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#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: Year of the Rabbit Edition Anonymous 01/01/2023 (Sun) 23:05:35 Id: cd3c9a No. 264859
ONGOING DISCUSSIONS: >Regulators (FTC) Look To Block Microsoft Acquisition Of Activision Blizzard Inc https://archive.ph/rKNDf >EU antitrust regulators to probe Microsoft's $69 billion Activision bid https://archive.ph/SqhgU >IGN Journalist who reviewed The Last of Us Part 2 joins Naughty Dog as Editorial Content Manager https://archive.ph/eTmtu https://pastebin.com/GGG5Kwdr >Arc System Works confirms that Bridget is trans https://archive.ph/lkbiL >Cloudflare bans Kiwifarms https://archive.ph/5ziDX >IMDB deletes every user review for The Rings of Power which rated it 5 or less https://archive.ph/Zg95c >Ben Kuchera claims he was fired by Vox Media for taking time off to deal with his children being sexually abused https://archive.ph/nB79z >Arc System Works changes Guilty Gear Lore to appease Twitter https://yewtu.be/watch?v=sYDYXfdzGN8 >Wiki is up again! https://ggwiki.deepfreeze.it/index.php/Main_Page CURRENT TASKS: 1. OPERATION MAX REVIVE Rebuild the board's userbase and activity through simple, but effective methods 1. Post across the entire board Activity creates activity. Use threads you like, make new ones if topics don't exist. Easy examples are Drawthreads and Friday Night threads, go request or draw something right now. 2. Recruit and recover lost or potential anons Use this site's OC and features to entice anons if necessary when recruiting, just inform that we are alive. Here's some sites and links with at least some confirmed anons that can be recruited again: https://steamcommunity.com/groups/8chotwheels https://steamcommunity.com/groups/SSAVCH https://steamcommunity.com/groups/video_games https://steamcommunity.com/groups/8chmohun https://steamcommunity.com/groups/8chan_monster https://steamcommunity.com/groups/GoodLuckEbolaChan https://steamcommunity.com/search/groups/#text=8ch.net https://steamcommunity.com/search/groups/#text=8chan Other sites that might yield fruitful results and have anons (art sites use an account so you can see 18+ content): https://www.deviantart.com/search?q=Vivian+James https://www.newgrounds.com/search/summary?suitabilities=etm&terms=Vivian%20James https://twitter.com/search?q=Vivian%20James&src=typed_query&f=image https://rpgcodex.net/ https://old.reddit.com/r/KotakuInAction/ Somewhere on Telegram Just searching up GG or 8chan-related terms on certain places/sites can get you possible results. 3. Make your own OC/Memes/Content Doesn't matter what it is even if its just simple edits or full-on drawings or webms, just make it and have fun. Ask in thread for software recs if necessary. 4. Encourage or create fun events, activities, projects, etc.
[Expand Post]Think things like 8chanmania, weekly streams, re-translation projects, demo days, or zzz's gaming magazine for example. If you want to do something, try making or reviving it, it can't hurt and these things are great for the board. 5. Use other boards All it takes for a board to grow is at least 2 dedicated anons using it. Don't be afraid to make a post, check places periodically, shill, or what have you. Don't force discussions to boards, just encourage the usage of them. 2. OPERATION TRAJAN: Collect and catalog all of the various localization and censorship accounts of past video games into a single repository from these sources: romhacking.net The_Cutting_Room_Floor/tcrf.net Segaretro.org https://redirect.invidious.io/channel/UCFItIX8SIs4zqhJCHpbeV1A Examples: http://archive.vn/XQOHW Sony's policies forces censorship; JP devs allegedly have to go through ENG approval process: https://archive.fo/awzFF - Japanese blog post about it: https://archive.fo/bF9bE Sony Japan President Says PS4 Censorship Policy Is To Match Global Standards And Protect Kids: https://archive.fo/U3GLa - Confirms censorship was deliberate: https://archive.fo/XgAgP - No rules for censorship policies, games judged case-by-case: https://archive.fo/37DhK - Marvelous partner starts petition against policy: https://archive.fo/rxQtf https://archive.fo/84UHo • Twitterfags: Tweet with Sony's stock code $SNE so that investors see your tweets and know you're pissed. • Consider spreading OP Timber materials to targets as well: http://archive.vn/URjtu ONGOING TASKS: A. Operation Download And Conquer: Loosen the death-grip of Google that has taken hold of the internet's audio and video services >>>/t/5546 B. Support archive.fo! Accountability needs proof: https://liberapay.com/archiveis/donate C. OP DisNod: Contact the FTC and advertisers about violations and unethical practices http://archive.vn/9bylT D. Internet Censorship happenings: Spread the word about the dangers of FOSTA/CLOUD act/Article 13, etc. https://www.eff.org/de/deeplinks/2020/03/earn-it-act-violates-constitution E. OP End the Era: Dig into resetera and their connections to journos, devs, etc. http://archive.vn/JfuSb Reminders (important, READ THESE!): • Use https://archive.today to deny sites ad revenue and traffic and preserve pages in case they are deleted later • Be civil if you have to argue with people on Twitter, Tumblr or any forum - don't make us look like douchebags • Do not accept requests for any goal, demand lists or personal army requests: https://pastebin.com/p5dVp1e5 • Beware COINTELPRO: The Gentleperson's Guide to Forum Spies: https://cryptome.org/2012/07/gent-forum-spies.htmSTOP REPLYING TO BAITS AND OBVIOUS DERAILMENT ATTEMPTS, JUST REPORT AND FILTER Resources >Summaries of #GamerGate:https://redirect.invidious.io/watch?v=wy9bisUIP3w - #GamerGate - If It's Not About Ethics • https://redirect.invidious.io/watch?v=5fnRSL3d_xU - #GamerGate in 60 Seconds • https://archive.fo/23Fde - GamerGate: A State of the Union Address >Background and Evidence for #GamerGate: • The #GamerGate Dossier: https://archive.fo/nv1Fb • #GamerGate Wiki: https://ggwiki.deepfreeze.it/index.php?title=Main_Page • History of #GamerGate: https://www.historyofgamergate.com/ • View the timeline links in the Current Happenings section! >Lists: • GG Steam Support & Boycott List: https://v.gd/vzRsRb • Key GamerGate Hubs: https://v.gd/LNJbat >Thread Repository: https://gitgud.io/gamergate/gamergateop/blob/master/ThreadRepository.md https://ggwiki.deepfreeze.it/index.php?title=Thread_Repository >Full OP Text: • Current: https://ggwiki.deepfreeze.it/index.php?title=The_GamerGate_OP
Edited last time by Mark on 01/01/2023 (Sun) 23:06:49.
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I'm a homosexual
Edited last time by Mark on 01/01/2023 (Sun) 23:06:21.
>not year of the rabbit edition gay
>>264861 >I could've named it year of the rabbi edition FUCK.
I demand a do over
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Happy year of the rabbit!
Happy New Year everyone!
>>264864 I like it when tewi sexually bullies reisen, but i would like to see the tables turned more often.
Are you fucking kidding me is this bread a joke? The first bread of the year and we get this shit? I wanted 2023 anime bunny girl milkers not an ugly fat kike.
>Not year of the bunny Fake bread. I petition for a fresh bread.
>>264867 I'm liking bunny rabbi with huge tiggies
Should've been a Jim themed thread.
>>264872 Is he really dieing, or just being his usual histrionic self?
>>264872 Mr. Metokur or Jim Watkinz?
>>264873 Does it matter? If he is dying I'm sorry for him, if he is not he should go fuck himself for being a drama queen. Still in any case I don't care a bit about him and we shouldn't forget that /cow/ was just his personal army.
>>264876 I was hoping he could die a martyr, now that he's already lived to become a villain.
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>>264861 >>264867 >>264868 Rabbit year isn't due for over two weeks. Enjoy your rabbi year thread.
>>760778 Anyway, real ages of Generations, from Shittypedia: Z - 10 to 25 Y - 26 to 42 X - 42 to 57 Shit - over 57
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>>264867 >I wanted 2023 anime bunny girl milkers GTFO to sadpanda if you just want porn. A year of the rabbit thread should use rabbits from video games that aren't furbait.
>more Mark fellating I know who financed this site but honestly, it gets rather tiresome.
>>264872 >people still hold grudges over Jim bowing out
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>>264882 Bowing out implies grace and not drama queen salt, anon.
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>>264880 The year of the rabbit thread should exclusively be the furbait vidya rabbits.
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>>264867 Bunis
>>264883 Reminder he gave it all up for yellow pussy....lmao, just lmao.
>>264882 He's a traitor to GG like everyone else not named Mark, Acidman, or Eltonel. I'll never forgive him like I'll never forgive any of the other E-Celebs who let the movement die out because it stopped being convenient for their wallets or clout.
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>>264885 God tier, who is the artist?
>>264886 How does dating asian women mess up the gamergate movement?
>>264885 That's gay anon. That's not how rabbits are suppose to be.
>>264888 https://twitter.com/subliminalplums >>264890 Barabbits are the natural evolution of Shotabunnies.
>being unironic faggot
>>264892 >being unironic As we all know, being ironic is much more preferable to the point where people won't know if you're being serious or not.
oh boy more fetish posting hours glad im around for it again
>>264866 But Reisen is a good girl so that will never happen
>>264885 >Tiny mouths No thanks, my cock is too large for that.
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>>264866 I like it when Tewi bullies Reisen's bunny cunny.
First thread of the year has been saved!
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>page flashes and refreshes all of a sudden >the Mark OP has been consumed by a new Tewi themed OP
>>264887 > I'll never forgive him like I'll never forgive any of the other E-Celebs who let the movement die out because it stopped being convenient for their wallets or clout. What have you been doing for the movement? What can you do? How do we get in touch with you? < me: lurking; read digs and connect the dots; hyattchan at protonmail < looking for: volunteers to republish stuff on other sites, writers to summarize it, translators to get it in front of a foreign audience < if anyone here is confident that they can post stuff on another site without getting banned, get on Proton and get in touch with me >>760950 >look at the absolute fucking state of these threads that just boil down to porn dumps counter-arguments: 1. we're allowed to talk about Gamergate here, which is better than 99% of the WWW that shuts it down 2. porn dumps are better than no activity and at least bring people in 3. please point us towards the better Gamergate board and people might move there
>>264901 >>>/vg/ :^) The /b/ thread from that one time an anon made 8 threads across sites and boards went pretty well, it just died because there was no need for a watercooler thread.
>>264887 Whinging about them leaving implies they were needed. This particular topic brings out the jilted ex style of posting every time. Get over it already.
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>>760974 Even on imageboards, whites get replaced thanks to the aid of Jews.
>>760977 >the only thing that can be argued is whether or not its intentional It's an instinctive reaction to preserve hegemony. There was zero thought needed for any of them to declare gamergate wrongthink, all they needed to do was to internally state what we stood for and everyone understood.
Watch out for GamerGate The public enemy of the world #1 It is the main hashtag responsible for… ☑ Accidentally re-starting the French Revolution ☑ Weaponized Gondolas ☑ Hacking German politicians and media ☑ Played "To Catch a Predator" with Randy Pickford ☑ Masterminded the destruction of GDQ via the Catfish of Legend: Namazu ☑ Under the light of the Blood Moon; Self-destructed Western Journalism by having a some kid smirk at a drumming savage ☑ Just wanted to start a conversation with everyone, everywhere, eternally ☑ Watched Gawker die TWICE ☑ Guilty of face crimes ☑ When GameStop tried to sell itself; offered $3.50 in in-store credit ☑ Made telling "journalists" to "learn to code" into a hate crime ☑ Taught the Alt-Right ✅Then harassed said Alt-Right ☑ Started in 2011-2012 when 4chan tried to steal Anita Sarkeesian's SSN# ☑ Created "Boner Culture" which made cis straight male erections the most powerful force on earth ☑ Had a Jewish Mobster 'Take Care' of it ☑ Asked THQ about gaemu which somehow triggered World Wide Web War III ☑ Tricked /cow/ into developing and sharing their fetish for Mark's plump bagel with ResetEra ☑ Triggered GJP3.0 with 57 hitpeices on THQ Nordic's AA ☑ Orchestrated the GaymerGay misogynist review backlash against Marvel's Captain Woman ☑ Taught New Zealand about "White Day" ☑ Radicalized Spyro the Dragon ☑ Turned Pewdiepie into the Osama Bin Ladin of GaymerGays ☑ "The nerds and gamers were joined by the proto-storm troopers of the alt-right in a bond that has never been broken" ☑ Was a trial run for "will the US tolerate fascist behavior" ☑ Exploring new frontiers in sexual harassment via Jelly Bean ☑ Groomed young impressionable politicians into misogynists ☑ Created and trained the alt-right to take over the political landscape on a global scale (And succeeded) ☑ Arranged for Sonic the Hedgehog (movie ver.) to get "fixed" ☑ Remains undefeated for all time ☑ Turned Rage 2 into a Trump-esque attack on game journos ☑ Joined forces with Amazon ☑ Helped Mark impress Resetera ☑ Used Elliot Rodger's martyrdom to unite 4Chan and Breitbart to elect Donald Trump ☑ Will be looked back upon in 50 years as the root cause of the coming Cultural Civil War ☑ Government-sponsored shitposting ☑ Mastered the manipulation of the news cycle to their advantage ☑ Made Anita cry when Feminist Frequency went broke ☑ Destroyer of Worlds ☑ Russian Conspiracies (all of them) ☑ Extended Reanon's death/meme-magic to animation studios (please meme responsibly) ☑ An instrument of American Trumpian Power Worldwide
[Expand Post]☑ Cured alleged "journalist" of dyslexic anxiety ☑ An aberrant, creeping horror ☑ As dangerous as Anti-Vax, ISIS, and Holocaust Denial ☑ Five years of ruining everything ☑ Came to the classroom ☑ Trained Google whistleblowers ☑ Never died and foreshadowed our toxic meme-strewn politics ☑ Blew up the Internet ☑ Made wanting challenge in videogames into supporting White Supremacy ☑ Was secretly fighting WWIII all along ☑ Stochastic Terrorism ☑ Being a national security threat according to the DHS ☑ Helped Mark win the lottery ☑ Gave the money back ☑ Living long enough to see itself become the villain in a TV Show THRICE ☑ Confused the FBI into thinking /v/ is /baphomet/ ☑ Turned Anita Sarkesian into a crazy cat lady ☑ It's #Gamergate Forever ☑ Justifiably felt alienated by the neoliberal fetishization of feminism and the reductionism of politics to identity teams ☑ Was rabidly pro-corporate ☑ Manipulated a SJWeeb into review-bombing a LGBTWTFBBQ-friendly game as a "test" ☑ Non-meat based cam girls ☑ Caused the Corona outbreak which destroyed China to cheer up a depressed CIA glownigger ☑ Digisexuals ☑ Called the cyber police to put a cripple in cyber jail ☑ Weaponizing decency ☑ Made the games industry a nightmare for Women, Colored People, and Ashley Burch ☑ The inevitable ultimate horror of Sega's "toxic" advertising for ChuChu Rocket ☑ Has the highest body count of any COVID-19 disinfo group ☑ Finally got the 8kun administration to get off their ass and answer the damn phone ☑ Searching for a new home (again) ☑ Made some /v/ hotpockets on other imageboards go insane ☑ Burned julay to the ground by doing basically fuck-all except continue to exist (props to a certain bunbunmaru reporter, tho) ☑ Having a high enough IQ to be mentioned on Rick and Morty ☑ Radicalized a grandmother to the point she promotes harassment against alleged games journalists ☑ Is the terrorist group backed by 'The French' who are behind President Trump's exhausting battle against twitter ☑ Protecting FUCKING GAMESTOP from looters ☑ Finally started the Race War by forcing a meth-head on a date with Corona-chan to take a knee to the neck from the police ☑ Confirmed for Baby Hitler ☑ Gave a lot of airtime to Soviet defector Yuri Bezmenov ☑ Got on the Atlantic's "free $100" van only to get intervewed ☑ Started a backlash against the French independent film industry because they want to raise pure little girls ☑ And then Russia wanted to shut down 8chan.moe to be ironic ☑ Was clearly a blueprint for Trump's online assault in 2016 ☑ A gravestone marked “Games Journalism; Dead By Suicide,” with the date of death corresponding with the launch of GG ☑ Took over the US capitol ☑ Funded by the GOP ☑ Using Reddit's radicalized nihilism to counter jews shorting FUCKING GAMESTOP ☑ Made Mark the Godfather of Gamergate ☑ Corrected Polygon on Titanfall lore ☑ Accidental meme magic discharge (R.I.P Miura) ☑ Planet-range racism field ☑ Not wanting people to put down the controller and talk about their feelings ☑ Destroyed the logic process of a bot wreaking havoc across multiple imageboards with just one simple trick ☑ Caused Blizzard executives to threaten their employees with rape ☑ Came to Alex Hutchinson's Defense ☑ Made Vivian a feminist symbol ☑ Grew to a geopolitical scale and spilled into real life with devastating consequences ☑ Got their own TV show ☑ Brandon’s First fan ☑ Gave birth to Qanon ☑ Is the precedent for /K/yle Rittenhouse ☑ Ruined people's brains by turning them into corporate bootlickers ☑ Created the concept of "Culture War" ☑ Was the watershed event in the ascendancy of online extremist personalities and tactics ☑ Mars manifest destiny ☑ Was behind Elon Musk's twitter takeover all along ☑ The Ruby Ridge of online violence ☑ Funneled men into far-right politics via witch-hunting ☑ We now live in a gamergateocracy ☑ Resulted in abortions being banned ☑ Accused of being none other than Gamergate ☑ Making mainstream games soft-sell white supremacy ☑ Getting their own theater piece in the Netherlands ☑ Was a rebellion against English class ☑ Conquistato il senato Italiano usando nerd armati ☑ Let the far right borrow it's online moves ☑ Radicalized a """"Right Wing"""" illegal immigrant canadian nudist hippy into assassinating Nancy Pelosi's husband with a hammer ☑ “How did I get into all this,” Mr. DePape wrote in one passage on his blog: “Gamer Gate it was gamer gate”
>>264889 >bestiality is totally fine, goy! Come on now.
>>264909 Dating Asians is bad?
>>264910 If you're not also Asian.
>>264911 I'm gonna keep dating Asians. t. non Asian.
>>264912 Enjoy your physically crippled children with no sense of self, I guess.
>>264910 Race mixing is bad in most contexts.
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>>264913 >>264914 I'm sure your pure white nu/pol/
>>264910 It's not guten tag
>>264916 If you openly said, "Do not listen to me; I do not know what I am talking about," you would still be exposing yourself less than by saying what you just said.
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>these past several posts
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>>264916 No I'm mixed race which is why I know race mixing is bad.
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>>264918 Wasted trips. >>264921 I'm sure your whiter then a nord.
Just date Finnish girls. They're both white and asian. Cute ching chong eyes and pretty blond hair.
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>>264923 Not according to their genes.
>>264924 Is that a happy merchant?
>>264925 Wow, sort of looks like one as a thumbnail, doesn't it? No, it's a chart of genetic distances of the ethnic groups within the species Homo europeansis. The swath across the top from left to right is "whites" as we know them. The bubble in the center is jews, and the swath across the bottom from left to right is arabs. There are three subspecies of Homo europeansis.
>>264872 HOLY SHIT
>>264890 It's so sad Po-Jew died of cancer and alcoholism. Oh well, may he enjoy his harem of large breasted milfs and bunny shota's in lewd lingerie while the afterlife.
>>264927 IA here
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>>264928 >Po-Ju died What?
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>>264928 >>264930 Nah, he's alive. Here's recent art as proof, saved from his Twitter account: https://notabird.site/poju2h/
>>264914 Only if you have kids.
>>264932 Having sex without the intention of having kids is a sin.
>>264934 HTH is old hat, try this one instead (that will also never be finished)
>>264931 This gives me a wild and silly feeling.
>>264933 Guess we better submit to being blueballed once our wife that we can't divorce hits 33.
>>264936 Show me your asshole
>>264935 A shame. the Proportions are a little much, but I have a weakness for pixelshit. Is it only the three characters?
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>>264938 Go home.
>>264939 Never ripped the file apart but as far as i can tell, yeah. You can grab cake and are told of a fourth, but all i've found is three.
>>264936 Is that another way of saying faggot?
>>264938 Don't be gay anon.
>>264942 Shota doesn't have to be gay.
>>264942 It's the shota equivalent of the cunny (cute and funny). wild and silly = willy
>>264931 Oh never mind I'm retarded. Actually it was probably Aogiri Penta who got sick a year or two ago perhaps hindered him or one of his work team mates I guess? is Aogiri Penta a team of people? Well that's why I vaguely remember from reading the comment section on Nhentai or exHentai or whatever. My memory is a bit fussy here.
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>>264940 Stop projecting, schizo faggot. Butt or GTFO.
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>>264948 Reminder.
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>>264946 He seems to be active https://www.pixiv.net/en/users/292846/ https://notabird.site/aogirip_hisp/ https://high-spirit.fanbox.cc/ His most recent activity is the promotion of a new image set.
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Have any anons made New Years resolutions? And if so, will you stick to them?
Netflix Wednesday was held back by being a (((modern))) show pandering to reddit. Aside from that, Burton's in his A-game.
Reminder to check out >>>/a/ if ya feel like talking about anime/manga/anything Asia-related Been posting regularly and will continue to post regularly and there's been a nice amount of activity. The total post count of the board has gone up almost 50% in the last month. >>>/a/1236 >>>/a/863 >>>/a/1436 >>>/a/181 >>>/a/1791 You can make any threads ya want of course. Suggest banners and board-related stuff here: >>>/a/804 >>264951 Not sure, it would be nice to get /fit/ but I don't think I wanna make it a new year's resolution since nobody, myself included, sticks to them. Also to finish some more vidya, get most of the anime I wanna watch out of the way, maybe learn some Japanese, finish up some WIP OC from last year, and improve on my studies and get a decent job during the term/summer of course, general self-improvement and help out the family more meaningfully. Also to get a gf. I'd rather just make them general goals though and not have the baggage of "resolutions" on them, especially since some are basically my duty anyways.
>>264950 I like this art style, its really good, too bad it's wasted on this faggotry.
>>264951 I bought a planner to use, writing down your indulgences shames you into getting rid of them better. The monthly section has a habit tracker where you can put a mark or counter for doing/not doing something.
>>264951 I'm going to get /fit/, finish my online courses, go to Japan for two weeks with the intention of moving there later in 2024.
>>264955 >writing down your indulgences shames you into getting rid of them better. That's a good idea. >The monthly section has a habit tracker where you can put a mark or counter for doing/not doing something. Maybe I should get a planner too.
>>264951 Well, I bought some books, so I must have made a resolution to read them. [spoiler] In case anyone asks: Foundation by Asimov The End of Eternity by Asimov The Glass Bead Game by Hesse Dandelion Wine by Bradbury (I saw it in the store and it was an impulse buy) [/spoiler] >>264953 3dpd is overrated
>>264958 Make a resolution to learn spoilers too. >>264956 You can do it anon! >>264953 >I'd rather just make them general goals That's good too.
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>>264950 >He seems to be active Well if he was sick I'm glad to know he's feeling better now as apposed to being dead. Also got himself a pet beetle apparently too. >>264954 The customer who pays the piper chooses the tune or something along those lines the saying goes Is what that one Jewtuber said after another JewTuber got caught accepting Jeffry Epstein bribes. And not everything Aogiri does is gay trap stuff, sometimes it's straight trap stuff and he seems to really like Momiji a lot too.
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Archive of last bread: https://archive.md/Fg8K7
>>264959 Nah. My life is a never ending stream of incompetence.
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>>264951 Get writing again. I've let my skills rust for several years now. I have already started and hope to spend at leash of each day writing. Now if only I knew how to make games to actually put my ideas into a medium I want.
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Remember to link to alternative video sites and/or attach videos to posts as WEBMs/MP4s for the purposes of ending Goolag's control Also, remember to contribute towards Operation Download And Conquer: >>>/t/5546
I was cleaning out some old CDs that i used to have and i found this cd, and i never figured out what the symbol on the back of the mohawk punk's jacket was?
>>760855 Dude even though the aztecs are despicable they have a pretty cool story too. >show up around lake mexico one day no one has heard of the place they say they're from >tons of people living there already no room for them anywhere >they stick around for 100 years acting as mercenaries fighting the wars of the city states around the lake. >finally get tired of this and resolve to settle anywhere >claim a marshy island in the middle of the lake as their own >with no more land on their shitty island they create new artificial islands and create a huge sprawling city on the water. >conquer and be dickheads until cortez comes and fucks them It's a cool story regardless
>>264957 >Maybe I should get a planner too. Probably get an A4/letter one if it's a weekly planner, I'm fortunate to enjoy writing in the 3mm grid on this small daily one rather than using two gridlines. Left side planning/documenting, right side journaling. Even a dot grid notebook works, just write the date in the corner, draw a line and some hour-marks if you want, and you waste zero pages. >>264966 Considering the one on the right looks like the female symbol with an E, it's probably a lightning bolt male symbol.
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Remember to spread around this image recommending actually good games to the Nips! The point of this chart is to inform the Japanese on what the good games that the West has actually produced over the past few decades are rather than let companies tell them that Westerners "like" Ass Creed, Life is Tumblr, and CoD, and to make their games "like that". If you don't know who to send it to, post it on Japanese vidya discussion boards you know of, tag it to Nip e-celebs your enjoy, and/or inform Japanese creators who you think listen to their fans.
>>264969 That image is already outdated, make a 2023 version or I'm not sharing shit.
>>264970 Why U bully le hen?
>>264966 Kind-of looks like someone turned the British Union of Fascists into a male symbol.
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>>264968 >>264972 It’s a symbol for squatting, originating from the European autonomist movement.
Software and sites to give attention to! Operating systems >AROS: http://aros.sourceforge.net/ >BSD <Net: https://www.netbsd.org/ <Open: https://www.openbsd.org/ <DragonFly: https://www.dragonflybsd.org/ >GrapheneOS: https://grapheneos.org/ >Linux <Artix Linux: https://artixlinux.org/ <CLIP OS: https://clip-os.org/ <Devuan: https://www.devuan.org/ <EndeavourOS: https://endeavouros.com/ <Rocky Linux: https://rockylinux.org/ >ToaruOS: https://toaruos.org/ Archival >ArchiveBox: https://archivebox.io/ Chatrooms: >Session: https://getsession.org/ >Tox: https://tox.chat/ Database >Based Cooking: https://based.cooking/ >BigchainDB: https://www.bigchaindb.com/ >Gelbooru: https://gelbooru.com/ >Gun: https://gun.eco/ >Hydrus ( >>>/t/6469 ): https://hydrusnetwork.github.io/hydrus/ >Library Genesis: http://libgen.rs/ >ourobooru: https://ourobooru.booru.org/ >Sci-Hub: https://sci-hub.hkvisa.net/ Donation and payment services: >AlignPay: https://www.alignpay.com/ >Fantia: http://fantia.jp/ >Librepay: https://liberapay.com/ Email clients >Claws Mail: https://www.claws-mail.org/ >The Mutt: http://www.mutt.org/ Email hosting >Create your own: https://archive.fo/okVq4 >Cock.li (Invite link required): https://cock.li/ Encyclopedias >Infogalactic: https://infogalactic.com/info/Main_Page File sharing and storage >anonfile: https://anonfile.com/ >BitTorrent: https://infogalactic.com/info/BitTorrent >CacheP2P: https://github.com/guerrerocarlos/CacheP2P >Catbox: https://catbox.moe/ >Cryptosphere: https://github.com/cryptosphere/cryptosphere >Dat Project: https://datproject.org/
[Expand Post]>Filecoin: https://filecoin.io/ >Holochain: https://github.com/holochain/holochain-proto >Instant.io: https://instant.io/ >IPFS: https://ipfs.io/ >Kek.gg https://kek.gg/ >Onion Share: https://onionshare.org/ >ORC: https://orc.apache.org/ >Peergos: https://peergos.org/ >Perkeep: https://perkeep.org/ >Pomf: https://github.com/pomf/pomf >QBittorrent: https://www.qbittorrent.org/ >Sia: https://sia.tech/ >Storj: https://storj.io/ >Swarm: https://github.com/ethersphere/swarm >Tahoe-LAFS: https://www.tahoe-lafs.org/trac/tahoe-lafs >Uguu: https://uguu.se/ >WebTorrent: https://webtorrent.io/ >Other sites: https://www.archiveteam.org/index.php?title=Pomf.se/Clones Galleries and image hosting >ArtStation (SFW only): https://www.artstation.com/ >HicceArs: https://www.hiccears.com/ >Wysp: https://www.wysp.ws/ Internet and browsers >BadWolf: https://hacktivis.me/projects/badwolf >Basilisk: https://www.basilisk-browser.org/ >Beaker: https://beakerbrowser.com/ >Bromite: https://www.bromite.org/ >Falkon: https://www.falkon.org/ >GNU IceCat: https://www.gnu.org/software/gnuzilla/ >Handshake: https://handshake.org/ >I2P: https://geti2p.net/ >InterPlanetary Wayback: https://github.com/oduwsdl/ipwb >Iridium Browser (Guide to remove spyware: https://spyware.neocities.org/guides/iridium.html ): https://iridiumbrowser.de/ >LibreWolf: https://librewolf-community.gitlab.io/ >MaidSafe: https://maidsafe.net >Mysterium Network: https://mysterium.network/ >Namecoin: https://namecoin.org/ >NetSurf (Guide to remove spyware: https://spyware.neocities.org/guides/netsurf.html ): https://www.netsurf-browser.org/ >Otter Browser: https://otter-browser.org/ >Qutebrowser: https://qutebrowser.org/ >Sphere Browser (WARNING: https://spyware.neocities.org/articles/sphere.html ): https://sphere.tenebris.cc/ >Surf: http://surf.suckless.org/ >Tor: https://www.torproject.org/ >Ungoogled-Chromium: https://ungoogled-software.github.io/ungoogled-chromium-binaries/ >Web Browser: https://git.nuegia.net/webbrowser.git/ >Yggdrasil Network: https://yggdrasil-network.github.io/ >ZeroNet: https://zeronet.io/ Marketplace >DLsite: https://www.dlsite.com/eng/ >DMM Games: https://games.dmm.com/ >Fruitbat Factory: https://sites.fastspring.com/fruitbatfactory/product/buy >ğchange: https://www.gchange.fr >JAST: https://jastusa.com/ >Play-Asia: https://www.play-asia.com/ >Top Hat Store: https://shop.tophat.studio >Zoom Platform: https://www.zoom-platform.com/ Pastebins >Paste: https://github.com/jordansamuel/PASTE >PrivateBin: https://privatebin.info/ Search engines >ActiveSearchResults: https://www.activesearchresults.com/ >Gigablast: https://www.gigablast.com/ >Marginalia : https://search.marginalia.nu/ >Mojeek: https://www.mojeek.com/ >Wiby: https://wiby.me/ >YaCy: https://yacy.net/ Social media >anime website: https://anime.website/ >Baest: https://bae.st/ >baraag.net: https://baraag.net/ >Free Speech Extremist: https://freespeechextremist.com/ >GNU Social: https://gnu.io/social/ >Hubzilla: https://zotlabs.org/page/hubzilla/hubzilla-project >Mediachain: http://www.mediachain.io/ >Pleroma: https://pleroma.social/ >Plurk: https://www.plurk.com/ >Poast: https://poa.st/ >Shitposter Club: https://shitposter.club/ >Steemit: https://steemit.com/ Streaming >8chanTV ( >>>/site/1519 ): https://watch.8ch.moe/ Video and audio platforms >AVideo: https://github.com/WWBN/AVideo >BitTube: https://bittube.tv/ >D.tube: https://d.tube/ >MediaGoblin: https://mediagoblin.org/ >Veoh: https://www.veoh.com/ >VidLii: https://www.vidlii.com/ Video downloaders and converters >boram: https://github.com/Kagami/boram >ffmpeg (Can be paired with Nadeshiko on Linux: https://codeberg.org/deterenkelt/Nadeshiko ): https://ffmpeg.org/download.html >NewPipe: https://newpipe.net/ >WebMConverter: https://gitgud.io/nixx/WebMConverter >webm.py: https://github.com/Kagami/webm.py >wybm: https://github.com/Kagami/wybm >youtube-dl (Also download ffmpeg for best compatability; guide: >>>/t/5546): https://youtube-dl.org/ Web hosts >Create your own: https://archive.vn/BtM69 >IONOS: https://www.ionos.com/ >KolymaNET: https://www.kolyma.org/ >Neocities: https://neocities.org/ Other >AdNauseam: https://adnauseam.io/ >Amateur Game Development General: >>>/agdg/ >ChannelChanger: >>>/t/1257 >Crescent Isle: >>>/site/532 >Kdenlive: https://kdenlive.org/ >LINE Sticker Downloader: https://goonlinetools.com/line-sticker-download/ >Magic Wormhole: https://github.com/warner/magic-wormhole >OpenTimestamps: https://opentimestamps.org/ >Privacy Possum: https://github.com/cowlicks/privacypossum >QEMU: https://www.qemu.org/ >The Wick Editor: https://www.wickeditor.com/ >VirtualBox: https://www.virtualbox.org/ Suggestions are always welcome! Revision Updates: 11/16/22: https://archive.ph/QLgWL
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>>264974 The only good gg copypasta
>>264951 Oh, wait, I do have a resolution for myself other than reading: find a less shitty job. I'm a "software engineer" currently doing "DevOps" stuff. For this program I am supporting: their C++ code base hasn't had the unit tests pass on one supported platform since April. Their Java code base hasn't had the unit tests compile since September. The devs don't care, and there is no longer an "authority" position in the organization to say that this is unacceptable. I've already given up on them, but I need to find a new job before someone asks why it is taking so long to automate a build that doesn't fucking work.
>>264976 Man I wish my mind had the patience to learn how to code. Learning to code was my resolution last year but my ADD/ADHD screwed me out of it hard and I wasted a shitload of money and time due to me trying and failing and forgetting everything soon afterwards despite me practicing. I was dead set on it but now I just give up. >>264880 Dude im so sorry for liking tits it's not my fault that God made them so wonderful soft, round and milky.
>>264978 More fiber an zinc and other such healthy stuff in your diet. Whole grain bread and lettuce for the fiber, kiwi's for the zinc.
>>264949 >>264948 >PlayStation fanboy >Heterosexual That’s a Rarity. >>264964 >>264872 >>264874 >>264874 >>264883 >>people still actually thinking Jim actually dying or dead >When this is clearly a long term plan to fuck with Ethan Ralph
>>264887 Don't care for e-celebs but: >muh traitor You're just a butthurt faggot, it's not that serious and don't drag other people in it. Things aren't black and white >movement it' a consumer revolt, newfag
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>>760412 Liked the file name, but would rather have the original cut of the song as I find it more fitting. >this only appeared on the original 1995 VHS release before being altered for future releases as a result of parents complaining about their children singing "I don't love my mom or my dad" and "I won't go to church and I won't go to school."
Rockstar Games nearly developed an ECW wrestling game in 2000 >According to an interview with wrestler Tommy Dreamer, ECW had an agreement in place with Rockstar Games to develop a game with it before Acclaim ended up taking the reigns. Wrestler Tommy Dreamer revealed that ECW had an agreement with Rockstar before the Acclaim deal was done >As discovered by Hard4Games on YouTube (via, VGC), the interview with Dreamer, who was one of ECW’s top talents at the turn of the millennium, sees the wrestler discuss how Acclaim came to develop the game. >Video games were key for your success as a wrestling company, and we had a lot of companies bidding for that game,” he reminisced. “There was a fan, who worked for this company, and they were like ‘Man, we want this ECW game to be our number two behind this other game, and it’s revolutionary, it’s a perfect fit for ECW.” >Dreamer goes on to discuss how the fan attended an ECW arena show and spoke about the “other game”, mentioning that “We just need our one game to hit, and if that game hits you will be our next game”. >According to Dreamer, the company “couldn’t wait due to financial reasons” as Acclaim had lost its license for WWE, leading them to offer money “on the back end as opposed to the front end”. He then goes on to reveal, “That other game, that if it hit we were going to take off – that game and that franchise was Grand Theft Auto – and you think about how ECW would have fit that whole genre, and that guy was Kevin Gill who worked there, he was a big ECW fan”. >Gill is credited on Rockstar titles such as Midnight Club: Street Racing and Smuggler’s Run, and spoke about the deal in an interview with Tru Heel Heat Wrestling earlier in 2022. He mentioned that he “actually put together a deal for Rockstar Games to do the ECW video game” with owner Paul Heyman. >It seems Gill has different reasons for the deal not going ahead to the ones publicised by Dreamer though, as he suggests that the company was unsure of ECW’s future and sustainability, saying that the company’s “financial situation was getting very shaky and at that time, this is 1998, could have been 1999, all the talent was leaving”. >With games taking years to develop and costing a lot of money, Gill says Rockstar had to think about whether ECW would be around in a few years when the game would be set for release. >Whatever the reason for the deal not going ahead, ECW ended up signing the deal with Acclaim to create ECW Hardcore Revolution and ECW Anarchy Rulz, which were met with great criticism. ECW ended up collapsing in early 2001, owing almost £7.5million ($9million) until its assets were bought by WWE in 2003. https://archive.vn/GUV6u
>>264976 at least you got a skill, I took it too easy got depressed as a young adult, now it seems the only work I have going for me is dead end service economy I should ask my dad how he does his job in debugging and have him teach me everything he knows but I can only see him when he's drunk or makes up excuses like I'll end up hating computers
>>264978 Also not stuffing yourself like a glutenious pig or drinking a lot of water and just fasting for a day if you really are that much of a fat fuck I'd imagine would help too. The stomach and liver can only handle so much at once. Maybe some organic yogurt to for those healthy bacteria. Lastly if that anon is really REALLY stuffed bad well he could always resort to having an enema. >>264981 NOOOOO DADDY INTERWEBS ARISTOCRAT SHOULD BE A GAYMER G8tOR FROM CRADLE TO GRAVE!!!!!1! HE'S PRACTICALLY ANITA SNORTKEYSIAN AND THE UNITED NATIONS AT THIS POINT!!!!
>>264981 >muh traitor >You're just a butthurt faggot, it's not that serious and don't drag other people in it. Things aren't black and white Seeing how the YouTube atheist community faggots like Matt Jarbo later became the skeptic community than later bread tube. Jim was 100% right about e-celebs hijacking the early days of Game Gate by tone policing. This is when faggots thought the leftist Colbert would be pro-gamer on TV because he played a character mocking conservatives. If anything, it was the atheist e-celebs that killed, not your shield. Latinos and blacks are highly religious. Atheist YouTube was using Game Gate for fedora tipping. Believe it or not, not your shield before atheist YouTube made not your shield about LGBT shit. Muslim gamers were one of the biggest not your shield groups. Fighting games and RTS games are huge in the Middle East.
>>264986 Where does the consumer revolt fit into this?
Well I guess you can stuff yourself all you want if your actually burning those calories. In fact being /fit/ will turn your turds into torpedo, not fucking joking back when I was doing a lot of pushups and squats three or four times a week I had to be really careful not to have my ass splashed by the tsunami geyser of water that would rise up when I squatted over the porcelain throne. Felt pretty good, you should start working out anon if your lurking and reading this. The best part is you barely need to fucking wipe when you have a torpedo shit because it's so dense, usually just one sheet will do you just fine.
>>264987 teehee
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>>264880 >that aren't furbait
I really need to start working out again, got a real bad cold two months ago and then fucking covid so I kinda fell out of the habit so that's my plan less I get fucking Ebola next too.
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I want to stop jacking off but its only January 2nd and I'm already feeling quite saucy, this may just be a rather long year fellas. My constant exposure to anime titties on the internet nearly 365 days of the year definitely doesn't help. I REALLY need a gf to nut in holy shit.
>>264977 >My ADD/ADHD screwed me out of it hard and I wasted a shitload of money and time due to me trying and failing and forgetting everything soon afterwards despite me practicing. You don't have to remember everything, don't be a perfectionist either, that's paradoxically unintential goalpost shifting out of a sense of uncertainty, which fucks with your productivity. I hate to give this advice but it works, move fast and break shit. Don't get hung up on mistakes, they might just be your perception and not the truth, that's a sign you aren't trusting the process, which is otherwise known as doubt, doubt that takes up tons of mental realestate and leads to a sense of forgetfulness, absolutely mindfulness is critical for this type of thing. I have Quiet/Discouraged BPD and only recently got my diagnosis a year ago, I pissed away all my time due to constant excessive self-criticism and wildly unrealistic expectations/impatience during my teen years amongst a bunch of other bullshit that leads to a lack of executive function, including fear of asking help due to feelings of inferiority, you need to do small tasks and gradually build up, that's the key, daydreaming kills dreams. Don't have a wishbone where a backbone should be, stay on it, and be in the moment. I don't know what roadmap you have, but you need to be mindful and not feel like a failure when you don't meet whatever arbitrary deadline you set up for yourself. This might be pseudo-science, but I take a low 10mg dose of adderall (yes, I got it prescribed) around 3pm because my internal clock likes that hour, as you can tell I also have ADHD. There's a habit you need to build in order to start working, we all have a creative workflow, you just need to find yours. Here's a really good video by a clinician explaining how your self-perception and emotional state can screw over your long-term planning. https://yewtu.be/AljpxIeoI6w Here's another video by a very intelligent and cute asian girl talking about her experience studying as an architect and what she learnt about the creative process. https://yewtu.be/TH-3wnLvItU Here's a guy who wasted his 20's because he was constantly in a negative spiral and what he learnt from it. https://yewtu.be/lFcOnXMG9co Just know what you're never alone, and friends will always be there for you when you need them, not all the time mind you, but they will be there.
NEW COMIC This is a fair request, and I promise I will not judge any person only as a zoomer If you will constantly remind yourself that some of my generation Judges people by their taste, their belief or the colour of their skin And that this is no more right than saying "All zoomers are retarded dope addicts or gay wiggers"
>>761115 fuck off, Gaiden, stop showing kids at the playground my Deviantart!
>>264977 Exercising, eating healthy food, and getting enough sleep can improve your attention span.
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>>264994 God I want to rail an anon wearing a rad dude cosplay
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>>264985 That first pic.
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>>264981 >>264986 Yet Jim became what he hated with his actions over the past few years.
>>265000 > Jim became what he hated with his actions over the past few years. A whore for money? or the leader of gamer gay? going to be honest, a future where Metokur gets put down by some fucked up autoimmune disease, while the whores that shall not be named along with soygoon of applebee's and the rest of the septic skeptics are still running around swindling is fucking beyond tragic. >>264998 god I fucking miss classic yugioh, pokemon and monster rancher (and whatever season of digimon has renamon in it)... but no one must ever know I have this feel
>>264951 I dunno.I want to keep improving myself, even if by a little and start practicing martial arts once again. >>264961 I miss movies like Naked Gun. >>264994 So Johnny Hitler and RD are Gen Xers? Because fucking people my age also speak like zoomerfags these days and it's making me depressed. Then again, speaking like a zoomerfag, is the equivalent of emulating niggers over here. >>265000 >Yet Jim became what he hated with his actions over the past few years. Seems like a lot of the "original" 4chan members and former Bullshit forums / Metokur forum members fall into that pattern, though I kinda lost Yim when he left the IA channel. What did he do exactly, did he smoke one too many cigarettes while fucking his asian gf on stream or something?
>>265000 >Yet Jim became what he hated with his actions over the past few years That doesn’t make what he said about the skeptic community trying to hijack the Gamer Gate movement any less true. The skeptic community split and gave us bread tubers like Vaush/Matt Jarbo and Trump worship channels like Razorfist/Sargon.
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Reminder to dig into the Twitter files. In order of discoveries: https://anonfiles.com/J6p653Ley5/gg_zip https://nitter.catalyst.sx/bariweiss/status/1601007575633305600 https://nitter.poast.org/ShellenbergerMD/status/1604908670063906817 https://archive.vn/MWux4#selection-15285.0-15285.254 https://nitter.poast.org/lhfang/status/1605292454261182464 Expose them. Send emails to everyone about them. -The jewish communist group responsible for the censorship is the Strategic Response Team - Global Escalation Team ((( SRT-GET ))). -This secret group included Head of Legal, Policy and Trust (Vijaya Gadde), the Global Head of Trust &Safety (Yoel Roth), subsequent CEOs Jack Dorsey and Parag Agrawal, and others. -It's detailing special treatment for U.S. government propaganda. Twitter lying to congress (again) this time about shutting down sate propaganda. Pentagon running psyops on Twitter. Evidence of things people knew or suspected. > FBI ordered and paid off Twitter to censor the Biden corruption story > FBI intentionally did it to sway the election for Biden > FBI knowingly lied when they told Twitter that the info was hacked by the Russians > FBI had learned about the laptop by spying on Rudy Giuliani's emails > that's the prosecutor who took down the Mafia, New York's mayor during 9/11, and the President's personal lawyer > because the FBI was spying on all of the President's staff > with the intention of finding dirt to justify kicking him out of office > so the FBI was trying to overthrow the government for all four years of his presidency > because It Was Her Turn > they couldn't believe that Hillary could have lost the election without Russian interference > so FBI justified all the spying by claiming that Trump was working for the Russians because he had business dealings with the Russian mob in the past > they could have read Trump's file and seen that he was the FBI informant spying on the Russians for them > they found no evidence of Trump working for Russia, but kept trying to overthrow him > Hillary was working for Alfa Group and Sberbank the whole time HOW TWITTER RIGGED THE COVID DEBATE https://twitter.com/davidzweig/status/1607378386338340867 https://archive.ph/S1rN2 https://threadreaderapp.com/thread/1607383214452080647.html Former FBI General Counsel James Baker, who helped grease the wheels to get FISA warrants to spy on Trump, tried to get the sitting POTUS censored while working at Twitter for saying “don’t be afraid of COVID” https://twitter.com/DC_Draino/status/1607434394590904323 https://archive.ph/o6E7V Google currently employs at least 165 people, in high-ranking positions, from the Intelligence Community. Ex-CIA agents are Heads of Trust & Safety at Google & Facebook. https://twitter.com/NameRedacted247/status/1607539875712217089 https://archive.ph/7TxVJ https://threadreaderapp.com/thread/1607539875712217089.html
>>265000 It's funny how everyone in the Internet Bloodsports group has destroyed themselves yet the people they aimed with their shitty gay ops and their /cow/ worshippers had prospered more or less. The only thing Sargon did wrong is being a filthy anglo cocksucking his shitty anglo heretic culture and dare to shit on Spain.
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>>264951 Learn Linux. Make a Jellyfin server. I already installed both and dropped $200 or so on a gigantic HDD so no turning back now. Is /t/ still active enough for pointers? I literally never used either. Oh, and continue learning Japanese. A shame my listening prowess is shit.
Radicalized Times Square Attacker Was On FBI Watchlist >19-year-old Trevor Bickford, from Wells, Maine, is the kid who injured three NYPD officers with a machete in an unprovoked attack in Times Square. >He was on the FBI’ watchlist’ after being radicalized. UK’s Daily Mail wrote, “the FBI in Boston do have an open case on him,” and “he is on a ‘guardian list’ because of his radicalization.” >Sources told NYPost that Bickford traveled via Amtrak train to NYC with “camping gear, a diary and a last will and testament” before he pulled off the machete attack. >Published reports reveal that Bickford appeared to be a typical American teenager before he allegedly became radicalized in the years after sources said his father died of an overdose in 2018,” NYPost continued. >Here’s a picture of the young man after the NYPD shot him. He was rushed to Bellevue Hospital in Manhattan, along with the two cops he injured — all three are expected to survive. Man who attacked police with machete near Times Square last night is Trevor Bickford, 19, from Wells, Maine. >Cops are investigating whether he is a recently radicalized Islamic extremist, based on online postings." News Center Maine’s Jack Molmud reported the FBI arrived at the suspect’s family home this afternoon. >Chaos erupted in Times Square on New Year’s Eve when a machete-wielding man injured three New York Police Department (NYPD) officers. >New York Police Commissioner Keechant Sewell told reporters early Sunday that a 19-year-old man attempted to strike the first officer in the head with a machete, unprovoked. Sewell said the man hit two other officers on the head with the machete. >Sewell said one officer received a laceration to the head while the other received a skull fracture and a large laceration. Another officer discharged his firearm, striking the suspect in the shoulder. >Mike Driscoll, assistant director in charge of the New York FBI Field Office, who is also investigating, told local news NBC New York that the knife attack appears to be the work of a “sole individual at this time, there’s nothing to suggest otherwise.” >The FBI’s Joint Terrorism Task Force is also investigating. Nearby onlookers were startled by the attack and gunfire — many revelers fled amid the chaos. https://archive.ph/qjmgt There was an Islamic terrorist attack on New York and no one gives a shit. Even the white supremacy boogeyman Biden loves so much a dying fake narrative no one gives a shit about. What will replace white supremacy and Islamic terrorism,as fake boogeymen? I say Russians and the Mexican cartel.
>>264951 Win the lottery.
>>265007 It would have been better to get multiple smaller drives and used raidz2 on zfs, for redundancy in case of power outages or silent data loss. There are a few maintenance tasks like trimming that you have to schedule as well. If it's just stuff you can torrent again then its not a big deal, it's hard to size up since zfs limits usable space to be the same on each drive in a disk pool. Holding off on jellyfin until I lern2docker. Proxmox is a pretty good hypervisor os if you want to try out different software setups, I put it on one of those cheap refurbished 1 liter thinkcenters running an 7500. It might be worth learning about C-states to reduce power consumption, but sometimes some hardware prevents you from going to a lower level and you're stuck at C-2. A shame indeed, spoken japanese is the easy part, I used pimsleur to get started and then assimil. I quit though since I only watch maybe 3 anime and 5 manga a year, it seems like a shitty place to live in once you get past the zoning laws making it walkable and their public transit. If they openly allowed dual citizenship then maybe, since it can be cheaper there and less niggenings, but then I'd be paying foreign income tax to uncle sam too.
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>>265002 Johnny and Rad are like this odd romanticized combination of the 90's - mid 2000's, Rad Dude's dad is a late millenial since he was there for the release of Mario 3 but lost the gaming tournament to some autistic kid. Zoomerspeak is just the modern wiggerspeak, the thing is that ghetto culture has become faggified and general culture has been stagnant these past 20 years that there is little difference between 2012 18year olds and 2022 18year olds, except the former did it ironically while the latter doesn't know any better and is a cargo cult
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>>264859 >Tewi thread This is acceptable.
>>265010 >>265010 The circa-2012 office prebuilt I'm repurposing as a NAS/Jellyfin stream machine can only accommodate a single HDD, so I got the biggest I can afford (8TB). Mainly a learning experience so this'll likely be a very short process as every tutorial video I've seen so far makes presumptions about the viewer. Used Windows all my life so the absence of a Jellyfin.exe on Ubuntu is a little frightening to me. Also want to get started on SSH so I don't have to keep swapping peripherals whenever I want to continue this project. The aforementioned PC only has one HDMI port and a hilariously ancient DVI port that my DVI-I cable is incompatible with. Granted, I need to know what the extent of SSH is. Never mind getting my main PC and phone to remote access the Jellyfin server, effectively making my own Anime Netflix of sorts. I have much to learn and am very open to help is what I'm saying.
>>265010 Also, my intention isn't to ever live in Japan. I just want to broaden my consoom horizons. Preferably loli consooming.
>>265008 >machetes of peace in new york Never live in a blue city.
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>>265013 It's a good first project then, forget about docker since you're just learning linux then. SSH is basically hijacking the other pc's terminal, I really do recommend proxmox then since it has a webui to manage your virtual machines, and you can use vnc or spice (the latter has lower latency and can pass audio) to get a remote graphical interface for installing stuff, and snapshotting similar to window's restore points but better in case an update borks everything and you want to roll back. There is a high ceiling once you consider security, but over a local network it's fine. If you do want to do SSH then use Ed25519 or other elliptical curve as well as a password, the private key is your authentication and the public key is a "lock" that can be opened by it. If you forego proxmox then a kvm switch can swap your perepherals and maybe even screen using physical buttons. >>265014 Commendable.
>>265017 Oh and know that flatpaks are preferable to snaps (slow) and appimages (loses your program preferences on update maybe but fastest of the three). Maybe ubungu comes with flathub set up in their software center, but its a good source for software not in their official repositories and it won't bork your main system with dependancy conflicts.
>>265016 Kung Fu Hustle did it better.
>>265017 Did I say short project? I meant long. Very long. >virtual machines In hindsight I should've put Ubuntu in one of those before deep diving into using a physical PC (albeit a very old one that doesn't even have a dedicated GPU). As I said, I so far installed (or whatever the equivalent is on Linux; didn't use snap or whatever) Jellyfin and OpenSSH on Ubuntu and while I managed to access the web-based GUI for the former on the Ubuntu box, not so for the Android app or my main PC. Though by the time I realized it was because I kept using the localhost IP address (197...something) on the other devices, I stopped out of frustration. Once I can be bothered to reconnect the peripherals this week (though if HDMI cables are hot swappable it'll save time having to turn off the main PC) I'll use that "ip a" command I recently learned about and see if the actual IP address or whatever lets me access the Jellyfin GUI (and by extentsion, the media I intend to put on it) from other devices. If I can accomplish that, SSH may be next.
>>265020 All monitor cables are hotswappable, it's just if your server/distro bothers booting a graphical environment when it notices there isn't a cable plugged in sometimes. If you trust your partition-fu you can try making a disk image of ubungu or just copying your configs somewhere safe, install proxmox on another partition, and try loading up the disk image or pasting in your configs to the new vm's home folder. It also isn't great if your OS and media shit is on one drive, I can't vouch for their unfucked chinkshitness, but some of these might help you if they fit.
>>265021 If things go well and I feel that what I want to do outgrows the tiny box, I may save up to make an actual rig with multiple drive bays and shit. As things stand now, nothing important or irreplaceable is in the Ubuntu box and that won't change. Those two things you posted may fit. May. I need to remove the gigantic fan to get a clear look but there are some vacant expander slots. Just keep in mind that this thing I'm using is a decade old, give or take. As for disk imaging, only thing I know that can easily do that is Macrium Reflect, which I use for (in)frequent backups of my HDD in my Windows PC. Just the cloning option to an external HDD though. Never actually used the .iso option and I don't know if there's a Linux version of the program.
>>265023 I think the dd command makes a disk image, rsync is what most people do to share it. Am lazy and haven't bothered on my desktop since everything important is on nas that takes care of itself.
>>265018 >(loses your program preferences on update That is definitely not how appimages work.
>>264997 just get yourself these, go find some random dude from Huntington beach and you're all set.
>>265025 It's not something I looked at very much, I know they allowed developers the option to retain preferences but some do and some don't. Either way everything I use is in flathub too so I just use that.
Come play internet pictionary, gamergays https://sketchful.io/room/f6FJ2
>>265028 >Alert >Couldn't find the room: #f6FJ2
>>265003 Jim did the same shit they did.
So what should I learn in my spare time to get a better job? apart form being Bilingual, I really have no other skills to speak of and I don't want this dead end job forever. I need something else to do other than drawing all day.
>>265031 Python
>>265031 >drawing all day Post art.
>>265033 see >>264994 >>265011 >>265032 I can give that a try, where should I start?
>>265031 IVe found that being able to use Excel and other such office programs is really helpfull in any job that requires organizing items. This is of course talking about minor skills that you can learn quickly, not actual trades.
>>265035 can I use open office while learning Excel? I imagine the most that changes is shortcuts
>>265034 >I can give that a try, where should I start? Don't know. I just know it's the easiest programming language so I assume it would be the best language to learn for basic automation in a workplace. I also think it's what most of the generative AI shit is programmed in, or at least the GUI's are. You could also just learn how to navigate through Linux. I've heard of people getting jobs just based on the fact they know how to navigate folders in a terminal. Even when the jobs have nothing to do with Linux specifically. Plus you could learn basically all of that shit in like 3 days. But you'll probably forget it in 3 days the second you stop using it so perhaps a waste of time.
>>761131 Did /leftyuck/ find this place again?
>>265031 CCNA certification, its a pair of books totaling $40 with simulation software and a $2k test. $40-80k jobs playing with ethernet cables and terminals, possibly remote work, from what I gather. >>265035 I remember one person was ranting that excel should be killed in favor of databases, but proto-codemonkies like spreadsheets.
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>>265031 Microsoft Excel and VBA
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>>265036 I did use open office, the problem is that sometimes the document gets fucked while transfering to microsoft office or any other program the person is using. But what really matters is being able to make something neat and understandable, unless youre straight up an office employee, noone expects you to make anything more complex than spreadsheets. >>265039 >excel should be killed in favor of databases >big companies and institutions >changing progrems and hardware unless it is absolutely needed LMAO
>>265041 It's also very bigoted to downsize all the sarahs using excel in accounting with a handful of pajeet programmers and auditor handlers.
>>265042 In defense of the sarah being in change of tardwrangling my workcrew, she was really hard working and actually cared.
>>265038 What is with these types not understanding we don't like when game devs dunk on us for not liking shitty games with terrible practices or leftist stuff?
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Alright, so. CCNA certification, basic Microsoft Excel and VBA. (if I can fit it in, I can try Python on the side) I'll do my best to get into these and hopefully I can move my way up into getting a better job. I'm tired of delivering to rich people's homes for a living.
>>265008 So glow in the darks did it again.
>>265045 Droodanon, if you really want to move up from the bottom tier of labourers, you should learn a trade, and a good one that isnt easily replaceable. Something like welding, electrician, maintenance, stuff that isnt easily replaced by automation.
>>265038 The only thing more pathetic than a pay piggy is a fucking faggot that runs off to the circlejerk thread to get people to dog-pile someone you could easily dismantle with your hands tied behind your back.
>>265047 I did try to give welding a try but I couldn't get because of unexpected financial issues. mom got laid off her job, reduced hours at my job until peak season and it will go down again
>>265029 Try again, or maybe check your uMatrix settings
>>265045 >CCNA Cisco networking shit, entry level. That's probably the one thing going for you if you go that path. The rest is pretty much inane bullshit. You will be expected to hop between jobs repeatedly and most people will have no idea what your actual value is while going out of their way to be faggots. You will be doing at best band-aids and quick fixes, never anything bigger or more comprehensive to cover actual weaknesses. I legitimately believe that if a company gets hacked they fucking deserve it because they have no fucking idea what the hell they're doing. Personal experience. You may be better off going into a trade, beware of the faggot boomers who won't stop working who will give you shit at every turn, though.
>>265049 Youre in the USA, right? Why not zogbot a little in the chair force or something like that related to engineering to get some education and income if your situation is that dire?
>>265050 >requires disabling adblock >instantly plays ear rape ad the second you do Nah fuck that shit I'll pass.
>>265052 I don't like the military and the stories from people I know who are former military made me avoid it at all costs throughout the years. especially because everyone who tried goading me into it kept bringing up muh benefits or getting a foreign girlfriend like some kind of sleezey snake oil salesman.
>>265051 Could still move up the cert ladder to a CCNP or something for the juicy network security jobs.
>>265054 I mostly say it because of the maintenance crews and people that run support jobs, from what youre telling me you dont even have the stability to learn an actual trade. But hey man, if you figure something out, all the better.
>>265031 Better a dead end job than no job at all. I tell you by experience.
>>265011 >this odd romanticized combination of the 90's - mid 2000's Holy shit, is that what it feels to parody my childhood? >Spoiler Should have guessed. The thing I fucking loathe is this shit spreading here in EU due to the net, since our ghetto speak isn't even speech, just screams before an explosion. >>265031 >apart form being Bilingual That's a bit old hat nowadays, people scoff at those who aren't at least tri-lingual outside the english speaking world. Still have to learn german and trying to remember my french while practicing my spanish which is useless due to the differences between EU span-lingo and the various murikan ones. I fucking want to kill myself at times since I also been trying to learn nip on my own but nobody uses it anywhere else so it's one of those "dead-end skills" that people mock you for The other anons telling you to learn some Excell will take you a long way, this is very useful even in sciences you didn't even think they needed it. It's insane how much you can do later in life just by being adequate to it + you secure some nice wagieslave seats just by virtue of knowing how to use the "green part of Microsoft office" better than Jimbob who got in because aunty sucked dick. >>265054 Don't do it, not worth it. Even the countries that have mandatory military don't want those jobs and they pay well, very well. You have to be a little fucked in the head to want a stable military job in what is, according to "non-conspiratards", a time of peace otherwise.
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>>265055 That's only if you can get sustained work. Cisco's branded bullshit demands you have paperwork-backed time spent doing whatever the fuck they qualify as networking and network security so that way you can get their shiniest piece of paper that you hang on the wall that nobody fucking reads nor cares about. I fucking hate the so-called "technology" sector.
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>>265055 >juicy
>>265058 literally the only difference between castillan and the different dialects of spanish in Latin america is that the Latin American kind is full of slang that it's only mutually intelligible if you speak to people of the middle class and up. the poor could understand you but you won't understand them. Now French I tried learning but Jesus Christ I hate how half the vowels are silent and the use of pas feels like a double negative
>>264914 >>264909 I get that it's bad for nazis but why is it bad for gamergate when they're protesting journalism?
>>265054 It's shit, don't go. You'll be an elite pack mule for not being a woman or a tranny, until eventually something gets scapegoated onto you. It doesn't confer many actual skills unless you never opened a car hood before and can't read books or watch jewtube videos about it. The rest of the jobs are either 2cool4u or meat fodder, unless you want to become a doctor that way for some reason and possibly have to spend some more years back home on college for a medical loicense to get sued for misgendering someone. >>265059 There's always comptia certs, I heard they're cheaper. And certification is still proof you understand the subject, the cisco test involves network debugging and shit apparently. Compared to a college diploma that becomes more dated as time goes on, a cert that needs renewing every so and so years is more reliable if you want a commodity worker. It's not a great job but I wager it's better than retail or food service.
>>265058 >which is useless due to the differences between EU span-lingo and the various murikan ones. Nah, if you speak spanish in chile you speak spanish in spain, tha same with any other hispanic country, while the lenguage has local things, every single native spanish speaker is completely capable (and expected) to speak a neutral lenguage if a foreigner doesnt understand him. >>265061 Anon, even spain is filled with regional slangs, and again, no, everyone can understand each other if they cut back on the regional dialects.
>>265053 My uBlock is still enabled on the site, it just requires changing a few uMatrix settings in most cases
>>265063 Cert (((mercantilism))) was supposed to be a way for companies to continue to invest and keep their people. Now it's nothing more than a fucking paywall that doesn't guarantee shit.
>>265054 Do it, your comics will actually be funny
>>265048 Wait pointing and laughing at spergs is now bad? >>265045 I get how you feel anon I do commercial art for few companies and I feel unhappy
>>265066 Perhaps, but at least it's something besides "I cleaned floors for 8 years and was never employed." Obviously programming is more lucrative but that seems even more like codemonkey hell until you find a nice one.
>>265061 >>265064 That's a relief at least.
>>265068 >Wait pointing and laughing at spergs is now bad? It's bad when you cross-post about in multiple threads like a fucking retard getting a discord clique to raid a thread.
>>265068 > I do commercial art sounds ghastly >>265063 Yeah, that's why I'm not doing it. my coworker said that before he got discharged, the army wanted him to take as a college course in both Film and deep sea diving, shit's ridiculous.
>>265071 Mind showing me where I somehow posted this multiple times? I'm sure the proof is overwhelming in your mind. >>265072 >sounds ghastly It pays but I feel unhappy and I want to change things in my life.
>>264969 Can someone explain why this keeps being posted each thread? Do you know that Japanese anons on the Japan imageboards tend to be not very keen when they see this right?
>>265074 Because hes an annoying autist, same as when he went on a spergout and demanded everyone download every video shared instead of using links.
>>265073 >Mind showing me where I somehow posted this multiple times? I'm sure the proof is overwhelming in your mind. Laughing at someone in the thread where they are saying something stupid is one time. Going into another thread to bring it up like some catty retard is the multiple time. There's your overwhelming proof.
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>>265071 >It's bad when you cross-post about in multiple threads like a fucking retard getting a discord clique to raid a thread. You say that as if it's not what the /cow/ kiddies and kiwis would do nowadays. And this place still gets many of those leftovers spilling >>265072 >sounds ghastly It is.
>>761309 I've been reading the thread about the image graphic and it reads like someone whose never interacted with Japanese people or any idea of Japanese board culture. It almost reads like a white leftist who defends minorities/immigrants but doesn't know anything about them. >>265075 >same as when he went on a spergout and demanded everyone download every video shared instead of using links Mind explaining this one? >>265076 >There's your overwhelming proof. So pretty much you have no actual proof for your argument how of I'm somehow crossposting multiple times, good to know Mr Holmes a masterful deduction of high intellect! >>265077 I had to make a simplified logo for one company two months ago I can't say who but it made me dead inside.
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>doing excel tutorial >doing a part about payroll >feel dopamine rush as I see numbers go up, like a caveman seeing pretty lights
>>265078 >Mind explaining this one? See >>264965 Well, he freaked out because anons sharing individous or yewtu.be links was ALSO helping google. Mind you, this was not an effort to archive important information that might get deleted or something usefull, it was him sperging at anons sharing random vidya or memetic videos with each other for multiple threads and screeching at everyone to download and turn to webm everything they want to share "to take down google!", as if the ammount of anons here ammount to anything to such a platform. >So pretty much you have no actual proof for your argument how of I'm somehow crossposting multiple times It is an insanely bitch move though.
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>>265077 >You say that as if it's not what the /cow/ kiddies and kiwis would do nowadays If what I'm saying is that doing that is bad and being a herdnigger is not then how would I be saying that as if it's not what herdniggers do. That doesn't make sense. >>265078 >So pretty much you have no actual proof for your argument how of I'm somehow crossposting multiple times, good to know Mr Holmes a masterful deduction of high intellect! I didn't say you cross-posted multiple times. I said you posted about it multiple times by cross-posting.
>>265077 >firefox It's just a tail now.
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>>265080 >Mind you, this was not an effort to archive important information that might get deleted or something usefull, it was him sperging at anons sharing random vidya or memetic videos with each other for multiple threads and screeching at everyone to download and turn to webm everything they want to share "to take down google!", as if the ammount of anons here ammount to anything to such a platform. That's fucking insane. >>265082 >I didn't say you cross-posted multiple times. I said you posted about it multiple times by cross-posting. >>265071 >It's bad when you cross-post about in multiple threads Are you a clown?
>>265016 >>265015 I think New York was safer during the 70s and crack head 80s. >What will replace white supremacy and Islamic terrorism,as fake boogeymen? I say Russians and the Mexican cartel. If you believe in Predictive programming. Mexican cartel will be next. Mind you homeland security help pay for call of duty development and the Mexican cartel now the big bad in call of duty.
>>265078 I'm sorry to hear that anon. I hope you find a better job that doesn't make you loathe your art skills. >>265078 >I've been reading the thread about the image graphic and it reads like someone whose never interacted with Japanese people or any idea of Japanese board culture. It almost reads like a white leftist who defends minorities/immigrants but doesn't know anything about them. To be a bit unecessarily fair to that anon, he seems to be very much a gen z fag, so no shit he doesn't have any ideas how nip IB culture is or how little it has changed from the early 2000s up until now, unlike the guys that used to requent /a/ or mostly /jp/ and /m/. >>761317 兄貴 >>265082 You getting uppity about a generalised example I gave doesn't do you any favours, man. Calm down. This board tends to have these types, they've always been tourists ever since the cripple days. >>265083 >ryangosling.mp3
>>265084 The first post is in one thread, then the cross post is in the multiple thread. It's very simple.
>>265083 >>265077 Firefox killed its own market share and fast. I remember YouTube before Google buyout recommended fire fox.
>>265088 My sin is still using FF due to digital Stockholm Syndrome and hating Opera due to past experiences. I do uninstall Jewgle Chrome on any PC I use, even work ones and none's the wiser about it, as my revenge against those Alphabet fucks.
>>265086 >You getting uppity about a generalised example I gave doesn't do you any favours, man. Calm down. If me saying your example doesn't make very much sense is "uppity" to you then you really haven't spent very long on imageboards. I could not have phrased that in a more cordial way if I tried.
>>265089 >opera Why do retards keep bringing up this chink spyware. There is no context in which you should be using it >My sin is still using FF There are "forks" of FF that are literally just FF with good default settings. Just use librewolf or brave when sites break because they don't support firefox.
>>265087 Again since you are a clown >>265082 >I didn't say you cross-posted multiple times. I said you posted about it multiple times by cross-posting. >>265071 >It's bad when you cross-post about in multiple threads I think it's simple you are a simpleton. >>265086 >I hope you find a better job I'm going to leave and find a Job in Japan in two years so wish me luck. >>265086 >he seems to be very much a gen z fag, so no shit he doesn't have any ideas how nip IB culture is or how little it has changed from the early 2000s up until now, unlike the guys that used to requent /a/ or mostly /jp/ and /m/ It's actually interesting how online communities in Japan and to an extent Worst Korea have been mostly the same since the 2000s, a study about that would be more compelling then the rubbish graphic that anon or the other guy in said thread made.
>>265089 >My sin is still using FF due to digital Stockholm Syndrome and hating Opera due to past experiences If it makes you feel better. I still have autistic debates with people on MySpace being a better social media than Facebook in every way. What killed my space was fox being retarded. My myspace had a better community and customization. Also, MySpace games were better than Facebook games.
>>265092 >I'm going to leave and find a Job in Japan in two years so wish me luck. >going to work in japan Be carefull anon, they like to overwork people. And we are not talking the normal overwork of the west, im talking about the kind that harms people mentally and even gets them killed.
>>265094 I'm aware of the risk but I need to get out of Canada before they euthanise me due some batshite Doc or throw me in Jail due to our upcoming Best Korea laws for the internet
>>265095 Dont leave your country without having an actual contract beforehand.
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>>265090 >then you really haven't spent very long on imageboards. 555-come-on-now It's not your phrasing, it's the way you jump on the posts. Posting-wise it may not be indignant but the behaviour is jumpy. You don't have to spend much time on IBs to know that, you just need to know how people act in the first place. >>265092 >I'm going to leave and find a Job in Japan in two years so wish me luck. がんばれ, としあき君 >It's actually interesting how online communities in Japan and to an extent Worst Korea have been mostly the same since the 2000s, a study about that would be more compelling then the rubbish graphic that anon or the other guy in said thread made. To their merit, they haven't changed much. On the other hand, they really haven't changed much. It just has advantages and disadvantages, though given the current state of the web and the tech around it, I'd rather go back to those sweet Windows XP and some web 1.0 / early web 2.0 sites and blogs and flash. The big benefit is that the rules never change so newfags quickly learn them and adhere to them, regardless of the generation so even if you see some nip zoomer that goes on and has a minecraft channel on youtube don't ask you could still potentially find him IRL or on a board and he'd act like you'd expect him to given the circumstances. >>265093 Kek, nice my guy. I was never into social media but myspace always had a funnier legacy than facejew, that's for sure. >>265095 Canada I'm so sorry to hear that anon, best of luck to you.
>>265093 >myspace had a better community and customization >customization So did youtube once upon a time. Bout the only thing that reminds me of that period is one of those invidious instances, puffy or something jp, that has Suwako in the background.
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>>265096 I'm not leaving without a job and contract lined before hand, I'm making two trips one this year and the other next as I'm being that thorough. >>265098 >I'm so sorry to hear that anon, best of luck to you. Most are moving to Alberta but most who are smart are leaving to the US as even Brandon ran America is a better alt then Canada, I'm leaving to Japan and might go to the US after ten years in Japan. >>265099 >Reminder myspace had active goreposting/guro groups who'd ruin your day just because you looked at them wrong I miss when the net was the wild west.
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When exactly did GG threads lose their sense of direction?
>>265083 >commie web browser ate its pet Why am I not surprised?
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>>761345 Hey lcp
>>265098 >It's not your phrasing, it's the way you jump on the posts. Posting-wise it may not be indignant but the behaviour is jumpy. You don't have to spend much time on IBs to know that, you just need to know how people act in the first place. You are a schizophrenic retard. Feel free to use this post to confirm your bias about me being really upset you stupid fuck.
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>>265101 it all went downhill after the incident
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Commercial coding requires a whole different skillset compared to freelance shit like we do. You have to not just be able to code, but you have to be able to read and understand the most obscure code written by other people and be able to work with it very quickly. And then you have to write your own code very agnostically and with a lot of comments so that the most mouth-breathing retard can follow what you're doing and work with it later. Commercial coding tends to be sterile and uncreative as fuck because of this, and it becomes mind-numbing to work with after a while. Its also why AI tools can be used to write a lot of commercial code nowadays - the shit's so generic that AI can get it right about 80% of the time, only requiring some tweaking by actual programmers to get the pieces to fit together. Gone are the days of "evil bit-twiddling hack, what the fuck?" in commercial software, which is both good and bad from an end-user standpoint, but whereas I once went to school to learn C++ and hoped to become a professional programmer I wouldn't ever want to be doing that today. The field has just become way less interesting, and the current obsession with ML certainly doesn't help.
>>265098 >Kek, nice my guy. I was never into social media but myspace always had a funnier legacy than facejew, that's for sure For real. MySpace only died because fox decided the site should be a music social media site and fucking over everyone else whose hobby isn’t following hipster indie bands. Instead marketing to baby boomers that were afraid of MySpace. Gaia online is where I learned nerdy girls were sluttier than cheerleaders on MySpace. >>265099 Zoomers have no idea how fun OG MySpace was. Going to high school while MySpace was amazing. Everyone was calling each other fags and the easiest way to find the school sluts. Even female teachers were posting pictures of themselves in slutty outfits and being passed out drunk. I am still shocked Gaia online wasn’t more infamous considering all the shit that went down on gaia online back in the day.
>>265008 >fake bogeyman Anon, if you knew anything about Islam you’d know they aren’t’ fake’.
>>265106 >you have to write your own code very agnostically and with a lot of comments so that the most mouth-breathing retard can follow what you're doing and work with it later. Sounds like a way to destroy your own job security.
>>265109 I'm pretty sure this is unironically true, you have two subclasses, writing sloppy code and leaving before they catch on, or writing sloppy code that you "fix" every so often to save the day.
>>265109 Better to "destroy" peoples job security than have decades of spaghetti code that no one can work with because one guy retired.
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>>265106 see what I mean again. see what I mean some more.
>>265104 Whatever you say man. ¯ \ _ (⏒.⏒) _ / ¯ >>265107 By the time girls in my highschool learned what MySpace was, we already knew about the myspace lens and the catfishing that went on by fat goth chicks instead, it was hilarious to the point where even commercials made fun of these.
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>>264933 Show me anything that says that.
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>>264932 Okay mudshark.
>>265116 Nigger.
>>265118 no thats the other one.
>>265115 The Catholic church. Sex must be ordered to procreation.
>>265120 circular reasoning with extra steps.
>>265121 >Circular reasoning May as well just discard Christianity if you're going to bring that up, Mr. Fedoranigger.
>>264978 For the record, I only shit once or twice a week. They're dense healthy brown turds that leave virtually nothing behind for the toilet paper to wipe. I can actually get by with just one square. Hell, half the time it's like a phantom turd, because it doesn't float and sinks right down into the toilet's neck, so when I look behind - there's just nothing there but piss water. There's no gastric distress, no bloating, associated with it. I try to eat healthy within a six hour window, and then skip every tuesday and thursday entirely outside of a very small meal when taking my daily supplements. When I was fat, I was shitting pasty like three times a day, and would joke sometimes about only shitting once a week as a form of extreme physical training. I had no idea. Now I'm actually am crapping only once a week, and I've never felt better.
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>>265122 okay.
>>265124 Gonna bite the bait. If you are not going to care about religious dogma, why do you want to contradict religious dogma? I guess you are just looking for (you)s, so choke on them and go back to reddit.
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>>265125 Gonna bite the bait. >If you don't care about X, why do you disagree with it?
>>265125 who says I want to contradict religious dogma? the wests abandonment of it and embracing of progressive social experiments is whats gotten them into the mess they're in. you just need to understand the reason why religious dogma failed is that its entire foundation was based on a lie. if you can't articulate why religious dogma is good without citing the lie then you aren't going to convince anyone.
>>265120 >>265122 Then the Catholic Church is retarded. The Bible doesn't say that sex with no intention to procreate is a sin, as long as you're married. It also doesn't say interracial marriage/sex is a sin, for any retards that believe that.
>>265127 Then what is the lie?
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>>265128 >Then the Catholic Church is retarded.
>>265128 >>265130 I don't like the catholic church either despite being Christian, but they're right sometimes for example about the trinity (which also isn't explicitly stated in the bible). There are also a story in the bible where God gets mad at someone for spilling their seed on the floor.
>>265127 >you just need to understand the reason why religious dogma failed is that its entire foundation was based on a lie. It's not a lie, there is evidence for the resurrection of Jesus Christ.
>>265131 >There are also a story in the bible where God gets mad at someone for spilling their seed on the floor. That's the sin of Onan. It's not a Catholic invention, it's in the Bible, and it's not about masturbation, people just quote it out of context. Onan fucked his brother's wife but always came outside on the floor because he knew he wouldn't get to raise the child if he got her pregnant. God said this was a sin. People quote the line at the end about spilling seed on the floor and it being a sin and say "Look right here, the Bible says masturbation is bad!". It doesn't say that there, it's very fucking clear that fucking your brother's wife is a sin. There's other quotes that that do, like Jesus saying if your right hand causes you to sin it would be better to cut it off. But Onan, the whole root of the terminology of onanism and onahole and the like, was not actually about masturbation. >>265132 >there is evidence for the resurrection of Jesus Christ. Let me guess, historical accounts and artifacts that "suggest" things in the same vein as the left saying "X suggests Y was actually quite progressive!"?
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>>265077 >pics <Here are my objectively correct opinions: I like the vibrant gradients of the 2017 Firefox icon best. Shape of the tip of the tail for 2017-2019 just looks better while the previous tails look more like sparks toward the end than a flame. They should not have shrunk the globe for 2019 design, that was a very poor choice. Going simpler in design for an icon is not a bad thing because a simpler design makes it easier to identify even when the icon is displayed very small. Tiny favicons on websites especially benefit from simplicity. The Pringles design was already simplistic enough. It didn't need to be simplified further. I could not find the "Merry Pringles" post screencap so here is a kitten in a Pringles tube instead.
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>>265133 >It's not a Catholic invention, it's in the Bible, That That's my point. No, i'm not saying that thats why masturbation is a sin (masturbation is a sin because of lust), i'm saying that because Onan didn't listen to God and procreate with his brother's wife he sinned, God also says to be fruitful and multiply. >Let me guess, historical accounts and artifacts that "suggest" things in the same vein as the left saying "X suggests Y was actually quite progressive!"? There are Historical accounts for Jesus,
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ACID!! make it so the archive site doesn't get any of the themes, so that this https://archive.md/E8gT6 doesn't happen, also can we have pic related or something like it that the guys over at /ac/ did for themselves by default on boards? >>265001 >spoiler 3rd one
>>265134 They are terrible
>>265132 Since I'm in the mood for this sort of thing, I took a glance. No idea what you expect telling people "There's evidence, I have it right here!", and then dropping 120 page epub, and a 1400 page pdf without pointing out to anyone wherein these large and behemoth masses of text exists your alleged evidence. The short one on the history of the Bible is without any clear indication of where it speaks of the resurrection of Christ, so I've skipped it. Evidence That Demands a Verdict has a section dealing with evidence for Jesus. I skipped to the significant non-Christian sources, but the only one dealing with Christ's resurrection is one that reads as if it was written from a Christian perspective, when other sources claim the writer was not a Christian at the time, and it is debated as to its authenticity. Would you care to point out where there's real evidence of Christ's resurrection, or do you expect everyone to read thousands of pages of meta literature on Christianity and the Bible like some leftist twat going "Educate urself, bigot!" to anyone not swallowing their drivel with a smile? >>265135 >i'm saying that because Onan didn't listen to God and procreate with his brother's wife he sinned Did God explicitly tell him to commit adultery with his brother's wife? Because that's what you're now claiming and only makes everything incredibly more contradictory. >There are Historical accounts for Jesus, Nobody said there weren't. Muhammad was a real person too. Doesn't mean either of them really performed any divine actions like miracles or hearing the word of God. Anon claimed there's evidence that Jesus was resurrected.
>>265134 >Going simpler in design for an icon is not a bad thing because a simpler design makes it easier to identify even when the icon is displayed very small. Tiny favicons on websites especially benefit from simplicity. It is understandable for favicons. However, when a lot of them adopt that graphic style for say a building or advertisement, it is homogeneous and they feel the same despite being from different industries. And that isn't mentioning the same politics they coincidentally have as far the push for 'diversity and inclusion'
>>265135 >i'm saying that because Onan didn't listen to God and procreate with his brother's wife he sinned >the lack of procreation was the sin <not the adultery wew lad >God also says to be fruitful and multiply. Be fruitful and multiply simply means have children. That doesn't make it a sin to have sex without the intention of having children, it just means have children at some point in your life.
>>265138 > Would you care to point out where there's real evidence of Christ's resurrection, or do you expect everyone to read thousands of pages of meta literature on Christianity and the Bible like some leftist twat going "Educate urself, bigot!" to anyone not swallowing their drivel with a smile? The evidence for the bible is the evidence for the resurrection, but there is also The Case for Christ "PART 3 Researching the Resurrection" But this book has kind of been criticized by the Case Against The Case for Christ. >Nobody said there weren't. There are soo many esoteric wizards fringe types who i come across that believe Jesus never existed and till fight tooth and nail at every single historical source for Jesus.
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>>264969 I'm going to respond to you again, do you actually understand Japanese culture or their imageboard culture period? I've been reading your thread from top to bottom and seen your recent posts and they scream of such intense ignorance and delusions that I can't help but wonder if you're ok mentally.
>>265141 >The evidence for the bible is the evidence for the resurrection Lmao. A book exists saying supernatural things happened, so they did. Is Christianity also /x/? >The Case for Christ "PART 3 Researching the Resurrection" Could give me a page number? I've skimmed several pages now that are just about how this fag is paying a visit to some doctor he knows that will enlighten him and repeatedlysaying without citing that "the swoon theory is bunk peddled by conspiracy theorists." >There are soo many esoteric wizards fringe types who i come across that believe Jesus never existed and till fight tooth and nail at every single historical source for Jesus. I haven't done much research on this, and he was probably real, but there's also probably a decent case to be made that he wasn't given how often that I hear and see that most literature supporting his existence was written after long after his actions.
>>265001 Don't worry man, theres no autoimmune disease, he's going be back after 1 year
>>265143 page 175
>>265143 Sorry i mean page 174.
>>265144 Isn't this what he always does? He gets called out, throws a drama fit and then comes back six months to a year later with a new name?
>>264969 >No Elder Scrolls Daggerfall ur ghey, and even if I still had contact with my former Japanese coworkers I wouldn't give them this.
>>265147 Yes he's been doing this since the lillylivers and BigAl 2k6 days.
>>265146 Yes. That's where I started. >PART 3 >Researching the Resurrection >11: THE MEDICAL EVIDENCE >Was jesus' Death a Scam and His Resurrection a Hoax? I paused to read the plaque hanging in the waiting room of a doctor's office: "Let conversation cease. Let laughter flee. This is the place where death delights to help the living." Obviously, this was no ordinary physician. I was paying another visit to Dr. Robert J. Stein, one of the world's foremost forensic pathologists, a flamboyant, husky-voiced medical detective who used to regale me with stories about the unexpected clues he had uncovered while examining corpses. For him, dead men did tell tales-in fact, tales that would often bring justice to the living. >During his lengthy tenure as medical examiner of Cook County, Illinois, Stein performed more than twenty thousand autopsies, each time meticulously searching for insights into the circumstances surrounding the victim's death. Repeatedly his sharp eye for detail, his encyclopedic knowledge of the human anatomy, and his uncanny investigative intuition helped this medical sleuth reconstruct the victim's violent demise. Sometimes innocent people were vindicated as a result of his findings. But more often Stein's work was the final nail in a defendant's coffin. Such was the case with John Wayne Gacy, who [...] He spends a good while just talking about this doctor and not about his findings about Jesus or anything really important. I feel like I'm looking up a recipe online but have have to read through the author's life story to get to the ingredient list like usual.
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>>264860 You're a Schlomosexual
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>>265143 Everybody knows that Jesus is just a composite of a bunch of earlier gods, like Ra - the sun god - and Jesus is the son of God (see how similar they sound!). Then it became a mythical drape to throw over the Roman god Mithras, so that Rome could manipulate the masses and after letting it bake for 2,000 years, usher in a New World Order that would enslave us all. They're playing the loooong-game, boyos. China's got nothing on the Papacy **who are actually gray aliens working for the Nephilim and Repilians in order to take back the world so we can mine gold for their atmospheric shielding
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>Ra and Jesus sounds similar ok, boomer.
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>>265150 There are like four chapters on it. I'd recommend reading the whole book. >Jesus copied Ra https://yewtu.be/watch?v=5FR08QtvapM >Jesus being a copy of X https://yewtu.be/playlist?list=PL1mr9ZTZb3TVOYpPpjYhTUHXycJrY6P2I
>>265155 Jesus Christ, tripsman.
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>>265155 >I'd recommend reading the whole book. I already have videogames, cartoons, cartoon porn, and shitposting as hobbies. I don't think I want to add extensive religious research to that, and will only research as far as sources get to the fucking point instead of meandering about with constant digression.
>>265153 >everybody knows Appeal to popularity. Appeal to tradition. Outright lie. >just a composite Disproven millennia ago. Tip your fedora somewhere else, yid.
>>265157 Okay, you can read whatever you want, but there are no subject that you can read about that interests you?
>>265158 it's bait, most likely.
>>265158 >Taking a facetious shitpost seriously >(1) Are you just trying to make Christians look stupid or something? >>265159 >but there [sic] are no subject that you can read about that interests you? I've already read all of H.P. Lovecraft save for what is not publicly available. I've read about half of War and Peace before it got boring. Maybe one day I'll read cosmic horror written by Lovecraft's colleagues and adherents.
>>265153 Nice try Horus
>>265161 >Taking a facetious shitpost seriously Poe's Law, man. We've had those people here before.
>>265163 >Grey aliens working for the Nephilim and Reptilians Nah, brah. You can't hide behind Poe's law on this one.
>>265165 Okay? I didn't post it.
>>265164 You are silly.
>>265166 Don't pretend I wasn't just talking about you taking that obvious joke seriously.
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>>265168 It wasn't obvious. People actually believe that shit.
>>264972 >Flag_of_the_British_Union_of_Fascists.png Looks like they were early fans of Pikachu. >>265101 When Signpost Anon died.
>>265170 Not anyone that posts here. It was very obvious. You were very silly to have thought it was serious.
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>>265165 >You can't hide behind Poe's law on this one. I think he actually can. I used to see this shit first hand all the time on the Above Top Secret forums back in 2007-2008, and I knew family members pulled in by Zeitgeist and Zecharia Sitchin and all that. I like to think it kind of helped to inoculate me against modern leftism, because I saw people drawn in by that shit - just to end up stripping the iconography off the bones of Christianity and constructing a "new age religion" where the Nords and "Space Brothers" who wanted humanity to evolve in love and cosmic vibrations took the place of god, and the evil gray aliens and reptilians who wanted to devour/enslave humanity were the devil. They believed we were born into a Gaia paradise and have been deceived by the Reptilian devils and the agents of the devils (the governments of the world, exchanging our souls for alien technology) into destroying the world through war and pollution. Humanity was fallen, and needed a savior in order to ascend to the heavens and join the brotherhood. It was fucking wild.
>>265174 >I think he actually can. I used to see this shit first hand all the time on the Above Top Secret forums back in 2007-2008 Yes, but not here. Those kinds of stupid just aren't here. It's like thinking a genuine boomer wandered in when someone jokes about Qshit.
>>265175 Anon.... have you seen our regular shitposters? Absolutely genuine nutjobs exist on this site.
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>>761501 Hey lcp
>>265176 But not that kind. The closest you might get is the rare, very self-aware, /x/-anon.
>>265177 who, now?
>>265175 After seeing some of the anons who've lost their fucking minds here....
Can you show me a funnier game over screen than this?
Found this coon playing in a pool on Anon Cafe and thought it was heckin cute so I'm sharing it here. >>265015 >Never live in a blue city. Implying you'll have a choice in the future, thought criminal! >>265040 >Microsoft Nice try anti Christ. >>761501 Pretty accurate, I still think you could squeeze a Bing Bing Wahoo machine or a Steam Deck in there though.
>>761501 Does anyone have the original pic? Is that a boy or a girl?
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>>265183 Hello fellow /pro/ fren!
>>265184 Oh never mind I'm fucking blind >>265157
>>761517 >a way to meld religious debate with the verboten anti-feminist talking points. Not what you're talking about, pedonigger, but taking you literally, it's easy. A higher power is most often an unfalsifiable claim, just like a rape accusation about a rape from 10 years ago. And if you deny it you just hate Christians/women and are a fedorafag/sexist.
>>265184 It's fag porn. But the author draws lots of traps fucking women as well.
>>265185 lmao, that's actually pretty funny
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>>265189 >It's fag porn. Oh so it's Marks nudes?
>>265191 Mark is not a trap.
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>>265190 QTEs were a blight on gaming but I cannot deny there were some hilarious fail states as a result.
>>265184 He's a boy anon, one of Jairou's works. So be wary of that, also be wary that he draws things other than gay girly traps too I guess. Likes Metal Slug too apparently.
>>265193 >>265185 if it wasn't for the 360/keyboard and mouse buttons it would look like a mobile ad.
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>>265192 He is a trap, you think it's a guy then BAM Jewgina. He has a pussy.
Nigger collapsed on the field during a niggerball game. 10 minutes of CPR, defibrillator used. Is this the first on-field (((vaccine))) death in a US sport? >>265173 No. Cry harder about it.
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>>265196 so hes a fine modern gentleman?
>>265197 >Cry harder about it. I will.
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>>761536 I'm sure it has nothing to do with your infamous pedophilic tendencies.
>>265177 >>265181 What ethnic phenotype is that?
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>>265194 >Jairo cool guy
If you were married to Vivan what would you do to troll her?
>>265201 Mongoloid
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>>265203 knock her up
>>265203 Force her to have sex with Mark
>>265206 Thats fucked up.
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>>265206 What the fuck is wrong with you?
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>>265206 >Married to Viv >Force her to have sex with Mark >You will then presumable have sex with her after that Just admit you want to fuck Mark, anon.
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>>761540 uh, no, sorry deluded pedojew, but I already reported you twice way back when were still 4d96ae & b84b57.
>>265206 Have Jewcy memes gone too far?
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>>761565 The point being that you make pedoniggers just as insufferable and annoying as the public thinks they are.
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These threads are the same arguments ad nauseum. This drooling zombie which fails to resemble GG is just depressing to witness. You've heard these complaints. The solution? Attract more posters? Where are they? A tiny minority of productive anons made OC, tried to elevate the board while a majority of unproductive tards stayed wrangled in this thread (leaving other threads to rot) arguing and dumping fag smut. For fuck sake, just do a news cyclical already. I'm not sorry for saying it. Thread after thread of this, nothing ever changes for the better, it makes me want to strangle someone.
>>265216 Noooo you can't just make the gamergate thread a cyclical, then nobody would post in it nooooooo.
>>265216 >fag smut Hypothetically, if you could flip a switch and end every homosexual on this board you'd lose absolutely nothing of value. All the best contributors (drawfags, as the example) are overwhelmingly heterosexual while the trash incessantly sharing their incontinence and nigger fetishes contribute literally nothing of value. Homosexuals are the most worthless, unproductive trash on this board. You know it's the truth.
>>265218 Don't forget the pedoniggers, then again that would be an oxymoron wouldn't it?
>>265219 Why use a plural when it's one guy?
>>265219 That's just one guy at this point.
>>265206 What in the blue fucking hell is wrong with you?!
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>>265218 >Homosexuals >unproductive Yeah, duh. They don't reproduce.
>>264982 >>this only appeared on the original 1995 VHS release before being altered for future releases as a result of parents complaining That's rather ironic when the song is suppose to be sinister. >>265001 >and whatever season of digimon has renamon in it Tamers, season three >but no one must ever know I have this feel Why? A lot of people are nostalgic for aughts anime that use to air on Fox Kids. >>265031 >So what should I learn in my spare time to get a better job? <People skills >>265080 >Mind you, this was not an effort to archive important information that might get deleted or something usefull <Telling people to post the content from another source that ISN'T Jewtube DOESN'T contribute towards the archival of quality content Excuse me, could you explain your logic behind this? >sharing random vidya or memetic videos with each other for multiple threads and screeching at everyone to download and turn to webm everything they want to share "to take down google!" That never happened. The closest was ONE autist who sperged out and started spamming vanilla Jewtube links in response to the idea of breaking away from Goolag, to which everyone laughed at him for it. Most Anons here don't give to shits about taking either side really, though the sperg has started getting anal and declaring that anyone who links to Odysee is now the "same" autists. >>265142 >do you actually understand Japanese culture To an extent, though it's still quiet limited. >or their imageboard culture period? Absolutely zilch about that, I have to admit. >>265153 >see how similar they sound! <Similar sounding words in 21st century English that have zero correlation to their original words and meanings in Hebrew/Egyptian Is this a fucking shitpost? I have to ask because there are people THIS retarded. >>265175 >Yes, but not here. The most I've seen on imageboards is pagan LARPers. >>265203 Spend an afternoon telling her about how the Game.Com is the best system ever created, even better than the PlayStation 5. >>265216 >This drooling zombie which fails to resemble GG is just depressing to witness. Why don't you do something rather than bitch about it?
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>>265224 >Why don't you do something rather than bitch about it? A post like this gets made every so often and bitching about it is indeed all they ever do.
>>264982 Wait, are you sure? I think I have a DVD of that which has the song, because I do remember the song from watching that episode... somehow. Forever ago.
>>761586 It's best to ignore spam, yeah.
>>761586 Making joke oc about loli and shota content isn't pedofaggotry anon. Fictional things aren't real. There's only one actual pedo in these threads and he's that guy obsessed with Mark because he took away his board where he could post actual real live pictures of children. You'll notice those anons you quoted never have nor expressed a desire to post 3DPD at all. So I'm not sure what you're getting at.
>>761588 You should buy a keyboard with a working shift key.
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>>761592 Now these are the kind of bold moves I expect 2010-era /b/ pedos to have
>>265136 Holy fucking shit the eye rape.
>>265106 Sometimes you have to get working quickly. Sometimes you get stuck on someone's pet project and have time to get very specialized working on the same code base for two or three years, doing whatever the fuck you want to it and hoping that the retards that come later can understand shit. Invariably, they don't.
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>>265233 >Holy fucking shit the eye rape.
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>>761602 We're just poking fun at your inability to let go, surely you're not that dense
>>265237 >surely you're not that dense Yes. Yes he is.
>>761608 In other words, still the same jilted ex psycho clinging to acid's butt hair.
How do I deal with loneliness in gaming? I find it hard to enjoy playing a game if I'm not playing it with a friend online. How do I start enjoying playing games by myself?
>>265240 play MMOs?
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I've been gone from this thread for a short time. What have you anons gotten up to? >>265240 Stop being gay. >How do I start enjoying playing games by myself? Literally stop being gay.
>>265240 If the game is shit you won't like it. Most games are carried by peoples desire to be topical for the purpose of socialization, even single player games. I find that playing games that anons have overhyped and tearing them apart like a contrarian faggot for infinite (You)'s brings me great enjoyment in otherwise mediocre titles. But really if you don't have interest in a game you simply shouldn't play it. Even if that means all games.
(924.30 KB 500x418 (ContemplativeJazzMusic).gif)

>>265240 I don't really get this since I've mostly played single player games my whole life. Are you someone who primarily plays competitive games, anon?
>>265241 >play MMOs? I'll check some out >>265242 >Literally stop being gay. I.. >>265243 Its not so much that I don't like the game itself, but rather I feel a sense of loneliness when playing it. For example, the content could be really good and the story well made, however I have no one to share the experience with.. sort of thing.
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>>265224 >A lot of people are nostalgic for aughts anime that use to air on Fox Kids. I know you're talking about one thing, but I hope you're ready for the 1990s nostalgia-bait to commence. would say it's already a thing with the use of the VHS effects
>>265244 Not always competitive per say, but usually multiplayer games. Its always been quite a social thing for me. We would buy the same games, play at the same times, etc.
>>265247 I guess I get that. Often times my friends and I play the same games and talk about them after, so if that's what you mean, then sorry. If your friends stopped talking to you stopped playing then sadly your only real option is to look for discussion online which kinda sucks. I mean, you can do it here, but I'll be real that can be kind of a pain with the general attitude of anons around here. Most posters here don't even admit to playing modern games.
>>265227 Yes, webm related explains the controversy
>>265246 >but I hope you're ready for the 1990s nostalgia-bait to commence I don't need nostalgia bait when I still have VHS recordings that I can watch whenever I want since I finally snagged a VCR several weeks ago. Even then, I've almost entirely checked out of upcoming media so they're not going to be seeing any of my money unless they do something spectacular. For just last year, outside of Top gun, the only other film that interested me was The Bad Guys. In addition, the newest games I actually bought for myself was Freedom Wars back in 2014 and Phantasy Star Nova a few days ago (Both released in 2014). Anything more recent that I would be playing was either gifted to me (With the newest one being Xenoblade X from 2015) or was released for free a some point (Like Ashes and Helltaker). And, looking on the amount of vidya, books, films, and shows that I have sitting on the backlog, I'm reaching the point where I feel like I don't need the rush of new entertainment. Hell, the only games I'm really focusing on acquiring (As in an actually boxed copy of the real thing, fuck digital releases) preferably soon are just predecessors to to series that I have later titles for, like The House of the Dead and Quake. And, the only really "new" thing I want is the Vita release of Umihara.
>>265245 do you like fightan games? I sometimes play on Fightcade (emulator that run neogeo/arcade games) and you can play them online, there are lot of players (mostly spics tho)
>>265248 Yes, I noticed early on that /v/ rarely spends much time actually discussing in-game topics.
>>265251 I haven't played that genre for a while, but I'd be open to trying it out.
>>265249 Not going to school is obedience to God, though.
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>>265250 >I still have VHS recordings that I can watch whenever I want
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>>265206 Oh hai Mark
>>265246 I just want subcultures and demographics back I want my surreal dreamy shit and my Gore filled slasher/flicks.
>>761664 >Dig until they see and know the jew. Man you really aren't from here if you don't think most of the anons here don't know about Jewish power. Holy shit.
>>761666 God what a waste of stan trips. People name the jew every single day here you fucking retard. This is the weakest D&C attempt I've ever seen.
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>>761671 >Because hes the BO, and he decides moderation here. He decides what words mean as well, he calls things he doesn't like "spam", it's so fucking autistic because it's become a catch-all word for him, even if the bans are justified for whatever reason, he won't give a proper descriptor when checking the logs which is honestly fucking obnoxious.
>>761669 Get raped twice and kill yourself, you retarded fucking tranny faggot sack of nigger shit with down syndrome.
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>>761675 That one wasn't me anon. There are multiple people here who think you're a faggot. And by the way, the whole "I'm super calm why are you so angry" attitude while slipping more syllables into your vocabulary to sound "calm, logical and erudite" is one of the oldest "I'm totally not mad" tactics in the book. You're pretty obviously a metafag with a chip on his shoulder. Hell it seems to be metafag central right now. Taking advantage of some dead air during burger sleeping hours I guess. Guess I'll just go to bed and wait for everyone else to show up and laugh at you in the morning. If your posts aren't gone by that point, anyway.
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>>265265 Meta good.
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>>761572 >That ugly ass Cream Whoever made that should be shot. I'll fix it later if nobody else does. Filenames are shit too. Should be "This is your brain on X".
>>265252 Gone are the days of the Nioh topics. >>265258 No can do, you'll take your general audience slop and you'll like it, corporate and reddit said so.
>>265268 >Gone are the days of the Nioh topics. I miss them.
>>761681 It's probably because your expectations of some kind of impersonal army to assimilate into weren't met, since most anons here just just want to shoot shit and watch the threads go by as a monument. It's hard to even care about videogame news anymore since you can just watch someone who actually shows himself playing and reviewing a game on youtube. Besides that it's just the thread reacting to things ecelebs do or current news, which is probably the opposite of what many anons yearn for like the video-download share-my-nip nu-listfag's proactiveness.
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>>761664 outlander, are you 14? you take shit too seriously. > I was ignored in favor of posting gay pornography. You can just say Gay porn, using the full term makes you look like a nerd >I have also tried advising anons on what they could be doing, but this too falls on deaf ears. boohoo, not your personal army >Perhaps with enough push anons could resume what was essentially fact checking Hitler. Dig until they see and know the jew. Many of here where around when /pol/ expanded on 4chan pregamergate or when 8chan and 4chan's pol mixed together before the shitshow that was the Trump election. >afraid to know any more hidden truths. Ah well, at least it serves as a lounge. You talk like a fag and your shit is all retarded. if you really want to feel like you're making a difference, join the NJP or something.
Apparently in his final stream, Jim/MisterMetokur/Internet Aristocrat/Whatever the fuck he was before that might die from cancer soon allegedly.
>>265274 >Couldn't even leave a racemixed hapa abomination behind lmao
>>265275 Idk if he actually has cancer truth be told. I’m thinking it’s another “I’m leaving but actually I’m starting a new channel” episode.
>>265274 This place wouldn't be the same without jim. I do hope he's alright
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>>265271 >podcast bad And yet Stonetoss has been on podcasts in the past. If he wanted to make it about parasocial relationships then vtubers or tiddy streamers would have been a better fit. Anything with more simping involved.
>>265278 Stonetoss is not really ocnsistent, remember how he shilled and defended crypto, only to do a complete 180 after the bitcoin crash. Guy really lost his touch lately
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>>265277 Yeah, displaced and continuosly raided by cows and cucks.
>>265277 The only jim I know is watkins, and his demise can't come soon enough.
>>265277 i'm goin to miss him but let's be honest he was a hypocritical, sperg piece of shit; always throwing shit and look where it sticks. FUCK YOU JIM, your legacy are lolcow and retads.
>>265282 Eh, I think its more just >miserable life approach leads to miserable life decisions
>>265282 Isn’t that what most of the old internet was, aspergeric social retards laughing at people lower on the pecking order than they were, buttressed by hypocritical normalfags who either fell to troll’s remorse or else found a million and one ways to justify their anti-social guilty pleasure (It’s okay to fuck with Chris-Chan because he said he hates gays, aka the typical goon justification)
>>265284 Depends which language of the old internet you used.
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>>265203 Copy her savefiles to an external drive, then corrupt her pc's savefiles to hear her scream in anguish. >That never happened. The closest was ONE autist who sperged out and started spamming vanilla Jewtube links in response to the idea of breaking away from Goolag, to which everyone laughed at him for it. Most Anons here don't give to shits about taking either side really, though the sperg has started getting anal and declaring that anyone who links to Odysee is now the "same" autists. Oh nigger, ITS YOU! It wasnt one anon, it was multiple anons, during multiple threads because previusly you spent a couple of threads screeching at FUCKING EVERYONE that wasnt downloading shit to post it in webm format because you think that would contribute to taking down goolge, you stupid autist. You went so far on your spergout that you started bitching in redtext buth on GG and the meta thread, you annoying retard.
Copy her savefiles to an external drive, then corrupt her pc's savefiles to hear her scream in anguish. >>265224 >That never happened. The closest was ONE autist who sperged out and started spamming vanilla Jewtube links in response to the idea of breaking away from Goolag, to which everyone laughed at him for it. Most Anons here don't give to shits about taking either side really, though the sperg has started getting anal and declaring that anyone who links to Odysee is now the "same" autists. Oh nigger, ITS YOU! It wasnt one anon, it was multiple anons, during multiple threads because previusly you spent a couple of threads screeching at FUCKING EVERYONE that wasnt downloading shit to post it in webm format because you think that would contribute to taking down goolge, you stupid autist. You went so far on your spergout that you started bitching in redtext buth on GG and the meta thread, you annoying retard.
>>761659 > namely because there's nothing more that can be done see >>265004 get to another site and start talking about this, don't stop talking about this, find people who agree with you and get them talking about this. start up Op:Reconnect again. Find people who used to be in GG, get them talking about this.
>>265279 >People thought that highly of Ralph back in the day wew Out of them I knew the first four and only because Baldwin coined the term and IA followed as an anon at the time he really wasn't the only anon that had a jewtube channel after all and the other two followed suit due to the livestreams. But both had an air of being fucked up, given they were aggressively bongs. >>265282 So, your average gen-x anon then? >>265284 >buttressed by hypocritical normalfags who either fell to troll’s remorse or else found a million and one ways to justify their anti-social guilty pleasure You can call them goons, normafags doing such a thing is a post-chanology cancer. Alost every recorded faggot having troll's remorse was almost always a goon, see hbomberguy.
>>265290 IT'S MR. SATURN
>>265274 >he was before that might die from cancer soon allegedly I still think this Jim long term plan to fuck with Ethan Ralph. I almost expect Pewdiepie to be dragged into the Ethan Ralph shit storm.
>>265288 I don't think the guy posting the Twatter Files actually cares about any operation. If he did, the guy would have created a dedicated thread by now for archive all of the posts.
>>265245 >Its not so much that I don't like the game itself, but rather I feel a sense of loneliness when playing it. For example, the content could be really good and the story well made, however I have no one to share the experience with.. sort of thing. Which is why I said most people only enjoy games that are topical, because they play them to have something to talk about with other people. It's why niggercattle will buy notoriously terrible games. Because being able to be apart of that discussion matters more to them then whether or no the game itself is even good or worth the money they spent.
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>>265256 What a based post.
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>>265291 >IT'S MR. SATURN
>>265249 Wow, that's fascinating. I definitely have the original in some format. Glad to; the point of the song was to highlight how wrong idol worship is.
>>265296 I can't believe he died to save the Dreamcast.
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>>265298 not a smart move, all things considered
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To any of you fags making New Years resolutions: Actually specify whatever it is that you want to accomplish, and make sure that you have a damn plan of whatever it is that you'll be doing so that you can actually accomplish the resolutions you set for yourself. In addition, also schedule and track your actions. Reason I'm saying this is because I've been wasting the afternoon straining my brain to be as specific as possible with some of the goals I want to accomplish this year because I've made these resolutions for the past few years and haven't accomplished them due to a lack of foresight in what it is that I'm actually aiming for.
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>>265300 be sure to tell us at the end of the year if you actually ACCOMPLISH anything this time and arent the same waste of fucking skin that youve always been
Do you guys think Henry Cavil browses a version of /v/, even every once in a while?
>>265301 I accomplished two of the six goals I set last year, sadly they were also the two least important to me (Beating a handful of games, and getting involved in stocks).
>>265304 Superman and geralt of rivia, possibly constantine valdor soon.
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>>265304 A really big nerd.
>>265304 He was the star of the Witcher tv series, but apparently got cancelled or something for pointing out that they were trying so hard to make it into SJW trash. Also he was Superman in a bunch of shitty movies. But the shittiness of those movies wasn't really the fault of his performance, but the scripts.
>>265302 Believe it or not anon, imageboards aren't the only places in the world that are aware the the MeJew "movement".
>>265304 He also played Napoleon Solo in the theatrical version of The Man From U.N.C.L.E..
>>265309 Didnt he also play the villain in one of the mission impossible movies?
>>265307 He didn't get cancelled but he did leave the Witcher because they kept fucking with the source material, so one of them made a reddit post about him being "super creepy gamer word using rapist video game playing man".
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>>265274 I'll believe it when he keels. Send me an invite to the funeral: the media will be a circus comparing everyone there to Jan 6th or something retarded like that.
>>265310 Yes, Fallout, the 2018 M:I film.
>>265305 >>265306 >>265307 >>265309 Alright so what I’ve gleamed is that he’s a guy who stars in shitty reboots of older series and also shitty live action adaptations of good video games. He’s also a jock who got into “nerd” stuff later in life after stuffing nerds’ heads in toilets in grade school for fun. I don’t like him and I don’t know why people similar to me would.
>>265315 Envy is a sin, anon.
>>265315 >He’s also a jock who got into “nerd” stuff later in life Lolno, he was a chubby brit kid that got fit, according to him after meeting sean connery and talking to him.
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>>265315 You'z a git
>>265316 People like him should leave people like me alone and not turn my hobbies into normalfag shit and or dig up perfectly fine, old ips that didn’t need to be dredged up to make some new “modern day” version that inevitably shits on the concept of the original and ruins the legacy of characters.
>>265315 have ya look'd at getting a gig working for movie theaters?, they could really use projectors of your caliber.
>>265318 >>265302 >>265306 >>265312 He's the hero we needed but didn't deserve.
>>265315 I feel like this is a copypasta that you could replace with Brendan Fraser or Keanu Reeves, and not change anything.
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>>265291 It's Mr. Satan!
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>>265315 >He’s also a jock who got into “nerd” stuff later in life after stuffing nerds’ heads in toilets in grade school for fun. I would very much like it if you posted proof or facts instead of just making stuff up. >>265302 Archive everything, anon. https://archive.ph/04GgQ
>>265324 >https://archive.ph/04GgQ >When the #MeToo movement reached its peak back in 2018 as a popular movement to call out sual abuse and re culture <"sex" and "rape" have to now be censored Also, this article is from two months ago.
>>265325 sex rape
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>>265324 >He’s also a jock who got into “nerd” stuff later in life after stuffing nerds’ heads in toilets in grade school for fun. It's fine so long as he doesn't feel bad for being a bully jock. Too many bully jocks end up realizing they're past their prime, don't have to try-hard anymore, and escape into geek hobbies they always envied the nerds for having fun with. They then try to over-compensate and be inclusive anti-bullies who just fuck up the hobbies they had no prior investment into. Geeks and Nerds tend to take this contrition as validation, and in addition to female infiltration, will bend over backwards to offer up their hobbies on a silver platter to those who hated them. Only ever trust Dorks and Dweebs - these people tend to be far more unapologetic or ashamed about their social awkwardness and niche interests, as well as more apt to hold grudges and gatekeep. But in that, there is also a kind of "old warriors" mentality where they can form tight bonds with previous bullies who are similarly unapologetic... and can share a mutual appreciation for a hobby, and make natural gatekeeping allies - even if never fully trusting each other either.
>>265324 < Alpha Chad like that who doesn't realize that #MeToo was about giving women political power over men so that they could silence betas, lessers, and outright untermensh like Weinstein. < It's not about justice or equality: I've never met a Feminist in a relationship who didn't meet their partner in a manner that they themselves consider an aspect of "rape culture". It was always about political power over the speech of others, wrapped in something edible.
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>>265326 >sex rape
>>265327 >Only ever trust Dorks and Dweebs The worst advice you could have possibly ever given if you haven't seen what happened when people DID trust "dorks and dweebs" when it came to comic books and video games for the past two decades. Those retards sold everyone out for the validation that their personal past-time was finally "relevant" and "cool".
>>265315 > after stuffing nerds’ heads in toilets in grade school for fun. I feel like this was a myth invented by jewish nerds when they make up stories about them supposedly being bullied for nothing.
>>265305 Heres my casting list for any possible Horus Heresy live action adaptation. Rate my casting.
>>265331 I was never once bullied by jocks in highschool. The people who bullied me were all low IQ future dropouts and criminals. In fact the one guy who bullied me the worst murdered some guy in a holdup a couple years later. The jocks were cool. I didn't fuck with them and they didn't fuck with me in return. We realty didn't interact much because we had nothing much in common but there was no animosity.
>>265224 You bother me with how retarded and obtuse you are.
>>265279 Consistently delivers easy "boomer" humor (never edgy enough to get banned) with some "hello, fellow kids" moments shoehorning the latest "zoomer" thing plus some bad takes occasionally like how removing National Dex from the Pokemon franchise is acktually justified: https://nitter.poast.org/stone_toss/status/1610125471139921922 He's also okay with race-mixing, but I can't find the Tweet on nitter so he must have deleted it.
>>265333 I had the same experience in school. Actually there was no animosity to me in high school by anyone even though I was in the loser's clique by any measure. I was bullied (more like verbally harassed) in elementary school by the cool kids, though.
>>265335 It's not about "financial viability", it's about TIME. That guy has very little clue to what he's talking about and it's on purpose, giving low effort contrarian tweets for the sake of getting attention to stay relevant and get peoples attention+engagement. I wouldn't mind entertaining his retardation if he wasn't a grifting kike who is now out of his element.
>>265333 >>265336 I wasn't cool or popular but I was known.
>>265338 I wonder if Mark was bullied in high school.
>>265339 I hope his fellow kikes beat his ass.
>>265337 Time = employee pay = fiscal drain; he's not wrong. However, his statement is still retarded because a business that changed it's name to THE POKEMON COMPANY should spend the time and money to polish that very game to a mirror fucking sheen rather than jewing out on production costs to get a slightly better profit margin.
>>265340 Well, getting a traumatizing ass-kicking will do one of two things, motivate him into becoming a muscular golem for self defense, or break his spirit and self-isolate for the rest of his days out of fear of it happening again.
Whatever happened to that Wikileaks Twatter alternative?
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>>265341 The Pokemon Company doesn't make vidya gaems. The Pokemon Company sells merchandise.
>>265289 >People thought that highly of Ralph back in the day We used to call him ralphretard
>>265275 It's for the best that he died childless; it'd just result in another Supreme Gentleman. >>265343 I've never heard of wikileaks trying to make another wannabe twatter clone, which probably says enough about it given the failure of all the rest like Parler, Gab, and whatever the fuck Trump tried to do (Truth.social I think?)
Hold on to your butt if you live in SF Bay/LA area. Quake warnings coming in: https://archive.ph/NBvao Though if you're in that area, why haven't you left California yet?
>>265339 I was actually the bully
>>265347 If you live in the SF Bay/LA area you deserve to die, why are you warning them you fuck?
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>>265329 Since female goblins are sex fiends like their men can you even rape them? Cause that would be giving in them. Makes me wonder what a genderbent goblin slayer would be like if all the goblins were female semen demons like your image, anon.
>>265351 >can you even rape them? All you have to do to "rape the willing" is do something in the sex that they don't want. Primarily, if you want it very rapey, being violent beyond their comfort level is an option.
>>265349 >warning them Did you miss the latest memo? It's not a warning anon, it's a coded instruction for West Coast GG to fire up the GamerGate Earthquake Machine and dump California into the Pacific.
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>>265352 >Primarily, if you want it very rapey, being violent beyond their comfort level is an option. Sounds like a challenge considering how violent goblins are. It's even worse if they're in groups.
>>265347 Folks in Sacramento are getting a pineapple express, however. The local news across that market has been aglow about it for the past 2 days.
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>>265351 The equivalent of raping horny female goblins is fucking the savage out of them and making them into civilized wives for your lonely settlers on the goblin continent to the point your decedents are so interbred with goblins you accidentally create GoBrazil.
>>265315 >>265319 Anon, I pity you and your entire existence, hating a man for simply doing what he loves, playing vidya, avoiding women and doing nerdy shit. I hope you stop being such a pathetic excuse for a "man" one day. >>265354 >>265356 The closest real life representation of goblin bitches are either black women or aborigine women, if you wanna "go green" you're gonna have to settle with them, probably try painting their skin green before you go to town though. Good luck with that.
>>265348 I refuse to believe that then again you've made a lot of enemies these past 10 years
>>265347 >why haven't you left California yet? If they live in those locations and haven't caught aids yet, then leaving their home will give them aids. If they do have aids, then they are too sick to go farther than the local bugchaser club.
>>265335 >chink developers from a pop-up studio with zero cash flow and zero legality making a knockoff game literally using real pokemon and stealing the IP can not only model every single pokemon, they give them unique animations, too >the company in charge of THE MOST LUCRATIVE FRANCHISE IN HUMAN HISTORY cannot do the same thing This is the definition of "not an argument."
>>265347 Any quake that does not cause a minimum of 1,000,000 deaths and the total collapse of infrastructure for decades is worthless. We need something that galvanizes the rest of the nation to kill all the spics flooding out of california as a result of it.
>>265356 4th pic Codpieces
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>>265362 Codpiece doesn't automatically mean there is a penis.
>>265363 He may have merely been pointing out that those aren't erections for anons unawares.
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>>265357 >The closest real life representation of goblin bitches are either black women or aborigine women, >Bringing IRL shit into pure fantasy discussions.
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>>265365 He does sound like a faggot who forgot midget women exist.
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>>265367 Not Scottish enough.
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>>265250 >And, the only really "new" thing I want is the Vita release of Umihara. You're about ~3years late on that friend, just port the JP release at this point since region free
>>265369 >just port the JP release That's what I plan on doing, anyway.
>>265347 Quake warnings in Commiefornia are like quakes and tsunamis in Japan; they happen so often nobody blinks an eye (except pearl clutchers who censor an anime episode or rewrite entire seasons because of it) and they don't really kill anywhere near as many people to warrant panic.
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>>761979 That tends not to end well, lower case kun.
>>265367 imagine tossing her around like a football...
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>>265351 Oh you misunderstand. She'll be the one doing the raping.
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>>265375 Perhaps. But she won't be the one doing the spraying.
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>>265375 >She'll be the one doing the raping. Either way it seems like we both get what we want.
>>265375 >Impying I won't carry her around, fucking her in each corner of the house, leading to multiple pregnancies
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>>265292 >I still think this Jim long term plan to fuck with Ethan Ralph. I almost expect Pewdiepie to be dragged into the Ethan Ralph shit storm. Doubt it, I'm pretty sure Bright Side Bob was dying of cancer covid ebola aids long before Ralph's more recent spasms till he got made fun of so hard he had to flee to the Yucatan. >>265203 >1: >If you were married to Vivan what would you do to troll her? Buy her a nice E-bike,and then hide the battery under the bed.Also probably use it more than Viv does effectively just making it a gift for myself. >2: Apologizing by buying Vivian a new Steam Deck,the 64GB eMMC model. >3: Change one of her in game save file names to 'b00b n00b'. How many evil points did I earn today gaymer g8?
(46.34 KB 600x600 Pipkin-Pippa.jpg)

>>265292 >plan to fuck with Ethan Ralph
>>265286 >confused screaming
Governor Hochul SABOTAGES NY right to repair bill, right on schedule https://odysee.com/@rossmanngroup:a/governor-hochul-sabotages-ny-right-to:2 >>265380 Are you implying Jaden (Jimbo's gook wife) is the bun? I dunno shit about V-shitters on Jewtube so I have no idea if Pippa's identity is public knowledge or not and frankly I don't give a shit either way since I don't go out of my way to watch them.
>>265203 Hide her clothes and replace them with a closet full of Gilda's outfits.
(2.65 MB 1280x720 Pippa laughs at Ralph.mp4)

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>>265382 Jim donated to her during a stream where she fucked with Ralph by laughing at his twitter account, which let to Ralph having a fit, tracking down her twitter account, and blocked it during the stream.
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>>265331 I never had a problem with jocks other than once they made fun of me for doing pullups wrong (and then taught me how to do them right), hell, at one point a friend and me got a handegg ball and tried to learn how to play american football, they saw it and tagged along, it was honestly a great time all around until the ball got damaged weeks later. Honestly i got along with most people in my highschool save for bitchy, spoiled girls. >>265332 >karl urban as nathaniel garro Id pay to see that, the eisentein's epic voyage would be sick as fuck.
>>265381 How the fuck can you have a woman moment in the kitchen of all places?
>>265362 Those did look like that historically though, they were meant to imply you had a huge penis. >>265381 Id bet that vivian is terrible in the kitchen.
>>265384 >I'm the biggest in the sector and ain't nobody can huff shit like I can. I'll take his word on that. >>265386 Honestly I'm just surprised there are people who still don't have enough common sense to have a fire extinguisher in their homes, especially their kitchens. I've got one for every floor in my home, two, plus another one in the garage. >>265387 >Id bet that vivian is terrible in the kitchen. Well get ready to be the house chief then anon.
>>265388 >Well get ready to be the house chief then anon. You say that as if it was a bad thing, my parents always insisted that i should be able to perform any house chore to never be dependant on anyone and much less a woman.
>>265385 Cool art. Kinda dumb tho. Dorns prominent on the poster and so is Malcador yet they only show up in a single short scene and have like 3 lines of dialogue. Mortarion and Horus both have longer speaking roles and yet no poster time for them. Thats weird to me. Also they are more important to the plot of the book.
>>265389 >my parents always insisted that i should be able to perform any house chore to never be dependent on anyone and much less a woman. Your the woman in the relationship with Viv. I hope you like French maid uniforms anon because you'll be wearing them a lot.
(1.53 MB 3000x3000 viv game night.jpg)

>>265391 Thats not how it works anon, unless shes sends me to the kitchen to make her a sandwich while she plays vidya
>>264887 Jim left the movement BECAUSE people were using it for financial gain/clout. He got out at the right time. What are you, retarded?
>>265394 Because the author gets off to the feminization of young boys.
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>>265394 His master is a shotacon that loves crossdressing.
>>265395 What doesn't Tsukushi get off to?
>>264887 This >>265393 Sure Jimbo is kinda sorta a black pot in this situation but he's right for condemning the JewTube E-celebs for co-opting the movement into little more than vapid entitled "hey pay piggies I need to buy grocers, #Gaymer Gape. I wanna fuck this sexy nigger prostitute who looks like a young 60's exercise/yoga instructor, #Gaymer Gape. I totaled my car while drunk driving and now I need to pay the state fines for basically breaking the law and clogging up an entire highway all day plus I'll need to be able to pay the Uber driver in order to get around from now on, #Gaymer Gape and also fuck those S Jay W's too." Which is understandable. At least with hat and t-shirt merchants you get something with real world value and use since you've got cloths to put on your back and a hat to keep the sun off your face on bright days so if you like an E-celebs work/videos or the work of any company or organization in general then buy their merch if there is merch to be bought.
Fire at NYPD destroys decades of burglary and murder evidence in NYC https://odysee.com/@rossmanngroup:a/fire-at-nypd-destroys-decades-of:7 Hmmmmm... quite interesting.
>>265398 The thing is I'm pretty sure people were making bootleg Metokur merchandise before Jim started his hat venture. I remember one of the fat screenwave faggots AVGN replaced Mike Matai with would always wear a Mr. Metokur shirt and that was before Jim started selling any merch I believe.
>>265400 Well it's not hard to make your own shit. You just need a printer that's not absolute garbage preferable an Epson, a pack of those special papers and ink for shirt branding that you can get at just about any arts and crafts store or office store, and a laundry iron. Of course not everyone is tech savy enough to do that for themselves or they're just to lazy so therefore there is a market to profit from. I wonder how humanity would react if half of America woke up tomorrow and found a green and purple GG t-shirt by their doorstep.
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>>265365 >Bringing goblins out of their stinking holes >>265366 I'm the faggot who posted that webm and her nudes >>265367 in a thread a while back I also shilled the shit out of Rebecca from Cyberpunk Edgerunners. Short women are national treasures and I want to shag a borderline midget woman, i.e a beardless dwarf woman in fantasy terms.
>>265398 Yes it got out and i would respect him more if he didn't have no merchindise. I understand that you can change your mind about something but going out GG because money, patreon and merchandising just for a couple of years do a 180 just left me with a bitter mouth
>>265399 Update: The police now suspect the fire was caused by arson, but are unable to proceed with the investigation as there is nowhere left put their case files.
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>>265302 I could see it happening when he was younger, back on 4chan. Nowadays? Probably on some WH forum only with his ancient account. >>265345 Never even noticed that people around here or old 8chan even used to aknowledge Ralph or his gay skull. I remember Matt getting aknowledged due to Zoe's cuntiness. >>265357 >The closest real life representation of goblin bitches are The only correct answer is brazilian women. Hence why both are so disgusting 8^D >>265360 Except most fags around here do the equivalent of >Oh Amazon is the company with the highest grossing income in the decade but still has nasty floors because the five spics that clean the floors aren't enough to cover all the buildings in a single day <I know, let's all be retards and dogpile on the cleaners who get paid in breadcrumps instead of bullying that faggot Bezos and his jewish accomplishes who can't spare more money to hire more people in the first place Same shit. Want to actually complain then bring the main culprits to stand : Ishihara Tsunekazu from Nintendo and that moron, Matsuda from Game Freak. Shagging all of Game Freak, who're constantly mismanaged by Matsuda and only once in a blue moon with spin-offs do they produce something good, is just pointless. Conflating the small-time devs no matter how retarded they are with the company that overworks them isn't the same. >>265400 AVGN is the gift that keeps giving these days. Sad.
>>265391 There's a version of that second image where she's shaking Marulk. I could have sword I had it.
>>265396 >is a boylover ftfy
What should be the next thread theme be? I’ll vote stalker faction SIN theme. They probably going to be the secondary villain of Stalker 2.
>>265400 >I remember one of the fat screenwave faggots AVGN replaced Mike Matai with would always wear a Mr. Metokur shirt and that was before Jim started selling any merch I believe. I swear. He gonna be responsible for the downfall of James Rolfe. That fat jew fuck already killed Classic cinemassacre. AVGN didn’t have so many scandals under Mike Matei.
>>265399 Well, better let all those niggers go since now there's no proof dey did nuffin wrong, right?
>>265393 I'm pretty sure he left because he's got mad people shat at him for fingering his chink tart live.
>>265399 >Turnabout niggadry
>>265411 Mike's streams are doing fine, James's book came out and in his own words revealed just how genuinely autistic and delusional he is.
>>265415 > James's book came out and in his own words revealed just how genuinely autistic and delusional he is. What?
>>265416 An example in there was that he rode the short bus for almost his entire education, one day the driver supposedly yelled about "being the balls on the dick" at him, James ran home, kicked the glass in the back door in and pissed himself, this was in his mid teens.
>>265417 Can relate
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>>265417 Damn. Maybe I should purchase a copy of his book.
>>265421 You'd just be giving money to the guys that ruined his channel but I'm sure you can find it somewhere.
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>>264980 >That’s a Rarity. Indeed I'll give Soyny credit though, the dual sense is pretty darn comfy. >>264979 >>264985 >>264999 >>264988 >>264991 Incredible
So, what's new besides little Jimmy dying of weird cancer?
>>265399 Good. To hell with the police.
>>265404 So, what kind of evidence have they gathered to cause a random arson? Especially in New York where everyone is corrupt
>>265415 >Mike's streams are doing fine, James's book came out and in his own words revealed just how genuinely autistic and delusional he is. I think AVGN lasted so long because Mike Matei kept the brand apolitical. That hack the movie wop can’t shut the fuck up about politics and gets lucky to break over 40K a video. >James ran home, kicked the glass in the back door in and pissed himself, this was in his mid teens. Was Mike matei a teacher aid to a special ED class that befriends students?
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>>265394 Because Ozen, just like all white whistles, is a supreme degenerate. >>265407 I have it, along with other 700 pics of Malrulk, Reg and other MiA shotas.
>>265427 >So, what kind of evidence have they gathered to cause a random arson? Especially in New York where everyone is corrupt Wasn't the NYC anti corruption department involved in the Jeffry Epstein investigation not long ago? I reckon all their hard works was destroyed or there was a plant among them from the begging, or the whole organization is bogus, potentially anyway. Well if there shit was stored there anyway and given we're running on Clown world physics that's probably pretty accurate. >>265399 Cute and funny Greek hell fairy >>265313 >I'll believe it when he keels. Send me an invite to the funeral: the media will be a circus comparing everyone there to Jan 6th or something retarded like that. What do you think Jim's funeral song is gonna be? I kinda hope it's this, MP4 related. >>265429 >700 pics of Malrulk Did you write a script to scrape everything on Gelbooru an Twatter with such related tags both in English and Japanese or something anon?
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>>265429 Danke, anon.
>>265430 >Using a script instead of good old fashioned autism You gotta show some dedication, anon.
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>>265430 >Did you write a script to scrape everything on Gelbooru an Twatter with such related tags both in English and Japanese or something anon? No. Everything I have in my shota folders is handpicked. Also the 700 pics are of multiple MiA boys, not just of Malrulk, although he and Reg make most of the collection.
>>265433 >Everything I have in my shota folders is handpicked. My nigger. I can't stand mass downloading and having a ton of garbage on my computer to sort through later. I don't have much myself, but it's all handpicked.
>>265300 As I stated before, I want to make a NAS/media streaming server of some kind because I wish to learn how such things operate. Long term goal is my own personal Netflix just for me. As things stand now, the only easy part was getting a hand-me-down PC and HDD. The Ubuntu interface is a hell of a trip.
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>Only posting MiA shotas >Not any of the lolis Missing half the point there. The mangaka would be disappointed in you.
Or perhaps this one... Frankly most MSG songs would be fitting honestly. Goodness, the death of just one oldfag Internet boomer really is gonna be a shitshow on HWNDU levels of autism. >>265432 >>265433 >>265434 Understandable, I remember anons in Ourbooru discussing that as a means of archiving. I guess that would lead to a lot of bloat though.
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>>265436 >>Only posting MiA shotas I posted Riko twice, ya daft cunt.
>>265438 But b03d01 did not. And your Rikos were far less lewd than your shotas.
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>>265439 Fine, you asked for it.
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>>265437 >>265434 Sometimes I use downloaders to save large galleries (over 50 images), but even in these cases I check each image and delete/move what doesn't convince me. >>265439 Sorry, I was posting Malrulk because he was the focus of this little conversation.
>>265442 >The sexy defenselessness of Astro Boy
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>>265444 Is he wrong? Astro/Atom may be strong, but the image of an almost completely naked little boy doesn't really reflect strength or "power". Reg is the same. He may be near indestructible and have LAZORZ on his arms, but in the end he's still is a dumb boy with oversized pants and a squishy willytummy that everyone likes to taunt.
>>265443 I mean, the guy is a degenerate. When your own mother goes to the national press to tell people what a degenerate you are there's probably a good case you are one. The real question is does anyone care?
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>>265446 >When your own mother goes to the national press to tell people what a degenerate you are This is news to me.
>>265267 There. Fixed it. Now never post that abomination again.
So apparently Pakistan is on the verge of collapsing, again... Pakistan orders malls to close early amid economic crisis https://archive.ph/0ZVAa >Authorities in Pakistan have ordered shopping malls and markets to close by 8:30 p.m. as part of a new energy conservation plan aimed at easing Pakistan’s economic crisis >By MUNIR AHMED Associated Press/AP Pakistan taps Chinese credit for railway upgrade despite debt crisis https://archive.ph/7lnax >Since the 19th century, Pakistan’s clattering railways have carried passengers and cargo from the Arabian Sea to the Himalayas. But the colonial-era network is in severe disrepair, with decrepit trains and some tracks left unusable by devastating flooding last year. Pakistan's former premier Imran Khan targets military establishment for installing govt of 'money launderers' https://archive.ph/yYx44 >How can the flight of dollars be stopped when you the establishment imposed money launderers like Sharifs and Zardaris on the nation, he asked.The 70-year-old former cricketer-turned-politician also criticised the former army chief General retd. Qamar Javed Bajwa, who, he said, had become a jack of all trades.General Bajwa knew nothing about the economy, but he claimed to be a champion of the subject. Pakistan Taliban threatens top political leadership including PM https://archive.ph/uvaXW >Islamabad, Pakistan – Armed group Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) has warned the country’s main ruling parties of “concrete action” against their top leadership in the government for “declaring war” against it. Replevin of Pakistan Occupied Jammu and Kashmir >The Times of Israel Make of that what you will anons. https://archive.ph/Yn6hv >On 28 Oct 2022, Defence Minister of India Sh. Rajnath Singh stated publicly that the area of Jammu and Kashmir occupied by Pakistan would be taken back, and all the displaced people of Pakistan Occupied Jammu and Kashmir (POJK) shall return to their homeland.[i] Lt Gen Upendra Dwivedi, GOC-in-C, Northern Command of the Indian Army, made a statement on 23 Nov 2022 while addressing to media that the Indian Army is ready to execute any task given to it by the Government of India, including the retrieving of POJK.[ii] Pakistan fomented terrorism in the erstwhile state of Jammu and Kashmir in 1989 and increased terrorism and violence over the years. As Pakistan attempted to highlight the Jammu and Kashmir dispute at domestic and international levels, both houses of the Indian Parliament concertedly adopted a resolution on 22 Feb 1994, highlighting that J&K was an integral part of India and that Pakistan must vacate parts of the state under its occupation. Pakistan's Afghan policy failing in the face of an assertive Taliban >TIMES OF INDIA Again make of that what you will too. https://archive.ph/7L3nK >Once considered Islamabad and ISI's protégé, the Taliban have of late shown an increasingly assertive, and even confrontational approach in dealing with Pakistan on frictional issues. >A statement released by the TTP – also known as Pakistani Taliban for its ideological affinity with the Taliban in neighbouring Afghanistan – on Wednesday explicitly named Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif and foreign minister Bilawal Bhutto Zardari. I figured we need to take a pause on all the horny posting.
>>265401 >I wonder how humanity would react if half of America woke up tomorrow and found a green and purple GG t-shirt by their doorstep. DO IT ANON.
>>265449 Yeah id rather talk about the shithole that is pakistan than all of this homoposting.
>>265451 >Yeah id rather talk about the shithole that is pakistan than all of this homoposting. You know what, I honestly can't tell if your being sarcastic or not anymore at this point.
>>265452 Anon, i mean no sarcasm whatsoever, im so tired of faggots and futafaggots shitting the threads with their porndump instead of taking it to their appropiate board.
>>265453 But muh benis meme
>>265453 Oh, well the way you said it sounded pretty sarcastic to me, sorry for the misunderstanding.
>>265441 Didn't have a couple of those, thanks.
>>265449 Speaking of India. Look up videos of the poo army beating back the Chinese troops with hockey sticks.
>>265453 Some of us were moving onto non-faggotry, such as loli. Though /loli/ is dead and I'd prefer dumps done there.
>>265448 >5th image accurate
>>265448 >Viv's tight ginger cunny not in Anon's mind
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>>265460 >lolis having pubes
>>265461 they are lolis at heart
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>>265462 >a granny in a nursing home whose a child at heart >tanya from youjo senki
>>265463 That's a child who's a brown-nosing salaryman at heart.
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>>265463 Not a difficult choice.
Do a lot of people "force" themselves to like a game? I'm asking because I'm starting to notice that a lot media that is "popular" for whatever reason feels like people literally force themselves to like it. I don't mean that they pretend to like it, only to trash the game later, I mean that they suffer from some form of Stockholm Syndrome or "trauma" where they cannot grasp NOT liking the thing. I sort of noticed that with cartoons like King of the Hill (Already talked about it on /co/), but looking up the thread talking about Leddit and Memey's High on Life (>>>/v/759805) and browsing through the Vita's limited library of racers on GameFaqs (Where people unironicaly consider user-generated content for ModNation as a genuine replacement for a quality game), it made me wonder if people suffer from this condition.
>>265467 Never heard of it until just now, but i think with a lot of games there's a novelty factor where you don't realize how shit it is until some time after the fact. Of course, there's also the fact that most people can play a mediocre game for the mild amusement once and then set it aside, so i really don't think it'll stick around any longer than Stubbs the Zombie or Sunset Overdrive did.
>>265467 >I don't mean that they pretend to like it, only to trash the game later, I mean that they suffer from some form of Stockholm Syndrome or "trauma" where they cannot grasp NOT liking the thing. Do the people who played long time constantly updated games like Tf2, PoE and several MMOs count? I mean they did enjoy previously but the constant (((balance))) and content changes can make them hate it.
>>265467 Of course they do, it's called being "desperate to be part of a community" (or in >>265469 case, "sunk cost")
>>265467 Like another anon said, it's "desperate to be part of a community" which is a disease most normalfags suffer from to get their social dopamine from. >GameFaqs forums Anon, why? It's good for guides on older games, why subject yourself on the forums of what is essentially >goons >cuckchanners >faggot normalniggers >trolls >redditors >redditors that use their cuckchan lingo and gfaqs alt to post "naughty content" outside of leddit >cuckchanners who don't even hide their reddit upbringing >tumblrtards >social justice niggers you'd be surprised having a shitfit with each other and playing less games than all of /v/ combined.
>>265467 Yeah, they do. It's the same reason why there's people who force themselves to take drugs they don't like, why they fuck people they don't like, and why they're willing to help cover up a third party's crimes even though they don't like the person. It's all for the sake of feeling like they fit in, not necessarily that they actually do. It's standard follower syndrome.
>>265467 >I sort of noticed that with cartoons like King of the Hill Hink Hall is a good man. Why the hell would anyone have to force themselves to like a good show?
>>265473 Because suffering from clinical shit taste is also a thing.
>>265474 Ah, so anon just doesn't like King of the Hill and is unable to comprehend that people genuinely like it, so he rationalizes it to himself that people pretend to like it for good goy in-crowd points, even on 8/co/.
>>265475 Reminds me of that time an anon made a thread asking why people like half-life and he thought everyone was bullshitting him.
>>265476 Or the time that one faggot popped in bitching about E.Y.E. Divine Cybermancy and despite being a game where you slaughter hordes of opponents with weapons that only scale up in absurdity, he was so fucking focused on stealth that he couldn't imagine why you would play any other way.
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Supposedly, Russia wants to irradiate Ukraine with nukes, a territory they are reclaiming for themselves, thus rendering said territory useless. These claims really have an "Assad gassing his own people" vibe. Claim your enemy is committing an act that has literally zero tactical value because "they're just evil and crazy!" to justify force against them. Let's also recall more recently that Ukrainian missile landing in Poland that was initially claimed to be from Russia in an blatant attempt to trigger NATO's article 5. They desperately want WWIII. They'll keep pushing until they get it.
>>265478 >a territory they are reclaiming for themselves Ukraine couldn't retake JUST Donbass from armed secessionists with most of a decade of effort. They're certainly not retaking Donbass AND Crimea from armed secessionists plus Russians with artillery and air support. It'd take a miracle, and Zelenkyy's shutting down the Orthodox churches.
>>265415 pdf? Also reminder that >>>/pdfs/ and >>>/library/ exist
>>265479 >It'd take a miracle, and Zelenkyy's shutting down the Orthodox churches. Thats not at all whats happening,the orthodox church is having a schism because the patriarch of moscow is supporting the invasion while the patiarch of ukraine is obviusly not supporting it, stop being a sensationalist propaganda kike.
>>265481 ah, so zelensky's suppressing opposition to his regime? sounds democratic.
>>265481 Oh, my misunderstanding. I had heard Zelenskyy was going after every Orthodox church with ties to Russia, I put together on my own that would be "all of them" since I'm damn sure all five patriarchs are not in Ukraine. His reported persecution of political enemies hasn't given me cause to afford him any sort of benefit of my doubt.
>>264986 The thing is, nobody cared about e-celebs back then so their fedora tipping tone policing didn't have much effect outside their retarded sycophants, and that's to be expected from any e-celeb
>>265475 >so anon just doesn't like King of the Hill and is unable to comprehend that people genuinely like it When people provide responses like this, yes: >>>/co/29695 >There's an episode in a later season where Bobby discovers a Ray Jay Johnson record and becomes obsessed with trying to understand how the hell it's supposed to be funny. By the end he simply has heard it so many times that he starts breaking down and laughing. That episode made me feel like how I feel about King of the Hill in general. After watching it enough, propane becomes funny. Reminds me of when one Anon was testing that Star Trek: Next Gen is a genuinely good series...after you put yourself through watching the first half of the show which he admits is shit.
>>265475 reminds me a few years aback when an anon couldn't actually believe that people liked KoTH and said that cooking meat rare-medium rare was a jewish invention to save money on cooking; then proceded to sperg out that Americans are too obsessed with cleaning their grills which when dirty helped enhance the falavour of steak. I think it was a Brazillian and it might have been in one of these threads back in old 8chan but I can't remember.
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Anyone has the perfect paki webm? I think it was also a banner
>>265486 >cooking meat rare-medium rare was a jewish invention to save money on cooking What? I can sort of see the leap in logic, as undercooked food does retain a lot of bacteria that can poison you, which would usually be destroyed in the cooking process, but this is the first time I've ever heard of that. >Americans are too obsessed with cleaning their grills which when dirty helped enhance the falavour of steak. But, that's what spices are for. Even when eating a plain steak, did the hue ever hear of or use salt?
>Pakistan is about to crash without survivors >Cooking oil and crude oil have ran out
>sony partners with honda to make a level 3 self-driving car with 40 sensors https://archive.ph/4YHAe >nvidia partners with hyundai and friends to bring shield streaming to cars https://archive.ph/FlnaS
>>265488 Steak only has bacteria on the exterior, unless this is also jewish research. The protein type isnt porous like chicken and other white meat, hence why you dont get medium rare chicken.
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>>265488 lmao imagine being such an immunelet that you get sick from slightly undercooked food
>>265492 >that tattoo
>>265492 These comics are getting lame >>265467 >force No, they just pretend to, but it's essentially the same thing Once something else popular and interesting enough to grab friends' attentions they usually switch to it >Vita modnation UGC Wouldn't know anything about that, but if you're correct that it's worse it's probably just run of the mill shit taste there, the times you'll see people do this phenomenon with niche games and especially niche anime is to be contrarian/hipster and look "against the grain", intelligent and underground, it's funny. So there's usually 2 camps I guess.
>>265478 I don't think Russia cares about the preservation of the land. They've intentionally targeted civilians & housing.
>>265496 I don't think housing and civilians matter if you want a buffer zone with no short-range rockets in range of russia proper. You can always build new industry anyway, only the bioweapon labs and nuclear reactors have much value.
>>265497 Both of which they destroyed or wrecked.
>>265478 HOOOO SHIT
>>265498 Still relatively minor, and it's ukraine hitting the reactors so who cares really.
>>265501 Ukraine was after the fact. Russia had control of facilities for a while then left them a wreck.
>>265502 Yes, I am sure russia fired at it to blame ukraine before abandoning it and now ukraine has total control over it. Just 2 more weeks until ukraine wins the war!
>>265489 >Pakistan is about to crash without survivors US will stop pretending Pakistan had nothing to do with 9/11? >Cooking oil and crude oil have ran out India will unironically will cook food and run with shit.
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>>265495 >These comics are getting lame They are actually getting funnier
>>265478 >Claim your enemy is... ...going to do what YOU desire to do to THEM. Fundamental jewish behavior. >>265496 Oh shit guys, CNN said something, that must mean it's true! Ukraine has been murdering civilians for 8 years, you fucking dipshit. Russia has only failed to completely occupy the country already because they've EXPLICITLY NOT targeted civilian areas and even civilian infrastructure. Only in the last month and a half have they begun to attack power plants and water facilities, and even then it only began because Ukraine bombed Russia proper (using US munitions).
>>265478 >Supposedly, Russia wants to irradiate Ukraine with nukes They've been doing that since September, where have you been: https://archive.vn/dwraV
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Reminder, fags: https://archive.ph/65MNx Joi Ito worked for Meedan https://archive.ph/NDVZ9 Meedan is run by Saudi Arabia https://archive.ph/dNV6N Meedan is part of the ProPublica Documenting Hate Initiative https://archive.ph/kcYJc Which has a ton of co-conspirators including CAIR https://www.centerforsecuritypolicy.org/wp-content/uploads/2016/12/CAIR_is_HAMAS.pdf http://www.extras.wnd.com/muslimmafia/MuslimMafia-DavidGaubatz.pdf It is all a front for Hamas. Everyone involved is a co-conspirator. https://archive.ph/KbMCG Joi Ito announced Director's Fellows including Marko Ahtisaari and Van Jones https://archive.ph/Jl4Cl Marko's father Martti Ahtisaari is the former chairman of George Soros's International Crisis Group, which has a Russian foreign minister on its board https://archive.ph/ZiIQ6 International Crisis Group also has a Saudi head of intelligence on its board https://archive.ph/UVFAk Martti Ahtisaari was on the board of Qatar's Silatech with Sir David Bell, the former chairman of Common Purpose https://archive.ph/7pJCn George Soros has a longstanding relationship with Lord Mark Malloch Brown https://archive.ph/xoGQT Lord Mark Malloch Brown is a Distinguished Practicioner of the Leonard Blavatnik School of Government run by Russia's Alfa Group https://archive.ph/W8Wst Their advisory board includes the CEO of Google, and Bill Clinton https://archive.ph/hS2OR Van Jones and Rashad Robinson are on the board of Demos USA, which is run from England by overt British agents Rashad Robinson was one of the leads on the Aspen Commission for Information Disorder https://www.aspeninstitute.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/11/Aspen-Institute_Commission-on-Information-Disorder_Final-Report.pdf It's a small club and we ain't in it SEND EMAILS.
>>265508 Just don't mention GamerGate when sending emails.
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>>265509 No, mention Gamergate in every e-mail.
>>265510 Since this thread's only 47 posts away as of me writing this to a new one might as well blog post a bit since I turned 26 today. Feels nice being appreciated in helping out my parents and in general at work since I got out of NEETdom and became a wagie. Despite all the issues I dealt with I'm happy for all the progress I've made and even passed one of compsci classes in the meantime as well. I'm thankful to you guys for motivating me out of it, and keeping me preoccupied, and learning a few things thanks to you guys. Turns out you were right that anons could keep their shit and were more socially adjusted than many normalfags out there.
>>265511 >Feels nice being appreciated in helping out my parents and in general at work since I got out of NEETdom and became a wagie <became a wagie <feels nice
>>265511 Is that Dora the explorer dressed as a sailor moon character?
>>265511 >Feels nice being appreciated in helping out my parents and in general at work since I got out of NEETdom and became a wagie. Same here. But now I have zero free time until some point in the distant future where I make enough money to have free time again instead of gettering higher certifications to get raises and promotions.
>>265511 >Feels nice being appreciated in helping out my parents and in general at work since I got out of NEETdom and became a wagie. >wagie Wait until you've been at your job for 5 years. You'll surely hate it then...
>>762630 >Right-wing traditionalists >Stealing defeat from the jaws of victory Same thing, different day, I guess.
>>762630 >They source Vice for this info This strikes me as Lincoln Project style "right wingers" who are about as authentically right wing as the anti-loli "Japanese" people (who are hafus and Koreans).
Post Niggerpill's twitter again to make him leave.
>>762630 Good, imagine deciding to change twitter for a similar clone, just stick with it along with all the people who post themselves all cutted up and anemic.
>>265490 >>sony partners with honda to make a level 3 self-driving car with 40 sensors You think Sony has been data-mining Gran Turismo, and then using that to build new AI for computer controlled racers - and feeding all of that back into self-driving AI to use exactly for partnerships like this?
>>265518 It doesn't make him leave though, he seems to be some kind of masochist who actually enjoys being reminded of how much of a loser he is. Makes sense that he'd be a niggerpiller.
>>265521 If nothing else, he seems to have more trouble IP hopping at once these days. He only made the one post so far.
>>762636 Josh at this instant
>>265520 >data-mining Gran Turismo... and feeding all of that back into self-driving AI They should data-mine Burnout instead for self-driving cars.
You guys see the recent Kotaku/MAGsfest drama?
>>265457 That's been going on since forever dude. India and China have a weird agreement where both sides are only allowed to use melee weapons when engaging each other in the Himalayas mountains. I wonder if that rule applies to body armor or bows an arrows too. But yeah Chinks and Poos have been clubbing each other up there for a while. >>265479 To be fair Holol's couldn't defeat the Donbas and Luhansk separatists because Russia was "secretly" funneling weapons and critical information for the exact reason Russia now struggles to occupy anything past the Western side of the Dnieper river. Also there was a short period of time when the USA and Israel not Turkey though because they don't give a fuck about yellow meme Swastikas refused to deliver weapons on account of how 'controversial' the Azov branch of their military is but then the USA, and Kikes all agreed to continue delivering drones and anti air rockets so long as the Holol's 'promised' to not arm Azov, make of that what you will. Kinda inevitable the war would slow to a crawl especially since both the Russians and Ukrainians were anticipating the ground to freeze over so the real tank battle could begin but it hasn't yet and everything is still mud and slush, so in other words ABSOLUTELY NOT the ideal conditions for tanks and APC's to traverse in. Another thing you have to keep in mind is the N.A.T.O. countries are panicking because now they're short on supply's after duming half of it in Holol land and Russia is so desperate they're buying old artillery munitions from North Korea. Everyone's hurting from the economic fuckery that Covid 19 caused. I suspect that eventually both fighting sides of the conflict will just make the huge Dnieper river into the new border. In fact I hope for that outcome because I think both Holol's and Russians bitterness and refusal to let each other be independent of the other is fucking goofy and unnecessary. >>265483 >Oh, my misunderstanding. I had heard Zelenskyy was going after every Orthodox church with ties to Russia The truth is probably somewhere in between anon, back when the Soviet Union was a thing the KGB absolutely did run the Orthodox Christian church and a lot of those spies never really retired. They aren't trying to outright B& but the Holol's are paranoid. >>265482 >ah, so zelensky's suppressing opposition to his regime? sounds democratic. This whole war ultimately just boils down to two Oligarchs having a bitter feud with each other While America along with Romania and Poland use it as an excuse to play war games against the Chicoms and Belarus for spreading their shitty Huawei phones all over Euroland and for trying to flood Poland with a bunch of African migrants and refugee's for the LoLz. Then you have the Turk Roaches who are shall we say playing the role of Chaotic Neutral and fucking with everyone equally which is why everyone hates them. Honestly I see no reason to give a shit unless your one of those countries caught in the war or are Germany since they won't be getting cheap natural gas anymore. >>762630 >Noooooooo don't use open source alternatives, don't ya know there's unsavory people there!!!????!!!!???? Their point? I used to have a Zuckbook account and kept accidentally finding Cheese Pizza all the time that I flagged only to come back a week later and still see it up. >The right is now turning against decentralization. Of course they are, both Libshits and Cuckservatives only care about controlling their precious golden calf Twatter. And if Twatter dies from mismanagement then it will be replaced by a co-op between government and corporations. The powers that be don't want free and open platforms. In fact I wouldn't be surprised if as soon as Mastodon becomes mainstream that's when the government will hit the (Nationalize the Internet button) just to spite us because the only talking points they want on the Internet are milktoast Neocolonialism and Neoconservative. >>265523 WTF am I looking at?
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>>265523 What is this shit?!
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>>265511 Good to hear you're making it, anon. I'll be cheering for you
>>265527 The funniest reaction image i've seen
>>265526 >Everyone's hurting from the economic fuckery that Covid 19 caused. I fail to see how this is an issue.
>>762710 Why do women get so deranged about shipping? I'm not even talking about the whole anti-"proshipper" thing, just shipping in general. I'd equate it to the whole "best girl" debates that men get into, but women absolutely lose their minds over it, in a way that men don't. Why do they become so unhinged over the subject?
>>762676 Who wants to bet people will still continue to claim that he's stopped posting since his Twatter account was found again?
>>265531 some motherfuckers DO get that bad and you know it, but women are just more emotional and fuckin crazy as a general rule
>>265531 >women As confirmed there >>762700 he's a tranny, as most always suspected. Niggerpill will never be a real woman.
>>265533 >some motherfuckers DO get that bad and you know it I've never seen it, but I guess I don't travel in the right circles. If you can provide me an example, I'd be grateful. Should be good for a laugh. >but women are just more emotional and fuckin crazy as a general rule Fair enough. >>265534 Do trannies get as deranged a women do about shipping? Pretty sad that a man would lower himself to that state. The kikes were right on that one point. Being a woman is a terrible fate and you should thank God that you aren't one.
>>265525? No, I don't keep tabs on redditors who outlived their usefulness years ago, why do you ask? >>265531 Remember when Twilight was the thing hormonal women sucked the dick of and there was a whole forum about telling ghost stories about the fangirls? I remember reading one about acid getting thrown in someone's face during a science class it was probably exaggerated since it was the underage 2000s internet, but still. It's like some parasocial effect where they get so invested in the romance that their subconscious acts like they're the ones >>265526 >Of course they are, both Libshits and Cuckservatives only care about controlling their precious golden calf Twatter. And if Twatter dies from mismanagement then it will be replaced by a co-op between government and corporations. The powers that be don't want free and open platforms. In fact I wouldn't be surprised if as soon as Mastodon becomes mainstream that's when the government will hit the (Nationalize the Internet button) just to spite us because the only talking points they want on the Internet are milktoast Neocolonialism and Neoconservative. I can already see it, spinning some yarn bullshit about how they're "doing it for you and protecting your rights" while they're actually fucking you over and using a bunch of legalese mountain to make uninformed because, just like that panic over (((net neutrality))) that was nothing more than Jews Jewing Jews. Speaking of government overreach on the internet, wasn't Canada passing a Bill C11 that was gonna give them their own Great Firewall or something? Youtube was whining about it recently.
>>265534 >As confirmed Why would you believe anything niggerpill says?
>>265535 >Do trannies get as deranged a women do about shipping Well they do take a lot of estrogen, which I'm sure causes more hysterical episodes.
>>265536 *fucking you over and using a bunch of legalese mountain as a smokescreen to make uninformed normalfags nod and mindlessly defend because they're cattle bred to submit to authority
>>265537 This is his private twitter account. I legitimately believe he never thought it would be found otherwise he wouldn't have panic switched it to protected as soon as people found it here.
>>265536 >I remember reading one about acid getting thrown in someone's face during a science class Aloha snackbar.
>>265540 So you seriously believe the Jews have won and we should all kill ourselves too, just because he said it on an account he made protected for a little while?
>>265542 I think he actually believes that. Or at the very least he tells himself he believes it to pep himself up and to try and whitepill himself.
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>>265537 "Females" do not type like this. Passive aggressive nu-males do.
>>265478 >Supposedly, Russia wants to irradiate Ukraine with nukes, a territory they are reclaiming for themselves, thus rendering said territory useless. I'm pretty sure your shitposting anon, I don't think any serious nation plans on steeling the plot to Ace Combat Zero as a legitimate military strategy. Less you wanna provide sources to your claims of course, then I might be willing to believe you. That sure would be a funny outcome though regardless of which side nukes themselves. >>265536 >Speaking of government overreach on the internet, wasn't Canada passing a Bill C11 that was gonna give them their own Great Firewall or something? Youtube was whining about it recently. I don't remember that part but I do remember them passing a law that basically nationalizes every Canadians "You"Tube account and forcing mandatory "Canadianization" laws which are intentionally vague and probably meant to down the line re-cement Mainstream Corporate Media with a government backed monopoly. >>762700 >>265534 Is Niggerpill an axe wound tranny or is she at the very least sane enough to know that mutilating their cock into a crude inverted and physically painful fake puss filled 'vagina' is probably a bad idea? The latter of the two can sometimes be reasoned with. >>265542 >So you seriously believe the Jews have won and we should all kill ourselves too, just because he said it on an account he made protected for a little while? Well we'd know more if you anons didn't blow your load to soon and just subtly started taking dozens of screenshots. Of course this is assuming Niggerpill is secretly a master troll and he/she whatever set up some random account that ticks off all the boxes for being perfect bait to fixate on.
>>265535 i mean i dont keep track of sad bastards with dakimakuras and two walls minimum of waifu paraphernalia but i do recall one jap marrying miku some years back
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Also niggerpill's avatar is from one of the worst Assassin's Creed games ever. This faggot has shit taste and is no doubt an anti-GGer that stuck around.
>>265528 Thanks for the complement I hope for the best as well cause things have been improving for me despite all the issue I've come across these last few years.
Ahhh fuck apparently I can't just post plain audio now. Well that sorta ruined my post. Unless.... >>265547 >Ancient Mesopotamian themed profile pics Gee golly gosh I wonder where we've seen those before.... It's as thought these things are just natural LoLcow magnets.
Yeah never mind, I was being retarded and trying to post an MP4 audio file when it should have been MP3.
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>>265549 Its not Ancient Mesopotamian, its French Romanticism.
>>265551 Why does niggerpill wear the mask?
I'm baking the thread now.
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>>762700 >As a trans person Not a surprise he's a salty piece of shit. Must feel terrible to know that the entire "validation" of your existence boils down to a sexual fetish by millennials and marketing initiatives by out-of-touch marketers looking for an ESG paycheck. The young kids and boomers want nothing to do with tranny shit. I guess the generation that got it's start by medical malpractice putting them on ritalin, end their lives due to medical malpractice convincing them to chop their tits and dicks off.

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