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#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]:Month of the Capricious Capricorn Edition Anonymous 01/06/2023 (Fri) 03:13:46 Id: 3b1d71 No. 265556
ONGOING DISCUSSIONS: >Regulators (FTC) Look To Block Microsoft Acquisition Of Activision Blizzard Inc https://archive.ph/rKNDf >EU antitrust regulators to probe Microsoft's $69 billion Activision bid https://archive.ph/SqhgU >IGN Journalist who reviewed The Last of Us Part 2 joins Naughty Dog as Editorial Content Manager https://archive.ph/eTmtu https://pastebin.com/GGG5Kwdr >Arc System Works confirms that Bridget is trans https://archive.ph/lkbiL >Cloudflare bans Kiwifarms https://archive.ph/5ziDX >IMDB deletes every user review for The Rings of Power which rated it 5 or less https://archive.ph/Zg95c >Ben Kuchera claims he was fired by Vox Media for taking time off to deal with his children being sexually abused https://archive.ph/nB79z >Arc System Works changes Guilty Gear Lore to appease Twitter https://yewtu.be/watch?v=sYDYXfdzGN8 >Wiki is up again! https://ggwiki.deepfreeze.it/index.php/Main_Page CURRENT TASKS: 1. OPERATION MAX REVIVE Rebuild the board's userbase and activity through simple, but effective methods 1. Post across the entire board Activity creates activity. Use threads you like, make new ones if topics don't exist. Easy examples are Drawthreads and Friday Night threads, go request or draw something right now. 2. Recruit and recover lost or potential anons Use this site's OC and features to entice anons if necessary when recruiting, just inform that we are alive. Here's some sites and links with at least some confirmed anons that can be recruited again: https://steamcommunity.com/groups/8chotwheels https://steamcommunity.com/groups/SSAVCH https://steamcommunity.com/groups/video_games https://steamcommunity.com/groups/8chmohun https://steamcommunity.com/groups/8chan_monster https://steamcommunity.com/groups/GoodLuckEbolaChan https://steamcommunity.com/search/groups/#text=8ch.net https://steamcommunity.com/search/groups/#text=8chan Other sites that might yield fruitful results and have anons (art sites use an account so you can see 18+ content): https://www.deviantart.com/search?q=Vivian+James https://www.newgrounds.com/search/summary?suitabilities=etm&terms=Vivian%20James https://twitter.com/search?q=Vivian%20James&src=typed_query&f=image https://rpgcodex.net/ https://old.reddit.com/r/KotakuInAction/ Somewhere on Telegram Just searching up GG or 8chan-related terms on certain places/sites can get you possible results. 3. Make your own OC/Memes/Content Doesn't matter what it is even if its just simple edits or full-on drawings or webms, just make it and have fun. Ask in thread for software recs if necessary. 4. Encourage or create fun events, activities, projects, etc.
[Expand Post]Think things like 8chanmania, weekly streams, re-translation projects, demo days, or zzz's gaming magazine for example. If you want to do something, try making or reviving it, it can't hurt and these things are great for the board. 5. Use other boards All it takes for a board to grow is at least 2 dedicated anons using it. Don't be afraid to make a post, check places periodically, shill, or what have you. Don't force discussions to boards, just encourage the usage of them. 2. OPERATION TRAJAN: Collect and catalog all of the various localization and censorship accounts of past video games into a single repository from these sources: romhacking.net The_Cutting_Room_Floor/tcrf.net Segaretro.org https://redirect.invidious.io/channel/UCFItIX8SIs4zqhJCHpbeV1A Examples: http://archive.vn/XQOHW Sony's policies forces censorship; JP devs allegedly have to go through ENG approval process: https://archive.fo/awzFF - Japanese blog post about it: https://archive.fo/bF9bE Sony Japan President Says PS4 Censorship Policy Is To Match Global Standards And Protect Kids: https://archive.fo/U3GLa - Confirms censorship was deliberate: https://archive.fo/XgAgP - No rules for censorship policies, games judged case-by-case: https://archive.fo/37DhK - Marvelous partner starts petition against policy: https://archive.fo/rxQtf https://archive.fo/84UHo • Twitterfags: Tweet with Sony's stock code $SNE so that investors see your tweets and know you're pissed. • Consider spreading OP Timber materials to targets as well: http://archive.vn/URjtu ONGOING TASKS: A. Operation Download And Conquer: Loosen the death-grip of Google that has taken hold of the internet's audio and video services >>>/t/5546 B. Support archive.fo! Accountability needs proof: https://liberapay.com/archiveis/donate C. OP DisNod: Contact the FTC and advertisers about violations and unethical practices http://archive.vn/9bylT D. Internet Censorship happenings: Spread the word about the dangers of FOSTA/CLOUD act/Article 13, etc. https://www.eff.org/de/deeplinks/2020/03/earn-it-act-violates-constitution E. OP End the Era: Dig into resetera and their connections to journos, devs, etc. http://archive.vn/JfuSb Reminders (important, READ THESE!): • Use https://archive.today to deny sites ad revenue and traffic and preserve pages in case they are deleted later • Be civil if you have to argue with people on Twitter, Tumblr or any forum - don't make us look like douchebags • Do not accept requests for any goal, demand lists or personal army requests: https://pastebin.com/p5dVp1e5 • Beware COINTELPRO: The Gentleperson's Guide to Forum Spies: https://cryptome.org/2012/07/gent-forum-spies.htmSTOP REPLYING TO BAITS AND OBVIOUS DERAILMENT ATTEMPTS, JUST REPORT AND FILTER Resources >Summaries of #GamerGate:https://redirect.invidious.io/watch?v=wy9bisUIP3w - #GamerGate - If It's Not About Ethics • https://redirect.invidious.io/watch?v=5fnRSL3d_xU - #GamerGate in 60 Seconds • https://archive.fo/23Fde - GamerGate: A State of the Union Address >Background and Evidence for #GamerGate: • The #GamerGate Dossier: https://archive.fo/nv1Fb • #GamerGate Wiki: https://ggwiki.deepfreeze.it/index.php?title=Main_Page • History of #GamerGate: https://www.historyofgamergate.com/ • View the timeline links in the Current Happenings section! >Lists: • GG Steam Support & Boycott List: https://v.gd/vzRsRb • Key GamerGate Hubs: https://v.gd/LNJbat >Thread Repository: https://gitgud.io/gamergate/gamergateop/blob/master/ThreadRepository.md https://ggwiki.deepfreeze.it/index.php?title=Thread_Repository >Full OP Text: • Current: https://ggwiki.deepfreeze.it/index.php?title=The_GamerGate_OP >How Can I Help? >>>/gamergatehq/ • All OPs: https://gitgud.io/gamergate/gamergateop/tree/master/Operations • OP Vulcan: Learn logical debating: https://v.gd/Kbzw0L • An Anon's Guide to Twitter; basics: https://v.gd/nwrbYF >Want to Contribute to GitGud or Wiki? https://gitgud.io/gamergate/gamergateop/tree/master/How-to-Contribute
Reminder that saying Rabbits at the start of every month is a shitty forced meme.
>>265556 >Capricorn That thing isn't a kelpie?
>>265557 This is only time I have ever agreed with someone on the usage of the term "forced meme" in these threads. Every other time I see this phrase used, it's used purely for a meme that is not forced, but which anon simply doesn't like. Or by listanon shitposting. This time, it's it's true. But I like the forced rabbit rabbit meme anyways.
>>762777 >LCP got trips Fug. But is she 11 or twelve? My dick needs to know.
>>265559 >I like the forced rabbit rabbit meme anyways. You like the rabbit, not the meme. There's a difference. Just make threads about vidya bunnies if you need your fix.
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>>265557 Sure is funny how this "forced meme" has existed since the early 1900's.
>>265558 Kelpies are water horse fey from Irish mythology that drag anyone unfortunate enough to get near them and the large bodies of water they reside nearby. They often disguise themselves as beautiful women to lure gullible and unsuspecting people to their deaths.
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stop being gay, Gaymergays!
>>762786 Garfield you fat cat!
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>>265568 >>762786 The question "where is my pipe?" has only one answer. The question "where could my pipe be?" has infinite answers.
So how about the Kotaku Mafia attacking Magsfest for making a joke https://archive.vn/Y57nE
>>265571 Why would they even bother giving in the first place considering they know Kotaku's not even worth a damn therefore they shouldn't even consider them a threat since anything they do results in little to no consequence.
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>>265572 Attempting to cover their asses for the sake of PR like the harrassment and gayops targeting anime conventions that tried hosting Vic Mignogna post-cancellation is my guess. Remember, normalfaggots are cowards afraid of confrontation.
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>>265573 Wait, I thought Gamergate was about harassing women? I thought journalism was just a cover. Why would accusations of shoddy journalism be "gamergate?" Unless the journos are admitting that was actually the focus and they're admitting they've been lying for year.
>>265562 Memes predate the internet. >>265573 https://archive.ph/GcNKV https://archive.ph/o7OOv Finally something GG related for the New Year
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>>265573 Yes, because shitting on kotaku is something only biGGays do right? Fucking idiots. Absolute fucking buffoons, "losing steam" and getting discouraged because someone shit on your favorite clickbait blogger shithole says a lot about how shallow your motivations are as well.
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>>265568 >he has to wear a hat to hide how bald he's becoming
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>>265576 What a fucking cuck. One mention of "muh goobergrape" and he tears like wet tissue paper.
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>niggerpill actually changed his twitter avatar after an anon said he has no taste
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>>265580 I can only see the tranny version of that meme now, so those cuckchanners did good in subverting it I guess
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>>265571 >>265573 I love how this guy is trying to defend themselves by pointing fingers at GamerGate instead of saying that kotaku has at least some integrity but there you go they're basically admitted the joke is right on the money
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>>265580 >This is what posting on soyjak.party, Kiwifarms and tvch does to a motherfucker Jesus fucking Christ, he needs his own page on /cow/.
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>>265580 Why is the Swastika not rotated 45 degrees?
>>265585 Maybe it's an anti Buddhist soyjak?
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>>265585 I'd say it's a sign of Niggerpill's incompetence but let's be honest, we all know he isn't capable of making OC. Not even something as braindead as a wojak.
>>762396 No, no, no. Have you ever read Left Behind? I sure haven't. I wouldn't find it appealing. However, it is a best seller. How? Religion. If you aren't a part of the religion, you don't see the attraction. If you don't care if (((Cosmic Justice))) smiles upon you, why would you like Social Justice media, which panders to that religion? If you believe that some fake, trilby-tipping phony god smiles on you for consuming a piece of media, you will enjoy it despite it being trash. And that's what's happened to games: made by trash for trash.
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>>265575 >Unless the journos are admitting that was actually the focus and they're admitting they've been lying for year. No, because "dogwhistle" means "they said one thing but it actually means [words I want to put in their mouth!"
>>265571 >>265573 >>265576 What a spineless cuck.
>>265587 It wouldn't surprise me, all the images he posts look like shit.
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>>265580 >too stupid to come up with a relevant date so just uses the year of our lord, reinforcing the validity of the birth of christ
Some interboard-related news for those curious: Our /a/ has been pretty active lately. Last month since I took over as a vol and de facto owner, /a/ had a 50% increase in the total posts for the board, over 20 new threads made, and consistent activity across older ones as well, and it consistently showing up in the top boards list. Average PPD based on the numbers is about 20, and PPH during normal hours is solidly in line with webring /a/-type boards give or take a bit, UIDs are generally in the double digits. Its not at their full levels of activity yet, but its pretty solid considering it only started last month for all intents and purposes. Goal isn't to compete with them or anything though, but just saying for those who are concerned with a lack of activity; as a board, its doing fine and will likely continue to grow at this rate. Also added some new banners as well. Feel free to make whatever threads and posts ya want there if ya wanna talk about anime/mango or anything Japanese/asian-media related like jap vidya or whatever. >>>/a/
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>>265593 < I'm suddenly reminded that there are faggots who believe renaming the AD epoch to CE is somehow ... not stupid and petty and Orwellian.
>>265594 Nice, it's really encouraging hearing people flock to another board for a popular topic like /a/.
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>>265595 Nice, anon.
>>762853 It certainly has the dimensions of one.
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>>265558 Kelpies are a transforming unseelie fae from Scottish folklore that can look like horses or beautiful women in order to lure people to their doom. Capricorn is a sea goat from Mediterranean and near east mythologies. Obviously those have been monstergirl-ified a bit, although I think there may be more humanlike versions from myth as well. Apparently there's something called an icthyocentaur. Actually I thought OP was full of lamia to at first.
>>265576 >He pulled out because it hurt Kotaku's feefees Spineless. >>265580 >Soyjak LOL, LMAO even.
>>265580 >the soyjak even has an 8chan symbol on it So that really was' Niggerpill's twatter account? Why would he confirm it in such a blatant way? At least before I had suspicions over whether or not it was just another no-name leftist who happened to be similar, but changing his avatar to something like this as soon as someone mocks the gay roman helmet or whatever that he had before a red-handed sign. Does changing his account to a suicide caricature make him reportable under Musk?
>>265602 >So that really was' Niggerpill's twatter account? Why would he confirm it in such a blatant way? The fact it went protected after it showed up was a pretty obvious clue that basically confirmed it already.
>>265572 Because the journalists almost started a riot over it, no hyperbole. They had to remove it under threats of violence and of the convention being trashed, and would you, being some old fuck who rents buildings for meetings and the like, let an organization host a conference in your building if a riot and mass property damage happened last time? Or that's what I heard at least. These journos would probably never act on that but would some normalfaggot conference hoster know that? Probably not.
It could just be a gayop or something, but this shit about proshipping and other weird autism is oddly specific
>>265602 Why would you expect that south african cocksucker to do anything worthwhile?
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Archive of previous bread: https://archive.md/4pSrg
>>265605 >but this shit about proshipping and other weird autism is oddly specific My theory that it's a fujoshit will be vindicated in the end. Not even trannies could be bothered to give that much of a fuck.
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Remember to link to alternative video sites and/or attach videos to posts as WEBMs/MP4s for the purposes of ending Goolag's control Also, remember to contribute towards Operation Download And Conquer: >>>/t/5546
>>265557 >saying Rabbits at the start of every month >forced meme Anon, it's an actual tradition dating back over a century: https://infogalactic.com/info/Rabbit_rabbit_rabbit
>>265603 Even then, with how much drama goes on there, I could've just as easily bought that it was some IRL meltdown with cohencidental timing. It's enough of a clown world for it to be plausible and it could've FUDed the waters enough for anyone who wasn't there for the initial reveal. But with this kind of picture evidence emblazoned with a site literally no one who isn't already on the webring cares about because Cuckchan's the bigger name, there's no room for doubt whatsoever. >>265606 People like to say Twatter's better under him. I figured that'd at least involve consistency with rules. >>265580 Regardless, since he feels ballsy enough to unprotect his account and "mock" us for finding it, that makes me wonder if there's any suspicious gaps in his history due to things he tried to scrub if one uses Nitter or something to scroll through his backlog: https://n.asak.gg/pzhos64/
>>265613 >I figured that'd at least involve consistency with rules. Who has consistent rules? Name one.
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Remember to spread around this image recommending actually good games to the Nips! The point of this chart is to inform the Japanese on what the good games that the West has actually produced over the past few decades are rather than let companies tell them that Westerners "like" Ass Creed, Life is Tumblr, and CoD, and to make their games "like that". If you don't know who to send it to, post it on Japanese vidya discussion boards you know of, tag it to Nip e-celebs your enjoy, and/or inform Japanese creators who you think listen to their fans.
>>265602 >Why would he confirm it in such a blatant way? Oh that's simple. He a literal semi-moron retard. You would have to be to spend your days for years obsessed with spamming an imageboard. Similar example: Lucario who is a half monkey Brazilian. Spammers genuinely do have cognitive disabilities, I've come to understand. Further proof to that is that he's a commie too. The only intelligent "communists" are the ones that know that they would become the top dogs in the new social order as neo nobility. All of the followers are fucking idiots and they deserve to labor under a communist regime and if it weren't for the fact that non commies would suffer too I'd be happy to see it happen.
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>>265612 >"My two daughters are in the habit of saying 'Rabbits!' on the first day of each month. The word must be spoken aloud, and be the first word said in the month. It brings luck for that month. Other children, I find, use the same formula."[1] >"Why," the man in the brown hat laughed at him, "I thought everybody knew 'Rabbit, rabbit, rabbit.' If you say 'Rabbit, rabbit, rabbit'—three times, just like that—first thing in the morning on the first of the month, even before you say your prayers, you'll get a present before the end of the month."[3] I would wager that the youkai are at favlt for this!
>>265603 >But with this kind of picture evidence emblazoned with a site literally no one who isn't already on the webring cares about because Cuckchan's the bigger name, there's no room for doubt whatsoever. He had already had stuff from 8chan on there. That Prince of Egypt post he always used to spam was posted there. Image searching that or something like that is probably how he was found.
Software and sites to give attention to! Operating systems >AROS: http://aros.sourceforge.net/ >BSD <Net: https://www.netbsd.org/ <Open: https://www.openbsd.org/ <DragonFly: https://www.dragonflybsd.org/ >GrapheneOS: https://grapheneos.org/ >Linux <Artix Linux: https://artixlinux.org/ <CLIP OS: https://clip-os.org/ <Devuan: https://www.devuan.org/ <EndeavourOS: https://endeavouros.com/ <Rocky Linux: https://rockylinux.org/ >ToaruOS: https://toaruos.org/ Archival >ArchiveBox: https://archivebox.io/ Chatrooms: >Session: https://getsession.org/ >Tox: https://tox.chat/ Database >Based Cooking: https://based.cooking/ >BigchainDB: https://www.bigchaindb.com/ >Gelbooru: https://gelbooru.com/ >Gun: https://gun.eco/ >Hydrus ( >>>/t/6469 ): https://hydrusnetwork.github.io/hydrus/ >Library Genesis: http://libgen.rs/ >ourobooru: https://ourobooru.booru.org/ >Sci-Hub: https://sci-hub.hkvisa.net/ Donation and payment services: >AlignPay: https://www.alignpay.com/ >Fantia: http://fantia.jp/ >Librepay: https://liberapay.com/ Email clients >Claws Mail: https://www.claws-mail.org/ >The Mutt: http://www.mutt.org/ Email hosting >Create your own: https://archive.fo/okVq4 >Cock.li (Invite link required): https://cock.li/ Encyclopedias >Infogalactic: https://infogalactic.com/info/Main_Page File sharing and storage >anonfile: https://anonfile.com/ >BitTorrent: https://infogalactic.com/info/BitTorrent >CacheP2P: https://github.com/guerrerocarlos/CacheP2P >Catbox: https://catbox.moe/ >Cryptosphere: https://github.com/cryptosphere/cryptosphere >Dat Project: https://datproject.org/
[Expand Post]>Filecoin: https://filecoin.io/ >Holochain: https://github.com/holochain/holochain-proto >Instant.io: https://instant.io/ >IPFS: https://ipfs.io/ >Kek.gg https://kek.gg/ >Onion Share: https://onionshare.org/ >ORC: https://orc.apache.org/ >Peergos: https://peergos.org/ >Perkeep: https://perkeep.org/ >Pomf: https://github.com/pomf/pomf >QBittorrent: https://www.qbittorrent.org/ >Sia: https://sia.tech/ >Storj: https://storj.io/ >Swarm: https://github.com/ethersphere/swarm >Tahoe-LAFS: https://www.tahoe-lafs.org/trac/tahoe-lafs >Uguu: https://uguu.se/ >WebTorrent: https://webtorrent.io/ >Other sites: https://www.archiveteam.org/index.php?title=Pomf.se/Clones Galleries and image hosting >ArtStation (SFW only): https://www.artstation.com/ >HicceArs: https://www.hiccears.com/ >Wysp: https://www.wysp.ws/ Internet and browsers >BadWolf: https://hacktivis.me/projects/badwolf >Basilisk: https://www.basilisk-browser.org/ >Beaker: https://beakerbrowser.com/ >Bromite: https://www.bromite.org/ >Falkon: https://www.falkon.org/ >GNU IceCat: https://www.gnu.org/software/gnuzilla/ >Handshake: https://handshake.org/ >I2P: https://geti2p.net/ >InterPlanetary Wayback: https://github.com/oduwsdl/ipwb >Iridium Browser (Guide to remove spyware: https://spyware.neocities.org/guides/iridium.html ): https://iridiumbrowser.de/ >LibreWolf: https://librewolf-community.gitlab.io/ >MaidSafe: https://maidsafe.net >Mysterium Network: https://mysterium.network/ >Namecoin: https://namecoin.org/ >NetSurf (Guide to remove spyware: https://spyware.neocities.org/guides/netsurf.html ): https://www.netsurf-browser.org/ >Otter Browser: https://otter-browser.org/ >Qutebrowser: https://qutebrowser.org/ >Sphere Browser (WARNING: https://spyware.neocities.org/articles/sphere.html ): https://sphere.tenebris.cc/ >Surf: http://surf.suckless.org/ >Tor: https://www.torproject.org/ >Ungoogled-Chromium: https://ungoogled-software.github.io/ungoogled-chromium-binaries/ >Web Browser: https://git.nuegia.net/webbrowser.git/ >Yggdrasil Network: https://yggdrasil-network.github.io/ >ZeroNet: https://zeronet.io/ Marketplace >DLsite: https://www.dlsite.com/eng/ >DMM Games: https://games.dmm.com/ >Fruitbat Factory: https://sites.fastspring.com/fruitbatfactory/product/buy >ğchange: https://www.gchange.fr >JAST: https://jastusa.com/ >Play-Asia: https://www.play-asia.com/ >Top Hat Store: https://shop.tophat.studio >Zoom Platform: https://www.zoom-platform.com/ Pastebins >Paste: https://github.com/jordansamuel/PASTE >PrivateBin: https://privatebin.info/ Search engines >ActiveSearchResults: https://www.activesearchresults.com/ >Gigablast: https://www.gigablast.com/ >Marginalia : https://search.marginalia.nu/ >Mojeek: https://www.mojeek.com/ >Wiby: https://wiby.me/ >YaCy: https://yacy.net/ Social media >anime website: https://anime.website/ >Baest: https://bae.st/ >baraag.net: https://baraag.net/ >Free Speech Extremist: https://freespeechextremist.com/ >GNU Social: https://gnu.io/social/ >Hubzilla: https://zotlabs.org/page/hubzilla/hubzilla-project >Mediachain: http://www.mediachain.io/ >Pleroma: https://pleroma.social/ >Plurk: https://www.plurk.com/ >Poast: https://poa.st/ >Shitposter Club: https://shitposter.club/ >Steemit: https://steemit.com/ Streaming >8chanTV ( >>>/site/1519 ): https://watch.8ch.moe/ Video and audio platforms >AVideo: https://github.com/WWBN/AVideo >BitTube: https://bittube.tv/ >D.tube: https://d.tube/ >MediaGoblin: https://mediagoblin.org/ >Veoh: https://www.veoh.com/ >VidLii: https://www.vidlii.com/ Video downloaders and converters >boram: https://github.com/Kagami/boram >ffmpeg (Can be paired with Nadeshiko on Linux: https://codeberg.org/deterenkelt/Nadeshiko ): https://ffmpeg.org/download.html >NewPipe: https://newpipe.net/ >WebMConverter: https://gitgud.io/nixx/WebMConverter >webm.py: https://github.com/Kagami/webm.py >wybm: https://github.com/Kagami/wybm >youtube-dl (Also download ffmpeg for best compatability; guide: >>>/t/5546): https://youtube-dl.org/ Web hosts >Create your own: https://archive.vn/BtM69 >IONOS: https://www.ionos.com/ >KolymaNET: https://www.kolyma.org/ >Neocities: https://neocities.org/ Other >AdNauseam: https://adnauseam.io/ >Amateur Game Development General: >>>/agdg/ >ChannelChanger: >>>/t/1257 >Crescent Isle: >>>/site/532 >Kdenlive: https://kdenlive.org/ >LINE Sticker Downloader: https://goonlinetools.com/line-sticker-download/ >Magic Wormhole: https://github.com/warner/magic-wormhole >OpenTimestamps: https://opentimestamps.org/ >Privacy Possum: https://github.com/cowlicks/privacypossum >QEMU: https://www.qemu.org/ >The Wick Editor: https://www.wickeditor.com/ >VirtualBox: https://www.virtualbox.org/ Suggestions are always welcome! Revision Updates: 11/16/22: https://archive.ph/QLgWL
>>265614 I dunno, Japanese websites?
>>265580 >>265592 >Nigger pill can’t even come up with anything more creative than editing Cuckchan wojak Troon's Suicide meme >He is still Brazilian and a tranny It would be less embarrassing if he killed himself in real life.
>>265604 >and would you, being some old fuck who rents buildings for meetings and the like, let an organization host a conference in your building if a riot and mass property damage happened last time Why didn't the event organizers call security to haul them out? Even threatening that they were going to riot should be grounds for immediate ejection from the coonvention and a life-time ban.
>>265571 >So how about the Kotaku Mafia attacking Magsfest for making a joke Kotaku and PBS been attacking D&D fans for caring about the game after Hasbro pulling the plug on fan material and calling players racist all week. Hasbro NUKES Dungeons & Dragons Fan Content from Orbit! WotC Yanks the OGL?! https://y.com.sb/watch?v=mraO-veKWaQ Dungeons & Dragons Creator and OSR Fans ATTACKED by PBS News Hour?! https://y.com.sb/watch?v=Yv2UfahOrDI
>>265618 >Image searching Prince of Egypt post is probably how he was found. Well, one of the anons did talk about the fascination of it being spammed like he won a internet trophy
>>265622 >Why didn't the event organizers call security to haul them out? MAGfest in a soft on crime pro-defunding the police state.
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>>265580 >He actually changed his profile pic to a soyjak killing himself >Just earlier last thread he was being mocked for his pfp Quick, everyone in this thread who has a twitter account for some god forsaken reason, report his profile for containing "Nazi Imagery" and encouraging self-harm.
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>>265602 >>265618 >>265624 Oh, its him alright.
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>>265615 Stop posting this autism you don't even know shit about Japanese imageboard culture and when pressed if you actually spoke to Japan anons you said you only spoke to them in broken Moon. You then in near white leftist tier retardation proceeded to act like you knew shit about them when they were less then impressed with you and this chart.
Watch out for GamerGate The public enemy of the world #1 It is the main hashtag responsible for… ☑ Accidentally re-starting the French Revolution ☑ Weaponized Gondolas ☑ Hacking German politicians and media ☑ Played "To Catch a Predator" with Randy Pickford ☑ Masterminded the destruction of GDQ via the Catfish of Legend: Namazu ☑ Under the light of the Blood Moon; Self-destructed Western Journalism by having a some kid smirk at a drumming savage ☑ Just wanted to start a conversation with everyone, everywhere, eternally ☑ Watched Gawker die TWICE ☑ Guilty of face crimes ☑ When GameStop tried to sell itself; offered $3.50 in in-store credit ☑ Made telling "journalists" to "learn to code" into a hate crime ☑ Taught the Alt-Right ✅Then harassed said Alt-Right ☑ Started in 2011-2012 when 4chan tried to steal Anita Sarkeesian's SSN# ☑ Created "Boner Culture" which made cis straight male erections the most powerful force on earth ☑ Had a Jewish Mobster 'Take Care' of it ☑ Asked THQ about gaemu which somehow triggered World Wide Web War III ☑ Tricked /cow/ into developing and sharing their fetish for Mark's plump bagel with ResetEra ☑ Triggered GJP3.0 with 57 hitpeices on THQ Nordic's AA ☑ Orchestrated the GaymerGay misogynist review backlash against Marvel's Captain Woman ☑ Taught New Zealand about "White Day" ☑ Radicalized Spyro the Dragon ☑ Turned Pewdiepie into the Osama Bin Ladin of GaymerGays ☑ "The nerds and gamers were joined by the proto-storm troopers of the alt-right in a bond that has never been broken" ☑ Was a trial run for "will the US tolerate fascist behavior" ☑ Exploring new frontiers in sexual harassment via Jelly Bean ☑ Groomed young impressionable politicians into misogynists ☑ Created and trained the alt-right to take over the political landscape on a global scale (And succeeded) ☑ Arranged for Sonic the Hedgehog (movie ver.) to get "fixed" ☑ Remains undefeated for all time ☑ Turned Rage 2 into a Trump-esque attack on game journos ☑ Joined forces with Amazon ☑ Helped Mark impress Resetera ☑ Used Elliot Rodger's martyrdom to unite 4Chan and Breitbart to elect Donald Trump ☑ Will be looked back upon in 50 years as the root cause of the coming Cultural Civil War ☑ Government-sponsored shitposting ☑ Mastered the manipulation of the news cycle to their advantage ☑ Made Anita cry when Feminist Frequency went broke ☑ Destroyer of Worlds ☑ Russian Conspiracies (all of them) ☑ Extended Reanon's death/meme-magic to animation studios (please meme responsibly) ☑ An instrument of American Trumpian Power Worldwide
[Expand Post]☑ Cured alleged "journalist" of dyslexic anxiety ☑ An aberrant, creeping horror ☑ As dangerous as Anti-Vax, ISIS, and Holocaust Denial ☑ Five years of ruining everything ☑ Came to the classroom ☑ Trained Google whistleblowers ☑ Never died and foreshadowed our toxic meme-strewn politics ☑ Blew up the Internet ☑ Made wanting challenge in videogames into supporting White Supremacy ☑ Was secretly fighting WWIII all along ☑ Stochastic Terrorism ☑ Being a national security threat according to the DHS ☑ Helped Mark win the lottery ☑ Gave the money back ☑ Living long enough to see itself become the villain in a TV Show THRICE ☑ Confused the FBI into thinking /v/ is /baphomet/ ☑ Turned Anita Sarkesian into a crazy cat lady ☑ It's #Gamergate Forever ☑ Justifiably felt alienated by the neoliberal fetishization of feminism and the reductionism of politics to identity teams ☑ Was rabidly pro-corporate ☑ Manipulated a SJWeeb into review-bombing a LGBTWTFBBQ-friendly game as a "test" ☑ Non-meat based cam girls ☑ Caused the Corona outbreak which destroyed China to cheer up a depressed CIA glownigger ☑ Digisexuals ☑ Called the cyber police to put a cripple in cyber jail ☑ Weaponizing decency ☑ Made the games industry a nightmare for Women, Colored People, and Ashley Burch ☑ The inevitable ultimate horror of Sega's "toxic" advertising for ChuChu Rocket ☑ Has the highest body count of any COVID-19 disinfo group ☑ Finally got the 8kun administration to get off their ass and answer the damn phone ☑ Searching for a new home (again) ☑ Made some /v/ hotpockets on other imageboards go insane ☑ Burned julay to the ground by doing basically fuck-all except continue to exist (props to a certain bunbunmaru reporter, tho) ☑ Having a high enough IQ to be mentioned on Rick and Morty ☑ Radicalized a grandmother to the point she promotes harassment against alleged games journalists ☑ Is the terrorist group backed by 'The French' who are behind President Trump's exhausting battle against twitter ☑ Protecting FUCKING GAMESTOP from looters ☑ Finally started the Race War by forcing a meth-head on a date with Corona-chan to take a knee to the neck from the police ☑ Confirmed for Baby Hitler ☑ Gave a lot of airtime to Soviet defector Yuri Bezmenov ☑ Got on the Atlantic's "free $100" van only to get intervewed ☑ Started a backlash against the French independent film industry because they want to raise pure little girls ☑ And then Russia wanted to shut down 8chan.moe to be ironic ☑ Was clearly a blueprint for Trump's online assault in 2016 ☑ A gravestone marked “Games Journalism; Dead By Suicide,” with the date of death corresponding with the launch of GG ☑ Took over the US capitol ☑ Funded by the GOP ☑ Using Reddit's radicalized nihilism to counter jews shorting FUCKING GAMESTOP ☑ Made Mark the Godfather of Gamergate ☑ Corrected Polygon on Titanfall lore ☑ Accidental meme magic discharge (R.I.P Miura) ☑ Planet-range racism field ☑ Not wanting people to put down the controller and talk about their feelings ☑ Destroyed the logic process of a bot wreaking havoc across multiple imageboards with just one simple trick ☑ Caused Blizzard executives to threaten their employees with rape ☑ Came to Alex Hutchinson's Defense ☑ Made Vivian a feminist symbol ☑ Grew to a geopolitical scale and spilled into real life with devastating consequences ☑ Got their own TV show ☑ Brandon’s First fan ☑ Gave birth to Qanon ☑ Is the precedent for /K/yle Rittenhouse ☑ Ruined people's brains by turning them into corporate bootlickers ☑ Created the concept of "Culture War" ☑ Was the watershed event in the ascendancy of online extremist personalities and tactics ☑ Mars manifest destiny ☑ Was behind Elon Musk's twitter takeover all along ☑ The Ruby Ridge of online violence ☑ Funneled men into far-right politics via witch-hunting ☑ We now live in a gamergateocracy ☑ Resulted in abortions being banned ☑ Accused of being none other than Gamergate ☑ Making mainstream games soft-sell white supremacy ☑ Getting their own theater piece in the Netherlands ☑ Was a rebellion against English class ☑ Conquistato il senato Italiano usando nerd armati ☑ Let the far right borrow it's online moves ☑ Radicalized a """"Right Wing"""" illegal immigrant canadian nudist hippy into assassinating Nancy Pelosi's husband with a hammer ☑ “How did I get into all this,” Mr. DePape wrote in one passage on his blog: “Gamer Gate it was gamer gate”
>>265627 Well yeah, I meant that one of the anons talked about his fascination with the post to the point of spamming it and they had Chris Redfield acting as Gendo Ikari in a sort of 'Armchair psychologist'
>>265628 Wait, he actually talked to nips already? Why the hell does he keep posting the shitty list then?
>>265628 >and when pressed if you actually spoke to Japan anons you said you only spoke to them in broken Moon That was the CoDnigger, the same fag who sperged so hard that he started making his own chart and is paying real money for a "professional" to do it. I never spoke to any Nips during the creation of the chart.
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>>265628 >>265632 These are my posts in the chart thread, if you want specific clarification: >>>/v/761358 >>>/v/761371 >>>/v/761399 >>>/v/761453 >>>/v/761462
>>265627 Kiwi farms still alive and community even more anti-tranny than before. If kiwi farms can become anti-tranny so can Reddit. Non-white twitter already hates trannies.
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>>265580 >>265583 >>265587 >>265592 >>265593 >>265602 >>265603 >>265613 >>265616 >>265618 >>265621 >>265624 >>265626 >>265627 >>265630 >>265635 >>265636 Guies, stop making fun of niggerpill! If you keep at it Xir will kill Xirself and that would be absolutely terrible. It would be even more terrible if Xir livestreamed it and blamed gamergate as final display of bravery and determination. I have never seen someone waste so much effort to be so utterly ineffective at everything they did. Anthony Burch finally has someone to look down upon.
>>265627 Is it talking about our Mark? The twelve game overs cakekike that baleeted fat/v/?
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>>265636 Yes, that would indeed be the post I am talking about! >>265637 >that spoiler of Anthony Burch finally having someone to look down upon
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>>265637 >Anthony Burch finally has someone to look down upon. That's not only savage, but true. Imagine being such a thin-skinned faggot that you change your profile picture because some anon said it came from Ass Creed, even though it was likely the real mask that the game took inspiration from.
>>265627 What an idiot giving himself away like that, if he's still John Kelly then he's got a lot of heat on him from the people he previously pissed off.
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This entire thread just hurt niggerpill's feelings. Stop it. https://archive.is/rtRQA
>>265573 wait a minute, i thought gamergate was a harassment campaign? what does it have to do with games journalism?
>>265580 I guess that proves beyond any doubt it's him. Got to say, I wonder what the story behind this guy is. Who bullied him so hard that he sperged out this much?
>>265642 >When the government nationalizes the internet... That already happened back in 1974, dibshit! https://infogalactic.com/info/United_States_v._AT%26T_Co. "Nationalization" is what occurs whenever the government wins an anti-trust case.
>>265642 There's no way this guy isn't some failed normalfag from gamefaqs that didn't know what 8chan was until Tarrant did the shooting. Is anyone here an ancientfag that happens to know when niggerpill precisely started posting?
>>265639 "At least I'm not Niggerpill." - Anthony Burch
>>265646 >Is anyone here an ancientfag that happens to know when niggerpill precisely started posting? There's been some variation of niggerpill for YEARS. However, back on h8chan, it was usual /leftypol/ or a /cow/ard doing it.
>>265644 I suspect the majority of his childhood days began with his mother throwing a beer bottle at him and telling him she wishes he'd been a girl.
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>>265559 >everyone making fun of my unfunny /tv/ and reddit forced memes is that listnigger >the actually-funny rabbit rabbit GG-thread in-joke/tradition is just as funny as my old shitty forced off-site memes! I am sparticus! lol I've been too busy the last couple of days to check in on the thread to mock your usual Memehouse bullshit, so that was someone else entirely. Take the hint.
>>265646 >>265648 I remember that Luciano's name (and the fact he came from OAG) was exposed in 2019 when the KH3 leaks happened after shitting things up for a while beforehand, but I don't necessarily remember when Niggerpill started. I wanna say 2017?
>>265651 Wait, I do remember he was on /pol/ for a while. Back then he kept spamming ASHES AND ECHOES so he was known as Asses & Elbows.
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>>265653 Do you think one can go elbow deep in >her ass?
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Googling that phrase and the oldest result is from a /baphomet/ thread. Is it the same guy? https://archive.ph/fMmJy
>>265655 This cuck/co thread is from just a month later and mentions a guy who seems to have the same MO. https://desuarchive.org/co/thread/77260404/#q77263742 >There was this one spammer on another place. He was very depressed and ended all his comments on any given thread (usually /pol/ related) with a phrase "Ashes and echoes." Ashes and echoes indeed.
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ACID!! make it so the archive site doesn't get any of the themes, so that this https://archive.md/E8gT6 doesn't happen, also can we have pic related or something like it that the guys over at /ac/ did for themselves by default on boards?
>>265633 Does she have fucking heart pupils? >>762955 At least Sargon outlived Benjamin and has a fucking business. The complain I have about him is that he is a filthy anglo faggot, and there is no bigger crime than that besides being a german or a frog.
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>>762955 I hate to talk about ecelebs but one thing I have to say is that these people should have never shown their real faces. "Sargon" should have worn a stone mask of the actual Sargon that he used as his channel emblem like a fucking Glintstone crown.
>>265659 I can agree with that, but I guess it was too much work. Anyway, did the Wise Kings bring you a present today?
>>265659 >this successful person should have done something which would have made them far less successful Okay.
>>265653 Oh yeah, It's definitely the same guy. I watched him transition lol over a period of months from "Ashes and Echoes" to his more general niggerpill persona. >>265660 >did the Wise Kings bring you a present today? Dang it, I was going to try and make a King's Cake.
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>>265656 https://archive.ph/xt4fd He seems very self aware here. >>265662 niggerpill is probably a long dedicated shitposter who is likely doing for it his own entertainment.
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>>265642 >dinosaur wannabe fash
This is the most actual digging I've seen in the thread in ages.
>>265661 If Daft Punk could do it then he could have. >>265663 >likely doing for it his own entertainment. Even if that's the case the fact that he's kept the same bit going for this long still means that there is still something seriously wrong with him. He's like a toddler that tells a slightly funny joke and then proceeds to repeat the exact same joke 50 times. Only he's not a toddler, he a fucking fully functioning(?) adult.
>>265666 He should be treated as an annoying jester instead of some ominous threat.
>>265667 He ain't a threat **except to possibly his own mother when he finally gets tired of searching for a boyfriend-free girl*, he's just really fucking obnoxious.
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☑ Demoralized niggerpill Not an actual list item, but he seems to be the most demoralized person here.
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>>265667 He's more of a nuisance than a threat, I really just don't like seeing that he still exists.
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>>265655 >i hate you leftists but is on a temporary truce >from /baphomet/ 2015 >no one wants me on pol >is now posting soyjacks and tranny support to get back at us
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>>265655 >>265671 That's nostalgic. It reminds me of the "Anime art isn't art because I say so!"-fag who would pop up IN EVERY SINGLE THREAD on (old)8/pol/ whenever anything even remotely related to Japan was mentioned. Although, that fag's posting-style was more like yuricuck (RIP) than Luciano.
>>265672 >yuricuck (RIP) He's dead?
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>>265673 He's dead to me. He hasn't posted here in a while so I assume he's annoying some other small imageboard of his tales of woe of turning girls gay.
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>>265658 >Does she have fucking heart pupils? The mangaka never does anything by accident, so probably. They're so perfect for each other it's making me upset because it's Chainsaw Man so I know it will end bad.
>>763030 >image Skyrim vanilla elves.
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>>265678 Too late for him to try and hide the avatar connection, given we have at least 2 pics of what it was before.
>>265678 Soon to be no more than another tranny statistic
>>265678 Here lies Niggerpill. He was never a hot babe, but I kinda wished he was.
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>>265678 What a shocker. The sissy niggerpill waved the white flag against this thread after being exposed last year. Surprise, surprise.
>>265612 >anglos No wonder it brought me bad luck when I did it. >>265631 To make gamergays look bad 4free. >>265683 it was probably someone doing >>265626
>>265678 Another one bites the dust
>>265685 He's probably into that.
>>265612 >>265684 >Anglofags So it IS a forced meme.
>>265612 >Anon, it's an actual tradition dating back over a century: So is everything LARPagans do. Doesn't make it not forced.
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>>265650 I love you listanon.
>>265682 as long as the idea lives on its fine
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>>265580 >>265678 I wonder if Niggerpill's literally mentally ill. I have seen commies fucks on the internet being fucking insane. >>265571 When was the time gaming journalism peaked its quality? Some people said that the 90s where the last time it was considered good.
I'd fugg that Capricorn girl right in her goatfishpussy. regards, /monster/
>>265691 I wish that manga artist made a manga about a big fat nice guy making sadomasoquistic girls learn to love themselves and don't need to wish to be killed by cock and just want to be good mothers.
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>>265691 >When was the time gaming journalism peaked its quality? Vidya journalism has ALWAYS been shit. They were posting unironic paintings and concept art as literal screenshots and making entire reviews off of that art during the 80's, then the 90's rolled on through with their shit takes declaring that modern vidya control schemes were borderline "unplayable", only for the mask to slip off during the Aughts with Driv3rgate. The only "good" thing game journos ever did was include those full size posters in their magazines.
>>265691 Niggerpill is tranny of course he is mentally ill
>>265690 What's this from?
>>265696 Looks like Trials in Tainted Space. Do yourself a favor an stay away from it. You don't want to go down the Fenoxo rabbit hole.
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>>265697 Something i stumbled across once while looking for black skinned aliens in the vein of the martian queen or xenomorphs; names Viola, not much art of her though.
>>265697 Too much furry, too much bimbofication.
>>265688 >ChristLARPERS thinking they're any better
>>265637 But it's fun! I remember reading him attacking an artist because he drew girls with big boobs Also >he removed his pfp
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>>265700 >Implying implications
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>>265697 >>265698 I guess we're horny for #000000 girls now?
>>265703 Always have been, really.
>>265701 Who said anyone needed an excuse to draw something?
>>265704 checked
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>>265703 I'd betray my own skin color, if you catch my drift
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>>265675 >They're so perfect for each other They really are. Maybe Fujimoto will have mercy on us and make it only a slightly bitersweet ending.
>>265701 >The population of females in the world is estimated at 3,904,727,342 >3% of that number is about 120 million >The US population is around 331 Million That means there is a lot of triple F cups to go around. Guy should just let people enjoy tihngs
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>>265709 Still gotta pull up that percentage, there is clearly a drought of giant titties.
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>>265697 At first I thought you wrote Trails in Tainted Space and was very confused.
So, for a non american, can you explain me the McArthy shit?
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>>265713 I assume you mean Joseph McCarthy, notable commie hater in the 60's who blacklisted the fuck out of people for being potential ruskie spies or just liberal in general. That's honestly all i know about him off-hand and you can research it as well as i could, but i'll also add that he wasn't wrong and communism is always a threat.
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>>265714 The only thing Joe McCarthy did wrong is stop.
>>265713 They want a speaker of the house so they can pass legislation, but he is an establishment unipartisan. Every time they vote, his support wanes. This would be like coalitions in europoor countries unable to come to an agreement on how to govern, so it makes republicans look indecisive and divided to voters. As McCarthy meets negotiations with the more extreme demands, he loses moderate support, so it really is gridlock. The democrats can also not show up since the voting only requires a majority among those seated, but obviously it is politically beneficial not to interrupt.
>>265716 Also there are no "must pass" bills coming in, so everyone is content to draw it out to benefit themselves.
>>265715 Eh, there were innocent people who got caught up in the HUAC shenanigans is the problem, that basically torpedo'd their credibility even if they were unto something about Hollywood
I've been absent here since a bit before Christmas. Anything interesting/worth mentioning happen?
>>265719 nothing worth mentioning has happened here in 3 years.
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>>265719 Kotaku got publicly mocked and then whined until the con took it down.
>>265691 Dude was doing this for 4 years of course he was mentally ill.
COD MW2 2009 vs MW2 2022 - Weapons Comparison https://y.com.sb/watch?v=gm5B-rW1ZlM Seriously, why do older call of duty games look so much better than modern warfare reboots? Outside of the shotguns, every gun from modern warfare 2 2009 looks and sounds better in every way than modern warfare 2 reboot. The lighting is better but everything feels much more soulless in the reboot era of call of duty. The original Modern Warfare 2 is one of the games I played on the original Xbox 360 and still get surprised how much the game holds up graphically and artistically. Along with the original mass effect trilogy and dead rising.
>>265723 >Seriously, why do older call of duty games look so much better than modern warfare reboots? Because they hire intern level workers instead of artists and pay them like absolute shit. Games industry used to be good before EA went (((EA))).
>>265723 Because they're staffed by people who are frightened and upset by firearms, and so they need to "tone down" the "horror".
>>265709 Hell, just 3% of the US women is about 4.9 million women with FFF cups. And I don't if that number is FFF or larger, or just FFFs.
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>>265709 >WC emblem Is that titty ninja telling me to pee on her?
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>>265726 The US will have a higher than average distribution, for the same reason we have fat people. Assuming the twit was starting with global stats instead of a specific country. You don't have to be a fatty to have huge tits, but you can't be underfed and have huge tits.
>>265723 >>265724 >>265725 Are you fucking retarded? NuCoD is shit, but the only thing they got right were the weapon animations and SFX. Fucking MW2 and MW3 were filled with poorly reused animations from COD 4 as well.
>>265729 Yeah the quality in that video does not look like there's any significant decline or increase. It's not like it's difficult to get sounds for guns right when they have the physical firearms to test. CoD is literally the quintessential army niggercattle game, to imply the devs for it don't actively work with glowniggers to get things proper is silly.
>>265714 Meant the modern one. >>265716 So... is it good or bad? I just agree the ones siding with Trump fucking as much as they can if their demands aren't heard after the fuckery they did a few months ago.
>>265730 It's everything really, the shit quality, the bad frames. The only thing anons are right is the sound, it sucks on both games, but the reboot has bass cranked to 11 and sounds like airsoft while the original they just did whatever the fuck they wanted, but at least it's loud.
>>265728 What does a woman have to do to get big titties besides eating? I assume working out, but how?
>>265733 Working out doesn't make your boobs bigger. It's genetics & hormones. It's why pregnant women will get bigger breasts.
>>265731 According to an update on zionhedge, he's expected to have enough support at tonight's 14th vote. It doesn't really matter in terms of good or bad, one outcome is pretty similar to another. If he gets voted in then it's business as usual, if he doesn't then it falls apart into bickering until ukraine asks for more money and the uniparty steps in to resolve it.
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>>265733 A lot of it is genetics (and probably epigenetics but that's not well understood yet) and most women have a cap on how much fat will deposit there. Even some morbidly obese porkers will have a big stomach and miniscule tits if their genes are as bad as their eating habits. Meanwhile, some girls do nothing and have proportionally massive honkers. That said, I do think diet plays a bigger role than it's given credit for. It's not been studied, so I have nothing firm, but it seems like a protein rich diet with lots of B vitamins during puberty helps encourage growth based on what I've observed. Someone really should do a twin study on the issue, but it's probably not considered ethical. I hope someone becomes an expert in growing melons so we can provide young girls with all the resources and knowledge they need to have well-endowed bazonkers.
>>265733 Hormones, especially lactation. When gamergate takes over, we will require all females to be lactating permanently.
>>265723 Besides the guns looking way too clean and the choice to forego giving weapons easy to differentiate sounds there's not much here to complain about. Not that I think nuCoD is good but then I don't think the OG were all that great either
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>>265736 >It's not been studied, so I have nothing firm >nothing firm
>>265736 >I have nothing firm
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>>265733 It's almost like asking what can a guy do to get a bigger dick. The answer will sadly be genetics, and most other advice will be snake-oil tier, or bro science, kinda like how they say that if women massage their breasts in a certain way, they will grow.
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>>265637 >that spoiler HOLY FUCK
>>265723 >The original Modern Warfare 2 is one of the games I played on the original Xbox 360 and still get surprised how much the game holds up Anon, a fucking multiplatform movie tie-in Batman game from 2005, that came from a game developer known for "licensed shlock", looks and plays better than many modern games and still holds up by all metrics.
>>265691 >I wonder if Niggerpill's literally mentally ill. I have seen commies fucks on the internet being fucking insane. Mental illness is the cornerstone of communist ideology, anon. "Liberals" all have physical damage to their brains, proven by scans and hormonal tests.
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>>265701 Just because 13-14% of the US population is black in real life doesn't give Hollywood and Sony an excuse to shove niggers into everything all the fucking time. Just because 2-3% of the US population is Jewish in real life doesn't give them an excuse to worm their way into the financial, political, and entertainment industries all the fucking time. Just because 1-1/2% of people experience gender dysphoria in real life doesn't give troons the right to completely invert social norms or to groom little children into mutilating their genitals and take hormones all the fucking time ever!
>>265723 >why Because the people who made the good shit are all gone. They were either shitcanned, pressured into leaving or they left of their own volition. The biggest problem, especially in the so-called "tech" industry is that everyone is instantly replaced whenever someone feels like it. So what happens when you kill the goose that lays the golden eggs because you're a fucking retard who doesn't realize he can just buy fois gras? You become hollowed out and emptied of actual legitimate skill and the cheapasses you hired have zero skill both in actual coding and with the pre-existing codebase all the while having to "upgrade" things which breaks a whole lot of shit. Ever notice how each subsequent game has less and less features? It's because they keep breaking shit and they can't fucking fix it because the people who made it are long since fucking gone. People like to bitch and moan about "that guy" who wrote a bunch of undocumented spaghetti code and then used it to secure himself a permanent position, but compared to constantly degrading performance over several years, I'd rather have "that guy" over the unending personnel shift.
>>265715 He was directly threatened with being murdered if he didn't resign and hand over his documents to the jews. His own (jewish) assistant publicly admitted this. He did absolutely nothing wrong and was 100% vindicated by the Venona Papers. >>265718 Name a single fucking one. You can't. Everyone McCarthy personally named was confirmed by post-Soviet Russia to have been either an out and out communist or working knowingly with the USSR on the side. >>265733 Working out destroys breasts. Have you seen female bodybuilders, anon? They have nothing. They look like uglier men.
>>265746 I wouldn't lump every liberal into the same category since it's a pretty broad group. But /leftypol/ was notorious for being an enclave for outsiders. I've seen multiple screenshots of reddit and tumblr posts saying "8chan is a cesspool except leftypol was alright". You can look at leftypol/bunkerchan/getchan (or whatever bunkers they're on now) and see they're still spergs and many of them are trannies or faggots, too. You have to lack any form of common sense or identity to go that hard into communism. I don't know why any of those faggots spent any time on 8chan if there was only one board they liked. Seems clear he came here as an outsider for his shitty board and decided to waste his time trying to troll. Explains both his rhetoric and persistence. He's an autistic commie with nothing better to do all day than convince himself it's gonna be okay and history is totally moving in the direction he wants.
>>265749 >everyone McCarthy personally named McCarthy wasn't the entire HUAC you retard.
>>265748 Call of Duty was never even good. The original games were bland corridor shooters. Modern Warfare caught on among normalfags but was also pretty shit. The fact they turned it into the Madden of FPS games squeezed any remaining talent out. I just feel bad for Raven.
>>265749 >Have you seen female bodybuilders, anon Are you talking about the chicks on steroids?
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>>265736 >tfw no Season 2 or any continuation of a Desert Punk anime
>>265752 Doesn't change the fact that it's an overarching problem inherent in anything to do with technology to begin with. Whether coding, low-level phone jockeying or high-level systems administration, it just keeps happening. Anyone have that copypasta of that sysadmin who was fired to hire some dumbass feminist who took his job, tried to rework the tools he used and she ended up fucking formatting the entire server farm?
>>265755 >Anyone have that copypasta of that sysadmin who was fired to hire some dumbass feminist who took his job, tried to rework the tools he used and she ended up fucking formatting the entire server farm? Someone please post this. I want to read this shit.
>>265755 >tried to rework the tools he used and she ended up fucking formatting the entire server farm Wait, what? How do you fuck up THAT badly?
>>265751 >McCarthy wasn't the entire HUAC you retard. SENATOR Joe McCarthy was not, in fact, ANY of the HOUSE Unamerican Activities Comittee.
>>265721 Good they deserve more. Shame about them being pussies afterwards. >>265580 >>265678 Amazing.
>>265618 I found him because i saw a post of him here and when i was looking on nitter i saw a post that used the same wording, so i just went to his profile,he isn't very good at what he does...
>>265701 >Just because like 2-3% of women have triple F-cups in real life doesn't give you an excuse to draw women with porn addict proportions all the fucking time. >Thinks I have to give a shit about reality just to draw porn. >Draw shit like furry, Guro, vore, rape, Beastiality, monster girls, and oviposition. >Shit next to no one sane in their lives deals with. >But big breasts are too fucking much. >MFW
>>265757 >How do you fuck up that badly? Remember that faggot game reviewer who played Outlast, cranked up the difficulty to max, turned off the tutorials, then complained about how loudly you slammed the doors when the tutorial teaches you how to quietly close them? Same concept, different execution. She removed a bunch of the safety checks from the in-house tools because >I'm a strong independent wamen who don't need no man or warnings about what happens when I do X
>>265761 Fuck it, niggerpill shall have massive breasts from now on.
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>>265763 already did my mane
>>265762 >Remember that faggot game reviewer who played Outlast No. >Same concept, different execution. She removed a bunch of the safety checks from the in-house tools because >I'm a strong independent wamen who don't need no man or warnings about what happens when I do X How can someone be so dumb that they don't follow the age-old knowledge to NOT MESS WITH SHIT IF THEY DON'T UNDERSTAND IT!!!
>>265765 >how can someone be so dumb It was the software's fault for not keeping pace with advances in stupidity.
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last volume extras could benefit of edits
>>265764 Careful, with that art you'll give someone a Sonic the Hedgehog OC tier fetish.
>>265747 I was going to say just because 1% of the population are queer doesn't give you an excuse to have 90% of your cast be gay, but yours is better. I got that percentage from kikepedia, but if even they are saying it's such a small amount then the real percentage must be at most that much.
>>265715 He should have investigated colleges instead of the Army.
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Not that anyone with a brain was looking forward to this, but it's nice to have it be confirmed as shit before people even see it. https://nitter.net/nichegamer/status/1611176713676791810#m
>>265771 >tweet not found
>>265749 >Name a single fucking one. You can't. Lucille Ball for one.
>>265772 It was there. Blame Nitter's shitty code. Now none of nichegamer's stuff seems to be showing. No idea why something as unreliable as Nitter became the standard here. We should just stick to archiving. https://archive.ph/WdVFZ
>>265771 >>265774 These companies are stil somehowl less of scum than square enix,that said they were a "faithfull remake" of FF7 but never said a thing it wouldn't be one
>>265775 Probrably because these companies want the ESG money so they talk about it i guess
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>>265773 >a literal red
>>265765 >>265774 >>265772 It's probably better just to use the link in the image to actually go to the article instead of just a clickbaiting tweet from a rag: https://nichegamer.com/silent-hill-2-remake-faithful-adjust-contemporary/ https://archive.is/nHkuV
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>>265771 >horror for "contemporary audiences" >made by a western indie who makes mediocre walking simulators full of shitty jumpscares This won't end well.
>>265771 >Contemparary audiences So niggers because they get easily spooked and streamers so they can pretend to get scared for their audience?
>>265771 >>265778 >>265779 Literally nothing in that article talks about adjusting the "scare factor". They are talking about changing the game to an over the shoulder perspective and tweaking the gameplay. This is clickbait trash. >So far, the changes made for the “contemporary audience” primarily seem to be targeted towards gameplay. A direct quote from the article. >When it comes to story elements, Jasińska wouldn’t say as they still remain secret details, like the famous Pyramid Head kitchen scene. Though she does say Bloober Team are taking a “safe approach to any changes” and that they’ll apply adjustments to certain areas that “need modernizing due to the passage of time”. This is only thing that comes close to implying poz, but it is a completely different kind of poz than "adjusting the scare factor".
>>265781 >Literally nothing in that article talks about adjusting the "scare factor". Why are you lying? You think no one else will check the archive? <we just have some ideas on how to make the peculiar scare factors more appealing to the contemporary audience.
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>>265771 Meanwhile, what "contemporary audiences" consider scary:
>>265783 Truly terrifying.
>>265782 So they're going to have loud music blare and have jump scares.
>>265783 Are these unironically based off of memes?
>>265778 >Combat is also overhauled, which could be a concern as there was a reason for the jankiness in the original beyond just “hardware limitations”. I don't recall there being an explanation for clunky playstation combat. I mean, it'd help disincentivize it in a horror game, but actual intentional limitations like barely any ammo do the job just fine, so why try and apologize for the actual limitations of programming at the time.
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>>265786 Siren Head and last pic are creatures created by a Canadian artist named Trevor Henderson. He creates creepy art that caught the attention of children who gave the monsters a "lore" and created shit creepypastas them and memes about them. The pics aren't bad IMO, just "cringe-worthy" by their association with their fans, like Friday Night Funkin and its hundreds of OC and ships. The spider train seems to be an unrelated monster from a Slenderman-like meme horror game.
>>265789 Choo Choo Charles is just a simple parody horror game played serious. I wouldn't take offense to it if zoomers & children get attached to it like FNAF.
>>265600 I KNEW I had a better version of this pic somewhere.
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>>265789 I've met him before he seemed like a nice guy.
>>265790 Isn't choo choo charlie just basically an off shoot of the turning innocent shit into scary monster, like the whole garfield thing.
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>>265789 >like Friday Night Funkin and its hundreds of OC and ships. What the fuck is wrong with Friday Night Funkin? How could there be OC and shipping cancer?
>>265796 >shipping cancer People are mad that Pico is canonical bisexual now.
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>>265797 There was also the original FNF mod with the bomb headed guy where the creator got so disgusted at all the autistic children in the community he deleted his mod and anything related to it and spent weeks after shitting on the "lore" that people made for it.
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>>265796 they FOUND a way
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>>265800 >images What the fuck? I thought anon was just joking and was really referring to Five Nights at Freddy's, and used that as an excuse to post some FNF lewds. You're telling me this somewhat popular rhythm game actually has a fucking autism sphere surrounding it?
>>763390 I don't know how that evil misogynistic burger chain is even around at this point. It needs to stop,
>>265801 is there any IP that doesn't attract autism?
>>265797 I thought Pico was always bisexual?
>>265805 Why would you think that? He only fucks boys.
Hogwarts Legacy Pre-Orders SKYROCKET and Twitter is FURIOUS! https://y.com.sb/watch?v=I_uFM5Is59o Reddit going to be pissed. They tried censoring Hogwart legacy.
>>763390 is there a single mark pic that doesnt have someone looking at him with contempt
>>265806 Coco's a boy?
>>265808 Quentin is looking pretty old for his age there.
>>265807 Wasn't this one pozzed and open world? Isn't this just a case of them shoving pozz in to please their pozzlords, their pozzlords saying "not good enough", attacking it, and people latching onto the pozzed product to spite the pozzlords?
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>>265805 Can you please go be a faggot somewhere else, Mr. Double Dubs? You're ruining my weekend.
>>265801 Where have you been the last like 3 years?
>>265811 It's a case of trannies attacking a feminist because said feminist doesn't recognize delusional men as women. That doesn't mean said feminist has stopped being a feminist nor advocating for retarded policies like unrestricted immigration for Britain.
>>265813 >Where have you been the last like 3 years? All I know about FNF is it was moderately popular, there's been some parody videos I think, and there's some nice lewds of the girl. >>265814 So the answer is yes. And the "not pozzed enough, goy!" situation in particular is TERFery.
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Welp. 2022 is done. So. What were the big laffs/wins? Aside from >Rings of Power bombs >G4 cancelled >Twitter Buyout >non-woke Maverick makes $$$
>>265812 Sorry I'll go be a faggot on /sm/. Shota is implicitly white culture.
>>265771 They even managed to fuck up the plank The plank James get in the OG is a regular 2x4 from a regular modern construction zone not a wonky straight from the middle ages raw plank of wood, meaning they're likely playing hte time travel or many dimension angle or they're straight up retards.
>>265816 >>non-woke Maverick makes $$$ Wasn't it really not so much "non-woke" as "not super pozzed", just like whorry pooter leg icy?
>>265783 3rd/4th one manages to be less scary than the one youtube video where the guy made an hexapod mech with a thomas face on it.
oh fug, soon https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=trel5T03ajY (link shows nothing in yewtube for now)
>>265821 >HunterXHunter Oh so I can't post about shota but then anon posts this? I feel that there's a double standard of some kind here.
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>>265821 >It's all moonspeak >Maybe something about some nip voice actors voice acting the script from the manga fight without any real animation stright to jewtube It's fucking nothing. >>>/a/
>>265824 the previous PV looks nice tho https://yewtu.be/watch?v=bfv-VaaAlxc
>>265816 Sony put out Morbius twice just for it to flop twice. Disney has had flop after flop of media from animation to shows.
>>265825 >It's all fucking tweening
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>>265819 Nah, Legacy is way more pozzed than Maverick and Legacy also isn't even out yet. Maverick was a decades later sequel that: >Respected the original >Let the main character be competent, respected and heroic without demeaning him or "deconstructing" his macho 80s roots >Featured no obnoxious grrrl power or minority pandering. Yes, there was a female pilot and some of the other pilots were black, but no one talked about it. They were just there. And the main duo were Tom Cruise and Goose's son, both white dudes. >Tons of practical effects, rather than being a CGfest >No cringy MCU tier sarcastic dialogue In short: it was a regular action movie that didn't do current year shit, was entertaining, and even though it was a sequel it respected and built on the original. That's all you have to do. And even then critics still bitched. But who gives a fuck about them because it was one of the most successful movies of the year.
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>>265816 Get raped twice and kill yourself, you retarded fucking tranny faggot sack of nigger shit with down syndrome.
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>>265816 >So. What were the big laffs/wins? <FUCKING GAMESTOP stocks almost bankrupting a fortune 500 company and bringing down the stock market if it weren't for the FED stepping in to bail them out. <Reformed orthodox Rabbi Bill Clinton <ESG investments slowly drying up thanks to economic downturn >At the sametime that CDprojektred is doubling down on ESG scores <UN continues to be useless and claiming a link between gaming and violent extremism >PDF attached and archive:https://archive.is/bnPRK <Saints row remastered <Blizzard titty milk fridge raid <NFTs in games are a failure
>>265831 ><FUCKING GAMESTOP stocks almost bankrupting a fortune 500 company Pretty sure that was 2021, man. Think the Blizzard titty milk fridge might have been too.
>>265830 >>763437 Rape yourselves.
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Ever wonder why modders want to turn games into completely different existing ones instead of just playing those instead?
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>>265835 i mean i only have one more picture of that saved, which i think is the end of it, so have something SLIGHTLY different thats a bit longer
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>>265828 I actually liked it.
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>>265837 I confirmed with the futafags on /h/ some months ago. BBC doesn't count if it's futa or a trap.
>>265832 Was it? >Jan 2021 Huh, whadaya know. Feels like this whole decade has been melded together especially with constant controversies and stupid shit being on the news
>>265841 >Feels like this whole decade has been melded together especially with constant controversies and stupid shit being on the news That's because the "pandemic", you remember that, when a world wide pandemic was declared back in March of 2020, STILL hasn't "officially" come to an end.
>>265839 Me too anon.
>>265840 But Faputa has a hole, sosu~
>>265844 And it smells like steamed potatoes.
>>265844 And it smells like steamed potatoes.
>>265751 No one said otherwise. We're talking about McCarthy. Speaking of the other McCarthy, he lost the 14th vote and now other representatives are trying to physically assault Gaetz
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>>763459 >Wojack
>Had a motorcycle accident >Has bladder injury >Need relaxing games I have no idea how I hurt my bladder but not my kidneys. Pain killers are nice.
>>265849 If you need a relaxing game, play a Kirby game. He's shaped like a friend.
National Grid boss explains when blackouts and power cuts could be imposed in the UK https://archive.ph/EiItg >The National Grid warned there could be blackouts on ‘very very cold winter days’ >The head of the National Grid has warned British households that blackouts may be imposed between 4pm and 7pm on “really, really cold” winter weekdays if Europe cuts gas exports. Make sure you've got plenty of warm jackets, gloves balaclavas fellow bong posters. Just as the WEF said it's gonna be a long dark cold winter, LMAO. Toxic Community Kills Another Open Source Project https://odysee.com/@AlphaNerd:8/toxic-community-kills-another-open:2 >In this video I discussed how the emulation community annoyed the developer of AetherSX2 so much he gave up on the project. >>265849 Sorry to hear that anon, hopefully your piss tank heals soon. >>265717 Whens the last time there was? I remember there was that one bill to give retired veterans exposed to toxic burn pits some gibs because our government was to cheap to hire a few Afghan garbage truck drivers camel riders for six dollars a month to take warn out batteries and whatever else to a proper landfill but both the dems and reps kept making the bill more complex by shoving unrelated shit like more state surveillance, gender studies, "aid" to foreign states, housing projects, and "totally not politically bias research think tanks" when said bill only needed to do one fucking thing, until of course it reached a stalemate and got scrapped entirely. Oh but of course they don't hesitate for a second to send billions over seas to Israel, Saudi Arabia, and Pakistan too despite the last one basically being a failed state money pit that even the CCP is starting to regret getting involved in and the other two being meme allies at best. So in other words even the few good ideas or altruistic good intention bills they come up with aren't safe.
>>265826 >Morbius >Sony Correct me if I'm wrong, but the only Marvel films Sony makes are Spider-Man related.
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>>265801 >>265815 Check their booru: https://booru.plus/+funkg There's a new gen of children designing dumb OC and fanart of existing Newgrounds characters. This is their 2007. >>265809 Coco had the largest cock of the 3 if I remember right. >>265836 90% of the time the answer is "because I can". I have Smash Ultimate where I can play as Ridley and Dr Mario, but that didn't stop from downloading the latest version of Brawl Minus just because it includes these two characters (plus a revamped version of Waluigi). >>265851 >In this video I discussed how the emulation community annoyed the developer of AetherSX2 so much he gave up on the project. tl; dr: Discordfaggotry kills yet another project.
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>>265853 >/funkg/ mentioned HERE COMES BIMBO GANG!!!!
>>265852 Isn't Morbius a Spiderman villain?
>>265853 >>265854 Guess no matter how much time passes being a dumb middle school aged little shit will be cringe regardless. It's a rite of passage to be cringe-worthy to some extant just so you can grasp the concept.
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>>265657 I know this has been posted several times, but I'm not sure how to go about it on a technical level. A hard redirect to default.css or yotsuba b would be more annoying to code than it sounds. Is it really that big of an issue?
>>265834 >Futa >>265837 >Niggered futa Go get slaughtered by a Mexican cartel.
>>265800 I want to fuck that cat.
Irrelative question since this thread's slow as molasses, but does anyone notice that discussion of BeCandid's past is quickly wiped from the corporate internet at large (especially on Google), or is it just me?
>>265804 Unsuccessful ones.
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>he's still posting how pathetic
>>265863 That Pokimaine thing died in like two days. It did nothing.
>>265863 I haven't bothered to check, but does anyone even respond to his shit or is he just shouting into the void over there.
>>265865 What Twitter user doesn't scream into a void?
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>>265864 he overestimates e-celebs influence in the real world >>265865 someone did
So, how much will the new harry potter game make trannies butthurt? Not like I'll buy it anyway because the Harry Potter universe is shit and using wands for magic instead of your raw hands is faggotry.
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>>265868 Trannies hate it because Muh Rowling Bad, but the pathetic thing is the devs did everything they could to try and appease them. In character selection you choose your dormitory, which means you can make a completely male character and put him in the witch dormitory and everyone will call him "she." There's a pitch corrector on the voice so you can make them sound as troon as you want. All of the women are ugly, so even if there is romance the only option for heterosexual men would be a nigger (who is a literal African exchange student) or a Hufflepuff girl who looks like she has downs. The most attractive female character is the Herbology teacher and she's a lesbian, just to get those points. The men are, of course, conventionality attractive because the game is made for and by women and fags, just like Bioware games post ME2.
>>265870 I thought the game was a pseudo mmo or some shit. There goes my idea of making a Nazional Sozialist class. >>265869 Saw the All us normal people and gave up reading it.
>>265871 >I thought the game was a pseudo mmo or some shit. It's more like an Ubisoft open world game. It has a LOT in common with the RPG Assassin's Creeds. >There goes my idea of making a Nazional Sozialist class. You can be a Slytherin and do dark arts shit and use unforgivable curses and stuff. No idea if you can go full pure blood 14 words, though.
>>265869 >Transphobe Stopped reading right there. >>265870 >but the pathetic thing is the devs did everything they could to try and appease them You'd think by now they would learn that never actually works. The whole ideology is structured as a tool of control; meaning it's a requirement for these groups to find something to leverage against their target (indirect or direct). Those devs had no chance and wasted their time.
>>265872 >No QT Slytherin girl to hang out with watching Gayfagdors flinch when we shout "VOLDEMORT DID NOTHING WRONG!" in the halls between classes.
>>265653 He still shits up cuck/pol/ but if you can believe it he is one of the lesser retards there. >>265869 >Trans
>>265872 >It's more like an Ubisoft open world game. It has a LOT in common with the RPG Assassin's Creeds. Automatically garbage.
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>>265874 At least we'll always have Merula. >>265876 >Automatically garbage. The moment the devs walked outside in their presentation and showed the massive open world outside Hogwarts I knew it was basically dead and they had completely missed the point.
>>265873 >You'd think by now they would learn that never actually works. Nobody ever expects it to happen to them. They're normalfags with goldfish brains who smile and nod about the cavalcade of developers and respected figures being destroyed for #Metoo reasons then forget about it, certain that they won't be caught like that because "I don't hate those people and support their cause". When the leftist hydra inevtiably chows down on them, they become desperate to prove they aren't [x]phobes and salvage their reputations because the alternative would be "falling in with racists who I don't support" or stupidly believing this is a misunderstanding where cooler heads will prevail. That's why it happens a hundred times and the only time someone gets it in their head that there's no chance of forgiveness and become unapologetic, it's only after losing absolutely everything in their career, being perma-banned from Steam, their friends betraying and character-assassinating them. Even then, there's a decent chance of them internalizing the bullshit and start going to (((therapists))) thinking the problem is with them.
>>265878 >Even then, there's a decent chance of them internalizing the bullshit and start going to (((therapists))) thinking the problem is with them. Like how Jeff Gerstmann shittalked gamergate even after being one of the journos most effected by the shitty practices of the rag he worked for.
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>>265878 For the past thirty years actually much longer it's been okay to think whatever you wanted about anything so long as you were polite in public about it. You could tell your self/wife all about how much you hated niggers as long as you didn't fire anybody just for being black. That's the mode these companies operate it. "Give them a headpat and say/do the "right thing" and they'll leave you alone." They haven't caught on that this is some Red Guard type shit where they're scrutinizing every detail of you to match up with what they imagine your intent to be. And woe betide you if they conclude that you have committed thoughtcrime because they'll try to destroy you just to be sure. Large institutions like companies have a level of inertia that prevents them from responding to this kind of paradigm shift as quickly as events can change it, so they always get caught behind the 8 ball. The one upside is that once a generation who has had to live with this kind of shit and is familiar with it takes the wheels, you're going to see a vicious 180 in corporate pandering and a return of the blacklists where REEEEing "high-maintenance customers" get thrown into the void instead of sucked up to.
>>265866 True. >>265867 >Phil Collins I was wondering why that one fag stopped doing the rounds here with that shit. >>265869 >Praise Marx No way this is real. >it is real https://archive.is/e2JcB#selection-40849.0-40889.385 >see pic related alongside a huge wall of deleted posts in similar posts there Good god what a den of ass cancer. Commies really do deserve the rope. They need to follow their fellow trannies lead and off themselves. >>265876 Come on anon, be nice. Poor ubishit only know how to make one kind of game at this point.
>>265878 The internalizing sounds more like they simply don't want to accept the fact they were manipulated by others. The realization that a lot of one's worldview was the product of social engineering threatens the ego. Which is why a crucial part of redpilling is always to gradually point out all the subtle propaganda tricks and let them reach an epiphany on their own. In that case it avoids them internalizing it, and instead develop a more observant (if somewhat skeptical) view of mainstream information.
>>265877 >At least we'll always have Merula. She'd need to be in a better game. >>265881 >Poor ubishit only know how to make one kind of game at this point. AND THEY'RE SHIT AT IT. NO MERCY
>>265863 Why does this man keep trying to conflate "weeb porn addiction" with "rightoids"? It's not anti-right well, it depends on which subcategory but it's not pro-right either. There are even woke leftists who wack off it it. Heck, there are woke leftists who produce it. Any idea how many hentai artists are leftist? Or how many nsfw VAs are? All of them. Right-wingers like hentai sure, but everyone on the internet likes it. It's internet culture. Oh, I see, by "weeb porn" he means a specific kind of weeb porn. Loli in other words. It's always ironic whenever a member of the LGBTQ++ community, one which has statistically the highest amount of pedophiles and child molesters, as the gall to try making out they're anti-cp. Come to think of it, tumblr artists made a lot of western loli, and still do when they moved to twitter. A famous example would be Rebecca Suger. pics unrelated
>>265884 >Any idea how many hentai artists are leftist? Sorry for the double-post, but I should clarify; I mean western hentai artists.
>>265880 >The one upside is that once a generation who has had to live with this kind of shit and is familiar with it takes the wheels, you're going to see a vicious 180 in corporate pandering and a return of the blacklists where REEEEing "high-maintenance customers" get thrown into the void instead of sucked up to. I'm just sad we'll likely be too old/dead to see it. Here from the 90s-now and as you said, earlier still was the time when the old guard died out and leftists started taking the wheel in the HR and other positions, so it's probably gonna take another 30 years for them to age out and any counterculture to start worming their way in, so in the meanwhile it's just a quagmire of watching beloved franchises be turned into sick parodies without much recourse. >>265882 >The internalizing sounds more like they simply don't want to accept the fact they were manipulated by others. The realization that a lot of one's worldview was the product of social engineering threatens the ego. That's something people really ought to keep in mind more often. Honestly, it's sobering to look at the sheer scale of cultural conditioning since the end of WW2 and just how easy it ended up being to break the human mind into complacent self-destruction en-masse for generations. I'd like to believe that if the Jew and what they've done becomes, it won't be a 110th expulsion (where they'll just bide their time until people forget again) but a systematic extermination to ensure this never happens again, but the fact it was proven possible for something like this to happen and be maintained makes me worry that it can be replicated someday by a smarter rae that isn't as genetically neurotic and paranoid as kikes. After all, the most effective methods of status quo enforcement like those bastard feds who only care for a paycheck at someone's life expense and ATF thugs on an eternal power trip are comprised of whites craven and selfish enough to subvert their own country and people for personal benefit.
>>265883 >She'd need to be in a better game We need to give her the SNOOT treatment.
>>265867 Is that the real Phil Collins spammer moving to Twatter or just an anon on a sleeper account meming?
>>265869 >Praise Marx <All normal people that aren't transphobes These faggots are in for a rude awakening regarding their alternative sexualities and shit. >>265879 That fag was a drama queen in the first place, he always went with the flow unless it (((hurt his own bottom line))), same thing with him quitting Gamespot, he just did it to be a bigger jewrnalist.
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>>265863 Why is the lolicon in a fursuit? >>265867 That gave me a warm feeling, way down in the cockles of my heart. Thank you, anon. >>265869 >Praise Marx Neither normal nor people. >>265870 >even if there is romance the only option for heterosexual men would be [...] a Hufflepuff girl who looks like she has downs. So every Hufflepuff? >>265887 >SNOOT
>>265881 >Merry Christmas <Praise Marx >Following a phrase celebrating a Christian/Capitalist holiday (depending on your view) with "Praise Marx" Modern commies are somehow less intelligent than the originals, and the originals were Illiterate peasants.
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>>265883 >She'd need to be in a better game. There have been attempts, but nothing that made it very far. >>265887 >We need to give her the SNOOT treatment. God I wish someone would. She needs out. >>265890 >So every Hufflepuff? She's a particularly bad case. But at least she's not the nigger.
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>>265891 >Modern commies are somehow less intelligent than the originals, and the originals were Illiterate peasants. Peasants actually require practical skills and self discipline to function as peasants. This crop was born with a silver spoon up their ass while being told incessantly that despite having the highest quality of life in human history, they're an oppressed underclass because a fraction of a percentage of people have it better than them.
>>265892 >God I wish someone would. She needs out. Does Merula have an actual 3D model in that "game"?
>>265872 The little of story that they show to us, make me to say that we're gonna be mudbloods... Or maybe a Pure Blood but they thought that we were squib. >>265892 Man, if there is romance she is gonna be my principal interest, i hope she is Pure Blood, sadly she's hufflepuff so she's gonna say something like "NOOO YOU CAN'T USE DARK SPELLS" Anyway, i want to be friend with everyone and be neutral morality so... Whatever
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Unrelated, but I just finished watching pic-related and I am shocked and appalled at this transphobic pro-hetero propaganda being funded by Crunchyroll of all companies. I am literally shaking at the thought of a cute sporty tomboy not chopping her tits off to have a normal romantic relationship with a boy. >>265884 Niggerpill is right (about this ONE thing): The right-wing Jap heterosexual agenda is real!
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https://archive.is/mLrip https://archive.is/BlmKl Limited Run Games supposedly fired a Community Manager for following LibsofTiktok, Blaire White and being a "Transphobe"
>>265894 >Does Merula have an actual 3D model in that "game"? I mean yeah. You can clearly see in the screenshot. Don't know how to access it but the whole "game" has been rebuilt in Unity for the Open Mystery project that basically cuts all the mobile bullshit out and just leaves the VN stuff. I know at some point someone was making a game where you would around Hogwarts in 3rd person and Merula was there, so there must be a model. >>265895 Supposedly you have some ancient ancestral magic power which seems off if you're a mudblood. >Man, if there is romance she is gonna be my principal interest, i hope she is Pure Blood, sadly she's hufflepuff so she's gonna say something like "NOOO YOU CAN'T USE DARK SPELLS" She seems to be in charge of the magical beast questlines. So I guess you could play as an edgy Slytherin who has a soft spot for the quiet animal loving girl. >>265896 >Unrelated, but I just finished watching pic-related and I am shocked and appalled at this transphobic pro-hetero propaganda being funded by Crunchyroll of all companies. Well you would have to completely rewrite it be pro tranny shit. It's also a fairly older manga from when that shit was way less prevalent. Hopefully the pacing doesn't feel so bad in anime form. >>265897 Limited Run is a scam company anyway. The claim to be game preservationists but in reality they just target whales and collectors, make shitty products, have a terrible track record with customers and actively work with and encourage the scalping market.
whoops wrong archive, and for some reason the post is impossible to delete https://archive.is/ezHnS
>>265896 >The right-wing Jap heterosexual agenda is real! It will be when Amano gets an anime adaptation from Passione and has her glorious ass and tits rendered in 4K with a special epilogue that is full on uncensored hentai with the most sexual of poses handholding
>>265898 I didn't know it it was an actual model or if it was just baked in to 2D.
>>265900 I think there is some uncensored explicit handholding in the manga. I'm going to have to re-read it to confirm.
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>>265896 You poor deluded fool who has hopped onto a ride that ends in pain.
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>>265903 Choo choo motherfucker.
>>265884 Niggerpill is a tranny addicted to porn himself,a good part of his persona is self-affirming what he believes and not to convince others
>>265897 >Following tranny >transphobe
>>265898 They would make an option to choose your blood status, and obviously that gonna affect the game, imagine that if you're Mudblood you're playing in easy in the friendship (Don't combat) or something like that. In Hogwarts Mistery we clearly are Pure Blood, because we're idiots when they talk about muggle things. >So I guess you could play as an edgy Slytherin who has a soft spot for the quiet animal loving girl. Maybe i will play 3 games, one were i'm neutral, one i'm evil, one i'm a good person. But the edgy lord things are don't my type, i'm like Sallow, if in a moment i need to use that spells i'm gonna use it, it's knowledge.
I don't know shit about Arry Porrer, I just want to cast magic and court the tsundere Slytherin.
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>>265907 I'm not even sure what counts as dark magic in the Potterverse, beyond the 3 curses you can't say on TV.
>>265857 I know you've been busy Acid, but... >redhead girl >fit tomboy >fang >classic tsundere >socially awkward >physically abusive If you have some spare time; this show might be relevant to your interests.
>>265899 >for some reason the post is impossible to delete Wait, you too? Does it say you "have the wrong password" to delete the post you just made as well?
>>265909 Other than Voldy's phylactery horcruxes and the spell that brought him back I don't think necromancy has been explored in Harry Potter. Necromancy, Soul Binding, Homunculus creation, the sort of thing that comes stock and trade for anime wizards.
>>265863 I love how trannies say conservatism is dying when Islam and hardcore Catholicism/orthodoxy are the fastest-growing religions in Europe. Mass Immigration in Western Europe and the United States makes both hate LGBT cancer. In South America, the left hates faggots and trannies more than conservatives. If nigger pill lived anywhere but Brazil he would’ve been hung by communists.
>>265913 EVen if Brazil was the most anti-progressive, ultra-conservative or super communist hellhole with commie death squads that would exterminate all the gays on sight, they'd still leave out the trannies since Brazil's quite literally like Nigeria or Ethopia, I forget which of the two in that both countries have a desperate and insurmantouble thirst for femboys and MtF trannies, while their trannies lust for white cock so much, they make money to literally immigrate to white countries and suck cock there. >t.euro <you have no idea how many politicians / tv chanel owners are caught in the red with black trannies or brazilian trannies and you fucks thought Thailand was somehow worse
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>>265897 That resonse to Blair White. >children can't have these surgeries, even if the parents consent It doesn't matter how many children you present them with who underwent those surgical procedures, the tranny apologists will tell those children to their faces that they don't exist. They will then insist that trannies being told they don't exist kills the trannies. There isn't a hole deep or dark enough to drop these people in. >>265895 >i hope she is Pure Blood If there's only a small handful of pureblood bloodlines and most wizards or witches are mudblood with one or both parents being muggles... ... doesn't that mean every actual pureblood is the product of generations of incest, like European royalty?
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Fug Is that supposed to be Morocco's flag with the Star of David or is it that jews are most incarcerated in my parts?
>>265916 Where are you seeing a Star of David?
>>265916 As obvious as it should be 5 |= 6
>>265917 I think he's talking about the satanists.
>>265917 I thought the Pentagram looked like the Star of David given what the star was stolen from in the first place but seeing it closer, it's just the moroccan flag. A bit of bullshit my country should have albanians in the top as well, I can't believe the niggers overtook them >>265919 Nah, the moroccans, I made a mistake.
>>265916 wow, wouldn't have expected so many french flags
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>>265914 I wonder why Brazil turned out that way,are the Portuguese at fault?
>>265915 >Reading the filename I'm already sad my FLGS got profit and now just focus in GW shit, magic and other faggotry card games. I just want to play tabletop RPGs and buy alternative miniatures for squimish purposes.
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>>265923 In short, yes. Because, like the english and the german, they couldn't stop bringing slave niggers to their colonies, so many that when the colonies got independence the niggers moved all over the continent. It's ironic, but the spanish stopped using slaves much earlier than the rest of the european countries, no matter how many lies the (((anglo))) says.
>>763497 >Old guard There's Switch and fag BotW Link in that image, you fucking 'tard.
>>265853 >This is their 2007. This is a comfy sort of autism looking at all this garbage. Makes me nostalgic.
>>265911 Yes. This has become quite common for me. I haven't deleted a post of mine in months.
>>265915 Silly anon, there's nothing wrong with incest if you can magic away their mental disorders with adderall potions. >>265869 This directly harms the harry potter brand and the mods should be replaced :^)
>>265929 >Silly anon, there's nothing wrong with incest if you can magic away their mental disorders with adderall potions. Just don't do it several generations of it in a row
>>265869 Says he as he purchase games from companies that exploit their workers,probrably with several predators, not to mention the phones them buy made by the children in china
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>>265771 >Adjust scare factors for contemporary audiences Ah, so, the retards who think the RE2 and RE3 demakes are "scary" gotcha.
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>>265934 I can't believe Rad Dude is fucking dead!
>>265916 I was told gangs in Ireland are ether black Muslims or polish.
>>265937 What about the IRA? We need more white gangs to stop this bigotry :^)
>>265934 Ok, this one is actually funny.
>>265897 So they support groomers by firing this manger.
>>265925 >It's ironic, but the spanish stopped using slaves much earlier than the rest of the european countries, no matter how many lies the (((anglo))) says. Yet you and the porkchops made rape love to every native, African and SEA women you could find.
>>265941 It still was improvement. They could actually farm afterwards.
>>265774 >It was there. Blame Nitter's shitty code. Nitter has a bunch of mirrors that usually work when nitter.net doesn't, use one of them https://github.com/zedeus/nitter/wiki/Instances
>>265925 >It's ironic, but the spanish stopped using slaves much earlier than the rest of the european countries It's not ironic. The Spanish were busy being enslaved themselves by Berbers and Moors.
>>265944 >The Spanish were busy being enslaved themselves by Berbers and Moors. That was 500 years before Columbus
>>265884 Retards like him fail to realize that hentai can be more degenerate than real-life porn. Hentai has become one of the most consumed pornography of this age, not to mention the rise of independent porn animators that are making money out of this. And what the hell are these 3 images about? >>265867 >Phil Collin poster is on Twitter No wonder he doesn't post on the GG threads anymore. >>265900 Are you talking about pic related?
>>265949 >hentai can be more degenerate than real-life porn Cartoons cannot be more degenerate than Daisy's Destruction etc
>>265946 Still, they were conquered by filthy mudslines and started speaking nonwhite languages like Spanish.
>>265951 >Iberians learned Spanish from Muslims
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>>265951 >american thinks Spanish is a non-white language.
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>>265950 >Daisy's Destruction What?
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>>265953 >I'M FUCKING WHITE!
>>265953 It's less white than Portuguese.
I am the whitest person in the world.
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>>265954 Horse Sex
>>265955 >>265956 Whiter than america and the rest of europe ironically.
>>265959 Shut up, Dominican.
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>>265959 >Witer den u muhamutt!
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>>265934 Literally less funny then stonetoss
>>265963 Now that's just rude
>>265949 >Retards like him fail to realize that hentai can be more degenerate than real-life porn Well yeah, removing the limits of real life means you can do a lot more degenerate shit. You can make hardcore loli rape/snuff porn and no one goes to jail. You can have people take horse cock to the hilt and not end up like Mr. Hands. You can have stories about multi-generational incest where the end product isn't some mistake of God like the Habsburgs.
>>265954 It's just like SRB2K
>>265934 Fuck, made me chuckle. Good one. INB4 you are incentivised to search the futa dude's doujins for materials about how to be a futa-fujo >>265949 >Retards like him fail to realize that hentai can be more degenerate than real-life porn. Anon, I'm sorry to tell you but the autism of nips knows no bounds, to the point of mimmicking their most degenerate JAVs into Hentai and vice versa. They literally can't get more degenerate than real life because fucking real life has found a way to make La Blue Girl exist...twice. I'm not even gonna get into how they literally had JAVs that had futas fucking nipples all props and as obvious as the costumes in a tokusatsu show, but still, they did it Not to mention that somehow the porn that has come out of American, brazil and germany is somehow even more degenerate and without props or special effects. If you know, you know. Now, """"""""""hentai"""""""""" on the net by western artists, I can believe, because somehow cartoon porn has become more degenerate than anything else, even japanese futa and those riceniggers started that shit. I could be wrong about all that but honestly, I've seen far more degenerate shit whenever someone does 3D """hentai""" using source pornmaker or blender or whatever. >Are you talking about pic related? ye.
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>>265968 Clang?
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>>265968 Fucking self insert generic male again.
>>265972 Too bad this guy only does "monster" doujins but hey, more Haydee is always welcome. Wish Haydee 2 was a better game
>>265934 Definitely one of the better ones you did.
>>265970 2B's anime started today.
>>265973 >still obsessing over that shitty fat robot game
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>>265975 I'm not completely retarded anon, I ain't gonna see an anime based on a game in the modern day. This isn't the 80s-90s with awesome OVAs for vidya. >>265976 :^D
>>265977 I don't like this "game" but I like the mods.
>>265978 Is there any decent map mod in Haydee2?
>>265967 >Anon, I'm sorry to tell you but the autism of nips knows no bounds, to the point of mimmicking their most degenerate JAVs into Hentai and vice versa. They literally can't get more degenerate than real life because fucking real life has found a way to make La Blue Girl exist...twice. For fuck's sake. >I could be wrong about all that but honestly, I've seen far more degenerate shit whenever someone does 3D """hentai""" using source pornmaker or blender or whatever. Browse Rule 34 or any other place and you can see there's lots of disgusting drawn shit. >>265975 The second season of Nigatoro and Trigun Stampede started as well.
>>265980 >Trigun Stampede Everything I saw about that pre release has told me to stay away from it.
>>265980 >Browse Rule 34 or any other place and you can see there's lots of disgusting drawn shit. But that's what I said earlier, I've unfortunately have come across lots of disgusting drawn shit searching for hentai and most of them come from non-japanese artists, hence my distinction between hentai and general porn stuff which most tumblrites or twitter /patreon artists tend to label as hentai these days.
>>265973 The Haydee developers should have kept her faceless like in the first game
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>>265934 Ah, another victim of a trantrum. Much sad. So grief. Wow. >>265965 >You can make hardcore loli rape/snuff porn and no one goes to jail. Yeah, that you're not actually murdering a child? That's what makes it less degenerate, anon. By, uh, a pretty large margin, I'd say. >You can have stories about multi-generational incest where the end product isn't some mistake of God like the Habsburgs. The end result of the Hapsburgs was literal, real life degeneracy, instead of fictional degeneracy. In my book, that makes the actual generational incest more degenerate than the idealized and pitfall-dodging fictions. The Mister Hands example is pretty much the same shit. You're arguing no one dying from their perversion is somehow the MORE degenerate option.
>>265954 Makes me feel old when someone don't know about daisy destruction
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>>265983 faceless is shit because she doesnt have a mouth to fuck
>>265983 I'm ok with it since it's highly modable, I just wish they made it an actual game this time and the modders could do model transfers. >>265985 Well, maybe someone wanted to forget about it anon, not everyone wants to remember those things.
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>>265983 They just took the human model from Haydee 1 (the one on ammo boxes), slapped a wig on her, and called her the new Haydee. Even if "human Haydee" is not hard on the eyes, it's a step down.
>>265954 Let's just say it was cheese pizza that's so harmful, the creator had to hide somewhere on earth. It also did a number on Peter Scully's reputation that couldn't be washed out, unlike Bindu Reddy's after BeCandid shut down following it's transformation into a paedophile hive, following repetitive abuse of, what i'd call, the website's "hate curtain".
>>265965 There's an argument to be made though that fictional degeneracy is by definition less degenerate than any kind of real degeneracy simply by virtue of the fact that it's not really happening.
Anyone watching the new Nier anime? Saw some videos and it doesnt seem to have much CGI, can anyone confirm?
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>>265966 I have no idea what that is either. >>265989 Ah. >>265991 >new Nier anime Oh fug.
In case you needed more reason to hate companies like Limited Run Games they just fired an employee for following a transphobic account on twitter.
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lewd yu-gi-oh (kinda) when
>>265996 >Sending your own girls out to fuck your opponent as part of a weird sex game This is some advanced level cuckoldry, I tell you h'wat.
>>265996 Rosen Saga Beats that trash any day.
Where the big tiddie lolis at?
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>>265999 Is this what you're looking for?
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>>265980 >The second season of Nigatoro and Trigun Stampede started as well. Hope one of 'em is good, since the Urusei Yatsura reboot is wrapping up its first season.
>>265980 >The second season of Nigatoro
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>>266000 Clownpiss doesn't look too good with big tits, but I can get behind sukuna. Then again, minigirls are cool
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>>266002 niggatoro guffaw
>>265996 I recognize this fucker's artstyle. His work Welcome to MizuryuLand! had an hentai anime adaptation from Bunnywalker, Also, what's with all of the hentai dumping on the GG threads these days?
>>266006 2D or 3D I hate most nigger women.
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>>266007 This happens every Winter. The cold makes people horny.
>>265828 It also had fucking amazing non-cgi flight scenes. That was the part that sold me. They flew actual Hornets all the way through the movie.
>>265992 Yeah i wasnt interested but i saw some small portion and ddin't spot CGI and got interested
>>266009 >The cold makes people horny. What else are people suppose to do after shoveling the driveway and building a snowman? Building igloos is now "cultural appropriation", snow angels are now offensive towards the fags, snowball fights and sports are masculine because they're "violent" or "encourage competition". When it's below freezing outside, what else is one to do to stay warm?
>>265849 May I suggest Crypt Worlds
>>266007 Is it any good?
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>>266009 Nothing to do but icefight and fool around, and you shouldn't spend too much time on the ice...
>>266009 >The cold makes people horny. [citation needed]
>>266017 Look up the months with the most births, then go back 9 months and extrapolate. Everyone starts fucking as soon as it gets cold. Then again in then again in the Spring, to celebrate the end of the cold. There's a relative lull during the actual Winter, because the women are already pregnant from the onset of Winter, but people are still fucking more often.
>>266017 >>266018 TL;DR, the cold makes you crave human warmth.
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>>265991 >Saw some videos and it doesnt seem to have much CGI, can anyone confirm? The first episode was incredibly CG heavy. It's not the ugliest CG I've ever scene but it's pretty obvious. Of course, the beginning of Nier is all mechs and shit and very little 2B. At the very least 2B herself was never CG, but frankly I feel like they could have been a lot more gratuitous with the butt shots. I had to basically frame by frame to get these. The puppet shows at the end of the alternate bad endings are pretty cute, but unless they do some weird shit with it later it just seems like an inferior retelling of the game.
>>266007 >>266009 Is there a point in the year where people are the least horny? Feels like I've seen hentai dumps in GG threads year round since 8moe/the webring's inception.
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>>266018 Learned earlier today my niece is about a month along, so late november, early december. This might seem off, but we had a real long indian summer. That's when the summer stretches into what should be the fall, and then the fall gets speedrun late in the season. >>266021 High summer, it's too damn hot to be sweaating all over each other. That's why God invented showers and air conditioning.
>>266022 >That's why God invented showers and air conditioning. If that's the case, what was God's plan behind the platypus?
>>266023 Shitposting.
>>266023 Adorable pets, you just need to remove the poison spur from the males. Sort of like snakes!
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>>266021 we are monkeymen that managed to spread across the globe because we are constantly fucking and popping babies out; there is no point of the year at which we are not horny
>>266020 Combined 2D/3DCG can work very well if you limit the 3DCG to things that aren't supposed to look organic, so I have very little issue with the robots being 3DCG. Worked wonders for Ghost in the Shell, and well everyone notices the Tachikomas and some helicopters are 3DCG, not as many people even notice all vehicles are 3DCG.
>>266026 Huh, that's odd. There's plenty of times when I haven't been horny.
>>266028 You are an individual. Humanity is collectively never not horny, however there are times of the year when humanity is collectively extra horny.
>>266029 Ah so when one person isn't horny, another person is to make up for it?
>>266030 Yes, and twofold.
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>>266007 >Also, what's with all of the hentai dumping on the GG threads these days? Tradition. >>266017 Nigger, there's a reason why August is the month with the most births. About half of my relatives have birthdays between 9/8-9/15 which makes birthday present shopping easier for me. If humans had a "mating season" it would be around the Winter Solstice. However, I don't know if there's a similar spike in births around March for Southern-Hemisphere niggers, which I would assume to be the case. Things are weird for humans as human females go into estrus 13 times a year Humans have a lunar, rather than solar, mating cycle. Other primates don't do this., but don't point this out because it's "rude" (somehow).
>>266032 >Things are weird for humans as human females go into estrus 13 times a year Humans have a lunar, rather than solar, mating cycle. Other primates don't do this., but don't point this out because it's "rude" (somehow). Care to give more detail?
>>266033 I don't have that one screencap, but I do have the raw text of it…
>>266033 >>266034 Contrary to popular belief, most mammals do not menstruate. It’s a feature exclusive to the higher primates and certain bats. What’s more, modern women menstruate vastly more than any other animal, and it’s bloody stupid (sorry). A shameful waste of nutrients, disabling, and a dead giveaway to any nearby predators. To understand why we do it, you must first understand that you have been lied to, throughout your life, about the most intimate relationship you will ever experience: the mother-fetus bond. Isn’t pregnancy beautiful? Look at any book about it. There’s the future mother, one hand resting gently on her belly. Her eyes misty with love and wonder. You sense she will do anything to nurture and protect this baby. And when you flip open the book, you read about more about this glorious symbiosis, the absolute altruism of female physiology designing a perfect environment for the growth of her child. If you’ve ever been pregnant, you might know that the real story has some wrinkles. Those moments of sheer unadulterated altruism exist, but they’re interspersed with weeks or months of overwhelming nausea, exhaustion, crippling backache, incontinence, blood pressure issues and anxiety that you’ll be among the 16% of women who experience life-threatening complications. From the perspective of most mammals, this is crazy. Most mammals sail through pregnancy quite cheerfully, dodging predators and catching prey, even if they’re delivering litters of twelve. What makes us special? The answer lies in our bizarre placenta. In most mammals, the placenta, which is part of the fetus, just interfaces with the surface of the mother’s blood vessels, allowing nutrients to cross to the little darling. Marsupials don’t even let their fetuses get to the blood: they merely secrete a sort of milk through the uterine wall. Only a few mammalian groups, including primates and mice, have evolved what is known as a “hemochorial” placenta, and ours is possibly the nastiest of all. Inside the uterus we have a thick layer of endometrial tissue, which contains only tiny blood vessels. The endometrium seals off our main blood supply from the newly implanted embryo. The growing placenta literally burrows through this layer, rips into arterial walls and re-wires them to channel blood straight to the hungry embryo. It delves deep into the surrounding tissues, razes them, and pumps the arteries full of hormones so they expand into the space created. It paralyzes these arteries so the mother cannot even constrict them. The growing fetus now has direct, unrestricted access to its mother’s blood supply. It can manufacture hormones and use them to manipulate her. It can, for instance, increase her blood sugar, dilate her arteries, and inflate her blood pressure to provide itself with more nutrients. And it does. Some fetal cells find their way through the placenta and into the mother’s bloodstream. They will grow in her blood and organs, and even in her brain, for the rest of her life, making her a genetic chimera.** This might seem rather disrespectful. In fact, it’s sibling rivalry at its evolutionary best. You see, mother and fetus have quite distinct evolutionary interests. The mother ‘wants’ to dedicate approximately equal resources to all her surviving children, including possible future children, and none to those who will die. The fetus wants to survive, and take as much as it can get. The quotes are to indicate that this isn’t about what they consciously want, but about what evolution tends to optimize. There’s also a third player here–the father–whose interests align still less with the mother’s because her other offspring may not be his. Through a process called genomic imprinting, certain fetal genes inherited from the father can activate in the placenta. These genes ruthlessly promote the welfare of the offspring at the mother’s expense. How did we come to acquire this ravenous hemochorial placenta which gives our fetuses and their fathers such unusual power? While we can see some trend toward increasingly invasive placentae within primates, the full answer is lost in the mists of time. Uteri do not fossilize well. The consequences, however, are clear. Normal mammalian pregnancy is a well-ordered affair because the mother is a despot. Her offspring live or die at her will; she controls their nutrient supply, and she can expel or reabsorb them any time. Human pregnancy, on the other hand, is run by committee–and not just any committee, but one whose members often have very different, competing interests and share only partial information. It’s a tug-of-war that not infrequently deteriorates to a tussle and, occasionally, to outright warfare. Many potentially lethal disorders, such as ectopic pregnancy, gestational diabetes, and pre-eclampsia can be traced to missteps in this intimate game. From a female perspective, pregnancy is always a huge investment. Even more so if her species has a hemochorial placenta. Once that placenta is in place, she not only loses full control of her own hormones, she also risks hemorrhage when it comes out. It makes sense that females want to screen embryos very, very carefully. Going through pregnancy with a weak, inviable, or even sub-par fetus isn’t worth it. That’s where the endometrium comes in. You’ve probably read about how the endometrium is this snuggly, welcoming environment just waiting to enfold the delicate young embryo in its nurturing embrace. In fact, it’s quite the reverse. Researchers, bless their curious little heats, have tried to implant embryos all over the bodies of mice. The single most difficult place for them to grow was the endometrium.
>>266035 CTND Far from offering a nurturing embrace, the endometrium is a lethal testing-ground which only the toughest embryos survive. The longer the female can delay that placenta reaching her bloodstream, the longer she has to decide if she wants to dispose of this embryo without significant cost. The embryo, in contrast, wants to implant its placenta as quickly as possible, both to obtain access to its mother’s rich blood and to increase her stake in its survival. For this reason, the endometrium became thicker and tougher–and the fetal placenta got correspondingly more aggressive. This development posed a further problem–what to do when the embryo died or was stuck half-alive in the uterus? The blood supply to the endometrial surface must be restricted, or the embryo would simply attach the placenta there. But restricting the blood supply makes the tissue weakly responsive to hormonal signals from the mother–and potentially more responsive to signals from nearby embryos, who naturally would like to persuade the endometrium to be more friendly. In addition, this makes it vulnerable to infection, especially when it already contains dead and dying tissues. The solution, for higher primates, was to slough off the whole superficial endometrium–dying embryos and all–after every ovulation that didn’t result in a healthy pregnancy. It’s not exactly brilliant, but it works. Most importantly, it’s easily achieved by making some alterations to a chemical pathway normally used by the fetus during pregnancy. In other words, it’s just the kind of effect natural selection is renowned for: odd, hackish solutions that work to solve proximate problems. It’s not quite as bad as it seems, because in nature, women would experience periods quite rarely–probably no more than a few tens of times in their lives between lactational amenorrhea and pregnancies.*** We don’t really know how our hyper-aggressive placenta is linked to the other traits that combine to make humanity unique, but these traits did emerge together somehow, and that means in some sense the ancients were perhaps right. When we metaphorically “ate the fruit of knowledge”–when we began our journey toward science and technology that would separate us from innocent animals and also lead to our peculiar sense of sexual morality–perhaps that was the same time the unique suffering of menstruation, pregnancy and childbirth was inflicted on women. All thanks to the evolution of the hemochorial placenta. Citations: The evolution of menstruation: A new model for genetic assimilation Genetic conflicts in human pregnancy Menstruation: a nonadaptive consequence of uterine… [Q Rev Biol. 1998] Natural Selection of Human Embryos: Decidualizing Endometrial Stromal Cells Serve as Sensors of Embryo Quality upon Implantation During my pregnancy I was privileged to audit a class at Harvard University by Professor David Haig, whose insight underlies much of this research. ** [scientists discover children’s cells living in mothers’ brains] *** I initially said 7-10 times based on my course notes, but haven’t been able to source that statistic so I’m assuming I misheard. One older published estimate for hunter gatherers was around 60, but this relied on several assumptions that suggest it’s a significant over-estimate. In particular, it includes 3 whole years of menstruation before reproduction (36 periods) for no obvious reason (confirming that modern understandings of puberty puts it in two stages, the predominate puberty that happens roughly from 10-17 and the adulthood puberty that happens from about 21-26. This is why it’s so easy to tell a 27 year old from an 18 year old. It’s not the world experience that made his face shape change.) We can make an estimate from studies of the Hadza of Tanzania, who reach puberty around 18, bear an average of 6.2 children in their lives (plus 2-3 noticeable miscarriages) stating at 19, and go through menopause at about 43 if they survive that long (about 60% don’t). Around 20% of babies die in their first year; the remainder breastfeed for about 4 years. This is ~26 years of reproductive life, of which about 20 are spent lactating, and 4.6 pregnant. That would leave only about 6 periods, but amenorrhoea would cease during the last year of lactation for each child, so this figure is too low. On the other hand, this calculation ignores the ~60% of women who died before menopause, miscarriages, months spent breastfeeding infants who would die, and periods of food scarcity, all of which would further reduce lifetime menstruation.
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>>266034 >>266035 >>266036 You're talking about the Elf pregnancy screencap?
>>266037 The very same, yep.
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>>266033 There's this thing for post-pubescent and pre-menopausal human females called "a period" which comes on-average every 28 days, which is the uterus resetting itself after failing to become pregnant 2-3 days after ovulation (estrus). This causes pain and mild discomfort as well as moderate bitchiness.
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>>266035 >>266036 >>266037 Why must humanity suffer so? Both women suffering from their periods and the men suffering from their women? This feels like such an unnecessary evolutionary quirk. It's not the estrus cycle to blame, it's human's fucked up fetal-maternal biological relationship. The fucking lefties may be calling fetuses parasites as some half-assed pro-abortion propaganda, but it's not far from the truth. Can genetic modification right this travesty before humanity nukes itself? Will solving a large chunk of the female problem help prevent humanity from nuking itself?
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>>266035 >>266036 >>266037 This was clearly written by a "happy" feminist. Protip: there is no such thing as a happy feminist. They're the Principal Skinner meme: "I'm not an unattractive and unpleasant woman; it's THE MEN who are out of touch!" >>763859 We primarily concern ourselves with pre-pubescent males. Also >we. Ara ara♂
>>266041 So you want humanity to become r-selective niggork hoards?
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>>265652 >>265653 >>265656 >>265662 >Ashes and Echoes Yeah this confirms it niggerpill is the Ashes and Echoes poster.
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>>266043 Yes, but as prophesied, its by mass-breeding our tomboy trad-waifus.
>>266043 Removing the bloody relationship between mother and fetus alone will not turn humanity r-selective. There will still be a 9-month gestation period, there will still be constraints on how many babies a woman can normally and safely have at once, and humans children will still be dependent on their parents for a very long time. It won't even have a major effect on the mental differences between men and women. It will only make women mentally healthier and men less haggard for dealing with them. Imagine the negative psychological effect that suffering a period has, not as a result of physical suffering which can be overcome through simple willpower, but as a result of becoming irrational for 2-7 days, 12-13 times a year. Women spend about 1-3 months, 8-25% of their lives, in a state of mental irrationality.
>>266046 Wouldn't eliminating periods also eliminate the "shelf life" of female fertility, and thus also eliminate menopause, the period after periods where women become insufferable? Would also work so women in their 40's having kids wouldn't be pushing out downies and Chris-Chans.
>>266047 >Wouldn't eliminating periods also eliminate the "shelf life" of female fertility Why? The period is just the worst part of the estrus cycle. I might need to know more about menopause, but I see no reason why that would change. Women would still go into estrus 13 times a year, they just wouldn't shunt a bunch of bloody mess out and have fucked up hormones every time they fail to get pregnant at the end of estrus.
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>>266045 At least use the superior animated version
>>266041 >Women spend about 1-3 months, 8-25% of their lives, in a state of mental irrationality. <implying they're rational during the other 75% of their lives
>>266050 More so than during the menstrual cycle, at least.
>>266046 That's one reason women take hormone shit to stop their period and become sterile and die sooner, yes. >>266047 I thought kids from mothers over 34 or 35 have a massive increase in mental illness, like from 2% to 35%.
>>266052 I thought 30 was the wall for increase in genetic defects?
>>265629 >Caught dogwhistling about Kotaku's journalistic integrity at MAGFest. see >>265573
>>266053 It's less a wall and more an asymptote. It doesn't just "happen"; it just increases in probability at an accelerating rate.
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Guys I'm trying to do no nut 2023 but its only been a week in and my dick feels like its on fire how the fuck do I last 51 more weeks please somebody help me.
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>>266055 Yes, but 30 is when that increase really begins, is it not? >>266056 There's probably something wrong with your schlong, my man. I ain't jacked it in a decade and I read hentai regularly without issue. Ya might need to see a doc about that.
>>265733 >>265736 Didn't the French do a study on boobs (that lasted about a decade)? Hypnosis is supposed to work - like 'think' your boobs bigger. >>266046 >Women spend about 1-3 months, 8-25% of their lives, in a state of mental irrationality. >8-25% That figure seems awfully low.
>>266058 Well they're not very rational normally, but it's far worse during menstruation to be sure. >>266058 >The solution to small boobs is a hentai plot I'd buy it.
>>266056 Jack please don't die, we need you for movie night.
>>266057 >Yes, but 30 is when that increase really begins, is it not? Yes, that's right. That's when the statistical probability of those defects becomes measurable.
>>266057 I remember downs syndrome starts spiraling up at 34-35, but yeah. >>266058 Fertility is also pretty hard to guess as a natural contraceptive, and there was that one all-woman media company post where they ended up synchronizing their periods to all be a bitch or extremely horny at the same time.
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>>266063 Is this LOSS?
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>>266053 The problem with over-30 women having children is not to do with the woman's body, so much as, female humans only produce eggs at an early stage of development while still in the womb and these eggs slowly degrade over time while a woman is bombarded by outside radiation like cosmic rays, which over her lifetime damage the egg's DNA and RNA, which causes birth defects and the 20th & 21st century's outbreak of autism. This is where the "vaxines cause autism" silliness comes from. The (real) antivax movement is cucks covering for women making the WRONG choice to put off having children until it's dangerous for them to do so. >>266056 >please somebody help me. Then STOP. If you keep falling for stupid ops like this it will just lead to yet another shameful fap and despair. This is the best thing I can do to help you.
>>266066 >The problem with over-30 women having children is not to do with the woman's body, so much as, female humans only produce eggs at an early stage of development while still in the womb and these eggs slowly degrade over time I don't think anyone was challenging this. This is just the "why?". >This is where the "vaxines cause autism" silliness comes from. Wasn't it from vaccines actually causing autism because of some corrupt doctor preforming unsanctioned medical experiments with his patients? This then being distorted into a retarded black and white "all vaccines cause autism!" and "Only rednecks think vaccines can cause autism" false dichotomy?
>>266056 >I'm trying to do no nut 2023
>>266056 Go cycling or something outside the house every day to tire yourself out, although eventually your dick will fall off. >>266067 I think the vaccine conspiracies are partially because of contaminants during the manufacturing process, and also shoving like 20 or 30 in the first month of the kid being born to reduce doctor visits. Now most people recommend spacing them out during the first two years. Of course whenever a vaccine is being mandated without 14 years of clinical trials during an epidemic where it can still evolve, it's probably not something you'd want to give to an adult, let alone a child.
>>266056 >a week in and my dick feels like its on fire Take some antibiotics you nasty fuck.
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Nintendo confirmed Rosado is a male and trannies are pissed.
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>>265888 >>265881 >>265949 Not me, I get banned from twitter every single time a week after I make an account without even posting (also I don't care about Phil's daughter and I hate 3DPD in general) >t. real genesis poster
>>266071 It won't last with the track record of english releases for these kinds of games.
>>266071 I hate the "draw girl, call it a guy" thing nips do, but at least they aren't trying to force tranny shit through the localization, which genuinely surprised me. Now if only that game didn't use modesty shorts on every single girl...
>>266068 Holy shit thats funny. I remember the time one guy claimed to jack it to chris chans "vagina". What a sick fuck I'm glad he got banned. >>266069 I think my uncle sold my bike. I'll try working out again but those are entirely different muscle groups than my dick, I'm young and full of vigor so it may just get hard all over again. >>266070 Dude, I take showers regularly and I'm a virign I'm just really HEALTHY and am packing tons of youthful vigor if you get what I mean I'm supposed to be making babies right now but here I am with you retards in my computer screen instead
>>266072 >Genesis Genesis is bad and you should feel bad. Only good things to come out of genesis are Steve Hackett and the three first peter gabriel solo albums. I wouldn't consider anything else genesis made music, just a formality so Tony can say "eets prog rok with pop on eet" The only good things to come out of it's shit tier fanbase are fucking nothing. The fans of it had shit taste before it was popular, because it was a shit band albeit with potential, but you can say that about a ton of shit band. The only thing that changed with it's popularity is that the majority of its fans went from having shit taste to having no taste. The cancer will defend its shit generic pop full of inconsistency as "prog". The cancer will defend its bad and greatly overused britbong level of humor. The cancer will defend most of the songs being rehashes as being metaphor for the past story of the band, the gay peter gabriel, was forced as everything previous to them suggested that Peter wasnt a fag, and that Banks had a wife, Yet the cancer will still defend the band as not pandering, because Tony used a bunch of KORG synths instead of old ARP's which would have needed repairs, meaning less shekels for him.
>>266071 This is the new "Fire Emblem" game, in which they completely disregarded the weapon triangle system to appease to normalfags? This is not Fire Emblem.
>>266071 >>266073 >>266074 I don't get it. Why do trannies have an obsession with hyper conforming to gender roles? Isn't the entire leftist ideology about abolishing stereotypical gender roles? Their fixation on every single feminine presenting man necessarily being a tranny is in complete contradiction to their own ideology. I've even seen some of them actively getting angry at a cross-dressing streamer who "passes" and but still identifies as a man. It's not even like these trannies are traditionalists and conform to any standards either. They simultaneously refuse to conform to any cultural standards but are dogmatically fixed on every single person that doesn't conform to cultural gender standards as identifying as a tranny specifically. It's an actual death cult and even faggots have no influence in the fag community anymore. It's like the tranny menace just suddenly transcended every single minority in the span of 5 years. Which can only means the rubber band effect is going to be cataclysmic for them.
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>>266077 I guess new games try to simplify class affinities
>>266079 That's like removing the magic system in Final Fantasy or the Rune and the Unite system in Suikoden. A Fire Emblem game with no Weapon or Magic Triangle system is not a Fire Emblem game. It's just another generic TRPG with the name Fire Emblem in it.
>>266078 Trannies have an obsession with wanting people to call something that's obviously one gender the wrong gender. They want to force you call that man in a wig "she." Trannies don't actually WANT to be the other gender. They want to be called the other gender while people obviously know they're not because that makes them more special. Trannies are, first and foremost, attention whores. If there was a seamless way to turn men into women or vice versa down to the genetic level they would hate it. They wanted this character with his obvious male voice to be called "she" because trannies require constant validation for their shit lifestyle and trying to collect fake characters is one of the ways they accomplish that.
>>266080 The first 3 FE games didn't have the weapon triangle though.
>>266078 They want to disestablish traditional gender roles because they think that the sexes themselves are binary (ironic) and getting rid of whatever societal standards would allow them to act and expect others to treat them how they want to be treated in their heads. Get rid of normalcy and so their degeneracy becomes the new normal. They want to champion any feminine men in fiction because that's how they want to be perceived as even though there's no way in hell they would ever be seen that way.
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>>266067 (Pre-covid) Anit-vaxx was both a Left AND Right wing thing, where the Left was anti-big-pharma (this is a stopped clock being right) and the Right is (still) anti-big-government. This only started being a "right wing" thing when the media tried to stampede everyone into buying their biggest advertiser's product: "Brought to you by Pfizer!" The Left cucked out on this because the TV told them to. >>266069 Also, mRNA immune boosters ARE NOT A FUCKING VACCINE and don't do anything an actual vaccine does. They do not stop infection, they do not prevent transmission; they are similar to "muh horsepaste" anti-viral treatments which slow the growth of the virus within your own body, but mRNA immune-boosters do this by altering a single spike-protein the virus attaches-to in a specific type of cell in your lungs by modifying your RNA. Literally EVERYTHING claimed about the poke by the government and the media was a straight-up lie. Especially that it was even "a vaccine" in the first place. In a decade, we'll find out that the actual truth is that the poke also altered a certain cell in your balls which produces sperm to reduce fertility-rates because "muh overpopulation" meme. This why there are breakouts in both blood clots and swollen balls after people having taken the poke. Un-vaxxed sperm will be worth more than it's weight gold.
>>266081 They also collect real characters on discuck.
>>266076 >Only good things to come out of genesis are Steve Hackett and the three first peter gabriel solo albums What about Phil Collins?
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>>763945 Oh cool, you're back. You literally have no shame.
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Everyone, put your popcorn on standby.
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So does anyone here acutally do nofap? I did complete no nut november much to by bodies dismay a few years back but how do I get the willpower to not nut for an entire year? I know other guys do it, how do they distract themselves? abdcf6 is most certainly not helping.
>>266091 You get a woman to fap into, or write down a detailed account of what you fapped to in a notebook that you leave out on a desk for other people at work or at home to possibly open.
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McCarthy got voted in also, here's a list of stuff that he surely won't pussyfoot around even with respect to №1. https://archive.ph/hooW0
>>266093 >You know what will be left of this world I actually expected her to say "ashes and echos."
>>266091 I think that rather than focusing on not cooming, its more about getting really involved into other stuff. The periods where I've been longer without jerking off, or even having the drive to do it, have been the ones where my mind has been more focused on something, be either school, work, or personal projects. Or grieving. This has probably been said a lot, but to make it clear, nofap for the sole purpouse of nofap is somewhat silly, akin to that "do not think about the pink elephant" thing. The point is, if you feel like its taking something away from you, you do nofap to use your time and energy on doing stuff that takes you to where you want to be. If, on the other hand, you just sit in your room looking at the ceiling thinking about not cooming, you are gonna fail and feel terrible about yourself.
>>266046 >There will still be a 9-month gestation period, there will still be constraints on how many babies a woman can normally and safely have at once, and humans children will still be dependent on their parents for a very long time. Well that's why some people practice polygamy, mostly various sects of Islam or Mormons, well at least in that regard anyway. >inb4 muh shortage of woomannns causing single men to snap That only happens if you live in a war torn shithole where the average life expectancy is 30 and death while baring children is common place because of a lack of doctors and nurses or just living in a unsanitary area in general. Or if your China and you force dumb shit like the one child policy unto everyone who isn't rich enough to bribe the government so every chink mother aborts their baby because it's a girl. Otherwise I'd argue maybe the Mussies and Mormons are unto something. Also there are woman throughout the world who've managed to pump out something like 10 or more children though out their lives and still manage to live active lives. >>266024 >Shitposting. Are yellow jackets a shitpost too or are they just some plaque we deserved from doing something retarded? Personally I think cicadas, kiwi birds, and sea lions are some of gods best shitpot animals. >>266043 >>266045 >So you want humanity to become r-selective niggork hoards? Honestly depending on the lore that doesn't sound so bad. >>266041 >>266036 >>266035 TL;DR but the solution is simple, don't reproduce with physically weak woman with low tolerances to pain who chug like three or five ibuprofen pills over a minor headache or bruise. The English Angloid race is especially guilty of this compared to their European neighbors and have even gone as far as to drugging their sons and daughters with Ritalin to prevent their kids from well acting like energetic kids basically thanks to bitchy low energy unenthusiastic teachers making a fuss about minor shit that offends them of whom should be fucking fired because they aren't qualified. And no I'm not a hypocrite about this, I don't think soylent green nu-males should reproduce either. Of course there are other aspects that have lead to North America's cultural and physical softening. In the past people had to cut firewood for their homes but now we've got natural gas and space heaters, in the past people had to walk to work or hop on a horse even. Now everyone's breathing recycled air while sitting in traffic jams for several hours listening to shitty watered down radio music and stuffing their faces with McShit fast food because the government thought it be a good idea to regulate half the fucking continent into being turned into asphalt and boomers got brain washed by the Jews and Saudi's into worshiping cars and now their kids are trapped in Suburbia purgatory so it's no mystery at all as to why the majority of the time their kids are playing with their friends it's through some shitty Chinkware game like Overbotched or Fortshite. So in other words people way back then didn't need to go to the gym and work out because life in general was exercise for better or worse and honestly I'd argue that was a good thing, just look at all the mental illnesses we've got today all because little Timmy or Susy never shot a turkey for themselves and dragged it back home because deadbeat parents would rather just feed their little gremlins microwaved hot pockets. So there's your 4Cuck Janny lore I guess. I so no reason to over complicate this all, yeah a lack eugenics plays a role but so does our fucked up culture. This is why woman are even bitcher now than they have been throughout any other time in history and why the men are fucking pathetic cucks. So TL;DR work out, jog, eat veggies and meat, avoid corn syrup, fuck /fit/ tomboys, and proclaim your hatred for the anti Christ I guess. >>265805 >>265806 >>265809 I kinda assumed eventually there would be a new doujin or anime where that one woman who was flicking her bean to her bother having gay crossdressing buttsecks with Pico would have eventually ended up in a threesome with the two. To my disappointment that never happened. >>265853 >Coco had the largest cock of the 3 if I remember right. Coco also live in some weird underground compound connected to several abandoned subway train stations like that masked Catholic Commie from that Vendetta vengeance movie. >>266009 >>266017 >>266019 Fun fact, testicles produce more testosterone when they're cold. It also helps in general to just let them dangle and breath whenever possible too.
[Expand Post]>>266091 >So does anyone here acutally do nofap? I did it once out of curiosity, I failed November but persisted through December in my re-try and it does get easier the longer you go. It is a meme though, sorta. If you've already got very low testosterone to begin with then it might actually be useful I suppose. Moral of the story here though is just moderate your fapping to like once a week. No reason to jerk it till your pene is red, swollen, and it hurts to pee speaking from experience here. >>265868 I thought that already released and everyone got over it soon afterwards because Americans have the memory of a goldfish. Guess I was wrong about that.
>>266096 Yeah, cutting things made of/added with sugar and sweeteners is what helped me focus on other things more. Having multiple monitors ended up being more distracting than useful too, by presenting infinite updates in threads, emails, chats, etc for you to dopamine over.
>>266093 Isn't the resident evil franchise technically biopunk with how heavily centered genetically modified organisms are in the franchise and themes of genetic modifications and the consequences of it?
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>>265967 > INB4 you are incentivised to search the futa dude's doujins for materials about how to be a futa-fujo wouldn't a fujo futa just be a regular futa who just happens to have a feminine penis?
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>>266100 No, it would be a futa who gets off to yaoi and maybe fantasizes about fucking a boy herself. Being a fujoshi/fudanshi (the male equivalent) is a state of mind, not a physical trait.
>>266097 > If you've already got very low testosterone to begin with then it might actually be useful I suppose. I may be a twink but my testosterone and therefore my libido is probably too high for this shit. >No reason to jerk it till your pene is red, swollen, and it hurts to pee Fuck it I took your advice and released god knows how many days of pressure that was building up in my balls dude, thanks. Nofap is retarded, gotta at least moderate it once the floodgates have been opened.
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Also I don't know what the fuck happened with this one so you can have it too.
>>266102 But then who is Futa Dude?
>>266105 The male equivalent of regular futanari. Hermaphrodites with a male/masculine appearance. The math for male futanari (official booru tag, otokofutanari in sadpanda) is a reverse of regular futanari (example: 10% gay to fuck a futa -> 90% gay to fuck a male futa). It's an extremely niche fetish, to the point of having less than 100 pics on Gelbooru and only 80 non-western results in sadpanda (166 if all categories are enabled).
>>266106 But Futarina(a Futanari) is a girl with a benis who wishes to be normal; I'm still confused by what 4ecb62 meant.
>>266107 Yeah, I don't know what he's talking about either. But hey, at least I managed to edit that pic of Pit I used as example and turn him into a normal shota angel.
>>266106 >It's an extremely niche fetish, to the point of having less than 100 pics on Gelbooru and only 80 non-western results in sadpanda (166 if all categories are enabled). It's usually tagged under "maleherm" on other sites.
>>763988 Time to order some dozen pizzas.
>>266091 Never. Nofap would be great if you edged your days away or find yourself needing more extreme things to get off to, but fapping for a couple of minutes to practice disappointing your future wife is probably good for your health. Following trends like these are not good, increasing single men frustration during political and economic tensions is likely a psychological operation to increase more violent outbreaks for narrative purposes. >>763988 Seems less girthy than Mark.
>>763988 >knock off chink fumo's instead of the real Nippon ones Cringe, well I'd tolerates fumo's made in Vietnam or Korea since the jungle gooks and mountain gooks aren't in a cultural war with the USA with the end goal of destabilizing it with shitty Tiktok videos assuming we need help destroying ourselves with retarded shit, we're perfectly capable of doing that ourselves. all in the hopes of the CCP being able to get away with raping Japan and nuking Indonesia into submission for muh rightful Chinese seas because their jingoism doesn't allow them to look at maps rationally. Please purchase real fumo's or at the very least commission them from a local talented craftsman to sow one instead, I'm sure there's plenty on ETSY. Though to be fair jungle gooks have every right to hate us Americunts for being fat retards and dumping Agent Orange all over the place because it reduced the foliage thickness a little. >Using Monero Based Final verdict, he's got some good tastes, nice house too but is also a fucking retard for doxing himself for r/fumo gold points in the Amazon review section half of which mind you is full of fake bot reviews so he's got no one to blame but himself. Also I had no idea zzzchan /v/ had a feud with cake kike /v/, the more you know I guess. How'd that happen? I wanna know the lore.
>>266112 Eden runs /geimu/ IIRC and has been actively trying to sabotage zzzchan out of jealousy Seems like he wormed his way into cakejew's team to further cause more webring damage.
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>>266112 >How'd that happen? Not the entire board, but a few retards tried to one up each other. SEAGULL WINS AGAIN.
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>>266114 Seagull is a nigger.
>>266099 I'd say it is, but it's biopunk-lite because none of the protagonists you play as are ever above human levels besides Piers and Jake from 6. Piers only has a short section where he gets a bio-gun arm and then dies because him being alive as a sane bio-weapon would change the status quo, and Jake is only a quasi example who's outwardly human, who can basically just run and punch gud. There's no situation where people go biopunk and stay sane in any measure, and the series is just about a bunch of terrorist attack plots but with virus bioweapon flavor. There's no intentional upgrading except for villains in the movies, and any "sane" character with bio-enhancements in all parts of the lore is intentionally downplayed and killed off, like Ustanak, Piers, or that one guy from one of the cgi movies who fuses with the main villain. the "Punk" aspect usually means that it takes place in a setting that actually is examined during the plot. In no game does your character actually walk through a zombie-free unmolested city, with no examination of an average citizen's daily life because things go to action movie shit immediately. It's certainly "Bio", but very light on the "Punk".
>>266113 update on this from zzz thread apparently alpharius is the one copypasting zzzchan threads
>>266116 You forgot Sherry with her regenerating powers. I'd put Barry's kid Moira with supposed Wesker powers and then there's Claire who got injected with the same thing but never resolved.
>>266077 I think Fire Emblem Engage brings back the weapon triangle and it's more relevant now.
>>266116 Piers got killed?
>>266116 >There's no situation where people go biopunk and stay sane in any measure And then the reboot decided to throw that out the window by having Ethan be a sane mold man having half mold babies with his wife.
>>266121 Of all the resident evil monsters the ones that make no sense and are shit are the goo monsters. Fuck ouroboros, fuck that herpes shit, fuck whatever happen in the outbreak stories turning into more goo monsters. And fuck 8 for not making a werewolf boss.
>>266041 Nature isn't perfect,neither are we,we must strive for it as a species though
>>763988 >>266117 >this nigger was Alpharius, the most faggot mod on 8moe >he was also the copypaste faggot >he made Black Lives Splatter
>>266124 He also runs prolikewoah/geimu/
>>266042 >image To be fair, I would exclude internet tards from wife-hunting too, more trouble than they're worth.
>>266087 Completely shameless.
>>266084 >This only started being a "right wing" thing when the media tried to stampede everyone into buying their biggest advertiser's product: "Brought to you by Pfizer!" No, it didn't. It's been for a decade or two at least that the "vaccines cause autism" was "a right wing conspiracy theory".
>>266084 >In a decade, we'll find out that the actual truth Will we? When you think about the ever growining amount of people suffering of anxiety disorders,autisms in the past decades there is always a overlook to the possibility of a vaccine causing it,there is many variables of course still, unless a leader is able to push actual truth most people will just take what dad government tell them.
>>266091 >acutally do nofap? I stopped masturbating before nofap ever began. I still don't his has minor negative effects and almost no positive effects. It doesn't even stop me from seeking out porn when I'm horny. However I can consume hentai far more quickly, and dare I say more objectively, since I don't have to masturbate to it every time I see it. >>266111 >increasing single men frustration during political and economic tensions is likely a psychological operation to increase more violent outbreaks for narrative purposes. What happened to wanting the cattle placated by porn so they're docile and don't rebel? This is the first I've heard this theory, and the placation theory has been general consensus since internet antiquity. You gotta pick one.
>>265857 i mean, its certainly an eyesore, couldn't custom themes just be disabled for the archive domain? also what'cha think about that multi-spoiler pic thing? >>266099 >biopunk nah, biohazard at most, that's literally its name in nip, and basically what >>266116 said
>>266064 >>266065 Since I used to be an avid reader of sinfest, I know he would make a comic every year of "Father time" trying to escape death, before eventually getting caught just as the new year rolled in and then there would be a baby new year present that would become grow into that same character through the year, repeating the cycle. This might be the same thing... but maybe changed to symbolize the trend of progressivism? The baby new year perhaps skipping years of growth due to grooming, and going willingly when death comes because it's a mercy at that point.
>>266130 The flip side of the coin is they fail to have personal relationships from being satisfied fapping, and fail to bond with women. So what happens when they decide what their legacy is?
>>265916 Fixed.
>>266134 Damn those Japanese people and their titty ninjas causing damage everywhere!
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>>764048 >>8moe /v/ vols and mods Fug. I mean vols and Mark.
>>266067 >>266069 "Vaccines" containing aluminum nanoparticles to act as an adjuvant (stimulates an immune response) has the highest correlation with autism, and this theory was hard to prove until a common factor was found in the brains of highly autistic people who had their bodies donated to science upon death, there was reservoir of aluminum in the brains, the sample size of bodies was low because, well, how do you get a bunch of autistic people to donate their bodies to science? Still, 3 out of 3 autistic brains had this aluminum cluster in there. There still seems to be a lot not understood about vaccines in general, like the measles vaccine, which IIRC in germany the experts were challenged to prove that the measles virus existed in the first place. This ultimately lead to an audit of the measles vaccine itself and what they found was that it was just ordinary human tissue within the vaccine, there was nothing distinctly inhuman as the measles virus supposedly is, the experts in germany lost the legal battle over this and had to pay out since they could not prove the existence of a virus, and in turn that the vaccine even contained a trace of it. A joint study between researchers in spain and I forget where else, maybe the U.S. proved with decades worth of data that the flu vaccine as administered from childhood into geriatric years is less effective with each successive dose. You could either assume from that, that the flu has gotten worse each year, or that the vaccine was never effective if the immune system is less and less prepared for the annual flu as the vaccine is given. For elderly, it showed so little impact in preventing the flu, that they may as well get sugar water. Various other vaccines have been shown to contain fluid and tissue of animals, such as cow, monkey, horse, and as with the measles vaccine, human. Consider the HPV vaccine that ended up causing children to develop narcolepsy ( in one form causing them to go unconscious, in another their motor control shut down ), have seizures that worsened with time, and left some bedridden because doctors would simply tell parents that the symptoms are psychological. The hpv vaccine did not stay on the market long. Or at least that version of it. Combine this with the government conducting medical experiments on humans in the past, with syphilis, Ouchie-Fauci's vaccine solution to AIDS, attempts to infect prisoners with sexually transmitted diseases to understand infection (with very little success), and even the attempts to infect people (and horses) with spanish flu (with no success), and the fact that the FDA and the CDC have become a revolving door for highly positioned people in the pharmaceutical industry and it should become more apparent why there is an ounce of hesitancy towards vaccines in general.
>>764048 Last I checked there is only an IRC, there has not been a discuck in years since the days of goblinwheels.
>>764048 >replying to deleted posts
>>266141 I think the discuck is for moderation after IRCops kept asking how do you do on it.
>>764048 >>266141 Yeah, nevermind on the dicksword thing. Looks like something called Matrix. False alarm. Alpharius is still a confirmed faggot though spreading FUD like crazy. >>266142 The fag in question deleted himself. Which is expected. But what the fuck is Parias doing global deleting this for rule 4? That's generally reserved for spam. Does he consider it a "psyop" because it attacks a vol here, is he friends with Alpharius, or is Parias an alt global vol account of Alpharius'? The soup thickens.
>>266144 Doxing is covered under GR4.
>>266145 I miss when doxing was more common on imageboards. It's pretty undeniably effective for scaring malcontent away with pizza pranks that send a message, and it's often your own fault if you left your own goddamn info on the internet (assuming you're not some normalfag giving it away on Faceberg). Nowadays it's only trannies or Foxdickfarms who do it.
>>266145 Ah, it's in the edge cases that you can't dox site staff. The Aaron Lawson case had me thinking otherwise so long as the faggot doxed themselves somehow. However, even if you exclude the information presented that is dox, the thread linked still shows Gourmet Newell to be Alpharius and still shows Alpharius spreading FUD and fomenting board wars. Unless some other /v/ols and Mark come forward to claim those caps are entirely fake, I still think the faggot ought to be shunted from his /v/ol position immediately.
>>266147 Thinking about how that edge case works, if he is removed from his position as a /v/ol, would that suddenly make his dox not a global rule violation? Or does he have permanent protection in the rules from any kind of dox that could be tied to his former vol account?
>>266147 It's kind of funny to imagine someone saying "I am Alpharius" and banning people for doxing him of his own admittance.
>>266147 It's not site staff dox, it's all dox, you fucking genuine nigger.
>>266147 The threads were edited by Alpharius but doesnt say they were created by him, I recall in the past OPs being edited after they were scraped from zzz per some rule that got removed.
>>266150 It's only "hard dox" that is globally banned. "Soft dox" is not necessarily prohibited, though it is when it concerns site staff. >>266148 That clause includes BOs. Even if he were removed as a vol, it'd still apply to him so long as he owns a board.
>>266147 Looking at the edge case even further, the dox info that proves he's Eden would be considered soft dox and thus acceptable to the global rules if just the address is censored. I don't know much about Eden other than that he's also a faggot, though. >>266150 >It's not site staff dox, it's all dox, you fucking genuine nigger. Read the rules, faggot. >>>/site/6955 >Ruling15: Doxing >While the posting of public personal information is not explicitly forbidden by the Global Rules, we do put limitations on what can be posted or requested in order to prevent such activity from causing the site legal trouble. Additionally the doxing of site staff, board owners, and volunteers is prohibited as "harm to the site" under Global Rule 4. We broadly divide doxing into two categories: Hard dox and soft dox. >Soft dox is not generally prohibited under Global Rules, but may be removed in response to a valid subpoena, court order, or police investigation. >>266151 >The threads were edited by Alpharius but doesnt say they were created by him I'm debating that right now too. I've yet to see proof he did that, but also don't much care as the Matrix posts feel like they're already damning evidence that he's a shitstirring niggerfaggot in my opinion. OP also claims he's responsible for constant spamming, but doesn't proof this. >>266152 Oh yeah. I guess that rule means anyone can just make an account and make a dead board and be protected by the global rules above the regular rabble from being doxed on the site. Kind of a loophole, don'cha think? What happens when someone is doxed then immediately makes a board? Is anyone really sure that "site staff" is supposed to refer to BOs and vols in first place, and not just global vols and site administration? I think it needs to be clarified.
>>266152 >"Soft dox" is not necessarily prohibited, though it is when it concerns site staff. That's not how I was reading it, but you may be right. I thought, since it opens saying doxing is not explicitly prohibited, that that rule on hard doxing was specifically about site staff, since the difference between hard and soft dox immediately follows the statement that you can't dox site staff.
>>266153 >Is anyone really sure that "site staff" is supposed to refer to BOs and vols in first place, and not just global vols and site administration? I think it needs to be clarified. Nevermind this. I'm retarded. It's clearly said all are protected.
>>266151 Looks like he did make the dupe thread himself. Someone capped in the moderator thread viewer I forget what it's called, the bypass ID of the dupe thread, and another post where he showed his Steam playtime stats, which line up with those of his account. I think identifying anons across threads like this is against the rule for volunteer/BO behavior though, but that doesn't mean anons can't share this info once it's leaked, and there's nothing tying the cap to any particular account. It's a pretty pointless rule when you think about it. The real rule is just "don't do this openly".
>>266156 It's most likely for legal reasons because many countries view the publication of private information as a criminal offense.
>>266157 I think in burgerland it's "no takebacksies" if you provide public information about yourself. If you need a flowchart to explain the assumption then it's probably doxing.
>>266158 What if you do it on accident though? The dox in question is a piece of paper he accidentally left in a picture he took of a chinkoff fumo cirno.
>>266159 Poor due diligence, it might be accidental but it was provided willingly, from a legal perspective. However reposting it maliciously may be a crime, especially on sites or groups known to use doxxes maliciously.
>>266160 Which of course includes the far-right extremist websites that the webring and 8moe are part of :^)
>>266156 Does editing the post not change the bypass ID as well?
>>266162 >Does editing the post not change the bypass ID as well? I don't think it ought to.
>>266162 In fact, I don't think you need a bypass to edit a post, so why would it?
>>764091 >>764093 Why are you wasting our time with this neophite bullshit for NPCs.
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>>764093 >supportive of men accused of sexual harassment. Isn't funny? If you stand by innocent until proven guilty, your a misogynist, unless the man is black, then even considering he might be guilty racism. Strange coincidence #MeToo seems to almost entirely happen to wypipo. Really gets the noggin joggin.
>>764097 Video Games?
>>266165 He has to, he's paid to spam this shit and archives of cuckchan threads.
>>266084 >because "muh overpopulation" meme. I never understood this claim from corrupt politicians and technocrats like Bill Gates. Lots of people die every single year, and wars and famine are evidence that higher death tolls can fuck a nation because fewer people can't produce shit. >>266137 > HERO GIRL x HEALER BOY Is it worth to read? >>764097 I forget that Henry Cavill that despite looking like a strong and handsome dude, the guy's a nerd on the inside.
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>>266169 >I never understood this claim from corrupt politicians and technocrats like Bill Gates. If you're a hardline cynic that views people as only being occasionally useful in small amounts or a fan of neo-feudalism and a simplified society worth managing then it sounds like a great idea.
>>266170 Sounds like post-scarcity by UBI commies.
>>266167 They all looked like video game news links but the angry Joe capeshit one. >>266168 Doubt it. Cuckchan /co/umblr is too busy crying over Puss in boots the last wish being puritan Christian propaganda for making Christianity canon in Shrek. Never mind the first Shrek movie had an Archbishop background character. Not to mention The crusades happened in the Shrek universe. Fiona's father mentions a crusade leg wound in Shrek 2.
>>266169 >>266170 Actually, it's something farm me nefarious. Anyone remember that meme theorizing that reincarnation actually exists, and that the "only" reason why there's so much anxiety in today's world is because there are far more people than there are "souls" to distribute across the global population than ever before, so the "anxious" people are those that have a newly created "soul" and never experienced a previous life before? Yeah, the elites literally believe this. At least, a variation of it. According to their beliefs, rather than people being created with brand new souls, they literally declare that majority of today's populace have NO soul whatsoever (As in, they do unironically consider everyone not with them as NPCs) and are just abominable beasts that never should have been given birth in the first place. And, why it is that some many people are NPCs is because the world isn't under their control so that they can perfectly nurture society. It's absolutely demonic and psychopathic, and I wish I was making this shit up: https://odysee.com/@newdiscourses:9/wtf-is-sel:e
>>266056 I feel you, man. Pray to God that you won't stop. I am on the 113th day and it is all because God gifted me the flat line. Anons here are not helping because they are posting BIG FUCKING ANIMU TIDDIES which I fucking crave so much so browsing feels like entering a land mine with land mines detector. Stay strong.
>>266174 What works for me is thinking of Jesus or God. Maybe keep a portrait of Jesus hanging on your wall where you usually do your business.
>>266071 If you remove Nintendo of America. Nintendo would be the most conservative and apolitical video game company. Unlike Microsoft. Playstation was approval before Sony of america took over Sony of japan
>>266056 The best material that helped me was this free book. The gist of it, is that it tells you why the "willpower method" will lead to disaster, in fact even tells you to fap as much as you want while reading the book, and to read it at your own pace, instead it tried to convince that fapping is not an activity like playing video games or golfing, but as an addiction like heavy drinking and drugs, and that you simply do not need it. Instead of keeping you attached to the idea of fapping or willpower, it detaches you from it. It doesn't guarantee success, but it did allow me to go 111 days without fapping, before relapsing, but soon enough, I do plan on escaping the porn trap once more.
>>266176 >Nintendo would be the most conservative and apolitical video game company Nintendo even without NoA is full of greedy fucks.
>>266173 So how are new souls created if energy cannot be created or destroyed?
>>266179 >So how are new souls created They aren't, that's the kicker. The closest there is to "new souls" are the "tamed savages" (NPCs) that are created through their hermetic wizardry, that only "they" know, that can only be performed after they transform the world to reach their Communist utopia.
>>266179 Conversion of energy into a series of pre-programmed advanced instructions allowing the capacity for intellect and sapience? Sounds a bit like mysticism and science fiction to me.
>>266179 >energy cannot be created or destroyed Source?
>>266181 >Sounds a bit like mysticism and science fiction to me. It IS mysticism. These jackasses unironic believe that they're literal wizards and alchemists, and this shit has been building since the Renaissance: https://infogalactic.com/info/Hermeticism#Renaissance >>266182 First law of thermodynamics
>>266183 >First law of thermodynamics Counter Argument: The Bible.
>>266184 That's not a counterargument.
>>266185 Considering we were talking about souls, I might as well bring the events of the Bible as a source, and in it we see how God can create matter and energy our of nothing. Hope you understand, that this is more of a light-hearted argument.
>>266179 Since when souls are made ernegy? >>266173 The thought that new souls could cause people to be anxious makes no sense to me
>>266186 > in it we see how God can create matter and energy our of nothing. The thing about God is that He has always been. He is himself not a creation or a created, and therefore thermodynamics doesn't apply to Him. Within His creation, however, the rules apply. We've defined the forces that govern all interactions, and they're immutable.
>>266186 God operates outside of the laws of physics. He turn water into blood, part the oceans, and stop the rotation of the Earth without killing us all. >>266187 >The thought that new souls could cause people to be anxious makes no sense to me It's because "new souls" don't have any life experience to pull upon. Like I said, it was a meme.
>>266179 Fractional reserve souling (npcs).
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>>266186 >>266184 why don't we just tell god to make a perpetual energy machine so effective that he himself cant plug it off?
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>>266170 I prefer Zanza than this boring fucker of a villain. >>266173 Didn't the Elites also practiced occult magic and shit? >>266187 >Since when souls are made ernegy? Have you ever heard of the concept of "spiritual energy" that's been explored in various cultures like Chi (China), Mana (Polynesian), Pneuma (Greek) etc? https://yewtu.be/watch?v=CPIDQB1zt6Y
>>266191 It's called jesus, because jesus isn't god but is god :^) >>266192 I know the post he's talking about, but your image is close enough.
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>>266194 how can i plug my AC unit into jesus then?
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>>266169 >Is it worth to read? It's about big titty superheroines getting massaged by a horny beta but he can't go further or his collar explodes, by the author of Okusan. Either you like it, or you don't.
>>266169 >>266173 They're not entirely wrong. For overpopulation, there are way too many goddamn "people" mostly chinks, spics, and niggers using way too much energy living packed like sardines in overpolluted cities. That's a problem not only for the nature (and of course, the elites don't care about that, but it is a genuine concern), but also for human freedom and human happiness. How can anyone be free and happy living somewhere like London, New York, Tokyo, or Shanghai, in those terrible behavioral sinks? Given that, we can either expand into outer space, relieving population pressures through building space habitats and colonies on other planets, or billions must die. I wish it could be the former, but our technology isn't there yet. So it seems the latter must happen. As for the limited amount of souls, I can believe it. You look at normalfags and you can see they don't have any sort of divine spark or inner fire, only the blind desire to follow the herd. That doesn't mean all normalfags are soulless, or that there aren't soulless anons, but the general trend is that most anons tend to be soulful, and most normalfags tend to be soulless. In Gnostic terms, as we can see in >>266192, most people are hylics, a minority are psychics, and only a select few men are pneumatic. Overall, however, the problem with the elites is what the end is, not the means. The goal should be the revival of the human soul through genuine freedom within the confines of the Creator's Law, spiritual development with the aid of good spirits, and the defeat of evil. The elites' goal, on the other hand, seems to be man's enslavement, the destruction of man's spirituality (as prophesied by Rudolf Steiner), and the rise of Ahrimanistic nihilism.
>>266184 Counter argument, the bhagavad gita.
>>266198 Even in the Mahabharata, there are quivers with infinite arrows, so my counter argument still stands.
>>266193 >Have you ever heard of the concept of "spiritual energy" that's been explored in various cultures like Chi (China), Mana (Polynesian), Pneuma (Greek) etc? Yeah,but the idea not necessary reflect that it have the limitations of the ernergy we are aware of, "ernergy" in the name is but a simplifcation to make it easier for you to visualize it >>266189 >Like I said, it was a meme. I wouldn't doubt old elites believing on it though, even more the ones that are scared of dying
>>266078 because satanists want to destroy what is good. it's not that complicated. they're evil.
>>266078 >I don't get it. Look up the behaviors of Sabbatean Frankism and everything about the modern world begins to make total sense.
>cow Bebop got raped by Netflix >Trigun got fucked over by a RWBY/MCU inspired reboot where zoomer haircut Vash revolver now chambered in 22lr It's only a matter of time before someone comes after Outlaw Star and Dirty Pair next?

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>>266100 >>266107 I just couldn't remember the name of the author so I called him "futa dude". Found the name, it's Chinbotsu who made a manga about a futanari that used her onahole so much she became a sex goddess and exists only to get fucked by that futa >>266134 I'd be fine with Yakuza actually, it'd at least be fun and far more civil tfw you realise that the fucking triads in your area are more civilized than your average gang of albanians, niggers or pakis >>266169 >I forget that Henry Cavill that despite looking like a strong and handsome dude, the guy's a nerd on the inside. Probably what an average good director would see and think about when casting him as Superman but we got Hack Snyder who just thought that just because he's british and shagged a girl inTudors, he's perfect for Superman when he eventually shows his supercock in slomo or something. >>266173 >>266179 >>266180 >>266190 >>266197 >Elites believe the most cucked version of BLEACH in this universe WEW E W Now I really hope Soul Society exists if that's the case, it'll be a riot. >>266196 I think it's the artist of Okuusan that does that manga, the author teamed up with the artist do the Ashitaba Family manga that ended last year and the author of Okuusan with another artist do some DQ parodies, where the hero has a cheat skill that attracts wifes to fuck him because his IRL wife NTR'd him so hard he died. The art is excellent and I still await for the paizuri scenes >>266204 Don't you fucking joke about that anon, it's already hard for me not to kill anyone responsible for zoomer Vash and that trash.
>>266205 >Don't you fucking joke about that anon, it's already hard for me not to kill anyone responsible for zoomer Vash and that trash >Knives exclusively uses knives instead of an gun >No Milly Thompson >Probably no religious symbolism >Character animation looks worse than RWBY >Background looks like PS2 cutscene It almost like Americans rebooted Trigun.
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>>266206 >Knives exclusively uses knives instead of an gun This is almost like a shitpost. >No Milly Thompson My anger is immense. >Probably no religious symbolism To be fair, Woolfwood and Milly did most of the heavy lifting on that front, not even Vash was that much into religion, just a peace nut when he wasn't suffering >Character animation looks worse than RWBY fucking how? >Background looks like PS2 cutscene Somehow I fell like you're insulting the PS2 >It almost like Americans rebooted Trigun. If anything, going by your description of the first episode, it's like some newgrounds fag rebooted Trigun using Monty Oum's engine filmmaker and then RWBY-fying it for the finishing touches. It's worse than an american reboot, if anything an american reboot of Trigun would have Vash as the ultra macho hero with three guns of stellar quality with his priest friend who also has guns because of course, going around killing bad guys for bounties and having western music as the title credits.
>>266207 >Somehow I fell like you're insulting the PS2 He is,people actually put effort on PS2 cutscenes
>>266200 I wonder what Luke thinks of faggotry. >>266196 >>266205 Are there any mangaka like the artists of Okuusan that did good lewd mangas with nice art? >>266206 Monty knew how to make good choreography. After his death, the fight scenes dropped its quality. Even after that, the visuals in RWBY still look unimpressive.
>>266207 >It's worse than an american reboot, if anything an american reboot of Trigun would have Vash as the ultra macho hero with three guns of stellar quality with his priest friend who also has guns because of course, going around killing bad guys for bounties and having western music as the title credits. Anon, you do know it's [CURRENT YEAR], right? American reboots of Japanese media don't look like that anymore.
Also a reminder to any holdouts. https://archive.ph/nkrV9
>>266209 The artist for Okuusan has only done the lewds found in these three titles but the guy who does the DraQue parodies is a close second to how he draws his females. >>266210 Of course, though given Trigun's age and the west's attempts to localize everything back then, I modified it appropriately for what an american reboot of Trigun would be. These days it's not even "american" reboots anymore, it's Netfux reboots and they have more chinks, gooks and jews on board rather than your usual anglomerican that did cool shit like Mighty Orbots back in the day.
>>266211 I should install windows 7
The Hues are finally actually doing to their government what the (((American))) media claims Trump supporters did to the (((US))) government https://www.zerohedge.com/political/bolsonaro-supporters-storm-brazil-national-congress-breach-presidential-palace-top-court >What appears to be thousands of supporters of former Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro stormed the National Congress building in Brasilia on Sunday, as well as the Presidential Palace and the nation's top court, according to news agency LUSA. >The protesters are calling for military intervention to overthrow President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva, who was inaugurated last week. Since the October 30 elections, in which Lula defeated Bolsonaro, hundreds of people have been camped in front of the Army Headquarters in Brasília. Footage shared on social media showed hundreds of people pouring into the building. The protesters were met with police tear gas. A Brasília-based reporter shared a video on Twitter purportedly showing the protesters storm the building. >According to LUSA, the group, wearing yellow and green T-shirts and Brazilian flags, crossed police barriers and climbed the ramp which allows access to the roof of the Chamber of Deputies and Senate buildings. Leave it to nonwhites to show whites how to behave.
>>266211 I remember when Microsoft stopped updating Windows XP. The British government paid Microsoft to make new security updates rather than upgrade. >>266207 >>266208 >>266212 >Zero woke shit in Puss in boots the last wish. >Fully embrace spaghetti western ascetics and musical score >Christianity and churches being canon in the Shrek universe is a plot point in Puss in Boots later on. 100% confirm Shrek movies take place in Continental North America. >Far far away is California of the Shrek universe, while Puss in boots solo movies take place in fairytale Mexico. Puss in boots, canon Catholic. >Shrek 2 also hinted the series takes place in North America when that barn girl asks Shrek if he's from Europe after hearing his exotic name. >Puss died once while being drunk. >Pro-nuclear family themes. >Doesn’t sugar coat the subject of death. A Puss in boots movie was somehow less childish than MCU Thor love and thunder and had a scarier villain. That is embarrassing enough. But Puss in boots of all things now feels more like a western than a Trigun reboot. What the hell? >>266209 >Monty knew how to make good choreography. After his death, the fight scenes dropped its quality. Even after that, the visuals in RWBY still look unimpressive Rooster teeth used to be funny, believe it or not. The whole brand was built on using halo multiplayer models to tell gay and rape jokes. RWBY is a low budget show that knew how to have good-looking fight scenes. Early RWBY looked like Dreamcast in game graphics at times.
>>266215 It's not like Trigun focused on being a western though, the western coat was there to distract you from the cyberpunk dystopian world post-apocalypse that tried to rebuild and the horifying reality of humanity's hubris during their peak sci-fi era, one that both Vash and Knives' were eventually revealed to have lived through. The anime makes Trigun appear far more western that cyber/desertpunk sci-fi that it actually is and it's mostly due to Vash roaming and palling around the equivalent of Planet Gunsmoke's North American continent but almost every continent looks like a dried up desert in Gunsmoke due to the shit that went down with the PLANTs. >Rooster teeth used to be funny, believe it or not. Rooster Teeth was never funny. They just got horribly worse. Machinima in general had very few actual funny people. I remember back when Jewtube started getting off the ground for real and friends were talking about the shit they found there, the Machinima channel, SMOSH, RWJ, Nigahigga etc., as the new TV back in late 2006-2007, as we were graduating high school.
>>266214 Impotent Leftists BTFO
>>266215 >Rooster teeth used to be funny, believe it or not. The whole brand was built on using halo multiplayer models to tell gay and rape jokes The first 2 seasons of RvB are great
>>266216 >The anime makes Trigun appear far more western that cyber/desertpunk sci-fi that it actually is and it's mostly due to Vash roaming and palling around the equivalent of Planet Gunsmoke's North American continent but almost every continent looks like a dried up desert in Gunsmoke due to the shit that went down with the PLANTs. I'm a little surprised the Wild west or fantasy-western inspired settings are not a more popular setting in anime or isekai. With so much cross pollination between John Wayne-era western movies and samurai movies. Then Italian directors started making unofficial remakes of samurai films and turned them into westerns creating the spaghetti western genre. European western comics are still a popular genre. There are probably more western comics made by French and Belgians than Americans by now. The American comic book industry only cares about capeshit.
>>266219 That's what Trigun references most of the time as well, in Maximum, you have a literal rollerblading samurai who duels Vash and the manga has fucking spaghetti western-tier stare contests. I guess it's more of a taste than anything, over here the spaghettis are more popular compared to the actual westerns but even comics like Blueberry that you mention aren't exactly as John Wayne-ish or hardcore westerns, they have their own unique flavours. One guy that did a grand western epic in the 90s was Muraeda Kenichi with RED, a western about a an injun who was the last of his tribe, raised as a gunslinger. Sadly, this manga just like his Kamen Rider Spirits project doesn't have many scanlators working on it. It does give an idea on how nips like their westerns though, it has a lot of similarities with some Wild Arms games and Trigun in some places. The problem with eurocomics these days is that they are more scarce because more people care about quality than quantity but we are all lacking in quality comic book makers these days in Europe, so there's a steady but very slow pace. It's a trade-off I guess. It's also more difficult these days since we stopped doing cross-publishing deals I used to get more french comics in my bookstores but now I only have my local comics
>>266214 Funny considering Bolsonaro already abandoned them,i wonder who would get in power?
>>266221 Just trust in the plan :^)
>>266222 Meh,its just another facade.
I bet 200 shekels that Brazil's own coup will fail just like in the USA and Lula will rightfully and LEGALLY sodomize Luciano Cucklands every single day of his administration.
Oh hey I found the thing I wanted to post when we were talking about the modern mother this thread or last. Forgot what I wanted to say about it though.
Disney to outlaw Stable Diffusion and other open source AI >Copyright Alliance, led by Disney, released a position paper stating they will have AI such as Stable Diffusion made illegal by lobbying for new copyright laws, and replace it with "ethical unbiased AI" that doesn't infringe on their copyrights. >Two weeks later a GoFundMe appeared, created by a Disney artist, the goal of which is to join the Copyright Alliance to partner with Disney to shut down open source AI art projects. Thousands of artists are supporting the campaign. >Copyright Alliance also supports a new bill, SMART Copyright Act, that will mandate state controlled content filtering software on all websites to eliminate copyright infringement once and for all. https://y.com.sb/watch?v=5pIVVpoz5zk
>>266227 They can't let people create their own things with AI, only they can use an AI to make their lazy jobs easier.
>>266227 It's retarded because it already exists, how will you outlaw an open source AI that someone can probably share a howto for on i2p? All you'd need is images for a training model, which you can probably also torrent over i2p.
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>>266227 Disney found out how AI knows how to make the superior heroes compared to the actors they pick.
>>266227 >Copyright Alliance also supports a new bill, SMART Copyright Act, that will mandate state controlled content filtering software on all websites to eliminate copyright infringement once and for all. Oh fuck that noise. Hopefully conservatives will keep in mind Disney pushing gay and tranny shit on children and pressure Republicans into not supporting Disney's copyright bullshit out of retribution.
>>266228 Not that I care about copyjews but the field of AI shit does typically have ethical guidelines for a reason. You could develop generative image AI on images that are explicitly donated or permitted to be used as training material, and that AI could be just as open. Generally people involved in AI shit go out of their way to maximize consent to avoid issues like this. With that said the argument that using peoples artwork as training being unethical doesn't really hold as much water as using someones personal face or information as training for AI being unethical. Artists voluntarily expose their artwork to the world. The AI doesn't steal or copy their work either, that's just disinfo artists want to believe. >>266229 You don't outlaw it. You make it commercially unviable. It isn't illegal to use someone else's copyrighted works for personal shit today. But it's completely commercially unviable to use copyrighted works. It's not about preventing people from doing it at all, it's about preventing people from profiting from it.
>>266112 How does one obtain knockoff fumo's made in Vietnam? >>266215 >I remember when Microsoft stopped updating Windows XP. The British government paid Microsoft to make new security updates rather than upgrade. Why are bongistani bureaucrats so fucking stupid and lazy? >>266211 >Also a reminder to any holdouts. Already been using pop os for a couple of months now. My final straw was that one schizo faggot pointing out that Microsoft is indeed unironically a leading member of the world economic forum.
>>266231 >Hopefully conservatives will keep in mind Disney pushing gay and tranny shit on children and pressure Republicans into not supporting Disney's copyright bullshit out of retribution. Ron DeSantis already did more against college discriminating high test score students for not being black and pulled Disney exempt status. There a good chance at least DeSantis does something.
>>266227 Oh no,govern daddy help us!
>>266233 It isn't just the anglos, microsoft charges an exorbitant license per pc to continue supporting it yet another 5 years. I think something like $500 a year and only to port fixes from newer windows versions rather than looking for whole new vulnerabilities.
>>266227 >outlaw Physically impossible. These ✡people✡ have to be killed immediately.
>>266237 We have parentheticals to call out (((them))) for a reason, anon.
>>266238 Yes, and since that's "hate speech," I choose instead to encircle with the star of remphan itself. I have my computer automatically replace parentheses with it as I type. They will never declare the use of their own god's symbol as "hate speech" or prevent it from being used anywhere, and I'm not fucking hiding behind "dog whistles."
>>266211 >Also a reminder to any holdouts. I'm sticking with 7 until the day I die. In fact, already prepared a backup image for my computer in case I ever need to reinstall it again.
>>266238 >responding to luciano Retard
>>266239 >dog whistles You sound like a newfag.
>>266241 You really don't have a goddamn clue who your boogeymen are, do you. >>266242 >what are quotation marks Just stop, please. You're embarrassing yourself.
>>266211 >SMART Copyright Act Support for Windows 8.1 and both Edge and Chrome support for Windows 7 and 8.1 are also ending.
>>266244 >Support for Windows 8.1 Good riddance.
>>266245 Indeed.
>>266244 >SMART Copyright Act Fuck, I didn't mean to quote that.
>>266240 What happens when new hardware is designed to prevent the installation of 7? Or when 7 simply can't recognize it anymore due to lack of drivers?
>>266211 >>266244 >Before investing in a Windows 10 upgrade, please consider that Windows 10 will reach its end of support date on October 14, 2025 They are unironically going to demand that ALL Windows users, within the next two years, buy a brand new PC for the purposes of using Windows 11. GOOD FUCKING LUCK with that. > Currently, Windows 7 runs on over 11% of all Windows systems worldwide And, that's a lie. Number's closer to 20%-30%.
>>266215 >>266218 I used to watch some of Red vs Blue because it was so different compared to other mediums, a machinima. Meaning that it was a series that used the games to layout the story and place that wasn't really part of the main story of Halo. Is it safe to assume that the series is a fanfiction of Halo? >>266227 Can Stable Diffusion create character sheets like pics related?
>>266248 >What happens when new hardware is designed to prevent the installation of 7? What new hardware? The PC I built two years ago, designed for games that came out six years ago, is still powerful enough to play the latest titles, not that I care about that anyways because... > Or when 7 simply can't recognize it anymore due to lack of drivers? Anon, DirectX12 is compatible with Windows 7. EVERYTHING that has been released in recent years is compatible with Windows 7. The only reason why you CAN'T run things on Windows 7 is because M$ literally forces companies to discontinue support of it if theu want continued access to their runtimes. Even vidya companies who managed to access DX12 runtimes for W7 were required to sign an NDA in order to use them.
>>266248 >Or when 7 simply can't recognize it anymore due to lack of drivers? That's already happened. Most (if not all) new hardware doesn't have drivers for Windows 7/8. >>266249 >They are unironically going to demand that ALL Windows users, within the next two years, buy a brand new PC for the purposes of using Windows 11. GOOD FUCKING LUCK with that. Most home users will upgrade because they want the newest shiny thing anyway. Governments and business will upgrade to keep getting security updates and/or comply with the law. My workplace is already doing this.
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>>266250 Can Stable Diffusion create character sheets like pics related? There's one that can make rudimentary 3D models already. https://techcrunch.com/2022/12/20/openai-releases-point-e-an-ai-that-generates-3d-models/
>>266251 Why even use Windows at all anymore? >latest titles What latest titles are worth playing?
>>266251 You might have dx12 to vulkan layers you could try, too. >>266248 Virtualization because surely anon wouldn't play DRMed games to be affected by that. :^)
>>266251 >Anon, DirectX12 is compatible with Windows 7. I mean hardware. Is there a large enough third party driver community for getting newer hardware to run on ancient operating systems that it would be INDEFINITELY viable?
>>266225 Why is nigger censored in this image? I'm pretty sure I've seen it before uncensored. >>266227 Is there no better way to communicate this information than a 15 minute long youtube video? I'm also not seeing any links in the description to any sources. >>266232 "Maximizing Consent" is about avoiding a lawsuit from having PII either contained in the training data or reproducible by the resulting algorithm since that is a violation of a person's right to privacy (so far as such things even exist), what image generators do is so far afield from that to even mention it is more muddying the waters and being pedantic than actually helpful. We've long since passed the point where participating in this sham of a system is in the best interest of anyone except the "Nobility" running the thing, at this point it is less about commercial viability since the woke crap coming out of most companies now-a-days is commercially unviable without the law coming down on it, it is about protecting existing power structures by reducing disgruntled elements' reach so they don't wind up leading normalfag lemmings away by simply producing something of more intrinsic quality. It is anticompetitve policy-making by entrenched corporate interests who are so bankrupt in the ability to generate anything of actual value some nobody with an algorithm can basically bootstrap their overpaid artists' talents and training onto his own imagination and churn out stuff that people actually want to look at. As they closed off higher learning to the common man so that their own incompetent subordinates would be the only ones left with anything close to the knowledge needed to maintain the ever falling standard of the status quo they are now seeking to smother in the crib the intelligence tools THEY CREATED to prevent anyone from ever being able to make their own anything. All similar efforts that might increase the independence of the populous, such as Right to Repair, are a target to be eliminated.
>>266256 I highly doubt it. You're better off using Linux with Wine.
>>266250 >Is it safe to assume that the series is a fanfiction of Halo? Starting with Season Six, it is. >>266252 >Most home users will upgrade because they want the newest shiny thing anyway. Doesn't 11 require your CPU to have those PoW systems installed into it, meaning that simply upgrading the OS isn't an option?
>>266257 Judging by the artifacting from something that couldn't have been more than weeks old at the time, a normalnigger probably put it on imgur and then somewhere else and then posted it wherever I found it.
>>266259 >Doesn't 11 require your CPU to have those PoW systems installed into it, meaning that simply upgrading the OS isn't an option? It requires your CPU to have TPM, I assume that's what you're talking about. https://archive.ph/Wstv6 In this case, I'm saying they'll go out and buy a whole new computer, not just upgrade the OS.
>>266261 Yeah, the usb TPM chips cost at least $20 and were scalped for over $100, the average normalnigger won't use one on their shitbook with 2 usb ports even if they knew how to install win11 with an exe upgrader.
>>764371 Yes, you totally get deleted because no one can handle what you have to say and definitely not because of low-effort spam.
>>266227 >Putting the genie back in the bottle
>>764384 >t.pedospammer
>>266173 So they think they are the original Acians and shit like that from FFXIV? Must get some really high grade coke at them parties,

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