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Chaosesque anthology deleted from moddb Anonymous 05/04/2021 (Tue) 19:31:48 No. 3921
>https://www.moddb.com/games/chaosesqueanthology > Game Over >The game you are trying to view has been deleted and is no longer available. This may have occurred at the developers request because it is no longer active and was not released, or it may have occurred because it violated the sites Terms of Use. If this is a mistake and you are a member of this games team and would like it re-activated, please contact us with the details. >Continue browsing the game list, to find the profile you are after. >Account Banned >Your account has been banned. If you believe this is a mistake and want to be unbanned, please contact us. Try searching:
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>>4005 Fuck off pedo.
>>4079 Physically MAKE ME FUCK OFF, you FUCKING PIECE OF TRASH. You wanna go you fucking anti-child bride heretic faggot? You want to?
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A tor dev attacked the opensource game
>>3923 >Everything is OpenSource and I've been working on this project for a decade, who's website has been taken down by the anti-child-bride /g/ woman. You need to find name and address of that bitch and we are going to murder her. >>3981 >It's constructively all westerners. Especially western men. Only people who act really matter. The men in the west who act, act to slaughter any culture that allows child brides. Direct torture and murder to snuff out said cultures. At home western white men root out, imprison, kill, and torture any of their "fellows" who would marry young girls. We have to kill all western people and Americans. Get your guns bros and we start. We also need sabotage, on every level possible, sabotage everything.
>>4179 >tfw foone is a cuck Feels bad. I knew it already but I didn't want to be reminded.
>>3921 youre cool and your game is cool
>>4216 Thank you.
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>The Tor developer is a tranny who had to go to 8 doctors to have his dick sawed off. >As noted: >>Wow this faggot had to visit 8 doctors to get permission to get his dick chopped out before starting HRT hormones while feeling super white and privileged. >https://twitter.com/isislovecruft/status/1394371115863080963 > Is involved in implementing elliptical curve algorithms; which are easy to mathematically backdoor; and are hard to get right (which is why no one trusts them), and were never needed in Tor for the previous 25 years. >A Tor developer who cannot seem to decide on which name she/he/it would like to be called by, going through several legal name changes: >AKA: Sarah Michelle Reichwein >AKA: Isis Agora Lovecruft >Birth name unknown. So the rundown is: Tor suddenly needed a new cryptographer 2 years ago (why?), hired this person who implemented elliptical curve cryptographic libs for rust, etc. In the security hobby realm no one ever trusted elliptical curve crypto due to possible vulnerabilities and backdoors.
>>4250 >calling yourself isis Clearly sound judgement.
>>4250 >In the security hobby realm no one ever trusted elliptical curve crypto due to possible vulnerabilities and backdoors. Where did you get that idea from? The one time I was introduced to cryptography in college it was mentioned as a major part of cryptography, but since the math was too complicated we instead looked at rsa. My understanding of why people were skeptical of ECC didn't have to do with the algorithm itself, but more with a standard for random number generation that was pushed by the NSA and used ECC. The problem was that they didn't justify the parameters they used for the initial seed. Here's a computerphile video of what I'm talking about: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nybVFJVXbww I'm not sure if this is what you're talking about, but you never really explained either. Not to mention it's similar to how people say"Java is insecure", when it has nothing to do with the language itself but the browser plugin.
>>4259 Elliptical curve have had multiple vulnerabilities in opensource projects during the hey-day of opensource from the early 2000s onwards. We just don't trust it at all. "HEY THE MATH!" isn't an argument: one wrong move any your crypto is trash: that's actually how crypto systems are broken in the real world: making sure novices implement them. It is seen it as "Hey use this new thing which you might not understand instead of the old well tested thing you have been using!" "Trust us on this!" It's hard/impossible to validate if the implementation of ECC you are using is secure at all, if the constants used don't lead to backdoors keys, etc etc. No way in the world to verify any of it. Notice here that Tor decided to hire a novice "cryptographer" to implement someone else's algorithims. That's not something we can trust at all. After 25/30 years of Tor existing (it was a Navy project in the 90s): SUDDENLY!!! Let's hire this novice to work on our crypto: because SUDDENLY it needs to be changed: and we can't have the men who worked on it originally to do so. We do not trust this. Especially ECC. I think you're a young guy if you trust ECC. No one in the cryptographic world trusted it when it was put out in the early 2000s. No one. But if it came out before you were born then you might trust it because "it's always been there" for you.
>>4259 Once bitten, twice shy. ECC's bitten us in the ass before. It's had massive vulnerablilities that were discovered by opensource cryptographers (when they were men and doing it For Free, not hired tranny fucks doing it for Pay) in the early 2000s. We can never trust it. Especially from where it comes from, after this. Remeber the SSH vulnerabilities with ECC, there were others. Don't you remember on vulnsec mailing list and slashdot, and everything about the ECC mathematical vulns? Don't you? Isn't it in your memory?
>>4254 I wonder what the next name change will be? Went from ??? birthname to Sarah Michelle Reichwein pronouns she/it Then to Isis Agora Lovecruft pronouns they/them So 2 legal name changes so far.
>>4259 >cumputerphile video >jewtube you stink of soy fucking killyourself loser
Alright, I did a little bit of searching and found some links talking about the problems with ECC (since none of you fuckers provided links yourselves), but again it was about a specific standard and the parameters they chose (which is what I said). Archive them yourselves if you want. https://www.wired.com/2007/11/securitymatters-1115/ https://crypto.stackexchange.com/questions/10263/should-we-trust-the-nist-recommended-ecc-parameters https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nothing_up_my_sleeve_number https://wiki.openssl.org/index.php/Elliptic_Curve_Cryptography >>4261 >"HEY THE MATH!" isn't an argument: one wrong move any your crypto is trash "HEY THE MATH" is the entire argument for why cryptography works. >It's hard/impossible to validate if the implementation of ECC you are using is secure at all, if the constants used don't lead to backdoors keys That's why usually when people choose starting parameters for random number generators, they choose something like "DEADBEEF" or some other quirky trivia number. They're actually called "nothing up my sleeve" numbers (see above). I'm pretty certain this could happen with any other random generator. >because SUDDENLY it needs to be changed: and we can't have the men who worked on it originally to do so. Maybe they left/got old? I mean people change roles after 25/30 years. Though I'm much less skeptical about this person's circumstances mainly because I'm not worried about ECC. Also I've heard ECC is better for certain things (open ssl link). >>4250 10+ years ago based off this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xGIE7KTJiBY Based off the voice pretty certain their name was Sarah before >>4262 >It's had massive vulnerablilities that were discovered by opensource cryptographers (when they were men and doing it For Free, not hired tranny fucks doing it for Pay) in the early 2000s. What are they? Could you give a link? > Don't you remember on vulnsec mailing list and slashdot, and everything about the ECC mathematical vulns? Don't you? Isn't it in your memory? Not it isn't. Link it so I can learn more. Also >>4261 and >>4262 >We That's not how shit works here
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>>4269 >wikipedia >youtube >wired >stackexchange
User was banned for not putting effort into their post
>>4269 Look at this nigger trying to soy with us Get lost kid
>>4270 LOOOOL get soyed ⚠ User was SOYED for this post
>>4269 >What are they? Could you give a link? So you want me to search my brain for a LINK from 20 fucking years ago? Get real. Do your own fucking research. >Not it isn't. Link it so I can learn more. You do NOT remember the ECC mathematical vulns posted on slashdot and the nmap vulnsec mailing list? WHY do you NOT remember this? Basically you are calling me a fucking liar. Because YOU are too NEW. >>We >That's not how shit works here Yea it is DIPSHIT. ONCE BITTEN: TWICE SHY. No we will N O T trust Elliptical Curve Crypto. Man you really don't remeber the SSH vulns that piece of shit created...
>>4269 >Not it isn't. Link it so I can learn more. So YOU can learn more? What the F U C K do I give a SHIT about YOU? You going to legalize child brides? HMM? Are you? Nope. Why would I help a fucking enemy who's just trying to deebooooonk me? And the following proves you're an enemy: >>because SUDDENLY it needs to be changed: and we can't have the men who worked on it originally to do so. >Maybe they left/got old? I mean people change roles after 25/30 years. Thou Yea: they really need to fuck with the crypto: you know the "bitrot"; right DIPSHIT FUCK. Right? And they really NEEED to hire a novice to do it. Right DIPSHIT FUCK? You know the top-notch navy contractors weren't good enough. So now they need some tranny faggot strainght out of colledge. Right faggot? Right? GO AND FUCK YOUR FUCKING SELF. And YES That IS how we do things here. I've been on the net longer than you you piece of fucking SHIT.
>>4270 Do you think that user was the Tor trans-faggot trying to defend elliptical curve crypto (or eliptical curve "crypto" as we like to call it)?
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https://archive.wakarimasen.moe/his/thread/10697314/#q10698118 >">>10698046 >Not really in context, he is “married in according to the law”, and while he is not allowed to live with his “new wife”, he is now banned from marrying anyone else. And that only if her father consent to it, which is to be supposed out of Exodus 22:16, it being not likely that the father should lose his paternal right of disposing his child when she was in some sort forced, rather than when she was enticed. Wrong, Dipshit. Devarim chapter 22 verse 28 is NOT Exodus 22:16. Devarim chapter 22 verse 28 is about raping female children. And yes the man DOES keep the girl: she is now a woman of his. And, NO, dipshit: he is not "barred from "marrying" anyone else". There is NO limit to the number of female a man may be the ba'al (master) of in YHWH's law. Notice how the white faggot fucking chirstians always corrupt YHWH's law to be pro-woman and anti-man. Notice it? In Devarim it DOES NOT SAY "DURRR SHE BECOMES HIS WHOIFE, AND HE CANT MARRY ANYONE ELSE!!!, AND HE DOESN'T KEEP HER!!!! DURRR" No. It makes NO mention of "wives" "marraige" and other concepts white PIECES OF SHIT believe in. It says if a man rapes (tahpahs (as in to take: to take a city)) a little girl who is still in her fathers house; and they are discovered; and the little girl was not promised to someone else; then the man pays the father 50 pieces of silver, and she is his female; and he shall not send her away from himself all of his days because he has humiliated her. So yes: He has forcibly raped a small female child (this is what humiliates (humbles)) in her fathers house. He does not send her away. But white fucks think "DURRR THIS IS BAD FOR MUHHH WHOITE WHHHHHHUUUUHHHHHMAN". Tell me: white fucking pieces of shit: How can one "not send her away" if one doesn't come into posession of the girl. DipSHIT FUCK. How does a girl become one's female (posessive) if one cannot possess her? HMMM WHITE FUCK. Going to tell us you PIECES OF FUCKING SHIT?
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I hate that white fucking pieces of shit oppose men marrying cute little girls. https://youtube.com/watch?v=PK7P7uZFf5o >t. white people. YHWH explicitly allows marrying little girls, no matter what, even if fathers boycott allowing such (like white fucks do): YHWH says you can rape the young girls and keep them anyway. He doesn't allow boycotts. According to YHWH's law whites should come to an end (Devarim: if someone approaches you and entices you to follow another Power: kill them). White fucking pieces of shit do not allow YHWH's law anywhere on this planet. They b0mb every country that allowed marrying cute little girls.
>>3956 >GitHub >>4657 Do you think a grammatical possessive always indicates property ownership? >>4003 Do you think patriarchy is the only defense against matriarchy?
>>4666 >Do you think a grammatical possessive always indicates property ownership? Ownership is dominion and control. If the man has dominion and control over the girl he owns her. I didn't say anything about grammar. The masoretic text was not written in English, the Septuagint was not written in English. I said that the hebrew says that the girl is now the man's female. This is possession. The hebrew also says that he may not send her away. That means he is in possession of her. White people, like yourself, are pieces of shit that deny everything YHWH's law stands for. YHWH's law explicitly, in the same Book (Devarim) refers to the man as the Ba'al of the female. The same title given to pagan gods. Master/Lord/Ruler/god. You white FUCKS deny this. Additionally in Devarim everything was practical. It does NOT say Husband / Wife as english white fucks understand this. It says, in the hebrew: Man, master. Female, girl. Those are the words used in the hebrew. NOT Husband. NOT Wife. It was based on actual life: not the legal fictions you white FUCKS twist everything with. Boy-friend girl-fried relationships are the same as what is described there: but the man's physical power and will to kill rivals and enemies is what is permitted, sanctioned, and recognized. Just as a strong boy-friend would fight and kill anyone who would try to take the woman he is FUCKING. Do you understand you piece of shit? That boy-friend is a man (male). That "girl"-friend is a woman. The man if FUCKING her. He is not allowing other men to do the same. That satisfies the language in Devarim. If you fuck that female who's already being fucked by this guy: that satisfies the language regarding adultery. In hebrew. The woman is not permitted to leave her "boy"friend either. And this is natural: since a man would NOT allow that unless POLICE STATE existed to stop him from exercising his POWER. Read the Hebrew you dipshit white FUCK. It is NOT about what you complete scum call "husband" "wife". It is about Man, Master. Woman. And little GIRLS (Female children).
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>>4666 >Do you think patriarchy is the only defense against matriarchy? Patriarchy is the rule of fathers. What is evident in Devarim is the rule of Men. Not fathers. Men may rape little girls that have not yet been promised to another, in their very fathers house, and they then keep that little girl and pay the father 50 silver; which is 1 and a half more than the customary 20 silver that virgin girls were sold for. The fathers cannot prevent this in Devarim. They cannot boycott the Men. The Men are Ba'al: ruler: lord: judge: master. Of the female. White people are incapable of anything good for men. They hate it in their blood. YHWH is right to destroy them if he has chosen to do so. Patriarchy? With whites that is just used to enforce women's rights and women's values on the young men.
>>4668 >>4667 You didn't answer my questions. >>4657 Do you think a grammatical possessive always indicates property ownership? >>4003 Do you think patriarchy is the only defense against matriarchy? I.e. do you think that patriarchy and matriarchy are dichotomous? Is there no middle ground?
>>4672 And by patriarchy and matriarchy I mean dominance of men over women and dominance of women over men respectively.
>>3921 Distribute via BT, fuck moddb and their logins.
>>4672 I did answer your question; just not the answer you wanted.
It takes me a while to get around to playing new games, but you posting those screenshots here caused me to notice your game, I would never have found it on moddb if it had not been purged by the threats from that rude and silly gynocentric troll. Large-Scale city generation, interesting.
>>5075 // entity 1 { "classname" "info_player_deathmatch" "origin" "-24320.000000 24320.000000 256.000000" } // entity 2 { "classname" "spawnarray" "origin" "-31232.000000 31232.000000 0.000000" "spawnflags" "243" "spawnarray_spawn" "building_sctiles" "spawnarray_row_ioffset" "2048" "spawnarray_col_ioffset" "2048" "spawnarray_lvl_ioffset" "2048" "spawnarray_rows" "67" "spawnarray_cols" "67" "spawnarray_skip_rc_spawn" "road_sctiles_narrowroad_cross" "spawnarray_skip_cols_spawn" "road_sctiles_narrowroad_straight_quadrice" "spawnarray_skip_rows_spawn" "road_sctiles_narrowroad_straight_quadrice" "spawnarray_skip_rows_rotate" "90" "spawnarray_skip_cols" "7" "spawnarray_skip_rows" "3" "spawnarray_strict" "0" "spawnarray_skip_cols_ioffset" "512" "spawnarray_skip_rows_ioffset" "512" "spawnarray_spawn_delay" "0" "spawnarray_spawn_delayjitter" "10" "sc_keeptyperate" ".9" "sc_keeptypeignorerate" "0.2" "sc_keeptypesearchradius" "3000" "spawnarray_sctilesrectify" "1" "sc_typecommercial" "1" "sc_typeresidentialdense" "0.2" }
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>>83431300 https://boards.4channel.org/g/thread/83430984/ >I personally took your game down. > https://chaosesqueteam.itch.io/chaosesque-anthology > https://mega.nz/folder/emxnDaxY#MVLFyk9HbfBri8mmDGOZwg > https://libregamewiki.org/Chaos_Esque_Anthology The game is also distributed as physical discs to friends, additionally, including backups of all the git repos, media source, and supporting applications/tools. >>83431093 >Delusional >>83431119 > but where are the afghan child brides They are With their Pashtun Rulers in Afghanistan. (Ruler (ba'al) is what YHWH speaks of: not "dur huuhhsband slave werker" (that's a invention of Jesus the pro-trans pro-castration pro-woman anti-YHWHist)) While Hazar and Dravidian husbands of 23 year old feminists (who look 40) beg to be let into the USA for their service: while the Pashtun block them from the egress points.

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