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User Support / Questions That Don't Deserve Their Own Thread PART TWO Anonymous 02/02/2022 (Wed) 23:31:35 Id: 17476e No. 4757
Making a new (unofficial) thread because the other one is full and the admins haven't done something about it. This is a catch-all for site troubleshooting, such as features not working as intended, or for discussion of global rules, policies, and administrative decisions. If you're a regular user and have an issue, post here and we'll do our best to resolve it. Resolved petitions may be merged into this thread for posterity.
"Reply" button stopped working abt 1hr ago, all imaginable browsers. But new thread posting works. ???
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reply button is not working @@@@@ can only post fix now idiot shit
>>4764 Why is this a new thread? And whats the issue?
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>>>4765 reply button doesnt work idiot can only make new threads
>>4766 Then how come I can reply just fine? This seems like an excuse to spam 20 threads.
>>4766 works fine on my computer, did you try unplugging your computer and router and plugging them in again?
>>4765 The user support thread reached the reply limit.
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Because the administration CBA to make a new one after the old one reached the reply limit. This is a catch-all for site troubleshooting, such as features not working as intended, or for discussion of global rules, policies, and administrative decisions. If you're a regular user and have an issue, post here and we'll do our best to resolve it. Resolved petitions may be merged into this thread for posterity. My first question is how to ensure hidden threads are hidden from the catalog? Hiding the thread in the index and from inside the thread itself seem to have no effect on the catalog. If so, please make a way to hide the threads from the catalog like 8ch.net used to have.
I'm pretty sure in a drunken rampage of post deletions Mark discovered a bug where editing a post clears all the post deletion stubs in a thread live. But he won't replicated it for me so I can't be certain.
So I have a webpage where I livestream stuff and instead a chatbot I use an embed thread. I wanted to put an 8chanmoe thread there but it rejects my connection, is it possible to allow my site to have embed 8chan threads? some guy in other thread told me I got to use an API or something like that
>>4757 >for discussion of global rules Does anyone plan to moderate /b/?
>>4783 are you mentally disabled, you just send a post request to 8chan.moe/replyThread.js?json=1 to post forms are; -F "message=$text" \ -F "files=>$filename" \ -F "sage=$sage" \ -F "boardUri=$board" \ -F "password=$pass" \ -F "threadId=$thread" \ everything else you can just get off the html page of the thread
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ID colors are back, who's been fucking around with the site while it is online?
It says this shit when im trying to post some images on a thread "R9K prevented at least one of your files from being posted."
>>4789 One of your images already exists on the board or maybe the thread.
>>4790 If I edit them a little bit would they count as different images?
>>4791 its a filter written by a <60iq indian literally just put a single black pixel somewhere or resize the image
>>4792 Thank you very much anon, now it works perfectly
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>>4785 >are you mentally disabled Yes I am. > you just send a post request to This might come in handy someday, but what I mean is that I want to put an embed 8chan thread inside my webpage but everytime I do it I got a rejected connection error. As I said before some guy told me I can avoid this problem making something with the IB's API but frankly I don't know how to do it. So, how do I do it?
>>4795 That is because 8chan.moe sends the x-frame-options header to disable cross-origin iframes. Probably for security.
The "Hide thread" function no longer works whenever you refresh the page.
I can't upload this font: https://rsms.me/inter/ Any help?
>>4772 Whenver I hotlink boards that end with a number (i.e. /vore1/) clicking on them returns a 404 error. What's causing this?
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>>4802 If you mean linking it off-site, some boards have some kind of referrer block on them: >>>/site/4482 . Have to link to the homepage only, or link the onion address which has no block--
The site borked with the latest update. It did the thing where the bypass check didn't have an "answer" field and when I hit "get a new catchpa" there were two answer fields.
How do I download an embedded file (so from .media) using wget or curl? It says 404: not found.
>>4808 If it's from a porn board you're probably shit out of luck
>>4809 How, exactly? I tried with a porn board and with a random /a/ gif. Both failed.
>>4810 I figured it had something to do with the refer header. >>>/t/1257 this thread might have some sort of insight for you.
>>4811 Thanks.
>>4811 I managed to do it using Nir Soft's Chrome Cache Downloader. The file I wanted was split into several parts, using Range headers. The system is so disgusting.
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Requesting kazu be demodded and/or executed for deleting by IP without looking at someone's full post history to decide if they're worth killing all their posts, please and thank you.
>>4814 Requesting this anon gets wiped by IP for being niggerpill Or spam, or a fed, or maybe he posted in a roll thread, or insulting mark, or mentioning politics, or for breathing
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>>4814 To tag on to this: all the posts you deleted from /b/ have been restored. Go fuck yourself--
>>4815 I mean i mostly shitpost in the GG thread but so does everyone else; i also had ten posts in the MMO thread that were mostly on topic and i'm not sure what else. I'm also totes guilty of insulting mark but he deserves every consonant of it and probably twice as many vowels.
>>4816 >pedo mod restores all his cp Brilliant.
>>4817 Former Mark supporter here, its been fun watching him crash and burn, but seriously we can't let him get his hands on the nuclear codes
>>4818 >nobody can see what was restored Brilliant.
>>4814 Please get rid of this annoying, childish faggot. He belongs as a 4chan janny, not here.
>>4820 We know it violated global rules. And by restoring it now Silvia is the one posting it. So Silvia just violated like 50 global laws. Ban him.
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>>4822 Dubs?
>>4823 Check em. It is the will of God you be banned.
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>>4824 God is on my side, heathen--
>>4825 >Rolls singles Uh oh. Someone bought to get bombed by the US of A. Byebye russkie! Check my single six
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>>4826 You wish. Russia can level your shit Whitehouse before the Germans can even load their ballistics. If Canadians can burn down the Whitehouse, just wait and see what Russians can do^^
>>4827 Probably starve to death while we ignore you. Like last time. But try it fag I dare you.
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>>4828 How can we starve when we will have Ukraine pig farmers to feed us?
>>4829 Didn't help you last time either did it? Lol. Stupid russkies can't into history.
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>>4830 Things were different then. Do you think the leaders are comparable? Already NATO are shitting themselves--
did someone already mention how fucking based kazu is yet if not then yeah, fucking ultra based cringe pedos btfo
>>4831 Do you really think your current leader is any more competent than Yeltsin?
>>4829 Why does Donbass need a ridiculous border that big? Also not letting Moldova have a coastline is a bit over the top, Iraq for example sperged the fuck out mostly because they too were cucked out of having a coastline a real one not a swamp that's barely navigable. >inb4 butthurt Americunt I have no interest in sucking Uncle Sam's dick actually so no. Also I'm aware these are just shitty meme's like the shitty forced meme on halfchan featuring (((Greater Israel™))) which all in all is just poor optics >inb4 lol optics cuck Most people are fucking retarded so yes I adjust what I say and how I say things to suit their shitty social bubbles. All in all I don't think fucking Donbass of all places if gonna be the cause of WW3 though I do wish that was solved peacefully as apposed to the retarded shit happening now. That's my thoughts on the matter.
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>>4814 for posterity ill also add the post i replied to and the posts he was quoting, two of which were completely ignored by kazu and even point out that i had the congeniality to selectively spoiler the actual pornographic pages rather than let it all hang out i can only ask the global staff to unperson kazu because i know for a hard science fact that fucking mark never will
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>>4833 Yes. And, just as importantly, the opposition is far less competent than their predecessors. America (the real leaders of NATO; don't let the cook above fool you) has been on a steep downhill for years. They are incapable of being world police, and they are the majority of NATO's power--and leading world terrorists. They've made a lot of enemies and now can't keep them all in check-- >>4834 The maps are based off Новороссия (well, one; the other is played up). I don't actually think anything is going to happen. NATO is trying to start trouble (even now they are considering putting preemptive sanctions on Russia, instead of using it as a threat against an invasion). But nothing will come of it. Soon Ukraine's insurgent government will be replaced with a proper Ukrainian/Russian, and all will be well; no WW3 there. But, if there is a WW3:
Did someone say kazu? Fucking based
>>4836 Lol come at me bro.
>>4836 >Soon Ukraine's insurgent government will be replaced with a proper Ukrainian/Russian, and all will be well A bit overly optimistic, I think Ukrainians are still butthurt over the whole Holodemor thing and I don't really blame them honestly but I understand Donbass wanting succeed and have their own self governance. >But, if there is a WW3: >★Good−byeAmerica★ Let's be real here, this whole "OMG WW3 is a hair triggers pull away from happening" thing is just a distraction, don't forget Politicians not just the American ones are still seething about being tied to Jeffry Epstein's little black flight log book and the Panama Papers leak. Everything is just fake and gay controlled opposition so don't get to excited. And since this is a distraction it begs the question what are (((they))) trying to cover up now?
>>2490 >smug /a/ BO Fuck you for deleting my post but leaving the bait post alive but thanks to that I settle here >>2492 So many they still don't have enough ad revenue to build a youtube alternative.
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i just installed a clean install of Waterfox G4, the boards buttons are functional but they look like this, im retarded and i dont know how to fix it, any help please?
>>4855 There's no fixing broken icons. Sometimes they broken, sometimes they not. It's the way of the brazillian.
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>>4855 This >>4856 I've used both Firefox forks and Chromium based browsers and the result is more ore less the same. It's fine though as I've gotten used to it and now have muscle memory for the home button and hamburger bar menu when they're glitching out.
>>4857 >>4856 well this sucks. i know where the buttons are too, believe me, but it still pisses me off. they were working before i reinstalled the OS this week.
>>4858 There should be an option to just change all the icons to text instead but that's too difficult to manage for the epic hackermen known as acid and codexx.
did someone say kazu? fucking based!
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Please consider making an OpenNIC alternative domain for 8moe. Setting one up is quite simple, and I imagine it wouldn't cause any problems with existing reverse proxies or any fancy stuff like that, or would only require very minor configuration changes. ICANN is evil and the centralized domain registration system is fundamentally flawed. Please consider creating an alternative OpenNIC url so that users like myself who want to avoid ICANN at every possible turn have another opportunity to do so.
Can you please move this to the feature requests thread? I just noticed it. My apologies.
>>4814 >>4816 who is Kazu? A Russian Yuri?
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>>4863 IDs are on here: >>4860 ; your ID didn't change, Anon. What are you on about?
>>4864 about kazu. I saw the same nickname in other boards and they said about him that he is a Russian, so I ask you
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I gotta thank that /b/ anon for letting me know that Alinafag has had a major Vatnik Moment ITT. >>4836 Loving it. >>4834 is that one of those drawings of that fatfuck drawfag from /leftypol/?
fuck, the board is full or Russians and something very similar. I was sure that this >>4866 anon is Russian or similar too.
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>>4865 No, Kazu isn't Russian. He's an Israeli Jew living in Brazil to help StephenLynx update the software of this site-- >>4866 Well, you know how it goes^^ >>4867 Are you the Mongolian? Or Azerbaijani?
>>4868 >Azerbaijani what is it? I am just a man, not a pedo, not that azerbjhani and similar shit. Normal guy.
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>>4868 Moscals gotta Moscal huh. The game was rigged from the start. >>4867 You talking about me? I'm from Mars.
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>>4868 >living in Brazil to help StephenLynx They might also be lovers. I don't know. >>4869 Where are you from, normal guy?
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I have a Russian meme. I am not sure what the hell it means, but I think Russians like it
>>4871 Singapore
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>>4872 That's why I learned cyrilic.
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>>4872 Gross girl and gross text. Of course Russians like it^^ >>4873 There is another poster from there on /b/. Here is a picture of his reflection in the clipboard image. Azerbaijan is a place close to Russia where another person is from who types similar to you (content and style)--
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>>4873 Ho Kwon Ping detenction Operation Spectrum Eugenics Lee Kuan Yew engaging in anal sex with Margaret Thatcher يوسف بن إسحاق Gum ban J. B. Jeyaretnam Neoconservative War Hawks Li Yipeng albino curse International Herald Tribune defamation case Chinese marginalisation Chicago School of Economics Criminalization of homosexuality Sino-British Joint Declaration support 2010 Wikileaks Stop at two Neoliberalism United States of Europe Gay grand son and genetic homosexuality Chee Soon Juan Francis Seow, solicitor general of singapure
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>>4757 >Resolved petitions may be merged into this thread for posterity. Merge these threads into here: >>>/site/4772 , >>>/site/4764 , >>>/site/4766 , >>>/site/4763 ?
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>>4878 You will support NATO You will leave the commieblock and move into a box. You will leave your lada and use public transport. You will eat the bugs You will use the digital ruble You will take the Sputnik V You will let me do the make up of your boys And you will be happy
>>4861 This has been on our to-do list for some time. I will look into it once again.
The user who posts as zonz has admitted to being underage, which is against the Global Rules. Specifically Global Rule 5 You must be 18 years of age or older to browse this website.
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>>4881 I was just about to stick up for you Zonz, but now you can suck it. Enjoy your ban, retard. And damn it Vampy, you're supposed to be on my side-- > Global volunteer --> >>4878 ?
>>4881 based as fuck kazu literally btfoing losers on a daily basis
Did someone say kazu? Based
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>>4887 Kazu? The furry who lives with his mom and has her clean up his filth for him? Uhh.. Not Based...
>>4888 Everything you just described is incredibly based.
>>4888 Oof
>>4888 How is this drama relevant to this board
>>4888 cringe >>4889 cope
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>>4888 Good post for trips. Kazu, are you 17 or something? Post your license as proof-- >>4891 How is it not?
>>4891 It isn't but Acid's band of pet herdniggers weren't content to stay on their CP infested board so they decided to start namefagging everywhere else to shit the site up. They also started trying to post subtle CP to porn boards.
>>4894 this is kazu, btw. he wants to fuck animals, btw. he lives with his mom, btw. kek
>>4895 I would never be a janitor for free for Acid when I diametrically oppose how he runs the site and what he lets herdniggers get away with. I refuse to even create boards I want to make until he cleans this shithole up.
>>4896 ok kazu
>>4894 >>4896 ignore this literal nigger. He just wants stuff on a board that he doesn't even use deleted because he's butthurt about it. He will go back to his discord server now.
>>4897 >>4898 >>4899 Hit a nerve with that one. Who knew herdniggers were so sensitive.
>>4900 Not an argument. You will never have any power. Stay mad tbh
>>4901 >I-I'M NOT MAD YOU'RE MAD Maybe I should start using /b/ you retards are funny. Or maybe I'll just start flooding the reports in your pedonigger threads to exhaust the moderation and contribute to when they inevitably buckle and ban you hedonistic degenerates from here. As your kind like to say, cope and seethe faggot.
>>4902 kazu mad
>>4903 cope
>>4903 >everyone i don't like is kazu
>>4905 cope Kazu
>>4906 seethe
>>4902 You sound upset You will never have any power tbh
>>4908 Guess we'll find out :^) If you stayed in your containment CP dumping board I wouldn't have really cared but seeing you niggers infest other boards has triggered my autism. I suppose we'll see who has the greater autism.
>>4909 never gonna have any power tbh back to the discord server tbh
>>4910 Dilate discord tranny --
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You guys should stop shitting up this thread. Kazu is already dying with the common cold and doesn't need any more stress. How many times do you think his mom will clean his room for him before she gets tired and tosses his NEET-ass out?
>>4912 You don't understand, he can't do it himself. He's just too busy with imageboards. IT'S SERIOUS BUSINESS MOM.
>>4912 Or what, herdnigger? Too bad you can't do anything here. You're gonna get your BO taken too, don't worry.
>itt the power of posting "based kazu" unironically based
>>4915 ok kazu
how do i use the spoiler? its not working
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>>4919 Use two asterisk: **like this** if you mean for spoilering text. For images you just click the check box beside Spoiler--
>>4920 oh thanks, i thought that box was for text, not images. it works yeah?
Mp4 and mp3 don't work. Please fix.
>>4942 Don't work how? You cannot upload them? Or you cannot embed them from a thumbnail? Both formats should be acceptable.
What does "Manage Rules" do on board admin and how come trying to delete or edit an existing one gives a Connection Failed error?
>>3783 >If you're on a VPN, try to connect from a different country. A few are blocked by GEOIP like Russia. >a few are blocked by GEOIP like Russia Sorry for absurdly late reply, but for what purpose except for forcing to use TOR or Redchannit Clearnet-to-TOR portal?
>>4951 Russia sperged out over this site in the past and get vanwatech (CDN) to drop 8moe as a customer. So they are blocked entirely so they don't bitch to other providers. Also I wouldn't be surprised if a good chunk of CP came from Russia, I know that's the reason Israeli IP's are banned too.
Could you guys implement an automatic anti-spam measure that automatically deletes posts containing a specific string? For example, that guy who keeps spamming the great gooman links to his shitty youtube channel.
>>4957 I proposed moderation tools like that to StephenLynx like 2 years ago and he called me a "rulecuck" and said no. So it's unlikely unless Acid and Codexx do it themselves.
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>>4956 >most of the CP came from Russia >and Israel wew
I merged a couple of standalone user support threads into this one. I hope there's no problem with that. >>4950 >What does "Manage Rules" do on board admin It lets you create, edit or delete rules of your board. >how come trying to delete or edit an existing one gives a Connection Failed error? Works on my end. Clear your cookies and data for this site. Things always get fucked when something in the system is upgraded or changed. >>4951 Ash the other user said, Russian IPs are blocked from the whole site due to how anal the government got over some of the loli boards on this site, to the point of threatening one of 8moe's previous CDN (Vanwanet) with blocking their whole business in the country if they didn't cancel their contract with 8moe (something they did). Since the Russian government only cares about what their own citizens can('t) see, a simple IP block was enough to satisfy their autism, although 8moe still had to find a new CDN (it currently is Cloudflare with some modifications). IPs from Germany are blocked for similar motives (being so anal about drawings that start persecuting websites and companies operating outside of their territory). No idea why Israel is blocked (probably just for lulz), and I think China is blocked too due to the high amount of bots that constantly tried to bruteforce an access to the various servers of the site. >>4957 That needs to be requested at https://yeshoney.xyz/lynx/ or https://gitgud.io/LynxChan/LynxChan since it requires modifications to Lynxchan that go beyond what the admins of 8moe can do alone.
>>4960 >That needs to be requested at https://yeshoney.xyz/lynx/ or https://gitgud.io/LynxChan/LynxChan since it requires modifications to Lynxchan that go beyond what the admins of 8moe can do alone. So it will never happen because StephenLynx thinks basic moderation tools are for "rulecucks". Also how many times a year does that retard change his domain?
>>4960 >that go beyond what the admins of 8moe can do alone. they can literally do it serverside with a 2iq php script, how mentally disabled are they that they need lynxcuck to do it <?php preg_match($filterList, $post); ?>
>>4960 >vanwatech is responsible for fucking shit up Bleh, I hope that you will either use your own CDN or find someone who will not cuck out, because this shit is ridiculous. I literally cannot use this board either without using the portal or using Tor. Also, Jimbo's 8kun is working for me unlike moe. There is no excuse for this site not to work.
>>4960 Where can a user see the rules of the board? And I'm still unable to delete or edit it, even across different computers and browsers.
>>4963 Nigger if you live in fucking Russia you should not be barebacking the internet under any circumstance. You shouldn't be doing it anyways regardless of where you live. And yo ESPECIALLY shouldn't be barebacking a site that has pictures of children in bikini's routinely spammed to one of the boards it hosts. Acid should blacklist all residential IP addresses and force everyone to connect either over TOR or through a VPN. There is no excuse for barebacking an imageboard.
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>>4964 Right above the POST button is the link to board rules. >And I'm still unable to delete or edit it, even across different computers and browsers. Yeah, seems the board rules is bugged. After you make a rule you can refresh to edit them, but after you refresh you lose the ability to delete them. I suppose int he meantime you could edit the rules to be empty if you wanted to delete them, or just change the rule entirely, as I seem to have no issue editing after I refresh the page-- The "delete rule" button works after making a new rule, but after refresh it changes to "delete" only (dropping the "rule" part) and does not work--
>>4964 Board-specific rules: https://8chan.moe/someboard/rules.html Global rules: https://8chan.moe/.static/pages/globalRules.html >>4962 >how mentally disabled are they ¯\_ (ツ)_/¯ Ideally one would want Stephen to put that function in vanilla Lynxchan so the people using his software doesn't have to maintain their own poorly coded plugins and patches, but I honestly don't know if putting an anti-spam filter that doesn't rape the server like smug's Hoihoi is that easy. >>4963 >>vanwatech is responsible for fucking shit up Technically it was the Russian government, although Vanwa is also at fault for not giving enough time to take proper measures against Putin.
>>4965 Nigga, why would I even think of barebacking it? Are you nuts? I am running a special proxy(antizapret) 100% of the time on all of my network-capable devices. In fact, I wouldn't be able to connect to pretty much any imageboard or most other sites I visit without it. >VPN Know any free AND secure ones?
>>4968 >Know any free AND secure ones? Doesn't exist.
>>4966 Hmm, thanks, I see now. Anyways I was able to delete the rule by editing the DOM and changing the button's type from "button" to "submit".
>>4970 Now see the issue? I am sure as hell not shelling out money just to browse just one lone imageboard no matter how good it is.
>>4967 >maintain their own poorly coded plugins and patches They might be slapdash, and written in a terrible language by necessity, but I wouldn't call them "poorly coded", nor terribly difficult to maintain. >>4971 A fix was pushed for this. >>4981 You can find pretty affordable options that offer good anonymity. I wouldn't pay for one just to post, either, but there are plenty of other uses for a VPN. Some are better than others depending on the use-case. If you just want to mask your IP on a site, they're all more or less equal, unless you want to pay extra for a residential VPN.
>>4982 I don't want affordable, I want free as in freedom and free as in beer. It wouldn't have been a problem if there was no block in the first place.
So what's the recommended way to stop spammers who keep hopping ips?
>>5006 Bitch at acid until he let's BO's enable PoW bypasses on their individual boards. Other than that just enable captcha. The tools individual BO's have to deal with spam are fucking garbage because StephenLynx refuses to give BO's basic tools because he thinks that's "rulecucking".
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>>5006 If the spam is bad then the globals can help you with it (just global report one of the posts from your trash bin with a message for them if they don't see it). Most spammers will give up pretty quickly if you give a short ban/delete (like 5 minutes, even) on each post to force them to renew their bypass (and paired with a captcha to make them do it twice if you feel like it). Other than that, try and find another person willing to be a mod on the board? >>5007 >Bitch at acid until he let's BO's enable PoW bypasses on their individual boards. As long as that means their use globally will no longer be a thing. That's a pain in the ass, especially for the boards not being spammed. Also having the ability for TOR-posting (images) to be board-specific instead of site-wide so that it doesn't have to get disabled globally when the jannies are tired--
>>5008 youre fucking cringe and cringepilled kazu based
>>5008 +72 hours
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>css question what is the element name for a broken file? i want to replace the global with custom. inspect q only tells me what it was, not what it is.
>>5015 I'm not sure there is one (unless CSS has a default). In theory, there's not supposed to be any broken images on the site, since the files are only supposed to disappear when there's no more references to it. But we did have a backup with some missing files that have caused a few broken images.
Is there a way to automatically have all spoilers removed so I don't have to click on them? (image spoiler)
What is the ban id? Can I use it to find out what post actually got me banned from /v/ because I got banned for the first time since we moved here and I want to find out what it was since I haven't changed my behavior don't recall making any ban worthy posts.
>>5075 >Can I use it to find out what post actually got me banned from /v/ Nope. Basically useless.
>>5076 Well technically you might be able to post the ban ID and ask what it was for but even then I'm not sure the mods even have tools to see that using ban ID's. And no mod on /v/ is going to care enough to actually investigate why you were wrongly banned unless you somehow managed to take meticulous notes of every single thing along with screenshots to embarrass them enough that they acknowledge your existence. Just learn how to change or obfuscate your IP. The site even has a built in feature just for doing that. https://redchannit.com/
I want an option to automatically scroll down when new posts are received, so I don't have to keep tabbing out and scrolling down manually on highly active threads.
Why is the collective suicide of the administration taking so long?
> You exceeded the hourly use rate of your bypass. clear cookies using CCleaner > Flood detected, wait 75 more seconds. >”You exceeded” clear cookies using browser option > Flood detected, wait 181 more seconds. >”You exceeded” forget I use tinfoil browser that don’t allow me to remember cookie, delete history and also don’t allow me to delete it automaticly >manualy delete bypass cookie >”You exceeded” >manualy delete bypass cookie INSIDE 8chan storage finally can post Can the system just tell me everything that went wrong from get go? >>5124 imagine being the 1 no-one who tripfag in /site/ Tell us why haven't you
>>5133 >CCleaner
>>5133 I own GME, I'm based, none of these fags do.
(85.58 KB 1662x413 shit bull.png)

What the fuck does this mean? It shows on the developer console on tor browser after I spend some time on the site and try to post after solving the captcha. It does nothing when I press reply. Sometimes I cannot post even 1 post and the only way to fix it is getting a new identity altogether (e.g. DELETE FUCKING EVERYTHING) and then I have to reopen everything manually.
Acid I am not your fucking boogeyman, I'm a random ass anon that fucking laughs at gamergays, you guys are insane. I have never been in any leadership position of any GG related board at any point. I was on old 8ch, I fucking memed on GG there too, we all did. I don't run any spam shit, I'm technologically incompetent as fuck and totally a normie as far as that goes, programming wise I'm a retard.
Can you please explain how I'm supposed to not laugh at some ridiculous bullshit like thinking we're all fighting a war against game journalists online, or how I'm to pretend you don't do crazy overreactions like when you blew up /hebe/ or /b/ repeatedly over the last year for no reason.
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I dunno how to really disprove outlandish claims like this because from my perspective all I've done is fucking shitpost, I only know your name because of pic related and barely knew who you were before this iteration of the site, which I do kind of find to be ultra shitty and I rail against it but I'm not fucking botspamming and can't program anything. Never a computer major, the only such educational attainment I ever vaguely sought was an English degree and I dropped out because it was gay and learning sucks.
Also sorry about the filename I saved it in butthurt, I will admit I get butthurt when my posts never get captchas and I have to constantly clear cookies to post because the bypass usage limit thing. Do you see why my original message to you in the meta thread is bitching about how hard it is to post? It's so fucking hard to post here, it's so counter-intuitive for a site that wants posts.
I tried to contribute to more than one board constructively but it has only gotten worse constantly since my first time using the site 2 years ago and yes I realize there's other altchans but all of them are dead and this one has fun identities I like on it. And I shit stir against you because what the fuck can I as a user do about it but fuck off, which I have too little sense to do. I can't vibe with the gamergate shit at all, or the blacked shit, that's not because of a grand conspiracy it's because maybe seeing all of the bullshit from /interracial/ on the front page about raping white girls to death is fucked up as hell, my dude.
>>5142 2 years ago might be pushing it I barely remember when this busted off of 8coon and I missed that site entirely due to being on 9ch
pls respond acidchad the gamer lord to my pleas for temperance and mercy and acknowledgement of my insignificance
I emailed you guys in the interest of transparency and ethics in shitposting, pls respond.
I realize I also have this pic of me being here going back a ways, relating to some /b/ drama I faceposted somewhat with this timestamp, pic should be on here I would think and you could see I go back a ways. I'm not a johnny come lately attacking you guys, I'm just an ungrateful cunt.
check it out I'm such an OG 8channer I've got the epic SVU mask from the gg episode and everything we used to have good times back then when the site worked
please be understanding of my autistic 11 posts in a row I'm trying to clear my name here
gmebro/Agent Johnson/smol/John use to frequently post on Cutiegarden (a now defunct pedo website) about getting altchans shoahed by any means possible: spamming, DDoSing, FUD, CP spam etc. Acid is right for once.
>>5149 lmao FUD? like stock FUD? bullshit though I did not botspam or ddos or spam CP anywhere FUD is literally fear, uncertainty, doubt? Idk how you can even spread that about a site, I've said sites were shit and certain aspects especially like the intense captchas here. I'm still not revoltfag or anyone Acid thinks I am either btw.
>>5149 > Cutiegarden > pedo website interesting that you would be so knowledgable about such things. yeah, you might want to just stop talking right now before you shoot yourself in the other foot. moron.
Roo wtf is life anymore
If that's you I think it is by the blank name.
>>5151 I'm shaking from this post. When you do something lmk.
i am merely a concerned citizen. a concerned citizen with scary connections who periodically emerges to remind the tinfoil wearing, retards of the world that they actually are just insignificant gnats with delusions of grandeur and self-importance. these people always need imaginary boogeymen--invisible windmills to tilt at like some schizo Don Quixote. it's all they've got. literal children who never grew out of playing pretend "army" in the backyards with cap guns when they were 7 years old. all of the GG retards are nothing more than this, not to mention the unironic nu/pol/ larping faggots. just point at them and laugh.
>>5155 This post was typed by pedo hands. Ignore.
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>>5157 >t. Roo, an outspoken pedophile
(155.30 KB 728x298 LMAO_@_U.jpg)

>>5137 It's a known issue with Firefox and its derivatives. It's on my radar.
>>5160 Ah, I see. Is there anything I can do to work around it when it happens?
What exactly counts as "NSFW"? I'm a Christian so I think my idea of "NSFW" might be stricter than usual but, basically, I would like to be able to browse /v/ without being exposed to softcore pornography. Can I report unspoilered softcore pornography or is that SFW? On that note, I'd also like to bring up a second point: Since I heavily suspect that softcore pornography is considered SFW, I would like to say, why? Rationally, is softcore pornography truly SFW? Would it really be okay for your boss to catch you looking at softcore porn when you should be working? I don't think even softcore porn is actually SFW.
>>5161 It seems to happen most often when restarting the browser, and clears itself after some time. If I need to post immediately, restarting the browser sometimes helps. Failing that, I just use a different browser. It's inconvenient, but it should be resolved soon. >>5190 I wouldn't take the term "Safe For Work" literally. Trying to cater to the sensibilities of an imagined "normal workplace" would require most files on the site being spoilered on SFW boards. HR is notoriously humorless, and I doubt a picture of Hitler or an anime girl shouting "Aw Shit Nigga" would be viewed any more favorably than lewd drawings. And softcore is a board category. Nudity has a pretty clear definition, as it is understood by film and television censors at least, and has much less room for interpretation. An effort is made to spoiler nudity and gore so it does not make its way onto the front page. Board owners are free to require their board follow stricter guidelines. I think the average user of this website knows what to expect from the site, and from their favorite boards, and can risk browsing based on their personal circumstances. I don't think bending over backwards to appease HR at every company worldwide is a realistic goal, nor is it in the spirit of 8chan. The SFW distinction does a good job of keeping nudity off the front page, and it allows the SFW Overboard to be free of porn boards.
>>5191 What exactly is the point of keeping nudity off of the front page or allowing the user to easily find non-porn boards? Why take pride in this accomplishment? I absolutely believe a SFW board should be, with regards to the images shared on it, compliant with the general expectations of companies' HR departments. What even is the point of "SFW" if it's not literally SFW? Are there just two types of boards: boards with discussion and light porn and boards for outright dumping all manner of porn? Do you restrict porn to better foster actual discussion, perhaps? Is that the purpose? It's true that "SFW" is actually somewhat nebulous when one tries to really concretely define it but nonetheless, I think there's enough of an intuitive idea of what is and isn't acceptable on daytime TV or a family-friendly film that SFW could be implemented literally as is already the case in TV and film right now as we speak.
Where can I find pictures of the Acidman's hairy penis, preferably erect?
>>5191 >If I need to post immediately, restarting the browser sometimes helps. Failing that, I just use a different browser Yes, but as you can imagine if I have to restart the browser every time I want to post I'm just not going to post. It's become really burdensome to post here. It's also not so easy to replace tor browser with some other browser.
>>5205 As I said, it's a known issue and is being worked on. We are in the process of moving all storage accesses as part of refactoring that system. I also use a Firefox derivative and am impacted by this bug. You can actually use Tor with any browser you want. You could also consider Brave, which has the option to open tabs in Tor and also bundles privacy features.
>closing the one 8chan tab javascript is enabled frees up hundreds of MBs of memory in both RAM and swap Why can't I leave a single thread on autorefresh for one or two days without the site eating into my memory?
>>5209 I'll profile the memory usage and see if we can cut it down. We've made a lot of tweaks to accommodate websockets, so it would be nice to verify there's no memory leaks.
Why does the verifaction take so much time and when I cancel it it blocks me from posting?
>>5412 This happens when Proof of Work (PoW) is enabled. You need a bypass to post. When PoW is on, you need to generate a token to get a bypass. When you cancel it, you don't get a bypass, so you cannot post.

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