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Anime girls generated with AI

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https://exhentai.org/g/2939153/ce9ee2d96a/ Is it possible to do this pose with Pony? What prompts would I use?
bread is there a forge plugin for better prompt blending? having to autistically stick BREAKs in everywhere is getting old. >>25908 M legs, arms behind back, on back
>>25910 Nice, can you catbox the image so I can use it as an example? I always have trouble with it
>>25911 metadata button ignore the wall of shit at the bottom, that's just latentmodifier
>>25912 oh you're right it is there my bad
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What was the name of extension to store gen metadata inside? >>25907 https://files.catbox.moe/aowpwm.png
>>25914 isnt it in the OP the hdg script
>>25915 I know about catbox, but there was some extension for automatic
>>25916 Shouldn't metadata be automatically stored in the picture if you're using forge/A111?
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>>25917 yes, but like 4chan, 8chan strips metadata when you upload the images also unrelated, huohuo uploaded, outfit is a bit jank, but it's really inconsistent in the art https://mega.nz/folder/OMY2RRxQ#zYaokRZV361WSNImfrBCrQ/folder/KUhQFBCA
>>25917 Yes, but it will be purged when you uploading it here, for example, that extension was storing it in some finicky way to prevent that, just like in this post >>25910
>>25919 i think forge just does it automatically
>>25920 I found it, its stealth png info
>>25921 yeah, that still works, but we have a script we can use to grab the metadata directly in the browser. just a nice quality of life
Is AMD viable yet?
>>25923 no and never will
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Does anyone has an idea to work with huber loss? I could maybe give it a try, my trainings have been getting kinda lots of unstable loss peaks, it can easily go from 0.077 to 0.093 and I've heard huber could help with this
>>25923 sure, get the zluda implementation
>>25925 Check out all of my lora, all of them use Huber loss You can find the tomls at the link on >>25918 On another note though, an unstable loss is not really that surprising with SDXL models, because it's just... jank
>>25923 Yesterday at AMD's conference, it was announced MI35X series, which is supposed to outperform Nvidia's H200. So basically, if you're not a millionaire with unlimited resources, this information is useless for you. Nvidia is still king for consumer tier, and it seems it will be like this for quite some time, since ROCm doesn't seems to be interested in adding more support for older consumer tier gpus. Hell, not even for the 6000 series.
>>25927 Oh I see, alright thanks, gonna give it a look >On another note though, an unstable loss is not really that surprising with SDXL models, because it's just... jank Why does this not surprises me... sigh. I hate SDXL
https://civitai.com/models/492306/encorewutheringwaves-for-pony?modelVersionId=547379 This is so toasty compared to the lora some anon from here made The civitai dude probably trained it on game screenshots and called it a day
is it possible to gen on a laptop without murdering it SDXL seems like its really demanding
>>25930 Yeah, I know my encore lora isn't entirely consistent on the outfit, but at least it's not baked like that one! I'm fairly happy with it tbh, because encore turned out flexible enough to put her in a whole bunch of different outfits too. Same with verina, verina was actually harder because she had like 12 pieces of art in total. Regardless, so long as people enjoy using my lora, it's worth the effort to make them
>>25929 Yeah, same tbh, sdxl is just not a great model
>>25931 I believe forge is able to run sdxl on 4gb of vram, it'll be slow, and you probably won't be able to upscale very far if at all, but it's possible. How much vram do you have?
>>25934 I'm planning to buy a new laptop soon, was just wondering if its even a good idea to run SDXL on it or just stick to online services like colab and tensor to not murder the thing. Probably a laptop 4050/4060 most likely for reference
>>25935 4060 8gb will be fine for sdxl but not future-proof for further models. I was looking for a laptop upgrade myself some time ago and was a bit surprised how much 12gb+ vram models cost. And if your laptop doesn't have absolute bottom-tier assembly you shouldn't murder it with genning, no. Undervolt your gpu though and have hwinfo to check temps if you're paranoid.
>>25936 What are some good laptops that have good build quality and don't murder my wallet? Framework seemed like the best but I really don't want to spend upwards of 2k on a laptop.
>>25937 Sorry, don't know what's good now. I wouldn't take HP and noname chinese brands, that's all I can say. I've been using Dell G5 laptop for like 5 years already and it's been pretty solid except for battery life. Mostly bought it due to lack of cringe gamer design though.
>>25937 doni't be a retard and just buy a stationary pc
>>25939 Some of us need the mobility a laptop offers else yeah a desktop PC will always be better.
>>25935 honestly now is one of the worst times ever to buy a gpu, we're in a point were the future is AI, and they're making sure to jew the fuck out of consumer GPUs as possible by crippling VRAM capacity do NOT buy anything less than 12-16 gb if you ABSOLUTELY need a gpu. You're going to deeply regret getting 8gb the second you have it in your hands. 8gb is the absolute bare minimum for all things A.I alone.
haven't checked in since the usable SDXL pony models started getting used. what's the go to these days for prompting and training? i miss simpler times with basedmix and aom2
>>25942 autismmix confetti for prompting and pony v6 for training, afaik
>>25940 literally what for, in that case you just get a shitty laptop that does the bare minimum
>>25942 I wish I asked the guy who trained a 1girl lora for me to do it on animagine just so i can use the inpainting model, way more useful 4me and now im cucked. otherwise yeah pony
>>25944 nta but Im rentcucking in different places and planning to move to another country. I'm gonna have to sell my pc that is at my parents' place, probably gonna have no use for it
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hook uploaded: https://mega.nz/folder/OMY2RRxQ#zYaokRZV361WSNImfrBCrQ/folder/jNJ2yBhJ fun fact, hook only has like 100 pieces of art despite being a launch unit for hsr, most of which is completely unusable for training. as such, this dataset only had 10 images in it total. I used masked training to try and handle there being such a small dataset, and it seemed to work out well. I didn't try to put her into other outfits this time around, so can't say anything about that, but it probably would work well enough. takes to style lora very well
>>25947 high quality. is that really all there is to the prompt? do you drop the negative for hirezfix?
>>25949 yeah, that's it, I don't use negatives in my gens, I let my lora do the work. same with not using the score tags, source tags, or any other quality tag for that matter
>>25950 that's pretty neat
>>25948 Blessed taste, Mitsudomoe is kino. More Mitsuba is always welcome, though I think her belly pudge is a little overexaggerated there.
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The major is recuperating after an injury in the field. Please be sure to carefully guard her body while she rests.
>>25947 HSR mostly releases adult women or men so not surprised she doesn't have a lot of art. Being a lolicon in a hoyo game is suffering sometimes.
>>25957 agreed, though hook is an unusually small amount compared to the other loli characters i've made lora of.
>>25959 She's sure happy to be outside.
>>25962 beach brats with popsicles, one of my many weaknesses..
Seeing someone else using it has gotten me interested in prompt padding (basically just fill to max prompt size with quality tags, make sure neg and pos prompts are both full) again. I used to do it a lot in local but never really experimented with it in NAI. If you remember the old schizo negatives, that was a type of early shitty prompt padding. Anyway, has anyone else experimented with padding and have any ideas on ways to do it better (whether NAI or local)? It does seem to make some difference. catbox for aco rwby stuff, going to do more anime style and content testing later. https://files.catbox.moe/ghwut3.png (embed) https://files.catbox.moe/pfyna1.png (embed) https://files.catbox.moe/t8fl5c.png (embed) https://files.catbox.moe/gy4biw.png (embed) Y'all are more technically minded than /h/ these days, anyone tried this kind of thing?
Any of you script wizards know how I could gen on colab with loras? Been using this colab for a while https://colab.research.google.com/github/R3gm/SD_diffusers_interactive/blob/main/Stable_diffusion_interactive_notebook.ipynb?authuser=2#scrollTo=eHO0LSC--4WF but it's old and hasn't been updated in ages so some SDXL loras do not work in this and I don't have the technical knowledge to make them work Not particularly expecting anyone to but would be extremely helpful if someone figured it out since not everyone has a great rig to gen stuff on
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>>25969 tastefully thick. squeezable.
>WARNING[XFORMERS]: xFormers can't load C++/CUDA extensions. xFormers was built for: >PyTorch 2.3.0+cu118 with CUDA 1108 (you have 2.3.1+cpu) I want to die. >>25955 Nice.
>>25970 She still needs a little bit of cardio correction.
>>25972 Does plapping count as cardio?
>>25973 Definitely
>>25975 Very nice
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>>25975 Box please
>>25976 thanks! >>25978 Meta's there as other anon pointed out if you don't want to use browser extension for whatever reason, you can use this https://github.com/neggles/sd-webui-stealth-pnginfo I'll still catbox the base gen though. https://files.catbox.moe/pgntq3.png
>>25977 Any updates about adding this to easy scripts? >>25745
>>25981 oh right, forgot about that, been busy so I sort of forgot, I can update it today quickly
>>25982 update pushed to dev, and I gotta say, absolutely 100% fuck that arg, it just had to clash with dora_wd, which made an easy change into a hard one.
>>25983 I don't know why kohaku just decided to make perf worse, not even documenting that. How is that conflicts with dora?
>>25984 the new arg explicitly crashes the process, so I had to add a new limitation to dora, which already has a ton of limits to it, aka, must be locon, loha, or lokr, cannot be used with network dropout, and cannot be used with bypass mode, which isn't locked behind locon, loha, and lokr only. as such, you can get into a situation where you had dora checked, then you swap to like ia3, for example, then check bypass mode, which would screw up all of the logic on what is enabled or not.
>>25985 Alright, ty, why dora is so restricted for features btw? I still dont get it, like half the training speed on 4090, seen some complaints on 4cuck that 8gb vram got filtered out too at inference time using it, no dropout (well this at least understandable by design of that algorithm) and results is comparable to just adding convolutions? Maybe I just trained it wrong, but it's just don't differs from locon this much
>>25986 I pretty much only train dora, and I have zero issues with it. the main draw of it, for me at least, is that it generalizes much better
>>25987 Well, I know some prompts that when you trying to gen it, it will just overweight loras for some reason, for example https://files.catbox.moe/3h9o5v.png I tested like everything, longer run, higher lr(this will just blow everything and output almost indistinguishable images when prompting something from dataset and still won't get enough of the style generalized), prodigy, dora, but only solution to get it more tianliang resemblance was to train from autism and overfit, but not at the fast pace, it starts to break fingers on 1 weight and almost unusable with full weight when prompting from dataset or not using anything else that will try to overweight it. Wonder if there is some better way to do it, truly, dora was a bit better, like a second place for that, but still on par with everything else, not even close enough. Besides all that, this prompt will do just absolutely fine if artist just have some ass focusus, asses in swimsuits, bluearc, etc. Overfit one to hell, extend dataset for most popular cases with that and train again, lol?
>>25988 I mean, it pretty much boils down to pony, i'm pretty sure. after all the hashes break the entire TE. I'm gonna be honest though, my tianliang dora does pretty damn well, and that one is one of my older ones at this point
>>25989 This one? https://mega.nz/folder/OMY2RRxQ#zYaokRZV361WSNImfrBCrQ/folder/fQoziYrS It's exactly what I've tried to nail down, it just feels like "not enough" especially when comparing it like that. Slight divergence from the dataset and for some reason it's all falling apart like a house of cards, although there seems to be not a big difference with cunnys, and I'd prefer the left one myself.
>>25990 yeah, i'm talking about that one, but also you don't want to use a negative or score tags with it
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>>25991 when in doubt upweighting works, in order, 1, 1.2, 1.5 + extra loli shiroko
>>25991 Okay, just did it and this "lol" printed shirt was generated >>25992 Yeah, it's another way to force the style more on autism
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>>25993 apparently it still handles 1.7 fairly well too
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>>25995 cute
>>25993 why would you wear a shirt that says "lol" wtf is wrong with zoomers
>>25999 they should wear "loli" shirts
so you probably have seen how fucking bad sd3 is with anatomy and females in general nonetheless someone on cuckchan managed to gen literal csam shit with it >>8063010 (4chan hdg) How fucking incompetent is sai?
>>26001 haha oopsie poopsie we were so busy censoring all the stuff that make the fat childless shrews in our social media department upset (beautiful women) that we forgot to care about the illegal shit, what a widdle fucky wucky xP
>>26003 now thats a chubby bunny (challenge)
>>25990 i borrowed your TOML and i'm getting 600 s/it on a 3090 and a wall of triton errors, is that normal
>>26000 True >>26006 It's not my config, if you took one from mega link, it's this guy config >>25996 But triton errors is a common thing on windows, you can ignore it, 600s/it is not something good though
>>26007 cute and based
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>>26006 Triton errors are normal, make sure you have checkpointing on, it uses 42gb of vram without it, with, it's only like 12 though
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>>26011 bunny girls are looking great. I'll post some more undressing in a bit
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Playing around with DoRAs. Here's Koishi Chikasa. Catbox is down but the previews in the MEGA have metadata. Thank you to Mr. John Easyscripts Anon as usual. Highly recommended to use loli or plump/chubby tags for this one. https://mega.nz/folder/OoYWzR6L#psN69wnC2ljJ9OQS2FDHoQ/folder/upxl1ShJ
>>26015 yeah, i've pretty much only been using euler a for SDXL, don't see much reason changing it when I get good results
>>26016 oof, accidentally uploaded the fucked up one
>>26017 uoooh
>>26019 This one looks like it could be fun to mix with, thanks.
>>26010 thanks, got it running the three errors i was hitting were >going OOM and swapping to RAM turned checkpointing on >bad file paths because i'm on windows opened the TOML with a text editor and find-replaced \ with / >avr_loss disappearing after a few minutes set no half vae
>>26021 the average loss dissapearing is just because your terminal window is too small, kohaku shoves so much shit in one line of info that some of it just gets cut off, and you can't change it once it's started btw
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thank you mr. john easyscripts for the antifreeze dora it's fucking fantastic when pony decides to actually generate the foot properly
>>26024 first of all, "mr. john easyscripts" is probably one of the funniest things i've heard, and second, glad you like it! even though i'm fairly quick with my lora, I do try and put a lot of effort into them
>>26022 i see i see two failures and i'm running my third now >changed batch to 8 because batch 2 was only like 30% of my vram and didn't reduce my learning rate, charbroiled >reduced learning rate but didn't toggle the setting to be able to resume, underbaked photoshopped all the watermarks and scan artifacts out, next plan of attack is to retag everything again because i thought 75 tokens was a hard limit the first time around this is sort of fun
>>26019 First time tried using your dora in comfy, my VRAM usage jumped from 6.8GB without dora to 12.5GB with it. Is this normal or should I be using some custom nodes to alleviate this? Currently using default lora loader. I have 11GB so naturally gen times plummet to unusable speeds...
>>26028 Apparently I needed to update comfy with dependencies. Now it takes 8.3GB with dora the first time and for some weird reason 7.3GB the second time and onwards (or if I just cancel the first gen).
>>26028 I am almost 100% sure comfy did some change with the dora implementation a few weeks back that made it significantly worse, because on forge and auto the dora I make work very well.
>>26033 Wasn't realism one of the things this board has banned? Yeah, it's the thing talked about the most in the pinned post.
>>26034 oops my bad
Settle down, shut up, and cook.
>>26036 What did he mean by this?
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>>26039 Cute, thanks.
i request artist loras of these two artist pretty please me vramlet https://www.pixiv.net/en/users/10199514 https://gelbooru.com/index.php?page=wiki&s=&s=view&id=7217
>>26040 >unlolified
>>26041 ikuse looks really nice, I'll take a stab at it later.
>>26043 Yes, I have sinned.
>>26049 that smug smile... she totally manufactured the situation, damn brat
>>26050 Yes, she's a total whore.
>>26049 An unexpected twist!
i'm still not fully happy with it but at least i can get to the part that matters, endless lora mixing
>>26053 Cute Olli
>>26049 now post the aftermath
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WIP for the fella who requested an ikuse LoRA, still experimenting with parameters and DoRAs learn faster than I thought so the first run came out overfit.
>>25961 MORE
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https://mega.nz/folder/OoYWzR6L#psN69wnC2ljJ9OQS2FDHoQ/folder/ygQBQZra ikuse for >>26041 Also included the toml which is based on my old LoCON settings and John Easyscript's DoRA settings, should work quite well for 16GB+ (possibly 12?).
>>26058 LESGOOOOOOOOOOOO Thank you bro it's very nice
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>>26061 Cute! Could you share a catbox for the second one? I like the style
>>26062 https://files.catbox.moe/6ou5tu.png Metadata should be available with stealthpnginfo but sure. Sadly this style doesn't hold up when used without character/copyright tags, but I really liked how it worked out for Illya/Kuro.
>>26063 Thank you! The metadata was indeed available I was just being a dum dum
>>26055 I will, when I find some time to gen. >>26060 She's a cutie. >>26061 >>26063 stupid sexy Illya.
has Pony/Autism with LORAs caught up to NAI yet? Tired of paying for a model that gets left behind when it comes to waifus.
>>26066 I'd say yes. There are caveats, mostly with style, but certainly worth trying if you're missing your waifus.
>>26067 NAI is really good at touhou/gacha/vtubers. but those can get tiring after a while. doesn't help that it's at the mercy of Gelbooru tags.
>>26066 ehh i've seen a few posts in /h/ that tricked me but they were probably a couple hours of effort each
>>26068 It can do quite a lot of charas, not only the most popular ones though. But yes you're missing out on the latest or obscure waifus. >doesn't help that it's at the mercy of Danbooru tags True, you technically can use their furry model as a crutch (I did test it) for some concepts that anime model shits itself with, but if you got a good gpu at your disposal just go play with local.
>>26071 my 3060 ti needs an upgrade soon, but i can bum it out with Forge.
>>26066 Pony is super scuffed but you can certainly get better results than NAI with certain subjects (and of course, training styles/subjects NAI doesn't know). The major caveats in my experience are the "hashed" tokens causing jank and the noise offset is SUPER scuffed, which you can observe comparing Pony outputs to NAIv3 and Fluffyrock prompting for dark scenes. That might be fixable with a LoRA or LoRA merged model, not too sure.
>>26066 On style yes, if you don't like the default pony style you can just plaster it in loras or merge or retrain it. On promptability fuck no, the text encoder is fucking garbage.
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This stuff looks really good. Any ideas what they're using or how they're prompting? www.pixiv.net/en/users/90281477 www.pixiv.net/en/users/105818043
>>26075 looks like your stereotypical nai gens to me, likely just using the same artists as nearly everybody else
Requesting a Style LoRA for this artist https://twitter.com/ceramic06 Very cute and funny stuff, also I like his linearts
>>26078 yep I'd say if you don't miss any features stay on the good commit for now, it still performs better especially if you are 6-8gb vramlet.
>>26076 Do you know what artists? I can see Modare and Rei in there
>>26081 no, I don't, I usually am quick to forget most artists
>>26083 >>26085 cute >>26084 extremely cute
fuck man came back after several month hiatus to find hdg in even bigger disarray than it was, that's sad
>>26088 Yes, I have basically stopped browsing the threads.
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4chin hdg has been garbage for a while. I don't think cadcade or wdV or any new local model being good can save it at this point
>>26088 That's what bot posting, discord raids, local/nai drama fagging and model shillwars will do to a thread that receives little to no moderation. Whoever is in charge of /h/ really doesn't like being stuck with the general and it clearly shows. I also doubt they will create an AI board, despite there being so many generals strewn across the site, since I suspect they just don't want to paint a clear target on themselves in regards to future legal shit. I'm glad this general is still around though.
I think it's also people not caring about AI as much aymore, novelty's wore off. So shitter and schizo majority remains
>>26093 Don't think so. Hypefags don't particularly bring quality with them. With hdg it's just the case of literally 2-3 schizos raping the general with the help of malicious moderation.
>>26095 It's pretty dead here but sure newfrens are welcome.
>>26097 cute patriotic beach brat
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damn brat...
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>>26096 >>26098 Thanks It's always a tough choice to play or train/degenerate
>>26101 Yeah sure is but I have some time off work now so I'll be posting more often for a bit now.
I've almost exclusively been using imagegen to make pics for textgen character cards lately. It's such a godsend for writing OCs. Have some legally distinct Kaai Yuki.
>>26103 do you do local textgen?
>>26104 I did, started with Mixtral finetunes (I bought a 3090 for local SDXL). They're okay, will probably blow your mind if you haven't played with LLMs at all. I've mostly moved on to using Claude because nothing else is even close for roleplay. Anthropic's mid-tier models (Sonnet, 2.1) are cheap and you can get free access if you know where to look.
>>26106 how touchy is claude about loli? i've got sonnet through scylla, just stayed away from anything underage out of concern that i'd be killing keys.
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abmayo: https://mega.nz/folder/OMY2RRxQ#zYaokRZV361WSNImfrBCrQ/folder/nMAyTDII made with my new tag pruner code that uses the v3 taggers (on dev right now): https://github.com/derrian-distro/SD-Tag-Editor/tree/dev miku because it's abmayo, and the rest is hifumi as usual, can't seem to get away from her
>>26107 Absolutely fine, AWS Claude is hardly monitored if at all, keys usually live through the whole month.
>>26106 charlotte is cute what model/lora is this?
>>26109 neat
>>26112 appreciated!
>>26106 >Anthropic's mid-tier models (Sonnet, 2.1) are cheap and you can get free access if you know where to look. Wasn't Sonnet 3.5 released for free? Is it worse than 4o and Claude? I honestly never did anything interesting with LLMs after I had a bit of initial fun with 3.5 when it released. I'm getting a bit bored with imagegen kinda, maybe textshit could be a good replacement for this. No local for me though, sadly.
>>26115 Sonnet 3.5 sucks dick and I can only imagine if they have a free option it's both heavily moderated and rate limited like 4o's
>>26117 if only
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>>26118 at least there are other characters worth making a lora of
>>26117 Lucy and Piper are great so i'm satisfied and apparently there's another loli coming next ZZZ patch too Just downloaded the lora for those two off civitai and was about to get to doing some proompting
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>>26121 cute concept
It's weird, but I think AI has actually made me less degenerate. When I first started genning, all I did was ryonafag shit. Now I'm increasingly just an /e/ fag. I'm also more concerned about composition and hand accuracy than about sex. Also, even though I burned out on like every other character, I never got tired of remiflan.
>>26125 meanwhile I haven't inpainted anything in a stupidly long time because all I gen are test images for lora I bake
>>26126 same but because i know once i start inpainting i'm going to keep noticing imperfections and inpainting more to the point that just genning more would have probably gotten me a better result sooner
>>26127 For me, it's more like obsessively inpainting minor details and shit only to notice after I'm done and posted it somewhere that some other way more important and obvious part is completely fucked.
>>26124 These are quality. It's clear that you care
>>26129 Thanks. The other thing I've been doing lately is revisiting prompts from when I just started with NAI and was fucking around to see if I can improve anything with what I've learned.
I've been messing around with foreshortening tag since I saw shuten anon using it and I was often wondering if it even did anything. Well, sometimes it does do something.
>>26124 Been pretty vanilla /e/fag for a while but recently started to gen more and more degen shit.
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also abazi (not entirely sure if that is correct tbh): https://mega.nz/folder/OMY2RRxQ#zYaokRZV361WSNImfrBCrQ/folder/CMAmAbQI
Oh no no no no pencilsisters... https://github.com/lllyasviel/Paints-UNDO
>>26137 My favorite artist twitter melty was when some ai miku picture got popular and a bunch of artists made memes of miku saying pick up a pencil or something. The complete contradiction of using an AI character from an AI voice program (guess it's not replacing artists when they're just singers eh?) was totally lost on them, because they have no self awareness or thought at all. It was hilarious. Miku is everything they stand against from both a product and a character standpoint, but they never connected the dots because it wasn't their labor getting replaced.
>>26138 Kek, didn't think about that. I recently saw artists cancelling another one for supposedly tracing over ai gens, which is true because... well it just is ok?! Then someone posted "proof" that they are tracing by running their pics through i2i and people ate that up lmao.
>>26137 Real art died a long time ago. I hope the whole crab bucket of grifters devours itself.
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Apparently hdg janny didn't like a single post of mine but, the rest are somehow fine. For the taiga anon, a typo fix in the prompt. If they even see this. NAI still doesn't really like doing taiga gens if you don't include toradora! though.
>>26144 Probably deleted whatever got reported.
Wish i could edit the nai gens easily if only this shit leaked...
>>26144 She's saisaka now. I'm going to bully her forever!
>>26146 Inpainting with the metachs extension is pretty nice even on upscaled pics, infill usually manages to grasp context even on a cropped pic.
>>26144 The /h/ jannies are lazy jeets who just toss a 3-day on anything that happens to get reported. I got a 3-day ban for loli for THIS picture.
>>26149 funnily, i mostly catch a ban whenever i post characters other than my wife
>>26144 F, well I have been sent on a vacation for hebes.
>>26153 Can't believe she shaves.
>>26153 >last love messy faces like that and love Tomoko. She looks too clean though, Tomoko would never shave
>>26156 She might if she snagged a cool older boyfriend (who definitely isn't taking advantage of her), which will definitely finally make her popular (by demonstrating how cool she is).
This is the first time I've ever randomly gachaed into a red themed monochromatic image.
>>26158 it's a NAI error, sometimes it really fucks up the color when it's struggling to resolve a bunch of conflicting artists or compositions you can do some cool stuff with it
>>26160 cute wife
>>26158 >>26159 I sometimes get really bizarre shit with NAI's SDE, actually shame I didn't save some of those.
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>add lora trained on NAI gens to the mixture >local is now 10x better it's just sad at this point
>>26162 nice. easy to inpaint her face into other girls too, sankyuu
>>26167 very cute
>>26167 This image is great
Good morning I hate NAI (the company not people using their product).
>>26170 good morning, i'm probably going to pay them $25 again soon
>>26170 >hi guys im a retarded leftist beggar everything should be free :))) anything else?
>>26172 Not him but they ARE a bunch of faggots for not releasing the papers on the training despite promising to do so. Also SaaS is ultimately dystopian and unreliable, can be taken away or break at any time and leaves you dependent on the service provider. I say this as someone who's subbed, but I can recognize why people take issue with services. Most people who dislike NAI wouldn't mind paying for getting the weights locally, but obviously this just won't work out.
>>26173 Weren't they going to release them when v4 comes out? Obviously they wont self-harm, if they do that and their userbase - thus funding - disappears we all go back to being eternally cucked. Whining about NAI is dumb, they aint even greedy money-wise. Just slow as shit, text behind and v4's still cooking
>>26174 >Weren't they going to release them when v4 comes out? Well, this is what they were claiming back in November-January, picrelated. Nothing has come out since then. There were also some claims from tabloida iirc but I can't find them right now. >Whining about NAI is dumb, they aint even greedy money-wise. Some people can't stomach anything non-foss/cloud and I can live with that, but the amount of seethe nai attracts is still a bit staggering, yeah. It seems to stem from the vg generals, they have a long history of nai wars.
>>26175 they spent like six months slowly dragging themselves to acknowledge that they can't compete with llama 3's 15 trillion token pretrain and they're gonna be stuck finetuning other companies' text models forever probably a bitter pill to swallow given how badly they got fucked by non-commercial licenses and how amped up they were to get a h100 cluster
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>>26182 Counterpoint: It hasn't even yet begun
>>26184 Damn, that's one of the tightest Pony character LoRAs I've seen so far. And that cleft of venus is just *mwuah*.
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>>26186 thanks! I try to put effort into my lora, I like for things to look mostly correct on my characters and styles, here's a link to the lora if you want to play with it, just a heads up, I don't use a negative or any score tags when I prompt, so if you do, your mileage may vary: https://mega.nz/folder/OMY2RRxQ#zYaokRZV361WSNImfrBCrQ/folder/GNhiFCwA as for that gen, it was a bit gacha, I kept trying to get her to keep her legs more together, as pony loves to spread them when it gets the chance. I actually was only able to get it to do closer to what I wanted once I started prompting for the shoes to be in frame, Pony is sometimes annoying to work with.
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>>26193 You should tell her that without a job you won't be able to pay for all the anals it takes to gen her at this resolution. Pic 1 here and >>26191 are gorgeous btw.
>>26192 what do you use for these upscales in swarmui? i'm trying to get used to it and for the most part i like it more than auto/forge, but haven't figured out upscales do a degree i'm satisfied with yet. in your metadata i see "comfyrawworkflowinputdecimallatentupscalebynodescalebyds", does this mean you are not using the "generate" tab at all and are using the "comfy workflow" tab?
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>>26195 I am, yeah, it's a bit jank because the swarm lora loader node actually breaks when you try to use the workflow in the generate tab without any lora loaded, but only then. I do also change the sampling to be AYS. It's a fairly simple upscale, 1.5x with a latent nearest exact at 0.6 denoise. It only uses built in nodes from comfy and swarm because I couldn't be bothered in the slightest to install custom nodes https://files.catbox.moe/x04bcy.json - workflow and an obligitory cunny post to keep on topic
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>>26199 very cute
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>>26204 those first 2 are very hot. Could you share a catbox?
>>26205 Sure thing, there's some weird shit in the negs from when I was genning some cunny 2B cosplay. https://files.catbox.moe/wj5nzc.png https://files.catbox.moe/5nkup4.png
>>26206 Thank you!
>>26208 sexo
>>26208 lick
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>>26211 I love you anon
>>26212 Hey, I just made a lora of her because I wanted to. She's just too perfect not to lewd. Glad you like it though!
>>26203 That is a (sexy madoka) indeed. 10/10
>>26211 Mr. John, there is a bug with cosine annealing on the latest commit >ValueError: 'cosine_annealing_warm_restarts_(CAWR)' is not a valid SchedulerType Also minimal lr field is inactive now for some reason, can you bring it back? It's useful to have single cosine not to zero sometimes
>>26215 yeah I know of it already, I planned on fixing it today, well I planned on fixing it last night but I was just too busy. It's because the scheduler isn't correctly detecting the old named schedulers
>>26215 shot an update to dev branch that fixed those bugs
>>26218 Nice, thanks. Since you are somehow involved with wd team, I want to ask you. One my good fella trying to train xl for fun and results already something promising just on the 2nd epoch. He just deciding to maybe switch for cosxl checkpoint at this point and try to make something from it, will it just run smoothly with kohya vpred/ztsnr flags or does it need something else to train it? Here is some grids he showed me https://files.catbox.moe/qw7eqc.jpg https://files.catbox.moe/kvjjeh.jpg
>>26219 yeah, cosxl is completely untrainable on kohya because it uses a continuous cosine schedule, as in, it doesn't have any timesteps which is key in all other models. They would have to write a trainer from scratch in order to make it work. as for my involvement in WD, I made the lr scheduler we are using as well as a lot of the tag processing tools. At this point I would consider myself a core part of the team. are they training SDXL from scratch or are they using another model as base?
>core member lurking an almost lolicon-exclusive board >team doesn't train on loli The world is so strange...
>>26221 unfortunately, I can't really say much about that, trust me when I say I tried to keep it in. There's only so much I can do on my own...
>>26220 >yeah, cosxl is completely untrainable on kohya because it uses a continuous cosine schedule, as in, it doesn't have any timesteps which is key in all other models. They would have to write a trainer from scratch in order to make it work. Guess it's a bad idea then, unless your team is sharing the code for it somewhere >At this point I would consider myself a core part of the team. Okay, I just didn't know that >are they training SDXL from scratch or are they using another model as base? It's about 300 hours on some single 48gb ampere with relatively clean 1.7m dataset from 1.0 sdxl base weights
wait, wdV sanitized loli? lmao, dead on arrival.
>>26223 it's looking pretty good for only a single GPU, hope they like the result. Technically speaking our trainer is public, but I'm not actually sure how easy it is to use on a single GPU setup, it's designed with scalability in mind. (it also doesn't have any real directions on how to use it) >>26224 gold content was removed, but anything that didn't have the loli tag was kept in, the model will definitely know what a loli is at launch (and while using the tag "loli" too, that I was able to get in)
>>26225 >Technically speaking our trainer is public Oh, really? Where I can find it? I will just drop it to him, maybe he could understand something from it
It's a lie that danbooru gold doesn't offer anything for a dataset. All the best uncensores are in loli content. These guys are always the most dedicated, no contest. You WILL want these vaginas on grown girls too, they are the most detailed and aesthetic by far. It may well become another animagine in terms of the flesh-wound instead of pussy. Maybe it will get to pony level, what it definitely will not be without explicit loli is nai.
>>26227 And also, are a11 or comfy adapted to run those checkpoints already?
>>26229 comfy and swarm both have extensions/custom nodes for them already. I'm not 100% sure if we plan on making an extension for auto or not, auto is really not fun to work with when you have to tweak the core systems to make it work.
>>26230 A1111 or even forge is still way to go for many users, are you guys planning to make some lora training code for the future? Anyway, friend of mine just said that he will look into that, but it's still a long time to finish bake of this one to do a fresh start, after the finish will decide, but no tools, like loras or cnet and comfy only is not very good to start
>>26231 yeah, I know auto is, and I made that pretty clear to the team, so I would be more surprised if we didn't make something for it. I want to try and add lora training to neurosis eventually, hopefully before full release, but I know quite literally nothing about jax. cnet will probably never exist, and if it does, it'll be somebody else who added support for it, but we want to make lora training possible for sure.
>>26232 Jax is some kind of distributed training? Think I heard about it from fluffyrock or some other furry model training
>>26233 it's pretty much just pytorch but different
>>26225 >gold content was removed, but anything that didn't have the loli tag was kept in, the model will definitely know what a loli is at launch (and while using the tag "loli" too, that I was able to get in) Not sure if I get it right. So if there's a supposed loli post on danbooru that didn't have a proper "loli" tag on it, it will get into wdv dataset and will be tagged as loli?
>>26225 Can you at least confirm how many kuro/illya images made it in, if any? That's all I care about
>>26237 Asking the right questions there.
>>26236 Gold content = loli + explicit. Clothed lolis are not gold.
>>26239 Also questionable too. So tag loli will actually mean "clothed young girl" to the model.
>>26239 >>26240 So that's pretty much danbooru "child" tag then?
>>26236 >>26239 >>26240 >>26241 More or less the images tagged with female child will be converted to the tags loli, child. I tried to do this as a compromise to make it easier to train back in the cunny later, the goal for it is to be a base model people can build off of, while being a good model at base. We are specifically trying to train it in such a way where further training on it is doable and encouraged. >>26237 >>26238 As for this, I'm not sure but the most basic guess would be any image of them on danbooru that doesn't have the loli tag, we aren't bothering to filter out anything but what is directly locked behind gold (well that's not true, we are filtering out images that are too small, so on and so forth, standard quality filtering)
>>26242 Thank you for your efforts!
>>26243 yeah, I know it's disappointing news to hear that gold content was removed, but we are still trying to make the model as good as we can.
>>26244 I wasn't being sarcastic and still have hopes for wdv, if it wasn't for you it probably would be even more pruned. Although I do find it to be a bit bizarre that the only entity that didn't castrate their model due to ethics bullshit is the proprietary SaaS corpo so far. Resonance too I guess but I don't really have high expectations there.
>>26245 oh no, actually we pruned it simply because it's highly illegal material in australia, where one of the core devs live
>>26246 He shouldn't be working on it in the first place. I said this before on 4chan, but your dataset will have lots of illegal content by some retarded country's definition anyway because 1. it's not tagged properly 2. some of what danbooru thinks is rating:sensitive (and thus not under gold) will be considered sexual content by lawyers. He's playing with fire. And as long as situation is like this, I guess your best course of action would be to just train with everything, but tell everyone you pruned it. Congrats on already making the second part a success.
>>26247 Yeah, I, obviously, think it's stupid to prune anything at all, but the compute is theirs, so I need to play, at least somewhat, by their rules. I've managed to get some concessions made, but if we want to train the model at all, that's just how it is. Of course, with the amount of training it'll get, it shouldn't be hard to do a small scale finetune on the base version to add the gold content back in, so It's really only a temporary problem in the end.
>>26248 I dislike small-scale finetunes because you overwrite carefully crafted weights baked with low lr on a dataset where the model sees the same image twice with a very long interval in-between. Then you just dunk on all that with 10k images being fed over and over, probably with higher lr too, because it's obviously not going to be done with the same powerful compute. It's the same thing as loras, just a little less retarded, but you do lose the precision and especially knowledge of the original model for sure. But... I understand it is what it is.
>>26249 yeah, I can understand your frustration. At the very least, I'm in charge of one of the aesthetic finetunes, so I might be able to do something fun with the model at least
>>26250 Wish you good luck, bro.
>>26249 Yeah finetunes are cope in a way. It's a tradeoff, the more the model learns the finetuned content the more it forgets the base model's subtleties. Like how the original artists in SDXL are no longer promptable in finetunes. The only way to do it proper would to have an entire clone of the original dataset, plus the stuff you wanted to add in. >>26250 What makes up the rest of the dataset? Is the pixiv scraped stuff filtered as well? Any sadpanda galleries?
>>26252 I think the rest is pixiv, some sankaku, and I think we are going to include just a small bit of e621 content (specifically anime style kemono if I remember correctly) to help diversify the data. I don't believe we have pruned anything from those portions of the dataset. None of us have a sadpanda account that has enough credits to even bother trying to scrape them, In fact, I'm pretty sure I'm the only one who has an account at all.
>>26253 I wasted like 20 hours on hentaiverse and have 260k credits. Though I'd be training stuff but eventually decided that pony isn't worth it. Can download some stuff if you need, but I'm personally only interested in hebes:P
>>26254 Though -> thought*
>>26254 I honestly think we'll be fine without it, tbh. Our dataset will end up with at least 10 million images as is.
>>26256 Kk, will save them for that one day when a good enough model pops up. But hopefully I won't ever need them because loras fucking suck...
>>26236 Not anyone related to this discussion but I can confirm there's a surprising amount of explicit loli that escaped danbooru taggers and if it escaped danbooru taggers then it probably escaped the people responsible for tagging all this stuff Lolicon is pretty huge in anime and scrubbing all of it completely would take a significant amount of effort. They can definitely make it hard though. It's so hard to prompt girls like Nahida on certain models and the more tags you add, the older/taller the character gets which sucks and always leaves me using one lora spot for an age slider or coping with ((loli:1.4)) or some other shiz
I just don't see a reason why I should be excited for a model that's purposefully made against MY preferences.
>>26259 pony was explicitly made against my preferences (I mean come on the name is PONYDIFFUSION) and it's the model I use every day these days If they're blessed by the gods of luck or the gods of AI then someone's going to eventually make some mix that adds what I want back into it and become my daily driver
Is the guy who made the NAI webui extension still checking here? Anyway, latest pull in forge webui (and maybe base webui, didn't check) breaks the extension due to adding required positional argument of index to scripts.PostprocessImageArgs function. If anyone else experiences this issue, my current workaround is simply to change pp = scripts.PostprocessImageArgs(image) to pp = scripts.PostprocessImageArgs(image, 0) at line 45 in nai_api_processing.py This doesn't seem to break anything aside from causing the console to occasionally repeatedly print that it has requested an image (but these don't result in real requests or else they are ignored by NAI or something). I believe the index variable here is recordkeeping for batches so my fix may break things if you ever do a batch size > 1, but I never do. Also, here's some random gens from my recents folder.
>>26261 Is there any reason to update even? I've been pretty happy with the June commit so far.
>>26262 For forge/webui? There were some specific features added with regards to dora support I wanted to use. Also, although I also did like how they revamped the inpainting UI. For the nai webui thing? IDK, the only thing that's new to me is multiple vibe support, which might be in the june commit for all I know. It'd been a VERY long time since I pulled. I only pull when there is a specific feature I want since it always breaks something and is a pain in the ass to fix.
>>26263 I meant nai api, I'm not really genning local now so I'm okay with staying on ancient forge commit. >multiple vibe support, which might be in the june commit for all I know. It's there in the June commit.
Some random gens while testing some style lora

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Someone here recommended CN-anytest. Thank you, it's pretty cool
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>>26271 Tennis girls are fine too.
>>26273 really like the eyes on the first one >year 20120
https://civitai.com/models/615901/crybaby-ponynai3?modelVersionId=688508 Found this randomly on civitai Probably going to get taken down but I imagine it might be useful for some
>>26246 >>26227 >an australian tranny is responsible for wdv being more censored than a corporate model truly more funny than fiction. any hopes I had for open weights shit being good are completely dashed. may as well have donated your compute to animagine or pony v7 or whatever lmao.
>>26277 I don't think it's the trannies, it's just that flat women are illegal in australia for some reason.
>>26276 >The page you are looking for doesn't exist
>>26279 Looks like it got taken down Some guy made a lora of some loli artist and left his telegram for example pictures but my telegram is bound to my real phone number and ain't no way i'm going to join that with my actual name and phone https://t.me/+HNMVvFCoGeY4M2I1
>>26278 What about several hundred thousand flat women naked and having sex that are still in the dataset? Is it magically okay if it's 5% less illegal because gold isn't included? Is that how law works?
>>26281 I'm not him but australia's just retarded and does have some strict laws against any women that look flat or underage. Might be actually the worst country in the world to live in if you enjoy drawings of cute anime girls.
>>26282 I'm also not him but you gotta admit it's weird, no matter how hard I'm trying to understand his logic it makes 0 sense to me. Either train some csam detector that works for anime and remove all girls under 25 and under C cup completely (the only way to be safe) or don't talk like it's the law that stops you from including everything, because it obviously should have stopped you at the point where you got an idea to train wdV.
>>26283 maybe i'm just extremely jaded but i'm used already to everyone being "oh btw someone in our team hates loli/anime so we did everything in our power to make your life hell if you're into that" since its everywhere
>>26284 Maybe it does take an autist that is completely unable to read the room (jordach) and some rich gay disabled dad in a wheelchair (I don't know the exact meanoldtree's minority combo) to train a model without giving any fucks. Too bad they picked the weirdest tech for their task so we will probably not see any results before FBI swats them for the next retarded thing jordach will say in the discord...
>>26284 furry diapers, cubs, guro, torture and scat are always okay though
so how long until we get a danbooru tune of flux, do you think
>>26287 >12B parameter imagegen model lol
>>26287 2 years for local judging by current state of affairs
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>>26288 Why bother training models for poor people? Go big or go home.
>>26291 I think the bigger issue is finetuning it, even SDXL's not easy for non-corpo finetuners, and this shit is like 3 times more resource-hungry.
>>26291 no my point is that the cost of finetuning a 12B model is kind of insane, we're already struggling to get any sort of community effort to train the 3.5B model that is SDXL, something nearly 4 times as big is going to be an order of magnitude harder and much worse consequences if something goes wrong
>>26294 do an xy with several prompts?
>AI inexplicably browns my klee Annoying when it happens to the guy, but for the girl... hmm... I'll allow it
had a break for a few months, seems like this place almost died meanwhile. did pretty much everyone move on from image genning or just from here?
>>26297 I'm still genning and posting when I find the time, life has been pretty busy.
>>26297 traffic goes up and down depending on how hard the jannies are cracking down on flat chests in the /h/ thread
>>26297 progress has slowed down dramatically in the last year for /h/ compliant models so things have sort of simmered down a bit and posting is more leisurely
>>26295 yeah fair enough. i had like 70 loras and was hoping for some sort of magic. sorry for deleting, didn't want the last post to be whining for potentially a couple of days.
https://tensor.art/models/744211789673224847 This encore lora seems to be really good, I'm liking it a lot.
>>26301 I mean you could try looking at obviously retarded shit like 100 repeats or BLIP captions but that doesn't happen that often nowadays
>>26304 Yes and a very useful tool.
>>26307 nice.
>>26308 Thanks
holy shit this took a lot of inpainting >/h/ thread is getting into the depths of lora autism again always nice to see
>>26310 I love beach brats
Speaking of beaches, does anyone have an Alphonse/lilium_ra lora for pony? Can't find a good one
>>26313 what do you mean by that? training lora entirely wrong?
Ranting about shit moderation on 4cucks is boring at this point but man, isn't it funny how /e/ has a whole thread dedicated to Kaleid girls with nude lolis in it, and it stays for days just fine, but you post a loli in the ai thread and you obviously get a 3d. The difference is that seemingly only ai threads get those snitches.
>>26316 And I mean, yeah I get it, those opossumachine proportions make her look really obviously loli, but this post (not mine) got removed as well, I assume for """loli""" too. Lmao?
>>26317 That's the anon that trains flat shaded loras I think. He always gets the boot for some reason, from both /e/ and /h/, and every single time I don't get it, kek.
>>26316 unless you're the pumpkinspicelatte shuten douji guy and then you just post whatever you want and never get banned the janny mind works in mysterious ways
>>26319 Shuten does get banned nowadays. That /h/ thread just got by pretty much untouched by jannies, happens sometimes. This /e/ thread got overnuked though, RIP. Apparently Enma Ai #1 and 2 are okay, but #3 is a loli or something. Probably have to reset router again.
Haven't been here in a while, any important news?
>>26320 >reset router again Check if you have this button somewhere in your router's settings, takes a second to get a new IP without resetting
>>26321 It's over. >>26322 We use a different protocol here with slightly different process, but yeah that's what I do, I just call it router reset because it's easier on the tongue.
>>26323 >It's over. I switched to textgen for over two months and it's already over too.
>>26324 /hdg/ slowed down, lora baking and theorycrafting is pretty much dead with occasional anon sharing a lora once or twice a week, all new projects suck (except flux?) so it's still nai and pony for the foreseeable future. Flux is a fun new toy if you have a good gpu, but it's only a base model so it doesn't have nsfw yet and only has a few generic anime styles. I think this about sums it up.
>>26325 I think I've seen a grand total of 2 NAI posters in the last two threads not counting the asura shitposter.
>>26326 I'm just posting my nai to treech. Practically all my gens are in that sweet spot where they are just enough to get me constantly nuked so fuck 4chan.
>>26327 >treech To what now?
>>26328 No worries, you didn't miss much. It's just as dead as here: https://treechan.net/nsfw/ It's a chan by furries that are making cascade finetune.
>>26329 >It's a chan by furries that are making cascade finetune. They can't even make a website apparently But also, ANOTHER Cascade finetune by furfags?
>>26330 Wdym it's the same finetune. Idk about the error, works fine for me. Maybe that's why it's so dead.
>>26331 >Wdym it's the same finetune. Ah, I thought a different group of furfags decided to make a new finetune.
>>26329 >miqo anon is there already ruined it
>>26333 Hey at least he self-contained himself. Something 4chan could have if it had dedicated /ai/ board(s).
>>26325 flux is good enough that i'm having fun making sfw stuff again for the first time in forever just wish it was faster
>>26330 Never had connection issues with treechan, weird. The main issue I have with it is that it's, well, dead. This place is also not really active too of course but at least it has a history, kinda.
>>26337 cunnytune when
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Flux is pretty cool but it won't be a replacement for the current SDXL models for a while. A lot of weird quirks running on a 3060ti with 8gb vram but works surprisingly well. Forge and dev-bnb-nf4 is the quickest way to get up and running https://github.com/lllyasviel/stable-diffusion-webui-forge/discussions/1050 But of course comfyui seems to give better results with dev-Q4_0 gguf quants https://github.com/city96/ComfyUI-GGUF The biggest caveat with comfy is I have to keep pressing the "Unload Models" button after every gen to avoid a memory error, but gen times are about equivalent on both, just over a minute.
Weekend... time to gen... and maybe test some of the new stuff.
>>26341 River maids genned with flux.
>>26342 Sure, why not.
>>26339 I thought a base model as good as flux wouldn't happen for long time so even if a true anime/hentai finetune takes a while I'm fine with it. Flux is fun by itself and current XL anime/hentai models are not that bad by itself already
hey all, did the thing (flux support) with the experimental branch of kohya. if it breaks, bug reports on github would be appreciated https://github.com/derrian-distro/LoRA_Easy_Training_Scripts/tree/flux
>>26337 What was your prompt?
>>26340 >without honor or humanity DUH DUH DUUUUH
>>26346 >demure girl with cat ears in a maid dress kneeling on a tiled floor, looking upwards at the viewer with her head tilted back, her mouth is wide open so you can see down her throat, with one hand she's making an OK sign in front of her mouth, her tongue is sticking out through the OK sign <lora:flux-artist-fkey:1> it was a very uncomfortable experience for me, to be honest
>>26348 cursed
>>26348 uh bro you arent supposed to post realistic stuff here
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>>26345 It does breaks with default values, if you aiming at training flux you should set: Timestep sampling=Sigmoid; Model Pred Type=Raw; Guidance Scale=1.0 by default, otherwise it will just give you this
>>26351 yep, learned that the hard way myself
>>26352 Anyway, don't know what did you change, but running another instance on different gpu with CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES won't start training on the second one, just says - Item Failed: {"detail":"Training Already Running"} How to revert that?
>>26353 I didn't change anything about that part of the UI. on the backend, all I really did change was updating sd-scripts to the sd3 branch and adding the check to call the flux training script. This is probably a torch/sd-scripts issue. After all it is experimental
Any takers?
>>26356 the furfags decided they'll keep coping with cascade and flux never ever (give them six months, a year max and they'll move on to flux)
>>26356 Yes but BJ up front
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>>26360 sexo
experimenting with settings is slow when bakes are four hours minimum trained on both danbooru tags and natural language description, both machine generated and then corrected, like so: >kinomoto sakura, from side, looking back, tomoeda elementary school uniform, fuuin no tsue, petals, skirt, magical girl, puffy short sleeves, smile, wand, looking at viewer, cherry blossoms, antenna hair, green eyes, pink hair, ruffles, holding weapon, two side up, short hair, short twintails, hair intakes, single hair intake >This image is a detailed, digital anime-style drawing featuring a young girl with large, expressive green eyes and a cheerful expression. She has light pink hair styled in two small buns, with the remaining hair cascading around her face in a loose bob. Her skin is fair, and she wears a white, short-sleeved blouse with puffed sleeves and a black collar, reminiscent of a sailor uniform. The blouse has a black trim around the neckline and cuffs. A black, pleated skirt with a white lace hemline completes her outfit The girl also holds a long, pink staff with a golden star at the top, suggesting a magical or fairy-like theme. The girl's posture is slightly turned, looking over her shoulder, with her hands clasping the staff. >The background is filled with delicate, pink cherry blossom petals floating gently, adding a dreamy and ethereal quality to the image. The petals are scattered throughout the scene, creating a soft, flowing texture that contrasts with the girl's solid, detailed form. The overall color palette is dominated by soft pastels, with the pink and white tones dominant, enhancing the serene and whimsical atmosphere. The image is rendered in a clean, vibrant style typical of Japanese anime art, with a focus on soft, rounded lines and a gentle, dreamlike aesthetic. pictures are the training picture, natural language caption only, both natural language and tags, tags only
>loli, nipples, nude, tanlines, tan, blush, cat ears, open mouth, :o, arms between legs, spread legs, looking at viewer, midriff, flat chest, pink hair, grey eyes, short hair >This image is a digital drawing in the anime style, depicting a young, nude female character with distinct cat-like features. The character has large, expressive eyes of many colors that dominate her face over her blushing cheeks and open mouth, giving her an innocent and slightly surprised expression. Her hair is short, tousled, and a soft pinkish color, complementing her pale skin. She has small, pointed cat ears that protrude from her head which are covered in a light, fluffy fur. The ears are black at the tips, contrasting with her overall pinkish hue. Her body is slender with a petite frame and a flat chest, with light pink nipples only just protruding. Her skin appears smooth and translucent and she has tanlines left by a one-piece swimsuit. She is posed sitting with her legs bent, knees up, and hands between her thighs, giving an innocent, open appearance. The background is a dark, textured gradient which makes the character stand out prominently. The overall art style is characterized by soft shading and a gentle, dreamy atmosphere, typical of anime illustrations. The image captures a sense of innocence and fantasy, blending elements of cuteness and surrealism. someone in /ldg/ had the bright idea of putting all the natural language on one line and then using kohya's wildcard setting to randomize between training on the tags and language, think i'll try that next if i can get kohya working clearly underbaked, pictures were generated at 1.3 https://files.catbox.moe/vtms5b.safetensors
one it had no chance at early thoughts: it's very well behaved compared to pony but i have no idea how to deal with anime-only shit like ahoge, hair intakes, etc that the model has little knowledge of. maybe just fucking mask everything, or stick to better balanced datasets until there's a danbooru tune available.
>>26366 it's gonna be ass, astralite is a retard who got lucky
DID SOMEONE SAY BEACHES (pretend I posted a beachgen)
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>>26372 >Beaces wtf I thought it said beaches for years
Nahida art feels almost as bad as the game she comes from these days Makes me really miss that one anon that always posted really good Nahida gens because the only way I can make pixiv usable is with a long filter list
>>26374 >Makes me really miss that one anon We have lost a lot of the good anons, it actually makes me a bit sad.
Funny how big of a deal getting Nahida's eyes right used to be
>>26376 I remember an anon made a separate embed specifically for close up shots so the eyes would show correctly back when NAI leaked, good times.
>>26376 >>26377 How do you get them? I haven't been able to
Sorry about this dumb question I'm about to ask... Why cant I see metadatas of images i downloaded from here? Is it even possible? I already installed the userscript but I'm not seeing any difference
>>26382 Made for adult men
>>26381 just like 4chan, 8ch prunes metadata from pictures if someone uses catbox script or stealtpng info you should see the attached meta, otherwise you won't >>26380 both of those are nai3, on 1.5 there were decent loras, don't know about pony but there probably is a lora of her lying somewhere
>>26381 Most of my images are inpainted so I don't catbox them but if you see a image you like just ask for a catbox and the anon will probably give you one.
idk if it's the site itself or the api but god nai is such fucking unstable dogshit lately, it takes up to 10m to error out and uses up anlas anyway, think it burned like 200 so far and i "wasted" like an hour just by waiting for shit to error out
>>26386 everything was working fine for me, but with latest metachs versions the inpainting just doesn't work at all for me, whether whole or only masked. old ver works even after sampler updates so whatever, 2m sde seems like shit anyway
>>26387 Yes I also experienced this bug. If you want to use the latest Metachs commit do the following code changes To fix adetailer In nai_api_script.py Line 598 change if self.mask and self.inpaint_mode == 0 and smea!="None": to if self.mask and inpaint_mode == 0 and smea!="None": to fix inpainting, in the same file at line 601 self.comment("Disabled SMEA, SMEA does not work with low strength img2img") to self.comment(p, "Disabled SMEA, SMEA does not work with low strength img2img") and line 603 self.comment("WARNING: Using SMEA with img2img at strengths less than .9 will result in blurry images.") to self.comment(p, "WARNING: Using SMEA with img2img at strengths less than .9 will result in blurry images.") Incidentally since I think the nai script guy has posted here - I am very grateful for your script. It's great.But please check that adetailer and inpainting are functioning before pushing commits to the main branch! These are not complicated bugs to fix so I'm sure you would have got them immediately if you had noticed them.
>>26388 thanks I'll try this. >Incidentally since I think the nai script guy has posted here - I am very grateful for your script. It's great.But please check that adetailer and inpainting are functioning before pushing commits to the main branch! These are not complicated bugs to fix so I'm sure you would have got them immediately if you had noticed them. I don't think he posted here, one of the repo contributors did at some point though. stuff like this should be dealt with via github anyway
>>26389 I don't want there to be the slightest connection to my having even known this board existed and my github, and I am too lazy to make a 2nd github account just for this.
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this probably isn't news to anyone besides me, but forge couple works on updated forge and it lets you slop out badly proportioned mspaint img2img at a prodigious rate
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>>26393 Damn, I'm gonna have some fun with this.
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alright i figured out how to slop out pony character loras that are infinitely better than my old attempts we are so unbelievably back until i get bored in 2 weeks god i fucking hate this model https://mega.nz/folder/OoYWzR6L#psN69wnC2ljJ9OQS2FDHoQ/folder/z4oW0IgD
>>26396 what the fuck
>>26397 that's from the resize, it's just an 8/1 LoRA
>>26348 where to get that fkey lora anon?
local image gen is never going to be good, is it? genuinely depressing that NAI's proprietary model is still the only usable one for NSFW 2D stuff.
>>26399 https://civitai.com/models/647601 >>26400 i have hopes for the lora-hater working on unfucking pony but no, local is always going to be hamstrung by personality cults, lack of resources, and sanitized corporate models
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>>26400 at the end of the day generative ai is a toy tbdesu and I can still have fun with it even if it's not the shinest new toy >>26401 oni sexos YOU (she is not asking) >>26402 >lora-hater working on unfucking pony QRD? I'm still cautiously optimistic for wdV... if they ever actually start training the model.
>>26403 this guy https://boards.4chan.org/h/thread/8182859#p8185860 started off posting screeds about how loras are all shit and you have to do finetunes for good results and i wrote him off as a retard but he's been digging into the meat of pony and has started getting some notable results (not that post but previously) always posts the same oppai loli demon girl for his test pictures
>>26404 OK fine geez I'll do a KF bot next. Here are your choices: - Japari Cafe simulator with Suri Alpaca and Toki - Owls - Tsuchinoko And would it be more interesting to be set during the anime, or before KF3?
>>26406 Thanks. :^) Japari Cafe and Tsuchinoko "ruin" explorer sound good. Had the jewflu for a week so I spent like 5 days feverishly adding Friends to the lorebook and gutting Grand Gensokyo Adventure to make a Kemono Friends version, I haven't tested either yet because the proxy I use is out of Anthropic keys and I didn't feel like running a miner in a 28c room.
https://gelbooru.com/index.php?page=post&s=list&tags=ajitarou_%28setsu%29+ Has anyone done a lora of this guy? Seen a lot of loli artists but don't think I've seen this one
>>26400 one day it will, don't let the p*ny's tyranny demoralize you
>>26412 heheheh
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>>26412 suiker wit da suikers
>>26412 Damn, I love melons now.
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>>26417 I had a NAI key laying around so I've been playing with some concepts I figured it could do better than local models out of the box. Porforever carries hard, but their strange fitting makes Zankuro a decent slot-in even though his style isn't actually quite right.
airandou is prime cunny art.
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He deleted everything? What the fuck is happening on civitai bros?
>>26420 any lora you wanted in particular?
>>26421 Nah, I'm fine. I just fucking hate civitai and I don't know where he is going to keep posting his loras. If anyone here knows, share it with us please
How in the goddamn fuck do you get get a filled condom on NAI? I'm trying to do paizuri + filled condom.
>>26424 Doesn't help that danbooru's tag for it is super fucking retarded because of course it is. I hate this goddamn fucking booru so much.
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https://mega.nz/folder/OoYWzR6L#psN69wnC2ljJ9OQS2FDHoQ/folder/vwomTTrT made an upshorts dora because the lora on civitai didn't work well enough for my tastes, pussy peek definitely works better than panty peek but that's also why I made it so I'm satisfied >>26424 inpainting? the hardest part would be positioning the limbs and whatnot if you want the character holding it since still no cnet but the actual inpainting is just drawing a teardrop shape
>>26424 >>26425 if you are nai-exclusive you can use their furry model to inpaint stuff that the anime model fucking fails at. gonna have to use e621 tags though >>26426 >inpainting is just drawing a teardrop shape you don't have to do that with infill inpaint
>>26426 No not really, I just want a pov paizuri shot like these but with a filled condom resting between the breasts/on the neck. Don't stare at the second pic too hard, it's "a bit" janky. >>26427 >you can use their furry model to inpaint stuff that the anime model fucking fails at I keep forgetting that you can do that (or the opposite)
>>26428 >I keep forgetting that you can do that (or the opposite) worst part is that you are pretty much forced to disable overlay while inpainting with it. for some reason it leaves insane seams (while inpainting furry gens too)
>>26429 Maybe because they have very different inpainting models? I always enhance after inpainting just to fix the seams Can you like, generate something with the furry model then inpaint over it with a style mix from the anime model? Or has anyone figure out any prompts to wrangle the furry model towards a precise style without using artist tags?
>>26430 just depends on what you're gonna do with it some fetishes (like buttjob for example) will do fine with enhance/img2img, some stuff will get mangled if the anime model has really poor understanding of the concept the seams here aren't even as bad as I remember it, maybe it got better with new samplers (still really visible though)
>>26431 That's not too bad tbdesu. Though I had something this size in mind. https://danbooru.donmai.us/posts/6386580?q=excessive_cum+used_condom_on_penis+
>using random site for AI gens because I can't do it locally >LORAs I typically use disappear and makes me wonder if I even uploaded them >Turns out that the site is silently deleting them without any warning I was honestly questioning my sanity for a second there. I'd look for a different site but there aren't many options for free generation where I can upload my own loras and the diffusers project to gen using the free google colab seems abandoned with nobody wanting to maintain it or at least give it a quick update.
>>26433 you can always try coping with stablehorde
>>26434 How long does it take to gen a image? Usually in the site i'm using it takes like 10-30 seconds per image and you can upload or gen pretty hardcore fetish stuff
>>26435 depends entirely on the hardware of the guy you'll leech off of
>>26436 Actually reading their FAQ, it seems like they have pretty strict NSFW controls and even a regex that will flag me for prompting loli so I guess I'll stick to my current stuff. If anyone is interested, the colab is https://colab.research.google.com/github/R3gm/SD_diffusers_interactive/blob/main/Stable_diffusion_interactive_notebook.ipynb?authuser=2#scrollTo=eHO0LSC--4WF It's somewhat outdated, very basic and a lot of loras might give issues. You also have to deal with google's time limits that might go from like 1hr to like 8hrs depending on day but it's most definitely better than nothing if you just want to do some casual prompting. I hear sagemaker is good too but I absolutely do not want to tie my anime porn to my real life porn under any circumstances so the only way I'd ever sign up for it is if I get some sort of burner phone I guess.
>>26432 think it should work with the correct mask and lucky seed, don't have any eyebleach on me to jump into e621 and learn new tags right now
Dumb retard seeking tech support here. I haven't trained a lora since march 2023 and am trying to get caught up on the SDXL meta. Back then I just rawdogged kohya but now I'm trying to use easyscripts so I can steal tomls posted in this thread. All of my ML hardware/GPUs are in a headless server on my network so I cannot run the UI on that machine. There appears to be some sort of way to run easyscripts' UI separately from the backend but it's a little confusing/I am retarded. How exactly can I do this? Poking around in the python it looks something like setting `run_local: false` in an installation of loraeasy on my desktop to start just the UI, then separately running `loraeasy/backend/run.sh` on my server over SSH? That seems to start a server on :8000 but there is no output from it and I'm not sure how to get it training. Do the model, dataset, and output file paths need to reside on the machine running the UI or the one running the training? I guess I could just go back to kohya and manually input the values in the toml files but having the queueing features and such seems like it would be useful.
>>26440 Alright, eventually got it working. There's some slight jankiness that seems to arise from mixing windows paths with linux paths (the UI running on windows seems to want to save some locally while the remote server on linux wants to use those same paths) but it seems to train anyway as long as I give it linux paths for everything and ignore the errors in the UI's console.
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4th tail 5.0 feels a lot better behaved than the rest of the pony models, i had to pull out loras that would have been half-baked on autism because the finished ones were fried as fuck
>>26438 good image broski
>>26443 some big breakthrough or its still more or less the same ponyshit?
>>26446 Tofu is probably a little breakthrough from autism kinks, it's not so hard to change to painterly style with, not so dull and tinted either out of the box, but has some bias to blue backgrounds and colors. Loras trained on pony or even autism is still working for some reason and it feels something simillar to how autism was done, when you stacking some loras on top of it output consistency is better. Also for some reason doesn't react to (tag1:0.5) syntax with artists for some reason, despite "no norm" set in settings, other checkpoints works as intended. Worth to try atleast imo
i do not really enjoy using pony but i also dont feel like switching back to 1.5 based models earnestly hoping something better becomes available for local in the next ~6 months or so, something that will make it worth it to upgrade my GPU
>"i don't feel like inpainting" >can't get what i want >end up inpainting something mildly close for 20+ mins anyway I need to stop doing this.
Powerpuff girls z was apparently a thing.
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>>26456 rare and sexo. what artist/style is that?
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>>26457 FKEY and Zankuro but I probably need some help from tags like sketch to bring out more of FKEY's style.
>>26458 cheers
My 9950X is coming in today. SURELY I will actually build my new rig this time. :)))
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>>26463 catbox for the first image? curious what you mixed in with it
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>>26464 0.3 zankuro, some things never change... and I have been pretty damn lazy for some time now when it comes to style mixing. https://files.catbox.moe/bbmhut.png
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>>26461 I've never seen a Pony-based LoRA put out such a natural traditional media look, really nice work. >>26465 zankuro:0.3 is the glue that binds us to this mortal plane.
>>26468 why is banki so angry
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>>26470 she's trying to look scary even though everyone knows she's a dork. also i really, really like this style.
>>26471 >even though everyone knows she's a dork all the grassroots weirdos are dorks, banki is the queen of dorks because her "look i'm undercover as a human in the human village but actually fuck humans i hate them" shtick makes her look like a chuunibyou
>>26472 the chuuni dorkiness of the grassroots youkai is why I love them so much. also why the I think the Stack arrangement of DUtW is so good at capturing Banki's character. they're all just far enough removed from humanity to be "cool", but not enough to be truly scary or reviled. basically, primo marriage material.
>>26473 amen, we love the grassroots weirdos
(2.77 MB 1536x2304 catbox_41mpaq.png)

check the metadata on this for a jumpscare. also taking any requests for artist combos/obscure chars I guess? it feels very much like nai which I guess is what you would expect from a full danbooru sdxl finetune.
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>>26475 can it do uula gelato from sequel games? how did you get the model btw, did you get in their discord sv? i don't mind waiting a whole week but fuck i'm so tired of pony already.
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First character LoRA test, using a NAI artist mix I aped from here. I think we are finally breaking the curse with this one. >>26476 >3 images on danbooru Here you go, bro (second image). I requested access on HF and then DMed the guy on Discord, I don't know if the latter was necessary since he didn't respond to me. last one is a very quick and dirty adaptation of >>26428, artist combos will definitely have to be rediscovered to see what works best but since it's local we can also have the best of both worlds with more accurate style loras
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>>26468 >I've never seen a Pony-based LoRA put out such a natural traditional media look, really nice work. yeah i was getting quite sick of how pony gens look >>26477 anon could you reup here? my request has been pending for a few days now and i don't think he's responding on discord anymore. i'd love to start training on it
>>26478 NTA but didn't the guy from gooknai said he won't be releasing any future models if the this model gets leaked or something like that? That's what someone said on /hdg/, just wait a few days man
>>26477 That's sad but thanks for trying, she has more images on gelbooru. I guess I'll have to download one of her koikatsu cards and makea lora with it, same as I did for Monaca
>>26479 it's whatever but i do find it ironic considering we're only here because of someone that was wiling to leak nai almost two years ago
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>>26481 It's a week wait and I'd rather not anger our gook overlords who are giving us NAI at home for free.
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I don't understand why people need to be so tribalistic about everything... its just a week
>>26482 >>26477 most pics im seeing with it look kinda splotched/noisy maybe skill issue maybe it isn't the styling and sexo looks nice though and character knowledge is a big win anyway really hoping for the recent model to be released sooner or later
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>>26484 After spending a bit more time with the model I'm quite conflicted. There are things it does nicely, but: 1. Some inbuilt character knowledge has overpowering style associations. I know NAI had some secret sauce to work around this to an extent. 2. Some complex poses, especially sexo, fall apart easily, even ones that Pony could do easily with its tiny ass dataset. 3. Non-portrait gens are wonky. I dunno, maybe we'll get some shitmixes that help stabilize the model like we did with NAIv1/EF/Pony. As of right now I'm buying into the schizo theory that this was a scrapped version of their final model they released because they know it has problems to spread word of mouth about their SaaS. Which is kind of funny since I'm not sure why anyone would pay them for it when it has a prompt filter for NSFW.
>>26485 >Which is kind of funny since I'm not sure why anyone would pay them for it when it has a prompt filter for NSFW. yeah I simply am not seeing who would be interested in this model being saas unless they make the price really really low
>>26482 >I'd rather not anger our gook overlords who are giving us NAI at home for free. but i will. bWFnbmV0Oj94dD11cm46YnRpaDoxNDAyZGVmN2IyODVkYjhlY2ZkYjljMTE3YTI4YTY0MzhiZDQ4MjBlJmRuPUlsbHVzdHJpb3VzLVhMLXYwLjEuc2FmZXRlbnNvcnMmdHI9dWRwJTNBJTJGJTJGdHJhY2tlci5vcGVudHJhY2tyLm9yZyUzQTEzMzclMkZhbm5vdW5jZQ==
>>26487 uh oh
>>26487 wtf a korean just ate my dog
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I'm not nearly as "we're back" as I was, but I think there is still a great deal of potential. We need a new age John Basedmix to rise from the dregs and experiment with block merging the U-net with other non-Pony models, I think that could add a lot of much needed stability.
After tofu and the new 4th tail I was expecting to be disappointed. But just copying a prompt almost one for one from NAI works pretty well. I'm going to have to experiment with it more
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Does someone know if it's better to use "by " or "artist: " or none of them? on gooknai ofc
>>26492 none of them seems to work fine. didn't notice a difference with by or artist: included
>>26492 using artist: seemed slightly worse for me
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got banned from /h/ for posting loli lads. dare I say, we're back.
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>>26495 kek was it 8219137?
>>26495 >got banned from /h/ for posting loli lads. dare I say, we're back. retarded loli bans spawned an entire shitposting drama arc that span several months
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>>26496 yeah it wasn't even a good gen (1st one here), totally fucked up the sampler settings so it got burnt :( >>26497 i've been in textgenland for 6 months but i have heard of shuten anon's brave exploits, a real hero and a real human bean
>>26498 >i've been in textgenland for 6 months but i have heard of shuten anon's brave exploits, a real hero and a real human bean hdg certainly's been through some shit it feels like there's been an unending meltie happening there for months
>>26500 the model seems undertrained, porforever is also a very strong style so it might be overwhelming it in these gens
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>>26495 >gen more shit with new toy >train more shit with new toy can't have it both. smh
Think I've found the sweet spot for res that isn't too high for fucked hands and contrast isn't too bad
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Some LoRA (and LoRA-less!) tests. As I mentioned on /h/, I've noticed that this model has the same phenomena other unmerged bases like NAIv1, Fluffyrock, and Pony do where simply applying ANY style LoRA improves cohesion substantially. One (1) test LoRA: https://mega.nz/folder/OoYWzR6L#psN69wnC2ljJ9OQS2FDHoQ/folder/W1wVADqa >>26504 Incredible Shondo.
>>26500 it uses danbooru 2023, which does not have gold posts, unfortunately.
>>26506 it's so over
>>26505 I guess I'm never getting those KF bots, huh. God DAMMIT Momoura.
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>>26476 Baking. I'm loving this model...
>>26476 catbox please
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We're so fucking back
>>26508 I will work on them more, eventually. Trvst in the plan.
>>26512 You have until the end of the month to deliver the is-this-tea-or-is-this-alpaca's-piss-simulator.
>>26513 ...Okay, I might be able to arrange that. Defs are actually mostly done for that card, just need to add a mechanism to randomly introduce guests from the lorebook and write some greetings. Guess one of those will be "guess how much of this tea is actually Alpaca's spit/piss".
>>26514 I was kidding. Maybe.
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Did anyone figure out a viable set of negative prompts for Illustrious? picrel is (monochrome:0.0) to (monochrome:1.0) in negative, which is commonplace in pony gens but destroys the style when used on Illustrious
>>26516 https://huggingface.co/spaces/AngelBottomless/Illustrious-XL-v0.1-demo/blob/main/config.py The officially recognized quality tags are all in here. I have been using: Positive: masterpiece, absurdres | Optionally: best quality, wallpaper Negative: lowres, worst quality, low quality, bad anatomy, bad hands, multiple views
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>>26517 Thanks, I managed to make my lora work with a subset of the standard negative, but the recommended positive ruined it even at 0.8 I wonder what made it react so violently to certain quality tags
>>26518 I assume they did some strange grouping when settling on aesthetic tags. Some of them work as expected, others add unnecessary noise. It's crazy how this model is both underbaked and jank yet somehow less jank than Pony.
>>26519 it's local
>>26520 no way...
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>>26510 here you go anon, i'm still trying to recreate that square shiny small body on Illustrious
>>26522 Thanks anon. I'm normally not into this body type, but...
is there a rentry for Illustrious yet? halfchan is nothing but bickering and trolling
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>>26524 I don't think there's enough dense information or resources yet to justify a Rentry. Let alone the fact people are hung up on whether it will catch on until jeetmix anon or someone else finds a way to stabilize it while keeping character knowledge intact. Do you have any specific questions? I've posted pretty much all my relevant findings and gens with metadata in this thread, aside from the info in picrel—the model's base style is irreperably fucked because the creator used Lanczos scaling for the ENTIRE DATASET, which may also contain things besides danbooru2023.
>>26525 NAI has an awful base style as well. I'm mainly thankful that the model has much more recent character knowledge than NAI. Mainly wondering about the best CFG/Steps/Sampler. I only have a 3060 ti so I've been sticking to NAI3 resolutions
>>26526 Euler a, 28 steps, 6 CFG has been good for me but you want to vary CFG based on style. Saw people swearing by the CFG++ version of Euler a, tried it, felt like it made everything worse, but it's an option I guess (drop CFG to 1.5-2 if you use it). Because of the rescaling artifacts, hires/i2i is basically necessary to get good images.
>>26526 Oh yeah for quality tags and bucket resos check here: https://huggingface.co/spaces/AngelBottomless/Illustrious-XL-v0.1-demo/blob/main/config.py masterpiece in positives; lowres, multiple views in negatives. everything else is optional.
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>>26527 Euler a, 28 steps, 6 CFG has been okay enough.I think the quality is acceptable but i will try hires fix. Artists like Jujunaught and JCM2 NAI really struggled with turn out well in comparison
>>26529 https://files.catbox.moe/7aiwuj.png haven't used local in so long i forgot to reinstall the extension
I have only done some very basic testing so far, no artists only style tags but both sketch and traditional media seem to actually work on this model.
>>26531 no matter what model we use, angry brown maid is eternal
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envenomist (illustrious): https://mega.nz/folder/OoYWzR6L#psN69wnC2ljJ9OQS2FDHoQ/folder/v0IQRbya if this dude actually releases later epochs of the model i believe local will be saved. as of right now, it's iffy
>>26533 What are currently the main issues with the model? I'm satisfied with it enough to stop paying for NAI.
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thanks for fishine lora, pretty solid I hope the nipples get better in future release or jeetmix, detailer not making it any better. Think style loras will probably curb it at least
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>>26535 Catbox?
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I genuinely think /h/ is so used to fried Pony they don't understand how big of a deal Illustrious' character concept knowledge is. Multiple things that NAI struggled with go without a hitch.
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this model is ruining my sleep schedule
>>26540 ...among other things they're completely mindbroken.
>>26540 >Multiple things that NAI struggled with go without a hitch. Interesting, like what? I was under the impression that it's like nai but kinda undercooked.
>>26543 buttjobs and cheek bulge off the top of my head. let alone more than 1 character without extensions
>>26544 NAI and Pony are also so overfit it was a struggle to put characters in anything but their common clothes
>>26544 Don't remember cheek bulge being an issue but yeah buttjobs on nai are bad with most artist tags. Maybe newer dataset helped? >let alone more than 1 character without extensions nai can do that too though. but yeah, considering it's local, there's big potential for it anyway
>>26546 oh yeah it's WAY better than NAI at blowjob faces. "vacuum fellatio" would literally put a vacuum in the bg lmao
>>26547 But the working tag is ":>="
>>26548 NAI gets :>= confused and makes the girl do a frog mouth instead lmao
>>26549 yeah true but not always. just clip things
>>26542 >they're completely mindbroken. how did that happen its like that place became completely fucking braindead in the span of several months
>>26551 coping with pony against nai you need to be quite resilient not to break
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>white background is white mind blowing
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Can't believe I put up with the trash fire that's pony for 9 months
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>>26540 >>26545 even in an undertrained state this model is so promising. it knows so much shit. not being on top of pony is such an instant sell for me I couldn't care less about the base style being wonky, you just slap a lora or two on and it's able to do shit neither pony or even NAI can. hell, you could do a DPO tune on top of it since it's a local model! >>26554 >>26536 very nice
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>>26556 NAI's base style is bad too. But yeah the sky is basically the limit with a finetune that has nothing but unadulterated anime. This model genuinely feels like a blessing. Jordach is running around like a chicken with his head cut off instead of just making something from SDXL then going from there. The unpredictability is part of the fun. I didn't even try to get the Jack O pose here.
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>>26556 Also, where can i get that fishine lora?
>>26558 here: >>26533 I added it shortly after the envenomist one and forgot to post an update. Probably going to port a lot of stuff over including styles the model *knows* but doesn't really *get*, like Zankuro and Posse.
Just saw that Jordach is seriously going to make an SD1 model Gooknai saved local from a lost cause.
>>26560 I'm not sure what he's thinking since Lodestone basically already made the best possible 1.X model. Did seeing someone drop a non-Pony XL tune that isn't dogshit mindbreak him?
>>26562 Genuinely wouldn't doubt it
>>26560 >>26561 >>26562 he's extremely mentally ill
>>26564 me too...
>>26565 me too but at least I'm not exposing myself as a lolcow and steal donation money for a custom fursuit
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if a half baked finetune with a scuffed dataset can do this out of the box I'm convinced that every finetuner including kurumuz is unfathomably more retarded than previously thought
>>26567 beautiful
>>26567 it still took a year for this and we might be on a verge of kurumuz bringing disbalance to the force once again. it's still nice to have though and I hope angel delivers more. need to gen Illya with his model
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cfg++ samplers are actually kinda crazy, euler a cfg++ 16 step upscale >>26569 I'm fairly confident that the leap between NAIv3 and NAIv4 will be nothing like v1->v3. I could be wrong. I just want something between Illust and NAI (good character recognition, good composition, styles can be trained back in). Hopefully wdV will come out when I'm still alive and be that.
Been a while since I trained a lora but with one attempt this is already way better than pony. Style's underbaked so I need more steps but characters are already easy to prompt
>>26573 You forgot the link but I saw it on /h/, nice work. I was flip flopping between whether or not the model would be usable in this state. After a bit of training LoRAs myself, I think it will be. It takes styles much easier and more faithfully than Pony, likely because it isn't overfit to hell.
>>26573 father... is it slopover?
>>26572 wtf are you using lol
>>26573 oh lol, you was training him too? >>26574 it's another one actually
>>26576 nomacs works fine for non-cumrag metas not hard to drag and drop to auto png info, so it was half-joke
>>26577 Nice, I haven't been paying too close attention to /h/ but fizrot is always a good lora to start with. Kind of tradition at this point
>>26579 I was glad when I decided to check for dataset updates and found out that he got back into it
will bake zankuro next since the model's understanding isn't great. will mark the 4th consecutive model I've baked him on.
>>26581 do you have a decent cleaned dataset for zankuro anon? could you share it if so please?
>>26582 yeah, gimme an hour or so and I can upload it when I get home. I'm probably going to redo the captions with the mr. john easyscripts caption de-duplicator though so it'll just be the images
>>26583 sweet >mr. john easyscripts caption de-duplicator oh? is moat v2 interrogator not ideal anymore?
>>26584 https://github.com/derrian-distro/SD-Tag-Editor wd14 vit v3 is best, this tool will autocaption it but also prune tags from related groups. eg, if an image has "shirt, red shirt" it will collapse it to just "red shirt"
>>26585 interesting thanks
>>26582 https://mega.nz/file/Xt5RAB6L#SEywll_vWvgfQG00cnBWMiRY_hz83hF9z5KJpmojqVU here you go, this has the old scuffed danbooru + e621 mixed tags for pony so you probably just want to throw those out entirely.
>>26587 thanks anon
>took a short break >missed a bunch of posts How's the new model at genning loli or small characters in general?
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>>26589 I've already gotten banned 3 times from /h/ since it came out so pretty well I'd say. Since I've already posted all my stuff here, someone posted this catboxed on /h/ and I really adored it.
>>26590 we're so back bros Can I reuse the same pony loras or am I going to have to wait for people to bake new ones for this?
>>26545 It depends for me Sometimes the lora is underfit so you need an entire paragraph detailing the characters clothes so the AI doesn't get it right and sometimes it's so overfit that it struggles with anything other than default and nude. For a good example, I never had luck removing the brooch on Nahida's hair on most of the pony loras.
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>>26581 Thanks for your loras bakariso-senpai. >>26590 I posted it, her pov index finger is a little bit to long imho and it was kinda hard to get a proper gen, way too dependat on gacha. But glad you like it
>>26593 god even without vpred the colors are so much better than pony, it's like someone turned on the windshield wipers
Whatever happened to VAEs anyway? SD 1.5 had a bunch of VAEs and picking a good one was a huge deal but we stopped using them after we moved on from 1.5
Holy shit, this place is alive again.
>>26596 we have a new cope, and with it, a hope
>>26570 >I'm fairly confident that the leap between NAIv3 and NAIv4 will be nothing like v1->v3 Goddammit Momoura don't jinx it.
>>26597 I kinda just got used to seeing like maybe 2 posts every few days.
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matsuryuu is decent
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>>26589 It has better understanding of "size difference" than any other previous local model, which is all that matters. Small means nothing when not in contrast to big
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i hate being right sometimes
>>26605 what happened?
>>26606 illustrious is canceled
>>26606 spitefags happened
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>>26607 explain please
(39.94 KB 1577x258 Screenshot at 10-25-13.png)

>>26610 they couldn't wait until fucking monday?
>>26609 model got leaked early (bad but salvageable) then spitefags? bad faith actors? shitposters? (probably all 3 combined) managed to find the gook's company's CEO and pestered him for future gibs and now they're cancelling the free (outdated but NEVER look a gift horse in the mouth godfuckingdammit) epoch releases
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>>26612 it might not be completely over
>>26613 he really is an angel
>>26613 >STILL has goodwill for local i'd just pull a kurumuz and go into full spite mode, good for him
Even then, everything is out there and wide open. it's good too know worst case scenario he's going to restart with what's out there. Local wouldn't really be a thing if not for the NAI leak after all.
>>26612 >NEVER look a gift horse in the mouth oh, man...
>>26617 honestly it was tenuous at best if anything later would be released at all. This checkpoint being out there at all is a miracle
>>26618 it's a matter of principle anon some people truly deserve nothing but a mouthful of literal shit
>>26619 Yeah. the entitlement to not just wait till monday is insane.
>>26620 it's not just the inability to wait, it's the literal entitled nigger(-on-welfare) mentality
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>>26621 What gets me is the mentality on /h/. the model is really, really good on it's own. "muh instant gratification" is obnoxious the model's biggest problem is that it needs to be a little bit less broad, if anything.
>>26622 Model is good but we could get better. This entitled gibsmedat mentality that some people have there is just so foreign to me.
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With the leak and NAI just releasing their v3 methods, it's inevitable that better checkpoints/mixes will come. but it really is all about the principle
>>26622 haven't tested it myself yet but i've seen what it can do, even if it's underbaked it being as good and as close to "v3 at home" as it is right now is a small miracle i genuinely don't fucking get it. why are "don't bite the hand that feeds you" and "don't look a gift horse in the mouth" so fucking hard to understand for some people? i've only ever seen literal niggers exhibit this "i want the latest and best toy, i want it now, i want it for free and i want the next best thing immediately and for free as well as soon as it releases" mentality that poisoned /hdg/ now they're actively spitting on the guy and malding over it being "hurrdurr le worthless corpo scraps lol be thankful we saved local lol look the gook wants you to give him money now lol see it was a grift all along" etc etc etc i don't believe it's just bait or trolling, this shit has been going on for months and months and more and more people joined in I'm gonna make some beach Shoebills before I get an aneurysm.
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>>26625 What makes all the more bittersweet is that Angel is still going to work on it worse case scenario
>>26625 >i don't believe it's just bait or trolling, this shit has been going on for months and months and more and more people joined in It's probably both, that's just seemingly the way to troll now - copy some retarded opinion you've heard and repeat it ironically. Someone linked a vg rentry where this behavior is described
>>26522 Do you think you'll release that Monaca lora anytime soon?
>>26612 i'm gonna fucking kill myself.
>>26629 kill the shitposters instead anon
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https://mega.nz/folder/OoYWzR6L#psN69wnC2ljJ9OQS2FDHoQ/folder/e1wSFCrA Unlike the previous LoRAs this one does NOT synergize with the intrinsic artist tag. Henrietta can be prompted without the character tag by describing her outfit, Deathlock-san's name works since it doesn't have "zankuro" in it. >>26612 Seeing this happen after two sleepless nights of toying with the model is painful. We finally get a handout that's a fraction as good as NAI and people immediately go and do this? What the fuck? Dude was super optimistic about sharing what he could, was constantly talking with people in the Touhou AI/WD Discord, openly exchanging finetuning tips with people... just why? Even if he wasn't able to release more there was no reason to burn bridges.
>>26631 >WHY? Because "people" fucking suck, Momoura. That's why. I thought that spitefagging proxies was nigger behavior but this this is a new low.
>>26632 I actually wonder if it was a spitefag or an autistic retard
>>26632 AI related hobbyism seems to attract some of the lowest common denominator mouthbreathing faggots, such as myself. The crab bucket mentality is inescapable. >>26633 Is there really a difference?
>>26634 >crab bucket mentality I'm convinced that anonymous imageboards just aren't sustainable anymore, not in this post-r*ddit era where most people's dopamine receptors are irreversibly fried (the problem is further exacerbated by coomers who don't even get a single second of post-nut clarity anymore)
>>26635 >most people's dopamine receptors are irreversibly fried (the problem is further exacerbated by coomers who don't even get a single second of post-nut clarity anymore) and it's especially bad for aifags, the constant novelty really isn't healthy for the brain
>>26636 I think my crippling insomnia might actually be saving me in a weird way, I barely have the energy to jerk off once or twice a week and most weeks I just don't do it even once, shit just drains me.
>>26637 My condolences. >I just don't do it even once, shit just drains me. Take zinc. >I'm convinced that anonymous imageboards just aren't sustainable anymore, Also agreed with that, I feel like post-covid the quality of 4chan has been absolutely abysmal, it's not just several generals. Not like it was perfect in any way before that but the decline was pretty obvious to me. Small communities is the way.
>>26638 >Take zinc. Tried it, also tried a cocktail of zinc/magnesium/potassium. >post-covid decline It's been on a decline ever since r*ddit took over but the post-jewflu decline was thrice as fast and thrice as bad somehow, it's impressive for all the wrong reasons. Went from a downhill slope to a fucking cliff jump.
(1.94 MB 1248x1824 00047-604570315.png)

Good to see this place so alive >slaps on 0.3 zankuro >Yeah, ok, this new model has potential Does anyone happen to have a decent 40hara dataset? I'm looking to add some images and maybe clean it up a bit if possible >>26631 thanks for the lora
>try sketching then inpainting to add a dick in >i can't sketch to save my life owari da
>>26593 You've got me confused with someone else. I didn't intended to train zankuro. >>26640 https://litter.catbox.moe/mhsd7r.7z He is not working properly too? Got something decent with innate tag from a first quick tests and haven't bothered anymore. Will probably try to bake it too then
>>26642 >He is not working properly too? It's decent at best, but could also be a prompting issue on my end cause I'm new to the model. I'm taking a look at your dataset now, it's looking great. I also have quite a few additions that I can add in now if you'd like. Is there any way I should tag them?
could these be stepping stones to tame illustrious? https://civitai.com/models/799029/illustrious-xlanime-style-box https://civitai.com/models/798443/some-style-for-illustrious-xl would be cool if someone tried them at different weights with your prompts
>>26632 >>26633 >>26634 hanlon's razor and all that as a disclaimer, but nai also has every incentive in the world to sabotage illustrious
>>26645 •omeone unironically needs to continue finetuning Illustrious with 2-3m danbooru images minus problematic shit like comics and 6girls+/everyone tags for a few epochs with a dataset that isn't lanczos scaled and we'd have something genuinely usable with a lot fewer noise issues. Issue is, who's going to want to do that?
>>26642 catbox for the mari?
(1.24 MB 1216x832 catbox_nvluoa.png)

>>26642 Oh rumao, my bad. I'm gonna stop trying to guess who is who on an anonymous image board... Also could you share a catbox for that first pic
>>26644 >It's decent at best, but could also be a prompting issue on my end cause I'm new to the model. It's should be just danbooru tags, there was presets for pos/neg somewhere on the model repo >I also have quite a few additions that I can add in now if you'd like. Is there any way I should tag them? You mean ai synthetic data? Honestly 40hara by itself got enough data for training without any need for that, but if it's really high quality then it's not bad idea, he has lack of nsfw concepts. I will anyway tag it with v3 tagger ensemble, so don't need any tags. Just upload your pics somewhere >>26648 https://files.catbox.moe/bmotoh.png >>26649 https://files.catbox.moe/mshzry.png pure gacha to get 4 at once
>>26650 If you could post a catbox of those, I'd like to see what I'm doing wrong >You mean ai synthetic data? No, it's a bunch of his art that's not in the dataset yet. Some NSFW stuff too, but not much. >Just upload your pics somewhere Will do. I'll categorize them the same way you did to make it easier
>>26651 >If you could post a catbox of those, I'd like to see what I'm doing wrong It's probably not because you are doing something wrong, but because just a single properly baked lora have a tendency to stabilize the model alot, it's already baked one without any additional data https://files.catbox.moe/kwbmwy.png https://files.catbox.moe/ghxqxl.png >No, it's a bunch of his art that's not in the dataset yet. Some NSFW stuff too, but not much. So I missed some of his stuff then?
bros so many artist i want to bake.. but it's so much slower compared to non sdxl training. feelsbad
>>26653 >>26652 Thanks for the catboxes and the presets >So I missed some of his stuff then? This is the additional stuff I have. Probably not everything in here is useful, so I've tried to sort them in advance. https://litter.catbox.moe/waobbv.7z
>>26654 Prepare the datasets and ask other anons to bake if it really takes that long.
>>26650 can that tagger ensemble be found anywhere or did you make it yourself?
>>26657 see: >>26585 It's quick and dirty, you can modify the confidence in the start script.
>>26658 oh there it is, thanks by the way, when training loras, do you have anything set for negative prompts to be used during training? I've trained fine without them but I'm wondering if they help
>>26655 Thanks, I'll include those pics and rebake then, probably will drop the portraits tho, it's fully polluted with text and ugly anyway >>26657 It's homemade https://files.catbox.moe/073anm.7z create venv with pytorch as usual and use those reqs https://files.catbox.moe/v8cgqu.txt
tried out making a kinoshita kou standard lora and I'm surprised the style gets in with 20 epochs @ ~900 steps prodigy. I usually did at least twice that before so that definitely helps lower the overhead of training. It kinda fries the clit and nipples a lot unfortunately
>>26635 It's pretty much impossible to talk about Illustrious over there. let alone with the current rrats.
>>26663 >It's pretty much impossible to talk about Illustrious over there it's pretty much impossible to talk about anything there, whether it's training, posting pictures, models, whatever, it's just braindead
(1.10 MB 832x1216 catbox_r5v30i.png)

>>26664 screams of ILLUSTRIOUS IS DEAD LOCALKEKS BTFO yet the model is in our hands and perfectly usable unlike resonance???
>>26642 I cant seem to find "antifreez3_gooknai_v1" , can you send the link of it please? any sources for illust loras will be appreciated since i have none
(9.73 MB 1664x5754 catbox_kad60r.png)

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so it seems that applying a very rudimentary finetune to illustrious (~3000 steps, this was a quick and dirty test by a buddy) dramatically reduces the noise and color issues with illustrious, as well as "unsticking" some overfit styles. big part of this is likely because the base dataset is a bit sloppy (lanczos downscaling???). while it will never be quite as good as NAIv3 due to the lack of cosXL base/vpred, I believe it's quite possible to for dramatic improvement in the model's quality on a budget by doing a medium-scale finetune. and someone is probably going to do so sooner than later.
>>26667 Yeah i downloaded that but the names are different? Also i got the sdxl-vae-fp16-fix too but comfyui doesn't recognize that too...am i doing something wrong ?
>>26669 i assume he changed the name so it wouldn't get him banned from civitai lmao
>>26669 It's the same file, I just named it like that for fun initially and forgot about that, renamed afterwards for not being too rude >sdxl-vae-fp16-fix Probably doesn't even needed now, it's external vae from early xl days when xl vae was not working properly with fp16 precision, pony/illustr vae should be fine now I think, haven't checked
(5.33 MB 1472x1920 ComfyUI_00005_.png)

>>26670 Yeah makes sense lol So i changed the names and comfy stopped giving me errors but it instead gave me this mess , any idea how to fix it?
>>26665 >>26673 kurumuz is not beating the "hiring shitposters to astroturf" allegations regardless of the illustrious situation
>>26674 hahaha that's so funny like brooooo hee-l-ah-ree-ouhs.
>>26664 I didn't mind paying for NAI because Pony was just an inherently bad model. and you got enough points to last 2 months anyway. but it's relatively limited character knowledge and underfit artists was becoming a major downside. esp with the lack of LORAs even if Angel was lying and was striking up interest. he still delivered.
>>26672 catbox your image so it has the workflow embedded
(5.33 MB 1472x1920 catbox_rh3147.png)

>>26677 Here, I might be fucking up something obvious , sorry new to all these stuff
>>26676 My main issue with it is that it costs too much to generate at higher resolutions (aka where the model REALLY shines) I wouldn't mind it even half as much if inpainting didn't cost almost as much as the gen itself, it's insane. Rationing anals is annoying
>>26678 Remove any clip skips, it's just a meme for xl
>>26679 Illustrious shines at higher resolutions as well. But yeah i was mostly sticking to base resolutions with NAI because experimentation beyond t2i just cost way too much
>>26682 To be fair, I *am* an idiot. 75% of my anals get wasted on upscaling the same shit over and over because I'm never 100% satisfied (and I have a gambling addiction)
(2.59 MB 1472x1920 catbox_9th34z.png)

(2.73 MB 1472x1920 catbox_bzjo9m.png)

>>26680 Thanks anon Here some stuff I generated by just shamelessly changing your prompts
>>26679 >I wouldn't mind it even half as much if inpainting didn't cost almost as much as the gen itself, it's insane. it is but you can inpaint stuff just fine with metachs though, for "free" I will miss infill if I go full local tbh
Are there any updates from Angel on the situation?
(1.95 MB 1344x1728 notice me senpai.png)

>>26655 Here it is, 40hara lora with updated dataset https://files.catbox.moe/mkfa5s.safetensors
Any loras for loli artists like Musouduki or Setmen?
>>26692 Awesome, thanks! I'll try it out later
>>26692 What is te_scale? My version of prodigy doesn't seem to have this argument
>>26554 Updated feral lemma (Illustrious) https://mega.nz/folder/yMAByIRD#lRDncTKyHNUTdu_X8ZaMuA Turns out the first version breaks down the moment there's more than a few tags, probably because it's trained with unet only It appears to me that Illustrious lora requires about much more training than Pony to be stable, especially with >75 tokens
>>26697 I've noticed this as well. My Zankuro DoRA is still slightly underbaked despite using CAME with a higher LR which should have learned much faster than the AdamW8bit Pony version. It also seems to be hit or miss whether you can undertrain a LoRA and stack it with the intrinsic tag, or if that deep fries the style completely.
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a few wives for our resident wifeposter :3
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>>26692 Digging it
>>26696 https://github.com/konstmish/prodigy/pull/19 Way to control encoder lr with prodigy. Optimizer just have two problems, it's slow as fuck, something to just cope with and it could fry encoder really fast, since you can't set different lr's for unet and te. Most of the other anons training unet only. I personally just like to start with both parts and prodigy on the new models. Earlier, on the first days of flux, it was only one optimizer that could bake something for some reason
Need some based anon to make "kisaki (kindergarten uniform)" lora , if possible for both pony and gookai I dont have the resource nor knowledge *pics not Ai*
>>26707 will look into it
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Testing how the userscript here fairs with cumfy stealth metadata.
>>26705 So what could you say about that? Is is better to use lora, innate knowledge or both?
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>>26707 https://files.catbox.moe/m298j6.safetensors quick and dirty (there are like 15 usable images for this outfit) but seems to do the trick
(1.18 MB 768x1440 catbox_eji9kv.png)

I can't believe it knows the line goes all the way down...
>>26719 what is the line for...
>>26720 it's so you don't get lost trying to find her pussy duh
(91.92 KB 859x844 Untitled-1.jpg)

>>26711 I'm going to improve that but I've never used ComfyUI Is the "workflow" section significant? My current plan is to extract then format the "prompt" section
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>>26710 Could you post a catbox for that tatsumaki pic? please
(53.72 KB 818x347 Untitled-1.jpg)

>>26698 I do believe it's mostly underbake, prodigy was trying to increase the learning rate the entire time My theory so far is it's a reverse of the Pony situaiton: Pony had a fucked up unet, hence it will output furry no matter what you prompt & style loras could get away with training unet only Illustrious however has a fucked up text encoder (maybe to boost character recognition?), with enough tags even the most fried lora won't do shit Gonna try activation tag and some extreme tenc lr next time
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(3.11 MB 2160x1152 catbox_sgypn9.png)

pregnant wife prompt good doing a denoise pass on your outputs also good
>>26712 These pictures are only the lora, no innate artist tag. Haven't tried mixing the tag with the lora yet, but I'm happy with the lora on its own
>>26725 UOOOOOOH BAG also man the thumbnails made them look noisy as fuck lmao
>>26723 check the previews folder of that lora
>>26724 NTA, but how big was your dataset? I just checked tensorboard and saw this. Blue is smaller dataset with 239 pics, while red is 413. Optimizer just decided to raise lr by approximately the same amount, depending on the number of pictures, for the same steps count >>26726 Good to know. Maybe you want to try out the first version for comparison? Judging from tensorboard it went a little bit crazy on the bigger dataset, can't say it got burned tho.
(602.30 KB 4000x2607 xyz_grid-0003-3319884183.jpg)

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>>26729 >Maybe you want to try out the first version Sure, I can make some XYZ grids
(2.01 MB 1248x1824 catbox_172i42.png)

I don't have access to whatever discord Angel is in. Apparently the release of the research is still going ahead on Monday?
>>26730 https://files.catbox.moe/cmktdc.safetensors here is v1 then, probably not much different
>>26729 85, 99 with repeats, batch 4, 60 epoch, 1920 steps
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>>26714 Thanks Anon , still better than nothing maybe release new one in future for both pony and gooknai. this version of her got released less than a week ago that's why there is very few arts. may i ask your specs and how much time it needed ?
>>26722 Workflow contains everything and is how you get it into ComfyUI. I think the prompt section is for simpler API parsing. You can see here the frontend just ignores anything else if the workflow key is found first. https://github.com/Comfy-Org/ComfyUI_frontend/blob/0117964ca56d806b8e144a8956e685f90f1f5951/src/scripts/app.ts#L2696-L2711 There really isn't a reason to display the workflow JSON, copying and pasting that is all that's needed. Formatting the prompt section is nice for non-ComfyUI users. I'm a lazy bastard and still just dump the JSON and all it's keys for the 4chan version.
>>26731 I believe so. The Discord he's in is 東方Project AI, not hard to find.
>>26734 I just have a 3090. I did 16 epochs at 4 batch size * 4 grad acc, 4 repeats so the buckets would be divisible by batch size. It was 80 steps total, took about 15 minutes. I did find a bunch of pixiv/twitter art that wasn't on Dan so I'll probably see if I can get a better bake later and post the dataset if you wanna try it.
(1.18 MB 4000x3861 xyz_grid-0014-575602189.jpg)

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>>26732 The differences seem indeed surprisingly small considering the near doubling of the dataset. This could be a bad example since most of the images I contributed were *not* panty shots. But I admittedly don't know much about the inner workings of Lora training. I assume there's diminishing returns?
>>26729 >>26738 Well, obviously there's diminishing returns, but is there a reason V1 could be better than V2?
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>>26733 Checked logs for other datasets, and there is something simillar to your graph, it really tends to set high lr and won't let it drop, at least there is no such behaviour for a long run with bigger dataset >>26738 >The differences seem indeed surprisingly small considering the near doubling of the dataset. This could be a bad example since most of the images I contributed were *not* panty shots. I could see sometimes model just ignores requested pose, even without lora >>26730 >I assume there's diminishing returns? It could be not just diminishing returns but even worse, working the other way and ruining quality of lora if picking non-consistent pictures, but after 150-200 there is diminishing returns most of the time, from what I've experienced, yeah, at least for styles Trying to bake some kind of aesthetic tune with large lora atm, using stacked cleaned datasets from loras, tianliang already looks better I think
>>26739 Don't know, seems like it's the same, from other anon tests, except some seed luck maybe
I probably won't be using Illustrious much with V4 right* around* the* corner* but I'll happily bake LoRAs for people. ...when I get my build together. Before the end of the month. Pinky promise.
>>26742 do you just keep buying computer parts without ever actually using your pc
>>26743 no.......................................... yes......... I did sell my 7950X to get a 9950X. I thought "whatever, I waited this long I might as well get it" I actually need one more NVME for hackintosh purposes because MacOS seems to really dislike motherboard-managed RAIDs but I can just add it in later.
>>26740 >I could see sometimes model just ignores requested pose, even without lora Yes, but this was mostly random seed luck and a downside of the XYZ grids. I'm only prompt editing the "Cowboy shot" -> "from behind" and not adding other related tags like "Looking back, ass" that solidify the prompt. >>26741 Yeah the difference between innate knowledge and the lora is pretty big like I tested here >>26730. I much prefer the lora. But between the two loras the difference looks small (for this particular prompt).
>>26744 why bother with hackintosh though? is it even possible after they switched to arm?
>>26746 >why bother with hackintosh though? Core Audio. "ASIO had not the slightest recollection of the crash before, it rattled off its same old nonsense as though nothing at all had happened, and, if indignantly challenged, affected amazement; it couldn't remember a thing, except that it had proved the correctness of its latency measurements the previous minute. Sometimes I stood there thunderstruck. I didn't know what to be more amazed at: the sluggishness of its output or its virtuosity at crashing. Gradually I began to hate it." (I'm a hobbyist musician first and foremost) >is it even possible They still make OS versions for Intel machines but that'll probably stop next year (you're "only" guaranteed 6 years of official OS updates and iirc the last Intel machines are from 2019)
>>26747 the joke here is that ASIO was created by (((steinberg)))
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some autistic experimentation made more autistic by me refusing to use comfy for this which would make it a lot easier. t2i -> 1x upscale with 1xManhwaNull and 2xNomosUni i2i -> same 1x upscale parameters
realized the second two images are flipped order but hopefully that was obvious
>>26751 Metadata for the first one? I was having issues for getting the ropes to sidle her pussy and I don't have wifeposter's catboxes on hand.
(2.13 MB 1248x1824 catbox_9kkgqs.png)

(2.34 MB 1248x1824 catbox_ng37us.png)

>>26752 If you need just that rope it should be tagged crotch rope, first one just dropped randomly with prompt from your pic
(2.61 MB 1248x1824 00048-3366275435.png)

I've tried reproducing a few images in this thread but even with the same seed they turn out drastically different, despite everything seeming to line up? for example >>26702
wife thread
>>26754 metadata?
(2.61 MB 1248x1824 catbox_5rsgp8.png)

>>26756 oh right sorry
>>26759 catbox for 2nd one?
>>26760 Oh fuck I didn't upload them to catbox, I'm still unable to get as good results as some people here. https://files.catbox.moe/3twup7.png
civitai deleted the henrietta butt shot on the zankuro lora. this is my personal 9/11.
>>26761 >Sampler: Euler a update from auto1111 to forge dev branch and see if you can't switch to the CFG+++ samplers, they do a better job at wrangling in the sketch look
>CFG+++ CFG++ i mean
>>26763 Oh, I'm still on some version of Forge though but thanks I'll check it out.
>>26765 yeah i had the same problem https://github.com/Panchovix/stable-diffusion-webui-reForge this one specifically
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https://mega.nz/folder/OoYWzR6L#psN69wnC2ljJ9OQS2FDHoQ/folder/n1hVVTLA retrained kindergarten kisaki for the anon asking for her. included the dataset and training config. seems much better now imo
(1.69 MB 1248x1824 catbox_pucqrd.png)

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(1.73 MB 1248x1824 catbox_v7ionf.png)

(1.73 MB 1248x1824 catbox_ilfkng.png)

>>26766 This is nice but my gen speed sure took a hit. >>26767 Very cute
It really is NAI at home with the weird SMEA background gremlins Trying to figure out what =_= and |_| have been aliased to and if there are any other tags that have also been changed. Again, like NAI, "v" has been changed to "peace sign" but "v over eye" is unchanged.
(81.15 KB 690x500 Untitled-1.jpg)

>>26735 I see, updated script to display only the formatted prompt section but the copy button at top left will now copy workflow to clipboard

(2.79 MB 1248x1824 Illustrious--3309706444.png)

(3.86 MB 2160x1152 Illustrious-755163778-1.png)

(3.18 MB 2160x1152 catbox_so7c1f.png)

>>26770 you can always just ask the guy on civitai/discord and he'll tell you @angelbottomless also yeah once you get your shit set up you can make some insanely gorgeous compositions even without the vpred color range. we are finally free from Pony Hell, maybe even moreso if any of the finetune attempts strike gold.
>>26771 Naisu. Cheers, anon.
>>26706 Thanks, I thought that part was covered by setting decouple=True
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(1.81 MB 1152x1728 00032-2269718280.png)

>>26772 UOOOH i'm stealing the first 2
>>26759 Why is your CFG scale only 2 here? Could be too low for Euler a and that's why the colors look better here >>26769 with Euler CFG++
>>26775 this instantly looks better than any of my previous attempts at training him, excellent. how broad was the dataset? I usually use him a lot for sfw male gens since he has a lot of good fantasy males.
(1.99 MB 1248x1824 catbox_pd6stf.png)

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(1.93 MB 1248x1824 catbox_nkv7pb.png)

>>26779 I yoinked a catbox from here and just threw it into my regular Forge, changed the prompt and the sampler to Euler A without thinking about the CFG scale.
(5.26 MB 3744x2039 catbox_ah4bdt.png)

>>26781 >>26781 All those catboxes are showing as Euler CFG++, not Euler a. Did you find a way to use Euler CFG++ on regular Forge? Cause I'd want that. Also, nice river gens.
>>26783 my old version of Forged doesn't have the CFG ++ samplers >>26761 this one here is euler a
>>26784 Sorry, I thought you meant on those new 4 catboxes you posted. The difference seems to be in the CFG. So if you want to use old Forge, Euler a with a higher CFG looks similar to Euler CFG++
>>26785 >Euler a with a higher CFG looks similar to Euler CFG++ Yeah, I'll give it a try later cuz my gen speed is so much slower on ReForge
>>26783 >Did you find a way to use Euler CFG++ on regular Forge? Nope but I would love this as well.
>>26783 >>26788 I know there's a monkeypatch floating around for adding it to forge, but you could always look at a commit that adds new samplers and just copypaste the code from reforge: https://github.com/lllyasviel/stable-diffusion-webui-forge/pull/1316 That being said I just switched to reforge so I don't have to deal with Ilyasviel's nonsense. It's effectively the same thing but less annoying since you don't have to worry about Gradio 4 breaking extensions either.
>>26789 I'd like reforge more if my gen speed wasn't 3 times as slow compared to forge with the same samplers and settings, or maybe my reforge is bricked somehow.
>>26780 216 images. i did prune a bunch of images i thought were off model from his typical artstyle
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>>26702 great prompt
>>26790 That's strange, the backend for SDXL should be the same on reforge. What GPU and are you using all the hinted launch args it tells you on startup? Possibly related, I used to have a weird bug with sd-webui base where it wouldn't actually use xformers unless I forced the argument.
>>26792 open-air but not fully public sexo is kino
>>26793 Still using a 3070 8gb, I have --xformers and --cuda-stream but maybe I missed something?
>>26795 Strange. I would maybe check archiveofsins to try and find the monkeypatch, search for like "diff", "patch", "github" and you'll probably find it quickly.
>>26796 Aight, I'll do that and thanks.
>>26796 >I would maybe check archiveofsins to try and find the monkeypatch not having speed issues with reforge but what is this monkey patch you speak of?
>>26798 Someone made a git diff to add the CFG++ samplers to forge (not reforge). I didn't save it because I've just been using reforge.
Does the forge couple extension not work with CFG ++ samplers?
(3.58 MB 1664x2432 00025-3750070664.png)

pretty impressed with illustrious as far as characters, fino for example has less than 50 images on danbooru iirc
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>>26796 I managed to solve my issues, my xformers and some other crap were a bit old apparently.
>>26795 >>26802 Do you really have to use the --xformers argument with forge? I still use the old pre-experimental one and I remember lllyasviel saying you shouldn't use it, that it does nothing, but when I added it, it actually installed it and my gens got faster, so I don't know. Haven't tried reforge yet, I'm a bit behind on all this stuff.
>>26802 huge improvement from pony gens in my opinion
(2.01 MB 1248x1824 catbox_8wm8sg.png)

(1.83 MB 1248x1824 catbox_d4w2gh.png)

>>26803 Well if it makes you gen stuff faster, then I would keep it for sure. >>26804 Yeah I agree but I still like some of my ponyslop, it did require some effort though.
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>>26802 >New model >Anon trains zankuro lora >Choco river prompt We are so back
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https://mega.nz/folder/OoYWzR6L#psN69wnC2ljJ9OQS2FDHoQ/folder/Kkw3xD5Z Added alkemanubis. Like the Fishine LoRA, this is meant to assist the intrinsic model knowledge. Unlike the Fishine LoRA, I will not be posting this one on /h/ :^)
>>26806 Well I'm having a lot of fun genning again but I have to stop now, gotta sleep cuz wagie cagie. >>26807 thanks
>>26808 you're welcome have another one
(1.06 MB 1152x896 00562-2389284063.png)

Is someone going to bake a gnsisir lora? if no one is then i might do it.
>>26810 Also, can anyone tell me what's the best way to gather the dataset? I've been using grabber and getting all images from gelbooru but they're low quality, or should i just upscale them before
>>26811 I usually check exhentai, then kemono, then danbooru. https://exhentai.org/g/2812675/a90e5a8d65/ has a torrent available Just use random crop instead of upscaling
>>26809 uoh wife
>>26813 your wife is a good model for illustrious since it gets her spot on 99% of the time
Please help brothers, my loras are getting out of hand. Is there any extension or hell even external software that can do these or something close >download all info and previews from civitai and save them locally without embedding them into lora itself (would like to keep the models untouched) >working extension that can show these info's and previews in WebUis >an local browser that can sort by date/base model/etc... so I can see what I have Any local image browser for Ai arts is also appreciated
>>26815 auto1111 or any of its forks (forge/reforge) will display the preview of a lora if it's in the same folder of the lora and the preview has the same name as the lora. for the other two things, additional networks can both browse and edit metadata
>>26816 >auto1111 or any of its forks (forge/reforge) will display the preview of a lora if it's in the same folder of the lora and the preview has the same name as the lora. Thats what i need extension/software for , cant download preview + infos of 1000+ models
>>26815 >Any local image browser for Ai arts is also appreciated https://github.com/zanllp/sd-webui-infinite-image-browsing this one is quite cool.
>>26815 How much of what you want can be achieved by auto1111 civit ai helper extension? https://github.com/butaixianran/Stable-Diffusion-Webui-Civitai-Helper I think it can at the very least download the info and a preview
https://civitai.com/models/811067?modelVersionId=906975 still toying around with it but this little finetune->slopmerge seems to help a bit with denoising without having to resort to using denoising scalers
(2.61 MB 1528x1528 ComfyUI-Stealth_00014_.png)

(2.84 MB 1816x1240 ComfyUI_temp_gvxxe_00001_.png)

the clown has already drained me twice. today is a good day.
>>26821 Userscript says there isn't but there is stealth metadata in that first one, I'm guessing anon made the same mistake I did when writing the parser.
>>26824 vectorscope or just prompting dark scenes?
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>>26821 sexo >>26826 cute butts
>>26821 very sexy clown sir
preparing to build need to reinstall windows on my old desktop first to see if i can access the one HDD i couldn't get to work in an external enclosure
this model is capable of some absolutely gorgeous shit. all we needed, all this time, was a full danbooru tune and then you can nudge it however you like. >>26827 nice to see such a powerful prompter get their bearings, good stuff
So what's the best model at the moment if I just want to gen loli? I just want my dose of cunny
>>26831 based67
>>26832 get on with the times it's based69
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Mandatory wife (daughter) because of thread's theme This model is fun, I admit it. Is the future looking bright for local now?
>>26834 it's no nai3 leak but considering i've genned and trained more in the past few days than i have in the last 6 months i would say we are definitely back in some capacity there is also talk of that large scale open-weight anime finetune, but i'm a bit skeptical of it shaking out right
>>26835 big name sloppers like bluvoll already offered their "advice" to both angel and the open finetune people apparently time to watch local sabotage itself once again
>>26836 idk who that is and I don't really want to get attached to this project in case I get hopeful and then it explodes, but I heard lodestone and wdv niggas were also giving them advice and those two parties actually have their shit straight (even if wdv team still only has a demo lmao) so who knows
ard on new model?
>>26837 bluvoll is a 4cucks/civitai slopper who's capable of shitting out like 50 pony style loras a day and they all look *identical* to the point where you can't tell they're supposed to be artist loras ironically-unironically worshipped by /hdg/
>>26838 scuffed nai at home with a more recent danbooru scrape, no vpred so worse colors, and no aesthetic tuning so its a little schizo. it's pretty neat.
(5.37 MB 3120x2574 xyz_grid-0022-2152680910.png)

>>26810 made a gnsisir lora, but i'm not sure if it looks like his style good enough, what do you guys think?
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>>26843 we are beyond back
>>26842 >>26843 based traditional media appreciator
alright lads why would a raid 0 consistently shit itself after writing ~403mb but jbod and raid 1 don't?
>>26846 (this is relevant because it's gonna be my dataset storage)
>>26840 >more recent scrape huh. Guess it's time to try it
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>>26848 >actual working inpainting >can finally use nipple size tags Guess I can finally unsub to NAI Now someone QRD me on lora training for XL on 8GB, I used to do it for 1.5 but I was getting vram issues on XL and just gave up early. Seems worthwhile now even if only for shitposting with edits
>>26849 --fp8_base, --gradient_checkpointing, --cache_latents_to_disk, batch 1, adamW8bit = 7GB VRAM on my machine so you might have a chance Why do that though when 4090 is $0.4 an hour
>>26850 cuz idk where to look for that and I cba to deal with more paid shit. Easyscripts or which UI?
Been gone for a while. Comfy or Forge? Last I heard Forge development was discontinued or something? But I see it's still getting commits.
>>26851 EasyScripts, simply because it's not Gradio Even with the most powerful 8GB card (3070Ti?) your training time will be in the range 4-6 hours, in addtion to slightly worse result because of --fp8_base
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>>26830 Thanks, cute Sayas as always but the catboxes here is what got me started. >>26842 very nice
NAIn't has so many styles that are like... almost there, and I can half-bake a LoRA to get spot on. I know these are mixed slightly but in my experience trying to do a singular baked in style doesn't come out great.
>>26855 >>26850 >adamW I'll also require proper unet and encode settings then
what method do you guys use the remove jpeg artifacts from datasets?
>>26861 If the source data is substantially above 1024x1024 it doesn't matter, if it's below 1024 you should be more concerned about upscaling than cleanup. Also a substantial part of jpeg artifacts during generation comes from the VAE itself according to the NAIv3 technical report.
>>26862 when i wrote that question i was considering upscaling as a part of removing artifacts. more specifically what method do you use for upscaling? in my experience, the test comparisons between the original and upscaled datasets tend to make almost no difference, but this was also in the sd1.5 days where we were training at lower resolutions
>>26865 need more loli/sho content... very cute.
bnnuy cnnnuy among other things >>26861 https://openmodeldb.info/models/2x-NomosUni-esrgan-multijpg upscale 2x with this then downscale with something like bicubic
(2.69 MB 1248x1824 catbox_je2i5g.png)

>>26867 catbox, pretty please?
>>26868 using stealth metadata for everything now, catbox extension will show it if you right click on the []/^ even if it's not green
Has any anon created thread scraping tool with support for catbox superscript? Wanted to archive the ai threads for a long time but have no tool for it , any recommendations ?
For people using ranbooru with Illustrious: the first 50k artists on danbooru by post count: https://mega.nz/file/HZg0zLoL#D7z3HlRxHrcQYt5vZBMf6cEETq0Rl0q5UO-VSIhHWU4 Replace tags_remove.txt to remove artist tags from prompts generated by ranbooru
>>26870 >https://github.com/space-nuko/sd-webui-utilities >hdg_archive.py an anon that browses here made this awhile back. it is outdated by now though and you'll either have to update it yourself or ask him
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>>26858 You are on your own I'm afraid, no one knows because no lora was trained on that setting I would rather overshoot (5e-5 unet & 2.5e-5 tenc or prodigy d_coef=2, 6000+ steps) if my training time is 6 hours
>>26875 weird no one's done it. Its just a single lora for shitposting so I guess I dont really mind running it overnight a few times
>>26876 I upgraded my GPU from a 3070 to a 3090 just because of how hellish SDXL training on 8GB is due to batching since it was before gradient checkpointing was implemented, not to mention the speed.
>>26877 I'll just try begging my way into someone training it for me if I fail
>>26878 I don't mind doing runs for other people if it's something reasonable. Batching on 24GB lets you get any style/single char LoRA generalized in like 30 minutes.
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We're so fucking back, total pony death. >>26873 Based
>>26880 i think it's really funny how random korean guy comes out of nowhere and saves us from Pony Hell and now there's a bunch of people bickering about a theoretical model that may never come to fruition. meanwhile I have spent the last week generating gigabytes of cunny.
>>26881 !!!! I expect you to gen her getting corrected
>>26882 gotta go soon but it's on the menu. feel like I'm having an easier time getting upshorts shots than I did even on NAI.
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>>26881 >>26883 SEXO >random korean guy comes out of nowhere and saves us from Pony Hell He's an angel, heh.
>>26880 Based. Can it do their uniforms/outfits?
>>26885 I haven't actually tried that yet, only micro bikinis and naked. I guess I'll try that tomorrow.
>>26886 Understandable... Wish I could check myself, but I'm stuck being a gpulet.
I found a gashi-gashi dataset I made well over a year ago, not really sure how good it is but does anyone wanna give it a try?
(3.80 MB 2118x1500 digital012.png)

>>26879 Not him, but I'd really appreciate an ike (altitude attitude) lora. Here's the dataset https://files.catbox.moe/qol3ul.zip Anon did one for sd1.5 for me a year ago and I loved it. I'm not sure if anything's changed about what you need to train since then, so if anything's missing, just let me know.
Any good cunny artist loras for illustrious yet or does it not need it to gen cunny like pony? Pony had a bunch of good artist loras for the lolicon artists that I used a lot
>>26891 its trained on danbooru with artist names intact, same as NAI. just like NAI, it's hit or miss whether a tag will work. these were done without LoRAs: >>26883 >>26867 except for the first one in 67
>>26892 is it still 0.1 or did the full version come out
>>26893 0.1 is all we are getting for now but it's not an "incomplete" model by any means, it's a full finetune just without any aesthetic alignment. which is why people are scrambling to do small scale finetunes. but it's serviceable on its own if you put a little work into it, nowhere near as good as NAI but leagues better than pony.
>>26894 Any good finetunes yet like autism? That really made pony a lot easier to use
>>26894 >nowhere near as good as NAI how so, isnt it basically NAI but we have adetailer and more working tags?
>>26896 I don't know why some people keep saying this. it's worse as a model (artifacts, fried artist tags, no vpred, worse anatomy) but it's not completely fucked as pony, it's salvageable, and with local tools (loras/controlnet yadda yadda) is a generally a very reasonable free substitute, it's not a cope like it was with pony. Although I should note nai does have traditional inpaint and adetailer if you use the API.
>>26895 autism wasnt a finetune it was a lora merge of a few anime styles. there's a few small scale finetunes so far but nothing spectacular: https://civitai.com/search/models?modelType=Checkpoint&sortBy=models_v9%3AcreatedAt%3Adesc&query=illustrious I'm just using smoothFT since it helps with the base model's artifacting
>>26890 I'm working on a character LoRA but I'll get to this if it keeps shitting itself, I adore that style. >>26896 >>26897 yeah it's really unfair to compare anything to NAI considering they actually trained their model properly. I'd say it's still cope, but looking back it makes Pony look like gigacope while this is at least usable and has the full danbooru subject broadness to build on top of.
>>26899 Thanks anon. I'm in no rush, so take your time.
Oh boy I can't wait to spend ages trying to learn how to properly use this model and figure out what works and what doesn't
oh boy i sure love sarcastic brainlets
i love all of you guys but unironically
I love all of you except Momoura
I love cunny
Fished out the old case from the garage, time to see if my old (not just) games drive is dead for real If it doesn't mount I'll have diskdrill recover stuff while I build (as soon as my stomach leaves me alone)
>>26904 I love you too, Shoebill. I promise I will finish a KF card one day.
Illustrious seems to be like leagues better at cunny than pony Pony always needed me to fuck around with artist loras, age down sliders, weights and other random shit to draw small girls but illustrious seems to do it right out of the gate nicely
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>go to sleep >wake up >40 new posts nice
>>26897 adetailer is kinda wonky on NAI. I guess im just hype for a decent model that can avoid nai's pitfalls on certain tags nad lack of characters
>>26908 pony had a dataset that was about 1/3rd the size of illustrious which was 1/3 anime 1/3 furry and 1/3 pony. illustrious is just straight up a danbooru rip. no wonder it's better at cunny.
>>26911 Don't forget that horsenigger deliberately pruned cunny
>>26912 he did a lot of stupid shit that boggles my mind because it was clearly ego tripping that sabotaged his model. like i'm fairly certain the "hashed touhou characters in particular out of spite" wasn't a joke.
>>26913 and you'd be right, it wasn't a joke same with vtubers
I think smoothFT-SPO is probably the best shitmix right now. Seems like the SPO merge gives it a lot of cohesion. also bluvoll's FT somehow has MORE artifacting, at least with Euler A AYS. uncompressed: https://files.catbox.moe/1gngu6.png
>>26915 >bluvoll's FT somehow has MORE artifacting ULTRAOMEGAKEK he truly is the king of shitbakies
>>26916 hold on though, it's not that simple. the artifacting vanishes when using SGM instead of AYS. uncompressed: https://files.catbox.moe/ot8tlo.png seems like it might be sampler/SDXL jank
these are all on smoothFT-SPO, I think SGM actually beats out Normal and AYS https://files.catbox.moe/hsnxlo.png
oh man what a week to miss, what a wonderful thing to find for the first time in my life: god bless a korean who isn't flash
>>26919 >a korean who isn't flash who's flash?
(339.35 KB 540x824 FlaSh.이영호.png)

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>>26879 if you dont mind running https://mega.nz/folder/8LMWDb7L#0WL-VItCrDLDNFyd1BiKqA then please do. Ended up with melty/artifacted hair and im not about to troubleshoot that with 6h per lora
(3.20 MB 1248x1824 catbox_72vkt8.png)

This is already so much better than the lora I trained back then
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https://mega.nz/folder/ctl1FYoK#BYlpywutnH4psbEcxsbLLg added rabbit (wlsdnjs950) (illustrious)
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>>26903 >>26904 >>26905 Extremely based >>26924 coolio
>>26924 illustrious takes softer/textured styles so well it's fucking incredible. good work.
Is anyone taking requests? If so I'd love it if you could take a shot at onono imoko, I love their pinups but I feel like the model has a pretty messy understanding of the style
need to inpaint the hands here but illustrious can do surprisingly good noppai nursing handjob. also the best naizuri gen I've gotten so far.
(3.75 MB 1600x2480 Untitled.png)

i hardly ever generate actual /h/ but im pretty happy with illustrious for 1girling
faffin about with style mixes and /hdg/'s poster girl
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>>26930 Cute and we're so back. >>26931 uoh My backlog of gens that are in need of some work and inpainting is growing rapidly. There's also some old images that I want to remake on this model, for example the 3x choco maids sitting on a couch.
https://mega.nz/folder/OoYWzR6L#psN69wnC2ljJ9OQS2FDHoQ/folder/L05jUCxQ for the anon requesting an ike (altitude attitude) lora for illust (>>26890)
>>26934 >check the wriggle metadata >1boy MOMOOOOOURAAAAA
>>26935 i'm sorry. have a blurry wriggle cunny in return for my transgressions.
>>26936 You're forgiven.
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Could it be that we were gening at wrong steps so far? The official 28 steps of Illustrious doesn't make sense to me, no only is 40 steps less melty some of the prompts won't even converge at 30
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>>26940 some more examples
old shitbox is out, windows is installing and my back is about to break
>>26942 somehow managed to get the drive working, will not be killing myself i repeat, will not be killing myself instead i'll probably build either today or tomorrow
>>26945 personally i only go demonic if i hear ebonics
>>26934 Nice! Thanks a lot anon!
>>26934 I think you forgot to upload the lora.
>>26948 I'm a dumbass. Fixed.
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I may actually die this weekend.
>>26940 >>26941 I think you're right that sub 30 Euler A steps is not ideal. However, a lot of people do hires fix with >=15 steps which provides further denoising, and may explain why people initially said it was "required" for good results on the model. From picrel I think 30-40 is probably ideal, then ~15 for hires. After 40 it starts to hallucinate details (eg, Kaban's shoes should be flat white but it tries to detail them further). https://files.catbox.moe/f9b7b7.png
>>26952 >20 steps >no shoes You haven't convinced me, 20 is CLEARLY superior.
>>26951 >last pic giwtwm >>26954 true but you can also just get crispier feet by prompting for it
>>26955 very cute
>>26949 Thanks again.
i'm having too much fun with this model bros even without loras
>>26958 So am I but a certain part of my body is getting a lot of abuse right now.
My poor 1080 can't keep up with this...
I think the last /h/ janny killed himself, my Mutsuki gens have been up for a full 24 hours.
>>26961 Total janny death would be amazing but more likely is that xhe either hasn't bothered yet or no one reported it. Moderation is wildly inconsistent, some anons got global 3days for jks with tits while tods got untouched.
so how's mr korean bigshot feeling about further releases?
>>26963 from talking to him on discord it sounds like he really does want to release more but has to pace it out since he *is* doing this for a startup, after all. except the startup still isn't 100% sure how they're going to monetize their product so it's very up in the air. 0.1 is a great base for training on though so I'm quite satisfied for now. >inb4 "he" his discord says he/she/it/they fuck off!!!
>>26964 >his discord says he/she/it/they fuck off!!! i hate that i can't tell if this post is being ironic or not anymore
>>26964 sounds good. my only complaint with the model so far is that it's a little crusty, which is a far sight goddamn better than pony.
>>26966 oh, also that quality tags have a strong style impact but that's traditional at this point
has someone done test grid comparisons of illustrious and the smoothft / smooth spo finetune on civitai?
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>>26969 yoink
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I'm happy that penis kissing actually works on this model.
>>26955 uoooh bag's cute feet
>>26973 People like you are the sole reason I still visit that wasteland
>>26977 Thanks, that's nice to hear. I haven't really posted there myself for a while, before illu release the schizoing really was too overwhelming.
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>>26979 >>26980 was actually looking up his stuff earlier and saw it was withdrawn from danbooru. one of my favorite manga styles for sure, nice work.
>>26981 >>26982 thanks. his art is really cool and i wish i knew more similar artists
>>26983 ireading for sure since there's already a fishine lora. seems right up your alley actually, ireading is like the intersection of karasu and kafun.
>>26984 his stuff does look nice. time to scrape everything
>>26983 enn matien/fake enn
Funny how people are actually defending pony but they are probably just bored shitposters.
>>26987 assume that most of the shit you see on hdg is some sort of bait
>>26988 Roger but why can't people just enjoy something without constantly baiting or shitposting for once. Gooknai is a blessing after this long ass time with pony.
>>26989 mental illness. several waves (mostly vg,v) of retarded tourists did not do that place any favors
>>26990 It does remind me of /vg/ now that you mentioned it, what a shame.
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been browsing /vtai/ lately since I've been baking some chuuba loras for illust. after spending so much time on 4ch/hdg/ it feels like bizarro world. it's so chill. just waifufags slopping in the moment, NAI, pony shitmix, and illustrious users living in harmony and posting gens with no shit flinging.
>>26992 yeah it's weird, i post botans there every once in a while and there's hardly any shitposting or drama
>>26992 >>26993 Most of the shitposting is because /v/ and /vg/ became mainstream hubs for the worst people on the internet to congregate so smaller boards get spared from eternal shitposting /vt/ still gets a lot of shitposting though but it's mainly limited to the big holo/niji generals and any threads they spill to sometimes. Their loli general is pretty bad too, I remember clicking once and it reminded me of /a/'s loli threads with arguing and trolling but /vtai/ has always been extremely chill whenever I click on there.
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>>26995 Yeah this is great, I love the Roxy one.
>>26995 Do you have a clara lora?
>>26998 nah, illustrious is enough on its own these would be better with face detailer but lazy prompt: >clara \(honkai: star rail\), white hair, very long hair, red eyes, loli, [[flat chest]] red jacket, long sleeves, long_coat, trench_coat, open coat, breasts out, open clothes, 1girl, solo, naked_coat,
>>26999 impressive that the model can just gen her like that
>>27000 I was also surprised that it went ahead and did the hair intakes on its own when double checking the prompt, let alone the general jacket design. It's just missing the collar-choker
>>27000 >>27001 I've heard the dataset cutoff is actually April 2024 though the base dataset is danbooru2023, so that's not too surprising since she should have >300 images. I'm not sure what characters would be best to test this theory, probably whatever BA chars released at the beginning of the year in JP. Also super clean inset, inpainted or RNG? Can I get a box for that style mix?
>>27002 >probably whatever BA chars released at the beginning of the year in JP. Shupogakis probably? Their first picture was the last week of march so might barely make the cutoff
>>26999 >>27001 What do you use for negative?
>>27002 if it's the x-ray you're talking about, daram usually does x-ray variants so it got baked in. still surprised how well baked it got in considering this is an "undercooked" model https://files.catbox.moe/bmzpwk.png there's an undercooked nababa lora I was using at .4 strength and I think I fucked up the settings for it since it's 400mb. I can litterbox that if you want >>27004 general negative I'm running is >multiple views, sound effects, lowres, (bad), ( dark_skin, dark-skinned_male, sagging_breasts, pubic hair ) text, error, fewer, extra, missing, worst quality, jpeg artifacts, low quality, watermark, unfinished, displeasing, oldest, early, chromatic aberration, signature, extra digits, artistic error, username, scan, white_pupils, monochrome, limited_palette, greyscale, blurry, blurry_foreground, motion_blur, censored, bar_censor, also, sampler: euler cfgpp, 1.7 cfg, sgm uniform. I feel like sampler makes a bigger difference than negatives
Illustrious is a lot like NAI where it can gen characters with less data using detailed tags. Not perfectly obviously but pretty good
>>27006 It's also pretty useful to have a list of associated tags for certain outfits
Is it possible to remove Nahida's hair accessory with Illustrious? The thing is literally glued to her head with pony
Are best quality and masterpiece replacing score_9 and score_7 in my prompts or is the era of quality tags gone?
>>27008 Yes. >>27009 No. Luckily with this one it's a short neg and just adding "masterpiece, best quality" at the end of your prompt. Maybe "very aesthetic", but I'm too lazy to do A/B to see how much that affects the style.
>>27011 Holy shit, we finally have the technology.
>>27012 May I present to you, ojou-sama Nahida? (tailed hairstyles still try to add them but you can get rid of em with a replacement decoration)
>>27014 Perfect, definitely going to have fun with the model later.
I couldn't get it to spit out shupogakis but it does know Dress Hina, a character released in January 2024 so the cutoff is somewhere in 2024.
It knows dress kayoko too and that's probably as far as I go because I can't think of a character released after that and it doesn't know Hikari so it's likely the cutoff is somewhere in march 2024
One thing I'll complain about is that I hate the "default" artstyle of illustrious. It feels like base pony where the default/base art style was ass and I basically needed to prompt an artist to get anything resembling good.
>>27018 imo leave "good" default styles to shitmixes, base model should just be malleable
>>27019 I am pretty blown away by illustrious ability to just prompt artists Pony needed loras for basically everything related to characters and artists while illustrious doesnt
>>27020 yeah i havent trained anything or downloaded any finetunes ive just been playing with the base model since it came out
>>27007 >pretty useful to have a list of associated tags for certain outfits https://danbooru.donmai.us/related_tag?commit=Search&search%5Bcategory%5D=General&search%5Border%5D=Cosine this has been extremely useful for nai prompting and should be similarly useful for illustrious
after skipping out on naiv3 i have quite a lot to learn in the ways of style-fu hopefully there's a few in here who aren't immediately well known: https://files.catbox.moe/15jjm5.txt
>>26928 me again, I've decided to make a dataset for this but I'm not sure if my captioning will be much good. I won't be able to train the lora myself since my PC is on the lower end and my ram sticks may be going bad. If anyone would like to try with this dataset I can provide it.
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>>27024 for illustrious? sure why not, i'm not using my GPU right now anyways
https://mega.nz/folder/OoYWzR6L#psN69wnC2ljJ9OQS2FDHoQ/folder/DkJ2nLTQ this style wasn't intended for /h/ but this *is* /hdg/ :^) >>27024 >>27025 ah I was gonna offer to bake it as well if you compile a dataset, the third nahida in the post above uses onono imoko as the base style and you can tell it's pretty good for mixing already but it's pretty good, eg it understands the usage of halftones: https://files.catbox.moe/ke2ng7.png so it probably won't need to be baked too hard to get to 100% accuracy either way post the dataset here when you make it i'm hoarding
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>>26938 >>26939 I can't believe I missed kamiposting hours >>27026 as a certified sugoi stan I can't wait to try this out
>>27023 >>27025 cute >>27027 sexo Help, I'm uohverdosing hard, I need a break.
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>>27025 >>27026 Thanks, either of you are free to take a shot at it. Again I'm kind of new so I'm not sure if the tags are fine (I scraped them from gelbooru and pruned some bad ones), I also separated alt sets from the main ones since they range from small details like glasses to alternate clothing etc. I made sure to tag any images with text or copyright just in case. https://files.catbox.moe/q94jq6.rar
Prompting musouzuki on illustrious seems to generate text all over even if I put text and speech bubbles on neg
bake bread
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