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#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: UnJUST The World Edition Anonymous 03/20/2023 (Mon) 02:15:24 Id: ff85e1 No. 284688
ONGOING DISCUSSIONS: >GJP is attacking Valve over not supporting BLM https://archive.vn/12kPM >Nathan Grayson laid off as The Washington Post shuts down Launcher, their gaming section https://archive.is/B9wT2 >Limited Run Games fires employee after complaints over who she follows on Twitter https://archive.vn/obNiJ >Regulators (FTC) Look To Block Microsoft Acquisition Of Activision Blizzard Inc https://archive.ph/rKNDf >EU antitrust regulators to probe Microsoft's $69 billion Activision bid https://archive.ph/SqhgU >IGN Journalist who reviewed The Last of Us Part 2 joins Naughty Dog as Editorial Content Manager https://archive.ph/eTmtu https://pastebin.com/GGG5Kwdr >Arc System Works confirms that Bridget is trans https://archive.ph/lkbiL >Cloudflare bans Kiwifarms https://archive.ph/5ziDX >IMDB deletes every user review for The Rings of Power which rated it 5 or less https://archive.ph/Zg95c >Ben Kuchera claims he was fired by Vox Media for taking time off to deal with his children being sexually abused https://archive.ph/nB79z >Wiki is up again! https://ggwiki.deepfreeze.it/index.php/Main_Page CURRENT TASKS: 1. OPERATION MAX REVIVE Rebuild the board's userbase and activity through simple, but effective methods 1. Post across the entire board Activity creates activity. Use threads you like, make new ones if topics don't exist. Easy examples are Drawthreads and Friday Night threads, go request or draw something right now. 2. Recruit and recover lost or potential anons Use this site's OC and features to entice anons if necessary when recruiting, just inform that we are alive. Here's some sites and links with at least some confirmed anons that can be recruited again: https://steamcommunity.com/groups/8chotwheels https://steamcommunity.com/groups/SSAVCH https://steamcommunity.com/groups/video_games https://steamcommunity.com/groups/8chmohun https://steamcommunity.com/groups/8chan_monster https://steamcommunity.com/groups/GoodLuckEbolaChan https://steamcommunity.com/search/groups/#text=8ch.net https://steamcommunity.com/search/groups/#text=8chan Other sites that might yield fruitful results and have anons (art sites use an account so you can see 18+ content): https://www.deviantart.com/search?q=Vivian+James https://www.newgrounds.com/search/summary?suitabilities=etm&terms=Vivian%20James https://twitter.com/search?q=Vivian%20James&src=typed_query&f=image https://rpgcodex.net/ https://old.reddit.com/r/KotakuInAction/ Somewhere on Telegram
[Expand Post]Just searching up GG or 8chan-related terms on certain places/sites can get you possible results. 3. Make your own OC/Memes/Content Doesn't matter what it is even if its just simple edits or full-on drawings or webms, just make it and have fun. Ask in thread for software recs if necessary. 4. Encourage or create fun events, activities, projects, etc. Think things like 8chanmania, weekly streams, re-translation projects, demo days, or zzz's gaming magazine for example. If you want to do something, try making or reviving it, it can't hurt and these things are great for the board. 5. Use other boards All it takes for a board to grow is at least 2 dedicated anons using it. Don't be afraid to make a post, check places periodically, shill, or what have you. Don't force discussions to boards, just encourage the usage of them. 2. OPERATION TRAJAN: Collect and catalog all of the various localization and censorship accounts of past video games into a single repository from these sources: romhacking.net The_Cutting_Room_Floor/tcrf.net Segaretro.org https://redirect.invidious.io/channel/UCFItIX8SIs4zqhJCHpbeV1A Examples: http://archive.vn/XQOHW Sony's policies forces censorship; JP devs allegedly have to go through ENG approval process: https://archive.fo/awzFF - Japanese blog post about it: https://archive.fo/bF9bE Sony Japan President Says PS4 Censorship Policy Is To Match Global Standards And Protect Kids: https://archive.fo/U3GLa - Confirms censorship was deliberate: https://archive.fo/XgAgP - No rules for censorship policies, games judged case-by-case: https://archive.fo/37DhK - Marvelous partner starts petition against policy: https://archive.fo/rxQtf https://archive.fo/84UHo • Twitterfags: Tweet with Sony's stock code $SNE so that investors see your tweets and know you're pissed. • Consider spreading OP Timber materials to targets as well: http://archive.vn/URjtu ONGOING TASKS: A. Operation Download And Conquer: Loosen the death-grip of Google that has taken hold of the internet's audio and video services >>>/t/5546 B. Support archive.fo! Accountability needs proof: https://liberapay.com/archiveis/donate C. OP DisNod: Contact the FTC and advertisers about violations and unethical practices http://archive.vn/9bylT D. Internet Censorship happenings: Spread the word about the dangers of FOSTA/CLOUD act/Article 13, etc. https://www.eff.org/de/deeplinks/2020/03/earn-it-act-violates-constitution E. OP End the Era: Dig into resetera and their connections to journos, devs, etc. http://archive.vn/JfuSb Reminders (important, READ THESE!): • Use https://archive.today to deny sites ad revenue and traffic and preserve pages in case they are deleted later • Be civil if you have to argue with people on Twitter, Tumblr or any forum - don't make us look like douchebags • Do not accept requests for any goal, demand lists or personal army requests: https://pastebin.com/p5dVp1e5 • Beware COINTELPRO: The Gentleperson's Guide to Forum Spies: https://cryptome.org/2012/07/gent-forum-spies.htmSTOP REPLYING TO BAITS AND OBVIOUS DERAILMENT ATTEMPTS, JUST REPORT AND FILTER Resources >Summaries of #GamerGate:https://redirect.invidious.io/watch?v=wy9bisUIP3w - #GamerGate - If It's Not About Ethics • https://redirect.invidious.io/watch?v=5fnRSL3d_xU - #GamerGate in 60 Seconds • https://archive.fo/23Fde - GamerGate: A State of the Union Address >Background and Evidence for #GamerGate: • The #GamerGate Dossier: https://archive.fo/nv1Fb • #GamerGate Wiki: https://ggwiki.deepfreeze.it/index.php?title=Main_Page • History of #GamerGate: https://www.historyofgamergate.com/ • View the timeline links in the Current Happenings section! >Lists: • GG Steam Support & Boycott List: https://v.gd/vzRsRb • Key GamerGate Hubs: https://v.gd/LNJbat >Thread Repository: https://gitgud.io/gamergate/gamergateop/blob/master/ThreadRepository.md https://ggwiki.deepfreeze.it/index.php?title=Thread_Repository >Full OP Text: • Current: https://ggwiki.deepfreeze.it/index.php?title=The_GamerGate_OP >How Can I Help? >>>/gamergatehq/ • All OPs: https://gitgud.io/gamergate/gamergateop/tree/master/Operations • OP Vulcan: Learn logical debating: https://v.gd/Kbzw0L • An Anon's Guide to Twitter; basics: https://v.gd/nwrbYF >Want to Contribute to GitGud or Wiki? https://gitgud.io/gamergate/gamergateop/tree/master/How-to-Contribute
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>>801125 fixed, now its a referential joke. also, benis
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Reminder: Complaints, arguments, maymays & lounge posts ONLY. No targets. No action. Contained. Defanged. Harmless. Attack Attack Attack is bad, to do nothing is best.=
>>284692 >Attack Attack Attack is bad Being a dumb ass charging a tank with zero strategy is leaves your ass hanging out in the wind. I'm not saying to be a do nothing moron but have a plan of attack that benefits in the long term and not just the short term.
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>>284692 Already on it.
>>284693 >just wait for my perfect fool-proof scheme >until then, any action would be foolish k
>>284692 We're not niggers.
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>>801201 All I have is willy.
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>>284695 >Gives a logical point <Spergs can't comprehend not being spergs
>>284696 >>284694 >>284693 The only proper response to hanging flesh is to ask them how Julay is doing and laugh at how incompetent they were that they couldn't even keep it going.
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>>284697 >non-trap shota???
>>284696 >>284698 True. What BLM accomplishs is destructive, yet they do accomplish things. Guess you need a nigger IQ to take effective action. Otherwise, thinking is the most suitable action. Just think. Never actually do anything. Thinking is really effective against SJWs. Instead of fucking with their ad revenue, sending their Twitter into private, sending them hundreds of boxes of free bibles, making them buy curtains and a dog, just beat them by contemplating faggot smut all day.
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>>284702 >yet they do accomplish things. mostly just getting rich, but that is an accomplishment
>>284704 >defending white genocide
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>>284692 Trust the plan™ Video games will be saved from shit localizations and woke trash. We just need to post porn a few more times and SJWs will be too scared of the consequences. They won't ruin video games ever again.
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Sure is a lot of organic posting right off the bat.
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>>284709 Sure is anon it's organic like farm fresh veggies.
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>>284707 Trips prove that posting lewds is effective. Just look at this guy. I bet he never faps.
>>801227 They're very public about ruining localizations. If there were any notable backlash to openly gloating on social media perhaps they would crawl back under their rock where they belong. They went from doing it covertly to overtly because there were little or no consequences.
>>284707 checked skeleton bro how could video games be safe when every other medium is swimming in woke toxic waste? just like politics, the financial system and nearly all of education. nothing in the west will stop being woke till the entire system supporting it falls apart (like the soviet union) >>801231 damn, guess ill have to post about how shitty v9 rwby is (so far) on 8/co/moe
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>>284711 Image reminds me of that video where Hassan Piker does a bunch of weak baby kicks. Why are antifa types so physically pathetic? Gommies tirelessly proving physiognomy and phrenology aren't pseudo science.
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>>284715 Don't forget how pathetic they were when the tikitorches came out.
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>>800998 >Knock all of this of. >Explination
>>284715 >Why are antifa types so physically pathetic R vs K selection?
>>284716 And that's not even touching their >intelligence
>>284713 Well the problem with that is normalfags don't give a shit and you have no connections because you're a stronk independent libertarian who don't need no society, so what can you really do about it?
>>801227 >Have fun trying to fuck with their money, You can fuck with their money but you must be stubble about it.

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>>284701 Boyish shotas are the best, you pleb.
>>284714 >damn, guess ill have to post about how shitty v9 rwby is (so far) on 8/co/moe I tend to forget that RWBY is a thing.
>>284693 Right, "Attack Attack Attack" into the FBI, GCHQ, GRU, and ISIS is going to end with your ass in jail or worse, and saying don't do stupid shit that will get your name on a list is not the same as saying do nothing, it's saying do something else you idiot. * build new marketing channels for vidya * make new vidya * send emails * work on the wiki * dig * share digs and news wherever you see them * reconnect with ex-GGers and bring them back
Remember to love your waifu! AND N
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>>284724 Do you have reading comprehension? >>284693 >I'm not saying to be a do nothing moron but have a plan of attack that benefits in the long term and not just the short term.
>>284722 only if you're a boyish shota loving milf mommy! (or big sister/aunty type) outside of that its just run of the mill faggotry >>284723 >I tend to forget that RWBY is a thing. so did the people in charge of making it.
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>>284727 It's only natural for boys to be interested in dicks.
>>801254 Fuck off niggerpill.
>>284726 > Do you have reading comprehension? yeah I'm agreeing with you and expanding on the criticism of the other anon
>>284730 Ah I'm like on 50 min of sleep so I'm not thinking.
>>284688 UNJUSTED
>>801259 >You just have to acknowledge how to fight. <I'm going to shit on other's solutions while offering my vague non-solutions Again, fuck off.
>>284728 (check) >interested in dicks. only if they are already failed boys/men and have decided to give themselves over to a feminized lust for that dick note only do this if anime has become real, if not then abort and test for aids
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>>284727 >outside of that its just run of the mill faggotry Says the faggot who wants to ruin cute boys with sissy fetishism.
don't rape children, anons.
>>284736 this ^
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>>801107 >>801125 I have the current up-to-date v3 image. Should it be improved in any way?
>>284724 You can't win by playing retarded monkey offense, but you also don't win by playing defense. Too bad the right cut off most of their own options to play smart offense, there arent' really any ways to pull it off now other than infiltration yourself.
>>284702 >just beat them by contemplating faggot smut all day Too real.
>>801265 >LITERALLY PRINT CURRENCY OUT OF THIN AIR Whoopty fucking do, you're just preaching to the choir, saying nothing of substance. Just spouting demoralizing shit all day does jack shit to motivate anyone, not that you're here to do anything else.
Watch out for GamerGate The public enemy of the world #1 It is the main hashtag responsible for… ☑ Accidentally re-starting the French Revolution ☑ Weaponized Gondolas ☑ Hacking German politicians and media ☑ Played "To Catch a Predator" with Randy Pickford ☑ Masterminded the destruction of GDQ via the Catfish of Legend: Namazu ☑ Under the light of the Blood Moon; Self-destructed Western Journalism by having a some kid smirk at a drumming savage ☑ Just wanted to start a conversation with everyone, everywhere, eternally ☑ Watched Gawker die TWICE ☑ Guilty of face crimes ☑ When GameStop tried to sell itself; offered $3.50 in in-store credit ☑ Made telling "journalists" to "learn to code" into a hate crime ☑ Taught the Alt-Right ✅Then harassed said Alt-Right ☑ Started in 2011-2012 when 4chan tried to steal Anita Sarkeesian's SSN# ☑ Created "Boner Culture" which made cis straight male erections the most powerful force on earth ☑ Had a Jewish Mobster 'Take Care' of it ☑ Asked THQ about gaemu which somehow triggered World Wide Web War III ☑ Tricked /cow/ into developing and sharing their fetish for Mark's plump bagel with ResetEra ☑ Triggered GJP3.0 with 57 hitpeices on THQ Nordic's AA ☑ Orchestrated the GaymerGay misogynist review backlash against Marvel's Captain Woman ☑ Taught New Zealand about "White Day" ☑ Radicalized Spyro the Dragon ☑ Turned Pewdiepie into the Osama Bin Ladin of GaymerGays ☑ "The nerds and gamers were joined by the proto-storm troopers of the alt-right in a bond that has never been broken" ☑ Was a trial run for "will the US tolerate fascist behavior" ☑ Exploring new frontiers in sexual harassment via Jelly Bean ☑ Groomed young impressionable politicians into misogynists ☑ Created and trained the alt-right to take over the political landscape on a global scale (And succeeded) ☑ Arranged for Sonic the Hedgehog (movie ver.) to get "fixed" ☑ Remains undefeated for all time ☑ Turned Rage 2 into a Trump-esque attack on game journos ☑ Joined forces with Amazon ☑ Helped Mark impress Resetera ☑ Used Elliot Rodger's martyrdom to unite 4Chan and Breitbart to elect Donald Trump ☑ Will be looked back upon in 50 years as the root cause of the coming Cultural Civil War ☑ Government-sponsored shitposting ☑ Mastered the manipulation of the news cycle to their advantage ☑ Made Anita cry when Feminist Frequency went broke ☑ Destroyer of Worlds ☑ Russian Conspiracies (all of them) ☑ Extended Reanon's death/meme-magic to animation studios (please meme responsibly) ☑ An instrument of American Trumpian Power Worldwide
[Expand Post]☑ Cured alleged "journalist" of dyslexic anxiety ☑ An aberrant, creeping horror ☑ As dangerous as Anti-Vax, ISIS, and Holocaust Denial ☑ Five years of ruining everything ☑ Came to the classroom ☑ Trained Google whistleblowers ☑ Never died and foreshadowed our toxic meme-strewn politics ☑ Blew up the Internet ☑ Made wanting challenge in videogames into supporting White Supremacy ☑ Was secretly fighting WWIII all along ☑ Stochastic Terrorism ☑ Being a national security threat according to the DHS ☑ Helped Mark win the lottery ☑ Gave the money back ☑ Living long enough to see itself become the villain in a TV Show THRICE ☑ Confused the FBI into thinking /v/ is /baphomet/ ☑ Turned Anita Sarkesian into a crazy cat lady ☑ It's #Gamergate Forever ☑ Justifiably felt alienated by the neoliberal fetishization of feminism and the reductionism of politics to identity teams ☑ Was rabidly pro-corporate ☑ Manipulated a SJWeeb into review-bombing a LGBTWTFBBQ-friendly game as a "test" ☑ Non-meat based cam girls ☑ Caused the Corona outbreak which destroyed China to cheer up a depressed CIA glownigger ☑ Digisexuals ☑ Called the cyber police to put a cripple in cyber jail ☑ Weaponizing decency ☑ Made the games industry a nightmare for Women, Colored People, and Ashley Burch ☑ The inevitable ultimate horror of Sega's "toxic" advertising for ChuChu Rocket ☑ Has the highest body count of any COVID-19 disinfo group ☑ Finally got the 8kun administration to get off their ass and answer the damn phone ☑ Searching for a new home (again) ☑ Made some /v/ hotpockets on other imageboards go insane ☑ Burned julay to the ground by doing basically fuck-all except continue to exist (props to a certain bunbunmaru reporter, tho) ☑ Having a high enough IQ to be mentioned on Rick and Morty ☑ Radicalized a grandmother to the point she promotes harassment against alleged games journalists ☑ Is the terrorist group backed by 'The French' who are behind President Trump's exhausting battle against twitter ☑ Protecting FUCKING GAMESTOP from looters ☑ Finally started the Race War by forcing a meth-head on a date with Corona-chan to take a knee to the neck from the police ☑ Confirmed for Baby Hitler ☑ Gave a lot of airtime to Soviet defector Yuri Bezmenov ☑ Got on the Atlantic's "free $100" van only to get intervewed ☑ Started a backlash against the French independent film industry because they want to raise pure little girls ☑ And then Russia wanted to shut down 8chan.moe to be ironic ☑ Was clearly a blueprint for Trump's online assault in 2016 ☑ A gravestone marked “Games Journalism; Dead By Suicide,” with the date of death corresponding with the launch of GG ☑ Took over the US capitol ☑ Funded by the GOP ☑ Using Reddit's radicalized nihilism to counter jews shorting FUCKING GAMESTOP ☑ Made Mark the Godfather of Gamergate ☑ Corrected Polygon on Titanfall lore ☑ Accidental meme magic discharge (R.I.P Miura) ☑ Planet-range racism field ☑ Not wanting people to put down the controller and talk about their feelings ☑ Destroyed the logic process of a bot wreaking havoc across multiple imageboards with just one simple trick ☑ Caused Blizzard executives to threaten their employees with rape ☑ Came to Alex Hutchinson's Defense ☑ Made Vivian a feminist symbol ☑ Grew to a geopolitical scale and spilled into real life with devastating consequences ☑ Got their own TV show ☑ Brandon’s First fan ☑ Gave birth to Qanon ☑ Is the precedent for /K/yle Rittenhouse ☑ Ruined people's brains by turning them into corporate bootlickers ☑ Created the concept of "Culture War" ☑ Was the watershed event in the ascendancy of online extremist personalities and tactics ☑ Mars manifest destiny ☑ Was behind Elon Musk's twitter takeover all along ☑ The Ruby Ridge of online violence ☑ Funneled men into far-right politics via witch-hunting ☑ We now live in a gamergateocracy ☑ Resulted in abortions being banned ☑ Accused of being none other than Gamergate ☑ Making mainstream games soft-sell white supremacy ☑ Getting their own theater piece in the Netherlands ☑ Was a rebellion against English class ☑ Conquistato il senato Italiano usando nerd armati ☑ Let the far right borrow it's online moves ☑ Radicalized a """"Right Wing"""" illegal immigrant canadian nudist hippy into assassinating Nancy Pelosi's husband with a hammer ☑ “How did I get into all this,” Mr. DePape wrote in one passage on his blog: “Gamer Gate it was gamer gate” ☑ Caught dogwhistling about Kotaku's journalistic integrity at MAGFest ☑ Being as legitimately terrifying as loving AI art on alt-right hate subreddits
>>801275 >I will forever associate faggotry with pedophilia, Irl fag reproduce through molesting kids, thus ensuring unhealthy sexual development. So yes, there is a correlation between faggotry and pederasty.
>>801278 AI DEEPFAKE DETECTION and Public Accountability Act' is being developed by U.S. Congress and lawmakers. https://nitter.net/MAiJiNTHEARTIST/status/1637442387533533185 Are the days of AI numbered?
>>801275 >Loli is different shut up. lol, whatever you say bro
>>801159 >anti-skubbers Disgusting.
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>>284744 Schizo posters told me that voice AI only existed so they could blur what is real or fake to such a degree that laws are made that ensure only the government determines what is reality while suppressing anything they don't like as "fake".
>>801275 >obviously didn't read the warning note >excuses loli but not straight shota >thinks a few shit posts on a slow news day are "serious business" proceeds to gets fanny flustered Please go back
>>284740 If we convince the video game companies to pander to the shotacon audience then we win.
Can you fags go one thread without posting gay shit?
>>284747 again, kojima was right terminator also kind of predicted this also, lots of crazy degenerate porn going to be seeing a lot of that. that kind of stuff used to be expensive to produce with very little return on investment. now that its going to be very cheep/basically free to make. (until the its gets banned by the UN/EU) >>284750 why doesn't /v/ have a filter setting anymore?
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>>284750 If you promote LGBT like your enemies, you win.
>>284740 heh Ironically, the shota pics are the most vidya-related things ITT so far. Every other post is people arguing about the way other people are arguing about these threads. >>284749 >>284752 These but without any inch of irony. The world needs more media featuring shotas.
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>>284692 >follow this really really bad advice you pussies Are you going to whine about "muh skeptics" next? >>284702 >What BLM accomplishs is destructive, yet they do accomplish things. They made jews A LOT of money. Mission accomplished. >>284709 >>284710 I don't even need to look. The farms is dead again. What did it do this time?
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>>284750 Where do you think we are? >>284753 Honestly yes.
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>>801291 What's wrong with being anti-homo?
>>284751 >why doesn't /v/ have a filter setting anymore? The fuck do you mean?
>>284752 >>284756 if you lads can make being gay (and a commie) illegal again (in the west, and japan), I promise to never post anything faggy or salacious ever again! till that day however...
>>284750 Cancel it out with straight shit. I remember years back fags kept on posting about astolfo and one absolutely based anon came out of no where posting rule 63 astolfo with him as a girl and not a twink fag. The gays immediately vanished from the thread like as if anon did pest control in it or something.
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>>284758 I'm cool with lesbo/yuri shit being posted. Beautiful women and fat milkers are awesome. Little boys though are downright fucking sad to be posting if you're a man. Have some more milf milkers, the exact opposite of shota and everything that a man should strive for when breeding with instead.
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>>284759 Or, hear me out, maybe have Mark do the ONE thing he's good at and ban them + delete their posts. >>284759
>>284754 >take action is bad advice >don't take action is good advice This is why you don't have victories anymore. Remember victories? Remember the lamentations of your enemies? To be totally honest, I don't even think the same people from back then exist here anymore. The drive, the fire, the anger that motivates action against these cretins, not thinking, not scheming, but action; I don't see it anymore.
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>>284762 >is this bad advice bad? YES There is a reason why that useless piece of shit fucked off after his Internet Bumfights fell apart because of his ego and inability to let go of a grudge.
>>284759 I have around 50GB of shotas, over 10000 images in total. I could wage a battle of smut against you and win if my intentions with this thread were truly malicious (and if my bandwidth wasn't so limited). This brief period of shitshotaposting is just a way to keep myself entertained while others continue to argue about various things and not a raid as you may think. I have even kept every pic behind spoilers to make sure only those who seek these images see them.
>>284762 Some more from memory lane. Remember when our enemies were openly mocked and blown the fuck out daily? >>284763 Forget the source. Take action. Keep active. It's good advice. Stagnation does not win allies or victories.
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>>284765 >we Greetings fellow "channer"
>>801278 Yes, as you can see fiat money and hyper inflation are huge topics in the thread right now. No, clumsily trying to finagle your issues into gamergays won't magically resurrect your OG /pol/, it's just low-key derailing. Post your LARP fantasies to END THE FED where it matters or do some digging.
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>>284738 >The rebuke to loli being degenerate is literally just to invoke a whataboutism
>>284759 >astolfo astolfo is like ice cream, come's in lots of flavors (see my post above for an astolfo easter egg) also, I meant to post Rui Ninomiya from gatchaman as the first pic... oh well. >>284760 meh, I was just teasing the shota fag. if done correctly loli/trap shota might as well just be loli-futa to me (its almost never done correctly these days however). >everything that a man should strive for when breeding with instead. please don't try to breed with pixels (straight or gay) >>284768 can fantasy really be degenerate? shouldn't something only be degenerate if its a real action? (inflicted on something or someone?)
>>284762 Most of the useful people went to other sites when the boards were shattered. All the shit you're talking about still happens, it just never gets posted about here because no one here is involved in it. The only people left here are the terminally lonely that want a new /b/ to shitpost on, a handful of troons that don't want to risk any imageboards becoming important, and their token glownigger handler.
>>284768 There shouldn't even be a rebuttal to "It's degenerate" because that's an ad hominem argument anyway. >>284769 >can fantasy really be degenerate? shouldn't something only be degenerate if its a real action? (inflicted on something or someone?) If someone fantasizes about taking shits in the mouth, would you not call them degenerate even if they haven't taken the poo poo plunge yet? Are the dogfuckers on /zoo/ not degenerate even though (hopefully) they haven't actually fucked an animal yet? There's a difference between active degeneracy and passive degeneracy.
>>284766 That's your reply to old screencaps? Perhaps the population of this thread doesn't contain much of the original Gamergate anymore so to you I would seem like an outsider. An old man intruding on your thread titled GG while not being GG. >>284770 I do get the sense of being out of place especially when names that have come up repeatedly throughout GG are mentioned and no on here seems to recall any of it like they just stepped into a thread titled Gamergate while only having surface knowledge of it. Nathan Grayson? Leigh Alexander? Randi Harper? Ian Miles Cheong? Devin Faraci? Jason Schreier? Ring any bells? Probably not. I see GG in the title while the thread is devoid of it.
>>284770 the problem with doing ops on a clear-net image board is it just makes the the whole site a big target. we already saw what happens when the public at large has access to 8chan posts. endless false flags, months of entire board shutdowns, being dropped by web hosting and banning content for the sake of normal nigger pr. >>284771 you make a good point, but I think policing thoughts is always a bad idea. having bad or fucked up thoughts or ideas is part of being a human. only the damaged and the deranged act on those thoughts. while playing some types of video games you have to let some pretty damn fucked up things cross your mind, but the point is you and I (most of the population) know to keep those thoughts and actions as only "fantasy" and nothing more.
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More memories. Oh, the fun. I miss fun. >>284693 It doesn't take 4D chess big brains to mock your enemies publicly and gain allies who also dislike these vermin.
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>>284771 >that's an ad hominem argument anyway I don't think it is though, it's pointing out that it's unhealthy and/or morally corrupt in some capacity. And quite frankly, I don't see any reason why that description wouldn't apply to wanking it to cartoon depictions of little girls, just as much as it would apply just as much to guro, or scat or whatever. Sure you could say all porn is degenerate and to some degree that's true, but there's a self-evident difference between porn that's normal and healthy to be attracted to, and stuff that's not.
>>284744 >t terminator also kind of predicted t Thats from 2021
>>801326 can't have a hebe board because most of the site doesn't want all the trouble that comes with it. why don't you just use all the one's readily available on the onion web?
>>284776 >Thats from 2021 no, its from the year 1984
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>Trying to archive >#8,760 in queue What are you assholes doing?
>>284779 Don't leftyfags try to shit up archiving sites sometimes by using bots to slow things down?
>>284779 I thought the queue was always 4 digits long.
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Archive of previous bread https://archive.fo/He781
>>284781 I once archived an article and it's 5-digits, like 90k or something like that in the queue. It's madness over there sometimes.
>>284781 >>284783 If it's more than 5000 in queue, the site's likely getting assaulted by bots archiving benis. I wonder who they irritated this time? Journalists, maybe?
>>284738 Why is hurting people wrong?
>>284785 Do you like hurting other people?
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<GamerGays Reminder that #GG activism always requires three things: >A target that we can reach >Ammunition that we can use >A plan that puts the ammo on the target and that is doable with reasonable effort and inviting for anons Figuring out a target and yelling DO SOMETHING WHY AREN'T YOU DOING ANYTHING does not make for activism. You're missing the other two key ingredients. Fact of the matter is, since our remaining targets circled their wagons and sleazed their way into tacit backing from globohomo powers, I don't see much we can realistically do to them. So I hang out, enjoy the banter, and patiently catalogue the enemy slowly dissolving under the force of their own entropy, as any hyperactive fucktard normalfag fad must do. Materia ex nihilo ex materia, after all. See also: Wizards of the Coast and Hasbro right now. That said, I'd still jump into any plan that had all three pieces figured out and ready to go.
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>>284786 So if I did, that would make it good?
>>284789 I don't have any answers, only questions. Who is leaving messages on your answering machine?
>>284790 I'm sorry, don't understand why you would ask if I liked hurting someone unless it was relevant to the post. Why would it matter if I liked hurting people exactly?
>>284787 I always thought goobergay's biggest mistake was obsessing over freeze peach and lolbertarianism instead of attacking trying to cancel their enemies. Although even that probably never would have worked, there's too many other lolbertarian beliefs you'd have to drop before having a chance in hell of pulling it off.
>>284792 >I always thought goobergay's biggest mistake was obsessing over freeze peach and lolbertarianism instead of attacking trying to cancel their enemies. Although even that probably never would have worked, there's too many other lolbertarian beliefs you'd have to drop before having a chance in hell of pulling it off. That applies to any real resistance to the jew world order in general too. You'd need a unified nationalist movement to stop it but everyone is terrified of going beyond civnat shit out of fear of being labeled a racist. Getting people to realize the lolbert shit just made them useful idiots is one of the first real steps in getting the people ready to fight against (((their masters))). Fortunately it seems like people are starting to lean that way, or are at the very least starting to give up on democracy being even remotely viable. I feel like gamergate ended up being a microcosm of everything that was to come in the world.
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>>284793 I guarantee you that if the current regime is toppled, it will not be by classical liberals or libertarians.
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>>801363 >>801409 wow, you really pissed off some some drugged up tranny's today. nice! webm, for you!
>>284787 There was a guy making an overwatch 2 video crowbcat style, with all the broken promises of never adding heroes behind paywall and microtransactions that leech all progression. The videos he posted had some good clips and made light of actiblizz (again). With diablo 4 releasing soon with exavtly the same shit we can maybe make a video targeting blizz? A short video pointing all shit Blizzard did bad and context with diablo 3,4 and overwatch 2?
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https://archive.is/YvdM5 This is really funny since Bayonetta Origins: Cereza and the Lost Demon just quadruple down hard on Cereza's heterosexuality. The revisionist history surrounding Bayonetta is quite something: >When Bayonetta 1 was first released it was reviled by progressives and feminists, said to be for the "Male Gaze". I'm sure we all remember how obnoxious the media was during that time, some reviews especially would make note of the "problematic" content >Of course then there was Anita Sarkeesian who was the most famous example in leading the charge against Bayonetta and the industry of course backed her >However all of a sudden the narrative shifted when Bayonetta made it into Super Smash Bros, and all of a sudden she was a "empowered women" feminist icon and it became cool to like her >Since the new people who only found out about Bayonetta from Smash likely only played Bayonetta 2, which was much more focused on Bayo trying to save Jeanne from hell/Inferno, then all of a sudden a new narrative propped up how she was a "LGBT" icon >Then of course threw a titfit when they followed up on Bayo's/Luka's relationship that they started in 1 (terribly in my opinion, but whatever) Smash Bros was a mistake. The Bayonetta fandom would be far less full of the mentally ill if it wasn't for Bayo's inclusion in it. Also it's a good lesson to NEVER throw shippers a bone. ALWAYS ignore them, regardless. It's especially annoying because I do think Bayonetta 3's story is completely shit, including her romance with Luka, but these people just cry about their nonexistent homosexuality headcanon not being fulfilled.
>>284797 Literally who. Also someone greentext me on Origin's plotline. I assume it's all backstory to Bayonetta 3's Bayo, but I don't want to play it.
>>284792 >freeze peach and lolbertarianism What a way to out yourself.
>>284692 Youre a faggot that really needs to get his shit slapped a bit to stop being such a faggot.
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What's lörs opinion on kohlchan?
>>284801 It's a cuckchan colony and (former) pedohaven honeypot with terrible mods, one of whom said that you had to terrorize the userbase. I used to browse it hoping for a spark of the old KC, but it ain't there anymore. If you have any sense you wouldn't use it.
>>284802 Well put. I lurk there occasionally because I don't know much of any other sites to lurk since its hard to find a good alternative imageboard these days. I don't do any effort posting in kohlchan though. I am not implying that Kohlchan is good btw. >one of whom said that you had to terrorize the userbase I haven't heard about this before, you mean by posting shit like trannys, >BBC and what else to keep the morale down?
>>284792 > I always thought goobergay's biggest mistake was obsessing over freeze peach and lolbertarianism instead of attacking trying to cancel their enemies. What the fuck do you think SEND EMAILS is about? We tell the non-informed what's going on, and we tell their bosses what their employees are doing. It turns out their bosses support what they are doing and the problem goes all the way up to the top of the Pentagon and the British royal family. So we need to concentrate on informing the non-informed. This means more sending emails and go out into meatspace to get the word out.
>>284796 its like the normalfags completely forgave them once they released overwatch 2 and resumed the virtue signalling. Diablo 4 might not be that popular but still has battlepass and microtransactons out of the box. And still always-online. Who is even paying for this crap?
>>801429 > WEF turning on Israel should’ve been the flashpoint that wakes up Nu-/pol/. Israel trying to save itself from the Jewish parasite. Which is why All Jews / Name The Jew was always the wrong answer. In addition to getting you flagged by some dipshit intelligence contractor who is probably the one taunting you into saying it, it turns off potential allies who we need.
>>284803 One of the mods said that you had to dominate the userbase through arbitrary bans and such, no reason given. I had a screenshot, but I can't find it atm. Besides, the mods don't need to do that kind of shilling when the BKA and friends do it for whatever their salary is.
>>284806 No such thing as a "Good Jew" or an ally among the Jews. It's in their genetics to be purely evil demons in human form. They all get the gas chamber, no exception.
>>284807 I have seen it myself, there was at one point a lot of threads with apustaja pictures and a few minutes later it got all moved to /m/ board (trash board), the moderators barely talk with the Bernds over there why they act like that. So I get what you mean. I am honestly surprised Bernds actually want to spend a lot of time with Kohlchan in the first place with those moderators. >>284808 (checked) >>284806 Jews did an critical damage to the white race and the western nation as a whole, so it only makes sense that Jews get removed from their position of power.
>>284808 (checked) what about albert einstein?
>>284810 Stole all his work from other scientists and took credit for it.
>>284797 >said to be for the "Male Gaze" The male gaze affects one person at one instance in time, the presence of the female gaze infects entire groups, even in the female's absence.
>>284688 I'm sorry to inform you, but Fraser's comeback wasn't a miracle. https://yewtu.be/watch?v=Mt5PqHvC6Wk
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Small revision to that image from the previous bread, per >>>/gg/284021 (and because you know you're onto something when it pisses off the right people, like >>>/gg/284022 )
>>284805 >Who is even paying for this crap? The answer is... Shareholders. it's always shareholders.
>>284815 >Shareholders No, they're not. The shareholders in companies are furious with the management doing everything possible to lose money for the company. However, the company is being operated by Socialists, who are banking on Schwab's Productive Socialism "Stakeholder Capitalism" being implemented, through programs like ESG, to make shareholders irrelevant: https://odysee.com/stakeholder-capitalism-and-the-end-of:c3abf476a9fe2eaf29c6abf0a190d4cd2949cedb
>>801452 I think it's ifunny, they're pretty politically incorrect.
>>284794 Unless they start curtailing their hedonists and making people think they won while nothing else changes.
>>284814 As I said on the last thread, the last image's caption should be: <Biological sex are relegated to body types
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>>284819 Better? >>284818 >Archive URL in the image, but not in the text of the post http://archive.ph/jEgaK Archiving is king, but convenience is important too.
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>>284820 Magaling, magaling. I love it.
>>284820 Seems fine although I would look into replacing the Mario pic with something else to make that point.
>>284820 What happened to the suggestions from last thread that reduced it to 10 points?
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>>284823 Here's my take on it as I was editing that psd anon provided last bread.
>>284797 I initially assumed they were sisters due to Devil May Cry comparisons being made to the game in general. When I started playing Bayonetta 2 on the Wii U I thought their dynamic was a friendly rivalry/soul sister type of bond.
>>284826 That's your problem, anon. You actually play video games. Logic doesn't have room on twitter.
>>284823 That was >>>/gg/283949 , and while >>284825 combines some similar ones to hit that 10-piece goal, it's much wordier, and removes specific points like the intentional ugliness, 'practical' changes to fantasy settings, and using Type/Style instead of a biological sex. If these missing things are added back in, and another two similar points can be merged, then that'll be a nice 12-piece image with an aesthetically pleasing 3x4 (or 4x3) layout.
>>284808 fuck you too buddy.
>>284828 >removes specific points like the intentional ugliness, 'practical' changes to fantasy settings How about: <Make characters intentionally ugly, often defended as "realistic", despite being fictional in content and setting > and using Type/Style instead of a biological sex How about: <Appealing to transgender/feminist sensibilities that sex and biological differences is a societal construct
>>284829 No fuck♂️you, ♂️kosher man♂️!
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>>284828 Should a point be added towards e-celebs in vidya?
>>284811 What about Ralph Bashki?
>>284834 Coonskin was about how niggers are being fucked over by the socially constructed racism of U.S. society (IOW critical race theory). Thus far the only kikes I wouldn't consider throwing into an oven are Mel Brooks and John Stossel. There are probably a few others, but their names escape me.
>>284835 Yeah but it was thanks to Mighty Mouse that we were able to start breaking away from the dark age of 80's cartoons and make cartoons by cartoonists again.
>>284835 Bobby Fischer? Stanley Kubrick?
>>284744 Far from it, if anything it'll fuel a race to build even more indistinguishable systems (though with developers exercising more discretion in development). However, the actual goal of such legislation over time is to gatekeep the industry to desirable entities only (because you can bet they'll selectively apply these laws). The way they likely see it is that: If they can't stop undesired development, slow it down instead by making it a legal maze to contend with.
>>284835 >John Stossel He's Jewish?
>>284836 >the dark age of 80's cartoons The only 80's cartoons I remember were either films by Don Bluth or animated over in Japan/Korea. >>284837 >Bobby Fischer? Who? >Stanley Kubrick? Leave it to a coin toss. Only films of his I saw was A Clockwork Orange.
>>284829 Nothing personnel, Mark.
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>>284840 >Who?
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>>284835 I would nominate Ludwig von Mises and his disciple Murray Rothbard, especially for their hatred of commies. With Mises, it is said that he was dancing with glee when Hitler's forces were killing commies in Germany, and when he fled to America, he went to an Ayn Rand convention and called everyone there a bunch of commies. Rothbard spent most of his time writing about how corrupt the American government, industry and press is, even had an article in 1992 lamenting the fact that David Duke lost the ellections in Louisiana and how the press smeared him, in the same article he more or less laid out the foundation of what Trump's and 2016's /pol/ political view would become, he also saved Hans-Herman Hoppe from becoming a commie and mentored him in how to properly deal with commies. He is said to be a self-hating jew, and that he would privately deny the Hollocaust. Article in question, and some screenshots from it. http://davidmhart.com/liberty/AmericanLibertarians/Rothbard/Strategy/1992RightWingPopulism.html
Is cock.li mail working?
Zippyshare is going offline!
>>284848 No money
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>>284850 How is this niggerpill, it's right there on the front page: https://archive.ph/mbalN
>>284846 At least post an article Zippyshare Quits After 17 Years, 45m Visits Per Month Makes No Money After almost 17 years online, file-hosting veteran Zippyshare will shut down at the end of the month. Founded in 2006, Zippyshare was known for its free, no-nonsense, no-frills approach to storing files online. Having changed very little over the years, Zippyshare's operators say the platform is now a dinosaur that costs too much to run in a world where ad-blocking is widespread. https://archive.is/ToRKr
>>284852 Oh so they are pushing the blame on ad-blocks
>>284853 Not solely on ad-blocks, energy prices too >“Sure, we all use [adblockers], but they take away any control the site owner has over the site. Eventually we get to the point where a vicious cycle begins, in order to pay for the server infrastructure you are forced to place more and more ads, then users fire up more and more adblockers and we get to a point like today,” the site continues. >“Over the past year, electricity prices have gone up 2.5 times, which, with a large number of servers, gives a significant increase in costs that we have no way to balance. There are still a bunch of smaller reasons [for closing down], but we could write a book on this, and probably no one would want to read it. >“To sum it up, we can no longer afford to maintain the site.”
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>>801530 I unfortunately have a feeling this will be an extremely prescient meme
>>801530 >>284855 The actual Orange Man the left thinks Trump is would be the ideal man leading the right wing but that's also a quick way to get assassinated.
>>284854 Where do they host their servers? But it seems they failed to try to find any other ways to sustain their servers, I mean they seemed to rely on ads too much if they had put a page saying to donate at least1$ like jewpedia does because they were struggling to keep the site up i'm sure there would be people willing to help since its a very used hoster
>>284857 >Where do they host their servers? Flagfox extension says France
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>>284854 The think is that relying on ads isn't the only way to maintain a site. I'm sure if they had some patreon or whatever, people will gladly pitch some every now and then.
>>284852 >>284854 Shit, what will this mean for GOG?
>>801542 Or sell magnet URIs.
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>the motion of censure in France has been rejected, with only 9 votes missing >the Borne Government remains >the pension reform, widely rejected the French people, has therefore been adopted by force The violence might escalate in the upcoming hours. Might. Don't get your hopes up.
>>801466 >Libertarianism is mental illness Please drink floor cleaner.
>>284863 Don't they have a second motion of censure? Besides, fuck france. Unlike in many governments they actually chose Macron.
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In case you missed it: government censorship and propaganda linked to Britain's 77th psychologcal warfare brigade. Anons might recognize Meedan as anti-Gamergate.
Ok, why is kiwifarms dead this time?
>>284867 Josh says maintenance
>>284865 >Besides, fuck france. Unlike in many governments they actually chose Macron. The rumor is that Macron was chosen for them like in many other governments, with the Vatican being the power behind him.
Calling all diggers and emailers Send these links everywhere. Do your own write-up. https://archive.ph/8ahQE https://archive.ph/uty7d
>>284869 >the Vatican >not Davos
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>>284870 >They got fucking crag from craigslist
>>284871 That's the rumor I heard. Maybe you heard a different one.
>>284873 you will eat ze bugs.
>>284866 And they keep saying the "good" guys won WW2.
>>284876 We nuked japan and got anime, what more do you want?
>>801571 Children need to enter arbitration to become people via a social contract for remain slaves :^)
>>284877 That my anime stop getting CGI and attacked by people trying to ruin it further?
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>>801571 >What if the child consents? Children have no rights.
>>801571 >Everything is permissible to you, because you've reduced the sum total of human experience to an economic transaction. No, they don't. Libertarians believe that people (And the free market by exntension) are better at determining how they want to live and operate their own lives than governments/oligarchs/ministors/politicians/etc..
>>801571 >pure ideology is what fundamentally informs morals/ethics >people following other systems definitely won't make up whatever justifications to do whatever they want like a certain Uncle and 14 year old brides What IF, tho?
>>284875 Jesus Christ.
Wait is this the fucking retard who can't tell the difference between ANCAPS and Libertarianism? Libertarians just want small government and no taxation and the government not to infringe In the free market, Ancaps are very different from Libertarians and are the ones okay with the shit you mentioned. If you're going to kvetch at least know what it is your kvetching over.
Why do retards INSIST AND DECLARE that Libertarians want to create a society where nothing is illegal and everything can be bought and sold "for the right price"? The simplest expression of what Libertariams actually SAY boils entirely down to just wanting the government to fuck off and leave them alone.
>>284886 Wait a second, didn't some retard, several weeks ago, conflate Ancap with Libertarians, and unironically admitted that he didn't know what he was talking about, nor the difference between the two?
>>284887 Because he doesn't actually know anything about them as he confuses them with Ancaps and legitimate anarchists, when asked if he knows anything about the core beliefs of Libertarians he dodges around the questions.
Remember these people are your average libertarian https://yewtu.be/watch?v=DeiK0fdPv8Y
>>284887 I mean a jewish anarcho-capitalist, laid out that libertarians, should defend family values, be pro prayer in schools, put American people's interests first, abolish welfare and racial privileges,, unleash the cops on violent criminals(aka niggers), and that pro-porn libertarians should pull their head out of their ass and focus on more important stuff. See >>284843
>>284883 Libertarianism would only work if every single citizen was completely and fully informed about their regional and national politics and had an average IQ of 120. Otherwise it would be just a pile of corpses under the first standing army that gets formed. It would obviously be better IF those requirements were to be met, but they won't.
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Hmm very interesting how all these posts come out of the blue sperging over libertarianism while having no real clue about it.
>>284893 How is any of those relevant or related?
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>>284688 Holy shit this is still a thing? Fuck I got some hardcore nastolgia from this thread. I remember during GG I was making a ton of reaction videos and got 1-2k views each. My biggest one was around 15k. I must've gotten around $6,000 total until the adpocalypse.
>>284869 I wish I had a happy merchant pope.
>>284889 >Wait a second, didn't some retard, several weeks ago, conflate Ancap with Libertarians, and unironically admitted that he didn't know what he was talking about, nor the difference between the two? Yes that fucking halfwit. >>284896 >$6,000 total until the adpocalypse. That's pretty good anon.
>>284896 Where have you been in the meantime? I'm always curious to hear where people splintered off to and how they wandered back.
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>>284820 That one's good. The wording is short and simple, but perfectly clear and compelling. The autistic verbose version of the image was easily the fucking worst one. Sadly, the shitty version's the one that ended up getting posted on twitter and quoted by Mutahar for 2.5 million views. This is why we can't have nice things.
>>284900 Mutahar is a weird one as times he can be kinda sjw leaning then go to centrist or go full on anti sjw/anti Justin Castro.
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Libertarianism is just bolshevism for failed fascists who are unable to understand the difference between communism, traditional socialism, national socialism, social democracies and neorepublics. It's often compared with anarchic dictatorships like the warlords of Africa, but mixed with the controversial parts of technocratic primitivism and white LGBT supremacism. It's also related to ancestral zionism and collectivist doctrines from south Asia.
>>284901 Mutahar's a grifter just commenting on anything trending.
>>284901 He and so many others have that shtick where they pretend to be centrist while cherrypicking the most retarded pics and posts from people who dislike wokeshit.
>>284904 >He and so many others have that shtick where they pretend to be centrist while cherrypicking the most retarded pics and posts from people who dislike wokeshit. Notice how he doesn't address any of the pics points? When things swing he and others will shit on sjw shit like it's normal.
>>284863 >The violence might escalate in the upcoming hours. Might. Don't get your hopes up. All the things macron did to France and the French only getting violent now because the pension age was raised only two years more years if that? Does France now have the same pension age as the rest of Europe the breaking point, not the high crime rate and illegal immigrants getting priority treatment during covid 19?
>>284900 >>284901 >Mutahar is a weird one as times he can be kinda sjw leaning then go to centrist or go full on anti sjw/anti Justin Castro. He has always been a faggot. He an islam white knighting male feminist. You can’t be more Reddit that an atheist who defends Islam.
>>284907 I thought Hasan was the roach.
So is not an argument fag going to keep spaming the thread with his butthurt over libertarians? >>284907 Are you sure that's not Hasan?
>>284908 >>284909 Are you implying a roach is any better than a poo? Look at Silicon Valley. Indians are usually bigger leftists than even the Turks in the west.
>>284896 How the fuck does someone who doesn't know these threads have been a consistent thing for 8.5 years even find this place?
>>284910 >>284909 I dunno man, they're all mudslimes to me.
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Baraag locked up again.
>>284910 I was unsure who you anons were referring to at first. What made me really pissed at the coolie was how he bitched about how he might have to move to a place he hates (America) because of our retarded government going full retard on content creators, what pisses me off about him and all the others like him is how they willingly ignored this and other insane shit Canada has been doing for years till it got this bad. >>284911 You'd be shocked at who wander into these threads.
>>284905 >Notice how he doesn't address any of the pics points? Not sure if it's also irony, but I finally began playing Minesweeper because of these retards.
>>284886 >>284887 Because modern political discourse has this weird obsession with categorization. I think it's due to 2 things: 1. Reinforcement of a "team sport" mentality so weak-willed retards can feel like they have a real identity and actually belong somewhere. 2. It allows easy shut down of conversation between said retards by turning everything into a "no true Scotsman" situation, except everyone is so intellectually poisoned these days it can come from the other side, not just a purity spiral. If you're a libertarian, then you must support the most extreme examples I can think of (trafficking of children, etc.), and then must spend the conversation backpedaling. If you're black, but criticize mainstream "black culture" and in any way? You have internalized racism, i.e. you're a house nigger. Same thing goes for gay people and putting kids on puberty blockers. Everyone keeps fighting, nothing changes, because anyone who wants change is automatically ejected from the in-group.
>>284913 A bunch of public timelines are also borked now, freespeechextremist.com and bae.st of note.
>>284900 I miss when people used to put a big WIP watermark on oc that was being workshopped in the thread so autists wouldn't fucking jump the gun and post it until it was ready.
>DC got handed to James Gunn because black Adam underperformed >James Gunn hates the rock because he refused to cameo in Shazam 1 because he said the character was too silly to be embraced by a mainstream audiences >Pro-cancel culture James Gunn rebooting the DC universe, which killed any hype for remaining DC films set in the DCEU Shazam 2 ends up flopping harder than Black Adam >Shazam actor Zachary Levi Mark now openly blaming DC fans and Zack Synder for shazam furry of the gods flopping >Black Adam is the last real successful dc product and rock has been proven right about Shazam's character's appeal to audiences. >Meanwhile, Puss In Boots the last wish will make more than Pixar in the last 5 years, and MCU Ant-man 3 Outside of guardians of the galaxy 3, Batman 2 and The Joker sequel. It looks like superhero movies dying at a faster rate than I originally expected. But I am not sure what will replace capeshit though. Is the battle Royale genre dying out in the video game industry? I feel like escape from Tarkov clones, trying to be the new battle Royale.
/v/ I found out my boss is a regular not only on this thread and the rest of the sit but on the whole webering. >I might've been calling him Nigger >I might've been been playing games with him in game night or Elden Ring >I might've posted yellow fever at him What the fuck do I do? I found this out at lunch today when I looked over his shoulder and saw him looking at the fucking Elden Ring thread here on his phone.
>>284919 > Is the battle Royale genre dying out in the video game industry? Fortnite still does big numbers. But it's kind of it's own thing at this point. Smaller competitors like PUBG and Apex hang on. But no one is making new battle royales. At least, nothing that's getting much attention. Live service models are kind of going down the drain, which is as surprising as it is welcome. I thought we'd be dealing with that shit for a decade more at least. A lot of companies seem to be just making video games that you play for a while and that's it. Until they come up with the next scheme to try and generate the mythical infinite money machine that will never exist, I guess games will just be sort of normal for a while.
>>284920 >What the fuck do I do? Go back to work, for starters.
>>284920 Congrats, you found your personal FBI agent! Your prize is getting 4 more now that you blew his cover. >>284921 Fear of missing out is a pretty good sales tactic that both fortnite and many gacha still use.
>>284916 >It allows easy shut down of conversation That's why. >>284918 This wasn't our OC in the first place. Someone else posted it from Cuckchan. >>284919 >Black Adam is the last real successful dc product Didn't that flop, hard?
>>284916 >except everyone is so intellectually poisoned these days it can come from the other side, not just a purity spiral. This is an excellent point and I've been seeing it a fuck ton lately the past year or so. >Everyone keeps fighting, nothing changes, because anyone who wants change is automatically ejected from the in-group. Yep.
>>284922 >>284923 It's surreal as he seems like a normalfag but then again he might be very good at hiding his power levels.
>>284921 >Fortnite still does big numbers. But it's kind of it's own thing at this point. Smaller competitors like PUBG and Apex hang on. Every new Fortnite commercial seems to downplay Battle Royale more and more. Fortnite Resembles is a third crossover hero shooter than anything it started as. >>284924 >Black Adam is the last real successful dc product Didn't that flop, hard? Yes. But compared to Shazam 2 and Ant-man 3. It at least broke even.
>>284924 >Didn't that flop, hard? Somewhat.
>>284920 >>284922 >>284926 Start Baneposting IRL. >>284927 >But compared to Shazam 2 and Ant-man 3. It at least broke even. How can they declare that a films is a "flop" if it just came out three days ago?
>>284920 Now kith.
>>284928 That's practically a flop (and might not even break even) considering advertising budget isn't part of that breakdown.
>>284929 I'm sure asking him if he feels in charge would be redundant.
>>284929 If a movie underperforms in the first week, it will certainly underperform in subsequent weeks.
>>284928 >>284931 If 260 million is the budget then you average that a movie needs at least triple it's budget to make a profit that would leave us at 780 million. It's not just a flop. It's a major bomb.
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>>284931 Joker was really DC's last real big hit as that film was near 2 billion. >>284934 Well shit anon that is a total bomb. >>284932 It would be See you at 5:30 tomorrow anon
>>284935 >Spoiler Sounds like someone will be going through some sexual harassment training.
>>284907 >islam white knighting have
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>>284935 Sure thing Nigger I totally believe you . Prove it and I'll believe you.
>>284940 have a day i suppose
>>284935 I find it hilarious that the most popular DC capeshit movie isn't even capeshit and just a Taxi Driver ripoff with capeshit branded over it. And yet Warner Kikes keep pushing generic shared universe Marvel capeshit and failing everytime. They completely missed a fad that is now dying, after 10 fucking years while their most popular hits have been Nolan Batman and Joker.
>>284942 Wouldn't a lot of their capeshit films just turn into the 70's Superman, Nolan's Batman, or Death Wish if they took the honest time to do them correctly?
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>>284920 Where do you work, I could use a job.
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>>284937 >>284938 >>284940 >>284941 Holy shit, guess I have a lot of reading to do today.
>>284943 Yes, but fuck that, double down even whwn the fad is dead and your company has so much debt you sell yourself to fucking Discovery.
>>284920 >>284944 >Where do you work, I could use a job. This. The fucking economy's a rancid dumpster fire and I could do with some job security.
>>284942 >And yet Warner Kikes keep pushing generic shared universe Marvel capeshit and failing everytime That and pushing multiverse cancer. One of the few things I agree with Razorfist is that multiverse obsession is the worst thing about American comics if you remove SJW or woke shit. Especially with DC and Marvel. Spider-man no way home wasn't popular because it is about the multiverse affecting MCU lore. It was popular for Tobey Maguire Spider-man. Mainstream audiences are getting bored of multiverse shit already. >They completely missed a fad that is now dying, after 10 fucking years while their most popular hits have been Nolan Batman and Joker. If the recent rumors about the flash are true. Christian Bale's Batman will become the new Batman of the rebooted DC cinematic universe with Damian Wayne as Bale Batman's son, as the leader of DCU teen titans team based on the animated series team. Rebooted DC will be the Nolanverse merged with DCEU.
>>284936 What do GG anons do for a living? I'm 24 & never had a real job. I'm worried I'll never figure out what I wanna do with my life & need reassurance.
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>>284939 Plant 6, set up 6am EST, Tiger brand steeltoe, GINGER/Mick, ROG gayming phone , always eating rainbow chips ahoy and also 102698 I notice you left two minutes early a few days ago and were watching hololive 4th fes I'll see you early tomorrow at 5:30am as I do feel in charge. >>284942 > Nolan Bravo Nolan!
>>284950 >bossman got dubs too Holy shit. Where do I sign up?
>>284950 What do you guys do?
>>284935 >>284950 Sorry my net at the office keeps dipping out which is why my ID keeps changing.
>>284950 So I'll be seeing you at 5:30 tomorrow morning
>>284953 You're fine, bully 80d8ef for watching hololive
>>284949 It actually doesn't really matter what you do as long as you get enough money to stay happy. Your job is just a source of income and doesn't define your whole skillset or capabilities, but having enough money to fall back on if freelancing/self-employment fails makes doing what you want less risky.
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>>284944 >>284947 >>284951 >>284952 All I'll say is it's blue collar and that I'm in management. >>284954 Thank you #102698 >>284955 He's also a Zoomer
>>284957 Well yeah but I wanna be able to enjoy what I do. I already have clinical depression & anxiety problems. If I can't find joy in what I do then I won't be able to function either. I know I can't do shit like fast food because I have allergies that make me sneeze all the time. I do have retail experience. It barely counts as far as real experience though because I would just come & go to help at Spirit Halloween for my mom for a while every so often.
>>284957 It doesn't matter, but neither does something like Kenshiro vs Jotaro. It's just for the sake of curiosity. >>284958 >zoom zooms >on my imageboard But yeah, a blue collar job makes sense.
>>284958 Blue collar's fine as long as the old timers don't act like rancid know-it-all faggots who can't teach to save their lives as they are oft wont to do.
>>284959 You probably would have to try finding something that you won't hate doing day in and day out then. There are a glut of low skill jobs out there for people to hop around in, I hate job switching too but at least that never leaves you miserable too long, and other people leaving makes openings for if you do quit. >>284961 In my experience the main problem is having them pay above $16/hr.
>>284961 I hate Tard wrangling the people under me and ,I hate my bosses for being out of touch boomer gen X half wits, who make more work then there should be.
>>284913 >>284917 The vast majority of tards who fled from Twitter to Mastodon didn't remain on Mastodon yet Mastodon instances keep fucking up regardless. Are they still blaming these problems on increased traffic which has long since tapered off?
>>284835 >Thus far the only kikes I wouldn't consider throwing into an oven are Mel Brooks and John Stossel But what about Cakemann?
>>284962 True. Just gotta find something that isn't totally miserable. I hated what little I did do in retail. Not the job itself but being on my feet was a pain. The thing that sucked was the people. People constantly make a mess, throw fits. or are just complete degenerates. Two of the worst was one flamboyant mexican dude with his totally not gangbanger friend trying on women's costumes in the fitting room. Then the other was the moms. After Suicide Squad came out, for years after there was moms looking for Harley Quinn costumes for their prostitots.
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>>284818 >They're actually leaving I sincerely doubt this, just like they're not actually moving to Canada, and they're not actually leaving Twatter.
>>284918 Here ya go.
>>284949 Just send out job applications to every place hiring. It doesn't matter whether the job is your "dream" or not. In fact, it's better if the job isn't what your "dream" is because that's the quickest way to kill your dream. Ideally, a job is just a means earn money, that you can then use to invest in matters you're more concerned with.
>>284818 Good fucking riddance. Now to purge (((them))) from Broward County and maybe Florida would be a nicer place.
>>284959 >I wanna be able to enjoy what I do Look at this Anon and laugh. There is always something about every job that you can find enjoyment in. Even if you don't, just see the work as a stepping stone to something better.
>>284965 But its pleroma... Probably still getting doxed by kiwiniggers or something, the software does actually suck ass because of how slow the database gets beyond 100 users per instance. The people hosting it are generally seperated from the people developing it, besides mastodon for obvious reasons. Many try to tune it, like how >we have admins tuning lynxchan. >>284967 Cattle will follow trends and make careless choices, most of the customers you see in general retail probably failed the marshmallow test. You might as well try deriving meaning from solar weather patterns. >>284970 This, I remember one guy live streaming his job application hunting and only 8 of a few hundred were maybes and only 1 was immediate application-worthy. >>284972 Pretty much, it's hard to tick all the ikigai boxes working under someone else.
>>801684 I don't believe for a goddamn second that they'll all up sticks and fuck off but any of them that do are more than welcome to leave and never return. If anything they should've expected this from meth-addled Florida Man with a bandolier of frosty to lukewarm Bud Lights. If anything they'll entrench even deeper in a vain hope of trying to cause an upset or failing that, act as a staging ground for the next wave of Antifaggots, Niggers Lives Don't Matter, or whatever "new" thing they try to come up with that utilizes the exact same fucking pattern of <faggots show up from out of town, set a bunch of shit on fire and the cops refuse to do shit the entire time because their bosses or their unions were paid off in full well in advance
>>284974 that ain't a true venn diagram, it lack love+paid for(blue green) and good at+needs(red black), what would you call them?
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>>284970 >>284972 I just want to be happy... but I don't know what makes me happy.
>>284977 You can be happy Bocchi, just eat ze bugs.
>>284977 >but I don't know what makes me happy. Start doing things that make you uncomfortable. It's that simple.
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>>284966 I would ban him from ever eating cake again, and then ban him from buying pizza, then slowly start banning him from eating from every fast food and donut joint until all he can eat are sandwiches, then ban him from the deli aisle, until he has no other choice than to become a vegan fag and eat nothing but salads, making him lose weight, thus reducing his neurotic hormonal fatty outbursts and making him chill again, instead of a moody fat bitch.
>>284976 I think those are edge cases and the opposites are probably mutually inclusive to one of the other categories at thay point. >>284977 You'll probably figure it out eventually, try torrenting a bundle of the top 100 scifi books or something from audiobookbay and get some headphones you can carry anywhere to fill the time. And get some proper nutrition and sleep so you feel less shitty. If you keep your imagination alive at least that won't wither.
>>284867 https://tg.i-c-a.su/rss/kiwifarms (KF's RSS) https://rss.app/feed/fjOUVuolYknXYyrn (for those without a RSS viewer) >Global Internet access is out. >Global Internet access is out. VPNs to Netherlands/London should help. Tor over Clearnet also finds a direct route even when not globally available. This was planned maintenance. It will be back shortly. Edit (as of 3:42pm EDT): Yes, this is still planned maintenance. Expect an update later about why. Edit (as of 3/20 9:29pm EDT): The maintenance has completed but my device has special encryption. The system I need to use to decrypt the device is unavailable. When this system is restored, global Internet access will follow.
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>>284949 I used to deliver packages for a living, but now I'm going back to my old job at the airport, that should give me more time to work on my comics
>>801697 >my mark banhammer lives on that's really rad.
>>801691 >The question is, how much do you want them to fuck off? In the simplest explanation (Without specifics), I just want the government to maintain how society functions without dictating how I live my life. Easiest example of the government interfering where they shouldn't is something as simple as a garage/bake sale. In order for me to "legally" do so, I have to fill out permits, licenses, tax forms, hire safety/health inspectors, etc. and wait (Weeks) for the government to approve everything. And, while I don't "technically" need to go through that entire process if I make within $1000, I am suddenly a felon if I make over a grand. Meanwhile, as an example where the government should get involved, you have things like the border. I like the way the country is, and I want it to remain this way. And, foreigners coming in unregulated to disrupt the local economy prevent this. However, I am not opposed to foreigners coming in altogether, as long as they agree to assimilate into society (Or, better, add to it). So, to compromise on this, foreign entrance into the country should be allowed, but only in a regulated. As to how strict the regulation is, that's another topic.
I wonder how much he'll keep going and still have no idea of what he's talking about?
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So now we have someone talking about abolishing currency?
>>284846 Is Zippyshare already down for anyone else? I wanted to back up some things.
>>284988 I can't wait until the conversation spirals into <stupid, useless, worthless gold ignoring the fact that >gold is an amazing electricity conductor >it's held its value for thousands of years >the Bretton Woods system was abolished 50 years ago meaning it isn't even related to modern fiat currency because then it'd feel like I was on half/k/ again about twelve years ago.
>>284990 Him and not an argument/anti lolberg fag genuinely impress me with the sheer stupidity of their arguments.
>>801709 >Wouldn't that be classical conservativism then to maintain society rather than change it? To some extent, no because "Conservatism" is just maintaining society how it is, it doesn't at all represent how that society functions. > Also, I don't think incoming border restrictions are a great example of being in favor a regulation as a libertarian, because they're laws enforced against non-citizens, whom your government does not need to guarantee liberties. You'd be surprised. Here in the states, the idea of shooting border jumpers on sight is considered absolutely "cruel", with some Libs advocating for even more immigration/foreign involvement because of concepts like "the global marketplace" (Which I do agree with in concept, but I reject the ideal of completely unregulated markets between nations. While I will undeniable revolt the day that anime/manga is banned, I cannot deny that Japan's near monopoly on animated media and comics is an unhealthy sotuation because that gives Japan power and influence over America. And, it's hypocritical to say that we don't have an issue with Japan doing this, because we're "friends", and then proceed to fear monger about China's monopoly in manufacturing). Hopefully that makes sense.
>>284992 >, I cannot deny that Japan's near monopoly on animated media and comics is an unhealthy sotuation because that gives Japan power and influence over America American comic creators have only themselves to blame for that one.
>>801703 >Anon says he wants a might makes right society <"But I would be the based warlord with a harem of hot chicks, I wouldn't be the poor bastard getting all my tendies stolen and my anime figurines shoved up my ass by bandits." Reminds me of /leftypol/ saying they want communism, secure in the belief they'd all be party functionaries and none of them would be shoveling shit on a collective farm.
>>801719 The autism he sees in your soul.
>>284994 >secure in the belief they'd all be party functionaries and none of them would be shoveling shit on a collective farm They wouldn't be shoveling shit on a collective farm. They would BE the shit that someone else is shoveling. First rule of revolutions, once it's over, you kill the revolutionaries to keep them from revolting against you. Frankly, the only reason why the first American revolution worked is because there was still a whole continent of wilderness for outcasts for dissidents to be exiled to. Almost anywhere else, and it's followed by purges and decades of violent uprisings.
It's idiots like this that makes browsing these threads so great.
>>801722 Don't worry, you'll get to live in your own pod welded shut, and live your dream of being the strongest thing in sight. Even if others believe you, you make a fine scapegoat for any problems a society has.
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>>801725 You're the idiot for saying what even savages leave unsaid, yes.
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Gamur Group just had a massive layoff https://twitter.com/ethangach/status/1637857074116714518 >Since the start of 2022, we have more than tripled our full-time headcount from 55 to 171 people with the majority in content and editorial." Their statement continues to note that the company "moved too broadly and without the right protective measures in place." >approximately 35% of the content we were producing was driving less than 10% of our web traffic. According to their website (https://gamurs.group/brands/) they own: >Dot Esports >Operation Sports >Upcomer >Gamepur >Prima Games >Twinfinite >Siliconera >Pro game guides >Gamer Journalist >Attack Of The Fanboy >Touch Tap Play >Destructoid >PC Invasion >The Escapist >Gameskinny​ Amazon has laid off 9,000 positions today, which include 400 at Twitch https://archive.is/xPaY7 >Today I shared with Twitch employees that we’ve made the difficult decision to reduce the size of our workforce, which results in us having to say goodbye to just over 400 people. As a company focused on building community together, this decision was incredibly difficult and one we did not make without considerable thought. Archive.is has been fucking up for me lately
>>285002 How does a streaming website need that many hundreds of employees?
>>285003 Middlemen to come up with ad policies and police pajeet moderators, probably some additional financial staff to deal with payment processing.
>>285004 >Middlemen to come up with ad policies and police pajeet moderators, probably some additional financial staff to deal with payment processing. So, at most, 5 people?
>>285003 Divertsity hires for ESG money?
>>285005 Streaming websites eventually end up having: A content approval committee. A community content moderation committee. An ethical guidelines committee. A complaint handling committee. Just to interact with the public. Each team consisting of 5 or more individuals. Now that you have so many people employed, you also now end up with: A payroll and financial committee. An investment oversight committee. An internal staff monitoring committee. A board of directors style committee. An expansion committee that makes new committees. And now you have hundreds of people working at your shit company.
>>285007 I would just get 20 people that can get the job done + a few that can make shitpost videos for the lulz
>>285003 >>285004 >>285005 >>285006 >>285007 >>285008 Quality matters. Dead weight brings in more dead weight. Becomes a domino effect until it's so bloated that you could shed 90% of the workforce and still have it function just the same since most of the employees did nothing of tangible value.
>>285008 That’s all fine and dandy but if your viewership grows in size then inevitably you’ll start waltzing into the legal waters of being media business. If you’re independent and get taken to court over whether or not you fall under the definition of content “publisher” or “distributor” or a handful of other legally defined terms, all of a sudden you’re going to have to either start conforming to legal standards set out by the governments or you’ll be arrested and your company seized.
>>285010 True. There are regulations that force the employment of objectively worthless hires. Parasites lobby lawmakers to ensure their worthlessness is rewarded by positions in a company.
>>285011 >positions *mandatory positions
>>285008 Shareholders would probably try to sack you as negligent and call your lack of hiring too cautious for the growth they expect. You also have watchdogs to keep your dark triad employees on a leash, so they only harm other companies. >>285009 Indeed, once you bring on people that the founders don't personally know any more, it rapidly gets inefficient just from increased overhead and meetings.
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>>284949 I'm 24 and a kobeni lover also but I work at a warehouse but it's torture for a twink like me. I want to start a work from home business but every time I tried I fucked it up so at this point i'd rather just pay someone on fiverr or upwork to help me initially set it up and I could keep it going on maintenance mode, that way I could easily make 6 figures without much effort. Theres numerous resources out there but theres also so much conflciting information and flatout lies or retards pulling shit out their asses, watch out anon.
>Disney just fried Victoria Alonso >Dyke cunt behind she-hulk, retconning Namor to be a Mexican with a dad bod that is jealous of Wakanda and wanted to rename X-men to the Mutants >She also behind don’t say gay fake news smear campaign and Disney declaring war on Florida and Ron DeSantis Disney must be desperate or have foreseen the death of capeshit.
>>285014 You're just like me fr fr. I've been told to do warehouse work but it sounds like hell. A lot of physical labor & I'm not even forklift certified. It baffles me how easily people can make money just selling nudes or playing games nowadays yet I can't find a basic job I'd be happy with. You know a librarian needs a Master's Degree? Not even a school librarian. A regular ass one at a public library.
>>284977 Being a wagie will never make you happy unless you work with cute 3dpd grills who like you back and bro tier like minded dudes, but if the job stills sucks then you will never be happy regardless, idk about any job that would be fun to work at. But often times theres dudes who fucking DETEST me for literally no reason at all, I mean they look like they actually wish death upon me, I think it's often because I am friendly with and have a better chance with a girl they like. >>285016 I'm an ADHD having sperg, a job like that would mentally fucking ruin me.
>>285016 The fun starts when you look into programming, one guy made a tool that google picked up and made popular, and an employer asked him to have 6 years of experience with it when he made it 3 years ago.
>>285017 I'm mentally ill & physically hindered by allergies weakening me to the point my parents thought I was anemic. Most basic level labor jobs are out of the question for me & I think college is a scam so I don't have interest in higher tier things. I just don't know what to do..... >>285018 I'm not autistic enough to learn to code.
>>285014 >>285017 Isn’t she one with the fart chart? Why are chainsaw man girls so stinky?
>>285018 If there was no such thing as a minimum wage, they could cut the wage by 66% and then they’d accept people with 2 years experience but for minimum wage levels of pay, their algorithm determined that you need at least 6 years experience to be valued at that payment. Ultimately it means the position will go unfilled for a few years until the value of experience with said tool catches up with the minimum you’re legally allowed to pay someone.
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>>801758 /cb/ isn't popular enough yet to justify making videos there yet. I have been trying to learn to draw more. Just need more practice doodling requests.
>>801763 Anon please!
>>285007 >A content approval committee. >A community content moderation committee. >An ethical guidelines committee. >A complaint handling committee. That's one person in one job. It runs BETTER when it's one person, because then every party has a consistent understanding of the expectations and goals, since a singular mind came up with the framework. >A payroll and financial committee. >An investment oversight committee. Again, can be one person or at least one group. >An internal staff monitoring committee. >A board of directors style committee. Who the fuck came up with the idea that streamers should be a "collective" or a group at all? Fuck streaming, man. >>285022 we have a lol thread for things that leftists think are funny. Post it there.
>>801765 I'm not that fast.
>>801768 sorry, I meant >>>/tkr/
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>>285016 >You know a librarian needs a Master's Degree? Not even a school librarian. A regular ass one at a public library. Like as the head instead of a volunteer? Anyway, this blogposting about jobs is kind of gay, I'll be at the jackbox stream here: https://cytu.be/r/jackbox1 if there's anything else you want to talk about to get it of your system instead of spilling your Kobeni spaghetti in the GG thread. There's a new game today, sort of.
>>285029 Yes as in an actual paid to work there librarian in charge helping people check out books. It's all an automated system though so I have no idea how the demands for qualifications can be so high. Especially when libraries are a dying business model.
>>285019 I still don’t get the appeal of Chainsaw man. Especially the girls. It feels like edgy 90s gross-out nickelodeon with extra fart fetishism, to be honest. >>285022 >Not only Twitter and /co/umblr hate stone toss so much that they always plagiarized his art style >Cuckchan /co/ hates Guy Fieri so much they take jabs at him in random comics and lefty memes >All because that dead faggot Anthony Bourdain hate Guy Fieri for being a successful businessman and having an apolitical worldview of cooking
>>284744 What a bunch of faggots, imagine being threatened by videos of the president playing video games with other two ex presidents or Goku saying nigger, the government is the weakest section of society and this proves it.
>>285025 >one person Literally illegal depending on where you work.
>>801773 Maybe I will! References & clearer ideas help for any request though.
>>284949 I assume they're all NEETs.
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>>285035 >Not working a blue collar job
>>285015 >>Disney just fried Victoria Alonso fuck, she looks like a close relative of Amy Pascal, no wonder hollywood is so fucked up. its run by crazy ugly menopausal women and fat horny old cucks like harvey weinstein that will do anything for a quick whiff of pussy.
>>801763 Wouldn't this be better suited for the drawthread or a dedicated anime board? >>285031 I'm not a fan of it's exposure, personally. Part of me wishes that anon never shilled it here.
>>285033 >top of the list >ACLU >ADL No wonder why everything's so fucking infested with (((them))).
>>284969 >WIP layer That takes me back to ye olde GG days.
>>284996 >pic Is that the French protests next week? And why is there a large gray and white pill on the left?
>>285030 >It's all an automated system though so I have no idea how the demands for qualifications can be so high. It's to bar people who haven't gone through their Socialist indoctrination seminars from ever getting hired.
Tuesday tomorrow, take your pick: >Trump gets arrested >nothing happens
>>285043 What if something off the wall happens that isn't the two?
>>285043 Both. Trump gets arrested and his supporters do absolutely nothing about it, just like they've done absolutely nothing whatsoever the entire time they worshipped him, either when something happened to him or when he abjectly refused to do something he promised to do.
>>285045 I'm gonna be honest I doubt Trump will be arrested.
>>285046 Oh, absolutely. And then his supporters will claim that "we scared the feds away!" while going home and obeying everything the feds told them to do.
>>285045 >>285043 If trump being arrested was serious. Mainstream media would’ve hyped it up weeks if not months ago. I think this is Trump trying to get attention because Ron DeSantis ignoring trump weeks worth of attacks on him and Florida. Trump is someone I can tolerate, but the whole of being mad over so called DeSantis stealing his spotlight just childish childish. Ron defended trump back the FBI raided his home
>>285043 Both. He will get arrested because the left is absolutely clinically fucking insane and the glowniggers lap their shit up like a dog being fed steak. And every single fucking brain dead retard will go <This will only enhance his ability to become president in 2024! completely ignoring the key problem; that being AMERICA IS A BANANA REPUBLIC AND VOTING MEANS FUCKING NOTHING
>>285049 Oh shit, you posted objective truth. Do you get banned for being niggerpill now? >>285048 Yeah, it's all a goddamned script. It's barely hidden anymore and it's fucking demoralizing to see. I try not to pay any attention to media narratives anymore, though I am turning every piece of free cash I have into silver and gold, because the Federal Reserve is as of tonight seriously considering "insuring all deposits" instead of just sub 250k deposits, which means when the next crash happens they're going to print NINETEEN TRILLION OUT OF NOTHING and instantly cause unstoppable hyperinflation making the dollar worthless so specie is the only place to go. Because that one, at least, is important for whether I get to keep eating or not.
>>285043 how is hush money supposed to be filed, exactly? if not as 'legal fees', then what? they're mad that the money wasn't explicitly labeled 'this is hush money for a pornstar/prostitute to not disclose that our client paid to have sex with her' or whatever?
>>285044 What, like the sky turns orange or something? >>285049 >He will get arrested because the left is absolutely clinically fucking insane If it happens, the response from the left would be off the charts, but I kinda agree with what >>285046 says.
>>285045 >and his supporters do absolutely nothing about it That looks to be the case: https://archive.is/b8LTg <85 per cent of respondents polled on Donald Trump’s own Truth Social website think protesting against his arrest would be risking a January 6-style set-up
>>285053 It's just like Yuri said. "At this point, most of our propaganda is done by them to themselves." And that was in fucking 1984. It's self-reenforcing now. It's the "monkeys in a room with a ladder" scenario (that seems to have never taken place as a real study). The British call it "crab bucket." Any limeys here can probably attest. https://archive.org/details/YuriBezmenovDeceptionWasMyJob
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>>801779 Here's a sketch. Might ink it tomorrow.
>>285053 Not a problem. The other 15% will glow protest.
>>285056 They probably only need a single dozen federal agents as fall guys to "stir up trouble" in various places/cities. Hell, zero reason to even do anything. Just have the fall guys stand in front of a camera and use the media to claim "they did this because we say so" and that's good enough.
>>285043 I get my package tomorrow, so that's something. I doubt anyone cares about him besides Qtards and maybe aipac now that leftists support palestine via jstreet. It's just attention whoring that should stay in a gossip magazine, because you can be arrested for literally anything and be released with no charges. >>285054 He has done fuck-all since his last day besides getting raided and other L's, everyone still remembers him telling protesters to fuck off. I wouldn't even call it self-preservation, they're just still trusting his plan.
What happened with Oral Arguments for Hachette v. Internet Archive ? Did they win? https://archive.is/J7451
>>285043 My guess is nothing. Statute of limitations is up on what they supposedly want to change him for and frankly it's a real hard sell to consider it a federal crime at all. Personally, I think Trump is just milking this for attention. He probably knew it wouldn't be a thing and decided to get more spotlight out of it. I could be wrong, I guess, but the logistics of arresting a former president (something entirely without precedent) that would come with so many goddamn complications (especially for something that would probably be a minor misdemeanor at worst for anyone not named Donald Trump) are just so impossible to deal with I doubt it happens.
>>285060 The issue isn't that the historical backing is fucking massive to make this a near impossibility. The issue is that the rabid dogs of an insane cult have been doing nothing but yowling the same horrific tune for eight goddamn years. They don't care about precedent. They don't care about history. All they care about is their emotional outbursts and vindication that has been roiling within them at the behest of their "betters" for damn near a decade. Include the several decades of constant lockstepping of a media conglomerate who has slowly and meticulously mastered the art of manipulation, subliminal imprinting and hypnotic suggestion, and there are problems that not even historical agreements and rites can control. These are the same people who will riot when they get what they want. Sanity and reason is not an issue.
Has the day of the stairs happened yet? Is cripplekike still alive and if so, what is he up to these days?
>>285062 He made an OnlyFans, you don't wanna see it.
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>>285062 still alive, still tweeting, out in public at events so i can only assume he isn't wanted for arrest currently
>>285064 I hope cripple kike pisses off and get punched by beetle juice one day. With any luck there a sound clip of kike wheels calling Beetle juice a nigger.
>>285065 What're you, a Howard Stern fan? He ain't Eric the midget.
>>285064 >becomes a furry >starts growing more fur
>>285019 Since you're here and always apparently on the fucking computer you might as well learn IT as a trade via online classes through a community college or technical/trade school. If you learn cyber security you can easily get a job that pays you six figures, even from home. Udemy has video courses with a dude in a cowboy hat that teaches you all of the IT certification courses but idk how much getting those certs will help you get a job. >>285067 I hope to dear god he doesn't do anything funny with that dog.
>>285067 He also looks dirtier, like he hasn't showered in a week.
Motion of censure in spain. The government has hit hard but we all know the game is rigged. At least that might make old people change their vote.
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>>285043 He chose not to pardon Assange. Because he wanted to show the deep state that he was a team player. HE GETS WHAT HE FUCKING DESERVES.
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>>285066 >What're you, a Howard Stern fan? Believe or not no. I know beetle juice from WCW nitro and midget boxing. >He ain't Eric the midget. Is Eric still alive?
>>284935 >>284950 Can someone screen cap this moment of hilarity?
>>285071 >>285070 >>284863 I'm very sorry to burst your bubble, guys, it doesn't matter the party or country, they're always walking in lockstep.
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>>285059 https://archive.is/pIuTj https://archive.is/v44kI I don't know if this was streamed anywhere or not
>>285070 Will the violence escalate in Spain too?
>>285076 I feel like it'll be irrelevant soon, if apple is truly trying to make a google glass mixed reality thing, and someone makes an app to scan physical books and crop to pdf, all you'd need is to go to a university library or have one friend buy a book and flip the pages to be able to share it and view it at leisure. Same for theaters, if it's your only pair of glasses then you won't even see the big screen with them off.
Seems like Pixiv Fanboth and BOOTH are nuking loli and shota,not unexpected since pixiv is already compromised bending down to credit card companies https://nitter.it/Ko_Suke__poke/status/1637724588846252032#m
>>285077 Yes. From the left. Against the right.
>>285079 Shame, my image collector got wiped and I was hoping to retag 1.5tb of images I grabbed from there. Lots of accounts were already deleted months ago so the chances were slim anyway.
>>285081 I wish i had enough hd i'd crawl that entire site
>>285082 You can do it by tag in hydrus if you just want the spicy ones, although it can only grab the newest 20,0000 on its own.
>>285080 Interesting, it's also the laft in France too, for the most part, but the RN (the "far-right") wants to battle too.
>>285079 It's over.
>>285056 Ironically the "do nothing and just let everything go to shit, if you try anything else you GLOW" is one of the more impressive psyops the CIAniggers have done.
>>285068 I'm not indian & customer service is horrible.
Forget about Trump. How badly will nickelodeon fuck up good burger 2? They can't do the original good burger movie today. Not only are there sex and non-anti-white race jokes in the original. The moral message of Good Burger is black boys making positive male friendships to make up for growing up without fathers. White zoomers American can now relate to good burger 1 as much as 90s black kids did.
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>>284692 There's no plan fed You just piss people off and they all act simultaneously out of sheer disgust and natural reaction. As much as you want to believe, there is no "movement". No one's plotting against you. It's just a plain fact that if you do something everyone hates, there will be natural consequences you can't avoid.
>>285060 >>285061 Law doesn't matter to them, this isn't a fair society where the just is right and wins. This is a society of pathetic nepotists who will eventually cause another world war.
>>285089 Cloud at the left edge of the window in panel 2.
>>285089 Has ANYONE actually tried these AI programs for themselves? They break constantly, and sound like someone speaking broken English.
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>>285094 >>285095 And, how many tries, and how much editting, did it take to get the AI to sound that god?
>>285095 >>285096 Also, you can hear the Persona video having white noise behind every other word.
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>>285098 Joe, what the fuck?!
>>285079 >>285081 >>285085 That’s old news they have been doing that since last year and is not for the content (images and videos are safe) is just for titles, descriptions and tags. Basically if you post on your fanbox something that contains the word loli, shota, incest, rape, etc, in the tags/description/title your post will be put on private until you modify said tags/description/title.
Apparently chat GPT-4 can use fiverr or taskrabbit to enlist a human to solve a captcha.
>>285079 Pixiv got so bad that a shitton of nips stopped using it and just use Twitter exclusively.
>>285102 When will those subhuman faggots go back to using blogs?
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>>285068 >Udemy has video courses with a dude in a cowboy hat that teaches you all of the IT certification courses but idk I'm always on the fucking computer, and this is good advice for a terminally online fuck like me, thanks anon, you're the best! >>285101 Can it shitpost in imageboards though? Imagine being able to use AI to boost our PPH by being able to have actual realtme conversations with anons, to the point we can't discern what is and isn't a real person. >>801916 He gets the Mark award, being a photographed picture of his anusim. >>801886 I thought TOR was back, what gives? What I'm really mad about is archives not having images again, they were back for a short while before the child pr0n spam by silvia and lcp.
>>285104 It's probably trivial to ask it to write a script to pipe itself and a thread back and forth, solving captchas and simulating thinking and typing times. For now though, stuff like running a ghost business buying and selling on your behalf is internal-use only. It can read images though I think, and they solved ai art geberating shit hands allegedly.
(1.81 MB 568x320 Dagoth Ur Pizza.mp4)

>>285104 >to the point we can't discern what is and isn't a real person Post quality and comprehension skills have declined so notably I fear we're already at this point.
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>>285102 Yeah, there's no way that can ever go wrong ...
>>285102 I've noticed a few of them have their own sites to post now.
>tfw never get isekaid
>>285110 I think I recognize this artist. Is it Souryuu, the guy behind the Kuro Gyaru school manga?
>>285110 How long before there's a new manga/light novel/anime/live action adaptation/flavor of the month titled I Keep Getting Isekai'd But I Don't Want To Leave My Life On Earth So I Reject the Gods' Advances But They're Getting Increasingly More Desperate! Because I'd enjoy reading a story about a guy who just wants to live a normal life with his wife and children but keeps dying under mysterious circumstances and coming back to life unharmed in the morgue after escaping from the gods' grasp instead of going to another world.
>>285113 Could've fooled me with that plot.
>>285110 Abe-sama?
>DEI is game dev now lmao https://archive.vn/qlqqU
I still can't get over the fact some Anon's boss is here shitposting with us and it makes you wonder who could be posting here with us right now in this very thread?
>>285116 I feel bad for Africans and even South African niggers. Nigger Americans are what the world thinks of when they hear black people.
>>285118 I'd just feel pity for blacks if they weren't conditioned to be so violent, imagine if they were acquainted with their tribe of origin instead of being completely fucked identity wise. Their DNA can tell them but that won't be if they aren't culturally with it.
>>285118 Don't, as unfathomable as it seems they're even more subhuman.
>>285118 >I feel bad for Africans
>>285041 >And why is there a large gray and white pill on the left? That's probably a dildo. The French love their comically oversized "novelty" sex toys.
>>285113 >>285110 >the mangaka changed the mother and sister to be non-blood related so it isn't taboo when he fucks them Other than that, I can see this being a decent enough read. Thanks, anon.
>>285123 Cowards.
>>285043 So what's the verdict? Did the feds blink and do nothing or will Trump get the Chauvin treatment?
>>285125 supposedly the secret service is going to make him surrender.
>>285126 Surrender? I'm sorry, what? I'm sorry, I'm sorry, WHAT?! How can you surrender to something unless you're being attacked?
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>>285127 >>285126 I found an article on it. https://archive.is/LnYiT
>>285128 Just two more weeks, blueanon! Trust the plan!
>>285043 >>285128 >Trump proclaims that he will be arrested in Tuesday <FACT CHECK: Actually Trump is arrested on Wednesday But, he's still going to be arrested. Is there a specific point where this comedy is going to end?
>>285120 Yeah, but at least they're on their own fucking continent.
>>285123 Its always annoying when authors go for the "they are actually non-blood related" .
>>285130 When he doesn't actually get arrested tomorrow.
>>285130 Trump's going to be arrested on Thursday in 2 minutes...
>>285123 How do you feel when after a time skip the loli turns into an adult but still looks like a loli vs they actually grow up into a normal adult.
>>285096 >And, how many tries, and how much editting, did it take to get the AI to sound that god? Immensely less time and effort/money in comparison to learning to speak like those characters yourself or hiring a professional voice actor. And the tools are actively getting better since this technology is still in very early infancy, but has reached the point of viability, and thus is in the middle of a massive growth spurt.
Oi Gooberinos, in teh news something somethign about some Admin from a Hacker forum getting arrested...any info on that?
>>285137 Too vague
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>>285055 Inked it.
>>285137 He got arrested.
>>285137 Like >>285140 said, he got arrested.
>>285123 he also doesnt show the mother getting fucked by other men in this village full of casual sex; id almost argue its a question of purity rather than incest
>>285137 >>285138 >>285140 >>285141 All i get on the interwebz is something about a hacker forum named Breachforums and their admin getting arrested by the FBI, dunno why tough
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FBI arrests owner of popular fucking forum BleachedForums >The U.S. Federal Bureau of Investigation arrested a New York man on Wednesday on suspicion of running BreachForums, the popular internet forum that has become a favorite among hackers to share their exploits on the regular internet. >Conon Brian (((Fitzpatrick))), known online as “Pompompurin” or “Pom” has been a reasonably high-profile hacker who has been on the radar of authorities for several years. Before allegedly founding BreachForums in 2022, Fitzpatrick, under the name of Pompompurin, took credit for an attack on an FBI server in November 2021. >In the 2021 attack, Fitzpatrick allegedly gained access to an FBI server and sent thousands of fake cybersecurity emails from the eims@is.fbi.gov address. The emails, which contained the subject line of “threat actor in systems,” claimed that “our intelligence monitoring indicates exfiltration of several of your virtualized clusters in a sophisticated chain attack.” <Forward to April 2022, and RaidForums, then the most popular regular internet forum for hackers, was taken down in a joint operation between U.S. and European law enforcement agencies. Fitzpatrick was a regular member of the forum and, with its demise, is alleged to have then founded BreachForums, which became the most popular successor site to RaidForums. >Since its founding, BreachForums has been linked to or mentioned in countless hacking stories, since it quickly became a leading destination to sell stolen data, particularly among independent hackers and others not linked to ransomware gangs. https://archive.ph/FpGFw
>>285083 >20,0000 what kind of number separation is that?
>>285143 He was running a forum where illegal activity was occurring and I also heard that he hacked an FBI email account in order to play a prank on someone, so it's not surprising that the FBI would be butthurt enough at him to go after him. Haven't really looked into the case much, myself, though.
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>>285147 >Direct linking to Plebbit
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What the living fuck did I step into?
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>>285148 #6718 in queue. Can't be arsed waiting. I've got better pointless shit to do.
>>285147 Probably because upon reverse searching that image it has been posted on cuckchan, twitter, and reddit for over a million times.
>>285149 I ask myself that just about every time I come into this thread.
>>285149 Schizo fed posting.
>>285144 >BleachedForums
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>>285151 So it didn't even come from here?
>>285155 As has been repeated multiple times, yes. It's stolen OC.
>>285156 Some random cuckchan user posted it here for whatever reason, it isn't "stolen" you retarded niggerfaggot. They need to stop posting their shit here, if anything.
>>285149 A bunch of people sperging out, who if named, will screech about "muh boogerman!".
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>>285151 >>285147 https://archive.is/4UbJo Not surprisingly, it's another in a lonmg line of "I'm woke anti-gamer SJW to atone for my past bigotry."
I should be promoted to janny to remove lcp everytime he posts, I want to mock him endlessly.
>>285161 You either live long enough to fuck by force or see yourself become the virgin.
>>285130 >>285128 At this point. I think the theory that Trump's being arrested are rumors he started true. Trump desperate for keep the media spotlight off Ron DeSantis.
>>285121 >>285120 Lip disc Africans grow up with both parents and never experienced diabetes from horrible diets. Subhuman tribes in Africa would never allow shit like drag shows. I’ll take African over African American culture any day. Africans at least have a real culture.
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>>285163 That holds some water but the left is so fucking nuts they'll do anything to fuck him over. >>285164 >Africans at least have a real culture.
>>285163 Not Clown World enough. My clown world guess is that the left are just looking for a reason or something and won't have any issues with trying to make shit up, so when something with a porn-star comes up they'll try to take advantage of it and use it to arrest trump. Now before they had the idea to do that, trump started a rumor of him going to be arrested, ironic twist is that it's the same day the left was going to do so, so the left decided to push it back to Wednesday because "haha fuck you drumpf you were wrong". TLDR: Both are True.
You fags hear about EA killing a couple of BF games? They tried to remove Mirror's Edge as well but changed their mind on that one later. >Starting April 28 2023, Battlefield 1943, Battlefield: Bad Company 1 & 2 and Mirror’s Edge will be removed from digital storefronts and you will no longer be able to purchase them. This is in preparation for the retirement of the online services for these titles which will happen on December 8 2023. For Bad Company 1 & 2 and Mirror’s Edge, you can still continue playing them and use their respective offline features, such as the single player campaign. You can also read our FAQ and Service Updates for further information on the retirement of online services https://archive.is/DUIFD
>>285164 >>285165 Some cultures are better than others no doubt about that. The only thing that was good about slavery is that it led to my ancestors eventually creating me and having me be born in Burgerland and I can't appreciate the jews enough for that, unfortunately maybe 95% of blacks are low IQ DIBSMEDAT nogs. Either way black slavery and mass immigration is a crime against humanity and indeed like in your africa 3 picture, africans should be left alone, but people will always be ignorant and never see the the truth of the matter, every country with blacks will continue to suffer until they finally open their fucking eyes and start deporting people. Colonialism was simulatously the best and worst thing to ever happen to the Africans >>802165 >so you can fuck right off But I been a part of this community since 2014, I literally didn't do anything wrong I'm trying to help you out by giving you advice. Don't bite the hand that feeds you, that is literal nigger African behavior and it never helps to be that way. Anon if you don't want to be disrespected here then leave, or change how you interact with us by chilling the fuck out, its that easy. Like dude, simply close the tab and browse any other site on the internet theres MILLIONS of them out there. If you are indeed a pedophile, reddit would unironically be a great place for you.
>>285117 >it makes you wonder who could be posting here with us right now in this very thread? And who might you be, anon?
>>285170 What if that's your Dad posting here?
>>285139 neat benus
>>285172 Kobenis
Japan won the Baseball World Classic.I wonder if Twitterfags will bitch about this.
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>>285174 NIPPON BANZAI!!!
Everyone ITfuckingT right now really needs to kill themselves.
>>285168 if that doesn't spur the mirror's edge community into taking a look at what they need to make a fake server to at least play the game offline, i think only the slap of it being gone from the store will
>>285112 There's "Those Who Hunt Elves", which is an old ass proto-isekai featuring people from Modern Japan trying to get back to their world, driving around fantasy land in a T-72 hunting elves that have a map to the maguffin tattooed on their backs.
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is this an actual demon from the games or OC?
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>>802234 It's an actual demon that will debut in the upcoming Shin Megami Tensei VI. My dad works at fatlus, that's how I got the info. CHAOSfags get the rope
>>285155 The image was made on cuckchan although there are some edits made here
>>285178 Oh shit, I thought that was really funny. Years ago I was watching it from time to time on my laptop, but the GPU died before I finished the series and I still haven't pulled the files back off the hard drive. Man, memories flooding back.
>>285180 good to know, thanks
>>285178 Old isekai was good shit.
>>802245 nah, people want to spend time playing vidya you know?
What the hell has been going on lately? This thread hasn't seen this many sperg outs since 2017.
>>285186 >2017 there have been many sperg outs after that year, if you missed them, good on you
>>285186 Downside of nothing happening. Autism takes over.
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Slow night tonight. Even compared to last night.
>>285191 Wait, thats not shimoneta
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>>285191 it was a lot quicker a few hours ago when some spergtard was going apeshit
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>>285192 You're right. I must have been having a stroke when I named that.
https://yewtu.be/watch?v=hTVxnbOIq0w >mfw, typical normal nigger discussion about politics >how is anyone fooled by this obvious AI art?
>>285179 That's Lilim fused with Jack Frost.
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>>285147 >>285151 >>285181 It was pretty suspicious just how much this was seemingly being spammed all over cuckchan when i searched through their archives. I wonder if this was a falseflag
>>285198 effortful incompetence might seem like malicious competence
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>>285189 I almost want to believe that was niggerpill getting arrested for shitposting.
>>285196 Jack frost looks heckin' cute tbh
>>285165 That fact Africans check females if they are STD-free before raping them. Shows they are on average smarter than African Americans. >>285169 >That holds some water but the left is so fucking nuts they'll do anything to fuck him over. Which makes it sadder Trump and his hardcore supporters online are not acting any better than the mainstream media it comes to Ron DeSantis. >Trump spent weeks attacking Ron Desantis >Gets so called arrested >MAGA e-celebs like Razorfag and styxhexhammer666 say Desantis failed as a leader for not sucking up to Trump. After attacking you for stealing his media spotlight >MAGA Twitter calling Ron Desantis weak when he said Trump let his personal life get in his way of his job too much What kind of world do we live in when you expect to suck off someone attacking you for weeks for no reason? Trump deargemnt syndrome goes both ways.
>>285202 The whole "trump is getting arrested" sounds like a falseflag because he would be better to be in power for kikes than Desantis
Well, the spanish motion of censure is done and it has been mildly entertaining even if was obviously rejected. The only price is hearing all the bought media for weeks as we are getting closer to some local elections.
>>285204 What was the spanish motion of censure?
>>285205 Two days of debate and the frankenstein government we have just exposed themselves of what they are, but of course the media is trying to manipulate. And the (((center right))) party runned to the swedish embasy not to participate on it, and they are now getting an internal war that might fuck over the party.
>>285190 >>285200 Apparently not, since he's been posting CP here and there.
>>285165 Africa is such a fucked up place.
>>285189 I think this is the most civil and calm cop footage I've ever seen.
>>285043 >Trump grand jury called off for Wednesday It looks like they are slowly backtracking
>>285210 It was always a movie script. They're all on the same side, on the same payroll, owned by the same masters, and literally reading from an actual script. All of politics is a hoax.
>>285211 Feels more like a desperate move to talk about anything but Ukraine, Inflation, Banks failing, etc. And then there is some think tank that thought the news would benefit Desantis, that's why he gave this shitty statement that made him look like a turncoat and made his popularity tank.
>>285203 >The whole "trump is getting arrested" sounds like a falseflag because he would be better to be in power for kikes than Desantis Ron DeSantis Said Google Should Be Broken Up >The loudest voice calling for dramatic Big Tech break up in the upcoming 2024 presidential election might not come from President Joe Biden or progressive lefties, but rather, from Florida Governor Ron DeSantis. >The conservative governor and probable presidential candidate revealed his views at a private event caught on video, where he said dominant tech firms like Google and Meta are “ruining our country” and should be broken up. In his view, Big Tech behemoths are worse for society than Standard Oil and other monopolistic industry titans from the Gilded Age, he said. >I do think companies like Google should be broken up,” DeSantis said during a 2021 invite-only retreat at the ultra-conservative Teneo Network. “They’re just too big and they have too much power.” https://archive.is/6tQgk Big tech anti-Trump agenda might backfire on them.
>>285212 Oh yes, it's certainly part of that. That doesn't mean it's not wholly scripted, of course. The fed is talking about "temporarily" insuring every deposit on record at all US banks, for example. All NINETEEN TRILLION DOLLARS in all accounts. 1. This means that the fed is legitimately terrified of the USD falling to 0 worth in the near future. 2. This means that, were they to do this, it would instantly fall to 0 worth anyway, because hyperinflating by DOUBLING THE TOTAL CURRENCY SUPPLY IN THE NATION doesn't retain value of anything. 3. And by focusing on ORANGE MAN JAIL FINALLY LOL JUST KEEP WAITING TWO MORE WEEKS AND WE'LL HAVE HIM IN JAIL you get everyone in their false dichotomy to IGNORE THIS.
>>285213 >we should give the government MORE power and control! Sounds normal for the Republican Party to me.
>>285215 >Sounds normal for the Democrat Heel Party to me. where do you come from?, what was the last game you played nigga?
>>285215 Both parties do it, just in different sectors.
>>285191 That's what fucking happens when you don't let anons have fun.
>>285215 >If you kill your enemies they win
>>284718 Hawk and dove selection, more likely. Too many doves creates too many passive aggresive men using their wiles on each other. >>284764 I probably have that many makima images before my images got unsorted.
>>285203 >>285202 Did trump actually get arrested? i haven't been paying attention.
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>>285186 > What the hell has been going on lately? This thread hasn't seen this many sperg outs since 2017. We've been distracted from talking or doing anything about Pikamee. We've been distracted from talking or doing anything about the Twitter Files. We've been distracted from talking or doing anything about the reveal that Craigslist was funding online censorship. A few people were talking about talking about doing something. There was a spergout and a kiddie porn dump, and they gave up. The anon with the "I won't buy your game" chart is the only one doing anything. If anyone is bored of being idle, here's a chance to Do Something, Asshole! (Easy Mode). Post one of these charts somewhere else, come back and tell us how it goes.
>>285221 No. It didn't happen Tuesday so the Blueanon folks went "don't worry, it's happening tomorrow!" and now tomorrow is here and still nothing. Just like every other "we've got him this time for sure!" moment the past seven fucking years.
>>285223 >>285221 It was all over the internet. Every major news outlet. Trump is now in prison. Yes, millions of people think this.
Forgot one, am retardo
>>285224 >>285225 There were, indeed, some great memes.
TRUMP JUST FLEW OVER MY HOUSE >>285209 White people for the most part (for the most part) understand the concept of police having guns so they don't literally spaz out and start screeching like black people do.
>>802427 No, expecting permanent ban soon. >>285226 Just like with all these other memes such as the dossier or the piss tapes or the elevator conversation, I wonder if there’ll be an official inquiry later this year as to why “Trump got out of prison despite being arrested”. Enough news organizations ran these photos this morning that normalfags will be calling their reps in droves to launch an investigation and form a committee because normalniggers will literally believe anything.
I think this one was my favorite. When all my co-workers were talking about this and it was on msnbc with Rachel Maddow, Plato’s cave finally clicked for me.
>>802418 Do it faggot,i want to see it.
>>285222 >Craigslist was funding online censorship. wat
>>285215 >>285219 It's always a conflicting, double-edged sword how this should be handled. We are living in a timeline where we have seen both the issues with how much control the Tech Companies (social media censorship) and the Government (Covid mandates, lockdowns) have abused. The Big Tech companies need to be reigned in, but this would put more power in the government hands and we've seen just in the past few years how bad this can get. At the same time tech companies are becoming more influential and powerful than governments themselves which can't just be left to fester. Seems like you are damned if you do and damned if you don't
>>285232 >your viewership is in the dozens, im not used to being listened to by so many people oh, oh my
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Has anyone used "My body, my choice!" slogans in support of banning infant circumcision?
>>285236 yes, obviously.
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>Brendan Fraser won an Oscar >Trump's indictment backfiring partly due to nigger DA >Justin Roiland gets cleared if all charges in court: https://archive.is/LXvBp Has The Great UnJUSTening gone too far?
>>285236 you are you are, but yeah, i can see the logic behind that questions and, yes, id say that people have, with as much success as the centenial+ old men's rights activists, but yes, its been used
>>285238 Terrible archive. All I've seen is Roiland saying the charges were dropped. Whether the accusers pulled out or it was settled with a money transfer in court, we don't know. Doesn't change the fact he's still a creep that messaged teenagers.
>>802444 >just go get arrested and thrown in jail for Trump Why?
>>802452 What the fuck are you even saying?
>>285240 Looking into it further, it seems like it was a full dismissal. Not a plea bargain. Apparently the prosecution's case was so shoddy it couldn't even make it to a jury trial. It seems to be another Johnny Depp situation with a woman straight up lying and getting caught. I don't like Justin Roiland or Rick and Morty, but any strike against cancel culture is good.
>>285238 He's still a cuck and a pedo.
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it's over
>>285244 If that's the case then it's at least one charge against him that can be dismissed. Doesn't erase the texting teenagers thing. Plus the damage to his reputation was already done with everyone saying he doesn't even do any work. Just plays with toys in the offices all day if he even does show up.
>>285246 We have an /a/ You don't need to do this every thread for random ass chapters you read this week.
>>802454 Anybody trying to form a “meetup” for a “protest” on an anonymous imageboard is, by default, leading an entrapment scheme. Trying to recruit for an organization by sending out invites to the anonymous void is, by default, going to result in a group of unstable, unvetted, dangerous niggerfaggots joining you newly minted community where, if only one person goes fucking nuts, all the leaders go to prison. I get that if you try to do it locally you’ll be at the very least ostracized by people who know you, more likely be barred from local business and organizations or at most, run out of the town completely. That’s how it is and a group of 30 people organizing to go 5th avenue where literally 5 million liberal goons are within 10 minutes of you, backed by a police force itching to fill quotas, is a bad idea literally in every way.
>>285247 All legal proceedings against him are over. Which means the DMs thing was either made up, exaggerated, taken out of context or contained too little evidence to do anything with.
>>285250 I don't think he was charged over those though. Only the abuse charges.
>>802467 Maybe because the last time he did exactly that, it resulted in what half the country considered “the worst day since 9/11” and do nothing but cry about it on all social channels all day. Not to mention that there are still three figures worth of people who went to that last event, who were picked up by the cops at a later date when they were alone, at home, and asleep, that are right now over two years later still being held in supermax solitary, many without without charge or pending trial, and you’re surprised that people now do NOT listen when such as call is made? Gee, big think.
>>285251 The fact that he isn't being charged, then, speaks to the exact same thing. The DMs were either made up, exaggerated, taken out of context or contained too little evidence to do anything with.
>>285248 what about for random ass chapters i read ages ago?
>>285254 Don't sass me.
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>>285248 I don't understand why does he upload random chapters here instead of promoting /a/. >>285245 pic related
>>285256 Autism, most likely.
>>285258 Hold on, I thought that you were referring to Brendan, my bad. Man, Roiland is a giant, fucking weirdo.
>>802476 >you’re not going to fall for the same trick as last time and become an unpersoned political prisoner? >you’re an idiot! >you need to go out there and fight those government enforcers, NOW! Even if you just stand there with a sign, it’s over for you. It’s an entire system that genuinely believes that words are literal violence that causes unmitigated damage and harm. They arrest you for speech they don’t like and good luck at your trial that you can’t afford staffed by judges and DAs who care nothing about the law as written. Maybe once you get your appeal up to a federal district court after waiting in prison for the 6 years of backlog you’ll have some semblance of a shot. All because Trump wanted you to scream your head off outside his building in a city that literally detains you for not being able to provide your medical papers on demand and arrests youy if you don’t have 4 covid shots. You go first, niggerman.
>>285259 Oh, it's no problem. Apparently the pedo shit came out from discovery, so law enforcement can still get his ass on that lmao
>>285261 If they were gonna do something with it they would have. Getting the case dismissed like this is massively embarrassing and they would want to follow up to get a win as soon as possible.
>>802484 >he forgot he was in the GamerGate Video Games thread Keep track what you’re shilling for and where. Now if you’ll excuse me I have some localizers to complain about to the guys overseas in japan.
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>>285218 >when you don't let anons have fun. I should have posted more silly A.I. images and Voice memes (and more lewds) (also, why does nobody talk about gorge George Soros anymore?.he seems to have a connection to the manhattan DA "Alvin Bragg" in trumps so called hush money case) >>285220 all the characters in this show look like NPC's from Persona 2 >>285222 hard to do any real ops on a clear net site being monitor 24/7 by glow niggers. by the time you get every usable anon assembled in the thread a warning has already gone out to all your enemies. this is way Jim laughed his ass off at Sargon of Ukip for his gamergate trump plan. this is a "discussion board", "real" action has to take place off site. (but I will post your info graphics as requested. I'll even put a few out in meat space)
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>>285254 >>285265 toriyama's into mini girls? nice, what year was this?
Next 9,000 Amazon Layoffs Will Affect Twitch, Tech, and Advertising >We cannot go one week without hearing about more tech industry layoffs, can we? Amazon has announced an additional 9,000 terminations via a memo titled ‘Update from CEO Andy Jassy on Amazon’s operating plan and additional role eliminations.’ At least Jassy didn’t hide the news behind a rosy headline. >The CEO of Amazon came out swinging, announcing that “AWS, PXT, Advertising, and Twitch” would be taking the brunt of the layoffs. Amazon Web Services (AWS) handles the company’s cloud platforms. >PXT stands for People Experience and Technology Solutions. It’s Amazon’s innovation arm. Advertising and Twitch shouldn’t need an explanation. >Amazon shuttered 18K positions globally in January, but that wasn’t enough. This was only part of a multi-phase plan to streamline the company’s “costs and headcount.” >The next phase encompasses an additional 9,000 terminations while also conducting “limited hiring in some of our businesses in strategic areas where we’ve prioritized allocating more resources.” >What are these areas? Jassy does not specify. Amazon’s CEO heads us off at the pass when it comes to asking why these cuts weren’t announced with the others. It turns out that he didn’t want all the teams/divisions to rush their assessments. >It was good to know management took their time deciding who would be shafted. I’m sure it makes those people feel warm and fuzzy. >Jassy believes shedding this weight will lead to a better experience for Amazon’s customers, “being leaner while doing so in a way that enables us to still invest robustly in the key long-term customer experiences that we believe can meaningfully improve customers’ lives and Amazon as a whole.” >His call for a leaner Amazon echoes what Meta’s Mark Zuckerberg said earlier this month. I ask myself, what did Andy Jassy sacrifice before he decided 27,000 employees needed to become unemployed in 2023? >While we don’t know exactly how many people will be affected in each division, there has to be some tangible metric used that Amazon refuses to share with the outside world. >Twitch may have become a glorified PG-13 webcam site over the past six or seven years, but the service has little competition. So where, exactly, were the staffing deficiencies? https://archive.ph/hgJ7D I’ll laugh if the rumors of Rumble buying Twitch are true.
>>285264 The thread speed is fine it doesn't need to be overdone with things like that if there are already threads for those. The Soros connection was brought up previously and already known. NY needs to be cleansed but it's either through stacked elections or hellfire at this point. And how many actual glowies monitor this site? They're probably all on cuckchan and it's mostly just autists with a grudge watching at the moment.
>>285238 >Ukraine invites China to join Ukrainian peace formula >Despite US warning about China’s 'peace plan' for the war in Ukraine >Zelensky telling Joe Biden and Washington to fuck off by inviting China to peace talks in the first place >This is after China's middle eastern peace deal with Iran and Saudi Arabia Is China internationally trying to become the CSAT China Arma 3? How did Arma 3 predict so much geopolitical shit accurately?
>>285269 It's kind of obvious, if you were the devs 10 years ago and had to put two or three pins on a map of opposition to burgerland, most would put it on russia, the middle east, and china. Nobody would expect indonesians or brazilians to suddenly have a military buildup for invading somewhere. I don't think best koreans were taken seriously back then either.
>>802505 you were fine here. nice looking anime loli with good ai lighting. >>802501 this is a goblina, irl goblina are not cute like 2D gobos. >would someone whose not a fed post this? yes, always.
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>>285264 > A.I. images Its kind of fun to play with them
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>>802513 Yes, lolis can have noses.
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>>802517 >No one is allowed to have different taste in lolis Lmao. Ayylmao, even.
>>285272 >Its kind of fun to play with them. yep, very nice (that must be "control net" right?) I'm still just messing around with a garbage app on my phone that has a shitty fork of stable D (called "rome") I need to up my game and set up my pc for this stuff >>802513 >>285273 also made of paint is a big give away >>802517 2D/2.5d will always be better then irl3dpd >>285274 >>802519 I like blue demon loli, have her fight the red one in loli kombat.
>>802522 (check) >I thought we were talking about lolis not little big planet. the dimensionality of a loli can only be 2D, 2.5D. 3D is only possibly with a holographic display (and some types of heads up displays)
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>>802501 HI FBI-KUN!
>>285267 (check) >Affect Twitch, Tech, and Advertising but, what does that really mean? can you guess who this is supposed to be?
>>285278 A gaymer girl?
>>802484 >So why does this thread exist, then? Read the OP, ethics and transparently in video game journalism and the video game industry. Were you here during the Zoe post, 5 guys, Kotaku updating their policies and guidelines followed by the "gamers are dead", "gamers are not your audience" articles? At what point did a fucking video game consumer revolt become circumvented into someone's personal task force against the feds?
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>>285275 >control net Nah, I just merged different models that I liked like an autist in different ways until I got what I wanted
Capcom Uses Drag Queens To Promote Game For Kids, Gets SLAMMED For Being CREEPY https://www.yewtu.be/watch?v=rfNg55_NOdw
>>285282 Go away, Tim.
>>285282 Sega always been faggy post Dreamcast.
>>285279 how did you know??? >>802527 yes, for years you needed an old computer, (or dos-box) but these days it's much easier (thanks to gaben!) >>285281 >different models A.I, models, or do you meanI like AI lady models? >>285284 >I like AI Me too ;^)
>>285286 It's referring to Capcom but Sega has its own fair share of gay shit, too. Like the Hardlight (Sonic Forces Speed Battle devs celebrating gay pride) and Ian Flynn being a faggot and hack writer.
>>285284 >>285287 There's a thread for this, you know?
>>285276 What about figurines?
>>285282 I don’t think Exoprimal is for kids, Beanie Boy.
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>>285287 Stable diffusion models, and if you do it correctly you can get some amazing results
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>>285291 >Videogames >Not for kids Go touch grass, manbaby. :^)
>>285289 we were just fun-posting till all hell breaks loose when they finally have trump in chains before all the rainbow-hair feminist ham-beasts that will be his judges. (or not) >>285290 >What about figurines? those are just expensive plastic (or resin?) statues. they are objects "inspired" by 2D and its perfection. >>285291 that game looks dead on arrival, GaS trash with shitty looking micro transactions and a fucking battle pass with ugly as fuck cosmetics >>285293 that's very nice looking, maybe post some recipes for some of your results in the A.I thread? mine is just basic prompts. (I have 5k images I've generated so far)
>>285280 You're talking to LCP, dumbass!
>>285296 Is it really LCP if he doesn't actually type solely in lowercase? Don't try to falsely label others like that.
>>285297 >Is it really LCP See: >>802505 It's him.
>>285292 >King specifically mentions her panties and they are shown (albeit in one drawing style mode) >Then we have panels like this where she physically cannot be wearing them I just don't understand.
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>>285296 LCP is actively posting in this thread, and that's not him. >>285298 That's a different ID, fucknut. They've said nothing similar to eachother either. Stop poisoning the well.
>>285299 I chibi mode, she has pantsu. In serious mode, nopan.
>>285300 >That's a different ID Well, I'm retarded. Don't know what the Hell I saw.
>>802555 (check) only if you use illegal training data (I would assume) >>285296 >LCP LepreChaun Police? >>285292 >>285299 I don't keep up with less then one punch man, is this a new thing?
>>285302 >Well, I'm retarded. Ayyy bby, yu wan sum fck?
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>>285299 I want to fug the midget
>>285301 doesn't even look like rumiko takahashi's art anymore... fuck! >>802571 Japan is built "different". the west (and the middle east) were founded by religious extremist that hate anything cool looking. (but that's a side issue). no need to use illegal data when lots of great looking legal stuff has been around for decades. sure, you can argue for "schrodinger's loli photo" but unless you want to make a (((federal))) case out of it... whats the point? >>285305 Would... but only with Fubuki present, to provide emotional support
>>802571 Speaking of illegal data
>>285282 What is with this weird obsession progressives have for drag queens? Is not like those things are some kind of race, religious group or “oppressed minority” they are just performance artists more specifically degenerate faggots performance artists. Instead of drag queens they should use other types of performance artists like Clown Girls or Mime Girls. Imagine, Clown Girl Story Hour
>>285307 Good thing the model can be run offline.
>>285307 holy fook! how much shit in the tech sector does china own? >>285308 >Clown Girls or Mime Girls. Imagine, Clown Girl Story Hour. I know young me would have enjoyed that way more then any being bored to death by some ugly homo in badly done drag.
>>285305 I rather hold hands with Fubuki. She's still tsundere, but not nearly as violent or stubborn as her sister.

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Was there ever a complilation made of all the modern female characters with side-shaved heads? I thought there was one, but maybe I'm misremembering.
>>285312 wasn't the side shaved head thing appropriated by un-original tumbler dykes/bedroom feminists (and then the msm that panders to them) and stolen from punk rock and goth culture?
>>285308 >Imagine, Clown Girl Story Hour Come now, anon, little shota anons can't have nice things any more than we can. They'll shove trannies and drag queens down the throats of the youth no matter what. >>285310 >I know young me would have enjoyed that way more then any being bored to death by some ugly homo in badly done drag. I would have put more effort into my education if clown girl story hour were a thing when I was a kid.
>>802583 What is this so called "point", that only you in this thread seem to be getting then?
>>285308 >What is with this weird obsession progressives have for drag queens? It's because it's for the furthering of their cult: https://odysee.com/@SovNations:0/as-below,-so-above-james-lindsay:b
>>285316 (checked) Modern day left is a death cult, they can't create life so they have to steal the children of others. rightoids love to brag about how many children they have, but they won't do shit to protect those children from being brainwashed by a death cult.
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>>285301 Usually when a girl no pan in anime. It slutty and lewd. Kagome duty being no pan coming across cute and innocent. But why?
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>>285295 I'm just having some fun creating some wolf girls, but yeah I will do it.
>>285318 lewdness? silly anon, that's just my series of elf mothers with human daughters and half sisters with eleven heritage showing close family bonds in the typical eleven way... no possible lewdness, only family. >>285319 wasn't Digimon a no-pan series at one point? >>285320 >fun creating some wolf girls. that's extremely cute love the heart shaped tuft of fur covering her naughty bits, how did you do that? >>285320 >but yeah I will do it. Rock!
>>285308 >What is with this weird obsession progressives have for drag queens? They're more obsessed about the kids, actually. They want to turn them into fags, and they will call you a bigot if you don't let them talk about sex at school without any restraint read books to kids. I don't even think the trannies teach about stranger danger. >Imagine, Clown Girl Story Hour Wanna bet they wouldn't allow it contrary to trannies because "some people are afraid of clowns, so it might be scary for children"?
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>>285322 fuckin' trannies ARE clowns tho
>>285313 >Punk rock and goth culture are tumblr >dykes/bedroom feminists Synonymous.
>>285303 you know how some panties ride high on the belly?, i think hers are basically suspender panties
>>285313 >Punk/Goth/Cyberpunk cuties Remember what they took from you.
>>285326 Except they're normal in that scene that King sees them.
>>285328 mh, ok
>>285295 Yea, exoprimal looks fun but everything about it screams DOA.
Goddamn, I just realized it's been like what, 9 years since getting booted by Moot and I've been following you retards ever since? I love you fags, even the bad ones.
>>285331 love ya to bub
>DC retcon Wonder Woman boyfriend Steve Trevor Into a fag >He left Wonder Woman for an Indian twink DC comics so woke they are cucking Wonder Woman on women month.
>>285334 >they are cucking Wonder Woman on women month Even without that little spec of context, why does this sound hilarious?
>>285331 >Moot betrayed his principles >Hotwheels betrayed his principles >Watkins betrayed his principles Mark will break. or Acid. And we will be on Exodus #4. All 17 of us.
>>285336 >Mark will break Mark doesn't have any concrete principles to break. He's just some goofy retard that moderates /v/ based on his whims or how drunk he is. Mark can never disappoint anons because no one here respects him or the way he runs the board. They expect him to always be doing indefensible shit and then walk it back when enough anons call him out on it because he always buckles to the peer pressure. >or Acid. Acid has already broken his alleged principles multiple times. It's just that his principles are so unimaginably stupid and unsustainable that no sane anon gives a shit when he broke them to purge the pedoniggers.
>>285338 The end of the police lights This one was easy.
>>285338 The MAGA shaman was a fed or at the very least was assisted by police.
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>>285331 Coming in from late 07, i'd say i spent half of my fucking life on /v/.
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>>285336 >Watkins had principles
>>285340 >I'll just make shit up All the "people" who were breaking things and instigating others mysteriously were not charged or were mysteriously released on ORs had their charges mysteriously dropped. Meanwhile... Q shaman was charged with a 30-year felony for an obscure crime of "interfering with congress", but plead it down to a misdemeanor. >>285341 Playing with AI art is fun. Look at the hands.
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In other funny news: Linus Tech Tips got hacked off youtube.
>>285346 Good. Fuck that piece of shit.
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>>284875 Graphed.
Homophobia on the rise in Africa as Ugandan criminalized LGBT >The heated atmosphere was also evident in the parliamentary debate. One parliamentarian demanded, "Homosexuals should be castrated." Translated, this can mean both sterilizing and castrating homosexuals. Sentiment against homosexuals is common in everyday life. >LGBTQ representatives have also reported cases in the past of hospitals denying AIDS medication to homosexuals because staff feared being accused of supporting homosexuals. <Law one of 'worst of its kind' >UN Human Rights Commissioner Volker Türk called the law one of the "worst of its kind in the world." The U.S. government also expressed concern, saying the law would restrict universal human rights, jeopardize progress in the fight against HIV and damage Uganda's international reputation. >If the law is enacted, the U.S. is considering economic sanctions against Uganda, according to National Security Council spokesman John Kirby. >The European Union also expressed deep concern. "The EU opposes the death penalty in all circumstances," said a spokesman for Foreign Affairs Commissioner Josep Borrell. >The Austrian Foreign Ministry called on Uganda's long-term president, Yoweri Museveni, not to sign the law. The law will go into effect if signed by Museveni. That is considered likely. "Homosexuals are a deviation from the norm," he recently lent to his anti-homosexual stance. <Roots in colonial times >Uganda is not alone in its crackdown on homosexuals. In Tanzania and Zambia, homosexuality can be punished by life imprisonment, and in The Gambia, Kenya and Malawi, up to 14 years in prison. >Many of the homophobic laws in African countries have their roots in colonial times and have contributed to a solidification of anti-homosexual sentiment. >Although society's disapproval of homosexuality is declining slightly, politicians such as Kenyan President William Ruto are often met with approval when they insist on preventing same-sex marriage because it is contrary to the country's culture and religious beliefs. >Incumbent governments in many states are open to further crackdowns on LGBTQ people, criticizing the West for promoting homosexuality and exporting a "culturally alien lifestyle." >Politicians "try to present themselves as moral people at the expense of the queer population," Annette Atieno, a spokeswoman for Kenya's National Gay and Lesbian Human Rights Commission, told the Neue Zürcher Zeitung ("NZZ"). ​<Backward steps in Ghana >A bill is also under discussion in Ghana that would drastically restrict the rights of LGBTQ people. Same-sex sexual activity is already illegal, and now, similar to Uganda, the mere act of publicly identifying as LGBTQ would be punishable by up to five years in prison. >Criminal penalties are also foreseen for advocating for LGBTQ rights and making statements about it online, reports the NGO Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF), which advocates for fundamental rights. >According to EFF, social media platforms such as Facebook, Instagram and Twitter face sanctions if they do not restrict LGBTQ content. >For Ghana, this tightening represents a step backward, as the country had developed some tolerance for LGBTQ, particularly in urban areas. In 2021, an LGBTQ support center was even opened with international diplomats in attendance. However, the resistance from politics and the church and in social networks was enormous. >Within weeks, the center was closed again, CNN reported. Shortly thereafter, plans for a tougher anti-LGBTQ law became known, which has since taken shape and is heavily criticized by activists. <Pro-LGBTQ verdict in Kenya >A strong homophobic backlash, borne of outrage on social media, also recently occurred in Kenya to a court ruling in favor of registering a nongovernmental organization that advocates for LGBTQ rights. >The ruling led to increased calls by politicians, religious leaders and extremist individuals to attack and kill LGBTQ people, Amnesty International in Kenya warned. Opposition to the ruling developed into a full-fledged campaign against LGBTQ persons. >Export of a movement and ideology" from the (((U.S.))) This is the "export of a movement and ideology" from the U.S. that is polarizing African countries and harming and endangering LGBTQ people, Foreign Policy concludes. >On several occasions, narratives of people claiming to have been "lured" and "recruited" into homosexuality were spread in mass media. The ground for this has been prepared for a long time. >As early as the 2000s, for example, Scott Lively, a well-known figure in U.S. evangelical circles, appeared at several anti-homosexual events in Uganda that ultimately resulted in a bill calling for the death penalty for homosexuality. The bill was - due to a formal error - conceded by Uganda's Constitutional Court. <(((South Africa))) guarantees rights >The pioneer when it comes to gay rights in Africa is South Africa. Although violence against homosexuals is still widespread here, at least the constitution guarantees the rights of sexual minorities. Same-sex marriage has been legal in South Africa since as early as 2006. In Austria, this has only been the case since 2019. >Even in Africa, this access is not a given. In over 30 of the 54 African countries, homosexuality is illegal. A rethink is slowly taking hold. In the past decade, five more countries legalized homosexuality: Mozambique, Botswana, Lesotho, the Seychelles, and most recently Angola in 2021. https://archive.ph/dLECc America shilling fags and trannies ended up unifying Africa against woke. Multiculturalism the best cure for WOKE.
>>285346 Guess he wasn't so good at tech after all.
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>>285349 >Deez umies be crazy
Next thread theme should be Ugandan knuckles or far cry 2 in honor of Uganda pissing off twitter and Joe Biden outlawing lgbt.
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>>285352 I was trying to avoiding the temptation of an Ugandan Knuckles joke.
>>285353 Embrace it
>>285353 That reminds me that I need to see about watching Captain Alex sometime.
>>285355 >That reminds me that I need to see about watching Captain Alex sometime. if you don’t mind a few ads. Tubi has it.
>>285351 >>285353 Ugandan cinematic Unironically has more soul than Hollywood superhero crap.
>>285340 >>285338 >The MAGA shaman was a fed or at the very least was assisted by police. more like useful idiots.
>Mali rebel and kicked out the French >Isis mysteriously returned and increased attacks in Mali >Cuckchan /k/ openly cheering on isis because Mali was going against American and French interest Anyone noticed how racist and imperialist Ukraine leftists are? https://archive.ph/I7KIJ
>>285357 The Ugandans clearly look like they love what they're doing.
>>285313 Human loona does it for me but I don’t know why?
>>285359 >africa Fuck em. They do this all the time. Kick out the whites then suddenly out of nowhere things just happen to get worse. Almost like they can't run their fucking countries on their own.
>>285360 I fucking love these lmfao
>>285362 >They do this all the time. Kick out the whites then suddenly out of nowhere things just happen to get worse. 1. Not sure if I want to count the French as white after they were responsible for modern liberalism. 2. Isis has now and always been CIA niggers and Israeli lap dogs. At least the anti-French rebellion were organically local.
>>285359 We should start calling it CIAchan instead of cuckchan, at this point. Luggage Lad hasn't been in charge there for around a decade and it seems like all they do over there these days is promote globohomo interests. I do find it hilarious that 4/pol/'s catalogue is literally just slide threads, though (I'm not exaggerating, I mean literally in the actual sense of the word). Do actual anons post there, or is it all just bots and feds?
>>285359 Remember how bad fed posting was on OG 8chan /pol/ and /k/? Cuckchan /k/ and Reddit might be worse when it comes to glowing niggers.
>>285349 >Ugandan criminalized LGBT dey no de wey
>>285366 As I said 4/pol/ is literally nothing but slide threads and one of the users of the board also got v& recently.
>>285367 >>285362 >Ugandan criminalized LGBT >dey no de wey Funny thing is. Mali seemed to tolerate the French until Macron tried to force the heart of Africa to embrace fag marriage and tranny boy castration like the United States does to Africa and Muslim world.
>>285367 So when's Uganda gonna catch up with civilization technologically then?
>>285370 This. They'll never reach the technological level required in order to churn out child trannies on an industrial scale at this rate.
>>285371 >>285370 But its them not being so developed that allowed them to tell LGBT to fuck off, its kinda ironic
>>285360 This reminds me of the 3D FMVs that you'd see in 90's CD games, and I live it.
>>285372 Great. Now they just have to stop cannibalism, rape, child brides, & learn to do basic farming on their own.
>>285374 And how to produce child trannies at scale. Not to mention have a below replacement rate fertility level. That one is the most important.
>>285374 Step one would be to get the humanitarians out of the country, step two would be to teach them Christianity. >>285375 Step three would be to teach them to trust no foreigners from that day forward.
>>285376 >Step three would be to teach them to trust no foreigners from that day forward. But how would they be able to compete in the child tranny creation race without foreigners uplifting them? The Child Tranny Gap with the civilized nations would increase exponentially. What would they do when they find that they have no child trannies with which to compete with the rest of the globe?
>>285377 Just kill the foreign child trannies?
The new thread's just about ready. Will post at 700
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>>285379 ==CLOBE DA GABE
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== Fug
>>285360 Kek, awesome! If there's any devs in the thread, make your cut scenes like this. Don't try to be slick and polished, this is way more fun! In fact, make your whole game like this. Do the Ugandans make vidya?
>>285359 /k/ became such a cucked place.
>>285382 They can barely make movies.
New bread is waiting >>285379 >>285384 They must have great fun making them though.
>>285238 We did it Reddit! >>285385 Eh go ahead and post it.
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Alright then, since it's a slow evening. Let me show you the way to the NEW THREAD: >>802847 >>802847 >>802847 >>802847 >>802847 >>802847 >>802847 Such good times were had, I want to converse with TNA once again soon
>>285388 Good times indeed

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