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/sthg/ - Sonic The Hedgehog General Anonymous 03/14/2020 (Sat) 15:16:29 No. 20345
Welcome to the Sonic the Hedgehog General! Here we discuss all things Sonic! /sthg/ #36 - Murder En Masse Edition Stay in, stay safe!: https://www.who.int/emergencies/diseases/novel-coronavirus-2019/advice-for-public <Sonic News> >Sonic The Hedgehog: The Movie is out now! >IDW Sonic Issue 27 available on March 25 2020 >SXSW cancelled, Sonic panel content to be deployed in a new format in April: https://twitter.com/sonic_hedgehog/status/1236100389679722496?s=20 >Sonic Movie becomes highest grossing video game movie of all time: https://www.forbes.com/sites/scottmendelson/2020/03/14/sonic-biggest-video-game-movie-jim-carrey-pokemon-ryan-reynolds-tomb-raider-angelina-jolie-warcraft-box-office/#355baa0f4f5c >New IDW Sonic mini-series confirmed after Tangle & Whisper is finished: http://www.tssznews.com/2019/10/04/idw-publishing-20-years-and-beyond-panel-news/ >Phantasy Star Online 2 Sonic The Hedgehog founder's pack is on the way: https://www.siliconera.com/a-phantasy-star-online-2-sonic-the-hedgehog-founders-pack/ >April Sonic Channel Wallpaper Hint: https://youtu.be/9abGDvOF0eY <General Interest Links> >General Link Compilation: https://pastebin.com/iu99Tb2s >/sthg/ booru: http://sthg.booru.org/ >/sthg/ cytube channel: https://cytu.be/r/sthg >IDW Sonic Comics: https://mega.nz/#F!65oBCaoQ!8lkn8JebzaZensDJbLxDeg Previous Zone: >>19789
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https://twitter.com/sonic20th/status/1238646026191290368?s=20 >'I wonder if they like these…?' >Tails is picking his mint candies in Station Square, and it seems today he will be giving some to others too. How would his favorite mint candy taste like? >Today is the White Day. Make some heartful gifts! >By Sonic Channel Staff
>>20345 >Sonic Movie becomes highest grossing video game movie of all time Neat! Can't wait to see how this is going to bite us in the ass in the future
>>20348 Tbh, it goes to show how successful the Sonic series can be with a well received product that gets a lot of advertising. The fact that it made 300 million & still hasn't released all over the world yet is incredible, tbh. And yeah, the sequels may or may not bite us in the ass but still, a win is a win
>>20351 I guess any movie can be good with a little fan criticism. Especially involving video-game movies. Speaking of which, I wonder what Uwe Boll thinks of this "bülschitt". Genesis/Mega Drive Windows Emulators burned on CDs with at least 300 Games were famous in Europe back in the 90's and Early 2000's.
>>20348 The only way it bites us in the ass is if SEGA radically changes the existing games to fit with the movie and I doubt that happens given how steadfast they are at keeping different parts of the franchise separate.
>>20353 It would be silly not to expect some sort of movie tie in game. Their greedy pockets definetly wouldn't like to miss out on that easy money.
>>20354 I'm more talking about them rebooting the main series to be like the movie, but I can see a tie-in from a third-party dev, similar to Sonic Boom. Doubt the main dev team would touch it since they take a long time to make the main series games these days.
If a tie-in game for the movie ever happens, who do you think would be the best choice for a developer? And what kind of game would you expect? I have some memories of animated movie tie-ins being actually decent, but since Sonic's gameplay is such a troublesome concept for games, it would be interesting to see how a new studio tackled on it.
>>20356 Let's hope that like Mania, it's at least a passionate indie studio. And without any time constraints on top of that (nothing good ever comes out of trying to rush games for Christmas).
>>20357 P.S. The trick to making good games is like writing books. It's only good if it's something you wanted to make, not what the consumer groups want.
>>20347 Cute. As usual from them on white day! Who else would like mint candy /sthg/?
>>20348 I'm sure it'll be grand. >>20355 >I'm more talking about them rebooting the main series to be like the movie I wouldn't put it past them at all, honestly. >>20358 >It's only good if it's something you wanted to make, not what the consumer groups want. Isn't that what Sonic Team does though? Doesn't seem to work so well for them. But yeah I actually understand and agree with what you said
>>20360 That's what they want you to think. In truth, it's pretty evident they're just a corporate shell taking orders from the people higher up just to earn a paycheck. They're nothing but passionless sellouts.
>>20361 Well, Sonic Team isn't really much of a studio at this point. Back in 2009 (IIRC), it was merged into the SEGA CS2 studio & outside of mainstays like Iizuka, Toyoda, Ohtani, Jun etc. it's mainly just guys getting plucked onto Sonic projects & even in Forces, a lot of the team for that game had little to no experience on working Sonic. >>20354 Well we kinda already got a tie-in with the games with Movie/Teen Sonic in Sonic Dash with a movie tie-in stage
>>20362 Like I said, sellouts…
>>20363 I don't think you know what the word "sellout" means.
>>20364 >Somebody, or something who compromises their personal values, integrity, talent, or the like, for money or personal advancement. That's all that Sonic Team is today.
>>20365 And how exactly are they compromising any of those?
>>20365 I mean, I struggle to really call anyone at Sonic Team "sell-outs," considering the fact that we don't really know the inner workings of Sonic these days. I can't sit here & say that guys like Iizuka, Ohtani or Jun don't love this series & don't have ideas on things they want to do (like Iizuka wanting to remake Sonic Adventure), but there unfortunately seem to be a lot of factors that leads into some games not being up to par.
>>20366 >>20367 Because there hasn't been a single good Sonic game made by them since Generations (I also believe them "losing the source code" was just their language for "this engine is too hard, we want to use a new one that's easier and faster to make, but worse for the rest of you").
>>20368 Being incompetent isn't the same as being a sellout.
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>>20368 Well there's several reasons for that being the case & in all honesty, not all of them can be placed at the feet of Sonic Team. The Sonic series from time & time again has had to deal with games being rushed out the door despite them not being ready, because the heads at SEGA wanted them to meet deadlines. Even after SEGA had promised that "they'll delay games when they're not ready for release" over the years, titles like Rise of Lyric still got forced out there to meet the holiday schedule, much to its own detriment. Hell IIRC (& someone can correct me if I'm mis-remembering), they had to be convinced to not push Sonic Mania out when it wasn't ready. And that's not even getting into the amount of times the dev team for Sonic games had to be changed over, or putting guys in positions that don't fit them (like Eitaro Toyoda who was better on the level design side of things being put in the role of character supervisor) That being said, I do agree that Sonic Team/SEGA CS2 aren't entirely innocent either. Morio Kishimoto being either the lead game designer or director of the lions share of Sonic titles over the last 13 years hasn't lead to a great track record of titles & ST had no reason to focus so much of Forces development on the Hedgehog Engine 2, especially when it lead to the game being a cobbled together Boost game on the Lost World engine & had to leave so much on the cutting room floor. With that being said, I still think it's a bit much to call every single one of the guys working on Sonic sell outs. Ohtani & Jun can still knock it out of the park in terms of Sonic music & Iizuka still has a lot of love for the series, shown by him being a big help on Sonic Mania's development.
>>20370 when it led*
>>20370 I remember that TSR was about to be deployed incomplete and bug-filled, but it was delayed. I hope this means that they have learned their lesson. Though that probably hurt the games' sales a lot.
>>20370 >>20369 If they had a bit of decency left, they should all stage a walkout if SEGA won't meet their "it's our art, and you can't rush it" opinions. But what do I know about Japanese Labour Laws, they're only as good as the people you work for (just look at Nintendo).
>>20373 At this point, you're basically calling every single person who does something they don't want to do, in order to make a living, a sellout. I think you need a reality check about how jobs actually work.
>>20373 If these guys leave, then what? I agree that at a certain point, it just makes sense to leave a job you're not happy with, but if you're a fan of the Sonic series, work on the Sonic series & wanna help the Sonic series, leaving it won't do much good. SEGA can (& has) replaced people who got burned out or grew tired of working for SEGA & it didn't help the franchise in the long run. Best thing you can do if you're someone like Iizuka is stick around & try to improve things as much as you can. And every once in a while, we see that pay off (like Sonic Mania being a thing).
>>20374 Say that again, but slowly… Sometimes a paycheck isn't worth it if you're not passionate about it. I understand they have families to feed, but even they need to gather some decency before they start complaining later about why they aren't earning any money in the first place. It will all go back to bite them. Their games will start sucking so much, nobody will buy them anymore when they have very low expectations, so they will get fired for it anyway. >>20375 It's one thing to walk a tight-rope, but to convince everyone else to do it is another. It's never healthy to burden the entire series and incompetence on your shoulders when you know that you could do better by motivating everyone else to pull their heads out of their asses. For as many bad things that could result from that, the long-term effect could have the greatest of results (if done right). But that's all my opinion, correct me if I need to learn a thing or two about life (I had a few short-term student jobs myself).
>>20376 I can understand where you're coming from & there has been a few times in certain industries where someone did have a positive effect in the long run, but all the same, I do think guys like Iizuka have done more good by sticking around than had he left. I mean, he wasn't the only person who drove it, but it does seem like he at least played a role in the Sonic series having more fans get involved in official work beyond just comic covers, but actually working on Sonic games. And with the success of Sonic Mania, the door's more or less been opened for more fans of the series who can pull together a similar resume to Tax & Stealth's to help them get a foot in the door & make some actual Sonic games. That's a big deal for Sonic fans & that door can only be kept open by people who care about the series sticking around & ensuring that the fans can still have a say in things.
>>20376 I think you don't realize a lot of these people are working because it's a decently paying job, not because their passion is making video games. Your job doesn't necessarily have to be your passion, that's why hobbies exist. To a lot of these people, they're just pushing out the code/assets/whatever they're told to by the people paying them. They might have some pride in what they do, but they're not artistically compromising themselves when a Sonic game doesn't turn out great. And with Forces, specifically, you have to realize that the game had four years of development allocated to it. That's more than a lot of games get. Video games aren't just an art piece, they're a product, and someone is investing money into that product in order to sell it later. A delayed game might eventually be good, but the more it's delayed, the better it has to sell in order to just break even. And, as unfortunate as it may be, we don't live in an ideal world where the amount a game sells is directly correlated with how good it is. At some point, a game has to be either pushed out or canceled, because putting more money into it won't bear any fruit.
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>>20360 Id love another Sonic party game, tbh.
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Good afternoon, /sthg/! In a world where SEGA has their shit together, Chao Garden app y/n?
>>20381 Would be destroyed by microtransactions.
>>20381 There's a lot of things that could be done with Chao, I think you could adapt them to a lot of different formats. But yeah, I have no doubts it would always end up in a mobile-style cashgrab.
>>20382 Like I said, a world where SEGA had their shit together >>20383 I've always had my doubts about the rumors of SEGA no longer having the Chao Garden source code, so I gotta admit to being a bit curious at why they've avoided using them for so long. Not that it'd make or break the game for me, but on SEGA's end there's always been a lot of potential money SEGA kinda left on the table by not trying something with them.
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>>20385 Nice. Ya know this reminds me, has anyone tried out the Sonic Runners revival thing? I remember it came out relatively recently, but didn't get much fanfare.
>>20387 I tried it out when it first was released and it was buggy as hell. Haven't touched it ever since, I wonder if it's working fine now.
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>>20392 Sonic deserved that, tbh. >>20391 Heh
>>20393 Forgot to add: I know the first post came from kohane01, but what's the source on the 2nd piece?
>>20395 Thanks, anon! >>20396 That is sick
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https://nefault1st.wordpress.com/downloads/chao-resort-island/ Chao Resort Island was updated today. >Chao Resort Island is a 2.5D Chao raising game available for PC and Mac! >The game takes place on a tropical island which hosts multiple resorts for you to raise your Chao in.
For anyone interested, here's an interview with a Sumo executive producer to commemorate the Sonic & SEGA All-Stars Racing 10th anniversary. https://www.megavisionsmag.com/interview-steve-lycett-on-the-sonic-sega-all-stars-racing-10th-anniversary/
>>20398 Remind me, there's been about what, 2 fan-games centered around the Chao's? >>20399 I was pretty disappointed with the roster of Team Sonic Racing, but this does make me hope they're gonna go back to the SASR series anytime soon.
>>20398 I remember seeing this before and thinking it looked cute as hell, but I thought this got merged with another project. >>20387 No. I was concerned with what they could do with my phone and the kind of information they could extract from it, and I remember when it first released there was some sort of campaign against it and the people behind the project as well because of that same reason too.
They keep going on and on about Station Square. It reminds me of what they did with Classic before Mania was announced. I wonder if there's something going on.
>>20403 Meant to quote >>20402
>>20402 I really don't know how to feel about this
Have you been affected by the virus or the measures against it much /sthg/?
>>20406 Thankfully no, although my allergies are kicking my ass rn
>>20406 Well the only big thing that's affected me is that college is doing online only classes now, but besides that nothing more except being unable to hang out with my friends. >>20407 >my allergies are kicking my ass It was nice to meet you anon.
So with the Sonic Radio stream for this month coming up, can we expect any hints towards the big announcement next month?
>>20409 I don't know anon. There's a point to be made that, in the case that they were preparing some sort of big announcement for the sxsw panel that's going to be dropped next month, they would've at least advertised it in some way.
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Good morning, /fast/! Ken Penders has apparently released a preview script of the Lara-Su Chronicles even though most of it was already posted in 2013, this one does contain some minor changes.
>>20409 Eh, I still think it's way too early, and everyone's mind would be on the global pandemic rather than their announcement anyway so it's not a particularly good time either. >>20410 >they would've at least advertised it in some way If I remember correctly the Project 2017 announcement didn't really have any previous advertisement, though I don't think much was revealed at that time. >>20413 Morning anon.
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https://youtu.be/u136XD6WnpE >>20409 Speaking of which, this month's stream has been moved from the 20th to the 27th.
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>>20416 >2020: year of delays The video thumbnail made me remember yesterday was Iizuka's birthday. You did wish him a happy birthday, right /sthg/?
>>20417 I expect many more delays considering the current circumstances. How old is Iizuka anyways?
>>20417 >You did wish him a happy birthday, right /sthg/? I had no clue. Happy birthday to the him, though! >>20418 >How old is Iizuka anyways? Wikipedia says he's 50.
>>20417 Completely forgot but yeah, happy birthday to him!
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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9XFImOh0AKM >>20421 Runners OST was actually pretty good.
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It's good to have goals, I guess >>20422 True
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>>20423 He wants attention. Man I haven't used this image in years
>>20423 Yeah, Penders, I'll believe it when I see it. Where's that movie?
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Morning, /fast/
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>>20426 Good morning anon. Hope you have a nice day!
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>>20426 >>20427 Morning anons. Remember to wash your hands often and stay safe!
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This thread is severely missing Bump.
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>>20429 Fair. Those are some very good deer Also, the Sonic Radio has been delayed to next week on the 27th
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>>20429 You ever think there's too much Bump art?
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>>20432 No, who would ever think something so ridiculous.
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>>20432 I have never once every thought that. But I do hope we get more Lurk art.
So supposedly, Ian Flynn confirmed on the recent Bumblekast that the Jackal Squad are dead & Infinite is off-limits. If that's true, does this make the Squad the first people Shadow's directly killed in the series?
>>20435 I remember the Infinite thing being confirmed really early, like issue 3sh early. Honestly i can't remember any other cases besides the obvious ones from the routes in Shadow the Hedgehog.
>>20435 Black Doom.
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>>20434 >Lurk Not sure if I wanted to know this was a thing.
>>20431 I want to watch Werehog beat up Shadow. >>20432 Some more Sage would be nice. >>20435 Didn't shadow just defeat a bunch of badniks and the Infinite got mad or something? Jackal Squad didn't even make an appearance in Forces.
>>20439 Unless I'm mistaken, SEGA does consider the Jackal Squad/Forces prequel comics canon to the games, but outside of a reference in Episode Shadow, they didn't bring them up much. >>20437 Oh yeah, I forgot about Black Doom
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>>20434 …I'm sorry, but I've never heard of Lurk before. Is this new?
>>20435 I get the feeling Sonic Team were really dissatisfied with Infinite some time towards the end of Forces development. Like as soon as Forces released they went he's dead, no merch, no comics, don't mention him anymore.
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>>20445 This… I think he doesn't even appear on the Mobile-tie in, Speed Battle.
>>20446 Yeah, the fact they won't allow him in that when they had put Mephiles into Sonic Runners is kinda telling.
>>20446 Oh wow, that's sad.
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>>20445 >>20446 I was pretty excited for Infinite before Forces' release so it still makes me sad and angry how he was thrown away right at the start.
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>>20449 Yeah, dead on arrival. His backstory was so weak.
>>20440 They were plotted by Sonic Team themselves. Ian wrote the dialogue, but Sega wrote the story.
>>20434 I lurk a lot but didn't know she existed. She might be a bigger lurker than me >>20442 nice! >>20445 Really unfortunate, I wonder why they decided to kill him
>>20452 Only thing I can guess is something similar to >>20445 where Sonic Team or SEGA was dissatisfied with how Infinite turned out. I mean, it has only been a couple of years since Forces so maybe things'll change.around the next game's release, but they've pretty much ignored him since Forces came out.
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Happy friday anons.
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IDW Sonic #31 & 32 covers actually come together to make one big image. >>20454 Happy friday, anon!
>>20455 Hey, that's really neat, I like it. Though I'm surprised with the lack of Sonic in these.
>>20456 Going by the solicits released, it seems Sonic will be missing Although looking closer, Sonic actually seems to be on the #32 cover, just on fire.
>>20457 Wait, that's Sonic? I thought that was Blaze. …Does this mean that Sonic will be using the Sol Emeralds?
>>20458 I legit have 0 clue at this point. Although I'm real curious as to how Eggman got to turn Omega into that giant mech
>>20454 Happy Friday to you too. >>20455 Holy shit, what? Giant Omega? Fire Sonic? And everyone's back to normal. It's going to be 2021 before we get to read this isn't it?
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https://www.sonicstadium.org/2020/03/the-sonic-movie-coming-to-itunes-and-bluray-this-spring/ >According to an iTunes listing, Paramount’s “Sonic the Hedgehog” will be available to purchase digitally on March 31st. What’s more, it will include bonus features likely meant for the Blu-Ray release, coming May 19th, as well.
>>20461 Sweet! And just a quick heads-up for anyone who can make it, in the /sthg/ cytube we'll be playing the Sonic movie tonight.
https://cytu.be/r/sthg Sonic Movie starting now, folks For those who haven't installed the tampermonkey extension yet, here's how: https://cytu.be/google_drive_userscript
>>20463 That was lots of fun. Thanks for sharing, and thanks for the download!
>>20464 Thanks for showing up & hope you enjoyed the movie! Tomorrow will have a replay for anyone who missed, btw
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It's been a while but I just wanted to say I'm still working on the low poly game. After getting through some slight roadblocks with the coding, I've made a lot of improvements into level streaming between loading levels and other things. By the end of this month I hope to have all of the main things for this year's beta released done and polished, so for the last 4 months, I'll spend most of that time purely on level design and characters. Expect another video showcase soon too, see you then and take care /sthg/
>>20466 Great to hear from you again anon & it's good to hear your progress. Looking forward to that showcase & take care, mate!
>>20465 Same time? >>20466 Oh hey, happy to know you're still around. Looking forward to the update!
>>20468 >Same time? Apologies for the late post, but yeah.
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https://twitter.com/SEGA/status/1241413301445128192?s=20 >A message from SEGA of America CEO, Tatsuyuki Miyazaki:
>>20470 >We have many more fun surprises in store for you this year Beyond the Sonic thing next month, what else could it be?
>>20471 I think they recently advertised something with Segata Sanshiro and a fighting game
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>>20473 Das cute
>>20398 So I tried this out and it's pretty good! Well, if you like the Chao Garden, at least. There's a lot of events to choose from and there's many rewards and stuff for your chao to play with and to help them evolve. It's basically the perfect solo Chao Garden game. It would be cool if it was the smaller part of an actual Sonic game though.
>>20444 >SPG stands for, Sonic Porn General
>>20475 Great to hear. I've never gotten around to trying out some of the Chao Garden fangames myself, but I should probably change that. Especially since we ain't gonna be getting one from SEGA anytime soon
>>20477 >spoiler You break my heart, but it's true.
>>20476 [spoiler]So Lurk is their Bump? Interesting. The mascot universe expands.[/spoiler]
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>>20479 >spoiler
>>20475 >It would be cool if it was the smaller part of an actual Sonic game though. I don't follow this fangame's development very closely but I was under the impression that was already the case. https://twitter.com/nefault1st/status/1059892265424969729 I guess it hasn't been merged yet.
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Huh, actually stumbled upon this anon. Probably my favorite /sthg/ artist, I've always wanted more art by him.
>>20482 I wonder who that is. Their art is very pretty and on-model.
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I've come to make an announcement!
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>>20484 That's awesome, good job!
>>20484 I love it. And thanks for giving a reminder, anon!
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https://twitter.com/SonicWindBlue/status/1241703907669299200?s=20 >@emp_de and @empukofficial selling a new #Sonic Kids T-Shirt with a new artwork.
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>>20488 I like it a lot!
>>20488 Oh, that's good stuff. But that being said, the shot of Sonic's front kinda reminds me of his Sonic 2006 render
>>20490 The proportions here actually look good to me, unlike the 06 proportions.
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>>20491 True, but it's the head that reminds me of it the most. Not that I'm complaining, because I still think the pic is great
Morning /sthg/!
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>>20250 >Crush 40 I'm pretty it doesn't matter "how old they have gotten", there still a staple to the sonic franchise and there other fan who still are talking about them to this very day while still jamming. >newer blood Much as i agree with that, we need more new blood; I don't think everyone including the artists (with names we know of) needs to go at all, and they can still help with sonic in general along with the new blood. I don't think everything is 100% worse then you're making it out to be with everyone who's old or worked with sonic for XX amount of years Pic unrelated
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>>20492 FRICKIN EPIC >>20494 Sup, here's a pixiv for ya, of a badass rouge the bat with knife (spoiled it, since it had blood and cuts) also since when did we had a vrecorder applet?
>>20495 If they can help, they can help there's nothing wrong with that but they can't help forever, that's all I was saying about that old post. I didn't ojbect to hating C40 at all, I just think their latest preformance was carried by Too Lopes compared to the mid 2000s, as it shows their are passing their prime now. They are like in there near 50s last I heard, lots of people around this point just loose their luster and that's completely reasonable to understand. That's all I meant, that when the time DOES come, I want a equal replacement to their prime, because I can cope with the fact they aren't going to be able to do that at some point in the near futuire To me, "staple to the franchise" means absolutely nothing to be if the quality doesn't stay constant, and as for the statement itself, it's not like genesis gameplay as been "a staple" of Sonic since the death of the Advance era games and since SA2. Mania is just a fan game. If Taxman was hired to constantly output those games, then I'd retract the statement but it seems SEGA has abandon them.
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>>20494 Morning anon. >>20496 It was added not long ago I think.
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>>20496 >since when did we had a vrecorder applet? >>>/v/16886668
>>20497 >quality doesn't stay constant They have for the longest time, they're a staple to the franchise for a reason. > they can't help forever Thankfully they did, for the past 20+ years on the same franchise. Some other artist do need break, want to work on other things or just get burned out, crush 40 keep working on the same project this whole times, so i think they pass the endurance test at this point. >passing their prime now Good for them, let them burn out and support and work with new artist until there ready to retire. This isn't just a band that working with sonic team anymore, if they were someone like David Young & Spencer Nilsen, i.e: someone who worked for on a sonic game once or a coup of times and then moved on, you wouldn't even be talking about them in the first place. >I didn't ojbect to hating C40 at all >ojbect to hating That's not what i'm saying, or what you said on the last post I just think, it's not going to be THE END IS NEAR FOR CRUSH 40 or anything If wanna look negative at it, sega has been already finding artist besides them, starting way back on 2008 with unleashed and still finding others now like with sonic forces, but even with that i'm we have a long while with those crew. Again, i agree with sonic team finding new people to help and support the franchise, but for me when it's comes to CRUSH 40, I just hope sega puts them to teaching and collabing with others at this point. I'm honest more concern with archiving and studying on what makes sonic, especially the music since there barely anything like it when it comes to soundtracks, the time to recorded and go to into detail on how to make and how they made that kind of music is now before anyone go away or retires, so the future generation can emulate and evolve it.
>>20499 So they just added it in a day ago Always something new here when i'm gone once and while. >>20500 >that i'm we have a long while with those crew. * we have a long while with those crew. >this whole times * this whole time >CRUSH 40 * CRUSH 40 >anyone go away * anyone goes away There ya go.
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>yfw no sonic icon in your notification bar
>>20502 What a tease!
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http://www.tssznews.com/2020/03/23/diamond-comics-distributions-suspends-comic-distribution-including-idws-sonic-the-hedgehog/ https://www.idwpublishing.com/a-letter-to-our-comic-industry-partners-from-chris-ryall-idws-president-publisher-and-chief-creative-officer/ https://www.newsarama.com/49538-diamond-comics-distributors-ceases-receiving-products-for-distribution-due-to-coronavirus-report.html >On Monday March 23, 2020 Diamond Comics Distributors Inc. announced they would be suspending the receiving of products (including IDW Publishing’s Sonic the Hedgehog comics) beginning in April. Diamond Comics Distributors is the go-to comics distribution service for many retailers. This comes as many companies, including IDW Publishing, have been having their employees work from home as a result of the COVID-19 Pandemic, and comic book retailers have found themselves receiving less in person traffic at their stores and have had to resort to delivering comics to people via curbside pickup or at home delivery. >IDW also made a statement regarding the closure: “[…]In light of Diamond’s statement today, our immediate steps to offer relief for our retail partners are: • For the next three months, IDW will be offering 60-day no-fee returnable terms for all items on Final Order Cutoff (FOC) corresponding to the weekly on-sale dates from March 18th to June 24th. • IDW is announcing the suspension of May releases corresponding to OSD dates from May 6th to May 27th. • IDW will reduce its overall publishing line for products originally scheduled through July, with a focus on releasing our biggest projects in special editions to help drive traffic to stores through the summer. With these measures, our hope is that we can lessen the immediate financial risk that retailers face for IDW products, and give retailers a much-needed break for their monthly budgets.[…]" <It remains unclear whether comics will still be available digitally.>
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>>20504 Welp, fuck. I can understand why, but it especially sucks since IDW Sonic has had so many delays already.
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>>20504 pic related. It sounds like this is going to cause a huge delay. Not surprising but still annoying, specially considering this comes on top of the usual delays.
>>20501 >>20500 About Crush 40: https://forums.sonicretro.org/index.php?threads/an-interview-with-johnny-gioeli-of-crush-40.38451/ This interview sheds light about how they work with Sega and reveals that Johnny is busy with at least two other bands so it's not hard to imagine why they haven't been featured prominently as they were in the 00's. I recall him saying that he gets more expensive to book he's called in, but that just may be my mind playing tricks on me. He brings up being pricy and budget cuts in that interview, regardless. Bonus interview with Lani MInella: https://info.sonicretro.org/Lani_Minella_interview_by_Josh_AKA_Knuckles_Echidna_(April_21,_2001) I thought the last part was really interesting and reminded me of when Iizuka revealed that he did the final parts of Heroes' level design under a lot of stress (and weight loss) or how the DMC3 motion capture had to be done back to back in one day by the actors. Really gives you more insight behind Adventure 2's sound editing.
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>>20507 >pricy and budget cuts >busy with at least two other bands >gets more expensive to book Big oof Holy shit, there strong for even still supporting the blue blur after with all of that (if true). Most bands just leave with stuff like that. >>20504 >Diamond Comics Distributors Inc oh no. I feel like eggman tried to warn us about things like this.
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https://twitter.com/sonic20th/status/1242443801068597248?s=20 >It's been a long time! Charmy's new look is also available for PCs and smartphones.
>>20510 Hey, bee getting some love! That's nice to see.
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>>20424 I believe he wants attention, but I also imagine he genuinely thinks this stuff. Speaking of which, this is a WIP cover for TLSU Beginnings
>>20512 He's getting worse.
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>>20510 nice >>20445 >>20446 >>20450 sonic forces remake when. >>20512 I wonder of a alternate universe, where ken got to make his native american book he wanted to create and became a new york best selling author, then sonic comic writer that helped to bomb a universe, backstab a other writer, talk about 16 year old squirrel fucking, and his nudes being posted on twitter.com :^)
>>20514 >then sonic comic writer *then a sonic comic writer fuk
>>20510 He actually looks pretty cute!
>>20515 You mean "than"?
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>>20438 >>20444 >>20452 She's new-ish. Y'all probably don't want to know where she originated from, be she's definitely cute.
>>20518 >She's new-ish. That explains it, I couldn't even find her in the booru >she's definitely cute I agree
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New Sonic artwork from the SEGA 60 website! And apparently, they've given Segata Sanshiro a son >>20518 Ahh. You're right, she is cute.
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>>20517 well fuk again. >>20520 >given Segata Sanshiro a son Oh shit
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>>20520 I love this artwork.
>>20520 A few people have pointed out that this looks like a call back to the Sonic Advance box art.
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>>20502 I've been playing a bit more with this these past few days and I like how it's going. I modified the notifications so that I can display several lines of updated threads, pic #1 related. It should be more than enough for us. I still need to tweak the format a bit, since it doesn't seem to be cutting the first thread name properly and that causes the second thread name to be cut short because of not fitting in the line. Testing this a bit with /v/ at the moment so that I can detect lots of updates and find out issues. So far I've resolved several issues and it seems to be stable for now, but I still worry about a couple of things. I'll need to look into them later, but the app is still usable. I've also added a couple of options so that you can tweak the behavior of the app. For now you check up the state of the update service and start or stop it, you can choose how often you want the app to check the board for new posts, you can choose between 3 different types of notification to configure how intrusive you want them to be (heads up, vibration only, and discrete), and you can choose if you want the app to keep looking for new posts and notifying you even if you haven't dismissed the previous notification. I still need to implement the last feature, and then I want to test this thing on a more modern device to see if it still work. The last part worries me because I'm pretty sure at some point Google broke compatibility on purpose with what I'm trying to do here, so if you have a modern enough device you're probably fucked. Oh, I also need to remove all the test widgets from the UI and tidy it up. Overall I'm pretty happy that I can keep it running during the day and it does what it's supposed to.
>>20525 Good shit >>20523 Yeah. Some people speculated that it could mean an Advance remake, but I just think SEGA's looking to appeal to Adventure fans a little more now
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>>20527 Oh shit. The king had a son.
>>20529 Yeah. Even cooler unless I'm mistaken , he's played by the actual son of the guy who played Segata Sanshiro
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>>20530 epic
>>20416 Oh hey, we're almost there! Less than a day now!
>>20525 Looking good! Keep it up!
>>20535 IDW Sonic storytime!
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Metal > Sonic
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Turned out looking younger than expected. Anyway, this is my tribute to this OC, maybe someone appreciates it
>>20547 Kek. Useful, though unfortunately not so much here.
>>20547 Saved. Good stuff, anon
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So far from the announcement stream: >New partnership with… a hair growth spray product… In reference to an obscure joke from the Adventure promotional vhs… >Movie Sonic in Puyo Puyo >Sonic in the android game Chain Chronicle
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https://youtu.be/GNgmLLLODnY >>20550 Here's the stream, they have a guy that knows japanese, or something
>>20552 thanks anon.
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>>20552 Also, >Olympics 2020 mobile game story mode and gameplay teasing >LINE Sonic stickers
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>>20554 >IDW comics releasing in Japan >"Throwback Collection Vol. 1" Album released on various platforms
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>>20550 https://twitter.com/forcesteamS/status/1243481803941384193?s=20 Seems like new official art. Not so sure if this is Uekawa's work.
Also, IDW annual has been delayed to April 29th :)
>>20557 epic
Reposting this: https://voca.ro/lmsvmppgSbP Bane in sonic forces remake when.
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>>20556 It looks so weird, the face looks old style but the quills look longer. I love it though! >>20557 webm related
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>>20559 I can't believe someone took the time and effort to make this.
Does anyone else think Satam is just kind of average and not the worst thing ever? They talk about it on halfchan like it ruined the franchise even though it's been dead for a long time
>>20562 It's not about the show, it's about the obsessed autistic fans surrounding that and Archie Sonic comics. I just ignore it all but that's what it's about, not the show. To you it's average to me I never cared about it but to the people that grew up obsessing over it they consider it more canon to Sonic's image than SEGA's actual game content.
>>20561 >implying someone wouldn't take their time for baneposting >>20562 it's more of Satam isn't for me with the original show, but the Satam cannon in archie was just meh and felt fan-fictiony for me. I liked aosth more, and the show felt more fitting for sonic then Satam.
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https://www.kidzworld.com/article/31888-sonic-the-hedgehog-exclusive-clip-around-the-world >A preview of the new animated Sonic movie short has been released!
>>20562 >They talk about it on halfchan like it ruined the franchise They used to have these periodic reactions where everyone would align in thinking some part of the franchise or fanbase was the worst thing ever and had no merit or positive qualities whatsoever, so it's possible it's one of these cases and Satam is on the firing line this time.
>>20562 SatAM was a perfectly fine Saturday Morning cartoon show that had Sonic in it, imo. As a Sonic show, while it brings something new to the table in terms of having Eggman take over the world & whatnot, it wasn't anything special. I don't go on halfchan anymore so I dunno how they talk about it, but I will say that I never really cared for some of the over-exaggeration it tends to get. It was far from the best thing evar in Sonic, but I don't agree with how some Sonic fans can treat the hardcore SatAM fans like they're an anomaly in the series when truth be told, they're really no more over the top than other parts of the fandom. >>20565 Nice!
>>20565 >that comment on the Mayans
>>20565 >kidzworld Now that takes me back.
>>20566 Nothing has changed, really.
>>20527 I guess "Segata Sanshiro Jr." was bound to happen sooner or later. It would be better if they hinted at "a new console" or something (I mean, both Atari and Intellivision are doing it as we speak), but I can describe it in only one sentence: "Seems desperate, but it got me pretty curious." Let's hope they at least keep whatever is left of their fragile grace.
>>20571 P.S. Fun Fact: The same guy who played Segata Sanshiro (Hiroshi Fujioka, 藤岡 邦弘) was the same guy who was The Very First Power Ranger/Kamen Rider, Takeshi Hongo (本郷 猛) AKA Kamen Rider One (仮面ライダー(1号)).
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>>20572 >I can't believe I forgot the picture…
>>20573 >>20571 >>20572 The new kid is actually his son, too.
>>20572 >>20574 Yeah it's not often we get to see a literal passing of the torch like this, so I appreciate it. Even though it may lead to nothing
>>20527 we're gonna see some father/son shenanigans later, right?
>>20577 Dad is dead. Sacrificed himself to save Sega and the Dreamcast.
>>20578 Oh, right, fuck. That's pretty boring now to be honest. Also when I read the first sentence of your post I thought irl Segata had passed away and it felt pretty bad.
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>>20580 Huh, have never seen that pic before. Where's it from?
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>>20507 >>20508 Johnny has been in other two bands for the entire time he's been doing Sonic with Crush 40. He joined ARP in 98 and has averaged an album every two years with them ever since, plus touring. He revived Hardline in 02 and kept them active until 04, coinciding with peak Crush 40 activity. The subsequent 2010s revival of Hardline has been the most active iteration of the band, making three straight albums with almost the same lineup in a seven-year span, and he's managed to do two non-Sonic Crush 40 EPs and Team Sonic Racing in the same time, plus two solo projects. He's never not been busy as hell. I wouldn't blame him if he wanted to tone down his workaholism as he enters his 50s, but all signs point to him cranking it up.
>>20582 (me) Ultimately, Crush 40 has never made a studio album or gone on a real tour. They are less of a band and more of a collaboration between the same two artists who make a song or two per game. It's not even that collaborative in the case of the Sonic songs; it used to be Jun was the composer of most of a game's soundtrack, and Johnny would come in as a hired gun to sing on a couple of them and those songs would arbitrarily be classified under Crush 40. Johnny does more active writing on their non-Sonic stuff. Compared to Johnny's workload of doing two real bands that tour and make studio albums + a nascent solo career, Crush 40 is very easy to do for Sonic. All SEGA has to do is pay the man to come into the studio. The bigger question mark is Jun since he doesn't compose much anymore.
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>>20556 Everything I find from this game only has this single image. It looks awkward as hell.
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>>20585 Was about to post that myself
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>>20345 I don't know why it took me so long but I finally understood what this edition was about.
>>20584 That Sonic is cursed
>>20584 It's like he's always too much in a hurry to stay and chat. >oh hi japanese oni flower girl >bye japanese oni flower girl
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>>20587 Oh, anon…
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https://cytu.be/r/8chanmania >Amy fighting Crash (Retold) Whoever wins, Uganda Knuckles is up next
>>20595 Wow, Amy actually beat the demoncoot, but can Uganda overcome a murderer?
>>20596 savage
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>>20597 Yes he did! Amy vs Knuckles in the next round Had a bunch of laughs when another Sega character, Ash from Streets of Rage, fought and planted a big wet one on Drake Parker, thanks to Megan. The hapless brother advances, though
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https://cytu.be/r/8chanmania Amy is up against Knuckles now, sort of. What a match it will be
>>20599 Well that got dark
>>20600 Poor pink blind rat
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>>20601 Hope he wasn't aiming for the eyes
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wtf I hate 8chan mania now. Well at least we still got rouge after Amy has been fucking stabbed to death
>>20603 If anyone is interested, I have saved most of their dialogue to make it easier to write for the wiki. (Where) should I upload them? BTW feel free to improve her page
>>20604 Pastebin could work
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>>20605 Seconding this Now, can anyone stop him or will Lupin III's luck be next on the chopping block? https://cytu.be/r/8chanmania
>>20606 Lupin did it! Until next time; who knows if any Sonic characters ill return next week for the 00's mania.
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Some new Yardley+Herms illustrations. They're amazing, I really miss this style in the comics.
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>>20610 >>20611 Loving the post-reboot Archie vibes these pics are giving me. Hopefully they can both come back to IDW someday.
>>20612 Definitely. I think Yardley did some work for IDW at some point. Still, I think there are new art guidelines in place or something and the art will never look this good.
>>20605 https://pastebin.com/kttvbHQ2 >>20607 I wanted to nominate Rouge for the 2000's Mania but the roster filled up much faster than last week. >>20610 >>20611 Man these look really good
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https://youtu.be/tFoNvmsuPGg "How Santa Claus Inspired Sonic" Iizuka explains that Oshima used to reference Santa Claus' outfit when designing Sonic's shoes. Which is weird since I thought they were supposed to look like MJ's shoes? Oh, well.
>>20615 It was both. Michael's boots were used for the design of his shoes, but the red and white color scheme was from Santa. >>20614 Probably because last week was after a week delay from the previous one. They usually get filled quickly.
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https://finesseproducts.bigcartel.com/ It's the 2000's all over again.
>>20617 The Shadow one could be so cool but their artist has this tendency to draw the characters as if they were depressed or something and it vexes me.
>>20616 Michael's boots were used for the design of his shoes, but the red and white color scheme was from Santa. This. The colors was based on American stuff and the buckle and design of the shoes itself was based on MJ
>>20618 Any clue on who's the artist?
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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1Zjzam-0Wgo >Baby Sonic | Official Deleted Scene
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Oh hey, this thing will finally premiere this Saturday! Seems to be at 4PM UTC at link related. Don't missit! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1QaXRURQyZA
>>20622 Thanks for the reminder.
>>20621 Interesting how they originally had the owl come to Earth with a much younger Sonic than we ever saw in the final movie. I wonder if they even had that Green Hill intro before all the backlash against the first trailer.
>>20622 Nice!
>>20583 >>20582 >Johnny has been in other two bands for the entire time he's been doing Sonic with Crush 40. > Crush 40 has never made a studio album or gone on a real tour Good for them >Jun since he doesn't compose much anymore. Good ask him in the reddit ama :^)
Here some nice videos to pass the time (if you haven't watched them yet): >Sonic The Hedgehog Decade Review 2010-2019 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5vdxzSaLjkI >Understanding the Music of Sonic the Hedgehog https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XDooMjw9uhU >Sonic in the 2010's | An Embarrassing Waste https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MYI2nGuLYRM >Classic Sonic's Death Egg Saga - A Prelude to Adventure https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7ujImBnWu88
>>20630 Thanks anon!
So any Sonic games you lads have played, recently?
>>20633 i was going to play forces, but my exe was deleted and i couldn't find a crack with the exe and then i needed download the whole thing again with a repack, when i canceled it by accident, it deleted everything including my save file. so rip my og oc. also i tried using the blastem emu, but the gamepad support sucks compared to the ultimate genesis collection from backbone.
(9.92 MB 1280x720 s3.webm)

>>20633 I played Forces a while ago, posted about it here along with some webms. I've been playing non Sonic games since, but now I've also finished those games too and I'm gonna need to look into what else to play.
>>20633 Advanced Edit was the last one I've played, and that was a month or two ago. I think I've played one or two SRB2 wads since then, though.
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Holy shit we can spoiler individual images now?
>>20633 Just blasted through an all emerald and zone run in Advance 1 as Knuckles in just an hour or so with 375,000 points at the end. Kid me never would have thought I'd have ever gotten this good. I remember spending hours trying to clear even basic games and had trouble executing actions like the air dash and spin-dash in the very beginning of all things. >>20629 That reminds me, someone showed me pic related. >>20637 It's been a requested feature for some time. Glad that it's been implemented now. They probably first announced it in some tech support thread on /v/.
>>20507 I love how you can really feel Johnny behind the interview. >>20582 You make him sound a lot more successful than I had pinned him down to be. I knew about Hardline but I always felt it was a band that just limped throughout different eras, not becoming much in any of them. Didn't know he also was in another band too, I'll look into it later as Hardline is great and I'm wondering if I might enjoy the other one as well. Overall I'm happy he's keeping busy, the last few Crush40 performances I've seen he wasn't looking very sharp anymore and with Crush40 not having as much involvement in Sonic I didn't know what was going on with him and was kinda worried.
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https://twitter.com/sonic20th/status/1245176557586522113?s=19 Is it wrong that I actually like this design?
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>>20639 >he wasn't looking very sharp >I didn't know what was going on with him and was kinda worried. Calm down anon, unless he's sick or taking too much whisky then i'm sure he's fine. The worse case scenario is he getting a bit fatigue
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>>20644 nice >>20642 Even if i'm not a big fan of the comics, i'm glad that wolf boi is possible getting a better written story.
>>20646 Sadly, it's an April Fools joke Wish it wasn't though, because Infinite deserves better
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>>20647 I really wanted to see if more people fell
>>20648 Well, you got me at least!
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>>20642 Saw that on twitter, along with these two:
>>20650 I've seen the buddy gifs from that guy, they're great! Stupid cute wolf
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>>20647 The way Sega treats Infinite is just cruel at this point.
>>20650 That's adorable. I wanna pet that wolf
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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bl919yZj6GM >>20647 > Sadly, it's an April Fools joke >>20652 Agreed
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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iYm10_vP2m0 Was not aware until today that they back ported Mortar Canyon to Sonic 06. I want to see how it performs recreated in Heroes/Adventure 1/2
>>20657 Wow, I didn't even know stages from Sonic Forces could be ported to 06. Makes me wonder what other levels of the game would look like in there.
>>20658 I think it was done through the Xbox 360 emulator, Xenia. Things have come a long way since that console came out almost 15 years ago. 06 itself will be 15 in just under two years.
>>20659 >Xbox 360 emulator Holy shit, that console can be emulated? I admittedly haven't kept up with that in ages, but I thought it was nearly impossible to emulate XBOX consoles
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It's April, where's the stream Aaron?
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https://invidio.us/watch?v=_nxvNc8aHaU >>20660 It's not that good, but both it and and the PS3 (through RPCS3) have made progress recently, such as the latter being able to run Demon's Souls and MGS4 at 4K in 60fps (albeit with a VERY beefy rig) Unleashed was also able to emulated with improvements to performance even before it the Xbone did it, although it's not stable and said improvements had to be modded. Both are probably further in development than the original Xbox, crazily enough as that only really has JSRF -sort of- working. All 3 emulators are nothing compared to Yuzu or Dolphin, as you can imagine.
>>20657 Neither was I. It looks so dull compared to Forces, and it looks like it was probably a huge pain to port given the difference in features in both games. This stage probably had my favorite stage music from Forces, are there any tunes that you remember fondly from Forces /sthg/?
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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tHnBeLWe7uQ >>20663 It'd have to be Mortar Canyon itself. Didn't like the use of vocals compared to the Adventure games; "Nowhere to Run" that played in Prison Hall was the only Avatar song with lyrics that I liked enough to listen on repeat. Honorable mentions go to Red Bridge, Guardian Chase, and Park Avenue, but remixed with vocals out. Needless to say they dropped the ball with Classic Sonic's music, too.
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https://youtu.be/n2wBkIw3QR0 I thought I should post this while I still have a chance…
>>20665 That was very cute. RIP Tails
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>>20663 Mortar Canyon, Infinite's theme, Sunset Heights, Arsenal Pyramid (outside), Eggman's Facility and I think that's it.
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Ken Penders has finished the cover of the LARA-SU CHRONICLES & it's pretty damn ugly & blatantly steals art from Archie Sonic as well.
>>20671 How properly inconsistent… I can't believe some people willingly waited 4 years (and are still waiting) for this Franchise-Wrecking Crap. They look like Hipsters in Fur-suits with Botox injections (with a Black-Guy sneaked in there to pander to the "Variety" focus groups from Buzzfeed). I'll be the first to admit that Archie already had it's fair share of management problems way before PenFucker pulled the final piece of the Jenga (which is why I don't fully blame him for everything), but this goes to show you what happens when you don't take the business side of your company seriously. This goes for both SEGA and Archie in this case. Both could have solved this with a simple trick out of Marvel's sleeves (I'm not condoning that for every struggling underpaid comic writer), but they instead let Pencil-Dick have his shallow victory like a Middle-Class Spoiled British College Student. It's days like this why I'm glad that stuff like StC: Online and ASO exist to prove how much we cared compared to them. And all for the want of one dumb mention in a dumb DS game. God, it feels good to let all of that out…
>>20672 P.S. I smell a lawsuit coming from Pendleton Ward since I just spotted Jake The Dog in there. Now that's a battle I'd like to see: Pen vs. Pen
>>20663 Fist Bump, Infinite, and Egg Gate were really the only ones that stood out to me. The final boss theme was nice, but was just so cookie cutter I really don't give much of a damn about it. Part of my problem is that most of the levels don't last long enough for you to get a good listen to their tracks. Classic Sonic's tracks were just abysmal in instrumentation, though, Modern Sonic's tracks were decent but all sounded samey and their synths were weak, and Buddy's tracks just went in one ear and out the other. The musical effort this time around just felt incredibly weak overall.
>>20672 Actually, this thing has been in the works since 2012, so it's more like 8 years. More than anything I just find it humorous how this whole thing started over Shade the Echidna being too close to Julie-Su in terms of concept, meanwhile fucking "K'Nox The Praetorian" is literally just Knuckles in terms of design, concept & character. I think SEGA doesn't bother with Ken because (besides him not being worth the trouble), they know that there is a very slim chance this thing ever gets released & if it does, the use of K'Nox & the potential use of any "Princess of Acorn," or "Warlord Kintobor," or any "Blue Spined Erinaceinae" would open himself up to a shitload of lawsuits. >>20663 I remember Infinite, Fist Bump very well & I'd even argue they're kinda underrated as catchy themes. But unfortunately, the music from Forces levels never left too great of an impression on me. Like >>20674 said, Modern's tracks were definitely solid but a lot of them felt too similar to the other to really stand out & while I liked Buddy's tracks, there's not many songs from those stages that I can sit back & instantly remember. I do appreciate they went the extra mile to give him lyrical themes in his stages tho, that was nice to see in Sonic games again.
>>20671 Good God, that's fucking ugly. And I somehow get the feeling if a psychologist saw this he'd have a field day. >>20675 >Actually, this thing has been in the works since 2012, so it's more like 8 years. >this shit is older than /sthg/ Jesus Christ. >I'd even argue they're kinda underrated as catchy themes I don't know about that with Infinite's theme. It got several million views on Youtube, becoming one of the most popular videos on the Sonic account. It's just that being part of Forces it was probably ignored and overlooked a lot more than it would have if it were in a more successful game. I never liked Fist Bump.
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>>20678 Cute Sloth >>20675 BTW forgot to mention, the space dude's face is based off (read: completely ripped off) an actual actor & Ken had to change his face when people called him out on it.
I just got done watching the Movie, and it's a lot better than I expected it. No spoilers included, but what I liked most of all was the pacing, and the right use of every moment and scene in it. Not one scene feels dragged on, the acting never feels cheesy, the human characters get "just enough" screentime (yes, really), Anti-Vaxxer Carrey's performance was enjoyable, the humour actually got a laugh out of me, and I wonder if this version of Sonic will have more "trust issues" with Knuckles compared to the others (since the Echidnas killed his family)… While I have more questions about his backstory, I'm curious if the fan-base is going to make this bigger than even I can imagine…
>>20681 Pardon me, there are technically spoilers (I just blacked them out)
>>20681 I've seen a good number of people actually get into the franchise with the movie's release, so I can see this expanding the fanbase. Even moreso, I've noticed that the movie also brought some people back to the series which is cool. Hopefully whatever announcement SEGA makes this month (that takes the place of SXSW) will keep the momentum going
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Hopefully this means more, longer, and all around better animations. And hopefully bigger animation projects too. Also have some extra Kanemaru. >>20684 Fuck me, I can't believe I forgot about this.
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>>20684 Oh fuck this is great!
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So has anyone tried this recipe & is it really worth a shit?
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>>20684 nice
>>20685 You mean after the virus subsides?
>>20684 I'm glad I finally gave one of these a try but I kind of don't like how a couple of artists got done dirty just animated a moving vehicle or a scenery shot. The reliance on memes that have been beaten to death over the course of years (sanic, ugandan knuckles, etc.) and some of the attempts at humor feel kind of forced and out of place when they're not plain annoying. Some of the styles just look plain ugly too. Maybe I should be watching with a different mindset and adjust my attitude and expectations because I at least liked some of the art styles here.
>>20684 I'm glad I finally gave one of these a try but I kind of don't like how a couple of artists got done dirty just animated a moving vehicle or a scenery shot. The reliance on memes that have been beaten to death over the course of years (sanic, ugandan knuckles, etc.) and some of the attempts at humor feel kind of forced and out of place. Some of the styles just look plain ugly too. Maybe I should be watching it and adjust my attitude and expectations because I at least liked some of the art styles here.
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>>20695 >>20696 so ah, which post is which >>20697 good find anon
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>>20693 >mfw that scene >mfw the totem showed up when he moved out of the scene >>20695 Considering this is the result of almost 300 people independently collaborating over the course of a year and a half, I think it actually went pretty well. It'd be impossible to complete if you required everyone to have a beautiful art style and make high quality original jokes. But man I'm pretty happy myself, specially considering that the OVA reanimated project set my expectations really low, it came out so well compared to that. There weren't that many overly annoying scenes and overall I loved all the little details added by the different animators and their different takes. >>20684
How are you guys holding up?
>>20700 Takin' it easy, spent too much on Amiami, etc.
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>>20700 Great, honestly. Enjoying the time to myself.
>>20700 No change here except that I haven't been able to refill my supplies of napkins and Lysol. Mildly annoying. Also, I've actually been using Kleenex for the first time in decades since toilet paper is being hoarded. (No idea why normalfags are stockpiling napkins but not Kleenex.)
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Sometimes I think about how Chaos and Shadow turned good at the end of their stories and how Amy made Silver think a little differently and I wonder: what if the same happened for Infinite? How would that have unfolded and who would have been the character to make him change? Would Amy have talked with him? Would fighting Sonic change Infinite in some way like it did Chaos? Or would custom character's persistence made Infinite stop and think? I know this is all stuff that only happened in a more ambitious time for Sonic Team and Sega and probably didn't have any room to unfold in Forces without it changing heavily to the point of being an entirely different game but it's still something I have wondered a few times in the past that I think I could have really loved and it could have made Infinite a much more interesting character too on top of making the story good.
>>20705 Very nice work. >>20706 Well Infinite didn't have anyone to rely on, but if that ever changed, I think he can change his ways. I wouldn't expect him to be a completely good guy because Shadow fucking killed his friends lol, but I can see him becoming an anti hero. That is, if we get to see him being important in a game's story ever again.
>>20706 IIRC, they sorta had a line where Amy mentioned "feeling bad" for Infinite, but they never went anywhere with it. If he ever came back to the series, I'd like to see the idea of Amy (or Sonic or even a returning Buddy) changing Infinite's perception of things. It's just unfortunate that SEGA seems intent on really forgetting Infinite was a thing
>>20706 >How would that have unfolded and who would have been the character to make him change The only characters that had any interaction with him were Sonic and Buddy, and Shadow if you count his episode. I don't think Infinite would have listened to Sonic, the two would think too different to have Sonic convince him of anything. Shadow has a closer personality and would be a good match to talk some sense into him, but with how things unfolded I don't think Infinite would ever listen to him. So that leaves buddy to do it, which he'd do by sheer plot magic. Also, your examples made me think, Chaos cared about chao and Shadow cared about Maria, which ultimately were the reasons for them going mad and eventually calming down. I guess given what we know about Infinite his reason for calming down could be something related to his old squad. Man I rewatched some of the Adventure cutscenes and that shit was a lot more ridiculous than I remembered. If we would have gotten that game in this day an age it'd be panned to no end and the fifth Sonic apocalypse would be announced. Also am I the only one here that doesn't really care about Infinite?
>>20709 >Second spoiler Probably not, but I always felt like he was kinda done wrong by SEGA. Not saying he would've been the second coming of Shadow, but he had some potential imo.
>>20711 Oh yeah, I forgot to mention it was Sonic X's anniversary, and just a few days after the premiere of the reanimated episode too. I loved watching this, the sketches and expressions are amazing and I'm happy to get to see a bit more of the behind scenes of the show. I wish they would release more stuff like this. I love all the love Sonic X is getting lately, I really thought I would grow out of it but nope.
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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hUdS_tRrOXM I didn't even know BoozermaN still made these Sonic Shits Skits in his off time (he has an entire channel dedicated to them): https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC4kVPpLv8TzpqkfXgAKQtfQ
>>20713 beautiful
>>20713 That was the most unfunny thing I've watched in a while.
>>20713 I remember him (& a few others) being a big part of the Sonic Shorts stuff on YT/Newgrounds way back then. I haven't gone back & watched any of them in ages (mostly because I feel like they wouldn't hold up too well), but it's nice they're still around in some shape or form.
>>20621 The owl looks so jaring compared to sonic
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>>20721 That is an old Bump, but it would be nice to see if someone got to buy another one from her.
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>>20722 Yes, but my point was that it's an expensive as fuck Bump!
>>20723 Well I never commission artists so I have no idea if her prices are expensive or not for someone her skill and fame.
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>>20684 These art styles though. Please let me post already 8kun
>>20717 It's called "Sonic Shits" for a reason buddy.
>>20723 You must really like Bump if you were willing to pay that much.
>>20721 >those prices Forgive me for my ignorance but aren't they a bit high like say $30 too high ?
>>20728 I really do but it's not my commission, I was just as surprised as you are.
>>20729 Maybe, but I don't really know much about the average commission price people tend to shoot for. I've seen some go for higher or lower, so I suppose it depends on what price the artist sets.
>>20729 Too rich for my blood, but if others pay that much then I don't think it's too high.
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I wonder how much money has been dumped into Bump commissions since 2014.
>>20733 AFAIK, a lot of her art was free. I'd wager no more than one grand was spent in total for all of Bump's art
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This is actually how we ended up with Pollock as Eggman.
>>20735 Pure luck it seems
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This is pretty cool
How prepared are you guys in the event of having to move to another imageboard again? I know there's a couple bunkers for this board that were set up on places like julay, but just in case something fucky happens concerning the site's stability and administration… /v/'s BO just dropped news that the site owner Jim isn't that dedicated to the other, non-QAnon boards, to the point where he said that he doesn't care if /v/ gets deleted: >>>/v/16907141
>>20743 God dammit, more issues? Thanks for linking, I didn't yet know this was unfolding. It certainly feels like there's a shitstorm coming, but it's felt like that since the site's comeback as it has never seemed to be doing all that well. Nonetheless it's hard to really grasp what the hell is going on with only that phrase to go with and no context, so for now it's the waiting game I guess. >How prepared are you guys in the event of having to move to another imageboard again? Probably ill prepared. Some people always get lost or don't want to migrate when these things happen and we're so few in the first place, so even though we aren't completely with our pants down this time I don't know how well it'd go. Nonetheless, it's always a good opportunity to remind people that if something happens to this place, we'll regroup at the Julay bunker: https://julay.world/fast/ BOOKMARK THAT SHIT FAGGOT
>>20744 Oh, about that, actually: http://archive.vn/ASJMy#selection-26790.1-26865.297 A board culling is underway at Julay. As for the /v/ situation, all the details aren't there. It's not as if this or any of the other online boards here are in immediate danger yet. Although, Mark plans on pursuing an alternative site down the line given Mr Watkins's prioritization of the QAnon boards. People want to get into contact with Ron first to sort things out and get more insight from his side of things as Mark won't drop the chatlogs where he felt he was disrespected by Jim.
>>20733 Around $60 from me for a couple of Bump lewds like 5 years ago now.
>>20745 Yeah, I saw the Julay news. Seems we were lucky to get the bunker there as they're no longer accepting new boards. We also got lucky to have avoided the culling, through sheer luck of people randomly shitposting on it no less, kek. >It's not as if this or any of the other online boards here are in immediate danger yet Maybe, but the whole thing smells rotten. It is however a good idea to get more details before jumping the gun as there have been no details given yet, but I can understand people being on edge. >Mark plans on pursuing an alternative site down the line I think this has a chance of fucking things up even more for everyone. But then again staying here guarantees nothing either.
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>>20746 Bump lewds are hot.
>>20744 >bookmark julay Thanks for the reminder. I had it bookmarked on another device but lost it. I hope things smooth over 8kun's staff
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>>20748 They sure are.
Do you think Sega will come through with the stream they promised for April? We are a couple of days away from the middle of the month and so far and there isn't even an announcement of the stream.
>>20751 I can see it happening towards the end of the month. If it's actually meant to be a big deal there's no point in delaying it, since SXSW & E3 aren't happening this year.
>>20752 I doubt it'd be a big deal, probably just memes and announcements of announcements like always.
>>20754 Even so, would they have even bothered delaying the announcement if it was nothing? At most, I imagine it was probably gonna be a tease of something important given that the next Sonic title was supposed to come out in 2021. But I guess the current events around the world has probably caused the development of the game to be put on hold, so who knows at this point?
Good afternoon, /fast/! Sonic Steam Humble Bundle: https://t.co/uMAgZSwl2R
>>20756 Neat, thanks for the heads up!
>>20755 >would they have even bothered delaying the announcement if it was nothing? They probably didn't have a choice given that the event was cancelled and they needed to think how to present the same content in a different format. >But I guess the current events around the world has probably caused the development of the game to be put on hold Fuck, the last thing Sonic Team needs is for external factors to mess with their usually already feeble plans. >>20756 Evening anon.
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>>20756 Holy Crud I was just playing Sonic R earlier. I don't know If I should get it or not, a friend told me it was pretty crazy… but I think I need the /fast/ seal of approval.
>>20759 It's alright. The racing is fun but the team mechanics brings it down and some of the race tracks are very samey. All-Stars Transformed is the better game.
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>>20759 I haven't played it. Also the whole bundle costs in my currency less than that. Huh.
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>>20762 Don't know the source of the other pics, but the full mini-comic where the last pic came from is cute: https://twitter.com/kohane01/status/1248278903895887872
>>20763 Awesome, thanks! I didn't know it was part of a comic, I think I may have saved it before the comic was posted. So cute!
>>20764 No prob! The artist usually does cute stuff, too
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Someone surprisingly made an infected Sonic for Sonic Worlds. Now you can spread the robotic plague. https://gamebanana.com/skins/175793
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>>20765 Oh yeah, I know. I'm always saving stuff from them. Lots of sonamy too.
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/v/ here Remember this?: >>20743 Everything's fine now: >>>/v/16910985 As if
>>20768 What a trainwreck.
>>20769 I'll never understand pedophiles. They're beyond sick.
>>20768 >>20770 >http://archive.fo/gD1oN#selection-25901.0-25901.166 >Mark has talked with me almost daily about his grand plan to change the site back to 8ch.net and relaunch with /pol/ and all the 2d loli boards. Lets talk about this. >relaunch with /pol/ and all the 2d loli boards NONONONONONONO Do not bring those shit boards back to life, this is why everyone makes fun of you mark. After all those years, it's now makes sense. But i will note that mark did say: "Nothing to do with the question, moreso the fact that he's one of those nazi faggots that tend to shit up the board" (http://archive.fo/jlN4M#selection-3617.0-3617.116) also poor 16902274, he didn't knew yet and in one of the YouTube interviews, mark does say that he does miss /leftypol/ even tho they were rats, because it showed 8chan to be more then just /pol/ and talk about the glory days of /pol/ being conservative, so take that as you will. Moral of the story: Never trust a BO who likes or allow lolis. —————– Original post: >pedophiles >the link for 16910985 is now ded The fuck did i miss? I know boards like /v/ has a lolifag problem and old 8ch /b/ had a pedo problem, thanks to /hebe/ and masterchan, but what is it this time. still remember in the good old 8ch days, where a butthurt mod in /v/ censored and deleted posts if it made fun of or mocked pedos (wew) >>20762 That cream pic keeps reminds of the addams groove by mc hammer for some reason: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jqQwzgixHAM —————–
>>20769 This basically. >>20770 >>20771 Eh, as tempting as it is to reply I think it'd be best if we left this for /v/ or some other board to discuss. It's only bound to create a huge pile of crap like it did on /v/ otherwise. Love that Sage though.
>>20772 >we left this for /v/ Seeing how /v/ is a custerfuck right now and how people are saying that there are /cow/fags in the /v/ now, i get your point. I just needed unleashed my autism for a moment, because this shit is a revelation for me. >Love that Sage though. I know, it's a really nice sage
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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C1x9dRC32iI >>20772 You're right. Here's a remake of one of YouTube's Golden Oldies to calm us all down.
On a other note, Super Eyepatch Wolf made a sonic video: >The Bizarre Modern Reality of Sonic the Hedgehog https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LQqVZsOpXgA also: >The Problem With Sonic's Writers… https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JZDHyFi4xlI >8chanmania (it has ugandan knuckles in it) https://cytu.be/r/8chanmania
>>20774 Oh fuck, that brings back some memories. Sad to think most people probably wouldn't know what this was these days. >YouTube's Golden Oldies Wasn't this originally on Newgrounds?
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Sonic Channel's Easter pic! Is that Mystic Ruins? 👀 Also in other news Sonic Revolution got cancelled.
>>20777 Das cute
>>20766 Wait, I can finally play this game again?
>>20779 Sonic Worlds? Yeah, it came back a little while ago but I dunno if the game has changed in anyway
>>20781 Release 9 improved a ton, but Release 10 will be a major release in about a month or so. The over-abundance of mods for the game is what attracts me. All that's left is an appropriate story mode.
>>20782 Hey, that's great! I've always loved the idea of Sonic Worlds, but have been kinda left wanting more from what the game provided in its earlier releases. I'll make sure to check it out asap.
>>20781 >>20782 That's good. I heard something about it going down and then what most recent release was available apparently did something awful to your computer. Some kind of memory leak or something, I don't remember. But wasn't release 10 to be released for a long time now or something? I clearly haven't kept up with things.
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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CcDJU24X6Q4 >>20784 >>20781 So, I was guilty of this too earlier, but the game is called Sonic World. No plural. I don't know why it isn't called Sonic Worlds given it just sounds better and more fitting, but that's what the dev went with. Also, they apparently just released a video today/yesterday showing off Cream's new changes for the upcoming release.
>>20789 >Sonic World. No plural H-huh….Well, guess I've been misreading the logo the whole time. On another note, good morning /sthg/!
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>>20790 Good morning anon!
Do you still miss the Archie characters?
>>20792 no, good riddance
>>20792 Yes & no. The Meropis characters, some of the Egg Bosses, even some preboot cast members like Scourge I absolutely miss, as well as some of the interpretations of the Freedom Fighters, Mighty, Breezie & Honey. The Penders echidnas on the other hand? Outside of Finitevus a little, none of them had any real merit. Beyond that, I still think post-SGW Archie Sonic had the best setting of any Sonic media & it's a shame the comic died so soon, even if I enjoy IDW
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>>20794 Actually lemme rephrase: Outside of Finitevus, there's not a whole lot of merit that I really got from the Echidnas. Even some of the ones I didn't entirely mind like Lien-Da always felt "meh" to me. And hey, speaking of IDW: https://twitter.com/idwpublishing/status/1250101804840468482?s=21 >IDW Announces New Comic Writer and Bad Guys Miniseries for Sonic the Hedgehog! Check out the exclusive announcement with @ComicBook! @SpiritSonic @IanFlynnBKC https://twitter.com/gigidutreix/status/1250106147144597511?s=21
>>20795 Also worth noting that Evan Stanley will be in the head writer's chair for IDW Sonic's mainline series for a little bit & the first story announced under her is Shadow, Rouge & Cream taking part in Chao Races to win parts for Omega
>>20795 >>20796 I don't know, I don't think Ian has done a great job with the comic so far but I don't think I've been a huge fan of evan's stuff before, though that new arc looks like it might be right up her alley. Can we please have Aleah back pretty please? >Chao Races and Badnik Bases Kek, that's a brilliant name. Bonus points for chao. It's great to know IDW is reinforcing their comic push, it's refreshing that some part of the franchise is not being immediately dropped right after being introduced. Also these covers are pretty good, specially this one which comes as a surprise because so far I haven't liked this artist's style at all so far. Kinda exciting.
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>>20795 I read the news earlier but only now it clicked with me that Ian is actually not going to actively write the comics anymore. Damn, it's the end of an era. I also got the artist of >>20797 confused with the other IDW cover artist that also has a French sounding name. Some are speculating that the reason Ian is distancing himself from the comics might be because of him filling in for some other empty Sonic writing position >>20053 Having said that, if this is indeed the case I'm not sure what that spells for the next game as it's not going to have a lot of development time with it releasing just next year.
>>20798 Apparently, Ian's livestreamed himself at SEGA HQ not too long ago, but who knows what that's about. IIRC Evan clarified on Twitter that she & Flynn are gonna take the role of co-head writers with Stanley taking the reigns for right now. But yeah, this is an interesting time to see where things goes. >>20797 Aleah was probably my favorite writer from Archie Sonic, but unfortunately, I don't think Baker's currently available to work on IDW.
>>20801 What did Baker write?
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>>20805 I was just going to post this before the site went down. Is the Japan stream the 20th of this month or are they delaying that too like last month?
>>20805 Awesome, more of nothing. Now, I wonder, they have what they want to announce. They have it ready because they should've had it prepared for sxsw last month. So the problem is just HOW they're going to show off that stuff. WHY IS THIS SO COMPLICATED? JUST MAKE A TWITTER POST OR SOMETHING. >>20807 This month's japanese stream has been delayed to the 22nd, and it won't be a livestream, it was recorded beforehand.
>>20806 She wrote some material of the post-reboot comics like the Pronghorn Sisters, Phage, the city of Meropis & its people, etc. Her writing style was pretty simple but it worked for the comic & I liked the way she created OCs. >>20808 Tbh, I have 0 clue what they could reveal that would make it sensible for them to delay it so much. If it's nothing important, just do the announcement already instead of pushing back so much.
>>20810 Yeah, it clearly wasn't something small if they aren't showing it off right away. I've heard somewhere that they're holding off their announcements because there's a IGN event coming in a few months or something like that. Maybe that's what they're aiming for? At this point this is starting to rustle my autism, please SEGA just make a shitty ten second teaser and I'll be happy for another month.
>>20805 I wonder if the fact that it has been indefinitely delayed could mean that they're trying to back down from the announcements because the game might actually need to be delayed too. Though they could just be waiting for a window of opportunity to send their message at a time where the pandemic isn't taking everyone's full attention.
>>20813 If they're waiting for a time where the pandemic isn't taking everyone's full atention then they'll end up displaying their teaser next year. Things aren't going to calm down soon enough.
>>20808 >delayed to the 22nd, and it won't be a livestream, it was recorded beforehand. Oh well, that's not so bad, could be worse. >>20812 It'd definitely help if there was something they could throw our way, even if it's not necessarily related to the announcements, but I imagine that kind of stuff is not something you can prepare in just a couple of weeks. >Yeah, it clearly wasn't something small if they aren't showing it off right away. Betting 100 rings it's literally nothing. >>20814 Doesn't seem like it's going to be worse than currently in a month or two. But they haven't really set a date, so if their intention is to get attention and they can't get it they might just decide not to show it for longer, they have more than a year and a half until the release anyway.

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>>20815 >spoiler Honestly at this point I don't know what to think. If we were talking about SXSW I'd say it was nothing for sure but since this deal will be delayed another month then I'm not so sure anymore.
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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZCVi3zutvyY Morning /sthg/! Would you argue that Lost World had an underrated OST, or was it forgettable?
>>20819 No, it had a great ost! Every song stands on their own with good measure.
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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xShbCJnms3E >>20819 I don't really remember thinking it was good or ever considering replaying any songs of its OST. Well, except for this one which I actually became really addicted to and replayed it a lot!
Huh, Sega Heroes is DED. I'm surprised because I remember a lot of shilling from Sega for this game but now they just killed it, they sold the studio that made it so they'll be shutting it down in about a month. Hope the people that spent their money on this can enjoy their purchases in these few remaining days :^) http://www.tssznews.com/2020/04/16/sega-heroes-to-be-discontinued-after-demiurge-independence/
>>20822 Good thing I don't buy into that Turn-Based crap then (especially if it's F2P). I prefer my RPGs being a bit more "hack-and-slashy movement based".
>>20819 When I think of Lost World's music, I mainly think of songs like Sugar Lane, Frozen Factory, and Snowball Waltz, which are utter trash. But that's actually unfair on reflection, because the more complex ones (like Windy Hill, Silent Forest, or Honeycomb Highway) are very good indeed.
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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3CR6kKsy_LA >>20819 I personally really liked it. I can't think of a track I didn't like off the top of my head and revisiting it just now to refresh my memory made me like the songs more. Except the casino. I really don't like casinos in Sonic. The song here is one of my favorites.
>>20819 I think Lost World was where I started to get tired of Ohtani's style. There wasn't really any real bad tracks, but none that were really memorable. I'd rank it pretty low on the main Sonic soundtrack totem pole.
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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L_BdKTPtkI0 Ladies and Gentlemen, I just found some mega platinum… A polished Sonic Fan Game made in Infinity Engine.
>>20829 Oh yeah, I've heard about this. This looks pretty sweet & I'm pretty hyped for what's next. >>20828 Morning or in this case good afternoon anon!
>>20829 This was posted here earlier in the year and, no, it really isn't that great. The level design really needs a ton of work.
>>20831 Oh… I guess I'm off track a bit. It's still unique/cutting edge for being one of the few Fan Games that have actual in-game cut-scenes (in 3D even), with great impersonators (it's the Griffith Sonic in this game). It's times like these why I wonder how more people don't acknowledge and appreciate how amazing the fan-game/mod/rom-hack community for Sonic Games is. Given the chance, we/they could make something even more amazing if they decide to all scoop up together (like Linux Distros when they merge).
>>20829 Something like this is what I want out of a new game.
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>>20835 Probably most are alone every Friday night lately, lol.
Who is Keys the Ruin and why have we never seen what they look like or been told their backstory?
>>20833 Jeez… Can't there exist one photo/comic where we have BUMP doing something funny and wholesome, and SAGE smiling honestly at her "carefree antics"? Something in the context of: "What am I gonna do with you you fun loveable benevolent idiot? <:)" I know it seems a bit out of character, but that's the point of it. I'm just throwing free ideas out here because I'm bored. They just announced that all of our public swimming pools are closed until September thanks to the World-Scaring Chink-Flu.
>>20837 >Keys the Ruin I've never heard of that, where'd you get that name from?
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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vc3ffItUtlc >>20839 Their character them is used in SA2 but they never show up.
Excuse me, I'm just here to post something and make the board go faster. Bye.
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>>20838 >SAGE smiling
>>20840 >Keys The Ruin Okay, that is a very odd name for a theme. Dunno why they gave it that title, given that Adventure era OSTs usually use a more traditional name.
https://twitter.com/IDWSonicNews/status/1251561420497584128?s=19 Updates on when the next IDW issue releases as well as the Annual.
>>20845 Between the fact that we're talking about IDW, the uncertainty because of pandemic, and that we'd get several issues in a single month I have a feeling none of those dates will be honored.
Do you guys know of any other notable head silhouettes / icons in the games or other media in the franchise?
>>20847 The Sonic & Mario games had a few "flags" or whatever, with similar icons for different characters like Silver, Shadow, Amy, etc.
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>>20847 I think Runners or some other mobile game had head silhouettes for pretty much all the characters, but that wasn't really notable. SA2's logo also has a sort of silhouette of Sonic and Shadow.
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Time to come back to where I belong. Hi everyone.
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>>20851 Welcome back.
>>20851 Sup anon. Are you gonna never turn back?
Linking this here just for the sake of cautiousness. Haven't been able to find a lot of info on it though, so take it as you will, but maybe that's just because it's very recent. Most importantly, before even touching your Nintendo account, make sure you don't have accounts on other sites with the same password. >>>/v/16921982
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>>20855 Sonic's a rude little blue shit, tbh Also I was sleep most of the day
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>>20856 >tfw working all day
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>>20857 Oof. Well hey, you got /fast/ at least!
I saw a similar discussion somewhere else the other day, but it's made me think: Are there any characters in this series who you feel has actually improved in terms of characterization over the last decade in the games? I know people have some negatives about the way Tails or Shadow's been portrayed but what about other characters? And even if you aren't a fan of their current characterization, what are some lessons you think should be taken from some of the recent games in how the current cast should be handled?
>>20859 Well in my opinion I don't think the last decade has been great for characterization. Even more so if you consider how little time to shine we had for the secondary characters. Regulars got flanderized, the rest didn't change much for the worse but neither did they improve. They just "were there".
>>20859 This decade's been great for Sonic, Tails, and Eggman. I know people hate Tails' characterization now, but he actually feels like a close friend of Sonic's instead of a sidekick or cheerleader. Even in Forces, he helped a great deal by hacking into Eggman's database (something that isn't mechanics, exposition, or moral support), even if he didn't do much afterwards. As for the other characters, they've hardly changed (minus Amy's weird competitiveness in Free Riders), but that's moreso due to lack of importance than anything else.
>>20861 I'd say at the very least the decade started strong for Tails. Sonic Colors didn't have many great moments nor was it very strong on the storytelling front imo, but some of the best non-Eggman moments in the game were definitely the interaction between Sonic & Tails. As you said, the two came across as close friends who had some nice chemistry together. same with Sonic Generations. Lost World & Forces I wasn't a fan of, but the aforementioned Colors/Generations were definitely a step in the right direction. >>20860 The lack of focus on secondary characters has been pretty lame I'll admit, especially when they threw the Resistance together in Forces & we barely got to see them do a whole lot outside of the final fight & Silver getting his shit pushed in by Infinite. I don't know the particular reason for it, but I at least hope that with how much people have been clamoring for Sonic's friends to get more of a spotlight again, SEGA tries to address that with whatever Sonic 2021 (or Sonic 2022 at the rate things are going) is gonna be.
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Morning, /sthg/. Hope you all have a good day today!
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>>20864 Morning to you as well. Any Sonic plans for today /sthg/? I might start playing Sonic Advance 3 and might see if I can get my hands on the Rush games for a future playthrough. Looking quite forward to playing as the fire kitty for the first time.
>>20865 If you're looking for the Rush games, are you planning on using any emulators, or getting the physical versions? Also I've had a strong urge to play a little GBA-era Sonic, so I may play some Sonic Battle for the first time in ages.
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>>20867 They're gonna make a collaboration I take it? Gonna be interesting, voice acting is pretty cool.
>>20867 It's just fanwork. Nothing from SEGA.
>>20869 It could be fanwork, but what would that fanwork even be anyways?
>>20870 I'm gonna go with a really gay song judging by some of the other things she's done and assuming I'm remembering correctly.
>>20871 >a really gay song I love really gay songs anon
>>20872 Not him, but depending on the genre, same Tbh, given the artstyle in those pictures, part of me thinks it could be a new Sonic short with VAs. Or it's just more bait for the "Adventure remake" crowd, who knows?
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>>20872 >>20873 pic related. A short with VAs would be great though.
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These are the Amy slides showcased on the last Sonic Station stream. The next stream goes live early tomorrow!
>>20874 >pic related Thank you anon. > A short with VAs would be great though. I agree
>>20875 Would these look bad on an overweight male? Asking for a friend
>>20877 Absolutely not
>>20877 Only if you don't use the matching dress.
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Look at how happy everyone is, look at it
>>20880 The more I look at Rouge the more out of place she looks with her big fat bat tats
>>20880 Something must have happened to Ian for him to allow characters to be happy like this. >>20881 They don't look so big
A bit offtopic, but where can I post meta stuff? Asking because frankly this site's going down the crapper and I don't wanna lose you lot :'^(
>>20883 There's a meta thread in the /fast/ catalog
>>20884 >>20885 Cheers mates!
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Someone just dumped a shitload of Sonic Underground storyboards on eBay for $65 a piece. https://www.ebay.com/itm/402241455021
>>20889 Neat. Are there any storyboards leaked from Sonic X?
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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W0c87WKmAS8 >>20898 A couple of weeks ago we got an animatic from TMS to celebrate the show's anniversary, but I think that's it. I don't think I've ever seen any cels from the show either, Japs keep their shit much more locked down than the west it seems. Other than this there's some concept art here and there and an artist that worked on the show was sharing concept art for the show's robots and ships on twitter a couple of weeks months ago. Reminds me I don't think I finished archiving those.
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>>20900 What a shame, it would be awesome to see those. >>20901 These are all gold.
>>20902 I have some of these from an older thread that had more X storyboards, but I'm almost certain there's more out there. Reminds me of some of the early-90s Sonic concept art that was posted around the internet back in the day.
https://twitter.com/RYANtheDRUMMOND/status/1253443827378958336?s=20 So yeah, this is a thing. Interesting that Pollock is taking part in this.
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And in addition to a Sonic Radio Drama, part of the final version of the SatAM bible was posted: https://twitter.com/KenPenders/status/1251663397671677952 Also, look at these cute Sonics!
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>>20905 Has a staff member ever taken part in a fan production before? Well, except for Aaron I guess, with the whole BBFA3 although that never actually saw the light of day. According to https://twitter.com/doryannelson/status/1253447042589962242 seems there are going to be several episodes and that there are going to be other characters, and given that they're calling it a radio drama it seems it's going to be voice acting only. I Doubt there will be other official VAs though, that'd get awkward quick if some were invited and some replaced by former VAs or fans. I love this Sonic btw.
>>20908 Yeah, it makes me wonder if SEGA gave Pollock their blessing to be a part of this, though. I could be wrong, but isn't there some kind of rule about official staff working on fan material?
>>20909 I was under the impression that there was, and I even remember hearing somewhere that VAs have to sign papers stating that they can't use the voice of their characters outside of official productions because the characters belong to companies and the voice is part of the character, or something to that extent. But I've never been able to find where I've heard that mentioned and some other things I've seen contradict this so I don't even know anymore. I also remember Aaron trying hard to not talk about specific fangames on the streams but after that he went and did the BBFA3 thing so again I have no idea. Seems every rule has its exceptions.
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>>20907 >cute sonics All I see is ice cream sonic
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>>20907 >Penders contributing something worthwhile Has hell frozen over or something? What's going on? Are we safe?
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>>20913 >ice cream sonic It peeves me to a great extent how popular and widespread that meme got, it has no reason to be that popular, it's just a stupid and crappy looking ice cream bar.
>>20915 >spoiler I had one a long time 20 years ago and have been dying to try one again (pic related as well). I made that comparison as the cute sonic drawings reminded me of the ice cream. I wasn't aware the sonic ice cream was popular on the internet as a meme(?).
>>20917 >20 years ago Damn, I didn't know those ice cream bars have been around for so long. But yes, they're really popular, I remember seeing pictures of someone in a convention dressed as one and I think even the official twitter memed about it once or twice.
>>20914 >"Even a Broken Clock Is Right Twice a Day"
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>>20904 Those are amazing references, thanks!
>>20915 Cute Sloth!
>>20915 I think part of the reason was just that the way the eyes were shaped (as well as the image of the Sonic ice cream bar melting) providing reaction image material >>20922 Those are some nice pics! Any source on the ones without a watermark? I might wanna give 'em a follow
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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lCP5zewZFjM >>20910 I remember Mike Pollock being very specific about not doing his eggman voice when he did an interview for SAGE.
>>20926 Thanks, anon!
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>>20929 >he did the voice for the Mayor of the Sonic Boom village His best voice so far
Seems someone created >>>/jsr/ Not interested myself but I think some of you might be
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Holy shit this is great.
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>>20938 I remember seeing some old AOSTH YTPs during the old cartoon marathons, they were pretty humorous. Although I'm kinda surprised that there were so many made over the years.
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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8RfMIjbicNE >>20939 Speaking of YTPs, the same guy makes them to this day (this is his recent video).
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>>20937 I didn't even know there were others. hedgehog stew>skydiving>>>>>win the race
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>>20942 What would Super Amy's hammer look like?
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>>20941 WereAmy's hammer having spikes is cute as all hell. Tbh, since the hammer already fits the gold & red aesthetic of Super Amy, so I can see Amy having a beeg fuckin' Piko Piko Hammer
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>>20946 Characters in werehog style are cute. Wish that artist gave WereAmy spikes on her bracelet too. I've kinda slowly started to love spiky bracelets.
>>20943 Spiky bracelets are a great look, tbh. I also like the little fangs Sally has in that panel
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we sinkin'
>>20950 I'd make the new thread, but I'm about to pass out. Another anon can do the honors, if they want
>>20951 Will do.
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>>20951 Night then anon.
>>20952 Thanks! >>20953 Night anon.

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