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Cringe General Anonymous 06/24/2023 (Sat) 16:52:29 Id: f11fe7 No. 48499
Cringe peeps in the tickling community doing autistic, creepy and/or cringy shit; not just artists. Share your stories, personal accounts, screenshots, etc. Yeah it may seem mean spirited but better to try to make a containment thread for it rather than having it sprout up randomly and derailing other threads.
NGL; made this thread in part so I could share this one tale based on a very old image I came across. A good 20 years back (yeah oldfag here) I got an art request from some rando when I was a young and naive forumite. I don’t even remember what the nature of the request was but even at the time I felt something was off and never did it (His behavior and the way he talked to me just seemed really weird). But it wasn’t until years later looking at the “reference image” he sent me that it dawned on me this guy was probably stalking this chick. Most of the samples look candid and like they were taken from a distance. Plus considering she’s really not much to look at herself, one can only imagine what kind of hideous troll this guy was. And these photos look way older than 2004 so it could be someone he knew decades earlier and had been obsessed with his entire life. Also this is most definitely a fap sheet that he’s most likely jerked off to countless times. Kinda puts things into perspective; it’s not that modern internet culture is “creating” these freaks. They’ve always been here, the internet just united them and gave them a voice.
>>48501 I want to see the picture you made. The person in question is cute.
>>48517 they never took the request silly
>>48501 Also the pictures of the feet look like he just took a picture of one foot and flipped it.
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Do you think Despina has a restraining order against this guy yet, or does she remain blissfully unaware of whatever is going on here?
>>48535 She might not need one. It seems like she's more than capable of beating him if it was a close match between her and four attackers, even if she is a kinky, shaved bisexual slut [38].
>autistic kvetching about Moekaki, Caroo or whoever for the sixty gorillionth time
Thanks to OP for providing a suitable place for this finally. Screenshot of back when that DragonballFan guy was under a different screen name and on a personal crusade to correct everyone who misnamed his beloved namekian. He honestly comes off like an exaggerated parody of how a mildly autistic person would behave like how they’d be portrayed in a bad TV show or movie.
>>48535 Not familiar with this one. What’s the story?
>>48535 >>48537 Somehow, it's the 'shaved' that I find the most perplexing.
>>48561 Not much behind it, just search 'tickling' on Deviantart and every few days you'll find this chromosomally enriched individual posting this but with a different roster of girls ganging up on 'Despina.'
This fucking retarded spic is still posting the same shit after 20 years (he's now over 40) and still talks in "hehe xP" garbage >also still clearly lusting after minors including family members >first heard about him on the old encyclopediadramatica https://en.wikifur.com/wiki/Sketch_Dalmatian
>>48561 >>48563 For a while, he was posting the same thing to several different accounts, so even if you used the Deviantart Filter app to block his account, eventually he'd just create a new account and start posting all over again.
>>48575 >(he's now over 40) and still talks in "hehe xP" garbage that's an endemic trait to furries as a whole, anon
>>48535 >>48561 Amazing. I see posts like this on 4chan too so this guy clearly gets around posting this.
>>48575 >>48581 https://encyclopediadramatica.online/Sketch_Dalmatian Covering what Wikifur missed. There's a few "famous" ticklefags of old on ED
We should’ve just gone extinct on the colonies. No good reason why this species should of continued. The Cylons were right.
>>48622 Best we can do is observe these evolutionary failures and try to adapt and grow as a species. Mistakes, even living ones do serve a purpose so long as we learn from them and strive not to continue the vicious cycle. I dream of a day when genetic testing can weed out undesirable anomalies like these that create such mentally unstable individuals and maybe, just maybe, it may become illegal to breed if you have too much chlorine in your gene pool.
>>48675 Yeah, because eugenics worked so well before alongside genocide and gas chambers...
>>48681 Go back to /pol/ dude. Pretty sure he’s talking about a more idealized future advancement in science that’s far less morally questionable…you know…a total fantasy that will never happen.
Cringe thread is always such a meta experience. You may as well start screencapping the posts in here.
Get a load of this fag.
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Add me to the Reddit post
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Richard (Dick) AKA 'Playful Insanity' forever being the balding fat cringelord nobody needed or asked for.
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Bro is str8 that-guy from the memes editing MLP characters into pics with him romantically.
>>55849 To his defense, name checks out. At least he doesn't seem to be sperging so uh good for him? >>48555 Ah yes, the unhealthy character name obsession. Shipping autists are a special kind of wtf too with literal death threats and doxxing if you draw crack pairings. Do we have documented cases of terrorist attacks because someone drew the "wrong" fictional characters tickling each other?
>>55849 >>55850 This is so autistic it's almost amazing. He has such a lack of awareness he's almost cool. Motherfucker set aside an entire afternoon to do this.
>>55850 how do people like this have friends, or a place to live
I do love a good self insert tickling art where they insert the persons name for added faptitude
>>57390 aw hell nah not stevened universe whos fursona is the right one?
>>57396 I think that’s a sonic character from the games. Tikal I think her name is; that name alone made her really popular in certain circles.
>>57399 nah that cant be right
>>57404 Not sure if you’re being sarcastic or not but yeah she’s canon.
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every day we stray further from god
Has anyone ever seen this one guy on Deviantart who comments on artworks of female characters captured and getting tickle tortured and he'll just say *saves her* ? I don't remember any specific posts he's commented on, but I do remember seeing his comments all the time in the past. Haven't seen him in a while though, not sure if he still does it. I don't know if he was trying to RP or what. If he wanted to RP I still don't know why he would start with *saves her*. I'll post a screenshot if I find one of his comments again.
>>58444 Oh, the hero comes I can hear the drums And our horses run to the kingdom come Through the pale moonlight Our hearts ignite to the call
>>58447 Same vibes. I get these faggots too on my pics from time to time. They're beyond annoying, especially when you reply to them hinting at them to fuck off and they're still fully in character.
>>58188 I'm fucking speechless...
>>58188 This is the worst thing I've ever seen out of this autistic community
>>58444 >>58447 Match25 was notorious for this in the early-mid 10s. He'd even say "milady" and shit. Also had a weird obsession with Toph (canonically 10).
>>58458 Full Reddit mode bruh
>>58458 >milady
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Word is Monoman is designing a Mono suit.
>>58458 Holy shit Match25. That guy was a legendary pain in the ass on DeviantArt a good decade ago for his obnoxious behavior and creepy comments. Someone would post art of their characters with no feet showing and he’d still strangely comment with “mmmm sexy feet” or something similar. He also made waves when he made the claim that homosexuality was a mental illness and needed to be “cured” despite his own fondness for little girls being far more indicative of such a thing. Still not sure if he’s autistic, a troll or somewhere in between but he definitely enjoyed getting a rise out of people when they confronted him; really smug and condescending.
>>58710 90 percent sure that Kron is in some sort of heart failure. Sure he bitches about problems here and there but there’s definitely proof that he’s been in and out of hospitals throughout the year. Wouldn’t be surprised if hes the next to kill over here sometime in the near future. Last I heard they put him on some sort of heart meds, he’s not obese and he’s in his mid twenties. Don’t smoke or do energy drinks kids.
>>58716 he drank himself drunk almost every night of 2021 due to that one e-slut leaving him. "Vesuvi" was her name also. The alcohol amounts alone would probably have been enough to fuck him over for the long term. I'm not doctor but it can't be healthy.
>>58714 He sounds extremely based actually
>>58188 Amazing
>>58714 This type of autism is not uncommon for this community. This is another person I see literally everywhere. his favorites folder is endless and he comments almost the same shit on almost all of them
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He says "tribute" like this isn't the most low effort but mass produced bullshit I've ever seen I don't know how or why most of these artists are okay with him essentially stealing their art for him to make this delusional chicanery.
>>58830 B r u h
>>58830 Idk why it grinds me up, but I hate it when he refers to all his models and such as "yummy" I fucking hate that word, idk why, it activates some sort of reptilian aspect of me.
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newfag but been lurking for a while so sorry if this is the wrong thread for this genuinely going to kill myself if i dont get this out >believes im asexual for 19 years> >always liked tickling but never got off to it> >realizes i started getting extremely wet during tickling rp with bots> >realizes i will never be able to reveal this to any guy ever> >retarded tickling fantasies will never come true> >mfw>
>>59009 You don't have to add an extra ">" at the end of each line.
>>59009 Sorry I'm late to the party, anon. I hope you didn't an hero yet. I'm gonna level with you: MOST people who post on about being asexual in this fetish are lying either because they can't accept themselves, or worse, they're closeted gay as FUCK and can't come to terms with it. Here's what you need to do: find what you're comfortable with. Drop the Ace bullshit and tell the truth. Eventually, down the line you will make friends and potentially even a boyfriend/girlfriend. Just don't get overly emotional or change your sexuality every 5 minutes, otherwise you'll never find peace and might even end up being a lolcow. Be honest with yourself and be honest with others. Try to be open minded but also have basic lines you won't cross. Keep yourself anonymous in this community (as in don't link your irl/Facebook/whatever to this community), only reveal it to those you trust closest with you. You will find a place here, anon. I know it's hard, embarrassing and weird but you need to just calm down and take it slow. Damn what other people say or think about you, hell join in with the joke even. Don't take other's opinions too seriously when it comes to your fetishes. Unless you're into pedo or zoo or something REALLY fucking bat shit like that, you should be fine. Lastly, and this is important: DO NOT make it your entire life. You don't want your entire life/personality to revolve around your fetish or sexuality. It will end up biting you in the ass. Try to find a balance and good luck.
>>59009 Asexuality and kinks/fetishes are not mutually exclusive: you can be ace and still being turned on by stuff like tickling. In my persona experience, it was the opposite: I always wondered why I could only get turned on by tickling while I never felt the urge to watch vanilla porn, worried that there was something wrong inside me. Then, some years ago I discovered I could be asexual. Now, I don't care much about labels, I just wanted to clarify that you aren't necessarily wrong about your initial assumption.
>>59023 Lmao, there's cringe in the cringe thread
>>59024 Well, at least we're not going OT, I guess.
>>59025 >You can be Ace and turned on by tickling Least sexually charged asexual.
>>59023 what you call ace now is what we used to call "incel" do with that what you will
>>59009 ...you're not even old yet. Fucking grow a damn spine.
>>59032 Mfw even DQ is talking sense. Srsly Acefags need to cut the shit already and admit they fap just as hard as the rest of us.
>>59143 RIP youtube recommendations
>>59009 >tee hee im a girl Tits or gtfo
>>59009 >realizes i will never be able to reveal this to any guy ever What are you going on about? Girls have a way easier time revealing unconventional kinks to others. For you guys it’s quirky and fun. For us it’s creepy. Statistically I’m sure guys are way more willing to indulge a females fetish than the other way around.
>>59009 Yeah, I'm with >>59205 on this one. Girls can be into a lot of weird shit and we guys won't bat an eyelid, but as a guy girls will absolutely freak out if you're into weird shit unless they are so into you you could basically kill someone and they'd still be down.
>>59205 It's a tranny
>>59019 >>59040 I consider myself asexual because I don't like or want to have sex. That's literally all. I just want to tickle guys without cocks being involved. That said, I usually just call myself gay when not anon, cause people put a lot of tumblr-tier connotations on the word asexual, like (You) just did.
>>59296 You came to the wrong board FOOL!
>>59296 Yas queen! Don't let these fucking CIS SCUM FUCKS tell you OTHERWISE. Us Aces are the superior sex ;) it's why they get SOOOOO triggered~ >>59302 >>59289 >>59040 >>59019 FUCK YOU YOU FUCKING CIS SCUM MOTHERFUCKERS ACES ARE THE ONLY SEXUALITY THAT MATTERS You're all fucking FREAKS for getting turned on by tickling. Imagine wanting a cock Imagine wanting a vagina. Scary huh? You fuckers are sexist racist and fucking homophobic pieces of shit. Us Aces are THE ABSOLUTE FUCKING GOATS of sexuality and you fuckers ARE JEALOUS that you can't be ace. You're fucking plebs PLEBS who think that genitals are sexy. Genitals are fucking gross, cum is just white pee. We'll fucking hunt down EVETY FUCKING ONE of you fuckers and hook you up to milking machines and make you cum nonstop SINCE YOU LIKE IT SO MUCH you can live in VONSTANT ORGASMIC AROUSAL because you're JUST LIKE PIGS IN SHIT. TICKLING ISNT SEXUAL YOU GOD DAMN FUCKING CUNTS I FUCKING HATE YOU STRAIGHTOID FUCKS. Even fucking GAYS BIS AND TRANS PEOPLE are TOO FUCKING OBSESSED WITH SEX AND SHALL SUFFER THE SAME FATE. This QUEEN ANON is the fucking GOAT and honey don't be afraid to show these fucking sexist RACIST HOMOPHOBES that you're ACE AND PROUD. It's the ONE TRUE SEXUALITY. Being able to appreciate the great and vast expansive world of TICKLING without FUCKING BEING TURNED ON. You fucking FREAKS. Fucking masturbating in your fucking chairs nonSTOP. Thinking THINKING that you could even TOUCH the same AIR us ACES breath I swear to fucking Cthulu I will hunt down EVERY ONE IF YOU SEX DRIVEN WEIRDOS until you're OFF THE WORLD FOREVER. Fuck you, ACES ARE SUPERIOR AND YOU KNOW IT COPE AND SEETH YOU FUCKING SEX DRIVEN FUCKS
>>59329 I'm glad you guys don't have offspring. Less trash in the future. :)
Aces are the same thing as third wave feminists in the way that no one wants to fuck them because they’re so physically repellant and/or socially and emotionally toxic but they convince themselves it’s all their choice because everyone else is the problem. It’s like when you tell a little kid they can’t have something and they’re like “fine, I didn’t want it anyway so there!” with that same level of emotional maturity.
you guys wouldn't recognize bait if it were a drawing of a hook no worm
>>59354 no one's even replying to the obvious bait though? unless this post was the bait, then in that case well done...
>>59329 Ayo hold up is that the fucking MAP flag?
>>59377 Make America...pizza?
>>59330 >>59350 >>59354 HAHAHAHHGAHAHHHH TYPICAL FUCKING CIS TRIGGERED BITCH BOYS You fcukers wouldn't even be able to THINK without sex as if any of you are even CAPABLE of thinking beyond SEX. I have a 136 IQ and graduated TOP of my CLASS while you all are whining about not having bitches or wanting bitches or getting bitches because YOURE obsessed with SEX Imagine being fucking tickled and THINKING even slightly that it's sexual. Asexuality is the only true sexuality and the only TRUE way someone can APPRECIATE tickling I mean God (not that I believe in that pleb shit), imagine NEEDING to have sex or even craving a gender. At least when we crave a fetish it's for enjoyment usually everyone I see gets married ends up middle aged balding and unhappy I mean fucking hell that's proof undeniable proof that SEX destROYS a person from the inside out Average ticklecel vs the average tickling ENJOYER and guess who wins every time? You guys ARE like incels if not the same. It's you guys who are weird degens for bringing SEX and the IDEA of SXE into ABY of this! I just want to enjoy my feet getting stocked and scrubbed by a brush I'm not NOT the weird one here you are and one day you're going to see it one day you'll realize just how weird and broken you are and then you'll cry Ace pride world wide cope and SEETH sex addicts :)
>>59381 I know exactly who you are but I'm keeping my mouth shut cause we're cool.
Artemis Wishfoot stalker anon here. This is a perfect time to bring it up since this retard is posting pics of him. This is what Artemis looks like IRL balding fat chud with a foot obsession, basically summing up >>59350 's point about acefags. Really makes you think.
>>59381 >>59382 You guys might be cool, but you and I aren’t. How’s life Ken?
>>59386 Its okay, same shit different day. Hbu?
>>59383 Such a shame. He really does have nice feet I’d love to tickle the crap out of if he wasn’t such a freak.
>>59389 Agreed. It'd be one thing if he was just a foot freak with an Ace fixation but my whole issue with it is the narcissism, the unwarranted self importance, the cutting off of friends and referring to his fanbase as "peasants" openly. The fact that he's so obviously sexually fixated on it but can't seem to come to terms with it; I for one wouldn't piss and moan about him as much if he wasn't going out of his way to hurt and scam people. I mean, a Patreon pledge just to TALK to him? That's some Garo shit. The sad thing is furries are that gullible and dumb, and he's hardly the first, nor the last. Not even accounting on the political shit, there's something annoying about someone who can't admit they have a problem, and worse off act like their problem is not only a solution - but better than you. Imagine being this snobbish and narcissistic just because you're open about your sexual deviancy. Anyway I'll stfu unless anyone else has anything on this dickhead. There's always more cringe out there.
>>59399 Don't even get started on him. This guy has the same turbo-autism that the Dragonballfan fuck had, and countless others. just shitting the same nonsense out onto deviantart every waking day. I would say they're a bit of a lolcow because of how easy it is to rile them up, but at the same time I feel bad for picking on someone clearly retarded his deviantart acc got shitcanned a little bit ago, i'd assume he deactivated it once he heard they were adjusting their fetish art rules and jumped ship. either way, yeah, he's a bit of a weirdo. he's like, mid-30s too if im remembering correctly
>>59401 And?
>>59402 I have had personal experiences with this guy. He’s batshit insane.
>>59401 My dude. Your on a TICKLING fetish board. Gay guys for sure out number the actual amount of straight people here. And both those parties out number the amount of women. Srsly, as a faggot; I'm sorry my kind out numbers straight ticklefags in this fetish. You deserve better.
>>59388 I guess I’m not the hateful asshole I thought I was because they/them pussy hits different. I’m living my best life, and I mean you all the same.
>>59329 It's so painfully visible how those guys are closet fags/pedos or otherwise so hopelessly beta they're just orbiting the 5/10 girls
>>59411 Or 5/10 guys. Let's be real. Good chunk of them fags. At least the ones who are straight have the common decency to become incels. It's honestly pretty fucking hilarious, ngl
>>59380 They're cheese pizza enthusiasts if you catch my drift
>>59405 >Personal experience >Bat shit Please God explain for those of us who have no idea
>>59394 So I want to kind of approach this genuinely and with curioisity, I don’t know really know anything about the sexuality stuff Let me describe to you who I am. I like feet, I am turned on by feet and tickling feet. I jack off to feet. On the flip side I don’t care for sex. Sex does not turn me on, boobs, ass, dicks, vaginas do nothing for me. I do sex for the sole purpose of pleasing my girlfriend, but it does nothing for me. I openly admit that I do feel sexual thoughts, but for feet and tickling and nothing to do with sex. Does this mean that I am “asexual” or what, what would you guys call this, >inb4 mental illness.
>>59402 >>59399 I want this guy studied in a lab
>>59421 ...Dude talk to a therapist about it. We're here to laugh, not unpaid semantics.
>>59421 That's just a fetish. You have a fetish for feet and tickling and it's strong enough that it overrides the usual desire for "regular" sex. I don't think this makes you asexual because you're still getting off on things that are sexual to you but not others, but in the end it's all labels and doesn't really matter other than what you attach to yourself.
>>59421 The problem with all these fucking made up genders and sexualities is that they have no rules. Anything goes, literally just anything goes. You can make up fucking Foot sexual or Tickle sexual and make sure all members are castrated. Why such an outlandish thing to claim? Simple; who's going to stop you? Seriously, what would happen if you told one of these fuckers how dumb this shit is? They'll just dismiss you as a "homo/Xphobe". There's no. Rules. That's my biggest problem with this chicken shit bullshit the lgbt rainbow cesspit shits out. If you wanna be a grown ass man and believe in this? Sure, I don't fucking care. But when we have young adults, who've essentially grown up in this woke spaghetti bullshit getting more and more confused and frustrated because people can't just give a straight answer? It's a problem. Let me also make it clear that I don't blame you for being confused, anon. It's not your fault that stupid fucking narcissists have gone to the lengths of putting this crap in your generation's head because they want to feel special and be worshipped for being special. After all, once they tell you you're X Y and Z; who are you expecting to thank and praise for this "revelation"? Tl;Dr >>59433 is right. You're just a normal person with a tickle fetish. Not wanting to fuck someone's genitals normally doesn't constitute one of the most retarded sexualities I've ever had the misfortune of dealing with it. If you prefer to tickle me? You're gay. If women? Straight. If both? Then bi. I know it's not as exciting of a Twitter bio, anon; but it's the truth, and the truth is mundane. And guess what? That's okay. It's okay to just be simple.
>>59421 For what it's worth, I was the same way. Part of that was just a mental evolution due to the fixation with feet and tickling when I was younger, before I had a sex drive, then evolved into MASSIVE fetishes for me. I spent the first like...three relationships I had being fixated on it and feeling nothing during sex. But over time, that calmed down and my mind adjusted to sex and sexual things again. Now, I enjoy some breasts and sex feels great. I still love feet and tickling, more than sex, but sex itself feels good. So, it may just be something that changes over time. Though it may be difficult to change it if you hyper-fixate on it too much. Not sure that really falls into a 'sexuality' category at all. I have a good friend that's asexual and it really is just an entire lack of any sexual desire of any kind. They enjoy spending time with their significant other, they love being around them and care for them, but the idea of sex just doesn't exist. So, you're not that. Just a person with strong fetishes.
Quick question, does anybody know why midgets laugh when they run?
>>59458 >>59459 Thanks for the response here, I’m really not the kind of person to paint my twitter bio in a bunch of things, not into that attention stuff. More or less I was just genuinely curious what you would consider that I be. I’ve never really considered myself an “asexual” just someone with these fetishes. But also I just don’t believe in labels because labels are just restricting.
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If you ever feel bad about yourself, always remember that you aren't a fatherless tranny who's in an incestuous relationship with his mother.
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Also, keep this fucker away from your children (fifth pic).
>>59596 >fatherless I think that's the least of his concerns. Given how comfortable his mom is with incest, I wouldn't be surprised if this deadbeat father is a sibling or cousin of hers.
>>59596 >2004 This autist has been at it for twenty years??
>>59597 >Tranny >Pedo WHY THE FUCK IS IT ALWAYS TRANNYS No srsly, I want to know; what is it about pretending to be a woman that makes men want to rape children? Somebody fucking explain it to me, please Like okay, the Acefags? "Well sex doesn't exist to us so pedo shit ain't sexual" Christfags? "How can call me a bad guy if I'm a pillar of the community?" Cop/fedfags? See Christfags Celebrities/Politicians? See Cop/Fedfags Grown ass men prancing around in a dress? What's the connection? Please for the love of God, someone explain this phenomenon to me. I don't care how cracked your theory is, I just want to know
>>59883 Crack this theory big dog
>>59884 My nigga I get u wuz tryna insult his ass but like nigga dead ass curious and this nigga finna job application this nigga like bruh 💀 yo stooch ass bruh just answer lil niggas shit, dawg all getting up in arms cuz sum dudes in dresses tryna r@pe on that fagg0t shit nigga damn
>>59883 >retarded COOMers with nothing going on in their lives except COOMing only ever think about COOMing without regard to the consequences (can't COOM to that) Surely you can relate on some level
>>59886 To an extent. I'm a boomer but even I have limits, things that gross me out or that I just can't get into even if I tried. I mean, just look at how much rage the muskfag thread caused. Just because we're coomers doesn't mean we're not picky, no?
>>59888 COOMER not boomer. Fuck spellcheck
>>59885 >yo yo i do be da nigga
>>59890 Nigga I'm blacker than you...
>>59888 Maybe after a while everything else burns out your dopamine receptors so seepee is all that's left. Would explain how we keep getting nonces shitting up every goddam thread with their kiddy fiddling talk tbh
>>59965 Did somebody say Niggertry?
>>59388 >>59407 >>59386 Reviving this thread to ask: who TF is Ken and what's his connection to Wishfoot88?
>>69723 It's been a few weeks and nobody even cares he got shot at. Perpetually Online Syndrome. Nobody cares because nobody gives a fuck what some army vet faggot thinks about shit. If he put a fifth of that brainshitted energy into drawing and trying to sell content, he could buy all the shinzo Abe shit he wants and shove it up his ass
>>69723 >Shot in the face >Taste blood Dude got a light scratch on his ear. Didn't even need to change his diaper. Calm down dipshit. And what the fuck is that 'censoring?' Truly brain poisoned.
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>>69723 We live in a cultural moment where people are freely blending political activism and fetish art, to the point where characters from fetish comics are literally being used as canvases for the spread of political messaging. What a time to be alive. Personally I'm gonna say based.
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>>69730 This is not entirely new. Lot of TMF boomers are super conservative, and Jeff had to limit talking about politics there in 2016 because people got pretty emotional about Trump. It is always amusing to come across something like pic related on a fetish forum.
>>69726 Wow... you sound unfortunate. Get well soon, I guess. lol
>>69723 Christ almighty that's hot as fuck. Moecuckee might be a confirmed retard but damn he hit it out of the park with this one. God I want to tickle the shit out of those tasty, silky soft feet until those smooth brained maga bitches are crying and begging
>>69821 Bruh, you're in a glass house when you coom to finger toes.
>>69819 Moecuckee, please...
>>69824 The cringe is so loud I didn't even see those fuck ugly toes until now... good lord
>>69723 I'm so fucking sick of every god damn xitter artist I follow posting their politcal rants and obvious rage bait in my timeline. And of course they never post anywhere else because every alternative is shittier. Don't care how you lean politically I'm here to jerk off on the toilet while browsing my phone, simple as.
>>69820 Literally who? Blarf? Also in that video, is that HowSplendid?
>>69820 >>69834 I hate this guy so much "oohh, boohoo, the obnoxious ticklefags are bullying the innocent smellposters :((((" fuck off, you're not an oppressed minority, you get a boner from huffing dirty socks.
>>69819 Can do, faggot.
>>69837 Another furry smell artist obsessed with their own OCs, color me surprised
>>69834 I remember this, he joined into HowSplendid's server just to shit all over his rules about "No smelly feet" and proceeded to talk shit about them. Though it's retarded to join in and spam shit no one likes and say you won. I know someone over on /ACRG/ talked about them a few times. Even had a few screencaps tossed around in there I believe but nothing intense TL;DR: They shove their head up their ass, cover their shitty personality with 'no it's a joke/a character' excuses, and somehow thinks that smell is still under appreciated. He has his own fucking month backed by big numbered users for fucks sake.
>>69820 This would be a funny shitpost if it wasn't 100% genuine.
>>69847 On a smaller scale, I remember seeing some post on twitter that was just a very tame "Feet are real cool but a huge focus on the smell is a turnoff." Dude then was in the thread basically just going "Uhmmm ackshually... ALL feet smell eventually mhmhmmmm" acting like he was the authority on how one can enjoy feet. Dude's so far up his own ass I'm convinced the only reason he loves foot smell is because it's a change from the smell of his own farts that he's constantly huffing
>>69854 it looks like he's also acting like other weird fetishes like foot growth and crushing are more accepted by people than smell delusional
>>69824 Upon closer inspection, yeah. Those are some horrendous toes. I had a momentary lapse of judgement due to being hard as fuck at the thought of tickle torturing sensitive conservative milfs until they vote Democrat
>>69854 Yea, it was some gif of his character laughing because of a wikipedia article that talked about foot smell. Don't get me wrong, I think that if you deny feet will smell like feet without soap or anything your schizo, but I also get why getting a footjob from a pair of feet that actually smell like a health hazard would be a turn off. Also on a related note >>69856 What the fuck is "Foot Spitting". Genuinely. And when was the last time someone drew the first three fucking topics mentioned in the video. Dangling I can kind of see but those fuckers are into the character dying usually.
>>69856 It is impressive how much of a victim complex he has
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>>69860 >"You don't like butts that smell like poop?? well all butts poop eventually..."
What's the "natural" narrative those disgusting smellfags keep pushing? Feet don't have a natural odor. The reason those two things are associated is because most people have their more or less sweaty feet in shoes all day. Go smell a pair of worn boxing gloves, it's fucking atrocious. It doesn't mean that hands are inherently smelly. The obvious solution is soap, but apparently wanting feet to be clean makes you not a "real foot lover" because it's not natural? Neither are shoes, dumbass. In fact I'd be willing to bet natural soap was a thing long before footwear was invented. Again, feet being smelly is not fucking "natural", it's the result of poor hygiene. Anyone arguing otherwise is a filthy foot fungus sniffing faggot in denial
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>>69888 One could argue that foot fetishism wouldn't be nearly as prevalent today without modern podiatry and attitudes towards personal hygiene. So yeah. Clean and healthy looking feet are superior.
>>69888 >it's the eggness poshness shromness debate again
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>>69858 >Democrat >too queer to enjoy some cute long-ass toes Sasuga Inb4 hi Moekaki
>>69888 I agree with everything you're saying but I worry that we risk reviving the "solesmanly" shit with this sort of talk. That thread was safely bump-locked.
>>69854 Should we bring up that he has a fart art alt account, as in it's not comm work, it's actual personal work for himself so him having a fart fetish explains a lot why he likes musky feet
>>69910 >large, bony chimpanzee toes are "cute" Nigga she could hang upside down from a branch while eating a banana with those things. >DeMOcrAt Yes Democrat you joyless faggot. It's about the power play not the politics behind it. Not gonna vote for your obese orange sex offender, but I would be fucking drooling over Democrat chicks being tickled until they are begging for forgiveness and promise to become submissive Christian housewives. Sasuga, can't expect a GOPtard to have good taste in tickling smh
>>69920 >orange sex offender Bruh, again with the glass houses. Really isn't the angle to attack from when the other guy was Joe the Sniffer.
>>69820 "Socially inept weirdos" coming from someone who made incredibly measured and normal response to people preferring not to fetishize poor hygiene. This person is genuinely unhinged over people disliking his fetish. I almost feel bad for them. Every single variant, version and variety of foot fetish content is forced to tuck away in their own corner of the internet and he's seething as if he's apart of the only group that gets judged for it? Is he retarded??
>>69924 Copium overdose lmao. Joe is a senile grandpa who sniffs hair, Trump is a proven sex offender and likely pedophile. Dude has been to Epstein island 7 times bro. Now stop bitching and focus on the real issue, there are ticklish girls out there whose beautiful pampered feet aren't being tortured 24/7
>>69926 >Copium overdose lmao *immediately injects himself with copium in the sentence.*
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>>69927 >dismisses proven facts at copium >votes for a pedo to own the libs >feelings hurt so bad he can't even enjoy tickling anymore
cringe threads getting meta
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>mock guy for politiperging >both sides proceed to genuinely politipserg
>>69933 It’s the US electoral period, it was bound to happen
>>69933 >>69935 I have this theory that being overly-invested in politics turns you gay, regardless of political affiliation. its why so many republican congressmen get outed as homosexuals despite policy.
Hey anons did the smellyfag delete his tweet? I get an error when I try to open it. Or is it cause I dont have a Shitter account?
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>>69948 The latter but I downloaded it for you anon
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>>69947 They just need to 'pray the gay away'.
>>69950 Wow, thanks for this absolute gem. I thought we were just talking about your average tweet filled with bitching and moaning. I could have never imagined the sheer depths of brainrot
>>69950 A hot poker into the nasal cavity isn't enough for this level of retardation. Boiling lava!
>>69950 So who's the goat? I instantly recognize Caroline there from that whole drama from before. Just hope his friends are willing to now cut ties with them.
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>>69954 Forgot to post this Vranda edit. New fag in a new board. I can tell you all though that fucker is watching this thread now, his buddies ran into the other thread once his name dropped and a friend showed me their circle jerk behavior on discord. In reality it's boiling down to his jerkass attitude. Especially since any sperg who just sometimes wants to see a piece without smell like me can just use photoshop and vice versa. Anyways this macro piece is also shit since it was fast but eh just wanting to prove a point.
>>69955 We have an unbridled opportunity to do the funniest shit
>>69958 Just call it 'Squeaky clean september', add some goo sludge slime, macros doing more damage than 9/11, foot spitting, foot bone crushing, and tickling since everyone who loves that just loathe dirty feet, and your off to the races. But honestly it's not too hard, probably would just be time consuming and not worth uploading anywhere other than the boards
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>>69920 >joyless faggot >because I enjoy something you don't (long toes) Make it make sense.
>>69955 >>69958 What I don't get is the weird contempt he has for ticklefags, specifically. Like yeah, I know this cavalcade is rife with spergs, but so is any fetish. Including smellfags. Christ I've lost count of the number of smellfags I've blocked. commenting on my art saying shit like "omg her feet must be so cheesy!" or whatever the fuck. Is it because we're among the most 'vanilla' clade of footfags, and he takes issue with that?
>>69969 the passive smellfags threatened by the active ticklefags? I've seen this same shit with hypno artists who drew a lot of foot stuff. Some who acted buddy buddy with tickling artists in public were seething about tickling's popularity behind closed doors
>>69955 I'm glad the guy has some artistic ability. Someone with such an insufferable entitled attitude and a 5 year olds voice would never have a chance to end up alone with a woman much less get them to let him "Huff those cheesy vinegary stinky feet!!" Suicide is so close just take the plunge buddy.
>>69973 I know exactly who you're talking about and they're all trans now
>>69920 >>69924 >>69928 TALK ABOUT FEET
>>69986 Tinsay single-handedly influences good tickle artists to drop their interest in the fetish, because said artists worship him for whatever reason. I don't know what's so attractive about him, he's a fag,
>>69995 I want to tickle Ivanka's feet and I bet she'd probably be into it
>>69967 Nah because you're unable to enjoy the appeal of politically motivated tickle torture without getting defensive about your retarded beliefs. Sad honestly >>69995 >>70002 On God Ivanka probably has the most dainty looking feet with the smoothest, most supple soles you could imagine. I want to suck and lick her delicious toes and rake my fingers over those vanilla white soles while fucking her tight socialite pussy all day long
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>>69969 >Christ I've lost count of the number of smellfags I've blocked This is kinda the reason for musk month to exist, due to blocking people acting like gromit trying to look for cheese. Don't blame you though since I personally don't want to think of something I eat to constantly be compared to feet. >>69984 It really is shit. Anyways this is the kind of shit that apprently happened on another discord. I think it was a joke ping but his friend took it too seriously and banned the guy from his smell only server. Which it isn't. Now it's more of a hang out for people with big numbers since a few barely do it and circle jerk how they're pratcically genociding "Non stink fans with their comrades".
>>70005 I never said politically motivated tickling is a bad scenario. In fact it's based. I made fun of you for not liking long toes, and also for being a Democrat. The one who got defensive was you, fag.
>>69950 Wow, Planned Parenthood is really stepping up their marketing game
>>69950 We need to take advantage of this faggotry to get some 10/10 trolling since muskfags tend to be thin skinned. >>69958 is absolutely right, we have an unlimited opportunity to stir some shit, mem We need muskfag art of the Holocaust, 9/11, Tiannamen Square. Retard posting about feet to absolute tragedies, absolute double standard retardation like simping for homeless man stank but absolutely denying that they'd fuck a homeless person. Art of muskfag getting skin disease diagnosis, actual healthy foot care routine, trench foot, amputation. The opportunity for troll posting is e n d l e s s. Where's the deranged foot poem guy from the Solesmen Thread? That faggot could probably type of some offensive shit.
>>70017 Wasn't even him who banned them but blarf isn't backing down since last I heard they IMMEDIETLY talked shit behind his back and caused another artist to leave. The reason was literally so retarded >ESF complains about having to do MM content via toxic fumes >Blarf says you can do puffs >He says yay, blarf gives a sarcastic response >He tosses a @ for everyone on his own server >Says no musk month >This happens Hell, the guy probably only joined for his numbers and he did this like, only twice, pics related. Apperently the dude also only spoke twice so easy bet to ban him and use him as a public enemy to rile up the community more, even though it caused another user to leave for good without any talking of shit behind their back. TL;DR: Double standards on taking jabs on one another >>70038 Honestly, just use AI and spam the tag with garbage. Most I'll do is probably a shitty RP account as gigz or whatever and do some photoshop fixes for fun
>>70041 you guys are idiots use the tag to make posts praising elon musk.
>>70041 A few artist friends got invites to that server from Blarf and other annoying furry called Jujuman but then made his commission account his main which is only shitty comms he gets for his boring OCs. Back to the topic, that server is pretty much just those 2 collecting fetish artists like Infinity Stones just for the sake of having big artists and corrupt them (bullying them) into making musk alts on their clean feet art. And possibly forcing them to be STINKY ONLY, NO CLEAN ALT, ONLY STINK AS MAIN PIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIC. Musk corruption but yeah for the most part it's just circlejerking TL;DR: If you do fetish art keep your distance from Blarf and Jujuman/GiselleNVivian by all means, from interactions, collabs, commissions, DMs and server invites
>>70042 Seems kinda basic. Most coomers will scroll past walls of text. >>70043 That guy literally just makes his server a circle jerk. Half the people in there barely post stink art. Let alone on the level of fume shit. The only ones that consistantly do are the smaller ones who seem to be influinced by, of course, the big fishes. But hey no reason to let anyone in that has a substantial following, gotta get those retweets by 20K follower count profiles. Juju himself is an ass. Will DM you his OCs and do the whole subtle "I wish yoooou drew them tee hee ;3" bullshit. If you say your not interested in his OCs he suddenly loses all urge to DM you. Hell the whole reason he leeches off blarf is because of all the free shit he requested when that guy first started.
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>>70044 That's the funniest part, Juju is willing to spend money in all sorts of artists to commission them but for certain artists he prefer just to be requests. Either he is broke, a cheapstake or thinks those selected artists don't deserve his money. Either way he can fuck off. And yes he will lose interest after a few times of requesting and if you unfriend him, he will friend you again and try to push his OCs into you TL;DR: Juju is a beggar, why wouldn't you want to draw his soooooooooooooo original and cooooooooooool Pokemon gijinkas
>>70045 I won't lie, I've seen some artists who are ass at drawing and charge too much, but I wouldn't request. Even if they are bad, lord knows they'll (hopfully) improve with time. Besides I think juju's main two aren't even his own creations, just adopts that he bought and spam purchased art of for a straight month or two.
>>70042 Fighting cringe with even worse cringe, I like it
>>70048 It's a long shot but maybe try and convince people on twitter in general that August is Musk Month in honor of Elon Musk.
>>70041 speaking of cringe... smell fag...gross.
>>70044 Artist here. I'm more of a lurker on several discords but I post stuff every once in a while. That juju fucker and I are in the same server, he dm'd me one day, out of nowhere, it was literally just a "hi", I said hi back and unpromted began to spam his oc shit on the dms. Just out of the blue immediately begins sharing shit without even asking. Before that point we've never communicated, not a single word exchanged, also I've never done furry shit beyond a sonic character here and there. I blocked the guy immediately. imagine being so desperate for art of your shit copypaste characters that you are willing to spam the dms of a rando who does drawings on occasion. Fuck that guy. He never gave me good vibes and all of this discussion confirm that I did good on blocking him, same with blarf.
>>70058 Literally proving blarf right lol >>70063 That mother fucker literally goes around starting beef with people he doesn't like too. Literally their entire interaction in order to get brett banned in the first place was this. How are you so thin skinned you have to defend your pimp over a fucking stupid ping, then proceed to talk shit for over two or three days? Even AFTER a user leaves because of that shit? Hell the retard only spoke once every few months. You can't just call everyone you dislike 'socially inept assholes', unless it's a real 'Scar and the hyenas' ass community Blarf sees himself in. Honestly, better off not being in there since I get some really heavy vibes of "We love big names, tolerate/hate smaller ones secretly". I got more since a few friends are kinda not vibing with how blarf acts but last time shit like this got out some anon almost got doxxed I believe. TL;DR: You can take shit from blarf and his cronies, but can't fire back in the most stupidest ways.
>>70084 retardation begets retardation.
>>70091 Honestly. It's not even about "Eww stinky cheese!" for me. It's just how autistic one man can be, blaming everyone else for being idiots and because of his circle of Yes men, he just keeps going with this "I'm the underdog" victim mentality. Again, the guy has an entire month dedicated to his fetish now with a fuck ton of other big name artists backing him up. Real homelander shit. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9bPidttXlbw
i know it's feet related but this shit is funny with how cringe it is https://www.deviantart.com/sir-bombers/status-update/3411096
>>59009 you have no experience so i don't blame u for feeling hopeless but i've told multiple guys i'm into tickling and more often than not they find it pretty cute as long as you don't come off as a pervy autist
>>70231 >>70231 I mean, he ain't wrong
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>>70038 Has anyone done any semblance of trolling yet? I'm hearing that Blarf's place is getting panicky about all this but checking the tag, everything seems normal. Aside from these, that and everything seems to be covered in white for the most part with cringe shit being the exception. Almost like there's a pattern...
>>70283 > I'm hearing that Blarf's place is getting panicky about all this that's their perpetual victim complex speaking. I'm pretty sure the reason no one's done anything but make fun of them here is because there isn't much point in pissing on a mountain of shit.
>>69726 He's not even a vet, he never deployed. Stayed at a hospital in Germany until he was "injured" (not his fault, nothing ever is) and something something was gonna punch the sergeant in the face. Yes seriously.
>Hmm I wonder what Bog is up to nowadays >Pic related This is so pathetic,do his followers even know they're being low-effort-findomed by a man with a dick?
>>70510 No they do not. Unless they're here or were in the Discord server a few years back they have no way of knowing, Bog is VERY careful not to post anything that would give their scam away.
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>>70511 What's the best way to go about it and bring the truth to light for everyone to see? Getting him to put a tranny flag in his bio would be ideal
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hate to ruin the "out the tranny" fantasies but Bog wasn't ever hiding it
>>70285 >>70283 A lot of sensible smell fags are in agreement that blarf is a fag and that he’s giving them all a bad rep, I hate smell, but I have friends who are into it,
>>70517 Wow, the actually admitted it! I have them blocked so I didn't know they'd changed their tune.
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>>70517 My bad, I should have gone through more of his tweets before coming to that asumption. But with the frequency he tweets at, it's hard to come by. Also, I had nothing more interesting to do so I looked into it and more than half of these replies are other trans people saying yas queen, i thought it was pretty funny. Now I know you guys will say I'm obsessed, but what's with the trannification of so many artists? It seems as soon as tickle artists start entering other spheres of influence (Namely GTS and Hypno), they go through a twinkification process during which they show feet on their page, and a few months later they're trans. Is it a natural pipeline that occurs in artists like a ticking timebomb? Or are there individuals that groom them into going that route? FeetGate when?
>>70539 There is a link between autism and gender dysphoria, and there's probably a higher than average amount of autists in this "community"
>>70521 Honestly, I'd join in his event, but I don't want to associate with a shit starter anyways. Sure it was stupid for MostlySplendid to equate smell to loli/rape content since it's not on the same level of fucked up but it's his server. Blarf literally joins in knowing he'll cause a scene then has the gal to shit on their OC in the latest event. That's the exact same thing as me going to their server, posting brap and burp content, complaining it's no worse than the usual "cheesy feet" shtick because they also smell, then getting banned and saying "Heh, victory is mine...". Anyways now if I join in I'll have to get ghosted from any future enemies blarf makes. Hell it even caused MrValentim to leave which good for them honestly, afaik they also just started talking shit behind his back.
>>70554 Mostlysplendid is literally into loli and rape look at his pixiv favs hes got realistic looking loli feet in it how stupid is he to compare it to something hes into
>>70562 He just wanted to go somewhere he isn't wanted, make a scene, then go "SEE WERE THE UNDERDOGS WE ARE THE MOST HATED GROUP" which is obviously bullshit. I'd argue half the shit he mentioned in his video is hated way more.
>>70562 I've just gone through ten pages of his bookmarks and I don't see any realistic looking feet or loli rape.
>>70565 Page 7 has an inkling and a loli cat being raped
>>70569 >Inkling >Loli The cat looks like she's enjoying it.
page 32 also has loli tentacle rape of what I think is the animal crossing villager girl. He has a lot of deleted bookmarks but he did have what looked like a traced images of a lolis feet on it before. Alas I cannot find the image in his favorites anymore.
>>70571 Yeah, I'm not going back to page 32 or going through the trouble of tracking down the contents of deleted bookmarks. Enjoy your witch hunt, I guess.
>>70572 I dont care about a witch hunt I just hate it when people have anti loli morals when theyre into it themselves.
>>70547 There's a higher link between transphobia and pedophilia. Every single one of the brainless fags I see who spew transphobia also beat off to loli shit or think the age of consent should be lowered.
>>70584 I respect you for stating a fact even when youre gonna have to deal with an endless barrage of chuds
>>70584 Yeah, except mine is actually real: https://www.thetransmitter.org/spectrum/largest-study-to-date-confirms-overlap-between-autism-and-gender-diversity/ I personally don't beat off to loli shit, but I'll defend to the death other people's right to do it. Unlike someone selling feet pictures while pretending to be female they're not causing any real harm.
>>70584 >look at discord chats >see exactly the opposite >Trans people OBSESSED with little girls I'm not sure that's the hill you want to die on
>>70584 It's clearly 50/50. A lot of lolifags are the "cvnnyrapist1488" types, but plenty of discord trannies fantasize about it as well. I find it hard to believe you haven't heard of Vaush, Keffals, or Kris Tyson recently if you're supposedly regularly interacting with this type of stuff. The common denominator is mentally ill internet people LARPing as political revolutionaries, regardless of whether they consider themselves far left or far right.
I met a female tickle enthusiast on Fetlife. She lived like 5 minutes from me in a small town. Holy shit right? I know the odds of these things, astronomically against. Owns a set of stocks. Jack-fucking-pot. A woman like that lives in Iceland or something with her boyfriend, and she only posts on Fetlife for attention. So here's this perfect woman and all our tickling interests overlap. Except she was an aggressive dumbass that was pouring out masculine energy. I didn't think it could be a woman and maybe I was getting trolled by some faggot. I meet her in real life. She's real. She's not bad looking. She has beautiful eyes and appears down to earth. So what could go wrong? Everything. She was a fucking creep (tell her about my best friend and she starts asking about her fingernails and other remarkably specific fetishy questions--men can not get away with that shit), and ridiculously insecure boss lady rat race energy. Just no. Fuck no. Not worth it. So not sure which is more cringe. Her for being a literal ball of human cringe, or me for turning away the "perfect" tickle partner because she was insufferable.
Honestly, idk why musk month is hated. I personally redrew something that I abandoned a year ago, added shitty white clouds, and got a fuck ton more likes than normal. Sure blarf's a fag no doubt about it, but it's easy pickings and you could just post non cloud varients right after the event.
>>70623 You did the right thing. Your mental health would eventually start deteriorating. A fetish is never worth that.
>>70623 fuck that woman. you shouldn't be in a session or lee/ler for someone else unless you're 110% comfortable. people just want to cut to the chase and get to tickling without actually talking to the other person like a human, it's upsetting
>>70629 It was absurd. I've had Dommes and subs and talked to lots of women on Fet, and I've never seen anything like this before. I wasn't trying to find fault. I know tickle fetishists are few and far between, so I was willing to make some compromises initially. Who in their right might doesn't want to tie up and tickle a naked cutie every which way and with every tool? It was such a letdown >>70630 That's exactly what it was. She just wanted a warm body to hold a feather. I wasn't expecting a romance at all, but some human connection would have been nice. If she was just a "do me" lee, maybe, but it was that plus everything else. Really felt like the universe dangled this one in front of me just to fuck with me.
>>70584 >men in dresses are women >girls at the age of fertility should be off limits sexually smartest "science" believer
>>70623 >>70631 I'll be checking back in a week when you're crying about tfw no tickle gf boo hoo.
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>>70690 >>girls at the age of fertility should be off limits sexually >I'm a heccin HEBEPHILE it's DIFFERENT! childfucker
>>70707 Widely accepted in most of the world except your backwards garbage America
>>70710 fucker of chilred
>>70710 We clearly need to take over more countries.
>>70710 I do apologize if the sensibilities of the developed world where people don't live in reed huts drinking shitwater seem a little foreign to you, dear anon
>>70707 >>70711 We're all someone's children moralfag, go clutch your pearls at a PTA meeting or something >>70713 >sex before le magic 18 meme number CRINGE >drag queen story hours and bottom surgery for kindergarteners BASED >>70717 More like the places with better public transport, free healthcare and oh yeah education As in all the Euro countries you fatburgers are always minging about being more like
>>70717 >>70713 >>70711 Kill yourselves you ignorant puritan faggots, the only countries that agree with 18 and above at all cost are literal third world shitholes, it says a lot about your retarded country that gives more of a shit about troons and fat niggers than economics.
>>70731 >>70731 >>70731 You cannot take this data at face value, because in some countries there are two ages of consent: One for minors to minors relationships, which is for example 14 in Germany. And one for relationships involving adults, which is 16 in Germany.
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>>70722 >We're all someone's children moralfag >ThisIsWhatChildfuckersActuallyArgue.webm
>>70733 >lying Stop believing what you read on xitter, dumbo
>>70737 Is that supposed to disprove my overall point? In this case, the adult law follows the same example as the US when it comes to drinking (21 instead of 18). If any creep sees the map that was posted and tries to have a relationship with a 14-year-old, they will be severely disappointed.
>>70744 >being over 21 and engaging in sexual relations witha minor of that age (14) does not constitute an offense by itself Yes, it completely disproves your example, which you tried to use to discredit a map that shows how backwards americans obsessed with the number 18 are.
>>70745 No, it doesn't because my point being the map is misleading is correct. The overall age of consent in a country like Germany, and likely many of the other countries shown, is not just '14'. 14 falls under certain restrictions and the overall Age of consent is 16.
>>70747 disingenuously moving the goalpost
>>70748 >>70748 Where did I change it? Doesn't my overall point still stand?
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>>70736 >biological maturity is "childhood" but also men wearing dresses are women 41% >>70731 >Japan: 13 Nippon Ichi
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>>70755 >the only person who wouldn't fuck a 13 year old is a TRANNY! whatever you say, fucker of children
>>70756 Nigger there were like 3 different trannies all busted for cp and grooming within the past month or so stfu
>>70757 and how many groomers and pedos have been outed who weren't trannies, anon?
Is this the cringe thread or the loli thread? Both seem to have a case of the stupids.
>>70757 But you yourself seem to think fucking children is a-ok, so I'm not sure why you're bringing that up as though you're disgusted by it.
>>70722 >As in all the Euro countries you fatburgers are always minging about being more like you mean the ones where people go to jail for mean social media posts for longer sentences than child rapists?
>>70775 How do you know the children didn't consent
>>70776 because children can't consent, you shitskin
>>70775 If by mean, you mean threats and slander, which constitutes character assassination. Then yes, very mean posts. Let's look at the US, which doesn't put limits on this kind of behavior: Oh they had an insurrection to end their democracy in 2021, they are more divided than ever, they are the world center of conspiracies and stupidity and countless people have been murdered thanks to misinformation and conspiracies. If it was so easy to jail people for being 'mean' 4 out of 5 Facebook users over 40 would have been thrown in jail in the EU.
>>70805 oy vey, shut it down!
>>70794 Islam is right about women. I hope you see the light one day inshallah habibi
>>70805 >"oi bruv censorship is actually a good thing" >forgets what site he's on Kek
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We live in such dark times moralfags may actually try to cancel Monty Python it's literally over
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>>70828 Amerimutts worship the magic number 18 more than they worship niggers and that's saying something
>>70971 oi bruv you can't be usin that word the constables are on the way
>>70987 Correct please censor all mention of Am*r*c*ns on this site from now on
>>59329 >Yas queen! Don't let these fucking CIS SCUM FUCKS tell you OTHERWISE. Us Aces are the superior sex ;) it's why they get SOOOOO triggered~ Nah, humans don't have gender and there's only two sexes. And males are the superior sex.
>>71608 Nigga did you really just dig up a board to find a buried comment to reply to
>>71610 Nah, I browsed through the board and happened to see someone replied to a post I made a longass time ago. Why, are you gonna ban me for necroing threads?
>>71611 >>71608 Nigga you took the most obvious bait ever. The original poster was obviously poking fun at gender people
>>71618 I know, but a lot of people unironically think like that. It didn't cost me much to throw my two cents in.
>>71618 Oh thank fuck. I thought it was that female bowser shit in that picture.
>>70231 Bruh, Bomber is a fucking chad; lives his best life doing what he enjoys and has the confidence to meet up with girls (plenty of foot models) for fetishy good times. A meme he made that’s totally true is hardly cringe.
>>71663 There's a pretty big fucking wide line between dressing up to look nice and wanting people to jerk off over your feet. Not every person out there exists to satisfy your sexual desires and the fact that Bomber (and honestly a massive amount of people in this community) can't tell the difference is pretty sad and telling.
>>71671 He means look at them, not jerk off.
>>71675 Yes, and what reason could he possibly have for looking at their feet?
>>71680 He's right bruh no one in this fetish just looks at feet to look at them. That's retarded. It's erotic. It's all erotic. We're all perverted in our own right, it's just a matter of how much restraint we show.
>>71714 I wouldn't at all put it past some of you retards to actually drool all over some poor girl's feet because she made the mistake of wearing flipflops around you. That said >>71671 is pretty obviously just jealous.
Not cringe, just funny. Commented on a pic of a Turkish chick getting her feet tickled on r*ddit, and some Turk insulted me in the goofiest possible way
>>72116 That's amazing. Always happy to confirm ticklefags across the entire globe are just as childish and cringe.
>>72116 Funniest shit I have seen today, god I love Turks
>>72116 Based and hot Anti-Greek Tickle Squads NOW
>>72118 Dude was a riot. Went on to talk more shit about Greeks but it kinda got lost in translation. Also had an account where he sold clips of girls getting peanut butter licked off their feet by dogs. Pride of his nation
>>72116 Bros really putting Balkan politics into tickling kek

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