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/Fit/ness 'games' thread - Do you even /fit/ games bro? Anonymous 09/30/2024 (Mon) 17:05:00 Id: 284a82 No. 1020864
Didn't have this kind of thread for a long while so its time to make another one. Talk about which fitness games to play, what kind of diet works and what doesn't. Do you use any games as warmup for gym? Post game progress, advice, exercises and how to sail through your 20s, 30s being vfit. Your body will thank you in the coming years
Are VR fitness games a meme? I suppose its better than a kinect
>>1020864 Some good posts from the moved thread >I do a light keto diet. Not strict adherance, but I still watch my food and cook dishes with less carbs and more fats and protein. Fruits are also off the record, and stuff like cabbage, fiber, and cauliflower help feel full. Added notes: >Coffee and tea might help with weight loss, decaf is probably preferred if you drink more than a cup a day, but it won't hydrate you, and on a budget it can be cut. >Whole milk is better than reduced fat milks, the latter are correlated with lactose intolerance as well. >If you get acne from higher oil diets translating to oily skin, picrel helps in the shower or sink to mop it up preventatively. Acne can be caused by pH or hormonal imbalances as well as clogged pores though, so ymmv. >Refusing to cook for time-saving reasons imposes a karmic debt on you. Try adding freezer to any recipe queries or experimenting yourself. >There's no need to go all in on a new diet, just get what you would usually but cook something new once a week to see if you want any as a replacement staple meal.
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Two anons share their workout journey - >exercise regularly >learn to cook and do it That's really all it takes. Don't need any gym or fancy equipment, simple body weight exercises at home are enough as long as you are diligent. Don't need any special diet either, just make whatever you like from fresh ingredients. Even a burger is healthy if it's made from fresh meat instead of chemical waste and artificial flavors. >next anon I was pretty skinny (like 140lbs 6ft) and had a bad diet for my life. When I started I just fucked around doing the machines and free weights at my gym, 45 minutes to an hour a day for 3-4 days a week, for like a year. I was feeling really good, gained weight (which I needed) fast, people said I looked way better, and I could actually fill out my t-shirts. Also in general eating better, not amazing and not super dialing in on it, but making sure to get 100+g of protein a day and avoiding fatty processed things like fast food. Of course the easiest thing to make was chicken and broccoli and rice. Unfortunately I moved to a place without a gym anywhere conveniently close and haven't worked out for around 2 months, and I can feel my body being more lethargic and weaker. I guess the lesson is keep going, anons, make sure you make it a habit and try to make access to where you can work out easier. I will probably buy some home equipment because if it's in my house then that removes a barrier of effort in starting the workout. I am not a super /fit/ guy but I went from skinny nerd to above-average human being with what felt like not a lot of effort.
>>1020864 On an honest note, fist of the north star boxing game is really fun. Its like typing of the dead mixed with boxing, your punches in rhythm defeats enemies
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>How not to starve as a poorfag? Rice and pasta is very cost effective as a carb. Chicken is cheap and good, I recommend making a curry out of chicken breast. Chickpeas are good to cook as a dense protein-filled veggie. Try to buy in bulk and keep them in long-lasting containers (or in chicken's case, in the freezer). Places like Sam's Club or Costco are great for saving money and worth the membership cost imo. >another anon said Check out your area for local farmers and such. Buying directly from small places like that can be much cheaper than regular stores, the catch is finding them and having to drive over. <I don't see how that's the case, the local supermarkets and Sam's Club/Costco have much better prices usually. >Maybe he's talking about more rural areas and individual sellers out in the sticks rather than stuff like farmer's markets, which are often overpriced <Rotisserie chicken at kroger is 2 for $12 where I'm at, it has some additive which nobody can claim is bad or fine though. Pull it apart and eat a potato with it. >yet another anon At least in my region, the idea is that while it is cheaper at the supermarket you can find better and worse quality products at the farmer's market, but you have to be able to recognize quality, and always be the one who picks them up, instead of letting the farmer do it, unless it's something like peas or potatoes or fruits like cherries. If you ever get tricked, as in buying a kilogram of cherries and a tenth of them are rotten, then you remember his or her face/stall and never buy from him or her ever again.
>>1020866 I don't think a single person uses VR for excercise. Unless they're a women who needs artificial motivation. That's why fitness games fail to be - fitness should be a byproduct of playing the game, not just a score to keep track of. No game sold based off fitness alone
Is this the same thread as the previous fit thread?
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To keep this vidya related. Has anyone tried emulating Ring Fit Adventure? I know I need the ring, but what about the controllers? Do I need to buy the official controllers or are third party controllers better or just as good? I heard the Pro uses Bluetooth so I guess I don't need any adapter on PC, as long as I have a Bluetooth scanner.
an anon suggested this for budgeting for food - The way I do it is to basically split food into groups (Carbs, meat, produce, etc.), then figure out price caps per pound of food in those groups. As mentioned already, rice is probably the cheapest source of carbs out there, pound per pound. It's quite a bit cheaper than even pasta, assuming you go with white rice, and not a more expensive variety like Jasmine. Rice lasts a good while, so you can easily buy 5+ pound bags and have it still be fine. Though quick-cook rice, such as Minute Rice, is a ripoff, since rice is so easy to make. Chicken, particularly drumsticks and bone-in thighs, are generally going to be your cheapest meat option on a normal week. Once in a while, you can find pork at a competitive price, and once in a while, some other meats fall into the realm of reason. Produce tends to be a bit dependent on season, and in that case, just follow the "per-pound" rule in general. If there's clearance stuff and you plan on eating it relatively quickly, that's likely your best buy. The freezer is your friend as far as meats go. Clearance meat is usually fine if you throw it in the freezer as soon as you get home. You can get some banger deals this way, if you get lucky with the day you shop. Also, water is obviously the cheapest drink, especially if your tap water isn't shit. If you can phase out non-water drinks, especially soda, then you're saving quite a bit of money there.
>>1020902 I have not, although I wonder how it runs on Ryujinx
>>1020953 I am sure the game runs well, as in good frame rate and lack of stutter, the question is if it correctly detects the controllers.
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>>1020902 Has anyone played this with a homebrew'd switch? Does it handle the Bluetooth well? I know you can't really pirate the specialized controllers, I'll be buying those separately, but I would like to pirate the game and will be discouraged if a pirated version doesn't work right.
>>1020984 It's offline so I don't see how it wouldn't. t. owns it
>>1020902 There had better be a sequel to this game on whatever the next Nintendo console is. It's the first actually fun workout game I've seen, and it has so much potential for the ideas to be expanded into even more. Or frankly, another thing I wish the game had was a mode that was more like a straight action game. You already run down a path and jump over gaps and stuff. It's already half way to being Crash Bandicoot. You could add more real time combat options, like spinning by doing a twist, or maybe even kicking and punching (though maybe that would lead to Nintendo getting sued as kids/retarded adults punch and kick their tvs). The turn based battles are also very fun and I don't want to lose them, but there seem like ways to expand this to make it even better, as you'd expect from any video game sequel. So I hope it happens.
>>1021032 The dev team was kidnapped for the switch sports game, they seemed to have a roadmap that went unfinished.
>>1020984 >I know you can't really pirate the specialized controllers You can shoplift, and don't worry the devs have already been paid for that specialized controller by the chain store, so it won't affect them, and I am sure the wage slave's earning getting cut is beneath your notice :^)
>>1020909 I'll add to that last part by saying that if you do want flavored beverages, strongly consider (non-shit) powder additives, stuff like True Lemon and whatnot. There are tons of options for flavors, but also electrolyte packs, caffeine packs, etc. and doing that is going to always be cheaper than buying a premade beverage because a huge part of the cost of canned/bottled drinks is shipping them. Liquid is heavy as shit, a trailer load of soda doesn't even fill much more than half of the space in a trailer before you hit the weight limit. Buying a powder significantly reduces that cost, because it's absurd to ship shit that's almost purely water around to people with an infinite supply of water at home.
>>1021246 >electrolytes powder additives bring me upto speed about them, because all I hear is gatorade mumbo jumbo and how its somehow better than water
>>1021252 Nothing besides the fact your mom uses the sperm directly from my dick as an electrolyte. You should try downing some OJ and fall in a toilet.
>>1021252 Open your search engine of choice and enter "benefits of electrolytes" you doublenigger retard
>>1021252 Electrolytes are a fancy way to say salts. That's it. They're salt water plus some minerals and flavors. Its not a "sports drink" its more of a refreshment with added healthy stuff. Some fatasses fall for marketing and think electrolyte drinks are better than water when exercising, and start chugging them daily but that's not true. Plain old water is best for replacing all the water you lost from sweat. Else you have salt deficiency. Its just a slightly healthier alternative to normal drinks.
>>1021296 I don't think electrolytes are just salt.
>>1021328 Nope, potassium is just salt, the retard speaking out of his ass said so.
https://infogalactic.com/info/Electrolyte >In oral rehydration therapy, electrolyte drinks containing sodium and potassium salts replenish the body's water and electrolyte levels after dehydration caused by exercise, excessive alcohol consumption, diaphoresis (heavy sweating), diarrhea, vomiting, intoxication or starvation. Athletes exercising in extreme conditions (for three or more hours continuously, e.g. marathon or triathlon) that do not consume electrolytes risk dehydration (or hyponatremia).[6] >A home-made electrolyte drink can be made by using water, sugar and salt in precise proportions.[7] Pre-made preparations are also available commercially,[8] and also for veterinary use, like Electrovite. >Electrolytes are commonly found in fruit juices, coconut water, sports drinks, milk, nuts, and many fruits and vegetables (whole or in juice form) (e.g., potatoes, avocados). Hell, even drinking beer after a workout is better than drinking plain old tap water: https://archive.md/yY4Un >Based on the research, a low ABV beer—one less than 4 percent—can be effective as a post-workout hydrator. The review also says that adding sodium to non-alcoholic beer can improve its rehydration properties. But even the scientists add the caveat that this creates a taste problem. >Once you go over 4% alcohol content, or have more than one or two 12-ounce low ABV beers, that's where the benefits decline, says Jaison Wynne, a PhD student at Old Dominion University and co-author of the review. Then you're at risk of issues including higher water loss, reduced muscle gains, less than optimal training, and potentially an increase in body fat. >"Beer has carbohydrates and some sodium where water does not, which could be beneficial post-exercise," says Brad Schoenfeld, PhD, a Men's Health exercise science advisor and associate professor at Lehman College. It's also tastier than water, which would make you want to rehydrate even more, he adds. >Even better, though, is to have beer with food or another non-alcoholic beverage, says Wynne. "When you exercise you're also losing electrolytes, not just water," Schoenfeld says. Food can replace some of those. If you're drinking regular beer without food or other fluids, and having more than one or two, alcohol's diuretic effect will take over and flush out even more of the fluid you tried to rehydrate with.
>>1021339 Got what plants crave.
There were 4 Fitness Boxing games actually. The last features Hatsune Miku and released internationally last month.
>>1021359 Please stop, I'm losing brain cells.
>>1020868 >exercise regularly >learn to cook and do it >That's really all it takes. There is more to it. Sleep, recovery, and stress matter too. All of them can wreck your progress even if you eat and exercise right. Stress management is part of the reason why I play video games. My gym progress is noticeably worse when I neglect my hobbies. Your progress might be much slower than what people on the internet claim it should be. Internet is biased towards fast progress, as supplement, workout plan, PED peddlers, and fitness influencer benefit from that. Outside of that, outliers who progress fast can't wait to talk about it and post it. People also lie about their progress for attention. People will lie about how long their progress took or about not juicing. Most people will take a good while to make noticeable progress. And you will hit plateaus. >>1020867 >If you get acne from higher oil diets translating to oily skin, picrel helps in the shower or sink to mop it up preventatively. Acne can be caused by pH or hormonal imbalances as well as clogged pores though, so ymmv. Acne can be caused a ton of different things, including dietary triggers. I eliminated my acne by cutting out anything that at least one of these: >deep fried >highly processed >high in added sugar >soft drinks I would start there, as eliminating these foods is something everyone should do anyway. As to the acne control, cleaners like ones from Cerave are good. You should also moisturize with non-oil based moisturizer. Preferable with or accompanied by sunscreen as sun exposure often aggravates acne too. For additional cleansing, 1% or 2% salycilic acid is good and benozyl peroxide gels work well for spot-treatments of emerging zits. Be sure to moisturize after using of these two. Otherwise your skin will be super dry. Other things to help with acne: >changing pillow cases every few days >touching face as little as possible, to stop any extra bacteria from getting transferred to it. >managing stress in healthy ways >giving up alcohol and any other drugs >exercise followed by a shower as soon after workout as possible However, acne can be caused by a ton of stuff, and will take some work to figure out the root cause and how to best deal with it.
>>1021359 >drinking beer is better after exercise <because it has sugar, carbs, and alchohol in it Well ofcourse dumbass, because it has sugar and carbs in it, which would give your body energy. You can also eat a pound of sugar to "get energy" by that statement alone. The article just mentions "beer could help in providing carbs and electrolytes..." and then says "Food can replace some of those.". Gee, why don't I eat carbs and salts and focus on a good diet. The article never mentions you should drink beer after a workout as a good thing, it merely mentions beer can provide some of the things that an exercising boduly needa, in less quantity while in moderation. It also says near the bottom "...the study that looked at beer and polyphenols only focused on non-alcoholic beer." Non-alcoholic beer, so basically flavored water. So just like any electrolyte drink You're like, searching archive.today pages for terms like health, electrolytes etc. and copy pasting links for some article archived in 1 Dec 2023. You didnt even read the article. >electrolyte drinks containing sodium and potassium salts replenish the body's water and electrolyte levels after dehydration caused by exercise, excessive alcohol consumption, diaphoresis (heavy sweating), diarrhea, vomiting, intoxication or starvation. Athletes exercising in extreme conditions (for three or more hours continuously, e.g. marathon or triathlon) that do not consume electrolytes risk dehydration (or hyponatremia) Yes, this is what electrolytes are meant to do, to prevent your natural bodily salts levels from going too down. When you're doing heavy workouts or shitting all your fluids out, that's when you need Oral Rehydration Salts. Otherwise plain water is best way to recovery all your lost fuilds, alongside a good diet which will help balance your salt content. The original guy says that electrolyte power additives are useful when you want "flavored beverages" and want a healthier alternative to cola or soda. Use it as such. Its not meant to be "better than water" (except in those special cases)
>>1021717 True, acne control is a bitch and can even be caused from stress. I have heard facial massages help with blood circulation and prevents acne but that's anectodal, blocked pores and all.
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>>1022201 Even his eyes are obese.
>>1020866 >wear VR goggles >sweat >seam getrs ruined and starts to stink About as intelligent as wiping your ass with your clothes.
How often do you cook your dinner?
>>1022323 I skip dinner, as I mostly eat during lunch(and I do mostly prepare my lunches), with a few days in between where I also eat for breakfast. At worst, when I don't eat Breakfast, I eat some nuts or something like that for "dinner".
>>1022323 Depends, I prep some food as a fallback and cook others fresh. About every other day I'd guess, if I had a barbeque grill or way larger burner like the 250k+ BTU ones for woks, I'd do parger prep, but it's mostly whatever fits in baking sheets, soup pots, and mixing bowls for me. Crowding a pan on the stove sucks and it feels like less work to just cook it fresh than do batches.
>>1020866 Most are a meme. Beat Saber is good at being a game and burning calories. It's a Guitar Hero and Rock Band type of rhythm game
>>1022347 Are Beat Saber and Alyx the only good VR games?
>>1022891 What's "VR games"? Are you counting games not made for VR but playable in VR? Because that expands the list.
Weight loss through exercise amounts to burning calories, to burn calories look into high intensity interval training. Once you build muscle your resting metabolic rate increases and you burn more calories at rest so do strength training as well.
>>1022994 You don't lose weight exercising. Stop pushing this meme.
>>1022995 Wrong. It's not the best way to lose weight, but it does lose you weight.
>>1023056 It's a worthless way to lose weight.
>>1023075 >don't exercise goy Whatever you say fag
>>1023076 >thinks the point of exercising is to lose weight It's almost impressive how stupid some of you can be.
>>1022995 >>1023084 Then what's the point of exercise, dumbass?
>>1023093 To train endurance and strength as well as improve your health.
>>1023094 And in the process of training endurance and strength, by moving your body around, you tend to lose weight through CICO.
>>1023096 You lose a negligible amount of calories through exercise. There is no debate around this topic and hasn't been for a long time. Weight loss is entirely tied to your diet. You literally burn LESS calories the more fit you get because your body becomes more efficient at moving. I don't know why you're even attempting to argue about this.
>>1023097 >you burn less calories when you're already healthy Oh wow really??
>>1022230 any comments?
>fitness thread on 8chins >full of fat fucks with 8 chins mocking fitness imagine my shock
>>1023075 Exercise changes what your body desires, so doing exercise is also a strong, automatic incentive to change your diet as well. The increased T also increases self control, making dieting easier.
>>1023255 Look how far you stretch, just admit it's about food not exercise retard.
>>1023269 What's stretching is you're anus tbhq
>>1023298 Who'd want to breathe your air? Take a shower fatty.
>>1023255 >exercise is a highly productive activity Yeah no shit. It still won't result in you losing weight independent from diet change. By pretending otherwise you're just misleading fat retards.
>>1023332 >same diet >exercise more >burn more calories than you were before <somehow this means you won't lose weight Wat.
>>1023346 You will not lose a notable amount of weight exercising when following the same diet unless you're morbidly obese. If your BMI is 27, you will see a few lbs of water weight come off briefly, probably gain it back after 2 weeks, then proceed to see no reliable weight loss going forward. So if you want to just strong-arm a concession out of this inane pedantic argument, yes, people who are severely obese and extremely sedentary will probably see temporary reliable weight loss from exercise without a change in diet.
Why does everyone talk about weight loss as opposed to weight management and physique? At the start of this year, my BMI was around 30. 10 months later, my BMI is still 30, but the kicker is that my body slimmed down and the clothes I wear are a lot more loose than they were earlier this year (Or even the summer of last year when I my BMI was 29).
>>1023332 But that's my point, it's not independent from diet change. You don't see many hamplanets at the gym, do you?
>>1023367 I'm yellow below the chest and blue above plus arms so on average I'm a healthy green. Nice.
>>1023367 >>1023421 I'm red but just obese and my BMI isn't >= 40.
>>1023367 When people bother about being healthy they already fucked up and became fat.
>>1023367 shit Im exactly 25 I need to workout

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