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what do you think about Prometeus/Ignite? Anonymous 05/03/2021 (Mon) 09:09:02 No. 3879
i got banned on 4chan for making a thread about this, the jannies must have thought i was paid shill or something. i dont want to post their website link cause i dont want to get banned. but this is exactly why in interested in this service. "Our mission is to return control over data back to its owners and grant freedom of expression to everyone." "To make Ignite censorship resistant, all data is stored indefinitely at BTFS/Bittorrent and can not be deleted by us." too good to be true? seems very unknown
Isn't this place run by those Phillipine Qanon schizos Jim and Fred Watkin or whatever their names are? Don't think they'll delete something like this. Here is your url: https://prometeus.io/ Them misspelling Prometheus pisses me off. >Our mission is to return control over data back to its owners this conflicts a bit with >Data Owner is the person or the company that has got some valuable data that he/she is trying to sell, monetize or share on the terms it thinks is right. This is already the case. Companies spy on you and then sell your data. Their mission is apparently to let them sell this? What then do they mean with returning control? >To make Ignite censorship resistant, all data is stored indefinitely at BTFS/Bittorrent and can not be deleted by us but >in order to fight with illicit activities we have sensitive content AI filers [sic], which will warn you about the illicit content. If they can filter what you see to show you warnings, what prevents them from hiding things from your view? You don't need to delete something to censor it, you can just hide it.

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