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/sthg/ - Sonic The Hedgehog General Anonymous 03/14/2020 (Sat) 15:16:29 No. 20345
Welcome to the Sonic the Hedgehog General! Here we discuss all things Sonic! /sthg/ #36 - Murder En Masse Edition Stay in, stay safe!: https://www.who.int/emergencies/diseases/novel-coronavirus-2019/advice-for-public <Sonic News> >Sonic The Hedgehog: The Movie is out now! >IDW Sonic Issue 27 available on March 25 2020 >SXSW cancelled, Sonic panel content to be deployed in a new format in April: https://twitter.com/sonic_hedgehog/status/1236100389679722496?s=20 >Sonic Movie becomes highest grossing video game movie of all time: https://www.forbes.com/sites/scottmendelson/2020/03/14/sonic-biggest-video-game-movie-jim-carrey-pokemon-ryan-reynolds-tomb-raider-angelina-jolie-warcraft-box-office/#355baa0f4f5c >New IDW Sonic mini-series confirmed after Tangle & Whisper is finished: http://www.tssznews.com/2019/10/04/idw-publishing-20-years-and-beyond-panel-news/ >Phantasy Star Online 2 Sonic The Hedgehog founder's pack is on the way: https://www.siliconera.com/a-phantasy-star-online-2-sonic-the-hedgehog-founders-pack/ >April Sonic Channel Wallpaper Hint: https://youtu.be/9abGDvOF0eY <General Interest Links> >General Link Compilation: https://pastebin.com/iu99Tb2s >/sthg/ booru: http://sthg.booru.org/ >/sthg/ cytube channel: https://cytu.be/r/sthg >IDW Sonic Comics: https://mega.nz/#F!65oBCaoQ!8lkn8JebzaZensDJbLxDeg Previous Zone: >>19789
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>>20905 Has a staff member ever taken part in a fan production before? Well, except for Aaron I guess, with the whole BBFA3 although that never actually saw the light of day. According to https://twitter.com/doryannelson/status/1253447042589962242 seems there are going to be several episodes and that there are going to be other characters, and given that they're calling it a radio drama it seems it's going to be voice acting only. I Doubt there will be other official VAs though, that'd get awkward quick if some were invited and some replaced by former VAs or fans. I love this Sonic btw.
>>20908 Yeah, it makes me wonder if SEGA gave Pollock their blessing to be a part of this, though. I could be wrong, but isn't there some kind of rule about official staff working on fan material?
>>20909 I was under the impression that there was, and I even remember hearing somewhere that VAs have to sign papers stating that they can't use the voice of their characters outside of official productions because the characters belong to companies and the voice is part of the character, or something to that extent. But I've never been able to find where I've heard that mentioned and some other things I've seen contradict this so I don't even know anymore. I also remember Aaron trying hard to not talk about specific fangames on the streams but after that he went and did the BBFA3 thing so again I have no idea. Seems every rule has its exceptions.
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>>20907 >cute sonics All I see is ice cream sonic
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>>20907 >Penders contributing something worthwhile Has hell frozen over or something? What's going on? Are we safe?
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>>20913 >ice cream sonic It peeves me to a great extent how popular and widespread that meme got, it has no reason to be that popular, it's just a stupid and crappy looking ice cream bar.
>>20915 >spoiler I had one a long time 20 years ago and have been dying to try one again (pic related as well). I made that comparison as the cute sonic drawings reminded me of the ice cream. I wasn't aware the sonic ice cream was popular on the internet as a meme(?).
>>20917 >20 years ago Damn, I didn't know those ice cream bars have been around for so long. But yes, they're really popular, I remember seeing pictures of someone in a convention dressed as one and I think even the official twitter memed about it once or twice.
>>20914 >"Even a Broken Clock Is Right Twice a Day"
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>>20904 Those are amazing references, thanks!
>>20915 Cute Sloth!
>>20915 I think part of the reason was just that the way the eyes were shaped (as well as the image of the Sonic ice cream bar melting) providing reaction image material >>20922 Those are some nice pics! Any source on the ones without a watermark? I might wanna give 'em a follow
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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lCP5zewZFjM >>20910 I remember Mike Pollock being very specific about not doing his eggman voice when he did an interview for SAGE.
>>20926 Thanks, anon!
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>>20929 >he did the voice for the Mayor of the Sonic Boom village His best voice so far
Seems someone created >>>/jsr/ Not interested myself but I think some of you might be
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Holy shit this is great.
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>>20938 I remember seeing some old AOSTH YTPs during the old cartoon marathons, they were pretty humorous. Although I'm kinda surprised that there were so many made over the years.
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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8RfMIjbicNE >>20939 Speaking of YTPs, the same guy makes them to this day (this is his recent video).
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>>20937 I didn't even know there were others. hedgehog stew>skydiving>>>>>win the race
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>>20942 What would Super Amy's hammer look like?
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>>20941 WereAmy's hammer having spikes is cute as all hell. Tbh, since the hammer already fits the gold & red aesthetic of Super Amy, so I can see Amy having a beeg fuckin' Piko Piko Hammer
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>>20946 Characters in werehog style are cute. Wish that artist gave WereAmy spikes on her bracelet too. I've kinda slowly started to love spiky bracelets.
>>20943 Spiky bracelets are a great look, tbh. I also like the little fangs Sally has in that panel
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we sinkin'
>>20950 I'd make the new thread, but I'm about to pass out. Another anon can do the honors, if they want
>>20951 Will do.
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>>20951 Night then anon.
>>20952 Thanks! >>20953 Night anon.

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