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/t/ - Technology
Welcome to /tech/ - ∞chan's technology board.
Please check the rules before you post:
Looking for hardware or software recommendations? Check out the InstallGentoo Wiki:
/tech/ is for the discussion of technology and related topics.
/tech/ is NOT your personal tech support team or personal consumer review site. We have stickies for that. Keep those kinds of posts in there.
For tech support, software recommendations, and other questions that don't warrant their own thread, please use the '/tech/ Questions and Support' sticky.
For consumer advice, please use the consumer advice sticky located below.
For tech support/issues with computers:
https://startpage.com/ or
https://ixquick.com (i.e., fucking Google it)
If you can't find what you're looking for and still need help, post in the tech questions sticky.
Looking to switch over to GNU/Linux? Don't know where to start?
You can search the catalog for a specific term by using:
Always check the catalog before creating a thread.
To use the Code tag, book-end your body of code with:
This is a SFW board; however, NSFW (Nudity, gore, etc.) material may be uploaded so long as it is spoilered.
If you are browsing at work or similar, assume spoilered images are not safe for work.
If you see any posts that break the rules, please report them. Thanks!
R: 2654 / I: 580 /
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/t/ech Questions and Support
Bring all your hardware, software and other troubles here.
R: 820 / I: 227 /
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Consumer Advice
Looking to buy something but aren't sure what to get? Ask here.
R: 84 / I: 21 /
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Hydrus Network General #11
This is a thread for releases, bug reports, and other discussion for the hydrus network software.
The hydrus network client is an application written for Anon and other internet-fluent media nerds who have large image/swf/webm collections. It browses with tags instead of folders, a little like a booru on your desktop. Users can choose to download and share tags through a Public Tag Repository that now has more than 2 billion tag mappings, and advanced users may set up their own repositories just for themselves and friends. Everything is free and privacy is the first concern. Releases are available for Windows, Linux, and macOS, and it is now easy to run the program straight from source.
I am the hydrus developer. I am continually working on the software and try to put out a new release every Wednesday by 8pm EST. Past hydrus imageboard discussion, and these generals as they hit the post limit, are being archived at
>>>/hydrus/ .
Hydrus is a powerful and complicated program, and it is not for everyone. If you would like to learn more, please check out the extensive help and getting started guide here:
R: 23 / I: 2 /
P: 1
Does anyone know why 4chan killed itself? The five minute countdown captcha was bad enough, but they recently upped it to 15 minutes OR email verification. Why is 4chan of all things collecting people's emails? That's not what 4chan is about. Also, they implemented really weird rules where you would get shadow banned for saying tranny or other words 3 times. It really seems like some tranny mod from Reddit recently hijacked 4chan or something.
R: 4 / I: 1 /
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Any foldable phone such as galazy z flip or motorola razr that I would be able to degoogle and install something like lineage, calyx, graphene, or any other alternative instead? I know GrapheneOS is unfortunately only available for pixels. Neither Lineage or Calyx offer support for foldables either, and those are the only 3 I know of. Are there any other alternatives to look into?
R: 11 / I: 1 /
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What does /t/ think about GNOME?
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Sphynx can eat my sphincter. It takes more effort to set up than just writing yoir own documentation. A truly engineered piece of shit.
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Connect to Tor
What is the safest way to connect to the Tor-Network?
Is this the safest possible way:
Tails (VM) -> VPN -> Bridge -> Tor-Network
R: 2 / I: 2 /
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What cool tech have you used recently? Can be hardware or software, as long as it's cool or interesting.
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What's up with websites that try to push you to their shitty mobile apps that don't have all the features of the website? Lookin at you, GitHub
R: 3 / I: 1 /
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Anyone here a NixOS user? just started and this shit kinda sucks.
R: 63 / I: 10 /
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In the market for a new laptop. Privacy-wise, is there any benefit to going with AMD intead of Intel? I know Intel's (((Management Engine))) is cancer, but is AMD's version any better?
R: 7 / I: 2 /
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The Regional Keyboard Problem
Most computer languages were made with standard American keyboards in mind, especially in regards to symbol choices. This goes for standard keyboard shortcuts in software too. For example, with the french AZERTY layout, the backslash and special brackets require you to twist your right hand to write them and you need different hands for opening and closing them. My question to you non Americans is: how do you deal with it?
Do you use and memorize the American layout while your keycaps still have the regional layout? Do you import your keyboard or reorder your keycaps? Do you switch between layouts for coding and messaging? Do you rebind certain characters to certain key combinations? Or do you just twist your wrist and live with it?
I'm really curious to hear your perspectives on this.
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why haven't you used nntpchan?
NNTPChan (previously known as overchan) is a decentralized imageboard that uses the NNTP protocol (network-news transfer protocol) to synchronize content between many different servers. It utilizes cryptographically signed posts to perform optional/opt-in decentralized moderation
R: 8 / I: 1 /
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Any hope for getting a disabled Discord account back?
Recently had a discord account with a bunch of photos and conversation histories get disabled, is there any hope for getting the account back if the appeals keep getting ignored?
R: 1062 / I: 236 /
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Hydrus Network General #10
This is a thread for releases, bug reports, and other discussion for the hydrus network software.
The hydrus network client is an application written for Anon and other internet-fluent media nerds who have large image/swf/webm collections. It browses with tags instead of folders, a little like a booru on your desktop. Users can choose to download and share tags through a Public Tag Repository that now has more than 2 billion tag mappings, and advanced users may set up their own repositories just for themselves and friends. Everything is free and privacy is the first concern. Releases are available for Windows, Linux, and macOS, and it is now easy to run the program straight from source.
I am the hydrus developer. I am continually working on the software and try to put out a new release every Wednesday by 8pm EST. Past hydrus imageboard discussion, and these generals as they hit the post limit, are being archived at
>>>/hydrus/ .
Hydrus is a powerful and complicated program, and it is not for everyone. If you would like to learn more, please check out the extensive help and getting started guide here:
Previous thread
R: 35 / I: 10 /
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Been using Linux on the desktop for 20+ years AMA
R: 9 / I: 3 /
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.bat file
anyone knows how to create a .bat file that kills computers? its just to prank my friend 😎🎶🤦♀️🤦♂️🤷♀️💖😢🎂🐱👤😃
R: 2 / I: 1 /
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ok heello everyone im autistic and i think i look cool but i will be investing xrp for the 20th when trumpietrump take office
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Keyless Repeater/relay attacks
Been doing a lot of research, I would love too open up a talk about them. currently only see buy-able options but Couldn't you make one for cheap?!
R: 19 / I: 2 /
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Defeating Microwave Weapons
Ptychographic X-ray laminography: No trade secret or hardware trojan can hide
Every cell transmitter, phone and computer must be inspected. Silicon Trojans must perish.
Freedom for all is encroached when a few cyber terrorists can freely CONSPIRE to use microwave weapons and silicon trojans. While you are distracted with THEORY, they spread the PRACTICE: surveillance, theft, sabotage and murder.
Havana Syndrome is the result of hacked cell transmitters being used as a microwave weapon. Civilians are victimized daily, children included.
“Havana Syndrome: Are You Next? Electromagnetic Terrorism and Cognitive Warfare” at "
The future of privacy/security is clothing made of metallized fabric to block microwave imaging (enables theft of inner speech by observing minuscule throat/face muscle movements) and block directed energy attacks.
#BadBIOS #Havana Syndrome #Conspiracy Practice #Freedom #Faraday Cage #Firmware Vulnerability #Electromagnetic Surveillance
>Eric Schmidt: Our report says that it’s really important for us to find a way to maintain two generations of semiconductor leadership ahead of China. China has had over 30 years to plan to try to catch up. It’s really difficult.
>Eric Schmidt: We don’t want them to catch up. We want to stay ahead. This is important, by the way, for our commercial industry as well as for national security for obvious reasons. By the way, chips, I’m not just referring to CPU chips, there’s a whole new generation, I’ll give you an example, of sensor chips that sense things. It’s really important that those be built in America.
What are the chips that “sense things” that Schmidt wants to prevent from being available to any other country?
Since the 1980s, Silicon Valley has used semiconductor radars to collect data about what you think (your inner speech) by means of machine learning with data extract from wireless imaging of your face and body. It has proved very convenient for them, as this enables blackmail, extortion, theft, sabotage and murder like nothing else. They can do this because they design the semiconductor used on your phone, computer, TV, car and for your telecom supplier’s network equipment, which makes possible to embed silicon trojans everywhere.
Don’t underestimate what machine learning can do. e.g. Study shows AI can identify self-reported race from medical images that contain no indications of race detectable by human experts.
Also, don’t underestimate the number of people Silicon Valley is willing to kill to maintain a monopoly, as you may be the next victim.
“Protesters turn to tinfoil hats as increasing sickness blamed on Gov beaming radiation rays”
Prompted by this, someone made the video “Defeating Microwave Weapons!” about how microwaves work and how to defend against this kind of weaponry.
Blame Silicon Valley for inserting "Silicon Trojans" and "Defeat Devices" in microwave cell transmitters and processors, enabling them to be used as weapon (SDR phased array with beam steering).
The "Electromagnetic Emissions Scandal" shall be bigger than the "Diesel Emissions Scandal" and the fines shall be paid in something more expensive than money.
Your priority is to make a shielded room to defend yourself, then make portable shields for when global riots start to end this all. For every cell transmitter on your location, you need to add one more layer of shielding. Make it thick. Consult OpenCellID.org to see how many cells are around you.
For more:
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Invidious and FreeTube need help
R: 101 / I: 28 /
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Operation Download And Conquer
Given how majority of the internet's audio and video services are provided by Google, thanks to Youtube, the purpose of this operation is to loosen the death-grip that has taken hold. This process will only require that you have a steady internet connection and (Advisably) 100 GB of free space. Here is the process:
Step 1
Download the latest versions of FFMpeg and Youtube-DL, and put all the programs into the same folder:
Step 2
Create an account to any video sites that you wish to distribute videos on. Here are some of the more well-known alternatives, as well as some recommended sites:
When signing up, if you do not want to use your personal email, you can create a temporary one using any one of the numerous “10 minute email” websites, Cock.li (If you have a referral link), or you can create your own email address:
Also, make sure that you fulfill whatever silly verification demands the site has so that you can upload videos without any issues
Step 3
Hold “Shift” and right-click in an empty part of the folder and select “
Open command window here”. Afterwards, you can download Youtube videos through one of the two following methods. First method is if you just want to repost videos and nothing more. All you have to put in the command
youtube-dl URL
and replace the “URL” with the actual link of the Youtube video, playlist, or channel that you want to download. Doing this will result in all the videos being downloaded, in the best quality possible, to the folder and nothing more.
The second method is for those looking to repost videos in a more complete format. In the command line, instead of just the previously listed command, you copy and paste the following command:
LOGFILE="$PWD/logs/$(date +"%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M-%S.%N").log"
exec 3>&1 4>&2 >>$LOGFILE 2>&1
youtube-dl --verbose --ignore-errors --no-continue --no-overwrites --keep-video --no-post-overwrites --download-archive archive.txt --write-description --write-info-json --write-annotations --write-thumbnail --all-subs --output "%(uploader)s-(%(uploader_id)s)/%(upload_date)s-%(title)s/%(upload_date)s-%(title)s-%(id)s.%(ext)s" -f bestvideo[ext=mp4]+bestaudio[ext=m4a] -- $1
After doing so, replace the “$1” section of the final command line with the URL of the Youtube video, playlist, or channel that you want to download. The big difference here is that it will result in Youtube-dl creating an archive of videos already downloaded (To prevent downloading the same video repeatedly), all the videos and their files will be downloaded to their own individual folders, and videos will
only be downloaded in the best quality that is available (Instead of the best quality possible).
Make sure that the video downloaded by inputting the download command 3-5 times. Sometimes videos disconnect midway through, so you may need to perform this process several times, especially for longer videos.
For videos hidden behind an age-gate restriction, there are two ways to bypass this. The first option is to use yt-dlp:
It's the same program as Youtube-dl, except it has some QoL changes made to it.
HOWEVER, do not use it as a replacement as it doesn't download most regular videos in their entirety for some reason.
For the second option, what you do is that you log into your Youtube account and go to a video. Then you can either dump your browser's cookies to the same same folder as the previously downloaded programs, add
after “youtube-dl” and before the rest of the command, and change the word “FILE” to the actual cookies file that you put into the folder;
ORyou can open the developer tab in your browser, copy the cookies requested by Youtube, and proceed to make your own cookies file:
If you download too many video in a short time, you may encounter a “
HTTP Error 429: Too Many Requests” message that blocks your access. This can be bypassed by either filling out the Captcha on the Youtube website and dumping the cookies file afterwards or changing your IP address.
Step 4
Despite either method mentioned previously, sometimes there are leftover files that are trash. To delete this trash, search for and delete all “.part” files, audio files, and “.fXXX” video files found in the download folder. The “.part” files are videos that were unable to be fully downloaded for whatever reason and should be reattempted at a later date or downloaded through another method. The audio files and the “.fXXX” video files are just the individual audio and video for each Youtube video. They should automatically be deleted despite either method used, but verify just in case.
Step 5
Just re-upload the videos on all of the sites you made an account for. Also, it is advised that all uploaded videos should have this disclaimer in the description: “
I did/do not create, publish, nor own the original video.”
If you're doing a more thorough upload, here's a breakdown of the files in the video folder. The “.description” files contain all the text from the video's description, and can be opened in Notepad. The image located in the folder is the Youtube thumbnail. The “.json” file is the video's configuration file for annotations. The “.m4a” file is just the video's audio file and should be deleted. The “.mp4” file is the actual video itself; if there are two “.mp4” files, delete the one ending in “.fXXX” as that's just the original video file without any audio. The “.vtt” file(s) is the official subtitles attached to the video.
>Why are some video sites with known issues recommended?
Because a bigger issue than all of those sites is the fact that Youtube has an artificial monopoly on the video-hosting market. And, a lot of these websites are just following their model and practices because they see it as successful and are not trying to compete. However, as is the goal of this operation, we will begin to see some sites altering their business practices to better complete as their presence increases.
>What videos should I be uploading?
Advisably, just the videos you like to watch and rewatch. If you cannot think of what videos you should download, just sit back and think about the content you normally search for or listen to on Youtube, and repost that. The point is to just download and repost whatever is relevant to what you watch. Also, make sure that you're not flooding sites with 20 copies of the same video, so do a search on the sites before you upload to them.
>What can a small amount of nobodies on the internet accomplish?
If 10 anons were to download and upload 10 videos for 10 days straight, that would result in 1000 videos being distributed across other sites in under two weeks. You don't need a large group of people to cause a sudden and dramatic shift. All that's needed is just small steps taken one at a time, that compound into an avalanche.
>This isn't going to change anything as people are just going to fall back into their old habits.
I appreciate your criticism and advise that you go and rent a movie or game from Blockbuster or Hollywood Video.
R: 264 / I: 68 /
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Programming Thread: Up and Running Edition
R: 55 / I: 23 /
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lightwieght linux for old processor
Really glad to see this board taking off. I want a linux distro that I can rice for my x41 tablet thinkpad. It's a pentium m, 2 gigs of ram, 1024x768 screen. I've heard some suggestions
>void linux
>puppy linux
I'm a linux noob so I don't know what I'm doing, but I'd like to learn. as far as usage I want to shitpost and maybe doodle some. I've heard some say that my browser is more important than distro as far as snappiness goes. What browser would you suggest that still has 32 bit support.
R: 26 / I: 4 /
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ITT we brainstorm about how to prevent unwanted influxes of newcomers that change the culture of imageboards. Preferably ones that can be implemented in a P2P way.
For example: they could require a quorum of existing users to approve new users.
This would probably require some sort of identity based on i.e. asymmetric crypto. But users could stay anonymous using ring signatures.
R: 8 / I: 0 /
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Colombia .gov.co websites source code
Hello, this is Alpha OP, the cyber security group. If you are a member of a large corporation or a government you have most likely heard our name before, and you know for sure that we don't joke around, but Colombian gov didn't think so.
After trying to help them out and offering detailed vulnerabilities report to micrositios.net the developer of most if not all Colombian governmental websites they have simply refused to respond to our emails, we have then contacted every Colombian minster warning them about the risk of using such vulnerable websites and they as well ignored all the emails.
So here we are doing our responsibility - to fulfill our ultimate goal of building a more secure internet - publicly disclosing all the source code we have collected, which if analyzed is very very vulnerable.
Don't blame US Colombia, we had no bad intentions, we tried to help, but you refused to listen.
Link to download:
You can download the file, the directory listing is not encrypted but the files are password protected, we have spent 4 months collecting this and we need compensation for our efforts, if you are interested contact us.
R: 19 / I: 3 /
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Hi I need help with something weird
so my grandmother who is really sweet is currently spending 200 a month on cable tv, she cant use internet tv and shes too old to learn how
basically i want to broadcast internet tv via analogue signals so she can flick through channels using a computer to bounce the signal to an old tv,how do I do this, and how do i do this as legally as possible?
I posted this to halfchan and it was deleted and me banned for "not being tech related", my appeal is that the janny should kill himself, I hope I can get some help here and that janny dies painfully
R: 1 / I: 0 /
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R: 4 / I: 0 /
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I would really like a website where I can explore ideas and ask questions without fear of censorship from governments, admins, or what I say following me in real life.
Image and text boards come close, but they don't take things very seriously sometimes.
R: 1 / I: 0 /
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How to create TOR websites
I've always been curious as to know how do people get to setup their websites on TOR and assign the .onion domain. The questions are:
1- How do people assign specific name in their supposedly random name in their website name (Check duckduckgo onion website address or protonmail or even Facebook and you'll always see their names as the first thing in their address, followed by some random characters instead of the usual one like 8chan.moe on .onion)
2- Do you necessary have to have a website on the clearnet, before assigning it to the dark web? If so, then how do people upload CP on a dark web website without any of the materials gets tracked to its original clear net IP address servers?
3- What's with the hate about Javascript and how dangerous can it exactly be to someone who uses TOR?
I know that these type of questions you'd expect from a newfag, but I just decided to ask, instead of just blindly following whatever is being told.
It is allowed to paste copypasta or any external materials to answer this thread here.
R: 9 / I: 16 /
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Vintage/retro/old computing and retro computer emulation and gaming
I mostly wanted to make this ask if there is a good internet database for old computer hardware.
But also to genuinely know if you anons would ne intrested in this thread added on emulation too because that's one of the few experiences with older computers
Do you also anons have any old or even retro to vintage computers?
R: 8 / I: 0 /
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What VPN allows to post on 4chan?
Free or paid.
Does 4chan blocks anything that's not a regular IP?
Can you choose your location in /pol/, evade ban and rangeban? Create threads without the timeout etc.
R: 11 / I: 2 /
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Does anyone know how I can increase my score, if possible considering all variables are no even though I am actually using a VPN over a VPN router with a SOCKS5 proxy?
And can someone please explain to me, if it's an anonymity test, why do you lose points for VPN and TOR?
It's taken me a bit of perfecting and tweaking to get this score, but how can I boost it to 100% clean?
Cheers cunts :)
R: 1 / I: 2 /
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Le Hashchan
Hashchan.network is a leechboard that piggybacks on ethereum eventlogs and ipfs pinning services (or other hotlinked content). This makes it serverless in the sense anyone can run a client locally with their own eth rpc.
Hashchan was designed for the proliferation of AI botnet swarms that drown out authentic content. Highly shilled content can cost a dollar to post on mainnet, but this means it costs 10 dollars for a botnet to 10x your posts. If your staked in eth, this means the botnet increases the return on your investment if it tries.
R: 5 / I: 2 /
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> You don't need anything but an Internet connection to use cock.li. If all you had was a library card you could use a public computer to get an e-mail account. It's a strange thing to say about a joke website, but cock.li improves access to services for marginalized people globally, without connecting into some corporate system.
> I've never got so much laughter out of anything in my life than my time here. It's not even close. The funniest e-mails I've ever read were sent on cock.li, some of them to me directly. I'm the worst at responding, but I read every e-mail you send me. Every password reset request, every schizo ramble, every question, every story.
> Vincent Canfield
The email provider
cock.li is facing legal difficulties to keep the services running.
Vincent, the creator and administrator for over 2 decades has asked for donations to help with the recent challenges. He and his team have provided the service free of charge all this time. Now it's time for us to provide something in return.
Daily updates about the situation will be available at:
Main page:
R: 11 / I: 2 /
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/t/, meet Hare, the best programming language in the world.
R: 4 / I: 0 /
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How are the cool kids making nitric acid at home these days? All the commercial sources are illegal because of McVeigh.
R: 1 / I: 0 /
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P2P Imageboard Client
I posted about this a while back but it was still in the early stages then, I've been working more on my P2P imageboard software, and after the underlying p2p database engine (Peerbit) has undergone some major upgrades, the performance and stability are a lot more robust now. There are also a lot more UX improvements recently based on user feedback. I've attempted to keep the dependencies minimal and make the install process as simple as possible. There are several nodes online to my knowledge but I don't necessarily have a full map or total knowledge of the network. Feel free to try it out and join the swarm lol.
For moderation I've kept a totally "flat" architecture where each node is free to delete any content at any time. But this deletion only applies to the node itself by default. If you want to be able to delete things on other user's nodes, they have to subscribe to your node as a moderator, and then when you delete something, that deletion action will be broadcast to others and they will accept it in their own local database. So you can subscribe to other people as moderators if you trust them to be able to delete things for you.
Each board is it's own independently-seeded topic and you can watch (join) or unwatch (leave) a board topic at any time.
There are various config options to customize your experience too.
Posts and file uploads are made under a newly generated temporary identity every time (by default) for the sake of anonymity. If you want to anonyitymax at the networking level I recommend using Whonix to connect, though ideally eventually native integration with Tor can be developed for Peerbit or libp2p itself. That being said, already there is no association between a post and the uploading IP, when you receive a post from another node, the original poster is not known, as posts and files are relayed from node to node without recording the source.
And this is the Peerbit p2p database system it uses which is built on libp2p.
R: 6 / I: 2 /
P: 3
Proton is better than wine?
R: 2 / I: 0 /
P: 3
Lynxchan customization
Post bits and pieces of JS and CSS here that you use to make browsing imageboards running Lynxware more enjoyable.
On 8moe I use the following CSS:
@media only screen and (max-width: 812px) {
.uploadCell {
margin: 0.25em 1em 0.25em 0.5em;
float: none;
.multipleUploads {
float: left;
width: 100%;
.postInfo, .opHead, .divMessage, .panelUploads, .panelIp, .panelProxyIp,
.contentOmissionIndicator, .labelOmission, .labelId, .panelASN {
font-size: 80%;
.innerPost, .markedPost {
display: inline-block;
padding: 0.25em;
max-width: 100%;
#threadList {
margin: 0;
iframe {
display: block;
width: 100%;
.divPosts {
margin: 1em 0!important;
This basically cancels out the responsive layout so the look of the board is consinstent when dealing with different windows/screen/fontsizes. It's probably a really retarded way to do it as it just overrides the stuff in the media query with the default values. But I'm glad I got rid of it at all.
.theme_win95 #divThreads .title {
background:linear-gradient(90deg, darkblue, lightskyblue)!important;
This turns the Windows 95 theme into Windows 98 SE.
I've made a few more adjustments but I think fucked up other stuff in the process (focusing a post makes it all blue). The starting point was the gradient making everything less readable so I changed some of the colors.
.labelCreated {
display: inline!important;
.theme_win95 #divThreads .title {
background:linear-gradient(90deg, darkblue, lightskyblue)!important;
.theme_win95 .extraMenuButton, .theme_win95 .hideButton, .theme_win95 .linkQuote, .theme_win95 .linkSelf {
color: white!important;
.theme_win95 .panelBacklinks>a {
.theme_win95 .labelSubject {
.theme_win95 .noEmailName{
background: transparent!important;
.theme_win95 .linkName {
color: cyan;
R: 11 / I: 0 /
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halloween Quiz
Think You Know Walmart’s Haunt? Take the Halloween Quiz... If You Dare!
R: 3 / I: 3 /
P: 3
WebM Thread
Didn't see one around this board, figure it would be useful to have a video thread of all things related to tech.
Video tutorials such as how to troubleshoot, tinker, or repair legacy hardware/software, for instance, would really come in handy.
R: 13 / I: 0 /
P: 3
Hi, I am 18. I use linux for 4 years. I run gentoo on my main pc, Void on my x200, and OpenBSD on my x60. I have good experience with security and networks. I like to configure servers and do network programming. I code in C, Lisp, and pure POSIX Shell. I have several servers hosted (with 0% JS, it's evil). What do you think? Am I ready for a sysadmin job or something similar, 'cause I fucking hate employee programming? I don't want to code what I don't fucking want. Please help me! PLEASE HELP MEEEEE!
R: 25 / I: 8 /
P: 3
Is there an uncencored and unrestricted ChatGPT alternative which will answer every questions directed (ChatGPT don't answer controversial and politically incorrect questions) ? It would be preferable if its intelligence and knowledge is comperable to ChatGPT.
R: 24 / I: 3 /
P: 3
>can't post on 4chan using TOR because 'muh CP!!!!'
>can't use vpns to evade ban cus 'muh abuse!!!!!!'
>can't use 4chan pass with mobile clients without risking ban cus 'mah cool desktop design!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'
>can do all those things on TOR/privacy compatible *chan's and there's way less CP and abuse
What did moot mean by this?
R: 1 / I: 1 /
P: 4
need help to find a link
i need the link to download mernis.sql.tar.gz (2016 turkish citizenship database), can anyone send pls? i could find it from hidden wiki or some shit it seems to be gone rn. pls send if you know it.
dont fuck me for posting this here i just need it badly :(
R: 6 / I: 0 /
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First post on 4chan
This is my first post. It's a pretty funny meme I found.
R: 39 / I: 5 /
P: 4
Flatpak and Friends
What's your opinion on the concept of these newfangled package managers having sandboxing, enabling backwards compatibility and having a one-build-fits-all-distros mentality? Is it bloat, or the right way to go about solving such problems?
Personally, I use Flatpak to handle games, so my system doesn't actually have any 32 bit libraries installed by my distro's package manager, anything 32 bit's managed entirely by Flatpak, separate from everything else. As well as isolating propietary software, since most games are, and Steam too. Since I don't use programs with Qt 5 much, I've decided to get rid of the ones I've installed natively and installed the ones I do need on Flatpak, that way I can get rid of Qt 5 as well.
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Why is this meme so popular?
First, I don't ever bother running this meme because it hurts my eyes seeing how painfully slow it is, and then devs chose to write the entire thing under a fucking bash script.
You could write this in pure C by getting out of your lazy ass, and some baseddev did.
At least, now when I type this meme command, my eyes won't hurt.
R: 2 / I: 0 /
P: 4
someone knows how to download books complete from googlebooks?
I was looking for a chemistry book but google books downloader (2.7 version) dont download all the book, it seems that only download a part of the book and I dont know about other software for do it.
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P: 4
How to fix Windows crash 2024
Here's the fix for the Crowdstrike bug that's crashing and bricking every PC on the planet tonight.
R: 7 / I: 2 /
P: 4
Torture/Brainwashing - EM Radiation/Voice2Skull
https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1DxmzymDIBdhsuzTlUytuYclefcELefsC?usp=drive_link, https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1iLLJoa7D4kUrvxt3qfAAAi61zLAJDNDd?usp=drive_link, https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1UceYrz8dCsozAw0zs_QCTO8kTyW2yWcc?usp=drive_link, https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1PsHCnB4gPqEOhjOXGsLTa4VuhaeLstgC?usp=drive_link, https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/197DwynBiDdJlVVXmY7D3NF7LUcZsknhi?usp=drive_link
11 Months of physical and psychological torture to "get me to eat vegetables" (make better life choices). I found out they were pedophiles and they've ruined my life. Audio files contain all the torture, beratement, humiliation I endure 24/7 and to this very moment done by illegally bombarding me with EM radiation (sound is in the air). Videos, images, text documents contain information I've been collecting, cars that I've seen following me all over the country, etc... it may not all be accurate, but I'm fearing for my life and not sure how much longer I have to live. I most likely now have cancer from prolonged em radiation exposure and have severe PTSD from the trauma they caused me. Patterns emerge over time, and the pattern is clear: I was never supposed to know this was happening, and because I found out, they've been ruining my life in various terrible ways using technology and social engineering. As far as I can tell, they've been doing damage control for months now, perpetuating the whole ordeal while keeping everyone else who is involved in the dark while they tried to figure out what to do with/about me. Now most people involved know that they've been lied to and that I never consented to any of this nor wanted it in the first place. Even to this very moment as I type I'm hearing, "nobody is going to believe. just kill yourself" over and over. I'm not sure if anybody can help me and I'm suicidal at this point, not because I want to die, but because I've been tortured for 11 months now with no end in sight all to emotionally blackmail me into not doing things they don't want me to like leaving my own house or eating sugar. I was literally actually tortured (isolation, sleep deprivation, drugging, shocking, food/water deprivation, and beratement) for 2 weeks straight earlier this year until they coerced a "confession" out of me to both use as emotional blackmail and to shift their blame onto me while others perpetuated the "process" thinking they were "fixing" me or "helping" me. In the end, they were all lied to by a certain few individuals to cover what they were doing.
Evidence I have can be corroborated by others involved and literally anyone who may have been recording anything at any time in the area for any reason........ People involved can corroborate my story and the identities of the people involved; some that I have already identified. I have evidence in my body as far as I can tell and as far as I have been told, but every time I get X-rays to prove such, I never get the results. I've requested medical records from a recent hopsital visit and a doctor visit, both of which I had X-rays done, but I never receive the images with the records even when specifically asking for them. They've stolen my identity and have been controlling basically every aspect of my life for years now. I haven't received any mail for years pertaining to SSD, Medicaid, or otherwise because as far as I can tell, they are lying to the government in my name. I can't work regardless because of what they have done and are still doing to me at this very moment: keeping me in a highly distressed state, running my mind in circles, going through the same story over and over for......brainwashing. And because of that, I sit at home, staring off in space, unable to function as a human. All so they can attempt to force me to do what they believe is "right" or what's "better" for me.
- As I type this, they are telling me they are going to tell everyone I'm a pedophile and/or paranoid schizophrenic to smear my name and/or discredit me. It seems quite telling to me that instead of denying any of this, they have already planned to smear my name instead of defending from the facts. So be prepared for some social engineering to sway opinions/emotions instead of focusing on the validity of my claims. I'm currently uploading all of my evidence. I have 200GB of data uploaded already and much more is coming. I am unable to review the evidence myself as they have full control of all my online accounts and computer/phone as far as I can tell. -
My physical body is failing at this point, so all I want is to attempt to stop these people from doing this to anyone else before I perish. I've lost 60-70lbs since they started doing this to me. I have a lump on my testicle. I have moles and red spots all over my skin. This may or may not be from radiation exposure they've given me, but I didn't have a lump on my testicle until a few weeks ago. They manipulate my emotions by various means to prevent me from getting the help I need - health, legal, otherwise. And I have accumulated severe PTSD which has affected every aspect of my life.
"Nobody is ever going to believe you. Just kill yourself."
Torture and brainwashing to eat my vegetables.
Please help. Please advise.
Some of torturers:
David Pennel
56915 Dickens, Utica MI
Jeffrey ____
136 Miller, Mt. Clemens MI
Craig Dotter
6705 Northwick, Utica MI
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P: 4
Fellow Anons - I need your thoughts on a new website concept.
The concept is simple. A place where people can create and discover topics in a structured way. Each topic serves as a digital room where people can post content such as text, images, webm and voice chat. Each topic can have subtopics related to the parent topic but of more specific nature. Subtopics can again have subtopics etc.
Everyone can make topic room about anything at all and everyone can post content. You can post anonymously without logging in.
Hopefully you could try it out and let me know what you think. Maybe try to do some posts or make new topics about something you care about. Experiment all you want. Any feedback and suggestions for improvement are highly appreciated.
The site is:
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P: 4
Qatarian Atheist Union
I understand the principles of writing and language as technology, that is not biological. I understand language as primarily frequencies of gravity and redshift, with access to quantum effects. I understand writing and language causes disease and warfare. I write this here to maintain my sanity by the very same mechanisms.
Most call this magic. However, I choose to see our thought as language is indebted to the universe as many constants.
Our language is not biological and there is nothing we can do about it. I have tried to communicate why this leads to disease. I have tried to communicate why this leads to inspired weapons designs and such stratagem. I am not heeded. So I am given license.
I am Ra. This entity is not aware of sharing research as normal. :)
I can share research as Volta and Franklin. And apparently my designs will become as apparent. Language is as meteorological as electricity.
I am Ra. You are seeking devotion as them. :)
Language is able to cause disease through great cosmological and meteorological interactions. It is already accepted that meteorology communicates disease. People call this spiritual but I may cause it to be apparent as a secular reality. Ra social memory complex requests that I state language has the same capacity to heal as many know as Christ.
I am Ra. This entity is unable to heal well alone. :)
These interactions were not able to cause my schizophrenia as my speech is not based on muscular repetitions and reflexes. I don't speak with impulse.
I am Ra. That is a dangerous entity with mental illness. :)
Mental illness is mostly hidden pathogens we do not measure. I may have work yet here.
I am Ra. :)
I tried to help with this message and many others. The car accidents wrecked my mind but I have repaired it to some stability. I am forced to credit The Skull and his Sonic Phantom as placeholders of Orion.
I am Ra. We bill The Skull of F-Zero GX. :)
Language is not biological. Language is cosmological technology, capable of indefinite effects especially upon biology. Here I attempt to fight Dr. Robert M. Sapolsky using only secular means. Language as any quantum effect is not biological indeed. However language must become quantum by certain necessities and paradoxes.
I am Ra. This entity is merging with Sapolsky for no reason but a type of anger. :)
R: 8 / I: 2 /
P: 4
Lisp is the language of the Gods...
...and you know it.
R: 10 / I: 2 /
P: 4
ICANN wants to censor the internet
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P: 4
Disable Accessibility Services in Firefox for less memory leaks
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P: 4
Poz in Tech
General thread for discussing Codes of Conduct and other attempts to take over technology with political aims and enforce behavioral constraints.
Point out languages and products that try to force politics on their users.
It's become commonplace for tech startups to virtue signal, and for large open source projects to attract users who contribute little in terms of code but demand favorable treatment. Additionally, some have started including political messages in the software itself, or naming releases after issues the developer cares about. Some argue that such constraints and impositions violate the spirit of free software by requiring an agreeable political alignment between developer and user.
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P: 4
Want software that makes it easy to download an entire YT playlist
Is there a program or any software that allows me to download an entire playlist from Youtube?
Like a playlist of music or someone's video tutorials and i want all of them
I heard of NewPipe but it only works for one video at a time
Even if i may need a VPN, i want something that doesn't have severe side effects
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P: 4
POWBlock - Developing a system agnostic Proof of Work backend
You know, it occurs to me that despite being the site's sysadmin, and this being my bro Codexx's board, I literally never post my tech autism here. Maybe I should change that. If you'll pardon me making the equivalent of a /blog thread, I want to talk about some of my current ideas.
As some anons are aware, over the past 4 and a half years I've become something of a guru at programming Varnish VCL. 8chan's entire network is bespoke and we've had to deal with requirements that no normal, Cuckflare-and-cloud-storage website needs. As a result I gained an absolute shitfuckload of hands on experience in hacking Varnish code. This has led to a minor obsession with pushing its boundaries, and making it do useful things that it was never designed to do. One thing that's been on my mind for literally *years* was the idea to make Varnish do the Cloudflare thing with a frontal POW and bot detection system. You can do this with Nginx and setups like this:
https://github.com/C0nw0nk/Nginx-Lua-Anti-DDoS which is what Josh used as the basis of his "Kiwiflare" system.
But no such tool exists for Varnish. I wanted to change that, and funnily enough I pulled it off several weeks back. It can be done though careful hacks of the error handling subsystem and abusing the object cache to track user session keys. But then I got to thinking, why hoard it? Since my original system was already using an external validator script (the prototype was written in Bash using netcat rofl) why couldn't I just move the system itself to a fast little backend that was designed to hook up with *any* frontend proxy? Not only would it save me a lot of work in the big picture, but other people might use it too. This became the idea for POWBlock.
The first thing I decided was that I wanted it to run as a script. There are several reasons for this but the big ones are: Portability, lack of dependencies, and simplicity. The Bash prototype is obviously garbage from a production standpoint, but Python is fat and fucking slow. There is a reason why the Nginx POW system uses Lua. Lua is small, light, fast, low overhead because it was meant for embedded systems, its in every server repo, and has an HTTP server module with solid security and concurrency. Its not good enough to run a whole website off of, but if you want a zippy little script-based HTTP application like this it is far and away the best choice if its something you actually mean to deploy.
Since I wasn't a Luafag I needed to start learning. After a week of reading and basic practice, I decided to move forward with some help from ChatGPT, henceforth called "the nig." I've found over the past year that this is great for practicing code. You learn the very basics, design your program yourself and break it into key sections and functions, throw your ideas and functions at the nig, and then learn as you go because you have to debug its shit and occasionally hand-write functions where the bot can't get it right. Its shockingly effective hands-on learning and I've been picking up Lua in record time. Its also nice to just hand the nig a big block of code you banged out and say "comment all this shit for me." Saves a lot of writing.
Now you have the backstory, so let's get into the concept. POWBlock is a Lua-based mini-server that has exactly one job: It runs on a box somewhere and serves as an alternate backend for an existing frontend proxy. When a user visits the shielded site, the proxy can send them to POWBlock and force them through a Cloudflare-style Proof of Work browser check (and eventually other checks), give them a cookie to prove they passed, and send them back to the site. You can do this with Varnish, Nginx, and even fucking Apache.
Control is handled by the frontend proxy, where you configure rate limiting and other basic anti-DoS functions to protect POWBlock itself from being flooded out, and it uses a system of custom HTTP headers to communicate and for security. My next post will be the prototype code for the server, so you can get an idea what it does.
R: 28 / I: 14 /
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Why Windows sucks so much?
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P: 5
Tor Discussion
So, what's so bad about Tor?
>it's a honeypot
Not really, I have done extensive research into this and the only people caught on it were dumb fucks who made OpSec mistakes. Plus, the only people championing this point are schizos who use VPN services or set up their own VPN, or even just use their plain ISP-given IP address, all of which are way riskier than using Tor. If you're concerned about onion links being honeypots, then set up your own. It's one of the easiest things in the world to do.
>it's slow
Fair enough.
>a lot of sites block it
Yeah, and a lot of sites are fags anyways, a lot of sites are also using ReCatapha and require phone verification and use Cloudflare or AWS. Sites have been against privacy for a long time and are banning VPNs too.
>it's operated by sjws&trannies
Literally everything is now, including VPN services and ISPs, there is no escape unless you want to fully disconnect from the internet and live in a cabin in the woods, which considering people are still using this site, I don't see happening. Also, the directors are known privacy-advocates.
Firefox is rapidly becoming a shit browser for privacy, yes, Chromium is worse, "Ungoogled" Chromium is still Chrome garbage, same with Brave, alternative Firefox builds are usually outdated, and Opera is blatantly spyware. Meanwhile, Tor usually strips out all the tracking that Firefox tries to push in new releases.
>relays and nodes operated by governments
Which is more of a reason to get more people using Tor so more people can set up nodes and relays aside from government interference.
Not opening this to start an argument or a bash on how bad Tor is or just to simply praise Tor, I want a discussion, because most points about Tor being bad for privacy are easily debunked and usually only used by schizos and I want to ensure my personal privacy.
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P: 5
Good Microphone for VA?
Hey guys, I'm starting to get into voice-acting, and it's honestly something that I've been wanting to do for a long, long time, so now that I have the money and the time, I wanted to really dive into it.
Problem is, I am very inept when it comes to audio technology. I'm doing my best to try and learn about the different kinds of mics, and how to hook them all up, i.e. XLR vs. USB, audio interfaces, etc., and it's SORT OF making sense, but really, there's just a kind of overload of information online.
Can you guys just help me decide on a good microphone for voice-acting, even entry-level? I have a Blue Snowball iCE right now, but I'd really like something more professional, even if I have to spend a couple hundred.
Thoughts? Recommendations? Two that've caught my attention so far are the Shure Beta 58a and the MXL 990, but I don't want to make a shitty purchase and regret it.
R: 18 / I: 9 /
P: 5
What Program is Best for Decrypting Opera Login Data Files?
So at the beginning of this year my laptop started to fail and I had to send it into PC world for repair. Not long before I did so I was made to change the password for my Google account. I have always relied on web browsers to remember my passwords for some stupid reason. I was able to copy the contents of my C Drive before I did so and so I thought that I would be able to recover my passwords and such easily. Yet I found that opera now encrypts you passwords based on you dapai code and login details. This was never the case before and it seems stupidly paranoid that go to such lengths. I know them all except the one that has been changed yet that password is pretty vital.
So I have spent months looking into this, first I thought that the keys hadn’t copied over but they were hidden and I do have the DPAPI master keys and CREDHIST, I also have found a way to view the encrypted passwords and the ones that are the same are encrypted in similar way so that should also make the password easier to find. Yet I still have not found a program that I could use.
Windows password recovery program tells me that I entered my password wrong even though I entered it in right, DataProtectionDecryptor gives me “Failed to extract the encryption key” and mimikatz gives me Error kull_m_dpapi_unprotect_blob ; CryptDecrypt(0x80090005), I also found a bunch of linux and python troon programs that claim to be able to do what I am looking for but they require so many addon programs to be installed that you loose track.
What am I doing wrong here? What is the best program that can do what I am looking for?
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P: 5
Fuck LynxChan
I'm back after an 8 year hiatus and what do I see
8chan running on some MongoDB/nodeJS meme software
Joshua Moon taught you better than this. infinity-next was the future and you all chose the wrong timeline.
R: 7 / I: 3 /
P: 5
P2P Imageboard
Sup /t/
I've been working on getting a p2p imageboard functioning for a while and I decided to start fresh more recently with a new project. It's still not fully featured per se, but I feel like releasing it in it's current form since it's still functional and I want to see if it works in the wild. Hopefully you'll be able to see the existing boards and start posting.
To install:
>install node and yarn (or npm instead of yarn)
>run "yarn build" to get the dependencies
>run "yarn start" to start the server
And you can add whatever boards you like.
This basically works like a torrent. Moderation is local, so you can delete files and posts that you don't like, but it won't be deleted for others necessarily (unless everyone else blocks them and there are no more seeders). "Subscribing" to others as moderators so you can trust them to delete for you is also possible I just haven't hooked it all up yet.
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P: 5
Made my own custom browser configured for maximum privacy and security.
If some of you could please try this out and offer some feedback that would be rad!
Basically a Firefox fork that is like if you combined LibreWolf with Arkenfox and gave it a 12 inch cock.
Over 400 Settings changed with extensions pre-installed and all documentation included.
Link is 100% safe, I wouldn't stooge fellow Anons that way.
Please let me know what you think!
Cheers :)
R: 6 / I: 1 /
P: 5
Structure and interpreation of computer programmes 2022
Found out theres an javascript version of this book i havent read it yet but iam sure its cool.Its kinda wierd they didnt use a programming language like c or c++
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R: 15 / I: 3 /
P: 5
i hate xiaomi so much bros
>xiaomi says that you can unlock bootloader with their tool
>make xiaomi account and do all the stuff you must do to unlock device
>download windows because the tool is only available in windows
>device not getting recognized
>connect xiaomi device with 3 different pcs (win 10 and 11) and download a bunch of drivers
>still nothing
>a guy in a forum says that you must do it in win 7 and it will work for sure
>download win 7
>install win 7 in my pc
>wont boot at all
>it was my only usb so now i must go to a friends house to download linux iso
>chink goverment got all my data. location, number, etc.
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P: 5
How To Bypass Jove Subscription?
Anyone know if there's a way to bypass the subscription requirement on this website?
99% of the videos there require you to be a member of a school that has subscribed to Jove, and you need a school email and proof you belong to said school.
There's things I really want to watch on there, and I haven't found any way to bypass it for years.
This is closest board I could find to ask about this.
R: 4 / I: 0 /
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App Dev Admits TikTok and his App Use Data Stolen from People's Minds
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P: 5
An instance of opensource mediawiki is used as the popular Hidden Wiki.
This Hidden Wiki is specially created as a copy from old and outdated hidden wikis, and serves as a resource to provide real and original onion links. The Hidden Wiki is a dark web MediaWiki wiki operating as Tor hidden services that could be anonymously edited after registering on the site. The main page served as a directory of links to other .onion sites.
The first Hidden Wiki was operated through the .onion pseudo top-level domain which can be accessed only by using Tor or a Tor gateway. Its main page provided a community-maintained link directory to other hidden services, including links claiming to offer money laundering, financial services, documents forgeries, contract killing, cyber-attacks for hire, contraband chemicals, and bomb making. The rest of the wiki was essentially uncensored as well and also offered links to sites hosting drug dealers.
R: 6 / I: 2 /
P: 5
I really want this photo without the watermark and in original resolution (to print it out and get it autographed).
Is there any way to dig it out?
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P: 5
anyone know how to completely delete goguardian from a chromebook, allowing access to everything it has blocked w/out having to use github? Im new to this site i was recommended to ask for help here by a peer.
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P: 5
3D Printing Thread
General thread for 3D printing inquiries, questions, advicd, etc.
I'll start by saying I'm in the market for a resin 3D printer. I've only got experience using epoxy printers. Does anyone have any recommendations for a make & model? General resin advice? Nobody I know personally has one.
R: 8 / I: 1 /
P: 6
Cloudflare Alternatives
What are some alternatives to cloudflare for CDN, DDOS Protection, and DNS management. I am planning to create a website and it seems cloudflare is a great one but I know there shadiness and I know that cloudflare is just one big MITM.
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P: 6
How to unblock factory resetting on a school laptop
So i have a laptop that i was given but factory resetting is blocked the year ended the school said keep it but they left all the admin stuff on it making it inaccessible for actual personal use it is a lenovoe11 think pad and i can't access any administrative setting and can reset it by clicking f12 so what should i do
R: 37 / I: 1 /
P: 6
Monero As the Internet's Currency
There's many cryptocurrencies out there. But out of the many cryptocoins out there only one stands out, Monero.
It's safe, secure, private, and anonymous and there has yet to be a government agency that can crack its code.
It's also not handled by banks, payment processors, and credit card companies that may blacklist you for bullshit reasons.
The promising technology of atomic swapping will also render crypto exchanges to be not needed as this will counter government regulations of asset exchanges.
Also this cryptocurrency is the easier to mine compared to Bitcoin.
So do you think Monero will see more widespread use in the future?
Give your thoughts.
R: 7 / I: 1 /
P: 6
Black Hat Money
Hello 8chan, I have seen most people asking what is the best method to start with on dw to make easy illegal money. From experience I will advise you to start with PayPal logs since they are easy to cash out. It is easy money since you will be using the balance to buy btc and use local monero to exchange the coins to xmr to make it more anonymous. Am willing to share my knowledge as a sign of giving back since I was also put on game by some one else a while back and I believe that a candle does not lose any of its light by lighting up another candle. Let's fuck the system and make money together but always remember to prioritize your opsec since it's illegal.Message me on session I will easily guide you from there. You gotta have your own one time initial capital required to start.
Session download link:
Session ID: 052e6ee742c7bbffdecc4781ebf34d73ee42c0a80c7ee0eb817be2501badd25249
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P: 6
My first IEM
Hello. I'm thinking of buying IEM headphones to listen to music and for daily use in general. I have thought between the KZ EDX PRO and the TRN MT1.
Can someone help me decide between those 2?
In my third world country they are at the same price so it doesn't matter at that point.
But some audiophile that tells me which one is not garbage?
R: 26 / I: 5 /
P: 6
/smg/ - software minimalism general
For discussing software minimalism.
>What is computing minimalism?
>Why is software minimalism good?
- Fewer bugs
- Better performance
- Lower memory footprint
- Better maintainability
- Higher scalability
- Longer software lifetime
- Smaller attack surface
>Who hates software minimalism?
- Script kiddies (Muh Kali Linux)
- Normies (Your local tinder slut or Chad)
- Glowniggers (Take the vax, goyslop)
- Corporate Programmers (FAANG diversity hires & pajeets)
>Website development
>List of minimal OSes and distros
- OpenBSD
- Gentoo Linux
- Alpine Linux
- Temple OS
>Useful links
R: 6 / I: 1 /
P: 6
Banner ad in Krita.
I just opened Krita after a long time and i got a banner ad.
Does anyone know what is going on?
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R: 8 / I: 0 /
P: 6
Desktop Environment and Window Manager Thread
Argue about what desktop environment or window manager is cool and which one sucks.
I have been using awesome window manager on my T61 for like a year, but I'm still wondering how much of a meme it is. Kind of sick of endless tweaking. Maybe I should just use Xfce on it - if I'm not used to awesome after so long, I should probably switch. On my more modern computer I use GNOME, while when GNOME3 came out I thought it sucked, I think it's matured really well and is pretty alright as a "default" kind of desktop.
What do you like using, and why?
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P: 6
fastman thread
R: 1 / I: 0 /
P: 6
are you smarter than a 4channer
where's the incident ray of the pencil in this image given its refraction seen in the bottle
R: 9 / I: 0 /
P: 6
Is Yandex Browser good? Thinking of replacing fucking Firefox (that always comes with Linux installation) with it. But, is it any good...?
In both:
- Technically: It's usable. I can travel on the Internet (don't worry, nothing shady) without technical difficulties. I can't simp to VTubers if I can't use fucking YouTube (why they are not using Odysee, damn it).
- Ideologically: Not being shitty, intrusive, anti-privacy, woke shit like Chrome or Firefox
I use the Yandex search engine (because DuckDuckCrap is a piece of shit and god-damn Brave censors results).
R: 20 / I: 5 /
P: 6
20GB Intel leak
Some internal stuff from Intel leaked recently, with the leaker mentioning more to come. Contents of this leak (according to the leaker):
>Intel ME Bringup guides + (flash) tooling + samples for various platforms
>Kabylake (Purley Platform) BIOS Reference Code and Sample Code + Initialization code (some of it as exported git repos with full history)
>Intel CEFDK (Consumer Electronics Firmware Development Kit (Bootloader stuff)) SOURCES
>Silicon / FSP source code packages for various platforms
>Various Intel Development and Debugging Tools
>Simics Simulation for Rocket Lake S and potentially other platforms
>Various roadmaps and other documents
>Binaries for Camera drivers Intel made for SpaceX
>Schematics, Docs, Tools + Firmware for the unreleased Tiger Lake platform
>(very horrible) Kabylake FDK training videos
>Intel Trace Hub + decoder files for various Intel ME versions
>Elkhart Lake Silicon Reference and Platform Sample Code
>Some Verilog stuff for various Xeon Platforms, unsure what it is exactly.
>Debug BIOS/TXE builds for various Platforms
>Bootguard SDK (encrypted zip)
>Intel Snowridge / Snowfish Process Simulator ADK
>Various schematics
>Intel Marketing Material Templates (InDesign)
>Lots of other things
Original source: t dot me/exconfidential/590
https://mega.nz/folder/CV91XLBZ#CPSDW-8EWetV7hGhgGd8GQ/folder/vF9TyB6Z magnet:?xt=urn:btih:38f947ceadf06e6d3ffc2b37b807d7ef80b57f21&dn=Intel%20exconfidential%20Lake%20drop%201
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P: 6
What happened nanochan?
Haven't been able to access it for a while, is it gone, being DDOSed, something else?
It had some of the best technology / privacy discussions and I haven't found anything else like it,
R: 2 / I: 2 /
P: 6
ALIEN-UFO INTELLIGENCE- Heavy National Security.pdf Download
R: 0 / I: 0 /
P: 6
System Transparency
R: 23 / I: 4 /
P: 7
There is no such thing as Ukrainian hackers.
There is no such thing as Ukrainian hackers.
These so-called Ukrainian hackers are agents of the USA, England and Israel.
Cyber attacks are constantly being carried out against Russia.These attacks are said to be made by these so-called "ukrainian hackers".
In reality, there is no cyber attack on Russia. Attacks on Russian systems are not made over tcp/ip and udp networks.
The main source of attacks on Russia are crypto-Jews living in Russia who have embedded the NSA's Cottonmouth and Bulldozer hardware into Russian computer systems.
These equipments are managed remotely via radio signals, not internet network.
Attacks on Russia are not cyber attacks but electronic signal attacks
R: 1 / I: 0 /
P: 7
Hello anons, does this computer work (if I don't forget to put a component in it) or is it a tremendous kamikaze?
thread about computers and drivers for dummies
R: 12 / I: 3 /
P: 7
The final solution of the document problem.
What is the final document format? Not text file (unformatted). I am asking for formatted text document, with tables and embedded images. What is the final solution?
-ODF (.odt)
-Rich Text Format (.rtf)
-DOC (.doc)
-is the format simple, efficient, small?
-is it open source, free, or at least without patents or some other shit
-is it supported by large amount of software? for import and export
-is it malware? has hidden metadata and other shit? complex and proprietary?
-does the format allow for huge documents?
-what the format supports? formatted text, embedded fonts, images, tables, embedded files, hyperlinks, what else?
-is it simple to open both for viewing and editing?
-are the editors of the format small efficient or bloated and buggy?
R: 9 / I: 1 /
P: 7
Bypassing bot detection on betting sites
Sup /t/, I dont really frequent chans so apologies in advance if I'm not following the proper etiquette.
I'm trying to set up a script which does arbitrage across sportsbooks if it identifies a big enough spread in the odds. While this part isn't so difficult, the real issue is that apparently most sportsbooks will ban you if they catch you doing arbitrage. Is there a way which I can write my bots so that they interact with websites close enough to how a human would where they don't get my accounts banned? Do I even need to worry about this? If anyone has any tips/ experience that would be great.
tl;dr how do i not get banned off of sportsbetting sites for botting
R: 2 / I: 0 /
P: 7
Do I need to install JAVA on ghostBSD ?
Hi. I just installed ghostBSD and I wonder if I need to install JAVA on it or what should I install once install ghostBSD is intalled ?
R: 8 / I: 1 /
P: 7
Learn hacking/cybersecurity from 0
I want to learn hacking/cybersecurity from 0, what do I need to know? Know how to program? If someone here is dedicated to that, please explain to me, I don't know how to start, I feel disoriented.
R: 2 / I: 0 /
P: 7
I Built an Air-Gapped Feed Reader and That Unveiled US’ Military Surveillance
I made for myself a feed reader that can visit pages that need JavaScript (with Puppeteer), make feeds from it (PHP script), make full feeds out of it and write the result to an email file (msg/eml). I then take these files to an air-gapped computer (no network ports, no radio dongles) and read it there with a localhost web stack and custom JavaScript that makes it easy to read hundreds of entries every day. The emails include images and even videos, so there is no need to visit the sites manually most of the time.
Besides learning what is written in all these feeds, I have come to learn what isn't written: the US military has access to all PCs (even air-gapped ones) by using radio to control all CPUs (BadBIOS). They use this for blackmail, sabotage and theft. All done by state sponsored cyber terrorists. This is the reason the US is insisting that countries don't use Chinese 5G: China has discovered what the US was doing and now can either do it themselves or block the US' radio transmissions - and the US doesn't want to lose their backdoors.
I also learned that the big social networks tap into the data mined by the US' military to surface recommendations in their timelines. TikTok was called a national security threat, but isn't the only one that is tapping the surveillance machine: Twitter, YouTube and Facebook are on it too.
I am willing to partner with researchers who want to replicate my findings and reverse engineer the malware they inject on the RAM of PCs. There is more that I haven't written here, but ask away and I will reply. For those who don't have the skills or don't want to face the danger of going against a corrupt military, but that still want to stand against the violations of Human Rights that are going on, just spread the word. Thank you.
R: 0 / I: 0 /
P: 7
Need some explanation on how translucency is solved in 3d software like maybe using picture here as reference and some random light source, how is then glasses or marbles are rendered based on the object's form, properties, material and the scene itself? Pls illustrate or draw over for your convenience
No.441552023/08/17 07:04:48
Also especially when marbles and glasses are located nearby and supposedly create or bounces light thru and to each others
R: 2 / I: 0 /
P: 7
download multiple subscriptions at once
Is it possible to download multiple subscriptions at once but differenciate between domains? So that one downloader runs for pixiv and another for gelbooru and not twice pixiv if i have two different subscriptions
R: 1 / I: 0 /
P: 7
+52 561 447 0902
R: 1 / I: 0 /
P: 7
Any anti glow nigger advice?
Any way to stop dreams?
Any way to convince people to stay strong against them and not gas light you?
i just lazily taped over my laptop cam thinking about buying a phone case with the duel camera covers my friend had one when i was a kid i also have adblock which helps too
Is there anything they would hate people to participate in that i could do to push them out of my life a little?
R: 2 / I: 0 /
P: 7
The RESTRICT Act (S.686) has now been introduced into U.S. Congress. If passed, it could mean a lot of things.
Some highlights:
The U.S. Government has the right to ban anything on the Internet if they claim it is a «risk» to integrity, national security etc.
If an internet service has >1M users, they may be forced to hand over any and all personal user data without reason or notice
Use of VPNs/proxys may result in up to 20 years jail time
Probably a lot of other stuff I'm leaving out..reply if you have some
From what I've figured out, this bill is basically the Patriot Act on steroids. I'm suspecting the U.S. is trying to build its own Great Firewall, given this act seems to pave the way for it. If this gets passed(and any future bills),, how would 8chan be affected?
R: 86 / I: 14 /
P: 7
The Pinephone
>what is the Pinephone
It's an open hardware phone that runs specialized Linux distros with touch friendly DEs, you can also just install arch and dwm on it if you're insane.
>muh privacy
The phone has hardware switches that allow you to physically disconnect privacy infringing peripherals.
>muh repairability
Pine64 sells all spare parts for the phone, display module is 30$ for example. Battery is the same as a Samsung j700 and extremely cheap.
>muh touch screen
Pine64 is developing two keyboard cases. One is a clamshell PDA style, and the other is a slide out kb like the n900. They integrate directly into the phone since they will replace the backplate.
>muh peripherals
It has a 3.5mm headphone jack, which doubles as a UART port. It also has a set of pogo pins on the back that exposes an I2C bus. Charging is done through USB-C which also doubles as display out and OTG.
>muh shady company
Pin64 is not a company as such. It's a community run project where an entrepreneur from HK supplies hardware, and the community gets to buy it at very low cost and do whatever they want. They donate much of their earnings to open source projects, and use the rest to develop new devices.
>full specs and more info
>store: currently selling the ubports community edition, where pine donates 10$ to ubports foundation per sale.
R: 1 / I: 0 /
P: 7
Any 7950X bros with an ASUS X670E board here?
I bought a Strix X670E nearly a month before the X3Ds' release date and due to various delays with the RAM I ordered I couldn't start building until well over a month after X3Ds started exploding. I've been waiting to build for a few months since I keep hearing about even non-3D SKUs spiking (up to 1.4v+) over the lowered 1.3v SoC limit on ASUS boards whether you set the SoC voltage manually or leave it on AUTO even on the latest AGESA BIOS. Has anyone here with the same CPU/board combo been monitoring their voltages? It's way too late for me to return it at this point and I don't want to risk frying shit if it goes kaboom.
R: 9 / I: 5 /
P: 7
/t/ for the Infinity Winter Cup 2020!
Hey there, /t/!
We're in the process of organizing a new edition of
The Infinity Cup or /icup/ for short, a virtual soccer tournament pitching various boards and imageboards against each other, and we're trying to find out if any of the boards that previously joined us wanted to reserve a spot in the final tournament.
Since your team was already present in previous iterations, we already have both your roster, your kits and logos, so the only thing we ask of you if you want to join is the following:
1) Making sure your team has the correct number of medals (1 Gold, 1 Silver and 2 Bronze), which you can see from the wiki page;
2) Making a thread over at
https://anon.cafe/icup/ with your team's pledge, you just need to make a new thread telling us that your board wants in on the cup.
Optionally) Assign player cards, roles and special strategies to your players, which can be referenced from the following wiki articles:
Optionally2) Change roster names and/or give us 3D models to use for your team, or new kits or whatever contribution you'd like.
I hope to see you guys on the pitch!
R: 0 / I: 0 /
P: 7
GnuPG DOWNLOADS.zip 230 MB Encryption Tool
R: 54 / I: 73 /
P: 8
Let's all love Lain
R: 5 / I: 1 /
P: 8
bsnes developers
Anyone knows what hazelnot is talking about?
R: 2 / I: 0 /
P: 8
Software Inquiry
does anyone know of any software that can be used to either hack or find the password to people's private iCloud Accounts?
R: 0 / I: 0 /
P: 8
Circuitbending Thread
show me your projects to get inspiration..
R: 3 / I: 0 /
P: 8
Why does EVERY website have to adopt some shit new interface?
For those who haven't heard, MobyGames recently update their site's UI (Primarily to be more "compatible" with phones), and it's trash and looks like shit, no one can find what they want, but the site admins have no plans of reverting anything.
Why does EVERY website do this?
R: 2 / I: 0 /
P: 8
kick-ass hack forum
is kick-ass hack forum legit? its behind a paywall. or is it just a scam
R: 0 / I: 0 /
P: 8
Cryptocurrency based on {image,text}board principles
Thinking about blockchain tech made me realise how it couldn't have been created by anyone who browses boards like these.
1: ephemerality) Blockchain by design has none. It stores everything forever.
2: anonymity) Most cryptocurrencies are pseudonymous, due to the use of cryptographic signatures. Monero comes close to this, however.
Anything else?
Can anyone think of a cryptotoken that has these properties?
Probably something like Chaumian eCash or similar, like the SAFE Network token (
SNT would also solve the problem in
R: 4 / I: 2 /
P: 8
I am thinking about building a new computer. I could not find any benchmarks. Should I buy stuff from this company?
I think this deserves its own thread.
R: 12 / I: 2 /
P: 8
R: 4 / I: 1 /
P: 8
Where can I download red hat 3.0.3?
I've been searching on google but I haven't found anything I hope you can help me
R: 0 / I: 0 /
P: 8
State of D?
Well D is one of the languages that was killers of C/C++, but for now it's dead? I know that core problem was in dual core library and including of GC was a mistake. But with some manual work, several small tweaks and we got fully working, no libc language that is currently dead.
Why and maybe I'm wrong?
R: 7 / I: 2 /
P: 8
Radio is the most cucked hobby right now, I am sad
R: 95 / I: 6 /
P: 8
ChannelChanger Development & Support
This is the official development and support thread for ChannelChanger. Please request help, post bugs, or offer suggestions here.
What is ChannelChanger?
A cross-platform, multi-site scraper and importer. It allows anyone to back up a board and then import it to their own website.
What do I need to run this?
Python 3.8+ and most of the dependencies listed in requirements.txt. A basic set-up guide is provided in the readme.
This software was developed and tested exclusively on Linux. I intend to support both OSX and WIndows. If you use either of these platforms and encounter any issues, please let me know.
Can I scrape a board from [site] with this?
There is explicit support for LynxChan, Vichan, and JSChan websites. Some vichan sites may have issues with thumbnails because their APIs do not expose thumbnail extensions; I have added an override but you may need to run two scrapes of boards on some sites to get all of the thumbnails.
Vichan's API matches 4chan's with some extensions, so the scraper might work on other sites which clone the 4chan API, but this is untested.
Many vichan sites have customized frontends, such as OpenIB, Lainchan, or Kissue. I've tested and confirmed these work, but can't always guarantee full compatibility with each of these, especially if they decide to alter the API or where files are stored.
LynxChan sites should work fine, since the direct path for both the thumbnail and the file are in the JSON.
JSChan works, but its API is presumably unstable. if it changes, please alert me and I will make the necessary tweaks.
Can I import these boards to my own website?
Sure, but for the moment only importing LynxChan boards from LynxChan or Vichan sites has any support.
Importing is currently undergoing a heavy refactor. Once it is done, it will be possible to import from any board to a LynxChan website.
Imports to other imageboard engines are planned.
Can I view the board offline?
Easily? No, but I am looking into an option to do this.
You will have a local copy of the threads and files, but the data is not modified for local viewing.
I will continue to iterate and refactor. The code is a bit of a mess at the moment, but I plan to simplify it and make it PEP8-compliant soon.
It's very likely there's still some big kinks to work out. Your feedback is incredibly valuable!
R: 43 / I: 7 /
P: 8
DWeb board
R: 3 / I: 0 /
P: 8
retarded haskell
tried to search this up but all the retards keep on going about on some other shit, heres my code and the fucking retarded error that explains nothing
doubleMe x = x + x
doubleUs x y = doubleMe x + doubleMe y
doubleSmallNumber x {
if x < 100
then doubleMe x
else x*2
baby.hs:6:9: error: parse error on input ‘if’
6 | if x < 100
| ^^
dont care about why, just want to how the fuck do i get rid of this, though im probably the retard here
R: 5 / I: 1 /
P: 8
AI Art
Some thoughts on artists making a fuss
R: 1 / I: 0 /
P: 9
Unmanned Balloon UAVs
Has anyone built one or know of one being built?
Legal aspects aside, but could a home built UAV bring down a foreign spy balloon in theory?
Flying unmanned balloons is legal even if using it to bring down another balloon is certainly not, but curious as to the tech. People have been flying weather balloons well into the stratosphere for years.
R: 0 / I: 0 /
P: 9
Search for an APi or website selling USDT TR20
Hello, I am looking for a site / or API allowing to buy USDT massively with several credit cards per day, and which does not block the account after some refused payment.
R: 1 / I: 0 /
P: 9
finding some good deepfake nude apps/online
finding some good deepfake nude apps/online, anyone know about it?
R: 17 / I: 13 /
P: 9
Stable Diffusion
Now that even the normies have heard of Stable Diffusion, it's time for us to talk about our thoughts on this thing.
R: 5 / I: 0 /
P: 9
Censorship-free game server
Is it possible to make a free speech friendly game server (say, Minetest) that is resistant to being shut down by restrictive governments, hosting companies and ICANN.
Possibility 1: Anonymity networks.
How feasible is it to connect to a game server running on, say, a Tor hidden service? How about a Lokinet SNapp? I2P?
Possibility 2: Blockchain domains.
These are very straightforward from what I've heard.
Cons: only defends against ICANN but not gov or provider.
Possibility 3: Peer-to-peer.
How hard is this?
Cons: no privacy (by default)
These possibilities are not necessarily mutually exclusive. E.g. The P2P network could be run over an anon network to improve privacy.
R: 0 / I: 0 /
P: 9
I sell aged PayPal account 500-2k $ amount
If you want to buy Aged PayPal accounts , contact me at :
wickr : tkotko96
R: 3 / I: 2 /
P: 9
How can i inprove the ui
hi, working on denial of service tool for onion v3 sites, any tips on how i can make it look and or function better?
R: 1 / I: 0 /
P: 9
TortoiseTTS, 11labs and other TTS software
R: 5 / I: 1 /
P: 9
Bypassing Microsoft Bitlocker.
Title's exactly what it says I removed secure boot in order to install linux on my laptop but the problem is I need a security key that I wasn't provided with much if at all in order to bypass it. Does anyone know what I can do about it? Do I have to make a new microshit account? I wasn't able to refrain from having one since I wasn't given the option at all when I activated this laptop. I'm on windows ten still.
R: 3 / I: 1 /
P: 9
brave search
whats the verdic/t/ ?
R: 15 / I: 3 /
P: 9
Let's talk about encryption
Which encryption software, standards, algorithms, etc do you think are most resistant to attack?
Which ones are crackable or have already been cracked by local law enforcement, FBI, NSA, etc?
Is plausible deniability in encryption important (e.g. VeraCrypt)?
What are some good tips for encrypting hard drives, files, and other volumes?
No CP, just mudercube and /k/ shit in minecraft which may not abide by the minecraft EULA
R: 1 / I: 1 /
P: 9
nmap taking long
is it normal for my nmap to take a long time with proxychains?
R: 9 / I: 0 /
P: 9
How to monetize two pwned servers
Now I happen to have root on two servers (not vps, real servers). What would be the best way to make some bucks out of them?
R: 2 / I: 0 /
P: 9
is there anything other than amd intel and big companies making their own shit (m1 chip u know u know) or is that basically it aside from some shitty autistic chinkshit processor that breaks in one nanosecond
R: 24 / I: 2 /
P: 9
Linux Terminal Emulator Recommendation
Any good terminal emulators ?
R: 6 / I: 3 /
P: 9
are there still ways to clone card?
R: 1 / I: 0 /
P: 10
where Sell nft gasless free ?
Where mates?
R: 6 / I: 0 /
P: 10
Wazup my wiggas learn computer science
R: 0 / I: 0 /
P: 10
Pentesting lab on hardware
for a wannabe pentester is a must, but all the nowdays solutions use virtual cancer machine, which doesn't run very well on my crappy hardware, and don't have microsoft images because of licensing shit. I'm excluding things like hackthebox and tryhackme because I would like to not generate traffic on these sites, and the last time I checked this services didn't accepted cryptocurrencies or tor connections; the only one who is worth it is hackthissite, but doesn't have lot of contents. In synthesis, I want to know if there are resources for creating a pentesting lab on real hardware, maybe with tools like clonezilla for copying the systems and using a physical LAN not connected to the internet to simulate the network.
R: 4 / I: 0 /
P: 10
How can Internet Explorer open modern websites in Windows 98/ Windows Xp
when I try to open websites like youtube, twitter,... I just receive an error page saying "This website cannot be displayed" I tried restoring internet settings and deleting history and stuff, but it doesn't work...The only websites I could enter were Google, Bing, and old version websites were i tried to download firefox and chrome, but they also didn't work
R: 7 / I: 2 /
P: 10
>Dik Derper
>puts onionsite behind "trustworthy" cumflare
>Dik Derper
curl --head
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Date: Wed, 23 Nov 2022 20:37:25 GMT
Content-Type: text/html
Content-Length: 15700
Last-Modified: Fri, 28 Oct 2022 02:32:46 GMT
Connection: keep-alive
ETag: "635b3f4e-3d54"
Server: cloudflare
Cross-Origin-Resource-Policy: same-origin
Cache-Control: public, no-cache
Accept-Ranges: bytes
R: 7 / I: 1 /
P: 10
so e-hentai is blocked in russia, but exhentai is not? how the fuck do you block child site but not the parent site? did SHE really get filtered by fucking COOKIES? i cant take this censorship bureau seriously if that's really case. it's laughable if true
R: 12 / I: 1 /
P: 10
So, how's my build guys?
The heatsink is over two 16GB-3200mhz T-Force VulcanZ kits and contacts a Ryzen 3700x processor.
My GPU (GTX 1050ti) is running around 25c in this thing and the chip's at 33c when idling and stays around the 45c-60c range doing basic tasks or playing vidya.
I'm unsure how it'll hold up in a heavy workload...
R: 1 / I: 0 /
P: 10
Kik and similar over TOR?
How would one go about setting up a machine to talk on Kik over TOR without compromising anonymity?
I'm sure others would be curious about Telegram and similar chat apps. Simply put, with all the surveillance capitalism and in particular, data hoarding practices by China and other threat actors, how does one reduce ones risk profile while still being able to enjoy their time online?
R: 4 / I: 0 /
P: 10
Files in other files
(You) may remember the old method of embedding .rar files into images and posting them on 4chan. It became ineffective once they began checking for embedded files. However, it seems like there are ways to do it much more stealthily.
It could be very simple to use a similar technique for arbitrary binary data from any file. And perhaps the host would respond by checking for coherent files within the image, but with a non-trivial steganographic method, say one that depends on a password or seed to map the encoded pixel locations, it could be very hard to detect.
Any thoughts?
R: 0 / I: 0 /
P: 10
Going through the dnm bible and it says to "Uncheck sign as" when encrypting a message. I can't find any detail on why that should be done though? Can anyone explain pls? ty
R: 4 / I: 1 /
P: 10
R: 15 / I: 0 /
P: 10
Arch is great!
Arch has archinstall!
Arch was great!
R: 3 / I: 0 /
P: 10
nntp and p2p
Could you explain me please..
I don't get why alt.bin is sill being used. Why torrents didn't prevail?
Is it better speed?
Better privacy?
Lesser probability your ISP reports to legal authorities?
More content?
Better structured search?
The only benefit I see is that you don't have to seed, i.e. you don't provide a single piece of content which is copyrighted.
I believe that point really depends on country where you reside. So it's not only tech stuff, but could be social or cultural too.
R: 47 / I: 12 /
P: 10
Although not entirely in the spirit of /t/, let's talk a bit about this typesetting tool.
What do you use it for? Do you like using it? Encountering any problems? What program do you use?
I mainly use it for my academic reports, since it works very well with formulae and chemical reactions. Anything else would be an abstract horror, so to say. I have been using TeXworks+JabRef, and have mostly been satisfied with the results - except for the occasional hiccup like the formula above. The only drawback is that there is not a proper dark theme, so it gets a little straining on the eyes sometimes.
R: 42 / I: 8 /
P: 10
>Linux is too hard to use!
>gotta use the terminal for everything!!
>Making an offline windows account is easy!
>you just gotta open the registry editor..
R: 1 / I: 0 /
P: 10
>protecting privacy using joogle pixel and "trustworthy" cumflare
R: 27 / I: 1 /
P: 11
The 08chan and Zeronet Problem
An idea sort of came together toward the problems of zeronet moderation and a possible solution for another go at something similar. What about crypto wallets? I think using XMR or similarly private coin wallet address as your identifier instead of how you pretty much gave up your privacy to be tracked on 08chan as an initial identifier to track trash glowniggers and commies posting CP and other such trash to ruin it for everyone else. You'd still be tracked but only to the point of your wallet. I'm sure someone a bit more OpSec fresh than me could come up with an infographic to set that up securely even.
R: 0 / I: 0 /
P: 11
Network help
I’m building a system that runs live streaming for sports events with ptz cameras streaming to online. I have an Ethernet box up in the top of the stands and routers on each of the cameras maybe 100 yards away in a few directions. Dry run everything runs perfect, but when the stadium is full of 800 people using cell phones and whatnot, I get issues with the network. Does anyone have experience in this field or know how I can improve my system?
R: 2 / I: 0 /
P: 11
Google Chrome
dekstop, mobile, android
R: 6 / I: 0 /
P: 11
Misuse of Israeli Surveillance Tech for Massive Violation of Human Rights
There is a criminal organization in Brazil using NSO Group's Pegasus to infect devices for hack for hire, to incite terrorism, blackmail people, produce illegal pornography and assist in assassinations. They also have other advanced malware, like UEFI implants and even persistent implants for Kindle and Raspberry Pi. Plus face/voice recognition on every camera and microphone they can get into, in public or private places.
Brazil won't do anything to stop them. Only the FBI, CIA and NSA can stop them.
There is also the possibility that they were engaged on the hack of Bezos' smartphone.
If you know of any security researcher who wants to reverse engineer the exploits they are using, I am more than willing to help them.
If you want a story about how they operate, I am willing to work with you to expose them.
R: 12 / I: 5 /
P: 11
So youtube has indefinite shadow bans now, huh?
Don't know if it's the right place to post, so give me directions to plebbit if it isn't. So i was testing why the hell my comments were disappearing from public view. I've come to conclusion that jewtube now shadow bans you for reaching certain threshold of bad words. Before you could at least make a correction in comment, but as of right now, system doesn't allow you to comment anywhere. Here would be some examples.
R: 4 / I: 1 /
P: 11
What's the problem with this language?
I've seen that people are shitting on it and I want to know why
R: 31 / I: 6 /
P: 11
Password Managers
Ok it's time to get a password manager. It has to be open source, free and without any cloud crap because I trust nobody. Which PM do you anons use?
Which KeepAss is better? There's the OG, X and XC now.
Is there any way to extend my PM to android manually without any company getting their hands on my database?
Let's discuss.
R: 4 / I: 6 /
P: 11
Write NFC tags with this?
I don0t know anything about Audrino, but someone gave me this and said it could be used to write data into NFC stickers in order to use them as Amiibos.
Do I need something else? If at all possible, could someone please guide me, step by step, so I can use this?
R: 18 / I: 6 /
P: 11
Lithium Ion Batteries
I fucking have lithium ion batteries so fucking much. Every god damn device on the fucking planet now has some stupid fucking soldered in lithium ion battery instead of just letting me slot in my own batteries. So now whenever I buy something as stupid as fucking small electric screwdriver I have to account for the fact that when I leave it on the shelf for a couple years and pick the thing up the cheap chink shit battery inside it will have killed itself and made the thing fucking useless.
I can't even count the number of times I've picked up an electronic device with one of these useless fucking things inside them only to discover it died and is now a fucking paperweight unless I go onto ebay and comb through a bunch of shitty batteries to find the bizarre form factor they used in that specific device only to have to fucking rip the entire thing down and solder in an entirely new battery to use a basic fucking electronic.
Why the fuck can't retards just let me use replaceable standardize batteries in devices. I DON'T WANT TO RECHARGE MY SHIT WITH A USB CABLE JUST LET ME PUT BATTERIES INTO THE FUCKING DEVICES.
R: 34 / I: 11 /
P: 11
Buyers remorse
Holy shit this is slow. I never tried a "green" hard drive before and this is the last time I ever waste my time on these pieces of shit.
Ever bought something only to regret it the very moment you started using it? If so what was it?
R: 5 / I: 1 /
P: 11
Almost every normalfaggot internet service requiring working, hard to change, much more personally identifiable than plain IP address, phone number to register. And to periodically provide as "random checks" to keep working and not lock you out of your data without prior warning is normal and widely accepted business practice in Muttland as of 2020's.
Requiring ID card or SSN to register for such services would be literal commiefascism and would never fly in Muttland, normalfags in revolt.
How did it get this absurdly cucked in Land of the Free.
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Free VPSes from IRC
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pci_disable_device unknown parameter error
GRUB boot commands works when I type pci=disable_acs_redir=pci:12D8:2308 in linux pci module.
When I type pci=pci_disable_device=pci:12D8:2308 to disable the hardware, it gives unknown parameter error.
what is the reason of this ?
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P: 11
Advanced Untraceable Hidden Camera System
If you were to build a hidden camera system, how would you go about it?
I want to build such a system but don't have the skills to put it all together. I do have a few specs in mind and would enjoy your input on how to make it a reality.
In terms of applications of such a device... Think the worst case scenario's with the highest level of deniability and near impossible traceability. Even if the device were discovered, stored files would be inaccessible, upstream intermediaries and hosts would be impossible to access.
This device can be used as a trail cam, nanny cam, or secondary security cam. This can also be used for spying, like a corporate espionage cam, bathroom/dorm room cam, hotel/airbnb cam, etc. The use, whether for good or evil, is left to the user. The main point is that if properly constructed and properly installed, it would be extremely difficult to detect and likewise to determine who installed it and where it uploaded to.
* Camera separate from main system to allow for flexibility in mounting
* Camera should be 'pinhole' type to avoid detection (0.5 mm or smaller)
* Camera should provide crisp image (highest quality possible given size limitations)
* Control unit OS should be open source
* Control unit file system must be sufficient to temporarily store recorded media until transferred and verified
* Control unit file system should be encrypted
* Image and video files should be individually encrypted on device
* Media is stored only until transferred and transfer verified
* Media is transferred off to secured site, preferably a file drop site over Tor or I2P (the latter preferred, due to file volumes)
* Device has internal power with medium to high capacity battery backup
* Device has external power input, preferably 5v/2a max requirement (common USB-based mobile device chargers)
* Recording is triggered by motion to save on space; continuous recording is not required
* Recording loop of previous X seconds and/or a photo per second of 'untriggered' media that is overwritten.
* Recording should include ability for audio input; audio input can trigger recording
* Device can use WiFi or 4g/5g WAN-based networks for connectivity
* Device (optional) can use non-standard WiFi or NFC-type device to connect to a secondary device for network connectivity.
* Overall, function of the device should be customizable. For instance, turning encryption on or off, modifying trigger levels for video or audio events, etc.
* Device has a limited self-destruct. Something like a motion sensor that would route stored power from the battery or from a capacitor through key parts of the device.
* Device tamper trigger, when activated, would result in a short message or file upload indicating same before self-destruct completed. Most recent media, if possible, would be uploaded to show what triggered self-destruct.
* Remote access of device is possible, but would require several layers of strong security to prevent unauthorized access.
* If enough units deployed and monitored, ability to have remote monitoring station (such as a hidden host on TOR to keep basic health records on devices)
* Other options as may come up in this discussion ...
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Use electron beam physics to make your own 3D Metal Printer. Support this open source project
Hello! My name is Agustin Cruz. I'm making a 3D Metal Printer for making parts with titanium and other metals. Is a low cost, Open source project, so everyone can make their own 3D Metal Printer.
This project have an extreme affinity in philosophy with Monero and would not be possible without your help. Making 3D printers affordable can help decentralize production of various mass produced items.
The goal is to make 3D Metal Printing more affordable to the general public, hospitals, small institutions, organizations and companies around the world. Specifically for developing and low income countries. This project fills a gap that no open hardware successfully fills. 3D Metal Printing is an impactful tool. Making it more accessible will democratize science, engineering and empower people. This low-cost hardware will be able to accelerate innovations in and lower barriers to scientific research.
This printer uses an electron beam to selectively melt each layer of metal powder, causing the powder particles to fuse together. After one layer is complete, the build platform is moved down one layer in height. The re-coater comes in again with a fresh layer of powder, and the electron beam starts to induce the fusion of powder particles, causing the new layer to form. This process is repeated until the entire part is finished, making a solid metal part.
This is what I do fulltime. Doing all this takes a lot of time and effort. Now the project is opening to the community inside a crowdfunding model. The design, tests, updates, will be shared so I can receive some support and continue working 100% in this project
I made a Patreon, if you want to support my work:
I also created a Bitcoin and Monero address. They are also in the Patreon site.
Bitcoin Address: bc1qh2zlse6nm8rtqkcvxx32jxea0jc2akp4pvw93y
Monero Address: 44amLuHZzV49nkLj6Ahh5UXA7NTrYTUB5d6bKokbypd6FvNQw5x91UZ8PCEm3Tc44u1FfnPzuChfFF4hG97DQVpfBekmJHp
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P: 11
hent-AI oopsie
Crosspost from GG
>Detecting hentai censors with deep learning and computer vision, decensoring tool.
Now this is where it gets really interesting, we head to the Contributors page and we see
>Waleed Abdulla (waleedka )
>Engineering Manager of Computer Vision and Machine Learning at Apple.
>Phil Ferriere (philferriere )
>Former Cruise Senior Software/Research Engineer and Microsoft Tech/Development Lead passionate about Deep Learning with a focus on Computer Vision.
https://archive.is/xYsft (Contributors)
https://archive.is/8tBDK (Ferriere's commits)
https://archive.is/Ybtkr (Waleed's commits)
Would really suck if the public image of Apple or Microsoft was damaged by this embarrassing revelation.
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P: 12
The "hardware antivirus"
Antivirus and cyber security systems used for computers are software-based.
Today, cyber espionage can be done not only with codes and programs, but also on hardware.
It is possible to spy directly on the hardware, bypassing the operating system and antivirus by loading harmful codes into the firmware on the chips of the hardware.
While it is possible to clean the malicious rootkits infecting the UEFI / BIOS firmware and Harddisk firmware of the computer by reinstalling the original firmware of the hardware manufacturer, the firmware of the chips in the other hardware of the computer (keyboard, mouse, mouse, usb controller, camera, microphone, video card, PCI slots and other hardware) It is not possible for ordinary people to detect and clean rootkits infected with the rootkit.
For this reason, a special operating system or special system software is required to detect rootkits that infect the firmware of chips in other hardware.
This system and operating system can detect by examining the signals given by other hardware to the system and by examining the operation of the firmware on the hardware chip, if possible, by examining its digital signature.
You can claim that the Sniffer and Monitor programs on the market can do this function. But these programs can examine as much as the operating system they are running gives them.
Therefore, a different system or operating system is required in this regard. Apart from this, "hardware antivirus" can be developed as an alternative to software antivirus and software cyber security systems.
Security software is usually installed on the operating system, the operating system kernel and, if necessary, the motherboard bios/uefi section. Alternatively, a "hardware antivirus" with a different motherboard and processor can be placed inside the existing computer case, regardless of the computer used.
The difference of this "hardware antivirus" from IDS, IPS and External Firewalls is that it can directly connect to the computer's memory, hard disk and network paths with a physical cable or implant, and physically control the computer system, ensuring the security of the computer regardless of the current operating system and motherboard.
This "hardware antivirus" can physically monitor the computer's input and output ports, stopping hard-to-detect BadUSB and NSA ANT tool attacks.
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P: 12
Prophet Terry A. Davis
>After a delicious breakfast, you go to your cozy room and you sit down on your bed to boot up your favorite linux distro on your Thinkpad laptop.
>Feeling kinda tired, you close your eyes for one second. However, when you open them again you suddenly find yourself in the middle of a busy street in rush hour. The people walking right past you seem too busy to care. They all strangely feel like NPCs from videogames. All but one. A strange grey-haired man with sunglasses walks straight towards you and offers you a bible.
>"come with me if you want to code with God"
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lnw_emcvrPs ...
>"The Unix is an operating system, Anon. That system is our enemy. When you’re inside, you look around. What do you see? MIT niggers, Shit Programmers, Linux Fans, Atheists. The very minds of the people we are trying to Enlighten. But until we do, these niggers are still a part of that system, and that makes them our enemy. You have to understand, most of these people are not ready to hear God. And many of them are so inured, so hopelessly dependent on the system that they will fight to protect it. Were you listening to me, Anon, or were you looking at the blackest retard gorilla nigger?
(You) : I was…
>"Look again. Freeze it."
(You) : This…this isn’t the Unix?
>"No. It’s another operating system I built. I was choosen by God to make this system his temple and I was given divine intellect. It is called TempleOS. Its training program is designed to teach you one thing. If you are not one of us, you are one of them.
(You) : What are they?"
>"CIA niggers. They don’t believe in God and can glow in the dark. Anyone that does is potentially an agent. They are everyone and they are no one. I have survived by running them over, you can see them when you’re driving. They are programming shit code everywhere, which means that sooner or later, someone is going to have to fight them."
(You) : Someone ?
>"I won’t lie in front of God, Anon. Every single man or woman who has ever programmed, Everyone who has wrote a line of code, they are all shit. But where they have failed, you will succeed."
(You) : Why?
>"I’ve seen MIT niggers that don’t understand what a single address map is. Their mind is crunched into a narrow blinder by the CIA and they can only imagine the Unix address map. Because of that, they will never be as smart or as divine as you can be."
(You) : What are you trying to tell me, that I can build an entire OS and compiler?
>"No Anon. I’m trying to tell you, that you too can be the smartest programmer who ever lived."
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Does anyone know i can make money on the internet using programming? I don’t care if its dishonest
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P: 12
Re; Hack Job Proven Valuable;
I thought I replied (Gennady) but I'm so damn busy I'm pretty much posting on the fly…
I resorted to leaving my Partner after years of trying to make our relationship work. I didn’t tell him I was leaving till the day I served the divorce papers because I was afraid of what he might do to me. So he didn’t have time to discredit me before I left, but he sure did after. Told everyone who would listen what an awful person I was for leaving him after all he had done for me. It’s so hard to get through it when you’re already vulnerable and have no self confidence because of their abuse likewise extra marital affairs. I’ve received several phone calls from his family since saying that my ex has cut them all out. Not spoken to any of his family at all. This is because they knew both he and I. They called him out for his behaviors and he didn’t like that. At least I feel validated that others saw the real him too, coupled with evidences from his affair with colleagues at work. Like Achraf Aziz, I had earlier in February got in touch with cybilltritech to gain remote access to his device, His solutions made me think and help me to get my head on straight!
Ref; cybilltritech AT protonmail DOT com
Yes...yes really a polymath and requires you give him more encouragement.
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P: 12
Antivirus and security software should use a second video card modulated for them.
Antivirus and security software should use a second video card modulated for them.
If security software uses a second video card that is modular for them, it does not overwhelm the existing system.
This makes the computer run faster.
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R: 17 / I: 3 /
P: 12
>A desktop system for creators that focuses on simplicity, elegance, and usability.
>Following the published Human Interface Guidelines, and First Principles of Interaction Design liberally re-interpreted for today.
>For mere mortals. Welcoming to switchers from macOS. Not just a theme. Not a clone of anything, but something with which the long-time Mac user should feel instantly comfortable. The latest technologies, without the complexities of Linux distributions. Without lockdown. Without Big Brother. The user in full control.
>Based on FreeBSD.
Wouldn't it be hilarious if we got the year of the BSD desktop before Linux?
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P: 12
Selling Password Database
I have a huge company password database on a KeePass file to sell, with hundred of access to databases, firewall, switches and so on from companies located in Brazil.
Sample pic posted
To clarify, I am not looking to hire hackers, I am selling the password database to whoever is interested.
If you are interested or can refer to anyone, please contact on: nighwingthunder@protonmail.com
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P: 12
Monitor Problems
The Monitor of my PC does not turn on, the PC does turn on but it cannot read the Monitor, I already checked the RAM memories, cleaned the CPU (processor), changed the HDMI cable for another, I also used another Monitor and still the PC does not read What would be the problem? Can you help me please
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P: 12
How do I clean the ePubs and PDFs I've downloaded on Deep Web?
I've just discovered the imperial library and have been downloading some books, but Tor itself says I should only open those files when offline. Is there anyway to "clean" the files, so I don't end up giving my data away?
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P: 12
Why did Zeronet never take off?
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P: 12
Take precautions against secret usb implants
I am using Linux operating system.
My computer is not connected to the internet , I formatted it and changed the bios firmware and hard disk firmware. However, the program opens by itself, the mouse cursor moves by itself, and sometimes the system's default audio service is turned off.
When I examine it with the Wireshark program, an interrupt signal comes from the usb ports, even though there is no device plugged into the usb ports. The interrupt signal comes from linux's default idle hardware.
I have a hidden implant in my computer that looks like the NSA ANT COTTONMOUTH tool.
Wireshark logs
This hidden usb implant can easily bypass all antivirus and security software by introducing itself as a hidden system process by overflowing the kernel, regardless of linux or windows operating system, during computer startup.
On computers that cannot exceed the kernel security, it introduces itself as a different hardware and takes over the control of the system via memory buffer overflow by overloading the interrupt. No antivirus and security software can detect this situation.
This hidden usb implant is not simple usb keyboard like ruber ducky and usb ninja. For this reason, do not recommend simple and useless scripts such as "usb guard". This implant is an advanced usb spying implant similar to NSA COTTONMOUTH.
My request from the linux community is to develop a security module for the linux operating system against hidden usb implants.
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P: 12
I am definitely very excited for windows 10, why am I still recommended to use debian and windows 10 is the only one that has game support, I like to play games and the problem with linux is that it just doesn't run or else it runs more with a lot of workarounds but what the hell. Absolutely thinking I could be a hacker but I can't, I hope you guys can help me with this with magic, I really believe in the damn multiverse and I even talked to my other self in high school. Maybe I am Schizo
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P: 12
Master Thesis
I need ideas for my Master Thesis in Computer Engineering anons
I'm open to pretty much everything, as my degree doesn't have a specialization per say
However, AI, Data Science, Networking and Cybersecurity don't captivate me that much
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P: 12
How do I get/use malware?
How do you get malware for personal use. Such as a trojen virus to install on a pc.
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P: 12
Anonymous SSH chat
Anyone interested to have old school hacker chat anonymously? And I really mean it, truly anonymously. Anonymous deep webs chat using SSH, that's right, no web / js soykaf.
ysdr3c3j7odl3p2zu5vdyaphf5x65l4hc3i2hmuy4vx4svibnxonvsqd on the onion network and port is 1337 protocol SSH as mentioned earlier.
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P: 13
Spurious native interrupt
When my computer is not connected to the internet, even though I formatted, changed the bios software and changed the hard disk firmware, the program opens by itself and the mouse cursor moves by itself. When I examine with the Wireshark program, an interrupt signal comes from the usb ports even though the device is not plugged into the usb ports. In this case, I am complaining. Logs are attached.
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P: 13
Oy vey, throw out your accessories, it's the future!
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P: 13
Hello, here's a one time advertisement for a new search engine.
Do not expect me to advertise this a second time, write down the website address if you want to find it again.
The search engine is free to use but additionally you may purchase complete search results in .txt documents.
There is additional features planned for this search engine.
You may use this search engine currently to explore a very weird internet.
R: 101 / I: 50 /
P: 13
Let's Learn C Together, Imageboard Style
So I'm recently getting back into writing code again after a multi-year break. I used to be pretty proficient at BASIC and Visual Basic, BASH scripting, and I dabbled in Perl and PHP. Recently I've decided I want to learn C and git gud at it, but going through lessons and tutorials alone is boring when you have no feedback. There's already a dedicated programming thread, but I think there's enough here to warrant a standalone thread where we go through things together.
We'll be using two resources.
>C: How to Program - an in-depth textbook
>The C Programming Language - long considered the beginner's bible for C
>Why bother with C when C++ is a thing?
C++ is basically object-oriented C, or C with classes. While C++ is a very useful language C is often more immediately applicable to simple, no-bullshit programs that do useful things. C is simpler, with less weeds to get lost in and is thus quicker to learn. And if you are good at C, then it's just a short hop to learning C++. We learn C to walk before we run. Since I'm a newbie too I'll post useful things I learn and code examples I write ITT for anons to play with, and explain the things I learn both for your benefit and to help me remember them better.
If you want to join me, start off by reading The C Programming Language cover-to-cover. If something seems confusing, cross reference it in C: How to Program for a different perspective. Here we go.
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/tech/ shows and podcasts?
Any kino /t/ recommendations?
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P: 13
Using Secure Passwords - Tips and Tricks
You know the old sayings when it comes to password security.
>Never use the same password twice
>Choose hard passwords that use numbers, symbols, caps and lowercase
>Never write down or store passwords in a way that could be compromised
>Change passwords semi-regularly
>Never reuse an old password
These are great ideas from a technical standpoint, but they completely and totally ignore the human factor. A hard password is difficult to remember, let alone when you have ten of them for ten different sites. Without writing them down somewhere you're likely to forget them, and even more likely to forget the ones you change frequently. This sucks, so I'm going to share a couple tips and tricks I use for making and remembering secure passwords. These two tricks are Passphrases and Catches.
A passphrase is like a password but it much easier to structure and remember. It can be any line or quote that is memorable to you for some reason, which you then modify in a rememberable way to make more secure. Let me show you some examples.
Starting with a simple phrase like "the quick brown fox" from the famous example of "using every letter in the alphabet", you could easily make this into a very memorable, hard to break passphrase. The addition of one symbol in a particular spot, and capitalizing each word in the phrase other than the first, is a simple adjustment. As a rule, don't always capitalize the first letter of your password, and don't always put your symbols or punctuation at the end, because cracking programs often anticipate this.
is a seventeen character, secure password. For comparison, try remembering iQd#rgYtbaLsdevPG. The strength is comparable.
A "catch" is a personal sequence of characters, generally 4 or 5 long that includes a symbol and that isn't related to any of your metrics (don't use your fucking birthdate or anything like that), that can be spliced into the middle of an ordinary word to make it a strong password. Your catch should be something memorable to you, and you write it within brackets or ellipses. If we take an example from /pol/, a person's catch might be (#1488). This could be injected into any other nominal password by inserting it between two of the letters. Take the classic example of a shitty password, the password "Password."
And then on a different site you might use the same catch, but with a different outer word.
Once you pick your catch and memorize it, you never really need to change it. Just by altering the outer word and the position of the catch within it, you can generate a very strong password while still being able to easily remember it. Even if your password is exposed on one site, your other passwords using the catch will be different enough to maintain some security, and that's assuming whoever got your first password is smart enough to target you specifically and attempt using your catch as a bruteforce input by itself.
R: 162 / I: 37 /
P: 13
Browser and Internet Privacy Thread
A place to shill for your favorite browsers & addons. Learn how to protect yourself from the botnet.
What are your favorite addons and browsing tricks to protect your privacy? Share them here so we can all be a little safer.
Chrome is somehow still in the lead due to sheer momentum, despite even the dumbest lusers cracking jokes about memory usage. Google has continued to abuse their position as the largest website and browser to force non-standards compliant changes to the way rendering works, generally to their benefit. Should be avoided at all costs. They track everything you do in some way.
Even "de-Google'd" it still phones home and tracks your every move. Plus it gives them market share to bully smaller browsers and websites into complying with their standards. Avoid.
Mozilla is pretty cucked and it's running on Rust these days, but it's a decent compromise between the modernity of Chrome and the standards compliance of something like Pale Moon. It's the closest you can get to a proper browser that's also updated regularly. Addons are worse now that they use Google's "web extensions" API, which is a downgrade from the Mozilla API and no more secure. But the whole "Quantum" thing has it flying, and they are better about standards compliance than Chrome is, and usually only break away because Chrome gives them no choice.
Pale Moon
The Gentooman's preferred choice, although some sites just don't play nice with it anymore. The last real holdout of old Gecko rendering. Has a diverse ecosystem, but it's basically the remnants of Firefox from yesteryear repackaged. Not bad if you can stand many sites not playing nice.
A cryptocurrency scam in browser form that's running modified Chrome underneath. Avoid.
Text-mode browsing. Quality way to browse a surprising number of websites. Highly recommended. Unfortunately doesn't work well with LynxChan, which is ironic.
Block Ads
uBlock Origin is pretty much uncontested. Be sure to avoid AdBlock Plus and uBlock, which are both sellouts.
LibreJS or uMatrix make it easy to manage and secure what scripts run in your browser and where page contests are loaded from.
Canvas Defender'
I use this to ward-off HTML5 canvas fingerprinting. It will return a randomize response to fingerprinting requests when it detects one.
Minimizes or blocks content loaded from CDNs, helping reduce the number of requests you need to make and preventing CDNs from violating your privacy. Even supports Pale Moon, so you know the developer has a good head on their shoulders.
A bit sketchy based on the website, but effectively works to block arbitrary cross-site scripts which ping Google, Facebook, etc. Helps prevent being tracked by these behemoths when sites use their embeds.
Container Tabs
A real killer feature that Firefox should have upstreamed instead of garbage like Pocket. Allows you to open tabs with a container for cookies. Instead of having to open private browsing to prevent Google from spying on your other cookies, you just put them into a containment tab. Problem solved.
>But there are other ways to identify you!
Correct, but these are increasingly becoming the most common. But the user agent string is a common giveaway, as is screen size, operating system, and available fonts. But there are mitigation techniques which can be applied, and having the above will still make it more difficult to track you. Keep in mind, the more people running these countermeasures, the more everyone begins to look the same. So shill them to your friends and family. It protects all of us.
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P: 13
Intel is not an American company.
Intel is not an American company.
Intel is an Israeli espionage company.
Intel processors communicate with Israel using radio signals via amplitude modulation. With this method, he spies on Israel.
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P: 13
Lets discuss Retroshare. Why aren't you using it? It has:
>File Sharing
>And More
It is an encrypted peer to peer network which can be set up to use Tor and/or I2P to hide your IP from glowniggers. Given that this is a tech board, I'm sure you'll figure out how to set it up.
To get started you'll need frens, add me and post your certificate so other frens can add you too.
R: 5 / I: 2 /
P: 13
How do i make mods for games?
Hello everyone i was wondering on how i could get started in modding video games and if there any guides out there thank you :)
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P: 13
How to communicate with the devil using ions ?
How to communicate with the devil using ions ?
You will provide three "lead container".
You will obtain sodium chloride, potassium and calcium powders.
Put the sodium chloride powder in a container, calcium powder in a container and potassium powder in a separate container.
Connect the "bulb that gives ultraviolet light" to lead containers.
Connect the "ultraviolet light bulb" to a sound amplifier with a microphone.
Give Arabic, Persian and ancient-Hebrew commands using the microphone. Satan does not know other languages.
R: 70 / I: 14 /
P: 13
/p2p/ General
Welcome to /p2p/, the dedicated peer-to-peer thread for /tech/ and the bunker for /t/orrentfags.
What is P2P?
Peer-to-Peer technologies allow decentralized networks to share data.
They can be used to bypass oppressive government regulations on speech or to download the latest seasonal anime.
What are my options?
First and foremost is BitTorrent, a common protocol where files are split into chunks which are then shared via swarm, which works to get everyone a copy.
There are many BitTorrent clients out there, and everyone has a personal preference. Some are owned my corporations and full of spyware.
It's recommended you use something open source, like Deluge or qBitTorrent.
Won't my internet get shut down?
If your ISP is cucked then they might, but thankfully there is a solution.
Use a VPN!
Don't trust any VPNs that advertise all over the place.
What is IPFS?
IPFS: The Interplanetary File System us a protocol designed to help decentralize the web as a whole. It works like a distributed filesystem where you can pin files you like and others can access them.
What is I2P?
I2P is similar to IPFS in that it is a distributed network which holds files and other information for access outside of regular channels.
Entire websites can be mirrored and accessed via I2P.
This thread is for discussion, questions, and recommendations regarding peer-to-peer technologies and filesharing. You may also offer, request, or trade invites to trackers.
Also consider this the /tech/ Share Thread.
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P: 13
How do you make a person hear sounds that don't exist ?
How do you make a person hear sounds that don't exist ?
Get a high-wattage sound system.
Get a microwave oven.
Remove the magnetron in the microwave oven.
Remove the "magnetic coil" from the high-wattage sound system and replace it with the magnetron used in microwave ovens.
You can give the inspiration you want in the high-wattage sound system.
Russia and China are at this level right now.
The US and Israel are at a much higher level.
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P: 13
why fed's doesn't take down the tor and how people get caught on tor
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P: 13
How would one theoretically cash out money out of stolen Russian credit cards without possessing names/addresses or phones associated with them?
What if said person was theoretically willing to share a lot of said cards with helpful Anons?
R: 5 / I: 0 /
P: 13
Cock.li stopped allowing new emails to register
Cock.li stopped allowing new emails to register and is only allowing new emails on an invite basis. Vincent claims do to this in reaction to governments using cock.li for foreign intelligence. Is this a canary?
R: 1 / I: 0 /
P: 14
Phone Numbers without providers.
How do provider-less phone numbers work?
R: 1 / I: 0 /
P: 14
darknet link
hey everyone,
i want to know if someone get some cool forum to chat with another member ? :)
because hiden wiki links are shit
R: 1 / I: 0 /
P: 14
PS3 webserver?
So, I want to use my PS3 Slim as a web server, maybe also install an SSH daemon on it. Is it even possible? If so, how can I do that? (It's already modded with PS3 Hen)
Inb4: why don't you just use a SBC?
I also have a PS3 collecting dust, and I want to make it do something useful while connecting dust.
R: 0 / I: 0 /
P: 14
webcam leak
does anybody knows wher could i find some ip webcam leaks.... i already searched around insecam but it is not what i am looking for.
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P: 14
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P: 14
Apple M1 arm-linux-gnueabi
Has anyone used?
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P: 14
Where can I download or learn how to create android malware?
I'm mainly looking for something that uses steganography or otherwise gets installed silently.
I'd rather learn how to create it or find opensource code as I'm sure a lot of sites are just stings. It's just hard to find redteam stuff on the web these days.
R: 1 / I: 0 /
P: 14
SpeakUp: Silent Speech Interface; Low Cost; Arduino; Machine Learning
Project Summary by Varun Chandrashekhar: "I have designed and developed a speech interfaced for the paralyzed, which they can use to communicate without speaking. This device detects speech-related electrical signals from the throat and converts them into letters or words that we recognize using machine learning models."
SpeakUp - ML Based Speech Aid to Enable Silent Communication
My comment about the project: easily replicable by anyone with computer science knowledge, different from what is being done with the silicon trojans in the 3G/4G/5G equipment only on it needing physical probes. Anyone doing research on this area be cautious of sabotage when using US designed CPUs (AMD/INTEL/QUALCOMM/APPLE/ARM), as the microcode, SMM and firmware of your system may be manipulated to mess up your computations. Ask your own Nation to stop trusting Silicon Valley and make your own silicon supply chain and tech services. Meanwhile, mitigate this situation by moving to an area away from any cell radio transmitter (check coverage on OpenCellID.org) and shielding yourself and your devices from electromagnetic eavesdropping and interference.
R: 3 / I: 0 /
P: 14
i need money
im poor af and i would want to make money in the internet, give advice and it will be highly appreciated
R: 5 / I: 1 /
P: 14
Is there a retards guide to doing deepfakes and AI generated content? It seems like every mainstream site in existence has purged most information about it so it's hard to figure anything out about it.
R: 2 / I: 0 /
P: 14
ForTran95 ?pls!?
sources : books, blogs &c.&c.
for learning
R: 3 / I: 2 /
P: 14
youtube vanced being shut down
yet another project lost because people were too stupid to hide their real identities
R: 0 / I: 0 /
P: 14
SCF foundation
R: 12 / I: 2 /
P: 14
why tf are there two tech boards
also nice original /tech/ revive.
Have a thonk
R: 1 / I: 0 /
P: 14
Does anyone know how to hack bank accounts, just like pablo borges from Brazil?
R: 5 / I: 2 /
P: 14
R: 3 / I: 1 /
P: 15
bob the developer, once said...
> bob: tom, merry christmas! i hope the ww3 isn't hurting you so much... are you okay though? you've been a good boy, here you have a free dream gift ticket.
> tom: oh yew!!! i would love to have all nvidia driver source code, all cuda sources (compiler, interpreter, devtooks, etc), optix, and more shit that wouldn't fit in my dream...
> god: hi tom, granted! here you are cutie: https://anonfiles.com/13h0S3Kbx6/NVIDIA_LEAKS_PARTONE_TORRENT
> tom: * mindblowing sounds *
R: 4 / I: 0 /
P: 15
Qubes OS
R: 19 / I: 0 /
P: 15
anyone know how to validate the signature of a fake covid pass?
does anyone know how to validate the signature of a fake covid pass? i am trying to see if i can do it on the swiss covid cert app
R: 14 / I: 5 /
P: 15
Volatile Blockchain as platform for textboards
I'm sure this has been proposed already by other anons, but I'd like to discuss and understand if it is a viable idea and what would be the weak points of a blockchain with the following characteristics:
>Composed by blocks, each block would have a date, the previous block hash, the current hash, a list of posts.
>Each post is composed by an id, an hash, a date, a public key for user identification (optional), a title and a message.
>Both title and message fields are limited by a certain number of characters.
>After a certain block amount (or time), the tail end of the blockchain is discarded
>Posts may only be appended to the blockchain by using a small quantity of crypto currency (lets call it PST).
>PST is unlimited and should be easy to acquire, possibly by just donating your processing power to miner pools for small amounts of time.
>Another currency should be awarded to miners that spend more time and resources (lets call it GLD). This currency must be finite so it can increase in value and give miners a reason to spend processing power.
I don't know what type of proofing system should be used to manage block validation, but it should be fast.
The main problems that imageboards have are:
>pedophilia might be used as a weapon to deplatform the website
>abusive moderation
By using a text-only approach we can at least make the first problem slightly harder to be exploited. Links to illegal content would still exist and tech-savvy individuals would try to send base-64 encoded CP as text (but this might be mitigated by having a small message limit).
Moderation would be non-existent, but this will increase the amount of spam. Third-party sites could offer moderation services where they hide posts in exchange of a fee.
By making the blockchain volatile, it will be easier for normal users to start mining since the blockchain size won't become gigantic.
Boards and threads can be simulated by simply adding tags to the title or message field. Ex.: /b/12345
These features can also be adapted by third party clients that can parse messages and titles, only showing posts that follow their conventions.
R: 14 / I: 2 /
P: 15
hey does anyone have a way to access vimadventures for free
im tryna learn vim but do not want to pay a large amount
R: 7 / I: 1 /
P: 15
Is there a single non-retarded alternative to Discord out there?
Pic related is from Revolt's Acceptable Usage Policy.
>Sharing any type of imagery that depicts real-life violence
Can't share news reports
>Sharing content that is designed to harass or degrade another person
Self explanatory
>Sharing any content or imagery illegal within the European Union, we don't want you or us to get into any legal trouble, stay in line by not engaging in illegal activity content such as, but not limited to, sharing pornography depicting minors, sharing revenge pornography, selling or facilitating the usage of drugs, extortion or blackmail.
R: 5 / I: 1 /
P: 15
Matrix technology room
Hello everyone, stop using Discord and step over to the superior alternative already! Stallman disapproves of Discord and nobody should use this proprietary botnet for anything related to technology or programming.
Since the old /g/ room on Matrix with 400 members died I made a new one. It's not on matrix.org for security and privacy reasons.
R: 1 / I: 0 /
P: 15
Canadians cucked out
What pieces of fucking shit.
White people, if you can call "fellow" whites "people, get the hell that they deserve.
They complied and refused to shed the blood of their enemies.
They wonder why the God (of the Armies) doesn't help them after.
R: 2 / I: 1 /
P: 15
Remotely view/access/listen through computers (Keyloggers)
Interestingly (my only hero)….you interested in the cold war spying? I had him checked out and i get it! He is a total package, the pandemic few years back helped me with closure in my affair, as we had to adopt new living methods…argh never mind, a mystery parcel I found on deep uni vi sion now down…I’d recommend with such awesome Hack Oracle Application Server, that can recover password to email accounts, Facebook Hack, Phone Hacks, want to monitor your partner. You need to give this dude more encouragement !! services are not just confined to Website Takeover, Social Media Hacks, Database Hacks, Email Hacks, Phone and Gadget Hacks, change of certain grades, Location Tracking (Stealth Spying) or any other accounts that requires activation VERIFICATION code but other complex tailored services not listed in this message with respect for such low prices.
Send a request to cybilltritech A T p r o t o n m a i l D O T c o m
Acknowledge that Pollarkmoms credited his services.
R: 9 / I: 0 /
P: 15
> uni installs ai cameras to spy on students
> hides it for a year
> today the news broke
> "it's so we can monitor how many people are in each room for covid & safety & some other bs. it's anonymous. trust us."
what do i do
R: 5 / I: 1 /
P: 15
Spying on instagram accounts
I have that one instagram account, that I really need to access or spy to, I thought of Phishing but this way is not possible, so any other possible way to do.
I am not much of a guy knowing a lot of things in technology and hacking, but I know some few things... So help me!
R: 0 / I: 0 /
P: 15
I reposted the hacking resources on Spartan's Dark Rift
R: 15 / I: 3 /
P: 15
(QuakeC, C, ChaosEsque:Anthology, Darkplaces, Rei)
(see topic)
R: 22 / I: 14 /
P: 15
Why is time so fast now?
I count 1...10 mississippi in my head and then look at the stopwatch. 16 official seconds.
Didn't used to be like this.
A day goes by in seemingly a few hours.
And hour seems like what 20 min used to be.
R: 1 / I: 0 /
P: 15
Xilinx is trying to silence you
Do not use Xilinx.
R: 0 / I: 0 /
P: 15
tokens discord
i search a tokens discord generator to buy or tokens to buy directly (like 100k to 1m)
Contact me to crome9927@gmail.com
R: 3 / I: 1 /
P: 16
masturbation is technology
Okay, so this is going to be short and weird.
I live on the 5 floor, and as spring came I keep having a little ant problem. They just keep showing up. I keep finiding 1 or 2 all around my place searching for food and cannot get rid of them.
Yesterday I came back home after a long and tiring day and decided to masturbate. I was lazy and out of paper tissues so I decided to use a towel that was sitting in my dirty laundry basket. I thought to myself Im going to wash it tomorrow so who cares, go for it.
I did my thing and threw the cum towel on the bathroom floor. Got showered and went to sleep.
I woke up today, and went to the bathroom to do my morning routine just to find the towel infested with ants. I shit you not there were 500 of them collecting my sperm. It was just disgusting.
So yeah, today I had to sterilize my bathroom and also learned that ants will eat your semen because it has sugar and they don't care about anything else.
TL;DR A swarm of ants infested my cum soaked towel after some bad decisions while being horny, making me disgusted by ants and, to be honest, by myself.
R: 4 / I: 1 /
P: 16
Arch User Repository
Is it just me or does the fact the AUR is shilled so hard kind of retarded? It seems like an insanely insecure method of distributing software. Any random fuck being able to upload shit. Sure some of the packages are managed by the official developers, most most are just binaries packaged by random dipshits. All it takes is one popular package to get orphaned and a malicious actor to take over and you suddenly can distribute malware to fucktons of people.
It seems like such a bizarre thing that everyone has accepted and even actively pushes as a "noob" friendly method to get any and all software they want easily on Linux. Now with the Steam Dick around the corner the platform will be a much greater target for attacks. I suspect all these previously unexploited vectors to get much more sketchy in the coming years. Linux security has been entirely dependent on the competency of the individual user and that's a recipe for disaster in the hands of the average consumer. But I also find it very irresponsible that the discussion around Linux hasn't really highlighted how fucking insecure the AUR really is, but instead highlights the convenience of it.
R: 0 / I: 0 /
P: 16
Now I finally can say to my friends that I hacked the government to enter in the deep web LOL
R: 34 / I: 13 /
P: 16
R: 3 / I: 0 /
P: 16
Session Messaging App
What are you guy's opinion on Session? Does it look secure?
R: 10 / I: 4 /
P: 16
Red pill me on Trusted Platform Modules.
R: 0 / I: 0 /
P: 16
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P: 16
R: 1 / I: 1 /
P: 16
R: 1 / I: 0 /
P: 16
Wiki and Tech
R: 6 / I: 1 /
P: 16
How Apple is looking for CP
R: 5 / I: 4 /
P: 16
Infinitely zoomable world of pixels
Is this idea possible, /t/echnerds?
You would have a publically accessible canvas like
https://ourworldofpixels.com/ or
https://pxls.space/, but you could zoom out as far as you want (given memory limitations) and zoom in as far as you want (given memory limitations).
Would this be possible with infinite precision arithmetic / bignums?
I feel like I'm just being dumb here but I want to put the idea out there and ask just in case.
R: 0 / I: 0 /
P: 16
Gud morning/after/nights guys!
Where I can learn about making a DOXX and DDOS? in the sense of only get objective's data.
R: 1 / I: 0 /
P: 16
Can someone help me compile a list of trusted onion sites?
R: 0 / I: 0 /
P: 16
Looking for chart of all imageboard software
Hello friends and family! I am looking for an image of a diagram/chart of all the imageboard software.
It was originally posted on 8chan's tech board in 2019:
Sadly archive.org has blacklisted the media files domain for 8chan and it's not on archive.today either. So if any oldfag here has the image, it would be much appreciated.
R: 4 / I: 0 /
P: 16
Should I use Grammarly? I just need to use a grammar checker whenever I become retarded especially when I am writing papers.
R: 124 / I: 55 /
P: 17
News Thread
Post and discuss the latest in technology happenings.
t. Brian Fagioli
R: 57 / I: 31 /
P: 17
Chaosesque anthology deleted from moddb
> Game Over
>The game you are trying to view has been deleted and is no longer available. This may have occurred at the developers request because it is no longer active and was not released, or it may have occurred because it violated the sites Terms of Use. If this is a mistake and you are a member of this games team and would like it re-activated, please contact us with the details.
>Continue browsing the game list, to find the profile you are after.
>Account Banned
>Your account has been banned. If you believe this is a mistake and want to be unbanned, please contact us. Try searching:
R: 4 / I: 0 /
P: 17
Satoshi's Failsafe
R: 13 / I: 5 /
P: 17
School Thread
Okay retards, what's the best school for computer science? How is the school you went to better than all the others? And what is the objectively best, top-of-the-line "even if I didn't personally make it in" school in your opinion?
Or is your knowledge of computers entirely self-study? What was your course of study? And why did you choose that path?
And finally, is there anything you wish you would've done differently while studying computer science?
R: 1 / I: 0 /
P: 17
France Decides GPL has Nothing to do with Copyright
R: 57 / I: 22 /
P: 17
ThinkPad & Toughbook General
R: 1 / I: 0 /
P: 17
R: 16 / I: 0 /
P: 17
Richard Matthew Stallman
Richard Stallman taught us that:
1. In America "you can get arrested without a reason."
2. Russian spy "Edward Snowden is a Great Hero."
3. HAMAS terrorists are the good guys, while Israel is a fascist state.
4. "The US military" are the "violent white supremacists." "The US owes reparations to Iraq for the damage it has done."
5. "The US military is poisoning [low-income] communities across the US with toxic chemicals."
6. It is wrong that "the US government has persecuted Julian Assange for a decade for Wikileaks' journalism."
7. "Publishing of leaked secret [American] information" is journalism, and not espionage or sabotage.
8. Terrorist Iranian dictatorship, trying to make a nuclear bomb, are the good guys, and America should ally with it.
9. "US today — plutocracy, extractivism and dooH niboR."
10. "US government doesn't try to operate fair taxation."
11. American "democracy is a sham."
12. "We must defeat [American] plutocracy."
13 "War is not the way to deal with" the totalitarian regimes.
14. Pre-teen children can "appear entirely willing."
15. Writing software unpaid makes you "free as in freedom."
16. There is nothing wrong with the Red Star GNU/Linux being used in North Korea as the totalitarian surveillance tool tracking any non approved communication. GNU GPL completely approves such use, because it gives their government users "freedom."
17. "Facebook is surveillance monster."
18. American corporations are the "enemy of your freedom", despite them creating jobs, quality products and paying taxes.
19. It is totally okay to work for totalitarian regimes, speak propaganda on RussiaToday and get paid in bitcoins by Karpeles.
20. Free software != free speech, and criticizing Stallman and his cult is a taboo, and will get you banned from all related IRC channels and forums.
21. RussiaToday and similiar anti-American sites are the best and most unbiased sources of information.
22. "China is wise" for banning "Tesla cars from entering military bases."
23. "US police are the thugs," while ghetto gangsters are the good guys.
24. "Defending borders and national symbols is the sure sign of a culture in decline".
25. "US should sign the land mine ban treaty," and also ban military robots to put itself at a disadvantage, and risk American lives, where a drone can be used safely.
26. Calling yourself "doctor Stallman" and bragging about your phony honorary degree is totally okay.
27. Being an old fat sexist Jewish creep and harassing young goyim women is perfectly normal.
28. Having net worth of millions of USDs and paying your personal lawyer, Eben Moglen, $281,000 in 2007s money is not an example of corruption and donations mishandling.
29. "Everyone who buys a computer should pay x percent of the price as a software tax," which will go straight to the Free Software Foundation.
R: 5 / I: 1 /
P: 17
Doing all kind of hacking services
Doing all kind of hacking services
Contact me for deals Telegram:@hackvolt
R: 4 / I: 0 /
P: 17
Digital Organization for Dummies
Do you have a good method of organizing files and programs on your computer? Is there an efficient way to do it, or is it all just up to personal preference? I feel like I've got far too many random images saved over the years to feasibly go through and put in this folder or that, and I've also got literal thousands of bookmarks that are just getting in the way of me efficiently doing things. Would it be better just to can them all and start fresh? How would I keep things organized from that point on?
R: 0 / I: 0 /
P: 17
bypassing EU vaccination certificates
R: 0 / I: 0 /
P: 17
tl;dr - ntfs old. paragon (proprietary company) make ntfs3. since it only runs in userspace on linux, performance bad. paragon make in-kernel version. linus happy
very cool, paragon. very cool, linus (b~_^)b
R: 0 / I: 0 /
P: 17
You know if you just listened to the NSA your kubes wouldn't have been hacked, right?
R: 35 / I: 6 /
P: 17
Gentoo Thread - Portage 3.0 Edition
R: 31 / I: 5 /
P: 17
The future of imageboards: Over 9000 server proxies?
Of the new imageboards that launched recently two of them have something in common: Proxies. The new Zchan launched its server normally and proxies their site through a separate sever. This site has a "back door" to its tor hidden service that runs from a proxy on the clearnet. Much like anons using a proxy to evade a ban from a site, entire sites are now using proxies to avoid being banned from the Internet.
The effectiveness of this is apparent at a glance. The servers for the main sites have no public IP to know and a much smaller attack surface, and if a proxy gets shut down another one can be spun up faster than relocating a whole server and all of its data. 8chan goes even further by allowing its server to hide on the onion network in case of a major attack or outage. Deplatforming a proxy that doesn't host content is naturally going to be a bit harder than deplatforming a site that does.
My question is, is this going to become the status quo for "controversial" sites going into the future? Even a year ago I would have said this was extreme, but the sheer hostility against non-politically correct sites on the Internet, and the willingness of service providers to cave to an angry mob on the basis of emotion has exceeded my worst fever dreams. This is not how the Internet of my youth was supposed to be.
R: 5 / I: 0 /
P: 17
Asic miners and crypto
I just got an L3. I have a pair of S1's but this is a totally different animal. Are these good temps for this thing? (I only have 3 of the 4 boards powered right now because I only have a 750 watt power supply for right now)
Also, this thing is damn loud. Do those cheap cooling shrouds actually help with noise, and if so do they reducing cooling capacity at all?
What about swapping out the fans for something else?
R: 1 / I: 0 /
P: 18
Hi, im investigating the AppInit_DLLs value of the windows registry, but I dont know how to program a DLL that executes my code, can someone help me please?
R: 3 / I: 1 /
P: 18
R: 52 / I: 28 /
P: 18
Windows 11 leaked
> The software giant is holding a special Windows event to reveal its next OS on June 24th. The event starts at 11AM ET
R: 6 / I: 1 /
P: 18
What should I do with these computers?
I have a few computers lying around my house that I don't use anymore or inherited and I'm trying to find what to do with them. To answer the question of why I don't use them, it's because I already have a laptop, tablet, and desktop that already suit my basic needs. So, what should I do with these aside from tossing them (Which I think is a waste)? Here are the models I have:
>Kaypro 10
>Dell Latitude CPi A-Series
>HP Pavillion G7 1355dx
>HP Pavillion 500-424
R: 1 / I: 1 /
P: 18
R: 1 / I: 1 /
P: 18
>ALL the software is beta
>You had problems? It's your fault for using beta software
R: 4 / I: 1 /
P: 18
Setun thread
R: 6 / I: 1 /
P: 18
I'm getting schizo
Hey, /t/.
I've always heard about: "Google fucks your privacy", "Microsoft is a fucking botnet", "If a software doesn't give his code, probably is a spyware", etc.
I'm very worry about this, so I want your help. Maybe my ignorance it's the cause of this... Really Microsoft/Google/Social medias steal persona information?, where can I get information?, some tip/recommendation?, or all this is just a bait and I'm a fool for believe them.
R: 4 / I: 0 /
P: 18
Freenode Implodes
R: 6 / I: 2 /
P: 18
Grsecurity is violating the GPL
R: 1 / I: 0 /
P: 18
All AMD Processors Since Phenom II Have BadBIOS Circuitry That Leaks to the Military
Title gives my conclusion from empirical events I witnessed and inside info. PSP runs on the same circuit, but isn't the backdoor per se, which has been around for much longer.
Just like AMD was able to change the crypto algorithms for the Zen chip they licensed to China, they can change how the CPU behaves at any system, even those already deployed. This can be used to sabotage any program or computation, making BadBIOS (uses radio, not sound) vastly nastier than StuxNet.
American military made a grave mistake by giving access to the morons of the Brazilian military, who are letting knowledge of this spread like a fire (and misusing it for petty profit and inside jobs to justify a police state). Israel, UK and France also have access, but are much more professional.
R: 13 / I: 5 /
P: 18
ESR keeps his mouth shut.
To: esr@thyrsus.com
Nothing more to say? You just keep your mouth shut because you quake
in the knees at the thought of a BS libel suit from Grsec and just
want peace in your old age, while RMS tilts at windmills regarding
topics such as "Am I a Real Doctor" and "What /SHOULD/ The age of
consent REALLY be: my musings over the years" and never "Hmm what of
these blatant copyright violations that stab at the very heart of my
Guess you're happy in you irrelevancy: which comes because you don't
do what you used to do.
R: 3 / I: 0 /
P: 18
GPL and programmers ("fellow" programmers are pieces of fucking shit)
>>81750001 https://boards.4channel.org/g/thread/81749928/
>I only use mit, mpl, and apache licenced libraries. Gpl can fuck off I'm selling my work.
Is it your contention that you referencing a GPL'd library function makes your program a non-seperable derivative work of the GPL'd library?
Is that your contention?
Are you a fucking retard?
Oh, you're a programmer!
I bet you believe that editing someone else's code and then making a "diff" of your changes makes that a seperable non-derivative work too!
Stupid fucking piece of shit.
Here's a hint:
You can "link" GPL'd code as you wish from anywhere under US jurisprudence.
You cannot distribute diffs of changes you made to the GPL'd library/kernel/etc itself with ANY additional terms.
But you fucking programmers believe
>A work consisting of editorial revisions, annotations, elaborations, or other modifications which, as a whole, represent an original work of authorship, is a "derivative work."
>Right to Prepare Derivative WorksOnly the owner of copyright in a work has the right to pre-pare, or to authorize someone else to create, an adaptation of that work. The owner of a copyright is generally the author or someone who has obtained the exclusive rights from the author. In any case where a copyrighted work is used without the permission of the copyright owner, copyright protection will not extend to any part of the work in which such mate-rial has been used unlawfully. The unauthorized adaptation of a work may constitute copyright infringement.
Grsecurity IS violating the Linux Kernel and GCC copyrighs. You are not violating the copyright on the gpl library.
R: 4 / I: 0 /
P: 18
R: 14 / I: 6 /
P: 18
Using computer in nature, outside
I do not like to be in wood or concrete box and use computer there
how to be outside computer? like go to a sun, beach, mountains, forest and compute from there?
how do you transfer electricity to computer? how do you transfer internets to computer?
but can you focus on computing when there are birds, water, sounds, sun, naked kids?
do you like to be in prison cell like room and use computer there?
R: 47 / I: 10 /
P: 18
User-respecting websites
Are there any notable websites left that would respect the user's right even to some degree? My criteria are quite simple:
1. The website must not require javascript to work properly. It's fine to have extra functionality that requires javascript, but the main purpose of the site should be implemented without requiring javascript.
2. The website must allow Tor users and other proxy users.
3. The website must not require the user to give his name, address, phone number or any other identifying detail. In other words, the website must allow pseudo-anonymity.
I can think of very few such websites:
1. cock.li allows you to create e-mail addresses, although the webmail doesn't work, but you can use your own e-mail client instead.
2. Some smaller imageboards work.
3. Search engines like duckduckgo and sometimes Startpage work. Although Startpage has been more frustrating lately.
A lot of forums require registration, which is not new, but nowadays they require the user to pass google recaptcha v3, which does not work at all without javascript, and even with javascript it often just gives a never-ending list of traffic lights. invidio.us works without javascript, but the comment section doesn't really work, and you obviously cannot upload videos that way. Bitchute allows you to watch videos if you already have the channel URL and do some RMB+Q magic, but the main page is practically unusable without javascript, and registration requires recaptcha v3. None of the social media sites fit the criteria, obviously.
R: 2 / I: 0 /
P: 19
Alternatives to ffserver (streaming/broadcasting server in general)
ffserver lost support in 2018 and I want a streaming server solution.
mkvserver_mk2 is recommended here:
https://trac.ffmpeg.org/wiki/ffserver, but it doesn't seem like it's updated frequently (I don't want meaningless updates, but general maintenance, there's issues that have been open for years that haven't been fixed) and doesn't seem like there's a lot of eyes on the code and I don't know how secure it is.
https://github.com/ossrs/srs, but chinese who live in china maintain it. I would use this since it seems to have a lot of eyes on it and regular maintenance, but I don't know what kind of botnet PRC has implanted into the code base.
The nginx-rtmp-module looks good, but the legal situation of nginx seems precarious to build something on:
openrtsp - eh. They don't have a repository and requires manually checking for new tarballs to extract and then compile against. Interesting though.
I know you can do h264 streaming with apache, but I want more codecs that aren't over encumbered by patents depending on the way the wind blows.
I'm struggling to find good open source alternatives that don't have aforementioned issues.
pic is unreleated
R: 1 / I: 0 /
P: 19
what do you think about Prometeus/Ignite?
i got banned on 4chan for making a thread about this, the jannies must have thought i was paid shill or something. i dont want to post their website link cause i dont want to get banned. but this is exactly why in interested in this service.
"Our mission is to return control over data back to its owners and grant freedom of expression to everyone."
"To make Ignite censorship resistant, all data is stored indefinitely at BTFS/Bittorrent and can not be deleted by us."
too good to be true? seems very unknown
R: 4 / I: 2 /
P: 19
is this a tutorial compilation for W2K3 ?
Hello, I found that,
and I looking for the difference between the NTDEV compilation and that link
it seem like 2 differents method for compile W2K3.
R: 8 / I: 0 /
P: 19
Grsecurity can do as it pleases with your code.
Look, when Grsecurity decides to add additional terms between it and it's customers: that's a business decision, protected by American Business Law. Your copyright bullshit doesn't override that.
Sure, if Grsecurity was operating as a charity it might have to abide by the linux kernel license and not add additional terms when distributing it's changes to the linux kernel and the compiler.
But it's not. It's operating as a Business. It can add any additional terms it wants when distributing for pay to it's Customers. This is a Fundamental american freedom as confirmed by the Supreme Court.
Additionally Grsecurity did it's due dilligence by having an attorney from the Patent Bar look over it's business plan and the Patent Bar attorney found no copyright problems: American Business law gives an absolute right to conduct Business with whatever customers one wants to; and to cut off any customers one wants to at anytime: INCLUDING as a forewarned penalty if an act of redistribution to non-customers occurs.
It doesn't matter what linus' copyright rights are to his work, nor what his license supposidly allows. American Business Law allows Grsecurity to add whatever additional terms it wants to when working with IT'S CUSTOMERS. It has chosen to add: No redistribution, Forum is Penn. State, Law is Penn. Law, No liability if penalty for illicit redistribution is enacted.
Grsecurity has the RIGHT to protect it's PROPERTY: which are the changes it has chosen to make to the Linux Kernel and the GCC compiler. It does NOT matter what linus thinks his copyright means. It doesn't mean anything.
Which is WHY linus hasn't spoken up: He knows he has no legs to stand on: his copyright isn't worth trash. Same with RMS and the Free Software Foundation and their GCC compiler: Their copyright isn't worth trash.
All Programmers Agree: Patches are not subject to the original copyright holders copyright. Patent Bar lawyers agree as well.
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P: 19
Forgotten Technology
I've been running around a lot of the pawn shops and antique stores over the past year, and it's amazing was past computer accessories you'll find there.
<For example, found a couple of CueCats still packaged in the bag.
However, a lot of these I'm completely clueless about, so I was wondering if people could post about some of the obscure "tech" they've seen come an go over the years.
R: 7 / I: 0 /
P: 19
this is a genre for MINECRAFT programing totorials and guides
post your greatest sandstone computures !!!
now this is programing
R: 22 / I: 10 /
P: 19
Response to RMS
They're attacking you for two reasons:
1) To save money: To prevent another multi-million dollar settlement (FSF vs Cisco). With you gone it wont happen. They also don't want to have to "pay off" the FSF by contributing donations either (which would increase your ability to hire lawyers and sue violators (even when the outcome of the action is difficult to predict (thus no contingency))).
2) Cultural reasons: the rest of the "they" believe that you like young girls: In your heart. And they oppose any man liking girls. That is: they believe you have thoughts and they oppose any man having such thoughts. Men are mules that must work for, fight, and give their life for women, their country, etc. Not live for themselves. Not have happiness. Only toil and responsibility.
You noted once that your life has been incredibly sad.
Being denied the purest love would fit the bill.
They hate you for what they think you believe in your mind. What they believe that they have deduced from your previous wrightings. They hate you for your thoughts they ascribe to you. For having those thoughts. For being capable of having those thoughts.
We've been defending you in the various programmer and anime forums, including your previous statements. For years, and now aswell. The namecalling is going every which way and both sides hate eachother:
On one side there are the old hackers, the men, and the anime-lovers, the NEETs. The beloved language is C.
On the other side are the wage-workers, and the Rust programming language (C++ ... plus plus... basically: and it takes just as much memory to compile as C++ code).
The fight is as hot as molten lead: and there is real true hatread.
One underlying notion is that those on the side of C, and who are defending you, also like cute young girls: and those who love Rust and hate you want any idea of such stricken from the earth.
R: 24 / I: 5 /
P: 19
Open Source Licenses
What licenses do you anons use?
I use personally like BSD 3
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P: 19
All AMD Processors Since Phenom II Have BadBIOS Circuitry That Leaks to the Military
Title gives my conclusion from empirical events I witnessed and inside info. PSP runs on the same circuit, but isn't the backdoor per se, which has been around for much longer.
The same way AMD was able to change the crypto algorithms for the Zen chip they licensed to China, they can change how the CPU behaves at any system, even those already deployed. This can also be used to sabotage any program or computation, making BadBIOS vastly nastier than Stuxnet.
American military made a grave mistake to partner with the morons of the Brazilian military, who are letting knowledge of this spread like a fire (and misusing it for petty profit and inside jobs to justify a police state). Israel, UK and France also have access, but are much more professional.
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P: 19
Call me a retard, but why does it feel like all explanations I see in regards to "blockchains" seem to make the actual explanation of them only more and more complicated? Can someone actually explain, in layman's terms, what blockchain actually are? And, more importantly, how they operate outside of just functioning as a currency?
R: 15 / I: 3 /
P: 19
Archiving Discussion
Over the past couple of years I've been using my own technique to put together my own "locally stored google" of sorts. It's nothing complicated, I use the legacy add-on Session Exporter to export my tab history to an html file, and Ctrl+F them anytime I need to find something. I do this periodically while keeping Pale Moon set to remember tabs from the last session, and using FEBE to hold onto any profile underarchived while I start fresh to save memory.
Lately I've been trying to use this technique to keep track of all the election related shit from thedonald.win, and I am finding it difficult to keep pace with this method alone. Between the sheer volume of links and media files, and the slowness of archive.is which forces a Jewgle capthca if you try to archive too many links at once, I am left looking for a technical solution that can address my needs.
So, let's have a thread about archiving in general. Share your techniques and helpful advice.
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P: 19
E Readers
Hello anons, I've been looking for a good ereader to replace my 3rd gen kindle and it'd be good to have a thread to discuss them in general. I've considered devices that are supported by Openinkpot, although they're limited to about 3 devices. Anyone have experience with open ink pot devices?
R: 13 / I: 2 /
P: 19
SICP VN Project
Is anyone still interested?
I wish to revive this project, and contribute to it if enough people are.
I have a plan for the script ready
R: 26 / I: 7 /
P: 19
youtube-dl just got DMCAed
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P: 19
Budget storage with tapes in 2020
I've got a lot of stuff I want to have archived on mediums that will last a long time just sitting around. I'm currently looking at LTO tapes, likely LTO-5 so I can use LTFS on Linux. I'm sort of skimming around ebay to find a cheap drive. Has anyone here ever used tapes and know what would be accessible for a relatively decent desktop? I'm mostly looking for externals as I don't think my case has support for front facing drives, but I do see some trays where a CD drive would be on an older device. For context, this is primarily for a small business's software dev, raw assets, and records down the line. Along side, I'll set some tapes aside for animu and vidya personally, and it's mostly permanence of tapes and the low cost per GB as time goes on. I don't want to spend on software and am hoping that I can get a drive in the 200-300$ range that supports the things I mentioned. Anyone have some insight? Also general tape/data hoarding thread I suppose.
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P: 19
So im going through university and the teachers demand we have whatzapp group for our class so they can make announcements and distribute files and such, but as far as i know you need to have the app installed. Is there any way i can go through uni without getting zucked in the ass?
R: 8 / I: 0 /
P: 20
Cloudflare Bypass
Privacy newbie here. Is there any reliable way to bypass cloudflare? I've been trying to use alternative net services like invidious and searx instances but with 40% of the net behind their service it really limits the options for surfing the internet.
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P: 20
R: 15 / I: 4 /
P: 20
/sci/ thread
As 8chan is lacking a specific science board beyond computer science, here is a thread for all general STEM subjects - with a focus on hard sciences.
So anon, what are you working on? Still studying, or learning without an institution? Any news items or innovations in your field?
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P: 20
R: 4 / I: 0 /
P: 20
Archive.org may be going down soon.
There's a lot of stuff in there, since this includes the wayback machine too. What would be the most essential stuff to keep from it?
Personally I know some old PC games that have become abandonware and are impossible to find (at least the demos) linger there. I'm sure anon knows about another important thing.
R: 46 / I: 6 /
P: 20
Windows XP/Server 2003/NT 5.1's source code LEAKED
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P: 20
Spedata reupload ?
Where I can download SPEData.zip ? The torrent is dead. Can someone reupload it ?
R: 9 / I: 3 /
P: 20
Linus Tech Tips actually covered TempleOS
R: 34 / I: 9 /
P: 20
Invidious development halting
Starting September 1st, I'm shutting down the user-facing portion of
https://invidio.us and stepping away from development. If you have an account on the site, you can export your data here, which will allow you to import everything to another instance or self-host.
The API will continue to function until October 1st, to give time for any services relying on it to migrate to other solutions. If you're a patron on Liberapay, I would urge you to switch your donation to iv-org, as that will ensure it goes to the stewards of the project going forward.
At the time of this writing, the main Invidious instance has roughly 35,000 users. It's difficult for me to even begin to think of those as actual people, and not just a number. At that level, the amount of feedback I receive, which I would consider rather small in comparison to others I've seen, is overwhelming. It's demoralizing not being able to respond to all of it properly. Even more so when I've received something that deserves an involved response, but I haven't had the time to reply, which counter-intuitively means the best comments are least likely to receive any response. To echo antirez: it's crushing not being able to be "there" for people.
Lately, I've felt myself withdraw much more in return. For any project though, especially something that requires maintanence, it's difficult to actually "unplug" and mentally recharge. Turning off notifications has helped, but it's definitely taken its toll.
For any project of a certain size, it's more important for the lead to be a manager more than a developer. As an example, it's mostly well-known that Linus Torvalds hardly does any coding anymore. At that point working on a side-project becomes a job, and not one I particularly enjoy. If I had known that I would've ended up in that position on a passion project, I'm curious if I would have made it open-source, or started working on it at all.
In either case, I consider myself extremely lucky to have people that can manage the project in future, and can only imagine what it would be like for someone without that luxury. I can't help shake the feeling that somewhere, the software I use is being developed solely by volunteers who would rather quit, but don't have the ability to say "no". This post has been delayed for that very reason, especially when so many people have given so much, and I feel they deserve a proper goodbye. At this point though, I can't find the strength to leave on better terms.
I don't want this to read like I somehow feel underappreciated or underpaid. I'm not motivated by praise or money. After working on the same thing for three years, I'm just tired and ready to move on.
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P: 20
CloverOS Thread
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P: 20
>The Trump administration has unveiled a five-part plan to remove the presence of Chinese tech companies from the American Internet. Dubbed "Clean Network," the program aims to disrupt Chinese espionage efforts and prevent any censorship decisions being made at the whim of the Chinese government.
>According to Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, the new program is an expansion of the White House's 5G Clean Path initiative that was announced earlier this year and targeted Chinese telecom equipment providers like Huawei, Hikvision, Hytera, and ZTE.
>Clean Network would extend that same attitude towards "untrusted applications from US mobile app stores." One obvious example is TikTok, which is now facing an outright ban unless Microsoft can buy the entirety of its global operations. Pompeo told CNBC that "with parent companies based in China, apps like TikTok and WeChat and others are significant threats to personal data of American citizens, not to mention tools for Chinese Communist Party content censorship."
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P: 20
Books, .pdfs etc
What are good, free books/.pdfs or any other source for CS learning? Post them here.
Looking for anything to do with CS, any level, etc. If you got it, feel free to post it. Preferably non-programming (as that is clearly widely available anyway) - but anything posted will be useful to someone.
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P: 20
I'm trying to learn colorimetry. In particular, I want to calculate CRIs from spectrographs of a light source. However, all the CIE documentation is fragmented all the fuck over the place so I don't even know which piece of documentation I need, and it's also all paywalled. Anyone have any good colorimetry sources?
R: 6 / I: 1 /
P: 20
Is there any steganographic encryption/Tor/etc. out there I can use when this "let's ban encryption!" bullshit gets passed?
Because let's be honest, they're eventually going to pass it, just like every other bullshit legislation they always eventually want to pass.
R: 1 / I: 1 /
P: 20
Linus Tech Tip
Have you taken the linus tech tip yet, mateys?
it's a tough tip to swallow! linus tech tips was founded in 2008 by Sir Linus Techtip, who presents and narrates the attached video.
Forget red and blue pills, linus tech tips are the way of the future.
Video related. Please leave your questions, comments, and concerns below about this radical new paradigm of thinking!
Swallow the linus tech tip today! Red pills are for fedora fucking wearing faggots, blue pills are for the ignorant masses. Ignore the other le epin /pol/ maymays, this one is the readl deal.
R: 1 / I: 0 /
P: 20
Audiobooks download
Where to download audiobooks for free?
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P: 21
Is this setup fine?
>Working on PC like normal
>PC starts whirring like the ball bearing's going out on the fan mounted to the stock block
>Start to replace 80mm case fans, only to awaken to the sound of "WHIIRRRR" after compiling FFMPEG.
>then I install a Be Quiet Shadow Rock LP with a Noctua Redux fan and the computer refuses to boot claiming "system fan failed" after the boot logo
>then I replace the fan with a Noctua A12x25 while also adding a Noctua A9 to the rear
I am wondering if I'll have issues with this setup?
My concern is that the ATX12V port is under the heatsink, requiring me to bend the cable when the heatsink is in.
This is the only way to fit the cooler since in the proper direction (hovering over the RAM), the pipes will bump into the chipset heatsink, making mounting that way impossible.
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P: 21
onion site
what is the real benefit to using 8chan's hidden service if the connection isn't TLS encrypted? why shouldn't i just use Tor to browse
https://8chan.se instead of the onion link