No need to give y'all the preamble I gave Nichegamer. Here's how this is going down
That is effectively 2 weeks to get others to draft letters, post them at either NG, /gghq/'s TD thread/v/'s GG threads, or even KiA (I'm aware they're being faggoty about Rapp and we'll work on that somehow). The mission here is to create letters to send to Japan basically asking when we can expect a better localized product from them as their overseas teams are not cutting mustard.
Your letter shouldn't be long, this has been said before. It also has to be formal and polite, which we'll work on in revisions. What it primarily has to be, though, is something that represents you. What aspect of Fire Emblem' localization made you go "screw this"? Or did you buy and get mad at the hackjob? Were you going to buy but got turned off? Put that in the letter—it's YOUR primary talking point. Bang out a draft that represents you, as a customer, asking why your game you were interested in is flawed.
If any of you were paying attention to Mombot's warnings, you'll know Japan is not our culture. They operate on different rules, so a lot of normal shit we do ain't gonna fly. In fact, Japan even has a succinct, rock-solid format on their letters and we'll get to that. This isn't to say during editing your shit's going to look like you didn't write it. It IS to say, however, those of us that know some Japanese are going to be editing with politeness in mind, and not to convey hostility. Japan is actually pretty goddamned spectacular on their customer service issues. As in, they can and will go above and beyond the cause if they think there's a customer problem. So not aggitating or kicking Ninty of Japan will honestly go far longer a ways than you can imagine.
I NEED TO EMPHASIZE JUST HOW GODDAMNED IMPORTANT THIS IS FUCK'S SAKE. Your letters need impact. You don't want to be dismissed as spam or rabble. Attach proof of purchase or purchasing intent. GENUINE PROOF, so screencaps of a webpage won't fly. Copy a receipt. Copy an invoice. Camera-snap a shot of Gamestop or Play-Asia or whoever's sale screen. Camerashot your canceled preorder or order. DO IT. Print it out and add it to the envelope.
IF YOU KNOW JAPANESE AND YOU WANT TO HELP, PLEASE SPEAK UP. Right now I have a small handful of help and I am a novice beginner at this myself. We can't expect two or three people to take on possibly dozens—or, god tier scenario,
hundreds—of letters. I'll be flagging down as many people as I possibly can. You should, too. Direct them to gghq, v, Nichegamer, and so on.
You'll get instructions on how to write & stamp your envelops. Let the post office take care of the rest, and don't forget the sign-on-delivery if it's an option.
I can guarantee one thing and one thing only: if people stay silent on this matter, you can bet we will continue to receive shitty localizations unfettered for times to come. If you do not try, nothing will happen. You're not in the wrong for thinking shit needs to change. You're not entitled for thinking customer power means something. You're not stupid for standing up for the simplest thing because it's a thing you believe in. Don't sit on your hands about this. A draft on a letter is forty minutes out of your day. Moreso if you're going HAM. NOT doing something is one less voice NoJ will hear and act on.
Spread this, make your associates aware. Make your circles aware. This is the beginning to turning this shitty situation around and instilling a positive back in vidya.
Get moving, faggots.