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Nordic Monarchist Supremacy Peasant 05/03/2021 (Mon) 05:40:23 No. 2639
In this world, Norway and Sweden unite as Kingdoms before the start of the Viking age and Norway and Sweden form an early non-Aggression pact. The reason? To resist Christianity and the Northern Crusades (NC). While Denmark succumbs to Catholicism, converting before facing the NC, Norway and Sweden remain stubbornly 'Pagan,' and refuse to let those who reject the worship of the Aesir-Vanir into the nobility. Denmark in this timeline plays the role of Prussia in our timeline but at a much earlier date. As a result of less in-fighting, the Nordic nations have become first-tier super-powers as opposed to their backwater status in our timeline. The Danish and French Empires are officially Catholic and have a non-Aggression pact similar to the one the Northern Empires have. The Norwegian Empire remains majority 'Germanic Pagan,' although Buddhism, Taoism, and even 'heretical' (non-Catholic) Christianity have also spread to some degree among peasants. In the Swedish Empire, Buddhists, Hindus, Taoists, and non-Catholic Christianity form the major religions while the nobility is still required to primarily worship the Aesir-Vanir. Only racially Nordic people that worship the Aesir-Vanir are permitted to be nobility in the Northern Empires. Christians and other races are locked out of official power. Meanwhile, the Catholic Empires do not tolerate any public religious diversity, even among peasants. In this timeline, Religion, Monarchy, and Feudalism are still absolute, with the exception of Switzerland. The Renascence happened in Italy, and the industrial revolution began in Britain but they didn't lead to serious political reform nor the total abandonment of villages. The Protestant Reformation happened but never achieved political power. The Japanese Empire remains Shinto, Buddhists, feudal, and isolationist in that foreigners are not welcome without an invitation by a Daimyo, yet Japan is not closed to trade. The Arabian Caliphate is this timeline's primary source of chaotic 'terrorism.' All within the Caliphate are slaves to Allah, even the Caliph. This is a common saying in the Caliphate, and it may be true, but there are ranks of slaves, and a Black is not permitted to be the master of an Arab or whiter muslim. In war, Blacks form the majority of foot soldiers. By 1999, technology has advanced to the point the Norwegian Empire has landed a Man on the Moon and nuclear weapons have been tested by all major powers, although never used. 'Internets' exist but are niche. Taking the train is more common than taking a personal car. The internal combustion engine although discovered, was banned for peasants for 'polluting the air.' Large urban development is largely restricted to rail corridors and rivers. There are far more legal jurisdictions than in our timeline and far fewer jurisdictional agreements. Marriage is still the primary method of class advancement. https://8chan.moe/voxxe/res/4254.html#q4830
>Nordniggers moving anywhere past the Bronze Age too much bullshit.
Go on?
>>2667 Unlike in our timeline, there was no WW1 equivalent. By the time trench warfare was possible, the aristocracy had surpassed the clergy in power throughout the world. Aristocrats were/are loath to risk loosing their fortunes and lands in war and so the world's international borders froze. Religion still holds sway in that cross religious marriage is still essentially unknown, but the great holy wars of the North vs. the Middle, and the Middle vs. the South were/are a thing of the past. In place of open mass-conflict, duelling, gambling, espionage, and even assassination have become common.
>>2743 Subversive elements do exist, but Satanic-Judaism is universally despised with the exception of the Caliphate where Jews are permitted as second class citizens (who can be stoned by Muslims essentially on a whim). In Europe, it is popularly explained that both the Jews and Muslims worship Satan the 'Dark Saturn,' so it should be not wonder they can get along. Unlike our timeline, all ethnic Jews in both the Catholic and Odinist Empires have at least officially converted to a permitted religion, although many continue to practice satanic rites such as circumcision to bind their slaves and children to Satan while allowing fresh rejuvenating blood for the consumption by Elders in order to extend their lives so as to better serve Satan.
>>2746 Communism also exists (created by 'Catholic' Rabbinical Jews), although it is mocked for denying simple truths and embracing delusional 'equality,' the concept that any to humans could be considered 'equal' is considered ridiculous except for identical twins (in the Odinist Empires) or in the sense of being mortal under 'God' in the Abrahamic Empires.
>>2743 Formal Duelling has allowed the Aristocracy to avoid stagnation. The popular rules of duelling is that one can challenge someone of equivalent or one rank higher. The defender must accept the challenge but is permitted to define the conditions of the duel while the attacker defines the victory conditions that must be negotiated with the defender. The attacker must agree to the conditions given by the defender. A third party adjudicator must be approved by both attacker and defender.
>>2748 Gambling on the outcome of Duels is incredibly popular throughout the world.
>>2747 Secret societies exist in abundance, but those against the interests of the nobility as a whole are hunted down.
Nords are nothing without the Catholic Church
>>2639 >yet Japan is not closed to trade. Japan has never closed itself to trade in the current timeline either. Even in Edo period international trade existed but only limited to certain islands. The rulers at that time decided for an isolation to prevent Europeans to spread Christianity further and make peacekeeping even harder than it already was, as there were wars against Christian, which the Dutch were involved, on top of the civil wars.
>>4927 And one of the reasons why Japan had a war against Christians at that time was because they found some Europeans kidnapping local Japanese to sell them to Europe as slaves.
>nordic monarchy supremacy Not sure about that tbqh; have to check back with the Trve Nordic Vikang on if that's a good idea.

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