/fast/ - Sonic the Hedgehog

Sonic the Hedgehog discussion

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Sonic Mania Plus – Dev Diary Anonymous 07/06/2018 (Fri) 19:38:37 No. 2383 [Reply]
Part 1 of Sonic Mania Plus' Dev Diary has just been released. This part focuses on the art and design of Sonic Mania Plus.

Anonymous 01/23/2018 (Tue) 00:37:59 No. 1102 [Reply]
Edit, Lineart and Color Thread Post sketches or images you want to have linearts, inks, colors, and/or edits of, and anons will work their magic on them. Despite OP, sfw is allowed as well
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>>1865 >>1866 L-lewd!
>>1843 I have a question. What makes you do this? I've seen your handiwork everywhere. Every time, the same thing: an ass shot of Blaze in her Riders outfit. Why? Why that pose? Why that costume? Why that character? Why are you obsessed with this one specific picture?
>>2064 Blaze has an ass worth drawing

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Let's solve this question, /fast/ Anonymous 01/23/2018 (Tue) 00:15:01 No. 1079 [Reply]
Who was in the wrong here?
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>>1542 Oh shut ur right
>>1080 That's incredibly rude, anon.

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8CHANMANIA Anonymous 04/30/2018 (Mon) 02:34:49 No. 1524 [Reply] [Last]
What is it? /v/ Nominates 32 fighters to fight for the Champion's Belt and a chance to fight in the 33rd Mania where their deepest wish will be granted. This week we're having a site wide event and we want YOU to nominate a fighter, so please pick who you think represents the board the most, and then come join us at https://cytu.be/r/8chanmania on Saturday May 6th at 2pm EST to watch your fighters win!
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>>1816 Time passes by too quickly. Really doesn't feel like 4 years are about to pass. /sthg/ will probably keep going forever or until 4chan shuts down. Either or.
>>1817 I know, I can't believe it. It all feels like yesterday. >/sthg/ will probably keep going forever or until 4chan shuts down. Either or. Or until they get trolled too hard and the general gets banned from the board. But yeah, it's gotten too big to just stop.
>>1819 I can only see that if they hit ultra furry porn levels and that really isn't a big problem there right now.

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Heavies Anonymous 01/23/2018 (Tue) 00:06:29 No. 1072 [Reply]
Opinions on best bots?
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>>1641 Nah just PS4 in Europe. Still incompetency, though.
>>1642 Oh. By the way, I was talking about Mania's Steam launch in >>1639.
>>1643 I know, anon. They fucked it up real bad.

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*schlorp* Anonymous 04/14/2018 (Sat) 00:10:36 No. 1465 [Reply]
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>>1471 Only if they're ultra rare Shadow pictures that haven't been posted to death.
>>1471 Yes, yes he is. Now post more dark hog.
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>>1490 Good

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Anonymous 02/06/2018 (Tue) 22:49:50 No. 1323 [Reply] >>1324
>>1323 I'm still not completely sure what the fuck this is and most importantly why it is everywhere. It seems like the most retarded thing to trend in a while.

I want another storybook game Anonymous 01/23/2018 (Tue) 00:16:59 No. 1082 [Reply]
Also, Lancelot is cool!
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>>1103 >Sonic with a cowboy hat >Riding a horse …yes
>>1104 >>1104 >>Riding a horse >whorse >whore I am not well.
>>1103 I believe that there was a poll held on (((Facebook))) when Sonic and the Black Knight was released asking people what they'd hoped the next addition to the storybook series was and the option with the most votes was Homer's Odyssey. It would be awesome to see a boss fight with the Kraken where Sonic has to get close to his weak spot by running on one of its many large tentacles.

Anonymous 01/23/2018 (Tue) 00:26:06 No. 1088 [Reply]
What's up fellow /sthg/ anons. How y'all doin' tonight?
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>>1127 /sonich/ is dead nigga
>>1159 Hm. RIP. There isn't an equivalent that's sprung up?
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>>1159 >>>/sonich/ Works for me.

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>Can't post images Anonymous 01/23/2018 (Tue) 00:06:30 No. 1073 [Reply]
Hi, /sthg/
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>>1091 Our Lord and Savior, the true creator and father of Knuckles the Echidna, and the savior of the Sonic series, Ken Penders is a fantastic being. Through his masterful writing on Archie Sonic, Ken was able to elevate Sonic beyond it's failure as a videogame, and created something truly groundbreaking and ahead of it's time. It can be said that Ken's tenure on the Archie Sonic series was the best years of Sonic the Hedgehog. However, the vile creature Ian Flynn seduced Archie and caused Penders to leave the comic. Soon they degraded in quality, and eventually died. Ian Flynn still seeks to continue his villainous ways at IDW. Despite all this however, Ken was able to save some characters from those bastards at Archie during his court case against them. Penders is truly a man who thinks for the fans. Currently Ken Penders is working on THE REPUBLIC™ (2018), as well as THE LARA-SU CHRONICLES™ (2018), which will be released on an app with full voice acting. Ken is breaking new ground here, and will shape the comics industry once more. I would recommend reading the chapters regarding the vengeful spirit, otherwise known as Ben Hurst. It follows the conception of Sonic Armageddon and is quite an enlightening read.
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>>1091 >>1121 >these posts
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>>1091 If you insist.

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Anonymous 05/19/2017 (Fri) 06:20:16 No. 972 [Reply] >>980
>Board called Fast >People posting that slow ass sonic faggot >Not the literal avatar of speed itself
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>>976 >>>>/v/12589461 Oh, maybe it was that. In any case, I welcome the delicious new activity.
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>>972 >the literal avatar of speed itself Nope.
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>>980 The Flash is faster than the god of speed.

Anonymous 01/27/2015 (Tue) 04:25:34 No. 239 [Reply] >>974
Who is Sonic's Lightning?
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Come on now, tell me she isn't cute
>>239 Wisps Were introduced in the 7th gen, go against most of the defining themes of the series, and won't go away.

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Egbaus Thread Anonymous 07/12/2016 (Tue) 20:40:09 No. 783 [Reply]
So, now that they all have been introduced… what does /fast/ think of the egg bosses? Are you intrigued? Pleased? Annoyed? Wary? Have you identified any waifus or husbandos in the ranks? How do you feel about their powers? Their cybernetics? Their designs? Their personalities? Any theories or predictions?
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I want to FUCK Clove!
I like the new Egg Bosses. They're a much more cohesive unit than that clusterfuck known as the Dark Egg Legions.

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Project Sonic 2017 General Anonymous 01/10/2017 (Tue) 00:44:40 No. 848 [Reply] >>849
Since this was announced a while ago, how about we have a Project Sonic 2017 general. What characters would you like to see come back? What game play elements would you like to see be introduced or brought back from previous titles? What are your hopes for what the plot will be like? Discuss.
>>848 Sorry for being shallow, but I mostly want it to be good. I don't want them to disappoint. I'd much rather the game to be the fast side, though. Provided those things were granted, I'd probably want Shadow to be back being playable in some form, as he could bring some interesting, different things to the table, without having to completely ditch the idea behind the main gameplay, which should obviously be strong and polished. I think it'd be best if they either ditched the boost or changed it up quite a bit, provided they can find something that works just as well or even better. As much as I had fun with the boost games, that game mechanic did get boring fast and didn't leave a lot for replayability. I would also really like if they could give the players a bit more freedom in the stages. Generations and Unleashed had such big, gorgeous stages, but you could never do anything in them, you had to stay in the "track" and they almost never allowed you to get away from it into more interesting parts. It's probably a bad idea from a design standpoint, since it's something on the side of the main game and something that would probably be quite costly to implement, but it'd be nice nonetheless. Maybe there's a compromise that could be reached. Modern Seaside Hill was sort of nice in this regard, the first part at least. You could go several different ways in that first area, and exploring it revealed different new paths. Regarding plot, I have no idea. I just want it to be good, engaging, smart, and coherent. So, basically the opposite of what it has been. pls tell me they ditched P&G it's gonna be a massive turn off if they didn't. Oh, and fucking please, this is Modern's fucking game. Some character action is okay, but if they try to take the spotlight away from him and make this about some new literally who or, fuck, Boom Sonic, I'm gonna be pissed alright. What do you think about alternative ways of telling the story? So far we've mostly had the story be told through cutscenes, is that enough? Would it be a good idea to try different things? It'd probably demand a very different game than we're used to.
>>849 Honestly, I would like see a return of multiple playable characters in this game. Where they create three core game play styles based around the Speed, Flight and Power type classifications from prior games. As for characters I would like to see, that would be Sonic (duh), Tails, Knuckles, Amy, Cream, Big, Shadow, Rouge, Omega, Espio, Charmy, Vector, Jet, Wave, Storm, Silver, Blaze, Marine, Honey, Ray, Mighty, Fang, Bean, Bark, Antoine, Bunnie, Rotor, Sally, Nicole, Cosmo, Lupe, Ben, Dulcy, Manic, Sonia and/or Sticks. It would be nice if all were playable. But if most of them were just NPCs with prominent roles, I'd be fine with that as well. At least with that, Sega would show that they acknowledge the existence of a lot of the forgotten characters.
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Anonymous 11/13/2014 (Thu) 08:22:11 No. 1 [Reply] [Last]
Best Sonic comic ever.
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>>787 We need updates for all of the current fics.
>>788 Here's updates on all of my fics: http://pastebin.com/KfBGJJXB - Antoine/Bunnie part 3 http://pastebin.com/Jtt4nvTh - Antoine/Bunnie part FINAL http://pastebin.com/HNsUrhft - Sonic/Sally http://pastebin.com/nMSuEkYv - Sticks/Human http://pastebin.com/XWzidqFa - Tails/Rouge
>>789 hoT

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Adventures Of Sonic The Hedgehog Anonymous 02/03/2015 (Tue) 12:21:19 No. 307 [Reply] [Last]
Discuss the show, share art, stories, screencaps, YTPs etc.
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