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Obscure Lolis Anonymous 07/30/2021 (Fri) 00:34:40 Id: ef7f7f No. 15914
A thread for some obscure, exotic cake.
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I don't know if Teen Wolf is considered that obscure, but here's some Lupe
>>53218 Specifically this is the episode where Ohno wishes to become human. Usually she looks like this. Which is still quite cute.
If we're gonna reference 1980s lolis: (left) Themis from Ulysse 31 (right) Holly from Pound Puppies
>>53207 Anyways, your welcome!
>>53222 there wasn't the obligation to draw her bottom like a big cake, but here we are
>>53214 Your welcome!
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>>53246 Besides, Jill, you're all the time surrounded by other pair of dicks, leave her to have something, you greedy bitch.
Both obscure, both cute, both drawn by me right now. Heck, one of them has only two pieces of lewd fanart! The other, like five at most. Can you ecognize them? If you can't, that's of course my fault.
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>>53331 Left is Tracy Mcbean Right is Zoe from Zoe's zoo
Jane Dickey from "Welcome to Eltingville" pilot, she only appears for a few frames.
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Which swimsuit was better?
>>53424 THIRD!
>>53331 Cool! Remember ETN?
>>52820 Sauce on the French comic? Not many authors are so bold to add a topless teen to their work
>>53433 Well, not a teen but the comic is "Crimes sur mer" from the Ric Hochet series. Although in French comics little girls are often depicted topless on the beach.
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Having a topless girl on the cover of a magazine was pretty bold (even thought it is not unusual for them to be like that on the beach...) considering in previous issues gave them full swimsuits.
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Mayzie McGrew from Daisy-Head Mayzie
Freckles Marvel from The Kid Super Power Hour with Shazam. It's really funny that they gave a girl that small some boobies.
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>>53576 Tell me I'm not the only one who sees this... >funny that they gave a girl that small some boobies Yeah. They basically drew a very hot 20-something lady and made her small, then gave her a child head. Reminds me of that obscure Spanish comic strip where the little girl was just an adult except small.
>>53589 Rofl >Reminds me of that obscure Spanish comic strip where the little girl was just an adult except small. That with the tribe that fucks the whole family?
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>>53655 that perspective is funky as hell.
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Dot from "Dot goes Hollywood"
More from Momo
Yumi from Apocalypse of Devilman. The lack of fanart she gets is so disappointing.
>>53676 Sweet!
also yes, YES!, they did draw minas ass like that AND they did drew lou biting her lower lip - this is NOT fake, i swear it! the french are true lolicons!
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>>53690 go on ^^
>>53691 EEEE!!! THANK YOU!!!! *happily smacks Mina’s ass*
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Of course I can’t forget about Haide
>>53694 Even in panties, she has a cute tummy that is cute and a little plump

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