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Monokron/Unikran Thread Anonymous 02/14/2023 (Tue) 13:32:48 Id: 67c897 No. 40903
I'd say he's made enough stuff for this thread to have a justifiable reason to exist. Post monokron/unikran images, new or old.

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this is now a unikran hate thread. daily reminder that unikran is singlehandedly responsible for 3 big artists leaving the entire tickling community after harassing and obsessing over them.
>>40912 I don't know what the other 2 would be, but if you're referring to him and rs, it looks like they made up.
Hey is Uni still sex repulsed or can he finally draw some nsfw without bitching out?
>>40924 He drew booba
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New image
Why does he get hate? Other than his zoomer art style which isn't even that noticeable, the supposed "drama" he was involved in was way overstated
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Normally I wouldn't post because I’m more of a lurker, but since this thread is up now, I know where it’s inevitably going to steer too, but I'll throw my own two cents into this, because it’s gonna happen either way. To list off some of the major things that I see reoccurring in relation to discussion: >Obsessed over Repulsionswitch, (Although me and him did address and talk about this prior to him leaving the community for good, which not many people if at all are actually aware of. For all purposes me and Switch were on good terms before he disappeared. My guess is as good as yours on why the guy disappeared.) >The “Monoplex” Discord server in its entirety, >Attention-whorish behavior by saying stupid shit, for the sake of riling people up. Oh boy did I love getting attention, It didn’t matter if it was positive or negative. >Drawing or basing characters off of IRL people, (TBH this is a non-issue for me.) >Going nuclear over a failed discord e-girl relationship, to the point of chasing her off. (Arguably the worst thing I’ve done.) >Failing to deliver on commissions, (I’ve procrastinated on Commissions, but never have I told anyone to “Fuck off” after they presented me with NSFW material.) >Samefagging, (Yes, I made Tyberdyne.) >Probably more things that I don’t even remember, Of course, there are actors here who like to make shit up, but what I’ve listed above essentially is for all purposes true. I did these things. I’m aware of it, and there’s a lot that I regret, I joined the community when I was relatively younger, and it took me way longer than usual to really get a grasp on how to behave myself, I’m talking like, probably a year and a half recent. These days I like being quiet, and most of my energy goes towards my actual life endeavors which I’m very content with. I still enjoy drawing tickle shit, and that will probably continue unless I get bored. Obviously, there are those out there who still and always will have a negative view of me, and it’s understandable, justifiable even. I’ve long since decided that the discourse is something that I’ve accepted and moved passed, and this is the only time I’ll address it. More or less, that’s really all I have to say. Now if you’ll excuse me, I’m going to go tickle my gf’s feet now.
>>41110 >Fuck off after presented with nsfw material I've yet to hear that one. But I will ask. Can you draw cock? Cumming cock? Cuz I'm gay af
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>>41110 Huh, didn't really expect you to show up here. For whatever it's worth, I always thought your art was pretty good.
>>41110 based keep making them good arts, any big projects in the works?
>>41138 What do you want to see? (I don’t really do anime, so I’m not taking anime suggestions)
>>41148 Not that anon, but as someone who's been following your content since your old unikran account on DA, it'd be cool to see you do some homestuck content again.
>>41149 Seconding! You were the only one doing actual tickle art for hs, and it’d be great to have some higher-quality pieces of it now that you’ve improved at your craft. Your style really worked well with the characters.
>>41148 Possibly some more human ladies, nothing against furry characters, just thought it be cool.
>>41149 >>41150 I appreciate it! Maybe I’ll do Hs again for old times sake, the majority of my interests lie in creating original content and have been for quite a long time. That’s why you don’t see much “canon character” content out of me, but once in blue moon I’ll draw such. Maybe I’ll add a HS girl to that list. >>41151 There’s def more of that on the way,
>>41155 Sick, it's cool to see you making images more frequently again! (Also, i like that aphrodite image you posted a while ago, you got any more pics of her?)
>>41148 still doing this comic?
>>41160 Nothing that is really presentable at this time, but there will definitely be more Aphrodite in the near future. >>41162 Unfortunately I don’t think I’d be able too. I was drawing out pages for it, but it became very time consuming. During the last few months I moved out of my parents house so that took most of my time away. I work two jobs so I can live comfortably as opposed to on the edge. I know that taking commissions would render me a lot more funds, but I don’t have the work ethic for it, I may start doing them again, but it would be a strictly “pay after the product is done” deal.
>>41165 Well, it's nice to know there's more stuff on the horizon. I hope everything goes well!
I’ve been searching for his pic of the Inside Out mom for months, maybe years now. Does anyone have it, or has it been lost to time?
>>41783 I vaguely recall what you’re referring to. This would’ve been made when I went under “ArianOverlord” I was in high school at the time when this account was active, so the majority of the works I’ve disposed of as I thought they were cringe/horribly drawn. It actually really surprises me that people actually liked that stuff from all those years back, as I was just starting out. Nevertheless I’ll see if it’s somewhere hidden in a zip archive.
>>41797 If you end up finding other stuff of yours that hasn't been posted anywhere or isn't normally accessible anymore, could you post that here too?
>>41804 ^ Agreed
>>41797 I've certainly seen a few zip archives of some of your older stuff in a thread here somewhere- not sure which one? Maybe "Lost Art" or something along those lines? "Goldmine" maybe? Had some stuff I haven't even seen from you in there and I was there for the ArianOverlord days lol. (Lots of WIPs- likely screenshots from discord? Or if you streamed drawing at anytime?) Can't wait to see what you end up doin next fam, love your work!
Hey out of curiosity does anyone know who the character in this old pic is? I like her design
>>42854 You sure that's monokrons work? It doesn't really look like his
>>42853 That’s my work, the characters aren’t mine though. They belonged to a tumblr artist that I haven’t spoken to in years, the only thing I know is that the purple cats name is “egg”. I still have pictures of these characters done by their artist getting tickled.
>>41797 >ArianOverlord bruh
>>42939 In my own defense I was 14-15 years old and i really liked homestuck, (hence a lot of homestuck art being posted around that time,) it was supposed to be a play on “Aries” little did I know it had….other connotations I was unaware of at the time.
>>42940 Do you have any homestuck art you haven't posted anywhere, or isn't currently online anywhere? If you have any, could you post it here?
>>42870 Eyo so Mono ...got a price sheet for commissions?
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>>42964 Featuring that black thing that cries and shits itself
>>41110 >Drawing or basing characters off of IRL people, (TBH this is a non-issue for me.) Based af. Fuck morals I wanna see cute women tickled.
>>42966 >>42968 That apply to OCs too? Cuz I got some OCs I need fuckin tickled, Mono
>>43024 It can be whatever you want, Unikran#5842 Is where you can find me,
I know why Kron chooses to use the cats.
>>47981 Well go on, tell us
I'm looking for one specific Monokron pic. It's one the Undertale ones with Chara and Toriel. I don't remember a lot about it but Toriel carried Chara and that's just about all I got. Any ideas or archives?
>>49969 this one?
Yes! Thank's a lot, I remember it from a while back.

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