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#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: Cosmic Eternity Edition Anonymous 09/24/2023 (Sun) 00:11:06 Id: 12b66a No. 332365
ONGOING DISCUSSIONS: >Feminist Frequency is dead https://archive.is/gHAZc >Buzzfeed News is shutting down https://archive.is/mI2rz >The Gamer Praises Censorship in ‘Resident Evil 4’ Remake, Claims Original Game’s Panty Shots Encourage “Misogynistic Behaviour In Real Life” https://archive.is/qGtKO >Chris Avellone wins seven figures lawsuit, possible return to video games industry https://archive.is/ZDgT7 >GJP is attacking Valve over not supporting BLM https://archive.vn/12kPM >Nathan Grayson laid off as The Washington Post shuts down Launcher, their gaming section https://archive.is/B9wT2 >Limited Run Games fires employee after complaints over who she follows on Twitter https://archive.vn/obNiJ >Regulators (FTC) Look To Block Microsoft Acquisition Of Activision Blizzard Inc https://archive.ph/rKNDf >EU antitrust regulators to probe Microsoft's $69 billion Activision bid https://archive.ph/SqhgU >IGN Journalist who reviewed The Last of Us Part 2 joins Naughty Dog as Editorial Content Manager https://archive.ph/eTmtu https://pastebin.com/GGG5Kwdr >Arc System Works confirms that Bridget is trans https://archive.ph/lkbiL >Cloudflare bans Kiwifarms https://archive.ph/5ziDX >Ben Kuchera claims he was fired by Vox Media for taking time off to deal with his children being sexually abused https://archive.ph/nB79z >Wiki is up again! https://ggwiki.deepfreeze.it/index.php/Main_Page CURRENT TASKS: 1. OPERATION MAX REVIVE Rebuild the board's userbase and activity through simple, but effective methods 1. Post across the entire board Activity creates activity. Use threads you like, make new ones if topics don't exist. Easy examples are Drawthreads and Friday Night threads, go request or draw something right now. 2. Recruit and recover lost or potential anons Use this site's OC and features to entice anons if necessary when recruiting, just inform that we are alive. Here's some sites and links with at least some confirmed anons that can be recruited again: https://steamcommunity.com/groups/8chotwheels https://steamcommunity.com/groups/SSAVCH https://steamcommunity.com/groups/video_games https://steamcommunity.com/groups/8chmohun https://steamcommunity.com/groups/8chan_monster https://steamcommunity.com/groups/GoodLuckEbolaChan https://steamcommunity.com/search/groups/#text=8ch.net https://steamcommunity.com/search/groups/#text=8chan Other sites that might yield fruitful results and have anons (art sites use an account so you can see 18+ content):
[Expand Post]https://www.deviantart.com/search?q=Vivian+James https://www.newgrounds.com/search/summary?suitabilities=etm&terms=Vivian%20James https://twitter.com/search?q=Vivian%20James&src=typed_query&f=image https://rpgcodex.net/ https://old.reddit.com/r/KotakuInAction/ Somewhere on Telegram Just searching up GG or 8chan-related terms on certain places/sites can get you possible results. 3. Make your own OC/Memes/Content Doesn't matter what it is even if its just simple edits or full-on drawings or webms, just make it and have fun. Ask in thread for software recs if necessary. 4. Encourage or create fun events, activities, projects, etc. Think things like 8chanmania, weekly streams, re-translation projects, demo days, or zzz's gaming magazine for example. If you want to do something, try making or reviving it, it can't hurt and these things are great for the board. 5. Use other boards All it takes for a board to grow is at least 2 dedicated anons using it. Don't be afraid to make a post, check places periodically, shill, or what have you. Don't force discussions to boards, just encourage the usage of them. 2. OPERATION TRAJAN: Collect and catalog all of the various localization and censorship accounts of past video games into a single repository from these sources: romhacking.net The_Cutting_Room_Floor/tcrf.net Segaretro.org https://redirect.invidious.io/channel/UCFItIX8SIs4zqhJCHpbeV1A Examples: http://archive.vn/XQOHW Sony's policies forces censorship; JP devs allegedly have to go through ENG approval process: https://archive.fo/awzFF - Japanese blog post about it: https://archive.fo/bF9bE Sony Japan President Says PS4 Censorship Policy Is To Match Global Standards And Protect Kids: https://archive.fo/U3GLa - Confirms censorship was deliberate: https://archive.fo/XgAgP - No rules for censorship policies, games judged case-by-case: https://archive.fo/37DhK - Marvelous partner starts petition against policy: https://archive.fo/rxQtf https://archive.fo/84UHo • Twitterfags: Tweet with Sony's stock code $SNE so that investors see your tweets and know you're pissed. • Consider spreading OP Timber materials to targets as well: http://archive.vn/URjtu ONGOING TASKS: A. Operation Download And Conquer: Loosen the death-grip of Google that has taken hold of the internet's audio and video services >>>/t/5546 B. Support archive.fo! Accountability needs proof: https://liberapay.com/archiveis/donate C. OP DisNod: Contact the FTC and advertisers about violations and unethical practices http://archive.vn/9bylT D. Internet Censorship happenings: Spread the word about the dangers of FOSTA/CLOUD act/Article 13, etc. https://www.eff.org/de/deeplinks/2020/03/earn-it-act-violates-constitution E. OP End the Era: Dig into resetera and their connections to journos, devs, etc. http://archive.vn/JfuSb Reminders (important, READ THESE!): • Use https://archive.today to deny sites ad revenue and traffic and preserve pages in case they are deleted later • Be civil if you have to argue with people on Twitter, Tumblr or any forum - don't make us look like douchebags • Do not accept requests for any goal, demand lists or personal army requests: https://pastebin.com/p5dVp1e5 • Beware COINTELPRO: The Gentleperson's Guide to Forum Spies: https://cryptome.org/2012/07/gent-forum-spies.htmSTOP REPLYING TO BAITS AND OBVIOUS DERAILMENT ATTEMPTS, JUST REPORT AND FILTER Resources >Summaries of #GamerGate:https://redirect.invidious.io/watch?v=wy9bisUIP3w - #GamerGate - If It's Not About Ethics • https://redirect.invidious.io/watch?v=5fnRSL3d_xU - #GamerGate in 60 Seconds • https://archive.fo/23Fde - GamerGate: A State of the Union Address >Background and Evidence for #GamerGate: • The #GamerGate Dossier: https://archive.fo/nv1Fb • #GamerGate Wiki: https://ggwiki.deepfreeze.it/index.php?title=Main_Page • History of #GamerGate: https://www.historyofgamergate.com/ • View the timeline links in the Current Happenings section! >Lists: • GG Steam Support & Boycott List: https://v.gd/vzRsRb • Key GamerGate Hubs: https://v.gd/LNJbat >Thread Repository: https://gitgud.io/gamergate/gamergateop/blob/master/ThreadRepository.md https://ggwiki.deepfreeze.it/index.php?title=Thread_Repository >Full OP Text: • Current: https://ggwiki.deepfreeze.it/index.php?title=The_GamerGate_OP >How Can I Help? >>>/gamergatehq/ • All OPs: https://gitgud.io/gamergate/gamergateop/tree/master/Operations • OP Vulcan: Learn logical debating: https://v.gd/Kbzw0L • An Anon's Guide to Twitter; basics: https://v.gd/nwrbYF >Want to Contribute to GitGud or Wiki? https://gitgud.io/gamergate/gamergateop/tree/master/How-to-Contribute
>Comsic Eternity hell yeah mother fucker. Sonic Boom a shit.
no benis
>>332367 Shall I post Sonic benis to make you feel better?
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>>332367 You are swine you vulgar little maggot. Don't you know that you are pathetic? You worthless bag of filth. As we say in Texas, I'll bet you couldn't pour piss out of a boot with instructions on the heel. You are a canker. A sore that won't go away. A zit on the butt of society. I would rather kiss a lawyer than be seen with you. You are a fiend and a coward, and you have bad breath. You are degenerate, noxious and depraved. I feel debased just for knowing you exist. I despise everything about you. You are a bloody nardless newbie twit protohominid chromosomally aberrant caricature of a coprophagic cloacal parasitic pond scum and I wish you would go away. You're a putrescence mass, a walking vomit. You are a spineless little worm deserving nothing but the profoundest contempt. You are a jerk, a cad, a weasel. Your life is a monument to stupidity. You are a stench, a revulsion, a big suck on a sour lemon. You are a bleating fool, a curdled staggering mutant dwarf smeared richly with the effluvia and offal accompanying your alleged birth into this world. An insensate, blinking calf, meaningful to nobody, abandoned by the puke-drooling, giggling beasts who sired you and then killed themselves in recognition of what they had done. I will never get over the embarrassment of belonging to the same species as you. You are a monster, an ogre, a malformity. I barf at the very thought of you. You have all the appeal of a paper cut. Lepers avoid you. Because off your face the rabbit population actually decreased. You are vile, worthless, less than nothing. You are a weed, a fungus, the dregs of this earth. And did I mention you smell? If you aren't an idiot, you made a world-class effort at simulating one. You snail-skulled little rabbit. Would that a hawk pick you up, drive its beak into your brain, and upon finding it rancid set you loose to fly briefly before spattering the ocean rocks with the frothy pink shame of your ignoble blood. May you choke on the queasy, convulsing nausea of your own trite, foolish beliefs. You are weary, stale, flat and unprofitable. You are grimy, squalid, nasty and profane. You are foul and disgusting. You're a fool, an ignoramus. Monkeys look down on you. Even sheep won't have sex with you. You are unreservedly pathetic, starved for attention, and lost in a land that reality forgot. You are a waste of flesh. You have no rhythm. You are ridiculous and obnoxious. You are the moral equivalent of a leech. You are a living emptiness, a meaningless void. You are sour and senile. You are a disease, you puerile one-handed slack-jawed drooling meatslapper. On a good day you're a half-wit. You remind me of drool. You are deficient in all that lends character. You have the personality of wallpaper. You are dank and filthy. You are asinine and benighted. You are the source of all unpleasantness. You spread misery and sorrow wherever you go. I cannot believe how incredibly stupid you are. I mean rock-hard stupid. Dehydrated-rock-hard stupid. Stupid so stupid that it goes way beyond the stupid we know into a whole different dimension of stupid. You are trans-stupid stupid. Meta-stupid. Stupid collapsed on itself so far that even the neutrons have collapsed. Stupid gotten so dense that no intellect can escape. Singularity stupid. Blazing hot mid-day sun on Mercury stupid. You emit more stupid in one second than our entire galaxy emits in a year. Quasar stupid. Your writing has to be a troll. Nothing in our universe can really be this stupid. Perhaps this is some primordial fragment from the original big bang of stupid. Some pure essence of a stupid so uncontaminated by anything else as to be beyond the laws of physics that we know. I'm sorry. I can't go on. This is an epiphany of stupid for me. After this, you may not hear from me again for a while. I don't have enough strength left to deride your ignorant questions and half baked comments about unimportant trivia, or any of the rest of this drivel. Duh. Maybe later in life, after you have learned to read, write, spell, and count, you will have more success. True, these are rudimentary skills that many of us "normal" people take for granted that everyone has an easy time of mastering. But we sometimes forget that there are "challenged" persons in this world who find these things more difficult. I wish you the best of luck in the emotional, and social struggles that seem to be placing such a demand on you. In short Benis, fuck you.
>>332368 You can do what you like but I'm here and you're there.
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>>332367 I have no benis but I have this.
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hell yeah motherfucker
Technology is bad because bad people can use it against you. But slightly less technology is good, because it slightly inconveniences how easily the bad people can use it against you. Stop technological development at whatever level it was at when I was born.
>>332373 Enough of that, we were all shitposting to 700.
Reminder that I made a thread asking for fanservice recommendations over on /a/. >>>/a/3664
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>>889402 >>889411 Here are a few simple comparisons, with their specs. iPhone 15 Pro 12MP sensor; @ 5x zoom Canon 80D 24 MP sensor; 24-70mm@70mm F4.0 Cell phones, at least on the high end, are getting about as close to true DSLR cameras as the laws of physics will allow.
Is this new bread? What is other new bread? >>889426
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>>332374 It was literally one insufferable sperg in an ip-hopping chain against a single anon.
>>332375 >she looks like she fucks human men
>>332378 Better yet, tripsman. It's furries thread vs literal grannies thread. Pick your poison.
>>889454 I'll go with the cute pink hedgehog.
>>332381 The one with VIDEO GAMES You motherfuckers.
Archive of previous bread: https://archive.ph/Wk5hm
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>>332386 Breasts too big. Not Blaze.
>>332386 Better update that archive - anons are still posting in previous bread.
>>332388 >(((anons)))
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Google to start deleting inactive YouTube accounts and videos https://archive.ph/yILJJ In order to fight this, contribute towards Operation Download & Conquer by (re)uploading content to sites that are lacking it: >>>/t/5546 Also, remember to watch and find content on other video on demand websites.
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>Woman takes over beloved franchise >Fans don't like it >She realizes she wasn't good enough. >Their unconditional love for the franchise isn't enough to forgive her failings. >She burns it to the fucking ghround >"Fuck the fans lol!" >"They deserve it!" >Woman falls in love with guy >He breaks up with her >She realizes she wasn't good enough >His unconditional love for her isn't enough to forgive her failings. >Takes his dog to the vet, puts it down >Accuses him of rape, has his arrested/fired. >"Fuck him he's a jerk lol!" >"He deserves it!" >Comic related The wilfull destruction of so many beloved IPs finally made sense to me. These women really did love the show/movie/comic/game. They really did. They were fans. But these women knew they were inadequate. They knew they had deep rooted anxiety that in a meritocracy, they couldn't succeed. But they truly, honestly believed that your decades-old love for the franchise you grew up with would be enough to forgive their mistakes, misunderstandings, and annoying quirks. And as always, when they see can and are packing up and walking away... when theyb realize you always could... when they see your love wasn't unconditional and forever and they personally screwed up and it was their fault for failing.... THEY BURN IT TO THE GROUND. Because you're all jerks. And you all deserve it. And just like that, beloved franchises half a century old that have been passed down from generation to generation.. ends.
>>332387 >>332390 Breasts not big enough. Not true Blaze
>>332393 >>His unconditional love for her isn't enough to forgive her failings. >>Their unconditional love for the franchise isn't enough to forgive her failings. I don't think you understand what the word "unconditional" means.
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>>332394 Cease thy niggery at once.
>>332389 Yeah, is irrelevant really - they're still arguing over smartphones.
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God I fucking hate Nintenjew, every fucking rom site is fucked sideways by the Fed thanks to those fucks.
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Boards and threads that deserve your attention: 日本語学習スレッド (Japanese Learning Thread) >>>/a/2981/ your daily /ck/ >>>/ck/128 20 Years of My Life as a Teenage Robot >>>/co/36674 /fit/ newfag advice thread >>>/fit/188 Help create a Japanese translation for the site >>>/jp/232 Best programs to write >>>/lit/620 /aether/ - Art exchange threadren >>>/loomis/6481 Documentary thread >>>/pol/16745 Consumer Advice >>>/t/4 If there is a board and/or thread that you think needs attention, be sure to post about it
>>332373 What is with these autists that make the most blatant strawman of what was previously said? >>332377 You're missing the point of what was being said. Can you think of anything else that smartphones include that's absolutely useless in it's practicality but included for the sake of "more features"?
Here >we go again.
>>332400 >You're missing the point of what was being said. Yep; I don't care. I was only including information on the topic tangentially. >Can you think of anything else that smartphones include that's absolutely useless in it's practicality but included for the sake of "more features"? Absolutely. I hate smartphones as a concept. Speaker and microphone; that's all a phone needs to be. GPS is useful in an emergency, for example, but doesn't even need to have a front-facing UI. Just encode the location data in the phone signal and send it to 911 if it's needed, for example. Phones used to be phones, and companies used to have no fucking power over your own possessions.
>>332402 >Yep; I don't care. Then why even bring it up? >GPS is useful in an emergency, for example, but doesn't even need to have a front-facing UI. Just encode the location data in the phone signal and send it to 911 if it's needed, for example. It's much more simple than that. The way that the GPS worked with the original iPhone back in 2007 is that it sent out a "ping" to detect any nearby Wifi hotspots and used that to track your location. However, keep in mind, this isn't anything new as Apple got the tech from AT&T who had been using it for years. That's in addition to how this system can be replicated with regular cellphone towers. AFAIK, the only way to circumvent this is to use a VPN on your phone.
Software and sites to give attention to! Operating systems >AROS: http://aros.sourceforge.net/ >BSD <Net: https://www.netbsd.org/ <Open: https://www.openbsd.org/ <DragonFly: https://www.dragonflybsd.org/ >GrapheneOS: https://grapheneos.org/ >Linux <Artix Linux: https://artixlinux.org/ <CLIP OS: https://clip-os.org/ <Devuan: https://www.devuan.org/ <EndeavourOS: https://endeavouros.com/ <Rocky Linux: https://rockylinux.org/ >ToaruOS: https://toaruos.org/ Archival >ArchiveBox: https://archivebox.io/ Chatrooms: >Session: https://getsession.org/ >Tox: https://tox.chat/ Database >Archive.org-Downloader: https://github.com/MiniGlome/Archive.org-Downloader >Based Cooking: https://based.cooking/ >BigchainDB: https://www.bigchaindb.com/ >Gelbooru: https://gelbooru.com/ >Gun: https://gun.eco/ >Hydrus ( >>>/t/12094 ): https://hydrusnetwork.github.io/hydrus/ >Library Genesis: http://libgen.rs/ >Ourobooru: https://ourobooru.art/ >Sci-Hub: https://sci-hub.hkvisa.net/ >Waybacl Machine Downloader: https://github.com/hartator/wayback-machine-downloader Donation and payment services: >AlignPay: https://www.alignpay.com/ >Fantia: http://fantia.jp/ >Librepay: https://liberapay.com/ Email clients >Claws Mail: https://www.claws-mail.org/ >The Mutt: http://www.mutt.org/ Email hosting >Create your own: https://archive.fo/okVq4 >Cock.li (Invite link required): https://cock.li/ >Fedora Email: https://fedora.email/ Encyclopedias >Infogalactic: https://infogalactic.com/info/Main_Page File sharing and storage >BitTorrent: https://infogalactic.com/info/BitTorrent >CacheP2P: https://www.cachep2p.com/ >Catbox: https://catbox.moe/
[Expand Post]>Dat Ecosystem: https://dat-ecosystem.org/ >Filecoin: https://filecoin.io/ >Holochain: https://www.holochain.org/ >Instant.io: https://instant.io/ >IPFS: https://ipfs.io/ >Kek.gg https://kek.gg/ >Onion Share: https://onionshare.org/ >ORC: https://orc.apache.org/ >Peergos: https://peergos.org/ >Perkeep: https://perkeep.org/ >Pomf: https://github.com/pomf/pomf >QBittorrent: https://www.qbittorrent.org/ >Sia: https://sia.tech/ >Storj: https://storj.io/ >Swarm: https://www.ethswarm.org/ >Tahoe-LAFS: https://www.tahoe-lafs.org/trac/tahoe-lafs >WebTorrent: https://webtorrent.io/ >Other sites: https://www.archiveteam.org/index.php?title=Pomf.se/Clones Galleries and image hosting >ArtStation (SFW only): https://www.artstation.com/ >HicceArs: https://www.hiccears.com/ Internet and browsers >BadWolf: https://hacktivis.me/projects/badwolf >Basilisk: https://www.basilisk-browser.org/ >Bluesky: https://blueskyweb.xyz/ >Bromite: https://www.bromite.org/ >Falkon: https://www.falkon.org/ >GNU IceCat: https://www.gnu.org/software/gnuzilla/ >Handshake: https://handshake.org/ >I2P: https://geti2p.net/ >InterPlanetary Wayback: https://github.com/oduwsdl/ipwb >Iridium Browser (Guide to remove spyware: https://spyware.neocities.org/guides/iridium.html ): https://iridiumbrowser.de/ >LibreWolf: https://librewolf-community.gitlab.io/ >MaidSafe: https://maidsafe.net >Mysterium Network: https://mysterium.network/ >Namecoin: https://namecoin.org/ >NetSurf (Guide to remove spyware: https://spyware.neocities.org/guides/netsurf.html ): https://www.netsurf-browser.org/ >Otter Browser: https://otter-browser.org/ >Qutebrowser: https://qutebrowser.org/ >Sphere Browser (WARNING: https://spyware.neocities.org/articles/sphere.html ): https://sphere.tenebris.cc/ >Surf: http://surf.suckless.org/ >Tor: https://www.torproject.org/ >Ungoogled-Chromium: https://ungoogled-software.github.io/ungoogled-chromium-binaries/ >Web Browser: https://git.nuegia.net/webbrowser.git/ >Yggdrasil Network: https://yggdrasil-network.github.io/ >ZeroNet: https://zeronet.io/ Marketplace >DLsite: https://www.dlsite.com/eng/ >DMM Games: https://games.dmm.com/ >Fruitbat Factory: https://sites.fastspring.com/fruitbatfactory/product/buy >ğchange: https://www.gchange.fr >JAST: https://jastusa.com/ >Mercari: https://www.mercari.com/ >Play-Asia: https://www.play-asia.com/ >Top Hat Store: https://shop.tophat.studio >Zoom Platform: https://www.zoom-platform.com/ Pastebins >Paste: https://github.com/jordansamuel/PASTE >PrivateBin: https://privatebin.info/ Search engines >ActiveSearchResults: https://www.activesearchresults.com/ >Marginalia : https://search.marginalia.nu/ >Mojeek: https://www.mojeek.com/ >Wiby: https://wiby.me/ >YaCy: https://yacy.net/ Social media >Baest: https://bae.st/ >baraag.net: https://baraag.net/ >Free Speech Extremist: https://freespeechextremist.com/ >GNU Social: https://gnusocial.network/ >Hubzilla: https://zotlabs.org/page/hubzilla/hubzilla-project >Mediachain: http://www.mediachain.io/ >Misskey: https://misskey-hub.net/ >Nostr: https://github.com/nostr-protocol/nostr >Pleroma: https://pleroma.social/ >Plurk: https://www.plurk.com/ >Poast: https://poa.st/ >Shitposter Club: https://shitposter.club/ >Steemit: https://steemit.com/ >Volatile: http://volatile.bz/ Streaming >8chanTV ( >>>/site/1519 ): https://8chan.tv/ Video and audio platforms >AVideo: https://github.com/WWBN/AVideo >D.tube: https://d.tube/ >MediaGoblin: https://mediagoblin.org/ >Veoh: https://www.veoh.com/ >VidLii: https://www.vidlii.com/ Video editing and download >boram: https://github.com/Kagami/boram >ffmpeg (Can be paired with Nadeshiko on Linux: https://codeberg.org/deterenkelt/Nadeshiko ): https://ffmpeg.org/download.html >Kdenlive: https://kdenlive.org/ >NewPipe: https://newpipe.net/ >VSDC: https://www.videosoftdev.com/ >WebMConverter: https://gitgud.io/nixx/WebMConverter >webm.py: https://github.com/Kagami/webm.py >wybm: https://github.com/Kagami/wybm >yt-dlp (Also download ffmpeg for best compatability; guide: >>>/t/5546): https://github.com/yt-dlp/yt-dlp Web hosts >Create your own: https://archive.vn/BtM69 >IONOS: https://www.ionos.com/ >KolymaNET: https://www.kolyma.org/ >Neocities: https://neocities.org/ >Self Hosting Maual: https://how-to.computer/ Other >AdNauseam: https://adnauseam.io/ >Amateur Game Development General: >>>/agdg/ >BreezeWiki: https://breezewiki.com/ >ChannelChanger: >>>/t/1257 >Crescent Isle: >>>/site/532 >LINE Sticker Downloader: https://goonlinetools.com/line-sticker-download/ >Magic Wormhole: https://github.com/warner/magic-wormhole >OpenTimestamps: https://opentimestamps.org/ >Privacy Possum: https://github.com/cowlicks/privacypossum >QEMU: https://www.qemu.org/ >The Wick Editor: https://www.wickeditor.com/ >VirtualBox: https://www.virtualbox.org/ Suggestions are always welcome! Revision Updates: 8/16/23: https://archive.ph/Wd1wB
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>>332381 why not both?
>>332404 >AFAIK, the only way to circumvent this is to use a VPN on your phone. You can't use a VPN on a dumbphone.
Which one of you faggots made a third GG thread? >>889498
>>332408 From what (Light) research I have done, it seems like even the "dumb phones" run some variation of Android (Mostly KaiOS), so you can load a VPN program on there.
>>332410 >KaiOS It's dead
Watch out for GamerGate The public enemy of the world #1 It is the main hashtag responsible for… ☑ Accidentally re-starting the French Revolution ☑ Weaponized Gondolas ☑ Hacking German politicians and media ☑ Played "To Catch a Predator" with Randy Pickford ☑ Masterminded the destruction of GDQ via the Catfish of Legend: Namazu ☑ Under the light of the Blood Moon; Self-destructed Western Journalism by having a some kid smirk at a drumming savage ☑ Just wanted to start a conversation with everyone, everywhere, eternally ☑ Watched Gawker die TWICE ☑ Guilty of face crimes ☑ When GameStop tried to sell itself; offered $3.50 in in-store credit ☑ Made telling "journalists" to "learn to code" into a hate crime ☑ Taught the Alt-Right ✅Then harassed said Alt-Right ☑ Started in 2011-2012 when 4chan tried to steal Anita Sarkeesian's SSN# ☑ Created "Boner Culture" which made cis straight male erections the most powerful force on earth ☑ Had a Jewish Mobster 'Take Care' of it ☑ Asked THQ about gaemu which somehow triggered World Wide Web War III ☑ Tricked /cow/ into developing and sharing their fetish for Mark's plump bagel with ResetEra ☑ Triggered GJP3.0 with 57 hitpeices on THQ Nordic's AA ☑ Orchestrated the GaymerGay misogynist review backlash against Marvel's Captain Woman ☑ Taught New Zealand about "White Day" ☑ Radicalized Spyro the Dragon ☑ Turned Pewdiepie into the Osama Bin Ladin of GaymerGays ☑ "The nerds and gamers were joined by the proto-storm troopers of the alt-right in a bond that has never been broken" ☑ Was a trial run for "will the US tolerate fascist behavior" ☑ Exploring new frontiers in sexual harassment via Jelly Bean ☑ Groomed young impressionable politicians into misogynists ☑ Created and trained the alt-right to take over the political landscape on a global scale (And succeeded) ☑ Arranged for Sonic the Hedgehog (movie ver.) to get "fixed" ☑ Remains undefeated for all time ☑ Turned Rage 2 into a Trump-esque attack on game journos ☑ Joined forces with Amazon ☑ Helped Mark impress Resetera ☑ Used Elliot Rodger's martyrdom to unite 4Chan and Breitbart to elect Donald Trump ☑ Will be looked back upon in 50 years as the root cause of the coming Cultural Civil War ☑ Government-sponsored shitposting ☑ Mastered the manipulation of the news cycle to their advantage ☑ Made Anita cry when Feminist Frequency went broke ☑ Destroyer of Worlds ☑ Russian Conspiracies (all of them) ☑ Extended Reanon's death/meme-magic to animation studios (please meme responsibly) ☑ An instrument of American Trumpian Power Worldwide
[Expand Post]☑ Cured alleged "journalist" of dyslexic anxiety ☑ An aberrant, creeping horror ☑ As dangerous as Anti-Vax, ISIS, and Holocaust Denial ☑ Five years of ruining everything ☑ Came to the classroom ☑ Trained Google whistleblowers ☑ Never died and foreshadowed our toxic meme-strewn politics ☑ Blew up the Internet ☑ Made wanting challenge in videogames into supporting White Supremacy ☑ Was secretly fighting WWIII all along ☑ Stochastic Terrorism ☑ Being a national security threat according to the DHS ☑ Helped Mark win the lottery ☑ Gave the money back ☑ Living long enough to see itself become the villain in a TV Show THRICE ☑ Confused the FBI into thinking /v/ is /baphomet/ ☑ Turned Anita Sarkesian into a crazy cat lady ☑ It's #Gamergate Forever ☑ Justifiably felt alienated by the neoliberal fetishization of feminism and the reductionism of politics to identity teams ☑ Was rabidly pro-corporate ☑ Manipulated a SJWeeb into review-bombing a LGBTWTFBBQ-friendly game as a "test" ☑ Non-meat based cam girls ☑ Caused the Corona outbreak which destroyed China to cheer up a depressed CIA glownigger ☑ Digisexuals ☑ Called the cyber police to put a cripple in cyber jail ☑ Weaponizing decency ☑ Made the games industry a nightmare for Women, Colored People, and Ashley Burch ☑ The inevitable ultimate horror of Sega's "toxic" advertising for ChuChu Rocket ☑ Has the highest body count of any COVID-19 disinfo group ☑ Finally got the 8kun administration to get off their ass and answer the damn phone ☑ Searching for a new home (again) ☑ Made some /v/ hotpockets on other imageboards go insane ☑ Burned julay to the ground by doing basically fuck-all except continue to exist (props to a certain bunbunmaru reporter, tho) ☑ Having a high enough IQ to be mentioned on Rick and Morty ☑ Radicalized a grandmother to the point she promotes harassment against alleged games journalists ☑ Is the terrorist group backed by 'The French' who are behind President Trump's exhausting battle against twitter ☑ Protecting FUCKING GAMESTOP from looters ☑ Finally started the Race War by forcing a meth-head on a date with Corona-chan to take a knee to the neck from the police ☑ Confirmed for Baby Hitler ☑ Gave a lot of airtime to Soviet defector Yuri Bezmenov ☑ Got on the Atlantic's "free $100" van only to get intervewed ☑ Started a backlash against the French independent film industry because they want to raise pure little girls ☑ And then Russia wanted to shut down 8chan.moe to be ironic ☑ Was clearly a blueprint for Trump's online assault in 2016 ☑ A gravestone marked “Games Journalism; Dead By Suicide,” with the date of death corresponding with the launch of GG ☑ Took over the US capitol ☑ Funded by the GOP ☑ Using Reddit's radicalized nihilism to counter jews shorting FUCKING GAMESTOP ☑ Made Mark the Godfather of Gamergate ☑ Corrected Polygon on Titanfall lore ☑ Accidental meme magic discharge (R.I.P Miura) ☑ Planet-range racism field ☑ Not wanting people to put down the controller and talk about their feelings ☑ Destroyed the logic process of a bot wreaking havoc across multiple imageboards with just one simple trick ☑ Caused Blizzard executives to threaten their employees with rape ☑ Came to Alex Hutchinson's Defense ☑ Made Vivian a feminist symbol ☑ Grew to a geopolitical scale and spilled into real life with devastating consequences ☑ Got their own TV show ☑ Brandon’s First fan ☑ Gave birth to Qanon ☑ Is the precedent for /K/yle Rittenhouse ☑ Ruined people's brains by turning them into corporate bootlickers ☑ Created the concept of "Culture War" ☑ Was the watershed event in the ascendancy of online extremist personalities and tactics ☑ Mars manifest destiny ☑ Was behind Elon Musk's twitter takeover all along ☑ The Ruby Ridge of online violence ☑ Funneled men into far-right politics via witch-hunting ☑ We now live in a gamergateocracy ☑ Resulted in abortions being banned ☑ Accused of being none other than Gamergate ☑ Making mainstream games soft-sell white supremacy ☑ Getting their own theater piece in the Netherlands ☑ Was a rebellion against English class ☑ Conquistato il senato Italiano usando nerd armati ☑ Let the far right borrow it's online moves ☑ Radicalized a """"Right Wing"""" illegal immigrant canadian nudist hippy into assassinating Nancy Pelosi's husband with a hammer ☑ “How did I get into all this,” Mr. DePape wrote in one passage on his blog: “Gamer Gate it was gamer gate” ☑ Caught dogwhistling about Kotaku's journalistic integrity at MAGFest ☑ Being as legitimately terrifying as loving AI art on alt-right hate subreddits ☑ Actually, it's about ensuring children are left alone ☑ Channeled decades’ worth of bigotry and hatred embedded into systems, platforms, and communities both online and off
>>332411 What do you mean? What's wrong with KaiOS, aside from being made by the Chinese?
>>332410 Pretty smart, for a dumbphone. >>332413 If it has an OS it's dead. >aside from being made by the Chinese? Case in point. Supplementary evidence that it is compromised. Use old tech, retard. New tech bad.
>>332413 >What do you mean? It's no longer used in normal flip phones unless you get the ones made for senior citizens or you live in india.
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>>332413 >KaiOS CHAOS?
>>332414 >>332415 >It's no longer used in normal flip phones You sure? Here's what I'm seeing. If I wanted a "dumb phone", these are my options. the Nokia 2780 (Running KaiOS): https://www.bestbuy.com/site/nokia-2780-flip-phone-unlocked-blue/6526283.p?skuId=6526283 The Nokia 225 (Running an "original" OS): https://www.bestbuy.com/site/nokia-225-4g-unlocked-black/6453854.p?skuId=6453854 The Sonim XP5 Plus (Running an "original" OS): https://www.sonimtech.com/products/devices/xp5plus/ The Sonim XP3 Plus (Running an "original" OS): https://www.sonimtech.com/products/devices/xp3plus/ And, the Jitterbug (Your "senior" phone): https://www.bestbuy.com/site/lively-jitterbug-flip2-cell-phone-for-seniors-red/6538307.p?skuId=6538307 >Use old tech, retard. There's a limit to that, though. The biggest issue is the fact that a lot of older "dumb phones" never moved beyond 3G, so those are now inoperable AFAIK.
>>332398 Did they fuck with something new or are you just complaining about their usual faggotry. >>332409 The floodgates are open. There is no stopping it now.
>There are now three competing gamergate threads
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>>332418 The usual faggotry, most repositories are completely unavailable without a VPN. Fucking kikes, I just want to play some SRW, God Hand and Ace Combat ffs.
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You guys want a good laugh? A Gook webcomic was banned from Webtoons because of the panel you see here (First two pics). However, here's the kicker about the entire situation: that isn't an actual translation of the webcomic. It's a fucking fan shitpost that was made. So, yes, you're reading that right. A webcomic was banned from a platform because of an inaccurate fan translation. And, the biggest kicker is that the comic is now ALSO suspended in Worst Korea. Original source for the info: https://nitter.net/MangaMoguraRE/status/1702987179608228253
>>332419 The English translation of book 12 just came out and I've only read the first chapter. Must Turn Off Computer.
>>332420 Ah yeah that sounds about right. I've been getting most of my games from one site that has been pretty stable + has 99% of what I have been looking for so I'm glad I found it when I did. The internet archive still has game collections too. >>332419 I would imagine Highlander rules apply in this situation.
>new bread in the late night Oh boy. I hate how the Qniggers tried to co-opt the thread=bread meme and run it into the ground. 8kunt still has one and a half thousand of those faggots posting every day.
>>332421 Oh Gookanon, where are you?
>>332421 Why did it get banned in Korea of all places? There's hardly any niggers and I doubt most of them even seen one at that.
>>332424 They have no original ideas and what's left looks like it's mostly bots.
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>>332424 Bread is love rape
>>332405 When the fuck are mods going to delete this obvious spam?
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>>332430 The mods should delete (((You))).
>>332426 Oh god, THAT comic. Complete Insecurity porn.
>>332421 >what is an archive https://archive.ph/1kHln >>332426 >>332433 What's this from?
>>332426 I was so focused on the comic that I forgot to actually respond to what you said. >Why did it get banned in Korea of all places? Because Worst Korea is woke as fuck, that's why. They've been going downhill almost as fast as the US, and they don't even have niggers pushing them down. Feminism has taken over there, and the LGBT cancer is spreading fast.
>>332420 I take it they demand some kind of super convoluted shit rather then just firing up Mullvad?
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>>332421 According to reddit, they edited it to "Sons of bitches" sometime after it was released, but the original Korean said "Fxxking Nxxxxx!" (in english). Don't have the edited version, but this might be the original korean: https://newtoki307.com/webtoon/31400197/참교육-125화?toon=일반웹툰&spage=1
>>332427 >what's left looks like it's mostly bots. Presumably because all of the original Qfags are either in jail or in hiding.
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>>332439 Like antifa, but for /leftypol/-possession, instead of fake terrorism charges.
>>332365 I remember as a wee lad using a capture card for the first time to record Sonic CD's cutscenes from Sonic Mega Collection Good stuff
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>>332429 Is there an uncensored version? This isn't funny at all when it has more bleeps and mosaics than a sony title
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>>332443 If I had a billion dollars I'd just throw bananas at black people through an armored car for shits and giggles.
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>>332377 We have a tech thread. >>332421 What the fuck?
>>332365 >3rd pic That weird one isn't actually Amy's original design. "Classic Amy" was what the character designer originally made. However, she originally appeared in a manga series with many chapters and many different artists. Actually, technically it was a series of six or seven manga series all aimed at different grade levels but all sharing the same series bible (which is where the original character designs, including Classic Amy, come from). Unlike the various western Sonic adaptations that all had the same series bible but went in wildly different directions, these manga were close enough that you can really consider them one series, but they were somewhat careful to make sure that one series didn't rely on continuity that happened in other series, since they were aimed at different target audiences. (But sometimes characters introduced in one would still appear in the others). However, one artist, who was in charge of only one of these manga series (though sometimes did chapters in other ones, particularly in special issues), just plain decided to use wildly different character designs than the ones they were all told to use. This resulted in weird Amy, Brown Nicky (Sonic's nerdy alter-ego who doesn't remember when he transformers into Sonic), Charmy being a tiny little weird looking bug sized thing, and Nicky's sister being called Tania instead of Anita. These weren't actually the earliest chapters released. It was just one guy among a team of like seven or eight artists who completely disregarded what everyone else was doing, even when he was working on one of the other artists' series. Truly, he would make Ken Penders proud. >pic related: It's not actually Charmy's original design. The artist just didn't give a shit about following the character designs everyone on the series was told to follow.
>>332446 are you that deepest lore fellow?, how's life going?
>>332447 Yes. I have a real job and editing is hard, otherwise I'd have long since released dozens of things I already have recorded, including giant videos that eventually cover every Sonic game and explain the connections I haven't seen anyone else ever point out before (and I won't say here because those are the ones I'm working on now, since they're shorter), trying to reconcile all the Sonic adaptations (though I still have to finish reading all of the comics, I've read enough that I think I could make a compelling case for what Sega should be doing. Also a lot of the manga is still untranslated, but if I could at least find the last chapter, I could work with that), explaining the entire history of the DC multiverse, explaining how Twisted Metal actually did have a good enough story to adapt into a tv show, instead of making the story up from whole cloth, explaining the Digimon multiverse, and much more. I just need to get faster at editing. Sourcing the appropriate clips to illustrate the points I try to make takes fucking forever, even when I know exactly what clip I want to use.
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>>332449 Yeah I googled it and that was the first good pic I found. Small, but you see the character design. The text doesn't matter. Though that story is fucking weird, about Charmy having a box that allows time control or something. I forget.
>>332393 Women just aren't talented enough. They have been conditioned to think they are though. So when they realize they just can't compete with men they decide to take the plane down with no survivors.
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>>332435 > They've been going downhill almost as fast as the US >almost You realize this is the country that's had gaming/internet curfews for 10 years and had a literal actress picked by the female equivalent of MJ12 for a PM, right?
>>332452 Thanks anon, I was looking for this but couldn't find it on my drive.
>>332421 >had a literal actress picked by the female equivalent of MJ12 for a PM Most people either don't remember this or aren't aware how fucked that shithole is.
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>>332368 I prefer Tails' benis tbh
>>332456 You mean penis.
>>332457 What's a penis?
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>>332459 >also sometimes called Cross Polarisation (CP)
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>>332454 Get Hydrus. I found this instantly just by typing in, "for ants".
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>>332459 >PENIS, also sometimes called CP
>>332421 "illegal fan translation" "illegal fan" "illegal"
>>332453 >>332455 >had a literal actress picked by the female equivalent of MJ12 for a PM, right? I think you mean president. I know there were corruption charges, but I'm mostly out of the loop, and I'm unsure where can I learn the truth about it.
>>332464 There's caps about it floating around, but I don't have any saved. To be fair it's been like 5-6 years since I read about it, but if I remember correctly, the jist of it was something like >corruption investigation over funding or some shit ~2016 or so >it's discovered that some cabal of old witches called 8 Goddesses bought out like every sector of government and installed some bitch with to act as the country's leader who literally just takes orders and knows nothing about politics >she gets removed >SK has no leader for a few weeks >Moon Jaein installed/elected I think two of them were arrested for a while and then let go because 8G owned/has major stake in every Korean megacorp and governmental institution except a small subsector of the police and/or military. Shit was wild.
>>332465 This sounds interesting. If anyone has any further info, I'd appreciate it.
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>>332424 > one and a half thousand of those faggots posting every day. There are zero real humans there. >>332439 Why would that happen? The Qult is the ZOG's biggest supporter. They would willingly die, without question, to defend the world against anyone who wants to restore traditional society. None of them were ever arrested for anything, and why would they hide when everyone in charge worships their worldview?
>>332464 >>332465 >>332466 >>332467 I've been trying to compile all the gookanon posts I can find into one giant mega image, in proper order. I've got them all organized by posting date/time, but compiling them into an image that looks any good is time consuming, especially since some of the posts I have are compilations which include some posts I don't have separately and some I do. Anyway, I'll dump everything, with the first image being what I have edited together so far. Gookanon needs to be remembered, and his information must be archived.
>>332451 There are some really good women in vidya industry, usually they're Japanese though.
>>332469 If anyone else wants to continue editing these together, feel free.
This is all I have. If anyone has anything I don't have, please post it. All of this guy's stuff is gold.
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GUYS I JUST REALIZED THAT POWER OF FRIENDSHIP IS REAL. THE EDGELORDS LIED TO YOU, FRIENDSHIP DOES INDEED FIX almost EVERYTHING. I've got friends and now get help easily and go through my goals with ease. I feel more motivated to do stuff and have been more successful at doing it. Haven't gotten bullshit asspull powers yet but I haven't fought any villains who don't value human connection yet so maybe all in due time.
>>332480 Damn nice compilation, anon. I'm saving everything.
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>>332481 It is wild how simply being receptive to a connection can help in your productive life, probably why cliques are a thing or else they'd be weak like twigs. BECOME A MIGHTY FAGGOT.
>>332456 I refuse to believe anyone actually gets aroused to this unless someone records themselves getting an erection + cumming to these drawings
>>332470 Yes. Whenever i'm talking about "women" i'm referring to western wenches.
>>332481 Competence doesn't matter, only social connections matter. Competent people always end up made to work on behalf of everyone else. Never, ever cultivate skills, only cultivate relationships.
>>332486 You can cultivate both you know. When you cultivate connections, you get motivated to cultivate skills because you are confronted with other people trying to cultivate theirs and your brain naturally wants to try too. Being good at things makes you more appealing to valuable individuals. Society doesn't value individualism and individual merit but people do. Use your skills to get connections and use connections to get more skills. Getting good friends is literally an upward spiral that makes everything better in your life. I believe that there would be far less problems in the world if people were merely willing to make friends and stick through thick and thin. Though they have to be good friends, bad company just pulls you down.
>>332481 >webp Not this time, you filthy fucking mossad kike.
>>332481 Somewhat true, I'm curious if any philosophers ever commented on it or conducted studies on the matter. I assume it's got the same effect as having a dog (man's best friend) et cetera. Totally different from female companionship for obvious reasons.
>>332489 Female friends can actually help you get a girl. Not necessarily the same you are friends with but if you have female friends, then they can help match make you or maybe one of them might fall for you. I'm pretty sure most philosophers valued friendship to an extent at the very least. Even hyper individualists like Stirner believed friends are important. Ayn Rand also didn't seem hateful towards the idea, nor Nietzsche who was talking about friendship being a very good thing. So if the individualists say friendship is good then I think philosophers hating friendship is actually an outlier.
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>>332481 Didn't work for me, if anything I just want to get away from people even more.
>>332456 >Dandi shota is hot >Tails is hot What's more to figure out anon?
>>332486 This is your brain on kotaku
>>332490 >Ayn Rand also didn't seem hateful towards the idea Remember what happened to her assistant in Atlas shrugged? Friends don't mean jack to Rand.
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>>332490 >then they can help match make you or maybe one of them might fall for you
>>332490 >Female friends can actually help you get a girl. Not necessarily the same you are friends with but if you have female friends, then they can help match make you or maybe one of them might fall for you. Technically true, but often misleading. Women are the single worst people to seek out advice for on attracting women. Proximity to women increases your chances of attracting women because it signals to other women that the fact some women feel compelled to interact with you means you have some value. If you go around bars wearing a wedding ring you will get exponentially more female attention than without. This is invariably true. The actual friendship with a woman is not really relevant. What is useful is the byproduct of being able to signal value and safety to women in your community. >I'm pretty sure most philosophers valued friendship to an extent at the very least. "Friendship" creates social hierarchies which pushes most people to want to climb the ladder. If you remove people from a social hierarchy they devolve into porn and media addiction because they feel no desire to compete. It's just basic social behavior.
>>332496 >>332490 *laughs in freedom*
>>332496 Ok, but have You REALLY interacted with a woman? All of this reads as some retarded headcannon from Another retard who hates womans and never leaves his house nor has contact with women, but Somehow knows perfectly everything about women
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>>332499 Don't give him (you's)
>>332498 Quit projecting.
>>332498 I hung out with girls in high school. It's true. Despite being an autistic tard, I still got girls trying to go out with me. My best female friend, the most intelligent woman I knew at the time, once tried to set me up with a girl she knew. Very quickly that girl turned trans and I was glad of my stance of not dating anyone. Women flock to men surrounded by other women. Do not trust women to matchmake. It would be common sense if these very notions weren't so politically incorrect.
>>332500 I'm such a sick bastard I can't help but give the worst posters their tender, juicy, tantalizing, mouth watering, arousing, flavorful, euphoric (You)'s God help me anon, I can't kick this fucking habit it feels too good please for the love of god HELP
>tfw no yandere gf
>>332504 I'll be your yandere gf anon, I'll sodomize you motherfucker, put electric clamps on your testicles and blow them up like a burnt pufferfish. You'll love every watt that zips through your urethra.
>>332498 All this reads as some retarded headcanon from a woman.
>>332469 >>332471 >>332472 >>332473 >>332474 >>332475 >>332476 >>332477 >>332478 >>332479 >>332480 Thanks for doing all of this. It makes it far easier for something I've been wanting to do with all the imageboard screencaps that I have saved, because what I want to do with those is attach archive links to the image so that people can see the actual conversation. >>332489 >I'm curious if any philosophers ever commented on it or conducted studies on the matter. <There's a reason why I keep posting these books. >>332504 >>332505 What series? IQDB isn't providing.
>>332506 >put electric clamps on your testicles and blow them up like a burnt pufferfish. Ow My Balls!!
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>>889797 >replying to niggerpill >by reiterating its own false propaganda Die.
>>332505 another 2-3 months to wait to see how this turns out, but given the guy's ability he kills himself
>I really can't deal with this anymore. I already did a doomposting thread today but I'm at the end of my rope again so fuck it here's more. There's nothing I can do, it's just screaming into the void against an ever-multiplying and utterly psychotic horde that want me dead. I am just one small man with 700 followers (on this account at least) and a few slightly larger mutuals.I don't know why I even bother, I can't take down hordes of hundreds of thousands of deranged maniacs on my own and I have barely anyone helping. >But what else can I do? All I end up accomplishing is wasting my precious time that I should be spending on things that make me happy or trying to get things I've had on my to-do list for YEARS done and feeling even more miserable than I am all the time to begin with. What good will it even do? >I intended to stop dealing with "rank and file" after getting this account back, and successfully pulled back for a while, but I'm just so hopeless and infuriated by recent events (the con necroposting incident last month, the anti-vtuber meltdowns now). Going forwards though, I'm going to dial back a ton on interacting with moral panic stuff. I'll still dunk on OPs, sure, but going after "rank and file" is just going to get me dogpiled (which usually results in me getting pissed and the inevitable ban like this one). Today's incident is spread across thousands of QRTs and replies, there's at least a dozen 10k+ posts. How do I even dunk on OPs when there are about as many of them as there usually are rank and file? >Ero-moe of any kind, not even loli (or even numbers) will be grounds for getting you fired and condemned as a pedophile IRL within a year, I'm calling it. I've kept warning all of you and none of you ever fucking listen. None of you understand the degree of the threat. And my "allies" are walking fucking liabilities, half of whom are genuine bigots that despise me and my LGBT friends for who we are, and nearly all of whom are tactless morons. I'm too edgy for the left-leaning ones too and my tastes skew more "male" than theirs. >I called this moral panic for the threat it was back in 2019, when these guys peaked at 30k likes and even then it was a once-a-year fluke that needed big ecelebs to drive up the engagement. Yet even after shit like the Dragon Maid incident (trending NATIONWIDE) last year, people still continue to cope. "BUHHHHRRRRR DURRRRR IT'S JUST THE INTERNET BRO MUH FAKE LIKES, MUH IMAGINARY SILENT MAJORITY." >A reminder the multiple viral necroposts last month were defending GOING UP TO STRANGERS IN PERSON AND CALLING THEM PEDOPHILES OVER CARTOONS. They are ACTIVELY CHEERING ON this shit leaking offline. It is not "just silly online BS you can ignore."
>I really can't deal with this anymore. I already did a doomposting thread today but I'm at the end of my rope again so fuck it here's more. There's nothing I can do, it's just screaming into the void against an ever-multiplying and utterly psychotic horde that want me dead. I am just one small man with 700 followers (on this account at least) and a few slightly larger mutuals.I don't know why I even bother, I can't take down hordes of hundreds of thousands of deranged maniacs on my own and I have barely anyone helping. >But what else can I do? All I end up accomplishing is wasting my precious time that I should be spending on things that make me happy or trying to get things I've had on my to-do list for YEARS done and feeling even more miserable than I am all the time to begin with. What good will it even do? >I intended to stop dealing with "rank and file" after getting this account back, and successfully pulled back for a while, but I'm just so hopeless and infuriated by recent events (the con necroposting incident last month, the anti-vtuber meltdowns now). Going forwards though, I'm going to dial back a ton on interacting with moral panic stuff. I'll still dunk on OPs, sure, but going after "rank and file" is just going to get me dogpiled (which usually results in me getting pissed and the inevitable ban like this one). Today's incident is spread across thousands of QRTs and replies, there's at least a dozen 10k+ posts. How do I even dunk on OPs when there are about as many of them as there usually are rank and file? >Ero-moe of any kind, not even loli (or even numbers) will be grounds for getting you fired and condemned as a pedophile IRL within a year, I'm calling it. I've kept warning all of you and none of you ever fucking listen. None of you understand the degree of the threat. And my "allies" are walking fucking liabilities, half of whom are genuine bigots that despise me and my LGBT friends for who we are, and nearly all of whom are tactless morons. I'm too edgy for the left-leaning ones too and my tastes skew more "male" than theirs. >I called this moral panic for the threat it was back in 2019, when these guys peaked at 30k likes and even then it was a once-a-year fluke that needed big ecelebs to drive up the engagement. Yet even after shit like the Dragon Maid incident (trending NATIONWIDE) last year, people still continue to cope. "BUHHHHRRRRR DURRRRR IT'S JUST THE INTERNET BRO MUH FAKE LIKES, MUH IMAGINARY SILENT MAJORITY." >A reminder the multiple viral necroposts last month were defending GOING UP TO STRANGERS IN PERSON AND CALLING THEM PEDOPHILES OVER CARTOONS. They are ACTIVELY CHEERING ON this shit leaking offline. It is not "just silly online BS you can ignore."
>niggerpill actually thinks we don't know that 90% of twitter was proven and admitted to be bot accounts Why haven't we found and killed it IRL yet? Genuine question. Its actions here are in direct violation of the law, never mind proper etiquette. It can't be allowed to continue.
>I really can't deal with this anymore. I already did a doomposting thread today but I'm at the end of my rope again so fuck it here's more. There's nothing I can do, it's just screaming into the void against an ever-multiplying and utterly psychotic horde that want me dead. I am just one small man with 700 followers (on this account at least) and a few slightly larger mutuals.I don't know why I even bother, I can't take down hordes of hundreds of thousands of deranged maniacs on my own and I have barely anyone helping. >But what else can I do? All I end up accomplishing is wasting my precious time that I should be spending on things that make me happy or trying to get things I've had on my to-do list for YEARS done and feeling even more miserable than I am all the time to begin with. What good will it even do? >I intended to stop dealing with "rank and file" after getting this account back, and successfully pulled back for a while, but I'm just so hopeless and infuriated by recent events (the con necroposting incident last month, the anti-vtuber meltdowns now). Going forwards though, I'm going to dial back a ton on interacting with moral panic stuff. I'll still dunk on OPs, sure, but going after "rank and file" is just going to get me dogpiled (which usually results in me getting pissed and the inevitable ban like this one). Today's incident is spread across thousands of QRTs and replies, there's at least a dozen 10k+ posts. How do I even dunk on OPs when there are about as many of them as there usually are rank and file? >Ero-moe of any kind, not even loli (or even numbers) will be grounds for getting you fired and condemned as a pedophile IRL within a year, I'm calling it. I've kept warning all of you and none of you ever fucking listen. None of you understand the degree of the threat. And my "allies" are walking fucking liabilities, half of whom are genuine bigots that despise me and my LGBT friends for who we are, and nearly all of whom are tactless morons. I'm too edgy for the left-leaning ones too and my tastes skew more "male" than theirs. >I called this moral panic for the threat it was back in 2019, when these guys peaked at 30k likes and even then it was a once-a-year fluke that needed big ecelebs to drive up the engagement. Yet even after shit like the Dragon Maid incident (trending NATIONWIDE) last year, people still continue to cope. "BUHHHHRRRRR DURRRRR IT'S JUST THE INTERNET BRO MUH FAKE LIKES, MUH IMAGINARY SILENT MAJORITY." >A reminder the multiple viral necroposts last month were defending GOING UP TO STRANGERS IN PERSON AND CALLING THEM PEDOPHILES OVER CARTOONS. They are ACTIVELY CHEERING ON this shit leaking offline. It is not "just silly online BS you can ignore."
>>889804 >All those blue checkmarks >Remember that people now have to pay for those I don't get why people keep criticizing Musk for his decisions regarding the direction of Twatter and the new policies he's instated. If anything, it seems like he knows exactly what kind of person uses the site and just how much control he has over them.
>>332518 The worst (funniest?) part is that when Twitter goes pay-to-post completely, its human userbase IS going to pay up. They're so psychologically damaged that they're incapable of preventing themselves from doing so.
Were have all this niggers come from out of a sudden?
>>332520 It's just niggerpil having another one of his tantrums Reminder that he's a balding 40 year old neckbeard with a Discord server and a room full of shit.
What's effective Niggerpill repellent? Happiness? Big Tittie Lolis?
>>889825 It's just a bot account spamming a script, anon. "Calling it out" is meaningless. It posts the same copied and pasted jewish rhetoric every single day no matter what is said in reply. My point is DON'T reply to it, just report it. Eventually we'll find and kill it IRL and this ends forever.
>>332522 Spam lolis, he'll go haywire
Huh, normally it doesn't run a >(1) IP at the same time as its bot. Weird.
>>332524 That doesn't work at all when he and lcp will just taunt you over that being CP. Just report and starve them of attention.
>>332519 If anything, you're making Musk sound like a drug dealer with that scenario. Not sure if that makes it even funnier or shows just how broken these people are.
>>332505 Oh cool, her love for him gave her the power to fly!
>>332527 Oh, that's an absolutely valid allegory. These "people" are neurochemically addicted to social media. They would go through genuine withdrawal symptoms if we had another Carrington Event. (God, please, You are kind and merciful; send us another Carrington Event. Burn this filthy society to the ground and give us an avenue to cleanse Your enemies from the Earth and rebuild healthy nations in which we can play vidya) There're endless studies showing this that have been published in neuroscience journals. They're crippled by their addiction to thumbsy-uppies.
>>332512 >Replying to pedopill Wew.
>niggerpilliano thinking anyone will read all that shit I am already saved.
>>889809 >Literally the only thing in that post that could be interpreted as a slight against women is ... And also saying women flock towards men surrounded by women as if they're baser animals operating more on instinct than rational though. And also saying women naturally go after married men, which is a terrible thing to do, implying women are naturally amoral or evil. And also... :^)
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>>332516 >Why haven't we found and killed it IRL yet? IRL in minecraft, right? RIGHT!?
>>332523 >Repeatedly replying to el sheepy JeJ
>>332532 >And also saying women flock towards men surrounded by women as if they're baser animals operating more on instinct than rational though Never said that, strawman. >And also saying women naturally go after married men, which is a terrible thing to do, implying women are naturally amoral or evil. If you are in bar or a club with a wedding band on you are going to be more likely to be approached by women. If you signal that you have value you are more likely to be approached by women. The only person here applying moral weight to any of these observable facts is you. Unless you are going to actually post a refutation of my claims with anything of substance just stop responding.
>>332518 The funny thing is all the zoomers and gen-αlphas are going to be whoring themselves out in a few when everything collapses. A fitting punishment for scolds.
>>332522 The usual stuff that all commie faggots fear: food, family, and successful white non-jews.
>>332535 The value of a guy with a wedding band in bars is subjective, but it at least signals another woman vetted him (unless gay). Easy pickings or an open moneybag, it depends on the observer.
>>332535 >Never said that >>332496 >Proximity to women increases your chances of attracting women because it signals to other women that the fact some women feel compelled to interact with you means you have some value. Why lie? >The only person here applying moral weight to any of these observable facts is you. <There's nothing immoral about going after a married man Wew laddy. >Unless you are going to actually post a refutation of my claims with anything of substance just stop responding. I don't care. You're statements on the behavior of women are true, and I've already explicitly agreed with them. But your perspective is clearly skewed if you think you only said one arguably negative thing about women. That's what I take issue with.
>>889871 >still being this much of a coward to say <JUST LET ME LOOK A NAKED LITTLE ❡IRLS!!!!!!!!!!!!!
>>332539 >Why lie? I didn't. Nothing in that sentence implies women are acting irrationally you nigger brained retard. In fact it is an explicitly rational behavior to perform calculus to determine whether or not a man is safe to be around based on whether or not other women, who are generally at equal physical risk, have decided he is safe to be alone with. It seems like the more you post the more you're exposing that you have no fucking clue how women operate or the risk assessments they make on a daily basis. >You're statements on the behavior of women are true, and I've already explicitly agreed with them. But your perspective is clearly skewed if you think you only said one arguably negative thing about women. That's what I take issue with. So you're just tone policing. That's nice, I'll filter you now.
>>332519 They are never getting their $10 back. >>332540 The right to free expression does not stop at you feeling unsettled. Imagine if H. P. Lovecraft never published, because his works unsettled people. Imagine everything that took inspiration from his works, and everything inspired by those works in turn. Throw it all in the trash, because some tyrant is concerned about your choice of fiction. >>332541 Women are absolutely not more likely to approach you with other women around. They do not know if one is your girlfriend or wife, and bitches know, bitches be crazy, especially when you try to snake their mealticket right in front of them. Wedding ring and no women works, though. >you have no fucking clue how women operate or the risk assessments they make on a daily basis. If you think "this bitch might be crazy" doesn't factor into a woman's "risk assessment" as often as it does a man, well, I can't help you.
>>332543 >Women are absolutely not more likely to approach you with other women around. I didn't say that. I said if you can effectively signal that women are comfortable around you or are otherwise interested in you that you increase your chances. Obviously having 4 women hovering around you isn't going to make a woman more likely to cold approach you. >If you think "this bitch might be crazy" doesn't factor into a woman's "risk assessment" as often as it does a man, well, I can't help you. You are completely fucking retarded if you think the average man would actively avoid fucking a woman because he thought she was "crazy". I can't believe you just wrote that sentence. There has to be a some sort of word for people that can't conceptualize how people other than themselves interface with the world.
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>>332542 He does not. You're just a degenerate and a common pattern of behavior among degenerates is the need to shove their fetishes in people's faces. Stop with the excuses, but keep posting lewds.
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CP as soon as I opened the fucking thread. Jesus fucking Christ nailed on a Monday.
>>332548 see what I mean?
>>332548 Incorrect. It's fake, full of errors and deformities, and not realistic enough to be confused for a real child in the first place. That should be clear even from a thumbnail, unless you're a filthy phoneposter.
>>332544 >I didn't say that. Fair enough. You did, though, say: >Proximity to women increases your chances of attracting women because it signals to other women that the fact some women feel compelled to interact with you means you have some value. Apologies, I took "proximity" and "interact with you" in the literal sense. >You are completely fucking retarded if you think the average man would actively avoid fucking a woman because he thought she was "crazy". I didn't say that. An item being included in a risk assessment is by no means deciding, nor does it necessarily carry significant weight. But it's still included, anon.
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>>332547 Not much of a footfag, but something about semi-transparent stockings makes feet a lot sexier.
>>332552 Is hatkid packing?
>>332548 It's AI, probably from ATF or 4/b/.
>>332553 That's just a really tight puffy vulva
>>332533 I'm not policing my own speech for the sake of your feelings. It is violating the rules. It is violating the law. It refuses to stop through peaceful methods. It has to be killed. Or maybe you personally support what it's doing here?
>>332552 >>332556 Does hatkid have an oppai hat???
>(1) Powerless.
>>332365 For some reason, I forgot that Sonic Frontier had been released for a long time. Is that game good?
>>332559 >Feeding leshepy He has power over you.
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>>332448 well, at least it's nice to hear that things are going well for you, take care and try to not get burned out, ok?
>>332562 I'll take it.
Looking at hat kid lewds makes me feel bad. Gee I wonder why?
>>332373 Yes. Deal with it. There is nothing that you can do to stop this.
>>332565 You are a faggot. Dial 1-800 suicide
>>332567 He should just Dial 8
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>>332569 *smooch*
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The strike is over...it is a sad day gentlemen.
>>332573 Archive?
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>>332570 *MWUAH*
>>332573 Damn. >five months Feels like five hours.
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>>332429 I know this is an old post but man I fucking hate these fucking neco arc memes are still fucking around. You would think a series about fucking lolis and your sister would be enough to drive the normalfags away but no. Somehow they still infect their garbage fucking memes in this series. I'm not a type moon fan by any memes but I cannot fucking stand these memes. Death to necofags.
>>332577 > came just after sunset and the start of the Yom Kippur holiday Kikery all the way down.
>>332577 >Details of the WGA’s tentative agreement haven’t been released, but will be revealed by the guild in advance of the membership ratification votes. >... >Pending those votes, the WGA told its members that it is still on strike, but that all picketing is hereby suspended. IOW, nothing has been finalized, and it could all go up in smoke once they reveal the "agreed" upon terms.
>>332578 I think it's cause the Tsukuhime remake doesn't have any ero material at all whatsoever (Because Nasu has become senile in his old age in a gay relationship with Takeuchi, literally living together under the same roof) In my defense I like the neco arc memes but I actually read the VNs (Tsukuhime and Kagetsy Tohya) so I have a right to enjoy them. In a way it's no different from the endless touhou secondaries who parrot the memes and porn but haven't even downloaded a single touhou game. I wish death upon them too.
>>332577 >>332578 >yfw they put aside their differences to BTFO Dup some more
>>332581 I only played through the original Tsukhime, once, so the Neko Arc memes are sort of lost on me. Especially when the only time she appeared was during the "So, you got the bad end" pep talks that Sensei Ciel gave.
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>>332581 I like FGO
>>332573 >>332577 >Hollywood will never die until you go Postal Barring an act of God or natural disaster, would you aim for the high score in Commiefornia eventually?
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>>332581 >the Tsukuhime remake doesn't have any ero material at all whatsoever the FUCK? Jesus, it's gonna get even worse now, fucking hell. At least you aren't a secondary. These people are quite literally proud of being one. >>332583 That and melty blood and the fate/tsukhime collab anime is when she actually does show up, It's understandable why people would like the character I mean she's cute and all, but for fucks sake get out of the fucking fandom if you literally care about only one character and if you don't wanna fuck your sister. >>332585 > would you aim for the high score in Commiefornia eventually? I have a life to live so no. Plus, I don't think doing any high score will do anyone any good.
>>332560 It's written by Ian Flynn so no. >>332585 To be fair, the strike took out their ability to produce new content for what'll basically shake out to be a year, so it might kill them anyway. Unless they fasttrack their ripping off of vidya and anime because of Mario and One Piece dicksuckers.
>>889994 Wrong post? What does any of that have to do with niggerpill repellent? >>889994 Hollywood can survive a year no original content easily unless the lax laws on punishing criminals and high costs of living finally spurn the rest of the ordinary people there to revolt French Revolution style. If only the modern French had the balls to oust their Macron government
>>332589 >Wrong post? What does any of that have to do with niggerpill repellent? yeah I deleted it >Hollywood can survive a year no original content easily unless the lax laws on punishing criminals and high costs of living finally spurn the rest of the ordinary people there to revolt French Revolution style Not necessarily; Yidsney is currently footing an insane amount of debt over a stupid streaming deal they made a few years ago. All their cashcows released this year have flopped or barely made money. Their stock is a shell game supported by being reliably able to trick their investors into believing they'll somehow make money in the future, which is why it dives every month or so. Warner is also in an insane amount of debt and can't make anything off their movies, either due to retarded deals or flops of almost every movie they make for close to 2 uninterrupted years. The whole field is also being outcompeted by SNS and Japanese/Korean media even among normalfags, meaning they'll probably need to be bailed out by Amazon, Apple, Blackrock, or the US government or decline out of relevancy. Even if they do, there's been a downward trend of movie spending since 2019 even with the jewry they've already pulled, which reflects a waning in cultural influence. It's genuinely difficult to picture them coming back from this after being trained 10 years of spending millions on capeshit and that no longer being a safe investment. But then again, knowing normalniggers, it's entirely possible they can just pivot into bastardizations of games and anime and that could replace it.
>>332560 Due to Sega never being able to release a finished game, the game is only partially released. There have been two significant free updates, and the third one that's supposed to be out soon is apparently adding new playable characters and a new ending, so it seems like the game is very far from finished. However, I got it as a gift and liked it. It's not the best thing ever, but I found it engrossing the whole way through. The open world stuff works okay. I was never a huge fan of Boost Sonic, and the open world bits are an improvement on that formula, in my opinion. I still don't like it as much as the Adventure formula, but it's pretty alright. >>332588 >It's written by Ian Flynn so no. Look man, I have problems with Flynn. He's really been shitting the bed lately in the IDW comics (though to be fair, I think part of that is because he's now co-writer with Evan Stanley, who is notably worse in all the ways that Flynn is bad), but he's certainly better for the games than the guys who have been writing those since Colors. Also, Frontiers, for all the talk people have about Flynn writing the story, barely has a story. The story that is there is positively meh, and it does have some stupid moments, but it's overall a big bunch of nothing, and therefore not enough to really get in the way. I'm positive I'm more autistic for Sonic lore than anyone on this board, maybe anyone on the planet, but I also don't play the games for the story. It's not the point. Except Chronicles. I did play that for the story recently. That game isn't as bad as everyone says, story or no. I too wish Flynn wasn't a feminist retard that writes everything like some feminist modern Cartoon Network garbage instead of the shonen anime that it's supposed to be, but at least he actually does know the lore and characters, unlike the guys that had been writing since 2009. And at the end of the day, the story matters less in Frontiers than it does in any game that came out before Colors. They didn't advertise who wrote Unleashed, but that game had a lot more story.
>>332590 >>332589 It's kind of funny when I was seeing news about it today it mentioned that the strike had been going on for 5 months. Which caught me off guard because I thought it had only been going on for a month, month and a half tops. That shows just how little Hollywood being shut down has affected me, and I'm a movie guy too. Yeah modern Hollywood has completely fucked themselves no matter what, long before the strike even happened. >>332588 >Unless they fasttrack their ripping off of vidya and anime because of Mario and One Piece dicksuckers. They would like to but I think the whole AAA movie environment is on it's way out and you need that to make a good videogame or anime movie. Or if not good at least a profitable one. Hell the AAA game environment is probably on the way out as well but decrepitness hasn't quite progressed as far in gaming as it has in movies and TV.
>>332591 >I'm positive I'm more autistic for Sonic lore than anyone on this board, maybe anyone on the planet Try me >I also don't play the games for the story. It's not the point. This is what every game Adventure onwards has gotten completely wrong, and basically every spin-off series, too. I don't want to see Sonic talk to the President and have to worry if his girlfriend is secretly a robot spy. The Genesis games nailed the balance. Little blue guy runs fast and hates robots and industrialization. Go blow up this evil genius' toys before your entire island is a factory and chemical waste dump. It doesn't need to be more complex than that. I'd love a Sonic game where that's the plot. You go to a new island to check it out and find the locals being turned into robots, so you destroy them. The open world idea can mesh really well with this because you can go between zone and fight Robotnik's efforts to industrialize it. Every zone could have multiple versions of itself as he takes over. Instead they go open world and just have some fucking magic floating springs and the bad guy is an AI or whatever. My face when Sega keeps fucking up the easiest win, over and over again.
>>332591 I haven't actually played the game and won't at least until after the last DLC comes out, but the "Egguman watches his lolibot daughteru die", "ackshually my guy is the reason all the cool bad guys before exist", and "what if Sonic was holding back his friends all along guise" shit I've seen is the sort of fanfic dogshit I never wanted anywhere near the games. It looks fun enough, but I don't trust it until after I see the whole thing. >>332593 >I'd love a Sonic game where that's the plot. You go to a new island to check it out and find the locals being turned into robots, so you destroy them. >Sega keeps fucking up the easiest win, over and over again The problem is that Sonic Team has spent at least half its total lifespan pushing story-driven games, which inevitably led to a huge chunk of their fanbase being interested in that kind of game. When they started trying to move away from that, they pissed all those people off and created a no-win scenario for themselves because the two largest and most passionate subsections of their base are now diametrically opposed so doing anything will piss off at least half of them if not more.
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>>332593 >Try me I'll try you, mmmmmm, tasty, yes, those accented notes, that flavorful mouthfeel, mhmmm, the smell, and subtle nutty notes, mmmhmm, and the meltyness.
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>>332594 >created a no-win scenario for themselves because the two largest and most passionate subsections of their base are now diametrically opposed so doing anything will piss off at least half of them if not more. They've had this issue since, again, Adventure because they created a new playstyle that is its own thing, with its own type of lore and art style and everything else. And then did it AGAIN with Boost gameplay, and now they're entering a fourth phase where they don't know what they're doing but are certainly going to attract new fans who somehow like this dogshit. Sonic can be good again, but they need to just tell fans of Boost gameplay, plot-heavy games, and furries to fuck off. To say "This era was a mistake and we will not be trying to replicate these shitty games anymore". Get the Mania team to crank out a game every 3-4 years. Adventure style games can exist as some kind of spin-off. Or perhaps they can translate the Adventure gameplay into a style that's more lore-friendly with the original trilogy. It's literally so easy Sega. Put me in charge and I'll have you making bank in no time.
>>332596 >Sonic can be good again, but they need to just tell fans of Boost gameplay, plot-heavy games, and furries to fuck off. For 2 of 3 of those things SEGA would also have to cancel all Sonic comics, cartoons, and movies going forward forever.
>>332430 >spam
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>>332595 ok but what about this
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>>332598 Spam = anything I don't like It's mark law.
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>>332577 >Films and scripted TV shows that didn’t sign Interim Agreements with SAG-AFTRA will remain dark until that strike is settled as well. They're not out of the woods yet!
>>332600 Don't bother people in here with fatties when we have a /bbw/ board already
Hey gaymergays. Do you Eat shit? https://archive.ph/reGBN
>>332565 For some people, enjoying any kind of erotica makes them feel guilty. You're just built different.
>>332599 >There's actually more to this than the initial image All these years, I never knew.
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https://archive.ph/tbT7e Different archive link since the previous one cut off the first half
>>332604 Is it finally time for a new Okami game?
>>332607 I hope he's teaming up with Mikami for something and not going the chink route. That would be the dark timeline.
>>332593 >The Genesis games nailed the balance. Anon, the "story" of the Sonic games during the Genesis era is no less autistic than Kirby (Eldritch nightmare) or Rayman (You are god) with it's implication and events. It was just more subtle about it, or the localization was so shit that you never realized it. >>332596 >Sonic can be good again, but they need to just tell fans of Boost gameplay, plot-heavy games, and furries to fuck off. Sonic Team actually did come out and tell people to fuck off for wanting the series to return to having the good formulas of the Adventure era as their goal will forever be to "try something new". That was their direction in 2012: https://archive.ph/Fskjm And still their statement, a decade later, in 2021: https://archive.ph/7YdrL > Get the Mania team to crank out a game every 3-4 years. Funny you should mention that as they also stated that people need to shut up about the fucking pixel art as no one will care about it a decade from now: https://archive.ph/tYlI7 >>332597 It's also ignoring that the "boost" formula started with Sonic '06, which was an evolution of the Adventure games formula.
>>332541 woman moment
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>>332607 >>332609 Interesting, might be some shareholders on Platinum games that made this happen? Something in a change on their ideologies?
>>332613 Didn't Platinum announce a partnership with Tencent awhile back?
>>332614 I think so? I remember the CEO throwed the classic "it doesnt mean it will change how we do our things"
>>332615 It resonated well on why the creator of Senran Kagura left Marvelous, for the same exact reason.
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Has the culture war made you lose respect for something or someone you genuinely respected before? It's been like a year now, and I still find myself sometimes dwelling on the fact that Guilty Gear of all series bent a knee to the the fag community. I know it's naive, but for the longest time it felt like nip companies who made fighting games, ArcSys in particular, were insulated against the rest of the garbage endemic to the FGC (Capcom aside courtesy of that fuckstick Inafune and those following his "The Japanese industry is dying" kool aid, even if it got us a few good things like Dead Rising). Don't get me wrong, they weren't perfect, but it felt like when they fucked up it was for simple mechanical reasons and ordinary hackery -- the sort of things that are repairable since Japs still understand artistry without propaganda. Then the cracks started showing with they/them Testament in Strive. I guess I was able to tolerate it somewhat if only because Gears were always kind of fucky and I generally have an easy time compartmentalizing pronouns as just "localization bullshit that doesn't count", but when during the inevitably emboldened trannies started stirring shit over Bridget 1 DLC later, Daisuke Ishiwatari himself tries claiming, in the face of almost-20 years of history, that he was ALWAYS meant be some tranny icon but 2000s society wasn't ready yet and gives the autogynophillic freaks a legitimate foot in the door? I can't even blame Blackrock greed for this one. I guess the series was never going to be the same again given Strive's lowest common denominator success likely making future installments follow its lead system-wise, but learning the guy who made a series you liked is a lying sellout and allowed his company to become a vector of SJW infection without even the decency of bribery like Kikeflix usually does really does hurt a bit inside.
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>>332617 >Has the culture war made you lose respect for something or someone you genuinely respected before? Multiple times at this point.

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>>332617 >Has the culture war made you lose respect for something or someone you genuinely respected before? Vidya in general especially nowadays. Even if the gayme is fun, i can barely tolerate it if they put any niggers/side shave haircut/tranny representation even in indie games. I just wanted to play videogames man. I didn't even care if the protag had dark skin back then. But nowadays im either wary or apathetic of any new releases unless its a hentai game
>>332617 This guy really lost it with GamerGate to the point where I call him Mr. Shitface these days.
>>332609 Agreed
>>332617 >Has the culture war made you lose respect for something or someone you genuinely respected before? I'm hesitant to say "yes" because, in my circumstance, how can you have "respect" for someone that you never really had respect for in the first place? As with many of the "major" names in vidya, I mostly played those because they were the kinds of games and developers everyone talked about. However, when I finally did experience the material, I felt immediately ostracized because my experience was the direct opposite of the reception everyone gave it. I'd say the closest folks I had genuine "respect" for is the morons at Extra Credits. And, while I do outright dismiss them for the past several years after realizing who they really are, some of their material did have genuine concepts that one should latch onto and I have to admit still influence my perception of games to this day, I believe for the better. Although, rather ironically, in direct opposition to their Progressive agenda.
>>332617 No. I can't think of anybody in vidya industry that deserved respect. Best cases are guys just doing their jobs that never draw any attention to themselves. Anyone else is a piece of shit.
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>>332617 >for the longest time it felt like nip companies If fucking warned you and you just shoved your head in the sand. Denying the influence the USA financial institutions and media have in countries under their sphere is the dumbest thing one can do.
>>332626 It's good that the ESG bullshit is becoming mainstream so people speak up against the threat to the free market. Honestly I find it very interesting that the bill that was supposed to ban ESG was vetoed by Biden, and it was the only bill he vetoed to date.
>>332627 >the free market Wait, are you still pretending that old canard even remotely fucking exists, or has for the last century and a half?
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>>332617 >Has the culture war made you lose respect for something or someone you genuinely respected before? Vidya Anime Comics (not manga yet) <Daisuke Ishiwatari <Guilty gear <Capcom <Namco <Bandai <Konami <Kojima <ArcSys <Atlus <Vanillaware <Bethesda <Naughty Dog <Sony <Square <Enix <Squarenix <Rockstar <DICE <PIXIV <Sega <Ryu Ga Gotoku Studio I know there is more
>>332617 >respecting corporations >respecting entertainment products
>>332629 What the fuck did Pixiv do? Stop being a faggot.
>>332631 Demonetized loli on fanbox, didn't they?
>>332632 They still allow it on Pixiv, they HAD to ban it because of Mastercard. If anyone blame Mastercard.
>>332627 >t the threat to the free market What free market?
>>332634 Reganomics
>>332620 There's literally nothing to enjoy anymore. There isn't nearly enough dicks for me to blow. >>332626 Larry Fink is so fucking hot. God I wish he would rail me. >>332629 I just got done jacking off to my massive yaoi collection. I love those slant eyed gooks and their gay porn.
Edited last time by Felbot on 09/25/2023 (Mon) 17:05:38.
>>890154 >>332636 Thanks felbot, for once you're not a faggot Edited last time by Felbot on 09/25/2023 (Mon) 17:15:59.
>>890164 You would think they would cuck inmediatly.
>>332617 >Has the culture war made you lose respect for something or someone you genuinely respected before? I hate this "culture war" meme, but Gamergate itself made me lose all respect for Mega64. I knew they were kind of a bunch of bootlickers trying to weasel their way in the entertainment industry, but the one sketch where they half-assedly mocked Gamergate was just mean spirited for the sake of scoring brownie points.
>>890164 >If Leafs act first, they'll block all numbers and Indian IPs from connecting to the country, thus destroying their GDP and blocking the strategic access routes to bobs and vagenes >If Poos act first, they'll get rid of the greatest driver of Authoritarian Socialist movements in the Western world What a fun timeline, and this comes right off of the major Canadian blunder where they gave a standing ovation to an 98 years old Ukranian SS war hero.
>>332623 >I'd say the closest folks I had genuine "respect" for is the morons at Extra Credits. I lost respect for them well before Gamer Gate. It was their Persona 4 video when I realized they were full of shit. In the first 30 seconds they said "Kanji is gay" and I turned off the video and never watched another one again.
>>332640 And somehow there are people that send money to UNICEF
>>332628 Tell that to Volition. Want a bigger example? Try Disney. Bob Iger is out and out saying in interviews getting involved in culture war stuff was a mistake for their bottom line. ESG has a shitton of money, true, but everything has a limit. Even them. Go broke, get woke, ultimately croak.
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>>890164 >when you decide a rake isn't good enough to deal with leafs
>>332643 Bob (n)I(g)ger said this exact same shit last year when he got his old job back. He's going to do exactly the same as he's been doing with the possible exception of MAYBE being a little more quiet about it. That being said though, the damage is done and Disney is well and truly fucked.
>>332643 >Go broke, get woke You're beyond hope. You're just parroting bullshit that the media and paid controlled opposition personalities are telling you. It's a fucking SHOW, anon. They're not actually being hurt. Come on already.
>>332646 I noticed you ignored the part about Volition huh, niggerpiller? Kinda fucks with your narrative, doesn't it? Thanks for dropping the mask for the thread, though, so they can all see you're a bad actor.
>>332645 >the damage is done and Disney is well and truly fucked Isn't that the summary of every media studio here in the states? AFAIK, it seems like the only two who have a chance of surviving is Universal and possibly Paramount.
>>332648 >replying
>>332649 I didn't call him Willy. I said he was niggerpilling. Which he is. Blackpillers get the rope. Not just Willy.
>>332643 >ESG has a shitton of money, true, but everything has a limit. Even them. Go broke, get woke, ultimately croak. ESG only exist because China and Israel pumping money into Hollywood. Both stopped doing so for different reasons.
>>332651 Ah, I see. Yeah, niggerpissing is really annoying.
>>890203 >Reminder unless you are super mash bros. Adding this many guest characters usually a sign of a series in decline and becoming less profitable. Smash isn't an exception, it suffered from this as well.
>>332647 >I noticed you ignored the part about Volition No? >niggerpiller How about you just kill yourself if you can't distinguish the paid shill from anyone else, okay chief? >Kinda fucks with your narrative, doesn't it? No. >Thanks for dropping the mask for the thread, though, so they can all see you're a bad actor. <they Amazing how shit you are at your job.
>>890206 >>890210 >>890212 No one fucking cares about Call of Duty.
>the CoD/4/tv/ and /co/ spic is at it again
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>>332658 I knew that was a fucking bot
>>890203 >>890206 >>890210 >>890212 >>890215 >>890217 >>890218 Filtered, no one is reading your shit, paco.
>>332657 Joo' ain' got no doots? JOO' AIN' GOT NO DOOTS?! Well… how 'bout Fifa, esse?
>>332593 You clearly aren't autistic for Sonic lore if you think the Genesis games' story was "Little blue guy runs fast and hates robots and industrialization." You'll niggas don't even know Chaos wiping out the echidnas is mentioned in Sonic 2. https://youtu.be/7ujImBnWu88?si=REPm7ycaIQWFjzIx Also, Sonic games haven't had a significant story since Colors. Frontiers has more story than anything since Colors, and it's still barely any. >>332594 >"ackshually my guy is the reason all the cool bad guys before exist", and "what if Sonic was holding back his friends all along guise" Neither of these things happen in Frontiers. It does introduce new backstory that happens before the stuff with Chaos and the echidnas, but it doesn't say anything else regarding any villains. It says the Chaos Emeralds are from space, as are these aliens that look like Chaos, and thus are implied to be the ancestors of he and the Chao. I wouldn't consider saying that's "the reason Chaos exists," though, and that's as close as it gets to what you said. That thing about Sonic holding back his friends is just bullshit and isn't in the game. If anything it's the opposite. Flynn noted how Tails acting like a little bitch in Forces contradicted previous character development, and then has Tails remark on how he let himself regress, and he is going to remember to not be a bitch in the future. Sonic is not blamed for anything like that. >The problem is that Sonic Team has spent at least half its total lifespan pushing story-driven games Yeah, the first half, including the Genesis games. Or fine, I guess I wouldn't call them "story driven," but they at least remembered the story. They gave a shit. I'm okay with being light on story, but at least they should give a shit. It's clear that everyone since Colors hasn't liked the previous games. Yes, even Flynn. He clearly likes the Archie comics a lot more than the games. >>332596 Adventure style games would be too intensive to be spinoffs. However, I've always said what they should do is just strip them down to only Sonic style gameplay and then do that. Sonic/Shadow levels were the best ones from those games. Now give me thirty levels of that in one game. I like autistic story, but Sonic Adventure's story works specifically because of six different characters with their own stories. So do a simpler story. Adventure 2 is a bit simpler, but I guess people still think that's complex, too. Fine. But at least give a shit and show that the people involved know what happened in the previous games, even if little happens here. Show that they understand the characters. Look, I just want it to be a shonen anime again. It doesn't need to be a plot heavy one, though. Even the Genesis games were like that. Go read the manuals. You'll see. It's been Dragon Ball Z since the start. >>332610 Saying Boost started with Sonic '06 is a little disingenuous. Yes, the Mach Speed sections from Sonic's levels are a bit like a very simplified version of what Sonic's gameplay would become in Unleashed, but those sections were essentially a tiny minigame, and if you're gonna count something so simplified, and such a small part of the game, as being the same thing, you might as well say the Special Stages of Sonic 2 are the genesis of Boost Sonic. Also, there are those who point out that Rush already had an actual Boost mechanic, but in 2D. But really, no, the gameplay style that started in Unleashed was the one that was significantly different from the games before it, and it was the one that was replicated to modern day (with Frontiers adding the twist of adding open world sections). >Funny you should mention that as they also stated that people need to shut up about the fucking pixel art as no one will care about it a decade from now: It's not about the pixel art, it's about the gameplay. We'll see if Superstars is actually as good as Mania despite not having the same team behind it.
>>332662 >It's not about the pixel art <However, while Frontiers is being seen as a platform for the next two decades of 3D Sonic, Superstars has a slightly different role to play. Iizuka described the game as an "evolution of the 2D Sonic gameplay," saying that "we look at the pixel art - it's great - but when we think about 10-20 years in the future, we don't think it's going to be a viable art style or presentation for our players. And in order to advance and really step things up, we did want to make sure that we're presenting something that 10-20 years down the road we're still evolving and creating new content for."
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>>332469 I've tried to compile all the Gookanon posts into one giant mega image. It might be too large a file size, but my first attempt was like six times as large. I suck at using GIMP, I guess. I have another version with better quality, but it's twice as large. Any tips for how to do this better in general will be utilized. >>332663 Did you think I was saying the quote wasn't about the pixel art? That's not what I was saying. "It's not about..." is a common english expression. I guess the "it" in question would be the speaker's concern on the matter, or perhaps "the important thing."
>>332664 >Any tips for how to do this better in general will be utilized. You could probably reduce the color depth and the pics would still look as if they haven't been modified.
>>332664 Cuckchan is so shit you wouldn't even be able to post this. >Size limit 4mb >pixel limit 10000x10000
>>332637 >Thanks felbot, for once you're not a faggot <Edited last time by Felbot Lmao.
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>>332664 >Did you think I was saying the quote wasn't about the pixel art? Yes. >I guess the "it" in question would be the speaker's concern on the matter, or perhaps "the important thing." The way I looked at is that the first time Sega purposely abandoned the pixel art style in order to "revitalize" the 2D games and "preserve" them for future generations, we got Sonic 4. <Pics are what it looks like in case you forgot. And, if you don't think the images are vomit inducing enough, the gameplay is even worse. And, you cannot place the blame on Dimps as every other Sonic game they've developed looks and plays find and still looks and plays fine, including Generations on the 3DS.
>>332662 Nothing in the old Sonic manuals screamed "Dragon Ball Z" to me aside from token references like Super Sonic and King Kai planet special stages which were just that: references that didn't consume the overall plot at large. Emerald lore was developed further somewhat by accident since S3 was split into 2 games so the Super Emeralds were made as in universe reason to justify doing S&K's blue spheres again which it along with the Hyper/SSJ2 forms were semi retconned come Adventure You look at something like the CD animatics and you can barely tell it's supposed to be in the same universe as SA2 with how it's style is conveyed and plot/lore is exposited, which is ironic considering who made the animatics in the first place. I'd say that, despite being under the same label in the manga, Classic Sonic was closer to pre Raditz/Saiyan invasion era Dragon Ball than anything after that which made some really questionable story decisions as well like that odd beast people retcon and progressively sidelining the non Saiyan Z warriors from being effective in battle anymore. Super Mario Bros Z is much closer to being Sonic=Dragon Ball Z than what the games themselves did.
>>332486 That's an extreme. All you need to do is cultivate one skill to get one job, then build skills and relationships (with effort focused on relationships) as you go along with your career. Treat people right, not as tools, but as compatriots, eject the evil and build a community. What you are talking about is a basic fact of life. Build a community like all people do, it must not be a forgotten skill. Something that is becoming harder and harder to do because of their attempts to divide all people so they end up alone. Who they are doesn't even matter if community stands tall over stupidity.
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>>332664 I wonder what the gook's up to these days. Didn't he try to get into politics?
>>332588 Also deals don't have to be followed through and once bitten twice shy. like a year ago we didn't have fucking anything then either. Writers striking only made it a tiny bit quicker for them. The movie, television industries have been dying for a while and we're not that far from seeing it get fucked entirely.
>>332671 >He doesn't know
>>332673 >>332671 Wasn't he murdered by Samsung?
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>>332673 Refresh my memory. >>332674 WHAT
>>332671 >>332675 /r/ Danniele as a depressed zippertits.
>>332674 Wouldn't be surprised. Samsung is pretty much 60-80 percent of S.Korea's net worth, they're literally a devil corporation out of cyberpunk shit. S.Korea basically operates on samsung jobs, if you don't get one you're fucked and poor forever or dead. North Korea is physical oppression, classical, but South Korea is the same thing with a smile. There's no difference between Korea and the treatment of it's citizens and China. China is just more obvious and takes the spotlight. They're all a bunch of fragile fucks and I can understand why the japanese has anti-korean sentiment on top of their anti-chinese sentiment. There's a good reason for it. They do not want what they have. It's kinda like the casual anti-californianism in america.
>>332677 Don't forget something like 80% of sailing cargo ships being manufactured in worst korea. Because of funny american-ship/parts/repiarmen-only laws it's cheaper to supply hawaii by air than by boat.
>>332671 Were Dani's shoulders always this broad?
>>332677 >Samsung is pretty much 60-80 percent of S.Korea's net worth Among many other reasons, this was high on my list when I supported Apple in their IP theft case against Samsung, et al. If we had managed to get an import ban on Samsung phones in the US, that would have gutted those stealing slant motherfuckers in the cradle. Now they just steal everything from everyone with impunity.
>>332667 It wasn't actually edited by me.
>>332668 I'm a defender of Sonic 4 (well, Episode II, at least), but yeah, I agree that 2.5D games got old in the mid '90s. If you're doing 2D gameplay, just give me sprites. Models for the sake of models stopped being impressive somewhere between Donkey Kong Country and NiGHTS Into Dreams. I guess if you're doing split paths that go into and out of the screen (but you still move on each one in 2D), like Pandemonium! or Tomba 2, then I get it a little, but if it's pure 2D gameplay, then fuck it. However, "pixel art" is still stupid. Being able to see individual pixels was because of hardware limitations. Now I want hi-res sprites for everything. Just draw them normal now. There's no reason every (2D) Sonic game shouldn't look like the manual art, or the Sonic CD cutscenes, or the OVA. >>332669 >the game revolving around getting the seven macguffins before the bad guy can use them to take over the world, then using them to become a super saiyan and save the day, doesn't consume the overall plot at large >Emerald lore was developed further somewhat by accident since S3 was split into 2 games so the Super Emeralds were made as in universe reason to justify doing S&K's blue spheres again which it along with the Hyper/SSJ2 forms were semi retconned But that's not even what I'm talking about. Emerald lore was probably developed by accident, or rather, one game at a time, starting with tiny references and then building more on those references over time, but ancient writings telling how the emeralds destroyed the civilization that abused them were in Sonic 2. In Sonic 3 they introduce the descendant of that civilization. There's also a very interesting bit where Knuckles is extra on guard for something that will destroy his island because of a prophecy from a mural that describes a dragon emerging from a giant egg and destroying everything. Knuckles sees the Death Egg and thinks it's the giant egg from the prophecy. Eggman tells him the "dragon" is Sonic. Of course, we know that Eggman is the destroying force that emerged from the Death Egg. But it goes even further, because the "giant egg" could be interpreted as the Master Emerald, and Chaos emerges from it and becomes a giant dragon that destroys civilizations. >You look at something like the CD animatics and you can barely tell it's supposed to be in the same universe as SA2 with how it's style is conveyed and plot/lore is exposited, which is ironic considering who made the animatics in the first place. But if you compare it to Adventure 1 instead of Adventure 2, it works a lot better. That's an important bit of connecting tissue. Especially since Adventure 1's story is the finale of all the emerald lore that was built up since the first game. Also, in Sonic 2 they say the island from that game (Westside Island) is the original home of the Chaos Emeralds. In Sonic 3 they show Angel Island, which is also the home of the Chaos Emeralds, but they do mention it broke off from the greater landmass. Then in Adventure you see how they connected (specifically in the flashbacks. They connect differently in the present, and it's only coincidence that they end up kind of close to how they were before). But the island from Adventure is the island from Sonic 2. Aquatic Ruin Zone is in the Mystic Ruins. Casino Night Zone is probably just Casinopolis, in Station Square. That makes more sense than Eggman building a casino with signs that say "Sonic" everywhere. Sonic is already a world saving beloved celebrity in universe, and in Adventure there's a giant gold statue of him in the casino. It's the same casino. Now, you could say they didn't care enough to do connections like this, but note that Ice Cap is in Sonic 3 and Sonic Adventure (and it is on Angel Island in both). Lava Reef is probably the same as Red Mountain. And I'll go out and say Hill Top is probably just one of the higher areas in Windy Valley. >differentiating Dragon Ball and Z Sure, but Sonic characters become Super Saiyan all the time, so I'm saying Z.
>>332682 >Being able to see individual pixels was because of hardware limitations. Now I want hi-res sprites for everything. Just draw them normal now. Sprites offer a far more clean look than straight drawings. Fighting games best demonstrate this when you compare KoF, BlazBlue, and Vanguard Princess to something like Skullgirls.
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>>332676 Hahahahahaha, you are evil.
>>332682 There's cities and ruins on South Island too where the emeralds could also be found through the special stages in it. It never clarified on which island Station Square takes place in so I considered it to be on its own neighboring landmass, what with later games like SA2 and Shadow having their own maps, the presence of a "Central City" and Tails Tube trying to explain the previous two worlds thing as just humans inhabiting the larger continents with the anthros preferring more remote islands. It also might be a difference in medium but Sonic and his friends don't go Super nearly as often as Z Saiyans do post Frieza. You see them reserved for the climax in story scenes with the notable exceptions of 3, Unleashed, and most recently Frontiers. No DBZ training or griping about reaching the next level with them or exploring their powers with them unless you ironically read the old western comic continuities. Metarex Saga in X too, but that's literally an anime original adaptation and their usage was similarly limited like the games up until then.
>>332617 I didn't have repect per say but i had good will, now its only disdain >>332683 Now that looks good
>>332682 >However, "pixel art" is still stupid. Fuck you, faggay.
>>332687 This is not the kinda of pixel art he is talking about.
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>>332688 So it only counts if it's used in a game?
>>332689 He was quite explicit about saying he finds stupid showing all individuals pixels when there is no limitation on hardware, his point is that the pursuit of showing them as a "feature" is stupid and not the art made of pixels itself
>>332690 >the pursuit of showing them as a "feature" is stupid and not the art made of pixels itself What the difference other than those showing them as a feature generally being crap artists? And he never made that distinction you're making from the way I read that line, or else he would have somehow implied there's an except for pixelart games that aren't pixelshit and aren't trying to sell on the fact they're pixelart.
>>890309 The Sun.
>>332692 orbit is just constantly falling without crashing
>>332693 The Sun doesn't orbit Earth. It's the other way around >But muh super black hole at the center of the galaxy! Everything is orbiting/falling towards that, so if that's your measure of falling, it's irrelevant.
>>332692 my dick
>>332695 My hole~
>>332696 Your black hole
>>332683 The good examples you show there all look "drawn normal" to me. They're so hi-res it doesn't look like "pixels," it looks like someone just drew what they wanted, no longer constrained by Sega Genesis hardware limitations. They're all sprites. Skullgirls is also sprites. Unless Skullgirls pulls some NES boss trickery where the big characters are actually moving background layers or whatever, but you know what I mean. >>332685 >There's cities and ruins on South Island too Ruins, sure. Cities? Spring Yard is clearly a junkyard, and Star Light and Scrap Brain are clearly Eggman's base. Now, don't get me wrong, until recently, I just figured Eggman built a casino in Sonic 2 as well, but when I realized Sonic 2 is the same island as Sonic Adventure, and Sonic Adventure clearly (and sometimes explicitly) features locations from previous games, I thought that was cool. I'm counting it. Does it stray slightly into headcanon territory? Perhaps. But the two games are the same island and they both have a casino with Sonic's name and image all over it, so I'm saying they're the same casino. >where the emeralds could also be found through the special stages in it. It never clarified on which island Station Square takes place in so I considered it to be on its own neighboring landmass, The plot of Sonic 2 explicitly says that the island, Westside Island, is the "original" home of the emeralds. It's acknowledging that they were somewhere else in Sonic 1, but retconning it so that they were moved there at some point, and Westside Island is where they were originally from. Sonic Adventure then also takes place on the island where the emeralds were originally from, so therefore it's Westside Island, from Sonic 2. >later games like SA2 and Shadow having their own maps, the presence of a "Central City" Those maps don't make clear where Station Square is in relation to locations from those games. I'm open to the idea that Station Square isn't a city, but is, as its name implies, just a square in a larger city, but it's never actually made explicit or even really hinted if that's the case. It would be convenient to say Station Square is in Central City, but they never say that. Well there is a map in Sonic Chronicles, and Station Square is on it, but that map doesn't match anything else in the series, so I wouldn't lose sleep over it. I wouldn't take its placements as diehard canon. >Tails Tube trying to explain the previous two worlds thing as just humans inhabiting the larger continents with the anthros preferring more remote islands. I wouldn't even count Tails Tube or other things like interviews or whatever as canon. However, yes, I always thought this was obvious, and it always bugged me when people didn't get it. The games make very explicit what's going on, and that "two worlds" thing was an offhand remark made by a guy who doesn't care about the story, which was then translated, and even when translated, doesn't have to be interpreted as "two dimensions." Adventure and other games rely heavily on being the same world as the previous games. It's very simple, and all these other things overcomplicate it. >It also might be a difference in medium but Sonic and his friends don't go Super nearly as often as Z Saiyans do post Frieza. Yeah I'd chalk that up to difference in medium. But also, I wouldn't say it matters. Also, Silver is deliberately Trunks. Amy is (Kid) Chi Chi. And the only reason to say Shadow isn't Vegeta is because that's such a common anime archetype that it appears in practically every anime. My point remains, Sonic is and should be a shonen anime. Flynn and especially Stanley need to learn that. But the very fact that Flynn had to be forced to stop using Penders characters, then the Freedom Fighters, and even then, replaced them all with new OCs instead of actually making game characters the main characters, shows that he will never learn. >>332691 I did explicitly say that sprites, which are inherently made of pixels, are better in 2D gameplay. Obviously I don't mean two dimensional art, which is all made of pixels, is bad. It was quite obvious that I meant making big fake pixels at lower resolutions than you need to is bad. Trying to pretend you're on older hardware is usually stupid. Just actually make it for the old hardware, and we'll talk. Sonic Mania should have released a 32X version, then I'd like it better.
B-But I don't want it to be over!
>>332406 >Tails fucks a hot rabbit milf How does that happen?
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>>332699 The 2nd to last chapter kinda dragged on and was boring to go through but besides that the story lasted for a good while, it was a fun ride the whole way through, it didn't overstay its welcome and it ended on a great note. If it would have ended right after them beating the dragon (like what some anon wanted) it would have fucking sucked and left a bad taste in my mouth a hole in my heart and felt like they could done so much more but I'm glad it kept going like how a competent story should have. 10/10. I hope the anime isn't shit.
>>332573 >>332577 >The parties finalized the framework of the deal Sunday when they were able to untangle their stalemate over AI and writing room staffing levels. Well at least they get to train the AI on the negotiations. >Details of the WGA’s tentative agreement haven’t been released Statements like that don't make it sound like they won.
>>332591 >Due to Sega never being able to release a finished game, the game is only partially released. There have been two significant free updates, and the third one that's supposed to be out soon is apparently adding new playable characters and a new ending, so it seems like the game is very far from finished. Was there some serious trouble during the development of the game? >>332617 Aside that GG made me realize how scummy the media and various institutions can be, it made me lose respect to some YouTubers. The likes of AngryJoe and ActMan comes first into my mind.
>>332704 >Was there some serious trouble during the development of the game? Yes. It's called working for Sega. Remember that Sonic 3 and Sonic & Knuckles were literally one game for the price of two.
>>332704 > ActMan He was always lefty but he tried to be objective but the Musk buying Twitter, RE4 censorship and Starfield made him go off the deep end.
>>332704 >Respecting women Jewtubers Lmao
>>332708 *BURP*
>>332709 *shart*
>>332698 Spring Yard's apparently a city going by the Japanese manual. https://www.bghq.com/bgs.php?n=nn Star Light has a couple civilian looking buildings in the background compared to the futuristic dystopia that is Scrap Brain. It was also a bit of a headscratcher as to the existence of Carnival Night Zone on Sonic 3, given the amount of buildings in created after the Death Egg crash and it being no more than a few weeks max, if not days after Sonic 2's ending, so unless they bizarrely left Angel Island in between Marble Garden and Ice Cap, it's just a testament as to how quickly Eggman gets to work if it's also not something the echidnas made themselves. So in that sense it could be possible that Star Light is also Eggman's doing. Amy upon entering Casino Park says that it reminded her of Casinopolis, implying that they're two different locations and so Casino Night and Casinopolis may not necessarily be the same location, let alone there not being any hard confirmation that Station Square is on Westside Island. People probably got upset over the "two worlds" scenario because that premise was used in Sonic X which was the most faithful adaptation of the game's story and setting at the time, with the Adventure games writer being on board for the adaptation sagas in it and being personally overseen by both Yuji Naka and Adventure game director Takashi Iizuka. Where Sonic's world inhabited a different part of space/dimension to Earth and was teleported there due to Chaos Control (which made Robotnik's origins even murkier). So some assumed that parts, not all mind, but some were what they intended for the setting. Archie Comics and OVA also had their unique spin on there being two different lands and explanation for Station Square pre reboot, but needless to say aren't canon to the games Amy has her similarities with kid Chi Chi, sure, but her character has other traits and feats that make her more than a mere furry knockoff of her such as inspiring Gamma and Shadow to rebel against their programming, helping a flicky find her family, leading a team in Heroes and generally being more proactive in fighting and chasing down her hero compared to her Dragon Ball counterpart. By nature of her design, one could argue that pre Adventure Amy might as well be Sonic's "Minnie Mouse" as well. Where as Silver IS deliberately Future Trunks as per his design document, but his whole introduction and Sonic 06 itself was a mistake. Didn't help that Dragon Ball Super brought Trunks back and put him through more suffering and timeline traveling bullshit complete with a deus ex machina ending. That is not exactly the best place Sonic should take further inspiration from going forward.
Nobody cares but I installed a bunch of scripts to bypass sankaku's bullshit. Namely the full access , add removal, and a bunch of other quality of life improving scripts. As shitty as the site is overall I uploaded too many Vivian and eltonel Lewds among other things to give up so easily.
>>332710 *BURP*
>>332712 Are they drawings that aren't on the dedicated 8booru?
>>332714 Yes, though some of them were recently added and get added to the booru overtime. I try to add them as quickly as possible when the images first get posted.
loli niggatoro
>>332716 loli nigletoro
>>332699 Be happy you got to finish. Some series don't get that, and some who do don't even get complete translations. It's been 6 goddamn years since anyone translated Accel World Dural/Magisa Garden, translation got dropped just when I was getting particularly invested because apparently the only group who cared (One Time Scans) died suddenly in 2018 or so
>>332717 That's an oxymoron lolitoro
>>332711 >Casino Night and Casinopolis may not necessarily be the same location, let alone there not being any hard confirmation that Station Square is on Westside Island. They're not necessarily the same location, but I'm not using it as confirmation that Station Square is on Westside Island. The confirmation of that is that both islands are the original home of the Chaos Emeralds. So they're the same island. The Mystic Ruins makes this more obvious, but Station Square is on the same landmass as the Mystic Ruins, so it's also the same island. It's the fact that they're the same island that leads me to say that both casinos can be the same casino. As for your points about South Island... those are good points. And yeah, I don't know if Eggman built Carnival Night or if we're supposed to believe it was already there. I suppose either is believable in this setting. But I think you misunderstood me in thinking I was saying the casino is evidence the two islands were the same location. I'm saying that story-wise the two islands are the same island, so therefore it could be the same casino. >Sonic X Yeah, it really bugged me how they tried to retcon it back so Shadow could still make sense, saying that the two worlds used to be one and split apart. But Eggman exists. So they must have split apart within the last 50 years, and that's fucking stupid. But either way, it's obviously not game canon anyway. Also, it bugged me that rather than stretching out the game stories they adapted, as you would when adapting a video game into a more story focused medium, they skimmed over them and skipped a bunch of stuff. Though there was one particular bit they did add that I loved. When the reporters went to interview an old man, the soldier who 50 years ago shot Maria. They otherwise glossed over so much to make the show a bit more lighthearted, then added one bit so much darker than anything else in the game. Like yeah we know someone shot her, but bringing it up in that context was hilariously needlessly dark. I love it. I hope they put that in the third movie. >OVA, Station Square Yeah it's interesting how the OVA predates Station Square, but I wonder if that city in The World of Darkness provided some sort of inspiration for the later game. >Amy being a furry knockoff Look, I'm not saying full knockoff, but the similarities are there. Classic shonen anime tropes, and since they collect seven macguffins, go Super Saiyan, and Silver is blatantly Trunks, obviously the most direct comparison is Dragon Ball Z. >Silver Even more confusing is that in later things, they imply that each time Silver goes back in time, he keeps changing his future, and he remembers all the different versions of his future that have existed, except for the first one, because that one was erased not by him going back in time, but by Sonic going back in time to before the time Silver went back in time, so Silver never arrived in the past, and therefore doesn't remember Sonic '06. Except for in Generations, because the Time Eater fucked things up. But then if anything, I think the Silver that has appeared since Generations is still Rivals Silver and not '06 Silver. I think he remembers everything except '06, and the '06 one is a different timeline or something, like Classic Sonic. Not that anyone involved cares or thought of it deliberately.
>>332720 >>332711 Don't asked, didn't care, go back to your containment thread and talk about Your shitty Sonic autism and headcannon there, nobody wants to read your fucking walls of stupid shitty babble
>>332721 Fucking kys you shitstiring (1) faggot
>>332721 >go back to your containment thread This is the containment thread.
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>Even mod sites are run by troons now What made Nexusmods become NexusTroons?
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>>332720 Another thing that struck me as odd is that Rouge's Report from 50 years ago states that the initial base for Project Shadow was a lizard due to their regenerative properties (regrowing tails and such) while an ordinary looking lizard was shown in the X adaptation of SA2, the Biolizard itself is never brought up in Shadow's game when exploring his past. It's just a couple grayscale images included in his flashbacks and no one else ever talks about it in favor of Black Arms and the reason behind the Eclipse Cannon, despite also expanding just a tad on the Artificial Chaos. https://archive.ph/DAHRB https://archive.is/yEddJ https://archive.is/dXaZl The original writer for SA2 and Heroes was largely absent in his game, which is a likely reason why it was barely included and all. What's tragic is that there were more classic characters slated to return in Heroes, but were scrapped and confined to be classic game universe exclusive now with the Chaotix remaining as rebooted modern exclusive characters. Turns out when making a list of characters of whom to include, there were arguments within Sonic Team as to whether or not to include Shadow since he was supposed to die in SA2 and then because of that, argued as to whether or no Gamma and Chaos truly "died" as well.The anime tropes can be done well as long as they don't go full retard with them. Genesis games plus CD? Ok. Sonic 06? Awful and overdone to the point of being embarrassing. >>332721 1st pic related is just for you, happy now?
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>>332718 I feel your pain. I follow 3 mangas and their update schedules have slipped into agony since covid. They used to update every 2 weeks, sometimes a month if the author took a break. Now I look and its like >Last update 18 days ago >Previous update 5 months ago >Update before that 11 months ago I hate it. At this rate I won't get to see the ending volumes until like 2039, assuming the scanlators don't just quit at some point.
>>332727 You could machine translate and manually edit one chapter, put it out, and hope someone else picks it up; i swear it's worked before. Or, you know, maybe do an entire series that way.
>>332716 Do you actually read that shit? It looks so boring and bland. The only thing niggatoro is good for is for porn.
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>>332729 Welcome to slice of life. You'll understand why people like "boring" things when you're older.
>>332732 Slice of life is objectively boring.
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>>332732 No, i'm with him, boring is shit. Like, i read all the way through Jitsu wa Watashi wa, but at least that had angels and talking glasses and actual comedy that wasn't "stupid unlikable bitch gets flustered, news at 11".
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>>332730 Man, people keep saying that nostalgia goggles make you remember the past as being better than it actually was, but no way in hell would any current year + 8 developer bother making a character with hidden cameltoe on their textures and jiggle physics that, when placing her on the exact slope on the Chao Garden with the right camera placement, can get her flapjack tiddies to bounce indefinitely. >>332734 By the way, can you explain to me why there's this meme about how Jitsu Wa Watashi Wa nver received an anime adaptation when it actually did? Are weebs in outright denial? Anyhow, some new chapters of the actually criminally under-translated best manga just dropped.
>>332735 fuck if i know i never watch manga-to-anime adaptions and dont even keep up with it anymore; last anime i watched was Space Dandy and i stopped before the last episode of season 1 for some reason
>>332734 Didn't sensei turn into the demonlord because of how sexually frustrated she was?
>>332737 Yes, in the end the oldest looking student of the bunch ends up marrying her
>>332738 >in the end IT DOESN'T EVEN MAAAATTTERR
>>332729 I also like this mango
>>332735 >explain to me why there's this meme about how Jitsu Wa Watashi Wa nver received an anime adaptation when it actually did Anime News Network made this huge stink about the anime director calling out the kikes and praising Hitler, that and he also called out Cunchyhole on their shit. It 's mainly a forced SJWweeb meemee, in the same vein as muh Tsukihime animu dosen't reel.
>>332735 >>332742 ahhh, whoops, wrong anime, I'm retarded.
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>>332742 >Financial Jews cheat by using feeling of being poor Fucking nailed it. New money attacks old money by pretending to be oppressed when new money and old are still the same shit.
>>890496 Why? Who cares? This is a video game board. No one--and I mean fucking no one, anywhere--will ever do anything to stop that, anon. Two million a year for the last ten years. Once they get here, they shit out children who are instantly considered full citizens, despite the Constitution explicitly saying the opposite. There are over 60,000,000 illegals in the US already. They will never be deported. They will never be killed. They will never be expelled. Nothing will ever happen to them and nothing will happen to the people in government who have allowed this. Don't fucking claim otherwise. Shut the fuck up and go back to talking about video games.
>>332745 >The few og AMV's still left on kiketube are going to be deleted soon I still remember the original purge when google bought it
>>890496 I hope one of those migrants blow up a billionare or something, y'know, something fun.
>>332748 I think the next high score is going to be a tranny hooked on endocrine disruptors. Probably on one of those diversity hire companies.
>>332726 >Another thing that struck me as odd is that Rouge's Report from 50 years ago states that the initial base for Project Shadow was a lizard due to their regenerative properties (regrowing tails and such) while an ordinary looking lizard was shown in the X adaptation of SA2, the Biolizard itself is never brought up in Shadow's game when exploring his past. I think that's because the Biolizard was a dead end and they essentially had to start from scratch afterwards when they made the more hedgehog-like Shadow. Shadow the Biolizard was already done with by the time they started working on Shadow the Hedgehog, and they were already working on Shadow the Hedgehog by the time the Black Arms showed up. Another bit of fanon I've heard that is pretty cool and somewhat believable that maybe it was considered was that the Biolizard was based on the murals of Perfect Chaos, who resembles a serpent, a reptile. Gerald knew about Chaos and made the Artificial Chaos. He knew about the echidna murals. And then there's the more common idea that he based Shadow the Hedgehog on the mural of Sonic in Hidden Palace Zone. Also, Gerald had the Gizoid, which is clearly based on Chaos 0. >argued as to whether or no Gamma and Chaos truly "died" as well. Sonic Battle just lets Chaos come back, no big deal. I guess he was just back in the Master Emerald or something, but can come out when he wants now. I don't know. At least they had the decency to not really bring back Gamma, but instead just have Eggman make a new Gamma that looks like their friend but is still evil. That's much better, as it just confirms that Gamma is really dead.
>>332740 >Reincarnation Coliseum Nice, been reading that as well. If you like that then Rosen Garten Saga is a no brainer to read too. Here I'll link it to you check it out, I've been shilling it here every so often to get more anons to read it, hopefully it catches on but not as much as Chainsaw Man did. https://mangadex.org/chapter/31bd16cf-6d2b-4f63-a636-0a0e0ad7702c/1 If you get filtered, even in the first chapter I won't blame you, this manga is custom made especially for godless degenerates
>>332751 >rosen Garten Saga Didn't like it that much but i surely saved some moments for being too funny and good
>>890512 He didn't say any of that, if anything he implied it's a problem no one wants to get their hands dirty with.
>>890512 >repeating postmodernist propaganda that has literally never been true >buzzwords that only shills have ever used Neat, kill yourself.
>>332712 Mind sharing?
>>332712 Share it i like mass downloading their stuff
>>332712 >>332712 Does shitkaku even has anything other sites don't? Gelbooru+sadpanda is the best combo.
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We have a pretty good idea who the Goons are. KGB, Freedom Road Socialist Organization, RiseUp.net boosted with Arab oil money to be pro-Islamist and directed/protected by the British Crown. Rashad Robinson came from GLAAD so they had The Gays. All of them relaying/following orders from, I'm not kidding, Al-Qaeda. So yes anti-Gamergate really were ISIS. And the Rothschilds were sponsoring them so it really was The Jews.
>>332759 >I finally have proof that the Something Awful users who made fun of me twenty years ago in 2003 were actually KGB operatives who were assigned to fuck with me after their government broke apart in 1991!
>>332759 >So yes anti-Gamergate really were ISIS Excue me, what about the part relating to how one of the most prominent GGrevolt members was the same person who hacked the Canandia truckers GoFundMe, and that said person worked for the Canandian equivalent of the NSA?
>>332760 Well he's got the proof right there. >>332761 Both sides of what the mainstream thinks of as wars are really on the same side, just like how all the major political parties are really all just one uniparty that only feigns disagreement on issues not important enough to matter in the grand scheme.
>>332762 >Well he's got the proof right there No, he doesn't. He just has a random flow chart that connects random groups without any reason nor sources. > Both sides of what the mainstream thinks of as wars are really on the same side, just like how all the major political parties are really all just one uniparty Yes, and no. When it comes to darlings of the media, for either side, they are the uniparty that you speak of because said "sides" exist as controlled opposition (Or have members who are just being opportunists). If they're shunned or ignored by all sides of the media, however, the more legitimate the person/group is.
>>332761 There's an even weirder one. How the fuck is the /leftypol/ BO, who admitted that they helped start ggrevolt, playing a part in international politics as a spokesman for Ukraine? Yeah they got booted recently for fucking it up but who recommended them for that job and why did they get it in the first place?
>>332763 Well yeah, that's why I said "what the mainstream thinks of as wars." The ones that are universally shunned or ignored are outside of that, because the mainstream shuns and ignores them. They aren't thought of as participants in a war, they're just shunned/ignored.
>>332762 For the love of all that is good and holy in this world I pine for the day that I can see the post filled with the proof (thats taken apparently twenty fucking years to dig up) showing that it’s not a fucking mental disease but that all along it was actually the remains of the Soviet government’s clandestine spy agency, on the orders from the heads of communist party, over ten years after they collapsed, who, under orders, made accounts on the Something Awful Internet Forums in order to make fun of Anon Smith, son of John Smith, who lives at 123 Main Street, Everytown USA, for his posts online and cause irreversible psychological developmental damage to turn him into a basket case. The day I see that throughline proved true, I’ll fucking eat my own dick. Assclown nigger.
>>332750 I chalk up the Perfect Chaos and Biolizard connection to be pure coincidence because they didn't bother to elaborate that it was intentionally modeled after it in game, in supplementary materials, etc whereas Maria for example outright confirms the Artificial Chaos' inspiration in Lost Impact. It's also never specified whether Gerald ever visited Angel Island itself or rather the Mystic Ruins given the Perfect Chaos mural is there and the architecture is similar to the shrine what with the pyramids. Angel Island would be harder to access since it was in the realm of legends before the Death Egg forced it to crash to sea level. The Gizoid being based on Chaos 0 too is also a stretch. Shame about the Nocturnus Clan being retconned. >>332764 Do you have that screencap? Are you sure it's the same /leftypol/ BO as well the Ukraine tranny and not some earlier/different BO for /leftypol/ or some other tripfag/impersonator? >>332760 Considering a hot pocket for Something Awful worked for the US State Department and networked others to get jobs there before getting killed in Benghazi, there are enemies in high places. Does anyone know who arranged for the literally whos to speak at the UN?
>>332766 It's a mental disease deliberately spread and exacerbated by the KGB, which was itself just a metastasized node of the disease in the first place. You're trying to say it as if it's absurd, as if people on this site of all places don't realize that feds try to astroturf on the internet, that they sometimes try to mess with already weird individuals to get them to do weird shit. Also, just because the Soviet Union collapsed doesn't mean Russia and its various agencies wouldn't keep doing what they do. As if the KGB would suddenly start liking the west. And as if other countries and organizations don't do exactly the same thing. As if China and Israel don't exist. As if the very US government, not to mention other fucked up western countries, like Canada, don't do the exact same thing.
>>332768 When some homo comes screaming up to you that they’re actually a woman and not a man then you have to believe them right? You treat the tranny freak as if it were a girl and not some wacko with a dick in a dress? When somebody comes screaming up to me that Something Awful forums was actually a front for the KGB and the “users” were actually agents who, twenty years ago, made fun of their shitty newfag posts in order to turn them schizophrenic, I make fun of them in hopes they think that I’m a 75 year old KGB veteran gang stalking them online. This isn’t some “hey there was a fed informant who worked for X website and here’s proof of their activities and identity” post above. It’s some Microsoft word flowchart with every organization under the sun attached with the digital equivalent of thumbtacks and string. I know Kevin Bacon through 3 contacts in my life too, fucking whoop-dee-shit. I’m personally, literally 2 handshakes away from Hitler himself. Learn the difference between something actually useful and some fucking thread poisoning niggerbrain trash.
>>332766 But it is proven. The people who did it have publicly admitted it. What about this don't you understand.
>>332770 Forgot to post an archive of my example: https://archive.ph/CeZjp Do you have any hard links of your own where they admit their allegiances and contacts like this?
>>332769 Something something Russians wuz the real kikes something something South Africa. This nigger's been on my filter list for quite some time now.
>>332769 You're just strawmanning and not actually engaging with the point of the post you're replying to, which was already pointing out your attempt at strawmanning and what the realistic point being made was. You're again dodging that point. >>332772 How? We don't have names here. How can you filter a user? And why would you? Too stupid to interact with the points being made? If you want to judge ideas based on who said them, go back to whatever normalfag site you're from.
>>332771 >see this fed who was a mod of goon central? >this is proof the KGB has been after me for decades! And cuckchan has feds as mods And Facebook has feds as mods And Twitter had feds as mods And this very website’s own owner has had a weird relationship with the FBI And it’s all overseen and personally directed by long dead Soviet leaders to turn you nuts, yes. I am literally a 3rd generation KGB operative planted here just to reply to your posts and make you insane.
>>332773 >And why would you? I don't care for retards.
>>332774 I was literally asking that anon if there were any links or hard proof like that for the KGB connection, I was not saying that presence of feds=the KGB were directly involved in that particular instance, just that it was suspect and not the craziest thing that could turn out to have some basis.
>>332775 Better kill yourself, then.
>>332774 See, you say true things, then follow them with absurd things to try to make the true things, that everyone knows to be true, seem absurd. It's not even a good strategy. At this point you're just making yourself look like a fed, or perhaps a true believing retard.
>>332778 >it's not even a good strategy It has worked amazingly well for centuries. It's called "poisoning the well" (oy vey you'll never guess what it's named after!) and it's an extremely effective psychological pairing technique.
>>332756 Not him but I was able to disable most of the cancer through careful uMatrix use.
>>332778 Anybody who opens their post with “all the users of Something Awful are KGB agents” and follows it up with “they’re being directed by Osama Bin-Laden and are funded by Nathanial Rothschild to fight me online” deserve all the shitposting they get in response. All of it. They deserve all of it.
>>332781 I've ctrl+f'd for your quotes, then looked through all the images of the people in this argument, and I can't find anything close to those quotes being claimed. If you could direct me to the posts in question, I'd be most appreciative.
>that wasn’t the literally punctuated words so nobody ever said that, sweaty :^) This, my friends, is the Jewish semantic arguing that you should look out for. <inb4 who are you quoting
>>332783 >>that wasn’t the literally punctuated words so nobody ever said that, sweaty :^) Correct. If you can just put your personal lens over everyone else's statements, you can claim they said whatever is convenient to you, while also obscuring what statements you actually refer to. Direct quotes are best, and of you must, you should only apply your interpretation of a statement alongside a direct quote of said statement in order to prevent confusion. In short, who are you quoting?
>>332784 >your own personal lens Osama Bin Laden was the leader of Al-Qaeda during the entirety of the 2000s so I will properly identify him as such. Nathaniel Rothschild is the family member responsible for the tech side of the Rothschild family so I will properly identify him as such. Goons are the given moniker to the users of the Something Awful forums so I will properly identify them as such. But that’s just my personal lens. Reality is subjective. What I’ve stated is not “your truth”. So I’m objectively wrong, subjectively. I see.
>>332785 >Cherrypicking You call others Jews, but then you go around poisoning wells. Why?
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F RIP David McCallum.
>>332787 Stop posting things out of context & completely unrelated.
>>332788 Stop disrespecting the dead, faggot.
>>332788 >where_do_you _think_you_are.jpg
>>332783 Because nobody said the things you're saying. Not just literally, but figuratively. You had to make absurd literal statements, such as saying "all users..." in order to strawman the points you refuse to actually acknowledge. Ironically, in trying to argue against these things happening, you've provided an excellent example of them.
>>332787 Fuck that KGB agent hes the cause of the worlds problems He turned so many people against the Jews it’s unreal Fuck that russian I hope he’s in hell
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>>332787 >dunno who that fuck that is >look it up >not video games >died at 90 he had his time on earth, dont give a fuck
>>332789 It's not disrespecting the dead to say a random rest in piece post for a literal who actor on a TV show no one watches doesn't belong here. >>332790 Not your blog.
>>332791 Cool story bro. The post is literally right there above us. A literal schizophrenic poster board image and text saying that the goons, the SA userbase, are actually the KGB, and actually took direct from, and he isn’t kidding!, Osama Bin Laden. And they were all funded by Nathanial Rothschild. Literally what it says. The proof? Mark Malloch-Brown and George Soros lived in the same apartment building for 8 months 52 years ago. The chart says it right there. Sorry if you got comprehension issues pal.
>>332794 >Not your blog. Correct. It's everyone's blog.
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>>332795 >Mark Malloch-Brown and George Soros lived in the same apartment building for 8 months 52 years ago. The chart says it right there. Actually the chart is mostly arrows pointing at each other with no context, stop spreading lies and dig more :^)
>>332797 Ducky on NCIS. Man from UNCLE.
>>332799 What the hell is that boomershit?
>>332795 You're ticking every single COINTELPRO box. Keep it up, dipshit.
>>332800 Well I don't know much about the Man from UNCLE, but I used to like watching NCIS.
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Confession: I'm a Magic the Gatheringfag. Specifically "high power" and competitive EDH, mostly played with old cards since WotC is a giant pile of faggots and AIDS these days. Someone linked me this recent podcast talking about "old cEDH commanders and how they stand today" which is up my alley, but when the video loads all I can see is this shit and all I can think is that the cops need to check out this fucker's basement.
>>332795 The image is right there. Nobody said all users, nobody said it was direct. What is said, and what is clear and obvious, is that these groups astroturf, get into positions of power (no matter how seemingly petty), then use that power to direct others and try to steer movement. All the stuff we're talking about is in this thread. There's no point lying. Anyone looking at your posts can also look through the thread and see you're just plain lying about what was said. You're only proving that what was said is actually correct.
What does /gg/ thinks of phil collins?
>>332805 i think hes always the same; it's just a shame, thats all
>>332803 I mean, it's Magic the Gathering, what you were expecting?
>>332801 If you got something to actually fucking add like correspondence, or payment stubs, or employment records, or leaked emails, or copies of orders, or department directives, or chat logs, or literally anything other than mspaint boxes with arrows going every which fucking way without sources and a load of mentally unwell drivel about how the Rothschilds bankrolled Queen Elizabeth to hide Osama Bin Laden so he could direct the remains of the KGB to front a website in order to argue with literally you online to make you unstable. If you have anything substantial to add then please do so, nigger.
>>332803 "Love is love" is pretty innocuous. Seems like a leap to automatically associate that with pedophilia when virtually 99% of the population would just interpret that is a generic faggot slogan. <but some cuckchan gayop linked it to an esoteric pedophile group that sells CP to each other through pictures of pizza on instagram Cut the Qnigger shit already. These threads are already borderline unusable.
>>332809 The transheart is a pedo symbol newfag
>>332809 Faggots are pedos.
>>332810 But to the untrained eye it is innocuous >>332811 true
>>332809 This nigger is a pedo fag
>>332810 Pushing disingenuous gayops about faggots is just going to make people distrust you. You're the same as leftists calling men pedophiles for dating a 17 year old girl when they're a 21 year old man. The concept of pedophilia will mean nothing when you start trying to convince people that rainbows are a secret pedophile symbol. <well it's true because all faggots are child molesters Luciano tier platitudes. Kill yourself Qnigger.
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https://nitter.net/RWSstudios/status/1706700211458871649 https://nitter.net/RWSstudios/status/1706727669474509015 https://nitter.net/VincentTCross/status/1706731129959858507 https://nitter.net/VincentTCross/status/1706733249119023371 https://nitter.net/RWSstudios/status/1706731055091191871 Pretty damn cringeworthy to see the Running with Scissors devs (Postal games) virtue signalling over "muh gratuitous RAPE" (and doing so by completely misunderstanding the situation). These dudes even came to 8ch. What is with western devs? Also, they are blocking everyone pointing out their hypocrisy.
>>332815 >soyjak >literal cuckchan filename The absolute fucking state of these threads.
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>>332816 dont most women get really turned on by rape tho?
>>332809 "Cheese pizza" is pretty innocuous. Seems like a leap to automatically associate that with pedophilia when virtually 99% of the population would just interpret that as a food product. <but some cuckchan gayop linked it to an esoteric pedophile group that sells CP to each other through pictures of cats on instagram Cut the Qnigger shit already. These threads are already borderline unusable. :^)
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1:53 Gahoole won, he's going to be on MDEs World Peace 2!
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What is this mask called?
>>332819 Feel free to explain how a heart with tranny colors is analogous to dog whistling CP with the words "Cheese pizza". I'm all ears.
>>332809 > "Love is love" is pretty innocuous. If you haven't figured it out yet, the bad guys trick you into supporting them by asking you to support something innocuous. "Support gay rights" -> they give the money to fucking Hezbollah to throw gays from rooftops. "Stop internet censorship" -> the fucking headquarters of internet censorship, they used the donor list as a honeypot of who to censor. The fact that a slogan is everywhere and means nothing is extremely suspicious. It obviously means something else, and it will take some digging to find the meaning. > Cut the Qnigger shit already. #GamerGate was Qnigger shit before there was Qnigger shit. Did you forget The Frightening Depth Of This Rabbit Hole, DARPA and IARPA, and the rumored connections to Common Core that afaik we never found?
>>332817 I see all the cuckchan buzzwords and catch phrases in this and other threads as well.
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>>332822 The same way this is.
>>332821 Kill yourself.
>>332823 >If you haven't figured it out yet, the bad guys trick you into supporting them by asking you to support something innocuous. Like how cuckchan "tricked" the world into thinking the okay hand symbol is a nazi dog whistle? You can't trick people into an ideology they overtly oppose you dumb fucking nigger. Some guy doing the okay symbol doesn't mean he's an ethnonationalist because some faggots on cuckchan made a meme about it. That isn't how ideological positions operate you retarded nigger. You can't trick someone into a position they don't support. Pepe was the evil nazi frog until enough normalniggers started using the fuck out of him and now he's the facebook frog. For someone on an imageboard you sure lack a basic understanding of symbolism and how it actually works in the practical world.
>>332821 The niggerfaggot nationalist mask, to be used by degenerates, the incompetent, and the racially ambiguous (or some combo thereof) such as The Handsome Wop (who should wear That mask to hide his faggot appearance), that homo Lo-Ping being edgy to titillate his “ironic” misogynistic fanbase, and whoever else you could think of that would be too embarrassed to show there real faces (perhaps for good reasons).
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>>332821 >Francoist
>>332829 >Lo-Ping Isn't he a communist now?
>>332826 Only the bottom example is specific and unique enough to be an actually symbol of pedophilia. Also you still haven't demonstrated why the tranny heart is linked to pedophilia beyond "haha fag = pedo". I would have thought you would have some epic infograph or articles lacking any meaningful sources explaining it. Is that not the case?
>>332828 > > If you haven't figured it out yet, the bad guys trick you into supporting them by asking you to support something innocuous. > Like how cuckchan "tricked" the world into thinking the okay hand symbol is a nazi dog whistle? That was the opposite: the bad guys saying something innocuous is evil to ruin it, then punishing people for using it. > You can't trick people into an ideology they overtly oppose you dumb fucking nigger. Sure you can. That's what psychological warfare is. It's what spies do. It's their job. > Pepe was the evil nazi frog until enough normalniggers started using the fuck out of him and now he's the facebook frog. You have that backwards. Pepe was popular before they declared him a nazi symbol.
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>>332832 >Only the bottom example is specific and unique enough to be an actually symbol of pedophilia. Wrong. The bottom is boy lover, and the top is girl lover. Both are well documented, and thus no longer very useful as dogwhistles unless you're only trying to fool the average normalfag instead of the cops. >you still haven't demonstrated why the tranny heart is linked to pedophilia Why do I need to? I was only arguing that you're logic of it being innocuous and thus not a dogwhistle is totally retarded and gay. It may or may not be a dogwhistle, but your reasoning for dismissing it is dumb. >beyond "haha fag = pedo". They are pedos. This is self-evident in their actions, which are widely known, but politically incorrect to question.
>>332834 >you're Oh fug, I made a typo. Guess I suck cocks now and everything I say is wrong.
>>332834 >you're logic ESL sillybilly you can’t be an expert on anything Opinion discarded
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>>332833 >That was the opposite: the bad guys saying something innocuous is evil to ruin it, then punishing people for using it. Wrong, revisionism. >Sure you can. That's what psychological warfare is. It's what spies do. It's their job. Convincing someone to hold a belief is not the same thing as tricking someone into a belief they do not hold. The latter is literally impossible. You are illiterate. >>332834 >Why do I need to? Got it, so you can't substantiate anything then. >I was only arguing that you're logic of it being innocuous and thus not a dogwhistle is totally retarded and gay If your dog whistle is so innocuous that 99% of people using it have zero clue it's a dog whistle then it is not a dog whistle, you're just co-opting generic imagery and trying to astroturf the meaning. Saying that a tranny heart is a pedo dog whistle is like going to pizza hut and calling everyone there a pedophile for eating cheese pizza. It's completely meaningless. You don't know what a dog whistle is.
>>332838 > so you can't substantiate anything then. I substantiated why I needed to make my point and nothing more. >If your dog whistle is so innocuous that 99% of people using it have zero clue it's a dog whistle then it is not a dog whistle, you're just co-opting generic imagery and trying to astroturf the meaning. Cheese pizza. Again. Why are you using arguments you already had destroyed just a moment ago? Are you masochistic?
>>332839 Can you unironically not grasp the concept that dog whistles are not a binary thing and require context? Do you think someone in pizza hut saying that they love cheese pizza is dog whistling?
>>332820 Goodnight sweet prince
>>332840 >Can you unironically not grasp the concept that dog whistles are not a binary thing and require context? <Saying that a tranny heart is a pedo dog whistle is like going to pizza hut and calling everyone there a pedophile for eating cheese pizza Seems like you're projecting that lack of understanding onto me. Just because there's context in which a dogwhistle isn't used as a dogwhistle, doesn't make it not a dogwhistle. In fact, that's pretty much a requirement of a dogwhistle. Cheese pizza is a dog whistle, not in spite of being used regularly by non-pedos, but in large part because it is used regularly non-pedos.
>>332838 > Convincing someone to hold a belief is not the same thing as tricking someone into a belief they do not hold. The latter is literally impossible. You are illiterate. They do it by lying about what they are convincing someone to support, and cutting off their access to alternative information. They call communists and Islamofascists "liberals" and censor anyone who says otherwise, so people fund them thinking that they are supporting the centrist Democrats from the 1990s. People fund the Red Cross thinking that the money is going to disaster relief and not to raise an army of niggers to invade their country. People donate to the Catholic Church to promote Christianity, and look at the asshole running it now. And people donate to the EFF to stand against Internet censorship, not to promote it.
>>332842 Anything can be a dog whistle in context. To tell someone eating cheese pizza that they are using a dog whistle for CP would be considered fucking retarded. So what is the context for a tranny heart being pedophilia? And what is the logical conclusion to something being a dog whistle? Do people stop eating cheese pizza? Do trannies all have to stop using a tranny heart because some pedoniggers may or may not have claimed it as their own? Do you really not see how untenable your position is?
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>>332841 >Gahoole is having sex with animals now The absolute state of /tv/
>>332843 Tricking people into physically supporting things think don't ideologically support is the not the same as tricking them into ideologically supporting things they don't ideologically support. The latter is impossible. >>332844 >So what is the context for a tranny heart being pedophilia? Same as the spiral triangle, spiral heart, and other less well known pedo symbols. > And what is the logical conclusion to something being a dog whistle? That you should pay attention to the context in which it's used to identify when people are dog-whistling. >Do people stop eating cheese pizza? Do trannies all have to stop using a tranny heart because some pedoniggers may or may not have claimed it as their own? >Do you really not see how untenable your position is? Well, sure, my position is untenable when you make it up for me. Want to throw around some more argumentative fallacies while you're at it? You're on a roll.
>>332846 >think they*
>>332846 >Same as the spiral triangle, spiral heart, and other less well known pedo symbols. So it's from some pedo site? Which one? >That you should pay attention to the context in which it's used to identify when people are dog-whistling. And in what context is a tranny heart not a dog whistle? >Well, sure, my position is untenable when you make it up for me. Want to throw around some more argumentative fallacies while you're at it? You're on a roll. I'm asking you questions. You're free to clear up your actual position but you're actively going out of your way not to bite any bullets and take a stance because you clearly haven't thought it out far enough to address the inconsistencies your logic runs into. I'm "on a roll" because when someone waffles and doesn't stake out their position properly they make it very easy to frame them as dumb fucks.
>>332838 >If your dog whistle is so innocuous that 99% of people using it have zero clue it's a dog whistle then it is not a dog whistle HEY RETARD! FUCKIN' RETARD! 100% of humans cannot hear fucking dogwhistles. That's why the term is used for coded language and signage that almost nobody outside your target group understands or recognizes. NOT BEING UNDERSTOOD IS THE FUCKING POINT. >Saying that a tranny heart is a pedo dog whistle is like going to pizza hut and calling everyone there a pedophile for eating cheese pizza. It's more like saying the guy in Pizza Hut that ordered a hot dog is a pedophile. Ha ha! It's a dad joke! Get it? They don't serve hot dogs in Pizza Hut! Man, that guy loves his kids. Don't question why he's being driven off a bit later in an unmarked car that isn't the one he drove into the parking lot. <The above example is so overwrought that I'm pretty sure it's the basis for a "Bit of Fry and Laurie" sketch. Use some imagination. >>332840 >dog whistles are not a binary thing and require context You hear them or you don't, so yes, binary, and no, context is not required. Someone who is "in on the joke" as it were, knows how to surreptitiously ask after services without arousing suspicion, to determine if they're talking to someone connected to trafficking or just a useful idiot. >>332844 >Do people stop eating cheese pizza? Do trannies all have to stop using a tranny heart because some pedoniggers may or may not have claimed it as their own? If that happened, those things would cease to be dogwhistles, because they're no longer innocuous, covert advertisements. >Do you really not see how untenable your position is? No, but your position seems to fundamentally misunderstand how a "dogwhistle" is intended to function, and that it's instead supposed to be loud, clear, and understandable to everyone in the vicinity. It's a dogwhistle, retard, not a train whistle. >>332828 >You can't trick people into an ideology they overtly oppose you dumb fucking nigger. Most people in the west would oppose the idea of sterilizing children for being mentally ill, but that's the literal cause and effect of puberty blockers, which enjjoy massive support on the left. >muh ideology though Eugenics, is what we're talking about.
>>332838 <I don't understand your secret code <therefore it isn't a secret code This is a funny conversation.
>>332849 >>332850 >You hear them or you don't, so yes, binary, and no, context is not required. I'm a 75 year old grandmother. I've been told that trannies are nice people and I should support them. I buy a tranny heart picture and put it on my wall. Are observers of my wall art "hearing" a dog whistle or not?
>>332846 I tracked this thread back to the beginning to find out wtf we're even arguing over. Some guy said that "Love is Love" is a pedo code phrase. Didn't prove it or provide any support. I said that it could be, because there are bad guys that use code phrases like that to trick people into supporting them. And you come back with this, over and over again: > Tricking people into physically supporting things think don't ideologically support is the not the same as tricking them into ideologically supporting things they don't ideologically support. The latter is impossible. How the fuck is that supposed to a rebuttal?
>>332851 Yes. You don't have to hear it yourself to perpetuate it. That's not how human psychology works. You're literally falling for communist propaganda. https://archive.ph/spFnW >The manager of a fruit-and-vegetable shop places in his window, among the onions and carrots, the slogan: "Workers of the world, unite!" Why does he do it? What is he trying to communicate to the world? Is he genuinely enthusiastic about the idea of unity among the workers of the world? Is his enthusiasm so great that he feels an irrepressible impulse to acquaint the public with his ideals? Has he really given more than a moment's thought to how such a unification might occur and what it would mean? >I think it can safely be assumed that the overwhelming majority of shopkeepers never think about the slogans they put in their windows, nor do they use them to express their real opinions. That poster was delivered to our greengrocer from the enterprise headquarters along with the onions and carrots. He put them all into the window simply because it has been done that way for years, because everyone does it, and because that is the way it has to be. If he were to refuse, there could be trouble. He could be reproached for not having the proper decoration in his window; someone might even accuse him of disloyalty. He does it because these things must be done if one is to get along in life. It is one of the thousands of details that guarantee him a relatively tranquil life "in harmony with society," as they say. >Obviously the greengrocer is indifferent to the semantic content of the slogan on exhibit; he does not put the slogan in his window from any personal desire to acquaint the public with the ideal it expresses. This, of course, does not mean that his action has no motive or significance at all, or that the slogan communicates nothing to anyone. The slogan is really a sign, and as such it contains a subliminal but very definite message. Verbally, it might be expressed this way: "I, the greengrocer XY, live here and I know what I must do. I behave in the manner expected of me. I can be depended upon and am beyond reproach. I am obedient and therefore I have the right to be left in peace." This message, of course, has an addressee: it is directed above, to the greengrocer's superior, and at the same time it is a shield that protects the greengrocer from potential informers. The slogan's real meaning, therefore, is rooted firmly in the greengrocer's existence. It reflects his vital interests. But what are those vital interests? >Let us take note: if the greengrocer had been instructed to display the slogan "I am afraid and therefore unquestioningly obedient;' he would not be nearly as indifferent to its semantics, even though the statement would reflect the truth. The greengrocer would be embarrassed and ashamed to put such an unequivocal statement of his own degradation in the shop window, and quite naturally so, for he is a human being and thus has a sense of his own dignity. To overcome this complication, his expression of loyalty must take the form of a sign which, at least on its textual surface, indicates a level of disinterested conviction. It must allow the greengrocer to say, "What's wrong with the workers of the world uniting?" Thus the sign helps the greengrocer to conceal from himself the low foundations of his obedience, at the same time concealing the low foundations of power. It hides them behind the facade of something high. And that something is ideology. The granny is putting a sign in her window saying "I am complicit in the genocide of my people and the rape of my grandchildren." That's what the tranny heart (whatever that is) means.
>>332853 Okay, link me a single source showing that the tranny heart has pedophile origins and I will concede everything.
>>332851 >Are observers of my wall art "hearing" a dog whistle or not? Here, let me just copy where I already answered your question in the post you're responding to, retard. >>332849 <Someone who is "in on the joke" as it were, knows how to surreptitiously ask after services without arousing suspicion, to determine if they're talking to someone connected to trafficking or just a useful idiot. Ah, jeeze, literally the next sentence after what you quoted. Fuck. Do you see people carrying handkerchiefs and not know what sort of gay sex they're down for, either?
What the FUCK is a tranny heart?
>>332855 <Someone who is "in on the joke" as it were, knows how to surreptitiously ask after services without arousing suspicion, to determine if they're talking to someone connected to trafficking or just a useful idiot. >Okay, link me a single source showing that the tranny heart has pedophile origins and I will concede everything.
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>>332816 They got their "le epic heckin wholsome" modern audience thanks to the likes of socially-designated "safe" niggers like civvie 11 and that castrated Gianni faggot and now they are desperate to keep'em so they'll capitulate and stab everyone in the back whilst showing their ass to anyone who ever supported them out of "fear" a fear that only really exists because people are more willing to be hypocrites then to tell retards to go fuck themselves Always assume every dev is a back-stabbing faggot, they'll prove it to you eventually anyway.
>>332854 >>332814 >when you start trying to convince people that rainbows are a secret pedophile symbol https://infogalactic.com/info/Rainbow_flag <The rainbow flag was popularized as a symbol of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) pride and diversity by San Francisco artist Gilbert Baker in 1978. https://archive.ph/Nn2GL <In his now-infamous article “Men loving boys loving men,” which appeared in the Toronto-based gay liberation paper The Body Politic in December 1977 / January 1978 Seriously, please tell us, how are people suppose to react? >>332818 That doesn't matter. According to their religion, because rape exists in fiction, that means that people will be raped in real life. >>332828 >You can't trick people into an ideology they overtly oppose you dumb fucking nigger. Yes, you can. >You can't trick someone into a position they don't support. Yet it happens all the time. >>332832 >Also you still haven't demonstrated why the tranny heart is linked to pedophilia https://odysee.com/@newdiscourses:9/the-queer-gnostic-cult:7 >>332838 >If your dog whistle is so innocuous that 99% of people using it have zero clue it's a dog whistle then it is not a dog whistle Yes, it is. It's a way to signal to other people in the cult. >>332846 >not the same as tricking them into ideologically supporting things they don't ideologically support. The latter is impossible. Do you actually want to play the game where I can prove you wrong? >>332856 See this image: >>332803
>>332859 I just watched your 3 hour and 44 minute video about "The Queen Gnostic Cult" and for some reason I didn't see the tranny heart anywhere in it. Maybe you can link the exact time for me? Thanks.
>>332860 Thanks for confirming you're purposely being disingenuous and always have been.
>>332803 Oh I see. No anon that's not a pedo heart symbol anon. That's just the standard recursive heart motif that's been used for ages, albeit one that's been contaminated with tranny branding. Not unless you thing that Powerpuff Girls or any number of 80s girls cartoons were also pedo dogwhistles. Some time's a heart is just a heart. Even a fagged up heart.
>>332857 "Love is Love" is the pedophile support. The tranny heart is open support for eugenics, by any other name. It's not even really a dogwhistle, any human capable of rational thought can put together that "breaking down all barriers to allow people to love who and how they want" includes "age" under the heading of "all". Love is love, after all, what's it matter if I need to measure her age in weeks and not years?
>>332860 How did you watch a 3 hour 44 minute video in two minutes and ten seconds? This secret superpower could revolutionize the world, and it's simply immoral to keep it to yourself. In fact, name your price, and I will pay it.
Why is this thread worse today than what it usually is? Did that Tiktok video lead neoQfags here or something?
>>332865 >Why is this thread worse today than what it usually is? I don't know, I was busy spending most of the night getting my new fliphone setup.
>>332861 Being genuine in a discussion is when you specifically go out of your way to obfuscate information that you claim supports your argument instead of linking directly to it. >>332863 >"Love is Love" is the pedophile support. Love is love is as generic of a phrase as you can possibly get. If that is a pedophile dog whistle then the rainbow flag is a pedophile dog whistle. >well the rainbow flag IS is a pedophile dog whistle! Hue monkey platitude. >>332864 >How did you watch a 3 hour 44 minute video in two minutes and ten seconds? By harnessing the untapped power of sarcasm.
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>>332867 >I was only acting retarded Why is there a massive influx of people with this line of argumentation?
>>332868 You caught me anon. I was actually trying to sincerely pretend like I had watched a 4 hour long video in minutes. I just didn't consider things like the passage of time when developing my ruse. This is really embarrassing.
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>>332726 >#SonicTheHedgehog #InShotaWeTrust ⋓⋓⋓⋓⋓
>>332853 First of all, stop pretending that you can't recognize a simple symbol. It's the heart inside the heart. It's not difficult. To come here, of all places, and act like things don't have definitions is absurd. All it does is out you as one of them. SJWs have tried to say "SJW" doesn't mean anything for years, and hipsters tried to say the same about "hipster" before them (though they're largely the same group just evolved to be more political). We've been dealing with this shit for at least 15 years, so you're barking up the wrong tree to think that that tactic would make any headway here. >>332851 Yes. You're a useful idiot. It's no different than if you get "tricked" into putting up any other symbol. Your kind wouldn't say the same if it was a symbol of something you didn't like. If she put up a nazi flag, you wouldn't say it's because she got tricked. You wouldn't care if she liked the economic policy. Hell, if she put up a confederate flag, you wouldn't care if she did it for the reason everyone did for 150 years, that being regional pride and a sense of rebellious freedom. No, you'd argue those have meanings that you don't like, and therefore she's bad. But put up a symbol you do like, and you'll pretend it doesn't exist. >>332828 >Like how cuckchan "tricked" the world into thinking the okay hand symbol is a nazi dog whistle? No, that was literally the opposite. It wasn't telling people to like a symbol while leaving out most of what it means. It was taking symbols everyone already uses, then pretending they were using it for other meanings, knowing SJWs would freak out and then demonize normal people. But these symbols being talked about in this thread weren't these super common normal symbols everyone was already using. They're being promoted by your kind, and are seen more because of your kind.
>>332867 >>332869 The point is that you don't actually engage with the points being presented. You do everything to avoid the points, and only make yourself look worse in doing so. Also, "love is love" isn't a dogwhistle. It's quite clear about what it means. It's not secretive at all. Love is love, so stop being an istophobe. Love is love, so stop shaming people for loving children.
>>332867 >well the rainbow flag IS is a pedophile dog whistle! Yes. NAMBLA - the North American Man/Boy Love Association - was a founding member of ILGA - the International Lesbian and Gay Association - back in 1978. The rainbow flag also dates to 1978. GLAAD wouldn't be founded until 1985. NAMBLA was a member in good standing until the early nineties, when ILGA was up for getting a cushy apppointment to the UN - the United Nations - and an american politician said "hey wait, do we want pedophiles openly advising the UN?" So, to summarize: pedophiles have been in the LGBT movement from the very beginnings of the "movement", and thus, are unironically included in the gay flag. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/North_American_Man/Boy_Love_Association https://archive.ph/aR6hj https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/International_Lesbian,_Gay,_Bisexual,_Trans_and_Intersex_Association https://archive.ph/lbmAh https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rainbow_flag https://archive.ph/FUAsQ
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6PRqZOdIcyg It's not the fucking girlpedo heart guys.
>>332871 >If she put up a nazi flag, you wouldn't say it's because she got tricked. I would say she's probably an ethno nationalist and make sure to help her with the garden. >You wouldn't care if she liked the economic policy. I'd try my best to look past her belief in state capitalism and focus on the good things she believes, like ethno nationalism. >>332873 >The point is that you don't actually engage with the points being presented. You do everything to avoid the points, and only make yourself look worse in doing so. I asked for evidence of the tranny flag being a pedophile symbol. The "points being presented" was a 4 hour long video as evidence. Literally all I want is any proof that it's a pedophile symbol. Any source, from any website, any author. It can be complete Qnigger nonsense. A screenshot of a facebook post? The most uncredible shit you can imagine, and you retards can't even provide that? ANYTHING?
>>332875 >PPG ending is red, pink, and white <Sticker in said image is cyan, pink, and white You're not helping your argument.
>>332875 >direct linking jewtube
>>332877 No. You fucktard. He's saying that a heart within a heart is, by itself, a pedo logo. It's not the pedo logo is the spiral heart within a heart >>332826 We already ally agree that that particular heart has tranny colors.
>>332878 Take it up with Acid, Codexx and /b/ obnoxious former BO as to why I can't post images and videos.
>>332880 In that case, use yewtu.be in place of youtube links.
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>>332872 As yo⋓ wish.
>>332882 Dandi does excellent Tails and other Sonics. He also does excellent Fieval, Alvin, and Pinocchio.
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>>332885 >Direct Linking
>>332882 Damn I think I just found out I really like Tails
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Can anyone explain why leftists usually tend to have a pseudo-friendly eye stare?
>>332888 >it's a bunch of normal, social young people looking at the camera while being interviewed Do you have aspergers, anon?
>>332888 Sanpaku eyes and in some cases the skull shape will cause the face to look like a perpetual frown or scowl when the face is in a neutral state.
>>332888 >leftists Gen Z usually have that dopey gaze because they're young. t. early 90s millennial
>>332805 He has a good taste in goats and lambs on Broadway
>>332888 Well son, those're communists. Like any other cult member, they rely on a friendly demeanor to encourage the foolish into their midst, where his possessions can be stripped and his individuality crushed. Failure to adopt this doe-eyed smile indicates that one is upset about something, which further indicates that one is improperly blocking out reality. Once the offending parasite has been identified, dramatized here, the hive will turn on it and consume it.
>>332889 Not a single one of the people in that video are normal. They all have serious mental impediments and violent tendencies.
So, how's rumble to see anything that isn't political?
>>332815 So soyjaks are cool now, then? The last few threads have had Gigachad posting too, so I guess cuckchan shit is welcome on Markchan now.
>>332895 Much like Peertube, the only people bothering to use the site are right wing politics because they're banned everywhere else. Just use Odysee if you want a non-Youtube that at least tries to have other shit.
>>332848 >So it's from some pedo site? Which one? Don't know. As I said before, it's your reason for dismissal of the symbol that's wrong, not the dismissal itself. Why do you keep trying put an argument in my mouth that I am repeatedly not making? Do you have trouble comprehending that people can agree or be neutral about some things you say and not others? >And in what context is a tranny heart not a dog whistle? If it is one, same as other pedo symbols. >You're free to clear up your actual position I already did. >>332834 > I was only arguing that you're logic of it being innocuous and thus not a dogwhistle is totally retarded and gay. It may or may not be a dogwhistle, but your reasoning for dismissing it is dumb. You're just repeatedly ignoring this or saying it's a dodge because want to argue with me on something I was never arguing about.
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>>332852 Because it is. The claim is that you can trick people into holding beliefs they disagree with, but all the examples of this given are of people who still holding the same beliefs, but are tricked into supporting things against their beliefs. I spelled it out as clearly as possible, so if you don't get it, all I can say is read it 5 more times and think harder. >>332872 Which kind? >>332888 It's called making eye contact with the camera when talking. It's the rest of their body and their surrounding that give the context to their stare that disturbs you.
>>332887 Welcome to the club, buddy.
>>332895 It's okay, however I mostly stopped using because the site lacks RSS feed features (Unless you have an account) and you cannot upload anything (Unless you provide your real world credentials).
>>332902 So, not anonymous friendly. Like Gab but for video? Or however was called that pseudo twitter run by some cuck calling anime satanic and pedophilic.
>>332903 >So, not anonymous friendly Neither is Odysee. If you're looking for an "anonymous friendly" VOD site to upload videos to, use Veoh or Vidlii.
>>332904 It’s not 2016 anymore. I won’t settle for anything less than total nigger death now. Sorry.
>>332904 After listening to James Lindsay's speeches on how communism and wokeism have their roots on gnosticism and hermetism, I just can't stop seeing it.
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>>332904 Do I really need to read some commie logs to know why they hate their own trannies? Also, you need the archive, even if it's a nobody twitting.
>>332909 >>332904 Fuck, just finishing reading it and Literal Wu calling someone else for being a man in a dress is so ironic it... well, it's not surprising anymore, but still it managed to make me raise a brow.
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My day is ruined.
>>332911 What? You don't want Dante sucking gay nigger demon cock? You don't want empowered feminist muttoid Lady and black Trish? Too bad.
>>332911 I don't see any problem with that, it's just a fun Devil May Cry ani >Netflix Oh.
>>332911 That woohoo doesn't sound like Langdon, which means the project is fucked.
>>332913 Wrong, anon. It's not an anime. It's made by Studio Mir. A south korean studio. With Adi Shankar at the helm. The edgy indian faggot who made Netflix Castlevania. You think it's bad just because it's Netflix but you're not reading the real problems behind it.
>>332915 Jesus fucking Christ. I have no image making justice how horrified I am.
>>332916 Wanna know what's worse? He's said he's wanted to make a Berserk adaptation too.
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>>332915 >edgy indian faggot So Devil may Poo in the Loo
>>332911 A-at least people don't make fun of me for liking videogames anymore!
>>332917 This kind of necrophagy is bad even for indian standars.
>>332911 Congratulations to DmC for being the second worst thing to have happened to the Devil May Cry series.
>>332904 twitterfags thinking wu is a woman is the funniest shit. I already saw retards calling >her “cis”
>>332871 >First of all, stop pretending that you can't recognize a simple symbol. You must be replying to the wrong person. Nothing you said has anything to do with me.
>>332923 Seems he did, since apparently you aren't c616ac :^)
>>332911 At least the artstyle and animation don't look as shitty as castlevania's. Might be good for posting some out of context fight scene clips.
>>332925 Based on the studio's past works, including My Adventures with Superman, don't count on it.
>>332915 >Adi Shankar at the helm. The edgy indian faggot who made Netflix Castlevania I was wondering where I had heard that name before and why it filled me with disgust.
So, what will happen when all businesses leave democrat cities tired of being ravaged by niggers? Will the horde of urban savages follow them like a horde of zombies?
>>332928 Ever hear of food deserts? White deserts.
>>332929 Never, but I imagine what it is just by the name.
>>332759 All jews.
Don't worry guys, he's supervising it properly!
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>>332915 >>332927 >Adi Shankar He was also the creator of this thing: https://yewtu.be/watch?v=Kwfdulm6hYo What is with poos being cancer on any type industry?
>>332932 The same way they supervised the Dragon's Dogma anime?
>>332932 It worked out for Oda with One Piece so it'll be fine :^)
>>332932 He came to supervise DmC too.
>>332933 >What is with poos being cancer on any type industry? <Step 1: Hire poos in company to fulfill diversity quota <Step 2: One poo gets in HR or another important position <Step 3: Poos eventually only hire fellow poos <Step 4: ??? <Step 5: Poo in it
>>332481 I want to make friends but something just keeps me at an absolute disconnect from everyone. Part of it's a deep-seated fear of people thanks to the way I grew up, part of it's just not being interested in any of the things people do together. can't be the tism because there's plenty of autists with friends And it's probably too late to start learning how to deal with people anyway, I'm in my 30s and missed out on all those opportunities to make friends and such growing up. It's clear from talking to others that I have absolutely no idea how to not be a boring and depressing person.
>>332935 Considering that's got a season two and is seemingly widely accepted by the One Piece and anime community in general in a way that Cowboy Bebop and Death Note never were that one kind of falls flat. There's a reason you don't see people talk about it here, because unlike with that other one there really isn't much to say. My only complaint was nigger Nojiko. It's the only casting that felt like a genuine race swap and she has like less than five minutes of screen time. Now it could easily fall apart in season 2 but the first season was about as inoffensive as it gets which is, again, why you didn't see people talking about it here and posting cringe clips like they did with Bebop.
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>>332939 Just do what the normalfags do: call people you sort of like friends and don't get too bogged down in details as to how friendly you actually are or what you mean to them. My problem, for example, is i cannot consider a friend anybody who has no or negative opinions on Star Ocean 2, and most people have never fucking heard of it.
>>332940 >My only complaint was nigger Nojiko. It's the only casting that felt like a genuine race swap and she has like less than five minutes of screen time They also punched up the muh racism angle for the fishmen and cast a tranny as a main character. The show is mid, and not being as bad as Bebop doesn't stop it from being Power Rangers-tier. I miss /m/.
>>332942 >They also punched up the muh racism angle for the fishmen All they did was mention stuff that comes up later in the manga and had Arlong be influenced by that instead. He's still an asshole that you're supposed to hate. >cast a tranny as a main character Who?
>>332911 >Netflix >Studio Mir >Adi Shankar (the poo who fucked Netflix Castlevania) >no Reuben Langdon Please let this be a separate universe from the games like how Castlevania was and not like the DMC anime which is canon. >>332932 Forgive me, but I don't have a lot of hope that Itsuno's supervision will save it. Couldn't even save DmC. I heard it worked out well for One Piece, but I believe that Oda was a lot more strict than Itsuno will ever be.
>>332944 It probably will be just so they can race swap every character they can get away with.
>>332943 >who Koby though I admit it's a pretty good casting.
>>332924 Oh yeah, I started that conversation on my other OS install, sorry. >>332933 >Apu >A poo What did Groening mean by this?
>>332941 I take it that poster is censored in the remaster?
>>332947 Wait, Koby is biologically a girl? I'll admit, I usually catch that stuff and did not notice at all.
>>332795 >Cool story bro Confirmed to be a fed trying (and failing) to poison the well. >>332779 It failed completely for over 5 years by now and it never succeeded again.
https://twitter.com/PlayStation/status/1707154672941973973 https://archive.is/4Ut9z Jim Ryan is finally getting the fuck out of Playstation. I wonder if the new guy will revert the damage he caused.
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>>332949 Never played the remake, but looking up some videos on it, it's still there. The city looks different from the world map, though, more like an actual castle town.
>>332950 Yeah, I don't know if she's ftm or it's just crossplay, but it's hard to unsee once you notice it.
>>332954 Well that's definitely something that's going to get worse with time as Koby is supposed to keep getting manlier. Girls can play willowy boys. At the very least, a lot better than any man could play any kind of girl, but once that age range is over that goes away. My tranny detector, admittedly, is far better at detecting mtf, though, again, it really only works for girls in this one specific range.
>>332954 Full on troon. She played the son in Evil Dead Rise. I thought something was off with him (the character) but I didn't find out till just recently why.
>>332803 "Love is love" is code for child rapists. They use it to signal to each other as well as to try to force the retardation that child rape can be considered "love" under the law and among society. Whenever anyone in the whole world says: >Love is love they mean: <I like to rape children
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>>332957 perhaps the same could be said of ALL ideologies
>>332957 Check out this very organic post responding to a 24 hour old post that derailed the thread for hours. I'm sure glad the mods don't moderate this thread so Luciano and LCP can spend their afternoons shitting it up like their own personal playground.
>>332959 Check out this (1) late in the thread proclaiming himself the arbiter of what's "organic" posting, replying to another (1). Could they be the same person trying to stir up sentiment against a position he's made a strawman of in the former post? Who knows?
>>332960 >responding to a (1) using an IP he crafted specifically to discredit (1)'s in his attempt to __________ Nice try retard.
>>332961 Oh fuck I'm a (2) now, the narrative is caving in on itself
>>332961 >Crafting an IP for a whole thread, just to shit on (1)s >Or jumping in at the end to reply to yourself Law of least effort.
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>>332914 You're correct, it isn't. Given Reuben got replaced as Ken in Street Fighter 6, it seems this might mark the point where the HR leftists blacklist him from Capcom forever.
>>332767 >Perfect Chaos and Biolizard It's a bit of a stretch, I admit, but it's fun enough that I remember it. >Gizoid and Chaos 0 Now this one I'm wholly convinced is intentional The eyes and that fringe on its head are too similar to each other but too unique compared to other characters to not be intentional, albeit nicely subtle (for a series about a cartoon hedgehog who goes fast). Though the Gizoid's shape, with the fringe on his head, also vaguely reminds me of Sonic's shape, with his spines (much more vaguely than it looks like Chaos 0), which I think is cool, because it draws more of a connection between Chaos and Sonic.
>>332911 God fucking damn it WHY, and I just started DMC3 for the first time. I can only hope that One Piece is a sign of things turning around for the better at Netflix, please just let quality control do their fucking job this time Netflix. >>332915 >>332933 >Adi Shankar >All that shit his name's attached to ohno
>>332964 Dead Rising 4 all over again?
>>332966 As said earlier, Netflix One Piece still includes things like casting am ftm as a male character but also tarred Nami's (adoptive) sister.
>>332966 >Live action anything adaptation >A turn for the better
>>332940 >Considering that's got a season two That doesn't mean jack fucking shit, you idiot! EVERY show that comes out these days has two seasons greenlit before the show even airs, good or bad. Unicorn, MAWS, Velma, Animaniacs, Quantum Leap, etc. And, even if the show absolutely flops and everyone hates it, they're STILL going to try to shove it down people's throats for years on end, like Harley Quinn and Big Mouth. Unless it's such a disaster that even the people involved have to go into hiding, like Cowboy Bebop and High Guardian Spice. It's evident that they're now tactic when it comes to media production is to beat it into people's heads that this shit is "successful", by trying to front load and advertise how they're going to keep producing it for years, in the hope that people will give up and begrudging watch it (Instead of what people actually do, which is leave altogether). >>332966 >>332944 >Please let this be a separate universe from the games like how Castlevania was and not like the DMC anime which is canon. Anon, just ignore it and declare that the DMC story was done with DMC5, over with, and that it's time for people to move on. That's how I look at things like Star Trek and Marvel. Those things already had their conclusion that wrapped everything up, and everything that's been coming out since that conclusion is literal fanfiction.
I tried to watch live action One Piece. Got like three episodes in. It's fucking dreadful. I can't understand why people say it's okay and not SJW. As soon as the first episode, they change the first villain's motivation to make it feminist approved. I don't care what anyone says, Usopp is not a nigger in the manga or anime. Look at him. Go ahead and make him arab or whatever if you want, but he's clearly not a nigger. I'll even look past brazilliape Luffy, though he should have straight hair, but then they keep flashing back to a kid version of him, and the kid looks and acts nothing like the adult version of him. How come Luffy spoke like a native english speaker when he was a kid, then acquired a portugese accent when he got older? Is it fake, like Madonna's british accent? Nami is a bitch, but she's the wrong kind of bitch. In the new one she acts like a generic modern feminist bitch, like she's too cool for everyone, and not the hotheaded cunt that she is in the anime. Zoro is fine, I guess. He doesn't do jack shit, and they cut out most of the stuff that made him cool and made you believe he'd actually associate with Luffy in his introduction arc, but I guess at least the way the actor plays him is fine. I haven't gotten to Sanji yet, but the one character who is clearly supposed to be a french guy, no he's the one we keep as asian, because can't have a white guy protagonist. Usopp is a fucking nigger, but can't have the guy whose whole thing is that he's a french chef be french. No, I don't care that his name is Sanji. By the same logic, Zoro should be some kind of spanish, but of course he isn't. And don't get me started on that Twisted Metal TV show people keep saying isn't garbage that shits all over the games. Maybe the fact that One Piece isn't quite as bad as that is why people act like it's fine. But it's not. I'm sick of things being so bad that now when people see something slightly less bad they act like it's okay. It's not okay. I'm mad as hell and I'm not gonna take this anymore.
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>>332969 To this point, it must be said that a change in format 'can' be done, but has to be done with respect for the original visual style and the way it operates. You can't just "make it live action" and expect it to feel the same. Otherwise, as the Swedish say, anime turns into… ani-nej.
>>332971 I've seen absolutely nothing being said about Twisted Metal.
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>>332971 Pretty much what I expected to be the case when people said live action One Piece isn't bad.
>>332973 I heard people saying they had relatively high hopes for it based on the promotional material, and that it looked like it was actually being faithful. Then nothing.
>>332973 The latest trailer for the show was three months ago. Looked like it could be good IF it wasn't for the sarcasm, the niggers, and the fact that the story is basically the same post-apocalyptic postman story we've gotten since Death Stranding and The Book of Eli.
>>332971 >Usopp is not a nigger >Oda placed Usopp's nationality as African
>>332977 Anon, you forget, there are white Africans.
>>332816 >>332858 >Always assume every dev is a back-stabbing faggot, they'll prove it to you eventually anyway. This. Add to that: anyone from any form of entertainment, corporation or government. Every single one is (or will become at some point) a back-stabbing faggot.
>>332969 I'm talking in comparison to Bebop and Death Note, which were both godawful, One Piece was a turn for the better by being above that at least. >>332970 >beat it into people's heads that this shit is "successful" How much do you think that tactic works, especially now when the average viewer has a high chance of stumbling onto a Yellowflash video or something that exposes how much of a failure or a flop these shows really are. As you said, people eventually develop apathy and leave one way or another anyways, social media telling them things actually suck will only accelerate the apathy. >>332971 I've only heard the discourse from jewtube that it's better than expected, of course it turns out to be dreadful and I've been lied to. As much as I want modern shit to start being 10/10 masterpieces again, we aren't gonna climb back up the slippery slope we've fallen down the past few years overnight. I'd rather take the small victories now than wait till hollywood collapses so I can celebrate the rebirth of modern media. >>332977 >God placed Elon Musk's nationality as African >Elon Musk is not a nigger >>332979 How the fuck am I supposed to enjoy anything with that kind of mentality? Become an Innawoods luddite? Don't answer that, a rhetorical question
>>332978 >nigger lips >nigger eyes >nigger hair <can't possibly be a nigger! He's white! Are you retarded? Usopp looks nothing like a white african. It's not even close. If you want to piss on the One Piss kikeflix adaptation for race swapping, Usopp just isn't it. Most of the casting was fine, even if mediocre. There are many castings however that were absolute dogshit. Usually the woman characters. Nojiko, Kaya, Makino (why?), Lucky Roux, Yasopp. Young Luffy, which was a real lazy dogshit cast. Director decided to just pick a random brown kid and call it good.
>>332980 >How the fuck am I supposed to enjoy anything with that kind of mentality? Go for older things that weren't corrupted and stick with them forever. That is what I do. Accepting faggotry and other pozzed garbage just for the sake of hoping for some enjoyment is retarded.
>>332978 We call that albinos, anon.
>>332978 >anon doesn't understand phenotypes
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>>332981 Nigger noses, i think you'll find, are wide, not long. At best he's mixed race since he has his mother's nose and father's hair, but he's no flat-out nigger despite him holding his slingshot sideways; he's too hard-working, for one. >>332985 >normalfags are animals
Is Valve pulling a Blizzard by just calling CSGO Counter Strike 2?
>>332988 Why did you post this on /b/?
>>332989 This isn't /pol/?
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>>332990 always hasn't been
>>332971 >brazilliape Luffy, though he should have straight hair >Nami is a bitch, but she's the wrong kind of bitch >Zoro is fine, I guess >Usopp is not a nigger in the manga or anime The casting is the reason why I discard anybody's opinion on this shit being "good". Nobody looks like the character they're supposed to be. It's like: >Luffy's tan <Here, random huehue >Nami's a redhead <Here's a fat white bitch >Zoro's a nip <Here, a nip >Usopp has niggerlips <Here, random nigger None of the main characters have the defining facial characteristics of the characters they're supposed to be, and half of them can't act for shit. Sanji's the exception to this, but he doesn't make up for everybody else. It's especially baffling because most of the side characters are much better. I don't even like One Piece, but I don't understand why anybody who does sees this and thinks "huh, nice."
>>332993 >Usopp is not a nigger in the manga or anime I mean he's a lying, cowardly nigger. And Oda literally said the ethnicity of the main cast himself. If you want to blame someone, blame him.
>>332610 >or Rayman (You are god) really?
>>332632 nigga that because of payment processor pressure, they have been behind a lot of fuckery as of recent* *some years now
>>332994 >I mean he's a lying, cowardly nigger The problem isn't that he's a nigger, it's that he doesn't look like the character he's meant to play. He doesn't have the nose, the face shape, the skin tone, the build, or hell, even the hair. Even assuming Oda himself hand-picked the dude, I don't doubt that netflix could have convinced him that nigger actors were rare or something to limit the pool or maybe he thinks they all look the same.
>>332971 >Go ahead and make him arab or whatever if only you knew what the spaniard dub of the anime did to him >I'll even look past brazilliape Luffy https://yewtu.be/watch?v=8g3KfXZRPX4
>>332999 To be fair he has a moor/jew nose, and all the long nosed race was dubbed like that.
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>>332980 >One Piece was a turn for the better by being above that at least. Not really. If it's still far the below decent, the difference is effectively negligible. >>332986 His nose is wide at the base, and he has more nigger typical traits than non-nigger typical traits.
>>332992 >tfw no fluffy genius fox bf
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>Dumbledore is kill fug
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>>333007 That's what he gets for being gay.
>>332941 The main problem is that I just don't know how to make conversation with anyone. Mainly due to a lack of interest in anything anyone else is into. I've even had job interviews cut short because the employers found me so damn boring to talk to.
Is it too much asking for a cute wife that cuddle with me plays vidya together and work out? we can go and have picnics every few days and have kids and then grow old and die together why is the climate in the world does not allow this small thing?
>>333010 You'll monkey paw it into a wife who asks you for gachabux.
>>333010 >allow Stop asking permission to live from people who want to kill you.
>>333012 When will (((they))) be punished for this? Is having a home and wanting a family such a bad thing? I notice when I make such an utterance people look at me befuddled and so I'm asking what the hell is wrong with our society? I look at people outside and my thoughts are damn why are they into slavery? and it's obvious they aren't happy yet they surrender and refuse to resist
>>333013 >When will (((they))) be punished for this? Never. They've successfully propagandized the people into self-policing their own thoughts, refusing to question or resist the ruling oligarchy, and ostracizing anyone who does. >Is having a home and wanting a family such a bad thing? For them. Thus you're not allowed it. >it's obvious they aren't happy yet they surrender and refuse to resist Sounds familiar. >“Nothing, therefore, is more important than that we should not, like sheep, follow the flock that has gone before us, and thus proceed not whither we ought, but whither the rest are going. Now nothing gets us into greater troubles than our subservience to common rumour, and our habit of thinking that those things are best which are most generally received as such, of taking many counterfeits for truly good things, and of living not by reason but by imitation of others. This is the cause of those great heaps into which men rush till they are piled one upon another. In a great crush of people, when the crowd presses upon itself, no one can fall without drawing someone else down upon him, and those who go before cause the destruction of those who follow them... We should be cured of this if we were to disengage ourselves from the herd; but as it is, the mob is ready to fight against reason in defence of its own mistake. Consequently the same thing happens as at elections, where, when the fickle breeze of popular favour has veered round, those who have been chosen consuls and praetors are viewed with admiration by the very men who made them so.” >~ Seneca; On the Happy Life, Part I; 58 AD >Vimes had found old Stoneface's journal in the Unseen University library. The man had been hard, no doubt about that. But they were hard times. He'd written: 'In the Fyres of Struggle let us bake New Men, who Will Notte heed the old Lies.' But the old lies had won in the end. He said to people: you're free. And they said hooray, and then he showed them what freedom costs and they called him a tyrant and, as soon as he'd been betrayed, they milled around a bit like barn-bred chickens who've seen the big world outside for the first time, and then they went back into the warm and shut the door - >Terry Pratchett; Feet of Clay; 1996
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>>333003 >Egoraptor Cocaine is a hell of a drug.
>>332992 ITS KEKIPOKU!
>>333011 >not buying your wife mobile f2p currency >not supporting her crippling jpg gambling addictions >not coercing her into providing you sexual favors in exchange for more gems
>>333018 Poggers, half my income funds chinks, riot games, and blizzard!
>>333020 To be fair second picture is what most kids thought would get them pussy and was cool in 2005
>>333020 Did he troon out or was this like a "hilarious drag stunt?"
>>333022 Closeted homosexual disguised as "drag stunt"
>>333022 >hilarious drag stunt >blowing guys in the men's room >ha ha they think I'm gay >AIDS patient railing my asshole >he's gonna feel so dumb after he pulls out, I shit all over the bed, and tell him I'm straight >epic prank bro
>>332994 >>332997 I'm pretty sure Netflix have a contract that allow them disregard any of the author wishes as they see fit
>>333009 Fake interest, fake politeness, compliment their interests a little but not too much, remember to smile, make eye contact, and raise your fucking eyebrows so you look pleasant and non-threatening. If you wanna talk about your boring as fuck warhammer figurine painting, try to make it sound exciting by yelling about fungus orkz being space rednecks and getting killed by space motherfuckers in power armor the size of a station wagon. I'm not any better, but if i actually gave a shit about not being a sad, lonely faggot, that'd be what i'd do. I'm content to die in oblivion, though. >>333010 go fuck some fat bitches, im sure theyd appreciate getting some fit cock in them
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Dont even know why i keep coming back too these threads, so many years. I just can't let go.
>>333028 Is this made by speedosausage?
>>333029 Fuck if i know had it for years in my folder
>>333027 Context for those outside of Bongistan: >Hadrian's Wall is a Roman-age border between Scotland and England >Halfway along the route is a set of weird, shallow, empty valleys which overlook cliff-edges >Over three centuries ago, someone planted Sycamore trees in the 'dips' (this particular Sycamore has outlasted all the others) >Tourists walk along Hadrian's Wall all the fucking time, so this 'halfway point' of the route has become the UK's most-photographed tree >It's even featured in TV shows and movies, like 1991's "Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves" >Some 16-y.o. Mizzy-tier fucknut drove out there last night (after stealing their dad's car and chainsaw), and chopped it down for clout >National Trust land and property is basically equivalent to a US National Park; if you do criminal damage and get caught, you're completely fucked (and he was / is)
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>>333029 Skeet Fighter by Will Stamper, part of a sizable Street Fighter flash collab on Newgrounds. There's a number of other good ones in there but people only ever remember the one with titties, like that juri han video with the kesha song parody.
>>333031 I just assumed it was an AI drawing of pic related.
>>333027 >>333031 Holy motherfucking giga based
>>333034 >destroying environmental beauty is good Take your niggerspeak and fuck off.
>>333031 >>333031 Was he a low iq no brain nigger? >>333032 Thanks, anon. I'll check it out.
>>333036 >Was he a low iq no brain nigger? It's an island comprised of anglo's, mudslime's, and potato niggers. What do you think?
>>333035 >no other britbong thought to plant any seeds anywhere near there for 300 years >tourist hotspot probably fucking up the pastures that scotland holds as common to the people instead of britbongistani private proprty held by the earl of cum Hot take but he was a hero.
>>333037 >What do you think? It's the first sign of industry returning to Britain since the end of the second world war.
>>333035 Fuck your shitty tree worship. Pagans are scum. I’m glad it’s destroyed.
>>333040 >And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth. So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them. And God blessed them, and God said unto them, 'Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it': and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth. >~ Genesis 1:26-28, KJV Yes, fuck paganism and its faggotry and barbarism. Don't dare claim that Christians aren't called to be stewards of the Earth, though.
>>333027 >>333031 Considering that these dickheads are completely fine with cutting down Hitler's swastika groves for the crime of growing in a naughty pattern so they clearly don't respect history, I don't give a fuck. You had 300 years to plant more of them. That brat's still a faggot though.
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>>333034 >>333040 It's not worship. It was a tourist site at a piece of history. It's dumb to cut down a tree for no reason already but even worse it was done for online clout. It's nigger behavior that shouldn't be excused.
>>333034 >even more untouched gigachad posting
>>333046 Based chadpost calling out the moderation, and totally untouched.
>>333047 Personally I'd just like to be aware of what kinds of cuckchan shit I can just post now. Soyjak shit is universally banned, but if gigachad stuff is alright, clearly there's a precedent for posting more.
>>333048 Where's the president?
>>333027 >>333031 Hopefully it'll resprout.
>>333050 And then in 300 years, when there are no whites left on Earth, some other mystery meat mulatto will cut it down again for firewood.
>>333031 >>333045 >even worse it was done for online clout. Wait so the guy got caught cos he posted about it online? That's like 'Ukrainians posting their location on Reddit' level of retard. >>333038 >no other britbong thought to plant any seeds anywhere near there for 300 years >>333042 >You had 300 years to plant more of them. Did you bother reading- >this particular Sycamore has outlasted all the others There were more of them that were around for some length of time so they didn't need to plant more. What's weirder is that sycamores are pretty good at self seeding, so it's a wonder there aren't more of them growing naturally.
>>333052 >wrong answer or expired captcha >it posts anyway This site works.
>>333053 You may have double clicked before the window could disappear, registering a second attempt with a clears captcha input box before it could determine your first one succeeded.
>>333037 I've searched through 5 news sites about this and there is no mention about race so it was definitely a nigger.
>>333056 a nigger or an 'asian'
>>333027 Shouldn't they be able to graft some cuttings back onto the stump to take advantage of of the 300 year old root system? >>333052 Just to be certain when they say sycamore they're talking about Acer and not Platanus right?
>>333058 Acer pseudoplatanus. The one with helicopter seeds.
>>333028 I don't know either. I guess for me it's just nostalgia. I've long since dropped my "dude we should [thing requiring more manpower/secrecy/influence than we really have]!" phase so it can't be that.
>>333058 >graft some cuttings back onto the stump Does grafting work on hardened wood? Maybe it will throw up some new shoots round the edge of the stump. Saying that, the felled tree should have seeds on it by now - just plant some of them and they'll sprout in the spring.
>>333061 >Does grafting work on hardened wood? Yeah just put the cuttings around the ring of inner bark of the stump. >>333061 >Maybe it will throw up some new shoots round the edge of the stump. That's likely since it's a maple.
>>333052 My wild guess is that the soil nutrient would be transported down the valleys, thus limiting what trees can grow. That said the "National (((Trust)) Land" could have just done research and check what is happening so they could plant more trees. But I guess it was worth more for them to keep that one tree as tourist spot. Oh well. Maybe they will do actual work now.

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