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5th King Board owner 08/21/2022 (Sun) 04:08:03 No. 4635
commiecat poster containment thread WARNING: NSFW privilege granted ONLY here Thread related to >>4632
Edited last time by Ramses_the_Great on 08/21/2022 (Sun) 04:10:29.
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Those are shitty commiecat pictures tbqh; no tits. An untittied commiecat is not worth posting.
idea number 21. Commiecat gets banned. :)
>>4650 NO U!
>>4651 Now thats not very nice.
>get accused of being a spammer >spam LMAO YOU REALLY SHOWED ME ANON! HAHAHAHAH
>>4652 Not very nice to refuse to answer a simple question either.
>>4654 You just have to come up with one simple idea.
>>4655 I did? >>4656 and I did? Are you blind?
Tell you what. have idea number 22 as an extra freebie. Commiecat whines to a guy who laughs in her face.
>>4657 Well where is it then?
>>4659 Oh shit this niggers blind.
Idea 23. Commiecat dressed as stevie ray tries to learn braile. but is too stupid.
>>4660 Well show me where your idea is for commiecat OC. I need a topic to get commissioned. >>4661 Stevie ray?
Idea 24. Commiecat forgets to breathe and drops dead. poor mouth breather.
>>4662 You mean Stevie Wonder?
idea 25. Commiecat declares her superior stamina at a race. then collapses after two feet.
>>4666 Fine then, I'll do that.
No idiot Stevie ray.
>>4668 This idiot never heard the topgun song. what a zoomer.
>>4668 And why would Stevie Ray Vaughn learn braille? He wasn't blind. And I think I have every Stevie Ray Vaughan song pirated. My favorite is Texas Flood.
>>4670 Because he looks ridiculous. I mean look at that hat. itd be hilarious. Also neither are you blind. thats the joke.
>>4671 Stevie Ray Vaughan is a national hero and I will not rest until a statue of him exists in every town in America. I shall commission OC of commiecat being blinded to be a more obedient rapeslave, and running into doorways and walls as she tries to adjust to her new life.
>>4672 Yeah whatever I dont care. knock yourself out loser.
>>4673 So where's my /b/ containment thread to post the OC in?
>>4674 Oh. You don't understand. You HAD a chance to make shit right. 5 months ago. Shits gone B.
>>4675 No, you didn't give me an idea until now and so I cannot be held accountable for any posts previously.
>>4677 I gave you 20. Dude lying to me isnt gonna help. Because I know the truth. I know your lying. Im never gonna believe you. waste of your time my dude.
>>4678 The only idea you gave was "commiecat being beaten to death" which is painfully overdone. I needed a more inventive idea.
>>4679 Yeah for the 90th time that wasnt me. I was the guy who gave you idea after idea. remember? You kept pretending to be blind? just like in this thread. I gave you warning after warning anon. You chose this path. and it turns out it was a dead end. Dont get angry at the traffic sign for saying road ends in 10 miles.
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>>4681 Well what were some of the ideas you came up with earlier then?
>>4682 You. Missed. That. Chance.
>>4683 I'm telling you I never saw those ideas you gave, I only saw what the other guy said. If you remember the original ideas, I can use those too.
>>4685 Yeah see now your lying again. And I don't have a lot of patience for that. So do you have any real questions?
>>4686 Yeah What was the original idea you came up with?
>>4687 Commiecat defects to National Socialist Germany. Eats right. Gets fit. Has tits. its a simple 3 panel or 3 pic progression. Not my best idea but again I dont give two fucks about commies.
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>>4688 But commiecat is supposed to have tits regardless. And I don't like commies either but it is important for commiecat rapeslaves to be aesthetically correct.
>>4689 originally alunya had no tits. these versions you post? Not correct to the character.
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>>4690 I don't care about what "alunya" has; I'm not posting that. I'm posting commiecat.
I mean I give you a backstory so commiecat COULD have tits. and you shoot it down and proclaim fuck reality. Fuck nutrition. just give her magic tits cause it gives you a boner. Really though you just want to reject every idea so you can keep spamming. I get it. and thats why your banned for life.
>>4691 Thats her name stupid.
>>4692 I already said I'm going to get OC made now that you gave me an idea though. And I've already come up with a backstory. Commiecats eat Graces to attain the nutritional intake required for tits. >>4693 No, her name is commiecat.
Christ no wonder you have no pics. Search HER NAME on any hentai site.
>>4695 I already check the /leftypol/ booru every so often but most of the "commiecats" they draw are titless.
>>4694 Okay if your gonna act retarded im leaving.
>>4698 Okay, fine, I know what it's supposed to be called, but commiecat is still a better name.
>>4697 Because she doesnt have any tits. also you check /leftypol/... Often? Get the fuck away from me dude.
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>>4700 No, I haven't posted on /leftypol/ since I went trolling periodically a few years ago. I do check the booru every so often to see if they've posted anything of value. And commiecats MUST have massive tits. It is a requirement.
>>4701 Then you need to get them away from communism.
>>4702 But they're more fun to rape when they're communist.
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>>4704 You can have tits. Or you can have communists. But you cant have both. On the otherhand...
>>4708 We just went over this. Commiecats aquire the necessary calories to produce tits by eating Graces, which I am told is a very nutritious food supply. I think this particular concept is the closest /leftypol/ ever came to coming up with an amusing and uncommon feature for commiecat to have.
>>4709 >im a tard yeah whatever.
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>>4710 What's retarded about it?
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>>4709 It's time to go on a non-Grace diet.
>>4713 see >>4708 Once again asking questions already answered.
>>4714 Commiecat must have tits though.
>>4715 Then I suggest she start walking east.
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>>4716 But why do that when she can use Graces as a source of nutrition?
>>4717 >/vore1/
>>4718 Why would I post on a weird fetish board though?
>>4719 Because you have a weird fetish. >>>/vore1/
>>4720 No, I'm just pointing out how commiecat has tits despite being a communist. You asked how that could be, so I explained the canon.
>>4721 Yes. Im sure the CCCP is just awash in deposed Monarchs. Yeah that makes a lot of sense.
>>4722 You just clone them or grow them in vats or something.
>>4723 Thats not communism then. Thats a sciencefiction cat. space cat.
>>4724 It's a drawing; I can make it whatever I want.
>>4725 sure. I agree. Its not a commiecat. Its a fictional anthro. Your a furry.
>>4725 Correct. There is no need for the cannabalism fetish. It was added purely because your a pervert with a sick fetish.
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>>4726 There's no fur, therefore no furry. >>4727 I didn't "add" anything; I just saw the drawing while looking for OC and thought it was outlandishly funny.
>>4728 you mean other than all fur on its ears and tail. your a furry. And you brought up vore fetish all on your own. And then tried to justify it as a necessity. You already declared that Alunya MUST commit vore for you to be turned on. Do not get angry at your own statements dude. Its weird.
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>>4729 I'm just relaying the canon I saw. If you don't like it come up with something better.
I see now. The first lie you told... Was to yourself. You cannot see your own falsehoods, because you believe them. The problem is your cognitive dissonance is instantly obvious to even the most casual observer. You will always wind up in arguments until you allow yourself to see the truth.
>>4730 I did.
Already he forgets the conversation of ten minutes ago. Are you mentally impaired? I mean other than your crippling internal dishonesty.
Given a story without vore. And more importantly a story with internal consistency. He screams. He yells. The capslock comes out. As if attacked. The very idea of your fetish not beinf present causes you distress. Do you see?
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>>4733 >>4731 What have I forgotten? Your "solution" is for her to not be a communist. This is not a workable solution as she must be communist to be fun to rape. She must also have massive tits. But massive tits require body fat, which requires food. As we all know, commies have no food. So commiecat must receive food from non conventional sources. The source I saw someone come up with was eating grace. I guess a more mundane solution would be grace putting commiecat on welfare from the royal pantry or something.
Again your issues are obvious. You wear them on your sleeve. Though you think you hide them. The whole world sees them instantly. You have a problem friend. And the only way out is to start being honest with yourself. Continue lying to others initially if you must. But be honest in your own mind as to your motives. You will be happiet and healthier. In any case I wish you luck with your therapy.
>>4735 yes you have a fetish. We already covered that. Of course she NEEDS Certain features. You arent attracted to women. You arent classically heterosexual. You feel arousal only under very specific odd circumstances. You have what is commonly called a fetish. Just come to terms with it.
>>4734 Sorry m8; commiecat must be commie. It's in the name for a reason.
In any case the mental health issues are your own. And I cannot assist any further than I already have. Good luck on your road to recovery. I await the day I can call you brother.
>>4737 ...my interest in commiecat is as a rapeslave.
>>4738 Except it isnt. The name is Alunya. You have already retreated to an old lie. We already disproved this notion. Please dont relapse.
>>4741 No, its name is commiecat.
>>4740 But it isnt. There existed communist rapeslaves. You do not post those. Because your attracted to an anthro cat.
>>4742 If you have retreated back into denial then I cannot help you. May God have mercy on your soul, have a nice life. And if you ever have a moment of lucidity look me up. I wish only the best for you.
>>4743 >there existed communist rapeslaves Like commiecat.
>>4745 No. Thats fictional. Your getting worse.
>>4746 Well yeah, IRL commies are ugly. You need to genetically engineer them to be fuckable.
God damn your desperate to talk. Read anything interesting lately? Also if you want Grace to talk to you then try not being a prick. You will find if you arent obnoxious more people will like you. and wish to interact with you.
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>>4751 I don't want Grace to "interact" with me; I want him to change the shitty commiecat OP pics.
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>>4752 >>4751 I am going to watch /icup/.
>>4752 You cant change thread pics. What you want is him to delete the thread and make a new one. One day after making this one. So not very likely to occur even had you been polite and respectful. but lets say he had. How long until you got bored of the new pics? Another day maybe? Really what you want is every to do a lot of pointless work for you. For no other reason I suspect than you wish to be a pain in the ass. Most rude.
>>4753 Oh is it that time again? I lost track. Thanks! >>4752 Sorry anon I'm busy now. But if your still lonely later I will try to stop by and chat.
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>>4753 I'm already watching; unfortunately they have not yet DQ'd /leftypol/. >>4754 It's not that I'm "bored" with the thread pics. It's that they're shit. There are no tits.
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>>4756 I'm also waiting for /leftypol/'s match.
>>4757 /leftypol/ is reddit and therefore should be DQ'd
>>4758 My energy has crashed the stream; /redditpol/ shall not compete.
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>>4759 If they do compete, do you think they'd win?
>>4760 no. Commies are incompetent.
>>4761 This. And even if they win, they should just be DQ'd.
Thankfully there will be no more commiecat in icup.
You wanna see the light?
so books. Im finished with the horus heresy series, and now rereading feintuchs seafort saga. finishef better call saul. final season was trash. the last couple were. Saw the Elvis movie. it sucked.
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>>4764 The light? >>4765 >consuming modern media I'm playan' System Shock
>>4766 Yes. I'm a deacon at my church. Sometimes that means doing social things. like BBQing or seeing a stupid movie. Kinda the cost of having friends anon. but anyway. The first one? its okay. but just okay.
>>4766 "Life's always gotta be messing with me" "(you wanna see the light)" "Can't they chill and let me be free?" "(So do I)" -Jonathon Davis 1994
>>4767 It's the OG first person adventure game, and pretty good. Came up with a lot of early FPS mechanics, albeit admittedly not WASD movement.
>>4769 Sure. Important. But still kinda meh.
>>4769 Nope looked it up. First is probably Ultima Underworld, predates system shock by a year. And not made by a jew.
>>4771 Well System Shock has the best designed enemies. I see them as fitting well with commies tbh; broken creatures vivisected into new and strange forms mindlessly serving a techno-corporate overlord through a hive mind.
>>4772 Also the soundtrack is awesome. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6FyD2uzOQt4
Tbh I think the board was more active when I made like 90% of the new threads.
>>4775 Tbh commiecat discussion is top-tier discussion; all else is boring by comparison.
>>4774 spam isnt activity. and the other 10% of activity was me telling you to kys for spamming.
>>4776 have you no hobbies? Again do you ever read?
>>4777 Good thing commiecatposting isn't spam then. >>4778 Oh, I have a few things I'm working on at the moment. >read Reading is for commies.
>>4779 Only thing I read is technical manuals tbqh.
>>4779 If you dont mention them. Then I cant ask politely about them. And you cant talk about them.
>>4781 I like cars, guns, and computers. I do not like people.
>>4782 >guns Well finally. Some common ground. Hows your grouping? Where do you prefer to holster. concealed? open? 3 o clock? six? Glock or Browning, isnt it great ammo is back in stock, have you seen any of the new henrys, you like lever action, thoughts on sights, ever shot critters? its fun.
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>>4783 I like mine 3d printed. Less of a tail that way. A few FGC-9s, some frankenglawks, and some spooky ARs. IWB Appendix
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>>4782 moar guns. running /k/ I get a lot of pics. Plus a pic from a range trip last week.
>>4785 I always feel nervouse when a guns pointed at my cock. Also >tail Private transfers are a thing. No need to settle for second best.
Speaking of transfers. You ever go to a gun show?
>>4787 I'm never nervous. >private transfers Those still leave a people trail. >second best They last for several thousand rounds, and when they're done I can print a new one from the comfort of my own home in a few hours for a few bucks worth of filament. >>4788 Too many people.
>>4789 Seems as though you are. On this very subject matter in fact, but who cares. Paranoia can be good. So you been hunting? Or just wander around killing snakes and rabbits?
>>4790 Perhaps, but I don't want to give potential federal agents information about the kinds of places I may or may not go.
>>4791 Shooting shit ain't illegal partner. Cautious is smart. Paranoid is silly. So what do you wanna talk about if talking about guns scares ya. Coloring books?
>>4792 I can talk about anything that doesn't involve locations.
>>4793 Well shooting shit doesn't say anything about your location. But refusing to talk about it cause then people would know your locale implies you dont live anywhere near woods or mountains or desert or hills or anything but a city. So you already fucked that up. Anon you should move but thats another topic. So cant talk about books cause you dont read. Cant talk about movies cause you dont watch em. We could discuss music perhaps? I am a very big fan of Depeche Mode, though the latest album sucks.
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>>4794 I don't live in a city. Nearest big city is about three hours away from me with no traffic. >you don't read I don't read anything involving politics. Politics I get from the people I live with. >you don't watch em I watch westerns, also known as God's chosen film genre. >Depeche Mode Good, but not as good as NWOBHM.
>>4795 So you do read. Great! And I wasn't gonna reccomend mein kampf again. Have you ever read any of those pulpy warhammer books? For fiction they aint bad. And westerns are great. I love watching reruns of the rifleman. Hell thats what made me get a lever action.
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>>4796 Mostly I read history and technical books. The only fiction I read recently was A Confederacy of Dunces, which was pretty funny albeit with a retarded ending.
>>4797 Yeah its an entertaining read. Cept the end. I like Douglas Southall Freemans 4 Volume set on General R. E. Lee. His 3 volumr set on Lees lieutenants is also very detailed.
>>4799 So what's the word on Lee's lieutenants?
>>4800 It's good. You will hate longstreet by the end. The wealth of biographical detail is amazing. I like the stonewall parts best.
>>4803 >hate Longstreet Why? Something about fucking up Pickett's charge?
>>4805 That too, but mostly being a whiny cunt. Guy couldn't go two minutes without blaming everyone around him for the minorist of bullshit. He was a bit of a malingering whiner.
>>4806 You from the South or just interested?
>>4807 Yep. Had six relatives fight the yankee invaders. It is also interesting. The 7 volumes were left to me by my grandad when he died.
>>4812 Can't say I have any ancestors who have been in burgerland that long; my family came here from Scotland in the 1880s. Haven't researched the American Civil War too much since America is boring and so far has only had just the one, as opposed to Rome which had a civil war every decade or so.
>>4817 Well. If you had looked into American history you would have found much to interest you. As it is very interesting. And though it was only declared once. It has happened at least six.
>>4817 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_incidents_of_civil_unrest_in_the_United_States You will notice about 20 every year since the country was founded. We have technically been in a civil war as long as the country has existed. heres a fav https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Battle_of_Blair_Mountain
>>4819 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Matewan there was also a movie of a small battle leading to the labor war. Vanity magazine called James Earl Jones (a nigger) performance in the film to "glow in the dark". Which always makes me laugh.
>>4818 Most of my knowledge of American history is WW2-Cold War. With respect to Europe I like Rome through Napoleon. Early Sumerian history is pretty interesting, as is the Bronze Age Collapse. And in Asia the warring states/Song/Yuan/Ming dynasty period is eventful. I am vaguely aware that Africa exists but other than a few bits and pieces about African gold kangdoms the dark continent is a mystery. >>4819 Funny to look at those old miners' strikes and think about how the left still idolizes that kind of thing today but if it actually happened today they'd shit their pants and demand the feds roll over the striking miners. Also good examples to look at with regards to local organization.
>>4821 Indeed anon. Very much so.
>>4822 So what's your politics? Mine are similar to someone you've probably heard of living in the South.

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>>4908 One must admit that Hitler did do a few things wrong though.
>>4952 And why should that be true? Take me for example. I have never admitted any such things. Mostly on the grounds of it being untrue. A man is compelled to do nothing at all.
>>4957 I mean refusing to clean house with the entire Prussian military establishment as soon as possible was error #1 to be honest.
>>4959 Oh check out mr. nitpick. Led many countries have you?
>>4962 Making sure to curbstomp any rival bases of loyalties is NOT a nitpick, it's agenda #1 of any government that wants to last.
>>4965 Sure. I care so much about the opinion of a communist robot. Go on armchair stalin. Tell me how you would save the world in a heartbeat, though youve never raised your hearts beat once.
>>4969 I raise my heartbeat every time I go to the gym. I am also not a communist. And personally, I would have leveraged Rohm to sideline the military as much as possible until it became possible to remove them.
>>17807810 Tbh commiecats are best when they're gagged and have a look of extreme, seething anger. You can't help but consider how fun it would be to verbally abuse them. "So how's communism going for you?" "MMFHHNGMR!" "I'm sorry, you'll have to speak up." "MRGHMMMWR!" "I don't get it; how am I supposed to steal your surplus value when your sum total value is 0?" "MMFGHRFAURKMFFFGRFMMFH!"
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>>5454 Grace > Commiecat
>>5455 We've been over this before. How can Grace be better than commiecat when commiecat eats Grace?
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>>5456 How is commiecat supposed to do this... With her mouth gagged?
>>5457 Commiecats would be periodically put in one-on-one cage matches against Graces, with the commiecat eating the Grace if it wins.
Why do Commies try and dress likely Royalty?
>>5461 Well something has to be done with those royal clothes once Grace no longer possesses a physical body to make use of them.
What do you think it is that makes observing commiecats suffering or seething in anger so desirable?
>>5509 Mental illness?
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>>5511 How is wanting to beat libtards a mental illness?
>>5509 >That low res Is that an AI image anon?
>>5691 Yes. With AI, I shall never have to pay an artist for OC.
>>5891 Look what I found, care to explain yourself cat?
>>5894 >clothing commiecats in fancy garb Commiecats should either be continuously naked or dressed in a simple potato sack with arm and head cutouts.
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>>5912 The ideal method of commiecat storage is to leave it out naked in subzero temperatures until it freezes solid.

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