/fast/ - Sonic the Hedgehog

Sonic the Hedgehog discussion

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/fast/ on the Infinity Cup pledge Anonymous 09/08/2020 (Tue) 10:05:14 No. 22851 [Reply] >>25227 >>25307
Heyo guys, I have watched this year's cup and I was pondering if we could sort of like join in on the fun. I thought we could use 3d models, since they're readily available on sites like The Model Resources (example: https://www.models-resource.com/pc_computer/sonicheroes/ ) and we'd even have kits already made, like those from Virtua Strikers' SEGA FC. What do you guys think about it?
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>>22851 There seem to be a bunch of teams who won't be showing up in the next cup. Hypothetically, if /fast/ was picked as a replacement team, how many anons would watch them?
>>25227 >how many anons would watch them? Probably less than those that post, and that's close to 0 already.
>>22851 Hey /fast/ bros, could you touch up your roster page with pictures for all your players? Would help us figure out models for the next cup. https://infinitycup.miraheze.org/w/index.php?title=/fast//Roster&action=edit&redlink=1 Thanks!

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Post Amy! Anonymous 01/23/2018 (Tue) 00:23:29 No. 1085 [Reply] [Last]
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>>25231 Seems like her navel. Sadly not even their Patreon has any behind-the-scenes stuff showing below the cutoff, just some concept art and animatic. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GwwvhOehvvU
Either way, I yearn for as many upskirts of Amy as this board will allow.

Fanfic/Writefaggotry Thread Anonymous 08/06/2018 (Mon) 01:45:27 No. 2924 [Reply]
Post your favorite stories, fanfics, greentexts, and new writing here. Small collection of Anon-penned stories here: https://pastebin.com/w88ZRNzi
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Reviving this old thread to shill my own shit I'm working on. >https://rentry.co/ikbpy >https://rentry.co/szaqo >https://rentry.co/TMaO-Ch3-v02 All WIP, none of the chapters are considered "finished" yet. Basic info before you decide you want to dive in: >main character is Eggette, but she's named "Omletta" in the story. >the world is a reimagining of the darker parts of the classic era mixed in with some of the cheerier stuff (The Land of Darkness and Land of the Sky exist, and the main cast from the OVA are referenced and planned to have major roles later) >the tone is currently dark and doesn't shy away from semi-realistic violence, but I don't think it goes into "edgy" territory nearly as much as others stories might in that regard
>>25194 Oops, I accidentally posted an outdated version of Chapter 2. Here's the newest version so far: https://rentry.co/TMaO-Ch2-v06 The ending of the chapter is a little different.
Looking for feedback on a story I'm starting to write. It's a sci-fi one dealing with Silver, staying in his new future and trying to protect it instead of time-traveling the whole time. Sort of gearing up to be mostly military fiction, working to fight the Eggman Empire. Finished the prologue and the first 3 chapters so far. https://rentry.co/brt2u https://rentry.co/2dsat https://rentry.co/v6iru https://rentry.co/sk86n

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Meta thread Anonymous 07/23/2018 (Mon) 04:35:37 No. 2547 [Reply] [Last]
Hello everyone. I recently claimed the board and a couple of anons were interested in having a meta thread, so here it is. Please use it to suggest and discuss changes to the board (such as changes in banners and other special images, board features, or rules), to (eventually) discuss moderation, or any other topic concerning the board. If you're curious about me, I was on /sthg/ from its creation in 2014 until a few months ago, and now I'm here every day contemplating the fast. I've always been low profile so I've never used a name, and I plan to keep it like that. Please enjoy the board and let me know if there's anything I can do for you guys.
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Hi BO, thanks for reply >>25249 >I'm not sure what you mean I mean to become affiliated boards so we put eachother in the board message, just like our pals at /digi/
>>25252 Thanks for the suggestion, but I think it might be best to wait a few weeks and see where the board goes.
>>25254 Aight, thx

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Anonymous 04/14/2016 (Thu) 07:54:19 No. 767 [Reply]
welp, looks like this board is dead fuck
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>>25096 >I was there they were praising Sonic 06 like it were some "hidden" or "underrated" gem based >>25093 if 4chan then yes
>>25093 >>25098 When I left eons ago there were some cool collaborations with other generals.
>>25096 >It seems they haven't played Rush either since they thought her story in 06 is canon. It is canon. It's just a huge fucking contradiction that has never been addressed. Same thing with Eggman Nega in Rush vs Eggman Nega in Rivals. Both are canon, they just contradict each other. And yes, it's easy for fans to come up with headcanon explanations, but while some Sonic games have subtle lore that explains cool things like that, these cases don't come off like that. They come off like Sonic Team or whoever else just fucked up.

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ITT: Post a character without actually posting them Anonymous 01/23/2018 (Tue) 01:17:31 No. 1143 [Reply]
I'll start
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>>25095 That's not spinning, this is!
Someone had to do it.
I hate you! You guys always leave me behind and have all the fun!

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sonic YT animations Anonymous 03/31/2022 (Thu) 17:04:07 No. 24881 [Reply]
Name sonic content creators that are actually good. My favorite is kalabor106, I also really liked mugimikeys old ytp's (his modern videos seem a bit too try hard). What are some yt channels you would recommend /fast/? Screw using the general thread any activity here is good.
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>>24885 incredibly based
>>24887 no u
Back2s0ul. Literally has soul in their name

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/sthg/ - Sonic The Hedgehog General Anonymous 06/23/2021 (Wed) 04:41:48 No. 24181 [Reply] [Last]
Welcome to the Sonic General! Here we discuss all things Sonic! /sthg/ #41 - 30th Anniversary Edition Stay in, stay safe!: https://www.who.int/emergencies/diseases/novel-coronavirus-2019/advice-for-public <Sonic News> >Sonic Anniversary Symphony Announced, Takes Place on 2021/06/23 at 12 PM Pacific/15:00 Eastern/19:00 UTC! Watch it on https://youtube.com/sonic / https://twitch.tv/sonic >Sonic Colors Ultimate Announced, Brings Some New Features and an Animation: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z3MCqTdsVKc
>Next Sonic Main Game Codenamed Sonic Rangers Scheduled for 2022. >Sonic DLC for Minecraft Announced: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hxTV4_skGrA
>A Sonic Collection Featuring Sonic 1, 2, 3&K, and CD Has Been Announced. They'll run natively, Support Widescreen Resolutions and Come With New features. https://archive.is/WTznT

Message too long. Click here to view full text.

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I hope I didn't fuck up >>25124 >>25124
>>25125 bretty good, thanks
>>25125 You did good, but I have a question. What's up with the Fleetway Sonic archive? It's supposed to have over 200 comics but it only has like 55. It's been that way even before the link was changed.

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>>22434 I came across this years ago, and found it again by pure chance (it already ended in case you'll ask). http://exterminatusnow.co.uk/ It's already branched out enough to be it's own unique thing, and some of the earlier issues might put you off slightly. It was made a decade ago by a bunch of Warhammer 40K Forum Junkies who quickly became good friends, and decided to do their own unique take on Mobius by combining it with Warhammer a bit. A fair warning, all characters in this are unique, there's not so much as a Sonic Cameo since they planned for it to be as original as possible.
I've got a new one today: -Son of Mobius by "MobianMonster" It's basically a SatAM/Archie Robotnik Prequel Story. Detailing what happened from when he defected (and survived) with Snively to when he took over the world. What I like about it are all of the small details and gags never explained in the original mediums, like Robotnik's first robotization attempts, why his eyes are black, why his ears are mechanical and how all of the Overlanders seemingly "disappeared" after the attempted attack on Knothole. It's a fantastic little read if you're the least bit of a fan of either Archie or SatAM. There's no Cover Art unfortunately: https://www.deviantart.com/mobianmonster/art/Son-of-Mobius-page-01-156984514

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Fangames/ROMhacks Anonymous 02/24/2015 (Tue) 06:30:58 No. 388 [Reply] [Last]
So what's the best fangame stuff out there right now, aside from BTS/ATS?
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>>22279 Might be cool.
>>18758 It's made by the same guy, so it's technically a re-work.
Aimbot esp hit box size 9999999

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What could have been. Anonymous 12/24/2020 (Thu) 23:31:49 No. 23512 [Reply]
Concepts and alternate universes. I've seen some pretty neat things over the years both official and fanmade.
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>>23519 That Rouge is very cute but what the hell is up with her shoes? Rouge is a woman that demands the best of the best and she looks like she's wearing tattered socks.
>>24293 >very cute what the fuck are you on, man. That's a hideous entity with terribly ill-fit hits for the overall body. If you want it that wide, you really need to widen more of the torso or it looks retarded. But mile wide shoulders Knuckles right off to the side does make for a funny comparison that would make it work not as terribly in the show. Narrow upper body and spindly arms compared to Knuck's massive arms and shoulders and his spindle legs and hips supporting it all it's a funny mirror, but it is not a cute design in its own right. It's comedic, it's whacky cartoon design. You're smokin' something if that has any appeal

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Anonymous 01/09/2019 (Wed) 07:41:17 No. 11561 [Reply] [Last] >>24629
I honestly can't get enough of this. I was 10 when SA2 came out. And over the years, Rouge's breasts have grown with me. Does anyone else suffer from Rouge Fever?
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>>11561 No thanks, I don't want the Main lands commie Kung Flu.
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>>24629 >see OP >something about bat fever >posted right before chink flu became a thing >yfw /fast/ was responsible for the pooh achoo

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DRAWTHREAD Anonymous 12/04/2014 (Thu) 22:24:08 No. 46 [Reply] [Last]
hey board owner
how're we supposed to get this board going if we don't even have oekaki
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Since there's already these two Bloodborne X Sonic crossover pics how about another one with Tails with some sort of Powder Kegs style getup.
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>>24544 This could be cool too. We must perform some sort of ritual to summon the drawfags.
Requesting Kit the Fennec’s back without his backpack

Sonic Related Dreams Anonymous 01/09/2019 (Wed) 18:40:01 No. 11569 [Reply]
I made this thread, because I've had my first Sonic related dream that I can thoroughly remember! >be me >in the perspective of Tails >Sonic, Amy, and I are all at a beach that resembles a mix of the more habitable parts of Wave Ocean or Emerald Coast >Sonic and I pretty much grind on the wind things from 06 except they're made of water >I eventually fall off into the water and hesitate to swim >the current begins to get really strong >oh_shit.jpg >can't move >pass by Amy, and she doesn't even notice me >Sonic to the rescue! >somehow Sonic begins to swim towards me, which garners the attention of amy >we eventually get pulled by the current til we're falling off the edge of the map >while we are falling into nothingness the world starts glitching >we then make it to Green Hill Zone somehow And then the dream ended
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>>21194 I couldn't find it, it's old as hell. It basically parodied 4chan becoming a SJW sanctuary or something to that extent.
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I had this one dream a few years ago related to Sonic, being inside the Chao Garden with a rail going from the ground to the sky with some chao running and walking around.
The only Sonic-related dream I can remember is that I once had a dream where Arin, Dan, and Brian reformed Starbomb with TWRP and did a cover of the Sonic Heroes theme.

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Sonaze Hint? Anonymous 12/08/2020 (Tue) 21:35:48 No. 23418 [Reply] >>24484
What did the Official Sonic mean by this?
>>23418 It means Spark 3 will be the best 3D Sonic game ever made

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Iizuka, please retire already. Anonymous 10/28/2020 (Wed) 18:47:48 No. 23183 [Reply] >>24483
How long until this idiot gets the boot?
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>>23233 Yeah, Mania being it's own game is way better than if it just ended up as a couple of bonus levels. Still, i am annoyed by the fact that Iizuka's thought proccess is "can you keep these zones but do Classic Sonic Generations as well" instead od "can you come up with more levels to turn it into a full game"
>>24237 Mania was good and successful. Make no mistake, this was an embarrassment to SEGA, much as Donkey Kong Country was to Nintendo back in the day.
>>23183 Get rid of him and the guy who casts the voices at SEGA USA, holy shit.

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