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Sonic the Hedgehog discussion

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/sthg/ - Sonic The Hedgehog General Anonymous 05/10/2019 (Fri) 03:14:18 No. 15455 [Reply] [Last] >>15456
Welcome to the Sonic the Hedgehog General! Here we discuss all things Sonic! /sthg/ #28 - Realistic Hogs Edition IDW Sonic issues sell-out https://www.sonicstadium.org/2019/05/idws-sonic-comics-sell-out-again/ Sonic The Hedgehog Movie Trailer Released https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FvvZaBf9QQI
Mario & Sonic at the Tokyo 2020 Olympic Games to be released later this year https://twitter.com/tssznews/status/1111807221548175360 Mobile version of the game also to be released https://twitter.com/tssznews/status/1111807307221032960 Team Sonic Racing Overdrive

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>>16059 Got ya covered: >>16061
>>16062 Awesome thread, thanks!

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TSR in-character interviews with Nintendo Dream Anonymous 05/01/2019 (Wed) 07:08:03 No. 15038 [Reply]
Just a place to keep the TSR interviews so as not to clog up /sthg/. First up, Team Sonic's interview!
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I'd also like to give a shoutout to @SonicJPNews for translating these. I did some brief corrections, but the majority of the work was theirs, and you can find their TSR translations and more at sonicjpnews.blogspot.com
>>15914 Thanks for posting the translations, anon!
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>>15913 Thanks for posting them anon.

Anonymous 12/09/2014 (Tue) 03:22:46 No. 53 [Reply] >>279
Just went ahead and bought this a couple of days ago, thoughts on the game? Also, Sonic Games general I guess.
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I had wicked bad Sonic autism as a teen but I dropped off after Heroes.
Picked up Generations a couple months ago and just about busted a nut. When did these games get fun again?
I'm still waiting for them to be fun again.
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Does anyone have the technical know how for getting games like sonic eraser onto a genesis without homemade cartridges. From what I know about the game (which isn't alot) you had to download it off of an internet extension for the mega drive (jp). My own Genesis has a port for it, because it was an original display console made when they were still considering bringing the modem to the US.

/sthg/ - Sonic The Hedgehog General Anonymous 04/18/2019 (Thu) 20:50:50 No. 14754 [Reply] [Last] >>14755
Welcome to the Sonic the Hedgehog General! Here we discuss all things Sonic! /sthg/ #27 - Espio is Cool >Sonic News< TWO Sonic movie trailers shown at Cinemacon, public trailer coming soon https://www.ign.com/articles/2019/04/04/sonic-the-hedgehog-cinemacon-footage-reveals-plot-details-setting-and-jim-carreys-robotnik https://twitter.com/iamtikasumpter/status/1113894076930088960 Mario & Sonic at the Tokyo 2020 Olympic Games to be released later this year https://twitter.com/tssznews/status/1111807221548175360 Mobile version of the game also to be released https://twitter.com/tssznews/status/1111807307221032960 Team Sonic Racing Overdrive: Part 1 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7Ht0pdsz2hI
TSR Customization Trailer

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>>15449 You can trade chao via link cable between the gamecube versions of the adventure games and the gba advance games >>15448 It was kind of the opposite for me. I learned about the existence of the sonic advance games from a friend while discussing chao. s he let me borrow their copy of advance 2 and import the exclusive eggs
NEW THREAD >>15455
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>>15456 Thanks for the new thread anon.

Anonymous 05/04/2015 (Mon) 00:25:32 No. 534 [Reply] >>13794 >>15427
Tamest picture you've ever been b& for?
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>>534 >>/funnykiss/ Go back to /sonich/ or /d/
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Anonymous 11/10/2016 (Thu) 04:06:12 No. 792 [Reply] [Last]
Man, /sthg/ has been really unbearable lately. Though it feels like it's been like a streak of shitposting that started a bit before the namefag showed up. It upsets me. I feel we could have a really nice thing going on otherwise, and I really want that.
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>>15099 Tell me about it, I was the OP of this thread 3 years ago and I think it's coming to 2 years since I've last set foot on 4chan. I can't believe it's been that long. Forgot TC had posted in this thread, pretty cool.
>>15103 I'm seriously considering leaving halfchan's sthg for a while, at least until some major new game gets announced. Jannies seem to be almost non existant on /vg/ at the moment.
>>15118 Well, if I did it I'm sure you can too. Back before I left there were very few posts worth reading so I wasn't really paying a lot of attention to the thread and after I left I didn't really look back. You eventually get used to the slower board.

/sthg/ - Sonic The Hedgehog General Anonymous 03/18/2019 (Mon) 19:58:55 No. 14002 [Reply] [Last] >>14003
Welcome to the Sonic the Hedgehog General! Here we discuss all things Sonic! /sthg/ #26 - Chao Racing Edition TSR Animated Short Series - Team Sonic Racing Overdrive https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7Ht0pdsz2hI
Team Sonic Racing Customization Trailer https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xyuunXb4gCc
TSR OST - Bingo Party https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Kt5arDNr9-g
"Theme of Knuckles" Mania Adventures Remix https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-ueBs5bebyU
>General Interest Links<

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>>14752 >>14751 Sweet. >>14749 Funny enough, most places I've been in have had people that were either Sonic fans themselves, or didn't really mind the games.
>>14754 New Bread >>14754
>>14755 Oh, thanks anon!

/fast/: THE FANGAME Anonymous 03/12/2019 (Tue) 21:45:03 No. 13812 [Reply] [Last]
1: Idea guy edition Let's see where this takes us.
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>>14143 >>14142 That reminds me: SS68 has gone AWOL. Whatever he's doing nowadays, he's pretty much gone from Discord. I don't know of any other way to contact him outside of YT.
>>14144 I recently seen him post on the video here >>14090 so he's still around. I guess he's taking a break from Discord now?
>>14143 Mainly just using the BE to get a sense of around it. If need be, I can list down any potential problems the controls so they can be worked on. >>14144 >>14145 Hmm. If he is taking a break from Discord, i guess he can be contacted on any site he's recently used.

Anonymous 04/25/2018 (Wed) 19:56:12 No. 1494 [Reply] >>1496
Any #34 yet?
>>1494 Of Tangle? Yeah man, plenty.
Was this thread really that important

Anonymous 02/24/2015 (Tue) 03:55:56 No. 386 [Reply]
>is totally okay with nepotism
>says her friends can't discriminate against an obviously evil man
>Drops her friends to work with a villain because she craves attention for her efforts
>claims someone is sexist because she gets a shitty job

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What episode is this?
>>13791 I think they're talking about different episodes. Second point of >>404 might be the first episode while the third may be episode 6 of first season, Fortress of Squalitude. Also >post 404 neat.jpg
>>13839 Thanks

Anonymous 02/26/2019 (Tue) 02:04:16 No. 13329 [Reply] [Last] >>13331
Welcome to the Sonic The Hedgehog General. Here we discuss all things Sonic! /sthg/ #25 - Clobber Edition >Sonic News< SXSW Sonic panel planned for March 16 https://schedule.sxsw.com/2019/events/PP102317 Team Sonic Racing OST - Frozen Junkyard https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m7OjPRW1jUs
Sonic Mania Adventures Papercraft Shorts https://twitter.com/sonic_hedgehog/status/1086024824357453824 https://twitter.com/sonic_hedgehog/status/1096134691650846721 Mania devs create new development studio called Evening Star

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>>13993 Great minds think alike
>>13969 You may now bump again: >>14002
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>>14003 Thanks for the new thread!

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Anonymous 12/15/2014 (Mon) 06:50:42 No. 107 [Reply] >>781
Would anybody be interested if I dumped short arcs on weekends?
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>>107 Even though this board is pretty dead, there's no harm in doing it anyway. The only way to liven it up around here is to increase traffic. There's no reason for people to check here often right now, so they only check once in a while. Regularly dumping arcs would be something that people might check in more often for. "If you build it, they will come." (…Maybe.)
>>202 Source? please?

Anonymous 11/23/2016 (Wed) 03:30:16 No. 813 [Reply]
Does anyone else like to keep up with the Japanese side of the fanbase? Like Japanese Sonic events, Japanese Sonic artists and Sonic meetups, and other assorted Sonic things that go on in Japan? I love to keep an eye on that stuff even if I don't understand shit. Anyway, if anyone else does that I'd love to share discoveries and cool things. There's a lot of interesting stuff.
No, but if I were to learn Japanese I would make an effort to try and keep up.
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>mfw I was about to reply to OP but then it slowly hit me >I am OP Damn, this was a long time ago. In more recent news, Sega announced a Japanese fan meetup for the end of the month. I think I remember them doing this thing before where they hold an event in JP or the west to announce things and then they hold an event in the other part of the world to do the official announcement in those territories of the things previously announced elsewhere. I think that's how they did it with Sonic Project 2017, for example, so maybe that's their plan for SXSW and this event and we might get a bigger announcement than expected at SXSW, thought the lack of bigger names at the panel would seem to indicate not.
>>13502 >Japanese fan meetup Nice. I don't keep up much with the JP side of the fanbase but I have heard some neat things about them. They also make some pretty cool fanart, which I always appreciate

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/sthg/ - Sonic The Hedgehog General Anonymous 02/08/2019 (Fri) 00:00:35 No. 12712 [Reply] [Last]
Welcome to the Sonic The Hedgehog General. Here we discuss all things Sonic! /sthg/ #24 - Season of Love Edition >Sonic News< Sonic The Hedgehog panel announced for 2019 SXSW https://nintendoeverything.com/sonic-the-hedgehog-panel-confirmed-for-sxsw-2019-announcements-teased/ Green Light Ride (Short version) - Theme Song of Team Sonic Racing https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XWFOcegKMn8
Sonic Mania Adventures Part 6 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UpfIblkRspQ
Sonic Annual coming in March, includes a cover by Yuji Uekawa https://comicbook.com/2018/12/20/exclusive-sonic-hedgehog-annual-yuji-uekawa-cover/

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>>13325 We kind of don't. It's an entire board dedicated to Sonic. We still have old threads lingering around the top pages
>>13325 We need a baker
>>13329 New Thread >>13329

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/sthg/ - Sonic The Hedgehog General Anonymous 01/22/2019 (Tue) 00:36:35 No. 12040 [Reply] [Last]
Welcome to the Sonic The Hedgehog General. Here we discuss all things Sonic! /sthg/ #23 - Fun Allowed Edition >Sonic News< Green Light Ride (Short version) - Theme Song of Team Sonic Racing https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XWFOcegKMn8
Sonic Mania Adventures Part 6 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UpfIblkRspQ
Sonic Annual coming in March, includes a cover by Yuji Uekawa https://comicbook.com/2018/12/20/exclusive-sonic-hedgehog-annual-yuji-uekawa-cover/ Sonic Team is dead https://twitter.com/Tracker_TD/status/1074375349960630273

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>>12713 Thanks for baking anon.
>>12711 The toned deer tum
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>>12732 Oh, right. I don't know why I never thought of that.

Mods thread Anonymous 02/06/2019 (Wed) 07:33:07 No. 12616 [Reply]
Post about game mods of any kind. Level mods, model swaps, lighting changes, anything. If you do, links would be preferred so that others can download and enjoy them as well. Here is the link for pic related. These are Heroes levels ported to SADX. https://gamebanana.com/gamefiles/6688
Infinite v3 mod https://gamebanana.com/skins/162588 Self explanatory, lets you play as Infinite. It feels nice doing that since he didn't get the best treatment in Forces so now he gets to do something here.
Amy Rose in Sonic Mania. After the Mania Plus Adventures Holiday special, I imagine we'll see Amy in a future Mania title. If we get one https://gamebanana.com/skins/158264

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