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Opinion on Race 09/29/2021 (Wed) 07:12:03 No. 2924
I am curious what is peoples opinion on here about race. Do you believe in it? Do you believe in something like an ethnostate as well as a monarchy?
>>2924 Go back to /pol/. We are not weirdos or spergs, that question is better suited for /pol/.
>>2934 I didnt say anything about my beliefs or if I believe that shit, just asking about yours.
>>2935 The question in itself is extremely vague, what exactly are you asking?
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>>2924 1. /pol/ means "Politically Incorrect" and was very diverse in its heyday. 2. Due to 8ch's shitty subreddit knock-off system, many political boards were created, largely due to the view of /pol/ being a largely NatSoc board, thus leaving /pol/ to really become the NatSoc board. /monarchy/ was thus created. 3. Over time, 8ch was hit with many repeated invasions of rapefugees. Many of these came in through reddit, a place notorious for stupidity, ignorance, and general normalfaggotry. This really started to kill the overall quality of the already mediocre site by mid-2016, along with admin shake-ups. 4. /monarchy/ had pretty much become a dead board by the end of 2016. It became somewhat populated some years ago, and many awful normalfag-tier OC began to flood the board. 5. Question: If site A gets flooded with users from site B, and site B is known for being radically different, and content starts showing up that is typical of site B rather than site A, what do you think site A becomes? 6. To answer your question, it really doesn't matter. Virtually no one uses this board but autistic post-millennials anyway, as you can tell by the GO BACK TO /POL/ response to something that was not even remotely obnoxiously "/pol/", whatever the fuck it means to be "/pol/".
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>>2959 >/monarchy/ had pretty much become a dead board by the end of 2016. It became somewhat populated some years ago Oldfag retardation & nostalgia goggles. By populated, you probably mean a small gaggle of anons who circlejerked no less than we do today. >/monarchy/ had pretty much become a dead board by the end of 2016 By dead, you mean the few faggots who roamed got bored and left. You could probably still count the users with your fingers. >Many of these came in through reddit, a place notorious for stupidity, ignorance, and general normalfaggotry. >It became somewhat populated some years ago, and many awful normalfag-tier OC began There was never much OC to begin with. (if you mean my OC, I confess to having been a newfag and made cringy shit, but I didn't come from reddit). By 2016, the /liberty/ migration came into /monarchy/ and it was pretty much what the site already had. The best it had going was a tradcath thread and mises.org-tier discussion. You could always had gone to /his/ for a better experience than /monarchy/, though, b/c basically wanting /monarchy/ to be a lil /his/ without being /his/. >5. Question: If site A gets flooded with users from site B, and site B is known for being radically different, and content starts showing up that is typical of site B rather than site A, what do you think site A becomes? r/monarchism is mostly constitutionalist and that /monarchy/ was basically ancapistan with 1 grumpy leftover /his/fag and myself in those years.
Edited last time by Ramses_the_Great on 10/01/2021 (Fri) 07:50:45.
>oldfag perspective: "redditors flooded in and all the cool people left" >what really happened: anons got bored and quickly went back to 4chan, /monarchy/ was a minor board and quickly died like most do, and /pol/ kills 8chan /monarchy/ would be long dead and forgotten if left to its natural course, let's be honest, and only survives today thanks to Grace autism.
I think race is real and there are some minor differences but I really don’t care that much. It’s not the sole determinant
Even if race is real, the way that it is used is just leftist shitflinging where "class" is replaced by "race". Jews are the burgeoise, whites are the ploretariat etc. This is enough for me to hate the concept.
>>2924 To be a king you have to be the best of a people, if you're foreign you're an emperor. So since monarchy can't be against the idea of kings, it also can't be of ethnostates. >>3059 This is literally only because we live in a multiracial/ethnic state.

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