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Bucketheadanims animation file? Anonymous 05/30/2022 (Mon) 00:15:19 No. 14672
Help find this please.
A guy in thisvid has it but hmmm He's weird and doesn't want to share it Idk XD
I have it but it only let's me watch it through his site, not download it. Idk how to get it off there but I'd put it on mega if I found out.
Holy shit man, you're really desperate to get this animation. If you're thirsting that hard, just buy it.
>>14992 maybe you can try screen recording it?
>>14992 try finding the file from inspect element or try using internet download manager if possible
I'll be honest with you, you're an obnoxious faggot and I wouldn't share it if I bought it. First you spam the request thread, now you spam here, it's a slow board so can you kindly fuck back off wherever you came from? Buy it yourself.
I will see to pay for the video but I guarantee nothing
a guy passed me the vore scene, it barely lasts like 4/3 min, or less likely, it's not really worth it
>>15209 but suddenly you put it on or not because I'm seeing to pay for it lol
>>15211 well, because i just saw it yesterday, but in the end you decide what to do
Other than the person epic desperate to see it, I wouldn't mind myself.
I would also like to see it personally
does this animation have some sort of drm or something?
>>15498 It can be played on gumroad only, without download links. I suppose, whoever bought it, could record screen or try to pull video file from source code.
There are many extensions for the browser to download the videos: Firefox: https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/video-downloadhelper
Could anybody, who has this animation, share their thoughts about it, please: is it worth buying, how long the actual vore part, is there digestion etc?
>>16576 13min vid with around 4minutes 30seconds from start of the swallowing to the finish of digestion, there is a short scene with object swallowing but it doesn't get digested, the prey turns from willing to unwilling after getting swallowed, the story is okay and has a good setup for part 2, i'd say it if you are really into mentioned stuff go for it
>>16587 Thank you
Does anyone have the bva worm vore nude can't find it
Still going?
Anyone bought the new Zelda vore animation Buckethead just posted? If so plz share!
>>20604 also looking for this. There is no download so someone needs to screen record it
(193.67 KB 1021x474 Screenshot_20221029_154340.jpg)

>>20877 oh thanks, I got your download link.
>>20877 There's a link? I don't see anything
>>20891 Huh??
>>20877 >>20891 you know what i think that who replied these are the same person kind of trolling everyone in the thread thinking there's actual download link. since everyone is anonymous here
Someone manage to get it full video but you need to be friends with him https://thisvid.com/videos/urbosa-vore/
>>20901 ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
>>20901 >account registration is closed FUCK
>>20891 Lmao no you didn't because I didn't post one >>20900 The dude I responded to isn't me and I did buy boko bent bloat hence the screenshot
>>20915 Ohh sad you can't share it since its a streaming video but can you share the link of the stream?
>>20901 If I had access to that I could actually record it
>>20915 you can record it with OBS.
>>20916 Its tied to my gumroad account so I cant share that, sorry.
>>20920 its possible to screen record it. There is a lot of free recording software. i recommend OBS.
>>20916 >>20921 I'm on mobile so I dont think so
>>20915 Yes you did, you deleted it.
>>20942 I still haven't figured out how to make a download link for it but sure guy whatever you say
>>20956 disregard this, I suck cock.
So I'll probably get this up today but it's really not worth watching without the sound
But it needs sound! This is their first time doing real voice acting!
>>21040 But as far as I know theres no way to download the video from gumroad. Which means I'll have to screen record, which means no sound. There could be a way with a laptop or desktop but I've only got a phone.
>>21041 I did a Youtube search of "Android screen record with sound" and "iPhone screen record with sound" and both top results were 2-3 min videos on how to do it with both.
>>21038 >>21041 Honesty I don't mind if it doesn't have sound. Its not like i'm watching this for the story, aleast for me.
If you have access to it on desktop, just open up your network console and let it fully load so that you can download all of the .ts files, then combine them with ffmpeg or with a command line function. Here's a link that has how to do that under either windows or linux in the first answer. https://superuser.com/questions/692990/use-ffmpeg-copy-codec-to-combine-ts-files-into-a-single-mp4
Ok lucky dudes Thanks to all of your input I was able to record it with sound! Enjoy really good in my opinion https://we.tl/t-Cc5wvQl4cl
>>21050 Thank you so much brother :)
>>21050 Absolute Legend! Thank you!!
>>21050 Much appreciated. Vid is pretty damn hot, too. Hope he has more human prey videos lined up.
>>21050 the link just takes me to WeTransfer's homepage, no download or anything like that
nevermind >>21061 Ignore my previous comment
There wasn't even weight gain of any kind....
>>21050 Probably one of if not the best digestion scene ever, even if there wasn't weight gain.
>>21064 I agree. I had a feeling it would be worth buying. Plus I got to share it so yea I'm happy.
>>21066 Thanks for the share.
>>21050 Very solid stuff. I usually find these premium content videos to be lacking. The entire digestion sequence is top tier, maybe the best I've seen in one of these things with how the gut slowly shrinks, and tightens around Zelda. Going from a huge bloat to a tight, clenching sac and eventually pinning her to Urbosa's torso and finally sinking to a dead orb of fat. Would've liked more interaction from Urbosa as she digests her meal, maybe she's even getting off to it, or at least a conclusion to their predicament. Maybe they just let her go? How humiliating that would be. Urbosa's skin looks super paper-thin int he digestion sequence. More akin to fabric than a thick, muscular body. Though the artist still effectively displays the intense struggling of Zelda with only minor clipping. Loved those internals as well as the external movements. Lastly, the biggest issue is the sound quality. Holy shit those vocals sounded horrific. Doesn't matter if she was using a 40 dollar mic, there are ways to make that shit sound way better. Of course that still doesn't account for some awful delivery/dialog but that's expected to smut I guess. 8/10 How much did he want for this anyway?
>>21101 This is a great review/critique agreed with most of it. 18 bucks. Ultimately not really worth it of course, but I really wanted to see it and it's better than I thought it would be. Helps to have low expectations going in.
>>21102 I'd probably pay 12 for it.
>>21103 how did u screen record ur phone with internal sound?
>>21133 It wasnt internal. I blasted the phones volume and made sure to be really quiet. Lol it recorded through the mic.
can you try to also record the one op wanted?
Guess we ain't getting unfinished business
>>21508 Go through this thread but slower this time
>>21510 Wym bruh it unfinished business ain't here everyone just moved onto urbosa
>>21517 https://anonfiles.com/E2PaM1E9yb/Unfinished_Business_mp4 I know the resolution is bad but... hey. at least you can finally see it.
>>21517 My b, you're right. I think it was in the animation thread or old buckethead thread, looks like I should read slower whoops
https://thisvid.com/videos/urbosa-swallows-zelda-bucket-head/ someone post this in hd. Tried to downloading it with some mp4 website downloader. End up too small and low resolution. Anyone have any idea? or someone more capable then me downladed it and post here?
(24.52 MB 640x312 7059701.mp4)

(228.65 KB 912x1024 Gigajak.jpg)

>>31930 WinX YouTube Downloader worked for me, >http://mpxsoft.com/media-catcher/index.htm?ttsoft=ytbwin-6.3-about-undef it pretended to freeze at 69% (nice) but just had to be patient. >take note that with ThisVid the higher resolutions usually show up as N/A but work just fine And before anyone asks "Why don't you just pos_" No, I will not explain myself.
>>31935 This is the best shit I have seen in literal years. Fucking finally, no more swallow then instant round belly.
Someone willling to share this short animation? https://bucketheadanims.gumroad.com/l/mrahm
Bump, anonfiles link dead because the site exploded
>>21101 >>21067 >>21064 says the transfer expired? anyone can re-upload to the site itself?
Can somebody please share Unfinished Business animation again?
>>37603 I have it right here, here's Unfinished Business. Not my favorite but here you go. file:///F:/Private/Unfinished%20Business.MP4
>>38618 nice one anon
Does anyone have the three Miia shorts or the Extras for Worm Vore Freya Saved? If so can anyone share it here? I know that someone has "Miia Relaxes After Her Meal" short so sharing that would be great. Thanks in advance!
>>38698 Anybody have this?
Hey does anyone have the link for the unfinished business link. I really want to see it. B4 u ask the other links failed . Also what is this extreme thing.
Jesus fucking Christ, this place sometimes. Here: https://mega.nz/file/kGsk1J5S#fHfgrZt-iC3L3yI0Ofi6lEZlI62H3D6A5LKsgy7meaQ
>>40087 Thanks anon!
Hi. Does anyone have a new video: A Dragon Wish?
>>47375 He made a new one? Where?
>>47377 Oh nvm. I see it
Do you have it? or planning on buying it?
>>47382 I'm sadly unable to buy it. If I could I would I did find a Kemono party page for BucketHeadAnimations though https://kemono.su/gumroad/user/3092922690624
https://www.deviantart.com/users/outgoing?https://bucketheadanims.gumroad.com/l/adragonwish Has anyone already gotten it and like to share it with the rest?
Wish I could get it but I can't get behind gumroad's paywall with paypal. Honestly this is how artists gets their stuff leaked man especially if I ACTUALLY want to buy the product. Hopefully it gets uploaded soon
>>47489 Thank you! You're a gigachad!
>>47489 Holy fuck that's hot
>>47489 I was going mad waiting for a handsome anon to share it. Thank you so much! This is some god-like stuff.
Does anyone have the "Miia Relaxes After Her Meal" And "Miia Ankha Belly Dance" saved/downloaded? Its the only one of BucketHead's animations that I don't have saved. If someone could share it, that'd be very appreciated. Thank you https://www.deviantart.com/bucketheadanims/art/Miia-Relaxes-After-Her-Meal-3D-VORE-SHORT-GMRD-974463543 https://www.deviantart.com/bucketheadanims/art/Miia-Ankha-Belly-Dance-3D-VORE-SHORT-GMRD-976372343
>>49038 Here base64 x2 YUhSMGNITTZMeTl0WldkaExtNTZMMlp2YkdSbGNpOW5aV3hGZVV0dlV5TmlNRlZRZEcxNlprdDJWMDluVFU1YVZVWldUVXRu
>>49084 Oh wow, thank you
Does anyone have the new cock vore animation with the hyena and lion (From the Disney movie/cartoon)
Anyone got Boko-bent Bloat?
>>50204 Boko-bent Bloat?
>>50205 Oh, nvm I see now
New BucketHead's animation is out, so could anyone share extra variants? https://subscribestar.adult/bucketheadanims
>>64207 bump
>>65541 I posted it all in Vore Animations 3 thread.
>>65566 I just see the one.
>>65579 I definitely posted alot. Scroll up until you see Mavis or Miia
>>65717 It's just you saying you have them. lol
>>65749 I'm just rando passing by here. I think it mean this https://8chan.moe/vore1/res/46892.html#q64228 on Vore animation 3 thread.
Anyone got the they did with Merciless nature about a girl putting a shrink collar on another girl, swallowing and making her grow in her stomach?

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