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#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: Alternates Edition Anonymous 07/17/2023 (Mon) 15:29:24 Id: 2c366c No. 316329
ONGOING DISCUSSIONS: >Buzzfeed News is shutting down https://archive.is/mI2rz >The Gamer Praises Censorship in ‘Resident Evil 4’ Remake, Claims Original Game’s Panty Shots Encourage “Misogynistic Behaviour In Real Life” https://archive.is/qGtKO >Chris Avellone wins seven figures lawsuit, possible return to video games industry https://archive.is/ZDgT7 >GJP is attacking Valve over not supporting BLM https://archive.vn/12kPM >Nathan Grayson laid off as The Washington Post shuts down Launcher, their gaming section https://archive.is/B9wT2 >Limited Run Games fires employee after complaints over who she follows on Twitter https://archive.vn/obNiJ >Regulators (FTC) Look To Block Microsoft Acquisition Of Activision Blizzard Inc https://archive.ph/rKNDf >EU antitrust regulators to probe Microsoft's $69 billion Activision bid https://archive.ph/SqhgU >IGN Journalist who reviewed The Last of Us Part 2 joins Naughty Dog as Editorial Content Manager https://archive.ph/eTmtu https://pastebin.com/GGG5Kwdr >Arc System Works confirms that Bridget is trans https://archive.ph/lkbiL >Cloudflare bans Kiwifarms https://archive.ph/5ziDX >IMDB deletes every user review for The Rings of Power which rated it 5 or less https://archive.ph/Zg95c >Ben Kuchera claims he was fired by Vox Media for taking time off to deal with his children being sexually abused https://archive.ph/nB79z >Wiki is up again! https://ggwiki.deepfreeze.it/index.php/Main_Page CURRENT TASKS: 1. OPERATION MAX REVIVE Rebuild the board's userbase and activity through simple, but effective methods 1. Post across the entire board Activity creates activity. Use threads you like, make new ones if topics don't exist. Easy examples are Drawthreads and Friday Night threads, go request or draw something right now. 2. Recruit and recover lost or potential anons Use this site's OC and features to entice anons if necessary when recruiting, just inform that we are alive. Here's some sites and links with at least some confirmed anons that can be recruited again: https://steamcommunity.com/groups/8chotwheels https://steamcommunity.com/groups/SSAVCH https://steamcommunity.com/groups/video_games https://steamcommunity.com/groups/8chmohun https://steamcommunity.com/groups/8chan_monster https://steamcommunity.com/groups/GoodLuckEbolaChan https://steamcommunity.com/search/groups/#text=8ch.net https://steamcommunity.com/search/groups/#text=8chan Other sites that might yield fruitful results and have anons (art sites use an account so you can see 18+ content):
[Expand Post]https://www.deviantart.com/search?q=Vivian+James https://www.newgrounds.com/search/summary?suitabilities=etm&terms=Vivian%20James https://twitter.com/search?q=Vivian%20James&src=typed_query&f=image https://rpgcodex.net/ https://old.reddit.com/r/KotakuInAction/ Somewhere on Telegram Just searching up GG or 8chan-related terms on certain places/sites can get you possible results. 3. Make your own OC/Memes/Content Doesn't matter what it is even if its just simple edits or full-on drawings or webms, just make it and have fun. Ask in thread for software recs if necessary. 4. Encourage or create fun events, activities, projects, etc. Think things like 8chanmania, weekly streams, re-translation projects, demo days, or zzz's gaming magazine for example. If you want to do something, try making or reviving it, it can't hurt and these things are great for the board. 5. Use other boards All it takes for a board to grow is at least 2 dedicated anons using it. Don't be afraid to make a post, check places periodically, shill, or what have you. Don't force discussions to boards, just encourage the usage of them. 2. OPERATION TRAJAN: Collect and catalog all of the various localization and censorship accounts of past video games into a single repository from these sources: romhacking.net The_Cutting_Room_Floor/tcrf.net Segaretro.org https://redirect.invidious.io/channel/UCFItIX8SIs4zqhJCHpbeV1A Examples: http://archive.vn/XQOHW Sony's policies forces censorship; JP devs allegedly have to go through ENG approval process: https://archive.fo/awzFF - Japanese blog post about it: https://archive.fo/bF9bE Sony Japan President Says PS4 Censorship Policy Is To Match Global Standards And Protect Kids: https://archive.fo/U3GLa - Confirms censorship was deliberate: https://archive.fo/XgAgP - No rules for censorship policies, games judged case-by-case: https://archive.fo/37DhK - Marvelous partner starts petition against policy: https://archive.fo/rxQtf https://archive.fo/84UHo • Twitterfags: Tweet with Sony's stock code $SNE so that investors see your tweets and know you're pissed. • Consider spreading OP Timber materials to targets as well: http://archive.vn/URjtu ONGOING TASKS: A. Operation Download And Conquer: Loosen the death-grip of Google that has taken hold of the internet's audio and video services >>>/t/5546 B. Support archive.fo! Accountability needs proof: https://liberapay.com/archiveis/donate C. OP DisNod: Contact the FTC and advertisers about violations and unethical practices http://archive.vn/9bylT D. Internet Censorship happenings: Spread the word about the dangers of FOSTA/CLOUD act/Article 13, etc. https://www.eff.org/de/deeplinks/2020/03/earn-it-act-violates-constitution E. OP End the Era: Dig into resetera and their connections to journos, devs, etc. http://archive.vn/JfuSb Reminders (important, READ THESE!): • Use https://archive.today to deny sites ad revenue and traffic and preserve pages in case they are deleted later • Be civil if you have to argue with people on Twitter, Tumblr or any forum - don't make us look like douchebags • Do not accept requests for any goal, demand lists or personal army requests: https://pastebin.com/p5dVp1e5 • Beware COINTELPRO: The Gentleperson's Guide to Forum Spies: https://cryptome.org/2012/07/gent-forum-spies.htmSTOP REPLYING TO BAITS AND OBVIOUS DERAILMENT ATTEMPTS, JUST REPORT AND FILTER Resources >Summaries of #GamerGate:https://redirect.invidious.io/watch?v=wy9bisUIP3w - #GamerGate - If It's Not About Ethics • https://redirect.invidious.io/watch?v=5fnRSL3d_xU - #GamerGate in 60 Seconds • https://archive.fo/23Fde - GamerGate: A State of the Union Address >Background and Evidence for #GamerGate: • The #GamerGate Dossier: https://archive.fo/nv1Fb • #GamerGate Wiki: https://ggwiki.deepfreeze.it/index.php?title=Main_Page • History of #GamerGate: https://www.historyofgamergate.com/ • View the timeline links in the Current Happenings section! >Lists: • GG Steam Support & Boycott List: https://v.gd/vzRsRb • Key GamerGate Hubs: https://v.gd/LNJbat >Thread Repository: https://gitgud.io/gamergate/gamergateop/blob/master/ThreadRepository.md https://ggwiki.deepfreeze.it/index.php?title=Thread_Repository >Full OP Text: • Current: https://ggwiki.deepfreeze.it/index.php?title=The_GamerGate_OP >How Can I Help? >>>/gamergatehq/ • All OPs: https://gitgud.io/gamergate/gamergateop/tree/master/Operations • OP Vulcan: Learn logical debating: https://v.gd/Kbzw0L • An Anon's Guide to Twitter; basics: https://v.gd/nwrbYF >Want to Contribute to GitGud or Wiki? https://gitgud.io/gamergate/gamergateop/tree/master/How-to-Contribute
Vanta black coal being
>>858882 >Shit's so radioactive that Josh banned it from Kiwifarms With how faggy Jewsh is, that doesn't mean much.
>>316331 Wouldn't "Gabriel" already know you "love" him considering he's larping as god under humanities nose the whole time? Another question would be if night terrors are another form of Alternate in the Mendala catalog universe? If that's the case it means you technically can have sex with an alternate.
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Archive of previous bread https://archive.fo/I73L1 Steve is back by the way.
>>316331 Stop trying to lewd satan.
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>>316329 Nigger!
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Not a single post in this thread beside the OP has anything remotely having to do with Gamergate or even videogames in general.
>>316347 Well there's nothing happening in this specific moment. Unless you wanna organize a march on NISA HQ.
>>316347 Benis
>>316348 It'd be nice to talk about things to do that could help the site or gaming in general, like a new operation, or companies that have recently been shown to have zero moral integrity. I don't know, something to do with videogames would be nice. Sometimes the thread feels like 8chan in its entirety shrunk down to a thread size.
>>316347 >not videogames
>>316347 And? You think there are rules here? Posting off-topic (but desired by the mod): nothing happens. Posting on-topic (but not desired by the mod): banned and posts deleted Pretty simple to understand.
>>316329 Please give me some servers for gamenights >>858461 Nintendo friends codes and Steam accounts/groups also work
>>316353 We should make a Sonic Robo Kart server or something.
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>>316347 You want sum vidoe gaems? HERE YOU GO!
The loli arugment of "A drawing of what" falls apart when you apply it to literally anything else. Play GTA and kill and NPC, and you're a murder by representation because that NPC represented a real person. Write a story about a a character raping another character, and you become a rapist by representation because you wrote how one character raped another. And, if you REALLY want to get stupid about it, whenever you sell an item in a video game, and don't set a portion of the in-game currency aside for real taxes owed in your country, you're unironically and literally committing tax fraud by representation because none of that in-game currency goes towards paying the real taxes you owe. To put it simply, it's a waste of time arguing and doesn't fucking matter because it's fucking fiction. End of discussion!
>>316357 Do you think the people that you post arguments against care? Grow up.
>>316358 This, just say "okay retard" and go live life.
>>316357 Murder is an action, not a desire. Murder is not analogous to being a pedophile. That would be a child molester. None of the pedoniggers are accusing lolicons of molesting children. They are accusing them of being pedophiles. A pedophile does not necessarily want to molest children. In the same way someone that watches gory films and plays violent video games does not necessarily want to murder people. If you're going to derail the thread by trying to epicly pwn pedonigger arguments at least have the IQ to understand the arguments that they are making. All you've done is give them an easy slam dunk with this brain dead post.
>>316360 >Murder is an action, not a desire. The Bible begs to differ.
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>>316361 Wanting to kill people doesn't make you a murderer. I'm sure there's some word we could ascribe to those people, but to be a murderer it is required that you've actually murdered someone. You don't need to have molested a child to be a pedophile.
>>316363 Actually if you are attracted to kids you are a pedophile, if you molest kids that makes you a child molester, i think you're either retarded or arguing in bad, bad faith, i dont know who's jewing whom anymore.
>>316364 >Actually if you are attracted to kids you are a pedophile, if you molest kids that makes you a child molester Uh, yeah. That's what I just said you fucking retard.
>>316365 I can't read
Is TIKanon still browsing those threads?
>>316348 What are we going to do at NISA HQ fellow gamer? Also if you have a specific date and time, that'd be great.
>>316364 >>316363 In the normalfag lexicon there is fundamentally no difference between pedophile and child molester, since the prevailing view is that the former will always become the latter if given the chance.
Why is there yet another loli = pedophilia argument? There's been a lot of this recently
How do we bring more activity to this site and expand interest in other boards?
>>316370 Soyjak.party got seized b/c admins were pedophiles tricking kids into making CP for them on discord and then blackmailing people involved to get dox and then hosted the live suicides for profit.
>>316369 It's a good thing there aren't any normalfags among us, right guys?
>>316371 I'm always linking to this site on 4chan and reddit, but the fact that our leader is Jewish is a deal breaker for most of them.
>>316372 I don't want to believe that because that's too sick to accept people being willing to do that.
PEdophile ring on discord exposed: https://archive.is/g1Q2L Apparently the owner of Soyjack, someone named "Kuz" was also forced to settle a court case accusing him of child molestation. Link to the chat leaks: https://mega.nz/file/Q21iXbaT#wpQf9JS6i74iJN5A9XB_k4_hRxc821in9CbjlxNzZN0 Twitter lolicons compiled a list: https://archive.fo/Ia5ZH
>>316376 You'd think they would at least do their pedoniggery on an encrypted messenger. How fucking retarded are these cuckchan niggers?
>>316377 They’re not retarded, they’re hubristic. They genuinely believe that what they’re doing is good and they don’t believe they should have to hide it at all. People like this will keep going to count until one of the courts finally sides with them and then soon after a massive social movement (backed by the government and every major institution and corporation) for their “right” to fuck a child will take off. I genuinely believe that we haven’t gotten that far only because the Supreme Court is currently 6-3 instead of 3-6 like it was planned to be as of today.
>>316370 Those soyjak spammers (who would constantly make anti-loli posts) got outed as actual pedos.
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>>859171 >We are speaking about how we interact with people coming with the "a drawning of what" its a game of gotcha and not a honest discussion Such "dishonest" discussions usually take place on social media where they're viewed by undecided third parties. Never argue solely for the sake of convincing your opposition on any topic, as most of the time they'll be obstinate regardless. Argue for either your own quest for truth, or for the eyes of third parties. >>316360 >A pedophile does not necessarily want to molest children. Yes they do. That's the definition of the term. But you can want to murder someone and simply not do it because you know it's wrong or fear the consequences. You're conflating merely "wanting to do an action" with "desiring so strongly as to be reasonably likely to commit an action". >>316357 >you're a murder by representation because that NPC represented a real person Action =/= attractions. Stop using arguments that have been debunked for many years. You're like a broken record. I wasn't even going to carry this discussion over to the next thread until I saw you say something this fucking stupid, and it triggered my retard alert.
>>316376 >Twitter lolicons compiled a list: At number 45, the images won't load. But dear God, the amount of hypocrites and sick fucks that plague the Internet is astounding.
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>>316362 Does the mega tits dani-freya drawfag have a name?
Watch out for GamerGate The public enemy of the world #1 It is the main hashtag responsible for… ☑ Accidentally re-starting the French Revolution ☑ Weaponized Gondolas ☑ Hacking German politicians and media ☑ Played "To Catch a Predator" with Randy Pickford ☑ Masterminded the destruction of GDQ via the Catfish of Legend: Namazu ☑ Under the light of the Blood Moon; Self-destructed Western Journalism by having a some kid smirk at a drumming savage ☑ Just wanted to start a conversation with everyone, everywhere, eternally ☑ Watched Gawker die TWICE ☑ Guilty of face crimes ☑ When GameStop tried to sell itself; offered $3.50 in in-store credit ☑ Made telling "journalists" to "learn to code" into a hate crime ☑ Taught the Alt-Right ✅Then harassed said Alt-Right ☑ Started in 2011-2012 when 4chan tried to steal Anita Sarkeesian's SSN# ☑ Created "Boner Culture" which made cis straight male erections the most powerful force on earth ☑ Had a Jewish Mobster 'Take Care' of it ☑ Asked THQ about gaemu which somehow triggered World Wide Web War III ☑ Tricked /cow/ into developing and sharing their fetish for Mark's plump bagel with ResetEra ☑ Triggered GJP3.0 with 57 hitpeices on THQ Nordic's AA ☑ Orchestrated the GaymerGay misogynist review backlash against Marvel's Captain Woman ☑ Taught New Zealand about "White Day" ☑ Radicalized Spyro the Dragon ☑ Turned Pewdiepie into the Osama Bin Ladin of GaymerGays ☑ "The nerds and gamers were joined by the proto-storm troopers of the alt-right in a bond that has never been broken" ☑ Was a trial run for "will the US tolerate fascist behavior" ☑ Exploring new frontiers in sexual harassment via Jelly Bean ☑ Groomed young impressionable politicians into misogynists ☑ Created and trained the alt-right to take over the political landscape on a global scale (And succeeded) ☑ Arranged for Sonic the Hedgehog (movie ver.) to get "fixed" ☑ Remains undefeated for all time ☑ Turned Rage 2 into a Trump-esque attack on game journos ☑ Joined forces with Amazon ☑ Helped Mark impress Resetera ☑ Used Elliot Rodger's martyrdom to unite 4Chan and Breitbart to elect Donald Trump ☑ Will be looked back upon in 50 years as the root cause of the coming Cultural Civil War ☑ Government-sponsored shitposting ☑ Mastered the manipulation of the news cycle to their advantage ☑ Made Anita cry when Feminist Frequency went broke ☑ Destroyer of Worlds ☑ Russian Conspiracies (all of them) ☑ Extended Reanon's death/meme-magic to animation studios (please meme responsibly) ☑ An instrument of American Trumpian Power Worldwide
[Expand Post]☑ Cured alleged "journalist" of dyslexic anxiety ☑ An aberrant, creeping horror ☑ As dangerous as Anti-Vax, ISIS, and Holocaust Denial ☑ Five years of ruining everything ☑ Came to the classroom ☑ Trained Google whistleblowers ☑ Never died and foreshadowed our toxic meme-strewn politics ☑ Blew up the Internet ☑ Made wanting challenge in videogames into supporting White Supremacy ☑ Was secretly fighting WWIII all along ☑ Stochastic Terrorism ☑ Being a national security threat according to the DHS ☑ Helped Mark win the lottery ☑ Gave the money back ☑ Living long enough to see itself become the villain in a TV Show THRICE ☑ Confused the FBI into thinking /v/ is /baphomet/ ☑ Turned Anita Sarkesian into a crazy cat lady ☑ It's #Gamergate Forever ☑ Justifiably felt alienated by the neoliberal fetishization of feminism and the reductionism of politics to identity teams ☑ Was rabidly pro-corporate ☑ Manipulated a SJWeeb into review-bombing a LGBTWTFBBQ-friendly game as a "test" ☑ Non-meat based cam girls ☑ Caused the Corona outbreak which destroyed China to cheer up a depressed CIA glownigger ☑ Digisexuals ☑ Called the cyber police to put a cripple in cyber jail ☑ Weaponizing decency ☑ Made the games industry a nightmare for Women, Colored People, and Ashley Burch ☑ The inevitable ultimate horror of Sega's "toxic" advertising for ChuChu Rocket ☑ Has the highest body count of any COVID-19 disinfo group ☑ Finally got the 8kun administration to get off their ass and answer the damn phone ☑ Searching for a new home (again) ☑ Made some /v/ hotpockets on other imageboards go insane ☑ Burned julay to the ground by doing basically fuck-all except continue to exist (props to a certain bunbunmaru reporter, tho) ☑ Having a high enough IQ to be mentioned on Rick and Morty ☑ Radicalized a grandmother to the point she promotes harassment against alleged games journalists ☑ Is the terrorist group backed by 'The French' who are behind President Trump's exhausting battle against twitter ☑ Protecting FUCKING GAMESTOP from looters ☑ Finally started the Race War by forcing a meth-head on a date with Corona-chan to take a knee to the neck from the police ☑ Confirmed for Baby Hitler ☑ Gave a lot of airtime to Soviet defector Yuri Bezmenov ☑ Got on the Atlantic's "free $100" van only to get intervewed ☑ Started a backlash against the French independent film industry because they want to raise pure little girls ☑ And then Russia wanted to shut down 8chan.moe to be ironic ☑ Was clearly a blueprint for Trump's online assault in 2016 ☑ A gravestone marked “Games Journalism; Dead By Suicide,” with the date of death corresponding with the launch of GG ☑ Took over the US capitol ☑ Funded by the GOP ☑ Using Reddit's radicalized nihilism to counter jews shorting FUCKING GAMESTOP ☑ Made Mark the Godfather of Gamergate ☑ Corrected Polygon on Titanfall lore ☑ Accidental meme magic discharge (R.I.P Miura) ☑ Planet-range racism field ☑ Not wanting people to put down the controller and talk about their feelings ☑ Destroyed the logic process of a bot wreaking havoc across multiple imageboards with just one simple trick ☑ Caused Blizzard executives to threaten their employees with rape ☑ Came to Alex Hutchinson's Defense ☑ Made Vivian a feminist symbol ☑ Grew to a geopolitical scale and spilled into real life with devastating consequences ☑ Got their own TV show ☑ Brandon’s First fan ☑ Gave birth to Qanon ☑ Is the precedent for /K/yle Rittenhouse ☑ Ruined people's brains by turning them into corporate bootlickers ☑ Created the concept of "Culture War" ☑ Was the watershed event in the ascendancy of online extremist personalities and tactics ☑ Mars manifest destiny ☑ Was behind Elon Musk's twitter takeover all along ☑ The Ruby Ridge of online violence ☑ Funneled men into far-right politics via witch-hunting ☑ We now live in a gamergateocracy ☑ Resulted in abortions being banned ☑ Accused of being none other than Gamergate ☑ Making mainstream games soft-sell white supremacy ☑ Getting their own theater piece in the Netherlands ☑ Was a rebellion against English class ☑ Conquistato il senato Italiano usando nerd armati ☑ Let the far right borrow it's online moves ☑ Radicalized a """"Right Wing"""" illegal immigrant canadian nudist hippy into assassinating Nancy Pelosi's husband with a hammer ☑ “How did I get into all this,” Mr. DePape wrote in one passage on his blog: “Gamer Gate it was gamer gate” ☑ Caught dogwhistling about Kotaku's journalistic integrity at MAGFest ☑ Being as legitimately terrifying as loving AI art on alt-right hate subreddits ☑ Actually, it's about ensuring children are left alone
>>316380 >>316360 >Murder is an action, Anon, why would someone take interest in downloading GTA unless they wanted to be a virtual murderer? You cannot progress in GTA without killing an NPC. > Action =/= attractions Why would you have GTA on your computer unless you're a murderer? If you're not a murderer, then you wouldn't have GTA on a console nor computer.
>>316384 >Anon, why would someone take interest in downloading GTA unless they wanted to be a virtual murderer? Whoever said there's anything wrong with being a virtual murderer? It's actual murder that's the problem. Your analogy still doesn't map. >Why would you have GTA on your computer unless you're a murderer? Repeating the same conflation of actions and thoughts doesn't make actions and thoughts any less different.
>>316381 >dear God, the amount of hypocrites and sick fucks that plague the Internet is astounding. >if only you knew how bad things really were.bmp It's what social media is incubating so these mentally ill schizophrenics and BPD types, who are obviously terminally online, are likely more the norm than you could possibly imagine.
>>316380 >Yes they do. That's the definition of the term. But you can want to murder someone and simply not do it because you know it's wrong or fear the consequences. You're conflating merely "wanting to do an action" with "desiring so strongly as to be reasonably likely to commit an action". I mean it's kind of silly to say you want to do something in which the conditions would never actually allow for you to be comfortable with doing it. I wouldn't say I want to murder people because I enjoy fantasies of murdering people. If one has respect for individuals that desire can cancel out desires that infringe on their agency. Everyone on some level fantasies about killing, but to say that every single person on the planet wants to murder people is just semantically incoherent. >>316384 >a virtual murderer You're just embarrassing yourself with this shit. Stop trying.
>>316357 Yeah, that's how I feel about it. But you must remember, in an internet argument you're not trying to beat the enemy into submission, but rather convince the neutrals that your position is more agreeable than that of a leftist covert child molester. Optics is real, but it's not something you need to direct towards your attacker, rather you should use it as a way to make your attacker look worse than you do. >>316354 >We should make a Sonic Robo Kart server or something. zzzchan has a server up, but I'd be happy to have another one. Archived their SRB2K thread though since it contains all the necessary links and I don't feel like going through all of it for the individual patches. >>316377 >You'd think they would at least do their pedoniggery on an encrypted messenger. How fucking retarded are these cuckchan niggers? When no one calls you out, you tend to care very little about OPSEC.
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>>316387 >I mean it's kind of silly to say you want to do something in which the conditions would never actually allow for you to be comfortable with doing it. I like blowing shit up. I'd love to blow up the Eiffel Tower just to see it happen. But I'd never be comfortable with historic monuments like that actually being destroyed. >Everyone on some level fantasies about killing, but to say that every single person on the planet wants to murder people is just semantically incoherent. Then bring the discussion back to the original subject, since we don't have a good word for "has an inherent urge to murder" as different from idle everyday fantasies. Pedophilia is an inherent urge to diddle kids. It means you want to diddle kids because your brain is fucked. >>316389 Danke.
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I want to draw niggatoro
>>316385 >Whoever said there's anything wrong with being a virtual murderer? Because you're still murdering people (In a game). No "sane" person would do that. > Repeating the same conflation of actions and thoughts doesn't make actions and thoughts any less different. Why would you go searching out a "murder simulator", like GTA, in the first place? >>316388 >rather you should use it as a way to make your attacker look worse than you do. There are multiple ways of doing this. One of which is to mock them and show how stupid the argument is.
>>316390 >I like blowing shit up. I'd love to blow up the Eiffel Tower just to see it happen. But I'd never be comfortable with historic monuments like that actually being destroyed. Which means you don't want to blow up the Eiffel Tower. >Pedophilia is an inherent urge to diddle kids. I suppose there's just a fundamental difference between wanting to do something and having an urge to do it. Urges are instinctual, where to want requires a degree of agency. I'm not sure I can articulate the concept very well.
>>316390 >>316393 No, don't you see, he's saying that he would blow up the Eiffel Tower if it meant that it could be rebuilt and no consequences would happen as a result of it. Therefore, he's no different than an actually terrorist who WOULD blow up the Eiffel Tower entirely knowing that it wouldn't be rebuilt and consequences would happen as a result of it. This Anon should be locked up for being a terrorist in the world of thought and fantasy.
>>316394 Shut the fuck up already you remedial faggot.
>>316392 >Which means you don't want to blow up the Eiffel Tower. I mean it's kind of silly to say you fantasize about and would love to do something you don't actually want to do at any level. Methinks you have a very strict definition of "want" which is why I began by pointing out there are varying kinds of "wants".
>>316389 >Nursing fetish Such a hardon. Anyone knows another one that does nursing fetish?
So how can we open Pandora's box and witness the anti-loli crusade to get mad at Brass Eye?
>>316396 Yes the word want can be interpreted in a number of ways here. But if someone asked you if you wanted to blow up the Eiffel Tower without any qualifications you wouldn't simply answer yes. So if a pedophiles qualifications for wanting to molest a child were that they had to exist on some magical vacuum where the child in question was some AI that lacked sentience then it would be equally silly for him to answer yes to a question that omitted said qualification.
>>316399 If you asked an alleged NOMAP pedophile the question without any qualifications other than that they would not suffer consequences for their answer, the answer would be "Yes, but I know it's wrong that I want that, so I don't."
>>316400 I think it's important to distinguish between an urge and something you have decided you actually want to do. >"Yes, but I know it's wrong that I want that, so I don't." This is just acknowledging an urge. We can say that an urge and a want are the same thing, but then we'd have to come up with another word to describe acting on a desire that doesn't conflict with your moral framework.
>>316398 >First vid Isn't there a statue of a literal and actual convicted pedophile that's placed right outside of the BBC headquarters?
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>>316400 What the fuck is a NOMAP Not Overtly Mucking About Pedophile?
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>>316402 yes, probably
>>316397 baalbuddy? >>316392 Mockery only goes so far though. Having seen political breadtubers getting annihilated by leftists, it seems to me that the most important tactic is to keep your cool, move the goal post while passively annoying your opponent until they snap and make a mistake, at which point you still calmly latch onto it and force him to explain over and over again his point.
>>316398 Is that Mitchell and Webb in the first one? >>316404 The British really do have a keener sense of humor than burgers. Even the weirdest one are at least pretty memorable.
Reminder to dig into the Twitter files. In order of discoveries: https://anonfiles.com/J6p653Ley5/gg_zip https://nitter.catalyst.sx/bariweiss/status/1601007575633305600 https://nitter.poast.org/ShellenbergerMD/status/1604908670063906817 https://archive.vn/MWux4#selection-15285.0-15285.254 https://nitter.poast.org/lhfang/status/1605292454261182464 Expose them. Send emails to everyone about them. -The jewish communist group responsible for the censorship is the Strategic Response Team - Global Escalation Team ((( SRT-GET ))). -This secret group included Head of Legal, Policy and Trust (Vijaya Gadde), the Global Head of Trust &Safety (Yoel Roth), subsequent CEOs Jack Dorsey and Parag Agrawal, and others. -It's detailing special treatment for U.S. government propaganda. Twitter lying to congress (again) this time about shutting down sate propaganda. Pentagon running psyops on Twitter. Evidence of things people knew or suspected. > FBI ordered and paid off Twitter to censor the Biden corruption story > FBI intentionally did it to sway the election for Biden > FBI knowingly lied when they told Twitter that the info was hacked by the Russians > FBI had learned about the laptop by spying on Rudy Giuliani's emails > that's the prosecutor who took down the Mafia, New York's mayor during 9/11, and the President's personal lawyer > because the FBI was spying on all of the President's staff > with the intention of finding dirt to justify kicking him out of office > so the FBI was trying to overthrow the government for all four years of his presidency > because It Was Her Turn > they couldn't believe that Hillary could have lost the election without Russian interference > so FBI justified all the spying by claiming that Trump was working for the Russians because he had business dealings with the Russian mob in the past > they could have read Trump's file and seen that he was the FBI informant spying on the Russians for them > they found no evidence of Trump working for Russia, but kept trying to overthrow him > Hillary was working for Alfa Group and Sberbank the whole time HOW TWITTER RIGGED THE COVID DEBATE https://twitter.com/davidzweig/status/1607378386338340867 https://archive.ph/S1rN2 https://threadreaderapp.com/thread/1607383214452080647.html Former FBI General Counsel James Baker, who helped grease the wheels to get FISA warrants to spy on Trump, tried to get the sitting POTUS censored while working at Twitter for saying “don’t be afraid of COVID” https://twitter.com/DC_Draino/status/1607434394590904323 https://archive.ph/o6E7V Google currently employs at least 165 people, in high-ranking positions, from the Intelligence Community. Ex-CIA agents are Heads of Trust & Safety at Google & Facebook. https://twitter.com/NameRedacted247/status/1607539875712217089 https://archive.ph/7TxVJ https://threadreaderapp.com/thread/1607539875712217089.html Beijing On American Campuses: Here's Every College With A Confucius Institute. 2020.04.22 https://dailycaller.com/2020/04/22/beijing-china-american-college-campus-confucius-institute-list/ https://web.archive.org/web/20200424043755/https://dailycaller.com/2020/04/22/beijing-china-american-college-campus-confucius-institute-list/ https://archive.ph/NWvjF If It Seems Like the Washington Post Published chinese State Propaganda Today, It's Because It Might Actually Have. 2020.08.04 https://redstate.com/brandon_morse/2020/08/04/washington-post-ccp-paid-n250099 https://web.archive.org/web/20201212075259/https://redstate.com/brandon_morse/2020/08/04/washington-post-ccp-paid-n250099
[Expand Post]https://archive.ph/EfnW2 Beijing-Controlled News Outlet Paid U.S. Newspapers Millions To Publish Propaganda This Year. 2020.11.22 https://dailycaller.com/2020/11/22/china-daily-propaganda-wall-street-journal/ https://web.archive.org/web/20201123014550/https://dailycaller.com/2020/11/22/china-daily-propaganda-wall-street-journal/ https://archive.ph/uUfAA Revealed: Xiden UN, State Department Picks Are Documented chinese Communist Party Consultants. 2020.11.24 https://thenationalpulse.com/exclusive/biden-un-state-picks-are-ccp-consultants/ https://web.archive.org/web/20201124130205/https://thenationalpulse.com/exclusive/biden-un-state-picks-are-ccp-consultants/ https://archive.ph/W59KD Democrats Protect chinese Communist Propaganda 'Confucius' Groups from Punitive Action. 2020.12.18 https://thenationalpulse.com/breaking/democrats-protect-chinese-communist-propaganda-confucius-groups-from-punitive-action/ https://web.archive.org/web/20201218202056/https://thenationalpulse.com/breaking/democrats-protect-chinese-communist-propaganda-confucius-groups-from-punitive-action/ All Major Western Media Outlets Take 'Private Dinners', 'Sponsored Trips' from chinese Communist Propaganda Front. 2020.12.29 https://thenationalpulse.com/exclusive/media-private-ccp-dinners-trips/ https://web.archive.org/web/20201229172811/https://thenationalpulse.com/exclusive/media-private-ccp-dinners-trips/ https://archive.ph/z3POh REVEALED: Full List Of Western Media Outlets Participating In CUSEF chinese Communist Propaganda Events. 2020.12.30 https://thenationalpulse.com/exclusive/western-media-chinese-communist-events/ https://web.archive.org/web/20201230195140/https://thenationalpulse.com/exclusive/western-media-chinese-communist-events/ https://archive.ph/j6wdD CNN's Fareed Zakaria Met With chinese Communist Party Think-Tank Linked To "Favorable Coverage" Junkets. 2021.04.24 https://thenationalpulse.com/exclusive/fareed-zakaria-visited-ccp-think-tank/ https://web.archive.org/web/20210424152922/https://thenationalpulse.com/exclusive/fareed-zakaria-visited-ccp-think-tank/ chinese Propaganda Outlet Paid Millions to American Newspapers and Magazines, Records Show. 2021.05.25 https://freebeacon.com/media/chinese-propaganda-outlet-paid-millions-to-american-newspapers-and-magazines/ https://web.archive.org/web/20210525185141/https://freebeacon.com/media/chinese-propaganda-outlet-paid-millions-to-american-newspapers-and-magazines/ https://archive.ph/etaBT L.A. Times Publishes Beijing-Funded Propaganda, Conceals china's Massive Coal Use & Emissions. 2021.05.28 https://wattsupwiththat.com/2021/05/28/l-a-times-publishes-beijing-funded-propaganda-conceals-chinas-massive-coal-use-emissions/ https://web.archive.org/web/20210529010039/https://wattsupwiththat.com/2021/05/28/l-a-times-publishes-beijing-funded-propaganda-conceals-chinas-massive-coal-use-emissions/ https://archive.ph/PVa0D CCP buys media influence by paying millions to U.S. dailies, magazines: Report. 2021.07.04 https://www.timesofindia.com/world/china/ccp-buys-media-influence-by-paying-millions-to-us-dailies-magazines-report/articleshow/84109897.cms https://web.archive.org/web/20210704054006/https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/world/china/ccp-buys-media-influence-by-paying-millions-to-us-dailies-magazines-report/articleshow/84109897.cms Universities Like Yale Fail to Report chinese Communist Cash as Required by Law. 2022.02.10 https://www.breitbart.com/tech/2022/02/10/peter-schweizers-red-handed-universities-like-yale-fail-to-report-chinese-communist-cash-as-required-by-law/ https://web.archive.org/web/20220210205937/https://www.breitbart.com/tech/2022/02/10/peter-schweizers-red-handed-universities-like-yale-fail-to-report-chinese-communist-cash-as-required-by-law/ https://archive.ph/G3gzR From: China https://pste.link/q5xz3z5h
>>316407 https://twitter.com/mtaibbi/status/1619029772977455105 https://archive.ph/noeIc/ https://threadreaderapp.com/thread/1619029772977455105.html A group called "Hamilton 68" was falsely accusing a bunch of normalfag Twitter accounts of being Russian bots. Yoel Roth the communist jewish faggot from San Francisco is actually based, he was calling out their bullshit. Hamilton 68 was a Deep State U.S. government operation. It was funded by: * Alliance for Securing Democracy * German Marshall Fund Personnel included: * Clint Watts, former FBI counterintelligence official Hamilton 68's advisory board was: * Michael Chertoff * Toomas Ilves * David Krasmer * Bill Kristol * Mike McFaul, US ambassador to Russia 2012-2014 * Michael Morell, acting director of the CIA in 2011 and 2012-2013 * Ana Palacio, member of the State Council of Spain * John Podesta, chair of Hillary for America, was White House chief of staff to Bill Clinton Hamilton 68 pointed to their credentials and claimed to have used secret methods to acquire a secret list of Russian disinformation accounts. Twitter smelled bullshit and reverse-engineered Hamilton 68's list from their press releases. The accounts they targeted included: * Sonia Monsour, a survivor of the civil war in Lebanon * @Dave4FtMyers Dave Shestokas, former prosecutor in Cook County, author of "Constitutional Sound Bites" * Jacob Levich, some guy from Oregon. I think they may have mistaken him for a Jacob Levich from New York who wrote journal articles critical of the Gates Foundation. * @Holbornlolz Old Holborn, a British comic * @realDennisLynch Dennis Michael Lynch, a Newsmax talk show host * @unjoe Joe Lauria, editor of Consortium News There were 664 total people on the list. The google docs URL is down, I don't know if it's online. HotAir says the list included David Horowitz, a former communist who turned against the Left and runs the Discovering the Networks database. https://hotair.com/john-s-2/2023/01/27/twitter-files-15-twitter-knew-hamilton-68-a-media-source-for-russian-online-activity-was-bullst-n526815 #Gamergate relevancy: Hamilton 68 "was the source of hundreds if not thousands of mainstream print and TV news stories in the Trump years... This was an academic scandal as well, as Harvard, Princeton, Temple, NYU, GWU, and other universities promoted Hamilton 68 as a source" Hamilton 68 may also have been funded by the Chinese government. Its creators included Jonathon Morgon of New Knowledge... https://archive.is/AhXFG https://www.ned.org/forum-qa-jonathon-morgan-on-tracking-digital-disinformation/ ... which is financed by GGV Capital of China. https://archive.is/LYheu https://godfatherpolitics.com/revealed-internet-censorship-of-conservatives-funded-by-the-chinese-government/ New Knowledge was caught running a disinformation operation to swing an election in Alabama toward the Democrats https://archive.ph/rVgLB https://thegrayzone.com/2018/12/25/senate-report-on-russian-interference-was-written-by-disinformation-warriors-behind-alabama-false-flag-operation/
[Expand Post]Here's another foreign relationship. Ana Palacio is part of European Leadership Network... https://archive.is/ltFPA https://www.europeanleadershipnetwork.org/about/our-people/executive-board/ ... whose advisory board includes Igor Ivanov, former Russian foreign minister. https://archive.is/rxgqA https://www.europeanleadershipnetwork.org/about/our-people/advisory-board/ pressure campaign on NY Times to be more pro tranny than they already are https://glaad.org/nytimes https://archive.is/s4p6C The first name on the list https://docs.candid.org/990/461/461832144/461832144_2019_202033119349301783_990.pdf includes someone from both Aspen and AFL-CIO, someone with the same name as the CEO of Catalyst LLC formerly known as Data Warehouse LLC, and someone with the same name as a managing director of SKDK SKDK is a PR contractor for Demos which does both Russian and Islamic State operations under UK cover The Saudis bought out twitter in 2012. https://archive.is/DH5XJ https://files.catbox.moe/7xf8x3.png https://files.catbox.moe/lw36aq.jpg Radical islamists pushing woke politics in the west in order to weaken countries: https://archive.is/HYRfz https://twitter.com/AsraNomani/status/1628160456941531138 https://archive.is/DKAFh https://unherd.com/2023/02/the-acceptable-face-of-radical-islam/ They really were ISIS backed by the British 77th Brigade: https://anonfiles.com/I1jbgfebza/gg_zip Long form report on the US government's internet censorship regime: DHS Censorship Agency Had Strange First Mission: Banning Speech That Casts Doubt On ‘Red Mirage, Blue Shift’ Election Events Nov 9 2022,by Mike Benz, Foundation for Freedom Online https://archive.ph/mu9Sz The entire western media is complicit in the death of civilians: https://files.catbox.moe/m5xi5z.mp4 https://files.catbox.moe/m5xi5z.mp4 https://files.catbox.moe/m5xi5z.mp4 https://rentry.org/7rspn Check @mtaibbi on Twitter. He is talking about the Virality Project which was ordering Twitter to ban: * "distrust in Fauci's expert guidance" * "Reports of vaccinated individuals contracting Covid-19" * and all sorts of other true stuff https://nitter.ir/mtaibbi/status/1636729166631432195 1-7 https://archive.ph/2dQCK 6-16 https://archive.ph/DJcsU 17-26 https://archive.ph/vknra 25-36 https://archive.vn/XUIMl 36-45 https://archive.ph/xbVfD Partnership between the Saudis (Meedan) https://archive.vn/NDVZ9 and the British 77th psychological warfare brigade https://archive.ph/dXA0W Every "journalist" in these organizations is guilty of covering it up. https://archive.ph/8ahQE https://archive.ph/uty7d https://archive.ph/65MNx https://archive.is/fGWqS https://archive.is/NXEew Jane Fonda has a support network Meet the Women's Media Center http://990s.foundationcenter.org/990_pdf_archive/383/383727585/383727585_201612_990.pdf * Soraya Chemaly * Robin Morgan - Secretary / Treasurer * Anita DeFrantz * Jane Fonda * Gloria Steinem * Lauren Embrey * Julie Burton - President * Teri Schwartz * Janet Dewart Bell * Regina Kulik Scully * Pat Mitchell - Chairman * Dee Dee Myers One of their experts is executive director of the Association for Progressive Communications which was arranging the meetings at the UN calling for global internet censorship https://archive.is/G3CWe Two more of their people: Stacy Smith and Marc Choueiti of USC Annenberg https://archive.is/sTnKP They run the Annenberg Inclusion Initiative which is funded by megacorporations https://archive.is/tTpcx https://archive.is/UG4I9 Jane Fonda's support network is the team running Pierre Omidyar https://archive.is/V4Arj Look into Omidyar's Democracy Fund. Scroll to the very bottom of the page and you will see Ernie Wilson. This is Ernest James Wilson III, dean of the USC Annenberg School of Communication that hosts Jane Fonda's group. You will also see Sonal Shah in the list. She founded the White House Office of Social Innovation which hosted Jonathan Greenblatt before he ran the ADL, and she works for Sir Ronald Cohen. http://990s.foundationcenter.org/990_pdf_archive/274/274620963/274620963_201612_990.pdf gg digs (170MB): https://anonfiles.com/bb1bhai5ze/gg_zip infodrop (380MB): https://anonfiles.com/V0k5h8iezd/infodrop_zip info_html (14MB): https://anonfiles.com/07Udg8i4zb/info_html_zip
>>316408 CIA retard leaks security documents in Minecraft https://archive.ph/2kPyQ >a CIA agent was trying to groom autists playing Minecraft >they refused to believe he was real >he got angry >and purposely leaked real documents to prove he was a real federal agent >so they spread the docs everywhere Launch codes for American nukes all use the password 0000000000 because old retards can't memorize large numbers. https://archive.ph/p8t8p Desperate jews tried to use mainstream media to portray shitkrainians as "heroes": http://nitter.esmail5pdn24shtvieloeedh7ehz3nrwcdivnfhfcedl7gf4kwddhkqd.onion/IGN/status/1645411581805641729 http://archiveiya74codqgiixo33q62qlrqtkgmcitqx5u2oeqnmn5bpcbiyd.onion/2kPyQ https://www.windowscentral.com/gaming/xbox/quakecon-returns-with-in-person-event-in-august-2023 It was proven that federal agents are paper tigers. there is no such thing as super agents well trained or super technology employed by agencies. They are all a bunch of the dumbest idiots around that the government recruits out of desperation, and they all try to intimidate people for fear of being exposed as the dumb and incompetent that they are. https://sea.ign.com/minecraft/197580/news/minecraft-discord-server-leaks-sensitive-us-documents-on-ukraine-war?utm_source=twitter >Documents containing details of the United States’ strategies in supporting Ukraine against Russia have been leaked online >While players usually discuss organising multiplayer lobbies in an unofficial Discord server, one user leaked 10 documents with ‘Top Secret’ markings, containing sensitive information on the ongoing Ukraine war and how NATO would assist Ukraine. >Open-source intelligence firm Bellingcat, which specialises in fact-checking and research, reported that there were some light-hearted exchanges in the chat before one user nonchalantly attached the documents with the leaked information. >Bellingcat also found that there are currently two versions of the leaked documents online, with the original one estimating Ukrainian losses throughout the war lower than Russian losses and the other apparently edited one portraying higher Ukrainian losses. >Responding to a tweet by another user who reported that the Pentagon is making efforts to get Twitter to remove posts containing classified information, Aric Toler, a researcher at Bellingcat, said, “Censorship is pretty silly, as it’s everywhere now.” https://www.bellingcat.com/news/2023/04/09/from-discord-to-4chan-the-improbable-journey-of-a-us-defence-leak/ http://nitter.esmail5pdn24shtvieloeedh7ehz3nrwcdivnfhfcedl7gf4kwddhkqd.onion/kateconger/status/1644112083787845632 https://www.nytimes.com/2023/04/06/us/politics/ukraine-war-plan-russia.html The original leaker has been identified and sources clearly pre date our post so it’s time for us to address the elephant in the room ?? Bellingcat had labelled us as a potentially source for the leak that circulated across social networks earlier this month. They also drew speculation on us potentially editing said documents before they were posted. We would just like to officially clarify we did not and would never edit content for our viewers. https://www.bellingcat.com/news/2023/04/09/from-discord-to-4chan-the-improbable-journey-of-a-us-defence-leak/ Confirmation that feds lurk on image boards and Discord, and use those to try to recruit people. Communists on image boards try to damage control the leaks: https://archive.ph/D2egv https://archive.is/5UulU >The name of the agent who leaked the documents is Jack Teixeira >It is confirmed that the CIA and the American government sabotaged all attempts at peace deals between Russia and Ukraine
[Expand Post]>The American government's intention, is, as always, to keep the war going for as much as they can, in order to keep selling weapons, while posing as "defenders of freedom" >The documents reveal that the American government and all it's federal institutions classified anyone publicly expressing anti-war opinions as "terrorists" and "traitors of the nation" >The American government was exposed, without any doubts, as a war mongering government of weapons' merchants, where anyone that wants peace and it is against wars is persecuted as a criminal >It is confirmed that even with all the funding from NATO and from the USA, Ukraine is still losing the war to WWII era tanks from Russia, due to how good Russian military is, and how stupid Ukrainian military is >The Washington Post was exposed as just a front for federal agents to act against the populace without having the federal institutions linked to their actions, as "journalists" from TWP were the ones who actually spied on, hunt and ARRESTED the one who leaked the documents, exposing that "journalists" have a unwritten authority to spy on citizens, to hunt citizens and to arrest citizens >A piece of shit senator is already defending the war on social media, using the old fallacies about (((freedom))) and (((democracy))) Remember that: journalists are nothing but federal agents. Anyone talking about fighting for (((democracy))) is always your enemy. What they really want is to propagate wars while calling everyone else "terrorists". The Harmony Institute. https://990s.foundationcenter.org/990_pdf_archive/262/262506162/262506162_201512_990.pdf * Adam Wolfenson - VP of the Rottenfeller Brothers Fund * Jonah Peretti RBF is a gigantic front for Islamist interests. https://archive.ph/ampAt https://www.algemeiner.com/2016/03/28/the-rockefeller-brothers-fund-is-bankrolling-israels-destruction/ https://archive.is/3MHbs https://www.tabletmag.com/sections/news/articles/the-rockefeller-brothers-fund-renews-its-commitment-to-bds https://archive.ph/wx0CT https://www.thetower.org/5008-new-report-reveals-massive-link-between-bds-iran-deal-funding/ https://archive.is/CQQrJ https://www.jpost.com/Arab-Israeli-Conflict/Rockefeller-Bros-Fund-gives-to-groups-funding-Palestinian-terrorism-559258 They have ties to the US-Palestinian Partnership, Qatar Foundation International, the United Arab Emirates, and the SAAR Network of al-Qaeda and its subsidiaries ISNA and MPAC. https://files.catbox.moe/7xf8x3.png These ties run through a board member of the Harvard University Board of Overseers. They run Harvard. https://web.archive.org/web/20121028013908/http://www.harvard.edu/board-overseers The head of RBF is co-founder a group whose chief executive was Director of Policy to the Deputy Prime Minister of the UK. That group had an American subsidiary. https://ggwiki.deepfreeze.it/index.php/Demos One of the leaders of that American subsidiary has been close to Alexis Ohanian since at least 2013. They own Reddit. https://www.imdb.com/title/tt3480748/fullcredits https://bayfiles.com/w1EcWcmczf/Behold_a_Pale_Horse_Light_Technology_Publications_1991_William_Cooper_pdf the non-jew conspiratorial institutions are all working together with the jews. https://bayfiles.com/U6P2W0m8z9/The_Franklin_Cover_Up_John_DeCamp_pdf this one is more about satanism at the highest level and it's pedophile rings I have some books on the jews. https://bayfiles.com/29L9W4m1zf/The_Mystery_of_the_Serpent_pdf the jews worship a serpent, but it might be a niche sect of judaism, but the jews are waiting for the anti-christ. https://bayfiles.com/x0QeWem1z2/Marx_and_Satan_1986_Richard_Wurmbrand_pdf Karl Marx was a satanist https://bayfiles.com/raT0W3m4z4/Freemasonry_and_Judaism_Secret_Powers_Behind_Revolution_pdf There is a lot of evidence connecting judaism with freemasonry. Here are zips of my book folders. https://bayfiles.com/tfeeX8maz6/Nazism_Right_wing_7z\ https://bayfiles.com/10bbX0m6zc/Video_games_7z https://bayfiles.com/L8ifX8m2zc/Satanism_7z https://bayfiles.com/efnaX4mcz9/Conspiratorial_7z
>>316409 Pandora Papers: exposed hidden riches of world leaders https://archive.ph/2WII4 https://archive.is/6l4mY America First Legal was able to FOIA documents out of the State Department's Global Engagement Center. Google, Facebook, The Clintons and the Soros foundation are all behind the marxist infiltration of America. https://twitter.com/America1stLegal/status/1661361562580287489 https://threadreaderapp.com/thread/1661361562580287489.html https://archive.ph/wYaf6 Ted Lieu moved FBI agent to off Democrat activism cases once he got close to exposing the elites. https://archive.ph/iNGGC American schools are now a scientific testing ground for leftist propaganda and brainwashing methods. As in exposing the children to various propaganda techniques while monitoring them, gathering as much data as they can. Here's a short intro: https://yt.oelrichsgarcia.de/watch?v=5GaSUi2w2oY and related: https://yt.oelrichsgarcia.de/watch?v=Wnjo5tOl338 Normalfags have been taking games media to task after the Yoshi-P interview, digging up moments when the western games media and developers would unfairly shit on Japanese games https://archive.is/qZHaO https://archive.is/2ljI2 Phil Fish becomes relevant again! People dug up this blast from the past https://archive.is/Xzdxy https://yewtu.be/watch?v=yKUGwlFJAHw[Embed] This also led to another Adam Sessler spergout, which is always a good time: https://archive.is/WDYC5 https://archive.is/GSvlk https://archive.is/IKbaV https://archive.is/oGUKx Discord freaks from a pedophile trafficking group exposed: https://archive.ph/yqwuA
>>316381 >At number 45, the images won't load. Here's an archive of working images up to number 58. https://archive.is/Pir3A The album has since been deleted off imgur, someone will have to make a new one and reset the clock again.
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>>316405 Not to critice, but you dont have something more cute?
>>316413 damn lucky motherfucker
>>316413 Oh, shit, I put "Strip Filenames" by mistake, anyway she is Celes Chere from Final Fantasy VI by Hima. This old picture from 2007 always stayed near my heart.
>>316413 You meant criticize or critique.
>>316416 Yes, grammar nazi.
>>859324 Damn jews.
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>>316402 >Isn't there a statue of a literal and actual convicted pedophile that's placed right outside of the BBC headquarters? The statue isn't of the convinced pedo, they are Prospero and Ariel from Shakespeare's play The Tempest. The sculptor that carved it however, Eric Gill, is. Serial rapist & abuser: the case against sculptor & typographer Eric Gill https://archive.is/6edFW >One of the most widely used British typefaces, Gill Sans, used in the classic design system of Penguin Books and by the London and North Eastern Railway and later British Railways is a font that speaks volumes. It is also a visual system haunted by the legacy of its creator aka English sculptor, typeface designer, and printmaker, who was associated with the Arts and Crafts movement, Eric Gill who was a serial criminal. >One of the acknowledged architects of modern British design, from his sculptures to his typefaces, which for decades shaped the visual style of publishing houses and imprints including Faber and Penguin, Eric Gill is an artist that fell from grace. >Born in Steyning, Gill's breathtaking sculptures adorn Westminster Cathedral, the BBC’s Broadcasting House and the United Nations Headquarters. His lettering projects are monumental as well. >In 1914, Gill had met the typographer Stanley Morison, who was later to become a typographic consultant for the Monotype Corporation. Commissioned by Morison, he designed the Gill Sans typeface in 1927–30. >His Perpetua typeface with the uppercase based upon monumental Roman inscriptions was first designed in 1925 and it was first made public around 1929. >In the period 1930–31, Gill designed the typeface Joanna which he used to hand-set his book, An Essay on Typography and other typefaces followed. Aries, Floriated Capitals, Bunyan, Jubilee. >But far and beyond his artistry Gill was a paedophile who abused his daughters, their maid, had sex with his sisters and even his dog, Gill would be in prison today. >These atrocities are nothing new. They were revealed back in 1989 by Gill's biographer Fiona McCarthy while his victims -his two daughters- were still alive. For McCarthy though, his artistic reputation was "strengthened" despite the controversy. >"After the initial shock, [...] as Gill's history of adulteries, incest, and experimental connection with his dog became public knowledge in the late 1980s, the consequent reassessment of his life and art left his artistic reputation strengthened. Gill emerged as one of the twentieth century's strangest and most original controversialists, a sometimes infuriating, always arresting spokesman for man's continuing need of God in an increasingly materialistic civilization, and for intellectual vigour in an age of encroaching triviality" she writes. >"Fiona MacCarthy has written vividly of the summer of 1986, when she spent weeks in the Gill collections in the Clark Library at UCLA, reading his diaries" notes the Guardian's Rachel Cooke in her article "Eric Gill: can we separate the artist from the abuser?" >"It was there that she found the entries about the incest with his sisters (he may have had a relationship with Angela as well as Gladys) and the sexual abuse of his daughters, and his sexual experiments with a dog. But she has never made any secret of her profound admiration for his work. And whatever she learned in those diaries was always balanced by the fact that she had met so many of those who knew and loved Gill, including his daughter Petra Tegetmeier, who grew up to be a talented weaver and to lead a productive and happy life (experts will insist that she internalised her trauma, but that wasn’t how she thought of it, and I think we must allow her this)." >The case against Gill is strong. >Should Gill's life and art be kept separate? Does art transcends any human biography? Is it acceptable to ever show art by someone guilty of such horrendous crimes? >The questions regarding the sculptor, fine letter-carver and typographer Eric Gill still linger. Let's hope that institutions are willing to participate in difficult conversations about Gill’s life in relation to his work. >Gill died on the 17th of November, 1940. Recently, the statue has been attacked by some fag with a spider-man mask.
>>316401 >we'd have to come up with another word to describe acting on a desire that doesn't conflict with your moral framework. This is where you get your strict definition of "want" from, I presume. I've never seen it to specifically exclude wants that conflict with one's moral framework. Want and urge are both just synonyms for "desire". An urge doesn't specifically mean something that conflicts with one's moral framework either. It helps in discussion to not use personal definitions of words without telling anyone.
>>859324 i miss hitler
>>316403 It's what pedoniggers on twitter call themselves to claim they haven't diddled kids.
>>316419 >>316419 Iconoclast should burn alive
>>316413 Not really, I have a different fetish.
https://archive.ph/T4b0j https://www.adamtownsend.me/x-corp-twitter/ >This post is about the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) headed by Lina Khan, a Biden appointee, and their incredibly aggressive pursuit of Elon Musk and Twitter >As detailed below, the FTC has engaged in conduct so irregular and improper that Ernst & Young (“EY”) the independent assessor designated under a consent order between Twitter and the FTC to evaluate the company’s privacy, data protection, and information security program “felt as if the FTC was trying to influence the outcome of the engagement before it had started.” >These efforts included dictating to EY “very specific types of procedures that they expected” EY to perform and “[conveying] expectations … about what th[e] results should be before [EY] had even begun any procedures.” >A private litigant who engaged in such conduct might well be facing charges of witness tampering. As the Plaintiff in this civil enforcement action, the FTC should not receive preferential treatment. There simply is no way to square the striking record of bias recounted above, along with other evidence described in this motion, with any semblance of the impartiality, due process, or equitable conduct that the law requires from administrative agencies like the FTC when they act pursuant to court-authorized and -supervised consent orders. Burn the FTC
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>>316421 We all do
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>>316419 Normally I'd say that you should always be able to separate the artist from the artistic work - but that statue is absolute trash. It absolutely should be destroyed and replaced by a quality work by a talented sculptor. Do talented sculptors still exist, or are we going to have to model a new one in Maya and 3D print it?
>>316426 t. Pèdro
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>>316424 That's okay, I guess it is difficult to find what Im looking for. Maybe one day I will have a robot like this.
>>316429 damn i want to be a baby that owns a robot like this
>>316427 >Do talented sculptors still exist In the same caliber as the pics you posted? Unlikely. Especially when nowadays you have those faggots tearing down sculptures like Jefferson or Robert E. Lee and having them be replaced with the likes of fentanyl floyd.
>>316427 They exist but only in japan and only for the sake of ntr figurines.
>>316432 Its outstanding how much this netorare romance overtook Mario's backstory. I see it everywhere.
>>316406 The Brass Eye Paedogeddon episode was pretty controversial and the reason the show got cancelled, as tabloid magazines and many unaware viewers confused it as a "pedophile comedy special" and thought it was pro pedophillia or something. Also because many celebrities in the special didn't know it was a ruse even after reading the script
>>316430 Me too, but I guess we are not that far from having robot waifus like her. I just hope feminist don't ruin anything related to robots.
>>316376 yo the link to the chats has been deleted
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>>316347 GG-related posts get removed as Off Topic. I'M NOT KIDDING.
>>316350 >Sometimes the thread feels like 8chan in its entirety shrunk down to a thread size. That's because it has -- a thread's worth spread among a webring.
>>316438 Buddy you literally just posted on 4/v/ before the mods killed the thread
>>316438 that feels like something made by someone who was mad at GG in 2015 and couldn't let go
Niggerpill spotted in the capcom thread >>859211
>>316441 <Image shows Wikipedia lying about things >This is anti-GG Lmao.
>>316442 Doesn't seem so, or he's become more articulate. I spotted like a billion replies that were (1)s and done "why don't we just give up, pardner" though.
>>316438 Not even that, they specifically delete threads when one person mentions something about how soyjack.party was allegedly a den of paedos. Yet literal off-topic threads are allowed.
>>316444 >Doesn't seem so, or he's become more articulate. Can't you see? Everyone I don't like is niggerpill. What that guy said made me feel bad so I want him banned!
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Does anyone know how long the "Download .ZIP" feature has been broken on Archive.is?
>>316447 No idea.
>>316434 It's netori if you side with bowser :^)
Are there any analog horror series that you anons are currently watching? I've of series like Vita Carnis, Local58TV, BLUE_CHANNEL: THALASIN. It's a small roster so I'm wonder if you guys have any more interesting works you'd like to share.
>>316450 >analog horror Are you baiting? What are you a faggot?
>>316443 it was tho
>>316452 I stand retarded.
>>316427 The statue is taking so long because they wanted it to be even bigger than Mount Rushmore because it's a dick-measuring contest. Rushmore is unfinished too. Wish they'd finish it but at this point it'd probably suck.
>>316451 >Are you baiting? Anon, the thread theme is based on an analog series called the mandala catalog, what do you think?
>>316455 >mandala uh oh, has the name 'mandela' itself become an example of the mandela effect?! or was that a typo?
>>316456 Later.
>>316456 >Mandala We need our own mandala to create peace and serenity in our small space of solace on the internet. Let this be our own Shangri-la.
>>316421 you knew the guy?, fuck you are old
>>316456 Kami dato?
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>>316454 >The statue is taking so long because they wanted it to be even bigger than Mount Rushmore because it's a dick-measuring contest. There's definitely that, but Mt. Rushmore also had federal funding after the sculptor appealed to President Coolidge. The problem with the Crazy Horse monument is that it doesn't have nearly the amount of fund raising or interested talent. The originator of the project rejected Federal funds, but couldn't get any funding from his fellow Casino Americans. So now the project isn't even 10% done, and both the Commisioner of the project and the Artist are both dead. The foundation is currently being overseen by the artists daughters. (Standing Bear traded almost a 1,000 acres of his own land in exchange for the mountain, and got fucked on the deal. It's kind of sad, but man... never hire a Native American as your real estate agent.)
>>316455 Oh, now i hate, kill yourself faggot.
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>>316431 That's a sad thought. It just goes to show that if the oldfags with knowledge don't have the foresight or are too lazy to pass it on to others, it could be permanently lost.
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>11ish Fuck it I need to vent about how fucking shitty Canada especially Toronto is, we recently elected a commie chink for Mayor and now have rapeugees sleeping on the streets due to no housing, local business men are helping this people all while doing nothing to get locals jobs. We have a massive job shortage due to companies not wanting to hire people for anything lower then 15$, this is also coupled with how many skilled people are just moving to the States, since in the US you can at least have a 20% chance of owning a house instead of the 5% chance you have here.
>>316466 You guys still on fire?
>>316466 >a commie chink for Mayor I mean, trudeau already opened canada's anus to the chinks once he let them take the gold.
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>>316466 >We have a massive job shortage due to companies not wanting to hire people for anything lower then 15$ Do you mean people refuse to work for less than 15 bux, or that businesses can't afford employees at those rates? I find it hard to believe people won't work shitty jobs for insane money, but then i've never been on government welfare.
>>316466 >pic Didn't your PPC party collapse after their leader Bernier or whatever got jailed for questioning Corona-chan?

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>>316463 >get curious about school >this is on their front page
>>316467 Yes. >>316469 Many don't want to work for 15$ with zero benefits and prices being record high, many business actively underpay their workers here. >>316470 The PPC is still going despite everyone in Canadian politics, Mad Max never went to jail and is still actively doing stuff. >>316471
>>316472 >Yes. Well on the brightside, more homeless will be native canadians now.
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>>316411 >someone will have to make a new one and reset the clock again. It will be nice if someone showed this to YouTubers like Rev Says Desu and HeroHei. >>316468 >trudeau already opened canada's anus to the chinks once he let them take the gold. pic related
>>316419 Holy shit, based Spider-Man Faggot
>>316471 "Fine art" is anything except fine or art. No wonder AI is the future that those artists deserve.
>>316466 If I hadn't inherited land I would have just gotten a work visa and moved to the US. There is no reason for any working class Canadian without inherited wealth to stay in the country.
>>316476 Those retards are the reason why artists get such a bad fucking rep. >>316477 My retarded friends think the cons will fix shit, but anyone with half a brain knows leaving this place is the only option.
>>316478 >My retarded friends think the cons will fix shit, but anyone with half a brain knows leaving this place is the only option. LOL. As far as I'm aware the conservatives have never once made any mention of slowing down immigration. The laurentian elite universally consider even the thought of it to be political suicide. Which is why the only party that would ever even think to say it out loud is the PPC. It doesn't even matter that if you polled the public there would be universal support for an outright halting of all immigration temporarily. The ruling political class has no interest in what the public think, and the population is too docile to actually change their vote to the one and only fringe party.
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>>316474 >for what purpose This article will shed some light, try not to pop a blood vessel reading it. The Bank of Canada Holds ZERO Gold Reserves and Will Soon Deeply Regret This. https://archive.is/mUxwE >If you are not already aware, the Bank of Canada holds exactly ZERO tonnes of gold in its reserves. >Yes, you read that correctly. >In 2016, the BoC sold its last tonne of gold and has not bought any since then, even while inflation continues to creep higher and other countries continue to stockpile the metal. >Anyone with a basic understanding of economics will probably be left shocked and frustrated by this. >I would like to direct everyones attention to this Kitco piece which outlines why the Bank of Canada decided to do so: https://archive.is/phChY >So, why did they do it? Well, according to former BoC head, David Dodge, here is the main reason: <"[The] issue is quite clear, that it costs to hold gold, whereas holding U.S. or Chinese or Euro bonds yields you a return," said Dodge. "…That was a strong view. And a view that our international monetary system was in a place that was sufficiently robust, that holding this antique instrument of stability called 'gold' really didn't make any sense." >Now you might be feeling even more frustrated, and understandably so. >In essence, the BoC is opting to hold foreign bonds over gold (U.S., Chinese, and Euro Bonds) because they yield a return and do not come with storage costs. >In my opinion, this is outrageous, borderline disturbing, and likely politically motivated. >Rather than holding an asset that has held its value over the entire course of human history, the BoC would rather hold foreign bonds which are dependent on the economies of other countries. >Over the last few years, inflation has continued to reach new highs and economies around the world have begun to stagnate — yet, Canada’s gold reserves have remain unchanged at ZERO. Meanwhile, other countries, included those of which BoC decided to buy their bonds, are stockpiling gold. >Here is a map showing gold reserves by country around the world: <see 2nd pic >As we can see, Canada is literally the only developed country in the world that does not hold any gold reserves, and the only G7 country that does not hold at least 100 tonnes of gold reserves. >Mind blowing. >To quote the BoC directly, there is a “long-standing policy of diversifying its portfolio by selling physical commodities (such as gold) and instead investing in financial assets that are easily tradable and that have deep markets of buyers and sellers.” >This makes absolutely no sense! >Gold is not just a commodity – it is money itself, as it has been for over 3,000 years. It is traded daily on the currency desks of major banks around the world. That puts gold in the same category as the US dollar, the euro, and other currencies. >The physical gold market is estimated to have an average daily turnover of upwards of US$24 billion daily in both cleared and uncleared OTC markets, according to statistics from the London Bullion Market Association (LBMA). This makes daily gold turnover trading in the London market on par with the major currencies, and larger than all bond markets, except for the US Treasury bond market and the Japanese government bond market. Gold trades in one of the most liquid markets in the world. >In the past, central banks have purchased gold in order diversify their reserve portfolios, especially away from US dollar-denominated assets, with which gold has a strong negative correlation. >The Bank of Canada has done the opposite — selling their gold reserves to diversify their portfolios, opting for assets that have a strong correlation with U.S. dollar-denominated assets. >Central banks have also used gold to hedge against tail risks, or because of inflation hedging characteristics, because gold has maintained its purchasing power over a long period of time. >Again, the Bank of Canada has done the opposite — and at the worst possible time. While inflation in Canada is reaching its highest point in decades, we continue to hold ZERO gold. >The BoC's backwards thinking will soon cause them to deeply regret their decision to sell off their gold reserves -- that is, if they are not regretting doing so already. >>316465 Why is this so perfect
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>>316479 We live is a nightmare. >>316480 Canada outdoes both America and all of Europe in sheer retardation, I live here and I'm still in awe at how low we can continue to go.
>>316481 In a nightmare sorry I'm half asleep.
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This feels like it should get some mileage.
Reminder: Nick Clegg caught taking bribes to put some whores on a terrorist blacklist to ban them from the internet https://archive.4plebs.org/pol/thread/399802381/ Which means: 1. The government has a blacklist to ban people from the internet 2. They put whoever they want on the blacklist Have a lot of info: https://files.catbox.moe/mro0ba.png Russia and UK https://files.catbox.moe/u1rh2e.png More Russians https://files.catbox.moe/etnryw.png ISIS https://files.catbox.moe/wbculf.png ISIS and the UN https://files.catbox.moe/nx2v5t.png China https://files.catbox.moe/lw36aq.jpg MacArthur Data & Society (known foreign agents; feds would not prosecute them) https://files.catbox.moe/ch9eg7.png ICG (Soros) https://files.catbox.moe/fbw3f7.png South African Communist Party https://archive.ph/xYSJz Saudi Arabia and Russia run the UN's "counterterrorism" office https://archive.ph/8ahQE Presenting the "progressive" (Guardian approved) group, Avaaz – astroturfing for Hamas. https://archive.ph/AOzsF The Spy Who Loved Hamas. And Hezbollah. And Iran. https://archive.ph/4y9nA Conflicts Forum https://archive.ph/YgKSe #Gamergate caught a Russian spy ring (TPG Rise Fund and Social Finance/Apax Partners) https://archive.ph/UVFAk Common Purpose and ICG working for Qatar https://archive.ph/VosGV UNAOC (Pakistan). Runs through Soliya (Saudi) and Silatech (Qatar). https://archive.ph/rf5Mf B Team (Hamas). Runs through Richard Branson, Oxfam America, and USAID. https://archive.ph/RR2tI DNA (Russia). Runs through the UN and Richard Branson. https://archive.ph/mtZAL ICG (Russia+Qatar). Runs through Soros. https://archive.ph/upgaU Inclusive Capitalism (Alfa Group). Runs through Rothschild. https://archive.ph/iFjv9 Israel Policy Forum (PLO). Runs through Ronald Cohen and Bronfman. https://archive.ph/TlZ6f GSGII - output for Sir Ronald Cohen's Russian operations. https://archive.ph/4ouoq The Epstein network (UK + everyone else) https://archive.ph/IzNuf WEF (Russia+Qatar). Runs through Chatham House and Bain. https://anonfiles.com/Q1Q701C6y3/Decide_Now_Act_Summit_Magazine_pdf Russia (Lebedev), Branson, and Big Tech https://anonfiles.com/w6w808Cdy9/gg_zip (digs) Prior to the 2020 election, tech companies including Twitter, Facebook, Reddit, Discord, Wikipedia, Microsoft, LinkedIn, and Verizon met on a monthly basis with the FBI, DHS, and other govt agencies on to coordinate censorship operations https://archive.ph/Gcqu9 https://archive.ph/xYSJz We've known for a while that their tips on who is an "extremist" come from Saudi Arabia and Russia Feds controlled social media on what story could go or disappear. They even had special portal for requests
[Expand Post]https://archive.ph/b79NE/ https://theintercept.com/2022/10/31/social-media-disinformation-dhs/ More money is going into promoting the communists than you could have imagined. After digging and seeing how vast the Swamp is, I figure that your average communist traitor makes six figures. The useful idiots they recruit get peanuts, "here's twenty bucks to campaign on this issue". Most of them do it for free. The six-figure communists work for banks and investment firms with the Rothschilds and British nobility sitting at the top of the chain of command. The lords aren't paying all of this money out of their own pockets. Most of it comes from public pension funds stored with the banks and giant investment firms. They spent it all promoting communism, so they look for other funding sources in the form of taking bribes from Russia and China. https://archive.ph/0dbBQ Truth Cops: Leaked Documents Outline DHS’s Plans to Police Disinformation https://archive.ph/RfsaT https://theintercept.com/2022/10/31/social-media-disinformation-dhs/ Feds Ran ‘Cognitive Infrastructure’ Operations with Twitter, Facebook, Wikipedia https://archive.ph/9vn8J https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/human-events-daily-with-jack-posobiec/id1585243541?i=1000584705814 DHS fulfilling its promise to continue policing 'disinformation' https://archive.ph/rFQcv https://www.wnd.com/2022/11/dhs-fulfilling-promise-continue-policing-disinformation/ DHS Censorship Lead Believes Big Tech Has ‘Moral Obligation’ To Suppress Populism, Advised Group Working With DNC To Censor Conservatives. https://archive.ph/cpbWo https://warroom.org/2022/11/02/dhs-censorship-lead-believes-big-tech-has-moral-obligation-to-suppress-populism/ DHS "misinformation & disinformation” committee leader labeled Hunter Biden's hard drive as "disinformation" that was "forged" by "foreign operatives" in a tweet 1 day after the story dropped in the @NYPost https://archive.ph/75KhX https://twitter.com/nataliegwinters/status/1587832802573275144 He runs William Morris Endeavor WME is one of the foundations funding Lady Gaga's Born This Way Foundation Born This Way Foundation is partnered with the Berkman Center's Kinder & Braver World Project run by Danah Boyd and John Palfrey Danah Boyd's doctoral advisor was Mimi ito Mimi Ito's political remix curator was Jonathan McIntosh Jonathan McIntosh was the writer for Anita Sarkeesian Anita Sarkeesian had nothing to do with Gamergate until she appeared on the front page of the New York Times as a victim of Gamergate harassment The New York Times board of directors included Mimi Ito's brother Joi Ito, which is exactly the kind of bullshit Gamergate was against Going back to the Berkman Center, DHS had them run a project on "hate speech" with the Islamic Society of North America which was founded by people very very close to al-Qaeda Nancy Pelosi hosted a fundraiser with one of the network's founders Jamal Barzinji As for Ari Emanuel, we can Kevin Bacon him into it but he might be a useful idiot middleman with too much money and power
>>316484 Digra files: > Anonymous ID:5c15e5 Sun 05 Apr 2015 00:02:55 No.3031688 Report > So there were some people tin foiling earlier about Heather Kelley and how she could be connected to DIGRA. Well she was recently hired on by Carnegie Mellon University, Entertainment Technology Center in May 2014 [https://archive.today/oVsaF]. CMU-ETC collaborates with DIGRA on an open access refereed journal called Transactions of the Digital Games Research Association (ToDiGRA) [https://archive.today/G5Uer]. > She was a part of Kokoromi which was a games collective in Montreal with Phil Fish [https://archive.today/yZqZn]. They worked together on a game called Super HYPERCUBE. This game was programmed by Phil's associate Renaud Bedard whom he worked on Fez with [https://archive.today/rIWFi]. Super HYPERCUBE was an IndieCade 2011 finalist, the same year as Fez and Superbrothers: Sword and Sworcery EP. > Leader 05/05/15 (Tue) 08:16:51 feef1f No.121866 >Adrienne Shaw and her DIGRA colleagues shilling HARD for Sirius Games, >supported by IARPA >Stanford Connection >Upon Digging into rand, it was discovered that Stanford Research, the Research arm of Stanford University has been heavily involved, perhaps since as early as the 1970s, in various pyschological warfare programs. > Beginning sometime in 1989-1992, they began working heavily on Gamification Research. Partnering with RAND and the predecessor to DIGRA known as DIAJA, they produced some of the first research and topic matter on "gamified learning" and the effects of "gamified learning" on the human brain. > Literally Who? Leader 05/03/15 (Sun) 01:12:05 7939ed No.114945 > Let me clear that up for you. > https://ghostbin.com/paste/fsxoy https://archive.is/TJNLQ > Anita Sarkeesian is the protege of one Jennifer Jenson, a DiGRA member and York University professor involved with several Game-Based Learning research outifts including GRAND NCE, IRDL and the Canadian Game Studies Association. She has received over 1.7 million dollars in funding for this endeavor. The IRDL has a special interest group "Feminists in Games", which Sarkeesian is a part of. > Anonymous 12/16/15 (Wed) 02:11:13 c949bf No.7490413 > I dug through DiGRA's 2014 schedule and started digging into a woman named Tracy Fullerton who is right now heading a project called Walden. Walden is a video game currently being developed by the USC Game Innovation Lab, has been listed on IndieCade's website and played by people at IndieCade 2015 > Further digging revealed Walden received a $40,000 grant from the NEA and a $200,000 grant from the NEH, both federal agencies seeking to elevate digital programs that promote the humanities. > Even further digging revealed almost 30 articles covering the game from sites like Kotaku, Polygon, Gamasutra, Rawstory, The Guardian, and a bunch of others. > DiGRA and IGJA > Brace yourselves because here comes a lot of the big tie ins. > DiGRA and IGJA: > http://shushgame.blogspot.com/2007/09/digra-2007-tokyo.html > Mirror: http://www.peeep.us/f12804c2 > Mia Consalvo of DiGRA and David Thomas of IGJA at GDC together: > http://www.peeep.us/498077e9 > Consalvo is also thanked in the acknowledgements of Thomas's style guide DiGRA co-founder Celia Pearce... https://archive.is/odylS ... in mutual Facebook friends of Brianna Wu and Leigh Alexander https://archive.ph/m1bwO Tom Edwards was a speaker at DiGRA 2007 Japan > Considering the Geocultural Context of Game Play and Development > Announcement of the IGDA Game Localization SIG http://web.archive.org/web/20071230033635/http://www.digra2007.jp/Program.html Tom Edwards was Microsoft's Senior Geopolitical Strategist, went tranny and became Kate Edwards DiGRA listed as friend of Serious Games Initiative http://web.archive.org/web/20050706040856/http://www.seriousgames.org/ > The next issue to address is a rather notable DiGRA panel from a conference in 2014. The notable names at this panel at DiGRA 2014 are Mia Consalvo, Adrienne Shaw, Zoya Street, and Andrew Grant Wilson [4]. Mia Consalvo has been the President of DiGRA’s executive board since 2012 [27a,b]... https://pastebin.com/RhmR3aij https://archive.is/mc3OP
[Expand Post]> Links to Cindy Poremba - This is the important one > https://archive.today/aiQ03 Poremba has written papers for DiGRA > http://www.lainenooney.com/uploads/6/3/6/8/6368912/program.pdf Both spoke at Different Games 2013 in the Paris Plays Along Panel at the same time > https://archive.today/sJwoR Cindy Poremba was apart of Kokoromi (Also with Phil Fish) this is important > 13- Dr. Bob Appelman: > https://archive.today/wm8HZ > https://archive.today/iVfTv > https://archive.today/n8S8R > An apple a day will sadly not keep Bob away. This Doctor is knee deep in Common Core standards, using games as education and surprise, He was the Board Secretary 2010-2012 for DiGRA. DiGRA speakers 2013 https://archive.ph/jEQhZ DiGRA's official account was using Randi Harper's ggautoblocker https://archive.is/diYE9 After the ethics hearing in the Netherlands, there was a bit of discussion and the editor said that they did not try to contact gamergate after the advice of a digra researcher, who said that it's impossible to find a represemtative speaker for gamergate. https://archive.is/98AGv DiGRA and ReFIG https://archive.is/pJsyu I just figured out that DiGRA researchers really, REALLY like the FrankFurt School. https://archive.is/pZtLA DiGRA's Torill Elvira Mortensen: gamers should be studied as "hostile objects" - author of DiGRA's new anti-Gamergate paper really hates gamers https://archive.is/ewAxO DiGRA basically admitting they used a womans information to chase them off the internet. https://archive.fo/2Aloe > Gender ideologues are hijacking multi-million dollar anti-terrorism research projects, in order to re-educate people on their wrong opinions. > Remember Adrienne Shaw, who's a member of DiGRA? > She is a member of the government funded CYCLES project (part of the SIRIUS program) developing an educational video game to train players on cognitive biases. https://archive.today/FPVzM Some cat on Twitter traced anti-Gamergate's funding to Chinese financiers Peng Zhao and Joseph Tsai. Yes, it's the same people as anti-Gamergate. Sonal Shah is the connection to the ADL (through the White House Office of Social Innovation) and to the Edge lords (Ronald Cohen's Morons) that we caught working for Russia. It turns out that all of them were working for China too. https://archive.is/2F2VP A lot of the anonfiles archives are down: https://anonfiles.com/I1jbgfebza/gg_zip https://anonfiles.com/J6p653Ley5/gg_zip https://anonfiles.com/w6w808Cdy9/gg_zip https://anonfiles.com/bb1bhai5ze/gg_zip https://anonfiles.com/07Udg8i4zb/info_html_zip https://anonfiles.com/V0k5h8iezd/infodrop_zip These Bayfiles links too, though I don't know how relevant they are: https://bayfiles.com/tfeeX8maz6/Nazism_Right_wing_7z https://bayfiles.com/10bbX0m6zc/Video_games_7z https://bayfiles.com/L8ifX8m2zc/Satanism_7z https://bayfiles.com/efnaX4mcz9/Conspiratorial_7z
>>316485 American Accountability Foundation @ExposingBiden https://threadreaderapp.com/thread/1678856789838708737.html https://archive.ph/5ckSH/ ??1/ BREAKING: Our investigation has revealed a 'partnership' between the world's biggest tech companies to together rig AI to be woke. The partnership explicitly cites Karl Marx and Critical Race Theory in their plans. MUST READ: ?? 2/ Many have noticed that AI today has a distinct woke, leftist bias. Systems like ChatGPT and Bard have taken clear positions on political and social issues. This is very concerning. As @elonmusk put it "The danger of training AI to be woke – in other words, lie – is deadly." 3/ However, an investigation by AAF has uncovered a serious contributor to this trend: the @PartnershipAI. In 2016, Amazon, Google, Facebook, IBM, and Microsoft founded the "Partnership on AI," later joined by Apple, the Ford Foundation, OpenAI, IBM, Adobe, the ACLU, and others. 4/ According to the Partnership's former Chief of Staff @sjgadler (who now works at OpenAI - maker of ChatGPT) Big Tech firms which are usually competitors formed the Partnership because none of them had the "political capital" to get away with doing what they want to do alone. 5/ According to the Partnership, “we need to be sensitive to the possibility that there are hidden assumptions and biases in data, and therefore in the systems built from that data" partnershiponai.org/about/#mission https://archive.ph/x66BH 6/ In 2022, the Partnership published a “Making AI Inclusive” white paper.. According to the paper, “These principles build upon the work of many thought leaders in the fields of Indigenous AI, feminist HCI, crip technoscience, data justice, and critical race theory who have... 7/ ...far more substantial publications discussing the importance of these dimensions.” https://partnershiponai.org/wp-content/uploads/dlm_uploads/2022/07/PAI_whitepaper_making-ai-inclusive.pdf 8/ In one workshop on "Algorithmic Fairness," a Partnership researcher (who now works on AI at @Sony), @alicexiang, warned that their "techniques" could be "interpreted from a legal perspective as being forms of 'affirmative action'" and recommended ways to get away with it. 9/ At another workshop on "data colonialism", Professor Nick Couldry stated that "code's operations necessarily reproduce the neocolonial conditions of the their creation" 10/ Couldry also told tech firms that AI developers should follow the teachings of Karl Marx. 11/ At a workshop titled "Towards a Critical Race Methodology for Algorithmic Fairness", Google AI scientist Emily Denton - who appears to have become "Remi" Denton (they/them) - said that AI must "focus on the processes of racism" instead of accepting facts about different races 12/ "They/them" also claimed that "race is central to algorithmic fairness" 13/ Not surprisingly, the companies that founded and bankroll the Partnership follow its recommendations. @Microsoft's (which is backing OpenAI) website blames white men for AI being "biased" https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/industry/microsoft-in-business/business-transformation/2020/09/10/diversity-inclusion-and-responsible-ai-are-now-the-bedrock-of-bias-prevention/ https://archive.ph/gEO1a 14/ At @Meta, "In the context of AI, our Responsible AI team has developed and is continually improving our Fairness Flow tools and processes to help our ML engineers detect certain forms of potential statistical bias in certain types of AI models" https://ai.facebook.com/blog/facebooks-five-pillars-of-responsible-ai/ https://archive.ph/OSN5a 15/ According to @Google's website, "AI has the potential to worsen existing societal challenges — such as unfair bias" https://blog.google/technology/ai/google-responsible-ai-io-2023/ https://archive.ph/VOUnp 16/ Google also says "Addressing fairness, equity, and inclusion in AI is an active area of research, from fostering an inclusive workforce... to assessing training datasets for potential sources of unfair bias... Google is committed to making progress in all of these areas." 17/ https://ai.google/responsibility/responsible-ai-practices/ https://archive.ph/L3x7r 18/ The woke don’t sleep and never miss an opportunity to seize more power. It is vital that the American people are made aware of what is happening before it is too late. Bad Kitty's research on government censorship funded by US State Department Global Engagement Center, the Department of Homeland Security, and the Pentagon's Central Command https://twitter.com/pepesgrandma/status/1678406408084025351 (archive is stalling out) https://threadreaderapp.com/thread/1678406408084025351.html https://archive.ph/7FdcB/
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>>859484 >they can't separate the art from the artist. I feel like that applies to most people; how did you feel about Fez or Hyperlight Drifter?
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>>316481 How in the fuck does a government out stupid both the Euros and America at the same time. You'd expect this shit from a third world nation like Haiti or somewhere in Africa with Zimbabwe but no, a country near the fucking states happen to be even more retarded. I'm not looking forward towards the flood of Canadians coming from across the border to bring their retarded shit over to the rest of the states. We already have enough of Canada especially with their holier then though "We're not like America" Schtick that hasn't net them any good with the rest of the world anyway. Fuck my life I live to see the day where a bunch of upstart wanna 1st worlders come crying to America after shitting on it for years on end. I say this as a fucking Haitian of all things.
>>316488 >Haitian From a scale of 1 to wanted to lynch the Clintons' whole family tree, have things improved there for a bit?
>>316488 >How in the fuck does a government out stupid both the Euros and America at the same time. Because Leafland is the worst of both with none of the advantages. There's a reason why the only real exports of Canada is their actors.
>>316425 >Burn the FTC Literally, with everyone who works in it.
>>859495 >but that still doesn't give you an excuse to act exactly like they do and start boycotting what good products they do create just because they think differently. <Despite the fact that these people have declared that they hate me, everything I believe in, declare that I should commit suicide for not joining their cult, and are actively trying to intentionally ruin my life, I should still financially support these people because it would be hypocritical not to. Fuck off!!
>>316488 Your also an island nog too.
>>316487 >how did you feel about Fez I felt that Super Paper Mario already existed.
>>859495 I'm not fucking supporting people who openly hate my guts.
>>316487 >FEZ It's easy because Phil ain't the artist in that case but the grifter. The actual talent is actually rather chill, though still a leaf.
>>316466 >we recently elected a commie chink for Mayor and now have rapeugees sleeping on the streets due to no housing No different than any Blue City in burgerland. To be honest, Red Cities also have that problem, difference is that rather than curing the homeless epidemic, they just rush them into ghettos or the suburbs. >>316468 I feel that this is misleading. Canadian Chinks are more similar to Singaporeans, in that de jure they look like they're all commie spies but de facto the majority of them just want to live in a state with a similar social structure (authoritarian nanny state) but with a better economy.
>>316496 >Phil ain't the artist in that case but the grifter. Motherfucker stole literally everything about that game. He's an immense fucking shithead.
>>316469 15$/h in a large city (not even a capital/metropolis) is barely above the poverty line. No way indebted kids can sustain themselves at those rates. It's true that many lack economy management skills though. >>316419 It's really weird to see argument against his stuff though. People attacking his art have the same energy of those who insist that Columbus and Washington statues have to be removed from the US because their accomplishments are tarnished by rape and slavery.
>>316480 Every single country (except maybe Switzerland and Austria) is playing musical chairs with each other, waiting for the first economy to implode due to hyperinflation and shortages. Even the countries that switched back to gold backed currency won't be able to do shit, they're far too deep in debt.
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Apparently there's a new Zelda CDI inspired indie game now. Looks boring. Feels like a 1:1 copy in some places. https://www.ign.com/videos/arzette-the-jewel-of-faramore-official-lrg3-reveal-trailer
>>316502 I dont even get whos the target group for this, the YTP community? Noone played the zelda CDI games, they are only remembered because of their shitty cutscenes that were hilarius.
>>316502 Put it in the minor news thread, that's not gg related.
>>316502 You could just play the remasters https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uzEHIPmrulA Though, I would put my dick in the brown smug.
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>>316489 >From a scale of 1 to wanted to lynch the Clintons' whole family tree, have things improved there for a bit? No, ain't happening anytime soon from what I've heard. Got any links about the clintons cause I'm sure they did more than just child trafficking and raping kids. >>316493 (check) Pic related.
>>316504 >videogames are not gamergate related Fucks this thread for, then?
>>316502 I have read somewhere someone complaining that "it lacks the three-men slavic animation team schizo vibes" and to be honest they're completely right. Looks more what you would see in an Adult Swim show trying to make fun of CDi games. But apparently the people behind these are veteran YTPers, so maybe they know what they're doing.
Any Swedish anons around? I have some questions: Have the draft started in the country already?
>>316508 >But apparently the people behind these are veteran YTPers, so maybe they know what they're doing. Check the Twatter profiles, several have pronouns in them.
>>316510 Check the twitter profiles of linux and tor devs :^)
>>316509 No. There is no draft. Why would there be a draft?
>>316510 Half the people who made GMOD and YTPs are furries. So what?
>>316507 Blogposting.
It's me again, back with a tomboy gf update, spoilered since it's off-topic Things did not go well. She was all over me but she had too many red flags, more than I could handle. I tried my best, mates, but I don't have the money or patience to work miracles. For a little context, this is the tomboy I found who I managed to pick up who considered herself bisexual and was suspected as being very close to just trooning out as a FtM. That on its own would have been OK by me since I could easily talk her out of it, but as I got to know her more, there were only more issues brought to the surface that I'd inevitably have to take care of or compromise on. This includes but was not limited to: Weekly therapy for her 'depression', going to school for a major in English (which she was still somehow dragging her feet on), IUD inside her womb, reluctant to have kids (she doesn't like children in general), can't hold down a job for long, frivolous spending habits despite her frequent unemployment, goes to drag shows unironically, and was generally very emotional. In summation, I have failed you all, all of you who gave me your blessings. But some treks are just too dangerous to risk traversing. I shall continue searching for the perfect tomboy while my youth remains, and will update you on the status of Tomboy Mine.
>>316515 >IED in her womb You could have fixed her.
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>>316515 Nice blogpost faggot. Right on time, too.
>>316509 Are you confusing Finland with Sweden? >>316512 Swedanon, how do you live with so many retards around you?
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>>316515 > I have failed you all No, you just dodged the bullet.
>>316507 Technically speaking, we're supposed to use the Gamergate thread exclusively for gaming-related news, especially when they related to gaming journalism, collusion, censorship, localization and controversy. But I don't think there's too much of an issue putting some announcement here if you don't think it will attract much of a crowd in its own thread. >>316515 >Weekly therapy for her 'depression' Medical or self diagnosed? As someone who is dating one person who's under that shit, it's fucking scary man. > (which she was still somehow dragging her feet on), IUD inside her womb, reluctant to have kids (she doesn't like children in general), can't hold down a job for long, frivolous spending habits despite her frequent unemployment, goes to drag shows unironically, and was generally very emotional. Aside from the drag shit, this is all likely due to having a difficult upbringing. Think you can be more specific with the blogposting?
>>316518 >how do you live with so many retards around you? I don't talk about politics IRL. Most people avoid the topic and for good reason. I don't actually know which ones around me have retarded political opinions and honestly I kinda prefer it that way.
>>316515 If she had half of any of these, I'd say keep trying to fix her. But I can hardly fault you for quitting. You'd basically be needing to build a woman up from scratch. I'm sure there's some guy out there up to the challenge, but that guy, and you, definitely deserve better. fag
>>316516 I didn't have a defuse kit and to be quite honest I don't know if having one of those inside a womb for so long fucks up their capabilities of giving birth permanentely. >>316520 Self diagnosed, I think? She got "diagnosed" at age 18 or so and has been going to therapy ever since. I truly cannot see the point in therapy, seems like the biggest scam in the fucking world to me. >This is all likely due to having a difficult upbringing Not likely, she has a supportive step father and mother who support her bisexuality and lifestyle. She has had friends of both genders for years.
>>316523 >I truly cannot see the point in therapy, seems like the biggest scam in the fucking world to me. Depression is chemical imbalance mixed with bad personal experiences, but I concur. My date only got better after she quit her stupid doctors and took the right pills. >supportive step father ruh roh
>>316523 >I truly cannot see the point in therapy, seems like the biggest scam in the fucking world to me. Therapy can help but it takes someone who actually cares to actually help, which is very rare, hell took me 25 fucking years to actually find some psych help that was actually helpful and it's not even a actual doctor but a psych nurse. >>316524 >and took the right pills. Pills are a band aid anon, they help but only so much, if you can fix all your problem with only pills you don't have anything that couldn't be fixed with a better life hygiene.
>>316521 So, once you stop talking politics, Swedes are pretty ok? Wish my people were like that but it seems that they're poised to make retardation the national sport, regardless of politics. That leaf-anon has competition, sadly. >>316524 I'm not sure the therapy anon brings up and the therapy you mention are the same, often times depression is cured by "going to the psychologist / psychiatrist" instead of first doing a check-up, then going to the psychiatrist and both seeing each other's results to give a medical treatment since as you've said, it's often some chemical imbalance that's just about to go crazy depending on the person.
>>316524 >Pills If you take pills you already lost
>>316525 >>316526 >>316527 They weren't anti depressant, sorry for the confusion. It was prolactin, though I forgot if it was a deficiency or an abundance. Ditched the docs, took medications that actually made her feel better, now she's alright.
>>316528 >prolactin It had to be a deficiency then, the abundance causes more severe problems than deficiency while deficiency causes problems and slight depression due to some fuckery with the menstrual cycle or something. Hope she does better anon, better have her do regular check-ups.
>>316527 >Not giving her the daily dose https://archive.is/m1mIK If you try breaking up with her anyway, gift her Street Fighter 6 since it has sexist costumes :^)
>>316488 >How in the fuck does a government out stupid both the Euros and America at the same time. Reminder that fellating a dog (or a dog fellating you) is explicitly legal in Canada.
>>316502 >Zelda CDI inspired But Zelda CDI was garbage and is only remembered for how bad it was, causing it to be a popular meme mine. So they're making a tribute to a meme game for the terminally ironic crowd, only this time also filled with current year politics. I never understood the "popularity" of the Night Trap Remastered release either. It was a shit game too - I know, I own the original. It was only ever notable for the controversy and for fueling Tipper Gore's late-night rape fantasies. The "Remaster" though - isn't a collectable. It has no place in history, it's just a re-release of a shit game you could have downloaded for free from any Rom site. On the one hand, at least Arzette is it's own product and offers something new in that regard, but on the other - Night Trap was a release of an original game from that time period and not just current year scraping for spare change by referencing a meme. I don't understand why anyone would want to spend any money buying either of them. Jesus you niggers, at least ask for a new Space Ace or Dragon's Lair.
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>>316503 >I dont even get whos the target group for this, the YTP community? Pretty much, supposedly the have famous YTP creators like Geibuchan, Jimmy D and Walrusguy working on the game.
>>316504 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>316503 Anything that has brand recognition will be exploited. >>316515 That's unfortunate. In my experience, women who call explicitly themselves "bisexual" are always a cup of trembling. Putting your girl onto a right path would almost certainly take years or be a life long process if it could be done at all. Her issues are probably deep, and started when she was young. It's sad but nopeing the fuck out was almost certainly the right call. >>316467 Yes, and its causes are what's to be expected. Although it's not as bad as last year, when cities like vancouver literally had the worst air quality in the world for a while. Beating out every single city in china. https://archive.ph/eAufq
>> 859627 Alright I'll bite, canadian scum Why is wannabe CDI game related to Gamergate? Regarding forest fires, a lot of them are caused by people, but hot and dry climate promotes the spread, which is the reason Commiefornians regularly have trouble with them. That, and eucalyptus plants.
>>316535 They're both caused by things like root fires by retarded campers and the forestry not allowing a little brush fire here and there to clear up dead foliage.
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>>316535 Because gg threads are a clusterfuck where people post whatever the fuck they want; porn, blogposts, debates about politics and religion, bitching about the webring, bitching about mark, shitposting etc. And when someone actually posts about video games, I find it funny that someone would get uppity about it. As if that's crossing the line.
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>>316535 >but hot and dry climate promotes the spread It has more to do with piss-poor land management because lots of rich fucks move out to the country to get away from the cities they helped to fuck up - and insurance companies don't want routine controlled burns in their back yards. The state certainly doesn't want that liability. So they half-ass it, and when shit goes up in flames - half the state burns down. You don't see these kinds of forest fires in the mid-west or on the east coast. Yeah, large parts of California are pseudo-desert brushlands which adds to it - but most of the country has a mild enough climate that you can do controlled burns properly. You most often tend to see them in National Parks where there are a lot of "Forestry experts" and high tourism. e.g. Yellowstone in the 80's.
>>316538 I fucking hate these rich fucks they come destroy the entire landscape and make the entire thing a mess then leave and after that some climate activists bullshit come try to talk about how the world is going to end because climate crisis and proceed to screw people even more
>>316532 >But Zelda CDI was garbage and is only remembered for how bad it was, causing it to be a popular meme mine. People eventually found the art style endearing. The only real reasons that they were bad were because you had to >own a CDi >play with a CDi controller >the platforms were not made very clear >collision was wonky Solve those 4 problems and you have a completely serviceable game.
>>316540 To revive that they should revive autistically big RPGs or Myth and Magic clones.
>>316536 Ah yes. “root fires” and one or two “retarded campers”.
>>316542 You do know that fire spreads, right?
>>316543 Holy shit I can’t believe I didn’t even think of that. I’m retarded. The fire just spread all over dozens, and even hundreds of miles apart in less than 10 minutes. How silly of me.
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>>316537 I mean, i can talk about video games, but it's just gonna be video game blogposting that i assume nobody gives a shit about. Started playing Stardew Valley a few days ago, at fall 7 of the first year, mining and combat are both at 8, got all but like six minerals gathered and donated to the museum. I checked trash cans so much that the lid blew clean off one and now i got a trash can lid for a hat.
>>316537 I just picked on that because I stumbled across it in the index. I agree there's a ton of off-topic bullshit in these threads. My pet theory is that anons don't like going to the "gamergate offtopic containment" threads because they're cyclical, so there's never a blank slate where previous discussions drop off and new ones get all the attention. I don't even mind the topic, I just hate that we have a bunch of threads that were made for the sole reason of burying discussion, that don't even get used.
>>316532 >>316540 Those remakes of the first two Zelda CDi games some autist made a while back were actually pretty fun, once I got into them. As far as I understand it has some quality of life improvements, fixing some control issues, giving you infinite lives (instead of automatically kicking you to the map after a few deaths), and those things really helped. Otherwise it's extremely faithful, and though there are definitely parts that are fucking bullshit (which is why infinite lives is a major upgrade), and the level design definitely feels amateur, as a fan of the series in general and Zelda II in particular, I had fun with them. The in-game graphics did kind of grow on me, though yes, the cutscenes are comically bad. But that's better than regular bad. And they would have been impressive in 1993. I want to play Zelda's Adventure now, and the Game Boy remake of it does look really cool, but it's not the same as a more faithful remake like the other two got.
See you in hell, Luke Plunkett: https://archive.is/t4qLC Did you already talk about this faggot leaving Kotaku?
>>316548 Nope, first to hear of it. Looks like rats fleeing a sinking ship
>>316544 Sounds like your fires have a skill issue.
>>316542 >dozens of fires popping off literally simultaneously >coast to coast across the parts of Canada with <1 person per square mile so no one was around to see them >only a few weeks after ✡globalist groups✡ warned that wildfires would become worse thanks to "global warming" 100% organic and natural behavior. Must've been lightning.
>>316551 Its not that rare, that happens in spain every single summer.
>>316488 >>316493 >Only on the white nationalism Korean comics board is it more full of non whites then sjw places like ResetERA This place amazes me.
>>316553 I'm convinced 8chan (in both its original and current state) is one of the most unironically diverse websites on the internet.
>>316554 That’s because we’ve all individually been banned out of our own greater social spheres and coalesced around each other through shared misery. We have, as a whole, been collectively thrown out of easily over a hundred separate societies (as well as thousands of websites) and have had to migrate from place to place because we get banned everywhere we try to settle down. We even get banned from places built to ensure we don’t get banned. Still, 15-20 years on, we persist. They can’t finish us off.
>>316534 >Beating out every single city in china. I sincerely doubt China's self-reporting is accurate.
>>316554 /v/ - a Ubisoft Original
>>316538 >lots of rich fucks move out to the country to get away from the cities they helped to fuck up - insurance companies don't want routine controlled burns in their back yards. The state certainly doesn't want that liability. So they half-ass it, and when shit goes up in flames - half the state burns down. And then they blame the middle class for not giving every last penny up to other rich fucks to "save the planet".
>>316502 >>316505 >Though, I would put my dick in the brown smug. Didn't see any rule 34 of her made yet, so enjoy
>>316507 >Fucks this thread for, then? <Arguing over whether Holocaust happened <Arguing over whether jews are evil spawns of satan <Arguing over whether free market is alright <Arguing over whether ancap works <Talking about how much we want to fuck hot anime girls <Talking about how much we want to fuck hot anime boys while pretending to not be gay <Talking about your day <Talking about how you're going to murder that guy who abused your jewish nephew Godspeed anon <TIKanon posting his shit Godspeed again <Luciano, noargumentfag, Listnigger, Niggerpill and LCP containment <Arguing over racism <Arguing over the fact that Zebra are a bunch of fucking niggers <Posting random news from Israel that have nothing to do with video games <Mark banning people for discussing politics while also allowing people to link to political sites <Complaining about how 8chan went to shit <Complaining about /pol/ <Complaining about /leftypol/ <Complaining about how you miss /his/ <Posting porn .Have I missed anything?
>>316560 <Talking about how much we want to fuck hot anime boys while pretending to not be gay It's not gay if it's a shota.
>>316561 That makes it even more gay since youre getting off to feminization.
>>316561 Listen I don't fucking care, I just want to fuck whatever's cute enough and I want fag games to stop pushing men who are super fucking ugly. I don't care what is the content of your game, but if you are trying to carter to fags then at the very least make the guys hot. I can understand when someone is just not my type but still is generally handsome, but I can't get over when something just doesn't appeal to anyone.
>>316560 You tards forgot the WEF created a group of "internet warriors" to do shit like these, right? kill down discussions on sites and forums they dont approve of...
>>316564 Anon, for God's sake, have some self-awareness, look at the current state of the site.
>>316564 Every organization you can think off of has a finger in the pot of manipulating information war. Russia, China, US, WEF... China has been funding communist organizations in the US and across the world for years, Russia was doing the same with far-right ones, US to stoke anti-Russian sentiment... but I don't know how much they care about this site. Maybe they put one or two people in here.
>>316562 I only like tomboy shota.
>>316523 >I truly cannot see the point in therapy, seems like the biggest scam in the fucking world to me. Therapists are suppose to essentially be a coach who's goal is to help you integrate into society and be capable of live a "normal" life. And, with that description alone, you can see how that can go so horribly wrong.
>>859698 >communist eco-terrorism isn't rare
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>>316547 >And they would have been impressive in 1993. They were always bad, even by the standards of the day. That it was in a videogame was impressive to many people, but even Hanna-Barbara cartoons from the 70's that stations used as filler between the popular cartoons were far better. Plus, we had Space Ace/Dragon's Lair on LaserDisk in the 80's. King's Quest VII released in 1994 and was widely panned* for having similar animation techniques and really terrible art - especially coming off of the high bar that King's Quest VI had set. *=I don't actually know if it was widely panned. Most of my information on the game came from InterAction Magazine which obviously gave the game copious rounds of congratulatory blowjobs. But I haven't ever actually met anyone who liked the art direction of KQVII.
>>316559 You are a scholar and a gentleman.
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>>316560 ><Arguing over the fact that Zebra are a bunch of fucking niggers That one was fun. >Have I missed anything? Yeah, benis
>>316567 That is not a thing, and cannot logically be a thing.
>>316570 >That it was in a videogame was impressive to many people Yes, that is what I mean. Obviously it's shit compared to cartoons. I know cartoons have existed for a hundred years. I think everyone knows that. I wasn't trying to say cartoons were invented in the mid '80s or something. Dragon's Lair and Space Ace are obviously way better, but they're expensive arcade games you couldn't play at home without massive downgrades, and even the few more faithful ports would only reveal how truly lacking in gameplay they were once removed from the quick sessions intended in an arcade. CDi Zelda has more fun gameplay than the Don Bluth games. There I said it. But the point is that this was 1993 and FMVs at all were still impressive. They'd remain impressive throughout the whole of the '90s, since even the N64 could barely manage them due to lack of storage. FMVs and voice acting were majorly impressive things in video games for that entire decade, even though they were very frequently shit. Also, the PC market (and basically the whole point and click/text adventure market) was really a whole different market than the one for Zelda games and console games in general. The CDi games were clearly people with more PC-esque attitudes, and the reason the games are as looked down upon as they are is largely because they're being looked at by a console audience that expected higher standards in things like actual action gameplay, and level graphics actually being readable. Those things being fucking shit was pretty standard in PC games of the time. The other two reasons the games are looked down upon are because they're being looked at by modern audiences not considering the games came out in 1993, and also because, yes, the games aren't actually that good. But they aren't that fucking bad. Well maybe they are if trying to play with an actual CDi controller. I will never know. But those remakes were surprisingly passable. Good thing they were short, though.
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>>316453 it cool
>>859726 Thats not evidence, post it if youre so sure of it.
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>>859698 >>859725 >Posts the same post under two different IPs Are you autistic or some kind of a shill?
>>859728 Thats not direct visual evidence of ecoterrorism gong on and you fucking know.
>>859733 You do not know what evidence is then.
>>859725 >"What text in the post in question is a violation of the rules of the board?" I'm not Mark, I'm just saying that you reposted the same thing twice. I didn't notice that you were deleted at first. But it's also kind of bizarre that you had the exact same post copied for apparently no reason other than to repost it in case it will get deleted.
>>859736 >You have now admitted the fires were started purposely. I have done no such thing. >This does not physically happen in the environment without express human intervention. Except it fuckin can. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1540748920307057 Read on the subject, stop being retarded.
>>859738 I don't trust you at all and I'm pretty sure that I have seen your style of writing already. I cannot prove anything but I'm pretty sure the ban message was correct
>>316583 Pretty sure the nazi shit is a fed op.
>>316584 >the nazi shit is a fed op. They all are
>>316585 yeah, the commies too. It's all fed shit made up by three letter agencies to derail discussion and to blind both anons and normal people towards the truth. This shit is completely fucked. The worst part is that there's people who legitimately believe in this shit.
>>316586 That's nothing new, Commie/Nazi shit is 80% fed shit 10% foreign involvement and 10% useful idiots. There was once an anon that posted a bunch of info retaining to the connection between communist organizations in US and China. This was on top of those being connected to actual US government. There's more shit like that, it's fucked. And it kind of shows with the shill behaviours. They are not organic posters, they just apperar whenever the political topic in question itself appears and post nothing else but those types of agendas. You can see when anons are being just autistic about something and it is not the same.
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>>316587 The biggest tll id say is that those people you speak of never have any shitpost or talk about any non-politic topics, an anon isnt an anon if he isnt funposting a bit, they also rarely use reaction pictures.
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>>316588 I don't use reaction images that much but I do funpost Simply because I usually post on 8chan while doing something else and it's a pain to take out my reaction folder when I just want to get back into another turn of Endless Legend What faction do you think I should try next? I've played Roving Clans, the Broken, Vaulters and Necrophages I also talk a lot about politics, but that is because I am fucking autistic and like talking about it as I got obsessed with ideas of ideology as religion and how it influences people. But I never post exclusively about that. Existentialism as a philosophy explores that and there is a suprising amount of existentialist games, Jap JRPGs for example are very often based around ideas of Nietzsche or other philosophers. Even something like FGO has a lot of existentialist themes. It's not just that killing God is a popular trope in them, it's also that it has an actually really deep philosophical roots. Even old shonen tropes are far deeper than one would think when you actually gaze at them from a philosophical angle. And it's all because Japs surprisingly REALLY like Nietzsche.
>>316544 I can't be the only one who saw two lusty eyes with eyelashes on Quebec from the thumbnail, r-right?
>>316590 Those look like Rimworld pawns to me m8, youre just too horny for your own good.
>>859756 I am not Mark faggot, and I argued a shit ton with people about topics such as these and I don't consider all anons who disagree with that to be shills. As I said, you can see that.very easily. When anons are being useful idiots and arguing over this shit they get super fucking passionate about it/quit the discussion when it becomes too much for them and go back to funposting/actually have fun (or get distressed dependingly) with discussing it. Whenever a shill argues it feels that he's only here to do a job. There is no emotion or passion behind it. It doesn't feel geniuent at all. It's a lot of screaming about it with underhanded rhetorical tricks and nothing else. >>316590 I SEE IT. You can only see it if you look at the thumbnail, otherwise it kind of looks like ";_;"
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>>316590 Actually this reminds me.
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>>316584 Are you actually Mark? If so hi Mark
>>859766 >Too bad the other anons who have been banned cant say the same. Buddy. I have been banned from this fucking site more than I can count. And most anons who get banned just ban evade anyways.
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Ass Creed is getting a sex suit like in ✡Ready Player One✡ https://archive.is/WIuVC https://www.engadget.com/assassins-creed-haptic-shirt-will-make-you-feel-exclusive-sensations-never-felt-before-160041375.html >Did you ever feel that your Assassin's Creed experience wasn't personal enough? Maybe not, but Ubisoft is betting that you'd like to give it a try regardless. The company has teamed up with OWO (*notices soy*) to release an Assassin's Creed Mirage edition haptic feedback shirt. Put it on and you'll feel parkour, impacts and "exclusive sensations never felt before" — yes, really. You might want to close the door while you're playing, from the sound of it. >OWO's shirt includes haptic points at on your chest, stomach, lower back and arms. The trick is an algorithm that adjusts nine wave parameters to simulate interactions ranging from the wind to a dagger. You can use a mobile app to calibrate sensations in specific games or replace them with your own. Compatible games frequently rely on mods (such as Fortnite and Beat Saber), but there are already a handful of native games like Crisis Brigade 2 Reloaded and Drone War. This is the first major collaboration. >Details of pricing and a release date are yet to come, but the haptic apparel will work with PS4, PS4, Xbox One, Xbox Series X/S and PC. The game will be released October 12th, and the OWO shirt will include a game code. OWO's Founder Edition shirt sold for €499 ($560), but it was also part of a 2,000-unit batch and won't necessarily reflect the final price. >Wearable haptics for games aren't new, but they tend to be experimental efforts. See Sony's Rez Infinite synesthesia suit from 2017 as an example. The Assassin's Creed collaboration won't necessarily take that tech into the mainstream, but it's coming right as the next generation of mixed reality headsets is coming to market. Don't be surprised if haptics gain some traction as immersion becomes more important in AR and VR games.
>>316532 The thing with being ironic is that it develops into a mental illness, to the point of the ironic/retard forcing himself to only want bad things, for the sake of being ironic, in a sense, making irony become his "identity", for the lack of a real one. That meme of "pretending to be a retard and turning into an actual retard" was spot on. The more someone behaves like a idiot, even if just to pretend to, the more that someone turns into a idiot for real.
>>316596 Sounds like something in a few years from now you can resell at a crazy price
>>316598 Assuming it even still works by then.
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>>316570 >They were always bad, even by the standards of the day. In retrospective it makes me wonder what people are gonna think of triple AAA titles of the new 10s in a couple years. I see so many videos of run of the mile video essays calling some "underrated" game as a "masterpiece" when it's either an average piece of shit or more popular then they think it is.
>>859773 >Sure, but they usually stop saying what got them banned. Bullshit, they go straight back into the shit they were talking unless the entire thread died. How do I know that? Because not only did I do that, the people I was arguing with that also got banned also did that. >Calling all nazis feds and then shutting down anyone who argues against that narrative doesnt make it true is my only point. <Threads filled with people sayng that jews deserve genocide every other day <"Anyone who argues against that narrative is shut down" Choose one. >And yeah I expect another IP wipe just for even mildly pushing back on this statement Yeah, once again calling bullshit on that as I got banned for stating that statement a few times. You're not getting banned for "pushing back" against anything, you are banned for shitting up the thread trust me, it takes one to know one, seeing that I have caused a shitstorm in those threads a few times because of being too argumentative and getting (rightfully) banned for that, or for arguing like complete and utter shit to the point where you look disingenious at best.
>>316600 Examples of that? Some 2010s games were pretty good IMO while many were shit.
>>316589 Wonder what the Japanese would think of Karl Junge or Evola. Someone tell the Japanese about Drowned God!
>>316602 Mass Effect Andromeda No Man’s Sky Battlefront 2 Fallout 76
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>>316603 Do you mean Carl Jung? Because the Persona series is based around his writings. >>316604 No one claims that those games are good though. No Man's Sky is the only one but only after the updates.
>>316589 I forgot about that. would be nice to hear more from the latter guy but sadly he was a meme for right wing weirdos on the internet that never actually read his works.
>>316605 All the kids love ‘em
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>>316562 You're confusing shotafags for trap/sissy/femboyfags. >>316567 >>316573 "Tomboy" shotas are just shotas. Being boyish is the natural state of boys.
>>316564 This.
>>859725 >Traditionalist ideologies >on gameygays You fucking what mate?
>>316602 Final Fantasy 13's been getting more positive accolades from what I've seen recently on youtube. Then again 15 is considered dog shit despite it's sales being a watered down kingdom hearts where you can mash the attack button to win and 16 losing it's hype and having repetitive gameplay in the end with no weapon variety and boss fights being dps checks.
>>316611 13's problem was with the engine from what I know, though people are probably focusing on story more. Will have to play this game someday, alongside with other FF games.
>>316613 >The engine and story The gameplay was ass too. For 90% of the game there was only one real practical way to beat any given enemy that the devs wanted you to follow. They wanted to limit you to beating the enemies in they they preferred so bad they locked out your ability to keep leveling and learning new skills on the completely linear skill tree until you progressed the story.
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>>859798 >Numale Sky never became good after updtates. That was a blatant lie spread by paid shills. I have a couple of space vidya autism friends and they say the contrary, then again, the last space game i enjoyed was freelancer, unless you count Ayylmaos or games like battlefleet gothic.
>>316605 Persona isn't just based off of his writings but many other mythologies as well. Actually it'd be more accurate to say Japan (or maybe Kaneko, or whoever directed the Megami Tensei games) got a lot of their world views from Barbara G. Walker, author of The Woman’s Encyclopedia of Myths and Secrets who was, to say it succinctly, one silly bitch of a hag. She was the first to compare Skadi of the Norse pantheon with Scathach of the Ulster Cycle. Her reasoning was as fallacious as it sounds, and that's just the beginning. She also compares many archangels of Biblical lore to several Sumerian or even Native Indian gods. I could go on and on but it'd be best if you read her book for yourself, which is thankfully on libgen https://libgen.is/book/index.php?md5=5629ABDB2EDA29C7DB72207AD4053CE1 Why did the Japanese take after Barbara's writings so much, you ask? Well, the short and sweet answer is that her books were of the very few available at the time translated in Japanese and available to the Japanese public. With that fact kept in mind, it's easy to see how what the Japanese knew of foreign mythologies may be a bit 'stunted' so to speak. When you think about it, this makes sense, as the Japanese seem to have a fascination with Cu Chulainn and the Norse gods specifically. You see characters from these mythologies not only in Megami Tensei but also Final Fantasy (and its derivatives), Granblue Fantasy, and many many others. tl;dr This bitch is responsible for most of the Orient's fascination with certain gods/characters that most people in the West, even native Irish or Scandinavians, may not have heard of.
>>859798 >>316615 It's probably just buyer's remorse. Lots of people bought into the scam, so lots of them want to justify their purchase.
>>316617 They bought it way after release though.
>>316618 That also means they weren't strongly affected by hype and lies. Lots of people who got Spore years later loved it too, and it didn't even change.
>>316615 >No Man's Sky It's okay, it's nothing special but if you like survival games you can put a few hours in. It lets you live out a fantasy of having a spaceship and travelling planets but it isn't incredibly deep. Still, an alright survival game. If you hate survival games you are going to hate it. >>316616 >Persona isn't just based off of his writings but many other mythologies as well That's because SMt is in general
>>316619 Spore was always alright though, it was just dissapointing compared to what it could have been.
>>316620 Persona dropped the Jungian stuff as early as Persona 2. The games afterwards are Jungian in name only
>>316622 They still have a lot to do with Jung and still use his concepts. It's just not as heavy anymore.
>>316600 >I see so many videos of run of the mile video essays calling some "underrated" game as a "masterpiece" when it's either an average piece of shit or more popular then they think it is. >>316604 <That list Anything else they're shilling? It seems more like an attempt to salvage a terrible game's reputation.
>>316624 I have never seen anyone shill any of those games though, Besides NMS, but that's literally because the game changed a lot >Muh it wasn't fixed Yeah but it changed enough for some people to start liking it.
>>316515 Keep searching, anon. What happened with Vietnam waifu anon from a few breads back?
>>316624 Shin Megami Tensei 4, the original not apocalypse to some. It was as if someone designed a by the books shin megami tensei game looking back at it.
>>316623 I agree, what drew me to Persona 1 and 2 were the complex topics which were new to me. The Jungian connection to mythology is circumspect at best and can't nail it down. The actual persona as a social mask is closer but again not widespread as the more embarassed/leftist you are, the more your mask has to be convincing. A healthy person needs no mask, but a psychologist would never ever meet one since they are all nuts.
>>316616 Geez, I thought Persona or Shin Megami Tensei (or Megami Tensei in general) have been inspired by the works of Immanuel Kant and Carl Jung.
>>316616 Sounds a bit dubious if there isn't any direct attributions or credit given to her
From the TV news, but wasn't paying much attention: >Microsoft close to deal with Sony something something Activision something Call of Doody >Threads (twitter rival) now has over 150million bots npcs signed up >Musk: twitter ad revenue tanks
>>316631 Isn't national news but the framework 16 laptop is out for preorder to cuck non-upgradable laptops. I did hear about multiple brands of laptops bricking from recent windows updates.
>>316632 >windows is still a thing You really do forget about it when you stop using it. Never owned a mac, and apple is no better, but at least macfags can say "it's not windows".
The fuck is this shit that I see on the overboard?!?
>>316633 >at least macfags can say "it's not windows". They've been doing that since the Mac vs. PC commercial back in 2007 when Vista was a dumpster fire.
>>316634 A shitpost perhaps?
>>316634 >he asks the thread full of gay porn and niggers
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>>316634 >>316638 >rainbow infinity Why does the green shift into a kind of green/black then dark blue, blue, then violet? Green is supposed to shift into sky blue, blue, then indigo and violet.
>>316630 Well for one, she's the only author to ever compare Scathach to Skadi, among other things I can't recall off the top of my head without re-reading portions of the book.
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>>316638 >Mark got his own flag
>>316633 okay, literal retard
>>316643 Imagine defending Microsoft. Anywhere.
>>316639 Pride flags only have 6 colors of the rainbow on them as opposed to the traditional rainbow 7. The gay lobby is inherently exclusionary but to admit it publicly is bad PR so they signal it by removing a section of the color spectrum instead. That way they’re signaling the real truth to those who are keenly observant and karmically absolving themselves of negative consequences by doing so.
>>316645 >The gay lobby is inherently exclusionary And specifically ungodly, in the kabbalistic numerological sense, since 7 is a godly number repeated in the Christian Bible, whereas 6 is the number of power for the jews.
>>316608 You are massively gay and a pedophile if you are a male who gets off to shota.
>>316634 We did it /v/! >>316638 At what point does this abomination of a flag turn into a fucking basilisk that either just makes you gay by looking at it or kills you outright?
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>>316650 I thought he was fatter, is he losing weight thanks to Kenergy?
>>316650 >>316651 He's definitely lost some weight which I have to commend But he's giving off levels of homosexuality that shouldn't even be possible.
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>>316650 >salmon blazer Is that some kind of fish holohoax?
>>316648 Soon it will be all Ohio
>>316329 there is an obscene lack of shadows house porn.
>>316360 >None of the pedoniggers are accusing lolicons of molesting children wew lad=
>>316652 >But he's giving off levels of homosexuality that shouldn't even be possible. Are you surprised?
>>859945 they claim day and night that lolicons molest children but they are not claiming lolicons molest children. nice brain damge you have there.
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https://archive.is/fd8Cy https://archive.is/p1Ljo Female oogling = Cry article, insults and called a porn addit Male oogling = Goofs, gaffs, and hornyposting Know the difference, it may save your life!
>>316662 >167.6k views >289 likes Literally hemorrhaging money, not even clickbait can save them now
>>316663 They're probably not even getting the return on investment for twitter blue.
>>316663 Reminder that Luke Plunkett was the dipshit who compared leaking the Tears of the Kingdom to being an ace WWII pilot. Should the Current Discussions portion of the OP be updated with the news of his leave?
>>316638 >>316639 I wonder if it culd somehow get nazi symbols and other shit hidden in a new flag and spread it
>>316662 >heh waow!! >think if the situation was le reverse?! >damn hippy crits!!
>>316653 (checked) Nice. >>316662 Shitaku continues to be shit to the shock of no one. I can't wait for them all to be replaced with poorly done AI articles. >>316665 >compared leaking the Tears of the Kingdom to being an ace WWII pilot What reality do these fags live in. How are those two things even remotely comparable.
>>316667 That's not a response.
Why isn't the booru project finished yet?
>>860074 It always irked me that Pol Pot wasn’t on there but Allende was. If you want to go for internationally recognizable names, Allende wasn’t it.
>>860074 I think those are fake quotes, even if communist leaders were against homosexuality.
>>316634 It's the Q-Anon flag, but the Q stands for Queer. >>316652 >He's definitely lost some weight Doesn't he have Type 2 diabetes or something like that? I guess that might have motivated him finally do make some changes.
>>316671 if you edit it be sure to add in DMX, who shows no love for homo thugs
>>860085 Plenty of homofags despise the gender fuckery too. 99% of trannies aren't even "faggots" in that they are literally just men that are still attracted to women. So you have a bunch of straight mentally ill crossdressing men and quirky white women latching themselves onto homosexuals in an attempt to get victim hood points. So much so to the point where the faggots themselves are now considered lower on the victim hierarchy despite the trannies having literally nothing to do with sexuality itself. I wouldn't be surprised if we started seeing fag on tranny "hate" crimes at "pride" events.
>>316675 >fags are lower on the foodchain and now they are perpetually butthurt Good, let them fight more, i want more tranny championship winners absolutely slamdunking women.
>>316675 >I wouldn't be surprised if we started seeing fag on tranny "hate" crimes at "pride" events. The gays who visit pride events are usually the ones that drank the most koolaid.
>>316676 >fags are perpetually butthurt The anal sex doesn't help.
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Hmmm, I wonder why homosex is being pushed so hard by ESG, the government and so many god damn corporations? Theres never any kind of evil malicious intent behind it when before we had a perfectly healthy and functional society right?
>>860091 >No they march together and chat "We're here we're queer and we're coming for your children" If I recall correctly that was one guy in a march of a bunch of fags chanting something completely different. >Because they can't make their own kids so they have to indoctrinate your own and have them become mutilated STD ridden genetic dead end freaks as well, and they can't even be bothers to do that shit in private they display their fetish is the fucking streets for the world to see, fucking nasty. The overwhelming majority of faggots don't think nudity and kinks belong at pride parades. >>316677 Fags come from a completely different culture than you would think based on what you see in social media. Fag hookup culture is about as far as you can get from politically correct. Fags will openly express that they won't fuck niggers and find them disgusting. Because your average fag is an STD ridden depraved degenerate they just don't give a single fuck about maintaining the evangelical liberal social norms. The second fags think trannies are preventing them from getting dicked down they will turn on them. They already kind of are with how vitriolic they are towards trannies showing up on grindr.
>>316675 >I wouldn't be surprised if we started seeing fag on tranny "hate" crimes at "pride" events. This already happen, its the TERFS that do it though
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>>316681 >If I recall correctly that was one guy in a march of a bunch of fags chanting something completely different. I dug the exact video up online in like 2 minutes. They say exactly what I said they said. *deleted my previous post because I forgot to respond to this point of yours >The overwhelming majority of faggots don't think nudity and kinks belong at pride parades. The fact that even one kid are there along with those satanic drag queen story hours is the real problem. There was a time that this shit would never happen so its inexcusable to let it slide now. Honestly, I'm only having an online tantrum, bitching about it here wont make anything better. I just really hope I'm pissing off all of the gay people who browse this thread lol.
>>316662 Which set is that from? also young link is bottomless under his tunic and you can't convince me otherwise.
>>316682 TERFS are just the female equivalent of MGTOW, they aren't really related to progressive ideology. >>860100 >>316683 That video literally demonstrates exactly what I just said. One guys says "we're coming for your children" at the start then the rest of the video is them chanting some other generic slogan. >The fact that even one kid are there along with those satanic drag queen story hours is the real problem. Yes bad things are bad. >I just really hope I'm pissing off all of the gay people who browse this thread lol. Pissing off people who are probably almost completely ideologically in line with every single criticism you have sounds like a really effective way to enact policy change. You should give Hillery some tips on how to avoid alienating 50% of the voting population.
>>316685 > just the female equivalent of MGTOW Isn't that just feminisms?
>>316685 >feminists aren't really related to progressive ideology Fucking kill yourself.
Bob Iger shifts from building an empire to a Disney yard sale Disney Extends CEO Iger’s Contract Through 2026 By Thomas Buckley, and Lucas Shaw - July 16, 2023 at 5:00 PM EDT >Bob Iger built Disney into the world’s most powerful entertainment company by acquiring Pixar, Marvel and Lucasfilm. Now he’s looking to downsize. Iger put roughly a third of the company up for sale this week, declaring Disney’s linear TV assets noncore. That includes TV networks ABC, FX and Freeform. He also said Disney is looking for a strategic partner for ESPN — though he’s not willing to sell the whole thing — and the company is already looking to sell or restructure its TV and streaming business in India. >It’s a stunning if inevitable turn of events for an executive who spent so much of his career working in TV, and for a company that relied on cable networks for the majority of its profit. Before the pandemic, Disney’s media networks generated 35%, or $24.8 billion, of company revenue and more than 50%, or $7.5 billion, of its operating income. Yet the accelerating decline of cable TV has limited Iger’s options. He thought he’d solved this problem with Disney+ and Hulu, his two mass-market streaming services. But his streaming business is expected to register a loss of about $800 million in the company’s just-ended third quarter. Management chased streaming subscribers at unsustainably low prices to goose the launch of Disney+ in 2019 and is now seeking to raise prices without alienating customers. (Disney+ lost 4 million subscribers last quarter.) >Iger put up a for-sale sign during an interview with CNBC in Sun Valley, Idaho, home to an annual summit of the media and tech elite organized by the investment bank Allen & Co. The conference has long served as an incubator for some of the media industry’s most high-profile deals — and a source of endless photos of executives walking in Patagonia vests. It’s not yet clear how serious Iger is about selling entire TV networks. ABC, for example, is key to retaining NBA rights. FX has been a key supplier of programming to Hulu, which Iger plans to keep and fold into Disney+. >Iger’s CNBC interview was unmistakably a distress signal. Disney is contractually obligated to buy Comcast Corp.’s one-third stake in Hulu in a deal that would value the business at least at $27.5 billion. It’s also wrestling with a colossal debt pile stemming from its $71.3 billion acquisition of 21st Century Fox in 2019. A sale of the TV business could fetch around $8 billion, according to Wells Fargo analyst Steve Cahall — which would largely offset the cost of acquiring the piece of Hulu it doesn't yet own. Most of the potential suitors for linear TV networks are financial entities, like private equity firms, that would milk them for cash as they decline into obscurity. The list of interested parties in ESPN is longer, and could include tech giants like Apple, as well as sports companies like Fanatics. The streaming side of the sports giant, ESPN+, remains more of a niche business. But Disney continues to signal it will offer all of ESPN outside of the cable bundle in the near future. >Rumors have long swirled that Iger will end up selling all of Disney to Apple. It’s still hard to imagine Iger selling Disney to anyone. He was always a builder — not a seller. But Bob the builder is doing a lot more cutting this time around. Iger’s comments should spook his peers. If a diversified company like Disney is bailing on its cable networks, what does that mean for companies like Paramount Global and Warner Bros Discovery Inc.? They still make almost all of their profit from networks that are shrinking. Source: https://www.bloomberg.com/news/newsletters/2023-07-16/bob-iger-shifts-from-building-an-empire-to-a-disney-yard-sale Archive: https://archive.ph/SCscq
>>316688 I hope so. Been hearing this shit since The Force Awakens.
>>316686 Sure and TERFs are just this bizarre British version of feminism that for whatever reason really hates trannies. Virtually every TERF you'll ever hear about is from Britain, I don't know what the fuck is going on in that country. >>316687 When is the last time you've even heard about feminism? It is not a relevant or coherent ideology in the cultural space. Primarily because women are vastly outperforming men in virtually every single metric imaginable. The only people that openly identify and talk about feminist ideology in 2023 tend to basically and ironically be women that are more conservative in mindset and lifestyle. Just because you've isolated yourself from keeping a pulse on where the pendulum has swung doesn't mean that I'm defending feminism as you understand it you autistic retard.
>>316679 Man that joke was the bottom of the barrel.
>>316690 >When is the last time you've even heard about feminism? It's literally in the term "TERF." >[Feminism] is not a relevant or coherent ideology in the cultural space. Oh, so you're just blatantly lying now. >Primarily because women are vastly outperforming men in virtually every single metric imaginable. As if they don't just ignore that and continue giving women all the benefits and demonizing men. You're going for too big a lie here, and you're really barking up the wrong tree. Might need to ask your boss if you can be reassigned to some reddit board or something, because you're not cut out for this place.
>>316680 RIP DAN, too based for his own good.
>>316692 >It's literally in the term "TERF." Yes? I'm asking when was the last time you heard about it the larger cultural as a talking about. >Oh, so you're just blatantly lying now. Nope. >You're going for too big a lie here, and you're really barking up the wrong tree. What the fuck are you even talking about? Feminist talking points today are basically bitching about wanting porn to be illegal, crying about "sex work" being demeaning and oppressive trickery from men, and complaining about trannies in changing rooms. For all intents and purposes it's just the roastie version of milquetoast conservatism. So unless you disagree with that description of the modern feminist talking points then you're just being a retarded nigger kvetching about nothing.
>>316694 >when was the last time you heard about it the larger cultural as a talking about
>>316669 It is. it just hurts your feelings, so you reject it and pretend it didn't destroy your claims.
>>316696 Psychoanalyst anon giving his best to explain how a lack of argument is indeed an argument.
>>316690 You might be onto something about TERFs being UK or an Anglo thing as most of them have been from Canada,The UK, New Zeeland and Australia.
>>316667 This, but unironically. They're hypocrites. Do you somehow contest that?
>>316480 I don't understand why removing the gold standard was a "good idea". >>316531 Isn't bestiality legal in Germany? >>316650 Damn, the Blob looks better while Sterling looks like a clown. I wonder what's going on with the other retards like McIntosh, Brianna Wu, and Quinn.
>>316700 >I don't understand why removing the gold standard was a "good idea". It wasn't
>>316697 Did you mean to reply to the guy I replied to?
>>316700 >I don't understand why removing the gold standard was a "good idea". Because it allowed governments to seemingly and personally control the economy instead of relying upon some resource that they have no control over. And, it wasn't so much removing the gold standard that was the issue. The bigger issue is how every single currency on the planet is now tied to the U.S. dollar (Meaning anything that happens to us also happens globally).
>>316700 >I don't understand why removing the gold standard was a "good idea". For the same reason it was a "good idea" to remove the precious metals from coinage and having it be debased with junk like zinc or plastic.
>>316703 > The bigger issue is how every single currency on the planet is now tied to the U.S. dollar (Meaning anything that happens to us also happens globally). If it was the just the US being retarded I'd be ok with any alt but the alts are just as bad or even fucking worse.
>>316703 > Because it allowed governments to seemingly and personally control the economy instead of relying upon some resource that they have no control over. Which is exactly why it was bad, because the moment that the government has control over currency they will start to inflate it to steal from people and fund their dumb project.
>>316703 Because with a finite commodity (Gold) it was impossible to subsidize the nigger. That is why immediately after the Civil Rights revolution of the 1960s Nixon took us off the Gold Standard and turned the Dollar into a money printer. There was no other way to pay for the blacks. We are now reaping what we sowed fifty years ago.
>>316680 >Stupid cuckchan tier faggot thinks he can Gide his garbage under a spoiler. Fellate the barrel end of a gun like the faggot you are.
>>316708 The statement is true, were it only that is wasn't filled with ugly soyjaks.
>>316700 >I don't understand why removing the gold standard was a "good idea". Keynesian economists were popular, and in theory it forces trade balances because you would lose liquidity after a decade of trade deficits.
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>>316500 >>316500 That's why you as a responsible citizen and informed HUwhite man need to A- Arm yourself B- Create an emergency food shelter and C- Get gold or silver coins, any precious metal will do, batteries, bullets, flashlights... Anything that will be helpful or worth a lot once shit hits the fan D - Medical supplies. From bandages, hydrogen peroxide, furacin-type gauze, etc... Stop buying shit you don't need and prepare. The rest is enjoying the decline. >>316488 >>316488 I'm from Argentina and i'm baffled at the first world doing all it can to become a third world shithole. Economically and socially. I understand it from a politicians POV. They want to seize power and control over the populace. I wouldn't have thought in a million years people would allow what they have been doing.
>>316711 Don't forget antibiotics, both the topical creams for injuries and the pills if you know how to get them without prescriptions.
>>316711 >Get gold or silver coins, any precious metal will do What about platinum group metals?
>>316662 They should just come out of the closet and be done with it
>>316713 Can it buy you a few days of supplies without the other party making the deal go sour or follow you from how expensive they are?
>>316713 Yep. Anything with meaningful scarcity and which cannot be arbitrarily produced in significant qualities.
>>316688 >Iger is a builder >He bought every company that he could to milk them dry >Buying everything is building
>>316717 Well to play doubles advocate:^) building isn't necessarily same thing as creating. i.e. you can buy bricks to build a house vs. you can create the bricks from clay and then build a house with them.
>>316690 >Primarily because women are vastly outperforming men in virtually every single metric imaginable. Watched some track + field athletics the other day. The men jumped longer, jumped higher, threw further and ran faster than any of the women.
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>>316711 >That's why you as a responsible citizen and informed HUwhite man need to A- Arm yourself B- Create an emergency food shelter and C- Get gold or silver coins, any precious metal will do, batteries, bullets, flashlights... Anything that will be helpful or worth a lot once shit hits the fan D - Medical supplies. From bandages, hydrogen peroxide, furacin-type gauze, etc... Stop buying shit you don't need and prepare. The rest is enjoying the decline. Eh, too much effort, I'd rather just die violently in the ensuing food riots than having to rebuild society just to get some next-gen zoomer ruin it again.
>>316680 I have a suspicion that ESG is being pushed to crash the economy. Remember that the bankster crypto that doesn't need to be named is almost ready to go, but the violent skirmish the private banking cartel needs to roll it out hadn't come yet.
>>316703 Didn't the situation with BRICS made the US dollar worse? The US has plans to make Mexico the new China, but I'm not sure how that will fix things. >>316711 >Argentina Every time someone mentions that country, I think of this.
>>316700 >I don't understand why removing the gold standard was a "good idea". It wasn't. The whole point behind that was to make sure the nations that saw the money printer go BRRRRRRRRR couldn't get their gold back. Nixon claimed that the Gold standard was being abandoned because of "speculators", remember.
>>316711 > I wouldn't have thought in a million years people would allow what they have been doing. Every time people try to organize against it, the leaders get arrested. Look at what they did to the Proud Boys (who are liberals) and the Oath Keepers (who are literally all feds, it's a club for retired federal agents). What baffles me is that judges and juries are going along with the arrests and convicting people after their innocence has been proven.
>>316723 >Didn't the situation with BRICS made the US dollar worse? BRICS is an empty threat as half the members are in bed with the WEF, on top of every member hating each other and planning to screw the rest of them over at the first chances possible.
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>>316711 >I'm from Argentina Your women are insanely fucking hot.
>>316717 building a portfolio or empire, sure
>>316727 Out of all the hot argentinians, you picked that average looking lady
>>316717 >Buying everything is building The only time a company need this much property is if they're in the market of property trolling. >>316727 >hot Looks mid to me.
>>316729 That's average!?
>>316720 Politically relevant metrics
>>316729 The hot Argentinians are the ones alke draws. Although this one's pretty hot to though >>>/res/527
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>>316731 >braces >face like an old shovel >limp blonde hair >modest but not massive tits yes
>>316732 There are more male Presidents/Prime Ministers in the world than there are female ones.
>>316735 What 0.0000001% of men achieve is not politically relevant.
>>316734 Straight hair is great. Personally I prefer straight hair to be short, unless it's a Roll cut, but it's still nice even when long. >>316730 >mid Fucking gen α.
>>316736 Yet if there were more female leaders than male leaders, feminists would be shouting it from the rooftops.
>>316738 Well there you have it anon. Men are killing themselves in record numbers, have record low T levels, have been completely pushed out of academics, are having less sex, get completely fucked in the court system, and have over 3 times the homeless rate. But Joe Biden is the president so really at the end of the day who is truly winning here? I have to admit you really stumped me with that one. Men can jump higher and be presidents. That is pretty damn cool.
>>316668 >compared leaking the Tears of the Kingdom to being an ace WWII pilot The deformed rats/jews still fantasize that WWII was something good or that they even "won", until they are reminded that they are losing control over all countries and institutions, as many countries are simply abandoning them to create their own.
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>>316726 > BRICS is an empty threat as half the members are in bed with the WEF, on top of every member hating each other and planning to screw the rest of them over at the first chances possible. It's the other way around, WEF is working for the BRICS and installing Russian agents into Western governments. https://archive.ph/dvTou
>>316739 Your argument here >>316690 is that: >women are vastly outperforming men in virtually every single metric >outperforming They are not 'outperforming' men on merit, the deck is stacked in their favor.
>>316743 >They are not 'outperforming' men on merit I never said they were?
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>>316677 Yeah that's why fags who don't come into LGBT shit don't usually associate with those who do.
When are they making a new koumajou ?
>>316601 For some reason my ID changed from this despite me doing nothing. Maybe my internet connection fucked up and I connected to a second internet in the house or something.
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Video games doko?
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>>316744 Then you shouldn't have said 'outperforming' which implies a level playing field. 'Women are granted favorable status over men' makes more sense in the current climate.
>>316748 Gamergay threads are /vpol/ pretty much, 75% talk about vidya politics and 24% talking about the companies politics, 1% actual vidya talk. That's kinda the whole point of gamergate though, no? It's only natural for anons to be obsessed about the ESG and all that stuff too bad it's not contained only to this thread
>>316747 How many internets do you have in the house, anon?
>>316750 Women are outperforming men because of political policy changes that drastically favor them. Which is why you don't hear about "feminism" anymore, and the same reason no one talks about female genital mutilation anymore. You can phrase that however you'd like.
>>316751 I mean to be honest I did say basically the same thing here >>316560 but it would still be really nice to do some actual shit connected to vidya instead of arguing politics all the time >>316752 Internet router should have specified because it sounds silly and two
>>316754 Why would anyone use this thread to talk about video games? New goes in the news thread, and actual video game discussion goes in threads about video games. There is no logical reason to use this thread over any other for gaming related discussion.
>>316751 >75% talk about vidya politics and 24% talking about the companies politics, 1% actual vidya talk >0% shitposting >0% fetishposting >0% Fedposting >0% Markposting <
>>316755 The whole point of those threads used to be to try and improve the situation of video games. Hell that's the reason why we even talk about politics in relations to games in the first place. Though on the other hand, no one really treats gaming journalism seriously today and companies like EA can't be really done much about besides "Don't buy their games" Unless suddenly the US government changes into a fucking libertarian small government and they get eaten up by competition. >>316756 Markposting is just shitposting, Fedposting is just politicsposting and vidya politics barely happen as people just dump completely fucking unrelated political topics sometimes.
>>316718 >Off by one
>>316730 >mid Welcome, normalfags!
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>>316727 Solid 7/10. Shes good looking, but her head is a little bit too masculine. I also find her seemingly lack of eyebrows disturbing. >>316730 Mid would be a 5/10. Not pretty but not ugly either, completely and absolutely average looking. If you think shes mid then show me an actually good looking woman, impress me. >>316734 She definitely would be an 8/10 maybe around 15-20 years younger.
>>316748 She's cute.
>>316761 Shit bait, fuck off.
>>316760 Up to 7 are still mostly ugly
>>316739 Men are developing the artificial replacements for women, so procreation won't rely on women anymore. The only ones worried about men not having sex are women, who lost their only value and are set to be permanently replaced.
>>316764 >are set to be permanently replaced. Doubtful. What's going to happen with women is that they're going to go the way of the horse. They'll be way too expensive and time consuming for regular guys to give a shit about them, but the extremely rich will have a stable of excellent specimens and ride them for sport on occasion.
>>316760 Everything picture up to 9 is 3DPD.
>>316763 That's because most people are ugly. 6 doesn't mean attractive, it means slightly above average. When average is ugly 6 isn't going to be much better. >>316765 >responding to luciano
>>316712 Agree. If expiration date is close you can donate them to hospitals or clinics that might need them. >>316713 I have aluminum bars i melted myself. >>316721 My plan is not building anything. If shit ever hits the fan i want to ensure my survival. My country is always close to blowing up and i suspect this December might be it. >>316723 Its bizarre watching euros and Americans insert their politics on a third world country they know nothing about. >>316725 I'm not talking about forming or joining fed clubs. When Argentina won the world cup millions of people flooded the streets. Nothing like you've seen before. And it was for a fucking sports ball tournament. 2020 should've been the year people told this kikes enough is enough. >>316727 Yes
Goodbye CN Studios
>>316329 Sad that the creator of the Mandela catalogue turned out to be a pro-censorship faggot.
>>316670 Still waiting on an answer.
Blizzard promises "many years" of Diablo 4 story content through expansions >Diablo 4 will be getting story content, in the form of expansions, for "many years", Activision has revealed. On July 19, Activision released its financial results for the second quarter of 2023, and in it revealed Blizzard's future plans for the recently launched Diablo 4. >In the Blizzard section of the results, Activision writes: "The launch of Diablo IV marks the start of a live service plan designed to deeply engage the Diablo community and create opportunities for continued player investment." >The results continue: "Blizzard's teams are also making strong progress on expansions that will deliver major new features and continue the game's acclaimed narrative for many years to come." The report also reminds us that Diablo 4 season 1 Season of the Malignant is approaching, launching on July 20, 2023. >Interestingly enough, there was also another bit of Diablo insight in the financial results. Activision also revealed that after the launch of Diablo 4, Blizzard saw "increased engagement" with last year's entry in the series, Diablo Immortal. >According to the report, monthly net bookings for the mobile and PC title reached "the highest level since January" - fans were clearly in the mood for Diablo last month. >Elsewhere this week, Blizzard rolled out the Diablo 4 1.1.0 patch which featured buffs to underutilized skills, nerfs to some of the game's most popular builds, and a major shift for World Tiers. >This update comes just before the launch of Diablo 4 season 1, and clearly, Blizzard had a lot to say about its MMORPG as the patch notes managed to total close to 7,000 words. https://archive.ph/x8PKI
>>316772 No no no, go away spammer, go to the minor news thread.
After 27 years, vintage MMORPG The Realm Online avoids termination with new ownership >The Realm Online gets a new lease on life, but you'll have to pay to play. In brief: One of the longest running massively multiplayer online role playing games (MMORPGs) has shut down after a nearly three decade run, but a return appears imminent after a buyer came to the rescue at the 11th hour. >The Realm Online is so old, in fact, that it was referred to as a graphical MUD when it launched in 1996. MUD stands for multi-user dungeon, and was common nomenclature for such genres before massively multiplayer and the like propagated. The Realm Online was originally overseen by Sierra On-Line but has had numerous owners over the years including Codemasters and Rat Labs. >The game predates others like it that built large followings including Ultima Online (September 1997) and EverQuest (March 1999). Without its influence, we likely would not have MMOs like World of Warcraft or Final Fantasy XIV. >In a Facebook post published June 21, The Realm Online IP holder Norseman Games said it was unable to come to terms with current developer and operator Realm Worlds. As such, the game's server would be taken offline effective June 30 although a "legacy server" called Despothes' Grove would be migrated to their cloud infrastructure and remain operational going forward. >A follow-up post on June 29 (one day before the scheduled shutdown) revealed that The Realm Online had been acquired by an unnamed entity. More information arrived on July 10 in the form of an FAQ over on the game's official website. >The new owner, Virtual World Holding Company, LLC, said the game will require payment to play when it relaunches. The team said it is working tirelessly to release the game client and open the server to the public, but they are taking a conservative approach to release to ensure a smooth rollout. Right now, their primary focus is getting the core game up and running. >The latest update – a post from the game's new lead designer – was published on July 11 but makes no mention of when The Realm Online might return. https://archive.ph/dIOoP
>>860283 >>860284 Better fit there than here tbh.
JERRY BRUCKHEIMER BACKS NEW MOVIE ADAPTATION OF CLASSIC BEYBLADE TOY >Big-name producer Jerry Bruckheimer, known for classics like TOP GUN and PIRATES OF THE CARIBBEAN, recently announced plans to produce a live-action movie based on the popular Beyblade toys. >According to Deadline, there are no details on the plot of the movie, but a script is currently in the works. The toys, a type of spinning top designed to battle other Beyblades, were created to compete with Pokemon in 1999. They quickly took off, spawning manga, anime, comics, and international TV adaptations. >Despite the movie being in the early stages of development, Paramount—the studio behind the project—is reportedly already considering the potential of a franchise. Beyblade is far from the first upcoming movie based on a classic toy or game. >In addition to the BARBIE movie, Mattel has other movies and television programs in the works, like Polly Pocket. Movieguide® previously reported that Polly Pocket would come to the big screen with Lena Dunham and Lilly Collins. >According to Deadline, Mattel has several other projects in development include AMERICAN GIRL, BARBIE, BARNEY, HOT WHEELS, ROCK ‘EM SOCK ‘EM ROBOTS, THOMAS & FRIENDS, UNO, VIEWMASTER, and WISHBONE. https://archive.ph/vr3AC Looks like Jews in Hollywood are looking to replace superhero movies, it looks like it will be Anime movies along with video game movies.
>>316773 >No no no, go away spammer, go to the minor news thread. >Stop talking about video game news on gamer gate thread Autistic back again.
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>>316777 What does it have to do with gamergate though retard? I'm gonna lobby mark to remove your shit and put it in the minor news thread where it belongs, if you can't accept that you're posting the wrong kind of topic on the wrong thread you are the daft kind of autistic who does things out of habit rather than making sense of where those habits belong.
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>>316774 >>The Realm Online is so old, in fact, that it was referred to as a graphical MUD when it launched in 1996. It's a goddamned SCI engine game, jacked up on a multiplayer framework.
>>316751 >Gamergay threads are /vpol/ pretty much, 75% talk about vidya politics and 24% talking about the companies politics, 1% actual vidya talk. Muh /pol/ Boogeyman >That's kinda the whole point of gamergate though, no? It's only natural for anons to be obsessed about the ESG and all that stuff too bad it's not contained only to this thread Because ESG and video game censorship goes hand to hand. >>316778 >>316773 Outside of bitching about /pol/ and people talking about ESGs. Zero post are video game related. >What does it have to do with gamergate though retard? 1. Talking video games on a Gamergate thread. 2. Hollywood getting more in involved in video game means more censorship. >if you can't accept that you're posting the wrong kind of topic on the wrong thread you are the daft kind of autistic who does things out of habit rather than making sense of where those habits belong. Keep your autism in checked.
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it's over Gamergays
I'm using a phone charger as power supply for my raspberry zero and I'm going to get a better one. Should I get the official power supply or the Chinese nock-off?
>>316781 What the fuck is Jump going to fucking do when this is finally over. Damn. >>316782 I don't know why you would even consider getting a Chinese knock off anything if you have the option. Fuck the chinese. How big is the price difference?
>>316783 The original costs twice as much >I don't know why you would even consider getting a Chinese knock off anything Sometimes it's basically the same thing, that's why I'm asking in advance.
>>316782 >I'm using a phone charger as power supply for my raspberry zero and I'm going to get a better one What's it's amperage? The official charger outputs 5.1 volts at 2.5 amps (12.75 watts). >>316783 DiodeGoneWild does USB power supply analysis quite frequently. It's always that the bargain basement power supplies are very shoddy.
>>316785 According to google the zero needs 1200mA and my phone charger provides only 1000mA. I have it connected all day, the problem is from time to time it stops working and the LED blinks continuously, which according to this: https://raspberrytips.com/green-and-red-light-on-raspberry-pi/ That means it doesn't have enough power. So I'm considering getting a better power source that has higher amperage.
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>>316776 >it looks like it will be Anime movies Already being done.
>>316768 The fuck is wrong with that chin?!
>>316781 oh man i cant believe garp died by being frozen to death forever just like saul was
>>316789 And the opposite of Ace getting fire (well, lava) fisted
>>316768 >this December might be it. lmao Posta? Por las elecciones decís? No tengo un mango chori, si se viene la apocalipsis nos vemos del otro lado papu
>>316787 >>it looks like it will be Anime movies <Already being done. Netflix one piece probably testing the waters for a dragon ball z cinematic universe.
>>316776 >According to Deadline, Mattel has several other projects in development include AMERICAN GIRL, BARBIE, BARNEY, HOT WHEELS, ROCK ‘EM SOCK ‘EM ROBOTS, THOMAS & FRIENDS, UNO, VIEWMASTER, and WISHBONE. Pretty sure robot chicken parody this happening 10 years ago.
Nearly 20 years later, ‘Command & Conquer: Generals’ is as prophetic as it is playable >As video games become increasingly dumbed-down in the age of so-called “pay-to-win” and “freemium gaming” schemes, many gamers -especially those itching for real-time-strategy [RTS]- have been looking to the past to scratch their strategic itch. >This topic has come up several times over the years in the War is Boring idea suggestion box, which, contrary to popular notion, is not a mini-basketball hoop over a waste bin. >To simply write about RTS games would be an arduous task in itself, so today’s entry in a new mini-series of articles will cover one that is nearly two decades old, but prophetic in its story telling and going strong to this day: Command & Conquer: Generals. >Released in February of 2003, C&C Generals’ USA campaign begins with the invasion of Iraq in an effort to stop a Middle Eastern-themed terror cell from launching a Weapon of Mass Destruction. A month after the game’s release, the US and coalition forces would invade Iraq for eerily similar reason. >While it is important to keep in mind that games are not developed overnight [and that the plot of this game was likely inspired by the sabre-rattling that preceeded the actual invasion of Iraq for several years] the foreshadowing of Operation Iraqi Freedom was nothing short of ironic, and not the only card of this nature that the game would play. >The aforementioned “Middle Eastern-themed terror cell” is known in the game as the Global Liberation Army, or GLA for short. While often comically caricature-ish to the point of offensive for overly-sensitive types, the GLA would be the decades-early precursor to the real life Islamic State, also known as ISIS. >The glimpses into the future would not stop with these two examples, however, as the Zero-Hour expansion pack would also show the rise of the third faction, China. Through hacking, digital theft and sheer manpower, China would take on a superpower status through global expansion, taking advantage of a weakened and demoralized United States to execute an attempt to upstage them. >Playing the game as “research” for this article was probably the best use of “on the clock” time that one could ask for. Starting from the beginning of the original Generals and going all the way through Zero Hour, the gameplay is as enjoyable as it was when first played in 2003, if one can overlook the graphics limitations at the time. That said, modern gaming culture unfortunately tends to value graphics over gameplay, so it was a refreshing change of pace. >Certain aspects of the game are certainly dated- the HMMWV is still the premier light way for the US to move troops across the battlefield, the RAH-66 Commanche became a mass-production scout/attack helicopter, and the US infantry unit -known in-game as a Ranger- is loaded from head to toe with that “Early GWOT” aesthetic that causes one to say “peak drip,” or whatever jargon the kids are using these days. >While it was effectively obsolete since the mid 1990s, the F-117 “Stealth Fighter” in the game is way cooler than its real world counterpart. It can carry more weapons, is undetectable by anti-aircraft units [sorry, Serbia], and is capable of supersonic flight. >On the other hand of this coin, the F-22 Raptor is still the symbol of air supremacy, so the time-frozen US faction of the game at least has that going for it. Unlike real life, the F-22 program was never canceled, so you can build, deploy and crash as many of them as your budget will allow. >The gameplay itself is still very fun, and playing in “Skirmish” or multiplayer modes [the latter being thanks in part to a dedicated fanbase that keep third-party servers alive] is a testament to how good of a game it still is, even nearly twenty years down the road. >Yes, twenty years. At the time of this article’s writing, C&C Generals is around nineteen years of age, and still has infinite playability, especially for those who feel patronized by the “dumbed down” RTS of modern era. >Also, the game is so good, it is banned in China and had to be severely modified for release in Germany, because apparently fun is not allowed in either country. >While we only had time to play the US campaigns, we watched the cutscenes for every faction and re-immersed ourselves in a lore we enjoyed as teenagers. It was fun to pair off against both the computer [hard setting is the best setting] and other humans, often recounting time-tested tactics of our youth and developing new ones. >Command & Conquer Generals is availiable for Windows on both Origin [the route we took] and Amazon as part of the “Command and Conquer Ultimate Collection”, and is a must-play for those looking for a great RTS experience with a touch of nostalgia. Sometimes, older is better. https://archive.ph/hxzIJ I fully 100% believe you can't make command and conquer generals today. I can't think of any video games that had Muslim terrorists as bad guys with coughing out like call of duty.
>>316787 Edge of Tomorrow is the only good movie you posted.
>>316795 >>316787 I liked Battle Angel for what it was
>Rent halo infinite single-player campaign >As badly 343 industry fuck up Halo >They somehow made a better far cry game than Ubisoft in the single player campaign most Halo players probably skip Has anything like this happened before? Halo Infinite reminds me of Far cry 3 blood dragon. Open world fun but don’t waste your time.
Valve Corporation v. Rothschild (2:23-cv-01016) (Gabe Newell vs Lord High Jacob Rothschild, The 4th Noble Baron of Rothschild and head of The Rothschild Estate) District Court, W.D. Washington July 19, 2023, 10:44 a.m. IN THE UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT FOR THE WESTERN DISTRICT OF WASHINGTON VALVE CORPORATION, Plaintiff, v. ROTHSCHILD BROADCAST DISTRIBUTION SYSTEMS, LLC, DISPLAY TECHNOLOGIES, LLC, PATENT ASSET MANAGEMENT, LLC, MEYLER LEGAL, PLLC, AND SAMUEL MEYLER Defendants. Case No.: 2:23-cv-1016 COMPLAINT FOR DECLARATORY JUDGEMENT OF INVALIDITY AND UNENFORCEABILITY OF U.S. PATENT NOS. 8,856,221; BREACH OF CONTRACT; AND BAD FAITH ASSERTION OF PATENT INFRINGEMENT JURY TRIAL DEMANDED BROKEN DOWN FOR RETARDS 1. Rothschild has contacted Valve numerous times in the last 17 months stating that valve has infringed on their ownership of U.S. Patent No. 8,856,221 2. U.S. Patent No. 8,856,221 is the legally defined method for the data transmission model known as "Cloud Computing" 3. Valve has replied to Rothschild stating that they signed the 2016 Global Settlement and License Agreement that allows them to use the Cloud Computing method and that Rothschild agreed to the terms 4. In February 2022, Rothschild emailed Valve and demanded they renew their agreement where Valve pays even more money to be allowed to use Rothschild's Cloud Computing Information transmission model, otherwise Rothschild would begin suing Valve 5. Valve replied with the previous agreements legal documentation and refused to submit to blackmail and renegotiate the agreement where Valve pays Rothschild even more money 6. Valve was subsequently sued by Rothschild over a second patent, U.S. Patent No. 9,300,723, in the case "Display Technologies LLC v. Valve Corporation, 2-22-cv-01365 (W.D. Wa. Sept. 27, 2022)" 7. U.S. Patent No. 9,300,723 is the legally defined method for transmitting data to mobile devices 8. Valve had a license to U.S. Patent No. 9,300,723 under the exact same 2016 Global Settlement and License Agreement and provided the legal documentation to prove so 9. Rothchild voluntarily dismissed lawsuit (2-22-cv-01365) in response 10. Now, Valve sues Rothchild over breaching the 2016 Global Settlement and License Agreement because Rothschild lied and said Valve didn't have the right to use Cloud Computing patent 11. Valve says Rothschild also violated the “Patent Trolling Prevention Act” and the Washington State Consumer Protection Act by making bad faith assertions of patent infringement 12. Valve asserts that the Rothschild Broadcast Distribution Systems (“RBDS”), the owner of the Cloud Computing Patent, does not make, use, or sell any products or services of its own, but is solely in the business of patent licensing through the threat of litigation, a pattern of behavior indicative of entities commonly referred to as “patent trolls” 13. Valve asserts that the sole purpose of the Rothschild companies is to accuse others of infringement and that the goal of these lawsuits is to extract a quick settlement from the accused infringers rather than actually litigate based on the merits of the plaintiffs’ infringement claims. 14. Valve asserts that Rothschild's actions violate the Declaratory Judgment Act under the Patent Laws of the United States. Their actions also violate the Patent Troll Prevention Act enacted by the state of Washington prohibiting bad faith assertion of patent infringement and the Washington State Consumer Protection Act. 15. Valve states that a judicial declaration is necessary to determine the respective rights regarding the Cloud Computing Patent and that Valve respectfully seeks a judicial declaration that the Rothschild claim to the Cloud Computing Patent is hereby invalid and unenforceable 16. Valve, pursuant to the Seventh Amendment of the United States Constitution, requests trial by jury on all issues properly heard by a jury. https://archive.is/TrD8f https://archive.is/hGqN2
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>>860353 >Fat Jew defends himself against the attack of a bigger, fatter jew It's like watching an animal documentary on elephant seals, but instead of seeing big bois slamming their tummies into each other with their gut, it's jews legally swordfighting with schnozzes. The animal kingdom is fascinating, Jews truly are the kings of the concrete jungle.
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>>316798 Sounds like pretty good news to me. Cant imagine this going valves way but it might.
>>316798 >>316799 INB4 organized Gabe smear campaign by journalists.
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>>316798 Will the Rothschild stop Gaben?
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>>316798 Rumor has it that this is due to some copyright troll
>>316805 Yes, his name is Jacob Rothschild.
>>316782 Nice blog, friendo.
>>316770 >Sad that the creator of the Mandela catalogue turned out to be a pro-censorship faggot. What did he do?
>>316788 better? >>316791 Si no gobiernan los peronchos inmundos se lo van a comer en 1 semana al que agarre el mando. Salvo que tenga los huevos de cagarlos a tiros. Bala de goma, pistola y represion
>>316770 Many such cases just like the Lisa creator
>>860395 People should rate women between 1 and 100 not 1 and 10. You'll get a much better and accurate selection that way.
>>860395 And people still argue anime isn't a weapon.
>>316812 >defending 3dpd
>>860401 So, why the fuck there is a link to Kotaku in action in the header? Did I miss something or did the page got hacked?
>>316814 Ups, forgot not to quote, but you know what I mean.
>>316782 Reminder the makers of Raspberry Pi are antiGG
>>316816 It's a $5 pc, hard pressed to find a cheaper one that isnt an esp32 or arduino.
>>316809 tremendo pecho frio
>>316809 Imaginando los tremendos pedos que salen de ese rabo prieto me pone duro como un diamante
>>316780 >Muh /pol/ Boogeyman He didn't even mean it in this way you fucking retard. He meant it that gamergate threads is mostly politics discussion. The only one imagining boogeymen here is you.
>>316781 If that retarded series DOESN'T end with finding the treasure and it's a single empty chest with a piece of paper that says "the real treasure is the friends you made along the way" then someone needs to die.
>>316821 It will never end, the treasure will be an intergalactic set of coordinates to find followed by hunting down the timeline a wormhole took it to.
>>316821 The one piece will turn out to be a broken treasure
>>860401 >>860395 Fortunately you'll die without progeny and humanity will forget you ever existed.
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>My ID changed to my old ID again I have no fucking idea what is happening. >>316824 As will happen for basically most people here.
>>860458 Calm down there Coldsteel, you're going to cut yourself on those edges.
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>>316826 What if he's just misunderstood? Wuba lubba lubba dubba dub rub!
>>316827 >What if he's just misunderstood? Everyone is. But I'm more missunderstood more than you Rickfag.
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>>316829 I need to actually finally play Trails, but I have an entire backlog of JRPGs to play through.
>>860464 Most shonen don't even continue indefinitely anon. Maybe you should just start reading/watching better shonen?
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>>860464 >As soon as they find the One Piece, the author will create something else for them to find. The *Two* Piece.
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>>316832 The only thing bad about that image is Rean would never dislike fishing.
>>316821 I've heard on the internet that Oda has said that it's an actual treasure.
>Like the forum experience too? Drop by our friendly neighbors over at KotakuInAction while you're here lol
Speaking of edge.
>>860479 Having a weird value system isn't a "truth". Unorthodox value systems are the literal definition of edginess.
>>316830 I haven't played it because of the localizations,at some point i will figure japanese out >>316838 >literally
>>316839 >literally Correct
>>316838 That's not even a value system weird or not, it's just purposeless selfishness.
>>316841 Being selfish is a value system.
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>>316842 This. We need more parasitic narcissistic cold-blooded kikes like Bobby Kotick who make everyone fucking miserable. YOU DON'T OWN NOTHING GOYIM.
>>316841 I support purposeful selfishness
>>316843 Unironically this, it's better than being a hard-working altruistic red-blooded white who also owns nothing.
>>316843 Selfish = instantly coldblooded narcissitic kike, thats how they sell it afterall
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and the problem is bigger than we thought
>>860498 But it's just a quarter to make someone act retarded.
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>>316847 Here's them running the Saudis, Qataris, and South African Communist Party together. The South African Communist Party is a Russian operation. So is the PLO.
>>316849 Some of those transitions just don't make sense, what's the point of listing every member at the center for inclusive capitalism without highlighting their position in the big four or mckinsey initiative? It's just lists connected with arbitrary lines.
>>316850 > Some of those transitions just don't make sense, what's the point of listing every member at the center for inclusive capitalism without highlighting their position in the big four or mckinsey initiative? It's just lists connected with arbitrary lines. Go draw a better graph. That is the one that I have. > their position in the big four I'm guessing that they literally own the Big Four by having controlling shares in these companies. > mckinsey initiative Dominic Barton holds a leadership position in both.
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One camp is pro-canon, the other is trying to label her as LGBT and cherrypick examples to put on the reception page.
>>316852 Archive?
>>316853 https://archive.ph/Fvxun Love when they sink their claws into shit.
>>316852 If she doesn't like women then she isn't, easy. >>316851 I'm not the one with a giant pinboard picking what to omit or emphasize, but something like this would be how I'd start to style it. Participation doesn't nessesarily mean endorsement, just that they wanted representation, especially when everyone else is joining in.
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>>316852 Neither Naoto or Kanji are LGBTQHDHGSDYADGYAD reps. In fact, if they were it would undermine their arcs. Kanji and Naoto's characters are commentaries about societal issues in Japan, not gender issues. If Kanji is gay then that means his bullies were right and only fags like sewing and other feminine hobbies. And if Naoto is a tranny, that means the sexism in the Japanese police force is completely correct and indeed only men should be detectives.
>>316856 Problem is people pretend like it's about sexism when that isn't it either. She just experiences ageism and most of her sexual prejudice is internalized in herself. The game even points this out via Kanji.
>>316847 >Palestinians, a group who is fighting against a jewish state has ties to Nazis and is funded by a jewish organization outside of Israel Rothschilds actually really fucking hate Israel for some reason eh?
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>>316335 Currently at work. Drew this thinking of u guise
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>>316856 Why do they insist on pushing this shit when anyone watching a walkthrough or god forbid play the game would see otherwise? What's the end goal to this?
>>316335 >>316856 Stop even satirizing how they want to be called. Call them faggots. Just call them faggots, anon, god fucking dammit.
>>316860 Getting a micropenis hard-on from making people think they liked a tranny, so those people also like them.
>>316861 I did use the word faggot.
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>>316864 A shame the spoiler wasn't highlighted for that screencap.
>>316865 Wish whoever saved this highlighted it.
>>316860 Persona is one of those series where the 'fanbase' is ridiculously, disproportionately larger than the actual 'playerbase', to the point where it became a meme. (Something like "Don't mess with us Persona fans; we've never even played the games")
>>316867 So like Undertale or any tumblr/twitter associated piece of work?
>>316867 To be fair i think this applies to most franchise nowadays. Since people outside the hobby can look up through wikis and videos the lore and gameplay they don't need to play it to be "part of".
>>316852 People who have actual Wikipedia accounts with edits would be greatly appreciated >wikipedia is for faggots I know. But it'd add credibility.
>>316821 > a single empty chest with a piece of paper that says "the real treasure is the friends you made along the way" Imagine if it's that, then the next chapter it's discovered that you need the power of friendship to actually open up the treasure Anyhow that ending is the canon shit for fucking Monkey Island, because for some reason they thought that it was the most poignant question of the series
>>316870 >I know. But it'd add credibility. Even pozzed colleges wouldn't recommend it and wikipedia's been on the decline for donations. What credibility's left outside of math sections?
>>316872 Credibility in the eyes of Wikipedia jannies. Remember that normies actually use Wikipedia.
>>316873 >Normies. That aside you can't gain credibility towards the mods and even normal fags have been against Wikipedia for a while now. What I said earlier applies to normal fags as well. It's been a meme that Wikipedia's unreliable that's gotten more popular over the years.
>>316831 Gooks finally catched up with americans and their multi verses and eternal milking of franchises and beloved characters. That's why we are seeing more and more manga "not ending" when the original serialization ends or it spawns multiple spin offs. Naruto, Seven deadly sins, dragon ball, CCSakura Shaman king, My hero academia Also more remakes of classics or rebirths of canceled shows like Bleach, Gintama, Urusey yatsura, etc, etc..
>>316875 My Hero Academia is ending though. The mainline manga is in the final arc. While Vigilantes was a prequel that finished a while back. The other spinoff is just a chibi gag manga.
>>316876 Sure, it clearly has an ending, but just give it some time. Once the anime about finishes, the publishers will be pushing for more issues. Dragon Ball ended too, once upon a time.
>>316869 >people outside the hobby can look up through wikis and videos the lore and gameplay they don't need to play it to be "part of". You ever wonder when the barrier of entry to these 'fan communities' dropped so low that a quick wiki-thump or watching a single video is all that's required to be "part of" one? At some point, the word 'Community' has lost its old meaning of "a specific group of people localized in one place, unified by their shared investment in (and commitment to the continuity of) that particular place", and gradually been re-defined as "random people with no fixed point of congregation, tenuously unified by a single shared interest, without any true obligation to preserve or maintain it".
LOL WHAT THE FUCK >subject matter expertise
>>316868 Or touhou.
>>316875 What the fuck you are talking about they have been doing spin off the same series "multi verses" since before the 90s, why do you call nips gooks anyway?
>>316875 Japs caught up a long time ago. Godzilla started in 1954 (when there were only five or six long running superhero comics left, before the old ones all got rebooted into their current, eternal forms) and even though they tried to end it in '75, they brought it back less than ten years later. Ultraman (or rather, Ultra Q) is from 1966 and still going strong. I'm not enough of a weeb to be into Ogon Bat yet (but I should get into that now that I think about it), but I wouldn't be surprised if that's still going in some form. Japs have had tons of absurdly long running franchises for decades now.
>>316878 When forums were still a thing the only way to get through the community and lore was to play through, watch or read whatever you were trying to get into. Forums would have either sub forums or a dedicated home page for info on the series, ost's roms, etc... You immersed yourself with it. You had to commit to it to talk to people that were actually REALLY into it. Now everything is a fucking front. Sites like knowyourmeme got so popular because people wanted to know but didn't want to go through the effort of acquiring that knowledge.
>>316879 For subject matter expertise, they sure cannot grasp Persona 4's themes.
>>316881 Dragon ball was effectively dead until that OVA from 2008 was released. Last movie released was from 1995 and we only got some minor spin offs or video games that stuck to the original lore or with some "what if" scenarios to keep it ""fresh"". Fairy tail ended with a cliffhanger just so it can spawn a long running sequel. Rurouni kenshin, bleach, "trigun", orphen, Urusey Yatsura, Dai no daibouken, Shaman king, in the last years we got all these remakes also. And the have in plans shit like akira, blue exorsist or more FLCL shit no one asked for. They are clearly over producing shit and have realized all the massive archive they have to exploit. All these things didn't used to be normal in the industry before. >why do you call nips gooks anyway? I always liked it more than nip.
>>316886 >Dragon ball was effectively dead until that OVA from 2008 was released. Last movie released was from 1995 and we only got some minor spin offs or video games that stuck to the original lore or with some "what if" scenarios to keep it ""fresh"". Sometimes, dead is bettah.
>>316888 Mah nigga
>>316885 4/v/ is also talking about this but they focus too much on attacking trannies instead of attacking the arguments and the control they want over online enclyopedias. They have no self awareness...
>>316886 What is Gundam? What is Super Sentai? What is Ultraman? What is Godzilla?
>>316858 Do the Rothschildren own any arms dealers?
>>316810 >What did he do? Alex Kister was going after urbanspooks. Another analog horror creator because the main villain of his series is about a serial killer with zero supernatural elements, implied to be a child molester. Alex Kister said rape happens in real life and doesn't belong in horror because rape affects real life people. Urbanspooks called out Alex Kister for hypocrisy. Why are you okay with children being killed but the killer is implied to be a rapist too much? Why is suicide okay in the Mandela catalogue? Suicide affects real people. Urbanspooks got Alex Kister so, as he blasted the retcon demons driving people to suicide in Mandela catalogue lore. >860385 >Many such cases just like the Lisa creator I remember people on /v/ kissing Lisa creator butt nonstop. Despite Lisa being anti-men feminist propaganda.
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>>316893 >Alex Kister was going after urbanspooks. Another analog horror creator because the main villain of his series is about a serial killer with zero supernatural elements, implied to be a child molester. >Alex Kister said rape happens in real life and doesn't belong in horror because rape affects real life people.
>>316891 >What is Gundam I didn't name Lupin either or other decade long running series. I also avoided movies or sentai shows since those were also conceived with the same idea in mind. I think the anime and manga industry is adopting a market strategy similar to movies and american comic books. When it didn't used to be this way. I don't see it as a positive whatsoever. Same shit with vidya.
>>316879 >Trust the expert bro
>>316895 How can you say it didn't used to be this way when you acknowledge Gundam and Lupin exist? And it's silly to limit your thoughts to anime and manga, then blame American movies and comics, when there are anime/manga adjacent things in Japan that have been doing this forever? The audience for Godzilla and especially Ultraman and Super Sentai have enormous crossover with the audience for anime and manga, and everyone including the creators and audience know it.
>>316893 > as he blasted the retcon You mean "assblasted, he retconned"?
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>>316821 I figured out what it was going to be years ago: mementos and trinkets of their crew and journey, then Ussop leans against a wall, falls through it, and there's a mountain of treasure in the back room and everyone celibrates. After that it'll probably be a timeskip to them as either middle-aged men who're still a crew, with luffy playing the role of shanks in chapter one, or as old men all split up and retired, with luffy being the grandpa figure from the second version of Romance Dawn. Also titties.
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Did someone say Japanese long runners?

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https://archive.ph/Owm3q A Japanese twitter user claimed that Americans were outraged of this Nintendo Dream Magazine picture of Link eating a watermelon due to "racism", but I have no idea what he is talking about or where this supposed outrage is from. Seems like a fake story or he just saw one tweet
>>860586 They are teens, teens are pathetic
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>>316902 No character is ever allowed to be depicted eating watermelon again, because das raciss!
>>316901 At this point I think Shizuka's panties are considered the 4th national relic of Japan.
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>>316902 The racism is niggers love watermelon, and anybody who gets offended at this picture has made that connection in their mind and is therefore racist. Therefore this picture offends racists, therefore it's good because fuck racism. Don let dem moolies steel al dem watamelanz, shieeeeet.
>>316906 Is that why they aren't shown at all these days? They're locked away and she's been nopan for years?
>>316908 >she's been nopan for years oh boy
>>860619 >He still thinks that values matter No where in that post did I say anything about values mattering. Are you illiterate? >you are a idiot. <a idiot Lmfao, guess that answers that.
>>316670 Steve is on vacation.
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>>316883 >When forums were still a thing the only way to get through the community and lore was to play through, watch or read whatever you were trying to get into. That's complete bullshit. All you need to do in order to "blend in" with such communities is lurk long enough to get a grasp of the topic, and only talk about what you (Personally) know. Anything you don't know can be answered by the conversation or by simply asking. For example, you goes talk about Eva enough to the point that I don't even need to watch the anime to understand the story, the intentions, and it's result.
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>>316877 >Dragon Ball ended too, once upon a time. Wasn't it the American movie that caused Toriyama to return to the series because of how traumatized he was by it? >>316886 >They are clearly over producing shit and have realized all the massive archive they have to exploit. You do remember the 90's and Aughts, when they pulled Gunbuster, Tekkaman, Marcoss, Bubblegum Crisis, Cutey Honey, and dozens of other properties out of (Two) decade long retirement for the purposes of making sequels, right?
>>316907 >Not Watermelanin ONE FUCKING JOB TYRONEUS!
>>316914 That's a pigment, not an element.
>>316882 >Ultraman (or rather, Ultra Q) is from 1966 and still going strong Not really. Tsuburaya has been on another close-to-bankruptcy decline for years by now, due to low ratings and low sales of toys. The Ultraman tv shows were all reduced to half of their episode counter, and started airing without any continuity with some shows airing years after the previous ones. Ultraman simply does not make money anymore. >Godzilla Shin Godzilla basically tanked the Godzilla franchise in Japan, and it will stay like that for years. It is almost 10 years by now since it debuted, and it's failure was the main reason for Toho to sellout to pedowood. As for those franchises, even though they were long running as franchises, each year's stories were mostly self contained (like in Super Sentai) with definite conclusions. But in the early 2010s, Toei and other companies decided to go capeshit and make everything be unconclusive and many shows brought back for later crossovers or specials, never concluding them. They are even destroying older shows (Hurricanger, from 2002, just got a 20th anniversary moves that sucks). The point is that, those where franchises in brand only, with each season (or movie) having a conclusive ending. But for over a decade now, Japanese companies decided to never conclude anything anymore. And that made those franchises decline in quality and sales,as nobody likes the capeshit model of infinite stories.
>>316913 Don't forget Cyborg009, Glassmask, FoTNS, Record of Loddess Wars and Vampire Princess Miyu.
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>>860619 >We have a dinosaur here. I knew that fucking asteroid didn't get them all.
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>>860619 >He still thinks that values matter
>>316852 >>316885 Aren't Shin Megami Tensei fans less retarded than Persona fans?
>>316900 Imagine nami's namis after another timeskip
>>316922 >GILF Nami
>>316921 Depends on where you look. I knew an SMT fan who was so obsessed he did a walking tour of Tokyo with his copy of Nocturne and blogged about it. I'm pretty sure he went to a love hotel and fucked the disc afterwards.
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>>316797 That's actually not wrong.
>>316802 It'd be an awakening moment for Valve and Gabe in general, getting attacked by the very Left machine they have supported. (Gabe has directly donated to ActBlue.)
>>316921 No they aren't any better, it's just they are more pretentious and up their own asses then Persona fans, I've met cool fans from both though. >>860654 >There were posts praising Devil May Cry 5's blatant jewish propaganda, What propaganda? I've seen both sjws and idiots here, try very hard to pretend this game was somehow propaganda for either side. >as well as the faggotry in Final Fantasy 16 You mean one character who is gay, but the game doesn't make it his whole identity, all while the rest of the game has Clive fuck Jill's brains out, and sees Benedikta show skin? I've my issues with FF16 especially the stager system, but you choose the worst things to bitch about.
>>860654 >>316927 The only issue I know of with DMC5, aside from the graphics, is that it has microtransactions.
>>316928 That's what I rib the game for, but aside from that it was a fun experience.
>>316926 >It'd be an awakening moment >getting attacked by the very Left machine they have supported Do you not see lefties get their own medicine and just taking up the ass like nothing is wrong all the time?
>>316927 Dont bother responding to luciano
>>316931 Clearly neither of them are.
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>>316684 >young link is bottomless under his tunic Young Link canonically wears green shorts/spats under his tunic, except in the original OoT and MM, where his models have absolutely nothing (not even a pseudo butt) under the tunic. https://sketchfab.com/3d-models/young-link-c2f7e487b04c403c94e696cac1bd13ff https://sketchfab.com/3d-models/gamecube-super-smash-bros-melee-young-link-7de0c9cae2d840588c59d39232c25d4d https://sketchfab.com/3d-models/nintendo-64-young-link-replica-d29ece30e05f46e39646cd4dab5f925b ALttP Link is the one who canonically goes commando. See 5th pic.
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>>316934 Or if you're DIC, heart boxers.
>>316934 Fags like you is what made me start posting Zelda butts in the first place and now every Zelda thread is full of them and I cannot be anymore happy with what I have done.
>>316933 I like how NYC can simultaneously give money to black terrorists yet completely neglect and even screw over black and white homeless >>316900 That girl is destined for glory
>>316934 > except in the original OoT and MM So, except for the game where Young Link is actually from? What did you think anon was talking about? Gay ass revisions like how they covered Ruto's breasts with fins later?
>>316934 >ALttP Link is the one who canonically goes commando. See 5th pic. You're retarded. That one has him clearly wearing tan pants that are a different color from his skin. Why are shotaniggers so stupid?
>>316933 Whoo boy. Get ready for mass chimpouts on a scale never seen before the next time a nog dies while resisting arrest on drugs. Every single nigger in the country that isn't already rich is gonna want somma dat free gibsmedat for rioting and looting, now that NY, NY has set precedent.
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>>316942 How's your morning going, anon?
>>316938 ponder the aroma of the fish puss puss
>>316945 Caviar?
>>316890 In their defense, after a point you don't want to deal with the shitty arguments, you just want to recognize the malcontent for what it is and get them to fuck off already. It's why Niggerpill, Luciano, LCP et all get deleted on sight.
>>316943 walk to store, buy cookies, come home, eat cookies; ultimately better than the days where i dont have cookies
>>316947 You can only deal with the arguments of someone that want to argue, delusional people are a pain in the ass
>>316943 >>316948 Pure blog energy.
>>316951 No yeast, you're only getting challah.
>>316951 Where are my next 76 posts?
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>>860803 The fact that you’re ban-on-sight proves just how wrong you are.
>>316938 >Gay ass revisions like how they covered Ruto's breasts with fins later? On the one hand, I hate censorship. On the other hand, covering up Ruto's breasts with fins now implies there's something to cover up, which leaves me conflicted.
>>316956 Well, he had a great run. 96, lived the heyday of America, fucked everything that moved, snorted it to, and made a fortune doing so. I say god bless and gospeed
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>>316958 >On the other hand, covering up Ruto's breasts with fins now implies there's something to cover up, which leaves me conflicted. To the connoisseur of eroticism, things that are more covered and leave something to the imagination can be more erotic than otherwise, however the intention was to censor and sex-down. You can disapprove of the motives while taking advantage of the implied lewdness of the new design. Just like how you can disapprove of light ray censorship while acknowledging that by fully censoring a bikini with a ray of light makes it look like the girl is naked under the the light.
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>>316934 As an Exhibitionismfag i will never understand you spatsfags. I started using the internet to see naked people, and i will fight tooth and nail to stop you clothniggers from obscuring the lewdness of total nudity. i miss shotachan, there was this one story where young link's tunic is dissolved and he has to sneak around naked. but now it's fucking gone. also >except in the original OoT and MM, where his models have absolutely nothing (not even a pseudo butt) under the tunic. And there we have it. like >>316938 said, the spats are a modesty censor for freecam games like smash. Like mythra's leggings, They don't canonically exist. >>316939 >tan pants >when it's the exact same color as his skin Balls in the wind.
>Autist stating that the sky is blue
>>860873 If you actually wanted to kill the thread you would learn to spam using invisible characters to avoid having your posts easily filtered. Also reminder that this site still doesn't have basic world blocking on a board owner level because StephenLynx thinks preventing spam like this is "rule cucking".
>>316957 Nah, I think most here would agree with him. But just posting the same boilerplate statement every single thread is just being a nusiance. Also sweet jesus I look away from this thread for ten minutes and it turns into spam lol. At least we'll get a new bread sooner this way, I guess.
Remember, don't bake a new bread just because of this autist and their 'maxed-out thread replies' speedrun. Wait for the spam to be culled, and it'll fall back below 700.
>>316966 What the fuck even is the bump limit anymore
>>316964 Someone get him in here to have a laugh.
well i'm convinced. i'm going to stop putting denuvo in all the games i make.
>>316970 I'm going to start putting denuvo on every website if it stops fags like him from being on it.
I literally sat down and watched an entire film. It’s been almost three fucking hours straight now. The thread is rapidly approaching a thousand posts. Did Mark fall asleep on a park bench somewhere?
>>316972 Just mention abolishing copyright and he'll show up to turn the thread into swiss cheese.
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>>316972 No, he's making spaghetti right now
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>953 posts on the catalog >Check thread >Weak spam Lmao.
>>316976 Oh, and it's a different ID every post with posts being only 20-30 seconds apart. Good to know Captcha is pointless.
>>316961 >Shotanigger has 0 taste Sasuga.
>>316961 >when it's the exact same color as his skin On closer inspection, you are correct.
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Well I guess the spam's not really a big deal if there's not much blogging happening anyways.
ayy, the spam is gone.
Bake the bread now
>>316982 But we have 50 posts left.
>>316983 I’ll make an exception since it was spammed
>>316983 Early bread is even more fresh, anon.
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>>316982 You'll have to fight for it.
>>316986 >Smash autism >Not Left 4 Dead gay
So anyway what’s this about Bethesda begging some tranny to quit?
>>316988 They didn’t. Bethesda actually has hired more trannies. You’re thinking of Zenimax, their parent company.
>>316989 >You’re thinking of Zenimax, their parent company. Does Zenimax have Saudi Arabian owners?
>>316990 No, Zenimax is owned by Microsoft.
>>316992 Technically it's too early.
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