Hey everyone,
I am sure many other places have offered refuge for you all but if anyone is in need of a place to host their board I can accommodate them on tvch. If you're a board owner and interested please email me at admin@tvch.moe and I will try to get you guys up and running before cafe here shuts down. I can set you up for as long, or as short, as you need it. I encourage all of the larger owners to try and establish their own sites in the spirit of the webring, but I know that is out of a lot of peoples hands financially and time commitment wise. Regardless tvch.moe is there to host you and if you do make your own site we will make sure you get added to the webring.
I have personally had a lot of fun with everyone here especially the Christmas events. After 8chan shut down the shelter board here was a huge help to all of us and I will be eternally grateful to the owner here for allowing that to happen at all. I am sad to see him quit, but understand how he feels. Just remember when 8chan went down we pulled through and started fresh. This is goodbye to anon.cafe but could be a new beginning to something even better. Respect to everyone here