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#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: Chilling With God Afterparty Edition Anonymous 04/22/2022 (Fri) 00:36:50 Id: f835a2 No. 169403
ONGOING DISCUSSIONS: >Disney employees create open letter and are asking people to sign a petition for political neutrality https://archive.ph/9ES8d >BuzzFeed shareholders urge CEO Jonah Peretti to shut down the ENTIRE news operation which has '100 staff and loses $10MILLION a year': Staff bombard execs with questions in leaked audio of tense meeting about the news https://archive.is/8viWf >Former Gawker Media properties G/O Media of staff from Kotaku, Gizmodo, Jalopnik, Jezebel, Lifehacker and The Root went on strike. https://archive.ph/pyYJg >MS buys Actiblizz https://archive.ph/Lc4Em >Sony buys Bungie for $3.6 Billion https://archive.fo/7BE4T >Sony Vice President of Playstation Network George Cacioppo exposed for trying to have sex with a 15 year old minors through Grindr App via chatlogs from "People Vs Predators" Group: https://archive.md/SlG30 >Archives Prove IGN Executive Review Editor Dan Stapleton Lied When Claiming Outlet Would Not Report On Sony Exec Pedophile Allegations Because They Don’t Cover “General Crime”: https://boundingintocomics.com/2021/12/07/archives-prove-ign-executive-review-editor-lied-when-claiming-outlet-would-not-report-on-sony-exec-pedophile-allegations-because-they-dont-cover-general-crime/ - https://archive.md/uuDNE https://archive.md/O7wma >Aforementioned People Vs Preds Groups also caught Senior Account Manager for Nvidia Todd Wiseman for allegedly trying to meet with a 15 year old boy for sex. https://archive.md/xMz2f >Nathan Grayson leaves Kotaku to join the Washington Post's "Launcher" section https://archive.is/9hqq0 >Five Nights at Freddy's developer Scott Cawthon retires after SJWs and game journalists attack him for donating to Republican politicians https://archive.fo/wCpMC https://archive.fo/Fe8Ey >Quinton Flynn Replaced as Kael’thas Voice Actor in WoW; Despite Judge Ruling Sexual Misconduct Allegations Came from Obsessive Stalker https://nichegamer.com/2021/04/19/quinton-flynn-replaced-as-kaelthas-voice-actor-in-wow-despite-judge-ruling-sexual-misconduct-allegations-came-from-obsessive-stalker/ - https://archive.is/Dj5a5 >A petition to deplatform once cancelled game "Six Days In Fallujah" started by Hala Alsalman receives game industry developer and figure support; gets stealthily updated https://archive.is/h6Da1 https://archive.is/eSpno CURRENT TASKS: 1. OPERATION TRAJAN: Collect and catalog all of the various localization and censorship accounts of past video games into a single repository from these sources: romhacking.net The_Cutting_Room_Floor/tcrf.net Segaretro.org https://redirect.invidious.io/channel/UCFItIX8SIs4zqhJCHpbeV1A Examples: http://archive.vn/XQOHW Sony's policies forces censorship; JP devs allegedly have to go through ENG approval process: https://archive.fo/awzFF - Japanese blog post about it: https://archive.fo/bF9bE Sony Japan President Says PS4 Censorship Policy Is To Match Global Standards And Protect Kids: https://archive.fo/U3GLa - Confirms censorship was deliberate: https://archive.fo/XgAgP - No rules for censorship policies, games judged case-by-case: https://archive.fo/37DhK - Marvelous partner starts petition against policy: https://archive.fo/rxQtf https://archive.fo/84UHo • Twitterfags: Tweet with Sony's stock code $SNE so that investors see your tweets and know you're pissed. • Consider spreading OP Timber materials to targets as well: http://archive.vn/URjtu ONGOING TASKS: A. Operation Download And Conquer: Loosen the death-grip of Google that has taken hold of the internet's audio and video services >>>/t/5546 B. Support archive.fo! Accountability needs proof: https://liberapay.com/archiveis/donate C. OP DisNod: Contact the FTC and advertisers about violations and unethical practices
[Expand Post]http://archive.vn/9bylT D. Internet Censorship happenings: Spread the word about the dangers of FOSTA/CLOUD act/Article 13, etc. https://www.eff.org/de/deeplinks/2020/03/earn-it-act-violates-constitution E. OP End the Era: Dig into resetera and their connections to journos, devs, etc. http://archive.vn/JfuSb Reminders (important, READ THESE!): • Use https://archive.today to deny sites ad revenue and traffic and preserve pages in case they are deleted later • Be civil if you have to argue with people on Twitter, Tumblr or any forum - don't make us look like douchebags • Do not accept requests for any goal, demand lists or personal army requests: https://pastebin.com/p5dVp1e5 • Beware COINTELPRO: The Gentleperson's Guide to Forum Spies: https://cryptome.org/2012/07/gent-forum-spies.htmSTOP REPLYING TO BAITS AND OBVIOUS DERAILMENT ATTEMPTS, JUST REPORT AND FILTER Remember that other boards and sites exist for discussing and posting about hobbies, lewds, and other interests. To conveniently find these locations, regularly visit the board list: https://8chan.moe/boards.js Alternative domains: https://8chan.se/boards.js https://redchannit.com/boards.js http://4usoivrpy52lmc4mgn2h34cmfiltslesthr56yttv2pxudd3dapqciyd.onion/boards.js >/vg/ under new management; alternative GG thread can be found there: >>>/vg/ Resources >Summaries of #GamerGate:https://redirect.invidious.io/watch?v=wy9bisUIP3w - #GamerGate - If It's Not About Ethics • https://redirect.invidious.io/watch?v=5fnRSL3d_xU - #GamerGate in 60 Seconds • https://archive.fo/23Fde - GamerGate: A State of the Union Address >Background and Evidence for #GamerGate: • The #GamerGate Dossier: https://archive.fo/nv1Fb • #GamerGate Wiki: https://ggwiki.deepfreeze.it/index.php?title=Main_Page • History of #GamerGate: https://www.historyofgamergate.com/ • View the timeline links in the Current Happenings section! >Lists: • GG Steam Support & Boycott List: https://v.gd/vzRsRb • Key GamerGate Hubs: https://v.gd/LNJbat >Thread Repository: https://gitgud.io/gamergate/gamergateop/blob/master/ThreadRepository.md https://ggwiki.deepfreeze.it/index.php?title=Thread_Repository >Full OP Text: • Current: https://ggwiki.deepfreeze.it/index.php?title=The_GamerGate_OP Post from the GG OP text file to be provided in the beginning of the thread temporarily >How Can I Help? >>>/gamergatehq/ • All OPs: https://gitgud.io/gamergate/gamergateop/tree/master/Operations • OP Vulcan: Learn logical debating: https://v.gd/Kbzw0L • An Anon's Guide to Twitter; basics: https://v.gd/nwrbYF >Want to Contribute to GitGud or Wiki? https://gitgud.io/gamergate/gamergateop/tree/master/How-to-Contribute
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Kept getting a "Error 503 Backend fetch failed" error when uploading to the pastebin
> Jesus Vs Satan in basketball.jpg I thought it was naked Wolverine.
>>169403 Well I guess I gotta post this again. it's only appropriate to the thread.
Hello heckin gaymergaters. Its time for thread full of mental illness where nothing happens.
the afterlife would be a lot more interesting if all the figures of it were all hot sluts
>>169408 Something tells me your afterlife will be full of hot sluts in the circle of lust in hell.
>>169407 RENT FREE
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>>169407 Having fun happened. >mental illness
>>169407 Here's to another eight years of you not being able to go a single day without thinking about us existing and it driving you mad. That is if you can make it eight years without killing yourself for realizing you'll never be a real woman, tranny.
>>169407 > where nothing happens Interesting stuff is coming out of the Taylor Lorenz and @libsoftiktok doxxing https://archive.ph/YAO55 There are a few threads about it on KiA2.
>>169413 I've come here for 8 years. Nothing happens. I'll see you on the 16th anniversary. I'll host a fun game.
The recordings of those shooter guys showing of their guns looks so cartoonish.
>>169408 >The height of the average man 2,000 years ago was only about 5.8"~5.9" If Jesus came back today, nobody would listen to him because today he would be a manlet.
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>The "powers that be", whoever they may be He's almost naming them, but I guess he's too fucking scared that jewtube would demonitize him.
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>>169417 >Average human height used to be 6 inches God damn
>>169419 Sounds good to me assuming that cute girls are normal-sized
Just found out faggots at the made in abyss wiki couldn't tell that Nanachi's a fucking female and refered to the character with they/them pronouns. You know the type that couldn't tell that tomboys use Japanese honorifics for young boys means they're tomboys and not god damned non binary shit. https://archive.ph/9mNg7 >>584082 I read all of that in JC's voice and I'm not even a Deus Ex fan.
>>169421 You're years late on that.
>>169417 Nobody listened to him back then since it wasn't for at least 40 years after he died that anyone knew who jesus was. Jesus was part of a group of incels. He was just the one out of them who got a lucky break. Translations of the bible make him to stand out more than he actually did. He was almost an everyman.
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>>169421 Unfortunately the author did not help with this when asked Nanachi's gender he basically just said "it's more fun to imagine" or something, which isn't a surprising because he's obviously fine with trap shit. But unfortunate;y trannies took it as evidence.
>>584103 >tall aggressive amazonian rapemachine is a normal girl What video games have this going on but aren't about sex?
>>169422 >>169424 Makes me wonder why are wiki mod positions attract the most unbearable tranny faggot mods? Beyond the rhetorical question of mods just being faggots in general.
>>584097 A shotamind :^) >>169421 The problem is that it became the norm to use the pronouns they/them to refer to characters whose gender is unknown or undefined in canon works (like Testament, another character whose fandom.com entry was rewritten to include these pronouns) even if the characters have an obviously male/female appearance. The wave of "neopronouns" like xe/xir/zhe/per/son that spawned years ago is another consequence of the lack of a proper equivalent of "it" for persons, but is not like the people who invented the English pronouns centuries ago were expecting to have traps and trannies in the future.
>>584121 >It pisses me off that a plural noun got reduced to a fucking singular noun Even before trannies fucked with pronouns, "they" had long since begun singular use when referring to an unknown entity who could be either sex.
>>169428 Didn't know of that but I still hate how common this shit has gotten. I hate how unassured people are all because of over representation of a fringe minority on mentally ill individuals managed to fuck with the scope of society from culture to grammar and it pisses me off. I want off this this stupid ride where society caters to the fringe rather than leave them to die and rot.
>>584126 The norm in fandom.com wikis, which 95% of the time are written by mentally ill people (who else would put so much effort in documenting the characters of a cartoon or game to the point of adding a "trivia" section?). Most normalfags don't know or care about anything beyond he and she (they don't even use it to refer to animals anymore).
On the topic of molesting small boys, She-Ra: Lesbians of Power, and the entire Netflix animation department, was canned for The Boss Baby: https://archive.ph/aWi6W https://archive.ph/A0Qoh https://archive.ph/OQo8y >>169426 >why are wiki mod positions attract the most unbearable tranny faggot mods? For the same reason the Silent Hill wiki attract Feminists who think everything is a symbolism for rape, and that one fag who thought everything was about circumcision.
>>169431 Related thread: >>>/co/25307
>>169426 It started ever since every wikia was rebranded a (((Fandom))) site, and the (((Fandom))) staff went around (((correcting))) info even if the original staff of the wiki had already decided on something. For a long time the article for Yamato on the One Piece wiki was in a constant state of "oy vey no pronouns because we don't know the character's preferred gender" after (((Fandom))) took over, even though the original site settled on calling her female, and it took Oda confirming she's a girl in supplemental material for them to allow her to be considered female again. (((Fandom))) also bought up gamepedia awhile ago so those are now called (((fandoms))) too.
>>169412 Offtopic shitposts are fun, yes. But they'd be better suited to /b/ than 90% of these threads.
>>169434 /b/ is a fucking toxic dump so I don't blame them for posting here instead.
Its 420 and my request for nazi themed videogames that aren't about racism was removed. What would hitler think?
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>>169428 So that crappy she-ra cartoon actually got the boot as opposed to simply concluding on it's own according according to it's tumblr refugee "fanbase"? Figures considering the show barely has anyone talking about it outside of it's usually suspects and the ones that do are part of a particular crowd know to care more about shipping than the anything worth a damn about the show.
>>169438 >the ones that do are part of a particular crowd know to care more about shipping than the anything worth a damn about the show. Sounds worse than the state RWBY is in.
>>584139 Don't make me post that Shadman comic. >>169435 There are >>>/digi/ (more focused on random blogposting similar to the one that happens in these threads) and >>>/404/ (like /b/ but with flags, without pedos and actually random) and >>>/c/ (but it seams this didn't manage to attract users like the other two, a shame because I liked the concept). >>169438 >So that crappy she-ra cartoon actually got the boot as opposed to simply concluding on it's own according according to it's tumblr refugee "fanbase"? Nu-She-Ra actually ended after five seasons according to a quick search.
>>169439 >Sounds worse than the state RWBY is in. The bumblebee ship is that for RWBY. Two characters with zero dynamic shipped together because lesbians and color theme.
>>169439 >>169441 Speaking of RWBY, I hear they finally managed to worm their way into Japan's ear enough that they got an actual anime spinoff greenlit with Urobutcher of all people making it. Ice Queendom, I think it's called.
>>169442 Yeah, apparently it's partially due to roosterteeth being broken up and reduced to nothing but an IP now. >>>/co/24368
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>>169442 Yeah and Shaft is doing it, which bums me out because I was hoping shaft would do another season of Sangatsu no Lion soon. Though to be fair RWBY has always been popular with Japs. They got into a freaking Arksys game, man.
>>169443 >>169444 I have hope for the anime because it's jumping off of Monty's notes rather than the direction Miles and co. took everything after Season 3.
>>169445 That would be an improvement to follow Monty's original intentions but that's a low bar considering it's current state as a show, dismal at best.
>>169446 >but that's a low bar considering it's current state as a show All I know of the show is from hearsay by other Anons because I haven't watched since Season 4. And, I'm still upset that they did best girl (Neopolitian) dirty by forgetting that she ever existed.
>>169447 Didn't they just kill off her and Torchwick in a really hamfisted way?
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Famiboards, a Nintendo offshoot of Resetera (I forget exactly what incident or drama lead to this) has one user currently arguing whether Xenoblade 3 is "homophobic" because every fusion pairing we've seen so far is a male character fusing with a female character. https://archive.ph/wip/X96s4 In other news, Adam Howden is sparking controversy for liking some controversial tweets which is getting the Nintendo twitter pronoun gang riled up. Resetera made a thread of butthurt: https://archive.ph/EoIEe
>>169449 Why should I care about what a bunch of faggots in a platform I have never used say about other faggots from another platform I have never used either?
>>584168 >>584171 >>584172 >>584178 >it actually was fucking Kazu For what purpose? Did he get bullied so hard for being a manic-depressive faggot that he thought making up an alter-ego who's even more cancerous would make him look better by comparison? >>169447 >And, I'm still upset that they did best girl (Neopolitian) dirty by forgetting that she ever existed. They brought her back around Season 5 or so. She hunted down Cinder to kill her because she blamed her for getting Roman killed by roping them into her "destroy Vale" plot, then she convinced Neo they should work together because Ruby was technically the one who (in)directly killed Roman so they had a common grudge. Then she kept putting off killing Ruby in favor of plotting and doing Salem's dirty work which made Neo annoyed until she made an ultimatum by stealing a Macguffin lamp the villains had since Cinder'll probably be killed by Salem for losing it. In the ensuing fight with RWBY later, Neo's left hanging on a ledge above a magical abyss (long story), Cinder takes the lamp from her and kicks her off the abyss. The rest of RWBY are blasted down with her during the fight, and now they're stranded in some magical island according to the Volume 9 teaser. There, I saved you some time.
>>169441 >because lesbians and color theme So really no different from obnoxious 2hu shippers.
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>>169449 Such asshurt.
>>584207 tfw no vtuber gf who is an actual loli oppai.
>>169454 >an actual loli oppai. Those are called shortstacks, Anon.
Keep it on the meta thread, thanks.
>>169456 Fuck off Dog, I want my storytime.
>>169456 may as well send us off to the lounge thread; also is this really a matter for globals? I dont think you need to respond to global reports just to tone police a fucking thread
>>169457 >tornigger >dog He wouldn't be that cancerous
>>169449 Too bad xenoblade 3's character design looks like shit, leftists can keep that one
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>>169460 It's not all bad.
Way to prove the point Kazu and nuking my or others posting does you zero favours expect making you look like a jackarse. But might as well keep on the TD talk (assuming this post isn't nuked) >>169449 They are arsemad because NoE is mostly clean and have been doing their job as translators, but I'm looking forward to the game as I really loved XB 1&2.
>>169435 Gamergate threads are /b/ but more game-themed and filtered.
>>169463 Well, they shouldn't be. Any meaningful discussion always gets swallowed by fetish talk.
>>169464 I agree, but nobody really has anything to do but fetish talk. No operations and nothing really interesting; hell, despite the OP literally having >E. OP End the Era: Dig into resetera and their connections to journos, devs, etc. http://archive.vn/JfuSb We only JUST NOW hear about RetardEra having a Nintendo schism into this Famiboards shit.
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>>169464 I mean the point of GG threads is HEY LOOK AT THESE FAGGOT JOURNALISTS; do you have any faggot journalist hot takes to give us? I certainly don't. Hell, i only started keeping up with these threads once i noticed all the effort died down and the shitposting had ramped up.
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>>169463 Because Mods refuse to clean the thread like when niggers try making the thread into /a/ or /animu/ despite both boards existing and if they don't like those boards they can use the one here, or the various other off topic convos. Some of the /pol/ stuff isn't terrible as it relates to GG related topics (big tech to name an example) but most of it could go on /pol/ or a /his/ board. >>169461 I think people are giving the designs a bit of a hard time they are a blend of 1&2's designs but boy 2's designs were great.
>>169464 but heres what happens in every GG thread >important /v/ topic being discussed >gets lots of (Yous) >one reply hints at something or mentions something non-/v/ >that reply gets replied to, talking about non-/v/ topic >everyone elses discussion also gets carried to non-/v/ topic >non-/v/ topic is even debated about >someone goes back to talking about /v/ topic this cycle is rinsed and repeated
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>>169465 >We only JUST NOW hear about RetardEra having a Nintendo schism into this Famiboards shit. I also want to know about this. >>169449 anon can you tell us what caused this schism?
Watch out for GamerGate The public enemy of the world #1 It is the main hashtag responsible for… ☑ Accidentally re-starting the French Revolution ☑ Weaponized Gondolas ☑ Hacking German politicians and media ☑ Played "To Catch a Predator" with Randy Pickford ☑ Masterminded the destruction of GDQ via the Catfish of Legend: Namazu ☑ Under the light of the Blood Moon; Self-destructed Western Journalism by having a some kid smirk at a drumming savage ☑ Just wanted to start a conversation with everyone, everywhere, eternally ☑ Watched Gawker die TWICE ☑ Guilty of face crimes ☑ When GameStop tried to sell itself; offered $3.50 in in-store credit ☑ Made telling "journalists" to "learn to code" into a hate crime ☑ Taught the Alt-Right ✅Then harassed said Alt-Right ☑ Started in 2011-2012 when 4chan tried to steal Anita Sarkeesian's SSN# ☑ Created "Boner Culture" which made cis straight male erections the most powerful force on earth ☑ Had a Jewish Mobster 'Take Care' of it ☑ Asked THQ about gaemu which somehow triggered World Wide Web War III ☑ Tricked /cow/ into developing and sharing their fetish for Mark's plump bagel with ResetEra ☑ Triggered GJP3.0 with 57 hitpeices on THQ Nordic's AA ☑ Orchestrated the GaymerGay misogynist review backlash against Marvel's Captain Woman ☑ Taught New Zealand about "White Day" ☑ Radicalized Spyro the Dragon ☑ Turned Pewdiepie into the Osama Bin Ladin of GaymerGays ☑ "The nerds and gamers were joined by the proto-storm troopers of the alt-right in a bond that has never been broken" ☑ Was a trial run for "will the US tolerate fascist behavior" ☑ Exploring new frontiers in sexual harassment via Jelly Bean ☑ Groomed young impressionable politicians into misogynists ☑ Created and trained the alt-right to take over the political landscape on a global scale (And succeeded) ☑ Arranged for Sonic the Hedgehog (movie ver.) to get "fixed" ☑ Remains undefeated for all time ☑ Turned Rage 2 into a Trump-esque attack on game journos ☑ Joined forces with Amazon ☑ Helped Mark impress Resetera ☑ Used Elliot Rodger's martyrdom to unite 4Chan and Breitbart to elect Donald Trump ☑ Will be looked back upon in 50 years as the root cause of the coming Cultural Civil War ☑ Government-sponsored shitposting ☑ Mastered the manipulation of the news cycle to their advantage ☑ Made Anita cry when Feminist Frequency went broke ☑ Destroyer of Worlds ☑ Russian Conspiracies (all of them) ☑ Extended Reanon's death/meme-magic to animation studios (please meme responsibly) ☑ An instrument of American Trumpian Power Worldwide
[Expand Post]☑ Cured alleged "journalist" of dyslexic anxiety ☑ An aberrant, creeping horror ☑ As dangerous as Anti-Vax, ISIS, and Holocaust Denial ☑ Five years of ruining everything ☑ Came to the classroom ☑ Trained Google whistleblowers ☑ Never died and foreshadowed our toxic meme-strewn politics ☑ Blew up the Internet ☑ Made wanting challenge in videogames into supporting White Supremacy ☑ Was secretly fighting WWIII all along ☑ Stochastic Terrorism ☑ Being a national security threat according to the DHS ☑ Helped Mark win the lottery ☑ Gave the money back ☑ Living long enough to see itself become the villain in a TV Show THRICE ☑ Confused the FBI into thinking /v/ is /baphomet/ ☑ Turned Anita Sarkesian into a crazy cat lady ☑ It's #Gamergate Forever ☑ Justifiably felt alienated by the neoliberal fetishization of feminism and the reductionism of politics to identity teams ☑ Was rabidly pro-corporate ☑ Manipulated a SJWeeb into review-bombing a LGBTWTFBBQ-friendly game as a "test" ☑ Non-meat based cam girls ☑ Caused the Corona outbreak which destroyed China to cheer up a depressed CIA glownigger ☑ Digisexuals ☑ Called the cyber police to put a cripple in cyber jail ☑ Weaponizing decency ☑ Made the games industry a nightmare for Women, Colored People, and Ashley Burch ☑ The inevitable ultimate horror of Sega's "toxic" advertising for ChuChu Rocket ☑ Has the highest body count of any COVID-19 disinfo group ☑ Finally got the 8kun administration to get off their ass and answer the damn phone ☑ Searching for a new home (again) ☑ Made some /v/ hotpockets on other imageboards go insane ☑ Burned julay to the ground by doing basically fuck-all except continue to exist (props to a certain bunbunmaru reporter, tho) ☑ Having a high enough IQ to be mentioned on Rick and Morty ☑ Radicalized a grandmother to the point she promotes harassment against alleged games journalists ☑ Is the terrorist group backed by 'The French' who are behind President Trump's exhausting battle against twitter ☑ Protecting FUCKING GAMESTOP from looters ☑ Finally started the Race War by forcing a meth-head on a date with Corona-chan to take a knee to the neck from the police ☑ Confirmed for Baby Hitler ☑ Gave a lot of airtime to Soviet defector Yuri Bezmenov ☑ Got on the Atlantic's "free $100" van only to get intervewed ☑ Started a backlash against the French independent film industry because they want to raise pure little girls ☑ And then Russia wanted to shut down 8chan.moe to be ironic ☑ Was clearly a blueprint for Trump's online assault in 2016 ☑ A gravestone marked “Games Journalism; Dead By Suicide,” with the date of death corresponding with the launch of GG ☑ Took over the US capitol ☑ Funded by the GOP ☑ Using Reddit's radicalized nihilism to counter jews shorting FUCKING GAMESTOP ☑ Made Mark the Godfather of Gamergate ☑ Corrected Polygon on Titanfall lore ☑ Accidental meme magic discharge (R.I.P Miura) ☑ Planet-range racism field ☑ Not wanting people to put down the controller and talk about their feelings ☑ Destroyed the logic process of a bot wreaking havoc across multiple imageboards with just one simple trick ☑ Caused Blizzard executives to threaten their employees with rape ☑ Came to Alex Hutchinson's Defense ☑ Made Vivian a feminist symbol ☑ Grew to a geopolitical scale and spilled into real life with devastating consequences ☑ Got their own TV show ☑ Brandon’s First fan ☑ Gave birth to Qanon ☑ Is the precedent for /K/yle Rittenhouse ☑ Ruined people's brains by turning them into corporate bootlickers ☑ Created the concept of "Culture War" ☑ Was the watershed event in the ascendancy of online extremist personalities and tactics
>>169469 From what I understand the Nintendo fags had a fit due to it being full of Soyny fags who suck the PS5 off, but if you know anything about the history of Neofag's Sony fanboyism this was inevitable.
>>169458 I have been a volunteer on /v/ on top of being a global for a while. I usually focus on removing Luciano/Niggerpill's spam posts that have been identified positively, but I deal with other local reports when the other vols aren't available (like now). Again, discuss the topic of pururin's performance as a volunteer in the meta thread. No bans are being issued (by me), but I don't want to delete more posts that also are discussing other topics.
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>>169471 >They had a schism over consolewars bullshit. Christ, the more things change...
>>169472 just seems a fine line to draw when almost nothing else is on-topic like fucking RWBY discussion or into the abyss
>>169472 well you've answered the question in that you could replace kazu as marks goodest goy. whats his excuse to not fire him for good instead of just pretending to? are they gay lovers?
>>169472 As a jannie, can please you outline what is on-topic #GG and off-topic? The lines are really blurred here.
>>169473 Anons forget that NeoFag was one of the biggest Sony fanfaggot cesspits on the internet both pre and post sjw. NiggerERA despite even being more sjw then even NeoFag never let go of that Sony fanboy bent which caused a major shitshow with the Nindrones on the site as despite being both leftoids that consolewar autism never left them, what's odd is how many Xbots aren't sjws I've met more non sjw Xbots then I have sjw Xbots. >>169472 Let's be real you and the rest of the vols will never truly address any of this period save for the occasional damage control response when it gets really bloody bad.
>>169449 >Shulk's going to need a recast It's cute how they think they have any power any more after all the fracturing and purity spiraling and driving off industry insiders with their just plain nutty behavior.
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>>169477 heres a helpful mnemonic you can use to remind people
>>169467 >>169474 >Because Mods refuse to clean the thread like when niggers try making the thread into /a/ or /animu/ despite both boards existing and if they don't like those boards they can use the one here, or the various other off topic convos. Some of the /pol/ stuff isn't terrible as it relates to GG related topics (big tech to name an example) but most of it could go on /pol/ or a /his/ board. Apologies for that. This thread has a whole set of unwritten rules with exceptions for many topics. Some mods have tried to keep GG threads "on track" in recent weeks, but without a real ruleset made by both the users and the board owner it is difficult to identify all the topics that are "approved" or "banned" for discussion beyond the few that always generate complaints in the meta thread. >>169476 I honestly have no idea. Most of the stuff I remove are things I saw removed by other mods before or mentioned once by older mods. As I said, there is no official consensus on what is allowed here. Future replies will be posted in the meta thread because I ended up participating in what I was originally going to delete.
>>169478 It's telling how even sjw devs can't stand those niggers now. >>169479 It's so weird seeing Gaf being sorta ok now since all the cancer mostly left it.
>>169481 Irrelevancy takes the edge out of any site.
>>169461 That's pretty fucking mediocre
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>>169431 And the celebration on this was a little premature: https://archive.ph/gYSfR
Archive of last bread: https://archive.ph/LawDM
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>>169484 Oh fuck is that what this is from? It still fucking exists?
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>>169484 >“Big Mouth” has been renewed through Season 7 >Season 7 FUCKING HOW? I thought this show was tasteless garbage nobody watched. I forgot it existed until now. Do they just keep airing it even if it bleeds money? Is this a big hit in America despite everything?
Software and sites to give attention to! Operating systems >AROS: http://aros.sourceforge.net/ >BSD <Net: https://www.netbsd.org/ <Open: https://www.openbsd.org/ <DragonFly: https://www.dragonflybsd.org/ >GrapheneOS: https://grapheneos.org/ >Linux <Artix Linux: https://artixlinux.org/ <CLIP OS: https://clip-os.org/ <Devuan: https://www.devuan.org/ <EndeavourOS: https://endeavouros.com/ <Rocky Linux: https://rockylinux.org/ >ToaruOS: https://toaruos.org/ Archival >ArchiveBox: https://archivebox.io/ Chatrooms: >Session: https://getsession.org/ >Tox: https://tox.chat/ Database >Based Cooking: https://based.cooking/ >BigchainDB: https://www.bigchaindb.com/ >Gelbooru: https://gelbooru.com/ >Gun: https://gun.eco/ >Hydrus ( >>>/t/6469 ): https://hydrusnetwork.github.io/hydrus/ >Library Genesis: http://libgen.rs/ >ourobooru: https://ourobooru.booru.org/ >Sci-Hub: https://sci-hub.hkvisa.net/ Donation and payment services: >AlignPay: https://www.alignpay.com/ >Fanbox: https://www.pixiv.net/fanbox >Fantia: http://fantia.jp/ >Librepay: https://liberapay.com/ Email clients >Claws Mail: https://www.claws-mail.org/ >The Mutt: http://www.mutt.org/ Email hosting >Create your own: https://archive.fo/okVq4 >Cock.li: https://cock.li/ Encyclopedias >Infogalactic: https://infogalactic.com/info/Main_Page File sharing and storage >anonfile: https://anonfile.com/ >BitTorrent: https://infogalactic.com/info/BitTorrent >CacheP2P: https://github.com/guerrerocarlos/CacheP2P >Catbox: https://catbox.moe/ >Cryptosphere: https://github.com/cryptosphere/cryptosphere
[Expand Post]>Dat Project: https://datproject.org/ >Filecoin: https://filecoin.io/ >Holochain: https://github.com/holochain/holochain-proto >Instant.io: https://instant.io/ >IPFS: https://ipfs.io/ >Kek.gg https://kek.gg/ >Onion Share: https://onionshare.org/ >ORC: https://orc.apache.org/ >Peergos: https://peergos.org/ >Perkeep: https://perkeep.org/ >Pomf: https://github.com/pomf/pomf >QBittorrent: https://www.qbittorrent.org/ >Sia: https://sia.tech/ >Storj: https://storj.io/ >Swarm: https://github.com/ethersphere/swarm >Tahoe-LAFS: https://www.tahoe-lafs.org/trac/tahoe-lafs >Uguu: https://uguu.se/ >WebTorrent: https://webtorrent.io/ >Other sites: https://www.archiveteam.org/index.php?title=Pomf.se/Clones Galleries and image hosting >ArtStation (SFW only): https://www.artstation.com/ >HicceArs: https://www.hiccears.com/ >Wysp: https://www.wysp.ws/ Internet and browsers >BadWolf: https://hacktivis.me/projects/badwolf >Basilisk: https://www.basilisk-browser.org/ >Beaker: https://beakerbrowser.com/ >Bromite: https://www.bromite.org/ >Falkon: https://www.falkon.org/ >GNU IceCat: https://www.gnu.org/software/gnuzilla/ >Handshake: https://handshake.org/ >I2P: https://geti2p.net/ >InterPlanetary Wayback: https://github.com/oduwsdl/ipwb >Iridium Browser (Guide to remove spyware: https://spyware.neocities.org/guides/iridium.html ): https://iridiumbrowser.de/ >LibreWolf: https://librewolf-community.gitlab.io/ >MaidSafe: https://maidsafe.net >Mysterium Network: https://mysterium.network/ >Namecoin: https://namecoin.org/ >NetSurf (Guide to remove spyware: https://spyware.neocities.org/guides/netsurf.html ): https://www.netsurf-browser.org/ >Otter Browser: https://otter-browser.org/ >Qutebrowser: https://qutebrowser.org/ >Sphere Browser (WARNING: https://spyware.neocities.org/articles/sphere.html ): https://sphere.tenebris.cc/ >Surf: http://surf.suckless.org/ >Tor: https://www.torproject.org/ >Ungoogled-Chromium: https://ungoogled-software.github.io/ungoogled-chromium-binaries/ >Web Browser: https://git.nuegia.net/webbrowser.git/ >Yggdrasil Network: https://yggdrasil-network.github.io/ >ZeroNet: https://zeronet.io/ Marketplace >DLsite: https://www.dlsite.com/eng/ >DMM Games: https://games.dmm.com/ >Fruitbat Factory: https://sites.fastspring.com/fruitbatfactory/product/buy >ğchange: https://www.gchange.fr >JAST: https://jastusa.com/ >NekoNyan: https://nekonyansoft.com/shop >Play-Asia: https://www.play-asia.com/ >Top Hat Store: https://shop.tophat.studio >Zoom Platform: https://www.zoom-platform.com/ Pastebins >Paste: https://github.com/jordansamuel/PASTE >PrivateBin: https://privatebin.info/ Search engines >ActiveSearchResults: https://www.activesearchresults.com/ >ExactSeek: https://www.exactseek.com/ >Gigablast: https://www.gigablast.com/ >Marginalia : https://search.marginalia.nu/ >Mojeek: https://www.mojeek.com/ >Wiby: https://wiby.me/ >YaCy: https://yacy.net/ Social media >anime website: https://anime.website/ >Baest: https://bae.st/ >baraag.net: https://baraag.net/ >Free Speech Extremist: https://freespeechextremist.com/ >GNU Social: https://gnu.io/social/ >Hubzilla: https://zotlabs.org/page/hubzilla/hubzilla-project >Mediachain: http://www.mediachain.io/ >Pawoo: https://pawoo.net/ >Pleroma: https://pleroma.social/ >Plurk: https://www.plurk.com/ >Poast: https://poa.st/ >Shitposter Club: https://shitposter.club/ >Steemit: https://steemit.com/ Streaming >8chanTV ( >>>/site/1519 ): https://watch.8ch.moe/ Video and audio platforms >AVideo: https://github.com/WWBN/AVideo >BitTube: https://bittube.tv/ >D.tube: https://d.tube/ >MediaGoblin: https://mediagoblin.org/ >Veoh: https://www.veoh.com/ >VidLii: https://www.vidlii.com/ Video downloaders and converters >boram: https://github.com/Kagami/boram >ffmpeg: https://ffmpeg.org/download.html >NewPipe: https://newpipe.net/ >WebMConverter: https://gitgud.io/nixx/WebMConverter >webm.py: https://github.com/Kagami/webm.py >wybm: https://github.com/Kagami/wybm >youtube-dl (Also download ffmpeg for best compatability): https://youtube-dl.org/ Web hosts >Create your own: https://archive.vn/BtM69 >IONOS: https://www.ionos.com/ >KolymaNET: https://www.kolyma.org/ >Neocities: https://neocities.org/ Other >AdNauseam: https://adnauseam.io/ >Amateur Game Development General: >>>/agdg/ >ChannelChanger: >>>/t/1257 >Crescent Isle: >>>/site/532 >Kdenlive: https://kdenlive.org/ >LINE Sticker Downloader: https://goonlinetools.com/line-sticker-download/ >Magic Wormhole: https://github.com/warner/magic-wormhole >OpenTimestamps: https://opentimestamps.org/ >Privacy Possum: https://github.com/cowlicks/privacypossum >QEMU: https://www.qemu.org/ >The Wick Editor: https://www.wickeditor.com/ >VirtualBox: https://www.virtualbox.org/ Suggestions are always welcome! Revision Updates: 4/15/22: https://archive.ph/1FPcI
>>169486 Not only it exists, it's getting a 7th season AND a spin-off focused on the monsters.
>>169487 >just keep airing it even if it bleeds money yes. they're clearly not interested in making money or they would make something that isn't inherently offensive to the senses. big mouth is a demoralization tactic; they intentionally made it as terrible as possible and forcibly push it to prominence on the largest streaming platform. it makes people who don't like it assume that everyone else really does like it or it wouldn't keep getting renewed or recommended, the viewer is made to believe that he is the crazy one for not liking the show. this all in addition to the psychological distress of even seeing how awful the show looks. these people won't stop until everyone wants to kill themselves.
>>169487 You underestimate the amount of drones laughing because they think they should. On top of that, this shit looks like zero effort animation with "lol just put in a dirty joke" writing. They don't have to get much views to make a profit if they don't put in any money.
The Pokémon Company Buys Its Trading Card Manufacturer While Demand Soars >The Pokémon Company has announced that it will be acquiring The Millenium Print Group, the manufacturer that has been printing the Pokémon trading card game since 2015. >According to a press release put out by TPC, Millenium will remain autonomous, while benefiting from TPC’s investments and expertise to expand its current production capabilities. >According to Kenji Okubo, the president of TPC: “By joining forces in a more meaningful way, our goal is to enhance the ways our organizations work together and continue to bring the highest quality Pokémon TCG products to market. >Simultaneously, we aim to develop Millennium into an even better, bigger, state-of-the-art version of their already exceptional organization, benefitting not just Pokémon, but all of their customers.” >TPC has a very good reason for wanting to beef up its ability to print Pokémon cards: the current supply is lagging behind enormous demand. Pokémon cards have become a speculative commodity during the pandemic. >This has led to huge headaches for major retailers such as Target and Walmart, both of which were forced to restrict sales. Even McDonald’s struggled to keep cards in stock while they ran a Pokémon promotion. >Pokémon cards have been going for enormous sums in recent years. Just this month, Logan Paul bought a Pikachu card for $6 million, setting a world record for the most expensive card sold in a private auction. >While Pokémon cards have become one way for the mega-rich to flex their wealth, there’s still a ton of interest among ordinary collectors and enthusiasts. Twitch content creators have been capitalizing on the Pokémon card meta by opening card packs on stream. >The acquisition does raise some hilarious questions about why The Pokémon Company didn’t already own their own card printer. Its partner company, Nintendo, has recently made similar moves to acquire companies I already assumed that it owned. I am expecting Nintendo to also acquire TPC any day now (this is a joke). https://archive.ph/QNg58 Call of Duty: Warzone getting Godzilla and King Kong crossover in may >Or more specifically, Godzilla vs. King Kong. While leaks have pointed to this for the past couple months, on Thursday Activision made it official. >Godzilla and King Kong are heading to Call of Duty: Warzone. Specifically, it’s a crossover with Godzilla vs Kong. >which is a bit unusual considering the movie was released over a year ago, but the announcement trailer features enough high-end CG to make that easy to forget. > We don’t know much about how the crossover, titled Operation Monarch, will work just yet. The trailer shows the two beasts fighting against one another, which suggests that we may see a similar storyline to the movie, rather than a free-for-all that just happens to feature the characters. >In a world overrun by Fortnite and Minecraft, crossovers might not be what they once were, but given Activision’s tendency to stray from Call of Duty’s grounded roots, it seems like there’s a lot of potential for something that feels as much like the movie as it does the game. According to the trailer, “the battle begins” on May 11. https://archive.ph/He4Ja
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>>169489 What a nightmare.
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>>169486 >>169487 Maybe its a modern Johnny Test situation where its cheap produce so it makes profit on low viewership? Everything that was axed was done so in the name of cutting losses. They don't just want propaganda anymore. They want it with spongebob profits.
>>169487 >I thought this show was tasteless garbage nobody watched. According to Netflix, it's the "most popular" show on the platform: https://archive.ph/YmRMf https://archive.ph/dgQ0j https://archive.ph/HnywN Probably akin to how the PS5 is the best selling console in history.
>>169489 >AND a spin-off >owl house will get axed after season 2 >dick monster joke the show becomes a big franchise Hold on while I have my tantrum.
>>169496 or joe biden is the most popular president in history
>>169496 >Probably akin to how the PS5 is the best selling console in history. My retarded friends think it is. What can I show them to prove otherwise?
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>>169489 >>169491 >>169492 What king of a twisted mind would go as far as making 7 seasons of this trash, especially if it bleeds money, for the purpose of scorching people's brains (which doesn't work if only a few people watch it)? Don't answer that, a rhetorical question. If they want to air degeneracy, I have a more tasteful concept. The daily life of a woman doing a normal job, except all these women have HUGE boobs. The show would explain what her job's about (baker, accountant, even something a bit wilder like astronaut or military) while you get closeups of her body and massive milkers. It's perfect for the kids, it'd give them ideas about what kind of career they'd like to pursue.
I’ll never forgive whoever killed this Zardoz video game >Zardoz is an incredible movie. It features Sean Connery in a sling-kini/banana-hammock and giant floating heads that love guns and hate penises. I’m not even making that up. The movie goes places — it’s a cult classic, and you should see it. >But we apparently could have played through it, according to a pitch for the game from the late 2000s. >Time to finally share one of the weirdest things I ever came across: a pitch for an officially sanctioned Zardoz (yes, that Zardoz) game circa late 2000s that had Pyramid of Patapon fame on board as developer. >Twitter user (and one time Kotaku writer) Supererogatory posted a pitch deck for Zardoz from Patapon developer Pyramid. The idea consisted of playing as the aforementioned floating head, which is also the titular Zardoz. >As the head, you can command forces of minions to collect grain and use your exterminators to subjugate the violent brutals. Basically, it’s like Pikmin, but with way more guns and half-naked former James Bond actors. >The idea is really solid. As you gather grain, you can exchange that for weapons. You see, Zardoz isn’t really a floating god who thinks that guns are good and the penis is bad. >It’s actually a tool of an ancient race of people who give you the guns to control the excess population while also using that population to farm the land. >But the standout feature of the proposed Zardoz game is its vocal-commands feature. Pyramid was planning the game for late 2000s Xbox Live Arcade, so it expected most players to have the headset that came with all Xbox 360s. Using that, players could shout commands like: <Gun is good” — This would exchange your grain for extra guns. <Kill the brutals” — By holding down a specific button, you can shout this command to have your various units attack the enemies. <Enslave” — You can also command your troops to capture and enslave the brutals and turn them into farmers. <Grow grain” — Force the enslaved brutals to harvest your farmlands. >The game was also going to have a multiplayer mode where you could play against other Zardoz floating heads. It even had a global meta-game where players could grow their territory on a persistent world map. >We need to know who said no to this game. We need to hold them accountable. Video games are supposed to be the weird medium where we get the craziest ideas. >It is a moral failing that we have not had a Zardoz game yet. And I don’t know if video games can survive the revelation that we almost had one and yet the people in charge didn’t have the guts to actually make it. https://archive.ph/HfJ43 Blizzard Entertainment Shuts Down Rumors About Company's Crypto Games, NFT Adoption >Blizzard Entertainment's president shut down rumors circulating online, which claimed that the American video games developer and publisher is looking at pursuing blockchain technology for its upcoming titles. >Mike Ybarra, president of Blizzard Entertainment, confirmed in a tweet that the company has no plans to explore NFTs. The executive's tweet surfaced after several media outlets reported that the American video games developer and publisher had asked gamers to complete a survey to learn about their views on the emerging trends in the gaming industry, which include NFTs and cryptocurrencies. >Many immediately speculated that the survey suggested that Blizzard was interested in considering blockchain technology for its games, including play-to-earn models and crypto-based systems. But Ybarra clarified that "No one is doing NFTs." >The executive's tweet evoked mixed reactions from gamers, with some feeling reassured that while NFTs are slowly invading video games, Blizzard will not be among those who will introduce them. >Several others were not so convinced of Ybarra's statement and felt that the company would not conduct any survey related to new video gaming technology if it had no plans to introduce it in its future titles. >Jorge Murillo, Blizzard's senior designer, criticized the NFT trend last January and said that "as a dev on the @PlayOverwatch team, I am strongly against NFTs and will fight to make sure they aren't integrated into our game." <I'm not gunna qt the person cuz I don't like the dogpiling that happens on twitter, but as a dev on the @PlayOverwatch team, <I am strongly against NFTs and will fight to make sure they aren't integrated into our game. >When Microsoft acquired Activision in January, CEO and chairman Satya Nadella said, "Gaming is the most dynamic and exciting category in entertainment across all platforms today and will play a key role in the development of Metaverse platforms." >He added, "We’re investing deeply in world-class content, community and the cloud to usher in a new era of gaming that puts players and creators first and makes gaming safe, inclusive and accessible to all." >New-generation tech like NFT, Metaverse, blockchain and play-to-earn are related and welcomed by many investors and gaming companies. >These include Square Enix and Ubisoft, while Take-Two Interactive and EA have approached the trend with extra caution. >NFTs are digital items stored in a digital ledger called the blockchain. One of the most popular games and considered the leader in NFT gaming is "Axie Infinity," which previously suffered from an attack that siphoned off over $600 million on its Ronin bridge. https://archive.ph/wMG88
>>169500 You're forgetting the first rule of SJW media: it can't be something straight males would like.
>>169500 As long as the tits come flying out at some point, works for me.
>>169503 Anon, you know how American broadcasting works. Show all the violence you want, but God help you if you show a nipple.
>>169504 This drives my hatred more than anything.
>>169499 >What can I show them to prove otherwise? Just let the guy live in his little dream world. Why spoil his happiness when reality would do that all on it's own? >>169500 >If they want to air degeneracy, I have a more tasteful concept. But, how is that degeneracy? It's equivalent to how they had Barbie do everything.
The cinematic Star Wars game EA cancelled is happening again >Years ago, EA cancelled a cinematic Star Wars game under the leadership of former Uncharted creative director Amy Hennig. Now, Amy Hennig is in charge of a new cinematic Star Wars game under Skydance New Media. >The company previously announced a triple-A Marvel game in October 2021. This will be a “richly cinematic action-adventure game featuring an original story in the legendary Star Wars galaxy,” according to the press release. >Douglas Reilly of Lucasfilm Games says that Skydance’s “vision for making inviting, cinematic interactive entertainment makes this collaboration very exciting. We’re working hard with their team of experienced and talented developers, and we’re looking forward to sharing more with Star Wars fans when the time is right.” >The Star Wars game Hennig was leading at EA was codenamed Ragtag, which would be a gritty heist story set in the galaxy far, far away. While fans speculated that EA’s aversion to single-player games at the time led to the project’s cancellation, insiders have reported a number of production problems at the studio that might have had a larger effect on the end of Ragtag. >Whether any specific elements of Ragtag are brought in for the new game remains to be seen, but this might just be the Star Wars action-adventure fans have been wanting since those first glimpses of 1313. You know, if Jedi: Fallen Order didn’t do it for you. https://archive.ph/1LOpA Disbarred Anti-Video Game Attorney Wants to Save the Parkland Shooter >You know that person who doesn't know when to leave the party, long after everyone has expected them to hit the road? >In Florida's legal world, that person is John B. "Jack" Thompson, a Coral Gables attorney who was disbarred for professional misconduct in 2008 and is now attempting to insert himself into the sentencing phase of the trial of 23-year-old Nikolas Cruz, who killed 17 people and wounded 17 others at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland on Valentine's Day 2018. >Last year Cruz pleaded guilty to 17 counts of first-degree murder and 17 counts of attempted murder in the mass shooting. >Dating back to the late '80s and early '90s, Thompson was a frequent topic of coverage in New Times as he mounted a legal assault against Luther Campbell's rap group the 2 Live Crew and tried to ban the album As Nasty As They Wanna Be from music-store shelves on the grounds that it was obscene. >He has also waged a decades-long battle against video games he considers to be obscene and violent and which he contends are responsible for indoctrinating young people to re-enact the violence they're simulating — and, in extreme cases, to become mass shooters. >In a nutshell, Thompson asserts that Nikolas Cruz's Halo habit played a significant role in the Parkland shooting. He seeks to assist the defense team in order to spare Cruz from the death penalty. >In 20 court documents filed since March of 2018, Thompson has petitioned the court to enter the case as amicus curiae — a legal term that translates from the Latin to "friend of the court" — portraying himself as an internationally recognized expert on school shootings. >Thompson has requested to introduce an expert witness on violent video games' alleged link to mass shootings and to interview Cruz himself. (A copy of Thompson's initial motion is attached at the end of this article). >"I've asked to meet with [Cruz] and ask if the reports of him playing violent video games are true," Thompson tells New Times. "I want to ask, 'Did you feel you were acting out the game?'" >Some context: In 2017, the American Psychological Association Task Force on Violent Media concluded that exposure to violent video games is linked to "increased aggressive behaviors, thoughts, and emotions, as well as decreased empathy" but that there was insufficient evidence to determine "whether violent video game exposure was linked to criminality or delinquency." >Regardless, Broward Public Defender Gordon Weekes, whose office is defending the shooter, doesn't want Thompson's help and tells New Times he has little to say regarding the self-proclaimed expert's repeated attempts to enter the case unasked. >"I have nothing to add on outside individuals trying to insert themselves into this case and into the pains that this community has endured moving forward," Weekes says. >In 2008, the Florida Supreme Court recommended that Thompson be disbarred for attempting to harm his opponents' reputation "with utter disregard to the administration of justice and complete indifference to the consequences his conduct would have on their lives," as Miami Circuit Court Judge Dava Tunis put it in her recommendation to disbar him. >Thompson reportedly sent gay porn, swastikas, and renderings of an actual kangaroo court to the Florida Supreme Court and badgered an Alabama judge by sending documents to his office up to five times a day. >After he was stripped of his law license, Thompson enrolled in a seminary and became a Bible teacher in the Florida prison system. >Disbarment hasn't stopped Thompson from pursuing his crusade against violent video games — which he refers to as "murder simulators" — and repeatedly inserting himself into the legal process even after being told no. He has been attempting to insert himself into the Parkland case for the past four years. So incessant were his attempts, in fact, that in November of 2018 the state filed a motion to bar him from filing any more motions with the court. >Mr. Thompson has abused the process by filing frivolous pleadings in this matter, where he has no standing, and has no authorization to file any pleadings," assistant state attorney Joel Silvershein wrote in a motion to Circuit Court Judge Elizabeth Scherer. >While Scherer didn't bar further filings from Thompson, she denied his request to enter the case after he voluntarily withdrew his motion after failing to elicit a response. >Nevertheless, he continued filing motions to enter the case and requested to submit expert testimony as recently as February of this year. >Speaking to New Times, Thompson says he didn't remember withdrawing his motion and didn't receive the judge's order. Upon being notified of the denial, he said he has decided to withdraw the motion again and focus on helping with Cruz's appeal process after the sentencing phase of the trial is over. <The basis for his appeals argument? Gaming. >I think [Scherer] is going to sentence him to death, and there will be an automatic appeal," Thompson explains. "I'm going to concentrate on assisting the appeal counsel on the basis of the failure of this court to consider the video game issue." https://archive.ph/78XZp Jack Thompson back! I miss that son of a bitch. He still far less anti-gamer and video games than the average game journalist.
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>>169497 I just hope the Netflix restructuring/holocaust doesn't affect the development of Hilda's final season so I can pirate it. >>169503 >>169504 Ironically, that show is full of nudity, including the infamous spa scene: https://yewtu.be/watch?v=yE8ROHu03Xw Plus other weird things I found while looking for that video: https://yewtu.be/watch?v=rFU1hoyAYlk https://yewtu.be/watch?v=v088G7IlLNI https://yewtu.be/watch?v=HHBpI1x4Stk https://yewtu.be/watch?v=ZgLtOV4NIeY https://yewtu.be/watch?v=KVrDUtNdwDg (the baby in >>169486 reappears here)
TikTok and game app that is ‘full of violence’ banned by Taliban >The Taliban have banned the social media video app TikTok as well as a game known for its gunplay, a spokesman for the group said Thursday. >TikTok “misleads the younger generation,” Taliban spokesman Inamullah Samangani said on Twitter. The game PlayerUnknown Battlegrounds, known to millions of players as PUBG, was blocked as well. >Players parachute into a battlefield, and whoever lives the longest is the winner. The game found surprising popularity among young Afghans, The New York Times reported in 2020. >“Ban on PUBG is good because it’s full of violence,” one prominent pro-Taliban Twitter account posted Thursday. “Afghan youth should be encouraged to take part in sports or other healthy activities.” >The decision to ban TikTok and PUBG was made in a Cabinet meeting Wednesday, a Bloomberg report said, adding that this is the first prohibition of apps by the Taliban since they returned to power last year. >In the waning days of its war with the Kabul government, the United States and its allies, the Taliban claimed it had changed since its rule in the 1990s, when it banned music, blew up ancient statues of Buddha and imposed death or severe physical punishments for many who failed to adhere to their interpretation of Islam. >However, since taking power, the Taliban has sent musicians fleeing, passed beard mandates, banned girls’ secondary education and removed programming deemed immoral from the nation’s airwaves, among other actions. https://archive.ph/TPXIV Sonic The Hedgehog 2’ Beats ‘Dumbledore’ At Easter Monday Box Office <Who Says Families Don’t Go To The Movies In Streaming Era? >In an unusual feat for really any Monday at the box office, the No 2 movie from this past weekend beat the No. 1 opening pic. Specifically, Paramount’s Sonic the Hedgehog 2 made $4.5 million yesterday, compared with Warner Bros’ The Fantastic Beasts: The Secrets of Dumbledore‘s $3.68 million. >Essentially, 41% of K-12 schools were out on break on Easter Monday, according to Comscore; that’s the halo effect we’re seeing at the box office, particularly with two family movies. <Another gets added in the mix Friday: DreamWorks Animation/Universal’s The Bad Guys. > Who says families don’t want to come back to the movies as the pandemic ratchets down? Enough of all the talk of changing consumer habits. >This week is a solid week for spring break across the nation with Comscore also noting that K-12 schools are off 16% today, 15% on Wednesday and Thursday and 17% on Friday. >In its first four days, Dumbledore has made $45.8M stateside. Through Sunday, the revised international cume for the J.K. Rowling title was at $150.7M, >which means the movie is somewhere north of $200M worldwide. Industry estimates believe Dumbledore, despite its franchise-low U.S./Canada opening of $42.1M, could still clear $100M, which is a number exhibition will be content with, especially having so much product in the marketplace before Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness. >Dumbledore‘s Monday stateside was off 56% from its $8.3M Sunday. Meanwhile, the second Monday of Sonic the Hedgehog 2 was up 4.6% from the sequel’s first Monday, and +275% from the first movie’s second Monday in 2020 (wow). >Sonic 2‘s running cume is $123.4M through 11 days, which is 15% ahead of Sonic the Hedgehog compared to the same frame; that pic finaled at $148.9M. >Also faring well Monday was A24’s Everything Everywhere All at Once, which pulled in an estimated $930,000 (-50% from Sunday), taking its running total in Week 4 to $18.6M. The Daniels directed movie is definitely headed to north of $20M. https://archive.ph/6M6Je WB still paying the price after firing Johnny Depp because of #MEtoo bullshit and Zack Synder's favorite tranny Ezra miller box office poison. Public Sympathetic towards Johnny Depp suing Amber Heard was enough to cause Harry Potter to flop against sonic the Hedgehog. Harry faggot Potter movies now less popular than sonic.
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>>169502 Well I'd call them homophobic and anti-lesbian because lesbians also like boobs and their SJW bullshit. >>169503 I could, but It would only be aired in Japan and France, and probably not on Saturday morning for the kids, as I want it to be. >>169506 >But, how is that degeneracy? It's equivalent to how they had Barbie do everything. Very huge knockers, like holy shit it doesn't even fit the screen sometimes.
>>169510 >Harry faggot Potter movies now less popular than sonic. I don't think Harry Potter even has the same amount of autism as Sonic as far as fandom goes. HP petered out once they finished the movie series, there is nothing left to do short of making a woke reboot of the same stories. It also doesn't help that the monsters that JK created now want to eat her for her politics. Sonic on the other hand has such strong autism that even if it's had its moment of messy games like Sonic Boom and a chain of mediorce games, he can still rebound.
>>169512 >I don't think Harry Potter even has the same amount of autism as Sonic as far as fandom goes. Mind you this was before social media ruined the Internet. I remember Harry Potter fans in high school smelling worse than the Yu-gi-oh players and the juggalos. Nowadays I say the Harry Potter fandom is far more politically retarded than sonic and MLP fans. Only fandom worse that uses its autism for political Activism is the furry fandom.
>>169511 >Their SJW bullshit prevents them from animated titty* Fixed
>>169513 >Only fandom worse that uses its autism for political Activism is the furry fandom. And even then the other furries make fun of all the retarded political and identity shit that the rest do. I've never seen a HP fan that's the least bit self aware.
>>169426 Mentally ill people filling the void of lacking personality with [brand] consumption and worship.
>>169491 They also forgot the first rule of propaganda/demoralization: People actually have to watch it or even remember that it exists for it to even have a snowflake's chance in hell of succeeding.
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>>169424 >>169421 Nanachi's gender doesn't matter. My dick wants to wreck it either way.
>>169426 They have to take positions of power, no matter how small, otherwise others may not "use it correctly".
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>>169513 >Nowadays I say the Harry Potter fandom is far more politically retarded than sonic and MLP fans Reminds me that Sonic Stadium & Retro's admins are both antiGG and had connections or at least sucked up to the clique, with Freedom Planet's head also becoming a tranny. I don't know, given their proximity and overlap with the furry fanbase I've noticed that a bunch swing left among Sonic fans, although Harry Potter's has or had that annoying habit of comparing everything under the sun to the books, like Voldemort being a Trump/Hitler stand in and JK's own statements didn't help matters at all until they turned on her. Not sure about the status of MLP's either but I assume a portion of them have resisted the usual bullshit, what with the whole existence of /mlpol/ and all.
>>169497 Owl House is just another flavor of woke propaganda but actually aimed at children.
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>>169461 It really looks like an alternate skin for Mag.
>>169520 >I've noticed that a bunch of swings left among Sonic fans I think the sonic fans have a similar phenomenon as the furry fandom but in reverse. It’s the millennial and Gen X sonic fans that become SJWs. Archie sonic comics in the 90s had leftists propaganda long before SJW took over American comics. Not to mention sonic SAT AM just a better written Captain Planet. People who fit the zoomer meme grow up with Chris-Chan and sonic boom, not sonic SAT AM. Younger sonic fans make fun of trannies and SJWs. If you noticed the lulzcow YouTube Fags that respect Chris-Chan pronouns are always 90s kids. >>169521 >Owl House is just another flavor of woke propaganda but actually aimed at children. The only compliment I can give owl house is the character designs are not ugly for a cal arts show. Especially with the older women are all attractive unlike most modern American cartoons. Other than that I think people mostly like owl house for all its porn. Half it’s is the Milf porn of the moms.
>>169482 We havent lost ours. >>169487 I remember hearing a classmate of mine talking about it, and it pretty much boils down to "lmao sex". >>169488 Do not remove the /clang/ factor from jenny, faggot. >>169508 Im just glad amy hennig is getting a job again, that poor woman doesnt deserve the shit she caught from cuckman and other feminists. >>169512 The sonic movies arent just popular amongst sonic autists though, kids and parents like it because blue hedgehog goes fast and is a smartass.
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Reminder to never give money to Twitch. Do not use their subscription services. Block their ads. Give them absolutely nothing and mock anyone who does.
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In other news: Upset Groomers Prevented from Mutilating Children Starvation Plan is Accelerating
>>169465 >>169469 >>169471 Resetera also had another fracture called Installbase, where the Sales Data people went after the ResetEra mods went full retard and jannied probably the most useful user on the forum. A tradition since Neogaf, destroyed. Now they don't have any sales data analysis over there anymore.
>>169528 A bunch of constantly infighting chimps that can't keep a community together, absolutely pathetic but unsurprising.
>>169527 Any possible theories why this is being done? Not enough people died to cuckvid and the vaccines so they're going the starvation route? Or is a revolt planned?
>>169530 No one will eat bugs or lab-made frankenfood so what if the real food was gone leaving only those options? That's the less genocidal theory, otherwise it's ramping up for a population purge.
>>169461 Having boobs doesn't make the design good.
>>169532 and yet
>>169487 My family watches it and think it's hilarious.
>>169525 >Do not remove the /clang/ factor from jenny, faggot. He didn't. Look at those joints. It's a skin tone paint.
>>169531 For cityniggers sure, but I'm sure as soon as that starts being pushed people will start putting 8 foot fences up and tearing up their lawn and trees for gardens, laws and rules be damned.
>>169536 >I'm sure this time globohomo pushing shit will make the people go from bending to breaking They've been pushing "eat the bugs!" for a long time now. I, and people I know, already enjoy dried seasoned crickets as a snack. It really feels like Day of the Rope is never ever, especially after the Canuck trucks got fucked. Not negropill, I fuckin' swear on me mum.
>>169537 That's still just a novelty, all the high class liberal areas I've been to will also sell more organic produce than whatever the other stuff on the shelves is. As soon as you order a stir fry, "meat" pizza, or burger and it doesn't taste the same or gives you the shits, people will just not buy it.
>>169537 >after the Canuck trucks got fucked. They'd have gotten farther if Putin didn't decide to invade at the same time, which gave Trudeau and the media the perfect cover to go full martial law without anyone noticing and give them the Jan 6th treatment.
>>169538 >As soon as you order a stir fry, "meat" pizza, or burger and it doesn't taste the same Tofu has gotten pretty good and much cheaper in recent years. I eat it in Korean food often, since I know a guy who's Korean mom likes to make it. >>169539 Pretty sure the leaves got raked before Pootin started tootin.
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>>169431 >>169484 >Bone was axed but Big Mouth wasn't
>>169537 It follows the basic order of war and retaliation, essentially the only reason for those acts would be due to the fact that there's something/some people worth protecting and saving. When that notion is absent or proven false people are basically just doing things to protect themselves from the onslaught and in such cases its better to "war and retaliate" when necessary and blend in with the background so you don't stick out too much or get driven to insanity/death. In addition to that most of this bullshit we are seeing was already repeatedly forewarned and explained in great detail, but the people persisted and now they will have to live with the consequences of their actions for failing to learn from the past or to trust the people that sincerly warned them and you cannot save people from themselves. I just wish we didn't also have to live with their consequences. Its also some what of a circular logic/self-fulfilling prophecy/self-replicating cycle situation when it comes to that, most people will say that no matter there will always be someone out there to stand in defiance which in the absence of such a person will inevitably cause them to believe they will have to be that "someone"
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>>169543 I didn't think I would enjoy the concept of a Gear 5, but boy has Oda delivered.
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>>169503 >>169511 Western animation that's made for titillation or does it subtly should be geared towards teens and adults (or just adults only). Horniness would be confusing and out of place for children (see mp4). Also, a distinct style would be nice to see for once beside anime. Otherwise, it might end up being a ripoff of Senran Kagura.
>>169509 >People the comments talking about it's totally non-sexual and are creeped out by people that sexualize the clip with all the dancing naked ladies >Only body shown in the whole video with a slightly attractive form was black. >They're going as far as showing full nudity, except the little girls only show their tits, even though it's not supposed to be "sexual" nudity regardless
>>169518 She's a girl. When Bondrewd rounded up all the poor brats and gave them rags to wear, only the girls got two rags so they could cover their chests, including Nanachi.
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>>169543 I am more concerned about this.
>>169548 >>169543 Manga has always seemed like the most autistic retarded shit even when faithfully translated, I have no idea how people read this.
>>169541 >wanting a Bones adaptation in current year, made by current people, that work in current industry what made you such a masochist? you remind me of all those fuckers that complain that "x" company fucked "y" franchise that they love... "but bro, i just cant wait until they do a new installment/reboot/adaptation of "z", bro imagine, it's going to be so good broooooooo..." is this sexual for you people?
>>169549 Nigga it's called creativity.
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>>169486 >Childhood masturbation >degeneracy I bet you sleep on a stack of bibles.
>>169486 i remember the glo friends...
>>169551 >shonenshit >creative Golly gee willikers anon, you are going to save the world with the power of friendship?!?
>>169554 you mean you aren't?
>>169554 Do you not?
>>169403 >Gilbert Gottfried died You know, I used to like that guy. It's tragic how he turned out in his later days.
>>169486 >>169545 Seeing the current year sickness of American animation. Maybe Danny phantom fans are lucky that Randy stair killed all three of his coworkers after firing 100 shots? Tranny phantom accidents saved Danny phantom from a woke reboot. Susan trying scrub Randy stair content off YouTube. https://youtu.be/Bm7clYQtqaA https://youtu.be/wBMOc24_aIw
>>169556 >>169555 I'd rather be stuck on some countryside-themed SoL than shonen manga if I had to choose.
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>>584446 The fuck is wrong with moe?
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>>169560 Someone dissed his fly girl and he didn't give him one of these.
>>169560 The average shonen enthusiast shares a brain with the common negro, if it doesn't receive any immediate and constant violent stimuli it will just proceed to get bored and chimp out.
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>>169543 >nothing is ending the fight >let's just make a fist larger than the entire island of Onigashima >big punch make big damage It's the "too big to fail" meme in manga form.
>>169563 >>169543 I think what's most important is that I laughed when I saw that fist. At the end of the day it's still entertaining then One Piece did it's job. This is also why OP escapes the pitfalls Naruto and Bleach fell into when they took their stories too seeiously. One Piece can't with Luffy as MC.
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In case you missed it >>169414 > Libs of TikTok Doxing Uncovers Secret Hacker-Government Mercenary Alliance Behind Regime’s War on MAGA Americans You should be talking about this on all channels, not whatever the hell is distracting you. This is more important than your shota manga or Turning Red sucking or Netflix renewing its pedo cartoon. Go into your gaming groups and tell your gaming buddies. Tell your IRC friends. Get this on 2chan and other foreign language sites. Use a shortener to disguise the URL so you don't get filtered, and send it to your family on Twitface. Spread this everywhere. It's proof of what we've been saying all this time. Also, the CIA has admitted to building the Big Tech monopoly: thttps://www.zerohedge.com/geopolitical/greenwald-former-intel-officials-citing-russia-say-big-tech-monopoly-power-vital https://archive.ph/YDk8x
>>169565 >no archive
>>169533 elf fans will never recover after this
>>169566 oh wait there is one i'm retarded please mock me
>>169559 >>169562 It's okay to admit your life is so unfulfilled your ultimate fantasy is just countryside living with nothing happening.
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>>169446 IIRC, Shane Newville's letter had some details that Monty wanted to get the fuck out of Rooster Teeth to start his own company. Probably because he didn't liked how this company handled things. >>169448 Volume 3's pacing is so damn rushed that characters like Pyrrha was killed quickly and didn't had a good character development. I blame how the series is produced because its not a fucking show, its a movie that has been cut into episodes. >>169449 I wonder why MonolithSoft kept the same artist that handled the second game working for the next one. >>169484 >>169489 At this point, I want Netflix to die a quick death.
>>169569 Sure beats consuming endless teenage power fantasy after power fantasy with the same cookie-cutter plots and archetypes.
>>169487 It’s “one of the most popular shows in America” right now. Tens of millions of “unique” views per episode and constantly hitting above 9.0 on the rating scale for each and every one. Of course you ask anyone if they’ve seen it and the answer is “no” or “what?” But the numbers don’t lie, it’s one of the most popular shows to ever exist and has received hundreds fo awards.
>>169572 If it's not bots, there's gotta be like a factory of indians & other third worlders watching this shit all day as part of their job. Like currency miners in china.
>>169573 Weirdly ive heard that one of the most popular animated shows in india is that mr.bean one.
>>169573 Truly a fate worse than death
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>>169564 The only thing particularly "serious" or "edgy" in One Piece is the terrible shit that the villains do. >>169568 >please mock me If you can't appreciate various genres of anime you're not much better than SJWeeb posers who only know a handful of anime and don't really appreciate Japanese culture if not outright shunning significant aspects of said culture. >>169571 "cookie-cutter" is prevalent in every genre with characters, plots, aesthetics, etc. Accusing one genre of anime of being "cookie-cutter" is purely a case of pot-meets-kettle. SoL is only good if the characters and interactions are entertaining. A lot of SoL does not reach this threshold which creates a poor overall reputation so there are people who will avoid it like a plague never finding anything good in it. That same can happen with Shonen anime where you develop a very surface level bias against it. I have nothing against Shonen stuff as it can be fun watching characters with big dreams and friendship work to achieve goals. I have nothing against SoL as it can be fun watching various personalities clash in entertaining situations. I don't shun either genre because although I may have had biases in the past I didn't hold onto those biases. Fun things are fun and you're missing out on them by restricting your experiences.
>>169527 >state bans mutilating children There's no way the jews let the state ban circumcision.
>>169576 Okay, I'll bite. I will give shonen manga and anime another chance. I did enjoy Baki and HnK back when I read them. Also Kaiju No. 8 since it has a mature protagonist that I find more relatable.
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>>169449 >I did not say anything in this trailer was homophobic. I said that a default assumption to pair man and woman could be rooted in heteronormativity or homophobia. This fucking faggot doesn't even realize that this train of logic was the same shit that puritans of old said about gay people being depicted in media. >And no, I don’t expect every title to have gay representation. Than why did you take issue in the first place? Are faggots like him incapable of thinking relations beyond sexual ones exist? It's no wonder alphabet people are seen as deviants cause they can't see a man and a woman regardless of circumstances as anything but since their relationships are nothing but that.
>>169578 Pro-tip: One Piece anime is shit. Read the manga or watch One Pace if you must.
>>169578 Shouldn't be hard. I'm still discovering older anime I never knew about. There's so much out there. >>169577 It's a ban on tranny groomers having children surgically mutilated. Even if you ban that there's circumcision and if you ban that there's aborted fetuses and if you ban that there's human trafficking. Demons will get their fix of child flesh one way or another. However, with so much controlled opposition at play any successful pushback should be appreciated.
>>169581 >Demons will get their fix of child flesh one way or another. Anon, do you understand why people call you Qfaggot some times?
>>169571 Do you count Death Note And Spy X Family in that category since its demographic is Shonen?
>>169583 Well I haven't read Spy X Family so I can't speak about it, but DN was pretty cool and didn't felt like your stereotypical hotblooded manga.
>>169583 Death Note is seinen. It's not a matter of content but target demographic.
>>169585 >Death Note is seinen.
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Holy shit, is this a legit gamergate thread in fucking 2022? What are you guys even doing nowadays?
>>169587 Shitposting, jacking off, and general nonsense such as derails and talking about gay shit.
>>169587 Wherever I am, I must shitpost.
>>169587 This general still exists out of sheer spite and hatred.
>>169587 Dabbing on game journalism for the 8th consecutive year
>>169586 They publish seinen titles too.
>>169587 Watching biden be retarded circa dec 2020. https://invidious.poast.org/watch?v=iSlvyIkqClE
>>169587 I refuse to believe anyone would come to 8.moe and not know about these threads and know they've been existing for eight years.
>>169585 >It's not a matter of content but target demographic. The fuck you mean by that? Also, the series' magazine is from Weekly Shonen Jump. The same magazine that releases One Piece and other hit series like Chainsaw Man. Get your facts straight. >>169587 Where the hell have you been?
>>584502 I wonder how it feels to have been desperately trying to get the "final pedonigger purge" started for a year and continually failing like this.
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>>169595 It couldn't be more straightforward.
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>>584516 >>584518 >>584521 You alright there anon?
>>584502 >says the torpedo who has CP downloading in other tabs
>>584523 Are you allrigth mate? The Qfaggotry, IP hopping and trumposting tells me you should be in 8kun.
>>169590 Yeah pretty much.
>>584529 You said it yourself, you dishonest nigger. >Demons will get their fix of child flesh one way or another. I didnt even mention circumcission.
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>>169597 Anon...
What's with all the cuckchan lingo?
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>>169605 what's up?
>>169605 The thread was cross-linked on the /b/ CP dumping thread and they are raiding.
>>169604 Anon. Look at my image.
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>>169598 >Something broke? When is something not broke?
>>584539 >Not my ID, anon. Nigger i just saw you IP hop like 4 times to post that shitty trump image.
>>169607 Well then that explains all the cuckchan lingo then.
>>169609 works fine on brave
>>169607 >this is a "raid"
>>169607 Why does that thread still exist?
>>169607 I wouldn't call it a raid, niggerpill has done worse
>>169613 When they're incompetent trannies, this is the best raid they can probably do.
>>169616 So in this context tranny has as much meaning as incel or chud; nice.
>>584558 You were the one that brought up circumcission when i was talking to "the other" ID about his retarded claim that transfaggotry in children was a shadowy cabal to feed demons child flesh was Qfaggotry, so now even try to weasel your way out of this shit.
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>>169619 #CloseTheGate
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>all of these baleeted posts
>>169533 what?
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>>169572 America's humor must be fucking broken.
Is this worth it Y/N?
>>169618 >it's "retarded" to suggest that sexually mutilating children is demonic >the Weimar Republic didn't exist >only boomer jewish puppets would say something that jews don't want them to say Okay, run along now. You're alone. You failed. We will never support trannies or faggots or anything else you want done to kids. >>169621 It's just bot spam on Tor, anon. Ignore it.
Then that's even more fucking pathetic. I bet you're behind the ongoing DDoS, too.
>>169625 Out of that i only played edna & harvey, it was fun and theres crazy girl pantsu. >>169626 >>it's "retarded" to suggest that sexually mutilating children is demonic Yes, evil and corrupt? sure. Implying is the work of demons? Qniggedry. >>the Weimar Republic didn't exist When the fuck did i mention that? >Okay, run along now. You're alone. You failed. We will never support trannies or faggots or anything else you want done to kids. Oh, its the no-argument nigger, nice new ID, did you get banned again or are just hopping to pretend youre different people today?
>>169624 Americana do not allow themselves to indulge in humor because what they laugh at today might become a hate crime on twitter in 5 years.
>>169572 >>169487 >>169573 You all vastly overestimate the taste of normalfags. This shit is popular with most of the ones I know in a suburban area. They fucking love it. I think it's primarily Americans, the kind that eat up Family. They're incredibly sex negative, but totally okay with sex humor so long as it's gross and non-titillating. You could do practically the exact same show, but with the characters actually being pretty and thus sexually stimulating, and Americans would be repulsed by it like everyone who isn't a weeaboo is repulsed by basic ecchi anime. It's not just DA JOOZ, it's the entire American mindset to shy away from sexy unless it's in porn.
>>169628 >Implying is the work of demons? Qniggedry. Do you have any idea what a demon is? Hint: it's not a red man with a pitchfork. >When the fuck did i mention that? Never. I'm giving you a hint as to who's responsible for this shit and WHY. Thought you might be bright enough to take it.
>>169630 >the kind that eat up Family Family Guy*
>>169628 >pantsu I'm sold
>>169631 Not everyone believe in your flavor of supernatural conspiracies.
>>169630 >it's the entire American mindset to shy away from sexy unless it's in porn. And then they try and enforce that retarded mindset everywhere. One of the reasons why I'd like to see an end to the "Pax" Americana. I wouldn't be surprised if America's really weird and obsessive behavior toward normal sex and even simple, and sometimes innocent, nudity is a big source of all of the other degenerate shit too.
>>169634 There's not a damn thing supernatural about a bunch of faggots raping and mutilating kids.
What's up with this schizo meltdown?
>>169636 Pretending they are demons and theres supernatural shit going on totally is.
>when you happen to make a low effort shitpost at the same time /b/ spammers come to the thread and your post gets deleted too
>>169639 You must shitpost with care.
>>169639 Low effort shitposts are off-topic
>>169584 >but DN was pretty cool and didn't felt like your stereotypical hotblooded manga. That's because Death Note is a stereotypical shounen detective series. >>169593 Post a webm or from an alternative site. >>169625 >Buying anything on Steam Go back to Cuckchan, newfag.
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>>169638 Then just don't do that. No cloven feet. No horns and tails. No metaphors to hide behind. There's still a global ring of child trafficking. All the well poisoning in the world can't hide that. Why the fuck is Cuphead hot sauce being sold for $16 a bottle? https://inkwellislesstore.com/collections/hot-sauce Just finish the damn game already. And cancel the shitty Calarts Flash show and apologize for it not being hand drawn.
>>169643 >implying more than half this board doesn't buy shit on Steam including our fucking BO who owns a Steam Deck.
>>169644 >Cuphead coffee Okay, makes sense >Cuphead hot sauce >includes the other characters beyond the devil & king dice >save for cozy cottage, all the sauces are just crazy mixes of habenero
>>584632 Why was this deleted
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The Truth About Joe Rogan's Alpha Brain... https://odysee.com/@jroseland:f/Alpha-Brain-Joe-Rogan:6 >>169644 >Why the fuck is Cuphead hot sauce being sold for $16 a bottle? Simple there are two likely scenarios. One the ingredients are actually organic of a high quality so it has to be sold at that price to be profitable, Two and the more likely answer is they're betting on their fans being gullible little shits.
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>>169645 >not trying to pirate shit faggot
>>169649 I tend to never finished pirated games, buying something means I need to make back my money somehow.
Magnetmotor funktioniert https://open.lbry.com/@Klee777:1/_Der_Magnetmotor_funktioniert_doch_die_Welt_will_ihn_nicht_haben:1 7X170) Der Magnetmotor ► Freie Energie ► Magnetmotor selber bauen ► Bauanleitung-unter-dem-Video https://open.lbry.com/@Feld_aus_Gold:b/7X170%29-Der-Magnetmotor-%E2%96%BA--Freie-Energie-%E2%96%BA-Magnetmotor-selber-bauen--%E2%96%BA-Bauanleitung-unter-dem-Video%E2%96%BC:9 >>169645 >including our fucking BO who owns a Steam Deck. Oh nice, Mark finally got his Deck™?
>>584632 Literally who?
>>584636 Man those faces are UGLY. If only there was some way to have the body of a little girl, but the face of anime girl. Oh wait.
>>169651 Yeah, he did finally get it. Hey Markus, how are you enjoying your deck? Also what the fuck are those lbry links?
>>169654 >Mr.Enter is still making videos. Christ, I thought this guy got bullied off Youtube after he got his fans to harass Spongebob writers or something.
>>169654 Beautiful, seamless edits.
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Sentry 12 Combat Shotgun https://open.lbry.com/@InRangeTV:1/sentry-12-combat-shotgun:a== >>169655 >Yeah, he did finally get it. Cool, did he post any sauce with a time stamp yet? >Also what the fuck are those lbry links? German autism I guess...
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>>169630 >It's not just DA JOOZ <Big Mouth Creators: Nick Kroll, Andrew Goldberg, Mark Levin, Jennifer Flackett <Starring: Nick Kroll, John Mulaney, Jessi Klein, Jason Mantzoukas, Fred Armisen It's da jooz. At least this time, it's da jooz. >>169635 >I wouldn't be surprised if America's really weird and obsessive behavior toward normal sex and even simple, and sometimes innocent, nudity is a big source of all of the other degenerate shit too. It is, simply because of how degeneracy and subtlety are presented. Sugesstive themes and content shown with subtlety, like, say, a bath scene of an attractive character is presented as "repulsive sexual content" while characters engaging in violent, sexual, or disgusting behaviour with supposed "comedic" purposes and no restraint are considered "pinnacle of raunchy humor". The choice of words leads to an oversaturation of degeneracy while subtlety is thrown off the window.
>>169659 Not as far as i'm aware, but he should.
>>169660 >It's da jooz. I never said it wasn't I just said it's not just the jews. And I wasn't talking about production, I was talking about it's popularity with normalfag Amerilards.
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>>169662 >I was talking about it's popularity with normalfag Amerilards. And you know who's responisble for shifting the mindset of the average American citizen into accepting degeneracy as a form of comedic entertainment, don't you? The jews.
POST THE DECK MARK NOW >>169661 Indeed
>>169595 >Where the hell have you been? I went back to cuckchan after old 8chan shit the bed.
>>169665 Man you're really slow.
>>169666 I never paid much attention to this whole webring thing, I just saved the link to the hentai games bunker back then.
>>169667 Well get busy posting, you fool, the red anons must prevail.
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>>169665 Yeah, it's too bad /v/ didn't have a well-advertised bunker ready when 8ch went down like /a/ did, so a lot of anons were lost. At best there was 08chan that not many people knew about and had a large barrier to entry, and then the clearnet bunkers which only went up afterwards so people had to find out about them somewhere else. In any case, welcome back.
May I yet again interest you Anons in /polarchive/?
>>169671 polar chives? :^)
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>>169672 It contains no S, where did you take that letter from?
>>169670 Are gook and acid still around?
>>169674 Gook died in the feminist concentration camps. Acid runs this site. Albeit poorly. Also Mark is still alive & jewish.
>>169675 >still jewish Hope he recovers at some point.
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>>169674 Gook is probably gone unless they managed to find a VPN to post.
>>169675 Yeah I can see anons are talking bout Mark ITT. I guess not everything can be good news.
>>169676 He's still a glutton so even if he converted, he's gotta overcome that hurdle too.
>>169674 >>169677 Gook might be the new president of SK give that a;; the media outlets were calling him the incel candidate or something.
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>>169650 >I tend to never finished pirated games >>169676 How's the situation in Ukraine going now?
>>169501 >Blizzard Entertainment Shuts Down Rumors About Company's Crypto Games, NFT Adoption That means that it is true.
>>169682 Or it was true and they're back-peddling.
>>169674 I vaguely remember gook posting on at least one of the earlier bunkers (I think vch?) but I haven't seen any recognizable posts from him in a long time.
>>169681 >How's the situation in Ukraine going now? The russian eastern offensive has mostly stalled again, but the russians took mauriupol and now are fighting with the remnants of azov in the bunkers of a steel mill.
>>169526 This.
>>169526 Seeing as I don't use twitch, this is all very easy to do. >>169684 I think I vaguely recall that as well.
>>169681 Well Ukraine is at the forefront of implementing WEF's system. What the military is doing is largely irrelevant, the Ukranian military is still firing on its own civilians and the Russian military is still sending its own men into the meatgrinder.
>>169688 Forgot to add
بانو سیما بینا Sima Bina: بانوی نت های گمشده https://open.lbry.com/@SimaBinaOfficial:5/%D8%A8%D8%A7%D9%86%D9%88-%D8%B3%DB%8C%D9%85%D8%A7-%D8%A8%DB%8C%D9%86%D8%A7-sima-bina-132:2 >>169671 >nu-Samsung >propriety hardware >propriety software I mean to be fair in this case the government is literally handing them out for free so you can't argue private property and ownership so the end user shouldn't be surprised when they receive a locked down government surveillance device as apposed to a corporate surveillance device that sometimes does the governments bidding but still... I miss the days when "smart"phones had removable batteries, micro SD card slots, and headphone jacks as a standard. I dread the day when Apple inevitably removes all ports on their phones since wireless charging has advanced so much that cords aren't needed anymore because all the other big brands will inevitably copy them and call it a "feature". Just by a Libre or Pinephone anons. Granted owning one of those will probably put you on a watch list but we're gaymer g8ters so we're already on a list so whatever, maybe even go the extra mile and hand them out for free to homeless people to encourage more of them to be manufactured by raising demand for them.
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>>169686 a new era
I hate pedos
>>169691 This fat fuck actually installed fucking google chrome on arch linux. Jesus fucking christ.
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>>169691 >that flat white win10-looking UI Is that ChromeOS you're running? If you can open pics too, click pic related & post what it renders.
>>169695 It's KDE Plasma retard.
>>169694 Valve actually gives you the option to install it as soon as you boot up and update the system.
>>169697 The key word is option faggot.
>>169690 Them getting a shitty propietary phone from the government isn't what's worthy of note. What is worthy of note is that it is tied to your passport and not just that but that it on top of that is tied to your finances.
>>169699 Because they're heretics that deserve to burn on the cross. Also because they keep trying to take down the site.
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>>169684 This it?
>>584756 its only happening because of you.
>>169703 >Democrat activism is being spammed because some people don't like it You're complicit.
we could start by banning tor on the videogames board
>>169705 There is CP posted right now in this thread and it's from clearnet IP address. Like literally right now, you can go look at a child's genitals posted from clearnet IP right this second.
>>584760 >do something about it like report the site to the host or the local feds and then act like I'm not the reason why the site got taken down?
>pedonigger still at it For fuck's sake! >>169685 Their invasion seems poorly planned from my point of view. Knowing the fact that the Ukranian military isn't quite powerful. >>169688 >the Ukranian military is still firing on its own civilians Do you have some sources on that, anon?
>>169702 Probably. I don't remember his exact posts, just that he had found his way to the bunker.
>>169708 >Do you have some sources on that, anon? Twitter can't take ALL the videos down, anon. Remember when the kikemedian literally released people from prison, gave them free guns, and told them to fight? They started killing civilians and having gunfights in the street. The Ukrainian military has been shooting men leaving the country since the war began well, since right after all the jews were successfully evacuated; then the kikemedian issued an order that all men have to stay and fight.
>>169708 >Their invasion seems poorly planned from my point of view. Ive been reading from military analysts that apparently a major flaw the russian military has (apart from the general corruption, untrained conscripts and low morale) is that they dont have NCOs, it would explain why, after their signals got jammed, high officers started getting killed so much.
Just a reminder to anyone using this site to always have ready a quick way to wipe your fucking cache or simply never allow your browser to keep one.
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>>584739 W-woah.
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>>169688 >>169689 BUY GOLD&SILVER, AMMO, AND ORGANIC NON MONSANTO HEIRLOOM SEEDS WHILE YOUR FIAT IS STILL USEFUL FOR EXCHANGE freeze dried food wouldn't hurt either that is if you can even find it.... If WEF wants to encourage a black market economy to grow like the Venezuelan government has so be it, at least gangsters, cartels, and mafioso's are honest about their intentions and don't hide behind bullshit excuses like "public safety" and "law and order". Of course you ALL YOU ANONS LURKING should also learn gardening skills and how to hunt, skin, and store animal meat too. >>169528 Like always those who preach the hardest are often times the ones most guilty of that which they condemn. Anti Loli/Shota fags regulatory get caught trying to molest IRL younglings, male feminist "allies" have a reputation of rapists, political activists against abuse are sometimes abusers themselves. They're modern day Televangelists, fuck em. >>169691 Nice I'm jelly now, but please get rid of the (((Chrome browser))) and install de-googled Chromium or Libre Wolf instead. >>169695 I'm kinda morbidly curious as to what Chrome OS is like now, maybe I'll fuck around with it in a virtual machine to see how pozz'd it really is. >>169700 Creepy, so basically Holol's are becoming prisoners in their own homeland now much like how Americans were fucked when "Saddam Hussein a brutal secular dictator and egotist totally teamed up with a bunch of fanatical Salafist theocratic head chopping slavers to suicide bomb American territory after his regime barely survived it's first incursion with N.A.T.O. and was left licking it's wounds since because "reasons". Maybe they should make up a religiousness life style that bares them from using tech like old school Amish communities did once. I'm sure it's no better on the Russian side of the grass field either. Fuck I just wanted to play vidya and watch anime man. Not life in a cyber punk dystopia but with no flying cars and personal laser guns. If only ChrisChans insane fantasies were true because that's one of the few things that could sake up the current global homo order we're being forced to live through. >>169705 Why? The problem is the /b/tards not the /v/alkyries peacefully minding their own business and reporting illegal content to the jannies when they see it on the front page.
>>169712 What do you use?
>>169713 Wiping your cahce won't delete the images you idiot, it will only mark the images as free space but still remain on your hard-drive. If you're on an SSD, even if you overwrite-erase them, it wont exactly work due to wear-leveling. A police Digital Forensic Analyst that looks at your computer will see that you've viewed CP, and then tried to hide it. The only way you can safely clear the cahce is on a physical Hard Disk Drive using a wiping program, or wipe all the free space. If you're using a solid state drive, or a phone, without incohnito mode where cache isnt saved to disk, you're fucked. You're going to prison if the police take your computers.
>>169717 just clear your cache anon.
>>169718 Cache is stored on non-volatile memory. Clearing your cache, from the prospective of a police officer, only looks like "deleting" the Democrat activism, so you still go to prison. Even worse is that the headers could be damaged and disassociate the images from this site, so it would be impossible to say that the images came from this site, and it looks like you're just downloading CP. If you're using incognito: You'll be fine. If you're using a hard disk drive: Get Eraser and overwrite the cache 3+ times, or with -shred if you're on linux. If you're using an SSD: You're fucked.
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>>169708 Patrick Lancaster has done plenty of reporting on it. There's also Russian media capitalising on it, although I obviously don't rely on just their word. >>169715 Oh it's even more interesting than that. Civilians are firstly not evacuated, they are in fact most times kept from leaving the active warzone at gunpoint. Soldiers intentionally go to the cities so that they could enjoy the comfort of buildings and they take position in civilian apartment blocs. In those blocks they order some of them to get the fuck out of the building and others get kept there against their will to serve as sniper bait and meat shields. The "green coridoors" are a myth, the only thing green there are the uniforms of the soldiers keeping them from leaving. Many people report having been kept in the basement over a weak with fuck-all food and dirty water to drink. In fact, there's even talk of them sending civilians "to the pit" if they refuse to follow direct orders.
This guy is the CP poster
>>169719 Encrypt your shit niggers.
>>169719 I'm calling bullshit
>>169723 It's an actual thing though, when your OS deletes something, it doesn't write out zeroes, it just disassociates the data and allows writes again. That's the difference between a quick format and a full format for a drive.
>>169723 He's right. The only proper way to protect yourself is to have all your drives encrypted and power your computer off when you aren't around it. Unless you're interested in praying to god the feds magically decide to believe your story when they're trying to meet arbitrary pedophile prosecution quotas to pay for their new coffee machine.
>>169723 That's just how computers work. From a data forensics standpoint, the difference between knowingly downloading CP and an unsafely deleted cache is next to none. https://www.digitalforensics.com/blog/an-overview-of-web-browser-forensics/ https://www.forensicmag.com/579137-Computer-Forensics-What-Can-You-Do-About-Deleted-Data/
So anons, what are your favorite non-NISA-backdoored encryption schemes?
>>169727 I combined NIST and NSA by accident.
>>169724 >>169725 >>169726 Might as well delete System32 while I'm at it
>>169729 only after installing openbsd
>>169715 >BUY GOLD&SILVER, AMMO, AND ORGANIC NON MONSANTO HEIRLOOM SEEDS WHILE YOUR FIAT IS STILL USEFUL FOR EXCHANGE This is legitimate and vital advice. >freeze dried food wouldn't hurt either that is if you can even find it.... There are many long-term storage food companies who still have stock. They managed to restock after the initial outage boom caused by chinkflu in early 2020, so you can get large buckets of the stuff quite easily now. Mind you, it's about $700 for three months' worth, per person. And that cost will keep going up (as fiat currency around the world hyperinflates) until the stocks run dry. Buying a freeze dryer of your own doesn't make sense if the POWER GOES OUT, remember. And since there are rumors that the EU is soon going to purposely cut off all Russian gas, thereby starving and freezing its people and grinding all of its own industry and cars to a halt–also because big banks and financial firms are warning about rolling fucking blackouts–you can't rely on your own home electricity to run a freeze dryer. >should also learn gardening skills Anyone who doesn't already own land for this needs to get some fucking pronto. That means leave your deathtrap of a city. >>169716 Oh, you can get browser extensions that make it a one-click affair. Differs based on browser, of course. >>169717 >wipe all the free space Something important to remember for the more paranoid of us, yes. >>169723 Everything he said is true except the SSD bit. You just need to do a free space wipe. Yes, that shortens the lifespan of your NAND a tiny bit, but since NAND is shit anyway it's not like you didn't know the tradeoff.
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>>169727 >non-NISA-backdoored encryption schemes
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>>169727 >NISA-backdoored
>>169731 >Everything he said is true except the SSD bit. You just need to do a free space wipe. How does this work?
>>169734 you waste precious writes by writing zeroes on all your free space
>>169735 Is there a program that does this or do you do it manually?
>>169734 Basically what >>169735 said. There are settings built into each OS, and they differ a bit. Generally the OS-level program allows you to write all 0 or all 1. That's an obvious "hey, he wiped this" to a fed, but fuck them. You can also generally allow RANDOM bits. The OS will run an RNG to write either 0 or 1 at random on a drive. It looks a lot cleaner. Above that, some OS's have the option to do an NSA 3-pass wipe (where it does the same thing three times over… not sure why), or a DoD 7-pass wipe. And I know that Mac OS also lets you do a 35-pass because Macs are used somewhere in the bowels of the US government and they're fucking paranoid down there. Just read a tutorial for your OS's *NIX terminal (or Windows' cmd) for the proper formatting.
>>169736 I manually use tweezers to turn every nanite to zero, yeah. But no I haven't looked for one.
>>169736 Oh, I forgot to mention, yes, you waste precious writes on your drive's lifespan because it'll be purposely writing to EVERY empty bit on your drive. And this also takes several hours to do if your drive is huge, or if you just have a lot of free space.
>>169720 Also you might have the impression that the ones told to get out of the building are evacuated. That is however not the case. The civilians are aggressively shouted at with insults and are threatened at gunpoint as a means of "motivating" them to leave quickly. They get no explanation as to which routes to take or really given any information about any evacuation whatsoever. They simply move into an apartment bloc without notice, throw people out and set up shop. People that continued to remain in places like Mariupol that simply got thrown out of their own apartment bloc ended up having to simply find a new place to live on their own. When you see reports from the West about how X number of civilians got killed by a bomb in an place like Mariupol, it would make sense to question why the civilians were STILL not evacuated. Even when it was known for such a long time that there was active fighting going on in the city for that news to have reached a completely different continent.
>>169720 >>169740 Okay Vlad, I think we get the picture lmao
>>169720 >>169740 I take these claims with as much seriusness as i claim ukranian claims of russian war crimes, that is, i wont believe jackshit until the war is over and we can get a clearer picture, for the moment, the only thing that matters is how the war fares.
>>169719 >>169736 For SSDs it looks like if you have TRIM enabled (which you should) and the SSD supports "deterministic read after Trim" (which most do), simply deleting the files will be enough that a normal police department won't be retrieving them. The disk controller will report the block as 0s no matter what they do. This can be bypassed by hardware methods specific to the model of drive to read the flash chips without the controller, but it would require sending it to the manufacturer or something. So if it's a matter of national security you don't want to use a SSD without encryption, but a normal police search is just going to run some standard forensic software/hardware and come up with nothing. https://dfir.ru/2020/06/12/trim-and-unallocated-space/ You can probably look up if your drive model supports "deterministic read after Trim". Or just download some forensic software and see if it works.
>>169743 That's standard on most SSDs and mine is enabled, yes. So does this mean free space wipe is overkill?
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I finally found the anon vs. goon screencap, even had the image I remember seeing.
>>169710 I still don't trust Twitter because it has a habit of deleting videos that they will find it unpleasant to watch, or it will ban the account permanently. Like the other anon said, Telegram seems like a better choice to see the current happenings, but I wonder if the site's quality is even decent. >>169720 >>169740 If the case of Ukrainian soldiers are screwing with the civilians are true, then holy shit they are goddamn terrible. Their morale are just as worse as the Russians.
>>584830 >Three words blow all their arguments out of the water: IT'S NOT REAL. If only it were that easy, anon. At the very least you can do is make them look stupid at best. People can be surprisingly stupid and up their own asses about this.
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>>169625 Worth buying? Depends on how much you like the taste of dicks. Playing - sure. Can't speak to most of them, but the Deponia series is goddamned fantastic with some good humor, decent logically coherent (for the most part) puzzles, and a pleasant (if a bit generic) art style and catchy music. They've also got some pretty fun scenarios set up - like breaking up a couple so you can sell the black girl into slavery as a dancing monkey for an organ grinder. There's also a tranny character who looks like an ogre in a dress, with the literal voice of a Fallout supermutant. I haven't played Deponia Doomsday, because honestly I was satisfied with how the trilogy ended. Doomsday was entirely a response to fans demanding a happy ending for Rufus, and Daedalus giving them exactly what they wanted, while also giving them the finger by having it end pretty much the same way. I can respect that. I have Harvey & Edna, but haven't played them. Did play some Memoria, and it seems like it's going to be good, but I haven't gotten too far into it. Doesn't really matter since it's not part of the bundle, but if you like how Daedalus does adventure games - it's worth looking into. Also, Toni is best girl.
>>169681 >>169685 I'm pretty sure if Russia can get a secure corridor from Crimea it mainland Russia then the war will come completely unstuck for Ukraine.
Resident Evil 4 VR developer: "It's the year 2022 and some of this stuff doesn't age well." https://archive.ph/QUPdu >"It's the year 2022 and some of this stuff doesn't age well," Ivey told Eurogamer in a call last week, "and it doesn't fit with the Resident Evil franchise these days. So the idea was that we're keeping every aspect of the rooms and the creatures that you fight, and the story and how it progresses and the plot points of the story. But, you know, just kind of saying it's the year 2022 - does this fit with the way that Resident Evil should be presented in this day and age? That's the concept there. >"I definitely agree with the changes we made to the game so - we're definitely on board with that, we think it's the right thing." IT'S THE CURRENT YEAR
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>>169750 That shit was so cringy. It was so horribly edited.
>>169744 I think so. Theoretically they could get the drive manufacturer to disassemble the drive and try to read the flash chips with special hardware, but it sounds like that's not something police departments are doing normally. Especially not for a scenario where police are just randomly searching your computer and you're worried about them stumbling onto cached images. Even if you wanted to be extra careful keep in mind a standard "secure erase" or "zero deleted space" program wouldn't work for a SSD anyway, since it's subject to what the drive controller does just like forensic programs are. You'd probably want a utility from the manufacturer, but I'm not sure they even have a method to wipe selectively, they might just have "ATA Secure Erase" which wipes the entire drive.
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>>169740 >turning everything into eu standards Boy that is going to boil a poor nation like ukraine. The only reason pl got ahead is because they managed to outjew the brussel jews. Having historically a lot a of jews, has it's benefit, you learn how to deal with them without resorting to ovens. That being said, russia placing russians in nations to pretend the nation was always russian is what russia has been doing for 70 years now. They did it everywhere, even in poland, their quest to become master slavs is insatiable and insane. I do not believe the babushka in your video is real. I do not believe the ukrainians but I believe less the ruskies who have a long history of this shit.
>>169524 Warframe MMO. You play as mecha til it was revealed you're secretly child super soldiers who put their souls into mecha.
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>>584856 Did someone say Cieci?
>>169755 I would say yes please, less pol and more vidya, but knowing this thread you're better off just posting lewds.
Can someone explain to me why half the posts get deleted here for weeks if not months now?
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>>169756 Well, I don't have any porn of her, but here's a cute picture.
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>>169758 As long as it's vidya, goddamn, half this thread is pol and the other half is deleted posts. Wait isn't that the vita gravity game girl? I never finished that.
>>584862 You mean just like the share threads, which are piracy?
>>169759 I really hope some day spoilers won't be stickied.
>>169674 Gook disappeared ever since moe. i still remember SJW's trying to gaslight everyone and rewriting the korean language to make him sound crazy. It was the funniest shit
>>169757 A combination of some butthurt fag reporting every post he can find and Dog being a hard-working lad as if someone is going to peek over his shoulder to see how hard he's actually working to delete shit. Not that i entirely blame him or mind, but i think it's like trying to empty the ocean or at least a modestly sized pond with a bucket.
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>>584880 Don't you fucking tempt me or they might aswell move this board to /d/.
>>169764 *thread
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>>169759 Used to we could have both.
>>169763 I stopped reading at butthurt fag reporting. This is the shit that destroyed /mlp/. ITS HAPPENING AGAIN
>>169763 >some butthurt fag reporting every post he can find Wow, I really did call it, didn't I. That's exactly what was happening, huh? Shit, I'm never going to so much as think about self-censoring again.
>>169766 Used to are words I use a lot lately both online and offline. That being said, is deponia worth a buy? I see it on sale a lot on gog, for reference I loved the shit out of broken swerd.
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Is .moe off air again?
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>>169770 No dubs Patrick, .moe is on-air.
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>>169769 I posted on it earlier in the thread. It's worth a playthrough. Whether or not you feel compelled to pay for it, is on you. But yeah, it's a strong recommendation from me.
>>584889 by all means continue throwing stones despite being in glass houses. not sure who you're trying to prove yourselves to here on an imageboard of all places.
>>169773 I'll give it a try then. Helps that main girl artstyle is giving me a wakfu vibe.
JUST IN - EU reaches deal on Digital Services Act for "making the internet a safer space" by requiring social media platforms to more aggressively police their platforms than ever before. https://nitter.net/disclosetv/status/1517667975624634369 https://archive.ph/FFHAs
>>169771 >>584901 >>169772 Not working on my machine. Probably be right again in a day or two.
>>169776 So I guess media platforms should be made and moved outside of us and eu jurisdiction. That being said >EU >enforcing policies laughing sluts.webm They only enforce policies if it happens to threaten their power, europe is a pseudo monarchy at this point.
>>169775 Goal is alright, but chasing her leads to an end which is kind of cuckoldry adjacent if you want to frame it in uncharitable terms. There's a good reason for it, but it's there. What can I say, it was developed by Germans. Toni is the best girl, and not just because I like earthy girls who wear overhauls and smoke in the shower.
some retard takes his "job" too seriously
>>169780 Discussion about pedophilia and CP always gets deleted here tho.
>>169781 I was more refeering to some innocuous shitpost
>>169779 >germans >not into fetishes rest of the world hates Not even surprised they chose subtle cuckholding, they could have chosen much worse. Atleast it's not being beheaded while cumming... JAPAN.
>>584915 that's what a fed would say.
>>169426 because people who could mod a site are doing better things with their time instead. because of that, the demographics rely on the mentally ill to fill those roles, some are not like this, but the worst are.
>>169776 Even more reason to take down the EU .
>>169484 >>169487 >>169541 Big Mouth was their Family Guy, a stupid joke show with a bunch of irrelevant characters that appeal to the city demographic with ironicism and sitcom "family" moments. It's junk food, the last thing out of the fridge. But their other projects getting canceled? A very good sign. Thing is Big Mouth makes money because it's funded, it's not about views, it has FUNDING. The other shows are indies. They had to be axed as risks, they're the first ones to go.
>>169774 You addressed nothing. I'm not sure what you're talking about.
>>169786 How do you take down that which has no master? Our votes don't matter as was shown last belgian election, the lords in brussels are elected by lords who count the votes. Nothing short of revolution will take them down followed be decades of hardship, the people are fat and happy, it will take many decades for things to become bad enough for men to rise up.
>>169789 It'll only take around 4 to 8 years at this rate.
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>>169790 I wish I could say that comforts me, but in the perpetual darkness that is the eu all happiness is fleeting. There is only despair. The only joy I have is the druid, that damn druid girl and her goddamn sexy hips.
>>169789 >How do you take down that which has no master? Has no master? Who do you think created it? >Our votes don't matter You already know the answer. Don't make people post things you know will be deleted. >Nothing short of revolution will take them down That'd be what he means, yeah. >followed be decades of hardship We've already had our decades of hardship. They're due to the EU. The continent will instantly improve the second that people realize it has no power to enslave them anymore. >the people are fat and happy, it will take many decades It takes decades for a fat man to get skinny, huh? Or does it take only three weeks without imports and with food being 3x its previous price? Because that's what's about to happen worldwide, so you'd better damn well be ready for it.
>>169791 >13 megs for seven seconds how do you resist the urge to neck yourself constantly?
>>169792 My point is the europeans aren't going to do shit until they are starving, and that isn't going to happen for a long time the eu leaders arent retarded. They know they can keep controll as long as they follow the us playbook on a smaller scale. >>169793 I just post what I got here, blame druid anon. Wait no don't blame him he might leave, keep blaming me.
>>169791 Make your own little bit of light instead of being a faggot woeing every second when you could be making something for yourself or others. Draw, model, speak, write, build, invent, cook. Pick something you can grasp with your hands.
>>169791 Do not lewd helena! >>169794 >Wait no don't blame him he might leave, keep blaming me. Yeah, dont scare away droodanon, im always interested in seeing what autistic shit he might come up with next.
>>169794 >the eu leaders arent retarded They made it illegal to create a phone that used any port except micro-USB A, stifling industrial development for a decade. They just finished a new law that will make it illegal for any tech company to create a chat or conference program that doesn't work with every single other chat or conference program on the fucking market. They're not only retarded, they are criminally incompetent and WILLFULLY stupid.
>>169795 What do you think I do, I draw, can't get the hang of modeling tho but I can cook quite well, my bolognaise. altho it's not really bolognaise but rather a local recipy that everyone calls bolognaise. Point is, I do my own thing. it's not like I have much to do inbetween voting duty specially since we don't have a gov for a year or 2 after we vote cause the dramaqueens fite every time. Also yes, in belgium you don't have a voting right, it's a voting duty, you get fined for not going to vote knowing full well it doesn't mean shit.
>>169797 Well they are retarded on tech, they are boomers after all (insert deus ex memes here). I am sure I had a deus ex old men webm but I can't find it. They don't understand phones but they understand herd mentality.
>>169798 No really the region that made bolognaise should be proud, every fucking region has it's variant of the sauce and still call it bolognaise. Mine has lots of selery, shrooms onion and looooots of garlic.
Uncle once said; never trust a man who won't eat a piece of garlic.... I wonder if he was a vampire hunter.
>>169798 You can blend your drawing into modeling (in fact basic drawing skills are almost required) into a front shot and side shot you made yourself. Look up Modeling for Animation 02, it goes over front-side shot model basing. Focus on proportions for your drawing and use horizontal lines to match the side shot with the front as well.
>>169796 YOU CANNOT CONTROL WHAT MY MIND LEWDS BATMAN. In here I can any crime I want.
>>169802 It's been quite a few decades since I tried, might aswell give it another go. I don"r promise that it won't be complete shit tho.
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>>169789 Don't know if belgium anon, but a laptop I bought used has a strange keyboard on it. I thought something was wrong because someone swapped the M & ? buttons, but upon looking it up, it was actually the Belgian layout & not QWERTY like what I'm used to. Consider it my introduction to Belgium!
>>169804 There is no point in quitting creative things. Get back on the train and fail hard, then fail again, then fail HARDER, until you finally fail at failing.
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>>169805 Don't know what you mean with M key, here is french azerty I bought by accident but kept using be azerty, and while I'm at it some pics of my familiar.
>>169807 and be azerty*
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>>169807 >2nd image Is that Discuck?
>>169807 >French Keyboards >Dicksword LOL
>>169810 >>French Keyboards Are they French keyboards? Where's the Ohonhonhon key?
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>>169809 Where else can you get that minus 8 expanded flash?
>>169811 I still struggle to understant why french have an dedicated alt key for ¤ when will you use ¤ ?
>>169812 I only use it for talking to my friends, but I detest it. Also to track progress on a porn game called Monster Girl Island often at times because I heard from other anons that the creator is a huge faggot and was on /monster/'s shit-list. I wish there was a better alternative for this shitty platform besides Mumble for talking. Nice cat, by the way.
>>169812 Also I was keeping in touch with my old wow guild, they nice people.
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>>169807 >Don't know what you mean with M key I originally thought someone swapped the keys because the M key is always next to the N key on QWERTY keyboards. >french azerty >look at 1st pic >my keys look exactly like that >shitpost about learning frog >mfw I have a keyboard made for frogs
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I'm contemplating between getting Luminous Avenger iX, XCOM2, or Moe Chronicles Hyper on eshop. Is there anything else worth getting on eshop around 20$ or less?
>>169819 XCOM 2 runs like shit on consoles much less on the switch.
>>169814 Ye talking to old friends is complicated nowadays, most of my eastern friends told me to get whats app but that was phone only so I gave up on install. I aint typing my messages on that tiny ass screen. I ended up just calling him every now and then. >>169816 Not just any frogs, the honhon frogs, the smuggest of all. Now I wonder if you were the friend I was fortold to meet, 2 us were 1 short of a tribunal, and now comes one friend of the frog sign.
>>169821 I fucking unchecked the spoiler several posts ago why does this hsit still keep happening?
>>169822 god bless china
>>169822 Refresh the page or clear your cookies.
>>169823 Fun fact, homo sapiens has the largest penis to body ratio for all the apes. Humanity basically works on big dick energy.
>>169821 >Not just any frogs, the honhon frogs, the smuggest of all. I mean, I don't know if it's any better than the leafy frogs up north but AAhhhhh! I was only jesting about learning frog! I'm feel obligated to do it with it in my face. >Now I wonder if you were the friend I was fortold to meet, 2 us were 1 short of a tribunal, and now comes one friend of the frog sign. I'm not sure how to feel about that
>>169826 Another fun fact, allegedly sandniggers & Curry niggers have the smallest dick size in terms of ethnic demographics.
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>>169825 Testing, if it works. I guess auto refresh spoiled me.
>>169719 >>169717 Why do we still have such dogshit tech design in this day and age? Christ.
>>169828 Not the Asians?
>>169827 You are not the one fortold. Your posting style is too erratic. The tribunal awaits.
Hey, vols, stop banning people for reporting shit! >>169752 >Theoretically they could get the drive manufacturer to disassemble the drive and try to read the flash chips with special hardware, but it sounds like that's not something police departments are doing normally. Wouldn't the "smart" thing to do be to only have your OS, utilities, and temporary programs and files stored on your SSD, and have everything else stored on a traditional hard disk drive? So that, if the feds ever raid your house, you just have to destroy the SSD, and not worry about anything else? Or, and I the only one with a M.2 NVME SSD? Because that's my setup for my desktop. >>169776 And, what are they going to do if the platform's don't comply, blacklist them on their native internet? Good luck! >>169794 >My point is the europeans aren't going to do shit until they are starving They could leave. >>169799 >>169797 >They're not only retarded, they are criminally incompetent and WILLFULLY stupid. That's where your wrong, boy-o! The people who write those laws are the leaders of the markets. Meaning that your Microshafts, your Oracles, your T-Mobiles, your Kikebooks are the ones REALLY writing those laws. And, the reason why they're the ones writing those laws is because the politicians are "too busy" to worry themselves about other issues to waste their time learning about the actual thing they're attaching their name to, so they just pass it off to someone else to write the law.
>>169831 Only if you count Paki's as Asians like the British. Otherwise, they're behind whites.
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>>169828 Huh, I always thought it would be koreans. Also didn't even notice I got holy dubs for a test post. It's a sign.
>>169833 >companies literally unified in hating the laws because they're physically impossible or would be prohibitive to them are the ones writing them Yes, you're as stupid as the EU representatives who wrote the laws.
>>169828 Smallest overall or smallest in proportion to body size?
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Tell me I'm not the only one seeing this.
>>169838 This isn't /co/, anon.
>>169836 >companies literally unified in hating the laws Have you ever considered that they do that all for that for show? <It's not OUR fault that your industries are being roadblocked, blame the government who passed the laws we wrote for them. Or, it's the government coming right back around effecting the same industries that helped the politicians get elected in the first place. Kind of like the California law that prevents the firing of employees because of their political opinions, that was original used to protect Commies, but has now wrapped around and prevents companies from firing people for having Conservative opinions. >because they're physically impossible or would be prohibitive to them are the ones writing them You do realize that regulations benefit multinationals more than anyone else because they're the only ones who can shoulder the burden places upon them by the regulations, that they helped write, at the cost of keeping out competition, right?
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>>169832 In my defense, having a stranger wondering if I am the one being foretold to meet is an unusual circumstance that doesn't happen often, if it all. >>169838 So if we meme about tomboy waifus or something, a story will eventually be made of masked men saving the tomboys from the grotesque trannies & their enablers corrupting them?
>>169827 I'm kidding bro, you seem nice, it's just an old joke between me and bro who met up in an old santa thread back before the 4chins migration, he had the mexican red mountain and I had the polish two towers so we long ago made the joke that there is a friend around to complete our tribunal
>>169837 Former. >>169838 Waste of trips. >>169841 Wouldn't they retcon the tomboy into a tranny or "strong wahmen" due to current year standards being incapable of understanding nuance of characteristics between the sexes?
>>169841 See this post >>169842
>>169844 and to elaborate, we were both huge morrowind fags at the time.
>>169838 Nice Trips but head over to /co/ my boy.
>>169841 Still, don't take coincidence for granted. That was an actual french heraldry, it was a frog, the sign of smug and magic.
>>169840 >Have you ever considered that they do that all for that for show? Yes, except in this case it's literally a cost to them, in both instances, and it can't be transferred to the consumer.
>>169843 >Wouldn't they retcon the tomboy into a tranny or "strong wahmen" due to current year standards being incapable of understanding nuance of characteristics between the sexes? Unfortunately they would given the current year. I was referring more to a rag tag story of a band of anons who team up together, calling each other faggots, as they fight against the tranny foot soldiers corrupting the tomboys into them, one in particular dresses as a reverse trap so as not to attract attention.
>>169848 >except in this case it's literally a cost to them >and it can't be transferred to the consumer That's probably because: >>169840 >they're the only ones who can shoulder the burden places upon them by the regulations, that they helped write, at the cost of keeping out competition That's not to mention that they can always move operations to another country.
>>169842 >>169844 >>169845 >>169847 Oooohhh ok, makes more sense.
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>>169841 >masked men
>>169850 >at the cost of keeping out competition Except the new law forces them to accept all competition and allows all competition direct access to the things they develop. >That's not to mention that they can always move operations to another country. Oh yeah, every hardware manufacturer is totally going to stop selling their products to THE ENTIRE FUCKING EUROPEAN CONTINENT. That's definitely going to happen.
>>169853 >Oh yeah, every hardware manufacturer is totally going to stop selling their products to THE ENTIRE FUCKING EUROPEAN CONTINENT. That's definitely going to happen. Well apple, dell, fujitsu, hp, IBM, intel, microshit, nokia, nvidia, samsung, sony, among others stopped selling their products & services to russia when the ukraine shit happened.
>>169854 You know that's different, anon.
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>>169851 you forgot >>169847 The frog marks you, it is a sign of le smug, do with it what you will, just know, there is always a frog smiling behind you.
>>169853 >Except the new law forces them to accept all competition and allows all competition direct access to the things they develop. Care to point to this law that you're talking about? > Oh yeah, every hardware manufacturer is totally going to stop selling their products to THE ENTIRE FUCKING EUROPEAN CONTINENT. That's definitely going to happen. >>169854 >Well apple, dell, fujitsu, hp, IBM, intel, microshit, nokia, nvidia, samsung, sony, among others stopped selling their products & services to russia when the ukraine shit happened. And, that crashed the Russian economy. And, despite their friendships with China, Iran, and India; those products cannot be replaced even if China "produces everything".
>>169839 It's more on topic than most posts.
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>>169528 >. A tradition since Neogaf, destroyed. Now they don't have any sales data analysis over there anymore. That's fucking hilarious >>169635 >And then they try and enforce that retarded mindset everywhere. One of the reasons why I'd like to see an end to the "Pax" Americana. This isn't just Americans it's fucking retards in Canada and Western Europe who push this too I'm sick of only the Americans getting this blame when we do it even worse here in Canada and the Euros do it just as bad as Americans. Actually the fucking Aussies are some of the worst next to us leafs.
>>169858 No it's a fact. You don't see me discussing technicolor horses no matter how much I love them. the most you're alowed is the occasional reaction pic.
How much splits did RetardERA have? Is it as bad as 8chan got?
>>169860 >6MB gif
>>169856 >there is always a frog smiling behind you. Well that's a one way of keeping my head up
>>169862 I don't know how this works and I'm willing to learn, fuck you onion maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaan........
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>>169863 May the frogs be with you frog anon, chosen by kek.
>>169864 >>169860 >nu mlp absolutely shit taste
>>169860 >>169864 >Brony >And a Gen Five fag at that Can someone grab the cross so we can crucify this degenerate?
>>169862 >>169864 Use https://ezgif.com/optimize to reduce the size of gifs, or https://ezgif.com/gif-to-mp4 to convert them to mp4.
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>>169866 Your loss, Sunny is adorable. I swear mark this are my last pone pics for the week.
>>169857 >despite their friendships with China, Iran, and India; those products cannot be replaced even if China "produces everything". I was going to mention Huawei but do people outside of china even use their phones?
>>169868 I mistyped unwilling, I'll look up your links tomorrow tho. I'm not promising anything tho.
>>169807 it's niggerman!
>>169870 Flipfag here, people in this country are big fans of Huawei and Xiaomi. They're the top selling Chinese-made smartphones that on par with Samsung and Oppo. They use it to play mobile games like Mobile Legends and Roblox.
>>169872 Hush now, you don't want to anger a familiar's wizard, they have a mind of their own you know.
>>169869 I've watched it, I wasn't that into it honestly
>>169873 >Xiaomi Heard that name a few times, I recall their devices are easier to jailbreak or install degoogled os. >Oppo Huh, never heard of them before. <Oppo is a chinese company That's probably why.
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>>169875 That's okey, It's not for you, most of mlp wasn't for people who started at season 1 either. apples and pears and all that stuff. I loved it tho. Accept that I did as I accept that you didn't.
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I think I found the OP of the next thread.
>>169878 it's time to crack down on black supremacism
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>>169879 Why tho, let it grow and weed out the retards from society.
>>169880 those retards also fall under the umbrella of 'black supremacist'. crack them down too.
>>169877 >That's okey No, it's not. The film is about a defeating a mama's boy who just look for his mother's attention, and gets ridiculed for it. You can read all about it here: https://mlpol.net/mlpol/archive/315669
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>>169879 I have a feeling they will if there's a Malcom X 2.0
>>169882 >mlpol The meme got it's own site? Here is where're you're wrong. The antagonist is a momma's boy looking for his mother's affection, that is not what the story is about. That's like saying Lotr is about a shitty rebellios child that wont accept the role daddy chose for him in the play
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>>169863 >>169865 I miss hwndu.
>>169878 It's gonna be a fun week trying to explain Yakub. I hope blacks don't try covering it up by chimping out. https://youtu.be/vUEN1ZuDSMg
>>169884 A villain is a tool for the story. an obstacle.
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>>169794 don't worry Anon, I'm not going anywhere for now.
>>169888 There are not enough lewds of Halligan
>>169885 We all miss 2015-2016 anon. Little did we know it was just one victory in a line of chances, that is life, the eternal struggle, to fite is to live.
>>169884 >The meme got it's own site? Thanks for exposing that you came from Cuckchan, newfag, now fuck off!
>>169891 This is the las (you) I give, it has become quite clear it is all you seek you sad creature.
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>>169889 I won't lewd Helena but if anyone wants to they're welcome to do so.
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>>169890 Hwndu was 2017 anon.
>>169893 make her fist araceli
>>169894 My mistake then.
>>169885 Should've posted the webm of mark where he goes "I am batman, I am the black man, I am the jew" & he does that happy merchant pose
>>169897 There were a lot of great moments. Like that guy who sang snake eater and of course Shia getting arrested. The first capture the flag was the peak, though.
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>>169885 I suspect you understand how posting this simple song brings back hope and strenght to these old bones.
>>169899 Snake Eater, the guy who left his speakers playing Shadilay until the battery died, "PIZZAGATE IS REAL", Sam Hyde making a guest appearance (and getting away with it), the nigger who told everyone that people drinking milk in public are white supremacists. Too many good moments. But yeah, taking the flag was the high water mark.
>>169813 Actually I would use that on a regular basis since it signifies "unspecified currency" but who the fuck actually knows that.
>>169902 You apparently and not me, thanks for telling. So basically the french are frog jews?
>>169715 >BUY GOLD&SILVER, AMMO, AND ORGANIC NON MONSANTO HEIRLOOM SEEDS WHILE YOUR FIAT IS STILL USEFUL FOR EXCHANGE Imagine spending real, usable money on useless pieces of metal.
Oh S#!%... "SATAN" Nuclear Missile is Being Prepared https://odysee.com/@canadianprepper:8/oh-s-!-...-satan-nuclear-missile-is:3 >>169878 >>169886 Does this have anything to do with the shootout in Washington that was all over the news earlier? Is this one of those Black Israelites spergs? God imagine CNN, MSNBC, and Fox News having to play audio from those guys. LOL >>169720 >Oh it's even more interesting than that. Big if true but I'm not sure what to believe anymore in this fog of war. Certainly are a lot of beatings, indoctrination camps, and knee capping on both sides though that much I'm sure of. Also I don't speak any Ukrainian. >>169742 Glad I'm not the only one. At best both sides are bullshiting each other and at worse they're both committing atrocities similar to what India and Pakistan or Serbia and Albania did to each other in their break away and territory wars. >>169721 Presumably some lolcow who has a hate boner for Gaymer G8ers? >>169713 >>169717 >>169718 >>169830 Let's be honest anons, much like I said earlier we're already on a list just by being associated with le dreadful gaymer g8, in the eye's of UNACO Interpol and the UN we're unironically no better than Qaeda, ISIS, AtomWaffen, or Q-tards because we dared to blaspheme games journalists. Our asses are inevitably going to be thrown in the Fema camps along with our leader Bo Mark1488, I hope he shares his Steam Deck with us. I say that half jokingly but I also joked about Bill Gates wanting to cause another Holodomor in North America too so yeah... >>169587 This boards GG is more of a lounge thread plus politics and shitposting. >>169904 I'm certainly not suggesting blowing away your entire life savings on it, more like a quarter or tenth. Granted there's probably a lot of fake coins out there and with their value being inflated as well gold&silver is probably something you can skip in favor of other valuables.
>>169905 >Does this have anything to do with the shootout in Washington that was all over the news earlier? It does, the shoot er had a poster of Yakub for some reason. > Is this one of those Black Israelites spergs? yes, Yakub is the creator of white people here, have the PDF on the lore of Yakub THIS IS WHAT NIGGER SUPREMACISTS ACTUALLY BELIEVE
>>169905 >Is this one of those Black Israelites spergs? according to recent reports he was some kind of pinoy and found dead in his apartment
>>169904 >anon thinks silver is useless good luck not being yiffed to death when the werewolf apocalypse happens
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Im getting certain flashbacks.
>>169905 >Oh S#!%... "SATAN" Nuclear Missile is Being Prepared >April 18th >>169904 It's good to have some on hand because, despite being useless during and immediately after a crisis, once things reach the post crisis phase it would be useful as a means of exchange.
>>169909 Well at least it's not us this time.
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>>169909 >"sniper-type setup" <Oh nooooo's he's got a scary Leupold hunting scope!!! But yeah expect more ammo and gun panic buying now. >>169910 >>April 18th To be fair I'm still catching up on his videos playing in the background while posting here and playing vidya... I need to buy more RAM.
>>169912 >expect more ammo and gun panic buying now. Isn't that every day?
>>169905 > "SATAN" Nuclear Missile is Being Prepared The Sarmat is the F-35 of ICBMs.
>>169910 the only good use I can think of for silver is it's anti bacterial properties.
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>>169908 Good thing I'm into furry TF. >>169910 >once things reach the post crisis phase it would be useful as a means of exchange. Sounds like a marketing meme.
>>169748 >>169748 >Doomsday was entirely a response to fans demanding a happy ending for Rufus, and Daedalus giving them exactly what they wanted, while also giving them the finger by having it end pretty much the same way. I can respect that. I don't find that respectable. Writers who get pissy about people not liking their endings and "own them" by making a game to piss them off tend to be pretentious.
Japanese retailers DEFY Australian BAN continuing to ship product to Aussies https://odysee.com/@Q2CAST:7/japanese-retailers-defy-australian-ban:a System76 Gazelle Unboxing and Review https://odysee.com/@pizzalovingnerd:5/system76-gazelle-unboxing-and-review:5 >>169913 >Isn't that every day? One of the few things that would make me unironically say I miss Don Zion Drumpfler even though he wasn't actually truly pro 2A having made comments in the past like "take the guns first, due process later" and all sorts of other shit but his acting was enough to fool all the gullible fat boomers into thinking we had entered a golden age of "firearms rights" and eventually wising up to the fact that the NRA was a fucking scam. To be fair it was a whole lot worse in the past though so you can't blame them from becoming numb after "le scary salt weapons B&". >>169908 >good luck not being yiffed to death when the werewolf apocalypse happens I suppose there are worse fates than that at the very least.
>>169904 Are you trolling or retarded? Rare metals are far more reliable than government money. >>169912 Gun control is reaching an inevitable end. As technology advances, making your own firearms is getting almost as easy as making your own knives.
>>169908 >>169918 >good luck not being yiffed to death when the werewolf apocalypse happens You're forgetting vampires. >inb4 just eat garlic or stake them
>>169919 >Rare metals are far more reliable than government money. How often have you used rare metals in your daily life, and how often have you used government money?
>>169921 >he doesnt buy things using combibars
>>169921 >How often have you used rare metals in your daily life I use my silverware fork literally every single day >how often have you used government money? a few times a month to pay bills, buy gas and food. definitely not every day
>>169914 >The Sarmat is the F-35 of ICBMs. Oh, well I'm not to worried about Russia lobbing missiles into the black sea by accident then. Though that probably will scare the shit out of the Turks and I'm sure that certainly won't help de-escalate things. >>169919 >Gun control is reaching an inevitable end. Indeed and good riddance, and the boot licking leftists and rhino's can kick and scream all they want. Sure JStark is dead but he's become a Hydra that can't be slain now and even then biker gangs in Australia were making their own pocket SMG's in their garage and poor desperate people in Zimbabwe build their own home made hunting rifles and powder they use to illegally poach animals for the Chinese black market. >>169920 >You're forgetting vampires. Nope
>>169789 >Nothing short of revolution That is how.
>>169906 >here, have the PDF on the lore of Yakub >19. One of the wretched group of beings which resides inside the Earth is called the Saamiyn >20. The Saamiyn are grotesquely obese, pale, with (((long elephant‐like noses))), and are very negative and aggressive LOL
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>>169915 >ductile >malleable >relatively low melting temperature >electrically conductive >can be used to make agyrotype photographs >useful in processing gold via the inquart method >used is soldering alloys >sometimes used in pewter >makes silver fulminate, which is basically fucking useless because it's so unstable but snapit pops are fun
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>>169930 >silver lining on objects is used to nicely help to keep food in containers fresh for longer and to make antibacterial door-knobs >silver chloride can be used to treat mercury poisoning >Ag-Zn batteries can be made >can function as a catalyst in chemical processes >>169920 >You're forgetting vampires. I think jews are taken into consideration by default to the point where there was no reason to mention them.
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>>169909 Yes, yes, Sheeple. Focus on this shooter who killed way fewer people, not the black supremacist killer who contradicts the narrative.
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>>169932 Normalfags will only spread or pay attention to whatever truths convenience them. We exist in the age of mindless validation. I'm almost certain in the future language itself will cease to have any tangable meaning.
>>169926 hora hora Shouta-kun~
>>169776 >The DSA follows the principle that what is illegal offline must also be illegal online. It aims to protect the digital space against the spread of illegal content, and to ensure the protection of users’ fundamental rights. Are you ready for internet thought crimes? >The obligations introduced are proportionate to the nature of the services concerned and tailored to the number of users, meaning that very large online platforms (VLOPs) and very large online search engines (VLOSEs) will be subject to more stringent requirements. Services with more than 45 million monthly active users in the European Union will fall into the category of very large online platforms and very large search engines. To safeguard the development of start-ups and smaller enterprises in the internal market, micro and small enterprises with under 45 million monthly active users in the EU will be exempted from certain new obligations. Restrictions apply for every site but it's ok because we put more pressure on the biggest platforms. >Given the important role played by these actors in the daily lives of European consumers, the DSA will impose a duty of care on marketplaces vis-à-vis sellers who sell their products or services on their online platforms. Marketplaces will in particular have to collect and display information on the products and services sold in order to ensure that consumers are properly informed. More hurdles to jump through. >In order to ensure effective and uniform implementation of requirements under the DSA, the Council and Parliament have decided to confer on the Commission exclusive power to supervise VLOPs and VLOSEs for the obligations specific to this type of actor. They will be supervised at European level in cooperation with the member states. This new supervisory mechanism maintains the country-of-origin principle, which will continue to apply to other actors and requirements covered by the DSA. OH BOY! I wonder what they're gonna supervise: >The DSA introduces an obligation for [VLOPs and VLOSEs] to analyse systemic risks they create and to carry out risk reduction analysis. This analysis must be carried out every year and will enable continuous monitoring aimed at reducing risks associated with: > dissemination of illegal content More upload filters! > adverse effects on fundamental rights > manipulation of services having an impact on democratic processes and public security "Wow, I can't believe the EU is cracking down on corporations manipulating the public!" is what I'd say, but there's no way the new Ministry of Truth won't push lies like most secure election in history, safe and effective vaccines or right wing propaganda bots and crack down on dissenting voices. They're gonna require every big platform to have a response team to cover up leaks from globohomo and they're also gonna use it to attack states like Hungary. > adverse effects on gender-based violence, and on minors and serious consequences for the physical or mental health of users Incels are now illegal. Otherwise, see above. >For online platforms and interfaces covered by the DSA, the co-legislators have agreed to prohibit misleading interfaces known as ‘dark patterns’ and practices aimed at misleading users. Something good for once, won't be enforced. >Recommendation systems are found in many uses of online users, allowing them to quickly access relevant content. Transparency requirements for the parameters of recommender systems have been introduced in order to improve information for users and any choices they make. VLOPs and VLOSEs will have to offer users a system for recommending content that is not based on their profiling. This actually would have some positive impact. >In the context of the Russian aggression in Ukraine and the particular impact on the manipulation of online information, a new article has been added to the text introducing a crisis response mechanism. >This mechanism will be activated by the Commission on the recommendation of the board of national Digital Services Coordinators. It will make it possible to analyse the impact of the activities of VLOPs and VLOSEs on the crisis in question and decide on proportionate and effective measures to be put in place for the respect of fundamental rights. EMERGENCY POWERS OVER BIG WEBSITES, WOOOOOOOOO! >Platforms accessible to minors will have to put in place special protection measures to ensure their safety online in particular when they are aware that a user is a minor. Platforms will be prohibited from presenting targeted advertising based on the use of minors’ personal data as defined in EU law. surely this won't end like the EU's last three attempts to do this >The provisional agreement reached today is subject to approval by the Council and the European Parliament. >From the Council’s side, the provisional political agreement is subject to approval by the Permanent Representatives Committee (Coreper), before going through the formal steps of the adoption procedure. The act wasn't actually passed yet, though the voting parties will be the same ones that reached an agreement. Also, the permanent representatives in the UN can somehow veto the whole thing they won't, but it's strange they even have that power.
>>169776 They forced youtube to check out whether you're a minor by sending them IDs but you can bypass it with an ad blocker and a small script, I fail to see how any of this shit works. Literally the same guys who claim that price fixing and rationing of gas would somehow fix the economy, this is the '30s depression era all over again. Read Hazlitt and go to trashchan.xyz/finance/ please.
>>585157 >The destruction of language and history through contect control and false dilemmas is a feature of authoritarianism, not a bug. When you have no past to reference (because it is suddenly now all regarded as inherently evil) no Institutions to trust, and recorded "anecdotal" evidence is non-applicable then there is no way for you to define the reality or the truth$ as you are now stuck in the constant shifting world of the "ever-present" where cognitive dissonance is a requirement. And with language being simultaneouslt either outright censored/barred from use or so deliberately misused that it loses meaning you will have no means to argue your case or even warn others and explain how and why things have gotten so awful because that's just double plus ungood. Why the fuck was this post removed, mods?
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>>169838 Why is that negress having a period over necron tech? This is not ok.
>585141 While also ignoring the EU and multiple US politicians gearing up to censor and destroy the Internet even further and the "conveinient" destruction of multiple food processing plants >>169935 The destruction of language and history through context control and false dilemmas is a feature of authoritarianism, not a bug. When you have no past to reference (because it is suddenly now all regarded as inherently evil) no Institutions to trust, and recorded "anecdotal" evidence is non-applicable then there is no way for you to define the reality or the truths as you are now stuck in the constant shifting world of the "ever-present" where cognitive dissonance is a requirement. And with language being simultaneously either outright censored/barred from use or so deliberately misused that it loses any meaning you will have no means to argue your case or even warn others and explain how and why things have gotten so awful. We are living in the worst possible combination of 1984 and A Brave New World. >>169939 [Spoiler] I deleted it because I had some retarded spelling mistakes and posting has been all sorts of fucked up for me [/spoiler]
>>169941 >[Spoiler] Maybe it was better if you left it deleted then, cuckchanner
>>169822 I feel like I've seen this before. Is this old? Or does this just keep happening in China?
>>169942 > If you get fucked by autocorrect you're from cuckchan I haven't once set foot back there since the initial exodus occurred before the luggage lad sold out, and I will never return there Aside from that I've noticed "autocorrect" across a number of things I use becoming very "peculiar" in function and it kind of makes me think that the powers that be might be gearing up to use it as some sort of built in censorship system/algorithm. I haven't seen anything being posted to indicate foul play in regards to that notion but I've just got that curious feeling that someone is up to something.
>>169942 i mean to be fair that does work as long as you dont completely fuck it up like a retard
So, with Will Smith being JUST'd do you expect him to stay a cuck or will he grow some balls?
>>169946 Fuck, was this my first post in the thread?
>>169946 Pretty sure he's staying a cuck, considering he got fucking destroyed for daring not to be one.
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>>169932 Which one? The one who shot up the subway, or the one who plowed a vehicle through a christmas parade? The one who shot up his military base, or the ones who thought it'd be hilarious to start shooting up DC with a sniper at the height of post-9/11 paranoia?
>>169948 Well, I would feel sorry for him if, unlike the rest, he didn't made his own bed. >>169949 Ah the memories. What happened with them? were they executed?
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>>169948 Anon he got fucked because he went on to slap a comedian in the middle of a show, that wasnt him uncuckening, it was him striking at someone making fun of him being a cuck.
>>169952 Wait, I recall it being a shitty joke regarding his wife and him just going up to him to punch him then sitting back down, did I miss something else?
>>169944 Are you using a phone to post? I occasionally browse this place via a tablet when I'm on the loo and it's some unwieldy shit. How do people even use this crap on most websites? don't answer that, I know they just use apps Autocorrect definitely is a poz'd system though. They censor a bunch of shit.
>>169946 Once a cuck, always a cuck. >>169952 The slap was fake in the first place. So all it was, was him firstly reminding everyone that he is a cuckold and then on top of that being too cucked to actually go up to hit someone for actually making fun of him for being one.
Is China still starving Shanghai to death?
>>169955 >Once a cuck, always a cuck. Nah, you can uncuck yourself, but not like that, you have to actually fuck over the bitch that cucked you in the first place. >The slap was fake in the first place. I really dont think so, specially with all the flak he and the oscars got, the only person that came out of that ok was chris rock.
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>>169956 >is china still being china? Indeed it is. And now it's starving it's own citizens too to boot! The funny thing is, they have more than enough food but the state is as always shit at everything. Extra chink strategy!
>>169406 >That webm So if I'm getting this shit correctly, Abram and his faggot sons should have been killed by the chad Assyrians instead, while the Babylonians should have anihilated any trace of his remaining family and the world would be an infinitely better place, near utopian levels?
>>169956 That I do not know, although I assume they still are, but I do know that there is a highly unusual number of fires at food processing plants all over the US. Even one with an "unidentified small plane" crashing into one. Contribute to /polarchive/, dammit. >>169957 All publicity is good publicity. Better to have everyone like the publicity you have, but that is not necessary. No matter which one they choose, choosing one of them still means the publicity stunt was a success. The only difference between this and eceleb drama is that there is a computer screen between the ecelebs. Captcha:191413
>>169960 Archived it but forgot to add the actual link to it.
>>169946 >will he grow some balls? No, he'll stay like that unless he has a big meltdown and can't take it anymore. Like a full on Mel Gibson rant.
>>169962 >Mahalo Didn't that channel do playthroughs back in the 2011s? Or something? I remember it being one of the first dudes at the scene and they did a Splatterhouse Walkthrough before deissolving or something.
>>169963 Yeah I think there was a channel called MahaloGaming or some shit. It wasn't very good, kinda on par with Machinima, but it was popular for its time.
UN Women Outraged by “Unacceptable” Getsuyoubi no Tawawa Newspaper Ad https://archive.ph/4lM1G Not sure if this follow up to the previous Getsuyoubi no Tawawa story (where Japanese feminists got butthurt) posted a few threads back has been posted here, but now the UN has expressed butthurt over this. Isn't this work pretty tame?
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>>169965 UN "women" have no power here https://archive.ph/QQjNm
>>169864 I don't how you fags like a show that catered towards little girls. >>169934 Too bad that Snake killed her. >>169965 This isn't the first time that the UN bitched about stuff like this. I remember that Japan once replied to the UN that they should focus more on women being screwed over than fictional drawings.
>>169958 >they have more than enough food Not necessarily, at least a third of China's food is imported.
>>169965 (((UN))) """women""" can go sort themselves. >>169966 Good to see that dietfags and other politici-autists in Japan appreciate good stuff. >>169967 Snake's American-Japanese DNA compels him to kill all the eastern slavs and middle easterners
>>169967 The UN started the censorship push in Japan ever since they demanded cp to be banned. Even back then "UN resolutions" were just code for western ideologies the legitimacy of the organization was used for to push internationally. You never really realize the slow creep of authoritarianism until you personally get affected by it.
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>>169965 What even is "unacceptable" in this? It's just a school girl. Does she need to shit or have her period and call it "comedy" so the eventual anime is accepted on Netflix like Big Mouth? What even is the UN's purpose at this point, just get rid of it.
>>169921 >I am literally a paid shill Thanks, bye.
>>169973 For who?
>>169974 The mercenary. The Masketta Man.
>>169975 Bane?!
>>169937 >More hurdles to jump through. How giving proper details on your product a "hurdle"? Sounds like an anti-chink scam law.
>>169974 It's no-argument shill, he's been IP hopping more and more lately.
>>169965 >>169969 >>169972 Reminder: https://archive.ph/M6X4e > “If she doesn’t involve the women’s movement she will face some resistance. There are vested interests in how UN-Women operates,” said a local women’s rights activist. Those vested interests: https://990s.foundationcenter.org/990_pdf_archive/471/471073442/471073442_201512_990.pdf https://archive.ph/hlrKm https://archive.is/Sy6NG + https://archive.is/8ahQE and this dig is like six years old, shame on you if you haven't been paying attention to the digs
Turns out I actually missed one plane crash, it appears there were two in one week in total. One in Idaho and one in Georgia, both hitting food processing plants and causing an explosion. No doubt it's the nips going back to kamikaze tactics yet again. No survivors in this one either I'm afraid.
Linking this here, because I know you don't want this in this thread, but this is also the most knowledgeable thread on the subject. >>585259 >>169972 She has huge honkin titties. See those images in the bottom left corner that place emphasis on them? This is clearly VIOLENCE against women.
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>>169961 >Plane crash >No survivors
>>169982 It's so weird to hear Bane's voice volume being higher than everyone else's.
>>169983 But it already was. Bane's voice was all ADR.
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>>169946 Nope. His wife has his balls in an even tighter vice grip now and seems unlikely to ever drop them. >>169951 (checked) I like how in the games, he is very stoic where as with the tv show, he is an unhinged lunatic apparently.
>>169985 Not helping the fact that they are in California and she would just take half of his fortune.
>>169950 >Were they executed The older one was, I think the kid just got life without.
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>>169985 Actually looking this up again, it sounds like he is reaching that point. All the usual places are saying a divorce seems likely. >>169986 Yeah that sucks for him. He has like 350 million and his wife has like 290 million, so she doesn't need any of it. His career is done while she will be free to continue without issue. She publicizes everything that he wants and needs to remain private for him to remain employable. She also admits she never wanted to marry him, so I have no idea why he kept it going for so long.
>>169988 Money and position.
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>>169922 >putting your savings in tiny pieces that can get lost with ease The Karatbars (which was a ponzi scheme, must say) and Goldbacks got the idea of using tiny amounts of gold for small transactions right for the most part, even if both have their own issues (it was relatively easy to steal the gold from Karatbars and replace it with fake bars, and you can't verify the integrity of the gold inside the Goldbacks without destroying the note). These gold stamps are retarded in every way.
>>585304 What's the difference between them deleting it before a vol does, and a vol deleting in an amount of time that is de-fact longer than they would have self-deleted it?
>>585309 >There is functionally no difference. Which is why having a hub thread for dumping CP shouldn't be tolerated. It's the entire reason /hebe/ was deleted yet Acid can't apply his own logic to the exact same process happening on /b/. I appreciate that you're spamming manually and take the time to answer questions in the middle of it, anti-pedonigger autist.
>>169991 >>169992 The fag does realize that some legit pedos could make a thread entitled "Hard Wood Forest", with the OP being entirely about how it's a fantasy quest thread, and be none the wiser that the thread is used for distributing cheeze pizza, right?
>>585309 I've been assuming you're one of the pedos false-flagging, but on the off-chance you're actually sincere your behavior is completely counterproductive. For one, if anyone actually spammed reports like you're calling for it would make it more difficult for the rules to be swiftly enforced, which makes it more attractive for pedos. For another, spamming the GG thread just annoys everyone and doesn't even get site admins to listen to you, since it gets deleted in seconds or minutes without them seeing it. You could be posting in the meta thread and convincing people with actual arguments. (E.g. that the same "sexualized context" rule which forbid pictures on children on /hebe/ should apply to any similar threads on /b/. Or that the pedos are blatantly hostile or indifferent to the welfare of the site and are endangering it.) But instead you're spending your time spamming a thread that isn't even the pedo thread, harming your supposed cause.
>>169995 He's saying it where the people are at and he's also pushing the acceleration to put more pressure on the administration over it, neither of which sounds entirely unreasonable if his goal is to get them banished from the site. I only hope he goes for the trifecta and spams the /b/ thread with gore and scat and niggerdicks, burn the candle from both ends.
>>169996 >spams the /b/ thread with gore and scat and niggerdicks But, that's what's already posted on /b/, so how could anyone tell the difference?
>>169994 Until it happens.Then the thread would be deleted. It happening regularly in the same thread makes that thread a gathering place, makes it a magnet for that activity. >But what about the board as a whole Limits can be placed on thread creation until obvious pedodumping threads stop being made as soon as they deleted, just like when threadspam happens anywhere else >What if they hijack threads? Then just those posts will be deleted. If nothing but pedos are posting in a hijacked threads, deleting the posts will cause the threads to return to their original bump order, taking them off the top of the index/catalog, and making them less of a magnet >What if they hijack active threads not dedicated to pedoshit Then have their posts deleted. You can't 100% stop pedoshit, only deter it. As evidence by the inability to prevent it from being spammed in this very thread. >But making it harder for pedos to post will only drive them underground, making them harder to catch! This site is NOT supposed to be a honeypot, it is not the responsibility of Acid to keep the pedos where the police can more easily watch them, and the pedos posting on it obviously have taken enough precautions that even dumping straight CP is no OPSEC risk to them.
>>169997 the fags who have to delete it from specific threads and eventually get sick of doing so, of course; its all an autism endurance match
>>169999 Then, what does the idiot need us for? He can enact a raid all on his own. You just need to alternatively spam the site between two computers, with one browser on each computer opened to Crescent Isle while in private mode and a session of Tor open, then go cycling through each, one at a time, to spam material.
>>585335 >bloodsports Fuck off back to Julay!
>>169994 >pedos can just spend their days obsessively coming up with retarded dog whistles that they have to decipher each and every time the gvols delete it so therefore it's perfectly fine to have an officially sanctioned thread for dumping and quickly deleting CP Nigger are you actually unironically fucking retarded or what? I'm fucking dumbfounded at the fact you wrote that sentence. >>169995 If you actually read what I wrote you could clearly see the agenda and intended goal. Your post reads like you just didn't read what you're responding to or lack the basic reading comprehension to parse it. If you did you would understand that making the rules too difficult to enforce is the entire point, and that that would obligate Acid to purge the pedoniggers because he can't have a site where their CP dumping goes uncontested.
>>170000 Moral support? Rallying people behind his cause? Hoping multiple people will stand up together to speak of how sick of this shit they are, which is a terrible tragedy on his part because we're all actually wildly demotivated all this time, we just don't like niggerpill coming along to say it aloud like a jigaboo yelling in a movie theater.
>>170003 >Moral support? What happened to do shit just for the "Lulz"? Or doing it because you're angry enough? If you're doing a good enough raid, others will join.
>>585335 What are you talking about?
>>170004 i mean thats what hes doing but if he was just doing it without fucking virtue signaling about it i dont think any of us would know about it or give even a fraction of a fuck outside of calling acid a fucktard for it; bless his tender torfagging heart, he cares, the poor bastard
>>170006 >he cares >implying it isnt the same tactic of shitstarring faggots as usual trying to make the site unusable
>>170002 So you're encouraging something that actually helps the pedos, in the hopes that if you help them enough Acid will change his mind and be "obligated" to purge them? The most likely outcome is that he continues to not do so and you just end up helping the pedos instead of harming them. Not to mention that spamming the GG thread doesn't even accomplish your sub-goal - do you think anyone is going to respond to the fact you're spamming by putting in the effort to do what you want? If you're going to spam intead of arguing why don't you just spam the pedo thread itself, perhaps with gore or something? It's a cyclical thread, so you can even wipe older posts and make discussion more difficult if you spam fast enough before the posts get deleted. And I doubt globals are interested in putting in work to protect the pedo thread, so they presumably won't be enabling proof-of-work or anything.
>>170008 >So you're encouraging something that actually helps the pedos, in the hopes that if you help them enough Acid will change his mind and be "obligated" to purge them? That is what I wrote, yes. >Not to mention that spamming the GG thread doesn't even accomplish your sub-goal - do you think anyone is going to respond to the fact you're spamming by putting in the effort to do what you want? I'm not spamming. I'm keeping a single post that keeps getting delete up. If I wanted to spam the thread it would be a lot messier than it is right now.
>>585361 I have no idea who any of those are.
>>170010 Some ancient e-whores that tried to grift with #GG almost a decade ago, it's nothing worth caring about. I just thought it was funny and wanted to share it with the 2 other people that remember.
>>170011 Oh i see, hope they get fucked then.
>>585335 >crashed their careers into dust What careers? They had a brief moment of fame and a momentary burst of superchat funds. That is not a career. >>585358 Everyone sperging at each other for the sake of sperging. From what I have seen Ralph was doing drama about Jim getting his dick sucked by Jade on stream, which is pretty hilarious considering the fact that Ralph was in jail at the time. So he missed the eceleb drama entirely, had no investment in it in the slightest as he was too busy getting fucked in the ass in jail and now all of a sudden it's the most important shit ever to him.
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>>170015 Give me my (not)social media dopamine fix, god damn it.
<585394 No.
>>170017 >He think the dopamine comes from the (You)s My sweet Summer child.
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>>170016 No. Nobody has anything to say right now because there’s little to no news to discuss today and we’re all busy playing games, reading something, cooking, or generally fucking around. Nobody is going to post anything for the sake of having a social conversation with you, you nigger. This isn’t a meet-cute site for a lonely Torfag. Plus, more than half of the posts that this thread usually generates are the direct result of being raided by groups who wake up in the middle of the night, having nightmares about those evil GamerGaters coming to get them through the computer screen. This place is like a fucking old west saloon where the baseline mood is locals playing cards and reading/ talking about the newspaper until some massive faggot comes to town and starts a bar fight. If you want to actively socialize with autistic fuckwits on the goddamned bullshit internet (muh PPH) then maybe 4chan is more your speed. That or you could join a discord server or subreddit of your choosing. Nigger nigger nigger faggot kill yourself. Q.E.D.
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>>170019 >No. You just did. >Nobody has anything to say right now You just did. >Nobody is going to post anything for the sake of having a social conversation with you You just did. >If you want to actively socialize with autistic fuckwits on the goddamned bullshit internet (muh PPH) then maybe 4chan is more your speed. That or you could join a discord server or subreddit It's important that the people I talk to online have lived through 8chan dying and webring wars. Thanks for your time, homo, you're not getting it back.
Ignore the tor retard and let's talk about >>169414 for a second. Since I can't reach the archive I searched on KiA2 and only found a few twitter links. What I gather is that a WaPo reporter doxed some conservative TikTok account. Can anyone give some more information?
>>170021 ///TikTok\\\ account posted videos of leftists being retarded, got very popular. TikTok exposes previous usernames in their api or some shit and some guy found their previous user name included their real name and shared it. Journalist used said real name to discover the chicks house and showed up knocking at her door. The journalist who showed up at the door had recently done a TV segment where she broke down into tears over people doxxing her online. Conservatives claim this is hypocrisy as the journalist essentially engaged in a form of doxxing. Leftists claim it isn't doxxing to use or expose "public" information, despite the fact that virtually all information is technically public. Leftists also declared that once you get popular enough you essentially lose all rights to privacy and anonymity and they have every right to show up to your home to harass you.
Can someone post the NISA infographics and images that show their cancer?
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(1.06 MB 3608x1392 NISA circa 2014.jpg)

>>170023 I got a bunch, but you should ignore me. I'm a tor retard.
>>170020 >It's important that the people I talk to online have lived through 8chan dying and webring wars Why is that important to you?
>>170021 >>170022 Here's an article quoting the journalist published 2 weeks before she doxxed LibsofTiktok: >MSNBC faces backlash from two journalists profiled in on-air segment about online harassment https://archive.ph/jmH1h >"You feel like any little piece of information that gets out on you will be used by the worst people on the internet to destroy your life and it’s so isolating," Lorenz said. "It’s horrifying… It’s overwhelming." >Lorenz claimed she suffers from "severe PTSD" from the online harassment and had contemplated suicide.
>>170026 >"severe PTSD" from the online harassment <Nigger bitches cannot just turn off the screen
>>170027 If you want a pro tip on leveling up your online harassment skills e-celeb roasties are finally starting to catch onto cum tributes and absolutely lose their shit over them.
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>>170025 Your opinions are more valuable than the average normalcattle.
>>170025 His boss wouldn't be happy otherwise lmao
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What type is this?
>>170031 "Cunt"
>>170031 Yandere
>>170031 Hapa's, not even once
>>170031 its what art hoes turn into when they dont get into art
>>170031 Average woman.
>>170024 >>170029 Do you have the one that gives a summary of their major fuckups, like that time their game bricked consoles? I seem to recall there was an easy to use infographic that had summaries of all of them, rather than ones based on the specific incidents individually.
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>>170037 Here's a couple. I also have some stuff I found while playing Atelier Iris, that could be questionable.
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>>170038 The fact that people still buy NISA games even after all this shit astounds me. I know their French releases are what's mostly keeping them afloat, but a lot of the changes and mistakes they made here has to be carried over there too.
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Pocky & Rocky Reshrined Confirmed Censored on Both PS4 & Switch for the West https://archive.ph/SbsBR
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>>170039 >The fact that people still buy NISA games even after all this shit astounds me. Well I bought RType Final 2 before knowing it was gonna be published by NISA Oh and spoiler they meddled with the localization in that as well I'm fairly sure.
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>>170039 Here's some more Atelier Iris.
>>170031 >I'm shallow but I'm wearing glasses plz take me seriously
>>170031 Psychotic feminist phenotype.
>>170040 >a [CURRENT YEAR] remake of a retro game is censored Pirates win again
>>170013 I wasted the time to look into this shit, and none of the people involved have grown or learned a single god damn thing. I am amazed they still have followers with how retarded they still act on a daily basis. >>170031 You got a thing for conjugal visits?
>>170040 Interestingly the uncensored Japanese version of the remake apparently has an English language option already. https://archive.ph/evxOF >Luckily, it's easy to avoid the censorship this time around & play months in advance of the Western release, as Play-Asia has a Japanese version with an English language option.
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>>170040 Also made quick meme
>>170031 My type, mostly.
>>170049 It's the French Election tomorrow (Sunday). Who's gonna win? Will baguettes vote for more Macron or vote in LePen?
>>170051 Don't stick your dick in crazy, Anon. That's how Gamergate started.
>>170052 There is a jewtube channel that does election matches by way of Supreme Commander. He has managed to predict with 100% accuracy so far for the 7 or 8 elections he covered. Team LePen did not win.
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>>170040 I'm so sick of this shit.
>>170052 >giving a shit about the hoax of voting Anon, fucking please.
>>170052 LePen has no desire to actually win like her father before her, at best they're here to stir shit and get money / influence, at worst they're fully controlled opposition. Leaning towards the former mostly because Macron would not have asked his media conglomerates buttbuddies to falsely prop up Zemmour to fragment the far right hoping to prevent what's currently happening (that being Macron vs LePen).
>>170052 What about the Algerian Jew that I heard of?
>>170057 what's the point of a spoiler candidate in a system like theirs? you see how his only opposition now is lepen? he's in the same position he'd have been in without zemmour. >>170058 zemmour only got 9% of the vote
>>170040 >Censoring even a hint of cleavage. I thought this shit died with 4kids
>>170059 >what's the point of a spoiler candidate in a system like theirs? If Zemmour had captured a few more % you'd be looking at Mélenchon vs Macron and that would have been as good as a win for Macron, up until very recently it really wasn't clear if Le Pen actually was serious about presidency, only now has it been made clear that she isn't so the Zemmour gayop was an attempt to resolve that issue beforehand. That's another 5 year of France being run like a failing tech startup, even if Le Pen somehow pulls a win I don't expect anything good from these tards.
>>170060 >I thought this shit died with 4kids Where have you been the past decade and a half?
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>>170062 Masturbating to early design Jessie instead of modern Jessie?
>>170063 The one on the right feels like chink knockoff Jessie.
>>170063 >early Jessie looked like she was in her late teens >modern Jessie looks like she's on her late twenties Damn, everyone ages in Pokemon except for Ash.
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>>170065 I always thought jessie and james were on their late 20s, probably doesnt help that in the spanish dub they sounded older. Also, nowadays i cant bring myself to lewd jessie because i wouldnt want to cuck my man james.
>>170066 Easy solution to that. Self-insert as James.
>>170067 It really doesnt work like that, i remember while reading berserk i got the hots for casca and then i felt like i had betrayed guts and felt like shit, autism is a powerfull force.
>>170068 you should have gotten the hots for the princess so you could cuck griffith instead
>>169906 lmao that's a trip, danks anon
>>170069 Dont worry, i got them for farnise later, and since serpico didnt want no wincest shes a free card, unless you count the rape horse of course.
>>170072 >dailymail
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>>170072 Let me guess they use a TENS unit on your dick to numb it up, sure that works but you feel less pleasure as well.
I finally found those "He was destroyed!" pics. Better late than never I guess.
>>170078 what the absolute shit?
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>>170079 You missed a glorious night anon.
Soyny pledges more faggotry, because that's clearly the solution to being 6th in a race between three consoles and bleeding money. https://archive.ph/wip/Oq30Y
>>170081 I'm tired of these people trying to make me hate rainbows and associate them with gay buttfucking.
>>170082 At least rainbows are aesthetically ugly. All the other faggots, pedos, and trannies are stealing comfy pastel colors.
>>170054 Couldve won if they actually had antinuke up earlier. They had air superiority lead for atleast the later half of the match. But i guess average joes gonna be average
>>169956 Who cares. Shanghai people are not suffering. The thing you gotta understand is that most of China harbors some level of resentment towards Shanghai. The city is negatively stereotyped as arrogant, rich, western-facing Chinese who think the rest of the country are hicks, and this event is just proving that stereotype. People see this kind of thing and remember similar scenes from Wuhan, who actually suffered and dealt with serious mental stress, and so they have little empathy for Shanghaiers crying and shitting themselves because they aren't getting enough fresh leafy greens. This whole thing is perceived through this reductive lens, and Shanghai's failure is suspected as being a result of intentional sabotage of zero covid because they want a western covid policy, and took lax measures and slow rolled their response because they wanted to fail. Now the whole country is dealing with their failure.
>>170085 >they have little empathy for Shanghaiers Chinks have little empathy for anyone let alone other chinks.
Guise, it's all good, the FBI says all of these fires are just cyberattacks. The cyberterrorists hacked a bunch of potatoes, causing them to spontaneously combust. The document refers to ransomware to grain industry, but that still doesn't exactly explain why warehouses and other types of processing plants are catching fire.
>>170063 What the fuck? They made her hideous.
>>170089 The anime as a whole got seriously ugly, from what I've seen.
Hope the wiki comes back soon
>>169431 Call me when they cancel the rest of their cartoons or better yet when Kikeflix itself shuts down. >>169449 Why are they even mad at Shulk's VA, all those tweets he liked are by progressive leftists? >>169545 Good to see E;R has become more active and the Halo video wasn't just a one and done. >>169754 Warframes aren't mechs, doofus.
>>170091 You're telling me. Anyway, made this since last night was slow to reach the required 700, and to make sure one's made in time when everyone wakes up: FRESH SATANIC BAGUETTE: >>585666 >>585666 >>585666 >>585666 >>585666 >>585666

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