lesbian undead are hot af, imagine being bitten by a dead chick, causing you to gush blood, and after she bit into your neck with a mouthful of sharp fangs, you hold her close as she licks the crimson liquid flowing from your wound.
Imagine her telling you how much she loves you in between hungry lapping at your bleeding jugular, you know that you are everything to her, that your very life essence is the thing keeping her alive, but your love is what truly sustains her.
You lovingly endure whatever pain she causes you, this has become a part of your nightly routine, and by now you are used to it, you prepare for her during the day, keeping yourself healthy and beautiful for her, every night the dark beauty of yout lady appears, uncanny and a bit creepy, yes, but also very cute and irresistably sexy.
She protects you from the horrors of the night with her unlife, just as you guard her while she sleeps during the day, together you are unstoppable.
As she drinks from you, you have already began to make love, her fingers plunge in and out of your wet heat while you reciprocate her affections in turn, soon it will be your turn to be licking at her, in her most intimate of places, she throws her head back as her hips buck against your face, you understand that she had lived for a very long time, and that you are only one of her many many lovers, but at this momment she is yours, you've given yourself to her hungers, but she is the one that belongs to you.
You now are in a position of loving one another as only women could, your feminine sexes move against one another in a deep intimate kiss, she has taught you this purest of lesbian acts, all the positions and ways of going pussy-to-pussy with her.
Just as she had trained you in various witcheries that had made you into a powerful sorceress, capable of laying waste to most mortal men who would come to hunt your lover down seeking to deal her the final death.
They would not harm her as she lay vulnerable, you will guard her with your occult strength, along with the rest of the harem of brides she had collected.
Yes, there would be others, her very nature as a predatory parasite requires her to take many loves at once, her lovers are yours as well, juat as you beling to her, you belong to the harem-mates she keeps, you all work together to manage your home, filled with love and sex beteeen women as a constant presence.
There is much feasting, you and your fellow brides are voracious eaters, needing to take in many sources of nutrition to pass along to your queen should she call for you at night.
Those foolish men who sought to slay her? Killed by you and your lovers, they are now the main course of tonight's dinner, being prepared into a variety of dishes within the kitchen. There had been a huntress amongst them, a young woman with a grudge against the supernatural, she is currently in the course of being educated, and soon will become a welcome addition to your lady's harem.
One night the lady desires the company of many brides, you all cooperate to bring her pleasure, two work together upon her womanhood, their tongues dancing along her folds and clitoris, two others are suckling at her breasts, a newer addition is laying beneath the lady, pressing her mouth against her rear, thrusting her tongue against the puckered entrance of her ass, a pair orally worships at her feet, and another pair receives the lady's skilled hands working at them between their thighs, the lady has you sat upon her, overlooking the scene as she devours you from below.
You rock your hips as you ride her face, feeling that unnatural tongue, longer and girthier than any man's cock, filling you up, fucking you to an intense orgasm as she repeatedly thrusts it in and out of you, filling you up to your womb and stretching you walls each time she goes in, your lady's tongue moves slowly, drawing out your pleasure, she knows that she has no need to move quickly.
Everythibg in this room is beautiful and pleasurable, you are all so happy together, you look at the other women loving your lady with their mouths, you've known each of them intimately, all of them rank below you, coming into the harem later than you.
One night many years from now it will be your birthday and graduation date, when the lady will finally consume you fully, she will drain you to death and feast upon the flesh of your corpse, eating every part of you fully until there is nothing left, you anxiously await that day, because, having witnessed countless graduations of older harem members, you know that it is not only the greatest duty of a loving bride, but also the greatest pleasure that your lady may visit upon you, when it is done, you will become a part of her being, forever united with her in the most complete way possible.
Eaten raw or cooked into a lavish meal for your lady and fellow harem members, either way is a good way to go, the greatest post-mortem fate that any woman may hope to have. There are no sorrows, only pride and celebrations.
Tonight another bride is slated to be graduated, you lick your lips at getting to know her taste as food, already well acquianted with her flavor as a lover. You've seen her preparing herself for the ceremony that will conclude her final night, she is anxious about how she will perform, but proud of her achievement and excited for the grand event, others stop by to help her, pay their farewells, and congratulate her on finally aging her way out of the cult.
Upon your graduation, something unusual happens, during the customary period between your death and transport to be made into food for the lady and your fellow brides, you rise from the dead, this happens on occassion, and is why there is such a period between your draining and cannibalization, you are now undead, like the lady, and have moved up the ranks to the highest level, one most of your kind will never attain, you are now an immortal who lives on stolen life, much like your lady, and you must now set out and establish your own lesbian cult elsewhere in the world.
You are led to the next ceremony, where you select what brides you will be taking with you as the beginning of your harem, amongst your choices, you take the young huntress whom you had personally subdued and were placed in role of training her, you had been the one that converted her from enemy to lover.