human. They were retards tbh.
I will never understand how Slavs being Jerry lovers is based.
I'm gonna name my son Azov Rifleman Generalplan-Ost *salutes the dafty flag
>>229993 >>229994 Is there actually any evidence that National Socialists saw the Slavs as inferior? Or was it just rhetoric related to expansionism? Can it be observed in other National Socialist movements that aren't German?
>>229990 keeeeeeeek they got the actual lad >>229992 based tbh gas the fuckers >>229993 tbh won't deny that but for the briefest moment they had good optics >>229994 it's an ephemeral thing lad you're just not based enough to see it
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>>229999 couldn't agree more lad
druids tbh
for endless daftyism
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>>229999 >>230000 Inconceivably based.
>>230001 that one is actually a monk tbh you can tell by the bowlcut
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>>230004 appropriating religious culture shame on you auslad smh
thought about going shops today but then I remembered about hyperinflation and that having more than stale bread and water would mean dipping into the savings economic collapse... is this how I finally lose weight?
>>229996 Be fucking serious. There hasn't a serious an original grass roots fascist movement since Portugal in 1970s. Everything since it has been LARPing as Germans even by those who were untermenschen. It is a fucking joke. Slavs LARPing as Germans as a form Ukrainian nationalism with a Jewish supreme commander is a joke.
>>230008 yeah it's seriously embarrassing the jews have really done a number tbh most people literally just cannot even imagine supporting their own race
>>230008 That didn't answer a single one of my questions.
the only thing people can do these days is ape the symbols of previous successful cultures
Azov aren't even NS you fucking fool lmao
>>230011 That's all people have ever done including all Fascist movements. Remember Hitler with his Roman Salute and Swastika? Fucking imbecile glorifying a phony past while accusing others of doing the same.
>demoralising and punching right get out JEW
>>230010 Because you are not worth the time.
>>229787 why do slavs seem to enjoy filming piles of rotting bodies doesn't the smell and visuals bother them?
>>230017 something something smells better than they do
>>230017 it's just how they are tbh
>>230017 The west is really fucking culturally detached from death. Even the idea of family being around a dying relative is strange to us nowadays.
>>230017 Been wondering if we've lost all respect for death because you have to whip out your smartphone to grab a short video now. Thought the whole point of the body bags is to seal them, apparently a lot of Ukrainian refugees are carrying diseases. https://www.aljazeera.com/features/2022/3/15/polio-tb-hiv-how-the-war-could-worsen-ukraines-health-crises
>>229852 kek FSB is gonna get him he is gonna disappear into siberia lmao
fresh CWC horrors episode https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=40wYDbcfYEg
>>230020 stepdad's mummy is dying of cancer and has only months to live and she still sold up her home and checked herself into an OAP home and spends her days watching television and reading the newspaper and not passing anything on to her children or grandchildren
>>229975 luka is probabaly my favorite white leader in the world tbf
>>230020 I guess, arabs don't do this sort of thing though
>>230023 I miss him lads he was a good lad
>>230021 tbh everyone lives like they're going to live forever and as soon as a sing comes that death might be near suddenly every resource is poured into extending that life by even a single minute >>230023 he was too good for this world >>230024 smdh
it was kino how saddam was a sci-fi fag and luved conan the barbarian
>>230030 only the good die young
>>230026 Because Islam is big on being ritually clean like the Jews are. Touching and a being around dead people cuts a person off from worshiping.
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>>230032 take a shower lmao
second poo of the day >eat less >shit more science can't explain this
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>Colonel Valentin Popov, head of the Kalmiussky regional police department in Mariupol, defected to the DPR and helps the police to identify Bandera militants
>>230036 suspicious physiognomy tbh
don't even sneed early-life section
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>you will never be a young twenty-something and play rogue trader (1st edition warhammer 40k) with the lads in your miniature wargaming club
>>230037 The towns and villages around Mariupol are Greco-Slavic tbh.
really disappointing how so few populations around the world are actually huwhite
In fact the whole of coast of the Black Sea should be Greek tbqh.
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>>230034 >second poo of the day >eat less >shit more >science can't explain this it's Climate Change
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>>230039 >Players were encouraged to use other companies models with GW's own and make up rules and units GWshareholders will seethe
>>230047 always thought dreadnoughts were peak comfy kino tbh being awoken to slay your enemies until you literally could not function any more
the imperium of man sounded like hell for the common person but it clearly was an allegory for christendom and the white race
>>230047 >>230048 EVEN IN DEATH, I STILL SERVE
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>seed oils in Germany have gone up 550% Take that you fucking seed oil goblin cunts.
>>230049 tbh it's obviously an intentional nightmare but it's not hard to see where the inspiration came from the imperium of man is very obviously just a dystopian interpretation of a christian kingdom >>230050 tbh tbh tbh >>230051 >seed oils keeek get fucked buy lard or butter
they even made the emperor ambiguously middle-eastern
>tfw used to take the piss out of games workshop nerds Now I'm on here talking to them.
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>>230054 at least nobody here is a nu-GW soyfaggot or metastised into ultracancer checked that "if the emperor had TTS" channel recently and they started a new series unrelated to 40k but still using "their" parody characters only with 200% extra literal faggotry and soy involved
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>>230057 Go on my son
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Are the Death Korps a gay meme?
>>230054 really makes you think lad >>230055 tbh that's giga shite >>230056 tbh 40k was a love letter to every kind of sci-fi and even things beyond and adjacent the more it took itself seriously the worse it got >>230057 keeeeek
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>>230060 not as good as the real thing
>>230060 everything r*ddit touches is a gay memi
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Caption image: 📸 We saw on Twitter that everyone, including military journalists, mistakenly tweeted and wrote that this girl from the SSO was holding the Polish MANPADS "Thunder", we certainly thank Poland for the support and supply of MANPADS to Ukraine, but in this case In this photo, the Ukrainian defender is holding a modernized MANPADS "Igla-1" in Ukraine - a modification of "Igla-1M" (product "336-24", developed by the Central Design Bureau "Arsenal"). 📸 The photo is of course beautiful and epic, so the details matter. Caption video 1: A Stugna-P ATGM operator from the 10th Mountain Assault Brigade destroys the enemy. Caption video 2: 🇷🇺🇺🇦 Columns of Russian military equipment in Kherson. Caption video 3: 🇷🇺 Su-25 over Donetsk Caption video 4: 🚨💬 Russian FM Sergey Lavrov during talks with FM of Pakistan Shah Mahmood Qureshi in Tunxi, China: "Those who tried to make Afghanistan centre of the world politics, now try to make Ukraine to replace Afghanistan. And we all understand what it is about." 🇵🇰🇷🇺🇺🇦
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Just for future reference this is what a autocannon does to a cash van.
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>>230065 keeeek >>230066 wew that got shredded
>>230066 love autocannons me
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>>230069 >bolt thrower giga based lad
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>all these boomoids in the comments with stories about going to venues and haha lol accidentally meeting the band or some shite
>>230074 >when you play vice city and your dad starts talking about visiting miami in the 1980s and you just seethe
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>it's a "live in a kino world and destroy it before your children become self-aware" episode
>>230075 are you winnin' son?
>>230075 did he traffic cocaine?
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>>230078 haha you see that building? i went there when i was younger you wouldn't believe how easy the women there were you should be getting outside like i did not sitting in here playing games
idea for a steiner meme but I can't be arsed
>>230081 Here's a (You), lad. I bet it would have been good
>>230081 nah do it lad
>*mowing down prostitutes in vice city* >*dad walks in* "yeah this takes me back" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YyTruRHZsFQ
>>230084 my dad worked with that lass's ex-husband. she left him for her record producer
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>>230084 the cultural interchange between the west and the east during the 80s is actually pretty interesting tbh both sides were shamelessly stealing borrowing from each other and nobody really gave a shit tbh they were all just throwing shite at the wall to see what stuck >>230085 many such cases smh
keeeeeeeeeek I missed the tory troomer story what an absolute fucking mess
God has to intervene soon
>>230089 certainly hope so
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cheesy bacon vegemite jalapeno mustard toasted sandwich
>>230093 Please elaborate
how many years of kali yuga do we have to go again?
how many years of kali yuga do we have to go again?
oh right
>>230096 only a few thousand lad
>>230098 >>230100 bit optimistic lads
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What's that image that was a normie faceberg meme ages ago with how the weapons used in war evolve featuring a camera for WW3? Can't find it. Was going to do an edit with Zelensky gayism.
>>230101 I've heard that the 100,000 year shit was a misinterpretation.
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>426,877 years I fancy my chances
>>230102 reminds me that in NEET torture today the bossmen unironically told us "life is suffering but you choose to be happy or sad while working, so be happy and toil forever"
>>230107 that's basically what confucianism is
>8ch is dying AGHH
>>230108 do all toilhombre pictures count as chinky toiler pics because he is yellow? much to meditate on the wisdom of the ancients about
>>230105 really hope so tbh >>230106 very good lad >>230107 keeeeeek really scraping the bottom of the barrel there with that "we must imagine sisyphus happy" shite
>>230108 do all toilhombre pictures count as chinky toiler pics because he is yellow? much to meditate on the wisdom of the ancients about
>>230108 do all toilhombre pictures count as chinky toiler pics because he is yellow? much to meditate on the wisdom of the ancients about
>>230105 really hope so tbh >>230106 very good lad >>230107 keeeeeek really scraping the bottom of the barrel there with that "we must imagine sisyphus happy" shite
>>230108 do all toilhombre pictures count as chinky toiler pics because he is yellow? much to meditate on the wisdom of the ancients about
>>230109 If it dies completely, we should unironically have a thread on mumsnet for stranded lads to find wherever we eventually end up.
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>site breaking again
>quadrupleposting a new record
>quadrupleposting a new record
>>230116 I'm on board for the bumsnet idea.
>the last moments of people who experience gunshot trauma to the head all sound like people with massive cognitive difficulties Really makes you think.
>>230116 I'm on board for the bumsnet idea.
>>230116 we tried that after tarantino and it didnt work.
>>230123 was that the one we did while SA was banned by the BO? That one was a good laugh -- remember "Bum fun Friday" stuck with us for a good while
>>230126 we're only 1/4 of the way through the year.
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>>230125 keeeeek tbh bumsex fridays
>>230127 time still going too fast for my liking going to be 30 and still an incel neet in a flash
>>230129 we're all trapped
been listening to dungeon synth a lot lately.
>>230016 Because you simply do not have the answers. >>230015 tbh, he's an utter mong. one minute he says that Azov are not NS or Fascist then angrily attacks them for not following those ideals which the retard has already conceded they never followed. >>230107 then why not be choose to be happy without toil tbf >>230131 based
>>230131 tbh dungeon synth is pretty good
>Because you simply do not have the answers. I do, It's Mein Kampf You're pedant cunt.
>>230099 That's well beyond 40k
>>230132 Word salad retards like you need to pick axed in the liver and lungs.
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>>230135 40k can comfortably exist within that timeframe with plenty of room for supplementary material that advances the plotline why we could keep this going until 400k and even beyond
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the ultimate end state of warhammer 40k is warhammer 401k just as predicted in the dead sea scrolls
>>230138 keeeeeeek the joke is that nobody will be able to retire
>>230139 keeeeeek smdh
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>🇷🇺🇺🇦⚡A clear hit in a narrow opening in the wall, where the machine-gun nest of an anti-tank guided missile is located.
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>>230134 Go ahead lad, tell us what bit >230136 Illiterate vermin need hanging
I've been watching some Brandon O'Connell and I genuinely cannot tell if he's taken a deep dive off the paranoid board or if he's on to something.
He has some solid analysis though.
>>230092 love the powerful aura of this image I do.
>Go ahead lad, tell us what bit, Illiterate vermin need hanging. >being a Dunning-Kruger faggot on 8ch You're concave headed spiritual nigger.
I should really read mien kamphy incel rants from jail at some point.
gentlemen gentlemen PLEASE
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>>230151 Here lad
just helped the cubans defeat the haitians in vice city lads blew up the haitian gangsters base and saved the cubanos from the nigger menace
>actually coming to 8ch to post essay questions like some pseud midtard Pseuds are the biggest retards.
>>230153 based fuck haiti
I wish I lived in the 1930s dust bowl and virginia hale was my wife and we had 9 kids and drove a buggy full of furnature to california and then I got out of the truck and shot her and then looked at (you) through the screen fuck off you fat nonce get a job and stop sitting online all day posting about having to email. and then we all lived happily ever after
just kidding neets are heroes of the white race
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only been a neet for 31 hours and steiner's already bullying me about it
>>230160 fresh filter
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>>230161 just kidding lad I am a neet rn too
>>230164 thought you were doing $30 an hour boomer toil for a new bossman lad
>>230165 yeah might be doing that in mid april as long as my fucked up neck is better by then
>>230166 fingers crossed
>>230167 did you find any toils for novaxx chads or do you have to go o barter town and fight in the thunderdome for kangaroo meat?
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>>230153 be careful of that nigger vance
Been drawing vampires for Angel today and bought a black Cape after I had a sleep paralysis of her on top of me biting my neck
>>230168 no toil yet smh got to go beg aunty entity for handouts
>>230172 smh austrailia seems like total shit rn
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Caption video 1: 🇷🇺⚡Meanwhile, in Tskhinval - the capital of South Ossetia - celebrations Caption video 2: A very touching video from a liberated settlement. Grandmother thanks God for the fact that the Armed Forces of Ukraine entered the city. The Ukrainian warrior apologizes to the old woman for letting the Rashists in earlier... Caption video 3: Video of the work of rescuers in the liberated Irpen. They are looking for the bodies of those who died from shelling and under the rubble. Video nightmarish - the whole city in the corpses. 😢 Caption video 4: The Nikolaev rescuers showed how works on clearing of the building of the regional state administration which was destroyed by a cruise missile are carried out. The death toll from the shelling of the Nikolaev Regional State Administration increased to 15 people, 33 people were injured. Search and rescue work continues.
>230160 This ritual is gay tbh lad just stop feeding it extra attention & it will hang itself in time.
ni lads >>230171 >vampires >>230173 tbh
The US Navy just withdrew from the Black Sea.
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Caption videos 1-2: Andriy Yermak showed footage from the town of Trostyanets, Sumy region, liberated from Russian invaders. That's what the "Russian world" is, about which people like to talk so much in Russia. Captions image 5: lol the guy without a uniform is wearing a M8l8th t-shirt
>got some kind of autism awareness "online course" spam in my inbox piss off useless email sending cunts if you actually wanted to be tolerant of autistics you'd stop jailing retarded dafties for the crime of not being normalnigger sheep
>>230183 Just delete it en-masse. Eventually you learn the senders & don't even need to read it.
>>230186 beyond parody tbh schwab like a real life doctor evil type
>biden getting a fake jab from a comically large prop needle keeeeeek ffs it's so low effort, not even the NHS uses those any more they're all these tiny disposable things
>>230186 would have been based if that needle said acme on it and it was rodger rabbit tier nurse injecting it into him
>>230186 schwab should be holding his pinky to his mouth
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>>230180 wignats again getting betrayed by civnat faggots. azog seemd like a ritual sacrifice of wignats by the jews
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>230192 filtered
does anyone care about all this cockhole spam everyday?
>>230195 decent take tbh makes sense >poles not taught about their own genocide it's just good business >>230197 getting updates on the piggocide and wignat cleansing and having something for the board to discuss is good tbh don't think there's any more honker news or anything else going on apart from le hyperinflation
>>230194 >mfw I'm on the nwo diet https://youtu.be/9aHQnDTd1y4
>half past ten already smh more neet torture on the morrow too >>230199 звук
(765.88 KB 432x230 video_2022-03-30_22-43-11.mp4)

>A cooking off tank with an engine running away
we're literally heading into a 1920's weimart crisis on a global scale, with Russia and China coming out on top and no one gives a fuck
>that motherfucking camera
maybe it really is all engineered by bankers with legions of psychological experts
>maybe >>230202 shut it you stinky racist incel telly says it's not happening so we can just continue to consoom
>>230202 >>230204 Because nigger cattle are nigger cattle. The West died in 2008, and everything after that can be argued as a form accelerationism from the elite.
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>The elite are secretly xlr8 fags
>>230206 "Too big to fail"
>>230206 I believe in a global elite that don't see this as a failure but a progression of their plans.
>>230207 >secretly
very preemptive cook.
>>230202 Would the globohomo elite abandon the homo, or will Russia and China become homo?
>all these killer dogs was spig right all along?
>>230212 whatever brings consolidation of power
>>230202 it will sort itself out
*becomes hitler 2*
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>>230180 keeeeek
>>230193 >azog seemd like a ritual sacrifice of wignats by the jews Tbh.
>>230218 we're all pawns in the middle
>>230195 good lad >>230197 >how dare somebody goodpost?
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>>230198 >don't think there's any more honker news or anything else going on apart from le hyperinflation Fertiliser and wheat shortage.
(338.59 KB 692x993 1648420881945.jpg)

Hate having the coof smh big fauci was supposed to prevent this
>>230223 kek ive got it aswell, felt like shit day 1 but feel alright now
>>230224 tbh I think I am on day 4 or 5 and all that's left is that it feels like theres a big pile of shite in my throat whenever I swallow something smh
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smh don't have the sea cow to hand on my ph*ne
>>230228 keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek
smh the manatee will be back in business in a couple of days
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>>230228 don't do this to me
sneethe run-off is killing our manatees
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>>230234 keeeeeeeeeeeek
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>>230228 Goodnight sweet prince
>American chink expat >$145,000+ on property in Kiev >After 11 months of remodelling and renovating my dream home in Kyiv, Ukraine, it was time to buy furniture, and all of the decorations and home goods to make it truly my home. The dining room table and chairs were made by Sandalyeci, the couch from a local furniture maker in Ukraine, and the décor was a mix of JYSK, IKEA, and English Home. Wouldn't be a shame if someone ruined it. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_CfRxmeuIdY
I wish a cathedral had been carved into a french alp. The egyptians had the right idea.
still prefer the theory that there are at least 6 putins running Russia.
you lads seen the latest noncekino
Sion-American relations at an all time low.
>>230243 keek never seen this channel before
oh god this is awkward hard to watch keek
>when he crashes his car in a typicallly asian manner keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek
>>230248 how the fuck can you mess up that bad keek, must've not thought there was a curb there
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>his autistic wailing
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>>230243 >I need to find my pooping pills
Caption video 1: Kadyrov's troops "liberate" Ukrainian traffic lights Ramzan, give them a medal Caption image: They write. The Istituto per le Opere di Religione (Bank of the Vatican) was the first to pay for gas in rubles today, having bought 10 million euros worth of rubles from the Central Bank. Who is the first, that and dad. https://files.catbox.moe/xrsdf6.mp4 The Ministry of Defense publishes footage of the destroyed position of the S-300 SAM division of the Armed Forces of Ukraine Caption video 2: 🇷🇺🇺🇦❗Kharkov. The most powerful glow can be seen literally from every window Caption video 3: 🇷🇺🇺🇦 The work of the Chechen special forces, the battles for Rubizhne. Caption video 4: Mobikov from ORDLO are taken prisoner. Found in some den.
>>230243 >>230248 keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek
Howling at the way that spastic runs around the shop looking for poopoo pills
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>random dago tacklechad wearing uggs
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luv shartica tbh
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>Picks up the poopoo pills and runs to the tills crying
the asian looks so gay in front of the police its like some weird defense mechanism smh was probably nonced himself tbh
reminder that one day poombs will be on noncehunters
>>230259 My bet's on 22st.
>6:44 this video is so fucking funny
>>230260 they will catch him but the girl will be 1 day over 16 and he'll get away keek
>>230243 >this guy is here to meet a 13 year old boy and give him crystal meth! Frank Hassle-tier
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Caption video 1: 🇺🇦🇷🇺The result of the counter-battery fight of the Russian army The destroyed positions of the artillery battery of the Ukrainian army after the retaliatory strike of the Russian military. Caption video 2: 🔥After the strike of the Russian army, the military unit of the Armed Forces of Ukraine is on fire. The military is trying to save some of the property. March 2022 Location unknown Caption images 1-2, video 3: Throughout Kramatorsk today they are digging trenches and trenches in the courtyards of residential buildings. This is done by terrorists from groups banned in Russia and members of the defense units in order to again use the civilian population of the city as a "human shield". But the people in Kramatorsk are not stupid, they are aware of how this could end. Conscious citizens of the city organize themselves and independently bury the borders of the lboron prepared by the terrorists.
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this reads like the gayists on here
>the chink was doing craigslist meet ups at 13
>>230265 keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek
>>230268 why does the BTR driver appear to be wearing DPM british camo?
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>>230269 Is it? Looks like bog standard Russian EMR. Doubt he's a FSB nigger.
>>230275 yeah maybe it was just the lighting
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>>230276 Most likely skol tbh.
>>230267 amazing how chechens love war, they're having so much fun
>>230202 still a nothingburger tbh Managed decline is the only certainty and most likely a new CBDC SDR replacing the petrodollar as reserve currency in the next few decades.
>>229926 On the potato phones europoors own, all camo is atacs.
>>230268 okay, so let me explain why i believe the camera guy should be lynched.
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>>230267 See here: >>230283
Dear war photogs: The time has come for you to master your art. You've gained access to equipment, you own the manuals, and you can avail yourselves of the compositions of masters, and the films which really made a difference. As it stands, none of you have really achieved anything. Nothing you've taken video or photography of has had a legitimate influence. You must begin to understand your art as not existing within a social context, its purpose is to transcend, to eternal qualities. So, mankind is not the subject, but instead the object, and warfare is the verb, and it is up to you to find the subject. But these images of something destroyed, someone dead, someone wearing clothing issued by a government, or a letter painted on a tank, or a fluttering flag are nothing at all, all of these images can be taken by anybody anywhere, the corpses can just be halloween, the tanks can be miniatures, and the flags can be bought on Amazon. Thus far, at essence, you don't really exist. Start to achieve and exist, war photogs.
As an example, I took greater risk today in taking a photograph than any of these losers who are supposedly war correspondents.
HELLO lads
>taig says irelands culture and traditions cant survive without immigration >ask him if he'd be ok with millions of brits emigrating to ireland >dodges the question
>>230289 good lad why were the prots such a big deal if immigration saves irish culture?
I don't care what happens to Ireland, don't have an Irish girlfriend, do I?
>>230291 wouldnt mind one, but they are a genuinely cucked race shame their lasses are so pretty maybe i could just find a taig-descended english gf
debating with myself as to whether being a homesteader with a brood ayrans or being the righteous leader of the rahowa is the most satisfying end in my headcannon.
>>230293 1st one actually benefits you and your race the 2nd one is pointless gchq daftyism
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I care about ireland
they should rejoin the UK and stop larping and being a giant version of delaware for amerishart billionaires
>>230295 Congrats, when are you having children?
>>230296 just cant get over how many times the british government fucked up with ireland stupid fucking jew cunts dividing us
>>230295 Why? They don't care about you. Unironically I'd more sympathy if they weren't continuously chimping out and killing Ulstermen and Brits. I hope all the IRA fags suffer painful deaths surrounded by Nigerian nurses wondering what it was all for.
>>230299 tbh yeah fuck sinn fein fags
>>230301 Oh yes, you're so normal you childless homo scum.
An acne scarred yank lass of obvious scottish or irish descent saved me from death today. I almost bought out of date jerky, but her quick thinking saved the day.
Glad to see the female infestation has been completely annihilated.
whats everyone having for 2nd breakfast?
>230304 filtered
Dancing about the living room maniacally for no reason for 40 minutes and scones with cream and butter for brekky, schleep schedule fixed too
>>230307 Probably a McDrivethrough tbh.
>>230309 >Dancing about the living room maniacally for no reason for 40 minutes 40 minutes is daft but my isolation is getting to me a bit too I've noticed lately. lot of pacing around the room and talking to myself to simulate socialization
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>when they tempt you with goose but you're saving your appetite for when they have a baby
i need sex
Dreamt Sargon of Akkad stoke my phone to make me debate him and when I did he smashed my phone and drove off.
>coerce people into living in denser and denser homes, with smaller gardens or no gardens at all, or into flats with only communal gardens at best >start shilling ground source heat pumps and skyrocket the cost of heating >>230315 >toxic terrifying BS Absolutely yankified smh
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Apparently there is a trend for nigs eating clay pebbles circulating French tiktok.
>>230320 they miss big momma's mud cookies
>>230318 don sargonelloni
>>230325 seen this pic a thousand times and never noticed the stick
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>>230320 Patented mud cakes. Old Caribbean recipe
top keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek
>>230330 I heard Russia is going to do an embargo on fertilizer in response, in line with Iran launching a missle in response to the US begging them for oil
Don't even want to think about all the chemicals in air freshener. All because I forgot to courtesy flush.
What about all the chemicals in fresh tap?
chemicals everywhere. Arghhhhhhhhhh
cannot wait to drink today
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>>230330 >>230331 loving this tbh
>>230336 does ozland feed itself or get its fertilizer from the seamonkeys or chinks or smth?
>>230337 completely dependant on fertiliser imports
>>230340 hes just as much as a moron as the dafties
>>230341 That's no way to talk about a national treasure
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>>230341 No lad, hiding your beliefs and forming some clearly phony UKIPesque political party is the way forward.
*stands in the least likely constituency in the area to get votes*
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>it's snowing
>>230345 based
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>>230340 >real politics is the only way forward We are literally in the nwo's global endgame right now
>Russia bombed the Ukrainian taxman.
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Tories are neck and neck with Labour having a slight advantage. Lib Dems on about 10 - 11%. Reform seem to be about 5%. Green between 5 - 8%. SNP still dominant in Scotland.
>>230348 perhaps the most based thing putler has done so far >>230349 is it already time for us to play left zog right zog again?
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State of Scotland SNP pulling in 50% of votes more or less. Tory and Labour parties trailing at around 20% each. Lib Dems edging on 7-8%. No other parties are particularly significant.
>>230350 The ride never ends.
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The State of Northern Ireland Sinn Fein lead polls on 26%. The DUP are on roughly 20% at the close of the month. The TUV and UUP are dancing around the 10% and 15% marks respectively meaning an overall Unionist Majority in Stormont in May if figures remain the same. Alliance are on roughly 15%. Other parties are presently insignificant.
>>230351 what've they done that's given them such a big lead?
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The State of Wales Labour hold a roughly 40% lead in polls. The Conservatives trail at 24% with Plaid Cymru not far behind on roughly 20%. The Lib Dems are only on around 5% at the same level as Reform and the Greens.
>>230354 Hard to say, it's a mix of anti-English hatred, pro-EU politics, better gibsmedats than the other parties, and a support for the most insidious forms of civic nationalism.
>>230356 so just normal jock things smh
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>The French just sacked Gen Eric Vidaud commander of Military intelligence >11 days before a French General election >not sacked in February >sacked the same day two Ukie helis are shot down leaving Mariupol with Azov's commanders on board
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>Azov commanders
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Colony Politics Updates: March 2022 The State of Canada The Conservative and Liberal Parties are neck an neck with around 30% each. The left wing NDP are dancing around the 21% mark. Bloc Quebecois are dancing around 8%. The People's Party of Canada (described as far right) are pulling in similar numbers with one poll showing them at 12%. The Greens are on roughly 5%. The State of Australia Liberal-National Coalition and the Labour Party are on roughly 35% each. The Greens are roughly 12%. One Nation (described as far right) are on roughly 4% with the United Australia Party on around 1 - 3%. There is an election in May with a second round in September. State of New Zealand Labour and the National Party are neck and neck with percentages in the high thirties. The Greens and ACT are on around 10% each. Maori Party are in bouncing around 1 - 2%. New Zealand First (described as are lads) on around 1-2%. State of South Africa ANC are on around 50%of the vote, down from 57.5% in the last election. Democratic Alliance are on 24%. Economic Freedom Fighters are on 14%. FFP (the Boer interest party) are on roughly 1.5%. State of Rhodesia Don't ask.
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>>230360 >Rhodesia
>>230361 Rhodesia has just devolved into nigger communist parties at this point. No white representation left as far as I'm aware with only 35,000 or so left out of a world wide population of 310,000 white Rhodesians.
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Mariupol War Kino plus Russian Navy Spetnaz.
>>230362 That's 35,000 more white Rhodies left in the country than I expected tbh.
>>230330 keeeeek stupid lisa simpsons
Caption video 1: Footage of the shooting of the Buk air defense system of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. Caption video 2: The DPR army, with the support of Russia. Caption video 3: Chronicle March 30 - the main events of the special operation Z. Caption video 4: Four-legged friends to you in the ribbon! ❤❤❤ Caption video 5: Additional losses from Russian forces in Trostyanets. 2 mortar artillery pieces were destroyed by Ukrainian forces.
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>handsome longhaired horseriding medieval enthusiast lad actually owns Judge Dress keeeek
>>230366 why is that faggot have a shartica flag on? fucking hol hol subhuman
fuck off shartin
>>230370 How could you tell it was smeeeee?????
>>230366 Ukie super soldier getting another hit of globohomo toxoplasmosis to help him fight evil Russians in stylish heels on the battlefield.
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>Azov's Social media guy
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>exposed to normies again today >talking about how russians are being routed by the ukies and also saying ukies shot down 1000 planes
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Caption image: 🇺🇦⚡Current situation in Mariupol >⚡️Zelensky recalls ambassadors from Georgia and Morocco. >President Zelensky signed a decree recalling the Ukrainian ambassadors for failing to “defend the state’s interests.” Caption video 1: The National Guard destroys another tank of the Russian Armed Forces Caption video 2: 🇺🇦🇷🇺 "We need to stop the bloodshed and massacres" A Ukrainian military man who voluntarily laid down his arms refused to carry out the criminal orders of Kyiv. Caption video 3: 🇷🇺🇺🇦 The artillery of the LPR army is hitting the enemy in the Popasyan direction. Caption video 4: 🇷🇺🇺🇦⚡A tank fires at the positions of militants who have settled in a residential building in Mariupol
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He won't be posting on Telegram anymore.
whoa I have pants made exactly like this https://youtu.be/wyADGtlbjdo
>230373 >230376 Cringe.
Ukies are stupid but I dont take pleasure from stupid poor people dying tbh.
>>230379 tbh sick of seeing all these retarded hol hols everyday
>>230378 tbh there's no need for that >>230379 tbh
>>230379 I do, they're fucking stupid.
>>230383 >(76)
They're dafties, I will never feel sorry for them ever.
>>230385 I dont think anyone cares who mr (77) has sympathy for. they died in battle for a bad cause but they atleast had an honourable end, you cant even have sex.
Pretty sure most of /brit/ has a lot of sex all the time
thoughts and prayers 🙏 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/GPT-3
>>230387 >Pretty sure most of /brit/ has a lot of sex all the time
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>>230387 yea a lot of sex with MEN
>>230386 I'm alive. They're not after taking many from Jews. Simple as.
First giant Galapagos tortoises born in UK zoo >The two newborns were fathered by 70-year-old Dirk, who first arrived in the UK in the 1960s and is described as being in "peak physical condition". >He bred with mother Charlie, 21, in November at Crocodiles of the World in Brize Norton, Oxfordshire. >Their offspring are currently about the size of tennis balls, but will grow to weigh about 30 stone as adults. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-oxfordshire-60943402 based
>>230391 you're not living you're already dead and you will never have eternal life.
>Wignats with Jewish money >they're honourable
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>>230393 >sounding like a pagan fag
>>230397 I dont think Jesus wants you to get off on seeing dead foreigners living in circumstances you have no understanding of.
>>230392 I thought the females had to be older to breed? Maybe there's 2 giant tortoise species. Remember a story about an 80 year old female breeding who never did before.
>>230398 Pointing out that they're retards funded by Jew isn't the path to eternal life isn't getting off.
>>230392 >The two newborns were fathered by 70-year-old Dirk, who first arrived in the UK in the 1960s and is described as being in "peak physical condition". >He bred with mother Charlie, 21, in November at Crocodiles of the World in Brize Norton, Oxfordshire. She's 21 you sick fuck
NEET torture complete school was let out at the same time and some lass in uniform walked past and she had knockers the size of her own torso what the fuck are they putting in the water and the food and the air and all smh wish I could go back and be a young normie instead of a bitter old incel >>230368 hope he funds another film tbh the karl urban one was kino >>230392 >49 year age difference BATTER THAT NONCE TURTLE BAZ DO IS ED IN
wessies long awaited nonce arc is finally here.
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anyone else coming to quiz night tonight?
>>230382 good lad she used to be a prime mummy
>>230406 Where is she?
>>230409 I meant it. Was reading the post above while typing. kek
>>230404 he was just getting his poop pills
why are all the fatties here nonces?
>>230404 kek imagine feeling sorry for dafties that killed 13,000+ people including crucifying them and then bringing up, Jesus, honour and eternal life''
>>230414 I dont think Azov killed 13,000 people, that's the death toll of the entire Donbass war including both sides.
>>230402 keeeeek >>230403 microplastics and birth control pills all getting into the drinking water tbh
>>230415 Adler, Frei Korps, Azov, Tornado, and Right Sector. All dafties.
>>230417 Russia winning the war would be a good development but I dont think Ukrainians are evil, just misled.
>>230418 Oh now you're being polite and reasonable.
My daftie name would be tenacious sneed
thinking of going to the pub early
boomer nonce in hawaii gets tazed
I never said Ukrainians were evil. I said dafties dying after taking Jewish money to kill people en masse was retarded and I didn't feel sorry for them. Anyone who clutches pearls over dafties is retarded too Simple.
>being anti-dafty
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>>230421 So me and my guys rolled up on that pub fucking 10 HOURS early, guess what... guys... It wasn't even open yet. Mind, blown
>>230424 what is a dafty in your mind? I've always used it to mean people with bizarre fringe ideas that isolates them from the public. In the Ukrainian context nationalists are widely popular amongst the public, Azov are mainstream and supported by their own people. The problem is Ukrainian identity is a modern invention and Ukraine is an integral part of Russia and shouldn't be separated especially so when it's nothing more than a US puppet state. What is a Ukrainian to do in this situation? I'd like them to support integration with Russia but Its not likely.
>>230405 For me it's being doomtrodden since 2010 until last year and now I'm strangely quite happy with life.
>immediately psude posts
>>230405 tbh >>230423 keeeek he just toppled backwards like a plank
>>230418 Ukraine is full of people with no guns. But it also runs to their hearts. They don't have independent will. In Afghanistan, they found will independent from the occupying military power, in Islam. Germany was pretty similar. They didn't have anything in their will other than obedience to military might, or whatever the system is.
>>230399 blue on blue, blue on blue
one thing that makes my tism act us is people overusing the word en masse
*people using the word en masse, en masse
>>230427 All women have no identity other than obedience to whatever the regime is, unless they have some other seat of authority to their minds, but you'll hardly find a case of it. Even most men are exactly the fool same. Imagine actually respecting a government that resolved to add gay marriage to a constitution which was created by men whose governments executed gays. >During the colonial era of American history, the various European nations which established colonies in the Americas brought their pre-existing laws against homosexuality (which included capital punishment) with them. The establishment of the United States after their victory in the Revolutionary War did not bring about any changes in the status of capital punishment as a sentence for being convicted of homosexual behavior. Beginning in the 19th century, the various state legislatures passed legislation which ended the status of capital punishment being used for those who were convicted of homosexual behavior. Thank you, homopedia
watching it again lads
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The Azov commanders shot down with a stinger that fell in Russian hands too.
>>230438 Please see here: >>230285 To quote Alex Jones: >Disingenous, fake, false, broke back, twisted, a defiler, a backstabber, a betrayer
After and during WWII photos of the dead were commonly used to manipulate, but you will not be able to do so anymore, because we know that such photos mean nothing whatsoever, as anybody can make them easily.
Hey fuckhead, I'm speaking to you, you fucking coward!
Genuine question to you faggots: If it's okay to say gay, is it okay to say Z?
*gives schizo a non gay hug* I've missed filtering you lad.
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Hope you're drafted.
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new WW1JUST.webm just dropped
>>230445 what phenotype is this norse?
>>230447 *caves her face in with a rock* >>230448 Bottom right made me think of you, lad. It's just called pig physiognomy. It's just made by an artist so there isn't anything scientific about it
>>230447 Feel more sorry for the lad who was forced by kike Zelensky to stay and die for nothing than this tiktok foid.
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Drove with a fellow Welshman today
>>230450 she's just living the life women want
>>230449 smh I have that flat taig side profile face that looks like a gook from the side instead of based long nose nord
>>230451 based no sleeper unit?
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>>230450 c'est la vie
>>230455 Yeah it's just for local distribution
>the French fucked up the evac of Azov commanders
>>230458 frogzog kind of pisses me off sometimes how they do their own mini zog things but then sometimes hide their zog actions behind the amerishart empire
seems like westoids in general have completely underestimated russians
>>230459 the french empire was the only european empire the Americans allowed to exist.
>>230456 >I don't care what you think >please don't be mad Hope that jerry who recieved this letter if it was real survived and honour killed her when he got home tbh.
>normies saying Russia can't win God how can they just say things like thislike fact. I hate how they can be so retarded while also functioning better than I do in society
>>230462 >yfw it was dirlewanger
>>230450 I feel pretty at ease about it all, it's not like lads listened. You're getting drafted, you know that right?
>>230461 but you lads still have some of the virgin islands and falkands that counts right?
>>230463 tbh i seethe so hard at my normalfag extended family cousins already having mcmansion houses because they have fake normalfag jobs like gym teacher
>>230466 America had a policy of decolonisation since the 1910s, their intent was to deconstruct all European empires so as to remove any other potential rival powers. Britain with a few islands will never rival America, so the ultimate goal has been achieved.
>>230463 It's more of a threat. ie you have to fight so he doesn't win. Looking forward to being drafted & being burned alive in a tin can?
>>230460 thats because america acts like its the main character in a war movie because it has been dabbing on shitskin farmers for 30 years
>>230460 tbh >>230463 yeah smh
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can't stop laughing at this fat troomer the bongo nonce phenotype is real
>>230460 Are you in the West? Either way you're probably getting drafted tbh
It's amazing that lads don't know they're getting drafted. Wow. Amazing. Well, please buy a brand new camera so we get 4K footage of your brothers at arms dying, before you do.
>>230470 keeeeeeek yeah the best is amerishart soldiers going to ukraine thinking they are in a movie and then the hol hols just send them to the front with no weapons as a blocking party
Tires of potatocam crap produced by the europoors. >>230475 You're literally an amerishart destined to die on the front lines.
>>230475 keek smh
31 year old with MS probably would be too old for general infantry and political beliefs would probably disqualify me for Officer candidate program so I doubt I would be drafted
>>230472 tbh really has that sex pest face
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>>230478 You have MS?
It's just a professional license, not a commercial license. And it doesn't have Access, just Exchange and Word.
>>230478 Depends, didn't the US government run a selective draft during WW2? They could daft you specifically because of your political beliefs.
Steiners gonna be in a wheelchair spazzing out while mummy gretchen milks him with her talons
>>230480 meant masters degree not multipule sclerosis
>>230482 yeah they specifically sent guys from my region to the jungles and southfags to fight in europe while the movies generally over represent le coast cuck italian/jew mongrel people as being represented in large numbers
Thought something went wrong with your nervous system after you fucked your neck and you got diagnosed with MS smh
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>>230465 What am I listening to? I've had it in the back of my mind the last 8 years that Britain could choose to get involved in war in Ukraine and it would lead to drafting. Don't want that happening to my nephews or any British lads. I consistently tell people to watch for the goalpost shifting on our interferance and not be swayed by atrocity propaganda. I bluntly say it's better for us to not even sanction Russia, as it hurts us more than them. What more am I to do? Assassinate Blormphis Blormphson in case his Churchill syndrome starts up? I'm just a NEET on a korean basket weaving forum dedicated to things questionably adjacent to British Nationalism. Smh.
>>230478 Tbh 31 is the cut off for lads joining who haven't joined before in most NATO countries.
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>average 1910s male experience while average 1910s females are bored and need new shoes
>>230489 shartican army takes lads up to 40 I believe but the last year when a jewcruiter called me I said a bunch of non PC shit about blacks to him sort of off the cuff and they have not called ever again keeeek
>>230491 >40 wew
thinking aboutall those women who go into the military just so they can show off their fat arse in military uniform for their instagram
>>230488 I think they won't draft you if you have a criminal record, so that's one idea.
>>230492 yeah my great grandpa was drafted at 40 and died in the last year of the war from a kamakaze
>>230493 >join military >take selfies >get pregnant >leave >>230495 smh
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>>230447 More horrifying than gore
forgot what I was laughing at
is agatha nonce here?
>>230497 did women ever have shame?
Did women ever have a brain?
Did women ever have sneed
>>230500 They have social shame but no moral shame.
>>230498 reporting for duty
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Remember we make special forces retire at about 36, which makes sense. Don't know if there's an upper limit for joining the army. Know if you join young it's something like 4 and a half years you have to do as a minimum. Joining at this time is so retarded. Think things would be different if it came to drafting, especially because the white population is older. They'd send more people 30-40 probably because it'd be the most white age group still fighting fit enough. Or they may just go full Zelensky and send up to 60 year olds. Imagine Peter Hitchens getting drafted keeeeek.
I still think it's hilarious that israel is revealing everything they get from the ukes to russia.
>>230506 I was told to inform you that TBBK frequents and perhaps even lives in the Dingle. He is known there as Johnny Poopants. You have been warned.
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The Azov commanders were being evec'd by the Poltava 18th air brigade. Based in north Ukraine.
>>230508 Fuck that they can send all the niggers they imported, whats the point of importing our replacements if they don't use them?
>>230512 >things that should happen will happen
>>230513 Having a bunch of geriatrics being shipped to Ukraine might as well be overpriced euthanasia.
>>230508 >Joining at this time is so retarded Has been since 1991 tbh.
>>230514 I'm saying they will kill as many whiteoids and as few subhuman moveable economic units of the technocratic future as possible. You think if we got involved it'd be because our leaders had a realistic plan or even the main desire to be that we win?
>>230511 Shit tier. see here: >>230285
>>230515 Yeah but moreso as there's the possibility the entire armed forces would be wiped out in 2 weeks if we went to war with Russia. If that happened, hopefully there'd be enough pushback that it'd be the end of it, rather than doubling down on the meatgrinder aka drafting. I should've said now is the most retarded time to join.
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I'd rather go to Thailand and morph into a bald, potbellied Bazza than fight for Bojo
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>>230514 Not in modern warfare. Modern warfare isn't a twitch fest.
so azog commanders tried to flee in frogzog helos and got rekt? smh even marshal paulus stayed with his boys all the way to surrender until getting the richboy treatment while his boys went to the gulag
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>Big boys at the FSB and spies (Nick Lowles, Hope not Hate, Gerry Gable, Searchlight Magazine)
>>230519 tbh >>230520 bit racist lad smh it belongs to everybody
>>230509 kikes are being extremely brazen rn its almost that point in the jew lifecycle where the host begins rejecting them
>>230512 lmao no as you can see in jewkraine all the shitskins become migratory cattle the minute anything other than the comfy life is presented to them
>>230525 hope they actually get holocoastered for real this time around
>>230520 my ancestor...
tbh I would go full muley graves if there was a draft
>>230522 No, they had westoid advisors who were or are most likely French and died on Ukie helis to Poltava. The Russian are saying the port district of Mariupol was a base for Westoids.
>>230519 I think the meme is somewhat reasonable, why shouldn't he enlist, since he's guaranteed a wife & job if he survives the war? But in modern society, he's luckier who dies, he'll return to no wife, jobs only for migrants, and no society at all.
>>230530 the amerishart boog boy said he met SAS and CIAniggers in jewkraine who were monitoring him when he tried to flee the country
>>230529 based
Ukrainians are losers, how do they keep falling for jews?
>>230534 amerisharts can't talk when it comes to being a jewslave tbf, I guess britoids can but you lads were getting run by them for a bit as well
It used to be trivial to dodge the draft. To quote a 100% straight boomer I know: >If I had to do it again I'd walk right up to the recruiter and plant a big fat kiss on his mouth He wasn't joking, either. Sadly, that trick doesn't work anymore.
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its a shame there currently hasnt been any reports on mass rapes during ukie war
>>230535 I'm talking about popular support for jews. We take it for granted that the governments will be infested by jew slaves, since they'll just poison anybody in their way.
>>230536 yeah my dad almost got drafted for vietnam but based nixon saved him, my grandma was gonna lock him in a shed when the recruiterfags came around looking for their next groomvictim
>>230537 <reports READ. THIS. >>230285 4K video. If the lighting is poor, use a flashlight. Get the ISO down. Get the framerate up. If photography, get the blur to a subpixel level, and the crop should be 6mp at least, with the subject dominating the frame.
ngl I wish we had a token yank on this board who was southern and an anglophile
I don't like brits that much, they smell.
>>230542 keeeek which state, I suggest kentucky or Tennessee not surburbanoidic georgians or carolinians larping as jed clampett
god I forgot how much the old south is a nigger infested hellhole, mississippi was so fucking shitty compared to rural alabama where I went
>>230532 That would be the SBU and their advisors, they had a enhanced interrogation site within Mariupol Airport called The Library .
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Westoids were on those helicopters with Azov.
>>230547 >all african countries wdhmbt?
>>230549 bowies were just meme name for the common longknife of germanics which originated with the seax, great lakes chugs called anglo settlers "longknifes" gichmookin or someshit like that
>>230548 >Morocco in French French government contractors.
>>230551 nafris?
>>230547 Based
>>230554 keeeek
>>230553 >sign in to confirm your age
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>>230553 A day without a nigger killcam is like a day without sunshine, brother.
>"ur a schizo if you don't have jewchoobe account bruh"
>>230553 >the uppitiness even of the "victims" fucking HELL
>>230559 I do tbh with my real name I was just logged out.
>>230561 What's your real name?
>>230552 Probably French mercs, ex-Ligoniers with a government contract.
>that nigger with the pot belly and man tits obviously drunk and or high Wew. >>230562 James Adolf Hitler Did Nothing Wrong Okay Thank You the 6th.
>>230521 That's stupid the sort of rucking they expect an infantryman to do in the british army destroys a 20 year olds knees. It'd kill old people. >>230526 maybe they'll leave here then if a draft is introduced
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>Azov and the AFU marching on Belgorod, Russia >1485 likes
>>230539 how old is your dad? jesus
honestly cheering on the death of Azov is cringe, get a hold of yourself. Putin will never be your mate.
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>>230547 That's a photo of some badges. Have your retards read this: >>230285

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