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Tickling animations Anonymous 09/26/2021 (Sun) 00:06:40 Id: dfe781 No. 1596
Surprised this thread didn't exist already
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>>1601 these clips are from a WIP by some russian guy who was going to make a full video of renamon in 9 circles of tickle hell, but i don't think he ever completed or uploaded it and the only trailer i ever saw for it (which had some more clips than these) was on ph and it got nuked like everything else on that site
>>1597 Where is the animation of the girl hanging from a tree?
By HomunculusLover
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does anyone have any animations from AviJustTickle?https://www.patreon.com/avijustfeet
>>1597 Yo! What is that third one from? It's amazing.
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>>1788 Holy shit that'd be much better without the dialogue. How does he fuck it up with like five words?
>>1790 I don't understand what's so bad about it? She's just asking to have her feet tickled
>>1790 Seems fine to me. It's way hotter when the lee enjoys it, and so little art really goes with that route. As long as the dialogue isn't "hahaha" and "tickle tickle" ad nauseum it's hard to fuck it up.
>>1800 >>1802 She is not supposed to like it! Noooooooooo!!!
>>1805 It's hotter when they like it imo
>>1805 >>1806 I really don't get why this is such an argument. Some people like the noncon torture angle. Some people like the wish fufilling "asking for more" angle. We should have artists that cater to both, and booing them out of the room when they do art that's not for you is why a lot of content looks the same.
>>1800 >>1802 Well, sorry about your shit taste problem. But if you care to better it, let me try in all seriousness to explain why I dislike it. And again, it's the dialogue not the set up I got a problem with, I like that part. For starters, it's unnecessary:. "yes keep tickling my feet" is easily conveyed through her expression and, you know, the vibrator she's holding between her legs. It's not even laughter or beggging or whatever, which can add to the feeling of intensity of a pic, but we'll get to that in a sec. As an aside, I'm pretty sure he must know that that bit's essentially pointless, because the line itself is as lazy as BadCrab's bad dialogue can possibly get, which makes me think he probably put it there just because it's what's expected of him at this point, but that's just baseless speculation. Second, last, and most important, I just think it's shit. I don't think 'lee dialogue is hard to fuck up at all, something as simple as her managing to say such an oddly well put together line is already enough to make me think she's barely ticklish to begin with, and what a fuckup that is for your fictional set up where you get to decide how sensitive your 'lee is. The formatting is bland, the three exclamation signs are eye roll worthy, if the shaky text was supposed to do something but bring more attention to the worst bit of the pic it failed. Continuing what I was saying before, better written dialogue will convey important bits that the drawing can maybe struggle to get across otherwise. Not just information mind you, but volume, intensity, reactions other than laughter that inform the scene and the 'lees mindset, like gasping or struggling to keep themselves together or moaning or just about everything else we have phonetic writing of. Giant walls of 'hahaha's are cheap, but boy do they fucking get across that whoever is getting tickled is losing their shit. Fuck, the shape of the speech balloon can do that on its own, but we get the most basic of them all, which implies the opposite. "yes keep tickling my feet" does jackshit of any of that. It's as stock as dialogue can get which only brings attention to how unnatural it sounds, which you should try as hard you fucking can to avoid with 'tickling dialogue', since it's cringe almost by definition except to us weirdos. So anyways, that's a parragraph worth of criticism of five fucking words that show I have nothing to do with my monday night and "yes keep tickling my feet" is the worst sentence in the english language. >>1805 >>1806 They're both hot, this is just a terrible example of the latter. >>1811 I hope I don't get lumped in with that shit, I like both angles, I just don't like, you know, shitty things.
>>1813 My guy, you're taking it WAAAAAAAAY too seriously. It's just fetish art, relax
>>1816 Oh, don't you worry about that, I'm perfectly aware of how ridiculous it is to talk this much about a single shitty thing in an otherwise unremarkable piece of fetish smut. I did, however, genuinely find it interesting to examine the reasons behind my instinctual aversion to it, and since you asked and you can't stop me, I found it acceptable to dump my diatribe on you like this. Nothing serious about it, promise. That and, as you can probably tell, I'm wordy by nature.
>>1813 I hate to just reduce it to this because it makes it seem like I'm being dismissive of your insight, but it really does literally turn me on just to hear girls say "tickle" or "feet". And then of course the more horny I am the more I want to hear it. It's basic as fuck but it hits my buttons really good.
>>1821 *giggle* So you want to tickle my feet? That's suck a strange thing to ask!
>>1821 It's your lucky day anon
>>1821 You and many others, apparently. And I mean, feel free to like it for whatever reason you want dude, I got shit I like even though I know it's pretty low quality and I don't give a shit. I'm not 'hoping' to make any of you dislike it either. I'm not that big an asshole, I'm glad somebody's getting a kick out of it, so if that's all it takes to tickle yours and any others' fancy, good for you. It's not for me though. I'm an entitled cunt with an opinion and my opinion is that a single poorly executed line brought that drawing down from a 'pretty good' to a 'ugh'. And as previously demonstrated, I'm willing to explain why I find it shitty beyond just going 'consent bad'.
>>1828 So is it just a weird quirk of my own brain that when I see someone go "X is bad and here's why", they are actively trying to make people who do like it turn away from it, like realize that the thing they like is bad and drop it? Am I just brain-fucked by three hour long video essays on YouTube going into every single nook and cranny of why they think a thing fails with a smug and self-satisfied tone of voice? it just feels like that's the point of saying "hey this thing is bad", in the hopes that people will stop producing the content that you feel is bad. That said I do prefer going into detail about why you don't like thing over just "ugh, thing sucks, hate thing". I like understanding why someone doesn't like it beyond just a surface "i mean it's obviously just objectively bad, i don't know why you can't see it". So I do appreciate that. >>1825 >>1826 Where did you get these from? They're nice and the voice is good but they lean a little too close to loli-ish "big brother" stuff for me, which I'm not terribly into.
>>1823 Suck a strange indeed
>>1829 I mean I wish we could have conversations where people can just disagree and there's no toxicity to it, but this is the internet, specifically 8chan Also this >>1813 >Well, sorry about your shit taste problem.
>>1829 Eh, probably not, most people are dickheads, on the internet or otherwise. I've just evolved beyond your average smug asshole and realized trying to convince others they should dislike inconsequential things in their life that make them happy is utterly pointless and just a massive douche move overall. Only reason I even talked about it beyond saying I'd have much preferred it without the dialogue is because someone literally asked me what was wrong with it, and then proceeded not to give a shit about my explanation, which is funny. Also, because dumbfucks wanted to assume I didn't care for it because 'consent bad', since after all, if I was dumb enough to disagree with them, I couldn't possibly have good reasons for it, right? And fuck no, I don't care if more shit porn is made on the internet lol. Do you know how much of that there is on here already? There's a lot of it. >>1831 Anon, if someone calling your taste shit is enough to trigger something inside you, then maybe the problem is not the toxicity of the internet, but that you need to grow a thicker skin. And/or some balls. People dislike shit. Deal. Also, and perhaps most importantly, this >>1813 >let me try in all seriousness to explain Implies I was joshing.
>>1834 My guy, saying a complete stranger has "shit taste" because you disagree with them is objectively toxic. I'm not triggered by it, but at least acknowledge that it's needlessly rude
>>1835 Pfft, fuck nah. >objectively toxic Fucking kek, absolutely amazing. So I need to concern myself with your 'objective' standard of toxicity? What's next, I can't swear because it hurts your precious feelings? Do I only get to talk about artwork if have nice things to say? Should I apologize for my terrible suggestion that maybe the stuff you like isn't that good? Positively hilarious. I even outright said I was joking too, goddamn. As previously stated, thick skin, balls, grow them. Sounds to me like you need a spine too, but what do I know. It's all ultimately insignificant.
>>1839 Good god you sound like an incel
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>>1841 >Good god you sound like an incel
>>1839 Different anon, but while I get that you said it was a joke after the fact, people do act like that genuinely, so until you say "oh, it was a joke", it's just as valid to assume you're just an asshole like them. Even with the "oh it was a joke" afterward, you can act like that and then wait to see if anyone gets offended. If they do, you can say "lol it was a joke" and insist they back off. If not, then, well shit, you just get to be an asshole for free. Maybe it's just me but I think that's a little lame and just results in online interactions being overly negative by default. Humor is subjective I guess and I don't find "your taste is shit lmao it's a joke" very funny.
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Jeez, I didn't mean to start an online war with that animation, I just thought it was cute, I can just delete it if it's that much of a problem
>>1844 Nah you're fine. Aside from the obvious flamebait I think it's resulted in some interesting conversation.
>>1813 Based autist. We need more people like you.
>>1841 >literal buzzword Here, a pity you. >>1843 In the same post my dude. I talked about 'getting serious' on the literal next line. I suppose someone might miss it if their eyes glaze over the moment someone says something that offends them. I agree with the sentiment though, but I'm not about to change my sense of humor to avoid overstepping someone's 'objective' standard of toxicity. >>1844 Nah, sorry I derailed the thread. I did not see that one coming from saying I thought a line of dialogue was shitty either, but here we are. Imma stop poking the bear now. I hope the take away for at least someone in here is that even though I think what they like is trash, I genuinely hope they find it enjoyable and have a happy fun time with. Nothing else is really that important. >>1846 Hah, this place would be a lot more lively at the very least it seems.
>>1825 I died a little inside. Thanks anon.
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>>2464 thanks for sharting! I didn't know about the last 2, Elektratouch is on another level
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>>2722 >Sharting
>>1615 >>1637 there was a tumbr blog that had a few of these way back, they seem to be gone now though. this is the only other one I saved
>>3021 >Better animation than the actual show
>>1947 That shit was hilarious. I love it. Thanks Anon.
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>>3557 Won't play for me
Anyone got the annie leonhart video from knismotik??
>>3897 >Ends right before her feet get tickled >Half the video is scenic filler shots Trash
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Are you suuuuurrrreeee?
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>>1627 Amazing, the first two are super well done!
Some Japanese Twitter animators that have been putting stuff out lately https://twitter.com/TheoriachanK https://twitter.com/bananaunko114
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>>4805 That bootyhole tickling... Sauce?
>>4808 https://www.furaffinity.net/gallery/defaultuser12/ need an account I think to view the NSFW
>>4813 Thanks! This... um... dog person also posts on Newsgrounds. So that might be useful for people who don't want to become furries like I just did, lol. https://defaultuser12.newgrounds.com/movies
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>>3897 Where did you find this?
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This is gold and should be valued better.
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>>4875 Anyone had experience commissioning this guy? I love his animation but they take a while to come out and he doesn't list prices. I've got an idea or two I wanted to see if I could have done but I've heard horror stories about some fetish artists. >>1813 lol calm down
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Anyone has WTFEATHER's Ahri tickle animation
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>>7993 There were a few other gifs by this artists. Wish I could find them.
>>8315 Big vouch for this suggestion. Idk how but the animations just look so aesthetically pleasing
>>8557 the rare upperbody kidetic/kusujinn pic is always appreciated
>>6655 Does anyone have any more of these?
>>8557 amazing gif
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>>8662 The artist really had a lot of tickle gifts, but the ones that are best made and last the longest are the ones that start with this red background and white letters.
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>>8885 May as well post some more.
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>>8890 It really is good content, it hurts that no more was heard from the artist.
>>7857 Anyone got the source of the second gif?
>>9016 Hentai Discipline, episode 3 if I am not mistaken.
Not sure if you guys will care, but this guy has done a bunch of tickling scene cards for various Illusion games. https://www.pixiv.net/en/users/3620366/illustrations
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This should be almost all of Hiiragi Minato's https://twitter.com/hiiragi_minato tickling stuff, I have not saved some of the oldest ones due to their low quality but the newer stuff is pretty hot. Should be entertaining for others of us who like bad endings, Touhous and Touhous suffering bad endings. https://mega.nz/file/ZY8xXAKT#CyPBRZXyUZ48PmmoWMq_yKm3b1SwS8Nk6durY2HyAtg
>>10741 Great contribution man, Did you save all the stuff with the twitter video downloader?. There's also this account https://twitter.com/okome0250 This guy has been posting idolmaster tickling animations here since 2017, but his older account had videos dating back to 2013. Sadly, the older account was closed. More accounts on ecchiwara: https://ecchi.iwara.tv/users/majiasann https://ecchi.iwara.tv/users/as1987 https://ecchi.iwara.tv/users/%E3%83%9E%E3%83%81%E3%83%A3%E3%83%B3
>>4053 Well, this is interesting. Who's this from? >>10756 I've gotta second that majiasann account. Those videos are nice.
>>10756 I didn't have to download them all from Twitter thankfully, the madlad has uploaded plenty of them to youtube where they were easy to grab with a browser extension as well ass ecchiwara where it's just a matter of right clicking. https://www.youtube.com/user/RENON50/videos https://ecchi.iwara.tv/users/柊%E3%80%80湊
https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL1RZnXyaGLhpNMpsiZkaS5NYmD_RpyuL5 There's tickle warriors on youtube. It's super cheesy but it cracks me up.
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>>10930 Just finished watching this thing and ended up really enjoying it. The fact that the author pretty much just puts in random Japanese voice lines and how each girl's given a unique laughter that's basically just a sound rip from some tickling video or visual novel gives it strange earnest amateur charm.
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I found it a bit sad that Briel7 made 5 great faces for his Sadako piece and then just slowly looped them, so ... let's change that
>>12120 Absolutely fantastic.
Here's one that's a little smoother...
>>12125 >>12127 Those aren't animations morons
There's a thread for tickling gifs, separate from animations
>>12127 Which TA vid is this from?
>>12189 I really love that Jenn model more than the new one. The new one is too uncanny and slutty
>>4053 sauce?
>>12129 Um... yes, they are. Hence the name "animated" gif's... Maybe you're talking about animated illustrations? Nothing wrong with those, either, and plenty here to enjoy. Aaaaand maybe have your morning coffee a little earlier, or something? Don't bite the heads off of people whose work doesn't happen to trip your trigger...
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>>13835 >No feet angle What am I even fighting for
>>13840 >Footfags are so spoiled they want the entire image redrawn so they can have a variant with pure footshit
>>13840 Once again, footfags have to complain despite already having a majority of tickle pics to themselves.
>>13844 Seethe and mald at our monopoly
>>14648 Autispoly.
>>14658 Spell better :)
>>14648 You're the ones seething because an artist didn't redraw an entire image from the back to pander to your entry level tastes. t.Also a footfag
>>14714 As a fellow footfag, I agree with this.
>>14648 Your monopoly on autism? Nah dude it's cool, you can keep that shit.
>>4804 Whats the sauce on that last one?
>>17547 https://derpibooru.org/images/2181038?q=tickling%2C+animated Change filters to "Everything" if you can't see it.
>>14714 And you're the one seeting at his seethe. Sad!
You guys are all a bunch of autistic retards. Imagine getting off to tickling, childish fucking subhumans.
>>18271 Wrong thread buckaroo
>>18279 This is the seethe thread anon, I am very much correct here.
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This man is the messiah of the tickle community.
>>18271 >Forgetting to call it cringe You fucked up the bit, now you get tickled
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sometimes I take static pics with variants and make gifs out of them. Not sure if they really count as animations but I couldn't find another thread to post them in
>>21449 where…. where the hell is her right leg
>>22249 Gone... reduced to atoms
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>>2463 Why the fuck are these broken up into 1 second long loops I'm going to SHIT
>>22399 Right? Just grab the actual video instead. https://kemono.party/patreon/user/38474363/post/51760007
>>22366 same guy who made this one here, sorry for the shilling but I'm kinda looking for advice. Do you think I could improve something? Like the speed of the text or the flow of the animations? I get the impression the last bit with the laughs feels unnatural. And should I even bother with the captions at all? Also, since pixiv will only let me upload one, which version do you think is better?
>>22631 I like the second option
>>22631 I like the second one a lot. Teasing about the lee not being able to get away is top tier, and i like the little teasing scratch before she reveals she has no intention of letting her up.
>>22643 >>22685 thanks! in the end I made a few adjustments and posted them both on Deviantart lol https://www.deviantart.com/g17king/art/Nanami-tickled-by-Eiko-feet-ver-B-918311672
I'm surprised people here haven't brought up folmyu's stuff. https://ecchi.iwara.tv/users/%E3%82%8C%E3%81%86%E3%83%BC can find on twitter as well, but full version is always on iwara.
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This would be a brag, if it weren't insane, dumb luck! :) This animated GIF (taken from a video from the wonderful "chechtickledgirls" site) isn't "back/forward" looped or heavily edited; I just picked a clip by trial and error, and it seems FLAWLESS! Pure. Dumb. Luck. That said... I find that there's something therapeutic about watching a pair of flailing, helpless girl feet tickled endlessly. All hail the animated GIF! XD
>>23533 We have a GIF thread >>2468 This one is for animations
>>23539 D'oh! Sorry...
>>25068 goated
>>12189 Ah yes i remember commissioning then doing that tweening animation of hunterbun when I used to do them, good times
>>26147 creator of the bunny gif?
>>26207 Alienshade on FA
https://disk.yandex.ru/i/JbhMT6YNhtEheA https://disk.yandex.ru/i/ACqkPCWV8p95aQ One thing I will never understand is why knil's free shit is better quality than his overpriced patreon/boostly shit
>>26716 He's a snuff fag with stiff, lifeless animation and shitty audio choices. Everything of his can be discarded.
>>34065 Sauce
(11.64 MB 1280x720 Squirreled Away.mp4)

>>34413 For some reason the idea of them pulling her into the tree only to presumably tickle her even more is kind of hot
>>34825 His art sucks ass.
>>35075 What makes it "suck ass?" Is it because of how long the toes are?
>>35075 >>35080 He’s one of the few non-cgi animators who actually has the character change positions at least rather than the same pose in an endless loop.
>>22701 So, this is me shamelessly shilling again. It's the first time I tried coloring a gif. I lost a night of sleep over it and I'm not sure the flat colors alone can cut it, but even if I had the time, I don't think I'm good enough to apply some shading yet. Hope you guys enjoy
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A gif wip by mrff25
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>>37242 Can we get some translations for the text?
>>38310 Do you have any other animations from them?
>>38317 Help yourself: https://kemono.party/patreon/user/720054 Honestly most of his animations are just the exact same models/poses with the character swapped out and the ones with sound use the exact same audio looped so nothing that remarkable.
(30.50 MB 856x480 YouCut_20230227_015956686.mp4)

>>43142 Sauce of the second anim?
anyone who is on Everydaycomix Patreon, can you post the new animation he posted?
>>43971 Sauce?
>>43971 Cant find the name for some reason
>>43990 >>43991 are you two actually braindead? the animation has the source in nice, outlined letter right under the fucking dialogue box. https://www.patreon.com/ysch1337
Rolexroche posted this on his twitter. Anyone got a higher quality version, and a download for the nsfw version he also posted there?
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>>45452 Not the biggest fan of MMD tickling but this ain’t bad. I like the body language when the second tickler has to force Miku to release her sandal.
>>45452 oh wow, that's pretty good for contemporary MMD standars!
>>45452 Ooh, another Majiasann animation just dropped? That's the good shit.
(3.49 MB 1280x720 TKVD.mp4)

Spy Classroom Episode 10 Why do they put this in shows I don't watch
(5.99 MB 1280x720 TKVDSHORT.mp4)

Cut version
>>46129 How is it they make it worse WITHOUT laughter? Why do Asians suck at tickling?
>>46143 whoa whoa, racist much, douchebag?
>>46143 It is sadly common in Japanese tickling fetish in general that a lot of them clearly think that a girl fighting to keep her composure is the sexiest part of it.
>>46145 Yea it's more often a kink/foreplay implying sexual themes than it is a fetish, probably wouldn't have this tickling scene at all otherwise. I wouldn't have posted if she didn't use a brush which is the best kind of tool. Scrubbing with a longer brush would've been better to see tho + laughter ofc.
>>2465 better res version of the last?
>>46144 ...oh you must be new here. Please look up all possible asian related tickling material by the end of the week and then report how depress you feel. You're grade will be based on how many boners died.
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For anyone that doesn't know, Baronstrap is doing a new tickle animation. https://twitter.com/BaronStrap/status/1664343292287262748?t=86XS55KoF19EdeXRk7PEKg&s=19
>>47500 He hasn’t forsaken us? Huzzah!
>>47500 >its jinx better he didnt make anything at all then insult us with his dogshit taste.
>>47579 I think he’s a really talented guy who does have a tickling fetish like all of us but probably came under pressure from the mainstream porn fanbase with promises of more widespread popularity. Since most fetish artists are horribly insecure with slow self image, I’m gonna cut the guy a break. It’s nice to be appreciated and also not feel like a weirdo for being into a niche fetish. Granted he tried to erase any trace of his tickling animations from the internet but plenty of artists we’re familiar with have done the same for less valid reasons. Maybe he just needed to explore for a bit and will come back to us fully with time.
>>47580 he erased what, they're all on his newgrounds still
>>47579 get over yourself, it’s fucking something finally and jinx appears to be a ler there anyways so tf are you bitching for
(2.41 MB 1280x720 Tickling animation.mp4)

Anyone know who made this?
>>49108 It's literally signed on the corner...
(2.25 MB 332x250 quantum-leap-mirror.gif)

>>49109 Yes apparently. But thank you anyways.
No idea who the artist is, but some of these are top notch
(254.52 KB 500x335 catwoman ler.gif)

>>50342 Where was this originally uploaded?
(21.96 MB 1280x720 fJNRlfzhPEu7UAAE.mp4)

>>50989 What is this autism
>>50995 Gay as fuck dude.
>>50989 My nigga you just got out cringed. Go outside.
>>51084 This is just stupid XD
(94.64 KB 370x264 mfw.png)

(82.28 KB 370x264 mfw2.png)

>>51084 >Metal sheet wobble >Goofy ahh laugh >Bblblbllblb Thank you anon, I needed this
This popped up in my feed today. https://youtu.be/MgMSjs59Y0g
>>50335 who made the cock device anim?
>>51267 ats2nd , the same guy that made the clit box from the same post
>>52094 Damn, the caterpillar one is cool. I really miss this character.
>>10741 I applaud your efforts...but unfortunately, I've found this guy's videos are often really tied together by the text in the tweet. It's never very much, but it's enough to bring it up to 11.
...I'm surprised this was missed but... https://www.furaffinity.net/view/52516396/
(945.71 KB 1200x870 86670122_p0_master1200.jpg)

Does anyone by chance have this animation from Knismotik? I swear I saved this before, but must have somehow lost this animation.
I fucking love this guy.
(5.45 MB 720x720 Video by OM Tckl.mp4)

>>22172 Source on that Saber pic?
>>22172 Hey, I missed these somehow. Nicely done. >>53805 Good ol' Kanden-Rem: https://kemono.party/fanbox/user/18688682/post/1902623
>>53804 Why do people draw feet like this? They are hideous looking and I've never understood the appeal.
>>53832 Psst, they don't know how to draw...
Came across this really weird tickling animation today on SpankBang I’ve never seen before. https://spankbang.com/66ti1/video/tickling+cartoons
>>58505 >goofy aah tickle video The audio sounds like it comes from a much hotter clip tbh.
>>58505 Old hat. Second life old.
(16.85 MB 1280x720 RDT_20231129_001125.mp4)

(2.42 MB 394x560 #くすぐり.gif)

(9.38 MB 720x1018 これがC&C流尋問術だ.gif)

(2.59 MB 720x848 zcy3-6T3g7UFsu9D.mp4)

(687.57 KB 600x338 PecanArmpitTickling.gif)

>>4053 I don't think it was answered where this one was from. Sauce please?
cool tickling animation I wonder if anyone thinks if it looks similar to something else
(9.51 MB 1440x1080 PV.mp4)

So i've see this on pixiv. Anyone know this guy? He's not bad.
>>59531 Can you share a link to the author, please?
>>59563 pixiv post is here https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/114658980 The animation seems to be promotion for a voiced video they sell on DLsite here https://www.dlsite.com/maniax/announce/=/product_id/RJ01137176.html
>>59567 oh sorry, did not see yet you already postet
(19.99 MB 850x580 ALEX-TICKLED-VIDEO.gif)

(18.80 MB 992x722 ORO-E-AKI-XIANG-VIDEO.gif)

(21.99 MB 1181x960 ANIMAZIONE.gif)

>>43199 Bit late now, but it's kusugaineto: https://www.kemono.su/fanbox/user/4129841
I remember there being an animation of this drawing that was posted on Vk if anyone has a link to it then i will be forever grateful
>>61063 https://vk.com/video-207367098_456239298 found it in one of the request threads
>>61476 the part we care about is at the end by the way
>>61476 Thanks
This guy has a bunch of pictures that link to pretty long vk vids, obviously not the best tho https://www.pixiv.net/users/100260244
>>59489 Source of first one?
(264.91 KB 1280x720 5KAnLptg-qD3dPy9.mp4)

>>62079 Where's this one from?
(7.62 MB 1280x720 Tsuyu.mp4)

>>52578 Half a year late, but here
ElektraTouch posted again to say that he's not dead, but there is no imminent new content on the way.
>>62103 elklord not coming up with any google results?
>>62307 https://www.deviantart.com/elklordartist They just appeared out of thin air with an animation like this. Pretty weird, but if this is their first work, I'm looking forward to what else they have in store
>>62423 Curious but is the first one from a cultivation show or what? One of the Soul Lands?
>>62423 Brother do you perhaps have more of his animations or maybe you could update his kemono page
The creator of the 2nd vid I mean
>>62424 Seems like it’s from a fantasy series called “Shrouding the Heavens”
>>62314 thanks! honestly thought it was a baronstrap thing but they just put a watermark over it...
(2.89 MB 1280x982 nEQiGz1.mp4)

(5.38 MB 1532x996 LAURA VIDEO.mp4)

(1.29 MB 896x504 hkG1uBjU1EJu6LPA.mp4)

(831.23 KB 1280x720 pMeBI9JNFQ9pfmkN.mp4)

>>63922 Sauce of the first one?
(3.29 MB 856x480 petal_20240322_071737.mp4)

(11.59 MB 640x360 petal_20240326_070635.webm)

Play Skyrim
>>63973 Godamn. If only we could get real ass mods like this.
(93.08 KB 671x345 bonzibuddycover.jpg)

(524.30 KB 864x486 EsIg3wqXcAAEefn.mp4)

(347.49 KB 576x324 EsIkNMEXEAA6_GM.mp4)

(199.81 KB 1200x674 EsIi1YrWMAMFfAY.mp4)

(294.25 KB 480x270 EsIkwM7XEAQvXCR.mp4)

(300.82 KB 480x270 EsIgyLyXYAAgJPQ.mp4)

(1.34 MB 870x488 Er-oFiYXcAQrLeN.mp4)

>>64518 What's up with their voices and faces?
>>64520 I don't know about the voices, but as for the faces, I remember in the actual original post for that animation on Deviantart the animator said it was his first complete animation ever. It's understandable for some parts of it to look rough. If his animations still look like that in another year from now, then yeah shit on him all you want. Personally I'm interested to see how he improves over time
Oops... A few of these were posted here already. Oh well.
>>65025 Daaaamn, that Nami comic is really impressive
>>65086 source?
>>65097 PolarBearNSFW
Just a cute lil animation of the dwarf girls trying anything to wake Snow White up... including feathering her foot: https://youtube.com/shorts/izbC8sH5DGo?si=vjCOg8babLgm8Z0Z
>>65083 Anyone has saved the longer version which he deleted?
>>65086 >>65100 Could you share anymore? Pics too, not just gifs. Or at least share where you got it from cuz these ain't on kp. Also cuz their fanbox pieces have to be censored like this which is kinda ridiculous
>>65083 artist??
>>65228 hover your mouse over the text in parentheses to view the full file name
>>65274 First vid source?
>>65274 First vid source?
(1.14 MB 850x1200 2_1.gif)

(4.31 MB 850x1200 2_2.gif)

(3.91 MB 850x1200 2_3.gif)

>>50558 >>50559 >>50560 >>50561 >>50563 Where have you even found this chlorotkled guy? I cant find anything on exhentai and kemono
>>65904 Mmmm yes very good of you anon. Have you tried using google? It's literally the first fucking result. I swear this place is full of fucking retards who can't do basic shit.
>>65634 Who's the artist for these?
>>65960 You people should really learn to search by image if you want to be horny about pictures on the internet. https://twitter.com/deepshark19
>>65967 Image searching was the first thing I tried, I just didn't get any results.
>>65960 This is actually where I found it. https://e-hentai.org/g/2894662/10676d179a/
(2.06 MB 1020x720 smoOmht2pow5odtA.mp4)

Anyone got a source on this? Looks like there might be other lees in other works https://noodlemagazine.com/watch/-207367098_456239617
Yet another banger from Vahzkez
>>66347 Dude, Vahzkez literally only has 10 pieces in his entire gallery but he's fucking awesome already. Just look at the way these big ass feet amd the hands tickling them are animated. Those feet struggling and thrashing about, trying (and failing) to get away while those fingers just lazily stroke up and down her huge soft soles is actually great. I'm genuinely looking forward to seeing what he makes in the future. And if he doesn't charge an obscene price for his commissions when he opens them, I may even commission him myself.
(2.92 MB 1920x1080 12.3.mp4)

>>67763 >Only three seconds of actual tickling Why footfags
>>66145 Isn’t this that Vtuber who’s a self proclaimed tickle fanatic? And by that I mean this fox girl is her virtual avatar.
Anyone know where to find elklord's animations for free
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(334.61 KB 800x600 video2.mp4)

>>68024 Artist???
(1.73 MB 1296x1080 48577.mp4)

>>68108 >this is 1 month old >posted public on xitter Didn't know Kusujinn was still capable of being this based. Only thing it lacks is sound but that's excusable
(12.14 MB 1440x810 60000-1200.mp4)

>>68121 If it's an animation i say IT'S WELCOME! His work is so good.
(5.16 MB 1700x2400 IMG_5066.gif)

(commission by baby___chi on reddit) >is monstergirl art >is an animation >is a vtuber which fucking thread am i supposed to post this in
>>68181 why not all three?
(630.15 KB 426x240 t0.gif)

>>68710 Wrong thread my guy. >>2468
>>68710 What in the actual fuck...
(1.06 MB 960x720 G5qGGkTdru9JGhzY.mp4)

(11.88 MB 970x1290 3.gif)

(12.09 MB 970x1290 4.gif)

(10.21 MB 970x1290 5.gif)

(12.11 MB 970x1290 6.gif)

(11.39 MB 970x1290 1.gif)

(11.26 MB 970x1290 2.gif)

>>68712 my bad...
(1.91 MB 1250x1000 3463346.gif)

>>68942 >>68944 >>68945 >Posts only 1 animated image out of 3 in [animation] thread >2 images blatantly copy Aster Effect's style, maybe they were even traced over his art Furries are truly a different breed
(9.53 MB 474x601 color.gif)

(6.07 MB 1000x1550 GIF without.gif)

>>68947 those images are literally animated too they just didnt post the gif versions... Anyways here they are for anyone curious.
(17.34 MB 854x480 tickle.mp4)

(2.78 MB 800x600 feet tickle.gif)

>>69121 alt version
(443.35 KB 450x696 Nerd_20_Gif.gif)

>>69676 For the love of... Please stop having words in the background BLEND and FADE. It's a fucking awful distraction
>>69676 What the fuck is that facial expression-
(20.43 MB 1920x1080 4575471.mp4)

(5.47 MB 3840x2160 4757545.mp4)

(16.22 MB 1987x1118 5518497.gif)

(7.55 MB 2444x1620 JUNKER QUEEN 1.mp4)

(5.62 MB 2880x1620 Loba in Danger 1.mp4)

(5.63 MB 2880x1620 Loba in Danger 2.mp4)

(7.63 MB 2880x1620 Nezuko1.mp4)

>>69739 TKFeath has some good animations
(3.74 MB 1566x1688 Pharah 1.mp4)

(21.26 MB 2320x1438 tk feath two.gif)

(25.28 MB 2268x1620 wraith tkfeath.gif)

(9.05 MB 1620x2880 tkfeath dexter's mom.mp4)

(6.35 MB 2880x1620 C Ocs.mp4)

>>7857 What's the source on that third one?
>>10741 Holy, that's massive! Also even though it's not fit for this thread, I remember he used to had some image sets on pixiv but deleted soon, did you saved them too?
>>72191 >same VA for the 4th time in a row People fr still pay for this?
>>72191 Man this shit sucks and it's amazing how many people fall for "oooh it's so dark" bruhh fuck off
>>72191 Reminds me of baronstrap Also man maybe it's just me but I just want some straight up tickle scenes with storyline or themes. I don't really need much
>>72193 Well...how many VA's you know that will consistently work for this particular fetish?
>>72228 There's plenty on Twitter
(74.89 KB 828x669 GRmPtpebMAIQWHs.png)

>>72191 this is actually so miserable i just lost my boner, it felt more like rapework than anything.
>>72191 Pause on any part of her face when she's "laughing" and you'll get a pretty scary image
https://rule34video.com/video/3516789/a-female-ghost-appeared-from-the-tv-but-she-had-a-lewd-body-ijigen-kichi/ nice that they've got a VA for one of their animations >'gorilla running through the mist'
>>72267 I was about to post this on the artist hate, all their VA animations are like it. So fucking uncomfortable to listen to
https://drive.google.com/file/d/1PSHW99QOVNK3G1UHHhqXn1mbprCQIguT/view?usp=drivesdk Feast your eyes on this. There’s a version with subtitles (japanese), but I didn’t manage to grab it.
>>72270 Holy fuck sauce right now
>>72270 It's not playing for me. Any chance for a re-upload?
>>72299 Do you have any more videos from him?
>>72289 Might wanna just download it yourself; google drive has a daily video playback limit for shared videos I think. >>72271 https://www.pixiv.net/en/users/87849967 >>72310 Not at the moment; I’ve got dogshit internet, so downloading at then uploading that video took so damn long. I’ll get around to his other stuff eventually, though.
>>72268 There's more? I've only seen the ones with like the SFX, no VA. Interesting
>>72310 There's kemono, but no link to archive: https://kemono.su/fanbox/user/87849967?q= Might be vids in each of the links but kemono hates my net or something
>>72320 it's happening to everyone. Kemono's just having another slow ass update like always.
>>72270 Do you happen to have the animation by the same person that has Nessa and Marnie in it?
Anyway have / watched anything from this guy? https://www.dlsite.com/maniax/circle/profile/=/maker_id/RG44044.html
(1.01 MB 850x1200 _44_1.gif)

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(4.19 MB 850x1200 _46_3.gif)

>>72453 I saw these, the manga they belong to is so fucking hot too.
>>72453 Oh shit he finished the animations, nice

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