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Old 8/v/ Nostalgia Thread Anonymous 05/11/2024 (Sat) 03:02:00 Id: 0df5d6 No. 967631
Post what you've got. I have more stuff on my computer but it's going to take some time find it all.
>>1009280 On the flip side, you can use AI to create Moonman images.
>>1009280 Thank you
I just remembered that Limebreaker of all people used to post on 8chan. He's drawing some.. interesting stuff these days. To be fair he always drew this stuff, just not here
>>1020214 I can think of a number of artists that did. They all probably think 8chan is gone for good... What we need to do is to breed our own monster dick futa artists.
>>1020288 Ew, gross.
>>1036536 man i remember some youtuber communities on 8ch ther was /swc/ for the shittywebcomics tumblr page
>>1036540 he deleted it :^(
why /mde/anon, why
My fondest memories were with the wwew planetside 2 krew as well all the game nights that we had, 8chanmania and the Uncommon Time streams were (and still are) a good time.
Looking back, we sure did a LOT of ps2 OC, they are all of higher quality than the game itself but that isn't really a low bar lmao
i'm slightly drunk, forgive me if i cause another holocaust by any typo, misinformation, or bad english i cause, but I NEED to domp before going to BED
(125.18 KB 500x417 doomguy.png)

(229.28 KB 588x800 enlist today v2.png)

(187.31 KB 694x656 gondola gimp.png)

(2.60 MB 1440x900 heromankindneeded.webm)

no seriousl, all this crap is hidden in my ginormous meme folder, i'm at my wits endd browsing thru it
(5.12 MB 700x700 Indarwars.webm)

(71.15 KB 709x648 it's 2015.jpg)

(153.18 KB 2332x1486 mark the cupid.png)

(3.89 MB 1024x768 moondood.webm)

(83.52 KB 450x367 morals and ethics be damned.png)

(7.40 MB 700x700 refractor.webm)

(58.03 KB 598x617 refugees welcome.jpg)

(49.12 KB 1280x720 ruining my thread as usual.png)

(77.54 KB 497x434 seven repair tools.png)

(136.08 KB 1242x1504 tails bench.jpg)

(80.03 KB 1000x1390 The 8chan Guide.png)

(4.92 MB 1920x3030 terraria autism man.png)

(710.87 KB 1920x1200 the great battle of the cuckshed.jpg)

(537.24 KB 1920x1200 the inside of the cuckshed.jpg)

(1.54 MB 1428x2448 the story of gunnernacho.png)

i refuse to believe the terraria autism man exists, this shit should be sent to mentla asyluns also GOD DAMNIT I WISH I WAS IN THE WARBDND GAME NIGHT
(4.97 MB 700x700 The_Crown_is_Yours.webm)

(174.68 KB 400x207 they see we floatin'.gif)

(100.08 KB 500x474 tr at the crown.jpg)

(476.57 KB 1920x1080 vanu.jpg)

(231.19 KB 550x526 wew.png)

(3.48 MB 640x360 WEWW outro.webm)

ALWAYS REMBER: IF U FEEL USELESS, don't be sad, you'll never be t9 CARV
(3.25 MB 640x480 where are the video games.webm)

(136.58 KB 1078x516 when tr arrives into the crown.jpg)

(1.19 MB 1920x1080 WHOOP_WHOOP.webm)

(2.31 MB 1920x1080 wwew loyalty until death.png)

(468.76 KB 1920x1080 wwew ring.jpg)

(827.06 KB 2000x1233 wwew salt watch july 16.png)

(7.99 MB 1920x1080 wwew.webm)

(888.75 KB 1041x699 suicide for hope.png)

(1.29 MB 1280x960 lost_gondola.webm)

(593.63 KB 3000x3000 carmack.jpg)

an d thats al, have a good one
Y’know what I’m real nostalgic for? /v/ sings.
(2.92 MB 256x266 Brenton SIngs!.mp4)

(740.77 KB 326x326 mildy perturbed sponge.mp4)

>>1036637 I do not think you understand what /v/ means, you fucking tourist.
>>1037241 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>
>>1037241 It's the old 8/v/ nostalgia thread, many posts aren't video games.
(26.18 KB 300x100 1413326819946.png)

>>1037565 Yes, but nobody should have nostalgia for that glowie who cost us our home in the first place.
>>1037565 Yeah but those posts were more old 8/pol/ than anything else.
>>1037665 There was more board crossover with old 8/v/ back then.
>>1037241 Is that the real spongebob?
(11.86 KB 640x480 Oekaki)

>>967676 >90% newfags I doubt it. On 8ch, newfags made sense because it was a fairly active site since basically everyone not on 4chan went there (inb4 le 1% of people split between 420, wiz, bunker, etc). The low activity of 8moe though probably is unappealing for newfags coming from 4chan, now that the 5% of imageboard users not on 4chan are split among a couple dozen sites.
anyone have that Forrest Gump voiceover of that one hentai?
(62.64 KB 1338x500 1444909164052.png)

>>1037665 To be fair, at the start a significant amount the site was either /pol/ users that used /v/ as a secondary board or /v/ users that used /pol/ as a secondary board. Boards like /a/ who didn't like their moderation had a sizable population sure, but /v/ and /pol/ had a significant overlap and were the primary audience

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