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#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: Lazy as FUG :DDD Edidion Anonymous 02/23/2021 (Tue) 03:48:59 Id: bcd70f No. 732
ONGOING DISCUSSIONS: >Twitch removes PogChamp emote over Gootecks "encouraging further violence" by suggesting "civil unrest" over Capitol protestor shot by police https://archive.is/qTECP >China pressures Japan to remove ROG and Hololive live broadcast https://archive.is/1Hkq7 https://archive.is/t2enA >The Gamergate Thread Repository has been updated >Capcom considering going woke https://archive.is/drT8y >13 Sentinels: Aegis Rim localization rewrites character to be "non-binary" http://archive.is/gfize >How Cuties Got Caught in a Gamergate-Style Internet Clash: https://archive.fo/e1YuB >Kotaku UK and Gizmodo UK close down as Future Publishing licenses lapse http://archive.is/VAU4p >Gamergate is now 6 years old >343 Industries removes police sirens nameplate from Halo 3: ODST, VG24/7 calls people who disagree "alt-right" http://archive.is/tDcI2 >Zchan replacement from z/v/ volunteer launches at zzzchan.xyz >WOTC to censor depictions of D&D orcs and drow, "correct" reprints of 5th edition books, hire more "diverse talent", and incorporate "sensitivity readers" into creative process http://archive.is/ltM5X >Possible explanation of Sony's censorship https://archive.fo/14BdL >Journos make up "patronizing comments onslaught" story about old grandmother, get corrected by said grandmother herself: https://archive.is/iB1Aj https://archive.is/YwOzU https://archive.is/S9Fhd >Twitch launches new "Twitch Safety Advisory Council" filled with SJW organizations and individuals. SJW transgender trans-deer council member cries harassment as backlash erupts from Twitch viewers/streamers and Reddit's /r/livestreamfail. http://archive.is/7X3f4 https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/events/ferociouslysteph-twitch-moderation-controversy CURRENT TASKS: 1. OPERATION TRAJAN: Collect and catalog all of the various localization and censorship accounts of past video games into a single repository from these sources: romhacking.net The_Cutting_Room_Floor Segaretro https://yewtu.be/channel/UCFItIX8SIs4zqhJCHpbeV1A 2. OP OUR LIFE OUR HOMETOWN: SONY FORCING JAPANESE DEVELOPERS TO CENSOR THEIR GAMES IN ALL REGIONS http://archive.vn/XQOHW Sony's policies forces censorship; JP devs allegedly have to go through ENG approval process: https://archive.fo/awzFF Japanese blog post about it: https://archive.fo/bF9bE Sony Japan President Says PS4 Censorship Policy Is To Match Global Standards And Protect Kids https://archive.fo/U3GLa -Confirms censorship was deliberate https://archive.fo/XgAgP -No rules for censorship policies, games judged case-by-case https://archive.fo/37DhK -Marvelous partner starts petition against policy https://archive.fo/rxQtf https://archive.fo/84UHo •Twitterfags: Tweet with Sony's stock code $SNE so that investors see your tweets and know you're pissed. •Consider spreading OP Timber materials to targets as well. http://archive.vn/URjtu ONGOING TASKS: A. Support archive.fo! Accountability needs proof: https://liberapay.com/archiveis/donate
[Expand Post]B. OP DisNod: Contact the FTC and advertisers about violations and unethical practices http://archive.vn/9bylT C. Internet Censorship happenings: Spread the word about the dangers of FOSTA/CLOUD act/Article 13, etc. https://www.eff.org/de/deeplinks/2020/03/earn-it-act-violates-constitution D. OP End the Era: Dig into resetera and their connections to journos, devs, etc. http://archive.vn/JfuSb Reminders (important, READ THESE!): •Use https://archive.fo to deny sites ad revenue and traffic and preserve pages in case they are deleted later •Be civil if you have to argue with people on Twitter, Tumblr or any forum - don't make us look like douchebags •Do not accept requests for any goal, demand lists or personal army requests: https://pastebin.com/p5dVp1e5 •Beware COINTELPRO: The Gentleperson's Guide to Forum Spies: https://cryptome.org/2012/07/gent-forum-spies.htm •STOP REPLYING TO BAITS AND OBVIOUS DERAILMENT ATTEMPTS, JUST REPORT AND FILTER Resources >Summaries of #GamerGate:https://www.yewtu.be/watch?v=wy9bisUIP3w - #GamerGate - If It's Not About Ethics •https://www.yewtu.be/watch?v=5fnRSL3d_xU - #GamerGate in 60 Seconds •https://archive.fo/23Fde - GamerGate: A State of the Union Address >Background and Evidence for #GamerGate: •The #GamerGate Dossier: https://archive.fo/nv1Fb •#GamerGate Wiki: https://ggwiki.deepfreeze.it/index.php?title=Main_Page •History of #GamerGate: https://www.historyofgamergate.com/ •View the timeline links in the Current Happenings section! >Lists: •GG Steam Support & Boycott List: https://v.gd/vzRsRb •Key GamerGate Hubs: https://v.gd/LNJbat (Needs updating) >Thread Repository: https://gitgud.io/gamergate/gamergateop/blob/master/ThreadRepository.md https://ggwiki.deepfreeze.it/index.php?title=Thread_Repository >Full OP Text: •Current: https://ggwiki.deepfreeze.it/index.php?title=The_GamerGate_OP >How Can I Help? https://8chan.se/gamergatehq/ •All OPs: https://gitgud.io/gamergate/gamergateop/tree/master/Operations •OP Vulcan: Learn logical debating: https://v.gd/Kbzw0L •An Anon's Guide to Twitter; basics: https://v.gd/nwrbYF >Want to Contribute to GitGud or Wiki? https://gitgud.io/gamergate/gamergateop/tree/master/How-to-Contribute
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First actual post, therefore Benis
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Somebody already archived the previous thread 10 minutes ago, so have it: https://archive.is/bjLiC
>>734 aren't you proud of your sensible, adult, rapist president, america?
What the fuck was the spamming in the other thread? Give me a quick rundown on nu/cow/, I used to use it for watching autists on the internet years ago but apparently that's changed?
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>>244793 >I like Nyan Koi's parrot gyaru. I was talking about this game.
>>738 I'm really fucking autistic and wanted to make sure my autism was immortalized, so I archived it after posting the forbidden files in case my posts were deleted. If it makes you feel any better, someone else archived an hour before that too, probably the boogeyman spammers trying to save proof of their "totally owning the ni/gg/ers with epic trolls" or something
>>742 You spoiled your pics and archive.is only saves thumbnails, and if that wasn't enough the site crops filenames until you hover them (something that doesn't work in archive.is). Nobody will know what you really posted.
>>740 they've become another dumb clique.
>>743 The file names are short enough and self-explanatory, and the textual content is preserved. That's enough for me.
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>>734 I knew it was a matter of time before he said it live
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Remember to love your waifu! AND N
>>740 >What the fuck was the spamming in the other thread? Who cares >Give me a quick rundown on nu/cow/, I used to use it for watching autists on the internet No >years ago but apparently that's changed? cow became the lolcow, now talk about something that isn't unbelievably lame
>>740 There's not much to tell. Back in 2017 or 2018 what was left of /ggrevolt/ settled in on /cow/ as endchan died. They took over the culture and thus /cow/ hates #GG now despite originally being allied with us, and by extension they hate this board and this site. Any time something draws their attention here a few of them will show up to sperg and have a cry about it.
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>fag cracks a game, but only uploads a torrent to the game bundled with the crack >limits upload and chunks so that everyone will get the complete file at the same time >all because he's butthurt at repackers Why is everyone such a fucking faggot nowadays? https://archive.is/f4pO2 https://archive.is/awip5
>>740 BO of PLW/japan/ took over Julay's/v/ and deleted it twice because global mods were pedophile niggers who didn't want to help him to deal with CP spam from 9chan /b/tards. This showcase of autism made Robi delete 90% of Julay (turning it into a ghost town) and break the minds and anuses of the 3 people that post on /cow/ to a point where they blackmailed PLW's owner into deleting /japan/ as revenge for julay. Nowadays these faggots spend their time circlejerking about how much they hate /japan/'s ex-BO and Mark on /cow/ and sometimes on tvch, while the ex-BO became a global mod here and on zzzchan for some reason.
>>751 that guy needs to download more ram. I wish I understood IT things.
>>749 This. I actually took control of the endchan /ggrevolt/ board and nuked it after Tarrant went and did his thing. /ggrevolt/ had gotten kinda vivid and I posted there sometimes, so I was freaked out about the coming crack down and gassed everything lol.
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>>733 GODAM
>>751 >her Why do retards continue to feed into tranny LARP
>>751 >Empress Trannies are mentally ill sociopaths, especially attention-whores.
Supreme Court Refuses to Review Pennsylvania Election Cases – Alito, Gorsuch and Thomas Dissent https://archive.fo/HTpiD
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>>244850 >catfight
>>734 >Think it's fake with bits chopped up and mashed together well >Watch the actual video >It's real Check 15:30. https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch/?v=uwjxQoTyVAE
Are you niggers just going to go on about trannies for the next 300 posts like always lately because of the fitgirl drama? He's probably just calling empress she because he's just going off the name.
>>740 Internet Blood Sports was the death spiral. Twitter niggers, kiwifarms fags, jewtube ecelebs, and their followers pretty much used it as their personal shitting ground. Add in the crap with julay going nuclear + the fallout of it and I can't imagine anyone of any value still sticking around over there. >>758 Not shocked by this at all.
Reminder that jackbox night is tonight for anyone interested: cytu.be/r/jackbox1 https://zzzchan.xyz/v/thread/30684.html#30684 I have no idea why the fuck my internet has been down all day. Going to have to talk to my landlord about it, otherwise I would have made the new thread. Fucking going on mobile
>>763 'and you're going to hear next' 'n'yr gonna hear next' Some fucking articulation wouldn't go amiss.
Watch out for GamerGate The public enemy of the world #1 It is the main hashtag responsible for… ☑ Accidentally re-starting the French Revolution ☑ Weaponized Gondolas ☑ Hacking German politicians and media ☑ Played "To Catch a Predator" with Randy Pickford ☑ Masterminded the destruction of GDQ via the Catfish of Legend: Namazu ☑ Under the light of the Blood Moon; Self-destructed Western Journalism by having a some kid smirk at a drumming savage ☑ Just wanted to start a conversation with everyone, everywhere, eternally ☑ Watched Gawker die TWICE ☑ Guilty of face crimes ☑ When GameStop tried to sell itself; offered $3.50 in in-store credit ☑ Made telling "journalists" to "learn to code" into a hate crime ☑ Taught the Alt-Right ✅Then harassed said Alt-Right ☑ Started in 2011-2012 when 4chan tried to steal Anita Sarkeesian's SSN# ☑ Created "Boner Culture" which made cis straight male erections the most powerful force on earth ☑ Had a Jewish Mobster 'Take Care' of it ☑ Asked THQ about gaemu which somehow triggered World Wide Web War III ☑ Tricked /cow/ into developing and sharing their fetish for Mark's plump bagel with ResetEra ☑ Triggered GJP3.0 with 57 hitpeices on THQ Nordic's AA ☑ Orchestrated the GaymerGay misogynist review backlash against Marvel's Captain Woman ☑ Taught New Zealand about "White Day" ☑ Radicalized Spyro the Dragon ☑ Turned Pewdiepie into the Osama Bin Ladin of GaymerGays ☑ "The nerds and gamers were joined by the proto-storm troopers of the alt-right in a bond that has never been broken" ☑ Was a trial run for "will the US tolerate fascist behavior" ☑ Exploring new frontiers in sexual harassment via Jelly Bean ☑ Groomed young impressionable politicians into misogynists ☑ Created and trained the alt-right to take over the political landscape on a global scale (And succeeded) ☑ Arranged for Sonic the Hedgehog (movie ver.) to get "fixed" ☑ Remains undefeated for all time ☑ Turned Rage 2 into a Trump-esque attack on game journos ☑ Joined forces with Amazon ☑ Helped Mark impress Resetera ☑ Used Elliot Rodger's martyrdom to unite 4Chan and Breitbart to elect Donald Trump ☑ Will be looked back upon in 50 years as the root cause of the coming Cultural Civil War ☑ Government-sponsored shitposting ☑ Mastered the manipulation of the news cycle to their advantage ☑ Made Anita cry when Feminist Frequency went broke ☑ Destroyer of Worlds ☑ Russian Conspiracies (all of them) ☑ Extended Reanon's death/meme-magic to animation studios (please meme responsibly) ☑ An instrument of American Trumpian Power Worldwide ☑ Cured alleged "journalist" of dyslexic anxiety ☑ An aberrant, creeping horror ☑ As dangerous as Anti-Vax, ISIS, and Holocaust Denial
[Expand Post]☑ Five years of ruining everything ☑ Came to the classroom ☑ Trained Google whistleblowers ☑ Never died and foreshadowed our toxic meme-strewn politics ☑ Blew up the Internet ☑ Made wanting challenge in videogames into supporting White Supremacy ☑ Was secretly fighting WWIII all along ☑ Stochastic Terrorism ☑ Being a national security threat according to the DHS ☑ Helped Mark win the lottery ☑ Gave the money back ☑ Living long enough to see itself become the villain in a TV Show THRICE ☑ Confused the FBI into thinking /v/ is /baphomet/ ☑ Turned Anita Sarkesian into a crazy cat lady ☑ It's #Gamergate Forever ☑ Justifiably felt alienated by the neoliberal fetishization of feminism and the reductionism of politics to identity teams ☑ Was rabidly pro-corporate ☑ Manipulated a SJWeeb into review-bombing a LGBTWTFBBQ-friendly game as a "test" ☑ Non-meat based cam girls ☑ Caused the Corona outbreak which destroyed China to cheer up a depressed CIA glownigger ☑ Digisexuals ☑ Called the cyber police to put a cripple in cyber jail ☑ Weaponizing decency ☑ Made the games industry a nightmare for Women, Colored People, and Ashley Burch ☑ The inevitable ultimate horror of Sega's "toxic" advertising for ChuChu Rocket ☑ Has the highest body count of any COVID-19 disinfo group ☑ Finally got the 8kun administration to get off their ass and answer the damn phone ☑ Searching for a new home (again) ☑ Made some /v/ hotpockets on other imageboards go insane ☑ Burned julay to the ground by doing basically fuck-all except continue to exist (props to a certain bunbunmaru reporter, tho) ☑ Having a high enough IQ to be mentioned on Rick and Morty ☑ Radicalized a grandmother to the point she promotes harassment against alleged games journalists ☑ Is the terrorist group backed by 'The French' who are behind President Trump's exhausting battle against twitter ☑ Protecting FUCKING GAMESTOP from looters ☑ Finally started the Race War by forcing a meth-head on a date with Corona-chan to take a knee to the neck from the police ☑ Confirmed for Baby Hitler ☑ Gave a lot of airtime to Soviet defector Yuri Bezmenov ☑ Got on the Atlantic's "free $100" van only to get intervewed ☑ Started a backlash against the French independent film industry because they want to raise pure little girls ☑ And then Russia wanted to shut down 8chan.moe to be ironic ☑ Was clearly a blueprint for Trump's online assault in 2016 ☑ A gravestone marked “Games Journalism; Dead By Suicide,” with the date of death corresponding with the launch of GG ☑ Took over the US capitol ☑ Funded by the GOP ☑ Using Reddit's radicalized nihilism to counter jews shorting FUCKING GAMESTOP
>>751 Piracy autism is always one of the most autistic kinds of autism.
>>763 Maybe the prompter was getting frustrated at him and writing NIGGER HERE NEXT on the card he was supposed to read off of
>>244873 Brave.
>>751 >>767 >Why is everyone such a fucking faggot nowadays? The idea that "putting in effort" entitles you to attention and love. It's the root of all drama, whether translator, drawfag, programmer, etc.
>>763 Imagine if Trump has slurred his speech enough to sound like he was saying nigger? He would have been brought up on every charge under the book.
>>763 No dementia here at all, we swear!
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>>244873 >>763 We need a version of this with Joe.
>>771 During plantation-American history month no less.
>>772 Why do they even allow him to speak in public? Every time he gets in front of cameras there's a huge risk that he'll go completely off script and say something that'll cause the jig to be up for all of them.
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>>740 Nigger did you miss the whole year where Aaron Lawson and the /cow/tards retarded enough to follow him kept raiding these threads and trying to start a board war?
>>773 Gave it a go
>>773 >>778 Just audio of him saying it over and over instead of trying to edit the image.
>>733 Why the fuck does dark skin look so good in 2D, yet looks horrible in 3D? It's not fair.
>>780 Because it contrasts better and 99% of the time they don't have any nigger features on them besides dark skin.
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>>778 Even though Biden is the worst thing for the US right now I cant help but enjoy his retarded memeable dementia gaffs.
>>780 Because >>781 and their digits are right. Those are just other races painted brown. >>782 I wonder how long they will give him before the negress takes over.
>>783 >the negress *pooress
>>780 Because 3D blacks are black. In 3D they have black features like the squished noses and thick lips, even without the color. In 2D albinos don't exist because all the black/brown comes from the skin. First pic doesn't look as bad but that's because she's so black you can't even see her features properly.
>>780 Because 2D doesn't have fucking negro features. There was a pic going around a while back of this girl who was jet black but had amazing european features and she was beautiful.
>>785 The first picture doesn't look "as bad" because she's fucking caked in 10lbs of makeup.
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>>733 >all that 2d brown posting last thread >No one posted the bible of 2d brown
>>738 Updated archive of previous bread https://archive.vn/1POHn
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Testing Redchannit post maintenance. You guys should notice the site speed up a bit now, and I fixed the annoying errors with old captchas and crosslinked images between the .se and .moe domains breaking from the hotlink block. Still not sure what to do with the hotlink block vs the webring but its on my list to find a solution. If you have some time play around a little and see if you hit any bugs and report them on /site/. Its my bedtime.
>Does 2D gay make someone actually gay? Consensus: No in fact it doesn't! Do violent video games make someone into a killer? I thought so. :)
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>>791 Hot take: anyone playing violent video games were already killers, ergo anyone fapping to 2d dick were already gay :^)
>>788 This stuff is right under being hentai. Everyu single gyaru is more or less hungry for cock. It's fucking brutal.
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Props to the anon who made this last thread
>>244850 >catfight In your fucking dreams.
>>788 Imagine how outraged twatter would have been if they knew what this was titled.
>>734 Does anyone have the 1994/1993 video where Biden is casually dropping nigger as he's paraphrasing someone else?
>>796 Is /vg/scape still alive?
>>795 please post fish cock.
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>>801 dont have xD
>>244924 >vidyascape So that's why I was having trouble finding the site. Thanks, faggot.
>>791 This is true. You can't compare two dimensional men and three dimensional men, especially if they're already aesthetically feminine. I for example find 2d men attractive yet have no such attraction to 3d men.
>>803 Has that not been taken over by redditors or the cuckchanners that play it have been cucked and can't stand seeing people say nigger and tranny yet? I'd consider playing it again if not.
>>244713 >>244720 Does this have anything to do with those streamers? They all seem to be doxing eachother and calling the cops on eachother on bitwave n shiet.
>>805 I don't know, but the game is dead to the point where you barely even see a player regardless. Not that I would ever do anything other than being a solo autist.
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>>798 >Imagine how outraged twatter would have been if they knew what this was titled. I haven't yet learned Japanese. What's the title? >>799 >Does anyone have the 1994/1993 video where Biden is casually dropping nigger as he's paraphrasing someone else? He's said it a lot. Do you mean this one?
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Don’t Go Down the Rabbit Hole Critical thinking, as we’re taught to do it, isn’t helping in the fight against misinformation. https://archive.is/3VDDI Mr. Caulfield, a digital literacy expert at Washington State University Vancouver says you must Stop thinking critically in order to find out if the information you find online is true or not.Normal you would use reasoning to find out if something is true or not but Caulfield suggests SIFT, his method to find out truth is as follows 1. stop 2. Investigate the source. 3. Find better coverage. 4. Trace claims, quotes and media to the original context. So he suggest people to use the fallacy of argument from authority instead of critical thinking. And the worst part is The SIFT method and the instructional teaching unit (about six hours of class work) that accompanies it has been picked up by dozens of universities across the country and in some Canadian high schools.
>>785 Made to be colonized
So, what did I miss yesterday?
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>>809 >Critical Thinking >As we're taught to do it That's exactly the problem though... the American educational system is garbage because nobody wants to teach kids to actually think for themselves. They go off-script when you do that, and nobody wants a generation of kids being kicked out there that will question all the bullshit our society is founded on. Just teach them what they need to pass the tests, lower the passing qualifications to make sure, and collect your funding for not being a complete waste of time. The parents are happy, the government is happy, the teachers unions are happy, and the corporate masters are happy. Now we've gotten to the point where we have a generation of kids who aren't just too dumb to run the machines, but can't even socialize with each other on a human level without having a complete mental breakdown. No wonder they're packing up the US economy and moving everything to China. Even if we pulled a full reverse now, the decay is so deeply rooted into the system that it'll take a few generations to work it all out. The collapse is happening too fast, and there won't be anything left to save by that point. Might as well snatch up every last scrap of value left in a controlled demolition and use that to set up shop in China. Just got to keep the charade up a bit longer...
>>808 >What's the title? Before you get to any of the Japanese it already says "No Black No Life" (lmao) which might be what he's referring to. But assuming the title is at the bottom, Google Translate tells me "ブラック学校に 勤めてしまった先生" means something like "A teacher who worked at a black school".
>>734 Fun fact, his approval rating was down the shitter up until 2020 and even now that he's got a fairly good approval rating his disapproval rating is constantly at 35% >>740 As someone who still uses their site but not their board, 90% of their threads are filled with smut and boypussy. >>813 I find it funny that the Simpsons fucking called it 30 years ago when conservatives were in power and then they "forgot" it because now the progressives are.
Since Disney added trigger warnings to the Muppets, I remember another streaming service censoring or removing Blazing Saddles. The funny part is, YouTube recommended me some SJW/communist that made a video "debunking" how Blazing Saddles could totally be made today. Infranaut was the fag's name. It's just all so tiresome, it's not even funny.
>>816 He was debunking how it could not be made today*, saying that it could. Never type when you're tired, anons.
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>>771 >>774 I think he sent out a tweet where he meant to say "We need a bigger navy." but he said "We need a nigger navy" and of all fucking things, the black thought it was the funniest fucking shit.
>>244954 Is Boss Nigger a good movie? It's been on my blacklog for a while.
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>>779 How's this?
>>796 That data is incorrect. For trans the data comes from trannies that were questioned if they had ever attempted suicide. This data does not show those who attempted suicide and succeeded. >>813 >and there won't be anything left to save by that point. Except the nukes.
>>819 >blacklog Deserved dubs, Carlos
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For some reason my post didn't upload
>>763 >Biden far more racist than Trump ever was >Blacks blindly let Biden get away with saying the N word because the Jews and black celebrities tell them too
>>819 It's on youtube watch?v=1QAKiWrG4Zg also From the comments I have found out there are more movies like this one like "The Legend of Nigger Charley" & "The Soul of Nigger Charley".
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Twitter is outraged at the sims 4 loli mods, they even made a petition to get them banned and it reached 6.7k, ea made an statement. Of course, they can't do absolutely fucking nothing to get it banned. https://twitter.com/PlaySimsYT/status/1362972766631325698 https://archive.vn/YSsdH https://twitter.com/TheSims/status/1364024565865861121 https://archive.vn/jqXnd https://www.change.org/p/ea-games-pedophelia-in-the-sims-4-modding-community-needs-to-end https://archive.vn/ykWBh Archives are taking forever to load, I hope just posting the url works.
>>827 >the sims 4 sex mods are disgusting First time I've seen SJWs tell the truth.
>>827 >Petition Retards, someone should make an ultra petition called "Petition to make petitions actually work," And then add everyone who signs that one and every petition ever put on a kill list for when society collapses.
Indian billionaire (((Rakesh Jhunjhunwala))) says the country's regulators need to 'step in and ban bitcoin' https://archive.vn/UF2HP China arrests six for ‘causing negative social impact’ online over India border clashes >The men plus one teenager living overseas >were targeted for allegedly posting ‘defamatory’ material about soldiers who died in clashes last year https://archive.is/BLEHI They fear Cryptocurrencies. Keep mining and buying crypto.
>>827 >ATF /k/ tried to warn us. Why didn’t we listen?
>>815 neocons aren't really conservative, but even then, 100+ years ago rightwingers complained conservatives didn't conserve anything. like keeping women from getting the vote, they cucked out on that one too.
>>831 not that ATF, anon.
>>799 It's really nothing in context but suppose it would still make dumb people angry.
>>827 Someone should spam loli at them
>>827 >Of course, they can't do absolutely fucking nothing to get it banned. Banning people who have it (since it's obviously got spyware) is nothing?
>>836 >Banning people who have it (since it's obviously got spyware) is nothing? Implying that the people using those mods, or mods in general, on the Sims don't just have a cracked and probably pirated copy.
>>837 To be fair, the sims hasn't been good in years.
>>809 Appeal to authority killed gallaeo, no thanks. Also it ignores that anyone can be right orwrong about anything, and at best you can look to habits to determine the likelyhood of a lie, except almost all "authoritative figures" are habitual liars and can be dismissed, from politicians to media to scientists to teachers. The crazy guy with the sign that says "the end is near" is more honest consistently. >>830 They fear competition and devaluing of their own resources. Even they are not immune to the addage of "if you cannot touch it at a moments notice nor defend it yourself, you do not own it" because the current idiots fell for the centeralized bank meme.
>>826 So I did some research on the Nigger trilogy & found out that Quentin Tarantino was inspired by them and that the Lost Tribes of Israel are BLACK
(296.79 KB 392x296 young double nigger biden.webm)

Why do people add black space to video? How retarded is their video player it can't compensate for 4:3 or whatever? At least it wasn't boxed for portrait.
>>838 Sims 2 made a mistake of not having a skeleton maid and the series has been shit since.
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>>826 The quality is pretty good, but I wish they hadn't censored the title. The /v/station movie still has the original title in all uploads I could find. C3nVF5Bp48Q
>>839 I hate that galileo gets brought up when he was put under house arrest because he insulted the pope in a paper he wrote while being sponsored by the pope to write about both heliocentrism and geocentrism. He depicted the pope as a character named "Simplicio". Insulting your benefactor who is also the king of Christendom in the west isn't a good idea no matter what you're proposing.
(1.52 MB 720x480 American History BidenX.mp4)

I uploaded the wrong file
>>844 I agree he was a dumbass, and should have said galileo got killed by a bunch or zealots who appealed blindly to christfaggotry, only for the guy they killed to be made correct post mortem. Appeal to authority is zealotism and dangerous to the truth.
>>846 he wasn't killed, he was put under house arrest for life and moved closer to his doctor when he needed him. you're indoctrinated, lmao, you didn't even read what I typed. His offense wasn't his science, his offense was literally "lese majeste" (spellcheck), which is still shit but whatever. He was imprisoned for insulting the Pope while the Pope was sponsoring his ass to advance science.
>>827 >there's finally a toddler mod for Sims 4 Well time to pirate it I suppose.
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>>245012 This will be peak optics. They would look like such dicks if anyone was alive afterward to criticize them for doing it.
>>245012 Just tell them "good luck trying to kill me, I'm immune to non-conservatives".
>>827 >>836 >>837 I had a cracked copy of Sims 3 on a laptop once. When I connected it to the internet it stopped working. So make sure you block it in the firewall.
>>845 You could have put biden's face over his for added effect
>post about how people with negative lgbt opinions have low IQ >it's actually two studies linking race and IQ, and race and lgbt opinions Guys I had an idea.
>>751 I could tell you EMPRESS was a complete faggot just from the NFOs, surprised it took this long for this tard to pull some retarded bullshit.
>>827 >>831 Are you fags ready to see one of the few sekrit pedophile community of the internet get busted? I'm not. Fugg I have lots of friends logging on that site.
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>>853 >>856 lol Someone is going to be demonized and fired.
>>856 >be black >have low IQ but is perfectly hetero <be white <have high IQ but accepts faggotry Hard choice.
>>858 It could be worse, you could be forced to recieve your "tolerance" surgery because according to some studies, people with brain damage are more tolerant.
>>245012 How about taking the plane down with no survivors?
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Daily Reminder to visit >>>/h/ to discuss lewds.
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From KiA All article pieces about Troy Leavitt / Hogwarts Legacy, if anyone needs them GameRant - https://archive.md/FycJm Kotaku - https://archive.md/m0Ece Fanbyte - https://archive.md/YhShC ScreenRant - https://archive.md/Ya9W5 PC Gamer - https://archive.md/gHXeS VG247 - https://archive.md/6n3st PinkNews - https://archive.md/QBiWA BoingBoing - https://archive.md/QBiWA Playstation Universe - https://archive.md/p3Nka GameSpot - https://archive.md/iRbt8 COGconnected - https://archive.md/9hdD4 Metro - https://archive.md/IBed1 GameRant (again) - https://archive.vn/D9g18 Dbltap - https://archive.md/fVAty Somag News - https://archive.md/uPzHC Stevivor - https://archive.md/yKF4n Daily Dot - https://archive.md/h2kqb Surprised he hasn't been canned yet for wrongthink.
>>858 I think this is another example of the IQ bell curve meme. <be nigger >sheeeeiitttt nigga I ain't no fuckin' gay <be normalfag >gays are equal to us and deserve equal rights <be higher IQ white >homosexuality is counterintuitive to our biological functions and therefore unnatural, and their higher rates of underlying mental health issues leaves a lot to be questioned It is a cuckchan meme template, but if it weren't for the soyjak spam I think it would be okay. >>862 Best case scenario, he's going to get a slap on the wrist and be forced to either take a more minor role or publicly apologize. It's the Harry Potter fanbase we're talking about here.
>>856 Why do research organizations waste time & effort on homophobia research ? They compared IQ & attitudes towards LGBT in some group of retarded Australians in conclusion they say low intelligence makes people prejudiced & they don't provide a definitive link between the two, this doesn't mean that having low intelligence levels is a cause for homophobia & being prohomo does not mean you will have high IQ, Correlation does not imply causation. People who do such "studies" should not be called researchers
>>864 Because the normalfags/average IQ people will read it and think >Well, I don't want to have a low IQ, I guess I should adopt the higher IQ thinking
>>864 >Why do research organizations waste time & effort on homophobia research To change the narrative and paint faggot haters as low iq retards. Which shouldn't suprise you at this juncture since they will do anything to change how the cattle view the world. And they know the cattle eat shit.
>>245065 what did ATF (not the government agency) do that was bad again
>>856 Instead of having texts on right side, have some chart or graph or headline like left side.
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>>245065 The ATF?
>>869 >ifunny
>>865 >they will read it and think Lol
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>>862 >1984 followers is this a sign?
Copyright Coalition Asks President Biden to Help Fight Piracy and Big Tech >The CreativeFuture coalition, which represents companies and individuals in the film, TV, music, and publishing industries, is asking President Biden to help fight online piracy. Now that the felony streaming bill and the CASE Act have been passed, big tech companies such as Google and Facebook are key adversaries once again. >Last October, before the election, CreativeFuture already reached out to Biden, asking him to support the felony streaming bill and the CASE Act, which eventually passed under the Trump administration. >The group also summed up Biden’s track record as a defender of copyright and asked for his support in the years to come. >CreativeFuture is referring to big tech. The group believes that companies such as Google and Facebook profit from copyright infringement, while hiding behind the safe harbor provisions of the DMCA. >If we look back in history we see that President Biden has supported copyright holders in the past. “Piracy is theft, clean and simple,” is a quote that can be attributed to the current president, who was also rumored to be directly involved in the Megaupload shutdown. >At the moment, Congress is still looking into ways to modernize the DMCA so it’s likely that new copyright legislation will be proposed during the coming years. With that in mind, we can expect more lobbying efforts, both from rightsholders and big tech. https://archive.is/bp9O7 I can't wait for the law to be even gayer.
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>>827 This PlaySimsYT fag is definitively hiding something. For starters, in order to get the links in his screenshot he needed to go through ATF mods wiki's front page (which has a disclaimer about the content of the mods), go to the mod master list page, then scroll down to the sims section of the list, and then select the specific version of the sims. The way he had an "internet breakdown" over being called pedo and being "harassed" (after straight up pinning a post telling others to harass a modfag) only makes it more suspicious.
>>847 >His offense wasn't his science, his offense was literally "lese majeste" (spellcheck), which is still shit but whatever. No, it's not. Galileo was bitching over how the church wanted his work to be peer reviewed. As in, they wanted to follow the foundation of Western science that relies upon the results be replicated before being considered fact.
>>848 too bad the whicked whims mod for TS4 isn't as advanced as kinkyworld for TS3, it's just >click sim >make fuck >flip through positions as opposed to >click sim >ask to fuck >rejected >raise everyone's woohoo skill level >click sim >ask to fuck >rejected >rape sim >get arrested >raped sim is now fucking a horse >10 stray dogs are walking around with erections >your sim gets out of prison >decides to jerk off in the wrong position on table as others are eating >peeping tom is outside window jerking off >other sim has been AI locked in place for an hour and suddenly teleports the aristocrats!
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>>830 >Indian billionaire (((Rakesh Jhunjhunwala))) says the country's regulators need to 'step in and ban bitcoin' I blame this pajeet for pic related. >>867 They have a (containment) section for discussion about pedophilia, and a section for politics that reminds me a bit of these threads.
>>245005 >same as it ever was >>856 Always funny how their propaganda efforts tend to conflict like this. >>876 The Sims 4 in general was a down grade in too many areas compared to 3. Don't get me wrong, I know 3 had issues of its own. TS3 for example, was the first game I saw with an alert to shut off DLC in order for the game to run properly.
>>878 when I'm done with my current aggy daggy project I'd like to look into making an amateur Sims clone, possibly make it a community FOSS project so people can insert whatever autism they want into it
>>876 Hell, even without the sexuality, it has game functionalities like schools or whorehouses.
>>827 wait, where is the loli mod for download?
>>879 God speed anon.
>>881 allthefallen
>>876 Sorry tell me more about jerking off the dogs? t. Canadian
>>245075 Shit how? I don't exactly visit a lot of threads there.
Archive has over 5000 in queue, so sorry not putting up with that. https. ://twitter.com/ geoffkeighley/status/ 1364115331724152837?s=19
>>245168 Uh, where have I seen that user before?
>>245164 Meh. It has a few pedos on a site that's mainly loli-focused, I fail to see the problem aside from the fact that these tards hang onto the cause of lowering age of consent to something sane like 14, because wanting to fuck a 14 year old and wanting to fuck a 4 year old are equal to them
>>888 The biggest problem with atf is it attracts literally everyone with any underaged fetish, regardless of real life or fantasy inclinations. It’s one of the few forums outside of image boards that allows loli but it became solely focused on underaged content and whenever you focus on one thing like that it always brings out the quest dregs of the fringes of that fetish. Most people I’ve found that enjoy loli tend to enjoy other things too. Loli is just something else to add spice to general fanservice, but there if it’s not about underaged stuff then it’s users say it shouldn’t be allowed. I miss the old days when all kinds of content were allowed in all places.
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>>889 Masturbating to a 2d drawing is just that. However the artists decides to portray the characters is up to his preferences and imagination. 2d drawings should never be equated to masturbating to actual child pornography or acting on the urges of wanting to fuck a child.
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Yo GaymerGays, Why don't we use mail in ballots to make Alex Jones president? Sure we might be four years away, but the last time we stole the concept of using email campaigns it was a huge success for us. Maybe I'll bring it up again in 2023, but it's something to heavily consider.
Is there a way to perform an image search on specific sites? >>891 >Alex Jones president Why would anyone want to do that when the guy is controlled opposition, on top of being a kike?
>>890 Oh I don’t think it is. However, a lot of users there seem to have little interest in loli itself and in fact tend to prefer the more realistic or 3D shit, which again if it’s fake still shouldn’t be a crime, but it doesn’t change the fact the board is not a great place for people who like loli specifically and it has a large collection of people with unappealing fetishes.
>>892 Google Image Search lets you use "site:", whether you're doing a text search for an image or doing a reverse image search. You can also use "-site:" to exclude a site, like if Pinterest is filling your search results. DuckDuckGo uses the same syntax, and I assume other search engines allow the same or equivalent syntax to accomplish the same thing.
>>826 Nigger Charley seems like a pretty cool dude.
>>892 Imagine the salt from both sides if Alex Jones got elected. It'd be Trump x10
>>245164 Pedophiles are all retarded and every single time I see them try to rationalize abusing children they fundamentally misunderstand the concept of informed consent and the basis of every single idea that even approaches nuance ultimately boils down to hedonistic muh dick tier bullshit. Pedoniggers argue like really REALLY retarded jews where they don't even attempt to navigate the optics effectively and just spew tired shitty phrases over and over again hoping that the rest of society will be as hedonistic as they are and succumb to their appeals to sexual attraction as if sex is some inherently productive activity that exists in isolation and has no lasting effect on the fabric of society. Jews need to die because they're actively malicious entities, spawn of the devil. Pedoniggers need to die because they're literally just fucking retarded. I don't even feel hatred for them after years of listening them try and convince me about their positions. They are no different than furfags who became obsessed with a sexuality because of over exposure as a child and have autism fixated on it as their one and only identifiable personality trait. Though the difference here is obviously that a pedonigger is justifying child abuse whereas furniggers are justifying animal abuse, and one is significantly less concerning than the other. I wish people could just not be retarded so they didn't need to die. It's not hard to not be retarded, it really isn't.
>>893 One should never associate itself with actual pedophiles. Being an ATF user just brands you as one for the reason you mention. The place is filled with deranged people that can't tell reality from fiction any more.
>>886 I wonder how much more of a trainwreck this can get.
>>245212 >Also wewing at the lolifags trying to detach themselves from the pedos as if they were any different Liking some loli art is different from going on forums and justifying the molestation of children. Also kill yourself for deleting my anti-pedonigger post mark you stupid kike.
>>245212 Ah okay you exposed yourself as an enemy, got it. The rest of the anons here will ignore you now.
>>245212 LOL what a faggot
>>245212 >Also wewing at the lolifags trying to detach themselves from the pedos as if they were any different Is 8kunt down?
>>877 Billgates was also larping that bitcoin is for criminals. Quite the (((coincidence))) two billionaires just happen to say bad things about bitcoin at once
>>866 Hulk Hogan is a national treasure
Am I the only one who thinks it's pretty sad for niggers to only have a fucking ficticional country like Wakanda as their biggest cultural acomplisment? even sadder that Wakanda was made by a white man.
>>245242 Kirby was jewish? What american figure isn't jewish?
>>245246 Because I'm not american, mostly.
>>734 I remember seeing a video of a girl who voted for Biden that he promised for students loans in his campaign and asked him where are the loans, but the old fool said that he's not gonna do it. The woman's face after what he said was so priceless to see. >>809 >Critical thinking, as we’re taught to do it, isn’t helping in the fight against misinformation. This sounds like a contradiction. Because in order to fight misinformation is to question the narrative, which is lead by critical thinking. How retarded are these people?
>>907 It's about 60/40, most Americans who aren't brainwashed resent mainstream media because they realized that a handful of powerful (((interests))) has shaped their every thought and cultural surroundings for well over a hundred years now
>>245242 Jews and Arabs are both White, if you apply the same standards to your definition of White, that you apply to your definition of all other races. (Jews and Germans are as close as N. Chinese and S. Chinese in terms of FST. Jews and Greeks are even closer. Palestinians, Druze, etc. aren't that far off either. On the other hand, Bantu and Pygmees are far more genetically distinct.)
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>>911 >Jews and Arabs are both White Last time I checked, Jews (especially Ashkenazi Jews) don't call themselves white and they often call themselves one to screw with actual whites.
>>245268 What even qualifies as white? Are Spaniards white?
>>245242 >>912 >not embracing the jews are white mentality I can see why you wouldn't want to but a lotta things would be a lot simpler and more solvable if you did >Whites engaged in slavery yeah it was white people/jews
>>913 no they are not
>>913 Nothing qualifies as white because treating everyone with white skin as the same race is absurd. Saying slaves are the same race as potato niggers is like saying germans are the same race as the japanese.
>>913 >What even qualifies as white? It's a modern term used to erase all the different European and North African races and ethnicities .
>>245246 I've read all of Lee and Kirby's Fantastic Four, and they never say The Thing is jewish, though they do talk about his childhood a lot. Adding the jewish element was a thought of later writers figuring The Thing's childhood looked like it was based on Kirby's, and then going a step further to make it even more like Kirby's. Also, Lee would later say that his run on X-Men (which he co-created with Kirby, though Kirby didn't stay on as long) was always intended as a racial allegory, with Professor X as MLK and Magneto as Malcolm X. That's fucking bullshit. That element was added by Chris Claremont when the entire series was soft-rebooted in the late '70s. If Magneto was meant to be played with any sort of nuance of sympathy, Lee wouldn't have named his group "The Brotherhood of Evil Mutants." Note that later adaptations always drop the "Evil" part. Nobody gave a flying fuck about Lee and Kirby's X-Men, and they stopped publishing new issues for several years until they did that soft reboot. >>911 You can try to play all the games you want, but the fact of the matter is you can look at arabs and they look different. This includes many southern europeans, and Greeks are basically indistinguishable from Turks, since they were Turks for so long. >>917 >and north african lol
>>913 Genetic percentage. Spaniards are swarthy but if bred with an average middle European their children would be plainly white. Saying "race doesn't exist" is as mistaken as saying that only blue eyed, blonde haired people are worthy of life. They are the flip side of the same extremist coin.
>>886 Finally finished: https://archive.vn/f1GVQ archive takes so long these days.
>>913 Ironically whiter than most of Europe. >>912 They like to play both sides when it convenience them. Hell, they might be white americans pretending to be jews just for the social credit. >>918 Before the arabic invasions North Africa was ethnically greek.
What were the video archiving addresses? because they fired the bitch talking about white supremacy in Coca Cola and want to post sources.
>>922 best way is to download it yourself, usually with youtube-dl, and upload to catbox.moe and bitchute and such, the rest like invidio.us stream from youtube
>>923 Ok, fuck it, too much work. Take my word or just google it. Or don't, I'm not your father.
>>922 Video archiving is just downloading the video to your computer.
>>906 That's mostly down to black culture being a totally artificial thing to make sure black people are still exploitable as political capital. There's really nothing actually stopping black people (at least in america, obviously, the situation is different in european/old world countries.) From joining the greater American culture. Other than one cheek of the ass we call our government needing black people to keep it from going flat.
>>834 It's not that he says it, but how he says it. I know a lot of people who drop nigger pretty casually when among friends. I've yet to see someone like Biden who drops it so casually on national television. >>808 >>841 Thanks. >>874 It wouldn't surprise me if he has actual cp on his computer or phone. That's how it typically is with these fags. >>886 Vaporware 2 should bring some good laughs. >>911 As others have mentioned, Jews only consider themselves White when they need to pass the blame onto someone else or when they're trying to trick the goyim. >>913 >Is X White? It depends on the individual, and it's usually more helpful to describe Spaniards as just being Spaniards. Spain was enslaved by the Muslims for 800 years. That's plenty of time for race-mixing to occur. However, one cannot say that they all race-mixed either.
>>913 They are Maghrebi Arab/Berber Celtic-Germanic Latin hybrids.
>>913 European descendants. You could stretch it to Caucasoids, to include everyone who's a descendant of the people from the Caucasus, but that gets into some peoples who are rather swarthy (not black, though) from North Africa, Persia, the Levant.
>>245353 >>245352 >>245351 >niggerpill arrives at the slightest wiff of perceived apathy Like clockwork
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>>886 Got an Engadget article in the archive queue myself. The game is delayed indefinitely until Paradox can find a replacement dev. They are also no longer accepting preorders.
>niggerpill going all out
>>926 They will never be able to integrate. Lincoln and his VP Andrew Johnson figured that, post-war, they'd deport all the Africans to Liberia, but instead only a small amount of them were. Giving them the vote in the South, where they outnumbered Whites, turned out to be more important to carpetbaggers because they figured out how to manipulate them. Anon, ask yourself, do you think it was right to attempt to integrate a people who have an average IQ 15 points below that of whites? Hell, with segregation, Blacks were at least building up their own capital over time, then taxpayer-funded films like "The Secret Selling of the Negro" put out the idea of ending segregation and having big business cater to everyone (which rubbed out most black businesses because they can't compete with the greater population). There is everything stopping blacks from integrating and it's mostly themselves, as they will never be able to. Most of the incidents you heard of that occurred 50+ years ago of blacks moving into white neighborhoods happened because of jews arranging it to happen to challenge segregation.
>>886 I don't know how many lurk other sites to see how different communities react to things like this happening, but upon the spam that was made towards the end of the last thread, it made me curious as to what certain shitposters were up to and found this: https://arch.b4k.co/v/thread/545539706/#q545549108 Christ, how many are in the dark about the webring? I wouldn't want the likes of /cow/ here, but between them and /tv/, it makes me ponder as to the amount of cultural osmosis there is among the internet. Wonder how ResetERA will react to the game coming out, if it ever does it all.
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>>935 You don't want these people here in the first place.
>>935 Let them stay in the dark. Once word starts spreading and a catalyst event occurs the webring will be forever fucking uncomfy and I want to enjoy this phase for awhile longer before leaving imageboards again when they become unusable.
>>934 If you actually have blacks not be raised around gehtto nogs and have them around sane people both white and black they turn out fine. It's not that black people can't integrate it's a mix of that they weren't allowed to fully and the worst of nogs poison the youth. Every black person not from a gehtto or shit lib area tend to be alright people.
>>938 Anon, I'm telling you it's been tried. It doesn't work in aggregate. They won't all come out like Thomas Sowell.
>>911 Jews and Arabs aren't white dumbass, Whites means Northern European or does who have ancestry to the Ancient Euros who lived in Europe for thousands of years. You quite literally do not know what you're talking about, because Greeks aren't closer to Jews or any one from Levant other than the Greeks and Europeans who have settled there due to the Roman Empires and the crusade. Greeks are closer to Swedes than any kike or Middle Eastern. Most Euro Jews have ancestry from Southern Europe which is why they are closer to Europeans just like Northern Jews are closer to Northern Euros. You're making shit up and being completely retarded.
>>921 >Before the arabic invasions North Africa was ethnically greek. Before the arabic invasions, Egypt was full of black kangs and sheiiit. Regardless of if it's true, it's irrelevant now.
>>921 >Before the arabic invasions North Africa was ethnically greek. No, there were greek settlements but there were plenty more people, cartheginians for example.
>>245028 I wouldn't count conservatives out just yet. There's a lot more dissident right wingers out there now and that number seems to be growing every day. The other day a poll found that a majority of republicans would abandon the GOP to follow a new Trump party. On the one hand >Trump It ain't the most ideal. On the other hand though is shows that right wingers are no longer entranced by the same old political narratives by the usual suspects anymore and that they're about to leave the reservation.
>>941 Blacks were slaves and came from a land beyond the Sahara. The only dynasty in Egypt that was black was so incompetent they destroyed the kingdom. >>942 Well, that too, but Cartheginians were everywhere to be fair. >>943 Well, between a gunshot in the balls and a little squeeze you barely have any choise.
>>944 >The only dynasty in Egypt that was black was so incompetent they destroyed the kingdom. Frankly Egypt was pretty much on the way at that point anyway.
>>944 >Blacks were slaves and came from a land beyond the Sahara. The only dynasty in Egypt that was black was so incompetent they destroyed the kingdom. You missed the point. And the second and last sentence of the post, which explicitly explains the point. It doesn't matter who lived there long ago. That has no merit in an argument about the modern peoples. Saying North Africa used to be Greek is as useless as saying Egypt used to be Black. North Africa isn't Greek now and Egypt isn't Black now. Also neither claim is actually accurate, but that's irrelevant. Actually, maybe North Africa is Greek now, since Greeks are just arabs anyway after centuries of just being Turks.
>>751 Update: Empress is claiming that Fit>Girl and other redditors ratted >her to the police. https://archive.is/BrdDU It definitively is a manufactured story created for attention and a possible excuse to quit the crack scene after the drama, considering how cops were kind enough to tell >her that >she will be arrested, giving >her enough time to make that post explaining the details of >her situation.
>>946 Aren't turks more persian related?
>>948 Turks are mountain men that have nothing to do with any of the Arabian/Semitic races.
>>876 I chortle, because I spent the last 6 hours playing sims 3 and that was my exact experience.
>>948 >>949 Those people are all arabs, anon. Look at them. I know Turks and even Iranians try to claim they're white, but then how come we can look at them and see they aren't? Just fuck off with this shit. It's sad. It's like that one court case where the indian guy tried to claim he was white because his ancestry was from the Caucasus mountains or something. You can try to play all the games you want about this, but the fact of the matter is you can look at them and see that they're fucking arab.
>>245426 You're a fucking idiot on multiple levels, but I can't be certain this isn't bait so I refuse to argue further.
>>947 As much bullshit as the claim sounds it's not unprecedented that law enforcement would act similarly in that situation (as in notifying the suspect prior to an arrest), at-least going by what I recall from watching DEFCON presentations.
>>809 >Critical thinking >As we're taught to do it Name the jew, faggot. Critical thinking isn't the issue, critical theory is. Academia has conflated these two concepts all the way down to the middle school level.
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I just found out about this network of animal abuse and fake"animal rescue"videos steaming mostly from Vietnam, this shit makes me sick. We clearly didn't bomb enough of these riceniggers. I've never felt this fucking mad at something. I would sign up to the fucking Army right now if it meant ridding the world of these gooks https://yewtu.be/watch?v=1WXZU6CTVts
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>>956 To say this pisses me off is a vast understatement.
Empress is a mentally ill tranny.
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>>956 Now you've made me mad. Nukes upon these niggers.
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How do we feel about Lilith Lovett?
>>960 He does/did porn?
>>960 We don't give a fuck. We're angry at slants abusing cats.
>>956 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k9DO26O6dIg South east Asia is a shithole.
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>>961 Yes he does
>>964 Wow he's an even bigger fag than I thought.
>>960 who's this faggot and why should I care about it
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>>960 Fuck off with your gay Cory lookalike.
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>>827 >rape fantasies being a kink >whereas pedophilia and beastiality is straight up disgusting and illegal. <Thinks rape is legal and not disgusting to many Plenty of people saying these mods themselves are illegal too.
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>>960 Savage
>>968 Well, if we're talking about raping women, then yeah it should be legal.
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>>245455 that doesn't answer my second question. why should anyone care about this faggot?
>>972 Because he's supposedly in our circle and is said to be a "based tranny". I was wondering if anyone knew him during Gamergay.
>>973 Do you want to know how I know you are not from here?
>>973 Nigger no one knows this guy and if anyone is calling him le based are probably normalfags considering he's a e-celeb on twatter.
>>974 Do you want to suck my cock? >>975 >Nigger no one knows this guy and if anyone is calling him le based are probably normalfags considering he's a e-celeb on twatter Except Acidcuck and Mork.
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>>973 >>976 Who gives a shit about twitter tards?
>>976 >Except Acidcuck and Mork. What does this even mean?
>>975 Acid and Mark do not represent us nor are the the eyes of GG. This tranny is a literal who and isn't anyone important, so there is no reason for you to bring him up whatsoever. There is no such thing as a "based" tranny, based faggot, or based nigger and anyone who uses the word based is likely a normalnigger.
>>245474 Serious question are you a CIA nigger or just a normalfag who lost his way on here?
>>980 Look at his posts, it's probably 7260fd astroturfing
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>>245474 >spoiler I expected better from you, Kurofag.
>>983 I am weak & horny.
>>245474 Get out.
>>976 Acid likes blacked porn and Mark likes to eat unhealthy amounts of cake Is that also something you do? Or do you have a brain and tune that shit out.
>>986 >Acid likes blacked porn If he is not a black guy, this is literally the worst fetish possible, one directly pushed by (((them)))
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>>794 >>795 >>802 >pic >>886 HA >>245474 >spoiler kill yourself faggot
>>980 If you haven't realized Mark has invited a couple of Twitter fags on here and thus this retard somehow found himself here. Although it's not impossible for a cuckchanner to migrate here.
>>984 Becoming less horny will make you less of a faggot anon.
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>>245474 >spoiler
>>990 I know already this is not true.
>>984 You are a grown-ass man and you are acting like a teenage girl, reconsider your life choices.
>>245474 >Guaranteed replies
>>993 I don't think teenage girls have dicks to fap.
>>876 >>878 Sims 3 itself was a downgrade from Sims 2. Right up till they released 2-3 expansions.
>>977 >Who gives a shit about twitter tards? Corporations.
>>864 >Why do research organizations waste time & effort on homophobia research ? Grants by NGOs, yo. All of science is based on the whims of a few political leaders and activists, and this is not the first time it happened. >>873 Well I heard the Right to Repair case is going well, so that's 1 - 1 >>876 >the aristocrats! kek'd >>913 Generally speaking is whatever race doesn't go to BLM riots.
>>997 So soulless fucks then?
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>>997 Don't remind me.
>>245516 >All these mental gymnastics Fuck off pedonigger.
>>245516 >people that don't molest children have no right to judge people that do molest children You cry about people equating violent rape with molestation while equating beating off the drawings to actively proposing that there's nothing wrong with molesting children. Once again pedoniggers prove themselves to be utterly brain dead and completely incapable of forming coherent arguments. I must admit I absolutely fucking adore this new approach to trying to weaponize loli in an attempt to normalize your degenerate hedonism. In a world where all pedoniggers weren't completely fucking retarded they might even make that strategy actually work to some degree. Too bad you're all complete fucking idiots.
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What the hell?
>>996 I would say it was a huge technological leap in the right direction, just piss poorly executed having the open neighborhoods, working reflections, free camera movement, simulating offscreen households to keep the world feeling more alive, it was all good ideas, but they fucked up performance of it so hard, and the expansions was like trying to build a cathedral on top of a house of cards
Will pedokikes ever understand that they are not welcome here just because anons post lolicon?
>>245527 >(1) nice ban evasion
>>245527 You're conveniently ignoring the fact that his entire post is a strawman. No one ITT was equating violent rape or "pedosadism" with molestation. He then proceeds to declare that lolifags can't take issue with pedoniggers based on that strawman. For someone who claims to want mature and coherent discussion you don't seem to have an even basic level of reading comprehension.
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>>1005 We get many types of retards here >unironic pedos >Loli is pedo fags >Anti porn fags >One legit crack head who showed up >Some guy trying to brag about how because he had a thot he was better then us But I will say these threads are best thing since old school /pol/ and /his/ threads for the characters who show. As the saying goes you can't have circus without a few clowns. >>245527 >>245529 You aren't fucking subtle. >maturity of the discussions that happen on ATF I can't take you seriously at all.
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>>1008 >One legit crack head who showed up
>>1009 I wish I was making this shit up anon and I forget to add these two >Fungus nigger who shat up /pol/ and the gg threads with his Corona is a fungal illness >One mental invalid who defended bug chasing I'm sure I'm missing more but good lord we could write a whole wiki on the retards who show up here.
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>>245527 >the maturity of the discussions that happen on ATF
>>1003 Unwanted outsiders shit up the thread with irrelevant horse-shit like e-whores. >>1008 I think he's an astro-turfer, he isn't wanted nor are his posts allowed, shit like this has happened before.
>>911 >Jews and Arabs are both White Semites are filthy middle eastern vermin.
>>984 Kurofriend stop stop touching yourself to 3DPD troons and come to the Sekiro thread >>>/from/6
>>973 I mean I've known who >she is for years and is pro-gg but I can't think of anything notable about him other than that.
>>245534 >Except you're doing exactly what he said you'd do I can say you're going to respond to my next post. That prediction coming true is not an argument >inb4 you disagree with me Now you can't disagree with me because I'm predicted that you're going to do just that. The fact that you think this is some rhetorical gotchya is both sad and hilarious. >when the only distinction you make between the two is that one is rape and the other is rape without the intercourse I'm making the same distinction he did, so I'm not sure how this is relevant. I'm just calling non-violent sex acts with children molestation instead of "child adult sex". These are both optics games and as I don't expect a pedophile to play into my optics they shouldn't expect me to play into theirs. If you're incapable of navigating a conversation without getting caught up in the optics of your language then you shouldn't be attempting these kinds of discussions in the first place as it doesn't sound like you're mature enough yet. >Why do you expect anyone to make a rational decision to make a distinction between loli and CP when you're just as incapable of making rational decisions on this subject and are only defending loli because its what you personally like? I don't expect anyone to make rational decisions on anything. Whether or not individuals are rational actors has no bearing on reality. >Had you not liked loli you'd be in the same boat as the people trying to ban it because thats where your rationale or lack thereof leads. I don't like loli. I think all porn is degenerate. It's ironic that you talk about maturity while you can't even fathom someone being capable of compartmentalizing their own moral systems when discussing larger ethical issues. Once again pedoniggers disappoint me. One day I'd love to encounter a pedonigger capable of forming an argument that is worth even considering.
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>>245527 >the maturity of the discussions that happen on ATF
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>>1017 topkek
>>990 What about post-op trannies
>>914 They don't embrace it either unless it suits them retard, fuck them and you.
>>1016 Its not an optics game, words have meanings and you're removing the distinction he created by labeling them both as an act of rape. You accuse him of strawmanning you when you've done exactly what he said you'd do.
>>1021 >Its not an optics game, words have meanings and you're removing the distinction he created by labeling them both as an act of rape. It is an optics game because he's using language that implies it's morally permissible and I'm using language that implies it's not morally permissible. There is nothing wrong with either of these, we're both just using language consistent with our positions. You don't seem mentally equipped to handle this caliber of conversation if you're unironically getting stuck on something this simple.
>>1008 >>1011 >>1017 Compared to here? Absolutely. Trying to go against the preconceived narratives here is like trying to go against the preconceived narratives on /pol/, there is no discussion to be had and all the posts on the "wrong" end of the discussion will be censored to prevent further wrongthink.
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>>1023 >Compared to here? Absolutely.
>>1023 I mean I'm having a discussion with your right now and you're getting hung up on shit that even high school philosophy students I've spoken with are perfectly able to grasp. You have to admit the irony of appealing to maturity while failing to navigate the conversation this badly is pretty hilarious.
>>1022 Morality doesn't even factor into it at all, it would be like saying when premarital sex was immoral that would make it an act of molestation or rape. Whether or not its moral is irrelevant to what the act entails. >>1025 Yet most of the discussion has been wiped clean so nobody will ever get to see both sides, they'll see you insistently insulting my intelligence in every single response you make to me and assume the worst when in reality its just a showcase of your insecurity.
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>>1026 >>1025 What if I told you fags, "Videogaymes"
>>1027 What if I told you this is the only board with a pulse on this site because you retards waited until the last possible moment to ditch jim and so theres nothing left of the userbase?
>>1027 This is the gg thread, its /b/.
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>>1026 >so nobody will ever get to see both sides Live updates. Everyone can see you being a retarded pedonigger. It just won't be in the archive.
>>1030 I guess I just assumed there could be people coming to the thread after the fact when in reality the dozen of us on this site are probably already here, my mistake.
>>1028 What if I told you that site was dead as soon as it made Qboomers the target userbase? I just wish that each iteration didn't get fucked because of a few niggers getting salty over 2D drawings.
>>1032 It was dead the day jim took over in 2015, if mark had the balls to do then what he finally did here then we might've ended up with an 8chan that has some semblance of activity still. But he wanted to desperately hold onto his 15 minutes of fame afraid that if he took a chance that it would end in his irrelevancy.
>>1026 >Morality doesn't even factor into it at all The entire conversation is about morality. You're not even saying things that make sense at this point, come on dude. >it would be like saying when premarital sex was immoral that would make it an act of molestation or rape It seems like you don't even know what molestation is so we can go over the basics for you. The reason why having sex with a child is problematic is because a child can not comprehend their actions and potential consequences. They don't have the intellectual capacity to understand having children and how family units should be formed and why they should be formed in a specific way. A child can technically provide "consent" to just about anything, but consent is a completely meaningless concept in and of itself. What we really mean when we apply the concept of consent to adults is informed consent, consent that is given with an adequate understanding of the potential consequences to be able to make that decision while in a competent state of mind. This is why we call sex acts involving adults and children molestation. They are inherently immoral because the child can not provide informed consent while the adult can fully comprehend their actions. Premarital sex is immoral for a number of other reasons. But we don't label every instance of premarital sex as molestation because we generally agree that at a certain point people have enough understanding of the world around them to be able to provide informed consent. I feel like someone seeking "mature" discussions on the matter shouldn't need things like this explained to them. It's almost as if you're being purposefully obtuse because you know you don't have anything of substance to argue with.
>>911 >Jews and Arabs are both White, if you apply the same standards to your definition of White, that you apply to your definition of all other races. Nice try kike. Semites are sandnigger trash, a totally different blood, race, and linage that operate on thievery, deception, misdirection, and appropriating the race, culture, traditions and history of other. They are impostors; they are among everyone, but are noone - they are an anti-race hell bent on the destruction of all that is homogeneous. In other words: they are parasitic thieves, subhuman in every sense. The shit that must be scraped from the collective heels of humanity.
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>>1010 >Fungus nigger who shat up /pol/
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Whoever equated furries to pedoniggers hit the nail right in the head. They are both as delusional as the other.
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>>1008 You forgot Vtuber faggots and nigger pill.
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>>1014 how the fuck did you add a custom font >>1017 Shitposts aside, ATF is pretty civilized for what one would expect of a forum about porn. Even their political subforum is freer than most /pol/s and general purpose sites (reddit, twitter, "alt tech" platforms, etc) despite (or thanks to) being a melting pot of all kinds of ideologies who surprisingly don't get banned as often as many other places. It kinda reminds me of these threads when two anons who are debating each other pick and dissect the entirely of each other's posts to refute or correct them, except that everyone has uncensored porn and links to Skyrim mods under their posts.
>>1038 Thanks anon.
>>1039 >how the fuck did you add a custom font I don't know. I'm not the BO.
>>1039 How would you know that? Do YOU browse that site anon? I feel bad for you.
>>956 Southeast Asia is a godless shithole just like China, these people have very little sympathy towards animals. Does South America also suffer the same problem? >>1010 Is there a screencap of this?
>>1043 >Is there a screencap of this? There were /pol/ archives of it that I'd have to look for.
>>1034 You've just admitted that the reason you make the distinction has nothing to do with morality but what you think is an objective inferiority in the minds of people under a certain age and that even in a place where its morally acceptable you would still find it an act of molestation because of those objective facts. Though I find it funny you'd mention "how family units should be formed" when ever since things like statutory rape laws were enacted the family unit has disintegrated and we've now got an epidemic of single mothers and divorce. Its almost like women can't be trusted to form a family unit even at the peak of their development and thats why they were married young to men who had their best interests in mind.
Could someone with more knowledge about economics than I help me with something? I was watching Dr. Salerno's presentation from CPAC 2011, and something didn't sound right: https://invidious.tube/watch?v=eb9plNmw4ns The guy claims that, in 1914, there was $11 billion ($247.43 billion adjusted for inflation) in circulation. In the century since, by 2011, that amount increased to $10 trillion in circulation. Now, the part I'm confused by is why that's necessarily a bad thing. On the surface, I can understand the fact that having more money in circulation means that the dollar is worth less, and tying that to a commodity prevents the Feds from blowing the budget. That, I understand. HOWEVER, I'm questioning is the part where they're pointing to that number and trying to say that that alone is the reason why "things are so terrible". Using some simple napkin math, I was curious what would be the proportional difference if you "redistributed the wealth" (Basically took all that money in circulation, divided it equally among the population, and giving everyone the same amount of money). Using the 1914 numbers, with a population of 99,111,000, each person would receive $111 ($2,496.82 adjusted for inflation). Using the 2011 numbers, with a population of 310,500,000, each person would receive $32,206. Now, looking at that number alone (If I'm understanding things right), it seems scary how much things have gone "up", until you look at costs of other goods. A gallon of milk in 1914 cost $0.12 ($2.70 adjust for inflation to 2011) and a loaf of bread cost $0.06 ($1.35 adjust for inflation): https://archive.vn/pug5u Then, fast forwarding to TODAY, you can go to some random store like Walmart, and find the price for a gallon of milk costing $2.29 and a loaf of bread costing $2.98. In other words (Adjusting for inflation), the price for milk has decreased while bread prices have doubled. But, that's only part of it. <Look at the average household income in 1918 (Closest year I can find). Apparently, with an average family size of 5 people, the average household income was $1518 ($34,145.74 adjusting for inflation). Fast-forwarding to 2015 (Again, closest year I can find), with a family size of 3, that income increased to $56,277 (About 50% increase in income over 97 years): https://archive.vn/FHSVv But, that's not the only part. Looking at the cost of milk and bread in proportion to the average income, the bread and food cost .00012% of the average income in 1914, meanwhile the bread and food ONLY costs .000094% of the average income in 2015. In other words, when you look at the actually money needed to be spent, cost have generally deflated in practice, while ONLY increasing on paper. And, this is just shitty napkin math that I produced on the spot with no degree or college education in economics, markets, or finances. Why is it people are treating the current financial situation like there's some crisis to be had when prices have overall decreased only for people's standards of living having increased?
>>1043 > Does South America also suffer the same problem? Some of it, not all. Countries like Argentina, Chile and Uruguay are fairly civilized and then you have shitholes like Venezuela and Peru.
>>1046 OK.
>>1043 >Does South America also suffer the same problem? Most of the animal abuse videos i've seen either come from Russia or some eastern block shithole, SE Asia (specially flips and nams) and China. Mudslimes have that one festivity were they kill ("sacrifice") a bunch of goats and in South Africa niggers kill the cattle owned by whites in pretty gruesome ways.
>>1008 >pedofags >"everything is pedo" fags >anti-pornfags >porn addicts >niggerpill >lol/cow/s >listfag >that guy who thinks everyone is listfag >the brazilian from OAG >anti-vtuberfags >vtuber orbiters >that guy who copypastes entire articles that aren't remotely related to the board >Qfags >blogfag(s?) who constantly posts about his/her shit life, making dozens of people reply and share their own stories >that nigger who refuses to use archives >that fucking mod who deletes by IP and leaves threads like the doors of a public toilet Anything I'm missing? >>1042 I made an account on their forums because I thought it was needed to see "hidden" tags on the booru just like in Sankaku, but after realizing my mistake I decided to lurk around the forums for easier access to porn mods.
>>1043 Japan? They always seemed like the aristocrats of that region.
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>>1050 What about those random guys that post about dolphin and horse vaginas?
look up when income taxes and sales taxes were added for burgers, and then add an arbitrary amount for all the other bullshit taxes
>>1053 meant for >>1046
>>1046 because you forgot about the hundreds of trillions of debt in circulation around the world and people realizing that you can just not pay it back and it doesn't matter (except if you want a loan).
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Illinois lawmaker makes dumb statement saying that they should ban GTA because of increased carjacking. This is talking about 2020 specifically. Maybe there is another reason like, I don't know, the forced lockdowns and the support of "mostly peaceful protests" by BLM by the MSM. They also forget that the franchise has been going on a long time so until they prove a direct correlation between increased carjacking with the popularity of the series at 3 when it became white hot popular, they hardly have a case to begin with even with their flawed logic of blaming GTA for increased carjackings in 2020. Obvious video game blame game but also deflection away from pointing to the government to take responsibility for their own incompetence and actions. https://archive.vn/lTeuR
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>>1052 Anon no.
>>1052 I like how their detailed descriptions of animal genitalia confuse anons and in some cases gives them boners.
>>1045 >You've just admitted that the reason you make the distinction has nothing to do with morality but what you think is an objective inferiority in the minds of people under a certain age and that even in a place where its morally acceptable you would still find it an act of molestation because of those objective facts. How we treat people less then us is literally a corner stone of moral frameworks you fucking retard. What the fuck do you think morality even is? I'm not going to read the rest of your post until you give me your understanding of morality because it's becoming increasingly clear that you're either too retarded to handle this conversation or you're baiting.
>>1059 >or you're baiting. He clearly is, why do I even bother saying this anymore.
>110 days to E3 it's actually happening this time, in digital form, the other show was some last minute garbage Geoff put out, not that E3 itself will be any better
>>1047 >>1049 I'm kinda curious on how some South Americans treat animals in their receptive countries, knowing that those people suffer from corrupt politicians and lots of crime. >>1050 >Anything I'm missing? You're missing >idolnigger >stutternigger >that one paganfag who shits up the thread when anons talk about religion
>>1039 Where is the custom font
>>1059 You aren't going to address the rest of my post because it pokes holes in the idea of a perfect equality between the sexes when they're anything but and once that happens your whole house of cards collapses as you have to grasp at straws to justify the double standard of why you're allowed to fuck someone lesser than you and not have it be rape but I'm not.
>>1050 I'd say you got about 80%. The ones I think you're missing: >Anons that spam shota/loli whenever they can >Anons that try to talk about their fetishes whenever they can >Anons that actually try to keep discussions civil >Secret jews >Fedposters >Cuckchan refugees >The occassional schizoid I'm sure I'm missing some too.
>>1063 Names, titles and redtext (the == one) use Marcellus SC, and as far I know custom and remote fonts on don't work on custom CSS yet.
<<245613 >because it pokes holes in the idea of a perfect equality between the sexes when they're anything but Strawman, also you didn't explain your understanding of morality so I'm done responding.
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>>1061 oh boy, I can't wait for more disappointment
>>1067 I'm not going to let you derail the discussion into the vagueries of morality when I've finally reached the crux of it all where you have to justify your double standard, and what a surprise that when we've reached that point you throw up your hands and give up because it isn't justified and we both know it.
>Deleted Wait no, not now, do that later when I'm having an autism fit. You can tell the difference between greentext and other text, right? >>1050 You forgot me, even though I was here just last thread and the beginning of this one. For clarity, I'm >I'm retarded, please delete my posts >Asooka blacked dot png >(119) >https://archive.fo/TB7Ww#selection-62651.0-62651.1 And maybe a few other things I forget.
>>1070 cuckold fetish GONE WRONG
>>1050 >Anything I'm missing? Yeah your chill pills. Stop giving these niggers attention.
>>1046 Because people want simple narratives supporting their pet causes. People are a LOT wealthier than they used to be, and anyone pretending that isn't true is bullshitting you. To further your food example, it wasn't that long ago that food was a big portion of a household's budget, one that poor people struggled to afford, and now it's just not anymore. "Tightening your belt" used to be literal, because eating less saved real money. Looking it up, the first result says in 1900 food was 40% of an average family's budget, in 1950 it was 30%, and in 2013 it was 10%. And the difference would be much bigger if people still tried to eat cheaply. That said, there are a few notable things that in recent decades have gotten more expensive as fast or faster than people have gotten richer, specifically housing, healthcare, and education. This is sometimes called "cost disease" and there's various potential reasons for it. One is that, as everything else becomes more efficient and less labor-intensive, the value of labor increases and people get paid more, which means the jobs that require the same amount of labor get more expensive. Another is that those markets are not very competitive (people barely know or care how much they pay for healthcare with how health insurance works) but are necessary enough that people don't opt out, so they become less efficient and soak up more money as people can afford it, with the money going to pay for things like more and more useless administrators. Another is actual quality - houses are better insulated, there's higher standards for training jobs like electricians, and it's not even legal to make a house as shitty as the ones poorer people used to live in. This can overlap with the prior category when it's not clear just how much an additional requirement is actually necessary. In any case it doesn't really seem to have anything to do with monetary policy.
>>1054 >>1053 > Residents of New Jersey pay the highest on average at around $19,977 per year https://archive.vn/T3GYB <That would leave the remaining 2015 income as $36,300 >1. Louisiana (10.02%) https://archive.vn/0jztm <That increases the price of milk and bread to $5.80 <That means that income taxes in Jersey and paying Louisiana's sales tax results in you spending 0.00016% of you average income. However, I cannot find anything on the tax rates (Both income and sales) back in 1914, so all that's changed in my conclusion is that...nothing has changed.
>>1073 Healthcare costs are inflated by kike insurance companies. But other than that you're pretty right.
>>1020 >They don't embrace it either >Thinking any of this means a shit to a black person and his need for gibs and his need for an opressor You're not thinking of the long game.
>>1052 I am not proud to be that guy but you guys are the only people I am willing to talk to about that kind of stuff. I had to let it out im sorry.
>>1004 Agreed, i feel by carving out content to release at a later date. They effectively hobbled themselves, so when these content are "reintroduced" it sometimes manages to be a detriment to core game.
https://archive.vn/F8KfD Apache Software Foundation (ASF) drops co-founder from the TinkerPop project over “offensive tweets” >The Apache Software Foundation (ASF) ousted Marko Rodriguez from the TinkerPop project, a project he co-founded, because of his tweets. What Rodriguez sees as him exercising his freedom of expression was viewed as hate speech by ASF in today’s increasingly intolerant world, and a violation of the organization’s code of conduct. >“I was removed from the project I started 11 years ago for ‘publishing offensive humor that borders on hate speech,'” Rodriguez said in a statement emailed to The Register. >The TinkerPop project is an open source graph computing and analytics framework. Rodriguez is also the CEO of ReduX, a consultancy that provides graph and stream computing services. >He continued to allege that he was removed because of Big Tech. >“However, now that Big Tech has secured the ASF board, it is a way to ‘shut me up’ about the monopolistic practices of Big Tech,” Rodriguez said. The computer science guru believes that “woke culture” is supported by Big Tech. Woke culture helps protect big-tech’s economic monopoly “by monopolizing the ideology of the people,” according to Rodriguez. >According to Rodriguez, his colleagues in the TinkerPop project discussed the tweets and concluded that while the “non-Apache affiliated Twitter account” he ran “presents racy satire” the company has no “right to tell him he is wrong.” >However, the ASF board did not agree with his colleagues. The board removed him claiming he broke the non-profit’s code of conduct. >“The ASF Board of Directors removed an individual from an organizational committee that makes decisions on behalf of one of our many projects,” an ASF spokesperson said. “This action was taken, in accordance with the ASF Bylaws, to protect our community of contributors.” >Rodriguez blasted ASF for their attempts to police free speech. >“I like to tweet, so I tweet. If Apache likes to police tweets, then may they police tweets,” Rodriguez replied. “The question becomes: do they really like to police tweets? Are they finding as much joy in policing tweets as I find in tweeting tweets? If so, then we are both happy and the world rejoices. If not, then how can we help Apache find joy … For joyless people ultimately impede those that do find joy in what they do,” he said in an email to The Register. >In another email, he claimed that he had received death threats from people demanding he apologize for his remarks. He added that such people assume he is a Trump supporter. “I’ve never voted,” he said. “I simply don’t care.” >The tweets that led to his removal from a project he helped get off the ground were posted on a Twitter account that had only 47 followers at press time. >In an email to the board, obtained by The Register, Rodriguez called on the board to avoid being “another organization of fools that sway in the breeze of the mob’s zeitgeist.” >Following his removal from the project, several ASF members have left, including one member of the board, Niclas Hedhman. In Hedhman’s opinion, the removal of Rodriguez is “cancel culture.” >“When the internet was new, we all knew that a written message is flawed and any perceived wrong-doing is likely because I am reading it wrongly,” Hedhman wrote in an email to The Register. “Now, it is the opposite. All words/sentences are interpreted in the most absurd way possible, assigning malice when there clearly isn’t any or the other way around. Newspeak is in full swing, and professional victimhood is elevated to religion, complete with hierarchy, clergy, constituents and scribes.” >Hedhman did acknowledge the inflammatory nature of Rodriguez’s tweets, but argued that in the US it’s not against the law to be offensive. >“The tweets in question were obvious satire, ‘bad/dark humor’ and trolling for the sake of making people upset,” said Hedhman. >“It was the essence of why I am not on Twitter and think it is the worst plague that has been inflicted on humans in recent years. I didn’t like Marko’s tactics, but I can understand his angle.” >“If speech is not allowed to be offensive, it would not need protection,” he added.
>>1064 men and women are not equal, and they're allowed to have sex because otherwise there are no kids being born.
>>1079 Remember that Trump in 4 years did jackshit about crap like this despite his people were years pestering him about it. These companies need to be burned into the ground literally
>>1073 Housing's up because kike speculation and allowing foreigners/non-US corporations to buy up properties left and right. Healthcare's up because of severe regulation strangulating it, and the massive amount of government gibs means guaranteed payouts to hospitals (most are run as non-profits) even if people can't pay for the visit. There's also medicare/medicaid being expanded in the majority of states, so the poorest people get healthcare (but it's shit), the middle class pay out the nose for healthcare (unless they're employer gives it to them but it's shittier ever since the ACA), and the rich don't care because they never cared (and the ultrarich are trying to re-enact age of empires-like controls in real life via increased technological dependence for the plebs). Your labor isn't worth more, you're being forced to compete with illegals (if you do manual labor of almost any kind, even TRADES depending on where you live), outsourcing, or the global marketplace (H-1B visas bringing in pajeets, changs, and other assorted characters because corporations (especially multi-nationals) don't want to have to pay too much for labor)). Really, it can all be solved by being heavily mercantilistic with regard to international capital, finance, and labor. That is, the USA (if it does not simply wish to be an economic zone, which it currently is) MUST be far more protectionist than it currently is in favor of American citizen interests. Domestically, within each state, free trade, sure. Between states, semi-regulated trade. Between the US and other countries? Heavily regulated trade. None of that's happening, though. A slow collapse is more likely.
>>1080 But its never framed as "we're abusing our lessers out of necessity", the inequality plays no factor in whether or not its inherently abusive.
>>1074 Did you account for social security and medicare/medicaid taxes, costs of living besides food (rent, mortgage, electrical, water)? Actually, nevermind. I'm reminded of a Black Pilled (aka Devon Stack) stream where he explained why most people don't have money: when they get a wage increase, they increase their spending to keep up and they're not really much wealthier due to this. However, if you "live poor" instead, while having the increase, you'll make bank over time.
>>1084 >However, if you "live poor" instead, while having the increase, you'll make bank over time. You mean living frugally, within you means, and NOT spending money that you do not have?
>>1085 It becomes harder when basic shit is expensive and other stuff is through the fucking roof.
>>1086 Care to explain using your finances as an example?
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>>1079 >It was the essence of why I am not on Twitter and think it is the worst plague that has been inflicted on humans in recent years Honestly most of social media is a fucking cancer destroying people's lives. https://archive.is/3OvLc
>>1085 Yeah, be frugal. It's more difficult if your rent is through the fucking roof, though. But then, you just need to save what little you can and fucking move. The job isn't worth it.
>>1086 Obviously the economy is not perfect, but a lot of retards will look for systemic solutions to problems they could solve themselves pretty easily. Normalniggers will sink ridiculous amounts of money into completely unnecessary shit and leave no room for investing or savings in their budget. Most of the time they aren't even any better off for spending that money either. Like buying a MacBook instead of a used chinkpad just so they can watch netflix and browse jewtube. Frugal living is a completely foreign concept to most people.
>>1088 >the Great Filter, isn't overpopulation >it's not nuclear war >it's not genetic engineering gone amok >it isn't an AI revolt or grey goo >it isn't beserker probes or alien invasion >it isn't Lovecraftian ultraterrestrial appearing to reap humanity <it's fucking Facebook and Twitter Apparently hell really is other people.
>>1065 Loli is love. Loli is life.
<<245666 That's some pretty terrible quality, and that's saying something for a tornigger
>>1090 >MacBook From what I have watched of Louis Rossman's videos on macbook disassembly and reccomendations of certain models, many seem like they have something that would make it a dealbreaker from buying one. >soldered SSDs >poor heatsink placement I know I'm not the target audience of Apple but I find it baffling. Would be nice of them to rerelease the original iPod but I have a feeling they would not only find a way to fuck it all up, but I doubt there would be any interest because most devices play MP3s now or the normalfag uses an online service such as Pandora, Spotify, or Apple Music to play the songs as opposed to downloading it themselves.
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>>1092 >666 >gif of loli being raped by monsters
>>1094 Repairability is another beast entirely. 99% of people just don't need the horsepower of more expensive computers but they don't know it. Like when local librarians buy iMac computers to process word documents because they have no idea a $100 refurbished computer would do the job just fine. Too many people are completely technologically illiterate and it contributes to an absolutely fucking massive amount of financial and literal e-waste. But as you said Apple products can not realistically be serviced either. So in 4 years when that librarians iMac has nuked itself into oblivion he won't be able to harvest the IPS panel from it, probably won't be able to get it open to save the HDD, it will just be completely useless and thrown away along with the $2000+ they spent on it because they didn't know any better.
The Smear Campaign Against ‘Hogwarts Legacy’ Developer Troy Leavitt https://archive.md/ptcH6 Erik Kain woke up today and decided for once not to be a total faggot.
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>>1091 all those old sci-fi shows tried to warn us, man really was the monster all along
>>1094 >soldered SSDs Holy shit, I didn't even know they did that. That's fucking trash.
>>1096 Didn't E-Machines get the same flack for making their PCs damn near uncustomizable by soldering it all together?
>>1100 probably, but they were put out of business because their computers looked too close to the all-in-one mac computers back in the day. sued to death.
>>1094 >poor heatsink placement the new macs don't have heat sinks at all lol
Anybody has an idea of what's going on with archive website? I has a 5k+ queue There's any alternative archive websites?
>>1102 They use the chassis as a heat sink because they're using ARM processors. >>1103 https://web.archive.org/ It's not perfect as it's more prone to take down requests but it works in a pinch and is better than nothing.
Louis Rossmann's videos on Apple's shit are worth a watch.
>>1104 >They use the chassis as a heat sink because they're using ARM processors. Well if they're going to make the entire thing out of zamak and brushed aluminum then they might as well make it do double duty as a heat sink.
I'm willing to admit that the M1 chips are impressive but it's a shame that apple is pushing ARM in their locked shit.
>>1097 Well is looks like Annie has finally ceased to be the darling of games journalists.
>>1095 >fat middle aged nips = monsters Not really.
>>1095 >that image >obsequious One of these is not like the others. /double
>>1081 >literally Glow a little harder, why don't ya?
>>1096 >local librarians buy iMac computers to process word documents because they have no idea a $100 refurbished computer would do the job just fine. I would be surprised if they still used those iMac G3s that ran Mac OS 9 because there's been a community effort to reviving the OS for modern-day usage (browsing the internet on it must be shit though, so would emulating vidya) >it will just be completely useless and thrown away along with the $2000+ they spent on it because they didn't know any better. I think what's worse is that past Apple products could be serviced as far as hunting for replacement parts went like the older iPhones, where they weren't serialized and stopped working/gimped the feature becaue your device's serial number conflicts with the installed part(s) number. Apple can sometimes do something good like magsafe charging (no worry about damaging the charging port on the MB if you trip over the wire) but their good is usually overshadowed by their stupid Think Different decisions. >>1099 They still do it now, as of last year. Don't expect it to change if the normalfags keep buying their shit https://archive.is/uZB7B >In the document, Apple says that the flash storage is indeed affixed to the logic board and cannot be removed. However, for the 4TB and 8TB configurations, Apple says that a flash storage expansion board is attached to a connector on the logic board. In the 256GB, 512GB, 1TB, and 2TB configurations, the expansion board and connector are not present. >Regardless of your configuration, you won't be replacing the SSD on your own. And even if you could, you'd lose all your data at best. Even worse, Apple also confirmed in the document that the T2 security chip means a new logic board will also mean any and all data will be lost. To give a good idea of longevity, my late 2000-early 2010 budget laptop still werks.
>>1096 I hate Applefags with all my soul.
>>1095 >Cunning I prefer cunny. Bunny cunny I haven't done nested spoilers since before 8kunny happened. I hope this doesn't fuck up.
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>>1079 >he said. “I simply don’t care.” >“When the internet was new, we all knew that a written message is flawed and any perceived wrong-doing is likely because I am reading it wrongly,” Hedhman wrote in an email to The Register. “Now, it is the opposite. All words/sentences are interpreted in the most absurd way possible, assigning malice when there clearly isn’t any or the other way around. Newspeak is in full swing, and professional victimhood is elevated to religion, complete with hierarchy, clergy, constituents and scribes.” >Hedhman did acknowledge the inflammatory nature of Rodriguez’s tweets, but argued that in the US it’s not against the law to be offensive. >“It was the essence of why I am not on Twitter and think it is the worst plague that has been inflicted on humans in recent years. I didn’t like Marko’s tactics, but I can understand his angle.” They're flying to close to the sun >>1088 >>1091 >Apparently hell really is other people. All this truths spoken have made me a happy man. >>1092 > The digits > The loli I'm going to bed. Its not getting better than this.
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>BTC was $58,000 in the last 24 hours >Then $45,000 >Now it's $50,000
>>1112 I have a dell inspiron from 2003 with a functional battery and HDD running antix and working great. The keyboard is amazing too, better than most thinkpad keyboards I've used. But it overheats pretty easily which can be an issue with the model I have. Still considering it has a shit heating solution I'm impressed it's still kicking.
>>1045 >when ever since things like statutory rape laws were enacted the family unit has disintegrated and we've now got an epidemic of single mothers and divorce. How does statutory rape laws enabled the huge increase of single mothers and divorces? >Its almost like women can't be trusted to form a family unit even at the peak of their development and thats why they were married young to men who had their best interests in mind. Men were always the head of a family since humans began as hunting gatherers and were always considered the best role model of leading their group. A family consisting of one parent, regardless if its one male or female, could be a disaster for kids because children always look up to their mothers and fathers. People who shit on the nuclear family like the Left don't understand the importance of having both a mother and a father because the two of them perform at different tasks that one outshines the other in their respective roles. >>1105 Does that guy live in New York? Because if he is, he's too sane to live there.
>>1097 >J K Rowling is anti trans >The harry potter video game is anti SJW Maybe they will finally read a different book
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>>1052 There's nothing wrong with dolphin posting
>>1095 Weird coincidence that I just read through that part in Chaos;Head and you happened to post that image.
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8chan.moe's onion is disconnecting at random. Other onions seem fine. >>1109 Fats bastards are spiritually monsters to such a degree that they've begun a physical transformation into them. >>1092 >>1095
>>1103 Here's a big list of archiving, bookmarking and caching projects: https://github.com/ArchiveBox/ArchiveBox/wiki/Web-Archiving-Community >>1104 I know, I'm just joking. >>1109 They're monsters wearing a humanoid skin. >>1099 They also solder the RAM in some models. >>1110 >what are sociopaths >>1116 I assume that Tether Inc/Bitfinex' settlement with NYAG that revealed how in 2017 the company only had enough funds to back 13% of Tether (the coin that is massively used to buy Bitcoin) scared a lot of people and caused a huge dip.
>>1117 >But it overheats pretty easily which can be an issue with the model I have. That's the issue I had with my old HP laptop. Solved the issue by buying one of those noisy lap-fans. Then the rechargeable battery died, and the replacement doesn't stay in the battery compartment (So, I cannot move the computer without it shutting off) and doesn't hold charge for longer than an hour (So it has to be constantly plugged in if I want to use it).
>>1109 >fat middle aged nips I thought that was El Ogro de las Americas.
>>1118 So far it looks like single fathers provide as good of an environment to raise healthy and sane kids as traditional families. But there are 2 selection effects that might distort the statistics: For a man to become the single parent, 1. he must be pretty much a saint and 2. the mother be a complete trainwreck. 1. distords the statistics in favor of single dads, 2. distords them against single dads as they wouldn't have the kids if they didn't have catastrophic judgement of characters regarding their spousal choices. For all we know, single dads may on average provide the objectively best environment to raise kids if those distorting effects could be eliminated - or they could be as shit as single moms. Damn shame that's a study that will never happen.
>>1124 >(So it has to be constantly plugged in if I want to use it). Most people don't leave their laptops plugged in?
>>1127 No, it's bad for the battery. Expect it to lose capacity and then bulge/explode. >>>/t/
>>827 >and their use violates our User Agreement Get fucked.
>>1127 >>1128 Isn't that only an issue if your laptop can only run off the battery? Most nowadays should be able to automatically switch to directly taking power from the outlet when the battery is full.
>>1130 It mitigates it but the implementation is imperfect and varies by manufacturer and model. I wouldn't trust the engineers who glue everything together and then vent heat at the joins to actually prevent long-term battery damage. Maybe mitigate it for two years until you're expected to buy another one, because laptops are just big phones now. My ThinkPad does not have such a measure and it's less than a decade old
>>1092 Why can't you retarded bumbling retards keep yourselves from posting utterly disgusting shit for ten fucking minutes, I swear to god.
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>>1132 here, have a cute pic of Chen to make you feel better
>>1079 What did he tweet?
>>1133 This is nice cute cat.
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>>1056 >Illinois lawmaker makes dumb statement saying that they should ban GTA because of increased carjacking. Reviewtechusa spent a video a damage controlling democrats calling for video game censorship again today.
>>1128 >leaving it plugged it all the time is bad for the battery I've read a lot of sources saying letting the battery go through a full charge cycle (fully discharge, then fully recharge, repeat) is also terrible and reduces the lifespan drastically due to the formation of dendrite crystals in the battery that end up shorting them out
>>245729 >thicc Africa is two blocks down.
>>245729 Childhood obesity has many severe long term health consequences.
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>>1092 What's the deal with Japs and ugly bastards?
>>1141 It's a good thing there's no obese children here, just a chubby loli.
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>>245753 no, Fuck 🎂 you, leatherman!
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>>751 >>244850 >>761 Update on the piracy catfight thing; Empress got caught red-handed by the cops, supposedly from the piracy community/fitgirl calling them on him. Left a passive-aggressive goodbye post on Leddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/CrackWatch/comments/lqs91b/finally_caught_by_the_police_goodjob_everyone/ https://archive.is/YBx55
>>1145 There's a good chance that, that's just a lie and the tranny is looking for a excuse to leave p2p while shitting on some people he hates.
>>1146 Probably. Trannies are mentally ill and usually poor but I'm pretty sure it's lawyer 101 to prevent your clients from saying anything until trial time. Then again, those Funimation VAs who screwed over Vic Mignogna liked to blab, but they at least had a lazy judge who didn't give a shit.
>>1148 Fuck, I completely overlooked that one.
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>>1133 Cute pic of Chen you say.
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>>1150 since when gifs have animated thumbnails?
>>1146 >>1147 >>1148 Actually, there might be a kernel of truth to this arrest; the attention whoring faggot had an interview with fucking Wired of all people. Probably left a paper trail. https://www.wired.com/story/empress-drm-cracking-denuvo-video-game-piracy/ https://archive.is/WwPWW
>>1151 Happens if they were imported from another site that animates thumbnails.
>>1152 >talking to the media >the media with giant corporate sponsors >sponsors you may be "costing" sales Asking for it, really.
China detains six people for 'insulting' soldiers killed in India border clash https://archive.is/rXEkl Indian pharma firms go local seeking to end reliance on China https://archive.vn/iHPtS What would a Poos vs bugmen war look like?
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>>1155 >What would a Poos vs bugmen war look like?
>>1155 Like a primitive slapfight with (((peacekeepers))) on various sides standing around awkwardly watching it. It'd be pretty disappointing.
EU humiliated: Brussels ‘backed down to China and allowed coronavirus censorship’ https://archive.vn/iQjhv Capcom Replaces Street Fighter 2 =+ Turbo's Hong Kong Flag With Chinese Flag on Switch! >The changes made towards a character's country flag in Street Fighter 2 Turbo are just one of several in the new Capcom Arcade Stadium compilation. https://archive.vn/cIO0Y While the European Union and woke corporation bend the knee to China. Poos are fighting China. The bugman fear the Poo
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>>1159 why take take the poo to the loo when you can take a bugman to the grave?
>>1155 >china detains CCP will arrest anyone for any reason real or imagined. They recently were arresting their fellow bugmen for begging for food/help due to abrupt china flu lockdowns leaving them starving for over 10 days. >>1155 Something short like a single battle that both sides will later claim to have won and to have acted in self defense in an effort to appeal to the global community watching on. >>1158 (lucky) >replace Hong Kong Flag With Chinese Flag Those insects really are a fragile bunch when it comes to this shit. Also funny how bugland bs is collectively ruining it for everyone else now.
>>1050 >that one lolcow who won't shut the fuck up about being bullied by the listanon >that same lolcow who won't shut the fuck up about being bullied by youtube >Arron Lawson I keep repeating myself
>>1155 >What would a Poos vs bugmen war look like? If the US mobilizes then it could very well spiral into a Tibetan liberation war, otherwise the Chinese will send massive waves of bugmen and win by attrition and by damming up India's rivers, turning it into a client state. But neither will happen because an unwritten rule of conduct for world powers is that you cannot invade the core of another nuclear power if you're a nuclear power yourself.
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>>1158 >take a character based off Bruce Lee >change his flag to chinkland >a country where he isn't embraced because he isn't fully chinese and is too western for chink standards >now has the same flag as Chun-Li Bunch of retards. >rising sun removed because muh imperial japan >>1160 India will patch out all the game-breaking bugs The Poohs fear the Poos Pajeet, get the bug zapper Pajeet, get the bug spray Who would win: Pajeet from Microsoft Tech Support or a bunch of bugs?
>>1050 If we're talking 8chan, there's also the /b/tard who robbed a bank for a ridiculously low amount of money, the guy who slept in a queen size bed with two other people, and blood-chan.
>>1116 The real exchanges need to extend hours, late night madness is great.
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The only good bug is a dead bug
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>>808 Nobody gives a fuck if the president said nigger on TV or his son banged a stripper. We're too fucking poor. Biden is not a repellent person by anyone's standards. That's why he's been chosen as the Auslage Goy. Making up stories about your opponent, and then using them as an excuse to hate him, comes from the Jews' playbook. You will only succeed if you focus on lifting up the people that have been ruined by the Jew, not on pulling down their puppet regime which will collapse anyway when they run out of gibs.
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>>809 Remember: science is not kosher because scientists can be proven wrong. (((Appeal to authority))) is kosher. (((Theory))) is kosher because it means no manual labor.
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>>813 (((just give up goy))) Seedlings can't grow until the old rotten trees that block the light come crashing down. And likewise, there are bright, aggressive young people all over the planet ready to take over after ZOG collapses. >>844 Biting the hand that feeds you is a bad idea if you're Catholic tax livestock. For the rest of us, there's democracy.
>>904 It's funny that retards are unironically buying into the whole "Elon Musk is /ourguy/" shilling. Because if he truly had our interests in mind, he certainly wouldn't gotten success with Paypal and immense amounts of government contracts for every single one of his companies.
>>1171 >t's funny that retards are unironically buying into the whole "Elon Musk is /ourguy/" shilling I see him less as /ourguy/ to lesser of evils. I’m hoping Elon musk becomes the real world cobra commander or form a brotherhood of Kane.
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>>1046 >Why is it people are treating the current financial situation like there's some crisis to be had when prices have overall decreased Prices are fickle, Jew. What really matters is whether essential goods and services are being produced. Right now this doesn't happen, because: - Lockdown. The world's biggest economy sitting on its hands because China needs to catch up. - Cancel culture. HR departments shitcanning anyone that's not Jew-approved. CEOs resigning because someone thinks he heard them say something that sounded like "nigger" 30 years ago. - Lack of meritocracy. Thousands of layers of useless middle management. Promotions based on who has the best hair and/or blowjobs. - Soros. Restaurants getting shut down because someone "found" a pubic hair in their burger. Rioters looting shoe stores. Blue chip companies getting smeared in the MSM. Shorting Gamestop. - (((Frivolous lawsuits))) - Monopoly. Every phone is iOS or Android. Everything you buy comes from Amazon or Wal-Mart. - Monopsony. Gov contractors selling $700 toilet seats. Whole families working for the state for multiple generations. - Poor education. Cultural Marxism, common core, string (((theory))), object oriented programming, Lysenkoism, abstract mathematics. - Overregulation. $30k cosmetology degree to braid hair. $250k med degree to sign cough syrup prescriptions. $40k cars going to the junkyard because of oxygen sensors. $150k capital investment to make sandwiches. This money doesn't just grow on trees, Schlomo.
>>1164 >Who would win: Pajeet from Microsoft Tech Support or a bunch of bugs? Say what you want about poos but they are not in bed with Hollywood and funding lgbt propaganda
>>1173 Now that you mention Soros. The fucker is the one who push for niggers to get into the canarian islands and then he is the one the hotels filled with niggers because no tourist will go there anymore. And curiously Soros have so many hotels in many other tourist locations that aren't filled with niggers from africa.
>>1172 >I’m hoping Elon musk becomes the real world cobra commander or form a brotherhood of Kane. It is never going to happen, Anon. That is the point. He'll throw a few scraps to build his image but don't expect anything more than that. >>1173 >abstract mathematics I wouldn't count group theory, linear algebra and logic operations as poor education. Maybe largely useless on its own but certainly not poor education.
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>>1171 He's been successfully trolling via many avenues, I don't give a fuck if my soul is one with his. Are you a homosexual?
>>1174 Anon, you say that, but they're trying to resist globohomo right now, and it's not clear if they're going to win. Meanwhile, in the middle east, the various normalization/peace agreements with Israel have shown the inhabitants of the various countries that they're very far from immune to globohomo, full stop.
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>>1177 Trolling is enjoyable but it is just that: entertainment and nothing more. And it isn't the trolling people worship him over. That is just the icing on the cake. It is over Neuralink, the Boring Company, Tesla, SpaceX, SolarCity and OpenAI. Does it not seem odd that he takes up all these very clearly unprofitable venues without them getting fucked over, with those companies still booming as the lockdown progresses? And somehow even as the lockdowns were screwing both people and non-megacorporations alike he somehow found the resources to continue doing his philanthropy by donating expensive medical equipment to hospitals? Paypal was no doubt profitable for Musk and ensured him a very secure future, but it certainly was not THIS profitable. Government contracts would have ensured that the companies would have no problem surviving in times of peace, but the question becomes a whole lot different during the scamdemic.
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>>1179 All you're explaining is people are impressionable rubes and I don't know if that needs enlightening but sure. I merely respect his process and a lot of his projects, even if it's not to an end I'd agree with. A lot of notorious faggots usually catch flak when he does something autistic and I appreciate a bit of a giggle at shitty cunts. The nigger's launching spy satellites for gov n shiet, of course he's a bit sketchy.
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>>783 >I wonder how long they will give him before the negress takes over. Is she black this week? Wonder what type of POC she will claim to be next week.
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>>1181 >3/4s poo and 1/4 nog >press refers to her as Indian >someone mistakes her for native american/first nations/redskins/whatever they call them this week >they run with it >she's now a black native american because africans were here first >casinos have to pay niggers reparations 50/50 chance of it happening
Vidya music hit it's peak in the 80's/90's becasue the limitations forced music artists to be creative. When you're given unlimited creative freedom with unlimited tools, creativity dies. The brain reacts to boredom/constraints by fueling imagination. Your best ideas come from when you're forced to do something non-creative. The brain seeks escape. And the forced limitations and scant tools literally forced artists to create 8bit/16bit masterpieces.
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Get your yiddish name here, goyim! Learn to blend in with your fellow Israelites before the Great Reset!
>>1179 >Space exploration >Solar Energy >AI development >Invasive privacy violating brain interfacing >Electric cars >Not profitable ventures Are you retarded? ESPECIALLY now most of those things are ridiculously profitable.
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>>1184 Let's see how jewish my name is.
>>1187 Shimuel Braunfeld. It sounds like a fucking anime character.
>>1184 rolling
>>1189 Hemuel Braunheimer
>>1188 Thats because anime uses a lot of german names.
>>1185 >space exploration Entirely propped up by government contracts. Space mining has yet to be shown to be feasible, least of all profitable enough to be worth the investment cost. Sure, you can speculate on the quantity of material you could extract from an asteroid, but in a realistic sense you also have to consider travel, the drilling itself and then transportation. Along with maintenance, of course, since you are going to be doing it more than once. >solar energy Also entirely propped up by government contracts. Solar energy may seem a cheap investment until you realise how much you already paid in terms of taxes. The energy production is inconsistent for obvious reasons and to produce it you require conflict minerals, meaning the price isn't guaranteed to be stable. >AI development Guess why it's called OpenAI. >invasive privacy violating brain interfacing Government contracts and the fact that anything medical will require massive investment before it starts paying off. Sure, people would like to have cybernetic implants and would very much pay for them, but until you get anything even remotely close to being market-ready you are dealing with astronomic costs. >electric cars The absolute most classic example of government contracts. You do know how many taxes have been dumped into Tesla alone, right? And on top of that how many thousands of taxes were implemented to disincentivise anything that isn't electric or hydrogen-based. So even with all the money they are dumping into it, all of the subsidies granted to get people to buy them and with all of the taxes made to make everything else more expensive, they still struggle. But no, trust me, it's so immensely profitable that it would never need any of this assistance to even get it off the ground. >most of those things are ridiculously profitable. Wow, Elon Musk made money! That means all his companies are super profitable and make money too!
>>1192 How about forcing meteors to fall into earth in a controlled enviroment to mine them?
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>>245861 >Albert Brooks >Albert Einstein Wait wut? Is he really a relative to this other Jewish hack?
>>1179 >Paypal was no doubt profitable for Musk and ensured him a very secure future, but it certainly was not THIS profitable. There's a reason why Musk and Thiel's group is referred to as the "Paypal Mafia".
>>1193 I can already imagine the accuracy and precision is going to be virtually non-existant. Also good luck trying to get the perfect size rock to fall to Earth, since you will most likely need to get larger ones to burn up in the atmosphere at just the right size for it to not cause any damage. A more feasible alternative would be to bombard the Moon instead, but at that point you still have the problem of trying to mine something off-planet. Space mining is a fairy tale globohomo astrophysicists push in order to get more funding.
>>1196 >Space mining is a fairy tale globohomo astrophysicists push in order to get more funding. You DO realize that, nine years from now, we're going to have a massive asteroid pass us by, that's going to be returning every seven years afterwards, right?
>>1197 Should we be worried about it crashing into earth or should be happy because of the mining profits?
>>1197 And what do you think the limiting factor is? The amount we are capable of extracting within the given amount of time or the amount of material there is in the asteroid? I'll give you a small clue: it hasn't been shown to be feasible yet, least of all sufficiently profitable to justify even a single expedition to extract material. Only napkin calculations on how much money the asteroid could cost if you could sell it.
>>245729 >Snickers Disgusting sugary crap >>1184 May as well not totally waste my post
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>>1184 Yerumuel Barenbaum reporting in
>>245861 >Tracey Gold is a jew After some research, she has a Jewish stepfather and that's as close as she gets to Judaism.
>>1198 >Should we be worried about it crashing into earth They don't know yet. >or should be happy because of the mining profits? It would help to confirm or deny the benefits of any future space mining expeditions. >>1199 >And what do you think the limiting factor is? The costs benefits of making space crafts that are capable of of traveling millions of miles 'beyond the moon while sustaining human life. > I'll give you a small clue: it hasn't been shown to be feasible yet, least of all sufficiently profitable to justify even a single expedition to extract material. All those conclusions are based on theories. That's the issue. It was only a few years ago that someone managed to land the first probe on a satellite. You can only gather so much data from that information alone. Having an even larger and closer asteroid would do a lot to prove or deny any scientific theories that exist, especially with all the pieces that may break off of it as well.
>>1050 >that nigger who refuses to use archives it's not refusing more like it takes too long and what I post was usually fluff
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https://archive.is/PbUKd Remember how they tried to do this with Trump revoking DACA?
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>>1182 Oh fuck its worse than I thought she is like one of those fucked up fossil Pokemon.
>>1198 I'm sure they'll spin some bullshit narrative about how not getting vaccinated leads to global warming, and because all the CO2 in North America is there, it'll put the planet off balance and make us drift into its course
>>1141 It's a growing problem for every child in Africa.
>>1207 Would be great if they were to openly admit that the vaccines are to sterilise people in order to reduce population growth.
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imgur link fucked up for some reason with the parenthesis: https://imgur.com/a/8KQKMXW
>>1210 Where is Chun Li? >>1208 >It's a growing problem for every child in Africa. So is farming an agriculture :^)
>>1210 1st image looks like the kind of fanart made by Invader Zim fans that you would find in Newgrounds 12 years ago. The other two images are slaps into reality that remind you of how fucked are modern cartoons.
>>1211 >linking to fucking (((imgur))) >a site that can't even load fucking images without enabling niggerscript Actually kill yourself you fucking faggot holy shit
>>1210 2 things. 1. What? 2. That looks like Rebel Taxi's art style.
>>1210 I don't know if I should laugh, if I should cry or if I should do both.
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>>1216 Sometimes, when the pain is too much, all you can do is laugh.
>>245861 I miss Stan Lee
>>1210 >MK Ultra Girls >MK Ultra They could've picked any other superlative...
>>1210 >Mortal Kombat: Friendships are Magical Absolute fucking cancer.
>>1219 Glad I wasn't the only one caught off guard by that.
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>>245861 Why do Jews change their names? >>1184 Rollin >>1210 >MK ULTRA GIRLS This looks devoid of life.
>>1219 >DC Superhero Girls is a success, we need a new show to compete with it <But DCSG is our production, boss >Shut up Rodriguez >What was the name of the game we made a cross-over with? Killer Instinct or something like that <Mortal Kombat? >That one. Make a show about it, and replace super with ultra so people don't notice it <I don't think this is what fans of MK will like the idea, boss >Shut up Rodriguez, we'll be rich with this
>>1213 >12 years ago More like 15 years ago.
>>1210 Jesus Christ have mercy. I can't imagine anyone asked for this abortion.
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>>1224 >Original release: March 30, 2001 – August 19, 2006
>>1222 >Why do Jews change their names? Take a wild guess.
>>1222 >>1220 >>1225 >>1223 I can't wait to see the usual suspects defend this autism. Watch them bend over backwards for a "misogynist" ultra-violent franchise that has been adapted for girls and how that's a good thing and why the creators deserve a pat on the back for it.
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>>1214 >>1223 >"My day went absolutely perfect. How's YOUR brainwashing subject going, Suzy?" <"It really sucks. I don't get what I do different from all the other girls. I give him all the LSD he could possibly dream of and, instead of becoming my boyfriend, he simply keeps trying to slit his wrists using his teeth. It's just so nerve-wracking. If things keep going like this, I'll never get that raise." >"Don't worry, I'm sure you will do just fine. We all struggle on our first time. I certainly didn't get mine to bomb a school on the first time either."
>>1228 And screaming "Is not for you! is for kids! Stop jerking of on Sonia Blade!" even if no mortal kombat character looked good in the last 10 years or more.
>>1210 Is the thing on center pic in the middle of the other two characters a boy or a girl?
>>1231 A lesbian of course.
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>>1210 >>1215 Apparently the desigins ARE by rebeltaxi/panpizza and they've been sitting on this trash for some time. Lame because I kind of want to see how bad it is.
>>1231 Well the show's name is MK Ultra Girls
>>1230 >Is not for you! is for kids! Didn't the FEDERAL GOVERNMENT OF THE UNITED STATES take Midway to court literally 30 years ago because of a couple of parents bitching about Little Timmy and Suzy possibly turning into homicidal killers just from glancing at a Mortal Kombat cabinet in the mall's arcade? Also, if you guys feel this crushed about someone's IZ fanfiction, just wait until you see the new Aquaman cartoon (Produced by the creators of Thundercats Roar).
>>1233 Its would be just fucking awful is some Anons just started drawing loli Milena lewds just to piss games media off.
>>1233 Imagine being so bankrupted with ideas you need to look in the garbage bin. >>1235 We are in a shitty version of the 90s.
>>1236 It's hard to get anything fappeable from those abominations. Commies got really good in making women you don't even want to look at.
>>1235 >Produced by the creators of Thundercats Roar God damn it anon, stop telling me about these things.
>>1237 >Imagine being so bankrupted with ideas I doubt that's the cause. Probably more like they're trying to low-ball the budget as much as possible.
>>1240 Then being literally bankrupted.
>>1238 The blue haired girl isn't bad I could see lewds of her.
>>1242 She is a literal cube head. You wouldn't jerk on a funko, would you?
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>>1236 That's probably the reason the leak exists, to spur free promotional fagart.
>>1243 ANON NO
>>1233 There's a joke to be made here about paying a Mexican artist potatoes for their character designs, then using those designs to make more money than they ever would from them. But I'm not smart enough to make them. He defended Thundercats Roar and Nu Battletoads, as well as bullied the autism lord Mr. Enter, so I'm getting some schadenfreude from it, but I do feel a bit bad for him.
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>>1243 So was Gaz and I fapped to her a ton when I was younger.
>>784 ...the difference being?
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Since we're on the topic of shit cartoon redesigns, what do you think of what possibly will be the new generation of ponies? https://www.jfabrics.cz/en/product/950-my-little-pony-mlp119 (https://archive.is/uKmvN) >>1233 This must be the first time I am ok with cartoon companies hoarding an idea/design and doing nothing with it.
>>246025 Probably. I don't use Twitter or Discord, so I'm not too sure about what happens to him on those platforms. The thing with Mr. Enter is that his hatedom/cow-followers treat him how leftists treated Trump. They try to make him look like the badguy or look like he's in the wrong any chance they get. >>1249 There's somethign I find uncanny about them.
>>1210 >>1233 >Pan pizza That dude is such a fucking loser, lmao
>>1246 >There's a joke to be made here about paying a Mexican artist potatoes for their character designs, then using those designs to make more money than they ever would from them. Watch Orson Welles F is for Fake. The joke writes itself.
>>1249 What I think?... *unzips dick*
>>1222 >Why do Jews change their names? In the case of actors and the like they have to join the unions e.g. sag-afta this requires them to have a unique name
>>1250 >>1249 That's what I was going to say, they almost have that uncanny valley look. Like their faces are too flat. I'm no ponyfag but I can admit the character designs of the old show are cute. This shit is just weird looking
>>1255 For me it's the eyes. They look like the eyes of hookers, no soul or will behind them.
>>1249 This reeks of Western animation trying to copy anime
>>1256 For me it's also the eyes but it's like they pasted a human upper face onto a pony bottom face.
>>1249 Looks like they tried combining the artstyle from the old MLP and that friendship is magic one.
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>negress spic goes to japan >surprised that it isn't literally anime: the place >heeeelp i'm literally being raped by their eyes https://yewtu.be/watch?v=N0uy6muzKiI
>>1260 >(VIDEO EVIDENCE) Going to go out on a limb and assume there is zero evidence of anything in this video.
>>1260 Not gonna waste my time watching and hearing a nigglette complaining about invisible stuff. I just hope real life japan bullying isn't as bad as anime bullying.
>>1261 The nip clearly said roketto nippuru to the beast. It's literally rape.
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>>1264 That's a very scary though. That's like having the Borg telling you how they are going to assimilate you.
>>1260 I mean, if you go to a county that 99% of the same race of course you get stared at. Most of it not even sexual.
>>1266 She claims that it was literally rape and how its men's fault that xir got eye-raped, also please send paypal money to pay me karate lessons
>>1267 >send paypal money to pay me karate lessons >"why are you looking at my thighs, you fucking pervert" >"as Confucius would say: your stance is shit"
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>>1260 OH THE HUMANITY! Those poor pubescent girls giggling and laughing when being flattered by evil slant eyed Jap men. They must have been so TRAUMATIZED
>>1269 >Taiwan Oh whoops, I meant gooks. Arr rook same.
>>1269 These are the same whores who love fetishizing K-Pop homos
>>1271 But that's TOTALLY different as guys are capable of protecting themselves, and are asking for it in the first place!
>>1271 > K-Pop homos you mean child rape victims?
>>1269 Taiwan isn't in Japan you retard.
>>1274 They're all bug people to me.
>>1260 >links to one of those shitty front ends that go offline all the time resulting in your links breaking >links to a video when only the first fucking 30 seconds matter instead of just uploading it >after the start it's just a fucking vlog where nigger bitch talks to the camera This is how you do it. Next time do it yourself.
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>>1243 >You wouldn't jerk on a funko, would you? That is where you are dead wrong fucko. >Ugly stern women in biker leathers are my fetish but so are midgets. >So of course I bought a Captain Marvel Funko PoP and hot glued it. That is why the puritans can never win everything is someone's fetish.
>>1277 >everything is someone's fetish Want me to bring up furry Jesus getting an erection from being stabbed on the cross?
>>1278 As long as you don't fuck actual dogs or Jesus Christ himself you do you Anon.
>>1276 >she comes back to the States and no one pays attention to her anymore How the West makes black women invisible
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>>245861 >Fanny Rose
>>1276 <This is how you do it. >No video with supported format and MIME type found.
>>1276 >Video can't be played because the file is corrupt. Using firefox.
>>1276 I can't play the video you posted, gj.
>>1269 Fucking closet pedos. How could anyone get off to the idea of removing a little girl's clothes and licking her tiny body all over, nibbling her neck and kissing her adorable little nipples? Only a heartless monster would think about her cute girlish mouth and tongue wrapped around a thick cock slick with her saliva, pumping in and out of her mouth until it erupts, the cum more than her little throat can swallow. The idea of thick viscous semen overflowing, dribbling down her chin over her flat chest, her tiny hands scooping it all up and watching her suck it off her fingertips is just horrible. They're all a bunch of sick perverts, thinking of spreading her smooth slender thighs, cock poised at the entrance to her pure, tight, virginal pussy, and thrusting in deep as a whimper escapes her lips which are slippery with cum, while her small body shudders from having her cherry taken in one quick stroke. I am disgusted at how they'd get even more excited as they lean over her, listening to her quickening breath, her girlish moans and gasps while they hasten their strokes, her sweet pants warm and moist on their face and her flat chest, shiny with a sheen of fresh sweat, rising and falling rapidly to meet theirs. It is truly nasty how they'd run their hands all over her tiny body while they violate her, feeling her nipples hardening against their tongue as they lick her chest, her neck and her armpits, savoring the scent of her skin and sweat while she trembles from the stimulation and as she reaches her climax, hearing her cry out softly as she has her first orgasm while that cock is buried impossibly deep inside her, pulsing violently as an intense amount of hot cum spurts forth and floods through her freshly-deflowered pussy for the first time, filling her womb only to spill out of her with a sickening squelch. And as they lie atop her flushed body, she sighs breathlessly and her fingers dig into their back as she feels their cock hardening inside her again. They're all sick.
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>>1285 What the fuck, anon?!
>>1285 That pasta is a classic.
>>1287 Oh, should've realized that. I Fell for it for a moment there sadly.
>>1287 >>1288 I thought it was someone trying to make a pasta.
>>1288 Sure you did, newfag.
>>1289 It's a pretty old one, I'm surprised there's anons who don't recognize it.
>>1276 Should be working now. Bitch liked the attention
Silly question. What happened to Lovecraft Country? was it so shit it disappeared from reality?
>>1260 >>1264 >>1269 The West and all of its sociopolitical ideologies have become such a plague and a cancer unto the entire Earth.
>>246115 >>246116 >Both deleted What were they? All I see are the thumbnails.
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>>1260 >no evidence of rape and its mostly staring Is she so retarded that she doesn't know what rape even is anymore? >>1264 >>1269 I fucking hate normalfags so much.
>>1285 Do you have the Wilykit version?
>>1297 >Is she so retarded that she doesn't know what rape even is anymore? Yes, but also the phrase "rape culture" has been conflated with anything that can be slightly percieved as sexist since day 1 of it being used by leftists. It's just weasel words to make mountains out of molehills by associating even the most benign things with rape.
>>1292 She didn't even bother to translate what the fuck anyone is even saying but basically she's upset because they like her body and gave her attention?
>>1260 Letting sub human niggers apes in your country, even as tourists is a danger to your way of living.
>>1300 > Thinking a sub human will learn a language other than its own
>>1294 I still see it on HBO if that's what you're asking.
>>1303 I mean that it was such a hot topic and suddenly nothing.
>>246159 I suppose those shitskin ocs were popular on twitter or something?
>>1304 >it was such a hot topic It wasn't, though. All the discussion around it can be summed up as: >What's this new Lovecraft horror series I keep seeing everywhere? <It's about a couple of niggers hitching across the U.S. and learning that racism was the "real" horror all along. >Oh, okay, pass.
>>1259 Specifically the G3 MLP cartoon.
>>1210 >>1233 They're making a kids show based on mortal combat? The franchise who's entire essence is blood and gore? That's like making a kid's show based on pornography. This is fucking retarded.
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It's doing that thing again.
>>1309 Everyone ready for Act 2?
>>1309 >it's happening again But why? Are big funds trying to short it again?
>>1309 How much is it being shorted?
>>246184 >"it ends tonight" Man, I forgot that chink cunt. Guess he became irrelevant, as expected.
>>1309 Alright, who's getting squeezed, this time?
>>1311 >>1312 It's probably the previous shorting deadline, now they need to buy buy buy to repay the loans.
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>>246184 So they were his ocs which he was trying to insert into GG "canon"?
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>>246159 I give a shit about Aquaman.
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>>1316 trying to insert them into GG "canon" is a bit strong of a statement I think the fag just likes drawing shit like OCs, and the streams just happen to cross over sometimes. >>246208 I really don't know how to feel about this one. I want to be disgusted by it, but I'm not completely so.
It's kinda amusing to see my mother suddenly discovering that feminism is more than a cancer, that George Soros exists, that the Coronavirus was coming and that the jews are the ones staging everything. I just talk her about this shit but until she doesn't see it on TV she doesn't believe me. Curiously, she was raised in the Franco dictatorship, so she should be more open to those ideas.
>>1311 >>1312 >>1314 I have no idea what changed, so I'm reluctant to jump on. I only heard about the spike because I have a friend that's still holding GME and he's pretty happy right now, but he doesn't seem to know why the money printer turned back on, nor do I see any posts on WSB about any recent changes.
>>246184 literally me >>1309 >stonks go up just after GameStop fired its Chief Financial Officer (https://archive.is/DVKtC) It really makes you think, specially when you have no idea of finance.
>>1323 Are you implied they were infiltrated to be destroyed from the inside?
there is not a single game i care about in existence right now.
>>1318 Why do you keep posting this image everywhere?
>>1286 You've never had pasta before?
>>1322 WSB is most likely pretty damn compromised and fucked by this point. >spike interdasting, thanks for the heads up on this anon. Sadly its still not anything crazy yet. I really wish I didn't accidentally buy my shares at an inflated price. People definitely should've bought at the dip.
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Frogger or Froggirl? Choose wisely, /v/. >>1325 Are you sure?
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>>1329 Frogger, because it doesn't come from a shit franchise.
>>1184 rollan
>>1329 Yes. All the old games are played out, I can't touch them anymore. The new ones are shit. I just tried playing the free Destiny and holy fuck you need to be about 10 years old to enjoy that shit. I uninstalled. I actually really enjoyed the Division 1 but Division 2 was a pile of shit
>>1332 >I just tried playing Destiny Why the fuck would you do that?
>>1326 He is calling you an incel, that's a mugshot of some mass shooter.
>>1334 >He is calling you He wasn't responding to me.
>>1333 It was free and I was desperate.
>>1335 My bad, didn't check IDs.
>>1336 >Muh desperate >Muh free You have endless other options. You chose to eat shit. You sound like the fags who claim they "were desperate" and returned to cuckchan when 8chan died.
>>1338 >endless other options like what?
>>1332 Why not get into another hobby? But you're probably going to come up with an excuse for that.
>>1328 >WSB is most likely pretty damn compromised and fucked by this point. It wouldn't surprise me if the kikes force the mods to vacate their positions. After the 2016 election, the politics and news boards got cleansed of non-pozzed mods.
>>1340 I have some, just commenting on games on a game board, stupid asshole.
>>1323 Rumor is the CFO was forced out by pressure from Cohen. I'm just glad I'm not losing money on this anymore, though a couple hundred to screw over the elites seems like a small price to pay.
>>1341 >>1328 Thats why the mods moved to wsbets.win
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>>1344 From what I remember, there was never any confirmation of that. The place was created and offered to them if they wanted it, but afaik for now it doesn't have the WSB mods.
>>1311 Could just be a generic bubble if there's not enough overshorting for a squeeze. I don't have the background knowledge to be able to tell.
https://archive.is/8BM7R LOL >>1309 The other week some economist said that during the first Gamestop thing that the market was dangerously close to breaking. Maybe it will this time.
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>>1285 An oldie but a goodie.
>>1348 Also speaking of funny shit you seen on zerohedge. https://archive.is/sf64j
>>1285 >>1286 >>1287 >>1288 >>1289 >>1290 >>1293 >>1298 >>1349 Pedos will try to push the idea that their stuff has long since been accepted on imageboards by the way. Just like they try to say anyone who doesn't like them is a newfag and CP is needed to keep normalfags out, they could post whatever fantasies of theirs they wanted, IP hop a little, and astroturf that it's actually some well known pasta that only newfags would be surprised to see. This is actually an old pasta though.
If there are any diggers left in this thread, the internet commies of "the left" are actually a British spy ring. We could use more people to flesh out the connections here. There's a lot of red links. https://ggwiki.deepfreeze.it/index.php?title=Demos
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>>1353 Nice archives.
>>1353 There's a difference between adding more draconic traits and making an unattractive dragon-human mutt.
>>1353 Archive it before they delete it.
>>1353 >burnt mouth What? Also love how the progressive redesigns are all the same. Fat, covered up, and ugly.
>>1353 The large tits don't look right considering the body size, but his design should never see the light of day.
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>>1353 It doesn't even look like the character anymore, what the fuck is the point?
>>1357 Post-modernism. They're trying to kill beauty.
>>1329 Absolutely Frogger. I've been wanting to play some of the 5th or 6th gen ones.
>>1357 What I find even more baffling is the fact that this faggot is charging money for this stuff (see "commissions open" on their name), who the hell told this fucker that their scribbles are worth any money?
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>>1353 You know at this point someone could do stick figures and it'll still look better.
>>1364 >Autistic THAT explains everything.
>>1366 Anon, where do you think you are?
>>1366 There's nothing wrong with being autistic.
>>1364 >look at colored vs shaded difference >wants to add 8 US DOLLARS to the price just to make it look like the character has sweaty armpits and pissed their pants
>>1366 To be fair every retard normiefaggot on twitter will put some kind of mental illness as a badge of honor on them. ADHD, autism, BPD, transgenderism, etc.
>>1353 >>1360 why are most of the comments in spanish?
>>1371 I don't know but most spics are mocking him relentlessly.
>>1372 I kinda feel bad for him(?). In most of his replies he asked for feedback rather than defending his "artistic choices" by calling everyone sexist/racist/nazi/bigots. The art sucks more than the average SU fanart, though.
>>1353 Nice to see the Ilulu salt is starting early.
>>1214 I always link to the original, direct source. The original leaked images were put on imgur so that's what I posted.
>>1368 What's RIGHT about being an autist?
>>1370 And yet these same mental incompetents have the unmitigated gall to think they can run the country
>>1376 Autists when raised right can be incredibly productive if not some of the single most productive humans on the entire planet. The problem is that if left exposed to degeneracy they fixate and obsess over counter-productive things like being faggot furfags. There is nothing inherently wrong with an autistic mind. It's called weaponized autism for a reason, autism is like a gun and it can be used for good or for bad. But the gun itself is neither good or bad.
Creator of tranny propaganda assigned male just came out as pederast Twitter said it okay because he identify as trans-young https://archive.is/7Sz03 You can’t make this shit up.
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>>1379 Wew, what a surprise there-not
India was in crisis months ago. Why have its Covid cases plummeted? #CNN https://archive.vn/AMnf7 India plans new social media controls after Twitter face-off https://archive.vn/e0XPb >exposed Covid 19 as an hoax making the virus worse >Openly combating China in multiple front >Challenging (((big tech))) When did the poos got so based?
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>>1379 https://archive.vn/UZP9z The alt-account he used . (At least the twitter) I actually was about to post this
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>>1379 >he's an elementary school teacher
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>>1379 https://archive.is/HB1ZT Archived his profile.
>>1381 SUPERPOWER 2020
>>1385 >2020
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>>1379 As hilarious this would be what exactly connects the two profiles? How do you know assigned male is the diaper fur?
>>1381 >When did the poos got so based? They don't have the generations of indoctrination that makes whites docile cucks, they're just BARELY developed enough that they aren't completely devoid of internet like various [x]stan shithole sandboxes, and if the number of pajeet scammers are any indication they know how a liar lies. Being shitskins, they're also stupid enough to not think about the possibility of risking war with the US that keeps the rest of the world in line. Fools run where angels fear to tread, and gives the feathery faggots a reality check that there's nothing to be scared of.
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>>1379 this trans crap is just a non-stop slippery slope >first trans-gender >then trans-racial >now trans-young what the fuck is coming next?
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>>1379 So he's basically pic related?
>>1391 >trans racial trans-race is not allowed because it disrupts black holiness. What is coming next? Whichever way harms whites the most. Remember, transsexualism is considered good as long as whites do it. Black trannies is a big no no.
>>1379 Bring back public beheadings.
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>>1353 Is this character from Miss Kobayashi's Dragon Maid? I don't remember seeing her. >>1359 They do this shit for the sake of virtue signaling, its so tiresome. >>1379 >he identify as trans-young How the fuck do you identify as trans-young!?
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>>1394 bring back stake burnings
>>1384 /abdl/ btfo
>>1396 It is, new season.
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>>1383 >>1379 EVERY FUCKING TIME Reminder: there's been an order of magnitude more sex abuse cases with teachers than with priests but only one gets the media spotlight! :^)
>>1396 Ah you forgot about this handsome fellow.
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>>1398 >/abdl/ >yfw when you realize it could have just been /adl/ >yfw when you realize b doesn't refer to d but to a
>>1353 >burnt mouth, implying fire not only hurts her but comes out at a point where it hurts her >she stores fucking "fire" inside >she fucking stores "fire" >fucking "fire" >that she then lets out burning its way out of her and the outsides of her mouth Is she meant to be a fucking tranny? Is that why she's designed to kill >herself?
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>>1401 ... ... ... WHAT?!?
>>1388 He admitted as such on his facebook, now deleted I believe.
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>>1353 >burnt mouth It looks like she has severe lip lickers dermatitis. Fucking disgusting.
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>>1402 >yfw when you realize b doesn't refer to d but to a I thought it did refer to baby diapers? Because /adl/ might just sound like a board for old people who needs to wear adult diapers.
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>>1388 You should be able to tell by art style alone. Anyone got an archive of this? The one on >kiwi farms that goes in-depth on this is not working.
>>1383 >>he's an elementary school teacher >>1388 >How do you know assigned male is the diaper fur? Fun fact diaper fags tend to be elementary school teachers and employed by teacher unions.
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>>1401 >abandoned his wife and seven kids I hope this bastard gets imprisoned for diddling kids, gets repeatedly raped brutally by a giant black guy named Bubba, contracts AIDS and multiple other STDs, as well as prostate cancer, and dies a slow agonizing death alone in a jail cell. He deserves nothing less for abandoning his family.
>>1391 >what the fuck is coming next? Otherkin will become a mainstream movement and pushed by corporations and leftists political parties. Saddam Hussein warned his ghost would have a the last laugh and this is how the west dies.
>>1405 >>1408 Ah okay what a retard but that's been evident probably his whole life.
>>1379 I have two questions: 1) How did that Juniper and others find that TheWaffles3 (the presumed alt account) took photos of babies for reference/tracing? 2) How did people Juniper and others came to the conclusion that the furfag account and Assigned Male are the same person? >>1402 >yfw when I don't care if you did it in purpose, you're still a faggot.
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>>1370 >self-diagnosing pieces of shit on social media >mfw
>>1408 >regress to responsability-free spaces This is some serious "adulting" bullshit. God I fucking hate millenials and their shit.
>>1415 why are millenials and zoomers so much worse than everyone else?
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Disgusting but not surprising. It's surreal how no one bats an eye anymore. Every time I laugh at these articles, it's only a defense mechanism for the anguish at how bad things keep getting.
>>1416 >millenials Don't blame me, I didn't contribute nor want ANY of this shit. >zoomers Fuck OFF back to Cuckchan.
>>1417 its a bitter feeling
>>1418 me neither, but how did "zoomer" become a cuckchan meme on here?
>>1420 Has always been, newfag.
>>1421 k, epic meme, bro.
>>1415 I think the funniest part is that this nigger thinks "playing with legos" is something only children can do and it's somehow supposed to a major character trait for him. Plenty of people build stuff with legos into adulthood, it's just a fun little hobby like putting together puzzles. Is passing the time with puzzles supposed to be infantile now or something? These retards just take any random thing that they don't and fixate on it to the point where it becomes this retarded badge they waive around. Every action becomes a social game to be seen as something more than just another random retard who does a random thing in their free time. >>1420 "Zoomer" itself is a lesser offensive cuckchan term, but the spin-offs and widespread adoption turned it into cancer so using zoomer is generally considered bad taste.
>>1407 The point is diaper lovers is just fine and descriptive Unless 100% of them are into the baby-play stuff. Keeping the b just makes me think abdl is 'adult-baby' "diaper lovers" meaning lovers of diapers who are both adults and infants.
>>1423 the paranoia over 4chan here just reeks of asspain. Imagine truncating language because of a boogeyman.
>>1425 Gatekeeping language is a cornerstone of maintaining culture and quality on anonymous imageboards in which posts are very difficult to moderate effectively.
>>1423 >Is passing the time with puzzles supposed to be infantile now or something? Puzzles and making models have been around longer that Danish plastic bricks. Lego didn't start making the toy sets until the 50's. But, even then, I have never heard about Lego being used as an insult towards people advancing in age. In fact, the Lego Company actually took pride in the fact that adults also took a huge interest in the toys as well. That's part of the reason why they have so many Lego sets outside of the standard licensed/animated themed lines.
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>>1423 >entertaining the retard's word-vomit justification to spit-shine his fetish No action of an useful idiot must be easily explained. There is no lefty merit to simply saying "Yeah, I jack it to messing myself and pretending I'm a toddler because it makes my pp hard". Even in this disgusting, shameful, incredible episode that this man has found himself in, he must provide a pseudo-intelligent defense of his retch-inducing fetish. It can't be 'me like pp hard', no this is a chance to showcase their 99IQ smarts to the world. He used regress! That's a big boy word! You can't use that word if you're a stupid white from Wyoming! Only smart people can! >>1425 There's been asshurt at declining quality over a handful of imageboard sites now. So what this >>1426 anon says is right. It still won't stop me from making low-fat shitposts by sprinkling stupidity amongs a valid point
>>246548 Well yes. But where before I just saw them as garden variety scat degenerates, now I'll have to wonder whether the 'b' in 'abdl' indicates secret pedo shenanigans.
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>>1428 >No action of an useful idiot must be easily explained. There is no lefty merit to simply saying "Yeah, I jack it to messing myself and pretending I'm a toddler because it makes my pp hard". Even in this disgusting, shameful, incredible episode that this man has found himself in, he must provide a pseudo-intelligent defense of his retch-inducing fetish. It can't be 'me like pp hard', no this is a chance to showcase their 99IQ smarts to the world. He used regress! That's a big boy word! You can't use that word if you're a stupid white from Wyoming! Only smart people can! <Meanwhile, centuries ago, one of the SMARTEST MEN IN ALL OF HISTORY outright admitted that he was an idiot, and is only so intelligent BECAUSE he recognizes that he is an idiot.
>>1429 If it stands for baby it obviously involves some degree of pedophilic interest.
>>1364 < Autistic < Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder < Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder < Bi-Polar Disorder I can't read that without reading it in Jim's voice with his laughing. < He/they/bun/she What the fuck does this even mean? Use anything?
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>>1417 >>1419 >no one cares We didn't listen: ctrl-f "the last man" https://praxeology.net/zara.htm Yes, I know 'le edgy plebbit depressed austrian philosopher', but that section's a pretty good descriptor of the ongoing soy-pocalypse
>>1429 If so, the mind boggles at what the 'a' could conceivably indicate. Fetishists are fucking weird.
>>1410 Common, even he doesn't deserve this. Poor Bubba
>>246558 Why do you post as an outsider?
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>>246558 It isn't about boogeymen. It's about maintaining quality. By spamming the same thoughtless template responses over and over again you diminish the quality of the conversations. If you think not wanting every thread to devolve into webm related is "weak culture" then by all means fuck off back to your strong culture and leave us alone faggot.
>>1433 >I know 'le edgy plebbit depressed austrian philosopher' Isn't the thing about Nietzsche is that he drove himself insane in the later years because he realized that, without religion, life has no purpose, and he spent the remainder of his life trying to find a purpose for why people should go on living at all if we're nothing more than highly evolved apes that all eventually die and fade away? >>1436 Probably because he is.
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>>1437 Sure but I don't care about whether my funny meme folder has some pictures that came from 4cuck or whatever. I wanna post sensible chuckle pictures while I talk about the decay of civilization. >>1438 Either that or he was just too dang early for his views and was sad not many got them or wanted to get them. Everyone was still coasting on the Euro-Christian axioms of the last 1600-ish years and couldn't see that they were poked with holes. Besides you gotta ease people into reading recommendations. Nothing worse than commie-style "read a book sweaty :^) " bullshit
>>1439 >Besides you gotta ease people into reading recommendations. I've just taken to reading whatever the Hell I want to read or that sounds interesting, and just cycling through everything in the order of: Educational -> History -> Fiction -> Back to educational. Have read and learned a LOT more than when I was just reading things back-to-back with no pattern or method. >Nothing worse than commie-style "read a book sweaty :^) " bullshit They don't even READ their OWN fucking books and just throw the claim out there on hopes that no one will call them out on it.
>>1431 >/tot/ pls try contain your baby lust.
>>1410 Anon that guy already gets molested by his "adopted parents". He lives with a couple of old fucks who treat him like a child and the old man fucks him like the little girl he wishes he was while the old woman watches touched by an angel. >>1415 It's not exclusive to millenials seeing as how that faggot making "assigned male" propaganda isn't a millenial, and neither is that old guy who abandoned his 7 kids. I think that guy had a mental breakdown, but plenty of the other fags just seem to think they're entitled to not having to accept that they're adults and have responsibilities and need to face reality. Playing with lego bricks isn't unusual into adulthood, but usually adults who continue to build stuff with lego bricks actually try to make impressive builds, while I'm sure the assigned retard wants to slap a bunch of bricks together and imagine that it's something more impressive, as children typically do, like the magic cardboard box that can be a spaceship if you just close your eyes and believe. They've failed as people, it's understandable that someone try to take on a task, and quit after realizing the task was harder than anticipated, but at least having tried in the first place means they made some progress, whereas these fags want to regress to a point of total ignorance. They want to take the blue pill and be plugged back into the matrix with their mind wiped, they want to reverse any progress they've made in their life and become dead weight for somebody else to carry. They are the antithesis of the human spirit.
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So, is anyone going to make a new thread or will I be forced to bake again with a theme that you may not like (like /tot/ because >>1441 gave me the idea)?
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>>1443 Do it
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>>1443 blz no
Tot thread do it anon!
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>people actually want a /tot/ edition after all that discussion about diaperfags meh, whatever how lewd do you want it? /v/abies only or any tot welcome?
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>>1442 >while I'm sure the assigned retard wants to slap a bunch of bricks together and imagine that it's something more impressive, as children typically do, like the magic cardboard box that can be a spaceship if you just close your eyes and believe. <Meanwhile, when I was 10 fucking years old, I built an entire Lego city in the basement of my house, even crafted an entire backstory behind the foundation of the city. >>1447 >how lewd do you want it? 500 year old dragon toddler in a bikini lewd.
>>1443 If no one bakes, I might just have an autism fit again. cope seethe dilate :^) >>1437 >not wanting every thread to devolve into webm related So when are you going to be against words like tranny and nigger, which your webm shows are just as much of an issue according to your logic?
>>1447 They're not real totfag. They're in it for the memes.
>>1448 >I built an entire Lego city in the basement of my house pics or it never happened
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>>1447 it was a joke
>>1451 I finally tore it down a couple years ago to to make space for other things and prevent the bricks from accumulating even more dust on them. And, I don't know where the photos that I did have of it are anymore.
Here's your new thread sponsored by /tot/: >>246586 >>246586 >>246586 >>246586
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>>1417 Take the GOOD pill, anyone still alive in the 21st century fucking has it coming.
>>1379 Labelle drew porn?
>>246558 we tried this before, so many times, in real life and online, and in the end it just makes subversion easier when you don't protect against it actively.
>>1430 that was over 2000 years ago, anon. centuries would imply it was under 1000 years in distance between him and us.
>>1438 >Isn't the thing about Nietzsche is that he drove himself insane in the later years because he realized that, without religion, life has no purpose, and he spent the remainder of his life trying to find a purpose for why people should go on living at all if we're nothing more than highly evolved apes that all eventually die and fade away? Yes. He didn't hate Christianity either, he hated the Church's authority at times. However, despite what >>1439 claims, his views weren't "early". He found no answer as to why you should continue on without God, without delving into mindless hedonism or some such degeneracy. Some (real) Atheists have found a way to deal with it, to come to terms without being degenerates - but the majority of them haven't. They're just hedonists. And the majority of people can not grok life without a higher purpose. Presently, they are adopting various flavors of Marxian thought, the Covid Cult, the Climate Change Cult, the "Blame Whitey" Identity Politics Cult (rather than going white/black/asian/whatever nationalist and doing their own thing in micro with those of their own race), etc. There are a lot of "secular" cults, anon. They're not really secular, they're simply refusing the religious/cult label despite having the hallmarks of it. An old cult would be, unironically, the Capitalism cult. Not that trade is bad or that you aren't entitled to the sweat of your brow. But that it is used to justify why multi-national corporations can just do what they want to get the cheapest labor elsewhere, or even (legally or illegally) import that labor, and also justifying international capital/finance's attempts to play God with the world. There are still libertarians who are merely unthinking co-conspirators to leftists who have helped pave the way for more government control (by agreeing to get rid of this or that which "limits" civil liberties in some respects, but lead to greater degeneracy and greater corruption. read "Democracy: The God That Failed" by Hoppe) and refusing to have a friend/enemy distinction (believing you can "talk it out" with people who have no problem with you being imprisoned for your beliefs, or worse). These same libertarians defend megacorps and intl finance.
>>1460 One of the easiest ways to continue living without God would be to have kids, but then you have to bring them up with a strong moral foundation without God, which is a tough sell without also raising them in a good community.

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