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(72.68 KB 1171x748 Acne.png)

(111.52 KB 578x814 Hand-Washing.gif)

(310.49 KB 1364x751 Manly clear skin guide.png)

(83.58 KB 910x534 Anon on Hygene.png)

(979.55 KB 625x1548 Clerisy On Clear Skin.jpg)

Self-improvement general 3 Self-improvement general 3 07/04/2021 (Sun) 14:51:58 No. 400
(53.01 KB 672x775 Harsh 5.png)

(104.22 KB 678x1475 Harsh 1.png)

(51.49 KB 690x714 Harsh 3.png)

(293.45 KB 681x4562 Harsh 2.png)

(154.85 KB 678x2349 Harsh 4.png)

Harsh's worksheet.
(152.25 KB 686x2343 Harsh 7.png)

(222.31 KB 682x3372 Harsh 6.png)

(106.74 KB 575x656 Running Form.jpg)

(136.49 KB 572x1276 Sprinting.JPG)

Form 1
(16.37 KB 575x291 Chinese Squatting.PNG)

(127.28 KB 830x692 Ref Card-Squat.png)

(28.14 KB 494x170 Clarence on Squatting.PNG)

(121.10 KB 640x225 High Bar Low Bar.jpg)

Form 2
(268.59 KB 624x888 Squat.jpg)

(36.22 KB 500x324 Squat Bar Setup.jpg)

(49.19 KB 767x340 Squat Bar Setup2.jpg)

(184.24 KB 956x717 Squat Form.jpg)

(59.79 KB 604x411 Squat High Bar Form.jpg)

Form 3
(627.14 KB 940x758 Why Full Squats.gif)

(574.26 KB 792x1188 Squat2.jpg)

(94.73 KB 830x692 Ref Card-Press.png)

(172.53 KB 670x473 Press.jpg)

(27.41 KB 518x460 Clarence 2nd Pull.JPG)

Form 4
(23.96 KB 600x220 O-lift Form.gif)

(92.08 KB 576x717 Hook Grip.png)

(158.46 KB 1088x634 Hook Grip2.png)

(329.71 KB 845x885 Power Clean.jpg)

(327.55 KB 913x1343 PC.jpg)

Form 5
(40.56 KB 490x263 Rack Position.jpg)

(26.36 KB 482x709 Deadlift Foot and Scapula.jpg)

(31.88 KB 1170x253 Anon DL Form Tips.png)

(237.41 KB 681x746 Deadlift.jpg)

(118.92 KB 830x692 Ref Card-Deadlift.png)

Form 6
(101.37 KB 830x1611 Bench Arms.jpg)

(236.21 KB 609x864 Bench Press.jpg)

(129.88 KB 830x692 Ref Card-Bench.png)

Form 7
(531.97 KB 1283x669 being -fa- for -fit-izens.jpg)

(554.37 KB 708x4986 Business casual.jpg)

(359.23 KB 923x2100 Boots.png)

(391.02 KB 792x1224 Casual clothing.png)

(317.64 KB 600x1800 Batemann on dressing well.jpg)

Fashion 1
(1.15 MB 1417x3780 -fa- Basics.jpg)

(196.27 KB 649x1158 Choosing collar type.jpg)

(312.70 KB 680x1752 Denim guide.jpg)

(196.90 KB 792x1224 Dress for your skin colour.jpg)

(321.77 KB 1000x2000 Dress shoes colour.png)

Fashion 2
(619.81 KB 633x3719 -fa- guide for beginners.jpg)

(204.28 KB 1041x811 -fa- on the cheap.jpg)

(748.67 KB 647x11883 -fa- sticky.jpg)

(187.08 KB 1193x1155 Fashion meta theory.jpg)

(15.18 KB 244x468 fa@daclub.JPG)

Fashion 3

(455.65 KB 892x5395 Female perspective on style.jpg)

(121.29 KB 292x400 guidetofabriccare.png)

(560.03 KB 936x1924 Intro to Fashion.png)

(255.92 KB 750x600 Jeans fits.jpg)

Fashion 4
(318.40 KB 923x2250 Shoes.png)

(317.54 KB 900x2400 Mens essentials.jpg)

(36.86 KB 800x1714 Rusty Shack's -fa- primer.png)

(365.30 KB 464x2976 Shoe care.jpg)

(272.78 KB 1012x2956 Shoe thread.jpg)

Fashion 5

(223.08 KB 1126x1148 Suit.jpg)

(955.72 KB 640x1872 Sunglasses guide.png)

(25.83 KB 600x800 Tiers of Fashion.png)

Fashion 6
(391.92 KB 1871x826 Tuna on gym dress code.jpg)

Fashion 7
(789.20 KB 1641x973 _fit_ Oatmeal.jpg)

(120.69 KB 640x480 1276015485969.jpg)

(151.63 KB 540x792 _fit_ Cookies.jpg)

(120.69 KB 640x480 _fit_ Pudding.jpg)

(213.92 KB 1008x917 _fit_ Pancakes.jpg)

More food 1
(29.79 KB 978x488 about bread.gif)

(32.94 KB 637x352 brotein shake.jpg)

(262.23 KB 1090x557 1334801228560.png)

(41.00 KB 570x563 after you diet.png)

(198.80 KB 644x551 big mac guy.png)

More food 2
(519.98 KB 433x585 bulk and cut.png)

(121.03 KB 798x846 Bulk Up Fucker.jpg)

(230.34 KB 628x551 bulk slowly faggot.png)

(18.08 KB 342x406 Bulking calories.png)

More food 3
More food 4
(280.87 KB 1000x1600 -ck- Guide.gif)

(158.88 KB 690x1127 Cheap Foods.jpg)

(377.32 KB 563x723 Clerisy on Diet2.jpg)

(654.54 KB 960x853 Clerisy On Diet1.jpg)

More food 5

(738.89 KB 700x4925 Fast Food.jpg)

(54.53 KB 720x655 Diet split.jpg)

(61.73 KB 772x624 Eating Healthy.jpg)

More food 6
(39.78 KB 857x697 foods.png)

(1.17 MB 900x2014 Fat Americans.jpg)

(222.38 KB 773x903 fish_101.jpg)

(826.49 KB 700x3000 Food Additives.jpg)

(959.42 KB 2048x770 Food.jpg)

More food 7
(108.52 KB 1664x454 Good Foods.png)

(64.47 KB 618x722 kfc bulk.jpg)

(173.37 KB 1056x651 Grocery List.jpg)

(61.73 KB 772x624 healthy eating cheap.jpg)

(291.60 KB 805x375 Is A Calorie A Calorie.jpg)

More food 8
(28.76 KB 534x510 Pre-workout Snacks.png)

(87.65 KB 557x408 Protein Cheesecake.jpg)

(103.40 KB 843x941 marathonmeal.png)

(192.86 KB 720x698 Metabolism.jpg)

(1.18 MB 1218x3221 oranges.png)

More food 9
(89.13 KB 787x550 Seasonality Chart.jpg)

(138.92 KB 1412x950 protein.png)

(53.85 KB 780x282 steak.jpg)

(78.06 KB 633x961 skinnyfat, dont bulk.png)

(272.51 KB 691x883 Starch Digestion.jpg)

More food 10
(201.82 KB 1920x408 Tuna on Bulking Info.jpg)

(86.59 KB 517x709 Tuna on Grocery List.jpg)

(887.08 KB 1876x2892 Tuna on Bulking Shakes.jpg)

(137.63 KB 857x418 Tuna on Cutting.jpg)

More food 11

(806.63 KB 1900x1200 Tuna on Keto.jpg)

(279.72 KB 1883x575 Tuna on Hydration.jpg)

(287.62 KB 1920x748 Tuna on My Meals.jpg)

(533.83 KB 1856x843 Tuna on Oats.png)

More food 12
(96.51 KB 547x391 When to bulk.png)

(93.09 KB 450x532 1.5 Mile Times.jpg)

More food 13 and form
Critical thinking info 1
Critical thinking info 2
(763.85 KB 1188x1600 004_eco_fascist.png)

(1.98 MB 2948x5020 003_philosophy.jpg)

(2.70 MB 3584x2484 002_1557183441134.jpg)

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(1.89 MB 3296x2840 005_book.jpg)

Reading list 1
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(3.67 MB 2480x8450 007_books_of_the_elite.png)

(2.77 MB 2011x2000 009_film_list.jpg)

(1.68 MB 4961x3508 010_fit_lit.jpg)

(2.72 MB 5000x3827 008_Evola_reading_guide.jpg)

Reading list 2
Reading list 3
(359.76 KB 1077x1915 019_How_to_read_a_book.png)

(85.66 KB 592x1760 020_Master book Sites.png)

(3.52 MB 4000x3500 017_guide_to_physics.png)

(46.54 KB 195x1024 022_reading_list.jpg)

Reading list 4

(95.66 KB 672x1546 027_sig_reading_list.png)

(557.09 KB 2150x1325 024_self_help_summarized_1.png)

(507.50 KB 2150x1325 025_self_help_summarized_2.png)

(457.21 KB 2150x1325 026_self_help_summarized_3.png)

Reading list 5
Reading list 6 General public ebook/textbook resources http://gen.lib.rus.ec (Use a proxy if you are having issues connecting) http://textbooknova.com http://en.bookfi.org/ http://www.gutenberg.org http://ebookee.org http://www.manybooks.net http://www.giuciao.com http://www.feedurbrain.com http://oll.libertyfund.org/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=380 http://www.alleng.ru/ russian site http://www.eknigu.com/ russian site http://ishare.iask.sina.com.cn/ http://2020ok.com/ http://www.freebookspot.es/Default.aspx http://www.freeetextbooks.com/ need to signup http://onebigtorrent.org/ http://www.downeu.me/ebook/ http://forums.mvgroup.org (need to register) http://theaudiobookbay.com/ (audiobooks) ──────── Here's a custom search engine for ebooks: http://www.google.com/cse/home?cx=000661023013169144559:a1-kkiboeco Sites it indexes:
[Expand Post]http://gen.lib.rus.ec/* http://ebookee.org/* http://ebooksbay.org/* http://free-books.us.to/* http://librarypirate.me/* http://textbooknova.com/* http://www.downeu.com/* http://ebookshare.net/* http://www.freebookspot.es/* http://www.demonoid.me/* http://www.kat.ph/* http://www.esnips.com/* www.4shared.com/* http://www.ebooklink.net/* http://wowebook.net/* http://www.pdfchm.net/* http://www.free-ebook-download.net/* http://ebookbrowse.com/* http://www.ebook3000.com/* http://www.ipmart-forum.com/* http://www.mediafire.com/* ──────── Academic Torrents (new site) http://academictorrents.com ──────── Public Trackers http://thepiratebay.se/browse/601 http://www.kat.ph/books/ http://bitsnoop.com/browse/other-ebooks/ http://www.filestube.com There are a lot more public torrent trackers, see here for more. These last few are sort of specialized eBook private trackers, google them for some info. http://thegeeks.bz http://theplace.bz http://thevault.bz http://bitseduce.com ──────── You can also try googling phrases like 'textbook/book title .torrent' or 'textbook/book title .pdf' or 'textbook/book title ebook' or anything along those lines if you are getting desperate, but beware of malware, viruses, etc. ──────── Private ebook trackers (Feel free to make a request for any of these in the Consolidated Invite Thread (see the no movement list in the OP) http://bibliotik.org http://bitme.org http://myanonamouse.net (see reddit offers for invite) http://bitspyder.net http://www.learnbits.me http://www.ebookvortex.com http://elbitz.net http://docspedia.org http://abtorrents.com (audiobooks) ──────── General private trackers have some stuff too, try places like TL or DH, etc, etc. Reddit's unofficial private tracker BaconBits (see r/baconbits for more info) has a nice collection of eBooks as well. Better than most other private trackers actually. Don't forget that What.CD and Waffles.FM! They both have a huge selection of eBooks. ──────── IRC irc://irc.undernet.org/bookz irc://irc.irchighway.net/ebooks If you don't know how to use IRC to download books, check out this link or read this: IRC You obviously need an IRC client installed, a quick google search should find you a bunch of decent free ones. Load the client and then type: /server irc.irchighway.net This will connect you to the irchighway server. Once you're on there, type: /join #ebooks This will take you into the ebooks channel, which has more than 2.2Terabytes of ebooks for free download. Once you're in, all you have to do to find what you want is to simply type: @search "Author or book title"
(452.74 KB 1312x888 004_Beaver_cronism_nepotism.png)

(816.76 KB 1802x1404 001_beaver_ambition.png)

(658.85 KB 1895x1658 005_Beaver_democracy.png)

(501.58 KB 1832x949 002_Beaver_bureaucracy.png)

(1.14 MB 1844x2214 003_Beaver_confederation.png)

Beaver's thoughts 1
(361.60 KB 1274x778 010_Beaver_free_speech.png)

(504.93 KB 1866x1304 006_Beaver_echo_chamber.jpg)

(995.39 KB 1896x1096 007_beaver_education.png)

(794.61 KB 1800x1259 008_beaver_emasculation.png)

(999.57 KB 1916x1166 009_beaver_equal_opportunity.png)

Beaver's thoughts 2
(580.88 KB 1518x839 015_Beaver_media.png)

(635.77 KB 1839x1123 011_Beaver_immigration.png)

(752.67 KB 1274x1184 014_Beaver_language.png)

(1.81 MB 1912x2611 013_beaver_justice.png)

Beaver's thoughts 3
(803.21 KB 1903x1586 016_Beaver_money.jpg)

(963.43 KB 1448x1122 020_Beaver_power.png)

(579.71 KB 1088x790 018_Beaver_multiculturalism.png)

(1.58 MB 2218x1814 017_Beaver_morality.png)

(994.50 KB 947x2359 019_Beaver_nations.png)

Beaver's thoughts 4
(1.56 MB 1896x1752 025_Beaver_self_sufficiency.png)

(1.36 MB 1898x1364 021_Beaver_propaganda.png)

(1.55 MB 1902x2054 022_beaver_quebec_separation.png)

(1.01 MB 1875x1777 023_Beaver_revolution.png)

(389.94 KB 1486x1070 024_Beaver_rights.jpg)

Beaver's thoughts 5
(781.33 KB 1903x1542 026_Beaver_statistics.png)

(651.87 KB 1394x1350 027_Beaver_unions.png)

(358.77 KB 915x1161 028_Beaver_violence.png)

Beaver's thoughts 6
(867.46 KB 800x800 ClipboardImage.png)

Martial arts
(836.05 KB 582x1280 ClipboardImage.png)

Wake up.
(1.15 MB 1280x1280 ClipboardImage.png)

(2.50 MB 1177x1200 ClipboardImage.png)

THEY TRY TO MAKE YOU UGLY There's a reason the Allies destroyed over 90% of Arno Breker's statues and sculptures after WW2, and it's not because they had overt displays of Nazism, because they didn't. The Nazis had made a cult of physical fitness and beauty, just like the Romans, just like the Greeks, and made a deliberate effort to emulate them. And as you are now learning, the Jews are hostile to this, as well as holding an eternal grudge against all three civilizations for fighting them. The Nazis very much desired to emulate the Greek and Roman attitudes toward a healthy body image and physical fitness. Don't you find it interesting that the Allies went to a great deal of effort to destroy any and every German book or military manual on physical fitness training after the war? Official documents refer to a number of different military manuals on physical fitness, but nobody can find a surviving copy because the Allies burned them. And only physical fitness and exercise manuals. Why is that, do you think? Part of why the Nazis enjoyed successes early in the war against Poland, Czechoslavakia, and France, wasn't because of superior equipment, when the war first started, the Germans had inferior equipment to everyone else, especially in terms of tanks and aircraft. The Nazis won those battles because of superior tactics, and because the average German soldier had superior strength, speed, and endurance, giving them much greater combat performance than the average soldier they faced in France or Poland. In fact, they continued to enjoy this advantage throughout most of the war, continuing their physical training programs, while the Soviets threw scrawny, half-starved, untrained cannon fodder at them and the British continued to suffer the effects of bombing campaigns. German soldiers were on par with American soldiers, who had a much less stringent exercise program but were healthy and well-fed, even in the late war when the Germans were starving en masse and exercise was replaced with scrambling to hastily train and arm cannon fodder much like the Soviets were doing. And then for some reason, deciding they didn't want to face an army of Aryan supermen again, the Allies burned all the Nazi physical fitness manuals they could get their hands on rather than using them for themselves. And the Allies at the time were either directly controlled by, or under the influence of, Jews, who have 2,000 years of historical animosity toward the Greeks, Romans, and now the Germans, and their cult of physical fitness and body image. So of course they burned them rather than use them for themselves and adopt the same attitude: the Jews considered it a threat if the goyim were all fit and part of the same mentality as their most hated enemies. This is the same reason for the Jews' hatred of art and beauty, and their hostility toward masculinity and their promotion of feminism and nu-maleness: they seem to emasculate us and make us as weak and ugly as they are.
Encyclopedia of Human Nutrition-Caballero
The Anabolic Solution(for Powerlifters)-DiPasquale
Force Health Protection Nutrition and Exercise Manual-Singh
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Dirty Dieting Newsletter-Duchaine The Complete Idiot's Guide to Vitamins & Minerals-Pressman
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The Anabolic Solution(for Bodybuilders)-DiPasquale The Nutritionist-Wildman The Warrior Diet-Hofmekler Simply Eat-Benson Macrobolic Nutrition-Dente
Tasty Fat Loss and Muscle Building Recipes-Brink Natural Cures-Trudeau Xenoestrogen thesis fulltext Supplement Company Secrets-Brink Nutrition & the Strength Athlete-Ratzin Jackson
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Bodybuilding Nutrition-Creatine & Ribose The Anabolic Diet-DiPasquale 3XM-Nutrition Guide The A-Food, B-Food Lecture-Venuto
The Creatine Report-Brink Bodybuilding Nutrition-Protein The Ketogenic Diet-McDonald
A Guide to Flexible Dieting-McDonald Bodybuilding Nutrition-Growth Hormone Boosters Turbulence Training, Nutrition Guide-Mohr The Negative Calorie Diet-Retherford
Bodybuilding Nutrition The Metabolic Diet Troubleshooting Guide-DiPasquale Bodybuilding Nutrition-Afterword Bromocriptine-McDonald
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10 Lies About The Atkins Diet-Venuto Creatine Monohydrate-Brink The Ultimate Diet 2.0-McDonald Ultimate Nutrition Basics, Supplementation Diet Facts, Fallacies And Strategies For Building Muscle And Burning Fat-Stout
Shake It Up-Alvino Feeding your Body to Gain Mass-Ellis Supplement Suppliers Rheo H Blair & the Secrets of Bodybuilding Nutrition-McDermott Nutrition Notes
Vince Gironda, Legend and Myth-Palmieri
Arnold-Total Leg Training-MuscleMag
Arnold-The Secret to Winning Delts-MuscleMag
Arnold-Olympia Training Secrets of the Oak-MuscleMag
Bigger Muscles in 42 Days-Darden
12 week Body Shaping Course-Universal Bodybuilding Arnold-Mind over Matter-MuscleMag
Muscle and Fitness 101 Workouts Special Issue (2005) Total Body Workbook-Mens Health
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Bottomline Bodybuilding-Montana The Perfect Rep-Will Brink Total Body Muscle Plan-Men's Health 13 Secret Exercises of Physique Champions-Weis Bodybuilding Competition Guide-Johnston
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Body for Life-Biceps training Body For Life-Triceps Training Body for Life-Back Training 3 Things You Must Know For Mass & Size Gains-Sisco Body for Life-Chest Training
The Truly Huge Bodybuilding Workout Journal Why Conventional Bodybuilding Methods Suck-McRobert Bodybuilding Secrets Revealed Training Secrets-Gironda The Bodybuilding Truth-Montana
The Bodybuilding Truth-Montana DoggCrapp-All About Doggcrapp and DC Training-Trudel DoggCrap-DC Training 2-Tudel DoggCrapp-DC Training Manual-Trudel DoggCrapp-DC Training-Trudel
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Neuromechanics of Human Movement-Enoka
Strength Training Anatomy-Delavier
Therapeutic Modalities for Musculoskeletal Injuries-Denegar
Muscle Energy Techniques-Chaitow
Rehabilitation of Sports Injuries-Puddu et al Weight-Training Technique, Second Edition-McRobert
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US Navy Peak Performance Through Nutrition and Exercise-Singh et al
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does anyone have the books "strength of samson and how to obtain it",and by, the same author : "iron claws course"?

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