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Artists You Hate 9: The Saga Continues Anonymous 12/04/2024 (Wed) 01:25:51 Id: 187ce3 No. 76716
Y'all know the rules. Let the autistic drive of hating on fags, retards, and everything in between continue. Ended on kron so let the new thread start with kron.
I don't understand the hate for him other than he takes too long to finish drawings.
>>76719 More like never. I have projects I gave him money for he's never gotten back to me on More than that though, it's his spastic behavior that causes it. If he wasnt such a spazz going on in intervals about various BS or literally making up scenarios in his head about things in his life to garner pity, not many people would care or have much to say about him beyond shitty business practices. Then of course there's the political BS which I gotta say, Trump, Leftist, idfc you're a fetish artist. People don't want your politics in their porn they fap to so they could escape reality. People don't come to you for your political takes. We're here to fap. That's it. Lastly, the narcissism. Admittedly kron isn't the worst in that department but he's bad enough to where it's a problem and plays a significant role in his escapades. What it boils down to is, bruh we're here to coom, you're not going to Hollywood or gonna have premiers lined up for the Monoplex project, just gib the porn and keep your drama to your friend circle.
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I’m tired of hearing about kron nothingburgers. No one even mentioned deepcreases going absolutely APESHIT on sorcererlance last month in the last thread.
>>76730 Where? I couldn't find it. I hate lance hes a massive pedo faggot and ill take any hate he gets.
>>76732 You sorta sound like DC, Imagine being such a pussy faggot that you get kicked out of your home for freaking out over someone trying to commission loli for you.
>>76730 Sorcererlance? Now that's a name I haven't heard of in YEARS since the guy stopped drawing altogether for a while. So what did he do?
>>76737 >Imagine being such a pussy faggot that you get kicked out of your home for freaking out over someone trying to commission loli for you. Expand on that.
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>>76737 >Imagine being such a pussy faggot that you get kicked out of your home for freaking out over someone trying to commission loli for you.
>>76740 >>76741 So basically deepcreass entered total tard rage when he was trying to get commissions, however people kept asking him about loli characters, which prompted him to have an absolute cluster fuck of a melt down resulting in his mother kicking him out of the house. He would bounce from homeless shelter to homeless shelter. It was like an entire arc.
I wonder if these two things could possibly be linked.
>>76739 Asked for some Sonic comm with Tails or Cream and got called a pedo by DeepCreases.
>>76744 DeepCreases is such a faggot. He'll do this shit but happily draw Amy Rose over and over again, who's like 12-14 at the oldest, but according to him she doesn't count cause he "grew up with her" or some other retarded cope.
obligatory fuck homunculusfucker post their art style just looks like they smell
>>76747 Didn’t she try to discount some adopts over the weekend and they still didn’t sell?
>>76743 >footfag reveals they never liked tickling Many such cases
>>76757 Also not a footfag, but they started pretending to be one when they realised they could sell pictures on top of their art.
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Naveltards... WTF is this??? Now, being attracted to any part of the upper body besides the boobs is fucked up obviously, but this really takes the cake.
>>76763 This is literally just cell vore
>>76763 consider: your image shows an alternate form of navel torture other than tickles, and seeing how Baka specializes in anything belly from ryona to electrocution, this is specifically what the commissioner asked as one of the many alts that Baka sells, and in the same bundle you can find two edits of just tickling, this means that you deliberatedly ignored those pictures to focus on this one in particular seeing how that one is closer to the end of the bundle after the tickling variants, and you just cherry picked that one to try and start a flame war. TLDR; here is your (you)
>>76763 ew wtf
>>76772 Cut them some slack. Those knobbly things at the end of their legs are the ultimate footfag ragebait. They're not even being tickled. It's like catnip. They can't help themselves.
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How do you moralfag this hard when you have various pictures in your gallery of a 14 year old pink hedgehog giving footjobs
>>76786 finally something real and not headcanons https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mlFyagSiqFU
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>>76786 So it would be really funny if we flooded his commission form with obvious loli characters. He absolutely WILL react.
>>76786 >"no no Amy is DIFFERENT from Tail, even though they're both children from the same franchised ITS NOT THE SAME BECAUSE... BECAUSE IT ISN'T!!"
>>76798 >>76797 I just asked for amy rose pics but repeatedly emphasized her age in the request
>>76786 It's funny SorcerorLance has a hot cosplay anime VA girlfriend And DeepCreases literally lives in mom's basement. comedy
>>76837 Kicked out of said basement
Anyone know why Moekaki's Twitter has been privated or locked? Only followers can access it
>>77261 Probably because twitter made it where people you blocked can see your tweets now
>>77263 kinda funny considering how much he's complained about a lack of engagement
>>76772 >"hahaha... i've seen through your obvious rage bait!!!" >proceeds to sperg out anyways
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>>77261 >why Moekaki's Twitter has been privated Because they won the election, that's why.
>>77289 I don't get it though? Obviously people not following him can't see him melting down but I don't understand why he would private his account when you've been able to see blocked accounts for ages now
>>77299 He's just taking a break
>>77289 >brother is going full save me Donald Trump mode. Guys, I'm starting to worry that moekaki is less of the 'funny' kinda crazy and more of the 'actually needs to seek help' kinda crazy.
>>77289 Nothing would make me happier than Elon Musk seeing this and publicly responding by asking why someone making anime torture porn is demanding his attention. Presumably he thinks "the conservatives" are being silenced? Because there's no way he thinks Elon and Trump are going to bend over backwards to help porn merchants...
>>77289 How did he manage to become more pathetic when his lord and savior Trump won? And why does he keep insisting that he's being censored/shadowbanned? Has he ever considered that maybe people find his politics really annoying so they don't bother with him or the fact that twitter is left wing central even after Elon's attempts to change it so he automatically alienates himself from most of the userbase? But of course, the cuckservative refuses to acknowledge it could be his fault and always has a scapegoat to blame >could my nonstop cocksucking of Donald Trump and Elon Musk be the reason for my lack of engagement on Twitter? >No I'm being censored by Twitter, that has to be it. Please save me Donald Trump and Elon Musk!
I'm not political and I don't mind his art but when I would try and look through his account, the actual art was always captioned with something about how his art is better than everyone's or "no one likes me and no one is gonna see this" and it's a total boner killer.
What on god's green earth possess him to draw teeth like that
>>77316 >>76797 >>77289 >>76747 ai art has been outperforming a bunch of these insufferable artists ngl. tickling has been getting better and better each month. it's already there if you're an upperbodyfag and if you're a footfag it's somewhat recently gotten to where it needs to be. honestly I feel like the artists most vocally against AI art are also coincidentally the most insufferable people who have horrible online personalities and constantly start online drama, almost like they know all they offer is mid fetish art. Meanwhile, people who are generally likeable and interact with their fans positively and steer away from drama have yet to make a peep about ai art because they don't feel threatened because they know they have more to offer than badly drawn anime girl of the month and twitter threads about how you should unfollow them if you support X and Y.
Toermentor is out here selling his patreon supporters AI slop, and hasn't even got the backbone to mention anywhere that it's AI generated. No description, not even in the tags.
>>77327 if they're retarded enough to not recognize it, I don't see any issue. AI generated shit is pretty easy to distinguish. not everything needs a trigger warning
>>77316 Experimenting and stylization And it could get worst believe me X’D
>>77327 >slop Why not just have them disclose that their art is mass produced garbage then? Whether it's hand-made or not. You're not seeing the forest for the trees here
>>77320 >ai out of nowhere kek you ok hon?
>>77320 good morning saar
>>77320 You one of them tech bros? Get out of your bubble, it's causing asphyxia.
>>77320 >ai art has been outperforming a bunch of these insufferable artists ngl even as someone who is fairly supportive of AI art; no it hasn't. The absolute highest quality AI tickle art is at LEAST on par with the worst fetish artist.
>>77351 That is also not true. I don't think AI art is better than the ones anon listed, but you have to high off your rocker to think that it's worse than countfire and kenzoe.
Every time that one anon goes "As someone who is completely in favor of X..." my mind immediately tunes out everything he has to say
...gimme an artist who reeees about upper body or foot faggotry
Without looking it up, can you even guess who these characters are? I find countfire's absolute refusal to be on model fascinating.
>>77389 No idea...go on?
>>77390 I shit you not
>>77400 I like shitting on Caroo as much as the next person, but seriously? You're kinda reaching here by blaming him for the retarded shit others are doing. Maybe I would understand if these are conversations instigated by Caroo himself, but if it's just some random person being autistic, you're grasping at straws.
>>77402 Yeah seriously. It's not caroo's fault he's too retarded to write a short paragraph graph in the #rules section saying "Hey, this server is about feet and tickling, keep unrelated stuff to a minimum please." I swear, people in this thread are so unreasonable nowadays.
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Good tidings you faggots, do I have the scoop for you. Let’s explore PurpleDino100 Aka: Donzelle Clemons. (It’s not doxing, he’s done that himself via his accounts, if you search his name, his government name is attached.) >Why is this sperg relevant? He attempted to kidnap a child. https://neshobademocrat.com/stories/man-charge-in-attempted-kidnapping-of-child-at-park,133696 >”Upon arrival officers learned that a male approached a young girl in the park and began eating the young girl’s chips and asked if she wanted to go to his vehicle to play a “tickle” game” He was jailed for theee days back in September. Then released. >case impending One of you faggots request the body cam footage. https://www.openrecords.pa.gov/RTKL/PoliceRecordings.cfm
>>77400 >Goes into furry server >Looks inside >Furries
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>>77418 chat is this real
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>>77418 >funny cringe tickle artists thread >look inside >mf tried to actually kidnap a child Jesus Christ.
>>77426 >>77427 the dates seem to coincide, as well as the age, and the fact his last post was 2 days before the incident and he's been quiet ever since, even when he was a semi regular poster. anons i don't want to be that guy, but i think this is legit.
>>77418 >”Upon arrival officers learned that a male approached a young girl in the park and began eating the young girl’s chips and asked if she wanted to go to his vehicle to play a “tickle” game” >asked if she wanted to go to his vehicle to play a “tickle” game”
>>77418 >gigafaggot who draws children getting tickled and centers his online persona around a show for literal toddlers >gets caught trying to diddle kids who could have foreseen this?
>>77418 Deinstitutionalization and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race. We need to throw these tards and autists back into insane asylums.
>>77418 >Tries to kidnap a little kid for a "tickle game" >Gets released after three days This fucker seriously needs to die. I'm happy his Mom isn't alive to see this shit >>77432 Not to mention this shithead's deviantart account mentions him being from Philadelphia.
>>77441 >>77444 as far as I can tell this man is severely autistic, likely nonfunctional. should absolutely be in an institution, both for his safety and others.
>>77453 Adding on this, Genuinely don't think the guy is "evil" but severely mentally handicapped. That being said, one of my friends brought up a great point: He tried to lure the girl to his car. This alone gives a very STRONG notion that to some level he had to know what he was doing was wrong. Like if he had awkwardly tried to play his "Game" out in the open in public, there would probably be a semblance of a "Defense" in his case, but the fact that he tried to lead the girl away from prying eyes gives anyone trying to prosecute this guy grounds to say "Yeah he absolutely knew what he was doing" My strongest bet is that he'll probably take some sort of plea deal. maybe they'll throw out attempted kidnapping and have him plead guilty to indecent exposure or unlawful contact with a minor. I have no idea if this is something that went to trial already, or yet, I looked on the PA sex offender registry and couldn't find his name. If any other autists can dig, it would be interesting.
>>77454 A lot of retards are significantly more "clever" than people realize. Most professional wranglers will tell you, the gears in their head may be brightly colored and plastic, but they're nevertheless turning and always looking for ways to get one over on people.
>>77454 >his car So Pennsylvania really will let actual retards obtain a driver's license. Kek
>>77457 you'll find an extraordinary amount of retards on the road wherever you go
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>>77432 Top comment on the "Barney show from 91" post, I thought it was pretty funny
>>77460 you did that anon don't fib
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>>77462 Actually no. I only just now checked out Purpledino's page after reading the posts in this thread about him, these comments are actually from over a week ago, so this guy was leaving comments on his page long before the discussion in this thread. Here's another one he left on Purpledino's previous post
>>77464 >>77460 >using light mode sociopath behavior
https://x.com/caroo_artist/status/1870035382613807263 Would be hilarious if people posted his scootaloo, asriel, or other cub shit that he drew but deleted earlier
Was a fan of homunculuslover when she first came out. Enjoyed her art and little comics. Then once she started doing "ALL FNAF ALL THE TIME! SUN! MOON!" i just stopped looking for her stuff and let her fade into the background of my mind. Until i browse DA today and see she posted a new picture where someone comments and lets her know that one character has two right feet......and she says "thank's i'll fix it, oh wait nevermind you like AI art, blocked" and just leaves the picture up lol. like what the flying fuck is wrong with you? I understand if you don't like AI art and don't want to interact with people who do, but to just ignore an obvious error after you've been told about it and leave it up out of spite? Just because someone likes what you don't? Fucking retarded little hypocrite.
>>77528 If it makes you feel any better I always thought they were retarded. But on a similar topic, what the fuck is this sun moon stuff? Those gotta be the 2 the LEAST HOT characters from the entirety of the fucking fnaf franchise. Hell, even a buff sweaty hairy freddy fazbear would be probably better since it would at least appeal to the gay anons. But what the fuck man. What is the appeal with those 2 ugly retarded characters?
>>77528 HL I group in with Moekaki as some of the most unapproachable artists who harm their own (shit) art because they can't shut the fuck up. It's funny because one is right wing and the other feels like 2014 tumblr personified so they're two sides of the same coin. If you want some entertainment, go through HL's DeviantArt and check the comments, the amount of people getting attacked by them is insane, and some are people showing genuine support. It's only here that HL gets any hate so it's weird how much they attack their own fans. I'm not biased as I just observe from the outside but HL comes across as a really nasty person.
>>77479 These? putting them here so caroo doesn't forget. you can't cover your ass forever you faggot.
Just imagine you pay up for him to see this stupid art, bro go and go and get mental treat
>>77553 .... I don't get it.
>>77553 >looks completely fine Alright, let's hear what you're actually angry about.
>>77557 >>77556 I think bro is either mad that it's footsie content instead of tickling or the white background between the toes. Either way he is overreacting.
>>77418 Based cunnychad. Wish I could approach life with this kind of confidence
>>77595 >It is possible to convince another adult to tickle them sexually >It is possible to pay another adult to tickle them sexually >It is possible to find another adult that wants to be tickled sexually >It is possible to pay to watch adults being tickled sexually >All legally >Not that difficult >Idiot goes with one of the only options that can get you arrested >Will not be able to tickle no one for years or even feel the touch of a woman when behind bars >Will actually be raped in jail because is a pedo Not based, absolutely retarded. Confidence could've been used for something better.
I tried searching by most recent submissions. It didn't go well.
>>77858 Is that fucking Nikocado
>>77597 No, he's based. (((They))) just don't want you to realize it.
>>77871 >The pedophile is also a nazi You need to kill yourself or let someone else to the pleasure ASAP
>>77946 >literally defending the police using excessive force against an unarmed, disabled black man simply because he sat next to someone at the park >calls someone else a nazi Yeah ok buddy
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>>77951 >simply because he sat next to someone at the park
Monokron finish your damn Temmie picture already.
>>77951 go back to reddit
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>>77946 He's right anon. (((Age of consent))) is a meme meant to suppress the sexual marketplace by artificially inflating the value of post-wall roastie hags. Meanwhile they don't follow their own rules as usual
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>>77986 >DA JOOS are pedos >but being a pedo is LE GOOD >But I don't like DA JOOS >therefore DA JOOS are CONTROLLING THE WORLD so that I CANT BE A PEDO LIKE THEM >Therefore PEDO BAD BUT ALSO GOOD BECAUSE I LIKE IT You know you can just convert right? Go to your local rabbi and ask him where he hides the cunny.
>>77986 >no /s at the end I can't tell if this is satire or not. Fucking yikes.
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>>78000 >Go to your local rabbi and ask him where he hides the cunny.
I found Maria's face among those who were drawn being tickled when the 3rd Sonic movie was released. She meant everything to me and I couldn't bear the thought that she was perverted because of my kinks. I lost everything. I had nothing more to live for... I went insane! All I could think about was to avenge her... somehow, someway. I got scared as I was no longer able to control my urges. All I could think about was that I wanted it all to end. Maria was played by a 14 year old in the flick. All the arguements about fictional loli and shit aside, drawing an artistic representation of a real life child has to be some sort of pedophilia, right? This is gross.
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>>78015 > She meant everything to me and I couldn't bear the thought that she was perverted because of my kinks. I lost everything. I had nothing more to live for... I went insane! All I could think about was to avenge her... somehow, someway. I got scared as I was no longer able to control my urges. All I could think about was that I wanted it all to end.
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>>78015 100% I'm a big fan of loli. Let the art be as transgressive as possible within the limits and codes of loli. But the moment it's about some IRL person, it instantly turns into something disgusting. Pedos will appropriate the loli appreciation movement and then use it as a way to introduce actual pedo shit. Those who pretend there is no clear line are lying to you.
>>78015 >>78017 This could've been a low quality but still fappable pic of Shadow tickling Maria to tears, but Alexia just had to ruin it. I mean fuck me, I'm all for putting Maria through tickle hell, but not like this. All she had to fucking do was just draw the game version and not the actual kid
>>78000 I think they store them in tunnels under Brooklyn
>>78015 Letting children become public figures is arguably fucked up in general. Even ignoring all the shady shit that happens surrounding child actors in Hollywood.
>>78015 Come to think of it, this isn't the first time AlexiaNBC has done something like this. I remember that she also drew a tickle pic of the twins from The Shining, whose actors were twelve at the time. I can't really prove whether or not it's real since it became lost at least a couple years ago, so take this with a grain of salt.
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>>78089 >Jeff Epstein >Harvey Weinstein >Roman Polansky >Dan Schneider >Woody Allen (Alan Konigsberg) Yeah it's all just one big fucking cohencidence >>78000
>>78000 Unrelated, but who's the character from this image and where's she from?
>>78094 It's a he you know. Wishes it were a she for his fantasies
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>accounts that seem to only exist to e-beg, lmao Don’t give a shit about Kron, but it’s hilarious that he’s gunning after him, he doesn’t understand the concept of an ANONYMOUS image board, and the poster could’ve been ANYONE but just because some guy thinks it’s Kron, he’s is rolling with it, He is either that retarded or really hates Kron, any reason why?
>>78154 Kron, as retarded as he is in his own right, is his antithesis. They’re both autistic faggots but Kron is probably the most guilty of “wrongthink” in whatever circle he’s from. Kampferwolf ebegs for money. Kron, as flakey as he is sometimes, does actually work for his money, (at the very least has a job,something that puts him leagues above Kampferwolf could ever possibly be. Kron, if to be believed, has the benefit of a stable and apparently normal irl life. For fucks sake, Kron apparently bought a car recently with commission funds. (If that’s true). Kampferwolf is consistently in the negatives and apparently needs the public’s help for apparently all of his expenses. Kron could be lying about getting a car, having money, having a girlfriend, but I don’t don’t see Kron bitching and complaining about his life on discord servers or Twitter like he did before. Even if Kron is lying about everything, he appears to be unfazed. Bottom line, Kampferwolf is a failed autistic fag. Kron is, or is at the very least, has provided an illusion that he is a successful autistic fag. This is unacceptable to Kampferwolf. It should be Kampferwolf that gets nice things, or support or a normal life, not Kron. Because Kron does not follow his ideology.
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>>78155 Can attest that the car is real. He’ll hop in voice chats and randomly boot up his video while smoking cigs or some other random BS before dipping out just as fast. Even if it’s not commissions, Kron has some sort of means to some serious cash.
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>>78156 Even in his automotive choices he's a massive massive faggot. If he was going to get a toyota with those funds, he should've just gotten a damn Supra. I would've respected him a lot more.
>>78157 Implying that he has the capacity to handle stick shift. Absolutely is the type of person to money shift and put pistons in orbit.
>>78153 Wait, that mf is pretending to be a woman for almost 15 years?
>>78155 Honestly, based as fuck. People rag on Kron all the time but he at least makes serious bank and that automatically puts him leagues above anybody consistently shitting on him. New role model achieved.
>>78157 Y'all are really digging for reasons now
>>78017 >people masturbate to pictures of young kids :D >people masturbate to pictures of young kids D:<
>>78156 >>78155 finish the fucking temmie pic kron
>>78154 I don't really care who Kampfer is but I just checked their Kofi out and immediately saw a bleeding heart post about how they'll never monetise their art or put it behind a paywall. How is that their stance but they're fine e-begging constantly? Surely making money from art should be the first step, because having people pay to see your stuff is just a normal business practice. I don't get it. It's probably because they don't wanna put in the work and pretend like they're doing a good thing I guess.
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>>78202 Show me a picture of a kid that looks like this and then we'll talk
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Dude already wanted to make a game on Unity, then his own mobile gacha game, then a game on Unreal Engine, a few days later he says that he wants to make his own platform for artists. Who's gonna tell him?
>>78213 >Posts the lolibaba Great job you moron.
>>78227 Since he's private now I kinda miss seeing his retardation, but fuck off am I following him
unrelated, but someone recently informed me that HomunculusLover only has 4 toes irl and i can't stop laughing
>>78238 >"HomunculusLover" >Actual homunculus You can't write this shit, man
>>78238 Kinda hot ngl
https://www.deviantart.com/tailorjp Randomly stumbled upon this da profile, that obsession with a particular Mexican comic artist is pretty creepy. His gallery is entirely foot fetish arts of her and edited real photos, pics' descriptions are often doubled in Spanish, likely with an intention that she would read it lmao. And ofc he is a smellfag as well.
>>78486 Ain't that the bitch who made that Disney show Primos?
>>78227 What happened? I thought he loved his daddy, his buddy Elon?
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>>78238 It would be real cool if this useless cuntbag got taken by ISIS and they cut their retarded head off. Fucking mutant garbage degenerate.
>>78530 holy hell, calm down retard. This shit is for laughin, not spergin'
It's crazy coming into a thread about supposedly hating artists for their art or art choices and it's just a crazy amount of stalking and obsessive hatred toward people that "happen" to make Like we know half these people are degenerates and retards but it's pretty fucking retarded to be so obsessively and parasocially attached to people you dislike. Hate their art and discuss it but quit being autistic raddled retards.
>>78537 These threads shouldn't exist at all IMO and everyone who posts in them earnestly brings absolutely nothing good to this board, less than lurkers. But it serves the purpose of containment
>>78538 Well, besides the posters who genuinely use the thread to find cringeworthy things at least. The "people" only posting to hate on popular artists they are jealous of annoy me to shit every time I check recent posts for something good
>>78537 >>78538 >>78539 "hate" threads should be treated more like "lolcow" threads than literal I HOPE THEY FUCKIN DIE REEEE shit like half the people in here treat them as
Cringe is cringe, someone posting some weird shit is whatever but outright drooling over every move someone makes is more cringe than anything I've ever seen posted by any of these people they hate.
>>78540 >expecting ticklefags not to be the literal biggest retards alive ngmi
>>78534 >>78540 what a faggot you are Go suck on all four of their toes you mutant loving degenerate
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>>78537 >>78538 >>78539 >>78540 >>78546 >Goes into artist hate thread >Sees people hating on artists
>>78530 First off, that image is fucking hilarious. I'm all for shopping artists into more outrageous situations. >>78537 >>78538 >>78539 >>78540 Secondly you retards are Redditors. This is the internet, not a Reddit thread, people will talk shit about you when you're cringe online, and there's nothing worse than an autist with an ego; the tickle artist circlejerk from normies to furfags are living proof of that. Will there be spergs and tards in this thread obsessing and sperging for the most trivial of bullshit? Yes. Does that make artists justified in doing some of the shady shit and sperging they do? No. If you can't handle the hate thread, then gb2 the literal hundreds of other threads on this board.
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>>78585 That other person >>78534 , we'll call him Faggot, will probably get real upset by this, but here you go because you are someone of taste.
>>78585 Implying this place is any better than reddit LOL oh no retard getting offended by criticism bet you're more autistic than any of these fucks you're bitching about
what a shock, blowing the fucking return.
>>78627 Guy should just retire and golf or some shit.
>>78585 >>78600 these retards unironically speak like image related
>>78627 Why is it always the mid-tier and below who are most concerned about "art theft"?
>>78585 > retards are Redditors. This is the internet, not a Reddit thread getting wildly upset IS "reddit", you dumb cocksucker...
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Props to him for unprivating his account because again I can laugh at the absolute funniest fucking shit I've ever seen.
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>>78659 How lil bro imagines himself while walking around Japan or Taiwan
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>>78643 Faggot, shut the fuck up. God you're such a faggot. Everything you've posted here is dripping with HIV AIDS. What, does faggot need a dick to suck like a binky? You goddamn disgrace. You absolute nuclear shit stain. "Her deeeer Ima tell yous all what internets is n what is acceptable to say and do cuz it makes the good juice fill my faggoty brains." Cool cool cool. Now go back on your Roblox and try to solicit faggot committing voter fraud for Democrats, or do something actually good and kill yourself.
>>78663 someone's grappling with some botherations
>>78663 This is like when Law and Order or some network show has to come up with "a character that uses 4chan or similar websites", but doesn't actually know much about 4chan and doesn't know how they talk, so they look up a handful of generic "edgy" shit and just kind of cobble it together.
Every fucking artist on pixiv that uses the tag "feet i want to tickle". It keeps showing up because it has the word tickling in it japanese. Like just fucking tickle them you goddamn lazy sack of shit.
>>78663 I hope this thread never changes
>>78663 This shit is teeming with 9 year old just off the short bus energy and I dont know how you are able to compress so much retardation into just a few sentences but I feel like it is dangerous enough to warn hazmat teams of
pls buy my adoptables no AI art anyways time to go panhandle!
>>78659 >2 old ladies laughing behind his back >"look at retard gaijin monkey kekekeke" "yeah bro azn girls think i'm super hot it's why i prefer docile submissive asians yanno"
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>>78659 "I am considered super hot"
>>78763 What an incredible image.
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>>78763 Where I've seen this before?
>>78763 Kike with yellow fever. How much anyone want to bet that AZN WIFE is a total figment of his imagination. Not like just a lie but like, he ACTUALLY hallucinate her presence
>>78828 She exists, but is fat and ugly
>>78834 Don't judge people by their appearance. I bet you look like a 2/10 virgin
>>78841 Jesus Christ what is with the outbreak of faggotry like you in this thread as of late
>>78841 >"Don't judge people by their appearance" >Proceeds to judge poster by their appearance Go back to preschool, the internet is clearly not for you lol
>>78486 you guys think this is cringe, but when kusujinn does this exact thing with an irl model you guys are dead silent. (reposting a screenshot from the old hate thread for context) I guess it's a "hello HR department?" situation: if you're good at art and popular, you can definitely get away with drawing some random real life woman you're obsessed with getting kidnapped and stripped naked against her will (among many other scenarios) by your self insert.
>>78870 Artists get shit on for things that Kusujinn has done, but he gets a pass because he has more years under his belt (and the anime obsession). It's insane how he changed his name from Kidetic and buried his CP from most of his audience. He was drawing children, not "aged up" or lolis either, just straight up little girls. How can you look at an 11 year old and decide to draw them in a way that gets you off and NOT be a pedophile? if an artist goes that low it's not an accident or something to be forgiven and forgotten. No wonder he sticks to Twitter art when he could go professional.
>>78870 Huge difference between drawing from scratch your own shit based from a NSFW model vs making fetish edits from a SFW creator that never taunted the NSFW community in any way
>>78875 "Taunted"? Nigga is using the "she was asking for it" argument. She said she was uncomfortable and he's gone out of his way to continue anyway
>>78870 A few obsessions? Motherfucker...you can draw different compositions for face and jaw and lips that would still mitigate sameness despite the chink eyes. But naaaaaaaw...just do them the same. Like to the fucking letter. Don't help that at first his drawing of chinky was against her wishes but then she got a popularity boost so the ouroboros of ick shit continues
>>78870 Whataboutism. That horse has already been beaten to death. >>78871 Source or it didn't happen.
>>78870 fwiw that model has also acknowledged and seemingly endorsed, or at least approved of, him doing it. She's retweeted his material several times, more than once.
>>78871 I miss kidetic :'(
>>78882 Probably because she's given up or she knows she gets more followers
Why did he change his username? Was it because of the pedo shit?
>>78886 Rebranding probably, he never addressed the reason but considering he nuked his riskee loli stuff while at it and focused more into Twitter with personal projects then yeah, you can make a few assumptions. Personally I believe he just nuked the loli shit and changed username just so the insufferable Twitter crowd couldn't find boil him alive the second they found his past works
And here we have biggest fake artist in the tickling history
>>78898 I'm a terminally online cumbrain and I don't know who the fuck this is, so they can't be that big maybe in your head they are
>>78898 Oh no, he draws. Like shit but still draws
>>78899 I assume its master417. Maybe you're not the terminally online cumbrain you think you are. Cum more.
>>78898 He's a prime example of how far you can go without talent. None of his work is appealing to me, it's just basic foot shots with poor shading and linework but somwhow people are buying his slop? Being friends with actually talented people which you can ride off from helps I guess.
>>78238 why are millennials absolute fucking autists when it comes to being a fucking adult? did everyone's brains just not develop beyond the age of 14? seriously. the shit ton of stuffed animals, uncomfortable amounts of obsession into shit like anime or some niche fucking character (like that sun/moon faggot) just permanently in quirk chungus mode posting heckin' wholesome retard nonsense while oversharing about how much they plow their wife (who is just as disgusting as they are) we need to gather all these people and drop them on an island to fight for sport
>>78921 Wait, he was barefoot in the con? Hope he catches papilloma or something
>>78922 i believe that's their wife wearing the retarded mask but yes, they probably were barefoot for most of it. just the amount of dirt grime and fungal shit living in that carpet. yuck
>>78921 Millenials are the first generation partially raised by the internet. Not at the extreme of younger generations but enough that its influence begain to show its roots after their puberty. You will see this with the next generations as well once their reach that age. You won't like it either.
>>78919 That's the thing, he reached a point of comfort zone where the same braindead 100 people will pledge him on Patreon and Fanbox every month without fail plus commissions. Giving him enough money to live out of this shit without having to put any actual effort into it so if you want to blame anybody would be his paying fans that keep enabling him
a photo you can just smell. the state of the floor
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Just leave lmao, that’s all you have to do, no one is *forcing* you to do your pity parties or call out activism, that’s your choice. I hate him so much, because he really thinks people think he’s some sacrificial hero. Kampfur is literally a narcissist.
>>78936 Maybe he could get a job...
>>78933 that hairbrush had better just be covered in hair
>>78938 “I’m d-disabled I can’t get a job! You don’t understand, I’ve been trying so hard to get on NEET-bucks for years and they won’t give it to me!”
>>78921 >why are millennials absolute fucking autists when it comes to being a fucking adult? as a millennial, I can say it's a combination of factors. first and foremost being, gen x/boomers were just shitty parents. Everyone bitched about millennial kids receiving "participation trophies", but no one ever asked who was giving them out.
>>78950 Zoomer fgt here, you make a good point in gen x and boomer parenting, but isn't there a point where you need to stand up on your own two feet and reject the bullshit? Like c'mon "adulting"? I wanna shit on the boomers as much as the next guy but we're also in control of our own actions and need to stop shrugging accountability off on everyone and everything else. Not accusing you of this mind you just making a point
>>78961 Yeah but that requires more introspection than most people are willing to exert. which is ironic cause they're all about therapy talk and shit but they use their self-knowlege as an excuse for their behavior, rather than to try and find a way to solve the problem.
>>78936 Jfc kron would you stop bitching about Kampfer? You're so fucking enraged by everything he does every 2 minutes you're clearly obsessed. How do you keep coming here and doing this shit every fucking day and pretend you're any better than the rest of these autistic twats? Fucking embarrassing dude, he might have some fucking brain worms but at least he doesn't spend a full work day seething over a fucking post. And I thought you hated Bluesky? Are you seriously just that much of a bitch that you complain about people leaving then stalk them there? Yikes bro
>>78968 This poster is someone who genuinely probably hates Kron, and is trying to generate drama between the both of them. Hilarious that every time kampfer is brought up it’s always pinned on him, just because of that one callout kampfer did back last march.
>>78975 WHO FUCKING CARES ABOUT SPERGPOSTS He rages about everyone being a fucking nazi or a pedo whether he has proof or not and so does fucking everyone else it's the most autistic shit ever >>78936 The only reason we know this is kron is because kron non-fucking stop would not stop saying how much he hates Kampfer and now when this Tranny starts having the mildest introspection that he's been a dipshit and wants to be better, kron still ignores it and starts to sperg cause he can't handle the idea of a half wit like Kampfer being even mildly less of a pile of shit than him.
>>78968 >>78977 How do WE know you're not Kampfer? Trying to reinforce/justify your bitchfit about Kron the other day?
>>78977 I’ve literally never seen Kron throw a bitch fit about kampfer here save for the time kampfer swung first and went after him last year, and even then Kron didn’t post on the board about him, he posted on his actual twitter.
>>78980 Inclined to believe this, or someone close to kampfer.
>>78980 This. Kampfer bitches nonstop about literally anyone so long as he can be a victim. Someone like Kron who's had a direct issue with Kampfer? Is a perfect subject. Kampfer is a crippling narcissist and an eternal victim who sperged when he found out this thread existed. It's the perfect excuse to show up and keep bitching. Tl;Dr we know it's you, Kamp. Come out with your pants down.
>>78984 Kron doesn’t have the time or energy to give a shit about kampfer. Love him or hate him, imo his whole demeanor changed after his father died. Pretty sure he’s pre occupied making sure his mom doesn’t fall for scams and the bills getting paid than some fag on the internet.
>>78968 >>78977 Good to know Kampfer still browses this site to see if people are shitting on him, while ruining his image further by continuously feeding into the hate and sperging out. Never change Kampfer. Never change...
Who fancies 4 toes of scam?
>>78987 Begging to see this, only to confirm that the person has four toes.
>>78987 >>78989 That's his wife.
>>78993 Pureheartbat, still interested in knowing the truth though.
>>78993 It's fucking cringe, whatever it is
>>79002 I hate this guy but convincing your wife to do a foot fetish shoot of your oc knowing thousands of people will beat off to her is pretty based if sad.
>>78987 Hopefully they just kill themselves
>>78987 'Anyone who comments asking for more feet will be BLOCKED!' >Immediately releases paid for foot content of the same person How can someone be so tone deaf and unlikeable
>>78984 sorta doubt anyone that "cares" about him would come try to defend him like that. I'd bet he'd start crying about his friends backstabbing him or whatever. The only things I've seen is Kampfer being a bitch about Kron posting some anti troon shit then Kron saying he hated Kampfer then Kampfer thought Kron was on here doing shit and presumably made up and now neither of them seem to give a fuck about eachother save for kampfer having a tism moment a month ago about thinking kron is here again. all these losers need to fall down some stairs.
>>79008 'Future wife' 'We're married.' Fucking something don't smell right in retard land and it's not just the dirty floor.
>>79018 So basically you can just do this with anyone with the mask on? Give me that mask and I can become anyma. What a fucking scammer
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>>78987 Dumbass with buyers remorse here, 3/4 of the pack is out of focus feet shots not even towards the camera and far away. But can confirm she actually does have five toes
>>79030 That's not HL tho, yes? Instead it's the 'wife'
>>79030 Damn, there's like nothing attractive about it huh?
I vaguely recall a Twitter post or something where HL was bitching about people asking for more feet in his art and that he wasn't into feet or something? Maybe i'm wrong but I see a lot of people/artists fake having a foot fetish after admitting they don't because they know it makes money. You can tell because they don't really know what people want, ie no passion or the wrong angles or they can't draw feet. Where's the toe curls and the scrunches??? Fake bait for footfags who will blindly pay
>>79030 So HL is just selling his dumb con memory pics that he took with his phone and not a full photo session? Doesn't surprise me he thinks it's easy money, so easy to bait footfags into buying anything regardless of quality
>>79034 "OH I LOVE U HUNI" "OH YOU ARE MY RAY OF SUNSHINE IN THE DARK OF NIGHT" Look at this faggot shit. Are they 12? This baby's first relationship?
>>79037 I think PDA's are pretty annoying, but I think if you get actively pressed and angry about them, it's cause you're lonely. Are you lonely, anon? I could be lonely with you.
>>79051 I'm just under the impression that people are coming here to talk about their parasocial relationship issues with people rather than actually be angry about something. It's always obsession based shit. The irony of calling any of these people they talk about weird when there's people here following every move someone makes just to start furiously typing about it is crazy and I hope they find some sort of hobby.
>>79056 As someone who lurks here a lot, I agree. 90% of the posts here make it clear that people are obsessed with artists to the point where they check every reply and post they make. It makes you come across like an obsessive stalker who is mad their favourite artist is not giving them attention. The other 10% are actually valid posts for people who do shit they aren't supposed to. Harassment etc.
>>79030 you know what's crazy though? they never show both feet in an image, it's always just the one. and you guys realize you can mirror/flip images right?
>>79058 hi homonculus how's your four toed "wife" doing
>>79058 >>79056 Found the artists, boys.
>>79051 Yes let's have suckies
>>79058 Faggot, do you not get how quick it is to do a quick scan of someone when you're on DA or a site, maybe grab some stuff, post, and shit on them? Like you acting like this is an entire fucking hours upon hours process. Shut the fuck up, retard. What, are people supposed to have goldfish brains? Like a bunch of these mutants aren't grifters or stealing people's money or not creating shit fiefdoms to have their nuts sucked despite being spectacularly faggoted. "OH THE OBSESSION" Lolololol cool hey just don't be around me when you shoot up that school, dick sucker.
>>79077 our strongest soldier, right here. number one on the short bus.
anonymous rant sure its a drug for some of you lmao
>>79065 i cant draw worth shit. admittedly i tried but i really cant. just gunna keep the security work. >>79061 thats pretty presumptuous of you considering the anonymity of this place. you're either really paranoid or really angry, both are very manageable but you're still going to be horribly autistic, it's probably terminal. >>79077 when you spend 99% of you're time on their socials every day just to dredge up shit on them and complain it makes you look like a sociopath who needs to be thrown into either a padded cell or a wood chipper, whichever one keeps you away from children.
It was the bumper sticker, guys
>>79083 HEY CHESH HOW GOES IT DOG HOW MANY PEOPLE YOU STILL OWE ART TO YOU LAZY FUCK? You do know how web browsers work, right, dipshit? Like, it's legit super simple. You fucking faggots really don't get how any of this works and that's understandable because you're in the thick of the fecal shit that is your life and it's hard to unplug when the very mutant DNA within you is retard screaming cringe.
>>79086 anthony fantano looking ahh
>>79087 goodness you really are retarded. i hope you find the help you need homie.
>>79090 Can you spot me some cash for that, Chesh? You'll probably get some when you e-beg about the next 'disaster' because it gives you a greater dopamine hit than actually fixing your shitshow of a life.
Weird post to attach foot fetish art
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>>79194 Serious question. Why?
His hands are disgusting.
>>79204 Does anybody know what con did HL attended? I want to see if there's any YouTube videos of regular people that were recording on site and saw them on the wild being like "Why the fuck is he barefoot?"
>>79219 Stupid me, saw the tags. It was ANW2025. Anybody here willing to watch hours of furry cringe for the off chance that HL got recorded in one of the common areas next to his "wife"?
>>79086 >F slur >Friend?
>>79086 >F slur Yeah, I'm gay Chaz and you're a faggot, faggot. Maybe if you stopped being such an obnoxious entitled faggot, people would stop calling you faggot. You fucking stupid faggot.
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https://www.deviantart.com/niasilver1 Anyone else betting this account's just an elaborate sock puppet account Skouf made?
>>79256 What would he have to gain from this?
>>79257 That's something I can't really figure out myself, probably free art/free jerk-off material. I don't know, this all just feels really off. Then again, Skouf made art of a minor (like, an actual person on DeviantArt who was a kid) so maybe I've always just sort of got a weird vibe from him.
>>79258 >Skouf made art of a minor Can you explain?
>>79258 >>79259 iirc it was just some random chick on dA he was close to in his defense she was above the age of consent in his country. still kinda weird though.
>>79261 Did he delete it?
I'm tired of seeing this dude everywhere. Specially when his account go taken down I was so happy about it but like a roach survived and came back. https://x.com/Dyl4n015_2/status/1883724344259735554
>>79258 >>79259 >>79261 oh yeah, that AddieLaddie stuff. I dunno how to link to other threads but it was brought up in another hate thread.
>>79279 I didnf see any proof in 3 other artist hate threads.
>>79285 it was late december '22, the thread is no longer available ig
>>79288 >Broken images >Pastebin down
"iF wE bAnD tOgEtHeR, nOtHiNg CaN sToP uS" aah post NYPA
>>79305 Rare UK W
>>79272 the only solace you may have is that homonculos is such an entitled piece of shit that it will literally come screeching abt how it is now allowed to be drawn getting tickled.
>>79339 He only retweeted it and left this comment. Didn't elaborated any further
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>We write Chaz’s letter to his representative, One word at a time. Dear,
>>79362 Princess
>>79365 Moekaki.
>>79362 anyway this shit's funny to me because any actual activist worth his shit knows that emails don't do anything. they're easily deleted and ignored. The best way to get a representatives attention is with actual phonecalls, or even better, physical letters, much harder to ignore. but he strikes me as the type who gets anxiety ordering pizza on the phone. and definitely not the type who'd expend the effort to put a letter in a mailbox.
>>79257 id, I guess ask Quinton Quill aka Sassy Snake what he gained from having an alt where he pretended to be a chick for like half a decade. never opened comms, never took money as far as I know, he just wanted to larp as a chick I guess. dude gained nothing he didn't already have from his own da besides a bit more attention because le woman in fetish scene. now that being said, I bet notSkoufidos comms open soon and overcharges for them, that's probably the ploy. This is 100% a male art style, not a female one. the framing, the scenarios, the dialogue, it's all clearly male made art. if you've been here for a while you've caught on to how women tend to draw tickling vs men.
>>79389 Quinton suffered the affliction many artist's in this fetish suffer from, wanting to be a serious artist and not having fetish stuff be his main focus. I think the Jessica/SassySnake persona was a preventative measure initially; however something that literally no one seems to remember is not only how far Quinton took it but the fact that he found himself in a relationship with Firefox, of whom had a severe case of the "not gays" afterwards. In short; it was meant to seperate his fetish art from whatever he was doing irl that would require a cover, and it blew up in his face because he allowed relationships to blossom too far and even before his disappearance, he adamantly insists Jessica was real, despite the fact that she's been silent for over a decade. I just hope Firefox was able to come to terms with what happened, he seems to have long since moved on today.
>>79389 >>79393 I had no clue sassy snake was him I thought it was just an autistic woman. Where can I read more about this drama? This sounds like a down the rabbit hole type video. Speaking of firefox I once saw in his favorites some art of michael jackson tickling someones too so hes already a huge fucking weirdo lol.
>>79407 It was actually remarkably drama-free, considering how high-profile he was when it was discovered. I'm not even sure if he ever actually admitted it, just one day "she" was gone and "he" was there, and everyone was just like "...oh. Ooooh..." and then just accepted it was an odd thing he did and sort of let it go. Actually being able to draw seemed to have bought him a lot of leeway for something that would have made a legendary fool of a lesser artist.
>>79432 Where can I read up about this?
>>79433 >>79407 no rabbit hole or deepdive exists on this, it's only remembered by the people who were there. maybe someday someone will put one together but it feels like too niche and obscure a thing for that.
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>>79433 >>79435 Maybe some day someone will look into the haunting mysteries of this place...
>>79439 I want to know the back stores of some of these, but I'm also afraid.
>>79439 Whats this about screampunks forbidden alt? Did he draw an irl child or something? And the deominc sigils?
Bro half of these are bait lol
>>79446 yeah I figured as much when I read "ZP is black" no the fuck he's not
>>79447 >Zack ain't black Source? No srsly enlightened me on this
>>79449 He's actually Indian, but doesn't want anyone to know.
>>79445 >>79444 >>79441 The point of these is to include some nonsense that sounds like it could plausibly true alongside the actually true items, to fuck with newfags. It's actually doing kind of a bad job - the fake ones are easily identified here.
>>79447 I remember seeing a picture of his hand. I think he was holding a ticket or something? ZP is black.
>>79458 i've heard people say he had tickle pics in his tumblr likes or something like that, but they've long been removed
>>79458 they had a bunch of tickle pics in their favs on their personal acc at one point >>79449 next you're gonna tell me toby fox isn't black either?? come on, Zack is definitely a brotha, just look at the proportions of the women he draws >>79444 which ones specifically? if I know I'll fill you in >>79445 i mean considering he groomed an actual soccer mom for years and used her to make money by selling her feet pics, I wouldn't be surprised if he did that. I wouldve actually preferred he did that instead of what he actually did tbh >>79453 as far as I can tell everything level 4 and above is all true then 5 and beyond the red herring stuff starts getting added
>>79460 i keep forgetting it gets censored, soccer mom = literal child
>>79461 Wasn't the person 18? I know kimberco tried to groomed a minor.
>>79447 So the multiple pictures of him are all someone else? He's even done a face reveal before. the fuck are you on?
>>79439 I think King Charles III having a foot fetish would've been a good fit for the bottom layers.
>>79464 Since we're talking about a tickling iceberg rather than a foot one, Catherine the Great would be more appropriate. >>79459 >>79460 Interesting. I guess he didn't think to create an alternate account for stuff like that.
>>79484 To clarify, I'm talking about the idea that that guy with the weirdly specific art of Disney princesses calling him prince Charles and emphasizing the small size of their feet was actually the real (at the time) prince Charles of England, since he seemed to have an insane amount of disposable income, that I saw floated up in some thread in either this or the previous site. Since anon called it the /tkr/ iceberg, I figured it fit. I wonder what happened to that guy. Maybe the pressures of ruling England mean he no longer has time for Disney princesses and their tiny feet.
>>79439 >7 EVES 7/11 collab >Redscript's fungal sinus infection >Mr Beast browsing TKR >Chaz being fired from Best Buy >Pawfeather based Raspberry on his unborn daughter Anyone mind explaining these? I'm morbidly curious.
>>79494 Bait/jokes the further down the iceberg goes
>>79494 Chaz really got fired from Best Buy i think
>>79439 Yeah some of these are definitely too fake to be believable I think, especially that "tickle fakes are actually real" bit. On another note, does Yeougui actually hate tickling? Looking through her Deviantart gallery, you can see that she used to draw tickling all the time. Hell, up to a certain point it seems the better half of her gallery was all tickle stuff, like she used to be a fully fledged tickle artist. But nowadays it seems she never draws tickling at all anymore, mostly bondage with forced orgasm torture and public humiliation and whatnot (which usually mix really well with tickling anyway). Regardless of what parts of the iceberg are trolling and which aren't, what is the deal with Yeougui moving away from tickle art, anyway?
>>79499 yeo has publicly said before how she "is so glad she doesnt have to draw tickling anymore", theres definetly more than a few screenshots of them saying similar stuff
>>79458 >>79459 >>79460 There was a /co/ thread that discovered this back in 2017 https://desuarchive.org/co/thread/92934555/#92975436 He also still has many, non-tickling pics from prolific tickle artists in his deviantart favs. a couple would be easily dismissable, but there are loads of them. https://www.deviantart.com/alitur/favourites/all
>>79464 I was sort of hoping for something like "Lila in the background of a Helluva Boss episode" myself. Or "Elektratouch works at Dreamworks."
>>79502 I definitely remember a twitter post where it was "unpopular opinions" and artists like Kiimo or HL going off on not having a foot fetish and how not every tickle art needs feet. Then they start drawing feet more because they know it's more likes and money. Same with Baronstrap and knowing there's more money in vanilla shit. Yeougui gives me the vibe too of an OF model who clearly isn't into it but knows it's money. You can really tell who's into it and who isn't
>>79516 Unless they've purged it to hide it now they've become a foot model there are a ton of messages on Yeo's Discord server where they claim to hate feet and foot fetish stuff. They suddenly started to love it when they realised they could make money from pictures of their own feet instead of just drawing them, it's way lower effort than making art.
>>79531 I don't see how doing feet content earns more than artwork, i've heard because the market is so saturated you have to hustle that shit hard daily. I suppose it helps if you have a big following already
>>79439 Don't forgot Kron NEVER finishing his pictures.
>>79532 It doesn't necessarily earn more, but it's way easier. Plus they already had a huge following of foot fetishists and claim they use their own feet as references for their art. Someone starting out couldn't do that hustle but Yeo has been around for years and already has an established supporter base.
If artists are going to trace then why pick one of the most recognisable artists lol?
>>79569 >very clearly has differences in proportions, perspective, and rendering Time to crack open a dictionary, anon. Using another image as a reference isn't tracing.
>>79569 retard
>>79569 If you check the account I do see it, I don't think the YCH is traced but almost all their art has wtfeather parts that look traced or at leastHEAVILY referenced. People tend to resize or frankenstein traced art together anyway
>>79569 It's not a trace but it's so closely referenced I was also suspicious when it was shared. Wtfeather clones appear all the time and this one hasn't done much art yet so hopefully they will deviate off and get inspiration elsewhere
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Where is the shame?
>>79579 How much Cheese Pizza do you think Caroo has on his computer? He's smart enough to not be in loli channels in tickling servers but we already know his history.
>>79576 >>79578 Trying to imply that an artist has ownership over a certain pose is genuinely fucking demented lmao
>>79580 Needs an external hard drive to hold all of it.
>>79588 Guy has probably tickled kids irl let's be honest with ourselves. I wouldn't be surprised if he filmed it too.
>>79194 Still attaching fetish art to these kind of posts...
>>79569 It's very obvious that poses were referenced here, but that definitely doesn't equate to tracing. This looks more to me like the copycat drew lines of reference (lines of motion?) for the pose itself and then drew the rest of the images around those lines of reference.
>>79447 >"ZP is black" no the fuck he's not Bruh he fucking posted his photos on Twitter
>>79661 >Taking care of my disabled mother, guys. No one takes care of me... >FUCKING SWEATY FEET PICTURE ATTACHED Probably doing it because they know it won't get any attention otherwise.
>>79661 Even if you didn't think Moekaki was an absolute joke and see that his entire persona is hard to work with, his account is a nightmare to navigate to actually see his porn. Regardless of what nonsense he spews, you take one look at his account and go "fuck this"
>>79661 >>79686 can we have a little empathy here? I agree that it's cringe, but honestly I feel for the guy and I've sort of been there myself too. I'm not going to go into specifics but at one point I was at an all-time low, I had lost everything I had basically due to a series of unfortunate events that all happened around the same time. During that time the only thing I had that I could do to take my mind off things was just drawing fetish porn, It was the only thing I had drawn and the only thing I knew how to draw so that's what I did. It was honestly the only thing that kept me sane and the only outlet I had to vent my frustrations. now granted when I posted those pics that I drew I didn't tell anyone what was going on because it's honestly none of their business and I know that online people don't give a fuck about my personal life anyways and just want tickle porn, but I was lucky enough to have a solid support/friend group who I could vent to about this stuff while it was happening. if this guy doesn't have that same kind of friend group who are supportive that he could talk to or vent about this. I completely understand why you would try to put it out there on random posts as a way to just scream into the void per se. I get that we don't like the guy but maybe we should have a little bit of empathy about his situation and the fact that this might just be him trying to get his mind off things or trying to scramble or some sense of routine and normalcy during a hard time.
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>>79692 Did you forget what board you're on, you piece of emotional garbage?
>>79693 There's hating for fair reasons and then there's hating for the sake of it.
>>79695 Moekaki is one of the ones who is hated for extremely valid and fair reasons
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Yeah... Him attaching feet pics as he talks about his life falling apart is morbidly funny, but all in all it's mostly getting sad to watch. Hope he gets his shit together.
This stinks of Moekaki sending people to defend him, or doing it himself
>>79699 Yeah, it really does. But I kind of get where this anon >>79692 is coming from. That said, I don’t really care all that much. And if he and anon expect us to have empathy, I have two things to say: First, it would REALLY help if he didn’t pair his posts about his disabled mother and miserable life with pornographic images. ESPECIALLY images centered on a foot fetish. Second, no one should expect empathy from the internet. Especially on a board like this. Especially in a hate thread. Both the anon in question and Moekaki are making complete fools of themselves. As a human being, I do hope he gets his life together. But the fact that he’s so oblivious to how utterly bizarre it is to vent while posting that kind of content is, at the very least, laughable.
>>79692 No thanks. Normally I would empathize, but he's a fucking annoying cunt who voted for Trump, waves his dick in people's face, and attaches fetish art to his posts about his struggles. I feel more empathy for his mother than I do for him. If he doesn't have a friend group to confide with this in, that's his fault for being a repugnant person.
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>>79661 >One of the notorious attention whores the anons in this thread orbit just whored for attention again No fucking way... really? Wow, and I thought I'd seen it all. This thread truly never fails to surprise me
>>79708 >voted for Trump A mark of persona non grata for those who jack off to Hazbin Hotel.
>>79708 Why do you care who he voted for? Stretching for some left fields there.
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>>79708 Not to burst your bubble trannybro, but most of this board has or would have voted for Trump
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>>79720 I didn't. Politics are for faggots. most of it is fake.
>>79708 Two Scoops, Two Terms, Two Genders
Politics aside there are other reasons to hate Moekaki. his art is an eyesore and an anatomical mess but he thinks he's god's gift, his arrogance borders on delusion, he blocks and picks fight with people and artists for doing nothing and he goes out of his way to be the most unapproachable person ever with a profile that's impossible to navigate if you are looking for his art.
>>79723 I'm just blown away by the self importance of that last statement. >>79661 >"If there us a god, things will turn around, if not..." Like damn, bro. thats what it took to shake your faith? that your life is hard now? Billions of people are living horrific, painful, miserable lives, but now that it's happening to you, personally, ooh, maybe god isn't real afterall................... what were you doing right that all those other people weren't? drawing tickle porn?
>>79708 you... you realize this is maga country right?
>>79732 Implying all tkr board's userbase is from Trumpland.
>>79708 First of all, found the artist. >>79720 Second, Mono ffs live up to your new Chad Stonks via footart persona and stop arguing with tr00ns on tkr
>>79661 >>79686 >>79689 >>79692 >>79693 >>79696 >>79697 >>79700 >>79708 >>79714 >>79723 >>79728 hey KNOCK IT OFF you guys. Leave him alone. Don't you know he's considered SUPER HOT in japan??!?
>>79739 When your country's birthrate is in the toilet, a plank of wood could do the job. Also can someone hate someone else? This got old long ago.
>>79723 >a profile that's impossible to navigate if you are looking for his art. Reminds me of Beniswaifu/Beeni.
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A story in two parts,
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>>79714 I voted for Trump and still whack it to Hazbin Hotel art because I want to take that from the libs too. And women in suits bipartisanly do it for me.
>>79760 I voted for trump and I’m a gigafaggot, I don’t care who wins, I just need woke to loose. Been enjoying these past few weeks
>>79752 Used to follow Beeni because I didn't mind what he reposted but his latest weird obsession with m3gan turned me off. I don't wanna jerk it to the child robot thanks
>>79752 Is there a way to follow someone but only show their original posts with no retweets? His art is genuinely decent, but it's not worth having my feed polluted with the twitter analogue of facebook boomer minion memes.
>>79773 there's mirror sites that show posts only or just run gallery-dl every so often
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>>79738 >ffs kron kron wants to have sex with troons, I find them repulsive, we are not the same
>>79765 I’ve been thinking the same thing holy shit, been waiting for someone to say that. It’s not even loli, a literal child is under that M3gan head
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>>79802 why wait? take initiative and something something society
>>79803 I don’t even know myself, just waited for someone to have the same thoughts as me I guess
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>>79804 just like... society....
>>79802 I've never seen M3gan so I searched it up online and people agree that she is supposed to be resembling an 8 year old lol. I do remember there is an actual child actor playing her too.
>>79809 He's also lewded Maria who's a 12 year old but then again who's surprised by another pedo in the tickling community. A lot of artists follow him but I noped out with the M3gan stuff
>>79810 Seethe, loli is cute and funny and will forever be ingrained in this community’s culture. Most big artists are into it
>>79811 Stop being a retard and realize that beeni goes right into the ticklingoscars category of being actually into kids and not loli
>>79812 Don't forget Kusujinn
>>79759 Hot take: Kampfer is angry because he has a small penis and refuses to work or do anything because he's had his penis made fun of by other furfags in the past first he became gay, then decided to ride the tr00n train when it pulled up to the station and only did it to appeal to the current thing as well as a good excuse to hide his small penis since tr00n at some point he began taking HRT to prove his loyalty to the movement, now that the train's leaving the station, he's too deep into the political brainrot and his brains too fried by HRT to go back so he'll just keep moaning and attaching himself to various political grifts and preying on generous stupid furfags go get by also he won't kill himself he's much too in love with himself and his perceived greatness to kill himself and IF he kills himself I will then kill myself in retaliation and none of this "oh he ate himself to death" or "ohh the stress gave him a heart attack" or "hurr durr I cut myself uwu emo~" bullshit either I mean an actual suicide attempt Kampfer you have people who've been waiting for commissions since 2019 and probably later go actually do that or youll just start another call out thread before going "I'm so tired..." after you've posted your next paypal link and liked your 357754th foot pic what are you spending all that disability money on that you're suffering so badly financially? More HRT?
>>79661 >>79728 >"if there is a god" >makes a huge deal about being a christkek, has a cross in his profile He really is retarded
>>79821 It's the arrogance for me, man. like really, you're going through shit, and it's making you question your faith? I dunno bro maybe god is real and he's punishing you cause you suck, ever consider that angle? no, cause in his mind he can do no wrong.
>>79812 >>79813 Newfag here, dafuq did they do?
>>79835 Beeni is currently non stop posting about his lust for Maria from Sonic and M3gan, two children but the latter is basically a real child inside the suit or something idk I haven't watched the movie. Kusujinn used to go by Kidetic and would regularly draw "lolis" some as young as 11 from their respective source material. Though he did do live action Hitgirl which because it's real life according to here that officially puts him into the kiddie diddler status as well. They're really easy to find and some are in the loli board.
>>79837 Wow who could have guessed weebs that draw lolis would be creepy?
>>79837 people act like kusujin is untouchable just because he can do a good manga style and is so popular even normies know him. caroo is brought up constantly for doing underage characters in the past when kidetic is one of the worst in the community for doing it, and a lot more of it too. a name change buries all the dirt and he's too good to be called out i guess
>>79843 More than caroo? With the CMC shit? I call bs and demand a recount. Also, why are you talking to yourself?
>>79220 I second this
>>79494 #2 refers to redscript's obession with drawing disgusting foot gunk in half of his art
>>79843 I dunno man I think the real reason is that not enough people give a shit
>>79509 no way that elektratouch doesn't tho
>>79837 >"lolis" So these were using the likeness IRL kids too? Or what makes the live action one special?
>>79853 *likeness of
>>79853 They were.
>>79760 Based and IDGAF-pilled. I also am a right-leaning dude who likes Hazbin hotel stuff. TADC stuff too. sorry.
>>79695 this thread isn't called "Artists you hate for good reason" pal
>>79256 IDK, but NGL, I thought that girl was cute AF
>>79720 Tickling for Trump!
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Newfag is Dylan.
>>79891 The paranoid delusions of a very small man.
>>79893 Everybody say hi to our new friend, He got busted recently for being a hypocrite
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>>79891 Who is this faggot and why should I care?
>>79891 Mods, geld him.
>>79896 "stumbled upon" kek
Anywho, I do not like Pawfeather. I don't like his art, and everything he posts is basically an add for his patreon and shit.
>>79820 I think someone is upset
>>80014 I made my schizo theory ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯ also just going to leave this here because its sus AF and I don't like Kampfer
what the fuck
>>79897 Amateur artist and one of many Blarf's boot lickers
>>80032 heavily referenced, but doesn't seem to be outright traced
Idk why people "heavily reference" to the point it looks the same, just like that Wtfeather guy earlier
>>80038 Referencing = copying the pose. A lot of artists do it, this one is just notable for referencing another tickling piece which means there is a high chance that a viewer is already familiar with it and will notice the similarities. Tracing = straight up drawing outlines on top of an existing picture. Requires much less effort and skills.
>>80038 >looks the same gonna be real, I think it's time to schedule an appointment with the optometrist
>>80038 I have astigmatism and even I can tell you're barking up the wrong tree.
People wouldn't be posting it here if they didn't look so similar to the point of tracing allegations
>>80055 >people wouldn't post here if "....." you're on an anonymous imageboard hate thread, pal
>>79899 "stumbled upon" as in he wasn't checking this thread before when everybody here was shitting on Blarf
>>80055 People wouldn't be having sex with your mom if she wasn't a whore
>>80064 guess it is true that basically all of them are in these threads
>>80072 Gonna go ahead and guess that these defenders are in that same weird circle, you know which one
>>80031 God I hate this, but my morals are that people should be allowed to draw whatever they want, but fuck man, this is putrid.
>>80091 ethical dilemma pilled
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>>80031 >he's one of these of course.
>>80099 I’d be more willing to not give a shit if he wasn’t such a hypocrite. There’s so much Neo-moral faggotry these days, especially with the younger 20 somethings. It’s so bad that I explicitly try to stay away from anyone under 25 years old because they’re just so faggoty with their “safe horny” morals. Crazy part? Some of these people, you can TELL they like “problematic” content, you know that they’re into Loli or non-con tickle torture like me and countless others, but they denounce it not even because they’re artists trying to protect their reputation, but because they’re trying to uphold an image of morality, and cuckoldy usually for some random E-Thot.
>>80091 Real shit. Normally when mfs complain about shit being fucked up it turns out it's some loli laughing with feathers on her feet and I think they're puritan shitters. And then I see this vile trash, and I'm actually disgusted. I guess the compromise is turning a blind side while being very happy you know you're a lot better than these gross fucks.
>>80099 something more direct to support that claim youll notice in his latest profile update he's changed it wonder what happened there also love the projection
>>80105 By far he is THE most annoying person to have ever graced the face of the community. It doesn’t even compare. He is, by far, literally the worst traits of any other person ever talked about in this thread, molded into one, and amplified by 1000x fold. -Victim mentality: consistent “woe is me tangents, E-begging literally every day, refusal to engage in any productivity that could actually get him out of these problems, he hides behind several labels to perpetuate this, such as identifying as trans and disabled, >which leads to: -Laziness: He wont get a job. When confronted with this, he will pull the victim mentality card, under the guise of being disabled. This man is able to operate vehicles at the very least, and draw, that alone is enough grounds to be able to find work in something. >And -Manipulation: being able to consistently play the victim card, allows him to manipulate other people, especially those who happen to align with him politically, because in their sphere, being a “disabled trans woman” is the epitome of being a “marginalized and vulnerable” individual, and with that label, he is able to use these tactics >To perpetuate? -Ebegging: see the above. Whereas it’s a common sight to see people ebeg for cash, usually it’s due to a specific event, or situation that has happened unexpectedly, such as medical, relocation, or funeral costs. Traditionally artists would just take more commissions, with only taking the full ebegging route only if all options are expired. Hamper Ebegs. Every. Day. For trivial bills, he would not have to resort or manipulate people for funds if it were not for his Laziness, and Victim Mentality, >but possibly also, -Narcissism: He’s gone on multiple tangents on how people “rely” on him to call “bad people” out on platforms, he has a holier than thou complex, and believes people actually look up to him for guidance and advice and to “do what others won’t” he has informed that “he’s tired of doing it” as if he’s setting the stage to make it seem as he’s designated to do things, when in reality, most do not care if he says these things or not, >but a large majority of the time, he’s found to be a, -Liar, many of his call out posts on other people, he has explicitly made things up about other people, even if he DIDN’T have the context before hand, without doing actual research into it, it’s still a lie. He won’t hesitate to try and shunt someone if they see behind the facade that he’s built for himself, or if they don’t agree with his politics or morals. I know he prunes this thread, at the very least has others that prune this thread, and if this message ever reaches you Kampfur, I’m talking to you personally here. Actually fix your life. Stop being irresponsible. No one gets ANYWHERE by saying “I can’t.” Your entire life has been nothing but “I can’ts” and has been carried on the back of a fake internet facade which seems the be the only thing that’s able to coddle you when you lay your head down at night. Participate in actual society. The orange man isn’t coming for you, no body is coming for you. Despite whatever internet lies you believe, there’s a tommorow. Until you’re able to come to realization that you need to step the fuck off, and take a good long hard look at what you’ve amounted to, and make ACTUAL changes to it, without bitching about it to the internet every step of the way, then you will have people’s respect. But that’s not likely to happen no. What’s likely going to happen is this. You’ll show this little blurb to people who raise you up high and make you feel good, the only bit of dopamine you get from the little social interactions you have, and they’ll deploy the hug box, and tell you “what they say doesn’t matter, they’re assholes, don’t listen to them, because it’s not true.” And you’ll go to bed, and ponder and feel good about yourself for another night until the cycle begins again.
>>80106 I echo these exact same concerns. As much as I dislike Kampfer and all he has done on both platforms he has weaponized as his pity echo chamber, it just makes me sad for him than anything. Not in a compassionate or empathetic way. But in a way that makes me feel like he could've already done so much better for his own life if he wasn't chronically online trying to pick fights and beg for scraps that clearly isn't working for him. I'm a diagnosed retard and gay. Yet, somehow, I was able to land a job as a technician for a software company at a decent pay. The opportunities are out there if you genuinely seek them. Hell, with today's market, a job at Starbucks or McDonald's might not even be the worst option compared to e-begging online. Kampfer, if you're listening to this, I just have one piece of advice. Get off the internet. For real. Delete your twitter and bluesky account and legitimately try to seek a job. Limit your interactions with people who purely care about you (if you even have any at all) instead of screaming your head off to a wall. Please do us all a favour and just... stop. I'm sure it's as tiring for you as it is to us. And also, if you really are running low on cash, stop funding it towards your fucking car. That's a luxury, not a necessity. You don't need that shit. If it's weighing down your bills, just use transit or walk or something, for god's sake.
>>80031 I'm curious why you have so many fucking screen caps of presumably before and after moments in his page. You really are fucking creepy. >>80100 >>80105 >>80106 None of you would forgive him for shit regardless. There's people here that have such a fucking unhealthy level of interest in this dude yet call him a degenerate. He is, don't get me wrong, but this is fucking weird. Are you just trying to moral grand stand?feel important on a Chan board? Get fucking real retard. I also find it amusing that if you look on his socials, he talks about trying to get jobs and asking for suggestions. He's posting art and even went as far as admitting fault for his spergouts. It doesn't make it right that he did that shit, doesn't make it right he's had such long periods between uploads. He says there are medical issues and I have no idea what causes them. I find it strange that the people he owes coms to don't fuss about it like they do others. He's said in the past he communicates with them and considering the lack of issues I'm guessing that's at least true. Fact remains, you all hate him for trying to be a girl. You hate that he tried to start shit. But even in my the low chance that he admitted he was wrong, people here are choosing to ignore anything productive and self improving because it doesn't allow you to be unreasonably angry with someone you have a parasocial relationship with. You want to help him? You all seem to have such wonderful ideas, go fucking talk to him and figure it our rather than breaking down every fucking day watching his every move and ready to scream like a fucking autist for 12 hours and showing off your literal "Kampfer obsession" folder. Be normal for God sake and just hate his shit art.
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>>80111 Hi Kampfer. Also, fuck you, sick bastard.
>>80111 Hi Kampfer! Pro tip, people would probably stop hating on you if you kept your head down and did art instead of spending that energy to e-beg and use your platform for pure political slop. As much as you might want to believe, the fact you're a troon is the LEAST of everyone's issues with you. You're like the people that scream "HOMOPHOBE" when someone tries to criticize a gay guy. Please get off the internet. Nobody wants you here nor will many miss you.
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>>80111 >Chan board
>>80111 >You are really fucking creepy First, yes. Second, I'm not the one enabling pedophiles, Kampfer. >Y-You guys hate me because I'm trying to be a girl! As much as we've shit talked you for being a troon, none of the previous few posts have. The past few posts have at most mentioned it's a label you hide behind. There's a few tickle artists who are trans we don't really care about because they don't constantly piss and moan about it, unlike you. I'll tell you personally why I dislike you: it's because you're evil. It's because you've constantly refused to get a job, are a rampant narcissist, hide behind victim hood, leech disability off the govt, literally hate anyone who actually tries to commission or support you in any way possible, hurt and make stuff up about other's without the slightest bit of proof, have made your parent's lives a living hell (apparently forced his mom to inject HRT into him as a form of sadistic dominance), burned your pet lizard between liking foot posts, ebeg constantly, CLEARLY have some kind of attraction to children and possibly want to cannibalize one to own the chuds or smth, and will more than likely actually hurt or kill someone before this is over. The HRT has fried your brain hardcore, dude and you can't for a second admit that there's a possibility you're even wrong slightly. You can go ahead and spergout more, at the end of the day as much shit as people on /tkr/ and the furrys talk shit about you, you're your own worst enemy because you do this shit to begin with.
Retards proving points all day I see. Unhealthy obsession s and paranoia. For people saying he killed a lizard, I'd love to see proof. You all also get awfully defensive when called out for obsessive behaviors. Plenty of people get on disability for a variety of reasons. People need cars to get food and medicine. I don't know why his car payment is almost $600 a month and watching him repost his donation shit is annoying as fuck. Maybe it's because I like to have the benefit of the doubt, something he lacks, but many others lack it too. Go fucking talk to him rather than sit here flinging advice in hopes he comes here to see this shit.
>>80127 >Go talk to him Yeah nobody's doing that. Many have tried and he's pushed and blocked like there's no tomorrow
>>80127 >For people saying he killed a lizard, I'd love to see proof said he burned a lizard not killed nice Freudian Slip but ask and yee shall receive, Mein Kampfer
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>>79692 >g-guise empathy pwease?? Just for this I'm wishing suffering on his family and on yours, moralfag.
>>80130 He seems to be talking about cremation. Wouldn't that mean its already dead? What sort of evidence is this of "burning a lizard?"
>>80138 yeah, as funny as this is, i don't see any "killing" or "burning" evidenced. just looks like the lizard died and he wanted to cremate it.
>>80124 Wow look taking ownership and not asking for forgiveness. albeit he can't spell work shit or that brain damage is truely bad. Bro your constant "proof" is hilariously bad, not just because it's backed by nothing but because it's literally exactly what you are critical of him doing. You're so fucking mad with them for no actual reason that you're reasoning to hate them comes across as retarded beyond words. Get over your obvious obsession with him, you'll feel better.
>>80142 >Goes into an artist hate thread >Finds hate about artist >Complains about obsession, yet is quick to white knight and bootlick said artist against every inch of criticism Y i k e s Here's something you might find unusual. People can hate other people for what they did in the past. They don't have to accept apologies. Bottom line, Kampfer is doing something wrong to where he's e-begging for money on an almost daily basis, continues to talk about nothing but politics with time better spent drawing, and finding sob story after sob story about why he needs money for his car or some shit. He's annoying and he's easy to make fun of. He ain't gonna suck your dick because you're defending him. Get over it lol
>>80143 I'm not defending his actions, I'm pointing out you're retarded "proof" is completely unviable and pretty fucking hypocritical. Hating someone isn't a big deal, throwing your whole life into it to the point of making shit up to prove points that don't exist is another. It's showing a level of obsession that you clearly can't accept. Now you're back peddling to try and act like it's just a hate thread when you clearly save every post he makes like a fucking gooner. Actual creep stalker behavior dude fucking misery.
>>80146 First of all >*Your* retarded proof FTFY Second of all, tell me where I'm wrong in my criticism of Kampfer. You do understand that this is more than one person criticising him right? So there is nothing wrong with his financial dependency on strangers on the internet? There's nothing wrong with his consistent chokehold on politics? There's nothing wrong with his continuous pity parties about needing work that somehow doesn't need interaction with other humans, doesn't need him to walk around, and is low effort? Maybe if you took a minute to check post IDs, maybe you would have understood those were my points from the very beginning, but somehow all of that is excusable to you. By all means, go off. Your schizophrenic behaviour trying to defend this no-life is very amusing.
>>80147 Using different devices gives you different id's. You could easily be multiple people here, for one. For two, using "you" isn't always pointed at a direct person. It's to the reader. That's how reading works. Imagine reading a text book explaining how to do something and you feel like it's only talking to you and no one else who reads it. You seem to have some insane levels of main character syndrome. Third, you (specifically) said you tried to contact him but he blocked you. Where is your evidence of that?
The reddit spacing in this thread is going to drive daddy up the fucking wall, kitten
I'm gunna be honest, as much as I hate having to monitor this place after the doxxing, it's been something else watching yall make so many assumptions about me and who I am. Might be stupid of me to say anything here,but I guess there is a ray of hope I have to hopefully clear some misconceptions. I've made a lot of apologies for everything I've done, and I've made very many attempts to stay out of drama in general. While I was using people's frustrations as ammo, I shouldnt have been the one doing it, I should have been keeping out of it. I caused damage that likely cannot be reversed, and it's why I've made attempts to accept my blame where I can. For jobs, I'm pretty limited on what I'm allowed to do. While people may think I'm just autistic and I'm just lazy or whatever, the reality is, the mental issues took such a massive toll that I take a plethora of medications just to exist everyday. Lamotragine, quatiapine, dexflexen, and so much more, totalling 12 night time meds and 9 morning ones. My body is basically always tired, and I have to keep a siezure medication on hand at all times. The limitations given are about high stress and things that disallow down time, while minimizing f ace to face contact. Obviously this limits nearly everything. Jobs I've always looked for are data entry, online chat customer service, or even dog walking. I've done dog sitting during the summer, but that doesn't pay bills too well, just covers food and gas. Disability was suggested by my therapist and psychiatrist, and it took years to accept it as my future. It took jobs after jobs and forced myself to keep trying, having seizures become more frequent and things failing to improve. I hate going on this, but it's no longer an option. The legal team that took me in said it was a no brainer and I should have done this years ago. Everyone with more qualifications than me basically tell me I should, and so I'm doing it. No, I didn't kill a lizard. I adopted a lizard with a bone disease and gave her a full year of comfort before waking up one morning and finding her under her rock. The home cremation was something I was wanting to avoid cause thats the last thing I need to do, but I lacked t he funds to get it done. Someone found a vet near me t hat would take her for far cheaper and funded it, and I took her immediately. I cant t hank them enough. Drawing was something I could more regularly do, but the damages of the past had caught up. It made my hands shake, the movement slower, and my hands unresponsive. Working with my t therapist, we figured out I never really learned proper fine motor control, likely due to being unable to have a normal upbringing. We've worked on rewiring my brain to relearn to use my hands. The best way to think about it, is any time I need to do an action, my brain would do too much between the process of identifying the action and actually doing it. Example would be catching a ball, you see ball to catch, you catch. My brain was trying to figure things out like it's weight, if it would hurt, if I'm in the right spot, and a bunch of stuff, while the ball hits me in t he face. Working to rewire and just cat ch t he ball has been the goal, and it's working great. Strokes are more confident, and I'm enjoying drawing agsin, but I'm taking things slow to get back into full action. Finally, the only person I've every blocked is someone named I think doritoscales or something on furaffinity, and it's because every post I've needed to ask for assistance, he'd throw a fit, then I'd invite him to t all to me one on one, and he'd never do it. So eventually I assumed he was just here to be a cunt and never actually wanted to talk. Sorry about typing errors, my hands still shake and I have a bit of Dyslexia. I'm going to keep working on myself to get better, regardless of what is said here, but I do have to keep checking every now and again because someone doxxed me and I have to report new weird shit to the officer assigned to me. Thanks to whoever did that, I now have to spend money on a VPN and an identity theft perfection service, which I also have to get help paying for. Unfortunately, a lot of what's been done here doesn't help me or anyone else, but it's the intnernet, and people are free to do whatever. I just ask that if you're going to have valid criticism, I would like to hear it personally because I genuinely would like to take things under advisement. Even randos on the internet can have valuable insight, as long as they are willing to help. I also don't really care if you call me a guy, troon, or whatever, it doesn't really effect me much. I know who I am and t hats what matters. To those who hate my guts and those who maybe at least learned a little bit, I hope you have a good night. We all have a pretty harsh world to live in no matter which side of the fence you live on, and I hope whatever brings you here to have so much malice towards others can subside someday so your life can feel a little more free of that. -Kampfer
>>80160 I ain't reading that
>>80160 Don't care enough about you to read your sob story, lmao
>>80160 Unexpected. Don't know if this is Kampfer or not but I'll take you at face. A lot of doctors don't have people's "best interests". They probably are pumping you full of shit you don't need and now you're dependent. I don't know if that's permanent or not but it is what it is I guess. As far as jobs go I find it hard to believe you've looked at everything. There's plenty out there that probably fits your limitations, and if not you could at least do the art for money. You should probably do the Patreon stuff as much as you claim to hate it, you need money. While the drawing issues sound a little bs to me I can't sit here and act like I know how that whole thing works. Just draw and get your backlog done. What I didn't see answered was anything about pedo allegations. But if I'm honest I've never once seen any proof of pedo shit. You seem like you take a hard line stance against it which a lot of people call projection. It very well could be but then anyone claiming to not be something would always be countered with someone claiming it's projection. People are just flinging words around. You've done it too. You're claiming to stop doing that, and I hope that's the case. I hope any time you bring up something against someone you have some hard evidence. Cause the shit you've done in the past is unacceptable, but you seem to be aware of that now at least. >>80031 Also I gotta bring this up. He's posted this shit in the past, but look at the text in the burrito thing. It's obviously a joke T Shirt. He's posted a ton of weird t-shirts found on weird places. I think that Vore shit is fucking nasty but it's not proof of anything other than being a fetish. As long as it's with consenting adults with no actual murder then it's genuinely less of a problem than most of the shit on this site alone.
>>80162 I love that he replied to you to answer questions and you're only retort is to pretend you can't read now. You sound like an embarrassing person to be around and I'm guessing the reason you shit on him specifically so much is cause your life is completely cooked at this point boyo.
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>>80165 >you're
What is it with smellfags and acting like they're being personally victimized by people who don't appreciate their smellery? wash your feet you groady animal.
>>80173 This guy is so annoying I hope he gets doxxed and his family finds out hes a scat lover.
>>80173 lmao the braap and toe cheese nigga thinks he can use the coomerjak on anyone?
>>80173 Glad the stink thread got sanked by the mods. And just think about that for a minute, out of all the LEGAL content, the mods sank the right one.
>Draws tickling once every 2 months >"Im pretty burned out on tickling" I don't hate Quinn or his art, quite the opposite. It's just frustrating to see that every artist willing to do tickling inevitably shows outward disdain or contempt for the subject and eventually moves away from it entirely. Is it us anon? Are we just so insufferable that they'd rather lose out on comm money and shut down a specific genre of commissions just to stop interacting with ticklefags?
>>80202 yes and no, and yes and no
>>80202 You say that and from both experience and other artist friends, a lot of ticklefag clients are either really cheap or straight up broke so yeah, not missing out
>>80202 Off topic but I wish quinn would post his irl feet already.
>>80205 I find myself subconsciously going above and beyond to be cordial and kind and always tip to compensate for fellow ticklefags. We're not ALL awful I swear!
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SMH if he's going to use 3d models in csp to make a background and hit the "extract lines" button at least do the fucking next step and either fix the lines or use the automatic smoothing effect setting. I know it's a retarded nitpick because I'm a faggot checking out the background but it drives me crazy every time.
>>80202 >us no >>80207 It's you
>>80233 You must be one of the broke e-begging ticklefags the other post was talking about.
>>80207 Don't get me wrong, I bet there is cool clients like you out there but has to be a needle in a haystack since the great majority of tickle fans I seen are beggars or cheap folks that try to find loopholes in commission sheets to get it cheaper TLDR: Ticklefags are the reason why some fetish artists don't take requests or have to rewrite their comm rules and prices constantly
>>80263 >not settling on a price and amount of work beforehand, even though it would only take a few minutes of communication at most Sounds like the artist is asking for it then. This has nothing to do with ticklefags.
>>80269 Anon is shocked that people rather spend less than more.
>>80269 Prices are set on the comm sheet already. Talking about the ticklefag clients that hit DMs asking for discounts, lowballing or workarounds to make it cheaper or worse, the ones that ask for a million alts to make a glorified flip book instead of paying an animator
>>80313 I mean it's certainly possible that some chickenshit millennial artist got PTSD from having to say "No" to someone. But Occam's razor dictates that they just aren't into tickling and would rather draw something else.
I don’t want to point fingers here, but I’m probably never gonna commission Cyborg-Steve ever again I asked him a few months ago to do a comm of Nicole getting tickled in one of his ych. He’d said he’d do it and still never made it. I’ve asked like on three separate occasions if the comm was still ongoing, which was it, but he kept spamming his ych’s all over fA and seeing some commissions being done and I just feel like I’m left out Another thing is I saw there was a user that said their comm was overdue two YEARS, and damn-
>>80407 Assuming you paid with paypal, you have a 6 month window from the date of purchase to do a chargeback
>>80413 Huh never knew I could still refund. Either way I’ll ask them if they still want to continue the comm and if not then its refund time
>>80407 You should probably do it regardless of what he says I ordered a few at the same time and got one very quickly, one after a year, and I'm currently waiting on my last I've never spoken about it either so that user is someone else dealing with the same thing I enjoy the pieces I've received but the wait is unacceptable
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>>80207 >>80262 >m-m-m-milady im not like those OTHER guys i swear!!!! Just for this faggot I'm going to demand feet pics from every supposed "female" tk artist out there and dox them to their extended families if they don't comply.
>>80456 Pics or it didn't happen Yknow for proof or something
>>80456 Nigga thinks he's hackerman 😭
>>80456 Just cut to the chase and dox them anyways. Someone needs to take out the trash in this community.
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>>80593 He has to be classified as a lolcow, right?
>>80593 >I'm too busy to care right now >Makes posts about haters every week
>>80593 I'm a relatively small artist with a Patreon and lower prices on my tiers. I'm obviously not making much money right now but I was very surprised with how much came in quickly, so I like to do the math for how much I'll earn the next month etc as it's a slow increase. You start to notice the pattern and you can estimate the future. My point is, looking at this, with how long he has been on it and his nearly 17k twitter followers, these numbers are AWFUL and I don't get what he's bragging about.
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>>80598 >i'm a ... proof
i hate how he has to pretend to be two different people, hes that bluecat person from twitter but pretends its someone else entirely. very pawfeather roleplayish.
>>80705 Bluecat? Elaborate
>>80705 sounds like schizophrenia
>>80705 >Has a very strong tickle fetish >Consistently fights with himself over it to the point where he spergs out and has panic attacks and identity crisis...over fucking art Sharky, I don't hate you. Hell most people here don't hate you but dude you have to get a grip. You get off to tickling, you draw tickling to satisfy some urges. Is it cringe and weird? Yeah. Is it worth frying your brain with cognitive dissidence over? No. You don't have to put up a front or pretend to be someone else, and you don't have to openly advertise your fetish to the world either. Just make a professional account for your non fetish posts and drop the SassySnake bit. If it comes up that you do fetish art? Just be honest and move on. It's only a big deal if you make it a big deal. Set yourself free and know peace. Ffs. That and the lengths some artists go to so they could hide their fetishes is ridiculous, I mean come on. How many is that now?
>>80736 Seriously. Yeah it's weird, yeah people who aren't into it wouldn't "get it" because THAT'S WHAT A FETISH IS. Acting even more cringey and neurotic about it makes it worse. It's not like being into CP or anything where being in the closet about it is imperative at all costs (frankly if nonces like Destiny or Vaush are any indication those types have the exact opposite problem)
>>80736 I knew him on some forums and used to Skype with him and some others back in the day, bro was always super chill and stupid smart - I can't see the same guy doing that.
>>80705 I assure you, without a shred of a doubt that they are not the same person
>>80736 You are aware he has both a Deviantart and Furaffinity profiles that are exclusive to post art, right? The Twitter account was meant for personal stuff, stream announcements and art. I get your point but you're make it sound you only ever use Twitter and feel entitled to complain. Also Sharky deleted his Twitter profile a while ago lol so you're ranting a little too late
>>80742 Come back repulsionswitch we miss you.
i actually can't believe this cunt is back, he's burnt every bridge he had, he's tried to "revitalize" his page thrice, yet he remains a petulent loser who tries to steal people's money by tracing over pre-existing art.
>>81306 I only remember this guy constantly DMing me about his prices, eventually had to block that little autist. His art is pretty shit. All he does is trace over existing art and make poorly drawn tentacles and shit I didnt know he had more to him though, what do you mean by "burned his bridges"? Did he even have some sort of good reputation at first?
>>81306 wdym back did he ever leave? He's just like a cockroach he'll be there til the end of time.
>>81366 >cries about art block and hasn't drawn anything for years >instantly draws a high effort comic about how these "rumors" are false. [X] Doubt.
>>81366 Jesus Sharky, the extreme sensitivity over what amounts to a minor criticism. Dude ain't uploaded in years yet cared enough about what two randos said on an anon forum to go full shaded. Bro's cooked.
>>81366 Even KRON wouldn’t do this, This is 100 percent true.
>>81374 The rumor, that is.
>>80456 This because I said I try to be easy to work with in relation to artists? Are you that socially retarded? You ever actually sit and wonder why you spend 90% of your life in your room?
>>80456 Also the conversation was around the original post talking about a male tickle artist. Noone said anything about simping to exclusively female artists. How fucking stupid are you?
>>81374 >Even KRON wouldn’t do this, well yeah, it would require finishing a drawing.
Seeing this board pop up always prompts me to check up on the dead horse that is Moekaki. Wtf is this AI posting? He's trying to say the joke is that it's slop but he still sat there and generated hundreds of images to put on his Patreon. At least he admits it's better than his art
>>81399 moe's been wilin' ever since he felt like his daddy elon betrayed him. I'm actually very curious to see where he goes
>>81314 before the tracing findings he was vibing, apparently he was in talks with other belly artists like DQ and even got a role as a moderator in a big tickling server, it was only when people realized how slimy he was that he had a complete mental breakdown, losing the mod status, a bunch of artists droping him and telling him to eat shit, and now nobody worth a damn hangs out with him, only people who don't know any better. >>81321 there was the whole thing about him pretending to be another artist or a "reuploader", but when that sank he just pretended he was back, thinking he fooled anyone
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>>81399 Dipping into AI knowing how pathetic it is an artist to try and pull you out of a shadowban with engagement is a new level
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No thanks, I don't need this AI slop on my feed. Good luck with your followers
>>81418 I don't get it? It's such backwards logic. Starting to think he has a humiliation fetish
Who do you think are some artists with inexplicably high Patreon/Fanbox membership prices?
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>"drama" >Same old shit about Moekaki, HL, Caroo, Kampfer, etc.
>>81427 >Goes to hate thread >Sees hate I mean what did you think was gonna be the topic?
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>>81428 What? That copypasta isn't even relevant to my post, lmao
>>81427 This Moekaki shit is new tho so your point is irrelevant. Maybe he should get his life together and stop being the train wreck we can't look away from
>>81414 Thats all psychotic behavior, do you know what server it was? I kinda wanna see how that all unfolded, same with the reupload account if thats still kicking.
>>81431 Your mind is gonna be blown when you go into any of the old threads and ctrl+f for moekaki69
>>81432 i am not sure because i wasn't there, but i remember someone posting him going insane over someone calling him out, to the point he started spamming @everyone on the server in paragraphs
>>81492 If I remember correctly, it was in the server created here on 8chan https://8chan.moe/tkr/res/44119.html
>>81492 >>81493 Oh yeah I remember that. It wasn't so much of a breakdown more so a complete power trip cause I don't think anyone did anything to prompt the complete shitshow that happened that day. The server was dead for a while but I think he had admin or something and immediately he started spam pinging, deleting channels, timing out people who would speak up. I left but I've checked back in a few times and its the same thing daily. Best case: Asshole, Worst case: Schizophrenia. He's Certainly a nutjob.
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>>81506 Bluesky is for faggots. You can honestly do your part in helping the community and making it better by literally just letting the worst of the worst propagate there and let them fester, like a tumblr containment field. Let them have their hugbox. Don’t move there, don’t post there.
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>>81511 >>81506 DC is just mental in general. Does he even count as a tickle artist even? On the subject of blue sky though, can’t believe I’m saying it but honestly kron has the most grounded take on it that I agree with 100 percent. It sorta speaks my thoughts exactly. It’s just some watered down HR circlejerk. I refuse to post my art there, because of the reasons in picrel
>>81512 >Kron >Grounded Choose one.
>>81512 >grounded take No, this is just basic common sense. Monokron might be the smartest tard in the special ed room, but at the end of the day, he's still a tard.
>>81506 In all seriousness, it’s funny to watch all these artists bitch about leaving twitter/X, only to get little to no engagement on bluecry, then to run back and bitch about not getting the engagement because the commoner doesn’t give a shit about their leftist TDS bullshit. I’ve found that Twitter has gotten infinitely more bare-able because there’s a lot more eastern based artists on my feed now, a lot less people bitching about politics. I took a look at what the artists that tried to flock to blue sky were doing and it’s literally 80 percent bitching about trump or musk.
I need someone to explain this to me: why are artists always such spergs? Zoomers are one thing but we had them back in the day too, sperging out over having a fetish, screeching, devolving into insanity, etc What's the connection? Is it because they're so creative they just can't handle themselves? Or maybe the ego boost? Explain
>>81544 Genuinely think it’s a product of being an artist, Van Gogh cut off his ear and sent it to a girl for fucks sake. I think to be an artist you have to be damaged in a way. But atleast they’re fucking drawing feet and tickling instead of killing people.
>>81544 I don't see it as an artist thing. There are simply a lot of chronically online people who use digital art as a hole to stick their head into. Those people are just a vocal minority. The actual good artists just shut up and draw.
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Snailyn I'm begging you for once just look up references before you draw because THAT IS NOT WHERE THE ARMPIT IS
>>81572 Someone should tell them that. A lot of artists seem to not look at a single reference before drawing an armpit.
>>81572 >>81585 I don't think Snailyn ever looks at any references. The anatomy is always way off and there's been no improvement over the years.
>>81588 Tera Soul is another one that I think the same about.
>>81602 What the fuck....
>>81602 The topology looks horrendous too, ironically. Not even that the dude could nail.
>>81602 "I'm gonna do my own thing. Pruned and terrible."
Someone draw Blarf's characters partaking in proper hygiene.
>>81631 I dont think blarf's characters deserve any attention at any capacity
>>81602 Out of every single artist out there, the way he does feet is my least favorite. The finger length toes, the redness and everything borders on fucking body horror, like it actually makes me scared and disgusted. When I saw this post I thought it was a monster design.
>>81602 This looks like a troll a torsofag would do to troll footfags
>>81602 I hate to say it, but this is going on my hear me out list.
>>81647 Foot job would go crazy those toes could wrap all the way around
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>>81647 >>81651 Anons, please develop higher standards for your goonery or take your meds
>>81602 >>81647 >>81651 Them motherfuckers look like swamp hag feet.
>>81631 No, draw scat porn of them taking a dump on blarf with the tagline "All asses shit eventually."
>>81663 Don't threaten him with what he probably thinks is a good time.
>>81572 well, this begs the question, what happens when an artist has a different view on what they wanna do with their art that isn't realism or anime? not defending snailyn here, but where would (you) draw the line?
>>81717 Here's the line. Don't cross it. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jdyD8s8MFUo
>>81717 I'm gonna guess this is either Snailyn or Daisy. You can have an artstyle, everyone can, but artstyles still follow a relative correctness of anatomy, anime or realism. You can't tell me Snailyn's artstyle is having the armpit be on the side/back of the shoulder, or all her bodies be wonky. She's also trying to draw a normal human in a mid style but humans still need the right bits in the right places. Her anatomy is consistently off and always looks like she never has a reference pulled up. It's very obvious she just kinda makes it up as she goes and doesn't bother to refine it a second time. Every artist no matter how good you are needs to consistently look up stuff, research and use references. I mean for god's sake if Daisy can take the criticism and make some improvement then her girlfriend can. Snailyn looks like a beginner DA artist and has done for years, everyone can have an artstyle but you can improve on that artstyle at least.
>>81723 "or" They're the same person
>>81717 >where would (you) draw the line? When they could easily make their art a lot better by doing X, but they choose not to, whether intentionally or out of ignorance.
>>81717 There's a big difference between a style and executing one competently.
>>81723 you know if i was either or i would be bitching on discord/xitter right now. >You can't tell me Snailyn's artstyle is having the armpit be on the side/back of the shoulder, or all her bodies be wonky. valid criticism, the problem is that snailyn never tries perspective, it's like they and daisy are learning from one another, hence their art is so homogenous and the worst thing you can do as an artist is get yourself in a bubble. >>81733 see above >>81735 ok, but let's say that an artist comes that draws in an excedingly toony style, like ed edd and eddy type deal, would you get off to their art?
>>81740 >ok, but let's say that an artist comes that draws in an excedingly toony style, like ed edd and eddy type deal, would you get off to their art? Weird ass question but the point of artstyle is even cartoonists have years of practice and knowledge in their craft, they reference other artists and styles. In fact they have to have good knowledge of anatomy to then warp it into a cohesive style. They know how to use perspective and angles too. Snailyn has drawn for years without any true "practice", studies, without looking at references, and will forever be stuck in mid tier until she decides to actually put effort into her art. Her angles and perspective are terrible, bones are broken, and bodies look wrong.
>>81740 >ok, but let's say that an artist comes that draws in an excedingly toony style, like ed edd and eddy type deal, would you get off to their art? I wouldn't, no. That's a matter of genre though, not skill level. I could recognize the artist as component if they (presumably) did a good job at portraying something in that cartoonish style, even if it doesn't appeal to me personally. I could confidently bet money that someone looking for that kind of stuff would enjoy it. Meanwhile, bad anatomy is a shortcoming, not a genre. Anyone can draw a stickman after all. You can't become good at drawing bad anatomy, that's an inherent contradiction.
>This sketch is kinda tied to the canon we've been developing. I hope to show it to you guys sometime in the future! so we can all agree that they are both the same person and the blue cat is just their schizophrenic tulpa? btw this is the guy who had meltdowns at the thought of anyone proposing an art collaboration and kicked us all out of his discord, yet he's "collabing" with someone who DEFINITELY ISN'T HIM AT ALL GUYS I SWEAR. at least he is drawing again but holy christ my guy, stop the pawfeather roleplaying
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>>81740 >ok, but let's say that an artist comes that draws in an excedingly toony style, like ed edd and eddy type deal, would you get off to their art? hell yes >
>>81979 No joke, how's that in question.
>>81997 because there are a bunch of faggots who preach the erasure of anything that isn't milquetoast dime a dozen trashy anime artstyle, AI or hand drawn, and i believe that cartoon style tickling has it's fair share of advantages and disadvantages for both to coexist.
>>82042 I mean it's not exclusively a cartoon vs anime thing. Unironically fapping to edd edd n eddy is demented in any context. Different =/= good.
>>82061 This ^ unironically. Gooners on this board have some John K/Dan Schneider ass logic sometimes, I swear. Get some fucking standards, guys you remind me of pic related
>>81366 sharky finally makes a high effort fully colored and shaded pic after years of final fantasy poser screenshots and really rough sketches and THIS is what he draws? God damn it sharky
>>82068 I don't have a problem with this subject matter, it's his thing so whatever. I just want him to stop role playing as two different people and pretending it's not him so he can go back to consistently drawing again.
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Is this reporter in the room with us right now? How the fuck does he even know that someone is reporting him? This is some next-level schizophrenia. >to find out their identity and share with their family
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>>82073 Also who the fuck draws tickling like that? It looks like disembodied_hands_holding_feathers.png placed on the top layer. I don't see those feathers touching their bodies.
>>82074 The way he draws vaginas has me questioning if he has ever seen a woman naked.
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>>82073 >>82073 >I'm gonna get a COURT ORDER to FIND WHO'S BEEN REPORTING MY ACCOUNT guys are you thinking what I'm thinking?
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>>82075 B-b-but he's SUPER buff and Asian women LOVE him he's super rich and so attractive and better than everyone he has to get pussy! (Yes I'm blocked I don't give a fuck)
>>82078 "Someone is reporting me there's no way my engagement would be low" >Political, bitches constantly and schizo posts >"Ignore if you hate me" type posts >Mid art at best when it doesn't look uncanny >Fights with anyone >Blocks everyone, even people he's never interacted with >Doesn't realise people just wanna see porn and nothing else >Lolcow
>>82079 I thought he was poor.
>>82080 Impossible. If his engagement is so low, then why do so many people in this thread think he's the most interesting and relevant guy ever?
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How much has blarf been brought up on these threads anyways, I remember the last time I was on /acrg/ on 4, they fucking tried doxxing me because I called their server a circle jerk and posted an image of blarf responding to the post within minutes of it going up. Hell I ducked out only because my friend caught me up on the situation, fucking insane. Haven't been up on these threads myself anyways and was debating about making a 'fan' account for fun where it would be their art with a few choice removals and additions perhaps, since he's obsessed with being seen as a villain and every good villain needs a good hero. Only problem is getting fucking doxxed lmao
>>82093 God it’s time to actually go to war with this fucker
>>82093 screencaps?
>>82067 >>82061 it's not a cartoons vs anime thing, and it's not jerking off to something directly unappealing. the idea is that if someone drew in an excedingly toony style, but it had very little in the way of proportions or real positions, would you still get off to it
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>>82097 They also kind of said fuck that to any sort of drama so best I got is this old piece, then again if I see this on the more private server then I'll probably suppose this may start all over again. I'll only be dropping this for now since I presume they'll jump on the chance to go soyjak point at the oppressive anon who just was slightly annoying
>>82103 >"This guys a huge asshole who keeps starting fights with other artists" >"hee hee i made 4chan m,ad >:))))" what a fucking faggot
>>82104 I remember at some point I had my name somewhere in these threads according to some dude, I kind of just ignored it because more likely than not it's one or two random dickheads who essentially just publicly say they don't like you, I don't really get what the hype is all about with "Making the 4chans angery >:D"
Tomorrow just because I feel like it, I'll try and do some more smell removal edits on blarf's shit, if anyone knows the thread to do it lmk since It wouldn't really be tickle based >>79891 Btw, don't know if this was mentioned here or if I didn't do it myself, but the reason that dude got banned was over a joke ping which I think was stupid. After that literally everyone in that server decided to appropriately talk shit about the dude, this was before the whole p-dough situation or whatever. Honestly blarf, juju and the rest of those fellas are retarded
>>82103 I recognize that bungle faggot he’s a real piece of work
>>82114 >>82110 wait is that jujupheet? the guy who posted himself wearing an eevee onesie in a server I use to lurk in?
>>81366 >>82072 >>81978 honestly, the fact that he RAN to draw a fully colored and shaded comic (something he hasn't done in years) just to disprove what just one single guy was saying in an 8chan thread and literally nowhere else (I checked all of meower and sharks recent comment sections on Twitter and DA and not a single mention of this theory anywhere before this comic) makes me think that the theory has some credence to it. he couldve just ignored it, again it was just one guy on this thread and nowhere else. or at the very worst, he could've just made a quick little text post on twitter saying "yeah guys I'm not meower" but nope. full fledged comic the quality of which hasn't been seen in years from sharky. plus the fact that he's been very vocal about not wanting to do collabs with other artists in the past, I'm actually starting to believe the theory...
>>82125 Not to mention they are creating a "canon" of characters together or something. Definitely calling bullshit.
>>82093 There's like two people that mention him in here, three now that you're bringing him back up. I don't get what he has to do with all of this he's not a tickle artist. He's proven that he has wild insecurities about his literal shit sniff poop eating fetish with a persecution complex. Just don't give him any attention. Fucking hell.
>>82145 >"hey this guy tried doxxing me" >"OMG WHY ARE YOU EVEN TALKING ABOUT HIM STOP PAYING ATTENTION TO HIM" what was your GPA
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>>82145 With all due respect anon, he actively makes it seem like a bunch of other kinks like tickling are more accepted than smell. While yes I agree that tickling is pretty big in the community while stink isn't, I think some of the other things he pulls out of his ass are pretty fucking stupid (Somehow suggesting slime sludge or goo, toe hanging, and cartoonishly smacking your foot with a hammer looney toons style is more normal than fucking smell, an actual natural activity the body does). Not only that but he actively insults other people and acts buddy buddy afterwards like with Deep Creases, or posts shit against the rules and acts like it's a win, like with that Caroline artist. It's the equivalent of shitting on the floor and saying it's a dub for scat fans. On top of all that, he just hides behind his "I'm joking around" personality too much. I know because he tried to fucking dox me over being a little negative towards the guy instead of being normal and saying how I'm an asshole or a 4chan chud and leaving it at that. I'll post the rest of these now anyways since I got a few caps since they seem to be eating this up
>>82148 tickling IS more accepted than smell, and with good reason. Bad smells are naturally repulsive, that's just evolution. I'm not gonna act like getting a boner from tickling is normal, but do not act like you and I are the same. Ohhh, boo hoo, no one thinks it's hot when unwashed feet smell like vinegar and cheese, this is the ticklefags fault! like fuck off lmao. Go huff your braaps and get over yourself.
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milesjenkins91 I don’t hate the guy but he’s one of the biggest monkey’s paw artists around. You can tell from the rest of the art that they can draw well and picks interesting and underused lees along with more popular/overused ones. But the feet, man. They’re really bad. And I’m not someone who needs a female foot to be small and dainty. I think there’s something hot about a woman with size 9+ feet that look sexy in their own way and are ticklish. And there are definitely ways to draw larger feet and still make them look good. But every fucking picture he does the same oversized weird looking feet. From his favorites tab I get that he likes ladies with bigger feet but come the fuck on. So many potentially great pics ruined because of it. Just a shame more than anything else.
>>82148 >People on Blarfs side sees a person who was part of a attempted dox on their server >Immediately tries to pin point whose making it They're not even subtle about it are they?
>>82148 He took a swing at Kron about a month ago, for no apparent reason, I heard that Kron was going to respond but his advisors got him to stand down.
>>82154 Said it before, I'll say it now, it's a circle jerk >>82155 As far as I know, he made some tweet about smell not being cool, blarf tried to capitalize by starting another beef (see the blarf V Deep Creases popularity boom as an example) but Kron not responding was a good play, I honestly see the guy as another version of those dictatorships. Makes a big rowdy scene of "us vs them", makes the otherside look like bigoted assholes who do nothing but shit themselves and get angry over smell, and unites a group of people to take over someone else. So them ganging up on anyone who seems a little rude makes sense, look at ESF. Everyone and their mother called that guy an asshole the second they left as mentioned before all because he didn't draw the stink green and made fun of blarf or some stupid bullshit
>>82155 >>82154 >>82158 Yeah if Blarf was just a smellfag, he would not be noteworthy for this thread whatsoever, but he has an attitude and personality more foul than the feet he draws
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>>82160 What I love about this is the guy who gets off to foot stink and has a secret second account dedicated entirely to farts thinks he gets to use the coomerjak on anyone
>>82160 Yea, this honestly was retarded. With the DC tweets I kind of get why he'd harass her socially and look cool like a bully, but here the dude just makes some random fucking coomer post about their OCs and blarf takes it upon himself to make it personal for no reason aside from attempting to bully and belittle another person for a quick reputation gain
Sharky if you're reading this, please re open your server.
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>>82180 Jarvis, identify that character
>>82188 I'll be your Jarvis tonight, bb
>>82160 >Smellfag >Has a Discord cult worshipping his ass >At least one furfag involved >Starts shit with literally anyone who doesn't huff brap feet >Does everything in his power to have the last word >Will literally dox you if you question his muskfagness Why are smellfags like this? Why do they go so hard over fucking BO? Like really? That's worth doxing people over? You're no better than the troons when they dox people over existing. Serious question though, why don't these retards ever sleep with homeless people? They love that caked on unwashed BO so much, it seems like a match made in heaven for them, and yet they ALWAYS dodge the fucking question. Somebody tell me why they don't. I'll wait.
>>82191 probably would if they could smellfags ruin everything
>>82202 Reminder that mods had to sink the stink thread not too long ago because even /TK has fucking standards.
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>>82191 It’s kind of amusing because no one cared that much about the smellfags until they started doing this garbage. Blarf is actively ruining the reputation of their ilk. I genuinely don’t understand his reasoning, is it the attention?
>>82191 Dont lump blarf and his dickeaters in with the rest of us.
>>82206 Tbf anon, I don't think anyone cared period. The worst you'd get from smell hate crowd is "Guys... I don't actually like smell" which usually comes from nobody spergs that only comission shit. Very rarely pre blarf or anyone who did shit like this I'd see anyone actively attempt to harass or belittle someone publically for their kink. Hell I'd argue the kinks he mentioned in the 2nd musk month video had it worse. Idk maybe if the events weren't so based on hate lowkey and maybe uniting some community crap together I'd like it more. But eh, it's funnier and more profitable to be contraversial. He was able to leech onto big artists after being known as "the dude DC beefed with" anyways and build his cult that like him soley cus he harasses others, hence why a bunch of new anons are here now
>>82211 No I think Mono is unto something there. Aside from the initial gross out factor, no one ever really complained at large and if they did, they themselves would be called a faggot at best. Blarf is actively trying to trigger as many people as possible, be as gross as possible and has started a "Property of Reiko" ahh cult over it. This is classic Discord troon cult tactics and he has a few in his ranks. I think this goes MUCH deeper than initial attention whoring.
>>82222 Are we looking at a potential Blarfplex?
>>82228 That would imply that Blarf actually outgrew his edgy cult phase. Kron abandoned it like several years ago, because he realized it was cringe and retarded. Pretty sure Blarf is older than Kron.
>>82222 Honestly worded better than I could. That is what I mean in a general sense anyways. It's causing a big problem over nothing. For example, how many artists are suddenly being more vocal now that musk month is being done? Sure, it's because they don't like it or want to be a contrarian, whatever. But most of these people who say that are nobodies like me, yet blarf passing off his toxic shitty personality as a mask to seem like the edgy contrarian just makes shows how much he loves both attention and being a bully. It's the best excuse, all the constant harassment of Deep Creases and shoehorning his addiction to smell in the comments to the point she curses blarfs name, poking at monokron over some retarded tweet that tbh doesn't really change much or affect anyone outside this circle (unless you like brushing smell off dirty feet, rip in that case), and the countless beefs he gets into with people on discord or twitter like with the Caroline's Domain server, just can wash away all that responsibility by going "Oh it's just a joke, we are friends obviously since my jokes never go too far". Hell last I heard anyone who just disagrees with him or he doesn't like he just calls socially inept. The way he acts with the community reminds me of a tactic a certain WW2 leader used
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>>82238 He has a channel in his server apparently dedicated to artwork against “smell haters”
>>82239 Would be funny if it was true lol
>>82239 I'm so curious to know what HowSplendid did to be on such a roster
>>82245 He told him to cut his shit out and blarf sperged out and got mad. Somehow the loli lover is more tolerable and sane than blarf.
>>82239 How do I join the smell haters?
>>82239 This man is so out of touch that he doesn't even realize that 99% of TK people hate Don Turtelli, as if he's an actual symbol for them
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>>82245 Oh don't ask that anon, it's either blarf or one of his buddies considering how fast they responded to me last night, lots of new fags that suddenly popped out but who knows at this point, anyways Blarf did some shit that in my opinion was super retarded and really made me debate if what he was doing was actually a skit or not. He runs into their server, posts stink which is against the rule, then acts like an asshole and gets kicked. If any other anons have any actual pictures to back this up feel free to send since I will only send these for now because (obviously) almost everyone in the server cheered and clapped at how brave blarf was and boo'd and spat on HS for being against smell. If I shat on your floor and everyone cheered in my circle jerk scat fetish server and saying I'm so based, it'd be a real retarded move to literally anyone else on the outside looking in. I'll post pictures as soon as I convert them to Jpgs TL;DR: All they did was go "Hey, blarf, don't post smell, it's in the rules" and got his community against him as a """"""""""""""joke""""""""""""""
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>>82276 This png ban is dumb. Also hello again blarf & co in advance, gl finding the guy
>>82246 I've followed Splendid for a while and he's not lolicon, just likes cute things. Caroline is just flat which is his prerogative.
>>82281 He has lolicon in his pixiv favorites nigga
>>82282 Based
>>82277 >>82276 >>82239 >>82191 >>82160 >>82148 I know that someone is creeping here that reports to Blarf maybe the guy himself. I have a message for him. Hey Hec. You’ve overstepped. Massively overstepped, and we here don’t really like it when people overstep. No one has harassed you, no one has targeted you or your cult, but you seem eager to try and make yourself a target. You’re out here looking for trouble, and well, gosh be darned! You found it. You’ve quite literally, shat where you ate. Whether this be for attention, or a stunt. You think you’re untouchable. You’re not. We’re tired of it. I’m going to be nice. I’ll give you 48 hours. 48 hours to issue a complete public apology to the community as a whole for being an asshole to other artists for no reason. You’re going to explain that you went too far, and you're going to own up to your cringe. You can choose the excuse, that it was a joke, or a stunt. But, after that you’re going to stop fucking with people who don’t share the same tastes. Enjoy huffing poop feet with your own kind, post whatever art you want on your account. Stop fucking with people. Alternatively, if that’s not something you’re willing to do, we can go down a harder route and I can promise you, it won’t be a fun ride. You don’t want this; HJF. You can hide what you can. It won’t matter. 48 hours.
>>82276 >>82277 this stupid faggot has completely ruined ghostface for me by using him as an avatar for his retardation
>>82294 Wait is that actually him?
>>82304 Probably not, besides doxxing is against the rules so unless anon is a really autistic ex-commissioner I foubt anything will happen
>>82308 Not the guy but like, ok? Realistically what else is gonna even happen if this gets leaked
>>82312 Gl with it then, idk what the purpose of waiting 2 days and acting like the board is your army is for aside from jerking your ego off, besides I'm pretty sure he's posted some shit irl already so at worst you'd just get ignored I think
>>82308 is that poop
>>82313 Seems like the implication is there's a horde of A-Logs waiting in the wings for the go-ahead, and that everyone else is going to find it so entertaining they're going to all pile on. It's not uncommon for people to arbitrarily think their own project retard is the next Cyraxx or Daniel Larson that's just waiting for the right time to pop off. That the first post was effectively written out like an anime villain monologue seems like they probably half of a subpar Kiwi Farms OP already planned out, just waiting to be dropped.
>>82317 The X is not your personal army point is still strong, I'll admit. However, what's the correct way to deal with a retard for Internet drama? The objectively correct route is not to give them attention to begin with but we all know that's never going to happen; and with Blarf dropping doxes? yeah this isn't exactly a harmless group of weirdos ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯ dont get me wrong, OP LARPing with the villain monologue is cringe but equally as such? When you play the game of doxing and attention culting over a weird gross fetish...then yeah, people like OP sprout up.
>>82320 If they leak Blarf's address ship him a stink bomb. Wait no, discard that he might enjoy it. Fuck, can't rely on fart spray
>>82320 >what's the correct way to deal with a retard for Internet drama? Simple, laugh at them. >and with Blarf dropping doxes? yeah this isn't exactly a harmless group of weirdos It's furfag-on-furfag violence. Seems like a win to me. >>82321 Show up at his house pretending to be an Amazon delivery driver. Then when he opens the door, spray a fbreeze can on him.
>>82125 A bit of investigation reveals that both conveniently quit twitter at the exact same time, meaning he was perfectly okay with abandoning an account that had 13k+ followers just to go to bluesky. What a coincidence. as someone who went to their art streams, all they did was low effort sketching and it was usually of Kylie, his purple cat girl OC. Funny how even this other account that's supposedly not him has a 35 to 40% chance of Kylie making an appearance in these final fantasy screen shots. the facts keep rolling in and his alibi doesnt add up.
>>82276 mofo made easier to hate the smellfags holy shit
>>82354 Ticklefags and footfags really need to band together to bully smellfags off the face of the planet
>>82312 Bro is that Ned Leeds from spiderman?
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The absolute state of western tickle artists. You'd never see a circus like this with the japanese. Not even the chinese get to this level of clownery. Koreans maybe, but they're just all kinds of messed up.
>>82374 What does the Korean art look like?
Not quite the hate but it's hard to guess who drew this lmao
>>82396 wtfeather
>>82396 It's DQ
>>82396 Wtfeather. Circa 2011.
>>82374 >western tickle artists Hey, not all of us are missing our father figures
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>>82326 In addition, anyone who has been to their art streams knows just how volatile and moody he gets when anyone even hints at requesting art or even a commission, to the point where he would just go dark and end streams early. Now we find out that he's collaborating with someone who is "definitely not him". The blue cat design is also intriguing to think about too. What better way to make people think it's not you by creating a character so incredibly different than all of your others (a cat girl with literal blue alien skin) to appear like you're a different person behind it? I'm not buying it. Unless CONCRETE solid evidence comes forward that proves without a shadow of a doubt that Sharky and Blueberry are two different people, then they are truly the same and Sharky is using it as his sockpuppet.
>>82413 >Sharky gets moody and unstable if asked for commissions >Goes dark on live streams where audience interaction is a huge factor >Literally pulling a SassySnake/QuintonQuill minus fooling someone into a relationship >So obvious he leaves as soon as he's figured out >Literally lurking on 8chan to find out if he's relevant Sharky....just why? Why are you doing all this? There's literally no reason, the lies are just making people go for your throat harder. Ffs man, get some self respect, I'm not even mad just pull yourself together, this is embarrassing.
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Since people are bringing up Blarf in this thread, it reminded me that one time there was a stinky feet thread in tkr and got deleted lol. That being said, can someone draw Lila (TKR mascot) spraying Febreze to Blarf and have him roll up like a roach
>>82421 What happened with that thread anyways? I keep hearing about it but idk why that shit got deleted
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>>82422 afaik it was a weird breach of stinky fans trying to fit in with the tickle folks but got shamed, turned into a hate thread to shit on stinky fans and then a mod nuked it
>>82422 it wasn't deleted, it was bumplocked you can still find it if you scroll down the catalogue
>>82424 It wasn’t even that, they tried to act like they were like, sigma chads or whatever “Solesmen” they called themselves
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>>82424 >>82425 Oh I'm sure it's not that bad >It's that bad I'll play devil's advocate though, I feel like this one dude being really fucking autistic over this shit should not taint or paint that community as evil honestly. I personally do not like blarf because he does that shit on purpose and makes the community look bad, along with making every thing he does seem like a joke to push away responsibility. Honestly maybe if there was a unironic, substantially less autistic OP who made a 'smelly feet tickle' thread there would be some action. Besides, there's always the tried and true 'cleaning dirty feet with a brush' trick. Hell I'd love to see Vranda tickled like that or at least just see her in general in a method like that
>>82434 The problem with that isn't so much an individual who isn't insufferable, anon. It's that the insufferable autists would immediately flock there and taint the entire thread. Even if you banned Blarf and Solesman, their orbiters/disciples would follow. En masse. You'd be right back where you started. Not to mention the fact that smellfags already have a bad stigma on this board, you'd have to deal with autists rage posting there too.
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>>82434 >maybe if there was a unironic, substantially less autistic OP who made a 'smelly feet tickle' thread If it involves the word smelly or stinky, the thread belongs in the garbage.
>>82435 That's true honestly. Guess Blarf's desire to cause a larger separation to make smell fans look under appreciated or even unloved works technically lmfao
>>82441 It's funny how you say that since Blarf calls himself "underground" but also recently reached 10K followers but don't act like it. When you got such a big audience you have to behave or be a decent person in the community but nope, his career is based on starting shit and will not stop until it goes nuclear I assume only way possible would be kink shaming him irl, aka his family learning about his fetishes
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>>82448 >>82449 "mentally ill retard" fucking newfags trying to fit in. no one's gonna raid your little piss corner for the sake of it.
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>>82448 "Not an artist" The fuck are you on this board for then? That and blarf not even being a tickle artist. This shit is getting irrelevant and boring
>>82455 Sorry mr rules lawyer, but the OP doesn't specify tickling artists specifically, so the blarf stuff is actually relevant and interesting.
>>80747 Can I get some evidence or proof other than assurances? There's a mountain of evidence to the contrary that supports the accusations.
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>>82449 >>82448 >have fun with the mentally ill retard :D But you are already here?
just have gay sex with each other already, it's not that hard

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