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Britain can be a lot better than this.

Brit/pol/ #3936: Don't Like It You Know Where The Door Is Edition Anonymous 01/20/2024 (Sat) 12:53:36 Id: dcf37f No. 429521
I'm American who moved to London - here is what I HATE about living in the UK... and it is NOT the weather https://www.dailymail.co.uk/travel/article-12979135/Im-American-moved-London-HATE-living-UK-NOT-weather.html Ofcom paves way for Royal Mail to axe Saturday post https://news.sky.com/story/ofcom-paves-way-for-royal-mail-to-axe-saturday-post-13052118 From teabags to sausages - how we are paying more money for products that are getting smaller and include fewer expensive ingredients https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-12985601/From-teabags-sausages-paying-money-products-getting-smaller-include-fewer-expensive-ingredients.html
Edited last time by Enoch on 08/31/2024 (Sat) 11:44:45.
first for banning spic
>>429433 (428745) I have the same shirt but it was too big so I got it hemmed but now it's too short and exposes my belly like Euronymous. now it's either give to a future gf or cut out the graphic and pin it on the wall >>429467 (428745) how is it possible that the left is like "I hate Trump but I refuse to vote for Genocide Joe or anybody that takes money from AIPAC" but the cuckservatives are still this retarded? >>429516 (428745) any reason is a good reason. the jevvs are freaking out, saying they're going "into the shadows" (crypto-jevvs), saying that "now that the [holohoax] survivors are dying out, we are not protected from antisemitism and it's going back to normal" also, there is overlap and some of the far-right's messaging about jevvs is getting through to the far-left. the tunnels went massively viral and people are talking about the mattresses and the strollers, bringing up Epstein. these people are only just learning for the first time that the jevvs control the west, they're like babies. if antisemitism were a cryptocurrency, I would invest in it now
former toil is falling apart without me lads
>>429526 Love that feeling
>>429526 based hope bossman starts begging
>>429330 (428745) another film to ad to the pile of films that feel so shitty that it feels like they were made by AI
one dream where I stole some marzipan. One dream where me and some friends laughed at a blacked video because the BBC was so big and silly. Great
>>429530 smh lad you've got the brain rot
>>429530 Yes. I think I'll proceed to "keek" at this post.
How do you avoid plastics when everything you eat and drink is packaged in it?
>>429533 You can't, it's a childish notion for schizophrenics.
>>429534 t.growing mammary glands.
>>429535 t. already has them
smh now there are two of them(trannies)
>>429537 t. watches bbc porn
>Old man Harrison, dead at 74 from parkinsons >Adam Harrison, dead at 39 from overdose >Corey Harrison, dead at 38 from heart attack
>>429538 smh I'm never dreamposting again
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meanwhile kykes on leddit
>>429542 social media bros...
the lesson: never have an agegap relationship
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Zelensky can't open a water bottle >>429545 ffs
>>429545 Don't date someone wearing a 3-stripes Adidas t-shirt. Many such cases.
Interesting. I always thought forests seemed too dense to live in and traverse, but this guy suggests historically forests would be less dense since the forest fires which we today often put out would have cleared out a lot of trees and stopped the overcrowding I see today
>>429545 >Patrick You just can't trust Irishmen smh
>>429546 jews keeek weakling parasites
>>429545 Heartwarming case tbh. He clearly had remorse for exacting the toll. Should be set free.
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>Jevvs outside Palestine are considering fleeing to Palestine >Jevvs inside Palestine are considering fleeing from Palestine
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@Steiner thoughts?
>>429545 TOLL PAID. IN FULL Thank you for your service.
>>429552 he's so based, it's unreal.
keeek spaniard had the fancy footwork but britoid had the technicals down just like boxing
>>429555 what about him? you can see his true character during reconstruction. many of the major generals in the US snivel war were like WCW wrestlers, mostly just characters of the press. after the war when reconstruction began longstreet and johnston both became extremely wealthy by involving themselves in railroad building alongside their arch nemesis grant. when a mob of white men stormed new orleans in protest of reconstruction longstreet appeared before them and betrayed their cause. there were only a few based generals like NB forest and alpheus williams on the union side who wrote an entire book about how the war was mostly just a gentlemens quarrel between a couple of graduating classes at west point since williams was a frontier militiaman. sherman was fairly based as well
also https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jefferson_C._Davis this lad for dueling another general over a lass and killing him and then dynamiting a bridge full of niggers that had been stealing from his columns
keeek no it was because the general insulted him and he went into manlet rage mode
>>429553 First good second bad.
>that time your teacher told you to say the alphabet and you just stuttered and said "b-b c" and everyone laughed
this can't be true, right..?
This is what the white race used to be about
>>429568 is that the tradition Sargon wants to get us back to? Alien Ant Farm?
>boomers dabbing on vegan environmentalist blue-hairs by eating a lot of expensive beef while normies and incels beg for crumbs
>>429570 He is nostalgic for back when race relations on the telly were better, but not so far back that we have race riots. Just in that perfect time of the 90s and early 2000s
>>429569 wew a real hero. I'd be in awe
Varg is a snib snib snee slut now?
>>429567 Why should we care? If the origin of oil is organic or inorganic then it doesn't make much difference for policy. >Until recently >2010
>>429568 >Sargon and Dankula entered electoral politics the moment they thought UKIP could set them up with a cushy MEP job and then quit as soon as it didn't work. Onto the next grift.
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My sister offered to put me in contact with a nice looking hwhite French lass she knows who's single.
>>429578 do it lass. The way it was supposed to be smh
>>429572 >Just in that perfect time of the 90s Oh yes, the LA riots and OJ Simpson's trial... back when race relations were "good"
>>429576 >>Sargon and Dankula entered electoral politics the moment they thought UKIP could set them up with a cushy MEP job and then quit as soon as it didn't work. don't be stupid lad, we were already out of the EU by then
>>429579 The woman's three years older than me and she's a foreign national. Plus I have very little free time. Still, she's a more attractive prospect than anyone I'd find on a dating app, and I don't just mean that in the superficial sense. I'm pretty much at the point where I've given up on women though. I just don't have the energy or patience for all of the texting, calls, excursions and inane conversations.
>>429585 Doesn't seem like a great film tbh
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haggis with champ, broccoli and dummy thicc gravy for post-hangover supper >>429586 keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek
>>429584 i'd go for it lad everything else you said is just incel mind prison shite, western society is ending so you might as well chase some fancy instead of stewing in this pointless skinnerbox of seethe
>>429584 > I just don't have the energy or patience for all of the texting, calls, excursions and inane conversations. tbh
>>429586 keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek
surreal hellscape at snaturday sninner as the xoomers talked about how global warming was so scary and le sea levels are rising right after talking about how they walk by richcunts buying seafront properties all time time, then the boomers talked about how they didn't like their parents and everything is too male dominated then talked about their annual women only holiday the extended family all gets grandad to pay for (men don't get a mens only holiday) and finally both the xoomers and boomers talked about several friends and family members who worked for GCHQ dinner was lasagna salad and garlic bread followed by rhubarb and ginger crumble with ice cream and it was very nice albeit the ol' dog tried to get onto one of the boomers' comfy chairs for a nap but is too old to climb properly smh sad to see her straining at it and not getting anywhere
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>>429593 >finally both the xoomers and boomers talked about several friends and family members who worked for GCHQ would not have been able to hold my seethe at that point
>>429589 true enough
>>429593 So in short the food was good but the company wasn't. My sister can't really pretend to give a shit about the climate because she's constantly taking plane trips for international holidays. She does think everything is racist though.
>>429581 We hadn't left officially until 2020. He would have been an MEP for 8 months drawing a salary and claiming expenses. Why do you think they were running?
>>429603 Trump really does look quite old now if you see his face up close
>>429584 >The woman's three years older than me and she's a foreign national. Plus I have very little free time. Still, she's a more attractive prospect than anyone I'd find on a dating app, and I don't just mean that in the superficial sense. I'm pretty much at the point where I've given up on women though. I just don't have the energy or patience for all of the texting, calls, excursions and inane conversations. You have a problem. The things you've described don't commend you. You're not cool or based because you can't speak to omen: You are ill.
>>429603 God I wish I had that height.
>>429603 he is manifesting the racial spirit of the anakim
>>429607 God I wish my dad could give me a senior position in the white house like Ivanka Trump and Kushner.
>>429610 keeeeeeeeeeek, needs him going off the screen
>>429606 I can and do speak to women. I just find it incredibly boring/unsatisfying. The things that women care about are very far removed from my own values, and I have become so used to keeping myself occupied in solitude that social obligations are at best irritating. I probably could be classed as mentally ill in some fashion, but so could most people.
>>429603 Why is Timothee Chalamet standing with Trump's family?
>>429610 qeeeeeeeeq
barron is normal sized the US government is staffed by a conspiracy of gnomes https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KnHmoA6Op1o
felt like shit the last few days. Also had carb urges.think gooning might be bad for you, lads
>>429586 Keeeeek
>>429620 >he's already had a kneecap removed as part of the skull & bones initiation
I am not a fan of donald duck
>>429622 lad he's going to save america (and by america I mean israel)
>>429623 he is old enough to have "saved" america 30 years ago when it would have been possible
>>429623 For just a low low price starting at $24 you can help him save america and put patriots back in control
>>429622 I bet my life that if he gets elected he's not going to pardon a single Jan 6 rioter. Bullshit artist of the century.
>>429627 its more the number of xoomers and boomers that worship him and continue to act like politics is sportsball is why I hate trump. we have a 400 percent increas in homelessness there should be unilateral agreement on several policies by the state if they want to seriously continue this country. the fact that neither party does anything (both parties just recently agreed on some insane immigration numbers and tax payer funded legal representation for illegals) shows that its all a farce and boomers and xoomers should be doing grassroots state takeovers and it really looks like that is only occuring in places on the border
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>ywn stone cold stunner spic into a table then watch wessex run him over with one of those quad hemi tractors
>my nephew is kind of struggling with everything so my brother is making him play minecraft Not sure if that's the right idea
>>429633 what's one more future socially maladaptive incel workhorse? all are fuel for the fires of gerontomatriarchal hedonism
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>>429636 zneep znorp
>>429636 ni lad
>Tom Baker is 90
>>429639 has he been wheeled out on a doctor who special to tell the plebs to lick up the divershity poz yet?
had a very comfy time earlier today listening to the incredibles soundtrack tbh now that was a good film
>>429642 tbh it's kino >tfw will never be a supervillain and have a secret island lair smdh
>>429644 good lad close enough
>join autism dating app >already run out of people to like :suicide:
https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lynching_of_Sam_Hose >A mob kidnapped Hose from the train at gunpoint in Newnan, Georgia. Hose was marched to the Newnan jail, where a dispute arose between Hose's captors and the sheriff. The captors agreed to surrender Hose to the sheriff if they were paid their reward money. As the town jailer led Hose to a cell, the mob grew alarmed, held a pistol to the jailer's head, and took Hose away. Former Governor William Yates Atkinson and Judge Alvan Freeman pleaded with the crowd to release Hose to the custody of the authorities. >Hose was brought to a patch of land known as the old Troutman field. Newspapers reported that members of the mob used knives to sever Hose's ears, fingers and genitals while others plunged knives repeatedly into his body, to cheers from the mob. Men and boys gathered kindling from the nearby woods to create a pyre. The skin from Hose's face was removed, and he was doused with kerosene. He was then chained to a pine tree. Several matches were thrown onto the pyre by members of the mob, lighting it on fire and burning Hose alive. The heat from the fire caused Hose's veins to rupture while his eyes nearly burst from their sockets. One journalist present noted the crowd watched "with unfeigned satisfaction" at contortions of Hose's body. >As the flames consumed his body, Hose screamed out, "Oh my God! Oh Jesus!" From the time of Hose's first injuries to his death, almost 30 minutes passed. One woman thanked God for the actions of the mob. Some members of the mob cut off pieces of his dead body as souvenirs. Pieces of Hose's bones were sold for 25 cents, while his heart and liver were cut out to be sold. >None of the lynch mob wore masks and did not seek to hide their identities, giving their names to journalists who were present. On the tree where Hose had died, a sign was attached reading "We Must Protect Our Southern Women" One white Southern woman objected, a Mrs. P.H. Mell of Atlanta, who proudly noted in her letter to the editor of the Atlanta Constitution that she was a member of the Daughters of the Confederacy, and spoke of her horror about what was done to Hose, urging white women to protest the "unparalleled brutality" committed in the name of protecting them. Another woman, future United States Senator Rebecca Felton, wrote a letter protesting against Mell's letter, saying that any "true-hearted husband or father" would have done the same to the "beast" Hose, arguing that Hose needed to be killed in the same way that a mad dog needed to be put down, except "the dog is more worthy of sympathy."
>>429647 rip lad >>429648 >and spoke of her horror about what was done to Hose, urging white women to protest the "unparalleled brutality" committed in the name of protecting them. classic foid
>>429564 they don't belong in Palestine, they belong in Jahannam >>429586 keeeeeeeeeeek >>429603 they probably put him on HGH. anybody can grow tall if you give them HGH before the growth plates close
>>429651 these are just ragebating jokes now right
she isn't even attractive
>>429653 >implying you'd last 30 seconds
ejcaulation is the important part tbh, doesn't have to last longer than that
>watching anime >lad casually pulls out his nonce collection smh more innocent times
Noncechads.... *kneels*
>>429654 first sniff and you'd realise sex is a memi lad
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>>429651 her back and waist is too fucking thick fucking hate how women train lats and core and get thick waists and ruin their hourglass physiqieu, why do they do this?
*kisses her*
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>>429662 >soft anglo boi can't handle a real woman
masculine women are worse than worthless
>>429666 >2-inch clits are... le bad
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>thank us for killing your messiah, goy
4.7% of their population btw
what now chuds?
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>muh reductive 2014 tier autistic germanophile shite when our countries are being invaded wholesale and nobody can afford houses and nobody is breeding no one cares right
>>429674 choon
>>429671 how many SSRIs is she on?
>>429674 the reason john lennon is barefoot on that album cover is because it's a visual hint that he died in a car crash and was replaced by some leaf guy
*dips toes into the pound of autistic girls*
>>429679 It's Paul McCartney that was supposed to have died back then, lass.
clearly the same person anyway.
>>429680 not beating around the bush are you lad
>>429683 Was hoping I'd get lucky getting some autistic girl that wants the same thing. Instead I get persecuted. Of course you can have autists that pretend to be ponies and others who fills their nappies with poo, but someone who wants to breed? That's just too far
*uses free speech on twitter*
>>429685 lad the right wing is going crazy as they are being deboosted lass
>>429684 >Of course you can have autists that pretend to be ponies and others who fills their nappies with poo, but someone who wants to breed? That's just too far society
>>429688 comfy
>>429689 i like how they do the colours in the sky on paintings like that, don't think it's with a brush
>>429690 tbh makes a really nice gradient
>>429684 >deebly goncerned soyjak just fuck off.
>>429680 We're all one race, the Germanic race.
>>429696 choon that
smorn laddos. I woke up surrounded by empty tinnies and last night is a shattered fever dream.
>>429701 good lad
watching it again, lads.
>>429703 This faggot should be drafted.
>>429708 wew. what a sperg. footie statto nerds are the worst.
>The Starbucks staff member went above and beyond to try and help the 18-year-old girl when they saw a man approach her while she was studying late on a Saturday night >The coffee chain staff member went above and beyond to try and help the 18-year-old in need as pointed out in a viral Tweet in January 2023. X user James Herring, @itsjamesherring, shared a picture of the coffee cup that had the message scrawled on it. >Trying to keep drama to a minimum, the Starbucks barista used a hot chocolate cup someone had forgotten to pick up and wrote the note: "Are you ok? Do you want us to intervene?" >X user James posted alongside the photo: "Kudos to the Starbucks' barista who checked in on a teenage girl by writing a discreet message on her cup. >Others on X were quick to praise the barista for her efforts to help the teen, with one writing: "Deserves employee of the year award." Another added: "All credit to the staff. What a dreadful state this country is now in". >"She was holding the cup and knew that I would love that someone did that for her," the mum told the outlet in 2022. "It made me feel so grateful that the Starbucks employees were watching out for her. >"As a mom, that is my worst fear that something would happen to my child and nobody would be there to help."
>>429668 My favourite Leddit post is where a foid refused to get engaged. Not because she didn't want to, but because her ex-husband was rich and the law was as long as she didn't remarry she could claim alimony and never have to work again. She was asking how to explain to the bf that they can't get married because her occupation is alimony.
>>429710 This just comes off as weird and neurotic.
>>429710 keeeeeeeeeek. there's literally mk ultra'd mongs scattered about stopping the natural courting process between men and women.
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>b*sexual ex^3 gf's friend's autistic daughter just turned 16 Scrumptious little lady.
>>429717 I don't expect better from twitter users tbh but the fact that MEN are now doing this as well and not just women its a damning indictment of society as a whole
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>>429719 Hey man you have no right to remotely impinge on the periphery of any woman's life ever as anything other than an ugly cashier she has no choice but to talk to.
>>429720 I can understand why he hated working on that film.
smh rhodeboomer soying out about nigger "irish" right from the get go https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iq8kYgfKOlM
>>429723 wonder if he would have held that opinion while slotting floppies.
incels being bullied by sex havers smh
>>429730 >that's only a new rule Yikes.
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I actually hope that the state rounds up white nationalists in the united sharts it would probably reduce our hispanic population considerably >>429730 this phenotype needs to be liquidated
>>429710 and people wonder why there are 30 plus male virgins out there in the world rn.
its even effected me to where I feel like I need permission to fucking talk to a grown adult 23-24 year old woman
>>429735 Hellish. Sure it's not your own warped incel brain torturing you, lad?
Had a really sore arse for almost 7 years now, ever since i had food poisoning on a trip abroad. tried getting a doctor to fix it but she told me there's nothing wrong and acted like i was a burden.
>>429736 yeah probably some kind of neurosis
>>429737 probably need a new bed or posture shite from sitting too much
>>429739 sometimes blood comes out tho lad, i think its something internal.
>>429740 probably roids lad is this shartin?
all you crying millennials need to put on your big boy pants and stop expecting everything to be handed to you.
damn his joists in the ceiling are fucked that looks like its almost a half inch drop
boomers got to experience all these happy times and then they turn around and heap negative vibes on zoomers and millennials
>>429743 probably some 3-400yr+ old cottage he bought for pennies and did up on the cheap while the going was good
>>429745 the latest outrage in town hall meetings is that the landlords in town are raising rent on the rentoids by 500-600 a month. wew lad
>>429746 probably going to happen here too smh I already had my rent raised to 500/mo last year in a jump of £80 a month, and I just calculated my electric costs and it's £120 a month >£500 rent >£120 leccy >£120 council tax >£60 water keeeeeeeeking tbh working more than I ever had before last year and I managed to make about £1k in savings over all 12 months and that will disappear in a single month now and another month after that I'm back where I started trapped in the "benefits" underclass
>>429747 > I managed to make about £1k in savings over all 12 months smh poor wessoid thats why I mummymaxx its not fair how we have to live these days and nobody cares
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meanwhile yesterday my brother and his gf came over and were brunchmaxxing (they live in one her dads rental units and just help a bit toward the mortgage) talking about taking a trip to cancun and flexing all this money shite.
>>429749 seems like it would be a sweet deal for him until you realise he is basically her poodle
>>429750 ngl these wfhcucks are really really close to a sad ending but at least his gf has some trad elements even if they are expressed in a cringy lisa simpson way where my brother has to let her fix things at the house
>>429741 nah it's me tin pot whistle playing father's son
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Japanese people getting it from a homeless and/or possibly mentally ill woman
>>429753 I love her
>>429754 If she's more stable than you she's a keeper?
>>429755 she's literally the perfect woman
>listening to this and hearing how optimistic bowden is about the BNP and the establishment beign scared of the right ACK
>>429753 Corr wunda if it's true what tha say about Chinkie lasses
>>429651 Fake. Also fat cunt >dorito gains
>>429680 Where’s the punchline?
>>429761 in his pants
>>429761 I woke up excited to check the replies but mods had deleted it
More like Martin Nonce
>stabbing a warrior of the white race with the trooncusation dagger he might be a grotty norge bastard but he's not a nonce and even the po couldn't question that we must all stand united against the seethe, for alone /brit/ is weak but together we form a mighty fasces (spic albeit is merely a mighty faggot on his lonesome)
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i had a big shart! hooray!
>>429768 >that mp4 my brother.
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>>429767 >Wessex having some principles and a spine Taking you off the "definitely murder first chance I get" list and adding you to the "probably should murder first chance I get" list.
>>429696 i forgot all about this banger
>>429735 there are private groups all over social media where thots post messages sent by chuds on dating apps and mock them, and the lads never even know they've been humiliated. it's fucking wrong and something needs done
>>429776 keek the soyzoomers all pointing out that the singer is probably a natspic
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>>429554 fixed
>>429778 poo.... monkes... /brit/ belfast... the choccy orange order... /brit/ it's all connected with incels interlinked
>>429768 choon. >search garold glitterus on spotify >rolf "teen fanny bomber" harris recommended noncecore
i'm making a running playlist of entirely gary glitter songs. might get a jimmy saville tracky and buy nonce glasses tbh
>he's returning to his natural scouser form of a shell suit
>>429782 keeeeeek
>>429782 Never left it. I have a black addidas slavcore one
accidentally thought about my future https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tD5K-e0IAeg
>>429785 Why would you do a silly thing like that?
>>429786 involuntary night time neuron collisions probably
>>429787 now I'm doing it as well.
>>429775 yeah social media needs to be regulated and kept mostly anonymous so that people can't do evil shite like that
>>429775 Solution? Don't interact with women. Bee the change you want to snee in snworld.
>neighbour knocking on the ceiling to make me turn my speakers off ACK what a shitty fucking flat suppose he got tired of hearing caramelldansen from another room at 11pm even if I thought it was on quietly
>>429791 Headphones?
>>429793 speakers at a low volume should be fine in any reasonably soundproofed domicile
all the things wessie has to suffer through and he can't even enjoy sunday night
>>429763 >>429775 Poor oppressed Shartin, his message is probably being seethed over by trannies on a private leddit as we speak.
1h15m of carameldansen
>>429799 *knocks on my ceiling with a broom*
>>429801 they're always been predisposed to neuroticism tbh they must be coming apart at the seams right now
>>429804 keeeeeeeeeeek good lad
>>429804 keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek
>>429808 wew didn't know that could happen
>>429809 why did he do this?
>>429811 to teach libtards a lesson
>>429813 hundred acre stare smh
>>429815 in awe tbh
>>429757 That merchant handing though Wew
>>429815 This haircut always reminds of The Witcher 3 game. Seemed like every other NPC had it.
>get called nigger >win match by default
>>429819 might actually be enough to get footy mongs to stop being chuds tbh smh
>>429820 you underestimate how empty footy mongs are without their weekly fix, lad.
>>429822 that's exactly it lad they'll prioritise football over anything else
>>429823 they long accepted the kneeling before every match, after an initial grievance with it. now it's become an accepted tradition. keeeeeeeek. sad.
>>429825 how's Death Stranding? you playing the Director's Cut version?
>>429826 just the normal version tbh liking it a lot haven't gotten very far because i've been taking my time trying to s rank all the side deliveries
imageboards are also a type of social strand system because (You) create threads to connect to other people
>>429827 yeah, you get some nice rewards for that.
s m o r b >>429804 i kek
>>429831 smorbius lad
>>429772 tempting. guess I'd have to clear my phone of all those nazi memes first just in case. kek.
>bidding on an ebike on ebay >seller has put up a duplicate listing finishing 3 days latter with 2x the starting price and someone has bid on it smh >>429815 It's actually a helmet disguised as hair >>429804 keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek goodlad
>>429833 smorbing
>>429837 Were did we go so wrong?
>>429837 just wish they didn't speak english tbh feel like we'd have japan tier ethnocentrism without the effects of amerizog 'culture'
>>429587 it's long, tedious, unengaging and annoying
>>429840 And now we've got all those poojeets 'speaking english' too. English speaking Internet is ruined.
>>429844 na just give them a plane ticket to a destination of their choice.
>>429843 yeah they spunk their pants over rich niggers instead. I've noticed there's even Championship teams that will have no local lads these days. What's the point? Might as well support Real Madrid, at least you can witness a team actually win something. keeek.
>>429848 Tbh >>429846 Covert them back with a stick
>>429849 of course it has to be a black voice saying it. >oh dear, that's terrible. why can't they just be more like this young man?
the well spoken, 'assimilated' wog brings about its own problems tbh.
>>429853 they're even trying to zog the knitting communities. smh.
fresh and vargpilled StJ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FgAIWpVSAM8
>>429853 imagine saying this with a straight face as smallhats flood europe and the US with niggers against their will
>>429863 oh no who could have foreseen
bit of a ballache after the weekend's big goon
gatekeeperbros.. are we obvious?
even my farts feel kind of "hard" now. I guess it's the bruising/fracturing my arse took from that hard poo earlier smh
>>429868 based unless the old womanin the centre is pretending to be a gode or whatever term they use for their priests
it might be cringe but... he bred...
>>429871 >>429872 It's anything but based. It's a delusion for low IQ retards who fold the minute they get called wayciss despite le waycissum being 90% of their motivation.
>weakness is a sickness >gets destroyed by Christianity so hard they have to invent much of their religion or rebuild it based on the testimony of Christians Yikes.
don't care for lesser slapfights tbh in a deracinated decultured defaithed world wipipo taking up any form of vaguely disciplinary and culture-fostering religion is based these people have a shared activity to bond over and it clearly works (he bred) and that's more than most have slaved to their toil and telly as heckin consumerist individuals
it's why I bother engaging with the JWs they are at least actively proselytising and have some form of local presence which is more than can be said for any other church here
>>429875 HAIL MONKE monke never let me down, I know that much.
>>429875 >>429876 Then you are a superficial fool. Given your condition it may be time to start thinking more seriously about these things.
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>>429875 if >WEAKNESS IS A SICKNESS maybe chuds should touch grass and instead of playing elf in the woods work to ingratiate themselves to the existing power structure? become a neoliberal investment banker, maybe marry into an eminent jewish family while you're at it? these people are seriously bad at paying fealty to the forces of nature. at least varg is honest enough to admit he thinks low-status whites deserve to die
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>>429875 this tbqh thee only people who would disparage such things are doing exactly what the jews would want, sowing division and discouraging indigenous european religion from flourishing in favour of the slave mentality boomer cult
>>429889 wrong
>>429891 i didn't mean you. i was reading his earlier posts
if I was 5b9197 I'd ID hop tbh this is embarrassing
he was filtered tbh
nothing but a bunch of slack jawed faggots around here.
>>429865 Who could have foreskin?
forgot pic smh
>>429868 western art and aesthetics is so fucking shite compared to even 100 years ago. they didn't even paint it properly on the drywall fucking mongs
fuck odin im not pure sassanach
shitty acryilic on top of drywall without any clear on it.
then you go to pittsburgh and the churches have venetian plaster and hand cut michigan timber framing
>>429896 ....poo
based the supreme court just ruled 5-4 that the Biden admin can remove physical barriers Texas put at their border
>>429911 i'd like to see them try
>’ello, ‘ello, ‘ello! PC Pagan ‘ere!
>>429913 Wouldn't happen in the south.
>>429914 just another wing of the fag zog matrix like the cofe and poope or army chaplaincy but at the individual level
I still think it's more likely that if Yahweh exists, he's really only a small g LARPing as the big G.
>>429918 He looks bored. Kid being on his shoulders there doesn’t indicate any gravitas tbh. Performative until he can figure out ho to build vacuum pipeline to deport them all to Jupiter witness my cope!
>>429922 didnt he just visit auscshits? guess the stories about the masturbation machines must have moved him
>>429925 Probably just intrigued at the tech there like those machines and the electrocution plates etc. loves his tech
>>429925 Probably have video of him strapped into one to blackmail him with.
not sure if rusing but I read some screencaps about him converting to judaism but now I can't find where in the chain Ifound them followed >>429922 the link via nitter albeit so it's on there somewhere unless deleted
either way he was always a reddit cunt and ecelebs addicted to shitter were always coping about him
>>429931 yeah but it was more than just that post
>/news/ BO self destructed >evidence comes to light that he was notorious faggot eden all along and was being an annoying cunt all across the imageboard network and forcing more drama onto 8moe another sordid episode of the 8chan diadochi over the fractured tribes never to rejoin and build the third tempple of shitposting smh
>>429933 we are probably t minus 3 years to internet being more or less pointless to use because of jeetbots/bad code/verification shite
>>429934 We'll all have to get ourselves some empty cans and some very long balls of string.
>>429933 smh with shite like this it's always the same few names over and over >>429934 tbh smh
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>>429936 >second heaviest woman was 4'7
>>429939 playing dom6 as steiner's leprechaun ancestors tbh
>>429939 tbh >>429940 based
>>429941 thematic to his current moods I'm also about to btfo of the germanics (ulm)
>>429942 keeeek
>>429944 well ain't that just peculiar
>>429944 keeeeeeeeeeek what the fug
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fuck off spic you deserve every ban you get stop being anti-anglo on an ethnically anglo board and maybe your brown spic presence would be tolerated
>>429944 im so sick of everything being about niggers all the time in the anglosphere
>>429952 bet if you dug deep enough you'd find the root of the problem, the empire's idea of the "white man's burden", had a jew at the heart of promoting it and causing all the knock-on effects
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>>429953 yeah at least you lads are like 80 percent white still I fully expect that by the time I am 50 plus I will be an expat in east asia
>>429956 We're just on a slower road.
>>429956 keeeek save up those toilbux and you could maybe get sucky sucky rong time at least
>>429957 yeah you are still at the part of the road where you can turn around and be in britain again. america is already over the bridge face first falling like the 9/11 tower guy
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only 6 years to go before zog nwo one world government of corrupt occult elites decide to nuke everything into the ground because their dystopian faggot shit collapses in on itself under the weight of faggots and niggers at least
well what does that say then spic you brainlet retard? just don't post the anti-anglo pro-spic-racemixing shite you are the outsider here and you should conform to the board culture rather than make demands of it and the big boy jannies basic power dynamics
what fucking artwork lmao trying to threaten doesn't work on an imageboard either, and neither does you saying "things should be this way because I want it to be so" you are "oppressed and persecuted" because you make awful posts so ummm just don't make those posts okay sweaty???
...by "artwork" he meant reposting pornography didn't he
>>429966 you don't get it lad it's uplifting for the aryan spirit
>>429967 based janny action tbh
>>429955 wonder how he's getting on tbh hope the NZog regime hasn't squeezed his head in a vice any more
contemplating a job application but their website prominently displays NIGGERS I guess that's all of them now albeit
>>429970 tbh smh
>>429972 told mummy about you the other day and your health problem and life and mummy says she will pray for wessex that he gets to be a museum big boy and do cool museum job stuff
wonder how his training's going
>>429974 nice gesture tbh >>429975 keeeeeeeek embarrassing
>>429956 >>429960 stop being demoralised
getting a little tired of the tone and direction of this place
>>429978 tbh everybody's down in the dumps all the time
Morning lads
>>429980 morning lad
>>429982 jeets truly are a plague
>>429983 Good shhmorbin, lid.
>>429982 Another day of despising dravidian scum. Good stuff.
>>429983 >>429985 They really are tbh. Know of one who has got two kids with a Slav and she’s been told repeatedly ( by fellow Slavs ) that she will end up losing control of them by age 10 and gaining custody of his parents in return. Dumb dumb thots.
>>429984 smorb lad >>429986 tbh they're not being subtle
>and threatens the very order that affords us the lives we have. can see why they would have a problem with that. keek.
>>429988 I know >$44 billion shekels for Twitter and all I got was this lousy tiny hat!
>why does nobody like us? >why do people keep accusing us of running everything? >8 billion anti semites must die!
>>429990 he's always been owned by them tbh
>>429992 Always found it strange he was named in that 23&me data breach which apparently only affected ashkenazi jews.
>>429974 keeek smh goodlass I occasionally talk about "my internet friends" as well, none of the family is empathetic enough to go that far though the boomers like to hear about auslad due to grandad's connections with the country but they just cope about how shit it's become smh >>429993 >being reminded of his son's name probably some sort of esoteric blood ritual formula tbh also pic 4 is what I saw last night but couldn't find
the xoomers just smuckle at stories of cowboy building and shart construcitontoil learnt that they actually still rent out more than one other property they did up, it takes I think 3-4 rentslaves for them to maintain their comfy lifestyle insulated from reality
>>429995 smh that generation will never admit that they're at fault
>>429997 morning
So thoughts, was musk always a plant or did Bibi give him a mossad stamped envelope?
>>430000 probably always was tbh people don't end up rich and influential by accident
>>430000 I don't think he was a full on antisemite, but not a rabid philosemite either. He's been dragged a long way down. He's already lost 2 children and they probably threatened his others.
In Israel's case I wonder if they'll ever get their shit together and actually impeach Bibi. He's successfully hijacked the entire nation and driven it to war to avoid being put in jail.
>>430003 he's dictator for life tbh
>>430005 not yet
mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm delicious
>>430007 based
They dropped the murder charges from that nigger who stabbed 3 people to death in Nottingham. Letting them get away with murder now its all a bit on the nose for schmee
>>430009 it's all so tiresome
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>>430005 been playin human revolution recently its ok tbh, most of the level design is pretty good, narritive is a bit shite swear jesen and walton simons have the same voice actor
>>430009 What I really want to know is how this shite has come to infect our court system. Treating niggers like giant roaming fauna is a yankism.
>>430000 ADL triggered a boycott, CEOs caved, Twitter ended strapped for cash, so he's been sucking cut cock hard trying to keep it running and make up for liking some boderlie andisemidic tweets same thing happened to Henry Ford didn’t it? Raged against them in the Dearborn Independent eventually caving and going public with Goldman Sucks?
>>430009 Taxpayers in US will now pay ? $10 million to keep these three in jail for 20 yrs over a $10 za
>>430012 We soak up a lot of America's cultural run off including nigger worship which has increased massively post Floyd Ireland is the same, this video of mps talking about white privilege is one of the most bizarre things I've ever seen tbh. Total American victory
>>430014 >surnames are McArthur, McNealy and Patrick. keeeeek
>>430016 smh the hibernian menace strikes again
>>430016 The Hibernian menace rears it's ugly head again.
>>430017 fellow knower
>>430016 Keeeeeeek
>>430013 I think banks might just be a global third temple.
>wherdya get those names bois? Steal ‘m didya?
>>430023 keeeeeeek
Tim Scott is Trump’s VP pick He just proposed to his heeb girlfriend He luvs Iron Doan https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gKZ08kzu6Ok
>>430015 They’re all lefties, liberals, paid shills being blackmailed and like every other country licking Zogmerica’s boots Just look at this half Irish activist horsefaced mp and her to record, abortion children born in Ireland of foreign parents get Irish citizenship etc https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ivana_Bacik
marko peddling the purest of seethe as usual
>>430029 Fucking joke of a nation.
>>430029 >fresh off the boat foreigners feel like they are entitled to make demands of us we truly are a conquered people
No toil because of the weather though
>>430032 Nice, time to get comfy.
>>430026 the gums on this nigger it's interesting how for the 2024 election there is absolutely zero enthusiasm for the democrats to vote for Biden, to the extent that their base is neigh-unanimously intent on conceding the election to Trump. but there is no enthusiasm for Trump either because he's old, washed, and zogged. I think the turnout will be astonishingly low, which will make Biden's alleged 81 million votes in 2020 look that much more ridiculous
>>430028 Worried about Laura's husband's trial tbh. It will mark the end of the already miniscule possibility of any none daft solution.
>>430035 even if he's convicted mark, laura and PA as a whole will just keep grifting on until his sentence is up tbh
>>430036 laura is pregnant with their second and they might chuck him in jail for 5 years because of what should be perfectly legal stickers, they have no actual definition of hatespeech beyond whatever hurts whitey the most, meanwhile a top news story this week is another footywog millionaire in italy crying about racism and the club being fined.
>>430037 Was it you that put together the Dominions 6 thread on /v/?
>>430038 yeah smh just need to approach things from a perspective of "this is how it is and what can we reasonably do about it" rather than "this is how it is and it makes me seethe and here's how I want things to be in an ideal world" >>430039 no but that webm is a good one to put there, might attach it to an effortpoost about early game turns or something later
>>430040 he should do what Big Nick was going to do if he was found guilty in his trial, immediately have his lawyer read out a letter publicly saying he's going on hunger strikes.
>>430029 >bloken engrish >you are not same age, please don't touch her wtf even is this? Just carrying on filming and ignore them. Not like the state would have your back if you act accordingly anyway.
Wish Sam the best. This Country has gone Mad.™ Furthermore, it's now in a mental institute, rocking back and forth while dribbling constantly.
>>430044 Soon the nation will be figuratively eating it's own poo out of the toilet.
>>430045 Tbh. hate how you still see copers talking in future tense about how bad it will be, yeah it will get worse but we're already living in the nightmare right now. there's so much dreadful news every day you forget about most of it.
>>430042 chinese guy thinks he is a nonce?
>>430047 Sort of thing I'd expect from somebody educated here to come out with tbh. Maybe he just knows playing the female victim card works well in this country. Pretty sure the old fella just touches the Chinese flag she's holding.
Starbucks tier tbh.
Will the white race be guarded like this?
Going to only post good news from now on.
>>430050 Fortunately fourteen northern white rhino embryos have been created. THANK YOU WHITE MAN
>>430000 every billionaire is selected tbh
>>430053 I am waiting for the call to untold riches
>>430056 >Dumb mutated rodent ? WdTyreecembt?
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>>430056 hey steiner remember when you said mary lincoln's level of beauty was a good heuristic for dependability and humility in a wife
>that Conservative wog Shaun Bailey is now in the House of Lords Keeeek smh. Someone should commit a racism on twitter by calling him Doreen Lawrence.
Steinzog has shit taste tbh.
>>430060 Corrrrrrrr!
>>430061 now this is woeismeposting
I found a picture of Mussolini at the beach
>>430064 he cute
>>430060 his whole point was that she was ugly anyway i'm being cheeky, i don't want to impugn their marriage. it was totally different back then, you could afford to have patience for a harridan because she was still nevertheless your property
erm the jannies banned me for "ban evasion" thinking i was spic and now i cant post.
>>430058 She sounds like she has bpd.
>>430067 Good, if your posts have spician vibrations you had it coming.
fuck chinks but im sick of seeing this boomer mong everywhere
>>430073 makeup is still haram bet she'd look better if she hadn't had at least 15 years of being worn out previously, also
>>430074 tbh I've seen 41 year olds that look better
>>430076 >women
>>430073 A lot of sun damage there. >>430074 There's nothing fucking wrong with makeup you fat nonce.
>spic fuck off
>>430076 too many afghan soyim escaped the taliban
>>430082 I've never had raw milk
>>430083 taste much better than pasteurized to me
>>430084 Volunteers are queuing up
> On 10 January, the United Nations Security Council passed a resolution demanding that they stop the attacks STOP IT NOOOWWW YOU CAN'T SHOOT AT OUR SHIPPING SENDING ARMAMENTS TO ISRAEL STOP RUINING OUR PLAYTIME AAHHH!!!!!
>>430085 I saw people were selling it for like £4.50 for 500ml here.
>I repeat that there is no link between our actions of self-defence in the Red sea and the situation in Israel and Gaza. Those who make that link do the Houthis’ work for them, and I want to be clear that those here at home who glorify the Houthis’ attacks are glorifying terrorism, plain and simple. They will be met with a zero-tolerance approach. evil ziojeet scum
>>430089 They should come up with more believable lies in between the threats.
and them queer starmer's opposition speech is just "I AGREE WE MUST TONGUE JEWISH ARSEHOLE FASTER AND HARDER!"
>>430091 I love democracy.
>>430092 it's ltierally a stage play keeek each new speaker just piles more and more absurdity into it some fag from the SNP next essentially supports the yinon plan
holy keeek Alicia Kearns (Rutland and Melton) (Con) >please may I reiterate my request for the UK to launch a contact group for Palestine, so that we can launch track 2 negotiations to get some progress towards stability and a two-state solution? Poonak <doesn't mention this at all, can't even think the words "two-state solution" let alone speak them
the mutt brigade will save texas
>>430095 their toil helms are cleaner than mine
>>430096 probably bought specifically for that one photoshoot to be discarded immediately afterwards along with the barriers
My ex has bred and produce an Aryan snaby. Good on her.
yooooooo!! it's a creaturedude!
>>430100 >got to the loo just in time today Shart averted but still concerning.
>deliberately kills 3 white people >"manslaughter" due to mental illness thanks jews!
Don't really have anything to say just feel like the thread needs posts tbh
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>>430107 did you ever get your warehouse toil lad? or were you becoming a tradie
>>430108 no luck with either smh
so tired smh can barely keep my eyes open
>>430109 smh no trade toil to be had?
can you do scaffolds and concrete forms that is basic super grunt level stuff.
>>430111 there's jobs out there tbh hasn't been that long since i started looking so i might find something >>430112 not a clue tbh probably needs some kind of certification though since everything here does
>>430113 yeah I have just sharted in the last couple of weeks calling up bossmen but its still winter here so nobody is toiling
>>430115 and a little bit of wee
having another boomer seethe lately remembering how my parents did fucking nothing to teach me how to do anything at all, even how to stand up for myself in a fight or anything. never how to talk to lasses, how to do fucking anything, all they ever cared about was muh get a jerb workaholic nonsense.
is it hard to ask a lass on a date IRL? i've never done it
>>430117 tbh smh
mummy never set me up with nice lasses ever, even prevented this one mummy one time from having me dance with her daughter. still to this day doesn't ever ask about girls or anything one time she scoffed when I told her how I had a crush on a girl in college
>>430120 smh don't understand why mummies undermine their sons
did get some cowboy boots with my cmas money
>>430122 choon that >>430124 based do many people wear them where you are?
>>430125 i think its become a thing again, I got the poorfag workman ones though
>>430126 hope they don't fall apart smh i buy poorfag boots and they always break after two or three years
>>430128 smorb
>>430129 was just going to bed actually
classic neet hours
>no toil >have to get up and go to toil early anyway for unpaid employee interview/review thing because bosslady is having VERY IMPORTANT zoom meetings for the rest of the day ACK >>430132 morbing
>>430133 smorb lad >unpaid employee interview/review thing smh rip lad
Do you ever feel like there's just no hope whatsoever, and it takes you to that dark place where you just dwell on some illegal opinions until you get so mad that you need to create a based happening?
gchq really needs to step up their game smh
might go bottleo tbh undecided
>>430135 yeah smh sometimes I think about doing a really smelly poo in the public convenience and annoying everyone https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NAKKqZ6ayEA
>>430136 tbh >>430137 the answer to that question is always yes tbh
>make joke >immediately punished by a smelly and constipated poo in my own domicile ACK instant karma
off to bed
>>430140 >quarter to ten impressive tbh
too humid today smdh >>430139 be careful what you wish for lad >>430140 ni la
https://nitter.net/YouGov/status/1748021240009273784 >Do Britons believe more migrants come to the UK legally or illegally? Smh
>>430058 Nixon was also totally whipped. Even making a dating account as a low status male feels humiliating, yet the most impressive men do shit that like this. Too much of a polface autist for earnest courtship i think me
>>430136 Needs to at least be on the us fed level tbh
>>430086 >pair of jeans that fit just right
>>430143 smorbing >>430144 it's deliberate tbh if the masses knew the real scope of the problem we would have had a solution years ago
>>430145 I laugh at them and their mouldy vaginas tbh
>>430073 Skin like that should be avoiding the sun at all costs. Looks like a granny.
Women are dumb creatures have had far too many negative experiences with them on every level tbh. Absolute mentalists https://www.historic-uk.com/HistoryUK/HistoryofBritain/White-Feather-Movement/ >With the White Feather movement gaining greater traction, any young Englishman that the women would deem an eligible proposition for the army would be handed the white feather with the aim of humiliating and defaming the individuals, compelling them to enlist. >More often than not, many of the women also misjudged their targets, with many men who were on leave from service being handed a white feather. One such anecdote came from a man called Private Ernest Atkins who had returned on leave from the Western Front only to be handed a feather on a tram. Disgusted by this public insult he slapped the woman and said that the boys in Passchendaele would like to see such a feather. >Other examples included younger men, only sixteen years of age being accosted in the street by groups of women who would yell and scream. >Nevertheless, the women involved in the campaign were often fervent in their beliefs and public outcry did very little to dampen their activities. >As the conflict raged on, the government grew more concerned by the group’s activities, especially when so many accusations were levelled at returning soldiers, veterans and those horrifically wounded in war. >Eventually, the movement would face increasing backlash from the public who had enough of the shaming tactics. After the end of the First World War the white feather campaign died a natural death as a propaganda tool and was only briefly reprised in World War Two. >The White Feather movement did prove successful in its aim of encouraging men to sign up and fight. The collateral damage of such a movement was indeed the lives of the men themselves who very often were killed or maimed in one of the bloodiest and ugliest wars Europe has ever witnessed.
>>430153 prime example of how they see men as disposable tools smh
Keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek but also wew I think you’ll find it’s Israel’s autistic genocidal rampage which is happening irl and the pictures and videos released by their own soldiers of celebrating it tbh tbh tbh >people are being radicalised by A.I images and misinformation about Gaza https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-68035172
>>430154 Exactly lad totally interchangeable and disposable They have been and continue to be weaponised and utilised by the state to bully us
>Women of Britain hold funeral after deaths of every single last British lad all of whom they sent to war offhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cHvodUWtIR0
>baby found in a bag in East London https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-london-68025769 smh
>>430159 race?
>>430158 all that wailing keeek it's an incel at 3am thinking
>>430159 >>430160 that's sickening >In a news conference on Friday afternoon, the Met said staff at the hospital she was taken to had given her a temporary name of Elsa and believe she is a black or mixed race child. never mind
The recession continues. Reminder that a full working week on minimum wage is 25k a year. You are doing fuck all with that even if they pump your wage by 10% which they won’t. Meanwhile they pump more money into Ukraine and other countries to get kickbacks for them and their mates. What is the solution? >Retail sales volumes are estimated to have fallen by 3.2% in December 2023, from a rise of 1.4% in November 2023 (revised up from an increase of 1.3%); December's decrease was the largest monthly fall since January 2021, when coronavirus (COVID-19) restrictions affected sales. https://www.ons.gov.uk/businessindustryandtrade/retailindustry/bulletins/retailsales/december2023
>>430163 owari da
>>430163 >it has been challenging to be accepted as Japanese It has been challenging to accept my twenty three year old car is not a brand new Roller and that I will never own my own house, in my own cuntry. Fiddled! Cheers! t. Bazza - newly crowned Mr. Britain 2024
>>430166 keeeeeeeeek. Miss World doesn't even just push the Anti-White thing anymore, it aims to subvert every country that enters it tbh.
>>430164 it's just good business >>430167 being anti-huwhite is passé tbh they're full on anti-identity now
Think a White model won the Nigerian or Ghana one last year.
>>430169 Miss Zimbabwe kek Caused a lot of seethe online, but apparently not that much in the actual country's media
>>430169 an kare
>>430170 Bruk brookken
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No toil today, I'm "sick" cough, cough I'm not really sick cough. Oh look at that, sunshine and clear skies...
>>430173 very good lad get well soon
Uwot? Keeeek >boosted black woman celeb makes pile of cash >is high achiever https://nitter.net/classicsgroyp/status/1748820374563778891
>>430175 Jared Taylor vs that wigger is from fucking years ago, innit?
Upgrading my CPU from a Ryzen 7 2700 Eight-Core Processor 8 Cores. what's good, my brothers?
>>430176 Nothing worse than wiggers. Taylor should have fucked that interview with McAnus off
>>430177 Budget?
>>430180 Up to about £250
>>430181 conquest of elysium 5 and dominions 6 (you can play them on ancient hardware) (yes I am playing them on my £3k retard machine)
oh you want a new cpu not you have a new cpu and want videogames seeing an abysmal farage binpost lowered my IQ tbh
https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-12996983 Most bizarre part of this story is why the fuck was a white woman living with an incel jeet for 10 fucking years keeek
>>430184 don't try to understand a woman's motivations lad that path leads only to madness
>>430184 she curryzoned him
>>430181 5800x3d?
>>430186 keeeek
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just got up
>>430189 my condolences
got a fat lip that's been annoying me all day smdh
>>430191 >he's turning into a nigger sorry to hear that lad >>430189 sorry to hear that lad
>>430192 smh we'll have to put him down before the symptom of stealing bikes kicks in.
>>430192 fell over and hit my face smh
3 hours sleep and I refuse to have my sleeping pattern to reverse so time for covfef.
>>430195 based no surrender
Sleep is for the weak and well rested.
>>430104 Like the paki that very deliberately ran over 3 white lads and got 14 years (likely paroled in 10) for manslaughter. Compared to Darren Osborn. Authority really does consistently view white lives as mattering the least. All this talk of war too. Honesty getting nuked would be a more dignified end, which is why that will never happen.
>>430198 No seethe now only (waking) dreams.
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Want Princess Kako gf
>>430201 you might have to try elsewhere lad don't think she poosts here
>>430202 You never know
Apparently she lived in the UK for a while when studying at the University of Leeds
Leeds is a crap city from what I recall
>>430198 Trying to find that quote from one of Churchill’s sponsors that said the strangest thing in the future would be the disappearance of white people. Saw it mentioned somewhere the other day
>>430201 Is she the one who decided to go live in New York?
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>>430208 >Chad O'Melia Even Chads aren't safe now. This is getting out of hand.
>>430208 >legalise da peaceful erb >also legalise any crime while smokin da peaceful erb
>>430213 not my problem
a lot of times I have tried taking vitamins and minerals to become healthier, never felt different. Now I just found out that the most common magnesium tablets contain magnesium in a shape that only has you absorb 4% of what it contains. *screams*
>>430215 it's just good business
>>430213 They can fuck right off. Not fiteing their wars will fite them though t. Hairy Krishna
>>430215 Citrate is best I heard
>>430218 based
>>430058 we can joke but the last thing lincoln ever experienced of this plane of existence before getting shot was his wife saying something cute and romantic to him at the play
what song do you think they are dancing to? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vlJAI62gFYU
Last PM of Britain before it is obliterated by nuclear hellfire will have been a poo Smh
>>430226 trump is kenough
>>430218 *kneels*
>can't escape sex scenes even in cartoons smh
>>430225 good object lesson for posterity
>Far-right activist Sam Melia found guilty of inciting hatred by sending out racist stickers >The 34-year-old was on trial following a raid at his Pudsey home on Town Street in April 2021 in which police uncovered a catalogue of downloadable stickers which were “intended to stir up racial hatred” and encouraged racially-aggravated criminal damage. >They also found a poster of Adolf Hitler on his wall and a book by the infamous British fascist, Oswald Mosley. >Melia, the Yorkshire organiser for far-right group Patriotic Alternative, was found guilty of stirring up racial hatred between 2019 and 2021 and intentionally encouraging or assisting racially-aggravated criminal damage by distributing material for the Hundred Handers. >The stickers included slogans such as: “Labour loves Muslim rape gangs”; “We will be a minority in our homeland by 2066”; “Mass immigration is white genocide”; and: “Second-generation? Third? Fourth? You have to go back". https://www.yorkshireeveningpost.co.uk/news/crime/pudsey-4490476 fuck this gay county tbh
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>>430234 >objectively true and reasonable statements >no incitement >not even any naughty slurs Shouldn't have been so daft. t. SA :^) RIP any political solutions.
>>430234 why even bother trying to remain within the law at this point if you are going to be found guilty of being a far right neo nazi either way
>>430234 >>430235 Grim grim grim >On conviction of an offence of inciting hatred, a prison sentence of up to six months’ imprisonment may be imposed by the magistrates, and/or a fine. In the serious cases, tried in the Crown Court, up to seven years’ imprisonment and/or a fine may be imposed. Anecdote from the other joke court case
>>430234 full of fabrications and exaggerations as usual and the jury of bussed in traitors and foreigners and/or mouthbreathing retards slopped it all up no sentence delivered yet so maybe he won't get more years in prison than a paki rapist would >>430238 hopefully he gets the lighter sentencing then they'll give him the full seven won't they
>can physically feel the seethe building up inside keeeeeeeeek
>>430207 No, that's Mako, her older sister. Kako is unmarried and is still a working royal.
>>430213 It won't be a draft though. They'll force those in the Army Reserve into full time service first. That's what you get for not reading the fine print in the contract.
>>430234 smh They’re gonna bang him up

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