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GamerGate Radio

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Torrential Downpour Thread the 2nd: "Fire Emblem Fates: Pickeman Edition" Leader of GamerGate 02/23/2016 (Tue) 01:29:29 Id: 11f739 No. 317200
This is just a general statement, I was talking with a Japanese artist I follow on Twitter and apparently Japanese gamers are well aware of the issues of localization. What was even more surprising was he said that Western games are often censored when they are brought over to Japan. I was pretty surprised about hearing about this.
Archive for the last thread: http://archive.is/zD86O
>>317204 You didn't know? They censor violence a ton from the West to Japan. Sometimes sexual content too.
>>317204 It's been a common practice for years that's become more and more known since the Internet. I guess what's changed is our views on it. Gamers have gotten bolder about what they like and Censorship has becoming a popular subject in and out of the media.
>>317207 And yet we still have idiots defending the practice. Pfftt…
>>317206 It's funny really. In Japan they're blase about sex but as sensitive the violence due to some particular horrific events. In the West, we're blase to violence and sensitive to sex because, christianity and feminism.
>>317206 >>317207 >>317209 Yeah, I just find it comforting knowing that we aren't totally alone in the fight against the bullshit.
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Found this on /v/
>>317213 Could you find a higher resolution. I can't read that at all.
>>317213 Can't read some of these. Please magnify and enhance.
>>317213 Need higher resolution. I can't read it.
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>>317218 wrong thread. sorry
Copypasta from the last thread. Let's roll the clocks back to the video game crash of 1982/1983. Remember the glorious memories of video games(which really weren't all that great. And I loved those eras). But one thing that did happen during the 80's and 90's was that some video games of an unusual or experimental nature were developed and released. Now, take a look at the executives who approved/greenlit those video games. Who were the executives during those times? Not hip young guys. These were cigar chomping old guys at NoJ who looked at the product and said, " I don't know. Who know what is. Sell it to the baka no gaijin. If it sells, sugoi desu ne. Beri guudo." We were better off with those guys than the "hip young executives" who are making the decisions of what people should see and play in the market place. The young guys are more conservative, and more dangerous to the video game industry than the old guys with the cigars ever were. And do you know how these young guys get in there? How do people like Alison Rapp and other members of the Nintendo Treehouse get in there? How do people like Tim Browne of Ubisoft, or Christian Svennson of Capcom(now laid off) get in there? The old guy in Japan says, "SAA, chansu desu yo. We went and sold many million units to the gaijin. I don't know what product is. But we must do more. I need advice in American branch. Let's get American konpyuuta man here.". So they hire a young computer nerd, or a faux geek chic woman there. And they're not going to trust them with anything at NoA other than to pick up the coffee, and bring the mail in and out. They start there. " Well, they carried the coffee 5 times on time. We can trust him. Let's give him/her a REAL job. So they become a marketing team member. Or a public relations person. From there, as they're moving up and up and up, Alison Rapp has her feet on the executive chair or equivalent in structure. And she says, "We can't take a chance on this. Because it's not what young people, including young women want to see. And I should know, because misandry doesn't exist.". And they have that attitude. And if you get rid of the SJWs and beta males, and get back to the days of " who knows. Take a chance", that entrepreneurial spirit where even if you don't like or understand what the video game coming through the door is; the person who's in the executive chair may not be the final arbiter of taste of the entire population.
So, is there any indication from anyone with any meaningful power that this is anything other than a lost cause? Because it feels like a lost cause.
>>317228 Not sure. I think the best we can do is spread awareness of the Localization, and how to subvert it. Ideally we can get a reaction for future releases.
'Fire Emblem' is trending on Twitter and holy shit the shills are out in full force. Apparently places are sold out of copies, which people are now saying is proof that the game is great. This could be due to just Nintendo low stocking stuff as usual, which even Zelda is not above looking at the Majora's Mask release. Also accusing of people who don't buy the game due to censorship of killing the franchise in the West. Sadly, I think the tumblr crowd is now out trying to defend their purchase.
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>>317200 Dear based hotpocket: I am a faggot retard who dosne't know how to spel or tipe or to check my shit before hitting the "create thread" button. Can you please edit the OP to remove the retarded? It's "Pickleman" and "GROUND" and please add a note the the thread my be NSFW like the previous one. I will now commit sodoku.
>>317233 I didn't meant to, but now dubs demand it. Sorry.
I give up. Nintendo has won. In my opinion, there's no option. Violence against the video game corporations is the only way they are ever going to learn. Stooping to the SJWs level is the only way we're going to save both our hobby and our way of life. It's time for the SJW feminists and communists at Nintendo Treehouse to bleed. Who's with me?
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>>317209 America - Puritan influence on sex but hawkish on war. Japan - isolationist business island country, less violence due to a pacified history after WWII, sex sells. That's why. >>317213 Did we hit bingo? Also, internet and social media are not prevalent in the past, crap localizations flew under the radar.
>>317232 Sure there are shills, but even some shills admit this is Nintendo's worth localization to date.
>>317236 Nice post, faggot. Make sure you screenshot it and share it on Twitter to prove how evil gamergate is.
>>317239 It's called my morale being low, asshole. Instead of making me feel like shit, a little comradarie(sic) would be nice. I know violence is wrong, but that's how I feel. I have no hope for this operation, anon. Because the corporation doesn't care, no matter what we do. That, and assholes from /v/ are doing nothing but shitting on us, acting like their freedom doesn't fucking matter. It feels like it's truly over, anon. Now if you'll excuse me, I need to take a knife to my own throat, because I can't take where this community, and my nation is headed. Have a nice life.
That messed up Fresco pisses me off. I tried to find an update to see if they tired restoring the painting again, and all I found were clickbait articles praising the woman who did it as some kind of folk hero. I really can understand why some people think murder is morally justified.
>>317241 If your morale is low fuck off and play some vidya. Fucking stupid "let's spill some blood" posts are the exact opposite of helpful and make you look like a falseflagging fucktard. You want some camaraderie? Don't do stupid shit and we'll talk.
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And if you want video of the fully cut conversation: https://twitter.com/mombot/status/701858966557437952/video/1
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>>317213 >andrew dice Reminder that he is responsible for this.
>>317213 http://archive.is/vj5z8 >And yes, *this even extends to the memes*. (Gon' let that one hang in the air for a second) >The corporate leadership, looking at a product, can say "we would like the game to appeal to our perception of Demographic [X], make it so" >and might even bring up memetics, depending. And then the loc staff pretty much have to walk back and meet the standards & target set. http://archive.is/rTntH >See, a Big Corporate translation like FE has a lot of internal moving parts. There's more to it than just doing the TL & edit pass. http://archive.is/dJkbY >Speaking of Fire Emblem, I haven't dipped my toe into the "controversy" around Fates, but there is one thing I want to address @ this point. >And that is: if you're angry about changes, fair, but if you're blaming the Treehouse *loc staff alone*, you… may not understand the biz. http://archive.is/So7C1 >So, yeah, if you're angry or disappointed about FE Fates, that's your right and you should express it! >But if you blame individuals/even the localization section of a corp for content changes… you might just be targeting the wrong folks. http://archive.is/PIlsV >And that's not even getting into *inter-corporate* politics. Perhaps a big corp itself doesn't care about Game Element [Y], for example. >But then the ESRB says, "if Element Y is in the game, we will rate it above your target age rating", and that's when the chainsaws come out. >This one has happened with depressing regularity for more than 20 years. And the loc staff can do f-all about it due to the bottom line. etc. TL;DR "not our fault, it's big corporate", take the ESRB note with a grain of salt (there was that post about treehouse going apeshit on cuts without seeking a rating before hand)
>>317259 Like I'll listen to his shit after: >>317252
>>317260 That was for those who were unable to read >>317213
>>317228 So let me get this straight: There is NO indication that any of this mattered to anyone who actually makes decisions about Western releases at Nintendo? WTF?
>>317264 Uhhhh… If you think our objectives are to make miracles, then sure, we've failed. But no, our objective was to first, raise awareness about the shitty localization, boycott and get people to boycott because of this awareness (more of a secondary, people would boycott anyway) OR get people to import/get used copies and use the fan translation, thus increasing the popularity of these fan translations making it more appealing AND to make such a big stink that people in the industry not only notice this, but take into consideration that maybe, just maybe the current way we localize is shit. NoA got hit on Twitter and Tumblr (supposedly), they can't post without having people write only anti-censorship and anti-localization tweets to them. #TorrentialDownpour took over 2 hashtags that sum up for 18.8m impressions, the hashtag itself peaked at 500k. Outlets picked this up, some in favor, some not, e-celebs also noticed this and are shilling. We'll see how hard this has hit the branches sales. We'll also see in the nearest future what OTHER western localizers and companies think. If you really are here in good faith, you have no real notion of how these things work, if you're here in bad faith, you're utterly retarded.
>>317241 This isn't tumblr faggot, blogpost somewhere else. Your posts reeks of falseflagging so get lost.
Why don't we report Maragos to the FTC?
>>317268 JUST DO IT, NIGGA!
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>>317252 >>317260 >Implying lolis are real children and not just art How can you be this puritanical and deal with Japanese stuff all day? You would think they would just consider all Japanese games "problematic" and have interest in something else.
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Be aware: Twitter is pulling some scummy shit with the tag (Autocomplete for #TorrentialDownpour isn't working for me)
>>317277 No worries, I write too fast to use autocomplete. That's just for faggots.
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>>317267 I apologize for that, anon. At the very least, allow me to make amends. >>317249 Thank you for setting me straight, anon. I just needed the inspiration.
>>317282 Are the original supports in that pastebin? Cause if so I'm going ham spreading this. Who do I need to quote for graphics credit?
>>317286 On the original Japanese, only Velour's seems to be in a pastebin. http://pastebin.com/pDA46GiB >Velour: "I've always been alone. But when I'm with Kanna, then we'll always be together. It put my mind at ease more than when I'm alone…That's because I like you, Kanna. So, I've been thinking that I want us to be together?" >Kanna: "Velour…I love you too. Not just when we walk, I think I have fun when we talk or when we eat together." >Velour: "Fufu…If that's the case, our feelings of love are mutual? I'm so happy…" The other two I haven't seen a pastebin of yet. Searching around and seeing angry third parties, I saw a couple say that he proposes in the originals but I haven't seen them yet. Hopefully they'll come out soon. This is all consistent with Soleil so it's not a unique outlier but a trend seen in others now. If unfamiliar, the biggest changes in S supports go to Kana (M), Kana (F), and Soleil. The last one we've got multiple examples of changes already seen, one of the biggest being Percy/Lutz that you can see here >>317251 She rejects him in the US, she wants a family in Japan. There are no marriages on any of Soleil except for Avatar and maybe Forrest (it's not explicit but there's romantic interest expressed, which is good enough). Kana's the same way, only with none. You can check any of the other Kana supports, he/she doesn't marry anyone. These are just some of the biggest standouts on him because he gets destroyed. For credit, @KingFrostFive on twitter works but you don't need to worry about it that much; characters are limited there and OC's not what I usually do.
>>317251 Can you explain the Soleil conversation more? I'm assuming the archive link is the Treehouse translation but it needs to have a comparison to the original Japanese in order for it not to be confusing. It isn't labeled which one it is anywhere…
>>317289 The one listed as Percy is the Japanese version. This one. pastebin.com/NgNBN06m The second image is Lutz, the Japanese name for the same guy. This one. pastebin.com/CLqW1VT8
>>317290 So, Percy is the Japanese version and Lutz is the NoA version? But I thought Lutz is the Japanese name? Are you sure you said that right?
>>317292 Er…no, sorry. I got it backwards. Percy = US Lutz = JPN My bad. Brain must be more tired than I thought. Didn't even notice the pastebin links weren't clickable. ENG: http://pastebin.com/NgNBN06m JPN: http://pastebin.com/CLqW1VT8
>>317293 Ok, I was about to say that the Lutz one was much cuter and romantic. The Percy version is just…sad. Either way would it be best to combine them into one pastebin so that its more clear? Just copy the same conversations but say that one is JPN and one is USA. I think this instance is pretty up there in how the USA not only changed conversations, but made them worse and more cold.
>>317289 For Soleil, In Japan all her marriages are male. In America, she only marries the male avatar and all her other S-Supports have been converted into he being friends with her suitor because Treehouse really really really wanted to turn her into a lesbian. Her support with the male Avatar is another can of worms. These two give an overview of the Nontroversy https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9JeezdDR8Pk https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-1r5CKzI2Lo This is a traslation of the Japanese version https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6iVFPheRegw And here's what we got http://imgur.com/5DtZQBQ Support-C http://imgur.com/uNZxmWn Support-B http://imgur.com/JdDUkUu Support-A http://imgur.com/qcVE8m4 Support-S
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Is this support conversation the true リーダー of Gamergate?
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Have some OC I found.
>>317273 I did, but it's more effective if multiple people report it. Be sure to report Nintendo, not just Maragos or the site the review was written for, for it. They gave a review copy to make that review possible.
Y'all have read these by now. If you haven't, take a gander. https://tweetsave.com/hellstorm901/status/702287100184502272 https://archive.is/OJklI I'll be brief: nevermind the shock, we already knew this was coming. NoA and NoE have a full PR shield up and they are not going to give before you do. There's no way to dance around that. So quick recap of what I'm seeing - People are aware of Torrential Downpour and it's a major topic—either of curiosity or of salt—in all major forums. - They're not talking hard in the journo outlet circuit yet because those guys are too busy trying to outshout with blowing Nintendo to care or considering GamerGate: The Second Coming - We have confirmation that Nintendo knows and refuses to publicly give a fuck. IT'S TIME FOR THE LETTERS If you're digging? Good. Keep digging, but flip your subjects. Doing work on uncovering Treehouse personnel is good stuff, but we're going to have to broaden pretty soon. Examples: Fatal Frame 5, Xenoblade Chronicles X, Bravely Default, Rune Factory 4, any Pokémon…hit up 3DS games. Find out and catalogue the differences. Run it in a way that can be verified, if possible: Censored Gaming takes 24/7 tips from fans so hit them up on email or twitter. Doubly-so, some anons are working for an HQ for Torrential Downpour so we can gather and archive contributing info there. Don't stop with just those titles. You have a favorite game. You've been wondering about it. Don't just rely on the material you hear parroted, like the endless NISA image macros. Do some digging. Find out differences & catalog & present them. For the letters. A thread is being made at NicheGamer forums because I'm not good with reddit so fuck trying to level up on a weakness. If one of you is good at reddit, make one there, try not to get it run over by shills, naysayers, distracting faggots chirping about lolboycotts, or antis. The goal is central hubs to collab & work on letters w/one another. ALL of the letters should be unique and personalized, but they need to be business-like: that is, to the point. Don't spill your spaghetti about SJWs or what their idealism is doing. You want to make your points with evidence, not ideaology. Turning the matter into a moral panic will likely get you ignored. Treat it as if Tatsumi Kimishima is the one you're talking to, and you want him and his team to fucking DO SOMETHING about this sadsack situation. Do not forget that this is ultimately about money to them. Incentivising is how you put weight in those letters. This is why I told you all repeatedly to attach receipts or preorder slips or whatever you use to the letters. They're weightless opinions. The OTHER way to put weight on them is that a lot are cent. Or it is a constant, endless stream. And I don't mean you flooding their boxes for fucking ever. That's hilarious but also fruitless. There's going to be more on this shit because now is the time we get serious. All bullshit aside, this is a long, LONG fucking road ahead of us. The public's noticed, but they aren't on board. Yet. Buyer's remorse won't kick in with them for a time, yet. We're four days into the release, after all, and they're going to justify parting with that $80 (or $200 holy shit) as much as they possibly can. Lay down facts, come here or /gghq/ or the NG forums to get letter help IF YOU KNOW JAPANESE, THIS IS NOW THE TIME TO HELP THE FUCK OUT SINCE NOJ WON'T ACCEPT CORRESPONDENCE IN ANY OTHER LANGUAGE WITHOUT GOOD REASON So help out for a good cause. Checking intent, grammar, and how to avoid typical pitfalls is a good thing. Given enough effort, we can likely streamline this process. TL;DR YOU'RE BEING IGNORED LIKE I SAID WOULD HAPPEN, TIME TO WRITE SOME FUCKING LETTERS.
>>317309 Understood. But I am useless to you in this fight. My knowledge in Japanese is extremely limited since my college years. And I am very rusty. Time has caused me to forget. I can relearn the writing system on a chart, but hiragana/katakana would be all I know. I know no kanji. My only hope is that someone can give us a templet letter to send. We send that letter to them, and the message gets out. However, I have to ask. What is our end goal? To prevent things like this from happening again, I hope. An additional bonus would be to have Treehouse fired and blacklisted, but that's wishful thinking. Please acknowledge.
>>317310 You're not useless. Start here. http://guidetojapanese.org/ Takes maybe a week tops to pick back up 101 stuff. Muscle memory should help you out if you studied. https://archive.is/o/zD86O/http://www.tofugu.com/2013/06/04/how-to-write-letters-in-japanese-an-introduction/ I'm too tired right now to detail this, but it's a decent starting place for how the letter should look. Just a 101 for anyone doing this: when practicing kanji, buy some graph paper. It's the best option you have for handwriting practice on a cheap budget. Pick up graphing paper, a 3 ring binder, and some notebooks. Kanji are NOT nearly as scary as they seem once you start getting a grasp on the repeating radicals. Kanjidamage is a thing that can help, there (at least as far as Radical Recognition works). Even just knowing the kana (hiragana & katakana) as well as some bare bones vocabulary should be enough to get you started. It's important to START, though. You're going to make mistakes, and the quicker you make them, the quicker you can get them pointed out. Most of all, don't doubt yourself now. This shit is worth the effort. Don't get daunted now—you're not walking alone.
>>317301 How Treehouse handled Soleil is even shoddier for shoehorning her into American identity politics. Like I pointed out in the last thread, Japan doesn't have sex identity politics like the West does. Soleil wasn't supposed to be some LGBT representative. She was a Class S girl who only fot with men.
>>317315 Posted this in the bread but feel I should do it here too. Kana (M) actually has four rejections, not three. The fourth is Soleil, who can be examined on her own. This is how that one goes down. Soleil >Kana(M): Well, you've taught me how to really talk to people, not just compliment them. And it seems like you're really good at everything. It doesn't matter if you're caring for a sick friend or charging into battle. I just think you're a really special person. So I just wanted to let you know and to say thanks for everything. Hanging out in town with you has been so much fun. >Soleil: Haha, are you trying to practice your complimenting skills on me now? >Kana(M): N-no, I was just trying to be honest and tell you how I feel. Is that bad? You told me to be true to myself, remember? >Soleil: No, no, it's not a bad thing. You're a sweetie, Kana. I was just surprised to hear you say so many kind things about me. >Kana(M): I just felt like I needed to say something. I-I should go… >Soleil: Hey, wait a second! Don't storm off. I hope you're not embarrassed. >Kana(M): No… Well, maybe a little bit. >Soleil: I've been having so much fun with you too! It's good to tell your friends that you like spending time with them. It's funny—there was something I've been wanting to say to you too… >Kana(M): Huh? What is it? >Soleil: Since we've been hanging out, it almost feels like you're my little brother. Don't you think? Kana can have one truly romantic relationship: Selkie, the foxgirl. He has five other supports that vary a bit, they're friends/best friends but with some obvious "this is marriage" nods, like a friendship ring or implications of a possible future relationship. But the only one that is explicitly boyfriend/girlfriend is Selkie.
>>317303 That webm should probably mention how the right side is the fan translation. It wouldn't really make much sense to most people that the side labeled "Japan" is in English too.
>>317313 I can't promise anything. But I will do my best.
So it seems Fates has had the best launch of an FE title ever at 300k copies sold on the first weekend. HOWEVER I'm sure this is to be expected considering FE:F has had by far the most marketing ever in the series.
This just makes me curious how many more copies they would have sold if they hadnt censored it.
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>>317309 So I think it’s obvious we need a plan in order to make our voice more vocal. People have already talked about how reaching NoA is wasted effort as I know they probably already got a bunch of letters and emails (I have made some to them back in January). I think that we shouldn’t send all our letters at once, but in waves. There also should be an effort to translate some of the issues with FE Fates as well as other games Nintendo has censored as a way to show this is something we don’t want. All the popular images macros should fully be translated to Japanese if possible. The images attached are ones that are good examples. I do know Japanese, but very little so I don’t think I can help much there. Recent games are good such as FE Fates, Xenoblade X, Triforce Heros, etc. However we should also have games such as Pokémon just to drive hom e the point like you said. I already have a template for what I want to send and also perhaps we should send are letters in waves. For example: Wave 1: March 2, 2016 Wave 2: March 10, 2016 Wave 3: March 16, 2016 I am Westerner. I love Nintendo and Fire Emblem. Fire Emblem if is censored in America. I am sad. I don’t plan to buy Fire Emblem if. Fire Emblem if should be uncensored. America thinks censorship is bad. Please reconsider. 私は西欧人です。私は任天堂とファイアーエムブレムが大好きです。ファイアーエムブレム ifはアメリカで検閲です。私は悲しいです。ファイアーエムブレム ifが買わないつもりです。ファイアーエムブレム ifを可き無修正です。アメリカは検閲が大嫌いです。再考してください。 11-1 Hokotate-cho, Kamitoba, Minami-ku, Kyoto 601-8501, Japan 〒601-8501 京都市南区上鳥羽鉾立町11番地1 These are just random suggestions before anyone claims I’m trying to take over the movement or whatever. I also managed, through the help of the dictionary, make a starting point on how you should start your letter. Honestly, I think we should only send letters in Japanese and maybe add English just to make sure our message gets across. We can mail the translated images and infographs we have be spreading around along with our Japanese with English letters. Honestly, if you need to copy someone else’s letter I think that is fine. Also, remember to hand sign your NNID. This shows that they can look you up and verify you are fan and not just some random who never buys their products anyway. This is the point where things get difficult, but I am certain that if we keep this up long enough NoJ will have to do something. FE Fates possibly could’ve sold more if all this controversy surrounding it, though someone point out they heavily advertised the game. We have to show that we aren’t going to accept censorship anymore. >>317293 >>317316 >>317301 About to make a new pastebin some point today starting by coping the Lutz support conversations into one pastebin. From there, someone who is much better at Japanese than me could translate the shoddy NoA versions so it can be used in the mailing campaign.
>>317329 Not that many more. I think you have to accept that not as many people care about this sort of thing like you do. That isn't to say "give up, you can't change anything", because that isn't true. This is the sort of thing that requires growing awareness among gamers over time. So, as defeatist as it is going to sound, here's the reality: Torrential Downpour was never going to meaningfully affect the launch of the game in North America. The controversy started way too late into the process of localization, and it has effectively been proven that many folks were not dissuaded by any of the information we tried to disseminate. It might affect things in Europe. Maybe. A big maybe. It all depends on how NoE chooses to handle things.
>>317334 >not as many people care about this sort of thing Unfortunately that is the case. It sold very well. People are focusing on the gameplay over the story. I saw a businessman on the subway playing it, I'm sure he wasn't playing it for the support conversations and petting minigame. And while I want Treehouse nailed for this bullshit, I am afraid Nintendo won't care in the long run as long as copies are pushed out.
>>317335 To be fair to the game, it does play very well. Both routes I've tried on Hard difficulty. Birthright is basically a better Awakening in terms of challenge, and Conquest brings back different types of objectives and better crafted maps to fight on. It's a real shame about the localization itself, but as a game Fates is pretty solid.
>>317336 Yeah there have been no complaints gameplaywise. As you said earlier: >This is the sort of thing that requires growing awareness among gamers over time. Like the way GG happened, this is going to take time.
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>>317336 >To be fair to the game, it does play very well I didn't pre-order based on Treehouses rep, but everything I've seen about the game, other than the localization, makes me want to get it. I'm not "boycotting" the game, per se, but NoA clearly doesn't want my money and I haven't decided whether I'll import or buy used yet (or both).
>>317339 I'm boycotting the localisation and learning Japanese. Fuck this bullshit forever. I'm tired of the garbage that comes out of most localisation studios.
http://archive.is/7321b >Nintendo announced this morning that Fire Emblem Fates has already topped 300,000 units sold during its launch weekend, making it the fastest-selling Fire Emblem game in the United States. >The 300,000 units sold between all versions during its launch weekend makes it the fastest-selling game from the series, five times as many copies as Fire Emblem Awakening in 2013. In case you’re wondering, Fire Emblem Fates: Birthright sold more, with Fire Emblem Fates: Conquest “close behind.” >Nintendo of America’s executive VP of sales and marketing shared: > “Both fans and critics are falling for Fire Emblem Fates, and the early sales numbers prove the game’s undeniable appeal. This strong momentum for Nintendo 3DS is only the beginning, as many more high-quality exclusive games are set to launch for the hand-held system over the next few months.” >Fire Emblem Fates is currently available for Nintendo 3DS. The game is expected to release sometime in 2016 for Europe. Not sure if this is good or bad, but thought I'd give you guys a heads up. Downside, this might enable Nintendo to keep up their bullshit. On the plus however, that means more people having a first-hand account of how awful their localization is.
>>317210 >>317210 They've gotten even more stringent on the violence, mostly to avoid the Z rating which actually has some regulation from the Japanese government. D and under is pretty much like our M and under, and is not regulated by the government. Of course, once Japanese gamers found out about some of the games getting their violence tone down, they raised a fit. Of note was The Evil Within (Psycho Break in Japan), and Dying Light (I think). So in response to the outrage, the devs of The Evil Within and Dying Light put out an uncensor patch on PSN store and XBL, which let owners download it and uncensor their games. I honestly wish the localizers here would do this as well. If there's a rating they need to hit and to avoid, at least give us an option to uncensor at our own volition. Steam kinda lets us do that… unofficially anyway by Steam standards. But how awesome would it be if, for example, Atlus and IFI put out uncensor patches on PSN and Sony allowed it? We wouldn't be in this mess.
>>317341 It should be made clear this isn't a boycott; the game is good, but the North American localization wrecked it. We're here the raise awareness of the shoddiness of so-called "professional" Localizers and this shit needs to stop. NoA isn't getting any of my money for future releases until that happens. SJWs raised a stink over Tomodachi Life 'even though they don't play video games' and Nintendo listened to them. That wasn't a "boycott", so much as: "we aren't going to buy the thing we weren't going to buy anyway, but harder". We are NoA's actual fucking customers, if NoA listened to whiny-cunt non-customers over "muh same-sex relationships" they sure-as-fuck need to listen to us.
>>317341 I suspect this is units sold to stores, not sold to customers. I love that Nippon reports the sell through rate of games, it kills this kind of bullshit
>>317304 Obligatory American Akira.
>>317304 Obligatory "The American Akira" reference.
>>317343 >they sure-as-fuck need to listen to us. 300,000 copies say they don't
>>317350 If people are gonna throw around that number now…how many copies of DoAX were sold in the US? You know..the game series that was supposedly too niche and didnt move tons of copies, which is totally the reason it wasnt planned to be released here?
>>317334 It wasn't ever going to make an impact on the game's early sales, because the game needed to come out first before we could point out everything that was wrong with the localisation. The direct comparisons are the things that are most damning. So we may see an effect on the NEXT game Treehouse gets their hands on (and it's important that this is eternally tied to Treehouse and NOT to Fire Emblem).
>>317352 This. I've realized I don't actually care what NoA does that much. All I care about is how angry I get when I think about how SJWs seem to keep controlling the direction of the games industry no matter how many victories GG scores. Well, I'm fucking angry and goddamn it I'm going to make sure somebody suffers more than I do.
Just a random video that I feel sums up a lot of the points of Torrential Downpour in a calm manner.
>>317351 The last Fire Emblem game sold 180,000 copies in its first month. The one you pisspussies are so mad at nearly doubled that in five days. This board has 92 active users. 300,000 copies of the game were sold. You do the math on who Nintendo is going to listen to: a handful of virgin autists or… 300,000 people.
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>>317355 >pisspussies Hey buddy, that sort of talk belittles the female reproductive system. You kiss your mother with that mouth, shitlord?
>>317332 >they removed wifing the wolfgirl …off to the 3ds piracy thread I go.
>>317282 Wait, why is Kanna geting friendzoned?
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>>317369 Because he/she's too young, I'd assume.
>>317370 >Because he/she's too young That's pretty weird, since isn't stated that dragon characters in the FE universe age slower than any other units? So wouldn't Kanna be the same age as every other kid unit?
>>317371 That's part of why people are pissed. If FE:A had come out today I swear they'd have done the same to Nowi, Nah, Ricken and Donnel
Regarding Soleil: This is insane. This is like the reverse of what fundamentalist Christians do in America; instead of censoring her preferences and making her straight, the SJWs at Treehouse (Nintendo of America's localisation team for certain games) have censored her heterosexual inclinations and made her more gay. What really amuses me is that SJWs tend to talk about how they're 'polyromantic' or 'aromantic' or 'demiromantic' or other such bullshit special snowflake labels, but when a character's sexual preference matches these labels, and she is not romantic to women (and only physically likes them) but is romantic to men and wants to start a family with them, this is censored!
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>>317355 they'll listen to the ones with bomb vests!
>>317355 I'm sure they counted each version of the game sold as an individual number. I want to know how many people bought all 3 versions. Sure, they really did sell 300k copies, but how many people bought multiple versions of the game?
>>317374 >namefagging, even ironically >ay fam >;] You aren't from here, back to Reddit with you. Also seems like someone wants to distract us with: >>>/v/8467834 >>>/b/5404671 Smells of goon activity are desperate to push this angle even though it hasn't confirmed or verified. Revolt and the like used to use the same tactics when it wanted something push: dumping it on other boards even when they are told to fuck off. Maybe they're trying to make another LW?
>>317387 Her CP paper is supposedly about the possession of CP (Something that one can honestly go into a huge paper about) and how fictional characters relate to CP. It is not about making the production of CP legal. IMO, this is NOT something that Torrential Downpour should get involved in. I see no good that can come out of going after her views on this which, as far as I'm concerned, match up with anti-cencorship ideals especially in regards to loli/shota.
>>317395 Reddit retards are once again taking the bait and trying to be Sjws: red*dit.com/r/KotakuInAction/comments/47h6vh/drama_it_seems_that_alison_rapp_of_nintendo/ It's a huge distraction. It didn't work with Sarah Butts or any other SJw, it's not going to work for Alison who has a legion of Nintendo fanboys backing her. Someone is just trying to make her into another LW.
>>317395 >I see no good that can come out of going after her views on this which, as far as I'm concerned, match up with anti-cencorship ideals especially in regards to loli/shota. Pretty much this. Let's stick to trying to mail NoJ instead of going after small fries, even if those small fries are extremely fucking annoying.
>>317396 I had a sneaking suspicion this might be a false flag operation. Certainly, you have to question the timing of it.
>>317412 It's not like they are entirely wrong. She does seem to be an apologist for pedo (as she believes it doesn't "help" them) But faggots trying to contact Nintendo for some moral scare when her Linkin page links directly to her articles is just dumb. Nintendo already knows.
>>317414 And when you write to Nintendo, they know the public knows and they're not happy with it.
This Rapp thing is a shitshow. Distracts from what Torrential Downpour is about, will accomplish nothing, and maybe bait anyhow, since her public statements & thesis say little more than " CP != child abuse gaiz!" She sounds NAMBLAish on Twitter, but that's not hard proof of shit.
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>>317416 >>317414 Might be. She's a PR stooge, probably drawing heat away from Treehouse.
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>>317387 I don't agree with you but this might be of interest.
>>317376 Soleil was supposed to be a Class S Girl. She might have said girls are cute, but she only hot with men. Japan doesn't have sex identity politics like 'Murica does. Over there a man who screws other men isn't some other identity away from marrying a woman, it just makes him a man into screwing other men. Soleil is in line with this.
>>317430 >but she only got with men
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The world needs more Soleil porn…
>>317433 can we only post soleil pics that are not below-cutepet.org tier garbage
>>317433 Yes. You have my permission.
>>317441 Herp derp, meant for >>317440
>>317441 Herp derp, meant for >>317440
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>>317355 I hate to use SJW-"logic" that "If people are disagreeing with me it prove me right", but the sheer amount of "muh defeatism" "300,000 copies" shilling ITT, on plebbit, in the tags, and on forums where the game is discissed by buttblasted Nintendo Fanboys, (paid?) Treehouse Apologists, SJWs, and third party trolls is proof that OP #TorrentialDownpour is having an effect. >>317374 Go be Chris Hansen on your own time We don't have time for your pedo-hunt distraction and if Marketing Princess here is talking about loli, I fucking agree with her, go to hell SJW.
>>317449 can anyone explain how pro-pedo anti-loli sjws exist?
>>317451 Try thinking in tunnel-vision. That'll help.
Also, anyone crowing about 300,000 copies (shipped not sold) doesn't know much about distribution rates for niche JRPG titles. It is a minor success, but only a minor one, as the the game IS good aside from the Localization. >>317451 Go read the "I'm a pedophile, but not a monster" on Salon; Cultural Marxists support deviancy in all it's forms, even if they contradict their "muh victimization" narrative. Also drawings (of lolis) are NOT actual people who need protection.
>>317451 >can anyone explain how pro-pedo anti-loli sjws exist? Because these people don't want consistency, they don't want sound arguments. All SJWs care about is control over the little people. They are the ones who don't bat an eye when women are raped but flip out when a video game has a damsel in distress. They are the ones who tell the Saudi led UN (yes they had the floor that day) about how women are harassed online, while at the same time little kids are being raped by Middle Eastern warlords under NATO supervision and the topic was never brought up. They are the ones who tell Japan to stop drawing porn while defending actual pedophiles. The reason why they get away with doing this is because the people playing video games and fapping to hentai aren't the ones who are causing the violence or raping people, yet are the ones vilified. They are easy targets because they don't defend themselves, they would rather just be left alone. Meanwhile, it is difficult to go after people who are actually causing harm in the world, so they don't. SJWs just want to control people who never put up a fight in the first place because it's easy for them to do. We see this with SJWs everywhere, from GG being slandered to university teachers assaulting journalists to feminists trying to get a gay bar shut down over a song to BLM blocking highways of people who did nothing to them. They are abusers who claim to be victims, and it is easy to control real victims when you paint them as the abusers.
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Any good soul got the image with the originals of this one?
>>317387 Every time someone namefags on a thread people like you sperg like little bitches and it gets derailed immediately. Grow up and stop doing what the shills want you to do.
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>>317459 LET ME POST
Here's something to lighten the mood All work and no play turns you into a gg is dead twitter shitposting retard
>>317467 This Leader speaks truth; Shitposting Loseritus is a terrible affliction. Have some moaning loli as well.
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Just a head's up since it seems some might be pushing this in the wrong direction: Bad work does not demand any ideology for itself. The issue of bad work is that it's bad work. Yeah the Soleil stuff is because of some tumblrina but it doesn't explain why the only lesbian support of the game got cut, completely. Don't get too sidetracked anon. Shills would love if the issue turned into one of politics over one of poorly done content.
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>>317421 Yeah, there are bigger fish to fry in Treehouse. >>317429 >even they've admitted my butt is a good butt Find that hard to believe. >>317460 >Grow Up I apologize if I don't want an imageboard flooded with newfags, namefags and tripfags. But you are right it is derailing regardless so I apologize. >>317478 I agree, emphasize the terrible work done without harping on the ideology is a good way to get sympathetics.
>>317433 Hey I drew that. weird seeing it being posted around here.
I just realized something horrible… While reading through the #FireEmblemFates tag of people who are either blissfully ignorant or deliberately ignoring the Treehouse criticism… I realized… This game's Localization is this generation's ROBOTECH And Treehouse is this generation's Harmony Gold I just want everyone to die now
85… 95… 05… 15… Oh god, it's been 30 years+1.
>>317373 >If FE:A had come out today Not only they'll hack every support to pieces, they'll probably would make the mute avatar option into a spewing meme machine. >>317501 >Space Runaway Ideon Muh nigga
>>317341 As we know the FE fanbase has obviously expanded since the release of Awakening* The question is how many of those "new fans" have any interest in the games in the series that came out before FE:A? As in games that do not have the marriage system/less shipping options, and possibly slightly higher difficulty (due to no casual mode). The reason why I'm asking is that future of FE is either going to be: - Aimed at the bigger money spending Tumblr crowd and their obsession with the in game romantic lives of fictional characters. And sticking to a lot of things/features unique to what Awakening/Fates do. - The smaller more dedicated FE fanbase who been playing since the series first came to the west and have probably even tried fan translations of the Japan only games. * Smash Bros has probably helped a little, if the Mother/EarthBound fanbase is any indication, with each new Smash game their fanbase gets bigger.
>>317498 3/10 you're not applying yourself, here. Harmony Gold was an entirely different level of jew. And the playing field was different. As in, it didn't fucking exist in the west outside of like 4 titles. Robotech, whether you love it or hate it, opened a market that was previously Japan Only. They were shitty pioneers financed by literal Italian crooks and money laudnerers, but the effort they put down can't ever really be denied by any fan or non-fan. The two situations can't compare. Fates is just a shitty localization trying to skate by on meme power. The anime market in the west literally would not exist were it not for the beginning steps that Carl Macek and the team Harmony Gold funded took. Now all the bullshit that happened afterward—the lawsuits, the jew actions toward fans and even the parent company in Japan, the money laundering and locking down of Macross merchandise almost infuckingdefinitely because that faggot former CEO isn't dead and has passed the reigns and the policy pressures to his son? You can legit loathe the hell out of that with all your being. But Robotech is legit pioneer stuff.
>>317504 >As in, it didn't fucking exist in the west outside of like 4 titles. And here, I mean 4 titles over a span of about 20 years. Marinate on that. More importantly: http://roninworksjapan.tumblr.com/post/140013798656/roninworks-sent-maeeages-about-the-localization It's time to seriously kick up the activity on getting your letters together.
>>317252 To tell you the truth I have no problem with this. Anything related to children is where I draw the line. People who fap to lolicon are just pedos in denial anyway.
>>317510 >inb4 (1)
>>317510 Do you also make your children wear towels while they bathe to suppress your lustful urges towards non-sexual imagery?
>>317510 Furries are into bestiality and CoD players are probably going to commit murder. Free expression in fiction for some but not for all, huh
>>317513 Not when one side insists on forcing their expression on others. There will be pushback. And the retaliation will ever, ever equal the initial agression.
>>317514 You're not talking any sense…
>>317512 No, I wasn't clear. The censorship on the image is unjustified, it's not sexual in nature. But the text accompanying the image is fine. >>317513 The furriest -> bestiality thing is a stereotype, and the internet loves to take that to the extreme. However, no stereotypes exists without reason. >CoD players are probably going to commit murder There has been ton of scientific research and studies disproving any link between virtual and real life violence. But that's a strawman, we're not talking about violence. You do not play CoD to fulfill a specific urge, media entertainment is more complex and layered than that. However, you look at porn to get off. There are very few, if any secondary motivations for doing so. And hey, I don't give two shits what you fap to, but do not try to take the moral high ground if you fap to children, and no, "they're just art lawl" excuses do not hold water, they're ad hoc at best. You're a borderline pedophile. And the moment we let event a sign of a trace of pedophilia slide, the floodgate breaks. Case in point: The entirety of the past two years.
>>317524 Also, at times I find myself browsing /v/ or this board and realize that most people here are on the completely opposite end of the extreme, where on one side you have puritan censorship, and on the other you have people hyper-sexualizing everything. Yandere Simulator is a good example. The game's shit but /v/ sucks its dick because the game is about sex. Same thing with HuniePop. I am well aware that it is really hard to tell nowadays if a game has a non-sexual strong female because it was the original intentions or to appease the SJW overlords, but if it's the former, protesting it is no better than SJWs protesting sexualization. We need not forget that it's the blind acceptance of the special-snowflake mantra is what got us here in the first place. Being trans is ok, being fat is ok, being a fluidgender unicorn-kin is ok. You all laugh at those, but you drop those ideals when it's convenient, the best example of which is lolicon, which I personally find just as disgusting as pedophilia, if not as vile. On one hand this could go to show that there is no uniform set of morals that, if just everyone would adhere to, would make everything perfect. On the other hand, as I said earlier, accepting depraved things is what brought us into this shitfest in the first place, and accepting lolicon is just as bad.
>>317524 Also, at times I find myself browsing /v/ or this board and realize that most people here are on the completely opposite end of the extreme, where on one side you have puritan censorship, and on the other you have people hyper-sexualizing everything. Yandere Simulator is a good example. The game's shit but /v/ sucks its dick because the game is about sex. Same thing with HuniePop. I am well aware that it is really hard to tell nowadays if a game has a non-sexual strong female because it was the original intentions or to appease the SJW overlords, but if it's the former, protesting it is no better than SJWs protesting sexualization. We need not forget that it's the blind acceptance of the special-snowflake mantra is what got us here in the first place. Being trans is ok, being fat is ok, being a fluidgender unicorn-kin is ok. You all laugh at those, but you drop those ideals when it's convenient, the best example of which is lolicon, which I personally find just as disgusting as pedophilia, if not as vile. On one hand this could go to show that there is no uniform set of morals that, if just everyone would adhere to, would make everything perfect. On the other hand, as I said earlier, accepting depraved things is what brought us into this shitfest in the first place, and accepting lolicon is just as bad. FUCK YOU HOTWHEELS LET ME POST
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>>317524 >No stereotypes exist without a reason. Yeah, and you haven't provided that reason with any evidence to back it up. >There has been ton of scientific research and studies disproving any link between virtual and real life violence. No shit. >And hey, I don't give two shits what you fap to, but do not try to take the moral high ground if you fap to children, and no, "they're just art lawl" excuses do not hold water, they're ad hoc at best. You're a borderline pedophile. You can't be a pedophile if you don't like children. Since these aren't children, you can't be a pedophile. So "it's art lawl" is actually one of the best arguments to destroy this shitty argument of yours. >>317527 >Yandere Simulator is a good example. The game's shit but /v/ sucks its dick because the game is about sex. Now we know you're here to troll.
>>317529 >Yeah, and you haven't provided that reason with any evidence to back it up. Do you also need proof that the sky is blue? >You can't be a pedophile if you don't like children. Since these aren't children, you can't be a pedophile. Seriously? So that means as long as I'm watching hentai gay porn, I'm not actually gay because those aren't men? I've seen some stupid arguments defending this shit but this takes the cake. >Now we know you're here to troll. Nice ad hominem. "troll" and "shill" are thrown around here just like "muhsogyknee" is thrown around tumblr - as a means to ignore the argument. I am saying that giving lolicon a pass is no better than giving anything that spews from the bowels of tumblr a pass. It's the same level of deprivation and absurdity. Every community, and society at large, has to draw the line SOMEWHERE.
>>317529 But if you really want to be pedantic about it, sure: https://www.psychologytoday.com/blog/the-scientific-fundamentalist/200804/all-stereotypes-are-true-except-i-what-are-stereotypes >What people call “stereotypes” are what scientists call “empirical generalizations,” and they are the foundation of scientific theory. That’s what scientists do; they make generalizations. Many stereotypes are empirical generalizations with a statistical basis and thus on average tend to be true. If they are not true, they wouldn’t be stereotypes.
>>317530 >Do you also need proof that the sky is blue? No, I need evidence of your claims. >Seriously? So that means as long as I'm watching hentai gay porn, I'm not actually gay because those aren't men? I've seen some stupid arguments defending this shit but this takes the cake. Good job, maybe you'll understand the difference between reality and fantasy one day. Lolis in Anime look like fucking aliens. They don't fit a child's anatomy, behavior, existence, etc. >Nice ad hominem. I never said you're wrong because you're a troll though, I concluded you are one, since you just said Yandere simulator has to do with sex. Which is categorically false, but you're an idiot. > I am saying that giving lolicon a pass is no better than giving anything that spews from the bowels of tumblr a pass. It's the same level of deprivation and absurdity. Every community, and society at large, has to draw the line SOMEWHERE. No. >>317531 You do know that some stereotypes are just false or unproven anyway. And giving me an article with: 1. No sources. 2. Someone's opinion. Will not do jack shit.
>>317532 >Lolis in Anime look like fucking aliens. They don't fit a child's anatomy, behavior, existence, etc. People fap to dragons fucking cards. Anatomical correctness, or any kind of correctness for that matter is not relevant at all. >Good job, maybe you'll understand the difference between reality and fantasy one day. Your brain doesn't give a shit about fantasy or reality, that's why cartoon porn is a thing in the first place. If you see a sexy drawing you get aroused since it stimulates the same brain centers are the real thing. Thus, if you get turned on by what is supposed to look like a prepubescent child, you're a pedophile. >Which is categorically false. I was wrong about Yandere Simulator, sorry, I mixed it up another game whose name I can't recall now… Point was that /v/ (and people on this chan in general) will generally excuse a lot of bullshit if the game is highly sexualized. >No. Awesome rebuttal. Don't forget to block me, oh sorry, I mean to hide and filter my posts. >You do know that some stereotypes are just false or unproven anyway. Like? http://www.nature.com/neuro/journal/v8/n3/full/nn0305-253.html Here's an analysis on the "men are more successful than women in business" stereotype. There are hundreds of studies around proving hundreds of stereotypes right. Hell, I am sure most people here are happily riding the "all muslims are rapists" stereotype just about now because "of course they are, that's what they do".
>>317534 >People fap to dragons fucking cards cars, not cards.
>People fap to dragons fucking cards. Anatomical correctness, or any kind of correctness for that matter is not relevant at all. Of course they fucking matter, it not only disproves your argument, it also makes sense. If you think something so distorted from how a child is can be defined not only as a child but also an interest for a pedophile, you are deluded. If you think that furries are actually into animals, I can conclude that you're fucking nuts. >Your brain doesn't give a shit about fantasy or reality, that's why cartoon porn is a thing in the first place. If you see a sexy drawing you get aroused since it stimulates the same brain centers are the real thing. Yet that doesn't happen when they see children, how shocking, it seems sexuality is more than "monkey see, monkey masturbate". Associations aren't so direct. >Thus, if you get turned on by what is supposed to look like a prepubescent child, you're a pedophile. So you're a pedophile if you like young looking women too, right? Great argument. >I was wrong about Yandere Simulator, sorry, I mixed it up another game whose name I can't recall now… Point was that /v/ (and people on this chan in general) will generally excuse a lot of bullshit if the game is highly sexualized. Whatever you say, it doesn't matter since it doesn't prove or disprove anything. >Awesome rebuttal. Don't forget to block me, oh sorry, I mean to hide and filter my posts. Without evidence, I can say "No" to all of this. >Here's an analysis on the "men are more successful than women in business" stereotype. There are hundreds of studies around proving hundreds of stereotypes right. Dude, you have to prove this stereotype (it's not even one, you think it is for the purpose of pushing this retarded argument). It's not as if you can prove one stereotype out of thousands to prove them all.
>People fap to dragons fucking cards. Anatomical correctness, or any kind of correctness for that matter is not relevant at all. Of course they fucking matter, it not only disproves your argument, it also makes sense. If you think something so distorted from how a child is can be defined not only as a child but also an interest for a pedophile, you are deluded. If you think that furries are actually into animals, I can conclude that you're fucking nuts. >Your brain doesn't give a shit about fantasy or reality, that's why cartoon porn is a thing in the first place. If you see a sexy drawing you get aroused since it stimulates the same brain centers are the real thing. Yet that doesn't happen when they see children, how shocking, it seems sexuality is more than "monkey see, monkey masturbate". Associations aren't so direct. >Thus, if you get turned on by what is supposed to look like a prepubescent child, you're a pedophile. So you're a pedophile if you like young looking women too, right? Great argument. >I was wrong about Yandere Simulator, sorry, I mixed it up another game whose name I can't recall now… Point was that /v/ (and people on this chan in general) will generally excuse a lot of bullshit if the game is highly sexualized. Whatever you say, it doesn't matter since it doesn't prove or disprove anything. >Awesome rebuttal. Don't forget to block me, oh sorry, I mean to hide and filter my posts. Without evidence, I can say "No" to all of this. >Here's an analysis on the "men are more successful than women in business" stereotype. There are hundreds of studies around proving hundreds of stereotypes right. Dude, you have to prove this stereotype (it's not even one, you think it is for the purpose of pushing this retarded argument). It's not as if you can prove one stereotype out of thousands to prove them all.
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>>317510 >>317524 >>317527 >>317530 >>317531 >>317534 >Literally killing in fiction. >Literally every "immoral" action happens in fiction >Literally trying to censor art cause you feel uncomfortable >Literally trying to make the argument that making fucking drawings of loli is immoral >Literally [ulling slippery slope bullshit despite it obvious that tons of people like loli and literally almost none of them are actual pedophiles >Even if loli actually ONLY attract pedophiles, they are litreally drawings that hurt no one Just get the fuck out of here shill. Literally get out. You know nobody on the board who actually beliefs in in artistic expression is going to agree with you. Take your moral high ground bullshit somewhere else. No one wants your fucking shilling for authoritarian restrictions on art. No one cares about your fucking feelings. I'm not even going to labor to explain all this shit to you cause the whole "ban lolis" and sexual repression shit is literally the main tools of SJWs. But of course, as a shill for SJWs I won't convince you. So just fuck off. Literally fucking kill yourself. I kow this fucking bait and shills from SJW sympathizers but I'm tired of seeing this fucking shit arguments for Puritanism.
>>317539 Oh good I didn't have to say it this time. IGNORE DERAILS WORK ON YOUR LETTER DRAFTS. Seriously, the quicker we see what you're trying to send to Japan, the quicker we can workshop just how to get them translated.
>>317540 Have we decided a day to send these yet? Also, good news. http://nichegamer.com/2016/02/rest-easy-the-pokemon-company-is-localizing-pokemon-sun-and-moon/ As a Pokemon fan, this is a sign of relief. They always do it this way but it's nice to be reminded at least this series will continue to get at least half decent localizations.
>>317562 Isn't the series regularly censored though? If you're against censorship, I don't think it's a series worth supporting.
>>317564 Like a lot of Nintendo games, yes, but the instances have been relatively small and rare compared to other series. Not excusing it, but so far in Gen 6 I can't think of any instance of major region to region censorship so far. It definitely isn't good, but Pokemon actually hasn't had a lot of censorship compared to other games. The main issue was the gambling, which was due to some laws in Europe or something. I would recommend the channel Censored Gaming for more information on any series you may like that have a history of changes. Trust me, as a hardcore Pokemon fan I know the ins and outs, which also means the negatives.
>>317213 How cute, it's the localizer from Carpe Fulgur, focusing on indie Japanese games and chargest three to ten times the price for it, berating their customers for wanting better quality translations Of course they'd stick to their fellow localizers rather than their audience. Fuck these guys.
>>317569 At least his company is pretty much dead these days. He released one small game since Fortune Summoners, and it sold practically nothing. Plus he delayed the release of XSEED's Trail in the Sky game, so I doubt they will ever consider working with him again.
>>317572 He's mentioned future projects, XSEED isn't made up of vindictive people, and he's amicable with members of their staff on social media, sooooooo lol
>>317384 Additional campaigns are bought as half-price DLC, physical obsessives who would intentionally shell out more for less would make up a negligible portion of physical sales.
>>317252 why are they soaking their towels
Does anybody have the images detailing all of the changes made to Fates? I've seen them but forgot to save them.
From a friendly neighborhood GFAQs poster. "So, I remembered a certain part of Syalla and Matoi's conversation in the Japanese version of Fates. I did the C~A rank in the English version, and yep….They straight up changed it, probably because the subject was too offensive for easily triggered folks. But in the original Japanese version, Matoi asked Syalla how she achieved the body that she has. They even threw in a callback to the Cordelia and Tharja's Summer Scramble conversation sequence where Cordelia took off, reapplied, took off, and reapplied again a talisman so Tharja wouldn't be so embarrassed being out in public in her manner of dress. In Fates, the roles were reversed and Syalla was doing it to Matoi. In the English version, Caeldori wanted to know how she can be more of an intimidating bad girl and less of a goody-two-shoes and asked Rhajat about it. And the callback to Awakening? It's gone in the localized version as well." http://www.gamefaqs.com/boards/997614-nintendo-3ds/73347312?page=17#175 Is there anyone that can get a confirmation on this?
Friendly reminder to try and keep the goal of informing consumers about shitty localization's in your sights. Don't try to talk or link it to SJW that just leads to an endless rabbit hole and no one ain't got time for that shit especially people on twitter who have short attention spans,the personal lives/tweets of tree house employees is a distraction and useless twitter gossip as best no need to waste your time with that. The are a couple of places talking about this besides twatter never underestimate the reach of gg. I wish we had other avenues like streams or a dedicated youtube channel to explain on what we are trying to do since there is a growing misconception that this is a boycott,then i remember the cancer that inhabits those places and realize HELL NO.
>>317588 Here you go. http://serenesforest.net/wiki/index.php/Fates_Supports/Caeldori_Rhajat http://pastebin.com/X2R67UpD You can see for yourself that the two are very different conversations had.
Anytime that IGN "non-trversy" and "lern 2 Japanese" vid gets mentioned, tell people that IGN is White Knighting for a friend and former-coworker writer/editor, Audry Drake, who now works at Treehouse as a Localizer. https://www.linkedin.com/in/audrey-drake-69893b24 https://archive.is/pfSI1
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I find it slightly strange that Ralph retards friends and the revolt pack are jumping all over that alissonrapp person not because of her shitty localisation nope perish the thought ralph's retard friends and spergrevolt caring about vidya but because they believe she's a pedo/sjw or whatever dumbass reason crawls into their twitter addled minds. They believe that getting nintendo to fire her will be a great victory even though those lazy fuckers did absolutely nothing till after OP downpour launched and still do nothing except chase after dumbass e-celebs on twatter. God these people are next to worthless.
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>>317621 What's worse: even if she's a SJW, she isn't one of those self-important writers or editors who saw fit to make all those stupid changes to the game, she's a marketing drone. Getting her shitcanned won't help anything; it's just something else to circle-jerk over "We busted a pedo" Also, the most vocal anti-pedos always seem to turn out to be hypocritical self-hating pedo closet-cases. "I must save the children! …for myself!" .
>>317622 She's just some marketing drone for treehouse nintendo paid to shitpost on act nerdy gamergirl XD Lolz She's not even involved in the localisation at all just posting cat videos or such nonsense on twatter all day. I wonder if the people who actually did the localisation at all have twitter accounts would be nice to say hello to them.
>>317623 >She's just some marketing drone for treehouse nintendo paid to shitpost on act nerdy gamergirl XD Lolz Jesus, that's retarded.
>>317625 A quick look at her twitter account gives me that vibe. i'm honestly surprised she hasn't gone into protect mode
>>317626 I get the vibe that she's trying to Sarkeesian herself. From things she's said and done I get the impression she's using the SJW shit as a cover for shitty translation and as a way to martyr herself and gain e-fame if she starts to catch flak for it. Like EA's old Rainbow Shield shit where they'd try and pretend that criticism about their shitty practices were actually complaints about gay characters.
Hey, there's something that nobody has mentioned (afaik): Do the other non-japanese translations have the same mistakes as the english translations?
>>317646 just checked >Contenido del juego exclusivamente en inglés. fuck, they don't even exist. just japanese and english.
>>317569 >>317213 Carpe Fulgur is horrid, fuck Recettear's meme translation.
>>317275 The SJWeeaboo is a horrible chimera which shouldn't exist.
>>317646 >>317647 my bad, i forgot that nintendo doesn't give a shit anymore about spanish/french/portuguese in the america region, and only europe gets the translations now, just like in the nintendo DS days. (bastards can release patches to add languages now, why don't they do that shit? they could take the european translations and add them to the american version for people that have their 3DS set up in certain languages, but they don't.) – also, is this a thing that people do?: >>317580 it looks dumb
Sadly, I have never played Bravely Default series due to the major issues with censorship. It already wasn't high on my list so that killed it for me. Sadly, looks like things are only getting worse with this particular series. http://operationrainfall.com/2016/02/26/localized-bravely-second-art-book-receives-edits/
>>317654 The ribbon is the metaphorical "red string string of fate" that connects two people in love, but SJW localizer removed it because it's >imblyin bondage-lite and LEWD
>>317664 Even if she was tied up, how is that a bad thing? Could be part of the plot. Is it bad to have someone's hands tied now? Are handcuffs better?
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Also hear is a more clear version of the Soleil-Lutz comparison. http://pastebin.com/MZTbm6LS
>>317716 >all those blanks Seems like they didn't even want to bother translating most of this shit. I guess they figured that since there are so many people who will buy the game no matter what, they can afford to cut corners everywhere.
>>317718 Voice acting is expensive. If they just slash the shit out of the script that's extra money in their pocket at the end of the day.
>>317720 These scenes aren't even voiced. Not in the JP version and not in the NA version. They wanted to paint Sakura as a shy girl when she's not. She was hiding something from Corrin and she didn't want him to find out.
>>317721 That makes it even worse. They butchered the script and didn't even get paid for it? What's wrong with these people?
Is everyone doing there letters to NoJ?
>>317722 Oh no, they still get paid for it. Remember, localization teams are paid per change, not for actually doing their jobs.
http://imgur.com/a/S52p8 Image megadump.
Anyone got that cultralization image with a source?
>>317204 No shit. Fallout 3 got censored in Japan to remove the entire "detonate the bomb" choice for the Megaton questline. Other changes too. Japan still has this stigma about nuclear weaponry and imagery.
>>317720 >voice acting is expensive Lmao maybe if you are Hideo Kojima and you are hiring kiefer sutherland as opposed to David Hayter. Voice actors don't make shit unless they are they very highest tier of actor, and even then, voice overs are so heavily under valued by most production companies, its difficult, if not impossible, for most VAs to make money purely off voice work alone. Many are stage actors, many write, others have a day job.
>>317765 It's more a matter of studio time, director's fees, union dues if you want even one big name. If you want to buy a couple of guys decent mics and have them do it at home, you can probably get a game done for the cost of the equipment. But not really relevant when most VA outside of the biggest scenes is just barks, not actual dialogue. If anything, it'd be more likely they have a set download size to meet and are cutting anything they can to achieve it, or they just have X amount of time to localise so the Euros can get started and they're rushing. Both of those are a bit silly, though.
Alart Assorted triangle fags are shitting up the tag with ebin "muh failed boycott" meems. Can a/GGR/os NOT be useless cunts for, like, five minutes?
http://www.mirror.co.uk/tech/nintendo-urged-fire-woman-centre-7464276 The MSM has just noticed the pedo stuff with Alison; BRACE FOR MISINFO!
BTW: Should the Alison Rapp #pedontalison stuff go in it's own thread?
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>>317797 Do we really need to waste time chasing another dumbass twitterfag for tweets taken out of context half the time i can't tell if the idiots on there are serious or just shitposting.
>>317799 This. Rapp is just a red herring, the only thing that will come out of chasing her is giving them more reason to use the "muh misogynist hate group" narrative.
>>317799 How is it taken out of context? She wrote a paper defending possession of CP?
>>317799 Rapp is an atttempt to make another literally who. It's obvious. I disagree with her but I don't care about her opinion. It's irrelevant.
>>317799 (OP here, btw) I should have clarified what I was asking: Should the Alison Rapp stuff stay the fuck out of this thread and be put in it's own thread or Ralf and Co megathread? Alison has just now, due to that Mirror.co article, became a "literlly who" dispite having fuck-all to do with OP #TorrentialDownpour, and the only people who give shits about her are (naturally) the spergs in /GGR/, because they CANTNOT suck eceleb dick.
>>317811 >>317811 I say no, having a thread just fuels that victim bucks fire. For now Rapp should go in the offtopic thread unless the drama get's worse IMO.
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>>317806 And are you able to use that to take down Treehouse? Treehouse matters, Alison is one SJW ant out of the entire nest. >>317796 Bloody hell, archive that shit. http://archive.is/9ix2D
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>>317809 Not that I disagree with you entirely but I want to play Devil's Advocate for a moment. Assuming we were to ignore a perfect example of how fucked Treehouse is and how blind their company culture has become to any and all criticism of their employees and we're only doing that to avoid creating another Who in Whoville… Then do we just avoid all female employees of Treehouse? Do we ignore all female journalists? If we start tripping over ourselves constantly in the face of a female opposition then how are we going to get anything done at all? Personally I don't think a marketing person is going to be that important in the grand scheme of things, especially when our issue is with the localization and that wouldn't really involve her but she does set an interesting precedent for the company that helps prove one of our points. Allison openly brags that she hasn't hidden any of her views when it comes the children and sex, she even commented about how she linked her shitty paper on her LinkedIn account. That means that Nintendo of America, or at very least the chucklefuck who is hiring these types of people, SAW her paper. She's in marketing and has a public facing role in the company while making those kind of comments on twitter…people are either being negligent in stopping her from doing that, or they see it and they don't care. Either way it speaks to the issue at had, that Treehouse has a VERY serious problem that Nintendo proper needs to address. Again though, before anyone jumps down my throat I'm only playing devil's advocate. I've seen so much stupid shit like this from the opposition that it's all starting to run together at this point and I don't think she's crucial to our goal.
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>>317806 Go and read her thesis thing. Its on her linked page Read the title very carefully And above all stop listening to Twitter gossip
>>317845 Did you read past the title, because she goes into depth about more than just 2D and loli. I do think it's kind of ironic that she makes such a bold stance and yet works marketing for a company currently censoring out underage content in their games but well…there you go I guess.
>>317846 Going to have to source the exact page on her thesis she wrote that for your argument to have any merit.
>>317847 I read through her fifty one pages of shit, why can't you? She waffles back and forth on the issue without providing a clear position quite frequently. Every once and awhile she will add an addendum regarding Loli versus CP but her point is rarely clear. On page 49 she argues for less strict laws regarding possession of CP but only adds that the creation and dissemination is another matter. So she's fucking contradicting herself. It's cool to have it but creating and spreading it isn't okay. She goes on to suggestion (rightfully so) that there is no correlation between loli and harm to real children but she never fully separates actual real CP from loli in any of her arguments. She just continues to suggest that one isn't as bad as the other but doesn't decry either. The whole paper is based around the idea that possession of something illegal to create shouldn't be a punishable offense, which is laughable. For example on page 44 she suggests Gerbner's Cultivation Theory should also apply to child pornography. "The same idea can theoretically be applies to child pornography. Those who possess and view child pornography (of any kind-that involving REAL or fictional children) may not necessarily become child abusers-though they may increasingly believe that the sexualization of children is a frequent occurrence in the world, and possibly that others are likely to feel as positive as they do about child pornography." Her whole argument is deeply tied in with both 3D and 2D.
>>317848 Pardon me, all of her shit together is about 156 pages but it's several things put together. I should be clearer about that.
>>317848 I wish i had the mental strength to stretch this into thinking she was some kind of pedo monster who belongs on "To Catch a Predator" or those doods who got busted by the FBI in the raid
>>317852 No, that's not what I'm saying and that's a vast overreach for anyone who is saying. What I am saying though is that she supports a very fucked up stance that does not coalesce with Nintendo's brand and yet she keeps her job because of the fucked up culture that is Treehouse. I'm not suggesting that Treehouse is filled with pedos. What I am suggesting is that their corporate culture is so broken that they allow nonsense like this to go on public spaces, by employees, happily brandishing the Nintendo Treehouse brand for all to see. This kind of gross negligence is a fine piece of evidence for how fucked and half assed they are at their jobs. In the end that's what this is about. They had a job to do with Fire Emblem and they failed to do it, either by incompetence or malice. Alison is one of dozens of examples of their employees being more obsessed with their social justice viewpoints and agenda than doing their damn jobs.
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>>317854 She's keeping her Job mostly because there isn't really alot of solid evidence to fire her sure she did a thesis on pedo/cp which is a hot topic in itself but unless she is actually stupid enough to get caught with actual cp or diddling underage boys somewhere its unlikely Nintendo is going to axe her just because some ppl on twitter said so.
Loli is hella gross. I hope Trump legalizes chemical castration again so we can start burning those pedos nuts off before they have One Bad Day and hurt a real kid.
If Treehouse wasn't enough, we've got localization issues coming out of the woodwork on Bravely Second. >The change of the Tomahawk class to some cowboy class >Usual censor all the sexy costumes >Bad Endings removed from the sidequest
>>317866 Waste of dubs. Even if >(1) ebin troll meister here is on a ruse cruise; this is why I don't want to ally with SJW anti-pedos, because they are pro-censorship, as they are already under the delusion that 2D = 3D and that drawings can somehow have rights that can be violated.
>>317883 I don't want to censor it, I just want to chemically castrate the pedos who look at it. Once they've had their balls burned off, they can look at whatever they want. Pedo fuck.
>>317451 >pro-pedo anti-loli sjw She's such a fucking batty case that is worth none of our time.
>>317874 Don't get me started on fucking Tomahawk. Speaking as a skin, I find their changes to a relatively cool looking Native American themed class, into a fucking COWBOY to be staggeringly insulting.
>>317252 I'll never understand why they do things like this. In this specific case, there's nothing being shown here and it's not sexual. It really says something about these guys when they think the human body, in and of itself, is sexual. Bathing like this is pretty normal in Japanese culture. Why do they always have to be xenophobes about Japan?
Since I didn't post these here… For Fire Emblem Fates: Treehouse supports: http://serenesforest.net/wiki/index.php/Fates_Support_Conversations Translated dialogues: http://pastebin.com/N8VKGxR9 Dig, infograph properly, and keep on going.
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Why aren't we doing anything about this "person", guys? If you're going to talk about Alison, let's throw in another person we know works at Treehouse. >lists pronouns in description >unironically likes new Squirrel Girl and Hellcat
>>317899 They claim it's a personal account and will block if you ask them questions regarding anything Nintendo or Fates. I think we need to do some digs on "him".
I think we should ignore them. Yeah they are useful in showing how Treehouse has a terrible work culture but too much focus and it becomes about ecelebs and allows them to go victim narrative. Are you guys done writing your letters for NoJ?
>>317866 On that mentality, he should ban guns, in case one psycho has a bad day and shoots up a school or something.
>>317905 Oh wait this keeps happening and we do nothing about it anyway. This whole pedohunt completely reeks of fucking paranoia, and does nothing to actually adress the issue of the localization. At best its a smear campaign, one directed against us, to make us look like fucking morons.
Acting against individuals is a fantastic way to look unprofessional and have the entire cause corrupted and not taken seriously. I hate them both as much as anyone else, but we need to focus on getting the attention of the people who have the power to actually make decisions. That is, people in power at NoJ and NoA. Continue to grow this movement. Do not let it fade away. Force Nintendo to act.
>>317907 We've been getting plenty of fuel lately for this too. We should use any coming shit localization to drive this. Don't think singling people out works well as well.
I've been disappointed in how a lot of GG (especially reddit) is handling this Alison Rapp stuff. I don't like her either but we shouldn't be getting people fired for having "wrong" opinions. The same people will defend Doug TenNapel for being against gay marriage, Milo for not liking trannies, or that guy who used to be CEO of Mozilla, but when a SJW has a controversial opinion, suddenly we have to get the pitchforks out. I'd honestly be very sad if Nintendo fired her because of this. It doesn't matter what opinion you have, you shouldn't get fired for having it. You should get fired for not doing your job. I want Treehouse fixed because of an attitude change in the management that approves these localizations, not by firing everyone who's "problematic." Honestly, I don't care if she works at Nintendo, I just want Nintendo policy to change to one not so afraid of backlash by moral guardians that they feel the need to give Treehouse the power to take such liberties in the first place. They shouldn't even have a part of the localization process that involves "a list of things that the devs need to change." You don't even have to fire people to change that, unless they outright refuse to follow the higher-ups' orders. We get what we want by criticizing the localization, and asking to Nintendo to change how they look at things, and how much oversight Treehouse has placed on them, not by strategically getting individuals fired over unrelated things.
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I am surprised she hasn't been doxxed yet usually at this point her dox would be spread around with cringy stuff like "Lol send her pizzas guise" >>317911 In all fairness to KIA if you look at their twitter mod monitoring thingy they do ban alot of these Alison Rapp threads some of em do make it through and it gets alot of upvotes on it then again KIA has always been shit at planning/executing ops of any kind not sure if it due to the people on there or the site format that encourages rampant circlejerking and "intellectual" discourse rather than action
>>317912 The problem is, for most of KiA's existence, the mods tried to remove shit like for being offtopic and as a result they got attacked for "censorship". They got tired of trying and basically gave up trying to herd that crowd. It's not their fault that most of their userbase are pretentious, lazy good-for-nothings that need to hold our hands to get anything done. Speaking of, seems that Jelly's goonsquad got theegg.net to shill the Rapp drama in with their article on OP Torrential Downpour. It could be that they're just not aware that the goonsquad is the one promoting it, but given that it quotes false-flag Baconfromhell I'm leaning more towards them flatout lying and telling the author that the Rapp drama is a part of the OP. Anyone that's got a Disqus article, log in and ask them to explain why they're shilling the Rapp drama with the OP, or upvote the comment that's asking why - the username is Dancougar. http://thegg.net/opinion-editorial/did-treehouse-butcher-fire-emblem-fates-with-their-sjw-nonsense-it-leans-towards-yes/#comment-3795
>>317905 For certain definitions of the word "psycho" America DOES ban guns in case they have One Bad Day, so… yeah. Look at all the Loli you want after you've been chemically castrated. "Small" price to pay for your average pedo.
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The whole Allison Rapp thing is a deliberate Triangle Fag D&C shill OP Even if the MSM did bite, and normies are getting involved: Do not bite the bait! Saying that she's irrelevant (because she is) isn't the same as "defending" her!
>>317919 I'm really just enjoying the ride regarding her. Half of this for me has always been ousting SJWs and their agenda-driven horseshit, and I'm loving seeing this holier-than-thou special snowflake get fucking roasted by the msm.
>>317923 Leader I don't disagree, but based on everything I've read from her so far, she shows signs of: "Cluster B Personality Disorder" (a "common" affliction of SJWs), where she deliberately wrote something provocative to generate interest/buzz, but now that she's being called out on her provocative statements she NOW claims that she was ignorant (bitch, how could you NOT know about the thing, you yourself, wrote) of the things she did or victimized (by the people who supported her this whole time), to avoid "owning" the things she did do, herself. But regardless… Jesus fuck… she isn't relevant to OP #TorretialDownpour
Back on topic, what's a good way to show some casual new fans of FE:Fates how censored it really is? Is there a simple video somewhere that I can just show them that has almost everything?
>>317805 >>317809 I mean seriously like, they created that narrative because of just one woman? Then arbitrarily added two others who forced themselves into the conversation. So it either means that the victimhood thing is going to be manufactured either way OR nobody can ever criticize or insult a woman in regards to this ever. I say nobody because there are countless times someone insulting one of the Whos has been conflated with GG with no evidence. Best you can do is cushion the blow or prepare to make them unappealing to would be potential white knights.
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http://forum.nichegamer.com/threads/operation-torrential-downpour-consumer-outreach-letter-campaign.424/ No need to give y'all the preamble I gave Nichegamer. Here's how this is going down MARCH 15TH IS THE SEND DEADLINE That is effectively 2 weeks to get others to draft letters, post them at either NG, /gghq/'s TD thread/v/'s GG threads, or even KiA (I'm aware they're being faggoty about Rapp and we'll work on that somehow). The mission here is to create letters to send to Japan basically asking when we can expect a better localized product from them as their overseas teams are not cutting mustard. DRAFTS Your letter shouldn't be long, this has been said before. It also has to be formal and polite, which we'll work on in revisions. What it primarily has to be, though, is something that represents you. What aspect of Fire Emblem' localization made you go "screw this"? Or did you buy and get mad at the hackjob? Were you going to buy but got turned off? Put that in the letter—it's YOUR primary talking point. Bang out a draft that represents you, as a customer, asking why your game you were interested in is flawed. REVISING If any of you were paying attention to Mombot's warnings, you'll know Japan is not our culture. They operate on different rules, so a lot of normal shit we do ain't gonna fly. In fact, Japan even has a succinct, rock-solid format on their letters and we'll get to that. This isn't to say during editing your shit's going to look like you didn't write it. It IS to say, however, those of us that know some Japanese are going to be editing with politeness in mind, and not to convey hostility. Japan is actually pretty goddamned spectacular on their customer service issues. As in, they can and will go above and beyond the cause if they think there's a customer problem. So not aggitating or kicking Ninty of Japan will honestly go far longer a ways than you can imagine. PROOF OF PURCHASE I NEED TO EMPHASIZE JUST HOW GODDAMNED IMPORTANT THIS IS FUCK'S SAKE. Your letters need impact. You don't want to be dismissed as spam or rabble. Attach proof of purchase or purchasing intent. GENUINE PROOF, so screencaps of a webpage won't fly. Copy a receipt. Copy an invoice. Camera-snap a shot of Gamestop or Play-Asia or whoever's sale screen. Camerashot your canceled preorder or order. DO IT. Print it out and add it to the envelope. TRANSLATING IF YOU KNOW JAPANESE AND YOU WANT TO HELP, PLEASE SPEAK UP. Right now I have a small handful of help and I am a novice beginner at this myself. We can't expect two or three people to take on possibly dozens—or, god tier scenario, hundreds—of letters. I'll be flagging down as many people as I possibly can. You should, too. Direct them to gghq, v, Nichegamer, and so on. You'll get instructions on how to write & stamp your envelops. Let the post office take care of the rest, and don't forget the sign-on-delivery if it's an option. SPREAD THE WORD I can guarantee one thing and one thing only: if people stay silent on this matter, you can bet we will continue to receive shitty localizations unfettered for times to come. If you do not try, nothing will happen. You're not in the wrong for thinking shit needs to change. You're not entitled for thinking customer power means something. You're not stupid for standing up for the simplest thing because it's a thing you believe in. Don't sit on your hands about this. A draft on a letter is forty minutes out of your day. Moreso if you're going HAM. NOT doing something is one less voice NoJ will hear and act on. Spread this, make your associates aware. Make your circles aware. This is the beginning to turning this shitty situation around and instilling a positive back in vidya. Get moving, faggots.
>>317936 www.red*dit.com/r/KotakuInAction/comments/47xm32/goal_for_anyone_still_willing_to_help_operation/ This is relevant to translation.
>>317938 Responded on it. My next move aside from putting up draft samples to give people incentive, is to also poke at journalists to see if they want to report on this. The exposure could be good.
>>317940 Post a new thread altogether though. The comment is fine on the thread, people don't seem to look at stickies.
>>317940 The point was also to give you a name. AKA /u/ryanofthestars. The dude's Japanese and he'll translate letters if you ask.
>>317936 FINALLY WE GOT A DEADLINE. Anyway, is there anyone who can proofread. I have a draft of the letter but I have no idea if its polite or not.
>>317960 >>317942 Got a response from him, if you have a letter then send it up to the email here and I'll have it forwarded so we can get some other templates up, allowing people to see what is and isn't going to fly
Kinda OT, but I've been in a Ys mood all day, and I thought that this is nicely mood-setting for letter writing.
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>>317355 >virgin autists But that's ableist and sex-related shaming, anon-chan! >>317451 Some of it is projecting. I've seen people who are the other way around too - people that accuse others of pedophilia and other deviancy while drawing loli dickgirls and stuff. It's a way to cover for their own faults instead of admitting they don't like someone's personality.
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>>317355 How we doing guys?
http://archive.is/L7PCN So Hat the old head mod for KIA bought both versions. Guess it helps prove our theory that there are people buying both.
>>317355 1. It's riding Awakening's wave of popularity 2. There are 3 different versions that fanboys and normies will buy all 3 3. Don't assume just because a lot don't use GGHQ anymore, that's represents the the people behind TorrentialDownpour. KIA has almost at 58k and I've seen many people who aren't even affliated with GG posting in # TorrentialDownpour.
SMTxFE has already been censored https://twitter.com/MGNoxa/status/705534752489672704 There's apparently a rumor that was posted on monday that the Hot Springs DLC will also not come west.
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>>318066 Well, stuff like this is what keeping me going. I mean really Nintendo? It's the fucking weeb game. Why does NoA not want my money? I mean at this point I am already moving to import but we need to stop this. It's literally a game full of subtle fanservice, with subs. What do they hope to achieve?!
>>318067 I haven't a fucking clue. The Kicker though? Every other fucking outfit with cleavage seems to be intact.
>>318068 For now anyway.
>>318068 Don't worry, there will be more examples soon.
>>318066 Keep SJWs out of vidya.
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>>317374 wew lads I bet some kids would love to have her as a babysitter
>>317451 Bit late to reply to this, but people like this are so afraid of being caught they distance themselves from what they do so much they start publicly saying it should be banned. It'd be like a cocaine addict advocating for harsher laws pertaining to drug use.
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>>318085 And there went my fucking lunch. Thanks Dear Leader.
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>>318085 Wow… imagine what kind of cute housewife she could've been if she was born in the late 20's early 30's. No awful tattoos or piercings. Also, her easily corrupted female mind could've stayed pure and far away from ideological cancer. Can we please make America great again?
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>>318101 This shit again? I keep writing to you dumbasses that it doesn't matter if they don't meet your high standards. If they're at least average or so or at least better than your average hambeast, they won't have any problem attracting betas to white knight for them. That's why they tried to engineer Felicia Day's doxing. Sure she's not exactly a model but you can find enough betas that fap to her to stir up some shit. Only reason it didn't really take off is because she wasn't exactly as relevant anymore.
>>318085 >>318101 >>318102 >>318104 There is now an Alison Rapp thread >>>/gamergatehq/318056 Put all Rapp-related bullshit there, otherwise I will be report all Rapp related shit ITT as OT
>>317961 What is the progress on the letter campaign? I sent my draft in.
Guys I would recommend you take this survey being passed around. surveymonkey.co.uk/r/NPZK9KM
>>318064 What should we do about Kelly?
>>318166 Ignore the fuck out of him
>>318168 That might no be good enough, anon.
You guys need a proper #FEF + #TD album? http://imgur.com/a/X2w49 Here.
>>318166 I'd consider starting a counter-OP, but discuss it on private IRC and not public place like here.
>>317899 Nich Maragos wrote an article on Walden for Gaming Intelligence Agency. That's all I got. https://archive.is/imlIy
>>318124 >surveymonkey.co.uk/r/NPZK9KM This survey is kinda garbage for one major reason: some of the "solutions" to games getting censored presented as options within it are not always realistic. I know that recently, patches for games like Nekopara make it seem like this is something possible for ALL GAMES EVER, but in reality Nekopara is a budget translation that isn't even well done. They were able to do it because they barely expended effort with the localization to begin with. Not to mention, Nekopara is a drastically simpler game than any given Fire Emblem or Xenoblade or Bravely Second. Nobody is realistically playing Nekopara uncensored for the writing, so of course nobody really cares about all the grammar errors, mispellings, and flat dialogue or descriptions of anything in the text. Nekopara is about fucking catgirls, without it the game is absolutely useless. I uncensored the games immediately, speaking personally. I knew what I was in for, and wanted that specifically. The 'separate copies' thing is even less realistic from a business perspective, particularly in North America, and particularly for a game like Fates. You release two editions of a game, one titled UNCENSORED, the other titled CENSORED, and Uncensored will of course win. Not necessarily because of the nature of the content in said game, but because of the implication that there is more content, period, for your dollar. This is basically a non-choice for most gamers as is, and therefore you'd see a massive glut of wasted physical content in stores for CENSORED. And as much as we all like to say THE ERA OF DIGITAL IS NOW, that's not necessarily true. Internet in the US, one of the largest markets for vidya, is shit. That alone ensures that physical copies of things are important. Nintendo's own internet infrastructure is weak, and only maintains significantly more uptime than say, XBL these days, because SIGNIFICANTLY FEWER PEOPLE ARE USING IT. Hell, even then, they still have to deal with people overwhelming their digital storefronts regularly during the few decent sales they run. From Nintendo's perspective, its wiser to release one edition of the game, even digitally, even if it is CENSORED. It simply means less money spent on the product across the board. I know you'll all hate reading that, but videogames are a business first and foremost, and 'art' and 'feelings' and headpats a distant, distant second. At best, all that those latter things do is help facilitate the business side of things. Nintendo is a company that has always tried to keep costs on its games low, and it should not be a surprise that this extends to how they handle localization. I keep seeing a complete misunderstanding on how Treehouse gets 'paid' for their work, usually the result of people parroting what a former localizer from an entirely different company has had to say about the subject. I can assure that Treehouse did not get paid 'extra' for 'extra changes'. These people are salaried employees of Nintendo of America, they do what they do because its their job, regardless of how long it takes or how much work they have to do. They are not an outside group contracted for anything, these are people with a varying amount of years at Nintendo as a whole. If there are any bonuses being paid to them, it will be from how much money Fates has been pulling in from the markets their localization has touched, and probably not any time soon. Hell, the Kid Icarus translation is monstrously different from Japanese original script, and is English-only iirc, and I doubt most people at Treehouse even got a raise for their effort. To end the word salad here, saying "censorship is okay if you offer a version that isn't" is a non-starter solution, period, and that kinda damages the message of the operation I think.
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>>318366 >"It sounds hard" the post A waste of dubs. Your defeatism concern-trolling is noted.
Are we mad about the censorship of the lewd bits, or the translation being full of shitty Tumblr-tier memes, or the dumbing down of a good series? Not being an arsehole, genuinely curious what the beef is as I've not been following it much.
>>318408 The first two. The last one is irrelevant to TorrentialDownpour.
>>318366 If they really cared about money they wouldn't pander to this crowd in the first place. Only The Controllers care about money (who are usually in the middle not at the very top) The top and bottom are both ideological fanatics.
>>318424 This argument ignores how successful fates has been despite the operation. As far as Nintendo is concerned, they are right to do as they please. To counter this, we HAVE TO KEEP PUSHING. Education is the key here, as more consumers do see the changes being made, more people will actually take actions that will hopefully force Nintendo to see the errors of their localization efforts.
>>318424 >>318424 This argument ignores how successful fates has been despite the operation. As far as Nintendo is concerned, they are right to do as they please. To counter this, we HAVE TO KEEP PUSHING. Education is the key here, as more consumers do see the changes being made, more people will actually take actions that will hopefully force Nintendo to see the errors of their localization efforts.
>>318442 >>318443 The operation was never a boycott.
>>318446 Never suggested it was. However, it does need more voices, and educating more people about Nintendo's bullshit can only help in the long run, do you agree? For now that's about all we can expect out of this.
>>318482 Yes, I fully agree. Shill on every gaming site you know. Use this album since it's pretty complete: http://imgur.com/a/X2w49
>>318484 Well, the SJW Tomodachi Life "Boycott" wasn't tecnically a boycott since the SJWs that complained at NoA to get a feature added to the game that wasn't in the Japanese version to begin with still didn't buy the game after the changes were made, because they never had any intention of buying it anyway…
>>318166 Report his faggot ass
Some eNobody is spending tens of dollars to spam the tag; please report… and move on.
>>318704 > several eNobodies FTFY
>>318197 Considering how hard the tag has been getting spammed today, I would suggest digging into the following individuals. John Kelly TheBaconFromHell Variloh Thidran MaleGoddess Really, anyone who has been pushing the "TorrentialDownpour is a boycott" narrative, and anyone who backed Kelly's attempts to hijack the OP with his medium piece.
>>318736 Super relevant: http://archive.is/5ttYx Fucker outed himself
Don't know if this has been posted yet or not. It's nice to see more people talking about this shit. https://youtu.be/OgFLTfo4YUQ?t=56m16s
>>318736 I checked bacon he didn't know what it was and said it was a good idea to raise awareness about it.
>>317220 You make so much sense yet none understand you. Like I have been saying, we were better when the far right ruled than the far left.
>>318955 One of the dirty secrets of war is that when you raise a entire generation of warriors to fight for your cause… and happen to win… you raise a second force to murder the first one after victory is assured (Patton's "car accident" is the best modern, Western, example I can give you). …because warriors, even "warriors" of the Social Justice kind, will FOREVERMORE seek a new dragon to slay; even if that new "dragon" is YOU.
Anybody got the picture that shows the differences between Charlotte/Kamui's S and A ranks between versions? I saw it somewhere and forget where.
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>>319108 >>319128 What the actual fuck? This can't even be called "Localization" anymore; it's not so much that changes were made, so much as, every change made the work objectively worse and worser (worstest). At this point the NoA version is more a like a bad parody dub than a translation: Fire Emblem Fates: the Abridged Series
>>319168 Don't talk as if those are all the changes either. :^) More will be added soon.
>>318736 Report their accounts for spam too
>>319178 Well considering how much shit was taken out, it still technically, can be called "The Abridged Series"
>>319241 I was implying it's worse.
Bravely default when?
>>319242 I know brah; worsetsest
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>>317282 What the fuck kinda dumbass name is "Caeldori"? How the hell are you even supposed to pronounce that? Arn't Hoshidofags supposed to have Japanese-sounding names? So why not just leave it as "Matoi"? How the hell do they pick who gets their name "localized"? Is there any rhyme or reason to any of this shit? FUCK
>>319791 In Caeldori's case, it's a result of being backed into a corner for localizers doing stupid shit. Asugi, Rahjat and Caeldori are all doppelgangers of Gaius, Tharja and Cordelia respectively. In order to keep the Japanese names faithful to the original's name, the names also had to be changed So, Cordelia's Japanese Name was Tiamo while Caeldori's was Matoi. Both names are anagrams of each other, so in order for the reference to still exist, the name had to change. Course, it could have been stopped by never changing Cordelia's name in the first place.
>>319811 Thanks, leader. That makes sense I guess.
Am I the only one who keeps seeing spambots on the #Torrential Downpour live feed? Can we get those removed somehow? https://twitter.com/FoodPicsForYou https://twitter.com/TheSkullBot https://twitter.com/MuchWowShibes https://twitter.com/BoardgameBlitz https://twitter.com/Hi_Hi_Hi_There And this guy for good measure: https://twitter.com/HeroOfCanton42
>>319836 >>319837 >>319861 No, you're not the only one. Those bots have been at it for a couple of weeks and it's wildly annoying.
How much are you guys targeting fandom fags? They really care about characterization as seen in the comments of https://amielleon.dreamwidth.org/201041.html, which memehouse fucked up badly so it'd be a good idea to rally them up. Including the ones on tumblr
What are the chances of the EU release getting this awful localization?
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>>318085 >a swarm of bats flying into her cavernous vagina
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>>318085 She's a 6/10 at best, and those shitty tats…. >>318102 Please do you honestly believe there weren't any gold digging whores back then?
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Taken from the /v/ Nintendo NX controller thread
>>320110 Sounds like bullshit, but then again so did that leak about the SVU episode. We will have to wait.
>>320110 It would be nice if Nintendo got rid of the SJW stooges who ruined the new Fire Emblem.
>>320110 Since it seems the controller was fake, it seems safe to say that this post is bullshit.
Why unsticky?
Any of you chumps got the picture of the "into the trash it goes" reference in the game? Fuckin forget where I saw it.

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