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Artists you hate 6: Remember, cringe never wins Anonymous 04/11/2023 (Tue) 12:56:52 Id: 067f67 No. 44739
*nod nod* Last thread hit the bump limit! you all know what to do. also, the artist hate thread outlived the Tumblr cringe discord server, so give yourselves a pat on the back! remember, cringe never wins...
>>44739 Congratulations on the sixth thread. May this one be filled with as much salt, hatred, mockery and (hopefully tickle induced) laughter as the previous ones. I am glad we can all revel in hating Gaho’s shitty temper and awful ESL speak. I want to have sex with Lila.
>>44739 Thanks lethal, you are a king.
>>44739 Is that discord legitimately dead now? Also +1 to Gaho's schizo, ESL, and retarded ass
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Tera soul. idon't know how he still has a platform
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>>44748 RS is now in charge of the server and trying to put some life back into it it seems, an interesting turn of events >>44746 Why does it always have to be me?
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>>44754 There's at least one person in the last thread (probably you) I wouldn't rule out. Block him and move on.
>>44755 No, that's not me. I don't even know what's "mass reporting" and inkblot_art
>>44754 lmao what does he want? does he want some leet epic Mr robot hacker to do what? somehow figure out who's reporting him and what- dox them? send a hitman to their location? steal their account? drain their bank account? even if someone could do that, why would they risk a felony for some schizo artist who turns even on his most avid supporters on a dime because he misread a message? (pic unrelated, but you could imagine it could be moekaki when the authorities show up at his doorstep and inform him that he has violated the computer fraud and abuse act of 1986 by attempting to solicit a hacker for nefarious purposes)
a bunch of discords died this week
>>44739 I wonder if someone could send Gaho a DM on FA/DA linking him to this thread. Do you think he'd sperg out about us 🤔 Would be fun if that was the case
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This thread is the perfect example that the pathetic virgins of the internet are the last to die. I thought it was nice to make a thread about artists you hate, but for it to be pushed to the limit twice is already ridiculous. You only serve to jerk off and fill the porn history, it is absurd that you think you are more relevant than that.
>>44781 >Imagine hosting a tickling server filled with vulnerable adult NPCs. It's fun to indulge in common interests carefree with other anonymous until you grow up. Then you see the community for the objective cringe that it is.
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>>44845 I legitimately think staying in such a community for a long period of time fucks with you. Instead of maturing, learning and adapting to your desires while moving on with your life you see a lot of artists try and continue on as if they were 20 still with the same attitude. I mean look at the artists that have been around for ages that you guys love to dunk on. ScottCannon, Pawfeather, Cheshire and on the occasion Caroo and Chaz. Granted the last two are not nearly as screwed but still. I think as you get older but continue to partake in the same fetish shit you did as if nothing changed in 15 years it is inevitable. >>44829 First time? These places gave always been filled with neckbeard incel types who's only joy in life is the way of the coom. But I'm also convinced that there are many other more emotionally sound and morbidly curious types who actually have their lives together that simply pop in sometimes with popcorn to watch the dumpster fire and throw fuel to it.
>>44848 Do any successful ticklefags even exist on this planet? All I can think of is Howard Stern and the subject of the Tickled Documentary that offed himself afterwards. Now I see why not even most of Japan takes this seriously. And if even they know it's cringe, then somethings really up.
>>44851 Define successful ticklefag
>>44851 Plenty of actual oldfags. C.A.B had enough to money to do his stuff for free as an old boomer. MTJ Publishing associated artists also likely got it together, especially the older ones. FTKL and The Agencies dude also seems to be doing pretty decently financially. That being said most of them had their origins in the olden days where you had to have basic social skills, financial literacy and an access to printing business to even spread your fetish creations into the world, so the most spergy tickle autists of the pre-2000s are lost in time.
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>>44851 >Do any successful ticklefags even exist on this planet? In what context? Artists? A lot of them that don't take up "personas" and just do work are almost certainly successful irl (Elktratouch is allegedly an actual industry animator). There are producers who just release videos and don't live on Twitter politisperging the way FTKL does. There are clearly just routine ticklefags living their lives getting kinky, because we all see Californiasole doing his business. tl;dr, you're only gonna see the trainwrecks because they are is gonna be who is online spewing all their business in a firehose fashion. Would you expect a successful doctor or lawyer to go on here or Twitter "Just checking in, fellas! Tickled my wifes gorgeous feet after a long and enriching day curing disease! Well, gotta go, but hang in there fellas!"? As ubiquitous as the internet has become in the modern age, normal, well adjusted people with rich, satisfying lives aren't on it but so much.
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>>44862 >>44851 There's also the younger generation. It's a bit early to say where they'll be ten years from now, but there are two clusters of young artists who are either in art schools or STEMs A surprising amount of mathematicians and engineers in this community, especially amongst artists
>>44862 I mean, I am an attorney, which is exactly why I come here. The anonymity is nice. Though I don't know if that's the kind of "successful" he meant, since I'm deliberately private about this fetish.
>>44829 >pushed to the limit twice uhh sweetie, Incase your zoomer brain can't read a single sentence without a family guy clip or a mobile game gameplay video playing under it, it's hit the bump limit 6 times. it's literally the most popular thread on this board if you don't like it, then just leave. i don't like Tumblr zoomers, so I just don't go on Tumblr. simple as. i don't understand what compels you people to go to a site you clearly dislike, and go into a thread you really don't like, just to tell everyone else to stop having fun. >>44848 probably one of the reasons we see a ton of weirdos irl today. they never learned that some things are kept either to yourself or online. >>44851 what do you mean by successful? like they get tickle sessions with real women frequently, or do you mean like money wise? if it's the former, then yeah there's a few. for some reason they're almost always from the UK though. probably because it's a small enough country that people don't mind driving halfway across in a couple hours if you meet someone online, compared to the US where if you find someone online you have a 1/50 chance they live in your state and if they don't then that's a couple hundred dollars in plane tickets and hotels to go do a session with them. if it's in the context of money or good jobs, then also yes. hell didn't the yenny guy work at Warner Bros for storyboarding? a couple of artists can live off of just their Patreon too if that counts. i think i heard that yeoguai (while not strictly a ticklefag, they do hang around the scene and do occasional tickle art) got a job drawing for some big Japanese hentai manga company that pays big bucks.
>>44870 So you want their success directly tied to their ticklefaggotry, you mean coombrain way to go about it. You don't think there are happily married lawyers and doctors and shit who tickle the fuck out of their cute wife every night?
>>44880 meant for >>44851
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>>44848 i think you have a good argument but you're postulating it in the wrong way, see >>44851 . the issue about "successful ticklefags" or rather the lack there of comes from a point of how terminally online they are, so for example, you have someone like WTFeather or like LordReckless, they both have lifes outside the web and they're successful people rather than just successful ticklefags, even speaking for myself, i have university work and i have to keep after my house, and i'm studying to get a real job, and that's what i believe would make someone successful, to just lve, to be a normal person and a functioning member of society. then you got the people in the middle people like Caroo, HL and Pawf, both of them are terminally online, with Pawf constantly drawing to keep his OC RP accounts running rather than focusing on what makes him bucks, and Caroo being supported by a bunch of stinky unwashed furfucker paypigs who are taking care of his bills, they're TECHNICALLY successful, but if they somehow were to get cancelled or forced off their platforms, their worlds would come crumbling down. and then you got the objectively failed tickle artists like Nitropunk or Moekaki, who trough their own actions and behaviours they've successfully manage to throw themselves into (well deserved) debts, hate and mockery, they're still around however they're treated as parriahs and their tugboats are slowly sinking which will force them to get out of their houses and get real jobs. TLDR; to be a successful tickle artist you have to be a successful person IRL, or at the very least have something going on for you, and those who can't keep up will end up homeless like that one tumblr artist who's now living in a soup hotel.
>>44884 Bluish and Reckless* i'm retarded.
>>44884 Wtfeahter is a pharmacist, I'd argue he's successful IRL
>>44888 Wtfeather's a pharmacist? Well I'll be.
not hate, didn't know where else to ask, but lads whatever happened to the bloke who drew a lot of roll (megaman). Their artstyle was pretty distinct and nice to look at. Shame they haven't posted anything in 2 years. And also like, one of the few who drew monster hunter tickle art that isn't the twins
This has huge meme potential
>>45027 I get the whole ethical debate about the art space being hit by AI, but the loudest voices on either side of the debate just tend to be the most cringe. How do people post stuff like this and expect to be respected?
>>45027 Jesus Gaho has really gone full schizo, hasn't he? Can anyone recommend a good AI art program? I want to sockpuppet on DA and send him multiple AI pics of his OCs now
>>45027 It's always the French who are the biggest cringers.
>>45031 They're all pretty shit for erotic art unless you want to do just generic anime girl pinups.
>>45028 The only people who should not be respected are those who use AI to make their content, no matter how bad a real artist is, if you are one of those bitches who draws pictures with artificial intelligence, you put your opinion in your ass .
>>45027 So im assuming this is just a lie right
>>45038 [GOOD END]
i don't even have anything funny to say about this one. at least he's honest about him tracing.
>>45043 Hey, talked about him last thread! Willing to bet this guy is somewhere on the spectrum, then again, the tickle-autist circlejerk on DeviantArt is huge enough that he somehow got a following based on that lol
>>45037 This is an artist hate thread. Disrespecting artists is what we do. Moreover, AI is a great test to see which artists are actually based and which ones are just soulless carpet sellers. If you’re startled by potential customers using AI to generate their porn, you’re as pathetic as a restaurant manager screaming at their potential customers for microwaving their food at home
>>45031 Based.
>>45059 I fucking hate this style
>>45065 Seconded. I fucking despise that stupid "bimbo" art style, big fucking clown feet, huge nigger lips. It's so fucking disgusting. Sirbombers is a huge offender
Oh no guys Gaho's gonna copyright us. Look out, gamers
>>45059 Reminds me of PawFeather, like legit not even tryna shit. Looks ID to PawFeather with the addition of shitting dick nipples
>>45072 Honestly that pic you shared represents when his art style was at least unique and interesting before he started doing this generic anime knock-off crap.
>>45071 I don't think I've seen anyone as mindbroken over AI than Pierre. The smug "gotcha" attitude of all of these is really annoying. >>45059 Why did he start doing nipples like this?
>>45027 >>45071 where are you guys even finding this shit lmao
>>45076 I think he's just developed a specific fetish for erect nipples. His style has always had cartoonish female bodies with exaggerated proportions for body parts he obviously is most into (boobs and feet).
pretty sure i've already posted in past threads but Nitropunk fucking sucks. Pretty annoying that all their is now stuck behind a paywall like fanbox.
>>45140 Also had to note that he could not even draw the character's hands correctly LMAO with one hand having 5 digits and the other 4. Looks like you and AI have something in common Gaho. Just needs to change the sound effect in the last panel to *BRAP* and the scene immediately changes to a poor man being subjected to a fart fetish furry.
>>45140 Does he have some kind of brain injury?
>>45142 probably got whacked on the head with a police riot baton during one of the pension law protests in France these days
>>45027 >>45071 >>45140 Last wish was actually a pretty good movie but holy shit this guy is trying to make me hate it
>>45034 they've been getting better each week. not perfect yet, but definitely better.
>>45142 Yeah he's French.
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>>45140 Holy shit I understand the struggles with AI for artists and art theft and shit, but why tf did he have to go about it in the most cringe and unlikeable way possible
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>>45151 >>45140 Reminder AIfags tell people that AI will raise the standards for art and its gonna do away with degenerate work but they mostly use it for porn they tell rightwingers that AI is making lefties seethe then turn around and tell leftists that its democratizing art they tell artists that AI will help them but are also telling corporations that they can fire artists when corporations don't use AI they then get called out for getting in the way of "innovation" AI shills talk about how easy making AI is but then talk like prompting is something only a select people can do they talk about how much they hate artists and how useless they are, but do everything to be included in artist circles. Not even against the use of AI, but it's so very clear the average AI shill has no loyalty, no beliefs, no toilets, only envy, greed, and lust. No matter how cringy and masturbatory Gaho's art may be, it's an earnest expression of creation, and will NEVER be as cringe as faggotry of AInigs.
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>>45155 If that is the case riddle me this. Why do I only get a small sense of unease in the AI thread, whereas I get extremely embarassed looking at Gaho's art?
>>45157 creedless
>>45155 Take your pills, anon. It's just AI art.
>>45162 nothing I said was false.
>>45163 >nothing I said was false >Previously went into schizo conspiracy rant B r u h you're defending cringe behavior in fucking HAG because anti AI art lmao
>>45165 >no refutation >"l-le CRINGE" I accept your concession.
>>45166 >Defends shitty behavior >I accept your concession Gb2 Reddit white knight. It's never ogre here Speaking of Gaho and concessions
>>45167 >AI fags can't even handle a ticklefag making a shitty comic poking fun at their shilling without sperging out on the artist indeed.
>>45168 Hmm....all this white knighting and the inability to let shit go...I think I found Gaho, boys
>>45170 As much as it seems like it, the only way I know it's not him is because the English is actually somewhat cohesive. Either is a Gaho stan and/or is a firm believer of AI being the antichrist. BTW gaho seems to have deleted the page from both DA and FA it seems
>>45171 Damn too bad. I'll bet the comments were great
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>>45170 >>45171 I don't even think AI is the antichrist, I just find AI art shills to be insufferable faggots
>>45174 >acknowledging gaho's cringy art about AI = AI art shill Idk who's being more fallacious here, but I think we got a false equivalency here :) Look, AI art has so much criticism to be had here, which I won't delve into because this is the artist hate thread, but the way Gaho is going about it is probably the worst way possible xddddd Gaho's entire gallery is around fetish art for gods sake. Trying to insert a personal agenda, good or bad, will just come off as cringy regardless, god forbid with cohesive english no less. Not only is he protesting to the wrong crowd, but he's beginning to tarnish a somewhat passive reputation by trying to continuously insert himself into such a controversial topic. He has every right to complain, whether that be on some other platform like Twitter or Discord. But someone needs to get it to his daft, mindless skull that what he is doing right now is frankly embarrassing. And it definitely is getting to his head since I saw the comments leading to the deletion of his posts. If anything there was only 1 or 2 comments criticizing it, with tens of other otherwise supporting it. He is as fragile as fucking sheet of paper
>>45174 Thank you my friends, you are stoling the word out of my mouthe! AI is malvolent and will KILL artists, you are to be stopping using AI NOW! If you use AI you KILL artists with this craezy robots... My accompte will NEVER accept cowardes who call eeaech and everything art without REAL ARTISTS... You want me to do your draw? Ok so RESPECT ME!
>>45175 >Hunamity I'm rolling. Can we Deepfake his OC's faces? Would Deepfake even support that? But on the real, anon is 100 percent correct and has described the situation better than me lol it's not about whether AI is bad or not, it's that Gaho is being an imbecile, and therefore we're laughing at him
>>45177 Hey! You cannot be Gaho! Gaho I am! Dare not personality me! AI DESTROYING way of our artist life! 35 hours spending upon once an illustration! Cannot AI love with! WE WERE HEREING FIRST! WE RESPECTE TO HAVE ARTISTS do not AI you are stopping using AI! I copyright all of you using MY ART WITHOUT MY PERMISSION artisting respectful! RESPECTFUL!! Now!!!
>>45175 see what I mean? >>45178 >DOOD LETS DEEPFAKE HIS OC'S FACES LOLOLOL how about you draw them, faggot?
>>45180 no... no I don't see what you mean lol What point are you trying to make
>>45180 >How bout you draw them fgt No u
>>45181 my point, sweet anon, is that the act if creation is the ultimate expression of humanity's connection to Elohim, for to be capable of creation is what it MEANS be made in his image And those who would delegate the act of creation to an algorithm machine have denied their intrinsic divinity, and have labelled themselves for what they are. NPCs. are you an NPC, anon? Speak truthfully.
>>45183 Who the actual flying fresh hell is elohim
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>>45183 Btw this is just gaho right? The broken English is back, guess he couldn't keep relying on Google translate
>>45183 >Writing isn't art >Novels aren't art >Comics arent art >Manga isn't art >Video Games aren't art You are Here >AI isn't art Your point of view will only fade with time.Anything can be art since art is in the eyes of the beholder. I assume you're evidently baiting smoothbrain atheists into replying "ACTUALLY THERE IS NO GOD SO CHECKMATE", but even then, that argument is flimsy at best. To create isnt necessarily to create art. What about the cultivation of one's mind and body through learning and exercise? Isn't it also some form of creation? What about programming and crafting? Isn't that also a form of creation? To be a creative mind is a blessing, but how does delegating your work to a machine make you any less of an artist? If anything, I'd say someone who uses an AI to create something beautiful and yet original is much more respectable than another retard trying to gather clout by drawing Lady Dimistrescu and Samsung Sam doing the Jack-O pose challenge.
>>45187 >Jack-o-pose >Lady Dimitrescu >Samsung sam Someone save this man he's trapped in 2021 In all seriousness tho I legit have never heard about a god called Elohim before.
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>>45188 Sorry, let me do the 2023 version >Peach >Tatsumaki >Power/Makima >Anything Bocci related Also Elohim is the literal translation for "God" in hebrew, aka how it was said in the old testament, and consequentially now a part of all 3 main branches of abrahamic religion
>>45189 Ah okay thanks for the info brother
>>45187 >list of things hand-crafted by created by human creators vs >a thing not made by a human sure, anon. they're exactly the same, you got me. :) >If anything, I'd say someone who uses an AI to create something beautiful and yet original is much more respectable than another retard trying to gather clout by drawing Lady Dimistrescu and Samsung Sam doing the Jack-O pose challenge. >I typed "anime lady w/ big tits showing her feet", that means i'm BETTER than someone who drew it!
>>45186 yes I am gaho. Sex. Sex!
>>45183 >>45189 >Elohim >Hebrew GAHO IS A JEW CONFIRMED IT ALL MAKES SENSE NOW
>>45183 I think you missed the entire point of my post. Which probably tells me the real NPC here since you're just regurgitating the same few points over and over again, no matter who you're replying to. Just to get it through your dead, hollow brain, I'll TLDR my entire point: Me no care about whether AI bad or good. Me not gonna debate on whether AI bad or good. Me thinks that Gaho art on AI is cringe. Since Gaho art cringe, me make fun of him. Do you understand now? Or do I need to dumb it down further?
>>45203 Oh hai Gaho
>>45207 The truth is out Even Gaho hates Gaho
As usual, everyone here ends up being just as cringe as the people they're making fun of.
>>45207 You’re saying Gaho is dog anus Jesus? Is he here to deliver us from the sins of AI and lead us to the promised land within an enormous canine butthole?
>>45214 Truth is, i've never seen someone so obsessed with anal tickling than Gaho It's truly incredible
Gaho got confronted in his da comments again and deleted the relevant anti ai art again. Lol.
>>45189 elohim is not how YHVH is pronounced there no official source or confirmation of how its ever said. just one of the interpretations anyway my mind blanked out on the rest of this threads sperging
Sir this is a tickling board
>>45228 >>45167 he reposted it now updated aka changed some dialogue around to say like "gee i sure wish i had talent like those REAL artists!!" his excuse? see pic. what a stand up guy, how can anyone not stand up to the evil AI menace when they're constantly spitting in his friends face "hours 24" a day? gaho, i can guarantee you that not a single person making ai art either knows or cares about you or your friends and your art in the slightest. >guys i can't draw because I don't have time to practice/talent/disability/don't want to learn >woah i can now make art that is somewhat close to what i want but is still obviously ai generated? wow this is great, even though it's nowhere near as good as actually getting a real drawing from an artist, it's still great i can get some ideas out! >WOAH WOAH WOAH BUDDY? YOURE ENJOYING YOURSELF? YOURE HAVING FUN?? NO. YOU DID NOT EARN THE PRIVILEGE TO ENJOY GENERATING PICTURES BECAUSE YOU DIDNT SPEND YEARS PRACTICING OR DIDNT PAY AN ARTIST 80$ FOR A YCH >IM PUTTING A STOP TO YOUR ACTIONS RIGHT NOW YOU MENACE!!! HOW DARE TOU GET ENJOYMENT FROM SOMETHING I DONT AGREE WITH!!
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https://www.furaffinity.net/view/51836734/ The starting bid is $50. The current bid is $180. Who the hell would pay so much for a YCH?
>>45244 Let's all take a moment to appreciate how fucking brainless Gaho is by taking g this heavy stance against A.I. art. You know, Gaho. The fetish artist. The porn artist. Screaming to the hills to the audience taking in his fetish art. His audience that, if given the ability or ease of access, would absolutely make their own fetish art without a second though to suit their needs. He is literally bitching to the audience that will make most A.I. platforms as advanced or as profitable as they are/can become. If A.I exists, the number one thing it will be used for is porn without question. And I get it, people gotta make a living. Though does this dude actually think he is going to make enough to sustain his life off furry porn art? Or is he genuinely worried about art "having heart and soul" (he said in one of his rants.). It's not like just because A.I exists people who genuinely like him and will pay for his art don't. At best he's just alienating his audience. Oh well.
>>45255 Retard furries.
Also you can stop posting about Ghao now, it stopped being funny ages ago, literal eye-roll tier when someone bursts out into this exposition rant about how retarded he is or how "funny" his chimp outs are. We get it. He's an ESL retard. It's stale. Find another angle already.
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>>45270 what?
>>45270 Isn't that the point of this thread? What, do you want people to go back to bitching about screampunk, kusujinn, or Moekaki already after people stopped talking about them for a couple days (in this thread) the literal most beaten to death artists on this board? Have at it.
>>45272 I prefer if these threads weren't even a thing. Most of the time its petty nonsense or two retards shit-flinging in a desperate attempt to get the last word in that rolls on for 20+ back and forth posts.
>>45274 It's simple then, isn't it? Don't view the thread. These threads are always the same few artists getting steamrolled with hate and that shit flinging used to just be randomly all over the board before a these threads existed. At least now it's contained a bit. There are only so many artists to shit on in our niche in so many different ways.
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>>45256 Speaking as an artist Have you ever noticed that, when an artist does commissions, very often they look worse than their normal work, in a way you can't quite place? A lot of times, people chalk this up to artists phoning it in, putting in minimal effort for a paycheck, but let me tell you that's not the case. Nine times outta ten, it looks bad because that's what the commissioner wanted. The commissioner is usually not an artist, and does not understand things like composition, balance, etc, they just want something they can touch themselves to. Not trying to sound pretentious, but it's true. Art that's made to be jacked off to is still art, and follows artistic rules. That's what makes the difference between mid tickle porn and good tickle porn. This relates the the AI art topic because now, we have slews of people with no eye for art using it to churn out mid tickle porn that they're perfectly happy with because they're terminal cumbrains.
>>45281 I see your point and the first thing I'll say is I wasn't trying to say porn can't be art. I was trying to add to the point of A.I generation is likely going to be used for porn more than anything else. And while I don't disagree with you, you are kinda riding close to the point I was making. If a person has an A.I tool that doesn't require to much effort to even give them something remotely simple enough that makes their peepee twitch, they're going to use it. There will never be a time when it won't be used. But as it's been pointed out, most people aren't cumbrains and may use the A.I themselves while also supporting artists they enjoy who actually have an idea of how art works. What I was trying to get at, mostly, was Gaho, bitching as he is, is far more likely to drive away people that actually like his constant butthole tickling style.
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>>45281 Dont you think its more because artists just have specific tastes and wont put as much efforts with ideas they dont vibe with, yet still take the money because money is money?
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what do you think the overlap is between people who are praising AI art, and people who called artists like Caroo lazy for tracing design doll models and shitalking artists like sharky for making tickle pics with 3D models instead of drawing it
>>45281 That's why every time I've commissioned art I've always asked the artist for their opinion on the idea, on how to better execute it, and give them clear but vague instructions so they can get a general idea of what I want but pull it off on their own terms. I think that method works best, at least, I've never had any bad experiences with artists that way and they said they liked working with me.
A lot of people who commission art aren’t good at reading the work of the people they commission. Often the most half-assed pieces are ones where the commissioner has simply requested what they want without any regard for how the artist works or the kind of thing they do. The best results imo come from working with the artist on constructing a scene as you’re paying for their unique creativity, rather than someone else’s. Galleries full of random, disconnected stuff sometimes suggests the artist is a mercenary rather than drawing for the love of it. You see this when people ask furry artists to draw humans etc. It’s like going to a carpenter who only makes tables and asking them to make a chair because you love chairs and both things are made out of wood. They can probably still do it, but it won’t be as good as their table making which they’ve spent time refining.
nitropunk nuking everything he made before march of this year lol
>>45345 Oh hai Nitro
>>45347 That was a reaction directed AT Nitro, not anon. Context clues bruh.
>>45347 You are autistic lmao. You are the primary reason these threads suck ass because you have no reading comprehension. Develop social skills you retarded fag.
>>44870 >zoomer >family guy Lmao what, zoomers don't watch that shit they watch vtubers and twitch streams >t. 1999 zillennial
>>45370 That rage tho
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>>44848 >>44851 >>44862 >>44870 >>44884 >Bro you'll never be SUCCESSFUL with a gang of niggersish and cringe fetish like this, SUCCESS is driving a Lambo and doing coke with strippers on yachts >You can learn more with my 5-DVD set on how to be a SUCCESSFUL ALPHA MALE just 179.99 if you order now, link in description below and don't forget to subscribe to my Patreon
lmao what is that wordfilter ahahahaha
Not really hate, as I still think dude is one of the best around, but: Bad-Pierrot was pumping some of the best work of his life with his Patreon comic-like, multi-drawing-per-piece works, but it seems he figured out that the audience will pay just as well for lower-effort single drawings and has been doing that for the past month. Fucking shame.
>>45463 What were you trying to say before the filter kicked in?
>>44829 Are you Canadian by any chance?
>>45693 >tickling is _ish and cringe antonym for "parent" would be my guess
>>45462 >gang of niggersish and cringe fetish New submascots for the board; a gang of Crips that tickle tortures instead of rapes
>>45692 pretty much yea. he stopped doing comic strips and settled with doing basic pieces with not much to them which is a bit of a shame. though maybe the comic strips were a bit much to do, but i wouldn’t know
>>45702 The Dindu Laffins.
>>45716 This is the black pill for creators in any fetish community. You quickly realize nobody gives a shit about your creative narratives or plot based story arcs that you work hard on, they just want to jack off and skip that. I mean, you know what you're signing up for when you do this kind of thing, so it's not really something you get to complain about. Still, it is what it is, and you ask yourself "why bother?" when you can just cut straight to the chase and make a fetish pic that people will pay for regardless?
>>45742 >everything you draw is consumed by actual retarded wankers anyway >get paid the same for bottom tier content as you do for the highest effort >>"wHy DoN't CrEaToRs EvEn TrY aNyMoRe??!?!!" Literal boomer energy my guy
>>45748 ??? Try reading comprehension?
>>45742 Idk man. Even with normal porn, if the plot didn't make it better, it wouldn't be there, all i'm sayin'. Now yeah if you try to do an Oekaki and pretend like people care about the plot as anything other than an enhancement to their cooms and then get mad at it, skill issue, but man like Kelen Castle was majorly enhanced for me by saying MC wasn't ticklish anywhere but her feet which were her super weakness.
>>45761 It's true, you know what you're signing up for when you make fetish art, people who get mad or upset when people don't care about their story-based stuff are silly. It's just what it is.
>>45765 This is pretty standard stuff for deviantArt.
>>45766 you say that but theres only a few people doing these. We always extrapolate how bad dA is but the average quality of dA content has increased a lot over the years
>>45807 The reason why the quality of Deviantart stuff has gone up is that a lot of people seem to forget that a lot of artists start when when we're young. I was around 14-15 when I first started and it's now ten years later. What you're seeing is people who used to make cringe shit as kids grow up and actually learn how to draw.
>>45814 >ten years later >still doing what you were doing in your early teens anon...
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>>45931 believe it or not, anon, some people DON'T become so jaded they give up their hobbies when they get older and get a job. "oh woe is me, I have to work for a living now, there's no way for me to still do and enjoy the things I use to!!" fuck you, you weepy fuckwuss. if you actually enjoyed drawing you wouldn't just give it up now that you have other shit going on.
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>>45936 >just let people enjoy things Why do you think we're in this mess?
>>45931 >>45937 Literal boomers were drawing tickling art of comic book girls in late 90s and early 00s Internet. It didn't cause downfall of the West then, and millennials drawing fetish art of anime girls now won't probably cause it either.
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>>45937 Anon I'm not telling you to let people enjoy things, people are gonna enjoy things whether you cry about it or not I'm asking you why you CAN'T enjoy thing. Do yo want people to stop drawing fetish art when they hit adulthood? so you can suffer the art of teenagers forever? I don't understand your line of thinking. I still enjoy the same hobbies I had as a teenager because I didn't go "waaahh im depressed now because capitalism!" in my adulthood. what's your excuse? be happy, faggot.
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>>45939 >I still enjoy the same hobbies I had as a teenager Is that you Chris-chan?
>>45940 What do you do in your free time, anon? tell me. Is it this? Oh god, it's not this, is it? Tell me it's not this.
>>45941 >implying I have free time lol. lmao I work 60+ hour weeks and spend most of my paycheck on alcohol after rent and utilities, I don't buy C4S anymore, I don't check the messages on my DA or discord. The closest thing I have to a "hobby" at this point is weighing the pros and cons of suicide. I used to idolize artists like Bad-Pierrot or Kusujinn now when I see their uploads I just think low effort, sameface, recycled pose, feet look wrong >be happy Pharmaceutical companies HATE this one simple trick
>>45943 people like you are a blight on all mankind. if I had my way I'd get all the sad sacks like you in a camp and gas you all so the rest of the world wouldn't need to deal with your constant moaning. too bad this isn't a good world.
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>>45943 I understand, anon. you are miserable and you want the rest of the world to be miserable too. thats why you're in this thread.
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>>45945 >he doesn't know it's all misery
>>45946 >>45947 Do you have children, anon ... chesh chesh is that you
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>>45954 Wouldn't be able to support kids. You and ed7d65 have rich parents or something? Because this is reality for those of us who can't pretend those years are gone.
Chesh is the only ticklefag allowed to have kids.
>>45931 >>45936 I've been doing a commission rush as of late. I'm saving up to put a downpayment on a house with my foot money. I have a few grand saved.
>>45961 parents have nothing to do with it nigga, I grew up an orphan. You're just old and jaded. You might wanna save for a coffin cuz I bet in 5 years time you're gonna die with a liver full of welts and a needle in your arm.
>>45961 >Childless wageslave >Calls other people childless millennials Anon....
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>>45742 Yeah, it's a shame. For me at least the extra effort made the pieces much better. Take the Mai comic. There's a lot of "wasted work" there, with the picture on the left, according to that retarded view you mentioned. But for me? Seeing she go from defiant to broken is what sells the comic to me. And the multiple shots help sell the idea that this is a long, torturous session with multiple variations. Or on Baiken's comic, the dialog adds to the hotness. Her going "I can't freaking stand it" is what makes me nut in this comic. Simply posting the picture without the contexts, the scenarios and the dialogues make them lesser. It's a shame. But you're right - it's the audience's fault, much more than the artists. Most morons would rather have him pump out three generic pieces than one amazing comic, unfortunately. But to me, this run he has been in the past year genuinely created some of the best fap material ever. Shame it's over.
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>>45977 Yes. But I at least act my age, and I know better than to pass on this suffering to another human who'd only hate me for it. >>45976 >You're just old and jaded. Im 24 kek. But I have lived too long, the difference is that I can't go back and won't make an ass of myself trying >I grew up an orphan I don't believe you >You might wanna save for a coffin cuz I bet in 5 years time you're gonna die with a liver full of welts and a needle in your arm. What do you think my plan is? No gf, no real friends, no life outside work, tired of this "community" and this cringe retarded fetish. Only thing keeping me from a one way trip to the Canadian hospital is money (it's only free if you live there). At least I won't live to see myself become a balding geriatric manbaby.
>>45993 You know getting run over in the street is always free...just saying...
>>45993 ...or a psych ward. Either one.
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>>45993 >haha yeah im a clinically depressed foreveralone wageslave who constantly contemplates suicide sustained only by the canadian healthcare systrem b-but at least im not CRINGE The fires of your spite may warm you now, but they will leave you cold in the grave.
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>Fetish artists?
>>45997 Everything about this fetish is cringe I just try to avoid being overtly autistic >but I'll be dead Pog lmao
I've had HL blocked for a while because I couldn't stand seeing her cringe Sun and Moon art anymore, and I just think she's kinda overrated. I checked on her recently and she's still drawing those fucking robots. How long can a hyperfixation like that last? This is getting worrying, but it's not like I liked her before so. How can you draw for years and having your art stagnating like that? I can't believe she's still making money off this.
>>46000 Autism and cringe are all made up concepts humans use to validate their own perceptions and behaviours above all the ones that differ from them anon. They're not more tangible and real than virginity, the easter bunny or the concept of shame. If you really were completely jaded and tired, you would've long learned and accepted that we're all nothing but slightly big brained monkeys trying to stimulate dopamine production while spinning out of control on a big ball of dirt for a whole cosmic fart's worth of time. The fact you still cling to the ridiculousness that is human judgement and both superiority and inferiority complexes merely proves you're still holding on to your society-instilled desire to fit in and natural instinct to compare your tiny meaningless monkey achievements and losses to all the other tiny meaningless monkey achievement and losses you can learn of, much to your general disservice. Hopefully one day you'll forego any semblance of value in any existing thing or action that doesn't derive from the positive impact it may have on the very shallow depths of the tissue housed within your skull and embrace the beautiful chaos of entropy, hedonism and stupidity that is a genuine smile. Me, a loser, the non-existent waifu I love with all the stupid genuineness I can muster, and my entire slew of 'cringe' fetishes are all rooting for you.
>>46005 Ask Caroo. Different paint, same shit.
>>46005 She's definitely one of the stranger artists who has been around for a long time. There are a small handful of artists who have been around that long, since the Tickletheater days at least, and I can't think of any who coast by on the goodwill they get for being around that long as much as her. Even the others like Caroo at least did some good art at some point in the past, but HL has full on rode the wave of success from being around back when there were only a handful of artists without ever improving.
>>46010 I've heard that she's not a fun person to be around either, so I don't get why she still has this huge following. There are plenty of newer artists that get way less attention but are more creative, and overall better.
>>46013 Retards will eat shit from anyone with a vagina. It's why she still has a following while Moekaki is in a downward spiral.
>>45938 Here's the fundamental difference I see in that schism and where I think your argument falls flat. The "boomers" who you speak of who were drawing that smut back in the 90s were a breed apart from the 20-30 year olds of today. They knew, even if they were degenerates, that they'd have to serve a function in society outside of their fetish bubble to subsist, whereas on the other hand most Millennias will turn 30 without ever have worked a job in any capacity, living on government handouts and banking on a chips-all-in scenario of trying to peddle their absolute mid art for a Pateron subscription. The fundamental difference being that Boomers stayed in their lane. Modern retards aren't even aware there is a lane. It's why you see more often than not these weirdo fetishist art blogs going hog wild with political posts ad nauseum. Zero sense of self awareness. You could chalk that up to the rate of autism skyrocketing since the late 80s, but that's another topic altogether.
>>46000 >>46006 You are both massive faggots, go back to reddit, or better yet, call your mother and talk to her for 5 minutes instead of cooming or getting strung out on cheap booze, youre acting like brown people.
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>>46006 Weirdly wholesome. Virgin doomer vs. chad hiki autist >>46018 But also this lmao
>>46016 The clearest example I can provide to you, if you've been in this 'scene' long enough, is this retard. 34 years old, living on government autism disability and using the money to get retarded commissions of his Sonichu OC licking feet while unironically using the XD emoticon. This is the horrid circus we let metastasize into a Western pandemic, rancid manbabies like this fill the scene. Of course this is indicative of the fetish scene in general. For every chill, somewhat normal person you find into this kind of thing, there are 40 mal-adjusted disgusting mamchildren with zero social skills to depress the balance significantly.
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>>46020 It's time to start seriously discussing the merits of gassing everyone over 30
>>46016 >>46020 I think a lot of it is people in Europe and America thinking they can survive entirely on Patreon bux like artists who live in less developed countries. Also lots of artists who pretend it's their full time job when they actually have other sources of income. I'm aware of at least one tickling artist who was at one point getting around double the average salary for their country from Patreon, while also holding down a full time job outside of it.
>>46024 I think there are some artists that can survive only off Patreon and commissions, I know it’s rare but it can happen with time and effort. This said, many mid-tier artists see them and think they will have a chance too, but then they don’t put much effort in and spam their fucking Patreon link everywhere. I still think that if you’re talented and good with people, you can make it.
>>46025 From what I've seen of how much tickling artists specifically earn on Patreon you really need to be located in a country with a low cost of living, otherwise you will barely be surviving. Most of them don't make much at all, there are tons of them in the <$500 range, and even on the higher end you'll be lucky to break $1500. It's sad but tickling is niche enough that it's basically impossible to earn enough to live on. That's why there have been a few like MellowTK and BaronStrap who started off focusing on tickling then abandoned it when they realised they wouldn't be able to make a living unless they switched to more generic porn. Also as a side note there are so many ticklefag artists completely sleeping on games. We get garbage like To Tickle List, whereas well made games centered around other kinks rake money in. Hell, MellowTK's Lust Doll features a decent amount of tickling and he's getting more than enough to live decently on from Patreon.
>>46027 I agree on the tickling niche thing, that's why it's smart to mix it with other kinks as well. As an artist who's been doing this for like 1 year, with comms and Patreon I make more than I would working as a cashier in my country. I'm not where I want to be, but I'm working hard to get there, and keeping my goals realistic. There are so many people that don't make it, and so many that don't even start.
>>46028 Best of luck to you, just don't become too popular or you'll end up on this thread
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>>46030 Popularity is fine. Being a massive autist like half this thread less so.
>>46018 >you’re acting like brown people
>>46006 >the meaning of life is cooming do ticklefags really
>>46060 is that what you gleaned from that post? cause you might be projecting if so.
>>46061 >projecting I hate this fucking cliche so much. It's just "no u" but in (((pop psych))) Reddit speak.
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>>46062 nowhere in his post did he mention cooming but your brain went straight to cooming
>>46065 >he mentions dopamine hits, his fictional waifu and (self admitted) cringe fetishes >nothing about any kind of greater purpose or fulfillment >rest of it is bog-standard nihilism >posted on a hentai board It's an impressive bit of cope I'll give him that, not that dunking on a braindead doomer with obvious porn-induced ED is all that impressive, I just hope he has a plan B when he gets just as tired of this "community"
>>46074 Kill pawfeather, crush pawfeather skulls, kill pawfeather’s babies, etc etc
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>>46080 It isn't just him. Moekike, Wtfeather, Caroo, Zp, anyone who's been doing this too long but just refuses to move on with their lives. Boomercide when?
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Fuck ZP. I used to love him now I hate his guts. +1 for total oldfag death
>>46105 Being old doesn't even seem like an excuse, considering how C.A.B. was a liked artist who didn't try to get hip with the cool kids, because it wasn't like him to do so.
>>46105 what about this image is enraging you, anon what about it made yuo do a 180 on your opinion of ZP, cause it looks like moreof the same to me.
Stirfry oldfags in a wok. Throw oldfags into active volcanoes. Munch oldfags. Pistol whip an oldfag. Twist oldfag heads off.
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I don't think the fake foot pocket pussy is real but the simp responses my god
>>46111 How fuckin' old was that guy, anyway?
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>>46130 me to that person
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>>46130 I hope that the level of autism on display here gives him pause, if only for a few moments, to reflect on what kind of content he's making and if it's really what he wants out of life. That's too optimistic but I hope for it anyway.
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>>46112 If you can read "footussy" and "hoofussy" without sustaining brain damage you're made of stronger stuff than me >>46130 >>46140 and I thought the hololive simps were bad enough, can Putin just nuke us already smfh
>>46013 I've known her for some years before the... child's video game obsession. We weren't best of friends but we were on enough of a level to DM each other every now and then. My god. She is a prick. Through and through. She's hostile towards anyone who doesn't pay her, and she lovingly showers her frequent commissioners with hugs and compliments. I cant stand her anymore. She's so fucking toxic and her friend group are full of super pedantic cold faced "we're famous and you're not so fuck you" assholes. I remember telling her to piss off and she went full rage mode.. And now she has a girlfriend who's like half her age. And my god, their level of PDA is off the charts. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
>>46164 >girlfriend half her age >she's maybe 30
>>46165 I can at the very least confirm she is around 35, maybe 36. I think everything has been purged now but she used to be weirdly open about her real identity back maybe 15 years ago.
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>>46165 >>46167 the gf is still like 21 or some shit right
>>46132 As far as I recall he could dedicate so much time to draw fetish smut for free quite literally as a retirement hobby, so probably at least past his 60s.
>>46168 I have no idea, I'm not the same poster as >>46164 but I was a lurker on some old forums that she frequented and I'm genuinely shocked she's still managing to get attention now. There was a time when anybody uploading any kind of art online was given attention, drawing tablets were stupidly expensive and hardly anyone dared to draw things on paper and scan it in, so the artists back then were treated like celebrities. HL was around during that era and has somehow managed to maintain a following even though they haven't improved at all since that era and are by all accounts completely insufferable.
>>46130 >>46140 >yeesh no way PF ISN'T trolling with this account. fucker must secretly be having a field day shitting on these type of ticklefags under the guise of it being his OC's 'thing' to be a cunt. got these retards in a vice grip and they're none the wiser
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>>46164 >>46168 >ahaha yeah that's horrible and she's totally a groomer but like who is the ler and the lee do you think
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im gonna do it bros... im gonna steal
>>45943 dont worry anon, as a fellow non zoomer adult i understand your plight... im lucky if i get 1 drawing done in a month, sometimes two because work just sucks so much out of you, and the little free time you have you have to find out how to divide it between running errands, trying to relax, socializing, and finally drawing.... i wouldnt put it past most people here to either be working a part time job and/or going to school while living with their parents still, or have a really high paying job and don't have to worry about working overtime to pay rent. sucks to be working class nowadays >>45969 hi kron, congrats btw >>46005 >how long can a hyperfixation like that last? >How can you draw for years and having your art stagnating like that? idk ask caroo. caroo ragging aside, it sucks that art that people like HL make is the shit that will expose the next generation to tickle fetish art. give it like 3-5 years and all youll be seeing from new artists is m/m sun and moon twink tickle porn on DA. >>46020 completely blocked this guy out of my memory like a traumatic experience, thanks for bringing it back. Can't believe that this guy inserting his sonichu OC into commissions has probably singlehandedly ruined more art for me than any other character. dude's front and center too, cant crop him out easily on most pics with him.
Dogeoisie doesn’t want THIS image to exist anymore. So I’m immortalizing it here! Fuck you dude for bitching about fictional characters and being a toxic piece of shit who can’t stfu
>>46232 +1 to booting that sonichu oc outta the stratosphere If you have any good tickle art with him unfortunately in it, I'll offer to redraw a couple with his ass substituted out with some feathers or shit idk
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>>46232 Who is the "sonichu" guy? Can't say I've heard of him before.
>Subscribe to artist on patreon >Thanks for subscribing! Please download each pic manually through another service that requires authentication and approval by me for access, or join my poorly organized discord through the same method except instead of requesting each pic, you just have to scroll through a bunch of inane autist chat between pics How is it more work to view tickle smut pics than it is to get through an episode of something on a streaming service, and how do creators not understand why everyone is pirating their shit?
>>46242 and then when you finally get the pictures, they're ALL NAMED 'UNTITLED' or something so I also have to name them each something myself artist patreon-discords are among the worst places in this world (so far) I've unironically dropped artists and stopped supporting people over how relentless and shit their discords are I'm never going to fucking pledge to another artist that lists discord server as a perk, it's a fucking punishment
>>46240 You fucking kidding me? Dude Chris-chan is an internet legend.
>>46256 No, I know who tf Chris chan is, I've done a commission featuring Mary Lee Walsh And Sonichu before, I follow that shit like a sheep it's so hilarious. I'm refering to the "sonichu" esque OC that we're talking about here, I've never once seen a picture in reference with some yellow Sonic OC before that's front and center.
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>>45943 >>46232 >but LET PEOPLE ENJOY THINGS I hate this excuse. Let KIDS enjoy things THAT ARE FOR KIDS without making it weird and awkward showing up with your 40yo unmarried ass taking up the last spots in line and the limited edition cards jfc tl:dr act your fucking age milleniggers
>>46260 Goddamn you're still alive? Get your weird ass Disney fetish shit and fuck off already, you fossil.
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>>46261 You first
>Make porn >Show porn >Interrupt right at the good part and start preaching about race or some shit idk Ultimate bait
>>46074 that's a photoshop, right? ...right?
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>>46257 >I've done a commission featuring Mary Lee Walsh And Sonichu before,
>>46074 >mfw my mum finds the pawfeather footussy
>>46321 I said what I said. I don't have it anymore, but someone in our community does. Up to you to figure out who it is. To the commissioner who I know is one of us here: Don't you tell them.
>>46369 >G guys it's real I swear >Artistkun! Don't tell them baka! Why are people like this? Why are you so chicken shit about showing us?
>>46370 I forgor where i put the pic But it was definitely me and i liked the pic Why don’t you want me to post it? (P.S : from memory, I got two pics of her, but I need to dive back into my old computers from 5 years ago if I want to get them) (P.P.S : I’m pretty sure most people here know my bad tastes enough to figure out who I am) (P.P.P.S : It ends with « -ethal »)
>>46370 Nah idc if you share the pic, just thought it would be funny for them to figure it out themselves. >>46370 I don't even have the pic anymore, I've probably been through like, what, five windows re-images at this point? I've only now started to archive stuff and I'm fairly certain it might be in that zip file someone did of my stuff but I'm too lazy to look through it.
>>46377 >>46370 Im at work rn but I’ll deepdive in my old files when I’m out of here, I’m pretty sure I’ll have the pics in an hour or two
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>>45938 >the west hasn't collapsed
>>46381 man... all this because some cringe boomers drew tickle fetish art.
>>46400 They also opened our borders, outsourced our futures, and are now bleeding out what's left of Medicare and Social Security but that's neither here nor there
>>46401 I just want the housing market to collapse so I can buy a nice house innawoods.
What the actual fuck is this logic >A character who's a 100 something year old adult but still looks like they did when they were 17 is EXACTLY the same as lolicon ?? So if an 18 year old looks like they did when they were 17, is that lolicon too? by this logic it should be even closer, actually.
>>46440 why do artists feel the need to share their opinions just like that? most people follow them for their art only. I get posting something personal or unrelated to their art once in a while, but so many post more about their pointless opinions than drawings.
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>>46441 Autism. It's almost always autism. And literal autism, not current era "Everything weird or annoying online is autism".
>>46440 >The lines depicted a 17.99 year old I think I’ll draw a 14 year old character today for the hell of it.
>>46442 Someone actually turned that in as their CV?
>>46444 Wow, only 17.99? Does that include shipping and handling?
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>>46459 That brings the total to 2156.00
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>>46462 >>46459 Feds ain't even trying anymore
>>46477 I applied to the FBI today.
>>46257 It's shit like this that makes me want to drop this "fetish" forever, mainly because it was a fixation when I was young but slowly started to ween off anyways. Imagine for a moment knocking on 40 and still jacking off to pictures like this, let alone paying for them.
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>>46495 Solid plan anon, this fetish is the epitome of retarded and cringe, it's no wonder females avoid us even more than incels. Good luck out there in 3dspace.
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>>46165 she looks like a toddler
>>46425 You can find undeveloped land in the poorer states for around 1-1.5k/acre and build your own cabin for another 25-50k Good luck getting your kocho kocho hentai out there doe
>>46236 at first I thought it was the retarded 'controversy' surrounding the meme, but I've come to find out it's because he was upset at how popular it got compared to his other art which is also fucking retarded. almost moreso.
>>46495 It's a countfire picture as well, so it's like puking on a pile of shit.
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This is a fucking horrifying thing to put in the description of your fetish porn art
>>46745 holy shit
Incoming shit storm from your favorite furfag artists, boys. I already see some butthurt rage journals
>>46749 I mean.. that seems like something worth getting angry over. Still, can't wait for deepcreases to rage out when he gets banned from furaffinity for pic related, and other similar images of his.
>>46745 The fuck?
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>>46745 wha-
>>46749 Tumblr-banning-nsfw tier suicide move this benefits no one, on EITHER side of the "argument" >artists for Pokemon digimon and other similar inherently short/small looking characters are basically exiled unless they exclusively draw characters like incineroar and leomon >small critters effectively banned >actual underage character/cub artists basically kicked out of their containment site and will migrate to twitter can't wait for the hundreds of twitter posts complaining that their twitter feed is full of cub art now that they had to find a new place to post their stuff after being banned
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>>46745 Done. I'm fucking done. This cringe and retarded fetish has reached full on adult baby diaper levels of indefensible.
>>46745 is the art at least good?
>>46827 Aw shit, I used to like this guy. He only improved a little and stopped drawing after a year or two. Very seriously hoping it wasn't because he did some shit with kids and went to jail.
>>46828 He still posts today wdym
>>46828 he posted this 3 days ago what are you on about
>>46830 >>46831 Well shit, I hadn't checked in a long time. I guess he took a break or something.
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>>47124 Don't mind him, he is a legitimate retard, and he is interned somewhere in the middle east because he's low functionning. Seriously, I made my research
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>>47129 >>47124 Wait a moment, this isn't tickle-planet, it's just some copycat. Then I don't explain it, judging by the art its probably some underaged little guy. It's getting much more common for kids to make fetish porn nowadays
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>>47124 >posts link to pedoshit >"look at this filth, isn't it repulsive??"
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>>47130 Nigga WHAT
>>47130 yes/no,there's the original one who appropriated SassySnake's characters, and there is this guy who traces over everything the OG guy did, and it's difficult to make them appart.
>>47140 Honestly I'm willing to bet most artists in our field start in middle/high school, maybe it's troubling to you but I fail to see the issue
>>47145 I started when I was 14-15. Probably had about 1K watchers on DA before my father found out and made me nuke my account. (I made another right after)
>>47147 Why would you even admit that
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>>47147 Kron is that you I am BEGGING you to stop telegraphing yourself so hard
>>47130 It's been common for at least 20 years. I will never not find it hilarious that Americans think nobody has any interest in anything sexual until some magical switch flips when they turn 18. That level of repression can't be good for you.
>>47167 >Repression >18 >Man children >Acefags swearing up and down it isn't a sexual fetish >While fapping to a sexual fetish Is there a connection here? I mean this extends way past the US, the West in general
>>47168 I'd be surprised if there isn't related. Somehow over the past decade or so the puritanical idea that sex is a sin has managed to become mainstream.
>>47167 I agree but it's still not the same. Back then minors weren't artists and were most likely just people pestering you in DMs about requests or buying adoptables. Now there's been a huge shift towards actually drawing and shitting out content to be part of a community. I guess what I mean is the share of people actually creating things rather than just commenting/Fapping is completely different
>>47177 Ehh it's not really that different. There's a higher amount of artists now in general because drawing tablets have gone from being expensive specialist tools to something you can grab for under $100 quite easily. I'd put money on it being about the same proportion.
>>47177 >people weren't artists back then dude back in fucking middle school where everyone's like 12-14 every other girl drew really bad yaoi and posted it to DeviantArt, not hard to think some people would draw tickle art back then and have improved since
Didn't think I'd have to use this thread but I cannot be the only one annoyed with M-DN's change in his art recently. Fucking makes all the girls look like they were wearing sandals with the blush shading he does and it pisses me off because he HAD IT right before that point
>>46257 Ah. Yeah that’s a serial commissioner by the name of Thunderbolt who only commissions his sonichu inspired fursona (he’ll claim it’s totally different) tickling or foot worshipping other characters.
>>47213 How much money is he throwing?
>>47211 >implying M-DN's art was good before then
>>47169 >sex is sin hardly >KHHVs pushing 40 shouldn't lust after middle schoolers yes
>>47177 Discord wasn't a thing back then, and I imagine grooming minors via AIM or Yahoo was much harder
>>47220 I mean I liked his art. His shading sure as hell was better before his atrocious 8k special. Seriously look at this shit, his art was ruined by this retarded fucking change
>>47130 > It's getting much more common for kids to make fetish porn nowadays As a former minor who has been around fetish forums since I was ~13 and who always lied my age upwards I'm pretty sure people in fetish communities who claim to be underage are actually just ageplaying adults. You should be most suspicious of accounts that claim to be exactly 18.
>>47218 From what I hear he pays well as do most of the more autistic and repetitive commissioners tend to be; same thing over and over and over again. >>47241 I’m sure it works both ways pretty evenly; just as many underage claiming to be consenting age as there are are ageplay adults. Just a whole big smorgasbord of lies and deceit.
>>47241 >people in fetish communities who claim to be underage should be shown the door immediately regardless. last thing we need is that kind of normie attention especially since the last time that happened was David D'Amato (look him up if you're too young to remember but be warned it's bad)
Does anyone know why people are obsessed with tickling the kid from Security Breach? Figured it was just some schizo commissioner at first, but now I'm not too sure.
>>47458 Gregory? Isn't he 9 or something?
>>47315 Yeah I’m enough of an oldfag to remember that. He committed suicide after that documentary about “competition tickling” came out that outed him as a freak.
>>47465 Which makes this situation worse, honestly.
>>47465 There's a lot of people that try to differentiate fetish stuff from NSFW and try to pretend it's wholesome fun that a kid is getting tied up and tickled and then they get weirdly aggressive over tickling that involves nudity or anything sexual. I usually see it with writefags, there's a few on FA like this. Pedos, all of them.
>>47478 These people have been around for decades and it has never not been creepy. You have always had people like Dorain freaking out if anybody calls them a pedo for creating content specifically featuring very underage kids in a realistic setting and they have always been full of shit when they claim it's entirely innocent.
>>47478 To me this is not different than all the loli shit. Those characters are the same age, yet half of these fags defend it with their life. But it's okay to be attracted to a drawn 9 year old, because it's not a real child so it doesn't make you a pedo. It's weird af, both this Shota bs and the whole loli shit, and if you get off tk either of that you're weird as shit too.
>non stop seething about AI art >check their stream >they trace design doll generations Based.
>>47478 >>47483 >>47490 >sure it's fetish art but not sexual Is this just the "I read Hustler for the articles" of the 21st century
Are we still on the Citrus ate train?
>>47523 *Hate train Also how long until he gets kicked out?
>>47523 >>47524 Literally who?
>>47526 lurk more
>>47523 So now we’re just bringing up any and all artists we hate even outside the tickling community is that it?
>>47578 he's in the community, he is pretty infamous here for his inflamatory takes, his blatant tism and the fact he got kicked out of his mom's house recently
You've seriously made six of these?
>>47596 getting mad at stuff is fun
>>47597 it's not as rewarding as a real hobby, such as learning to draw yourself. or learning to play mahjong
>>47596 I'd say the fact there are six of these means that people care about the art being put out and the artists that make it. If we hate on an artist, it might be because we at some point loved what they made. That's how it is for me, anyway, despite the fact that it's just porn. While it's all hate, I'd doubt you'd find any of the criticism here on the sites where the art is being posted.
>>47584 Went through his Twitter and didn’t see any tickling art or even fetish content at all so I just assumed…
>>47611 well you know what they say about assuming anon
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>>47605 I mean yeah but also we're a bunch of negative cunts after years of porn abuse and dopamine burnout
>>47603 >Mahjong It's just chinky poker though.
Do we have a new Redscript reaction image?
>Has fursona >Has them tickled a bunch in the past >Pretty popular character for faggots like myself >Replaces him with an over abundance of females with the exact same 5 toed feet >Asks if we want to see him again >"Y-You guise are weird degenerates! I'm ugly! I'm out of shape! I'm not that ticklish!" >HowDareYou.Greta Why the fuck are artists like this? Do you just get off to hating yourself or some shit? God sometimes I want to drown these artists and tell them "oh I'm sorry I thought you wanted to die lol" as they're struggling
>>47749 >Why the fuck are artists like this? Do you just get off to hating yourself or some shit? It's that transparent "self-depreciation" shit losers do. They love the attention, and calling themselves ugly encourages autists to go even harder with the compliments. He made two polls, and listed "himself" as an option. If mongs just constantly asked about him out of nowhere, without prompting, the reaction would seem genuine. But he's just fishing for compliments and sad as it is, it tends to work way more often than not.
>>47749 I mean, he can't draw for shit these days anyway.
>>47752 Could he ever? Always felt his art was shit since he was doing those little fanart comics.
>>47751 Pretty much
>>47751 Everyone still think every artist doesn’t lurk here to some capacity?
>>47781 Guys, I'm sorry...I have to rage post. Prepare for some high quality autism. >I don't know how to react to that attention Yeah, no shit. If you're reading this, Izzy and I know you are, stop with the self hatred and stop with the hatred towards your fans. Your art has gone down SO much in the past few years alone and every character looks virtually the same with the same feet That being said you should feel lucky you still have fans, cringey autists or not. I know you've blocked some and even gone as far as blocking them on other platforms because you don't like their politics or them being autistic spazzes with just as little social skills as you. Drop this Doomer leaf "I need to be an apologist b/c white but also fuck you I'm a victim" mentality and come to fucking terms with yourself, you fucking spastic retard. You bitch about not having friends and being alone but when somebody tries to be friendly or show genuine care for you, you push them away. You draw fetish porn on the Internet and if it wasn't for this very niche community that you should, if anything try and be somewhat civil towards so you can drum up repeat business, you'd have nothing and would've died alone back in 07 I've never wanted to fucking smack an artist more than you for this retarded behavior. I'm not saying you need to be jovial towards every autist who shows up, just look at this fucking board. No one wants that. Case in point? Caroo. But either find a fucking balance and try to appreciate that some fucking person out there is actually WILLINGLY sacrificing time and money for your well being as a fan no matter how shitty your art gets, no matter how many times you spew out your retarded views on politics, your shitty tastes in music, your regurgitated scared cookie cutter takes on everything, because they fucking CARE about you and are willing to put that shit aside for YOUR sake or fuck off back to your fucking closed off circle of life 4 people you actively speak to on the internet that nobody else is good enough to get into. You fucking weird, self-hating, self-righteous, self-depressed, seasonally depressed, complaining, auto-erotic, messianic, hipster leaf dipshit. Or fucking submit to your country's self-euthenasia program for all I give a shit, but you won't because 1. You're too much of a pussy and 2. You're too thrilled, afraid, and aroused by the attention to stop. I ain't even gonna ask you to get a job or go better yourself in some way irl because we both know you gave up on that a long time ago. Rant faggotry over. That was retarded but it had to be said.
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>>47783 Jesus Christ, stfu. Literally no one cares.
>>47786 Yeah because blind hatred and judgment with absolutely no potential for improvement is way better.
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>>47783 beyond based
>>47792 >>47783 on the subject of blocking artists who disagree with him politically. Just want to say, The people you call “Nazi’s” are just regular people. Trans rights aren’t human rights. The majority of artists hate trannies and we just tolerate it. We talk about this shit and how insufferable they are along the likes of people like irkingir, Dogousie, etc are behind closed doors. The take of the rope is coming soon for this faggot ideology, I will take great joy when it’s beaten back into the closet for good. The line has been drawn and now regular people are fed up. I hope Elon runs all the faggots off the platform and they’re too scattered to make an impact again.
>>47794 woah cool it with the antisemitism.
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>>47794 >anon thinks he's "regular"
>>47794 Conservatives have lost every single battle for social rights since the 19th century and will continue doing so lmao. Your grandkids will look back on your views on trans people the same way normal people nowdays look back on their anti-racemixing grandpas.
>>47800 trans medicine is progressive science n the same way lobotomies were progressive science.
>>47800 You will never be a real woman. You have no womb, you have no ovaries, you have no eggs. You are a homosexual man twisted by drugs and surgery into a crude mockery of nature’s perfection. All the “validation” you get is two-faced and half-hearted. Behind your back people mock you. Your parents are disgusted and ashamed of you, your “friends” laugh at your ghoulish appearance behind closed doors. Men are utterly repulsed by you. Thousands of years of evolution have allowed men to sniff out frauds with incredible efficiency. Even trannies who “pass” look uncanny and unnatural to a man. Your bone structure is a dead giveaway. And even if you manage to get a drunk guy home with you, he’ll turn tail and bolt the second he gets a whiff of your diseased, infected axe wound. You will never be happy. You wrench out a fake smile every single morning and tell yourself it’s going to be ok, but deep inside you feel the depression creeping up like a weed, ready to crush you under the unbearable weight. Eventually it’ll be too much to bear - you’ll buy a rope, tie a noose, put it around your neck, and plunge into the cold abyss. Your parents will find you, heartbroken but relieved that they no longer have to live with the unbearable shame and disappointment. They’ll bury you with a headstone marked with your birth name, and every passerby for the rest of eternity will know a man is buried there. Your body will decay and go back to the dust, and all that will remain of your legacy is a skeleton that is unmistakably male. This is your fate. This is what you chose. There is no turning back.
>>47808 The funny and really telling part is how you freaks only focus on trans women, completely forgetting that trans men also exist. Couldn't be that you're just insecure about one specific demographic, could it?
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>>47808 This faggot has /pol/ copypasta on hand at all times
>>47810 People are just disgusted by mtf trannies, thats all there is too it
>>47815 HEY! This is artist you hate. Not, "Here's my political dick" dick contest.
>>47815 >>47808 >>47807 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VosLv3F17lQ >>47814 >>47798 >>47800 >Y-YOUR VIEWS ARENT NORMAL! YOU LOST CHUD! >180 million views on the "What is a woman" documentary DURING pride month after Musk shares it >Target stocks falling into oblivion >more and more companies getting rid of their shitty logos rather than keeping it all month this time >More and more outrage every single time an established character becomes an alphabet person >Trans "man" going on a school shooting to "protect trans kids", further proving the point these people are deranged. heh... >>47810 Because in our community, 95% of use are males. Young girls are also very much victims of the predatory trans culture since they're extremely easily manipulated into either going full enbie or wanting to look like their favourite Kpop boys band idol. There's no anger or hate, just fear that you guys are victim of a social contagion, an obvious porn addiction, and crippling loneliness.
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Anyway I don't know about you guys, but i've had troubles finding actual good lolcows in the community the past few months, is it normal?
>>47822 I would actually say that there are more ftm than mtf’s It’s all over the highschools, my gf who graduated around 4-5 years after me stated that like, it was always “who could “out trans” the other girl. Oh and also the normal kids would be bullied if they didn’t fall under that umbrella.
We should make a tranny thread so it doesn’t clutter up the artist hate thread.
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>>47822 Donald lost, and will lose again.
>>47823 >i've had troubles finding actual good lolcows Found your problem; you're a retard and wouldn't know a "good lolcow" if it lifted it's skirt and fucked you in the ass
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>>47794 >>47797 >yfw the white nationalist uprising you championed execute you Jihadi style for being a degenerate ticklefag
>>47826 /pol/ is 24 hour seething about trannies (when it's not BBC cuck porn) >make grug think
>>47783 >>47749 Okay now he's just fucking with us
>>47839 Who fucking cares
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>take a break from the thread >come back >instead of bitching about old people it's political shitslinging You fucking people make me hate this fetish stg
>>47847 No one fucking cares Trump lost and you will loose forever
>>47848 Who gives a shit about Trump You brought him up, go outside jfc
>>47808 imagine being this big of a gigafaggot you pull out paragraphs this long for a fetish board. someone needs their meds
can we talk about how much of a massive skid mark TicklingOscars is now? iirc this cunt is in the same league that HL is in that tickling is purely nonsexual and if you make it sexual then *you're* the freak— despite this circus act of an artist drawing underage characters and pedoshit all the doo dah day, someone refresh my memory if they know what I'm talking about not to mention the artstyle makes me want to gag but that goes without saying. he's done some 3d work too, also looks awful and amateurish as fuck, so maybe he should just give up the fetish art altogether
>>47858 No YOU bought him up by implying that youer a sexist racist homophobic fucking nazi peace of shit Trump lost hes going to jail for 500 years and i will personally make sure your kids turn out to be trans because trans rights are human rights you fucking subhuman scum fuck you and ill be laughing when we come to your house and curbstomp your face into the ground you fucking nazi pieace of shit
>>47839 isnt his commission prices really expensive? i can't see anyone paying more than 20 dollars for this shit.
>>47864 Yeah nobody's drawing tickle art as "not a fetish" and idk who they think they're fooling >>47749 >>47781 What is it about this community that the longer artists and fans stay in it the more weird, miserable and intolerable they become?
>>47867 >>47864 Guys, I have a theory about this These fuckers usually go down one of two roads, the first one is usually the most obvious: They're just covering for being a pedophile. That's it, that's the first road The second road however is more interesting: These people will fight you day and night, tooth and nail to tje grave and back about A. Why it's not sexual to them and B. how YOU'RE the weirdo for thinking it's sexual. Now, here's my theory The vast majority of these people are homosexual males who extremely resent and repress the fact that they're homosexuals. Source? I'm a faggot who's been involved in DA's gay tickling scene for 20 years. Back in the day, these idiots would always delete their accounts and fake their deaths/ghost people beforehand just to make it seem like theyre gone. Swearing off their fetish completely only t return a few months later with a new account and/or disguise. ESPECIALLY artists. This behavior is similar to how extreme fanatical Christians will often beat/whip themselves after partaking in sexual activity, as a punishment for indulging in such behavior. Now you guys don't need some anonfag on 8chan to tell you gay men usually go to extremes very quickly and out of fucking nowhere, we see this type of change in artists who, again disappear frequently (TickleFanatic, anyone?) or completely cut out a certain type of tickling art (like how WTFeather started doing furry art and nowadays refuses to do any type of furry art, and not for the normal anti-furry reasons, like them being complete fucking spergs). I've seen this EXACT thing happen time and time again amongst artists, RPers, and lurkers like ourselves on DA. And it's ALWAYS someone who's extremely horny. Like waaaaay more horny and intense in their fetish than your average tk coomer. Don't believe me? Go to one of these fuckers pages on Twitter, I guarantee you're gonna come across a post where they, out of nowhere, just start trailing off on a weird rant about how much they want to be tickled or tickle someone for literal hours on end. Don't believe me? Basic common sense has taught us one thing: The more you repress yourself of something you want or need, the more intense your craving will be and the more insatiable your appetite for it will be when you finally do crack. These people are like drug addicts, depraved of drugs and then suddenly let loose in a drug factory. That's why they always turn the argument on you bringing sex into the equation, that's why their only argument is "you bring sex into the equation, you're the pervert". They're embarassed. They ironically resent people who have a normal acceptance of their fetish, while trying to seem as "normal" as possible by saying their fetish isnt sexual. It's a mind fuck, I know. Almost every fucker I know in this community who's turned ace/"it's not sexual, i swear" has gone down this route. For example, how come that faggot Artemis Wishfoot declared his DA profile "dead" before suddenly changing its name to "sadisticklee" while seeking extremely erotic tickle roleplay with randos? People only change shit around or come up with sockpuppet accounts when they have something to hide. I know for a fact TicklingOscars is guilty of the same exact thing. You ever notice that occasionally he'll get a comment either praising him or "arguing" in the comments and then submitting to his argument in defeat? You ever notice how that account has barely any followers, only has his artwork faved or was made very recently? It's a pattern. A pattern they can't break. I have one more note to make before I put a bow on this: You only started seeing this intense spike in acefags in the mid-to-late 2010s. It lines up with the timeline of Pride becoming mainstream, and all these Tumblr genders beginning to, well, not just be posted on Tumblr. Tl;dr: Being an acefag/"I swear it's NOT a fetish, you guys are weird" is the new "I need to leave because Jesus wouldn't want me making tickling smut".
>>47868 One more note: Gay men are NOTORIOUS for repressing themselves to the extreme, before eventually giving into their desires and doing extreme things to satisfy those increasingly insatiable urges. Case in point: Jeffrey Dolmer. Or Firefox having a bad case of the "not gays" after his close encounters with the Sassy kind.
>>47868 tl;dr the bulk of these people are autists with zero sexual experience, and they get a "thrill" out of tickling but -having no sexual experience- either can't recognize it as such, or feel like because it's not involving genitalia then it's different. Consciously or not, they think they've established a difference and "So what, everyone who tickles their little baby daughters feet is automatically a PEDO to you?!" because autism means X + Y always equals Z.
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>>47868 You're looking way too far into this. My theory is that Oscar came into the scene with a passion for western cartoon childlike characters at an age where it's considered 'normal to consume media with child characters. Only, he grew up, and the nature of his attraction for these characters changed. If you look at his gallery, the dynamic between characters is very clear : He draws the toddlers crying, screaming for their parents to come help them, and the captor speaks in baby talk. He went from liking a character because he could "relate to them" as a child himself, to now that he's an adult, because he wants to have sadistic power over lost children. Which is as pedo as it goes. Now with the "It's not sexual" thing : He knows that on one wrong step, his page and revenue will be banned. If he admits to it he is done for. He also knows how fucked his preferences are to others, and would rather draw in peace rather than face a swarm of angry people. He is far from being stupid, even if the art style suggests otherwise. He knows exactly what he's doing, he's only hiding it for security. Yes, he's a pedo, yes the slippery slope argument was real from the very beginning, yes he'll probably end up doing weird shit and end up in prison, yes the reason he's so followed is because children love his shit
>>47872 >Draws toddlers crying, screaming for their parents to come help them, and the captor speaking in baby talk >Sadistic power over lost children >He knows this is sexual Anon, I've been on the internet since '98. I've seen and heard everything from Chris Chan to Sick Nick Bates to Cartel and Isis killings and people's sexual fantasies about those topics and more. VERY few things genuinely make my skin crawl at this point. This makes my fucking skin crawl. Jesus Fucking Christ. Imagine what this'll do to our "community" once this fuck inevitably ends up as the subject of a documentary. Imagine what's going to happen once he inevitably kidnaps a real child. Imagine the amount of pre-emptive reports sent to local police and FBI that'll inevitably be ignored before he actually does something. This fucker deserves his own thread.
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>>47872 Jesus christ
>>47826 or maybe we just don’t have to talk about that stuff here and stick to tickling stuff and stuff relating to tickling, cuz you know, that’s what the fuck we’re all here for, at least i assume
>>47794 i can't believe caroo just went off this hard and wrote these straight up facts
>>47864 To be fair that is the best series of pics he's ever done at least in concept and character choice but I just wish he drew them better honestly
>>47902 >(You)
Guys, what do you say when someone seems like a genuinely nice person and has virtually no drama or ill will surrounding them....but they have a fucking ugly character with even uglier taste in men? And look at this, this is full animation here and models! This clearly wasn't cheap, even voice acted, a rarity in furfag works. Again, he seems like a genuinely nice guy but fuck is this character ugly. Am I bad for thinking that?
>>48326 > Guys, what do you say when someone seems like a genuinely nice person and has virtually no drama or ill will surrounding them....but they have a fucking ugly character with even uglier taste in men? People without autism usually just go about their own business.
>>48326 The characters used are terrible but I am finding myself being extremely turned on purely from the idea of me being in that position instead, getting mercilessly tickled and teased.. That and the guy's laugh is actually fairly nice
>>48328 Guys, I have a serious problem. Every time I see mean/last word anon in this thread I get very hard and start jerking it to tickling the mean outta them. I need an artist, I'm getting aroused to butthurt and abuse.
>>48326 I wholly agree but me, personally? I just don't talk to them. It's not too hard.
Stop begging and start working on your several year long commission backlog.
>>48593 Nuci you fucking California white valley girl champagne socialist scunt finna to dox you and fucking R9K your ass outside your house and then I'm going to be arrested and released the next day because I'm black and then imma kidnap yo sorry white ass again and rape you until you draw your commission backlogs then imma send all that shit to yo friends and family irl to show them what yo ass does online and imma rape you again and brand yo ass for the black gorilla family nigga you finna get these cool bananas up yo ass you trashy Cali bitch ain't finna take yo ass to Detroit with the big dogs yo dog ass could climb up thru Mississippi you bitch ass nigga finna pray yo sorry hehawhe ass to foot Jesus bitch
>>48598 You need a doctor
>>48598 Alright calm down there Mahamad Ali. Go eat some chicken and calm down.
>>48598 >Pray to hehawhe ass to foot Jesus >These dudes defending a scam artist who refuses to draw your comms after taking them Y'all doin too much 😂😂😂
>>48598 lole
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A random twitter user instantly labelled moekaki a pedo. Coincidence? I think not
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>>48613 Can someone please explain to me the phenomenon of his flex? >used to work THREE jobs >was miserable >started drawing feet >it replaced all three jobs >earns $860-$1,300/month (Patreon + commissions) while the average salary in the US is $4,880/month. Why he is so cringe and hilarious? Not hating, but he constantly mentions on Twitter that he's a successful freelance artist. How tf does he manage to survive in the US with his income?
>>48614 anon, it's simple. he's a liar
>>48614 Is he even in the US now? Also I fucking guarantee it's either this >>48615, he's doing some sort of welfare scamming on the side, or his wife everybody thought was a mail order bride has a real job.
>>48614 To play devil's advocate, outside of the US 800 dollars can be a lot. In my country that would be around 4000 localbucks. This is a VERY comfortable salary (minimum wage is like 1500).
>>48619 Dare I even ask what tenth world shithole this is
>>47863 it’s a pasta…
>>48593 How the fuck that woman is so broke all the time, damn. The first time I saw her DA page, she was in college and couldn't afford "Wi-Fi". It broke my heart back then, but now I don't know what to feel anymore. >>48614 >Three jobs >Swimming in money with ~$900 a month I was about to ask the same questions, so as other anons were saying, either he is lying or living outside the US. Also, I don't know if "average" salary makes sense in the US, I think $28/h or ~$5k/month is quite a lot, not sure if most of the people get close to that, and I've close people living there. At least with one job. Afaik, people get to $4-5k/month but with 2-3 jobs. >>48643 A few years back (2016-2017), with 100$ in Venezuela you could make a family of 4 live for a month. People could charge 2$ to rent a room to university students, up to 10$ if it was expensive. Of course, it was still a lot of money to make, monthly minimum wage was like 2-3$ per month, and a lot of people earned that (especially people who worked in public services, doctors could make a little more, teachers a little less in some cases, and private sector was another story). So yeah, drawing feet, a relative abroad sending money, or whatever else, made a heck lot of money, even if it was "illegal" to have dollars in the country. Don't ask me about today there, some people say you can make more money that my europoor fellas and live like in Disneyland, but minimum wage is still less than 30$, and whatever you buy (electronics, clothes, even food) is imported and can cost the same or even more, in USD, than buying it on the US, because people buy it there, import it and try to make profit, of course, so it can be more expensive. Don't ask about the tenth world, it never makes sense. Drugs and eating shit.
>>48616 his wife works as a translator, can't imagine it's a huge earner. its probably helped by the fact he owns his house which is some kind of midwestern tin shed with nothing around it. what a great provider he is
>>48643 Unironically, Brazil. 1 USD is 5ish BRL. I live with just a bit over that and I order food almost every day on top of paying rent for my (adminitedly small) apartment and other necessities and savings.
as much as moekaki is a spastic fag, watching people, who you know well over half are either living with mom or dad or on government handouts, or both talk shit about someone's earnings and family support is equally cringe.
>>48666 Hi Moekaki
>>48694 no change me back!!!
This character is overused. And there’s nothing special about her. The most generic out of generics.
>>48747 She's overused in the sense that Beniswaifu keeps using her. You don't like her because you proably don't like him, his obsession with her, his rants and his cringey fumoposting. She's also baby's first "actually I like """OBSCURE""" characters" waifu. She's also gotten her soul sucked by corporations by giving her another anime so they could cram her in commercials: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a0cQ9OZHodA https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YN0Zaj6UKQA While this is terrible and makes me want to hate the character, I still like her design, it's simple and good. I've yet to see good content of her in the ticklesphere
>>48747 >>48751 My uncle actually gave me the full VHS box set of Urusei Yatsura, the series this girl “Lum” is from and I’ll tell you it’s pretty damn well done for the time (80’s) and hilarious. I swear the mangaka (who also made Inuyasha) must’ve been doing drugs at this time in her life because it’s also weird as shit. I mean she was the original anime waifu back in the day to be totally honest when most shows had generic unappealing eye candy. Plus she was like the western anime ambassador/mascot who became synonymous with the entire burgeoning fanbase in the US. By todays standards she’s generic but back then she was totally game changing is what I’m getting at.
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Do people even remember Aikocho/Noveltyman ? I remember he deactivated his account on Deviantart and came back just to promo/milk his Patreon. "Hey guys. remember ya boy? I'm back, give me money to draw"
>>48760 At least he had the decency to make an archive of his previous works here https://www.pixiv.net/en/users/74175714
>>48751 Nah Benis is actually chill. Just don’t care for this character, nor really any anime now that I think about it…..
Beeni I love you but you need to stop virtual signaling. You’ve literally drawn Anya. Don’t make me call you out for hypocrisy. Don’t fall into this moralist fucky mindset.
>>48986 Didn't Tinsey also draw minors or has at least liked post featuring foot art of them?
>>48986 Just had a post related to this, but deleted it since I don’t have proof the tweets in said screenshot exist. Will repost if I have said proof
>>48986 None of these virtue-signaling faggot cowards actually care. They got their fill and want to avoid taking responsibility now that pretending to be offended over fiction is trendy again.
>>48986 "People kept drawing Mamabito in fetish situations with her kids cause I baited everyone into my AC fanfic with fetish stuff and forgot to add any male adults in it so now I'm malding about it"
>>49025 Yeah there is a lack of sausage in tickling pics... Not the gay ones I mean. ...Or Bi.
>>49028 Also makes me think, he doesn't like when kids are involved in tickling so he finds it sexual? Considering how much of a moralfag Chaz is and probably is one of those "Tickling isn't sexual BUT"
>>49029 Chaz wants it both ways where he can draw fetish stuff for easy validation but also do "emotional storytelling" where he does more serious and heartfelt stuff. Unfortunately, these two things are almost diametrically opposed because people who want the fetish stuff want a quick and easy fap and people who want the storytelling don't want random fetish scenes creeping in. So he's like "hey everyone here's my hot MILF character for fetish stuff", gets everyone on board, and now surprise just kidding I'm actually only going to draw this long comic about some fanfic I made up for literal YEARS. Chaz thinks he's doing a slow burn but he actually just doesn't even have the fucking oven on. If he doesn't want people gooning over every character he introduces including the kids, he probably shouldn't bait the fishing line with a mom character he specifically designed to be sexually appealing and then do a story where the only other characters for most of the story are her kids and also her AS a kid. He's doing too much shit with kids for someone who does fetish artwork, you're gonna attract people who see that venn diagram as a circle. It's a hell of your own design, Chaz. He thinks people care very deeply about his Mii Maker-ass characters and their specific family interactions and personalities but he doesn't want to realize that they're really just here to see them barefoot and tickled. That's really all there is to it my man, and if you lure those people in and then draw nothing but kids, you're gonna find you're attracting the wrong kind of person.
>>49030 He could also just make a separated account for SFW? And you know, that one for the comic? Like, just because you got a "SFW" character doesn't mean is pure and untouchable as long you got pages separated with their priorities right. But knowing Chaz, he's too lazy to manage more than one account and he knows he can't afford the neck bottle effect. He made all his growth on fetish hell and wants to do SFW now in the flames of fetish demons lurking around his account
>>49030 >>49032 Now and then I think of when we were fapping together Like when you said you felt so happy you could draw Told myself that you were right for me But felt so horny in your company But that was lust, and it's an ache I still remember You can get addicted to a certain kind of fetish Like resignation to the end, always the end So when we found your porn could not make sense Well, you said that we would still be on Patreon But I'll admit that I was sad I couldn't get porn But you didn't have to cut it off Make out like it never happened and that we were nothing And I don't even need your porn But you treat me like a stranger, and that feels so rough No, you didn't have to stoop so low Have your new porn, inject your story and completely wipe your hard drive I guess that I don't need that, though Now you're just somebody that I know draws kids Now you're just somebody that I know draws kids Now you're just somebody that I know draws kids Now and then I think of all the times you screwed me over But had me believing it was always something that I'd drawn And I don't wanna live that way Drawing every pic you paid my way You said that you could let me inject story And I wouldn't catch you hung up on my new decision to draw kids! But you didn't have to cut it off Make out like it never happened and that we were nothing (aah-ooh) And I don't even need your porn (ooh) But you treat me like a non subber, and that feels so rough (aah) No, you didn't have to stoop so low (ooh) Have your new porn, inject your story and completely wipe your hard drive (aah) I guess that I don't need that, though Now you're just somebody that I know draws kids Somebody (I know draws kids) Somebody (now you're just somebody that I know draws kids) Somebody (I know draws kids) Somebody (now you're just somebody that I know draws kids) I know draws kids That I know draws kids I know draws kids Somebody
>>49032 >But knowing Chaz, he's too lazy to manage more than one account He has LITERALLY done this before. His current Twitter account used to be the fetish one, and he's just merged them.
>>49035 At this point he's just asking for it tbh. You would think he could have grown as a artist and afford to make SFW art as some sort of living or the very least partial income but nope. Stubborn to draw specific fetish stuff and later notices how he is an artist failure and wants to fix his life at 2AM with a Goofy ahhh comic that he's been mentally writing for years with fetish characters that now are "pure and shouldn't be lewded or reminded were from fetish background" but his ego and cum is bigger and loves to get Mamabito NSFW fanart
Here's a thought HL. Instead of drawing your weird Sun and Moon robots you would love to use as your own personal sex toys, why don't you start making content people will actually pay for? Going into the independent artist gig but constantly begging for money is not a good look.
>>49046 There are so many of them that do this. I used to think they had bought into the whole starving artist meme, but now I genuinely believe they're all completely unemployable because they're as annoying in real life as they are online.
>>49046 >>49047 Also this isn't even the first time I've seen a UK-based artist begging for money to pay a large and unexpected tax bill. If you're self-employed with this as your only source of income either learn how to do your tax returns properly or hire an accountant for fucks sake.
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Interesting when he will realize that Elon Musk won't answer him? For fuck's sake just leave Twitter already and stop comparing your content to other people's content.
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>>49054 He tries so fucking hard to promote himself holy shit
>>49054 >>49055 Entitled cunt, the only sorta good thing is his comic that he barely updates, which btw has almost no tickling for a tickling comic. He tries to do other shit that is taking way longer than it should too, that game will come out when half life 3 does.
>>49054 Oh my god this is hilarious.
>>49054 First, he must be schizoto think Elon will respond any post that gives him the @ Second, he must be stupid to believe Twitter (or any massive social media really) functional, helpful and totally not bot based customer service/help If anything Elon ends reading his rants he should ban Moekaki just like Benis that gets banned every 3 months
>>49048 Not a tickling artist but I remember GlacierClear getting hundreds of dollars from selling randomized looking furry adoptables every given second plus commissions plus Patreon plus donations, etc. A lot of money to buy stupid crap, going to vacations and yet fails to pay taxes. Freelancer artists tend to be entitled and spoiled by their supporters enabling and validating that easy money with their art. Shouldn't be that way but I guess life will hit them harder back, like Chaz that now is stuck at retail Hell where he can't afford to skip one paycheck and doing mid sketches for the groceries
>>49054 >be nobody failed fetish artist >attempt to threaten the wealthiest man in the world if he doesn't stop ignoring you Oekaki is actually retarded
>>49095 Bruh....is it me or has this cesspit community's taste in lees become weirder and weirder over the past 2 years? Case in point, Dogeosi
>>49096 Just wait a few years until the cocomelon/elsagate generation gets a little older. The landscape will be unrecognizable.
>>49048 Is it my imagination or Quinnstix style just got worse since a few months ago? Like feet is bigger, toes are long like spider legs, tickling got more bland, shading is terrible and more dirty, now does this eye-stain purple sketches too
>>49111 Also forgot to mention how Quinn is always doing commissions because he is short on money most of the time despite having a 9-5 job plus whatever game dev stuff he's doing
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>>49055 Pathetic
>>49113 Well look who suddenly doesn't care about minors in the fetish scene anymore
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Did some digging and compiled a few pics of Quinn to make my point. He got worse, even if you're not a footfag, you gotta admit it's now too bad to not notice
Extra extra! Ticklefag harasses Gagpal! Butthurt everywhere! Frisk tries to poke the flames a few days after the drama!
>>49122 good lord this is a THESIS
>>49118 The pseudointellectualism in these posts makes Reddit seem tolerable jfc
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Is there a way or an extension to only allow Twitter posts from accounts that have an image attached to them? Some artists I follow talk too fucking much on this platform they apparently hate and I'm just here for the art.
>>49116 From what I understand this usually happens because when a new fetish artist first starts out they lack the skill or technique to properly render their own fetish desires. But as they hone their craft, their art begins to better reflect it. Chances are what you’re seeing is what he’s always wanted to draw but never could until now. And I mean it’s not like there aren’t enough artists to cater to all preferences; some of us like the whole big feet long toes thing.
>>49132 Quinn has been posting on Deviantart since 2018 tho. Maybe a bit more before that but I can't find his older account. Just talking on how much of a drastic change he has done, specially in the span of months for the worse
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Help, I need to decide if I want to purchase a new couch or this animated YCH fetish art!
>>49154 Couch. Couch will provide you with comfort, place to fap and a place to sleep on for year's to come. Hughamungus will just take your cash, disappear and play victim if confronted.
>>49116 Idk, I think it's fine. Kinda reminds me of MFS, and it seems like a lot of people are pretty cool with their stuff
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>>49162 Kid, this a hate thread. Share the salt or go to Hell
>>49154 It's like you don't care at all that they just got a massive tax bill that could have been totally avoided if they actually had the bare minimum financial knowledge to make a living as a freelance artist.
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>>49154 holy fucking shit. nearly 200 for like, 10 seconds of a slow looping tickle animation. get the hell out of here, who seriously told her this was a good idea to post? have we reached a new level of egomanic delusion?
>>49165 As long as someone is stupid enough to buy it, there's literally no incentive against charging that much.
>>49054 >it's Elon musk's fault my art isn't getting a lot of likes and RTs! who's gonna tell him...
>>49166 >if I take advantage of my terminally online mostly autistic fanbase and get $200 out of them, there's no downside!!! except for the fact that everyone who isn't stupid enough to pay that will dislike you for being a scumbag who sells shitty 2 second looping gifs for $200 here's a word of warning for anyone thinking of commissioning HL. be prepared to pay, wait, and then see like 4 brand new fully colored and shaded drawings of sun & moon type bullshit before you even get the rough sketch sent back to you. it'll be half a year or more before you see this shit done I bet.
>>49165 Even if you were paying $2 per frame, the animation isn't interesting enough to be worth the price of $140, much less if it has to feature one of her OC's. The gif below has the same number of frames and in less time is more expressive. I don't see anyone buying it except for the people whose DA accounts are already full of HL commissions.
>>49180 We do need Dagoth posting on more shitty artists tho lmao
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As the old adage goes: a coomer and his money (or government fun-bucks) are soon parted.
>>49190 She's so fucking full of herself. I can't believe how many people would pay her 178 dollars just to add hair and clothes to a shitty 4 seconds animation. I fucking hate YCH, I fucking hate untalented artists who whine on Twitter about their sad, sad life and ask for money. It's so easy to get entitled when people are constantly kissing your ass, but at least people like Kusujinn are good at what they're doing and don't whine as much. I will always enjoy tickling but I'm so tired of this community. I think this was the last drop, I'm quitting as a tickle artist. I prefer being a wagie than seeing myself become HL in 5 years or so.
>>49201 because you said it openly in this thread and a bunch of people saw you say it and now, even if we find a REAL shitty tweet from her, no one will think it's real because if your post. you fucking retard. you drooling imbecile. You pillow humping cross eyed mongoloid. fuck you.
>>49203 Kek this nigga mad
>>49205 >h-hehe, i t-trolled you no, faggot, you're now realizing that by explaining your plan openly in a public space you've ensured it wont work.
>>49208 I've never seen someone miss the point so aggressively. Every post you make I grow more confident in my assessment of you. your skull needs to be cut open and your brain studied so your levels of retardation can be better understood for the sake of future generation. you need to be preserved in a massive jar of formaldehyde and put in a college for neurology students to learn from.
>>49203 >implying that wasn't HL herself running damage control because the tweet was already found Lurk moar
>>49216 Finally this thread is turning in on itself and becoming a self-hate thread XD
Any artists who act like hot shit and wont talk to us lowlives? I really hate that type of people
>>49224 This nigga using XD unironically?
>>49190 Im not sure what kind of attitude you would expect from Hom when you go up to her front door just to announce you won’t buy something. I certainly am not a fan of the art or animation myself, but isn’t this thread a sufficient enough of a platform for criticizing it? My biggest issue with her use of bases is that she doesn’t mold them all that well with each character she’s assigned to. I can’t put my finger on it. Sometimes characters’ heads appear too small, body parts are in need of further polish/detail, and clients don’t appear to be given much choice in the way of characters with differing body types.
>>49239 >Im not sure what kind of attitude you would expect from Hom when you go up to her front door just to announce you won’t buy something. I'd expect her to actually respond with decorum, maybe explain the reasoning behind the price, or just not engaging at all. Talking that way to people, in that self-aggrandizing, aggressive way paints her as a shitty person. A random user posted a gritting teeth emoji and she felt so defensive about it she had to respond in anger. Another said "no one will buy that" and she went into a sarcastic diatribe about their artistic ability and self worth. It smacks of insecurity if you need to put down people who are obviously just discovering bases and photoshop. >I certainly am not a fan of the art or animation myself, but isn’t this thread a sufficient enough of a platform for criticizing it? The issues that those commenters are bringing up aren't so much about the quality of the art, just the price. Also the comments section of a piece of art is where most of the criticism should be, not relegated to an obscure thread on a separate site. I actually like her art more than most probably do in this thread- she draws cute faces, feet, and reactions- but she's a shitty person.
https://www.furaffinity.net/user/unlucky-boytester/ Didn't Dragoneer ban cub porn recently or something? Caused the furfags to whine and "leave Furaffinity" for the 46th time? That aside Jesus Fucking Christ this shit's fucked lol
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How much longer?
>>49372 can you recenter femkron? I think the meme would be better that way. also how do I know you aren't monokron trying to predictive program you being trans so when you come out it's not as big of a shock?
I think I never seen Nex-Exe (now he changed it to The-Laughing-Devil) that has been posting on dA since 2011 and still draws bad as Day 1. Also I guess his change of username was based on that one old post he did back in 2013. He calls himself a amateur artist but he's been drawing for the last 12 years, at this point is just plain laziness
>>49432 *I think I never seen him mentioned on this thread Now my bone to pick with this guys aside of the fact he hasn't evolved in art terms despite drawing for the last 12 years, his hyper fixation on Tea Gardner that at this point it's his mascot and how he started as yee yee ass YCH looking templates and still does at this day
is it true that bogqueen is actually a dude?
>>49475 Yes.
>>49475 Always been althought, no need to mention him since he dropped art time ago and now is just whoring himself out selling feet pics
>>49483 Isn’t he leafy??
>>49526 Leafy who?
>>49483 Pity, really liked her work. >ibn4 her
>>49535 >her
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why do you have to have good art and then proceed to suck elons dick
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>>49549 Does he honestly think Elon gives a single fuck about a him and his account that posts deformed monkey toes? What a dillusional, childish cunt. This post sounds like a desperate cope. Stick to drawing your fotm waifu feet coom bait for shekels and STFU. You are nothing special you disgusting hobgoblin.
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>>49549 He's so fucking pathetic and desperate Jesus fucking Christ. If he was truly "successfully doing what he wants", he wouldn't be whining on Twitter nearly every day. "WhY dO i HaVe sO FeW LiKeS?" "WhY dOn'T mY pOsTs gO ViRaL?" Now just take a look at this shit.
>>49550 when did Mr. Simmons get a son when did Mr. Hyunh get so fat
>>49483 >>49535 Still mad they labeled their one homestuck tickle pic "part 1/2" and then never made a sequel >>49534 Leafymystic was his old name iirc
>>49535 Chromosomes and dick/balls hanging on the crotch might tell you otherwise. Most of folks here are transphobic. Reminder that there's still folks that follow him thinking it's a girl with cute feet and a few catched on it's a trannie and unfollowed
>>49617 Transphobia doesnt exist. No one is afraid irrationally or otherwise of pathetic weaklings. Transodio is more accurate.
It's actually pretty insane how such terms caught on officially, despite them making no sense whatsoever in the way it's used to describe someone lmao Wouldn't be the first time I guess
>>49617 the thing i can't believe is that they sell tickle videos apparently, i imagine it would lead to a lot of one time customers like, i'm willing to bet the voice gives it away immediately
>>49653 Thee funny part is that Bog started to make videos with his gf so more feet action and even she made an account to sell her own videos but then it died down quickly when they notice she got ugly ass feet. How ugly they must be than even a trannie have better looking stompers but yeah reminder Bog is a dude, don't buy the videos under the impression you looking at a cute female model
>>49658 > How ugly they must be than even a trannie Speak for yourself broseph. There plenty of trannies with cute feet, Bogs gf is just a troll.
>>49684 Ugly ass troll of a gf then, so ugly that she can't even sell feet pics. Makes sense, considering Bog is a ugly trannie and couldn't afford to get someone on a bigger league. A goblin dating a troll
>>49549 >"good" art that foot looks like an AI generated abomination
>>49735 What do you mean? Have you seen actual AI art generated feet? Cause they don't look like that.
>>49735 It doesn't look like AI, but it is extremely ugly nonetheless. Like, jesus, what's the obsession with detailed wrinkles and aggressive blush on feet?
>>49743 the absolute SECOND that ai starts getting the number of toes right, it's over for 90% of unoriginal copy-paste low effort artists
>>49756 Name a couple of artists from these 10% please
>>49764 people that don't draw the same shit over and over again? people that you couldn't just take their whole gallery and train an ai on because of how similar every picture they draw is (pic related)? mediocre artists who almost exclusively draw soulless waifus of the month when people can just generate 300 tickling images of said popular waifu? wall stock people for sure. the low effort ones at least, there are a few who put more effort into the scenery and wall beyond just "wood/metal/concrete wall". tickle/fetish/nsfw artists HATE AI art because it means they're going to have to actually be creative and draw interesting and more unique poses, scenarios, characters, etc. instead of "waifu of the month showing her feet and looking annoyed or embarrassed" and "popular character being tickled in stocks" because with ideas so basic and simple, ai can already recreate that pretty well, minus the number of toes. give it a year or two and it'll be there. I for one an excited at the prospect of tickle artists being forced to be more creative and make better art in order to compete with any rando with a computer.
>>49803 actually now that I think of it, I'm sure there's going to be more than a few artists who are going to pull a SharkyB and just all but abandon art in favor of this easier program that gets them the same amount of likes from their previously built fanbase (also pic related was made with AI)
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Jesus Christ,what is this delusional fucktard talking about? What other tickling artists have 100k+ followers? He openly blames our community (and Kusujinn lmao?) and says how toxic we are. Doesn't he think the problem might be his art and not Twitter or Elon Musk? Why is he always whining and blaming everyone around him instead of just improving his own skills? Why other top artists just draw and post content without blaming every single person in their failures?
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>>49876 Because they're pathetic narcissists.
>>49804 >SharkyB Wait what seriously? I love that guy! He did some of the most entertaining fetish art usually just as funny as it was hot. Don’t tell me he sold his soul to the A.I. devil.
>>49893 Worse, his output almost entirely consists of 3d models of FF14 OCs now.
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Wake up babe, another cringe Gaho insert post
>>49943 >"I have never felt a presence such grim"
>>49946 >Anyway you guys remember that furry artist? The one who drew the pic of Blu from Blues Clues getting it and then got worse? thats not the same guy you schizo
>>49876 Because he's a loser and a failure
>another month of GUYS I'M REALLY GONNA DO IT! I'M REALLY GONNA LEAVE TWITTER! I'M REALLY GONNA GET OFF TWITTER AND GO SOMEWHERE ELSE I MEAN IT THIS TIME You're not going anywhere you social media addicted little shit. I am sick of every artist doing this.
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>>50449 It always amazes me how Deviantart will go after drawings yet allows actual photos of real children on their platform.
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>>50581 >posts snuff CP >"haha guys look at this gross autistic stuff I found searching for tickling on dA" Are you actually retarded? you saved that shit to your device? and posted it here? What the actual fuck is wrong with you?
>>50587 Seems like the post you're replying to got deleted. Wha happened?
>>50588 Their summary is accurate enough. Someone posted a picture of a dead girl like "Haha look at what some retard posted on Deviantart."
I'm so sick of artists constantly shilling their Kofi/tip jar when they've got commissions they haven't delivered on. You already took money, fuckwad! You've got NERVES to ask for someone to pay your bills or holiday or whatever. Someone pays money and then gets a service, that's how the rest of us work. Maybe deliver the commissions and then SURPRISE people might actually like and support you.
Nitro: I quit, art career is pain and suffering, nobody appreciates my dedication and honesty Also Nitro: Nukes fanbox and gumroad then puts everything back on gumroad at increased prices I only hate because I wanted to say good riddance lmao
>>50844 Pabulad doing it by the book out here
>>50581 Why the fuck is this shit still here?
I was browsing the discovery tab on dA and ngl, at first sight I thought it was a parody or hate post from one of you guys from here but nope, actual post from Oscar, it looks so bad
>>50886 Wait i stg it was deleted before. How the fuck did it come back
>>50892 >>50886 well it's gone again so hopefully it stays that way jesus
>>50887 Who the fuck is this? Why does he have more followers than wtfeather lmao? First time I hear about him. Compare the pageviews. What's so special about this goofy ass style?
>>50900 >What's so special about this goofy ass style? nothing. it's just straight up bad. but he unashamedly draws underage fictional characters and it fills a "niche" made by Virtue signaling "YOU CANT DRAW ANY CHARACTER THAT IS CANONICALLY UNDERAGE EVEN IF YOU AGE HER UP" artists and obviously overcompensating "20 SOMETHING YEAR OLD ADULT!!! SEE, SHES AN ADULT GUYS!" artists, and that's left a vacuum for western artists drawing slightly underage cartoon characters that this guy fills. if basically anyone else drew that shit, this guy would have 200 watchers and make 1$ a month on Patreon, but because no one else does, everyone just flocks to the few that do. don't believe me? just look at his watcher count and compare it to almost any better tickling artist and he'll win. there's a huge untapped market for underage fictional character tickling and this guy is raking it all in. also, it's been months since it shut down so I'll just say it. there was a secret Loli tickling server and there was a significant amount of big or at the very least noticable artists in there. hell, your favorite artist was probably in there. so stop acting like no one likes Loli fictional characters and that it's just a small minority. now that that's in the open, I'll add that I always found it hilarious how the same artists who were VERY active in that discord would also shame and shit talk people for posting Loli art in every other tickling discord server and call the mods on them. just goes to show I guess lol
>>50918 Yup. The loli hate coincided almost perfectly with Twitter becoming the biggest platform for artists, because Twitter (or X now) is full of idiots who will mob you and shut you down if you even hint at something being underage.
>>50918 Big artist here. That secret server is back up, just under new management. A lot of us are in it, this post is true, a majority of us like Loli tickles.
>>50939 On one hand, I ain't all about narcs and shit like that. On the other hand, my curiosity on who some of these "big artists" are is also killing me. The duality of man.
Ive never posted anything on this godforsaken site as I'm usually just here for the porn, but my god, these last 2 hours of reading the artist hate thread have opened my eyes to so many things that are wrong and fucked up about the community and the fetish in general, as well as quite a few artists i know. I have unironically learned more about the depths of the the depravity of the tickling community in the last 2 hours than in the last 5 years
>>50946 I can vouch for that guy, I’m also a semi well known artist. I shit you not, the majority of us are cool with Loli tickling, a lot of us DO like it, myself included. Twitter/X/whatever at this point has tainted the waters, you have people like dogieosie or like chaz, HL, Deepcreases, bitching about it. Because there are like a FEW artists who are against it, it scares the majority for some stupid reason. I wish that people just would disregard their bullshit. I’m thinking one day we might collectively if twitter dies, because then it won’t matter. It’s a no brainer, but caroo doesn’t give a shit, but he’s scared pissless over getting had, I don’t blame the guy because he’s 100 percent reliant on art for his income.I’m not gonna oust my fellow man though. Obviously if you’re in the club, you know exactly what/who I mean.
Taking a look at HL's twitter and seeing how she makes a big show of blocking minors who follow her account is a big tell. I guaran fucking tee she's into loli herself or something considered worse by the pearl clutchers. I do really dig her art though.
>>50975 >I do really dig her art though. shit taste
>>50972 How does one come across this silly little server? A part of me definitely wants to find out for myself and that's that, but also I dunno if I wanna do all that as well. My curiosity kills me but I believe you 100% of the way. It would not surprise me if a couple of those big artists put up the front of not being into it while secretly enjoying it
>>50972 Making 2D loli stuff automatically deems you as a heinous pervert of the highest proportion in the eyes of the terminally online and they make it their mission to 'warn' everybody about such artists in their circlejerks communities. They have made a past time of immediately jumping on any artist that posts any character that 'officially' is younger than 17 years, 11 months and 30 days old as they show even as much as a single bare foot. Artists just don't want to deal with that autistic screeching and headache and therefore form their own private communities to post their art - even if as a previous anon has said there is a substantial demand for it.
>>50978 I wasted a career opportunity as a pixel pedo artist, ffs. Won't anyone think of the pixels?! If this guy attracts this many people with this godawful art anyone can get even more money than a vtuber if they grow a fucking spine. >have zero shame >give zero shits about social media >only care about applicable laws >open a random deviantart, draw massive amounts of underage fetishized pixels within ToS and legal boundaries >paywall it and make bank >also take five minute comms because why the hell not >rinse and repeat until it stops working if at all
>>50976 For sure. But one doesn't argue with their body.
>>50977 It isn't really new. If an artist tells you in commission price sheets they won't draw x or y, they usually don't enjoy that, no ambiguity or hypocrisy there. If they start massive drama about something controversial though you can be sure as hell they love it and they'll deny it to death using projection, silencing, strawmen and worshipper armies. It's all for attention whoring but it bites them in the ass eventually and they have to stay on the down low or even nuke their accounts because their relatives know they didn't just lie about being a defender of fantasy ethics, they're also doing it themselves and enjoying it a lot, worse if they're an actual sex offender lmao then you see them in the news one last time
Also interesting that the notion of this server is accepted with no doubt. This super duper secret server where big name artists are not only present, but they openly identify themselves. But no one is tripping over themselves to name names or post screenshots.
>>50985 We actually have healthy friendly relationships with each other. Also mutually assured destruction. I know some of us are afraid of the tumblr trash finding out, so if one person leaks, then it’s all leaked. Me personally, I don’t care if tumblr trash finds out about it. Personally I think we should be open and not give a shit what they think. Twitter/X is gonna be gone soon anyway.
>>50977 It's easy. You just need to know who to ask. If you have basic artist connections, and the guy you're asking *knows* you and you're interests. You'll be able to get it. We know who's not a moralfag/etc. whatever you wanna call it, and who is. We watch these things. If you're known to be open or indifferent about it, then you can probably get in.
>>50985 because we are normal well adjusted adults who wouldnt destroy someone's career as an artist just because we don't like them. >inb4 "well adjusted lol" at least more than the people on twitter who proceed to dox and have their fanbase harass artists because they drew misty from Pokemon or something. either way like it was said - that server has been shut down for months now. no way to join yourself at this point.
No hate in any way but MichaellaBrown is a prime example of "don't blame the artist, blame the commissioner". Started with legit adorable pics with Tumblr-like aesthetics back in 2020 and now it's sun-and-moon level 'tism almost every time because that's what her fanbase is into. Can't blame her tho because she lives in one of the poorest countries of Europe (if not the poorest) and I guess she's making a bank over here but I miss her old art.
>>51154 I’ve seen her new stuff and actively follow her, she absolutely is not sun and moon levels, never seen her draw that garbage either, most of her stuff still captures that aesthetic imo lol, what kind of examples make you think that?
So Pawfeather just posted a straight up porn animation on Instagram. Balls of steel on this guy but dumb as shit.
Uhoh, looks like cryptic Frisky is getting ready to leave the fandom again. How long before he returns?
>>51169 What do they do to people when they see dicks on IG?
>>45162 you're the only one who needs pills because he simply described the situation.
>>45155 fwiw I wish every paywalling scammer started doing mass AI so I can just stop subbing and laugh at the shills worshipping 28-finger, 6-breast eldritch horrors
>>51271 Niggas out here replying to ancient posts lmao
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Cool story bro
>>39df3b As someone who knows how this shit in Germany works I can guarantee you that didn't happen. The most he would have gotten from that is a police report and a trip home. No clue who that artist is but he seems to love attention.
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Either shut up or stop being a tranny
>>51427 Moekaki has an ego the size of orc feet. Art isn't bad but you just have to ignore literally everything they write. >>51469 Sounds just like a literal retard sperging on xcom to me. Wasn't that the furry who got ousted by their mom and bawwing from a shelter (damn they should've stolen the phone!) I can't wait for Musk to force those former twittards to pay for blue and THEN oust them after taking their money. Delicious tears.
I totally forgot I had Bubble in my watchlist and I fucking jumpscared by this Caroo on my feed
>>51557 What did he even do?
>>51557 jeff the killer lookin ass
>>51582 Not so much hating on Bubble as it is we're fucking tired of seeing Caroo's ass in the same ass situation with the same ass mindless tease talk about to be mindlessly tickled into slavery for the 4774426765422$-6456789986hgtdhvydd379:"322468999999th time
>>51590 Some furfags are a bit too proud of their fursonas. I guess it really doesn't help when it unironically has become their life, job and final destination. >mfw they claim to be married I don't even want to fathom the damage
>>51598 >claims to be married he isn't. a lot of people have his dox from when it leaked back on 8kun or the one before that and people found his LinkedIn and resume with full contact info, pretty easy to look into honestly. well either that or he's good enough at covering his tracks to completely hide his wife from his Internet life in all aspects but not himself.

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ffs, why do some artists act like this?
>>51641 >Siberia >Russia This explains pretty much everything
>>51641 >comment tree junk >autistic debates >teen tier art It's deviantART, what did you expect? Responsive site design, decent art and mentally stable users? If that has ever been a thing then it was before 2000.
Y'all think that Chaz is just burning himself out lately? As in, he's making those dirt cheap sketch commission batches but slowly they look worse and worse. 9-5 store clerk work is shit I know but either he plans to leave that hole for comms or he's just getting really bad payed or something. All I can say is that he'll soon burn out those comms and no one will want to get one since they're all over the place
>>51837 I don't know why they're making their comms dirt cheap in the first place unless they're a special kind of bad. SFW comms easily go for $150 a *b&w* character minimum when the fetish community is starved for some specific content no matter how bad it looks. I certainly don't encourage it but I mean, if people are so willing to pay absurd amounts of cash for utter shit you can draw in literal minutes, why the hell not if you're already soulless and a lost cause, right?
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Tell everyone on Twitter you're leaving Twitter. Enjoy your 20 followers on Bluseky lmao
>>51837 Chaz would be happier if he moved out of nigger town and lived on a farm.
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>>51842 honestly, fucking good. i want to see these faggots melt down when they can't block anyone who they disagree with because they can't engage in kindergartener tier conversation.
>>51842 They'll be back. This is the same as the people who said they will be moving to Canada when Trump got elected. All hot air over a trivial thing.
>>51850 Lol I agree. I love musk and everything he’s done. I take pure joy when I see everyone seething about everything he’s done, fuck trannies and their faggotry.
>>51854 bloody hell, Kron, just transition already >>49372
>>51842 in b4 "You need to die immediately" on Bluesky LOL weak skin and inflated ego, stay mad Moekeki
Y'all what in the holy fuck is this shit? Didn't NFTs die? I can't imagine the level of brain damage one needs to think this was a good idea. Shit like this makes me hate my fetish.
>>51641 >>51885 Most Russians are brain damaged. What did you expect?
>>51887 Fair enough.
>>51885 Kinda funny tho haha
>>51885 Ticklecoin when
>>51885 Volchenok drew that? I always knew she was a freak and this still surprises me.
>>51840 I feel bad for Chaz burning out but then I remember he's a hyprocite. Not long ago this one fetish artist LewdSaiga got called out for tracing, dude defended himself and then Chaz jumped to the convo just to say "Dude who's framing Saiga is just doing it for clout and he opened a Patreon not so long ago, so SHAMEFUL" First off, Chaz got a Patreon too so taking part of the convo gives him clout too. Second, how funny that right after that Chaz started to spam his weekly sketch commissions and started to post regularly cause before that his Twitter was dry
>>51854 Alright, Elon, that's enough. Get back to roleplaying as your horny toddler on your alt account and hanging out with child traffickers.
>>51837 I think Chaz burned himself out ages ago. His horrible Animal Crossing OCs and his focus on them are the symptom of some kind of mental breakdown I swear.
>>51919 He got hit with mediocre artist realization that ppl only follow him for the fetish content plus with his mid 30s life crisis gave him the urge to make actual art that can be sold to general audiences in this case the AC comic but used his fetish character that literally had no other purpose than fetish stuff and now wants to shove you that narrative on his fetish account
>>51896 hear me out every investment is represented as a feather in the larger scheme, and by larger scheme i mean a macro waifu coin who can take up to dozens of feathers per square meter.
>>51927 Imagine naming yourself after the restaurant with the worst fucking chicken on the planet.
>>51928 you are NOT dissing jack's sacred McCormic bagged chicken with spices fuckboy.
>>51932 I'm about to drain your raw chicken ass of all it's cum, fuckboy ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
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YES, finally!
>>51965 see you tomorrow
>>51921 Chaz still draws decent content. A lot more than us meager peons deserve. Sure his leftist ways are super cringe and he's a Nintendrone to the bone but he can still draw feet that make my penor happy. There are far worse artists out there.
>>51969 Chaz still draws decent content. yes >A lot more than us meager peons deserve. lmao lets not get too hasty. the occasional tickle pic he squirts out is nice but it's intermittent between 50 pics of mamabito doing fucking nothing
>>51971 Had to mute Chaz for a while since he went on a hyperfixation on ToTK for both screenshots and wall texts of his goofy ahhh theories and headcanons that nobody asked for, like MF really thinks he's a videogame reviewer. I came here for fetish art not to listen his soyjak Nintendo fan ass
>>51965 >wants to be #1 artist on social media >flexes on Discord and has constant power trips Sounds legit, he never liked social media in the first place right? >I am terrible at interacting with others FTFY. Keep it short Moekeki. Go join Edgy Nitro and get both drunk and high.
>>51969 >Chaz still draws decent content I mean sure if you're into his little weird animal crossing oc -bito universe. if you're in for the tickling content, well good luck. you'll be waiting a while... at this point can we just stop calling people like this tickle artists? they clearly don't want to keep drawing tickle art any more and they only do the occasional tickle drawing between 50 non fetish pics because they realize they lose followers incredibly quickly when they don't.
how has this guy not been called out yet? the dude literally just started drawing this real person Twitter model that he's obsessed with to the point where every drawing he does is literally just her. you can't even say the twins aren't supposed to be her because he draws them with the same slight overbite mouth she has. I mean really, put yourself in this poor girls shoes (lol) for a second >be twitter model (actual model not just feet model) >some dude that does fetish art starts obsessing over you >DM's you incessantly (by his own admission) >starts drawing you in fetish art >ask him to please stop drawing you in his fetish art >THEYRE NOT YOU THEYRE MY OC THE TWINS THAT LOOK EXACTLY LIKE YOU >the guy slowly stops drawing any other character that isn't you >it's gotten to the point where every character that isn't even his twin "OCs" are still just literally you >this guy is making money drawing you in fetish scenarios that make you uncomfortable >starts dropping little hints and jokes about how he's obsessed with you and wants to marry the girls he draws (when he only draws you anymore) does this not bother anyone else? like ok sure, we rag on people like Caroo or HL, but in the end they're literally just harmless autists. this guy is giving me serious bjork stalker vibes, like out of everyone we joke about in this thread, I truly believe he is someone who has the potential to actually snap and be dangerous. the huge ego + unhealthy parasocial obsession is really a bad mix. I feel like I can see it more since someone I dated had an obsessive ex and I had to deal with them for years, and they acted almost exactly like this guy on social media. >inb4 he just has an Asian fetish he just draws Asians, not that girl! youre telling me all Asians have the exact same haircut, glasses, and slight overbite? I know it's just one pic, but seriously scroll through her twitter gallery (her name is 3yuri_0427) and then through kusujinns tied to twins and recent gallery and tell me it's not meant to be the exact same person.
>>52126 When did she ask him to stop? It's been a while since I looked at her profile but she used to retweet his art fairly regularly I think.
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>>52126 Yep, this is fucking annoying tbh. Why not just focus on other characters? There are SO FUCKING MANY good and beautiful female characters but he chooses to draw 83448265475234654e374098234 pictures with this girl... Would anyone here want to marry her?
>>52126 Perhaps his obsession is the only thing that's keeping him going? If done in another era of time it would seem like a romantic gesture. Nowadays it's a little *too* obsessive imo. He's managed to monetize drawing his online model asian wife and all the things he wishes to do to her in the most unsubtle of ways but because of his high skill level people are willing to pass it off as 'Oh it's just Kusu tehe'. I'm with you on the weird vibes but I don't think he will be called out in public for it. Reason? People just like the porn he draws too much to care.
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>>52126 Nah yeah this guy is next level obsessed. I’ve been silently watching his decent into madness for this random woman online for a while and it’s gotten so weird. People get so wound up about his personality that they forget that he genuinely is a good artist (using 3D models or tracing photos, whatever. I still like his art on a base level.) but damn. This is scary. HL has a moronic personality, but this guy at least has the talent behind him, which makes this obsessive stalker personality that much harder to watch. Just draw OC’s, or TV characters, like literally everyone else. The twins aren’t your OC’s, Kusuidiot, they’re a like for like representation of some random girl online
>>52126 Fuck Kusujinn, ever since he became a RL stalker he's done nothing but this. He belongs in jail, lifetime, no bail, free sex included. >a few obsessions Being obsessed with real people to the point of stalking them day and night and begging for posts on social media is called a crime you absolute fucking freak. Rot in jail and get raped by ugly men with AIDS until you enjoy it and slowly die forever alone.
Moekaki post "After being sick for four years, I’ve been tired. During my sickness, everything was difficult. It was difficult to eat. Difficult to move. Difficult to breath. My lungs had been blown previously and were filled with scar tissue, and then with constant bloating, my heart, nerves, lungs and stomach/intestines were under literal constant pressure. So now my whole left side suffers from damage to my vagus nerve. Even after the gallbladder was removed. So any intestinal cramping caused by eating makes my entire left side go numb and bloating causes heart palpitations. But now when I eat- I no longer suffer from gallbladder attacks. Which happened after every meal. Every single day. Chinese Medicine was the only thing that helped- for some reason, but even that was just a patch. Nw my gallbladder is gone- so the attacks have stopped. The damage to my vagus nerve remains. It will heal. I will be ok. I will make it. Still, after four years of it- I’m tired. Then the drama of people whom are detached from reality online- my inability to understand how they could be the way that they are. I was angry- because I was in so much physical pain every day. This is not an apology- I believe I’ve always maintained to do the right thing. In my art and game design- there is so much I NEED to do- but I’m emotionally tired too. Every night I felt like I was going to suffocate in my sleep. If I didn’t sit up in the middle of the night and force the air out of my intestines and through my mouth (a freakishly long belch) I couldn’t even swallow. I would wake up because I was choking. I had a couple of good nights, but the fear in those moments was real. I’d start breathing again, suck it up and force myself to go back to sleep. So- I need to heal. For now: I’m leaving social media. Which is funny, because I actually just got invited to BLUESKY, but- it’s all poison. Every last bit of it. People on there have no attachment to reality after a while, and it hurts all of us. So, I’ll continue doing art but FOCUSING ON PATREON. I’ll aso be doing art for the $1 tier, because I believe in doing work for EVERYONE who supports me. And I know that- without social media- my growth will be extremely limited. But I’ll admit that: I’ve always been awful at promoting myself from the beginning. So terrible. Like, I’ve never understood how that even works. I’m just tired of the insincerity. The falsehoods. So my wife says she’s gonna manage that somehow. If anyone else wants to help out in any way, let me know. I have no problem with socializing or working with others. But I have noticed that social media somehow discourages the “working with others” part of that anyway. How? I’m not quite sure. Maybe the person that figures it out will have the next big thing in social media. Anyway, as always, thank you for your support. My current condition is: My vagus nerve is hurt and my body still hasn’t worked out how it’s supposed to digest properly without a gallbladder. So I’m trying to figure out what medicine go juggle on my own to figure it out. As for Discord: Undecided. I’m considering deleting everything down to a single channel where people can reach me." Is this guy genuinely victimizing himself and blaming twitter to earn $$$ and pity points? I've been struggling with cancer for over 10 years bro, I don't go around shitposting for financial support and tips on how to cope, I'm gonna die eventually and that's that, people have nothing to do with my condition. If you fuck up in life learn to pay for your mistakes and stop pretending to be some angel who's never done anything wrong and has always been kind to others. What a fucking piece of shit. Don't you dare delete yourself, you deserve to suffer a lot more until you go insane and beg for mercy, forgiveness, and apologize for how much of a hypocrite and toxic abomination you are. No one will honestly miss you or your self-proclaimed art, they're just pretending to get discounts, free fapping material or an e-blowjob.
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>>52126 >>ask him to please stop drawing you in his fetish art Did that really happen or are you supposing it happened? I don't know what "calling him out" can do, but something I'm sure of is that the guy is certainly overly sensitive. Everyone is too occupied sucking his dick to realize that but he sees himself as a BDSM God or miyazaki tier artist. Anyone remember when that one guy put thumbs down on his pics? He was seething so hard he had to threaten a ban in DMs for the (paying customer) guy to stop. I assure you, if a burner account publically posted his patreon shit on twitter AND said it's terrible, he'd absolutely lose his shit and go on moekaki style rants. All that to say, messing with him would be so much more effective (and fun)
>>52126 >>52415 >Did that really happen or are you supposing it happened? While I do think his obsession is weird as shit, as of a few weeks ago at least, the actual woman was still actively retweeting his shit featuring "her". Unless she asked him privately and he divulged that information, it seems like she either approves of it or at least sees it as harmless. Regardless, is IS still weird as shit and I can see him taking it too far one day.
>>52394 >Stalks poor girl >No doubt thoughts of foot rape permeate throughout his coom brain >Throw him in jail for life Why? So he be a tax sponge on my account? Three meals, no rent and a bed? Fuck that. It costs roughly 26 cents a round for a full metal jacket 9mm bullet. It costs roughly 5 to 6 grand rounded to get a body cremated. 7 grand at most. States vary widely to lock up someone per year, Mississippi for example costs roughly $18 thousand per year, to say 136 grand rounded in Wyoming. The median average is $45,771. The average prison life expectancy is 47, though in recent years; many survive well into their 70s and 80s. These numbers don't account for any medical treatment either, mind you. To top it off, they'd likely be placed in Protective custody, because; contrary to popular belief, most pedos and rapists are separated from general population where they'd get actual justice for their crimes. Most prison guards would be fired and incarcerated themselves should they attempt any justice in addition. And I can't get a price as to what the addition of protective custody would cost them. In short? Two bullets to the back of the head and then cremating them is far less costly and a more efficient administration of justice to a rapist than any life sentence. More of a deterrent too, other rapists will take notice and be discouraged.
>>52396 Tl;Dr: "I will not apologize, muh vargus vagina demands it. I am victim. I am depression. Buy my fucking Patreon or else I deleted Discord. Also, my goal bladder's in the walls.... IT'S IN THE GOD DAMNED WAAAAALLS" - moekeki Brown streaks to whoever's brave enough to leak his Patreon
>>52437 >Two bullets to the back of the head and then cremating them Can we use acid to dissolve him alive instead? This guy does not deserve a merciful assassination. >>52439 The most hilarious part is this >gets invited to Bluesky >"flees" Twitter >complains about Twitter being toxic >complains about Bluesky being toxic >stays on Discord because "it's not social media" (that's because he has full control of the narrative and bans worshippers over the slightest doubt) >pattern spotted, I wonder what this means! If only his gallbladder surgery had been made by a retarded surgeon or a tkr anon, bro made it sound like he was getting a tumor removed lmao. Medal of honor to leakers really, not even worth pirating from.
>>52437 I get dude is annoying, but you're mentally ill. Get help, Anon.
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I wish people would stop encouraging his midlife crisis. Gets a tiny amount of likes and like 5 comments from jumping on one of those bandwagon artist chain posts and thinks people care about his OCs and their stories.
>>52487 So he really killed off the Mamabito comic (AKA the self proclaimed story that have been writing for years) and started a new one for no reason? If that ain't midlife crisis then idk what it is
Does anyone have an example of DQ's artwork?
I actually like Cyborg Steve/Rali-arts to an extent, but they limit themselves to the YCH format too much. You get examples like this that just look off.

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