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Self-improvement link rep 07/04/2021 (Sun) 16:05:12 No. 453
I'll post links to improvement sites, articles and all other things. Sites: https://westernman.org/ https://sigup.net/
Edited last time by Mytsy on 07/04/2021 (Sun) 16:46:26.
Apps: Loop Habit Tracker Android: https://f-droid.org/app/org.isoron.uhabits (via F-droid) A habit tracking app with detailed analysis of your progress. Man Don't Fap Android: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=manevolves.mdf&hl=en_US iOS: https://apps.apple.com/us/app/id1487641342 NoFap streak tracking and motivation.
EasyPeasy Hackbook https://pmohackbook.org/ Mandatory reading if you are trying to quit masturabation and pornography. Original Fight the new drug https://fightthenewdrug.org/ Facts about the detrimental effects of pornography. YouTube One Day Better https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCUdhS4jh4HnUoo5yO6IHUUg Quick videos about different aspects of NoFap. Your Brain On Porn https://www.yourbrainonporn.com/ Detailed information about the harmful effects of porn: pretty much the go-to website for this.
Why you should read: 1 to learn 2 to escape 3 to validate beliefs 4 to know we are not alone 5 to find new ideas 6 to be inspired 7 to learn to think 8 to stay teachable 9 to dare to dream 10 to gain courage 11 to hope 12 to strengthen convictions 13 to learn to write 14 to fall in love Start to read and mentally become stronger https://westernman.org/book-per-week/#first-get-more-done-in-less-time-and-make-time-for-reading
Martial arts have been around for thousands of years, with different philosophies and ideas for each art form, each believing that theirs was the best for unarmed combat. Rule sets made them evolve over the years, as not having to worry about being punched to the face or being kicked to the leg made certain stances or ideas applicable but inapplicable once these rule sets changed. The argument on which art was best continued until Bruce Lee introduced a wild idea for the time. Everyone is not made equal, what works for me and my body type may not work for you. If a technique from one martial art works for you, then you should add it to your arsenal, no matter if you are a practitioner of that specific martial art. We should be martial arts practitioners and not practitioners of a specific martial art. https://www.techniquescombat.com/pages/the-ultimate-guide-to-striking-for-mma-muay-thai-and-kickboxing
Why Beauty is Important - Carnivore Aurelius Society today is run by old, sick, miserable people who want to remake everything in their image...glorifying their ugly lives to feel better https://carnivoreaurelius.com/why-beauty-is-important/
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Compelling as that sounds, why do so many of us fall short of that kind of ideal, and cease to learn new and different skills in our adulthood? My guest would say it’s because we approach learning the wrong way. His name is Robert Twigger, and he’s the author of Micromastery: Learn Small, Learn Fast, and Unlock Your Potential to Achieve Anything. https://www.artofmanliness.com/articles/micromastery-robert-twigger/ Hobbies for men https://www.artofmanliness.com/articles/hobbies-for-men/ Many of us want to learn a new skill or master a new area of expertise, either to further or change our career or simply for the sake of personal fulfillment. But going deep in a subject seems like it would take a long time, and even require going back to school, something most of us don’t have the time, money, and desire to do. https://www.artofmanliness.com/articles/learn-new-skills-quickly/
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>>459 Start Asking Better Questions Question everything, questions always will lead to more questions and questions will bring You answer. Learn to critically think Everytime everyday.
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https://youtu.be/jH43gqu5oH4 Brian's goal is to help you achieve your personal and business goals faster and easier than you ever imagined
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>>461 Everyone has the same 24 hours. People prioritise time differently, and some waste more time than others. Either take the advice in this video, or just stop being so lazy and full of excuses. https://youtu.be/O_lEre1mpl0
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REBUILDING THE WEST BY REBUILDING THE MAN 19 Firm Suggestions 1. Learn new skills. Grow 1% stronger every day. 2. Read books. Reading the news is not enough. 3. Rebuild your lost community: Start a club or community group – chess, sports, reading, cooking, build a tribe around your non-political interests. 4. Earn a high social standing. Become a dependable man of stature. 5. Accept challenges. Compete. 6. Set goals⁠—short term, medium term, long term—and decide what daily actions are required to achieve them. 7. Overcome your emotions. Only rational determination will help you now. Emotional decisions are for girls. A leader must act logically and do what is right, not what feels right. Emotional men cannot be consistent leaders. 8. Don’t be fat. If your ideas cause you to be fat then you have bad ideas. 9. Guard your health. It is your precious firm foundation. 10. Quit sugar. It gnaws at your integrity with every bite. 11. Have an above-average number of children and raise them well. In your veins flows the ancient and victorious blood of heroes; send it forth into the future. 12. Do not fill your blood with poison. If you do, you do not deserve your blood. Deserve means to earn through service. 13. Hydrate. You cannot reclaim the Western Destiny if you are drying up. 14. Become more persuasive; study influence and rhetoric. 15. Boost your vocabulary. 16. Look for ways to help others. Look for solutions to problems. 17. Learn to live alongside the forces of evil and degeneracy and be unchanged by them, and, by so doing, you change them. The effect of your gravity is greater than you imagine. You are the gravitational tether than can transform downward degenerate direction by strong example upward. 18. Learn to recognise the many forms which the enemies of the West will take. Learn to identify their habits and behaviours, and the lies they tell. Western men at present do not understand the nature of the forces preying upon them, and this situation will be decided one way or the other. Reveal to many the true nature of reality. Lead and guide your people. Set your people free. 19. Bring forth good fruit. It will be obvious to all if your philosophy is any good. You won’t even have to utter a word. Your philosophy will prove itself in your health, fitness, posture, your virtuous behaviour, attire, cleanliness and well-grooming, your sobriety, your self-discipline, mental balance and mastery over your emotions, your conquest over egocentricity, your bravery and honesty, and above all, in your defence of your highest sense of honour and duty. If you are a mess, then your philosophy is a mess and you should only share it with others as a warning. WesternMan - The Western Rebirth
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With our archives now 3,500+ articles deep, we’ve decided to republish a classic piece each Sunday to help our newer readers discover some of the best, evergreen gems from the past. https://www.artofmanliness.com/articles/how-to-build-a-home-gym-on-the-cheap/
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Fight Club & Nietzsche: Overcoming Emasculation https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NpxHFNvlUmU
>>463 look for a partner jesus christ stop the jewish porn. Stop hook ups that lead no where and checking girls out constantly be a man and a father look for shared values
>>463 i started playing chess recently with my mother it really taught me to empathize with other people and made me realize i'm not as smart as i think i am and i have to try hard to beat an opponent

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