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Artificial Inteligence and its consequences Anonymous 07/04/2024 (Thu) 17:42:44 No. 5336
A thread to praise our overlord, giver of porn EDIT: Due to the nature of AI art, this thread is partially exempt from the quality control rule 7, as AI deformities are common and difficult to weed out. Feel free to post incomplete works of your own for the purpose of constructive criticism as you refine your AI tard wrangling skills, and works that mainly have minor issues. Please do not mass dump very low quality works however. And finally, don't limit yourself to images. AI audio and AI text generation, the latter in file form if it's too long, are accepted and encouraged here as well. Later I may add some resources info from the /v/ thread. Disclaimer: I am not the OP
Edited last time by xXxHeadxXx on 07/06/2024 (Sat) 11:27:08.
>>6126 Did cakejew finally get tired of you posting unspoilered cocks all over his board?
>>6128 it was mostly playful censorship though. hands on nipples. band-aid over pussy. i should've posted to /h/ in the first place (^_^*)
also i got banned from /vb/ for "spam" when I made an A.I thread. i posted some really good Rolls too. i won't try to understand the retardation. i'll just post some porn.
>>6131 >Mostly Making a bunch of rule abiding posts doesn't matter if you're still posting a bunch of explicit one with them anyways, and more than half of those "bandaid" posts I saw didn't actually cover the naughty bits. >>6132 >also i got banned from /vb/ for "spam" when I made an A.I thread. I got banned from /vb/ too when I copied over the emulation thread since it didn't have one, which isn't against any rules. Mark then accused me of samefagging because of some autist in the emulation thread who couldn't stand the slightest negative opinion of his favorite emulator.
>>6137 mark is such a faggot. i also got banned from /b/ a while ago for the most pointless off hand reply. i don't want to come back to moe anymore to stimulate other dead boards. you know I'll still come back /h/ere from time to time though :D
>>6141 Was it for discussing pedoshit? There's not much else that'll get you banned there. If it was pedoshit, I probably banned you. I just don't use /v/ anymore besides keeping up with the news in the goober thread. Ziggerchan is for talking about vidya, Markchan is for political news and dead boards.
Spoiler for moderate stomach deformation.
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Gay slop.
>>6162 I like Krekkov's style, but 9 out 10 times his fagboys are too hardgay for me, as is the case here.
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>>6164 I'm actually struggling to get the gayness exactly on point. And also waiting for this random obsession with pecs-that-almost-but-not-quite-look-like-boobs to go away.
>>6165 >pecs-that-almost-but-not-quite-look-like-boobs pecs-that-almost-but-not-quite-look-like-boobs that's the one thing i don't like here. krekkov reimu (♂) is hot though.
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>>6166 >that's the one thing i don't like here. krekkov reimu (♂) is hot though. These should be more to taste, then. Btw are you editing in the correct Brazillian flag by hand or is the model just genning it correctly on its own?
>>6176 Nice.
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(1.38 MB 3840x2160 Pondering Goku.jpg)

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