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archinstaller Anonymous 05/14/2022 (Sat) 15:40:23 No. 8442
Arch is great! Arch has archinstall! Arch was great!
>>8442 Install Gentoo
>>8533 Gentoo is aight the emerge is to slow for me but i love the customization
>archinstall It sucks. Just use the installation guide on Archwiki.
For me, it's Fedora Workstation
i actually wonder can you just install any linux by literally copying files from live usb to your partition you prepared for linux? assuming you have bootloader, wouldnt it just work
I like arch and gentoo but like for my work I have to stick to a Debian because if they made a tool they lazy and will make only on Ubuntu or Debian so I still with Debian rolling based
>>9184 >For me, it's Fedora Workstation I just distrohopped to this. I was trying to install Silverblue but the install failed to write the bootloader or something. >>8442 >Arch is great! I switched from PartedMagic to SystemRscue which is Arch based, it seems to be a bit more polished
>>9309 >can you just install any linux by literally copying files from live usb to your partition you prepared for linux? assuming you have bootloader, wouldnt it just work I'm going off ancient memory here, but I believe copying files like that only works with legacy BIOS or CSM, otherwise you need an EFI partition to boot. Someone correct me if this is wrong.
>>9309 >>9583 More failed when I tried to install arch linux with uefi, gave up on that scheme, tried with bios and it worked fine
Well the most complete arch Linux installer was the one made by anarchyos. But if your not happy just install it by yourself with the guide
>>9615 >failed when I tried to install arch linux with uefi, gave up on that scheme same >tried with bios and it worked fine I'm not willing to enable CSM just for this shit
>>8442 I'm trying to compare all package managers. How different is arch's pacman to deb or bsdports; "yes I know these system are very different"? I've used arch before and it was good. ...Up to the point one upgrade broke by DE. Arch is good, but it seems like you really have to closely follow the packages for breaking changes so you don't have nasty surprises. I used arch in 2014 to start of '16. Not too much negative to say, just too upgrades too unpredictable for moneywork computer.
>>10269 I always thought it would be need if the guide was customisable. Like you can customise which sections are visible so you don't find your self getting side-tracked by options not for your own install. Like an installer for the guide of the user instead of the OS. Overall, archwiki is based.
>archinstall even with new function, not being able to install there is fucking even hahahahhaha
>>8442 yep, I installed it a month ago manually. its awesome

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