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Stop complaining about loli you fags NO MORE REAL ANIMALS OR IRL THREADS. NO GOLDFISH. Ai art IS allowed and here to stay. Quit whining about it

Vore Games 2 Anonymous 05/03/2024 (Fri) 08:01:35 No. 46890 >>47751 >>57416 >>57776
Last thread got bumplocked
Someone posted the latest Famished in the previous thread but it seems mega removed it, if anyone still has it please share
>>46891 YUhSMGNITTZMeTl0WldkaExtNTZMMlp0TDJkVWRGSnJXbWxa Anyone got the latest update of "from where you live"?
Anyone know how to get the full version of FFFme? Want those based Unbirth scenes. https://fightfuckfeed.me/
>>46906 i dont think this was linked right, cause it just brings me to my mega folders
Just to let everyone know, Kemono is back. That said, nobody updated Mysta's page so the breast vore content isn't out.
>>46908 Developer has content 8 months behind public release, but used the promise of it being free eventually as means to ward off any serious cracking / piracy attempt. Keeps releasing races as "free" when nobody is really interested in that. :/ Great system tho. Looking forward to his finished project.
>>46906 >YUhSMGNITTZMeTl0WldkaExtNTZMMlp0TDJkVWRGSnJXbWxa > The decoded link is broken :(
>>46906 unfortunately the decoded link is broken
>>46944 >>46945 My bad, posted it in a rush: YUhSMGNITTZMeTl0WldkaExtNTZMMlpwYkdVdk9FUlZhekpDYVdJak5FdHVSWEYyV1ZZdFZVbExVbEkzU1hKUFJFRllaWGxXVWtSc1h6UmZlVnA2V1hWTVZ6Um1WVU5mV1E9PQ== Still, anyone got from where you live?
>>46962 0.6 is the latest afaik. aHR0cHM6Ly9tZWdhLm56L2ZpbGUvTzZoMUVEREkjNXc0QTFSSndQSGlBT2l2UjFIRjhuMlB1aVB3dHlKNVE1Uml2YW1XZ0phaw==
someone made a comment in the prior thread about a teleporting cheat in famished, but never said how, anyone know?
>>46981 >>46976 I don't think the link is working. How to?
Is a willing to share another inner world s2 ep4&5?
First time posting and idk how it works so sorry if this aint the right way For FFEme, took that as a personal challenge to try and bypass and despite their "fuck off hacker" comments in the code it was fairly easy. Once you get on the main page, go to inspect element, and in the console type in E.latest = true and then E.Premium = true. That will fully unlock all the content. Should also be able to run it offline if you want to save the current version in case they change the code ever
>>46976 Forgive my ignorance but I haven't heard anything about this game. Don't see anything about it on Eka's. Where are they posting it?
>>47012 seems to be entirely on itch.io It's not very good
>>47007 How would I get it to be offline? Rather, how do I save it properly?
Nevermind! Got it!
>>47020 Oh Christ it's furry too. No thanks.
>>47007 While this does unlock all the stuff, unless it's been updated since your post this doesn't really function since the game seems to crash around 50-100 steps in. Although it's hilarious at all you can console log your way to it in the first place.
>>47040 Only crashes if you walk on roads at all. Did about 500 steps last night. You can't touch roads and you can't do castles since exiting them puts you on a road
Anyone knows, how to Bypass the Patreon authentication in Heat? Link: https://kemono.su/patreon/user/30965008/post/103294614
>>47040 >>47042 Havnt run into any crashing at all so thats pretty odd. Might be due to specific settings used? Ill take another look at the games code to see if i can pinpoint it.
>>47050 Yeah I'm pretty sure Unbirth kills the game quickly no matter what space you're on. Running without it seems to function just fine. A bit disappointing though. Good find regardless.
>>47054 Well I did some more digging and honestly I have no idea why its broken. Went back to an archive from september of last year and nothing breaks aside from freezing that goes away when you enter settings and back out again. My guess is that its just bad code. Would only be able to confirm if someone pays the $1 to see if it still breaks.
>>47080 Me again. After debugging the code I found multiple areas where it just breaks. Not only does it turn off the setting for unbirth if you set it before you start the game, but there is funky stuff specifically on entering an area with no scene. This is what causes the crash as its calling something that dosent exist. The fix is to delete ' UnbirthEntry = choose(E.PUSSY.unbirth[Entrys[0]]) ' , and you can keep the rest of the code how it is. This does mean you need to either download the page or override the code. That should resolve all issues with the game and you can goon to your hearts content with whatever fetish setting you want.
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anyone know how to get past this floor in this ChocolaTower? Been stuck here for hours. I assume theres some sort of way to interact with the moon/sun/star signs on the bottom level but theres no sort of interact prompt anywhere or clue to what the fuck you are supposed to be doing
>>47085 You do not interact with anything, you memorize the order of each sign shown in previous rooms and when you get to the bottom of the relevant room just walk by each sign in the prescribed order to unlock your way up.
>>47092 you are a life saver. I KNEW for sure it had something to do with the icons I kept seeing I just never put it together that you had to do with ALL rooms. jfc
>>46981 Sorry that was me, I forgot not everyone plays these on their phones with an emulator. The cheat menu I was using was a joiplay thing, idk how to get a similar result without it but it should be possible if you look up rpg maker cheats. The joiplay cheat settings work in all the RPG maker games I've run through it so it's definitely a RPG maker thing, not tied to a specific game.
>>47084 I saved the HTLM and have been searching for that line to no avail. Could you please elaborate on where it is or if I need to remove it after another condition is met?
>>47094 If you dont mind, which emulator you use?
>>47098 line 48981 or around there depending on how you saved. its the content inside the ' ' not including.
Anyone got the latest update of Among Cults? I really love this game, to be honest.
>>47084 I'm a complete noob with HTML and page downloading. When I downloaded the page it worked fine, but when setting everything to latest and premium, it completely broke. Most likely maybe something went missing? I'm honestly not sure. Something else to add (if it helps). Is that just before freezing up, the only option to do is to press the "fuck" button and select your self. Almost like the starting tutorial.
>>47085 You think you can swing the game our direction since it's subscribestar locked?
>>47084 Thanks a lot dude. Works perfectly now. Haven't had a crash since. >>47098 If you have the webpage saved, then open it in notepad and then ctrl + f until you find the line that's causing issues. You can just delete it and then save, no search needed.
>>47084 I appreciate the guide, the game lasts much longer with this fix. However it still crashes when unbirth is enabled after abut 100 steps or so.
>>47268 Has nothing to do with the total steps and all to do with specific actions. Nothing else in the game gets hits aside from a secondary bit of code that is avoided so long as you dont double endo with *very* specific circumstances and then leave a tile. Its a fundamental issue with the game and I honestly dont know if i can undo the spaghet that it is. I can look into it again this weekend but tbh you would be better off either *not* doing the things that you have been doing, or contacting the creator about the bug to have them fix it.
Anyone have the most recent testament of minos?
>>47169 Yeah, man. Too bad that the f95 site doesn't have the latest edition yet. And I don't think there are any other sites where we can get it.
>>47085 do you have the full game or is this just the demo?
>>47355 It does though, except for the small bugfix release.
Anyone got the 0.7 build of from where you live?
anyone got 0.8 of from where you live?
>>47450 Decode with base64, , aHR0cHM6Ly9tZWdhLm56L2ZvbGRlci84dUlIUkl3TCNobElFZVNRZnFSc2kyTEhiLWF6YlZB , Now I'm hoping someone else can upload mysta's openvore 0.58
>>47472 I think that's 0.6. They asked for 0.8
>>47476 There is no 0.8
>>47477 Disregard what I said here, I suck dicks. There is 0.8 now. I guess bugs and bug fixes, moved fast.
>>47478 Can you share 0.8? :>
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I really miss Ryonasaga – not the game itself, which is of course still available, but how it enabled community-driven extensions. The scripting engine was weird, but it enabled adding new characters and enemies with only a few cobbled together sprites and some simple configuration, meaning that lots of people added theirs into the common repository. This Mugen-style phenomenon just doesn't happen anymore in these subgenres.
Does anyone know how to extract sprites from games that use Godot Engine? I'm trying to figure out how but its been difficult for me to figure it out. Any help would be appreciated
>>47516 Don't have it, sadly.
So, which vore games are actually good vidya by themselves? As in, you take out the erotica/vore content and the game is still good?
>>47533 Echidna Wars DX definitely qualifies. Genuinely fun to play and responsive indie platformer. The rest of the purely vore based games usually aren't good enough for me not to want to skip to the vore scenes. All of them seem to have one or two damning problems that make the gameplay a chore, all kinds of stuff from weird engines to slow movement and UI, or just being buggy as hell. I guess Viotoxica and others from the same creator are pretty okay too, but didn't vibe with me personally. If we expand the scope to general ryona/shrinking/etc fetish games with vore in them, more platformers qualify, like Mystic Knight Maya. On the RPG side FantasM is notable, it goes a bit overboard with the mechanics and walking distances, but boy is it expansive.
>>47405 Nahh, man. I only see the 0.2.8 update on the f95 site. I don't see the 0.2.9 update. If you have it, could you please be a saviour and share it here?
>>47543 The thread didn't update the title but the update link was posted in the replies
>>47535 It's understandable. Game design isn't easy, and integrating vore in a way that feels natural is even harder. I do with there was more full tour though. Internal views too.
Anybody got OPENVORE or any shit Mysta's recent stuff? Kemono hasn't fucking updated in months
>>47533 the inner idle hero enjoyer in me found Eat Me Vixen to be cathartic to some degree in small burst. You can definitely sit through a quick session 10 minute session or so the same way you would a quick game of minesweeper and the game is really customizable meaning you can easily mod it to your exact specs such as changing the images that appear or tuning your characters stats so you have to spend as little time as possible in the beginner areas/grinding New Game just stealth dropped called "Wheel of Fates" . its a RPG game but with a fun little twist to the battle mechanic. despite being a free game its got a LOT more polish than most other games and I hope the creator gets proper reward for his/her efforts. Vessel Tactics is pretty good. the enemies tend to be kinda HP bloats and the vore mechanic is totally busted imo (its almost always better to just straight up vore a person than to use the other attacks) but its a solid experience only lacking in variety. genuinely great writing too. I love the personality given to each char. Churn Vector was deece. as far as itchio games and little demos go its a quality one. Its got a little replayability to it especially on the last level. only thing its lacking is that theres too little of it. I wish there was like double the levels and more actually dangerous enemies. too easy to just speed blitz the shit out of the levels and ignore the "guards".
>>47282 Curious if anyone has been able to get this. Searched high and low for Testament of Minos : /
>>47523 >Ryonasaga Do you know where i can find the game please?
>>47648 It's where it always has been, files tagged with リョナサガ, but it hasn't been meaningfully updated in seven years now. RyonaRpg was developed for longer, but sadly doesn't seem to have vore content, at least it didn't seem to when I last tried it years ago. http://dev.rsaga.org/core/ (batch) http://dev.rsaga.org/up (partial updates) Not sure where the English patch for it is hosted (I play it in Japanese), but you can probably find it on Eka's or in web search, it's definitely around somewhere.
Anyone got a good save file for "Wheel of Fates?" I've progressed pretty far through the game 2 fucking times and keep getting cock blocked by some game-breaking bug.
>>46890 (OP) https://kemono.su/patreon/user/8136833 Could anybody update the kemono of the creator of God Complex?
>>47703 Haven't heard of this game. Where do you find it?
Anyone have season 4 and 5 of Another Inner World?
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>>47703 You can try my cleared save, if that's good for you. Just plop it in the "/www/save/" folder, but rename the file to a different file# number if you have another save you don't want to overwrite.
Anyone still care enough about struggle sim to have version 1.8s download link?
>>47842 1. 18 i mean
someone please upload the .8 version of from where you live?
Anyone have the latest SMVA build? The kemono hasn't updated so if anyone has the newest build, please share.
>>47586 What the.. Where? I don't see it. Please, my man, do me a favour and forward the link here.
>>48105 I would do that for you. But I don't want to make an account on that fucking site.
Anyone have a guide or at least patch notes to show the new shit in MMA2? They're only on the patron discord apparently
Vorinomicon anyone?
>>48409 Thanks a lot, man.
Anyone got from where you live version .8? The kemono was updated with .7 but you can't even access it
Anyone have the updated churn vector?
new update to Sabrina the Hungry Witch
There's a new patch for Project Glutt if anyone is curious.
>>48713 bump
>>48729 Wait what!? After all this time?
>>48745 The update was for improved animations I think.
>>48760 Does anyone have the patch or is it not out yet?
Looking for the furrydesirer update, thank you.
>>48713 Bump
>>48713 Can anyone share?
can anyone update theloneclaw's kemono page? gluttonous life updated
https://ashetheelf.itch.io/ashes-adventures this looks interesting, has anyone tried it yet?
>>48782 Seconding the need for a link or kemono upload. I've waited so long for this update.
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>>48857 Jesus, I can already tell this would hardly be worth playing if it was free, let alone if it's apparently worth 10$. And it's not even finished?
Not sure where to find it nowadays, but Milia Wars was a pretty good sprite based vore game.
Does anyone have the most recent version of Vorinomicon by Trashman Tales?
>>48900 Echinda Wars DX is the successor, big recommendation
Famished 0.11 is out. Anybody have it or can update the kemono?
Bumpity bump bump for Famished 0.11 Seriously though I'm going through withdrawals here.
>>48857 You will find me deep in the cold cold ground before I ever pay for a fucking porn game
Does anyone know any good cock vore games?
Bump for the following Project G.L.U.T.T. Sabrina the Hungry Witch Famished
>>48984 get over yourself
Bump for Fromwhereyoulive v8.0
>>48984 based >>48993 cringe
>>49003 thank you good anon
Yeesh. All this fighting is distracting from the real problem here... Nobody has famished 0.11
>>49013 Famished is not the only good game that gets posted here. Be Patient it is sended here later for sure.
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>>49016 god I wish
I'm glad that I'm patient
you could always just go cough up the like 5 bucks he ask for instead of spamming the thread like this you know. you get your nut and he gets a burger and we get to not look at this increasingly embarrassing begging
>>49036 I wouldn't be here if it was affordable for me, time to wait.
>>49043 What game is this?
>>49043 Not gonna download a 3.7 GB .zip without knowing what it is at least.
>>49058 Oh, its Drages Animation's Vore Game. I had no idea
>>48934 Surely someone has it
>>49043 Looks like it's ToM from Drages. What an actual hero. Ty my man!
>>49043 That is just amazing. He very much made the game worse with the new combat scheme and the original one wasn't great to begin with. F for effort
anyone have struggle sim 1.17.2?
>>49003 Holy fuck, ONE fucking scene? That is actually insane lmao
>>49200 haven't played the last update yet, how do you get the new scene?
>>49003 What game is this?
Sometimes I wish that a game based on those GTS/vore Hero Wars ads actually existed... those are at times more hot than they have any right to be.
Anyone have new Famished update or It's a Gluttonous Life?
>>49206 In the castle, take the left door. Actually the lamest update I've ever seen in a vore game. Anyone know of a game where there was a dating app for vore, and there were a few different girls you could meet? Was very visual novel style, your mother could eat you as well. Also a few of the girls you'd meet at a hotel, one who just wanted to eat you and another who I think had the option to unbirth you. Can't remember the name.
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Saw this in Steam while scrolling through some of the recommended titles. Not really a "vore" game, but it's all about trying to escape a giant snake that's trying to swallow you alive. Vore is kind of a main mechanic of the game, incidentally or intentionally. There's a decent amount of discussions going on in it's forums with people asking the dev for graphic internal shots of digestion or maybe minigames you can play while in it's stomach for a chance at being regurgitated - and the dev seems to be keen on the idea. Definitely going at it more from a horror angle than a sexual angle, but it's not like that's ever stopped someone from cranking one out before. It's called "Digested" https://store.steampowered.com/app/2605900/DIGESTED/
>>49306 Got to looking into this a little bit more, and apparently that's not a radiation/biohazard suit the guy is wearing. It's an anti-digestion suit. I assumed the snake was huge because of radiation or mutation or something, but no - the game will supposedly offer "internal" gameplay mechanics and digestion will be graphic if you fail. The reason it's a body-cam game and not a first person view game is so that you can see your character being digested if you fail. The dev also has interest in a VR port, and have a VR test build of the game up and running. Problem is that it's made in Unity and not Unreal - so VR performance is unfit for publication for the foreseeable future.
>>49285 bump
Does anyone have Vorinomicon made by Trashman Tales?
>>49364 Finally famished, your the goat
Can anyone pls update kemono. This is a very good game/story. https://www.patreon.com/AnotherInnerWorld/posts https://kemono.su/patreon/user/70297087
>>49364 smaller update than expected. at least kat is there.
>>49376 updated
>>49187 people dont really seem to acknowledge struggle sim much anymore
>>49200 And it was 2 months for this. It's two scenes, btw, but still lame. Well, to be fair, he remade inside belly CG for all scenes but it was really unnecessary
>>49292 Anyone know the game I'm talking about? It was posted on 8chan once but I've never seen it again
>>49390 It's good, it's just like nearly all games of this sort the updates are small and sparse, so it's not really worth it to follow every single +0.01 version.
>>49411 No clue that you're talking about. Sorry
>>49411 vore app VN sounds like catering to hungry girls
>>49380 Fucking amazing we can finally feed her but is there no way to make her digest and then feed her again? Like for now is it really just one prey and that's it?
>>49450 Wait, how did you feet Kat?
>>49450 Kat can also eat the mermaid and the young birdgirl trying to seduce that one guy.
>>49446 It's not. It's got some sort of demi-human type people, and the main character is a girl I believe. Lives with mom. Also, not AI art, it's decent drawing but not anime like either.
>>47533 Modded Skyrim/Fallout.The base games are still solid and the mods help fix some of the issues.
https://ghostwhisperer971.itch.io/a-way-out New cool game, сheck it out, I think many people will like it!
been a while since someone uploaded a recent struggle sim build
>>49518 Good shit, good shit.
>>49452 You gotta build a positive relationship with her, so don't do too much evil shit while she's watching
>>49003 Can somebody explain, how to download stuff eith it? I missed the guide
anyone have latest version of among cults
>>48857 Wanting to pay for AI slop lol
Can someone update the Kemono for OsmiumOrchid? 5 new versions of SMVA have dropped since it was last updated
Anyone by chance have the new Twilight Vs?
>>49593 Twilight vs?
Can we get an update on Mysta's patreon for the MMA2 update? https://kemono.su/patreon/user/4610958
>>48857 I've never seen a thread on Eka's where everyone is dunking on the OP quite this much. That's saying something.
Anyone know where to download this game?
>>49632 The game depicted on the video doesn't exist. What the video shows is actually two separate games. One is Three Days to Digest. https://aryion.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=79&t=61968 The other is Vore Dungeon. https://aryion.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=79&t=39556
Evoria new part is out.
>>49662 Yoo! Based! Thanks!
>>49672 Why would anyone pay for that
>>49662 Literally a dollar to access, plus it comes out 2 weeks early. Can we try to not leak Evoria so the dev stops working on it?
>>49675 The update is not even finished yet. I think we can wait a few weeks for more scenes.
>>49676 Ah, yes, let me complain about piracy in the piracy thread
Anyone got the new v6 update of the minimum project,?
Can someone share the new Evoria chapter 7 update? iv'e heard they have finally put in some vore scenes.
>>49721 Its on F95
>>49721 2nd this
Is For those who have already played chapter 7 of Evoria, how was chapter 7? Ngl they need to put in more vore scenes+weight gain art imo. I have played up until chapter 6 and the story feels lacking. characters and story are good but nothing to special. and like i said earlier more vore scenes+weight would be appreciated. but what is your take?
>>49735 It's got a couple vore scenes, they gave the best one to the worst character, unfortunately
>>49738 describe 'The worst character'
>>49735 I enjoyed chapter 7. Could use more vore scenes (with actual digestion) as others have said (and more weight gain). Overall I liked the scenes in this chapter though, and i hope the artist for the game continues to improve as the art in this chapter looked better than the before.
Anybody got a copy of a closed alpha build of Mind Her Manor by any chance?
>>49764 Glad to hear we both agree that more weight gain art would be nice. And the art is indeed getting better compared to part one the artist/artists have made lots of progress. Would you mind sharing chapter 7? I want to play it and the 2 weeks wait is killing me:)
>>49770 Refer to >>49662
>>49446 Voreland, that's the name of it. Anyone got a link to voreland?
>>49789 Seconding this, looks pretty good
>>49811 What is Voreland?
Anyone From Where You Live .8 or .8.1?
>>49877 Unfortunately furrydesirers patreon was suspended due to vore art which patreon does not allow now for some reason. so getting it is now impossible really. but heres 0.8. YUhSMGNITTZMeTl0WldkaExtNTZMMlpwYkdVdlREYzFSVzFpU1VFamQwUXhaV3RFUVZKdVVrMHdhV2MxTmpkTGFrbHNTblZJZFVOUGFVZEJOVk5OWm14amMyZExORlIyYnc9PQ==
>>49880 Patreon has been ass about it for a while now, thats why many switched to suscribestar, if you willing use Patreon nowadays you should know you're playing with fire.
Does someone know a loli pred vore game? That has player pred+weight gain? Or any vore game that has player pred+weight gain.
I'm a fan of vore town and smva just to give a example, so please if someone has some good recommedations let me know.
I know it's an old game, but does anybody have a translation for Card Quest Rydia?
Hello, could anyone kindly share the monmusu delicious game series please? I have been looking for them since ages. I surfed through weird-ass sites, different forums but got nothing. I just got strange files that corrupted my hard disk. I am really tired of searching on my own anymore. Therefore, I ask for help. So if anyone has those games, do kindly share them
>>50034 Haha, been in that same situation (downloading the wrong file aside). Guess you're in luck, tl is already applied, non flash version, full course. Think I got it from igg games or something like that and the tl is on the arzorx site. Anyway here, have a good nut. https://pixeldrain.com/u/8YHvRbsa
>>49770 >>49764 The only gripe im having with that game is that it feels more like it's handholding us through the whole story, otherwise i like the fact that vore scenes are snowballing in numbers.
>>50047 Agreed. Very pleased that theres less and less stuffing and more and more vore.
>>50088 Same
>>50021 Not sure about loli pred games altogether, but player pred with weight gain reminds me of A Way Back Home and Sabrina the Hungry Witch by the same dev. Neither is really "finished", but weight gain is a core feature in both.
Anyone have the latest St. Miluina's Vore Academy build?
>>50090 Thank you for answering but iv'e already played those games. I want play something new. Games iv'e already played that have those tags: Famished, smva, Sabrina the hungry witch, vore town, evoria, all of balvoart's games, babyfat series, project glutt, Vored alive(A high stakes game), Amalgamation from CoolinAbox, please if you know any good games that have player pred+weight gain please let me know. I'm a gamer and a porn addict i need a new game to play.
someone upload voreland for the love of god
Can someone share the latest smva build?
I may need help extracting game files. Specifically images/animations of the characters, enemies, and bosses from some vore games that have Godot.exes or pck files. Mainly to see the sprites in the game If anyone knows how, that'd be greatly appreciated. The vore games I need help extracting from are WolfGirlTycoon and Manic Mimic https://aryion.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=79&t=66284 https://bellybelting.itch.io/manic-mimic
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>>50111 Here is both games decrypted using GDRE Tools plus the actual tools themselves. Enjoy. https://mega.nz/file/lTcGFAAY#LZCSQVuHi7787IrpeataWGks4VkyoZLRKAn_FxAn32g
>>50113 thanks, anon!
>>50113 Wow, that was fast. Thank you very much for this!
>>50111 Damn, never expected to see my game WolfGirlTycoon get decrypted. I still have no clue what my next vore game project will be.
>>50124 Wait what?
I mainly wanted it to be decrypted since I loved the animations of the sprites and wanted to see them move around as gifs outside of the game
>>50106 Switch to being a dev to make more. I'm out of games for my particular niche so I'm really considering this, having zero drawing skill being the biggest hurdle.
>>50125 I'm the dev
>>50131 Oh! I didn't know. Its nice to meet you
Can someone share the latest smva build?
>>50113 How did you do this btw? And what is GDRE Tools + the tools you used?
>>50129 If games like Famished can manage, you can manage. Follow your dev dreams anon :)
My highest record so far. There were too many detectives
>>50150 Beaten my record
>>50147 I only used GDRE tools to decrypt. If you want to use them then just get a Godot game’s exe and target them with the tools. You can either do an extraction or a full decompile of the game depending on what you want.
Got it, thank you!
>>50149 I really don't want to resort to genAI though... Let's see though, probably best to start with placeholders anyway and get the basics out of the way first. At least decide on whether it will be RPGMZ or Godot (because as much as tsukuru has most of the basics I'd ever need in-built already, I don't exactly fancy coding via menus).
>>50124 A dev who doesn't snap when their game gets decrypted? Pretty based ngl.
>>50167 genAI games don't necessarily have to be shit, but they will if it's just "a means to an end". Honestly, just build up your skills in actual development (if its RPGMaker, get good with scripts, or others, learn basic code for deving) because that can be much more valuable when pretty much every project has mid visuals from their graphics being genned by Stable Diffusion
>>50167 Honestly description/scenario will do fine in place of art. Personally prefer it that way in certain cases (there's something about Amalgamation's character models that unnerve me)
kemono.su/ patreon/user/91189529 This is a game called eternal gutslut. You're a demi-phoenix girl and you have the power to pull yourself back together after being digested so long as your mana isn't depleted too much. Some pretty good sort and long vore scenes. Nobody has updated the archive since 4.2 but 4.2 is pretty rad. I think it is up to version 6 now. Give it a try if you haven't.
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>>50124 Cole?!
>>50230 Cole? Who's that?
Anyone able to share the Fangzters chapter 1 release?
Anyone have Press to Struggle from zyyph?
Anyone know how to get the animations for testament of minos without having to play through the game?
>>50043 Thanks a lot for this, anon!! You can't imagine the relief I got after I saw this being shared here. May God bless you always. By the way, I have a question. I thought Monmusu Delicious was supposed to played like an RPG game. However, I just have a lot of scenes to watch in this but nothing to control. Is this how it's supposed to be? Well, either way, I am not complaining about what I got.
>>50441 Anytime, I was in the same boat so I get your pain. yeah monmusu delicious is just a collection of defeat cg. If you look for the vore sidestory for mgq (the vn, not paradox), that's Cecilia's quest or adventure, which is basically a short collection of cg, that's kinda playable to a certain extent, with camel/dgate cgs. personally speaking, you get Cecilia's stuff everywhere in video format already, delicious is the stuff that's difficult to find.
Famished seems to have a new version released
>>50568 aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cubWVkaWFmaXJlLmNvbS9maWxlL3dsamNkdjczM3BoZnR3MC9GYW1pc2hlZF92LjAxMi5yYXIvZmlsZQ==
>>50618 Danke mi amigo!
Does anyone have the newest SMVA build? I'm unsure if they updated it on their Patreon but if anyone knows if they did, or better yet have the build, that'd be great to hear.
Here is FightFuckFeed. All the paid content should be unlocked. If I missed something or if something bugs out (Not because the game is buggy but courtesy of hidden anti piracy code) then yell at me and I'll try to fix it. https://files.catbox.moe/ispmmk.7z
>>50656 Yeah it works. Cheers anon
>>50656 Also the anti piracy lines are still there but at least it's pretty amusing
>>50568 Anyone know how to get the new kat scene? Im lost.
>>50705 It's on the new region, Regium, the castle on the map to the left of pointers
>>50759 No I've been there and done (what i believe to be) everything but i just can't find the scene. I talked to the guys in the inn already but now I'm lost :(
if you have kate with you and go to the inn a cutscene happens with them taking kate to the warehouse in the right corner of the city but if she hates you and left your party you dont get the cutscene
>>50814 Building a positive relationship with her makes for a few good scenes and you can even make her fatter if she eats enough, I assume in the future this will be expanded upon so I think it's worth the trouble. Just leave her at the camp whenever you want to do something that would make her angry. For the boar and inn quests you have to "properly" complete them without digesting anyone for a positive reputation with her, but in the manner you instead get a positive opinion by eating the noble that gave you the quest and freeing the slaves (with the key from the chest). Also this is a bug but I found a way to replay the feeding scene in the camp, if she ate that one birdgirl and you go to there after feeding her a prisoner the game thinks she ate the birdgirl again and she will digest her current meal and you can feed her again, still dunno if there's a better way to get her to digest a prisoner.
>>50815 Thanks for pointing that out, I was having a hard time trying to find what scenes to have Kat devour preys. But what about the Bunny Companion? What scenes does she have that we don't know about?
>>50832 Pretty sure there's nothing special for her yet as a companion. Just the scene at the refugee camp before you find her in the fort jail. I think the dev said she's getting some love next update
>>50656 Seems like Unbirth is completely broken. Not sure if its a bug, or anti-piracy, but its very frustrating. Still, thanks for the share!
>>50862 In the latest update she does multivore. If you go to Regium and in the Inn you get some guys that apear and she goes to the corner of town with them. You can save her and have her eat all 5 guys at once.
Has anyone got the latest version of From Where You Live please?
>> 50917 The old fix posted in this thread still works for it. Open it up in notepad and do what this says. Unbirth works fine after removing that line again. >>47084
Sorry to begfag but anyone willing to share the new openvore? It's been fucking half a year since the last public update. https://www.patreon.com/user?u=4610958
>>50917 Issue was this: >>50938 Here is an updated version with the unbirth crash fixed. What gets me is that I really cannot fathom putting anti piracy shit in a fucking html text game. https://files.catbox.moe/te4a86.7z
>>50943 >What gets me is that I really cannot fathom putting anti piracy shit in a fucking html text game. It's the sure-fire sign of an attention whore.
>>50936 This was about the bunny not Kat
>>50862 You can also feed her the goat centaur you buy at the farm
>>50862 >>51009 with the high tier poll,she might get "some love" ,i voted for the boss battle voring teammates but its losing hard.
>>51015 The goat centaur? Where?
>>50943 ... Hey was it you who put the slurs in there?
>>51056 Based voregame?
Can y’all help >>51069 (7276)
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>>51056 Yeah. Thought it would be funny to fuck around and still let the dev have a little bit of shilling in case someone might actually want to throw them something. You think even for a minute that some dev would put that shit in? Imagine the backlash. Although there is some shit talking directed towards, "Hackers". (People who know basic bitch Javascript).
Did any of you ever try out this game by Voredy? https://aryion.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=79&t=61089 Seems like it was really ambitious, trying to be a AA 3D quality game and then was put on hiatus. The 2 vore scenes are actually quite decent. I wonder if they will ever continue it? From thier forums posts, they need animators for the vore scenes. Anyone willing to help them out who can animate in 3D? I wanna see this game keep going.
>>51072 Can you also remove the nonbinary bullshit?
>>51077 Can't you enable and disable during a New Game? What do you need me to remove exactly?
>>51078 When I started the game with a new build, it turned it on automatically.
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>>51079 Did you have both monster boys and girls off? 'Cos then It auto turns on.
>>51081 Scratch that, I'm retarded. If you have nothing on (Monsters and Nonbinary) then only giant robots spawn. The shit I posted was for displaying the button settings. In any case, I haven't found anything that turns them on. What exactly popped up for you that had nonbinary shit?
>>51081 No, I had both boys and girls enabled.
>>51082 The part where I "Noped" the fuck out was when it popped in a "nonbinary cuntboy" when I had none of that shit enabled.
>>51084 Did you accidently enable nonbinary monsters in settings?
>>51085 It's possible. I have to enable most of the settings to get an decent playthrough, and I could have skimmed over and missed it. The question still remains, why is that there?! If the guy wants to include dickgirls and cuntboys (Which I have no problem with), why isn't there a setting to do that exact thing? Why does he have to insert political activism in a game designed around fetishes?
>>51023 At the farm, just after fort valor. It's from an older update
>>51072 Now do we post that picture on the aryion thread and see what happens?
>>51119 But how do you the sheeptaur to the bunny/rose?
>>51151 how do you feed* the sheeptaur to the bunny
>>51123 I am not sure where that is in the html. I searched all the slurs in the hacked file in the html of the not-hacked version and those terms aren't in plain text like they are in the hack. TLDR: I think the cracking anon just added that as a joke.
>>51157 You buy it with the farmer girl and then give it to rose in the barn while shes in the party
Anyone that can update TheLoneClaws kemono page? thank you in advance if there is someone.
>>51162 Fair play if that's the case.
Vorotype Version 2.1.2 is out
>>50167 project FAT has the worst CGs ever conceived by mankind for a fetish game and that's still one of the best vore games out there purely on scenarios and gameplay options, youll be fine
am I the only one that misses Domain ? the art wasn't great but it decent enough, and it was ambitious with really hot dialog and scenarios. It's such a shame that game died when the dev had a breakdown.
>>51299 Bro dont remind me, so much potential.
Did the newest Sabrina the Hungry witch update get dropped?
Anyone got the newest update of from where you live/amelia's stranded adventure/voreland?
>>51522 I don't think I have or heard of any of those
>>51547 Awesome! Thanks man!
>>51353 It's dropped, waiting for a hero
>>51591 Thank you!
>>51591 Based and thanks
>>51522 where you live update is on itch.io https://furrydesirer.itch.io/from-where-you-live
>>51642 And I dont have the voreland update sadly
>>51591 whats new to this update?
>>51648 Here's the devlog.
anyone got the latest update of the EGS 6.0?
https://kemono.su/patreon/user/126166561 Could someone either send the game, or update the kemono?
>>51657 What is this? I can't read moonrunes in image format
>>51773 ガラクタの騎士, Garakuta no Kishi (Junk Knight). No idea what's this game about, just transcribed the name.
>>51774 Shit. It's pretty good, if I can I'll buy it for everyone if someone can find me a link
>>51788 The link for the game is already here: >>51657 But if you want to buy to support or whatever then here is the fanbox: https://toxic-lab.fanbox.cc/posts
Anyone happen to have the latest build of Struggle Simulator?
>>51828 Anyone got recommendations for games where vore is an actual part of the experience and not just a kinda sexy game over cutscene?
>>51866 That would be endo-focused games for the most part, Amelia's Stranded Adventure, if you can stand AI art, or Eternal Gutslut. Some sandboxes like Unbridled Hedonism also have at least some stuff to do when eaten. The aforementioned Struggle Simulator has vore as its only game mechanic, too - although in way it is a fancy game over simulator.
>>51870 Speaking of Eternal Gutslut, can someone update Bellyaching Games's Kemono Party? Their patreon has EGS 6.0: "Party Even Harder!" there https://kemono.su/patreon/user/91189529
>>51866 I like it when Vore games has animated vore scenes, sometimes interactive that has female prey. Especially one with big breasts. Female protags that are both pred and prey (Switch)
>>47604 Where's Eat me vixen? Didnt come up on itch
Fuck I wish Eskoz would actually work on Diminishment instead of spending years on animations. It's been, what, 4 years since Diminishment got updated? Mostly because that damn Devil's Cookie animation took so fucking long, and it was hardly worth the wait. Now he's been spending all of his time on that anal vore animation that's not supposed to be released for another couple of weeks? And it uses one of the characters from the game? So why not just make that a part of the fucking game?
>>51916 Diminishment?
>>51920 One of the best vore games out there. Decent gameplay, hot-as-fuck characters, amazing internals. Got something for everyone. Wish I had a link to it.
>>51921 Isn't there a Kemono party for it or something?
>Project G.L.U.T.T. updates with some new digestion audio from an ASMR youtuber >Still uses stock sound effects for burps I like this game but development has been moving at such a glacial pace, dude needs to just use some of his Patreon bucks and hire someone to help move things along
does anyone have a full version of a way out by ghostwhisperer971
>>51954 if someone has a all unlocked version would be great
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>>51958 Here is a save where all preds, nightmare mode, two pred mode and one pred student are unlocked. I dunno if that is everything. Extract the file to C:\Users\[ACCOUNT]\AppData\LocalLow\GhostWhisperer971\A Way Out https://mega.nz/file/YPFEDbKJ#2JLPYDr0_ScfKy6IpwPuUBmzDSRLPM_PVmcRbv9Otxo
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>>51954 Bless you anon
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>>51959 Did a bit of save editing, (surprisingly easy just put the .dat file into https://www.saveeditonline.com and change some values from 0 to 1) and it turns out you can also play as Satie who's even faster than the default as for how your supposed to unlock normally I don't know yet.
>>51959 bro im to stupid for this can i do it
how can i edit the save file i mean
>>51959 ok what i mean is i dont know where tho put the file sory for my bad english
>>51972 how did you manage that?
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>>51982 Take your game_data.dat file from C:\Users\[ACCOUNT]\AppData\LocalLow\GhostWhisperer971\A Way Out and upload it to the website I linked earlier. Then just change the values for "predator_0_cleared_hard" or whatever from 0 to 1 and when your done download your edited .dat file and place it back where you found it overwriting the original file (you might want to make a copy just in case).
>>51922 Looks like Kemono is being retarded again right now
A lot of vore games are bad at either the "vore" part or the "game" part. Any that excel at both?
>>52069 My standard answer to this is Milia Wars DX, the most polished vore platformer out there.
>>51866 Fucking hate those shitty RPG Maker vore games where the only vore in it is one static drawing as a game over. If you have to intentionally lose in order to experience the thing the game is supposed to be focused around, that makes a pretty shit experience.
>>52073 Got a link?
Is this real mod or what? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jkJV0W6zbXI
>>52134 Read the comments on the video. He used the Project Sugar Cube mod that allows for custom animations, and animated the Quivern vore animation into the game himself. So vore is possible with the game, but would require someone or a group of people animating it all. Its possible, but insane. I can see someone taking this as a proof on concept and just making individual vore mod animations for some fan favorite Pals.
I think vore being a loss condition is fine. As long as you aren't sent back for forgetting to save. Games like nyan adventures gets this right, where losing just sends you back abit. Forest monster and mysta adventures have some of the worst scenes where because you talked to the wrong person. You can be sent back hours
>>52156 Yeah, I just get into the habit of saving before talking to literally anyone in vore games now. May as well save all the time if you can.
Anyone got that Saeko giantness game that went viral a few months ago. Can't find any cracks and it seems like the official steam page for it just went down
Still keeping an eye out for vorotyle being leaked
>>52238 Pretty sure the latest version is already on kemono. Except maybe some bug fixes. But all the latest scenes are there. https://kemono.su/patreon/user/126166561
>>52241 What is Vorotyle?
>>52247 Oh, I never heard of this vore game before. I hope its good
>>51972 I've been having some fun with this. So if you play any of the other preds you can eat the fairy once your hunger is below 10%. doesn't always work but its fun.
>>52279 Any chance someone could rehost this on a different site? Anti virus is going crazy with that link.
anyone have latest version of From where you live
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>>52317 Thanks, I was looking for an up to date version to try my hand at modding the game, since it's built in unity I should be able to decompile it with dnSpy and start tweaking some values. Hopefully, I'm still fairly new at this.
can you put in disposal in the game
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>>52342 No can do, that would be well above my skill level. Like I said, I'm still fairly new at this so my initial goals were to tweak some of the player stats, since it would be an easy thing to mod. Or so I thought, I'm currently bogged down in debugging the game's code, I'm not sure if my decompiler butchered the game's code or if it was a mess to begin with, but I need to sort these out first before I can even start editing anything. After all that's sorted then I can start reading the instruction manual for melonloader (a unity mod loader) to actually make any mods I do make distributable. Suffice to say I severely underestimated just how much work went into modding games.
>>52342 ...Why would you want disposal like poop and bones in the game at all...? /:(
>>52343 I would be extremely grateful if you could just put an "unlock everything" button or if someone could explain the game_data.dat file thing one more time... I can use the save editor but the file does absolutely nothing to change the game. Like what is the step i'm missing between having the edited game data file and the finished goal of unlocking everything?
>>52362 From beginning to end, here's how to do the save edit: 1. Go to https://www.saveeditonline.com/ 2. Upload the game_data.dat file from C:\Users\[ACCOUNT]\AppData\LocalLow\GhostWhisperer971\A Way Out 3. Change all the cleared variables to 1 4. Click Download to get your edited game_dat.dat file 5. Place the edited file into C:\Users\[ACCOUNT]\AppData\LocalLow\GhostWhisperer971\A Way Out 6. You're done
Anyone here tried Voraria yet? I'm asking because you need to join a discord server in order to download the mod.
>>52368 No, is that a Terraria mod? If so, how does it work exactly?
>>52368 Why do people hide downloads behind Discord? What is the thought process there? Hell, the only reason I have Discord in the first place is because of people making gay little clubhouses with Discord and hiding their shit there. Anyways, enough ranting, here is the mod: https://files.catbox.moe/8jox55.tmod
>>52370 >Why do people hide downloads behind Discord? <Hell, the only reason I have Discord in the first place is because of people making gay little clubhouses with Discord and hiding their shit there. That's pretty much the reason. The only people using Dicksword are retards who don't know about better chat apps that DON'T datamine your hard drvie (Like Session, Tox, or even IRC) or using it to create their own private sexting clubs (Which have been busterd innumerable times for blackmailing and grooming kids).
>>52399 Cool argument bro, glad your room temperature IQ figured that out. IRC has the same porn communities as Discord, you jusf can't directly search for them. Tox and Sessen are smaller and serve a different purpose. Big communities attract lots of toxic people, just don't fucking join those servers or you're part of the problem yourself
Bit of a weird one but does anyone have the latest version of God Complex?
https://www.patreon.com/user?u=25438681 Shagura has just dropped the new big update
Can anyone please update kemono of LokiVulpix, new version of starbound vore mod(SBQ) is out https://kemono.su/patreon/user/51938490
>>52343 Oh hey neat, someone else fell into the same rabbithole I did. I started entirely from scratch, like you, but I think I have gotten luckier with my attempts. I found a program called UABEA to mess around with the .asset files, such as sharedassets0 inside the data folder, which works pretty well for making superficial changes. For instance, you can change around how much capacity each pred has, how large the their belly grows in relation to that capacity being filled, how fast they move, how loud they are, and so on. Even simple changes to the model, like making their tits bigger, or increasing/decreasing their overall scale. But the actual proper scripting required, eeer, some effort. Through a fuckton of ill-understood measures, I somehow managed to get a working decompiled assembly-C#, which contains the majority of the actual code for the game, and found a way to get unity to recompile it. The decompiled script was absolutely chock full of compiler errors, which I understood fuckall about, but by hacking and slashing at it, I eventually got it to work. My theory is that the author worked in some fucked up version of unity, because half the fucking errors were ultimately related to the code calling functions by deprecated names. By now, I think I got a reasonable grasp of the source code, but honestly I am not a programmer, so other than simple changes and additions, you need someone who actually understands this shit, lmao. That being said, I did manage to adjust the game more to my liking. Preds hear you from further away, the rounds have more people in them, digestion takes *much* longer, preds are much harder to escape from once swallowed, preds (except the lamia) only have capacity enough for one prey and get hungry *much* faster. Currently working on making student predators behave more aggressively when hungry, akin to the apex predator. And also some kind of way to make specific student preds spawn. I don't care for the fairy :V. Also, Satie sometimes does not expand her belly when she eats someone, and I know that's intentional, but for the life of me I genuinely cannot figure out how the author implemented that feature. The script that handles allocating the blendshape for 'full' doesn't differentiate between Satie and the rest, so fuck if I know.
>>52279 >>52317 The game is decent but I feel the art is holding it down. The preds look odd and the only one I think looks decent is the fairy and possibly the last one as I haven't seen her yet. Ironically I prefer the prey girl over the preds and wish I could feed them instead and I could see it being done using an object that makes them hungry. Mods would probably make this much better since all I think is needed is better-looking characters and possibly more interactions. like force-feeding prey to prey or prey to pred.
Vorealia v 4.0 by Schagura is out/ Does anyone have it?
Does anyone have Project Sirius game? It's only 1.6.2 on aryion, but already 1.7.1 on patreon. Can somebody share it?
any good games recently? So far the best games I've played are some bullshit, tiny misadventure, this one game I can't remember the name of but it was like a dating sim (sadly unfinished), the vore Tamagotchi games and a few RPG maker games that I can't remember the names of right now.
>>52707 Also, the 3 days to digest games and the game uru made
>>52707 Glut-Tonne Demon was fun to play
>>52279 Can we have the lastest ver? The one were all the preds have weigth gain.
>>52708 Is it a giantess vore one where the prey doesn't even make a bump on the girls stomach cuz she's too fucking huge or are there actually good belly bumps?
Does anyone have the latest build of Vorinomicon by Bitterman?
>>52600 Sorry if this is a stupid question, but what did you edit to make the preds get hungry faster/digest slower?
>>52740 There's a free version on ekas
>>52742 That is a very good question man. It's unfortunately not easy to do. Both of those functions are defined in the Assembly-CSharp.dll, inside of the A way out_Data/Managed folder. Said file has to be decompiled into a bunch of C-sharp (C#) files, one of which (Person.cs) contains the scripts for those two functions. Getting unity to compile the decompiled assembly back into a workable assembly-CSharp is rough though. If you manage it though, the functions for digesting slower is defined in two separate places: One for when the prey is alive, called "Process()", defined somewhere around line 240~ish. Inside that definition, there are two ways to change the duration. Either change the base values of num and num2 (line 260 and 261) by changing the multipliers and the default max value of the same variable. Alternatively, at line 272~ish, there is a line that defines digestTimerMax as num+num2+32. The final +32 is arbitrary, just change it to whatever. Personally used the former approach, because the latter increases *minimum* digestion time, where as the former changes digestion time in relation to current capacity usage. The second function is called Digestion, and is the last function defined in person.cs. For this one it was a lot simpler. At line 4000~ish, the float timerMax is defined. I added an arbitrary multiplier at the end of the formula, * 5 in this case, and that worked fine. Same function also defines how much weight is gained from capacity, and how early in 'Digestion' the weight-gain begins. Hunger is also simple enough. It's determined by a variable named body.belly.hungerTimer, which is initially set in the definition "CharacterStart". The relevant line is at 1100~ish. Default hungerTimer is 480, with hardmode setting it to 8. I set default to 80, and further added some random ranges to each respective predator name for student preds. For example, if Satie spawns a student pred, she begins with a hungerTimer of 80 (seconds, presumably) - a random range between 75 and 40. In other words, a range of 5 to 40. I also managed to implement the aggression I talked about, and even managed to set it up so that student preds get interested in the player at certain hungertimer thresholds, indicated by them playing hunger noises at a lower volume than usual, and get progressively more aggressive in their interest as they get 'hungrier', before eventually hunting NPC students if they get hungry enough. The game thus becomes a battle of keeping tabs on which preds, other than the Apex which is always mainly interested in you (and thus set to be louder and more easily identifiable), are currently hungry enough to want you, and to try to keep your distance from hungry preds until they are full and thus temporarily safe to be around. Gonna try and port all my nonsense over to the new version uploaded here yesterday, and if I succeed, I'll see if I can't upload it as some kind of mod or some shit.
anyone have A night with Neil .2 rem?
Vorealia v 4.0 by Schagura is out/ Does anyone have it?
>>52719 Am I just retard? Can't see to notice the weigth gain on the fairy and the lamia pred.
Anyone!!! Update kemono or just shere please!!! https://www.patreon.com/user?u=51938490 New version of starbound vore mod(SBQ) is out! https://kemono.su/patreon/user/51938490
>>52749 Yeah, but that version is old. I'm looking if anyone has the current build from patreon.
>>52751 bump for this one
>>52771 seconding this
>>52881 BUMP for this!!!
>>49385 Does anybody have the Another Inner World episode 5? it appears that the kemono file is no longer available
>>52750 Back again dudes. Got distracted with attempts to figure out how the audio is called in the game, mainly because some of the soundclips are painfully crushed, and forgot to upload the thing: https://files.catbox.moe/urrfnm.7z Just copypaste this shit into the A way out_data folder, but make sure to make a backup of the three files that get replaced (or, hell, backup the whole game). The full list of changes I've made is rather fucking long at this point, and I probably forgot some, but I'll try to list them. I strongly recommend playing with student preds on, and as prey yourself, as the preds cannot currently eat each other. If I can be fucked, I'll make the apex be able to swallow student preds again. Anyhow, list of changes as I remember them: - Each round now spawns 16 persons, spread around the map. If student preds are allowed, 4 out of 16 will be preds. - The hunger system has been adjusted a bit. Before, all preds spawned with a timer of 500-something, with the apex ignoring all NPCs (but not the player) until that timer hit 0. - The Apex now always start with a timer of 240, and each student pred spawns with a random reduction to their respective timers, personalized for each. Satie and Bella *always* start with a timer below 140 (see below). - At roughly 145 seconds, student preds give off an unusually loud and deep stomach rumble to signal that they are soon hungry enough to hunt the player. - In vanilla, the student preds behave like normal students until the 500-something timer hit 0, at which point they'd walk towards the nearest thing they had space for and eat it (including food items). - Now, once their timer gets below 120, they hunt the player like the Apex. They'll come running if they hear you, and chase you down on sight. - And, like the Apex, if their timer reaches 0, they hunt any NPC they have capacity for. - Each pred, except Ligeska, only has room for one prey. Ligeska has some funky shit going on, but short version is that if she has prey already, there is a chance for each time she sees you that she might chase you. - To help you keep track, each 'hungry' student preds' stomach gurgle every so often. If you hear it, keep away. This one needs some adjustment still, the range you can hear the preds is a bit too low, but if you set it too high, the game can quickly turn into an inaudible mess. - Preds generally hear you from further away, so running if you can hear gurgling, especially close, can be often ill-advised. - Digestion, both while trapped and when dead, last a *lot* longer. Former is about three times as long, and latter five times. - As digestion progresses, the 'struggling' noises the prey makes gets progressively weaker and weaker, until they became barely audible underneath the noise of the stomach surrounding them (this still needs adjustment.) - The struggle blendshapes also weaken as digestion progresses, until it can be hard to tell if their prey is still alive. - Oh, and when the player gets eaten, an audio filter is applied that gets progressively stronger, making gamenoises more and more muted. - When preds are completely done digesting someone, they now go to a bathroom on the first floor to spit out the bone instead of leaving them everywhere (just good manners, man). Until the bone is spat out, the hunger timer does not restart. - Since digestion takes so much longer, weight-gain from one prey is, of course, increased. - Escaping after being eaten is a lot harder than normal. However, apples have larger effects, including red apples. Prey have a pretty big bonus to their strugglerate early on in digestion, which fades quickly as digestion progresses. You therefore stand the best chance of escaping if you are swallowed alongside an apple, and hold F the first 50% of the digestion progress. After digestion is 50% done, escape becomes nigh impossible. - The preds are generally somewhat bigger, and have bigger tits and/or ass for the most part. - Ligeska flatly refuses to have her tits made bigger, neither by changing her goddamn armature transforms, or by blendshape, so I guess she wins this one. - Tulpy has been...radically altered. She is basically just a somewhat smaller (and less hungry) clone of Satie now. I know not everyone is gonna love that change, but what I can say? I did not care for the fairy. I almost certainly fucked something up, so if you catch something that doesn't seem right, and care to report it, I'll see if I can unfuck it.
>>52771 seriously, can anyone share it or at the very least update schagura's kemono page for the rest of us ? https://kemono.su/patreon/user/25438681
Does anybody has Chocola Tower or Twilight vs. paywalled versions?
>>53030 > - Each pred, except Ligeska, only has room for one prey. There was any reason for this? I suppose the greatest catch of the game was looking big ass bellies. This kinda ruins the point. The increased weigth gain is a really good addition! And for a bug, if Ligeska (can also be applied to every pred) eats a new student while you are are being digested, you will be insta-digested. As for everything else, all's really good work!
>>52881 Another anon requesting Starbecue. It's a mod by LokiVulpix. https://www.patreon.com/user?u=51938490 To give a little background: The modmaker freaked out over youtubers using their mod, creeps like Garoshadowscale, and put it behind a patreon paywall to prevent him exposing it to his young audience. Trouble is it's likely never going to see a public release as a result, outside of patreon donators. So some of us are going to need kemono access to it. Anyone who can set us up is a real one.
>>53046 >Chocola Tower I am waiting on the game being complete before I grab and reupload it. I'm not gonna continually subscribe and give money to someone slowly milking a fucking RPG Maker game.
does anyone have a Ghostwhisperer971 rename game called escape from deep pit university
>>53101 https://files.catbox.moe/m6803r.zip For those who don't know, A Way Out is now called Escape from Deep Pit University because Ghostwhisperer is trying to get the game on Steam. Also, there is now a sound meter that isn't really that helpful.
>>53096 Aren't that what most games shared here are anyways?
>>53104 >Aren't that what most games shared here are anyways? Incomplete grifts or lazy RPG Maker games? In either case, devs can only have my money when there is a complete product. Not gonna be one of those tards that fund hundreds of dollars for a product that gets abandoned. Look at big baller shit like CoC 2, TiTS and Fap Night at Frenni's. They get thousands and still can't manage to get a game out in a decent timeframe so I'm just gonna treat all Patreon porn shit the same. Whenever the final version of the game comes out then they can have my money.
>>53107 >>53107 The issue is, you're treating vore games as normal game dev projects with normal devs. Vore games on Ekas are almost guaranteed to be plagued with dev silence, stale content, or eventual abandonment. I mean, holding a gooner fucking around on RPGMaker to the same standard as real devs that don't need to hide their content from their family is kinda silly So few projects ever reach the finish line that there's no point in pretending that each of them should. If you want to keep your money, keep your money. I know I will. But if you are gonna beg, you don't need to morally grandstand over one-and-done devs that don't really know what they're doing
>>53108 Don't take what I am saying as shitting on randoms making games and throwing the projects on Eka's, Itch-io or whatever for free or even for a one time payment. My issue lies with people asking for money on Patreon. Typically those people will be making more bank off one person than a regular dev would because of the 'subscribe to get game and updates' model. If you are being paid to make a game then you are absolutely obligated, by those people who give you both their money and trust, to get that game across the finish line. Considering the small scale of Chocola's Tower, I'd say that game is actually gonna be completed and when it is I'll happily pay for it. I don't know what you mean by begging or grandstanding though as I never asked for anything nor proclaimed I am better than anyone.
>>53084 That's just a preference thing fam, mass vore isn't for me. But I might be able to rig it so that nightmare mode vastly increases pred capacity and max belly size, and makes them more or less permanently hungry. Huh. When you say "digested", do you mean the first stage or the second stage? I'll try to see if I can unfuck it.
>>53088 bumping for it!!!
Can someone please share the lastest version from Hotspringstreet? https://youtu.be/e25LOr8DPhI?si=pJQRTZixow2J1PoU
He introduced costume changes so the game now looks so much better. https://kemono.su/patreon/user/2326467
>>53038 bump
>>53046 Bump for the Twilight Vs.
How is it the Famished kemono page updated for the new version on basically the same day but still hasn't changed to add the bug fix update several days later?
>>53030 Dude... why'd you have to remove the fairy man? Literally zero smaller Pred/larger Prey content out there, and the dev throws us a bone, and you take it out?
Someone please update LokiVulpix kemono OR shere SBQ 3.0 https://kemono.su/patreon/user/51938490 . Many thanks for those who will do it.
Voreocracy 0.39 is out!
anyone have latest version of from where you live
>>53115 Would love to see the increased belly capacity/size for nigthmare mode, specially now that there is a lot more prey with your addition. Also, when I say "Digested", I mean the second stage.
>>53102 At first I thought "that's kinda retarded", but hey, some weird shit is on steam already and some of it has or is entirely vore, so it might work out
>>53038 Last bump cause I really wanna see it happen
>>53115 Adding new info. When the lamia splits you up, it will inmediatly go to the bathroom and expel all bones there. It may seems like the fuckup is when the prey counter changes, or something in that regard. For me, it seems like when the pred eats new prey (that shouldn't be possible for anyone but the lamia), all prey get instantly killed (finish 1st stage). And the trigger that make the pred go to drop the bones, only works when there is all the prey is killed and digested (2nd stage). Hopes this helps you out mate. ... Plz add bellies.
>>53244 Yeah... Not sure if I like the idea of disposal (I associate bathrooms with that) or the involvement of bones.
>>53192 Slapped together a quick nightmare mode change for you. Capacity is increased 5x, bellies can grow a lot larger, and all preds are set to be 'apex' preds, which just translates to all of them being as aggressive towards everything they have space for as the apex normally is in nightmare mode. I struck out the nightmare ambience and the fog while at it. In addition, the amount of prey that spawns scale with both nightmare mode and studentpred settings. If only nightmare is enabled, 12 characters (including apex and player) spawn, and if both are enabled, 24 spawn. That's quite a lot, but honestly with this setup, the four preds immediately go on a rampage and eat 4~ish dudes each, so the map gets depopulated very fast. I looked into the bug and have thus far concluded it's intentional on part of the author. I probably can't fix it outside of prohibiting preds from hunting whilst digesting. Ligeska especially got some funky shit going on, intentionally causing her to instantly kill and digest prey under some circumstances. I am not entirely sure what bug or interaction the author wanted to avoid by having her do that, but I figure I best leave it be. Anyhow I probably forgot some shit, this was somewhat more half-assed than usual, but I hope it does the job for you anon. Just replace the assembly-Csharp inside the data/managed folder of the already modded game. https://files.catbox.moe/pesq8s.dll A thing I'd love to implement would be some way to make the scripts grab values from an external file, like an uncompiled .dll. That way I can rig it so that dudes can adjust simple shit on the fly on their own without needing go through the hoops I go through. I know it's possible to do it, but fuck me C# is hell to figure out, especially if you are not a programmer. If all else fails, I can always upload the .cs files that Unity compiles into the assembly the game actually reads. That way any anons can just load them into unity for compiling, and adjust the sourcecodes themselves. I've been working on entirely reverse engineering the game into unity, but unfortunately it's impossible. The version of unity the author uses is some fucked up mess, and results in some unfixable and uncompilable bugs. But fortunately 95% of it is salvageable, and I am personally just messing around trying to learn how actually build something like this on your own by ripping apart the source mateiral and then putting it back together. For now, that mainly means adding an additional pred, with all that entails. That shit probably isn't gonna see the light of day though, as it crosses the barrier from modding to just plain old plagiarizing imo.
>>53244 Oh shit, should have updated the thread before posting lmao. Yeah, my own testing also confirm that when Ligeska eats beyond the 'normal' capacity, anything she already had gets instantly killed and digested. And yeah, the trigger to go spit out the bones is set to be when digestion is entirely finished. ...Which, if the pred keeps gobbling up stuff before finishing, means they don't go until there is nothing to eat. Huh. I'll see if I can come up with a graceful solution to that. On the other hand, it means than when the round is truly over, the toilet gets populated by 4 preds just continuously spitting out bones. Funny, but probably not ideal.
AIW chapter 5, save 2-5 - start of chapters (from 2 to 5), save 6 - end of 5 chapter. https://files.catbox.moe/tbnzbx.html
>>53260 sorry, wrong way to share... https://files.catbox.moe/4ioxi2.rar
>>53260 AIW? What is that short for?
>>53262 Another Inner World, a "story text game" whith vore
Sorry for asking again but i need LokiVulpix kemono updated SO BAD, someone please update it... https://kemono.su/patreon/user/51938490
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I just saw the demo for a game named SAEKO: Giantess Dating Sim. It could end up being one of the better Vore games when it is finished. The art looks good and the gameplay looks like it could be fun and lead to many interesting scenarios in and out of vore. Could be on the same level as Some Bullshit when it comes to content vs gameplay.
>>53265 I bought this mod and its fucking trash? All the NPCs are tiny and low detail, transformations and growing are completely broken. I was going to upload this but fuck that, holy shit this mod blows
>>52771 i am once again bumping for this
>>53300 Please share this trash with me (
>>53300 I use an older version of the mod and it works quite well.
>>53313 Find me a 2D vore platformer I havent played yet that doesn't look like shit and I will
>>53319 Idk... Rain world vore mod, Mistic Knight Maya? There is not many good 2D vore platformers...
>>53323 rain world has a vore mod!?
>>53324 Very good mod, you can play it coop with any mod cat
Does anyone have the new Minimum Project discord screenshots?
>>51828 Bumping this
>>53256 >>53030 Sorry but I can't get these to work. I follow the instructions and when I load the game it looks like it's all corrupted and doesn't work properly. Help would be much appreciated.
>>53341 i got the same problem, unfortunately the mods only work on "A Way Out" and not "Escape From Deep Pit University"
>>53341 Well, first I'd start from the version posted here: >>52719 I changed three files specifically: level1, sharedassets0.assets and Assembly-CSharp.dll. This zip got all three of those. https://files.catbox.moe/urrfnm.7z Just overwrite those three with mine, and you should be good. If you want the nightmare mode stuff as well, then grab https://files.catbox.moe/pesq8s.dll as well. Catbox renamed the dll for some reason, so rename it back to Assembly-CSharp.dll and overwrite it again. That at least works when I do it.
>>53363 Oh, huh. Yeah alright. If and when he posts an actual update that someone uploads, then I might be able to update the mod to work with it.
>>53120 Yes please! Bump
>>53363 >>53364 Thank you, makes sense now.
Anyone have From Where You Live V9.0?
>>53411 why?
anyone have full version of Goddess of Hunger
need LokiVulpix kemono. Someone update please https://kemono.su/patreon/user/51938490
>>53436 They're asking for someone to share it.
>>53280 In bump we trust
Does anyone have the game called ashe's adventures vore game?
>>53487 I've heard its ass beyond comprehension. Not spending money on that, and I doubt anyone else here will either. Best of luck anon
if someone can find out where the models are being put in, in escape from deep pit university, we might be able to add in our own models. (unless of course, each pred have a unique belly model in which case oh well)
Man, where are all the 8/8 game updates? Half of Aryion is 3+ year old abandoned games getting necro'd or posters beating a dead horse. Are vore games dying?
>>53260 Might you have a season 1 complete save for gallery unlocking?
>>53522 Recommend a game that isn't dogshit / AI slop and I might get you it. Half of the garbage people want here looks like trash, is expensive AF or looks incomplete which is why nobody bothers giving updates out.
>>53522 >>53539 No one wants to create, and the model is definitely there for easy monetization with the Patreon only updates. I thought AI would encourage more people to create or expand on existing projects, but that goyslop isn't even filling the developer void anymore. Its joever bros
>>53539 vorealia is pretty good imo
>>53547 It looks like any other RPG Maker game that poses 3D models to create vore pics. Not sure what I am supposed to be enticed by especially since it is the usual Pateron grift shit.
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>>53519 Oh, I am way ahead of you on that one. Unfortunately, I am reasonably sure you can't actually mod new models into the game. The way the script works requires you to set certain IDs within Unity's editor, so unless you recreate the game in its entirety within Unity (a possible, but tedious process), you can't make the game as is actually read a new model. And even if you do recreate the game, I don't even know that you could rightly call it modding anymore. Also, the bellies aren't models, but rather blendshapes attached to a mesh, that are activated by the (Person.cs) script. Thus, if you, like me, have managed to get an uncompiled version of the script to work, you can theoretically apply it to any model with similar blendshapes if you want. It's a funky process, but entirely possible. You just can't add the resulting model to the actual game lmao. You can, however, just use an arbitrary model and the script outside of that game. For me it crosses the line into outright plagiarism, so I won't be releasing any of it, but fucking with it has been a good learning experience. pic related, from one such experiment. Amateurishly set up a model with appropriate blendshapes, changed the scripts to be able to read said model, and boom, it just works™.
>>53312 Bumping this again
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>>53522 In a way there's already an over-abundance of them, proportional to the rather moderate size of the community. There are almost 50 whopping pages worth of games on Eka's alone. Feels like there's no point in making yet another RPG Maker game, and anything else requires way more skill and effort than a day job for neither monetary nor even e-peen reasons. Most of the millenial developers in the community are already burned out, too (or literally dead, at least two of the fairly known ones). I've had this urge to make a shitty game myself for years now, being a coder by trade and all, but every time I end up finding another game to waste my time with (lately it's been Hedonism) and realize that it's just not worth the effort.
>>53539 >>53548 >>53522 niche genre where the majority find a better time drawing than making game,some ppl found a good venue with AI but mutts want AAA quality in fucking vore games. think about it,the income you get making games will always be smaller than drawing vore,your target audience is not normies. i dont know, famished is quite nice,even if its AI.
game idea thats been stuck in my head for a while: a 2d fighting game with a finisher system like mortal kombat but with vore.
>>53575 Mugen. You can add custom characters and there is characters that can vore enemies. e.g. "Elemental Lopunny" has some amazing sprites and sounds. Should be this one: https://mugenarchive.com/forums/downloads.php?do=file&id=128492--18-elemental-lopunny-endercreeper9999-vorse-raidier-wicloud-drpolice
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Can anyone share From where you live v.0.9 please?
>>53575 yeah that's close but those characters usually have the vore as special moves, i was thinking actaully finishers. still thanks for the link.
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>>53574 Famished is alright, but the images really aren't doing it too many favors. Ngl its leagues better than kisekae or koikatsu, but that's because its actually somewhat original, and much more original than the flavor of the month f/f god complex clone.
I've been seeing this game on Twitter lately. https://x.com/kagirohi_gp/status/1822254719797998052 it doesn't seem to be out yet but it looks interesting.
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>>53593 Is God Complex really that prominent? I've been around for a bit too long in this space so my viewpoint is skewed (what do you mean Krishna's VGame is retro?), but that game itself didn't seem to be much different from, say, Mysta's MA1, which must have been made many years earlier, or Nyan Adventures. On that note, isn't Famished following the same formula as well? It does have more complex event flags, but it's still the same kind of a "chosen one" story with standard RPG Maker mechanics and a number of NPCs to eat/get eaten by on the journey to save the generic fantasy world. I feel that's it's going for Nyan on steroids vibe.
>>53587 Thats a good game, but ive got stuck in 3rd location. And so i have the question, how to move across the pits? Some king of rope needed, but i hawe no idea where to find it
>>53638 You see anon, you've just mentioned like 4 different games that all mesh in my head because they're all so similar: Vore games all built in RPGMaker with RTP Assets, generic characters & story, only a handful of redeeming scenes in each. Famished only stuck out because its a furry game and Im not a furry. I want to say that that's a problem, but I'm gonna be honest here, I think no one actually cares enough to put the time into trying to stand out besides maybe using new ways to create visuals or assets, and I doubt the actual players mind. Its just some fetish game on the internet
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>>52720 uru is a giantess artist so his game is giantess but it's pretty good with great art. Sadly it's a little buggy and the guy who made the only English version censored it. Also, it's technically not a Vore game, but it has a few Vore scenes which I feel were good especially the ones where your companion is involved as it is nice seeing her slowly get corrupted and have the choice to eat them or let them live. 3 days to digest is same size and is more about mini-games that affect the ending you get. It's also going to be getting another update soon where Shantae will be added as a pred.

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>>53649 same guy When it comes to bellies, art and having actually good and somewhat funny writing and characters, I would say some bullshit is the best. It's a stuffing game but later on, you can unlock some Vore scenes. I feel the build-up and the effort you need to put in makes it much more rewarding especially since the art is some of the best and most consistent in a vore game and earing the scene just feel better than having it handed to you. However, if you just want Vore you can play its spin-off which leans more into Vore. it's called, it came from Lantrum.
>>53650 Got any links
>>53587 Do you have a savefile for this game? I like the art style but gamedesign and puzzles driving me insane.
>>52771 I am once again bumping this
>>53587 this the vip version, with the extra scenes?
yo if your having trouble with anny rpg maker game there's a cheat engine that is also a translator called "M-TOOL" its how i get through most porn games
>>53704 Either do what >>53711 said and use MTool to cheat or use this file https://files.catbox.moe/d4kmzt.7z and paste that either into www / data. If you use the file then a chest will appear in the VIP entrance where you can turn on and off the var that checks for VIP.
>>53713 We still need the Map57.json file to even interact with the VIP room
anyone got the Vessel Tactics modpack?
>>53719 Turns out the regular builds of the game don't have any data for Map57 (VIP Room) as well as some other VIP rooms. I think they have mostly been ripped out for higher tier subscribers. When the game is completely finished I'll grab the VIP version but for now here is the game decrypted if you want to view the project files and assets. https://files.catbox.moe/anz7bu.7z
>>53721 It says there's a virus when I try to download
>>53722 Probably the website appearing as a false positive. Here is a MEGA link: https://mega.nz/file/lbNkjLaa#RfjKbPTbXj_hcXXJX7vSv8TjPdMSyvy6Z1CNkOhZuvY
>>53723 Thank you thank you
https://kemono.su/patreon/user/44187386/post/109393511 anyone got this, game finally updated and the links are dead in the water
>>53173 It says the link is down. does anyone have it?
>>53744 aHR0cHM6Ly9tZWdhLm56L2ZpbGUvVE1JbERUVEkjTDRvaEE3UGdmNHJwLTE0SjItbTFzTXlfTGl5d0lCazNRQUI2VUxRbmhxYw== Have fun boys
It's like 3$ on Patreon or it will come out for free in a few month...
>>53745 missing stuff?
https://kemono.su/patreon/user/70297087 Update please? the season 2 episode 5 isn’t working plus a new WIP episode 6 came out
>>53261 episode 5 >>53793
Gonna drop a recommendation for Giantess Sandbox. It's in alpha so it's buggy as all hell, but it gets me diamonds to be able to do the exact scenarios that I want. Very promising. https://aryion.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=79&t=64213
>>53991 I've been trying out different builds over time, and it really is too buggy at the moment. It's a great idea and it's promising, but when the camera is clipping through the stomach every second and then I clip through it myself by accident... It's just not in a very playable state. But it can become amazing given more development.
>>53995 I'm with you on that. I've been able to do a full tour exactly once.
Thoughts on Amelia's Stranded Adventure? The visuals are great, and AI isn't a dealbreaker. I've gotten off to it quite a bit. The gameplay does get tedious though. And a bit confusing. I think it could benefit from a cheat code to teleport out of a stomach.
>>54121 Never heard of it
>>54121 Hate that there is no digestion or absorption. Endo only feels like a ruined / denied orgasm. Unrelated, but we still haven't gotten any heros to leak updates on "eternal gut slut" or "from where you live" yet. I'm guessing the latter because furry isn't very big on this vore forum.
>>54148 Well, checked on the website for "from where you live" and they made the most up to date public version match the previous beta version. Just FYI for others who were waiting. Saged otherwise as to not bump.
Does anyone have the latest update for Sabrina the Hungry Witch?
>>54148 To each his own, I personally prefer non-fatal.
Can anybody share latest version of Project Sirius from patreon, please?
Does anyone have Voronica cleans house as well as the latest update of Voronica Goes to Town?
Could anyone update Egads kimono or give a link to the latest vore town version?
Gamers, i need someone to leak the latest vessel tactics so i can finally show my parents what all the fuss is about
>>54298 >so i can finally show my parents
>>54298 So you can what?
>>54298 Record their reaction, retard.
>>54277 My bad guys. I forgot to mention but if you couldn't tell from the link already, this is the latest update for Eternal Gutslut.
>>54275 This one I meant
Does someone have fifty shades of orange by Anonymoose Productions (Ellie)? If i'm asking it in the wrong thread then please point out where i should ask for this game. Thanks in advance.
Does anyone have a new of a way out they just updated?
Vessel Tactics got updated, anyone happens to have it here before(if) kemono gets updated?
>>54343 Hot damn isn't this a cute game and actually bearable too. Is there a game before this cause it sound like that from in game dialogue
>>54343 what was this file catbox links never seem to work anymore-
>>54373 A Way Out / Escape from Deep Pit University
>>54343 Downloads but can't launch the game. Old version posted higher in the thread launches fine. Anyone else having this issue?
>>54275 Thank you!!
>>54383 Nevermind, had to launch it with winRAR but it works.
>>54367 Oops meant to quote >>53650
>>54424 If you played It Came From Lantrum then Some Bullshit comes before it. If you are talking about Some bullshit then from what I understand there is no game before Some Bullshit.
Anyone got the latest version of Among Cults?
>>53745 >>53750 Do you have Voreocracy?
>>54471 Yeah figure that out already but thankyou anyway. A shame that It came Latrium isn't finish from what I've played so far it's really solid as its own game and even better for the fetish part even if its rather tame
Any one have this? Apparently there is now vore in it https://kemono.su/patreon/user/95253993/post/110266289
anyone got the latest Helixftr updates?
Can anyone please update kemono of LokiVulpix? There new version of SBQ vore mod is out. A month has passed since she promised to publish it publicly, but this has not happened. https://www.patreon.com/posts/3-0-release-108988469?utm_medium=clipboard_copy&utm_source=copyLink&utm_campaign=postshare_fan&utm_content=web_share https://kemono.su/patreon/user/51938490
does anyone has the Tsumi Umi Sushi V3.1 vore game?
sorry i mean the full verison on tsumi umi sushi V3.1 vore game
Any got the latest Blackthorn v0.01b? https://aryion.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=79&t=67140
Anyone got this ? creator decided to trash em as usual. https://kemono.su/patreon/user/44187386/post/109393511
Vorinomicon latest anyone?
>>47604 I’ve been playing through Wheel of Fates. Its pretty damn good on its own and my only issues with the game is a lack of fullscreen support, moving around the map takes forever before you beat the game. And the game’s difficulty goes up sharply in world 5.
>>51591 Can someone please repost this
>>54792 What vore game was it?
>>54773 yeah its a solid game. I kinda hate the fact you have to find and then die to every single enemy for all the cards. Too much backtracking and RNG for my taste, for cards that may be garbage.
Hello there. I'm here to ask once again if anyone could please update Egads kemono (Vore Town creator) https://kemono.su/patreon/user/83789021 Or at least share the latest Vore Town beta
does anyone have updated version of Date a Giantess?
Hi guys someone as the bonus scene of Evoria? It was on kemono but the link is dead. https://kemono.su/patreon/user/90018486/post/105806947 If someone has grabbed it and silling to share it will be very nice!
https://m4dgl4d.itch.io/jessicas-game anyone got updated version of this
>>54689 Seconding this, and there's something that needs to be said: The creator of the mod wants ID before you get it, to keep it out of the hands of squeakers and youtubers. I personally don't trust giving any of my personal details over to a complete rando, so myself and the other guy are going to end up missing out if nobody helps provide a link.
This is a weirdly specific question, but are there any vore games that have random encounters where you can be pred? Generally asking for vore games that offer a lot of freedom rather than stories. Bonus points if the game also lets you recruit npcs to join you who are also able to be pred/prey. Vore war and fightfuckfeedme kinda fit this niche, but i was wondering if any other games let you do this.
>>54991 >The creator of the mod wants ID Just photoshop some bullshit and get it yourself. Don't come on here and ask other people to dox themselves for some low grade vore shit.
>>54991 anon, no one wants to pay for a mediocre mod for a mediocre game made by an asshole (both the mod and the game) when there are way better mods, made for better games, are free and their creators (normally) aren't paranoid manipulative schizo douchebags If you truly want it, then get it yourself, but know that you wasted your money giving it to someone who doesn't deserve it.
>>54996 The first thing that comes to mind is God Compex RPG. Pretty good game, with decent variety of choices. You can either eat your teammates to get buffs and new skills or ask them to join you for additional interaction and cutscenes. Other one is Pacha(or Patcha?) quest, solid game, but last public update was years ago, and even than 1/3rd of the scenes and stuff hidden behind Patreon. I would love to play a full game, but couldn't find it anywhere.
>>54996 Story-based, Famished and Vorealia might fit the bill, but both are still very WIP. Non story-based, beats me. Vessel Tactics could be worth checking out. For more freedom you can also look into sims like Unbridled Hedonism, but it's a school life "sim" and not about battles. Nomad is a mostly text-based roguelite and doesn't have parties, but you're just exploring random planets and can eat monsters that try to eat you. The story is very loose, you can do whatever, the development though seems to have stopped long ago. Honorable mention to the oldies, Krishna's VGame and Duamutef's DVRPG, where you can be a pred and _technically_ can get Diablo-like minions to follow you. Both have a story, but it's really just an excuse to move forward through the locations and beat up, eat, or get eaten by the local wildlife.
>>54794 It was the most recent version of Sabrina the Hungry Witch
Anybody have Famished 0.14 or can update the kemono?
>>54745 already got deleted ... wow
>>55039 anyone?
Anybody got the latest version of famished?
Someone has the latest version of nezumicon
trying to hold it together for famished 0.14 like
anyone try out that jessica dimensal game yet? hear it's got good stuff for still being in beta
>>55181 That's me but then for new weight gain stages for Hazel.
>>55192 Its a need at this point lol
FAMIIIIIISHED! Seriously though where is it? Nobody has it? :(
Does anyone have the latest version of Goddess of Trampling 2?
Does anyone have renderers or a new version of the game Cara in Creekmaw ? https://www.patreon.com/Ariaspoaa
Anyone could reupload Testament Of Minos ? The link is dead.
To the people bitching about the new famished release, here it is. Not mine, found it on the internet. https://www.mediafire.com/file/x8a3aygfn0nw8bw/Famished_v.014A.rar/file
>>54997 >>54998 Point taken. I've still got the old version, and the game doesn't shit the bed over it, so I'll live.
>>55308 Page won't load for me. Guess I'll just wait for the public release.
>>55308 Im just gonna say because honestly where else is there to discuss these games. Anyone else feel like Famished dev has been really phoning it in with these images as of late? the a.i. gen artstyle is all over the place which was a problem that was there but not AS common when the game first launched. at least half the chars were obviously made with the same framework settings. Now its like no 2 NPC images are alike and its really throwing things out of wack for me.
>>55386 The art is fine imo but the bugs at each new patch are getting pretty awful. Like he just fucking forgot to put an image file in a scene so it's blank if you're max weight Hazel. I get it's a hobby project not a job but his patreon makes 2k a month for ai art. Dude could pay attention while coding a little bit. Also the new max size breaks like half the game. Size 5 completely breaks the manor and the shop with a fatty discount, along with removing all outfits. Dunno why he couldn't just generate a bigger size in all the outfits
>>55386 That's just AI 'art'. Run that up against other projects that use AI assets and you'll find similar issues. All of the characters either look way too similar or they all seem like they're way too different / should be in a different game. In the technical side, the dev is probably just using LoRA or SD2.0 for character generation, which can lead to massive variation and lack of consistency for assets. I don't follow famished specifically, but all of these ai art rpgmaker games are near identical, and I suspect they all run into the same issues with the tech
Does anyone have the latest version of "The GTS Touch" from BigMiku? There are at least 2 vore scenes in there with female predator https://kemono.su/patreon/user/3293244 https://www.deviantart.com/bigmiku/art/Update-0-6-1085734947
How hard would it be for someone to make a Vore mod for the Vipers in Xcom 2? I've always wanted to see a mod for them where if a viper holds someone long enough they have a chance to swallow their hostage whole and if not defeated in time the prey gets digested losing you one squad member and giving the viper buffs.
Anyone got the latest "from where you live [9. 1]" they basically said theyve bo idea when theyll release it
>>53088 >Starbecue
Sorry damnit first time using this forum site, but one of my friends has access to the latest starbecue version so I thought I'd post it here since I saw that a lot of people were looking for it, and they graciously sent me it. So here ya'll go- enjoy. LINK: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1lN1ep2eLWECGHElNjCJFjfx5qfkfaMag/view?usp=sharing
>>55733 Yo, thank you so much to you and your friend!
Does anyone has the the updated verison of escape from deep pit university by ghostwhisperer971 it got updated?
Anyone keep getting this weird bug in 1.0 of Chocola's Tower Climb- trying to view Kina's stories after force quitting part 3 sends me to the game over screen over and over again
>>55797 Nope, never happened with me. Though the difficulty in area four after the third boss is pretty nuts
Does anyone have the updated escape from deep pit university game file ?
>>55802 Balancing is way off. Eventually can't heal or reduce damage enough to live. Modified game after area three.
>>55733 Never expected anyone to actually provide a link, I'd already written it off. Be sure to thank your friend for us.
>>55819 How did you do that?
Does anyone got Tsumi Umi sushi version 3.1 full game?
>>55886 A dangerous ask considering that game creator's "reputation"
>>55899 Who?
>>55900 He's an insane faggot who spends more time on "anti-piracy" measures than his own games, while continuously bitching to his donators about it, threatening to quit. Intentionally leaking copies of his games boobytrapped with screamers. Probably has a browser window open with several tabs searching keywords for his games 24/7 so he can DMCA them. Uses a game engine that runs on an interpreted language (Javascript), where the 'source code' is in plain sight, meanwhile forbidding people from looking at the 'source code'. Once again on threat of quitting. Most of his forum posts to other creators is fearmongering over these obsessions of his.
>>55910 Oh... That's horrible
openvore from mysta just got updated to include the pred getting fucked while digesting you.
>>55900 >>55910 >>55915 Every time his game gets posted somewhere he bans all of his most recent subscribers to try to catch the poster in the ban wave. He does more damage to himself in the end.
>>55923 lmfao what a fucking retard, I have my own security for my game but that's just retarded. There are so many ways to put in good security if you know how to code or use basic concepts, hell you could prob get dedicated leakers to spend extra money on your own subscribe star if you aren't a total moron.
>>55842 Wack, the author has changed the assemblies into some wild shit that I can't decompile. What, does he not want dudes to read his code? Granted, the dude is a weird fucking guy to begin with, so I guess one shouldn't put it past him to go out of his way to implement something like that, on the off-chance some idiot like me might decide to mod his game.
>>55841 Loaded into RPG MV editor. Apples healing more, stats increase by more each level, levels achieved sooner, some move costs lowered. Thin paths and funnelled enemies gets tedious.
Anyone here have the latest build of FightFuckFeed? We had a leaked one already, but it's probably fallen behind in terms of content
hey, anyone got the latest among cults update?
>>55918 Anyone got a link for it?
>>55934 Its on f95zone
>>55941 Nope
>>55930 Just follow the same steps (not what was in the "leak") that I posted before. It still works. Although dont do E.premium as that actually breaks shit >>47084 steps from before
Does anyone has more mods for A way out game?
>>56016 I doubt it, the forum page for it on eka's has managed to pinpoint the problem on the newest build though, namely that the dev switched coding language from C# to IL2CPP so maybe there's hope. But from my own experience IL2CPP is more trouble than it's worth as it makes decompiling the game even more painful than it was before, I'll attach a before and after shot of the code in dnspy to visualise what I mean. That being said though older versions of the game can still be modded like they were before and if you go to the eka's page for the game (LINK: https://aryion.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=79&t=67562&start=60) there seems to be at least 2 people actively modding the game, though one of them does seem a bit familiar ...
>>51522 bump
>>55954 I tried downloading the page and editing the html with the commands you mentioned, but not only does it not work, it also breaks all of the font Can you do a step-by-step that even a neanderthal could understand, for my sake?
>>51591 Pls repost somebody
How do you use the book in Escape from Deep Pit University/Way Back Home ?
>>53256 I tried out nightmare mode, yet the preds still only eat one student per :/
Anyone have that Size Warfare game?
>>56173 Never heard of that game
Hey guys, any good vore games for android you could recommend? Thanks!
does anyone have a new test release Cara in Creekmaw? https://www.patreon.com/Ariaspoaa/posts
Sabrina The Hungry Witch just got the 0.2.6 Update. Can anyone share?
>>56194 hughoftheskies made some games for android on their ekas page
Anybody got newest vore town update?
>>56246 Release got pushed back to October. They wanted to add more scenes.
Anyone have latest gurgletcg game or vorinomicon?
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You guys are sleeping on the BEST vore game
Anyone got the new Sabrina the hungry witch update? https://www.patreon.com/posts/sthw-update-0-2-112489779
>>56308 bump
>>56286 A mod of this that replaces Bowser's sprites with Bowsette would go triple platinum in vore circles.
>>56334 If I knew the first thing about DS modding I'd do this and basically be set for life. Dignified? No, but the money would be worth it.
Anyone have Another Inner World Season 2 Episode 6?
>>56308 Bump
>>56384 I meant the official release. They are still releasing beta builds.
>>56308 Bump
>>56308 Bump
Any more new mods going to be added in a way out game?
>>56423 while that is what I meant there was no need to insult them
>>56425 I've hard a hard time trying to play that game in the start. It was very difficult
does anyone have a new BETA Episode 3 Test Cara in Creekmaw ? https://www.patreon.com/Ariaspoaa/posts
Hi all. Has anyone got the visual novel called Voronica Goes To Town? By the aptly named Voronica? Thanks in advance!
Can someone help me get past World 4? I've been stuck with a massive difficulty spike with levels 3 and 4 due to the enemies doing massive damage. Any way to make the game easier?
>>56504 Bump
bump >>56430
>>56522 Anybody?
>>56526 Already answered man. Look further up.
>>56522 You could use either Cheat Engine for levels, items, etc... or RPG Maker MV decrypter and change the enemies stats directly.
>>56553 I... don't know how to use either of those. Also I only have RPG Maker XP. Not MV
>>56555 It fucked up my computer damn it
Hey boys, I wanted to ask if this is normal or not. Never used f95 before so the weird ass file name threw me off.
>>56504 Bump
Hey gang does anyone still have those mugen vore characters
requesting quick summery of games
Is Testament of Minos any good and does anyone have a newer version that isn't the demo? I believe the latest is 0.76 and the patreon and substar haven't been updated in a couple years.
>>56423 Bump vore town
>>56522 Made it to world 5 but it won't let me progress due to there being what I presume to being a bug where I can't progress due to one of the enemies being behind the barrier that would only break if I defeated all of the enemies. What do I do? (There's only 5 areas outside of the barrier btw and I need to give the wolf girl 5 hot dogs in order to progress to the next level)
>>56640 Nvm, I just found out why. If someone has the latest VIP version of the game. Can you share it please?
>>55312 If possible can you share the latest version of the VIP edition please?
>>56673 Oh! And the remastered collection whenever that releases
>>56644 The spelling in that image is like ESL+Dyslexia+Autism+Being Underage all rolled into one. It's impressive, but someone probably should be monitoring their internet usage.
>>56286 Hilarious that this is an official Nintendo-published game. Someone at AlphaDream 1000% had a vore fetish. There was a lot in that series.
>>56677 True
>>56640 Gimme your floor and I'll do a quick patch for you. >>56674 Give a shout when the collection comes out and I'll grab it.
>>56640 >>56691 Found the floor. Floor 42 It looks like from your image. I moved the enemy down the stairs and outside the barrier. Put the map file into the Data folder https://files.catbox.moe/5tr4j5.json I'll grab the updated version of the game when the collection comes out so I don't have to keep subscribing month after month.
>>56692 I forgot catbox scrambles the filenames. Either rename that file to map121 or download this zipped version https://files.catbox.moe/g6126u.7z
>>56693 I'd just download the zipped version
I have the version 1.18 of struggle simulator, if y'all remind me tomorrow I'll upload it
>>56693 Btw, Room 120 had the same problem too
>>56697 Could you give a floor number? All the map IDs are scrambled around in the project files.
>>56698 Floor 41. Its telling me to defeat 6 enemies but yet there are only 5 on the map
>>56586 bump
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>>56699 Found the issue. There are technically six enemies but one will not spawn until you finish floor 50 (Which can't happen yet). Got rid of the conditionals, here is the patch: https://files.catbox.moe/xu1na2.7z
>>56702 Thank you so much! This means a lot!
>>56703 Though where does the 7z file go if the rest of the map files are json?
>>56704 Unzip the 7z file then place the map file into the Data folder
>>56705 Oh right. Now I remember. Thank you for the recap
Does anybody have sabrina the hungry witch update 0.2.6 ?
>>56696 ill be watching out for it heavily
wait, 1.18 is the version on their itch.io, theres no reason to wait for thay
>>56735 I think they're hesitant to get it from there since it was hacked before. After it was hacked someone replaced the file with a virus.
Anyone have a save of Chocola's Tower Climb 1.0 with the main story and Part 3 of the VIP Side Stories done? I don't wanna struggle my way past the giant stomach level
>>56740 How did you even make it past Volcanic Valley, the first level almost kicked my ass. I had to run away from the enemies just to survive there
>>56741 Power Leveling and grinding lol
>>56745 That's what I've been doing in Retro Romp but the Underhounds and the secret area in Treasure Map 7 have been kicking my ass. What enemy should I grind against?
>>56761 Oh. I think I'm good, I don't really play vore games with hard/gore/blood in it. Mechanics or otherwise. Although I do like to look for and play good vore games with interesting gameplay, and female characters pred & prey alike that I can play
>>47007 What game is this? searched for ffeme and nothing popped up
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Anybody got sabrina the hungry witch version 0.2.6?
It's fucking sad that we have to beg for uploads here because kemono party is down because apparently the faggots who run it think that it's necessary to have discord uploaders that consistently brick the website? That or they didn't make enough money with the pop up ads and have given up on the site Anyway anyone got the new update of from where you live?
>>56586 bump
>>56635 Anyone got this?
>>56780 I don't think I have the most updated version but here is some recent one: https://mega.nz/file/IEomDACB#Tyd0-3FMw1cPSIMAxxRZDa2j9UNHpWbbR6b82gqbf1Q Also, for whatever reason there is a bug with this game. If you have the game buried within several folders, it won't load properly. You have to put the game's folder somewhere closer to the root of your drive. >>56586 >>56701 >>56779 What is the game and link? Also, it is incredibly easy to just download and check with a virus scanner. I don't know why you haven't done it yourself yet.
anyone got a updated version of "DateaGiantess" made by giantessnexus?
Really hoping the modders here are still tooling with a way out, gotta say the mods make that game beyond better
>>56747 Try to grind against the strongest enemy you know you can deal with. Then repeat until you feel as if you're strong enough to go to the next strongest enemy
>>56696 Any update?
>>56770 bump
>>56770 bump
>>56805 My country banks are banned on the West so I can't buy anything even having enough money
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>>56815 >My country banks are banned on the West [Raughs in Ukrainian]
>>56785 I mean I am flattered to hear that my man, but as dudes, including a familiar guy like myself, mentioned earlier in the thread, the author switched backend to some stuff that I can't decompile, and thus the modding is dead, at least for now. Though to be real, I largely accomplished what I wanted to accomplish and have moved on to greener pastures for the time being, so even if the author hadn't switched backend, I'd probably not be working on it regardless. I'll likely eventually make a pass at the version I got lying around to unfuck a few balance things, and to try and figure out how to make the game use external variables. But man, I am not a programmer and my attempts at figuring out the latter is making my head spin. Was there anything in particular you wanted to see implemented?
I was wondering did you added a disposal mod in a way out game?
>>56821 Why would you want disposal of poo and bones?
>>56771 Kemono isn't down. it's accessible through TOR or VPN. For whatever reason many ISPs in the west decided to block access to it. Did patreon threaten to sue them or something?
>>56876 what vpn would you reccomend?
>>56890 Mullvad VPN, seems to be the most privacy respecting of the bunch, for now. Things might change since sweden joined NATO.
>>56876 seems like the patreon importer is down though, since there hasn't been a single patreon updated for over a week now
>>56896 >there hasn't been a single patreon updated for over a week now A month, dude. Keep up. Even longer for all the other importers. Even the site's imageboard is barely being maintained. An alt needs to take its place at this point. Kemono is functionally dead.
>>56761 So is that a no for anyone having this?
I think "Famished, Hazel's Journey" may have just updated to v15 in the last few hours. Be aware that it has been confirmed that v14 and earlier saves will break with the new version, and so will require a fresh run.
Anyone got latest vore town update?
>>56626 Oh man, I haven't thought about that in forever. I wonder if people are still making vore characters for mugen?
>>56910 Partial update, save issue has been delayed until combat revamp occurs at some point in future.
>>56910 Anything interesting? I last tried v13
>>56939 Managed to find some ekas and other mugen site bit it seems like the majority are on mugenarchive.com which seems to block everyone
>>56979 I wouldn't trust that site anyway. Trolls keep uploading malware and viruses disguised as character files. It's a big problem.
>>56981 Mugen archive I mean.
>>56981 wow, the staff bans users for trying to download files on saturday, but doesn't do anything about actual trolls? Color me surprised...
>>56984 Yeah. It went downhill really fast. I don't remember it always being that bad. Now it's really slow, and full of trolls and viruses.
>>56805 credit to Oppi for this game, he's a star in the vore games genre
>>56910 This shit makes me with my bank was accepted. I hate this shithole. Someone be a hero
>>56898 easier said then done. >the cost of the infrastructure and maintenance >not to mention legal trouble to deal with >even if you set it up in a third world country, usually not stable or safe enough >most non-western countries with more or less equal infrastructure to the west while "safe and stable" ,have mass censorship going on either due to political or religious reasons. The only candidates are Romania, Spain, Portugal and Slovakia. On-par with the west in infrastructure while not tainted by progressivism or copyright faggotory, also doesn't have any insane censorship.
Famished 0.15a (save breaking bug fix) is out. Anybody want to share it?
Why are you all so obsessed with Famished? It's incredibly mediocre. Are standards so low that even a really generic RPGMaker game filled with AI slop is seen as being good?
The creator is passionate and includes a lot of content, with branching paths and situations. I enjoy. Why do you sound so upset about it? Pray tell, what games would you consider BETTER than famished?
Update for everyone. The latest Vore town update is releasing October 5th on patreon. October 20th for the public.
>>57007 >>57008 I think Famished gets alot of hate because of the fact that it uses AI art, but its hard to hate it when it puts out so much content in such a short amount of time. I honestly didn't see the appeal either until I got an hour or two into the game, the writing is consistently good and there's always more content in each area than you'd expect. At the end of the day it's just a better version of God Complex. That being said, I still tend to prefer games that put more emphasis on the artwork than the amount of content. I think that Vorealia, STHW and Among Cultists are better than Famished.
>>57015 STHW is great. However, it's not like it's stupendous artwork. It's just koikatsu right? Among Cultists is fantastic. Artwork style is top notch. Slow on updates though. Haven't played vorealia but it also looks like koikatsu. One of the things that famished has that a lot of other games don't (STHW is another that has it) is pred stages. I dislike games where the preds consume everyone all the time and there are no changes to their bodies.
>>57017 What is STHW or Vorealia?
>>57018 Sabrina the hungry witch, and Vorealia is another rpg vore game, kinda good I feel like Famished is pretty good since it updates almost monthly and the creator puts in the effort to make the AI art look good Vorealia is pretty decent for what it does and tells, although perhaps a bit slow STHW lately I feel like it takes longer and releases less content for a game where the incentive is supposed to be paying to play before, like Vore Town, in that aspect I feel that they are not worth it, they are entertaining but their quality has been going down.
>>57020 Oh, yeah Sabrina is a great vore game. I like Famished but I'm not a fan of the AI Art. But I can respect the passion and effort the creator puts into the game
>>57007 Famished is my favourite rpg story because Hazel gets thick af after a while the vore scenes are great, every area the game adds is filled with new content and you get to choose wether you want your allies to join or to eat/betray them. It isn't finished yet but it definitely has potential to become of one the greatest vore rpg games ever. if he completes the entire map atleast. + this is something i hope the maker of famished is going to but if he would give multiple weight stages for other characters then that would be the cherry on the pie for me. up until now i would give it a 7/10.
>>57024 The catgirl in famished has multiple stages. You just have to make the right choices for certain scenes.
>>57027 I believe this is her largest size, for now at least. Sorry if the images are a little small. I use joiplay to play.
So.... does anyone have 0.15a?
>>57024 There are also plans to have multiple stages for the bunnygirl as well. But she doesn't have enough scenes yet.
>>57028 How did you even get her into her largest size?
>>57028 I didn't even know Katerina already had that stage available, how many people did you feed to her? I'm asking because iv'e also fed her a lot before but never got to that weight stage. Thank you for sharing those pictures, i'm curious when Rose will get her new stages.
>>57033 She had them for quite a while already, I think around 0.12 or 0.11 is when they got added. Rose also already has them.
>>57036 wtf how do i keep missing this shit T.T
How did people get these?
>>57033 I can't remember all of them but, there's the mouse girl at the nobles mansion you can feed to her. And there's a mass vore scene with her after you get to the latest city.
>>57040 You mean that there is a vore scene with the maid mouse girl, where she vores a lot of people. Not like the scene where Caterina eats her hazel does.
>>57041 I'm meant or hazel where does.
>>57040 So if i spare the maid mouse girl she will make a comeback later in the story? If she does then i'm replaying the game rn
>>57043 If you spare her, Kat eats her instead
>>55308 Could you please reupload the link, it's dead.
>>57044 Then how can i get that mass vore scene you mentioned earlier?
>>57046 Good question
>>57046 In the new big city, when you enter the bar there should be some thugs bothering Kat. Don't remember how it goes but afterwards you can go to the warehouse somewhere and she'll be confronting these guys. You can choose to let her die or help her out. If you help her out and beat the guys you can make her eat them all.
>>57049 Oh i thought you were talking about the maid mouse girl my bad. Can you maybe share a copy of the game? I hate to beg but i'm not putting money into a old version when the new is already out.
>>57050 Or maybe share the new version idk
>>57051 If you just want the picture of it, this is what it looks like. Two versions, one for each weight type. And the pudgy belly before going back to "flat". This is all from 0.14 which is available to everyone. Just go to their Eka's page.
In the past I like to take two routes, one route where I don't eat and digest that much, only those I'm required to do. But in the other path I like to eat everyone around me. Though Idk what route is best at all now. What should I do?
>>57053 If i were you i would spare that zelda girl and touch her with the orb thing to make her a predator. Just eat everyone else like a complete psychopath.
>>57055 zelda girl
>>57055 Zelda girl?
>>57058 I don't remember her name but you know that village you enter in the first part of the game, there is this girl where you need to buy a cheese deluxe for. That's the girl i meant. You can eat her mother and brother in a other quest.
>>57059 Right! You can offer yourself or help her eat someone I like when Hazel is prey
>>57059 How do you even eat the mother?
Figured I should give back to those who give me free shit. Thanks btw https://www.mediafire.com/file/k89494t98cdcqsc/Famished_v.015A.rar/file
>>57062 Thanks man, you're amazing
>>57061 You can A man in the house next door will give you a letter for her, when you are going to deliver it, she will be asleep, you can then leave the letter or go to her room to eat her
>>57036 Wait how can you get Rose to eat people? I thought her only scenes were when you first meet her and when you feed her the sheeptaur?
>>57065 Wait she eat a sheeptaur? How?
>>57064 I never seen that before. Is it in the latest version?
>>57067 Nope, as I remember, it is possible since the first versions.
>>57067 That's been in. You can nearly empty the first town of people up to like 1 person left over (either Sarah the bartender or the shopkeeper).
>>57062 What's new in the update? I'm gonna play it myself but i'm curious.
>>57070 From the Patreon, Changelog: +New Belly images for Hazel eating very small prey. +Added Sewers of Regium +Added Knightway +Added library, Baranor manor, one minor noble house +Well over 10 vore scenes Hotfix: +Fixed old saves being broken
>>57071 Thanks for the answer and thank you for sharing, You've earned your chad status.
>>57069 I like to keep the bartender alive since she's nice. Plus I doubt that her brother would be happy knowing that I had her eaten. Then again... I wish she did more
>>57073 Let alone the first town had much to do, like having characters return
>>56820 >Was there anything in particular you wanted to see implemented? Mostly the external variables. The possibility to spawn more prey. Make preds have more stages of weigth gain (even if it's clips). Increase the amount of prey stuffed at the same time. Deactivate and activate the strugging (so no prey escapes, or make them escape more easily). Allow playable predators to eat more than one prey. Just to name a few, but I understand that there will be limitations in the code that may not allow any of this.
>>57073 >>57073 Sarah is the one you feed the slime to right? You can feed to cheese girl to her instead if you feed another slime to her. Not sure if there's any more update after that
Loneclaw's Gluttonous Life got a big update.
>>57085 Specifically you need to feed her the blue slime in the basement and then a green slime you capture later, forgot where. Then you use the Sigil on Anne and pick sarah. Then a scene will play out where Anne gets eaten instead.
Kemono dying and its consequences are absolutely terrible for vore games.
“DateaGiantess” has received an update. Does anyone have this?
>>57044 Can you explain, please, how to get that scene with mouse maid? What should I do next, after Kat helped fight the guards and escape from the manor?
>>57087 Does anyone have the latest update for gluttonous life?
Anybody got Among Cults I heard it's got a lot of new scenes and characters in it.
>>57114 Seconding this.
>>57107 Once inside the castle, you change outfits alongside Kat and the mouse maid. You spare her there, I think Kat is later seen at the door next to the room where the mouse girl is. There is some interactions there, I don't 100% remember how it went but I think you just talk to Kat and kinda get her into the idea. Then after "skipping time" by sleeping for example she should've eaten the mouse maid. I would need to play it again to give the exact way to do it. But that's the rough idea of how I remember it going.
>>57124 It's on f95zone, for that game you'll probably find the updates more reliably than here since it got a lot of attention there
Anyone got Another Inner World Season 2 Episode 6?
I'm currently trying to complete all of the achievements in the new update of Ghost & Japes but I may need help trying to figure out how to unlock them. Especially the two secret ones. Here's a list of ones I need to complete Defeat - 2 You're the Monster - Defeated a friendly enemy. Spectral Buffet - Devour 100 enemies. Item - 1 Master of All - Had every curse and upgrade active at the same time! Milestone - 3 Getting the hand of it - Made it to floor 30 Ascend into madness - Made it to floor 50 No exit in sight - Made it to floor 100 Completionist - 7 Heart of Violet - Reach the max health of 300. Gallery Enthusiast - See every painting. Wand of Amethyst - Max out the Wand's power. Ghost Lover - Befriend every enemy that can be befriended. Ghost Charcuterie - Eat every enemy that can be eaten. Ultimate Knowledge - Filled out the entirety of the Ghostiary. Thousandarie - Had $10.000 Gold at once in one run Skill - 3 No Hit Wonder - Cleared a floor without taking any damage. By the skin of my teeth - Went upstairs while you had dangerously low health. Bonk - Got hit by a chair 100 times. Secret - 2 1: Prove your worth - Visit a place you shouldn't have on the hardest difficulty possible. 2: Had an unpleasant encounter
Can somebody post Raven555's game? It's called Rakish Wings
Does someone maybe have the new Evoria stuff from ForotherPuposes Patreon? The video's i mean and the latest build if it's already out. Thanks in adavance.
Anyone got gluttonous life update 0.45?
Is there any guides or walkthroughs for Famished? Kinda want to know what i'm losing doing X or Y, or maybe I'm just missing stuff.
Sabrina 0.2.6 is out
>>56805 It's already been posted.
Someone has nezumicon?
>>57250 I wish I was getting scolded for this already being posted. Lol
The vore town update is now out on patreon. It will be public on the 20th. https://www.patreon.com/posts/vore-town-1-10-0-113278410
>>57315 Cry about it
>>57247 whenever kemono gets fixed (2025) it'll probably be uploaded there
>>57396 Yay i only need to wait for 3 fucking months, i want it now
>>57396 The telegram is saying it won't be fixed until 2026. At this point, its joever bros The creators won. Now we have to pay for our week early installments of generic rpgmaker vore game #7
>>46890 (OP) Does anyone have the latest version of Cara in Creekmaw?
>>57387 Bump in case a kind soul can share this early
>>57423 I'd give it at least a day or two. Sharing it the day of release probably isn't a good idea.
>>57413 wait seriously? i was just joking about 2025, i dont use telegram so i dont know anything about whats going on with kemono
>>57430 Not just a day or two. It will be PUBLIC in a few weeks. They just gotta be patient
can anyone share Voronica Goes to Town 0.3.8?
Been browsing some games on ekas and found Birthright, although just a demo it's pretty good got a good 2 hours out of it: https://aryion.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=79&t=66432&hilit=birthright Another one that also look promising: https://aryion.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=79&t=31658
>>57466 Man that one existed for a very long time
>>57466 Could you show screenshots of the vore scenes themselves? Like are there sprites or images or just text?
>>57492 I'm also curious as well
>>57442 The telegram is cancer and Im not sure if they're 100% legit, but it does look like no one is doing anything remotely helpful as of right now. 2026 may just be there way of saying that speculators need to fuck off because their entire dev team jumped ship Either way, the importers are still broken, and they have been like that for months now. I highly doubt it is just gonna magically fix itself in a week
anyone know good vore games that feature unbirth with rebirth?
>>54742 any chance to get a redo on this ?
New game by the guy who made the visual SMVA mod: https://aryion.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=79&t=67965 Not played it yet but I guarantee it will be very good. Looks fantastic from the screenshots.
Can anyone share the renders pack from the latest version of minimum project please?
Are there any good VR vore games? And I'm not talking about giantesses stuff, more like same size kinda shit. Even if they last like 5 minutes tops. I've been trying some shit with my Oculus quest but so far, most VR vids with vore have been fucking awuful, but saw ONE kinda good VR world on vrchat and I became curious. Are there any good VR short games or VR worlds specially focused on vore?
>>57550 It is really fantastic, aside from some technical launch issues that are rapidly being fixed. Majorly recommend it to anyone who was a fan of the visual SMVA mod.
>>57550 Really good, though it's kind of a bother how long it takes to get to the vore, hope to see endless mode getting some more dialogue at least
>>57519 I'd like to request this as well.
>>57550 It's great, wish he'd bring back the SMVA mod though.
>>57673 Yeah, didn't he literally go schizo and be like "OH NO I WILL GET SUED" and completely shut it down?
>>57676 Yup, then said he'd redo it from scratch using a new engine and art by Shevron, they even made some progress - then he locked the thread and went completely silent until now. Fuck knows why, would have been amazing with Shrevrons art rather than the kikasae crap.
>>57625 Same size vore and VR just don't mesh well, it seems. All of the experiences I've seen so far were with a huge size difference. You've probably seen already Eskoz's Ada demo and videos, as well as ResizeMe (getting to vore in that one takes too long, yes, but it's a bloody great VR GTS experience). That's basically it for the decent stuff, the rest is very rough. Creating a model that can stretch in the ways required for same size vore is a pain, and the fact that you can only stand and sit upright in VR will absolutely ruin the immersion. Also, hate to say this as an owner of two headsets planning to buy a third one, VR is pretty dead these days.
>>57680 I can answer that. As I seem to recall, that was around the same time that a whole pack of troons started shitting up the SMVA Discord. Naturally, being a not-insane man, the dev decided to start bitching and begging OsmiumOrchid (SMVA creator) to ban them on general principle. As a result, mentioning him or his username on the Discord means that you get instantly permabanned just like he was, and most likely by the same troon Discord admin that somehow wormed his way into the position.
>>57680 >>57698 Wow that looks a lot better than the old kikasae or whatever game art. I know the new game will be good, though the kikasae art just feels ugly and outdated to me after games like Sabrina and Vorealia, combined with the AI art it's a little disappointing and the art feels like it doesn't really match. Still worth checking out and how it progresses but still. I knew that name was familiar, forgot he was the one making the visual SMVA, that was awhile ago. Always wondered what happened to him and the remade game, shame that's what caused it
The sad thing is, troons get a bad wrap because of terminally online troons. I knew one that worked at a 7/11, stellar person. Always polite, always lady-like, she made the effort. She would be friendly to anybody that was friendly to her and she never drew attention to her sexuality. These terminally online people become discord jannies and twitter freaks precisely because they literally have nothing else to do with their lives. Anyway. Sucks to hear about the discord infiltration and attack. This is why gilded is a better place for these communities. You don't have "trust and safety council" dick slinging. Hope that game gets back on track soon.
>>57725 The thing is, Ai art doesn't even need to look that bad. What most people are doing is buying access to a online model you can feed change into until you get something vaguely like what you want. If people do a local install (on their computer) they can accomplish a lot more. Chiefly, being able to upload art back into the system and refine it. Any time you see messed up eyes, freaky hands or freaky feet, it's an amateur. I really expect some artists are already using it to cut 95% of their work time down. In the case of that game, they could totally replace the standing figures that are a completely different artstyle by feeding the standing figures into something called "Controlnet" for something like Automatic1111. Create about 20-30 decent images of the character, and now you can cut down prompting and refining to nothing... because you can create your own new token called "Kelly" and boom, any time you say "Kelly" you get the same character.
>>57726 >This is why gilded is a better place for these communities. Idk if you're talking about guilded but, they're owned by roblox and require you to make a roblox account so there is no winner
>>57727 The problem is, you're overestimating how committed aifags are to creating 'art' The way I see it is that the biggest selling point for AI is how easy it makes creating subpar visual assets for a game. That's what people use it for. People who are fine with AI stuff don't care. People who aren't fine with AI wouldn't play it out of principle. But when you try to convince some grifter to actually learn how to properly work SD2.0 or Comfy, and tell them they should train lora/experiment with prompts, it kinda yucks the ease that convinces people to use AI. Sure, the output is objectively better, but people turn to AI to churn out visuals that they don't want to handle, so the effort is kinda lost. I feel like Famished is a perfect example of this. The visuals are all over the place, but that's fine, and fans still eat that shit up. But when you try to make consistent/high quality AI stuff, like what Hero did months ago, it's just wasted effort that could've been spent writing or making better game mechanics. I do believe that AI slop can be good slop, but the tools were literally designed for people who don't care about good art/consistency, so naturally, we can't be surprised when it appeals most to that demographic
>>57729 Anti-Ai people are do-nothing hypocritical slacktivists. I can't tell you how many people I've met on RP sites who have stolen artwork that literally says do not distribute moral-fagging in their bio about how evil it is. The thing is aifags who are good at using it make stuff that is good enough that you DO NOT know it is ai generated. Some artists have already stated they built their own models based upon their own artwork. They can bang out a commission in their style in probably 10 minutes. You cannot discern their old work from their new except for the fact their new art actually has better anatomy and perspective. Thing is, if someone is making a game... their selling point is game mechanics, writing, etc. It's nice to see them not held hostage to some puffed up artist. I am a 3D artist myself, by trade and by diploma. So many people in my circle huff their own farts and had the giant balls to laugh about people losing their manufacturing jobs or their hard labor jobs that they liked doing... but all of us are supposed to circle the wagons and defend their profession, and only their profession, from automation and streamlining? Fucking hilarious shit. We're moving into the age of "Flux" generation of models now. Flux makes it even more braindead easy to get into this stuff. Most people cranking their hog don't care about saving jobs, and they don't care if their shit was handdrawn or made by a computer.
In anycase, the new generation is going to grow up with Ai and use Ai assistants everywhere. Millennials, we're going to barely put up a fight, and it's inevitable. Nothing worth wasting energy on. Smarter to refocus on using existing skills and learning to use Ai to speed up your own workflow, and like you said, spend more time making games and doing shit Ai will need another 5-10 years to take over properly.
>>57550 Anyone found a good strategy for endless mode? I think I've tried just about everything but I can't get past the first boss. When I say everything I mean it, I've even tried cheating by going to \NPiT\build\New Pred in Town_Data\Cards\Decks.json and manually upgrading my cards in notepad++ ... but for some reason that only seems to affect story mode.
>>57733 >>57732 >ugh why don't you just give up, it's inevitable ugh!! It's hopeless! Stop caring stop caring!!! you're a loser
>>57550 This is the natural evolution of the SMVA mod. The integrated artwork, the combat system, the game mechanics and the soundtrack build on what the dev learned with the SMVA mod. Troons and fair-usage policy violations aside, I think he realised that his mod was quickly outgrowing SMVA and needed to develop it into something greater, something standalone.
>>57759 Oh yeah, notice how the main character model is exactly the same as Mary from SMVA
>>57759 There's no trans characters in SMVA? Is this just schizo posting?
>>46890 (OP) >Y2Kope Cops: Panic Enforcement Division
>>57774 see: >>57698 (i don't know if this is true btw)
>>57698 If true at least he is a little based after being so fucking retarded about shit he bought on the Unity asset store.
>>57813 >Hey, just to check. This HTML parser I bought from you, is it okay if I use it in a freaky fetish game? Your license doesn't say anything about that but I'm too autistic to leave it be and probably get away without a DMCA at all (which I could just comply with and not be sued even in the astronomically low chance it does come) so I'm bringing your attention to my game and directly prompting you to take a stand on it. >"No" >Oh no! I have to start from scratch or I'll be SUED!!!! (And it's my own fault)
>>57752 You're a luddite and a narcissist. Why should anyone who isn't an artist care about preserving the value of art jobs? Why doesn't whatever your reason may be apply to every other job we have lost to automation? Main character syndrome I swear.
Can anyone share Another Inner World Season 2 Episode 6 please!
Anyone has that Jessica Dimensal's game ?
>>57822 Never heard of it
>>57825 oh that AI game
>>57827 this is AI? I looks fucking insane for AI, I'm going to need whatever program they are using.
>>57828 >>57827 Failry certain that it ain't AI. Just curious if any of y'all got the patreon version of the game.
>>57833 If I don't remember incorrectly some of that game art is from tsavo
>>57075 I went and gave it a pass last weekend and managed to do like, 90% of that wishlist, and then subsequently completely forgot about it until today. I'll try and see if I can't focus up and finish it this weekend. Set up a messy script that allows for extra weightgain across the board actually, including shenanigans like bigger thighs. In the process, I also figured out why the actual fuck Ligeska (the lamia) flatly refuses to gain any weight, and managed to at least partially unfuck it so that her tits can now grow at least. External variables still eludes me, but I've set up some, eer, cheats I guess, so that one can modify an ongoing game if nothing else. I'll explain more when I finish it, I am mostly writing this post to try and force my brain to focus on the fucking task at hand for once. Though if you got anything else you'd like to see added as a modifier/cheat, I am all ears. If its easy to do, I can probably jam it in there. Thus far I got: F1: +- tittysize. F2: Struggling on/off for NPCs F3: Struggle increased for the PC on/off. F4: Spawn more dudes. F5: +- (current) digestiontime for active digestions (only stage one). F6: +- Hunger for preds. F7: +- Capacity for preds. F8: PC Inedible on/off (mainly for testing purposes). Wanted to have F5 change digestion speed overall, but for technical reasons, that one has proven to be a challenge.
>>57856 You absolute fucking legend, what a list
anyone know what game this is? I remember a different version of the same thing but can't remember the name...
I've played a few vore games that have Data.win files. But Idk how to open and view its contents. Can someone please help me with this?
>>57860 I'm pretty sure that's Melty Brave Kittens.
>>57519 Bump
>>57213 Can someone dig through the game files of this game and figure out how to get the secret sword weapon in the game, as well as how to unlock the "Prove Your Worth" Achievement? I'm honestly stuck and don't know what to do to get both of them
>>57698 I don't remember anything about him bitching about troons directly, just getting into constant fights with them over his stances on AI and shit. He wasn't banned iirc, he just left on his own accord in a huff with a big self-important speech in the general chat about leaving the vore community and became a sever taboo after leaving clear bad blood. (can't find his speech anymore, so I guess it was deleted.) Either way his existence still makes the trannies seethe to this day regardless. >>57774 There are none and OS said there never will be. However, the trannies in the server as part of their usual validation begging asked for how trannies would work in lore and they made up a quick bullshit explanation about how sex change surgery comes with a digestive tract implant and left it at that. Say what you will, even if they let troons run the server, I'm glad OS atleast has enough backbone to keep them from dominating the game's content.
>>57891 Jesus Christ... I don't mind trans people but these ones in the vore community are off their fucking rockers. I'm not in the discord so I didn't realize OS has to deal with dipshits trying to force their headcanon nonsense into his world.
Does anyone have Hunting hydra 0.1.1? From here https://www.patreon.com/ALphard892
>>57740 Ok it's been a couple days and I've managed to figure out how to save edit in New Pred in Town including in endless mode . Word of warning it is a genuine pain the arse, but it is doable. Step 1) Find an .nson file editor, your save file is not in a human readable format so step 1 is converting it into something we can work with, I used https://p-toy-factory.github.io/nson/ also as a quick note your save file is located at C:\Users\USERNAME\AppData\LocalLow\Anunnaki Games\New Pred in Town\NaninovelData\Saves Step 2) To edit your starting skill points find this \"2\",\"2\",\"3\",\"3\" (for a fresh endless save it should be on line 38), these are integers for \"preyXP\",\"predXP\",\"preyXPNext\",\"predXPNext\" so all you need to do is change the first two numbers to whatever you want for example \"9999\",\"9999\",\"3\",\"3\" Step 3) To change your starting deck find this sequence "Punch|Elbow|Kick|Brace|Brace|Struggle|Thrash|Unbalance|Slosh|Reposition|Improvise|Deep Breath\",\"\",\"\",\"Hug|Hug|Constrict|Burp|Tummy Rub|Tummy Rub|Deep Massage|Splash|Splash|Disorient|Meditate|Awful Pun\" this is your starting deck, to find the ID's for every card in the game look in \NPiT\build\New Pred in Town_Data\Cards to find BasePredCards.json/BasePreyCards.json open these in a text editor such as notepad++ to find the ID's for the cards you want and then simply edit the existing sequence. Here's one I made earlier that you can use that upgrades your starting deck \"Elite Punch|Elite Elbow|Elite Kick|Elite Brace|Elite Brace|Elite Struggle|Elite Thrash|Elite Slosh|Refocus|Improvise|Deep Breath|Disequilibrium\",\"|Bicycle Kick\",\"|Tickle\",\"Elite Hug|Elite Hug|Elite Constrict|Elite Burp|Elite Tummy Rub|Elite Tummy Rub|Deepest Massage|Dunk|Dunk|Flawless Disorient|Meditate|Awful Pun\" Step 4) Save the file and load it up in game and enjoy cheating.
>>57864 oh yea another circle tekua game any idea if Succubus tower 1 or 2 have vore scenes? I'm assuming they dont' since ive never seen anything posted from them
>>57695 welp, still... any vr games or that contain vore, even if they're gts tha y'all can share?
Fatgeria? Someone?
>>57945 Never heard of Fatgeria, What kind of game is it?
>>57946 Is a game dating sim style mixed with a puzzle battle made by keyFarer, sadly the better version is behind a paywall on Patreon.
>>57947 Oooo! That's pretty cool!
>>57911 bump
>>57891 >>57892 I admire his commitment to the project. It's been going for a long time and he remains dedicated to it despite having to moderate a discord full of troons. I'm sure that must be incredibly draining.
>>57892 The vore-inclined troons are a particularly nasty bunch yeah, they litter the SS13 vore servers and it isnt a pretty sight. Good on OS for not budging on that issue, im guessing the mere idea of imagining these in vorish scenarios is off-putting enough.
Does anyone have a rip of Vessel Tactics' image assets? I tried ripping them myself and couldn't do it, but I might just be a retard since I've never done it before.
>>57891 >>57892 >>57959 >>57990 You guys are straight up lying. Os said there can be trans vore preds in SMVA long ago. You can pretty much verify it on the Patreon discord logs. Not only that, remember that dude from the visual mod? He got pretty much triggered over this confirmation and got overly political, making stupid rants and that put off everyone in the server. However it's not like he suddenly got like that, he was always a little weird, even in the OG visual SMVA they where working on, they made an original even where there was a woman with a sign saying "vore is murder", which wasn't a little concerning at the time. Aside from that, the dude was or maybe still is an Elon Musk dick sucker, praising him at every moment and defending his stupid ass and a crypto bro, to this day the members still remember him as an obnoxious individual that left a bad impression on everyone. And this mentality they had can pretty much be seen on their latest project, have y'all not read how they specially go about how "only cis woman can be preds, etc, etc"? Guess they're still pissed about that. I get that y'all don't feel attracted to trans people and that's absolutely fine, nobody is gonna force you to change your preferences, however that's not excuse to make shit up. Fr if you're gonna throw shit to trans people at least TRY to say shit that is actually real and not fucking missinformation. Seriously, fucking ridiculous.
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>>58007 Here's some evidence in case you fuckers start saying stupid shit again Everyone in the server knows that Os confirmed it long ago, only you fucks are saying that stupid shit
(650.95 KB 639x1650 Screenshot_20241013-163532.png)

(687.39 KB 624x1293 Screenshot_20241013-163803.png)

>>58008 And an extra few I know, these are recent, if I feel like it I'll search for the og ones, but some of them are on a different server and gods know which one it is, but this should suffice to tell ya the impact they had on the server and it's members.
Did you even read what they said? The first post you linked specifically said he said yes to tranny preds, plus made fun of the visual SMVA guy's self important speech Ranting like this just proves they're right about his existence making you seethe
>>58007 You know this reads like you and your ilk just doesn't like that the dude has preferences that doesn't include men.
>>58011 Yeah sure goin on about how "trans want to dominate game" or are "overrunning the server" and shit is truly a totally normal though. Bruh, just say you're obsessed. It's way easier. The sheer fact that there are trans people somewhere in the internet makes you so mad that you feel the need to get mad over them simply existing or asking about representation in a non-intrusive or annoying manner. Nobody in the server is forcing Os to make a trans character they simply said they exist in universe and everyone is fine with it, no fighting, no seething, except for that one specific guy which got triggered over it.
>>58014 *Normal thought.
>>58012 You have the reading comprehension of a Chainsawman fan. But that's to be expected.
>>58014 You're not helping your case typing up another rant and sending it so quickly you leave a typo in it, and immediately resorting to insults
>>58007 Yo thanks for actually posting some actual screenshots and evidence. The explanation couldn't have been softer. So this really is just people coming off as schizos complaining and seething about an implication that is not even canon or seen in the game at all? It's always hard to tell how much of the discussion here is genuine and not just a few people with grudges for being retarded in a server. It's getting to the point where seething about trans people is just fucking exhausting and becoming the actual snowflakes who can't take anything. It's a shame that the new game guy is such a fucking weirdo if that's the case because I actually kinda like what's going on with the game. Although I didn't read much of the story since it just drags on and on with pointless dialogue and so many hyperlinks that you wish they just made it shorter. We'll see if he'll have another biblical meltdown or if they're any different cuz i want to believe there's potential in it.
>>58016 I have no idea what you are talking about, and you are making no sense. Furthermore, you haven't posted any actual proof other than what people are claiming what this guy did, it genuinely looks like a bunch of people mad over this guys opinion.
>>58017 Well, given how the simple fact that someone is trans or a "troon" y'all say is already a "bad thing" or them being in a space is seen by y'all as a "bad thing" with no given factual arguments but just the fact that's their identity it doesn't really motivate to go on a rant longer than what i already said on my first reply tbh Like fr, what the fuck am I supposed to say when the general consensus is shit like this: >>57891 >Straight up lie, talks as if trans people were the problem or their existence on the server was a problem >>57698 >Says trans people run the server, one mod NOMINATED BY OS HERSELF is, the newer ones idk. They do their job and don't abuse their power. >>57959 >Once again, shitting on trans people and saying the server is "overrun by them". >>57990 >Talks about how trans people are nasty in vore, generalizing a whole group based on their identity, nothing new. It's a bit tiring man. Still you are right about insulting, tbh I was a bit pissed and I could've worded it way better. My point it, it's annoying to see missinfo and so many people shitting on trans just cuz, it's like having to pass time with that one teen cousin that won't shut up and all they say is edgy shit they heard on CoD lobby's or unmoderated facebook groups.
>>58018 Pretty much. As I said, guy left a bad taste on everyone in the server due to how weirdly fixated he was on political stuff and trans people. However, at this point nobody talked about him til he posted his newest post and despite the memories this sparked, most people in the server agree that his game is pretty good. Which I'm pretty happy, sometimes people after bad experiences generalize and call everything someone that they currently dislike or hate was terrible or never good, but it wasn't the case, but I didn't take too many screenshots of that cuz I was talking about something else at the time haha. The review on this example is pretty spot on on the general perception of his project on the SMVA server: >>58009
>>58022 You said none of that in your first post. Just ranted about the visual SMVA guy and expected people who have no info on the situation to know what you're talking about. I'm not even against you on this. I don't give a shit about SMVA so I don't know anything about this. Just your first post didn't really tie together. I don't think you're gonna change anyone's mind on an 8chan fetish porn game thread anyway though. Healthier for you to look in other places than to let the retarded posts here make you mad. Both sides of people arguing in the FOMO thread probably had aneurysms from getting so mad
>>58024 Well the whole thing started with the guy from the visual novel making a new game, after that people started talking about the reason why he stopped, went all in with the "troon bad" shit. Like my whole post was directed towards people talking about him. So my points about him being a weirdo that focused way too much on political shit rather than "troons taking over discord" as if he was some sort of tragic hero still stands. But, you're right, I could've worded it better, ngl
What the heck happened here?
>>58027 Taxes
Oh dear
>>57856 Any news?
>>58007 You clearly misread my post in your desire to be mad. I said OS said that Trans preds can exist in the world and made up what read as an (in my opinion) "hasty bullshit excuse"-type explanation for it, but they said and that's that. Regardless they also said that Trans-pred content would never be in the game. I never said a lie.
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>>57726 >These terminally online people become discord jannies and twitter freaks precisely because they literally have nothing else to do with their lives. No, it's because they're doing "trans-activism" correctly. Just like is happening with homosexuals (Heard of "super gay"?), be prepare to see Queers throwing people like your friend under the bus for being "queerphobic" because it was never about being accepted. >>57820 >Why should anyone who isn't an artist care about preserving the value of art jobs? Because, unless you're trained in the field, how do you know that the computer is performing the task correctly? >>57892 >>57990 >I don't mind trans people but these ones in the vore community are off their fucking rockers. No, they're doing "trans activism" correctly. It's YOU who doesn't understand their mindset and what they're doing. >>58007 >I get that y'all don't feel attracted to trans people and that's absolutely fine It has nothing to do with attraction. I hate them because trannies are political activists, and there are zero exceptions to this. >nobody is gonna force you to change your preferences No, you'll just be ridiculed and prevented from participating in society unless you say their pronouns. >>58008 Thanks for informing me that the game is shit. >love Elon Musk Does anyone remember how Elon used to be the darling of the Progressives until he dared to buy Twatter? >>58009 >added a protest infront of the school about how vore was murder >you don't want that in your hot casual vore game Why not? Sounds hilarious. >SMVA doesn't even mention trans preds, the only reason we know that they exist in the universe is because Os said so So Os is a political activist. >>58014 >Yeah sure goin on about how "trans want to dominate game" or are "overrunning the server" and shit is truly a totally normal though. Where have you been for the past decade? >The sheer fact that there are trans people somewhere in the internet makes you so mad that you feel the need to get mad over them simply existing or asking about representation in a non-intrusive or annoying manner. To put it another way, they want a sense of "belonging". Do you want to know why people are against that? Well: https://archive.ph/yCxlZ <In practice, where inclusion becomes the justification for speech codes, censorship, “desegregation” (which is to say, segregation), and purges, belonging not only strengthens these demands but raises the bar for them not just to policing speech, action, and behaivor but to constantly taking active steps to make activists and their charges feel special and important. This puts the ball in the court of the “host” not only never to make mistakes but also to never make mistakes while taking continual proactive steps. Psychologically, this will generate a lot of commitment to the people who are being catered to by those who embrace the ideology because it cannot be rationalized otherwise (see the “Benjamin Franklin Effect”), though it will wear down and generate resentment in people who aren’t. Because “bringing your whole self to work” means both bringing unprofessional behaviors and (Woke) political activism to work, belonging is also a demand that employers respect and validate those and any personal issues that accompany them without seeing it as the obvious breach of professionalism that they actually are. >Nobody in the server is forcing Os to make a trans character they simply said they exist in universe and everyone is fine with it Except for the one guy who was V& from the server for being against it. >>58018 >So this really is just people coming off as schizos complaining and seething about an implication that is not even canon or seen in the game at all? Do you want me to bring up all the mass media franchises that did exactly this, and people ridiculed them as being soulless-parasites that only cared about pandering to the widest audience possible? Because that's exactly what's happening. >It's getting to the point where seething about trans people is just fucking exhausting and becoming the actual snowflakes who can't take anything. Have you ever tried understanding WHY these people say and think what they do? Even, I don't know, ask them how they came to such opinions? >>58022 >Well, given how the simple fact that someone is trans or a "troon" y'all say is already a "bad thing" or them being in a space is seen by y'all as a "bad thing" with no given factual arguments
[Expand Post]What about everything I just posted up above? >it's annoying to see missinfo Such as what? Be specific. Actually point out what's being said and explain how it's "misinformation". Add sources for the "full" effect. >it's like having to pass time with that one teen cousin that won't shut up and all they say is edgy shit they heard on CoD lobby's or unmoderated facebook groups I had an uncle like that, he finally kept his trap closed when I frankly told him "Shut up".
>>58055 hey anunnaki get rid of the dogshit ai portraits you are one of the only people in the world that thinks they look good.
>>58055 >chud's bullshit got called >better stop cope ranting
Wtf is going on here?
>>58061 Start here: >>57698 The TL:DR is that peope generally don't like trannies, and other people are offended by that.
>>58063 what's trannies?
>>58055 Should say I have no horse in this race, I don't actually know the situation and should've just kept my mouth and kept scrolling. If people wanna piss and shit one way or another about this, I don't care. If you do or don't have an issue, that's whatever with (I assume) the majority of us. I do have an issue if it was people actually pressuring and demanding someone do something to fit whatever they specifically wanted regardless of whatever the creator actually would've intended, not saying that is the case with SMVA but more in general. It doesn't matter whatever is trying to be forced, even if it's something I would wanna see, since the creator should just do what they want how they want it. There's my little clarification that will absolutely go over someone's head or will be used in some dickhead's next response, have a good one.
>>58055 Ah yes, another schizo rant. Missed this shit.
>>58068 Kinda missing the days when anons just called each other faggots and left it at that
>>50943 Hey the Naga Update arrived, would you be able to make a fix for this updated version? Thanks!
>>58057 The AI portraits are better than the Kemono ones
>>58068 >another schizo rant Any notice this being the almost immediate response lately to "Someone said something I don't like"?
Does anyone have Hunting hydra 0.1.1? From here https://www.patreon.com/ALphard892
Anyone have project devour by datstrudel? apparently they deleted it
Would anyone happen to have the bonus scenes from Evoria?? All kemono links were nuked.
>>54742 Bump over the drama.
>>58121 I had no idea they even did bonus scenes
Why do trannies have to ruin everything?
anyone know if testament of minos is good? was thinking of getting it but judging by the screenshots it looks like there is a lot of gore shit which I don't like
>>58141 No idea, but I do agree with you. Anything gore or disposal is a big fat no for me
>>58116 I do but Idk how to share it
>>58151 If you could upload it to mega or google drive that'd be great
>>58128 Wdym?
Can't I just have some cringe shameful fetish without trannies trying to shoehorn their own shitty preferences into the best games? Why do they do this in literally every community they touch?
>>58214 Narcissism, plain and simple. When you demand everyone else adhere to your world view, demand the world change the way it speaks, and have to force every single corner of every conceivable social space to not only accept them, but make them the center of everything, it usually means they only care about themselves and nobody else I've never been gaybashed in my life by religious freaks, but trannies have sent me numerous death threats because I'm only interested in one set of genitals
>>58078 bump
>>58214 >>58216 Womp womp, cry about it faggot, move on. We're here to share fetish games, not have retarded discussions. If you want that, go back to /pol/
>>58218 How does it feel to be despised in every single community you touch? Imagine being shit talked in a community as niche and disturbed as the vore community
>>58218 I'd rather be called faggot than queer so thanks And clearly not if retards like you reply to posts to keep the topic going
>>58218 >Womp womp, cry about it faggot, move on.
>>58218 Kys faggot, you'll be welcomed in the tranny 41% club
Bro I just want vore games, what is this?
>>58239 I dunno man, I want the same thing as you
>>58239 Retards whining about chicks with dicks
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Guys can we calm down with the faggotry and talk about our degen fetish game instead
I gotta say, another inner world is actually really good. I was opposed to it at first because it was purely text, but the writing is actually high quality and interesting. Would definitely recommend anyone who hasn't played through it to give it a try. Anyway, anyone got the newest update for it?
>>58121 bump
>>57856 So how it's going?
i've seen these songs and dances repeated over and over again. a tranny gets ahold of a good project and ruins everything because no one can tell them to fuck off of fear of getting "cancelled" or an artist with low self-esteem becomes "friends" with a troon and gets groomed into thinking they have """gender-dysforia""" they are a cult; they manipulate, groom, and convert the weak willed and blackmail, threaten, or bribe the strong willed. no matter how respectful you try to be, they'll never be satisfied. remember the "you'll never be a real woman" anon? i remember him... he was a very respectful fellow, he tried to reason with that troon, by giving the reasons of why it was a bad idea... those faggots demolished him, taking that quote out of context and using it as "proof" that they're being "hunted" we could have stopped them, but now it's too late, they're everywhere
>>58403 Whomp whomp sucks to be you
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Niggaz be trifing like bloods and crips cant we all iz huff some galaxy gas and get along
>>58405 100% worse to be a tranny
policing the sex lives of randos = cope for lacking one of your own
>>58114 bump
Can we talk about fucking games again?
Is the new version of Hazel's Journey out?
>>58450 V .14 is public V .15 is Patreon, someone dropped it earlier in the thread. Unless your asking about the next (gonna assume .16) update, which probably won't happen until the end of the month/start of next month.
57856 bump
>>58151 Never used this site but it seems like you can just upload the games folder and then send the link https://filebin.net/
>>58451 Thanks, kitten wiskers.
>>58451 There was a PDF with a guide to get the scenes, but it doesnt have the new scenes, anyone willing to do it?
>>58046 >>58401 Sorry for the delay dudes, rough week. Here it is: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1dp-5SgQ-UibtRWag3uB52h8ZxON3EHKP Just grab the whole folder. The author, Ghostwhisperer, has a very frustrating tendency of not denoting versions for his game, and a similar tendency to delete changelogs, making it very difficult to find out *which* version of the game you are modding. Consequently, I have absolutely no clue which version(s) of the game this mod now works on, and so have resorted to just uploading the whole shebang. Hopefully it works, and hopefully google will leave it the fuck alone for the foreseeable future. Anyhow, I've included a Shenanigans Readme in the folder that explains more about what the mod does at this point, but lemme do a short summary of the new stuff that I added since last. The main thing, of course, are the F1-F9 key stuff. It took a while to get working properly, especially the UI elements, but it should more or less work as intended now. The list mentioned earlier is mostly correct, except that I managed to make F5 into a digestion speed modifier, rather than something that changes the current digestion times in process, as originally planned. Furthermore, I've added F9 to the list, which disables (and enables) the second new feature: Additional weightgain. Oh, and I messed around with the post-vore camera a bit, so that you can now rotate further along the X-axis, zoom in and out with a mouse wheel, and also, if you are very careful about it, hold in right-click to rotate along the Y-axis. The latter is very difficult to control though. Oh! And I messed around a bit with player-as-pred. PC pred should be able to eat regardless of hunger, and the cheat/modifiers that affect preds also works on the PC as pred. In addition, at first due to an oversight, whilst PC pred normally can't be eaten, they *can* be eaten in Nightmare mode. I decided to just set that as an actual feature, rather than correct it, and instead set PC pred to take up appropriately more space than normal prey when swallowed. More details in the readme. I think that about covers it. I haven't had a chance to test how well it works on other machines, aside from an old laptop, so let me know if I fucked something up or uploaded it wrong.
>>58523 Tried it thanks bro you've done a good job really, can't wait to see any more updates from you, if you plan on doing so.
Checked out New Pred in Town, the card game element of it is very well-done - simple mechanics, yet still challenging. The Endless mode is quite fun. The story mode, though... I can't judge the story quality itself, because there is just so much text and infodumping that I wanted to skip to the more "action-y" part of it, and it just never really came, on the first run I didn't even trigger any battles. It feels like it would've been better off as a non-fetish murder mystery game or something...
>> 58523 The only thing that might be missing is the ability to generate apples.
>>58523 Damn that all sounds awesome, can't wait to give this a go
>>58523 The pronounced height differences has made it somewhat impossible to pick up keys from tables or on counters like in the Electrical Room. Could this be fixed?
>>58547 About where I was at with it, too. The portraits took me out the most, though. I rather keep to the 2d, and the realistic style clashing with the rest really killed it for me.
>>58523 You added addtional weightgain, which is what I wanted the most here. What's a way I can toss some cash your way?
Can someone share Another Inner World Season 2 Episode 6 please?
>>58579 Agreed, just using Kisekae for everything would've been better, the AI faces are super distracting. The backgrounds would've been better off as filtered unsplash photos too, AI is just too much of an uncanny valley unless heavily edited. I feel like the creator really wants it to have more realistically shaded non-anime art though, so I guess it's more likely that the sprites will be replaced with something...
>>58605 Probably an impossible ask based on when development started on it, but I’d much rather the art be similar to the 3D style like Sabrina’s Adventure or 2D shaded drawings than Kisekae. It won’t take away my enjoyment of the game but I just feel like it’s been so long of having vore games made with Kisakae that the art already feels older and there’s only so much you can do with it compared to detailed stages of digestion and customized weight gain (that’s getting to another topic of actually learning and editing that style but still). That’s just personal preference and comparatively any art is better than no art and it can be pretty good and the writing can make up for it, just a little pet peeve of mine
>>58576 Yeah it's kind of finicky. I increased the item grab range to compensate, and whilst I didn't find any unreachable spots in my admittedly not very thorough testing of the range, it's still a pretty shit solution. I might have to resort to making the player able to grab things through walls if they are close enough. Not ideal either, but then, I don't know if there are any item placements where one could cheese it by grabbing it through a wall or a door. >>58556 I mean, sure? They don't do a whole lot in the mod outside of boosting your escape chances. It's a long story, but short version is that I had to change the 'capacity' of items like keys, apples and bones to 0 (so they take no space), in order to make the functions that determine belly size easier to use. The actual formula the author uses for belly size is very wacky, and does not allow for pretty much *any* changes in any variables involved, or else you break it entirely. Why he'd do it like that instead of just, like, making individualized simple formulas for each character is beyond me, but to each his own. Unfortunately, this meant that when I decided to mess with belly sizes to suit my own preferences, it quickly became necessary to set the capacity of all items to 0, as they would otherwise horribly break the formula. That being said, now that I've replaced the formula with my own, I can probably find a way to make items have capacity again, without breaking belly sizes, if dudes are interested in that sort of thing. >>58602 Thanks dude, I am very flattered, but I am afraid I am a rather private person. I'll think about it, though. Maybe a Kofi or something? No idea how any of that works.
>>58570 bump
There's always the o'; amazon giftcard sent to email address of your choice, Kofi's also a goof way to do it. I dont care how, just as long as I can get something to you. Hell, if youre up for more requests or are taking commissions then I could find additional reasons to throw more cash your way too. Up to you, of course.
I once again am asking for your help. Anyone got this? https://hungrybelly.itch.io/hungry-mermaid-cruise
Wonder when the glacial pace of updates of games that I like will make me bite the bullet and start making my own generic "game" with stock assets. I envy the people who haven't had this fetish for over twenty years now and haven't yet played all of the stuff out there, starting from downloading Markie's dragon and alien giantess games via dial-up... Nothing gives me that sense of existential dread eroticism anymore either.
>>58678 >downloading via dialup Anon, you should get your prostate checked
>>58610 you are doing god's work with this mod my good man. this is just what the game needed. is there any way you could include a log that lets us know what command was put in last & its effect? would make it way easier to keep track of adjustments also I noticed the preds like to go to a particular toilet to burp out bones for some reason. causes pathing issues if they all go at once.
>>58619 I mean shit if you got requests I can always take a look at it. Who knows, it might be easy to do. I've found programming to be weird like that. Things that seem that they would be intuitively easy to do can often prove impossible, and things that would seem impossible to do often turn out to be easy to do. Very wacky. >>58694 Ah dang, I thought I fixed the toilet pile-up problem. I'll look into it. Also, the little tips box in the pause menu keeps track of your currently active modifiers (if any), except for F4 and F6. Or are you referring to those two specifically? Oh, or do you mean like, that you'd like the game to pop up a little message on screen going "X modifier activated" or some such, so one is sure one actually pressed the right button?
>>58700 pause menu just shows "..." regardless of what I change. but I was mostly suggesting the latter of what you mentioned. Since there's a limit to how much you can decrease digestiontime, or might want to keep track of how much hungertime you've added for example. Or I may have turned a system on/off at the start and then forget if I turned it on/off later. It's hard to keep track of all the things you're adjusting without any feedback. Just my 2c
>>58570 bump
>>58700 I can't figure out how to get player as pred working
>>58772 That's because you are playing it on Nigthmare mode. Try the normal one.
>>58777 What's there to figure out? >>58772 >>58787 Oh yeah, right. I forgot Nightmare mode disables tips. I'll make sure to unfuck it so active modifiers are shown in Nightmare mode too.
>>58802 So, for me the F keys all work, but the Student preds option doesn't seem to do anything, it's always 1 pred, and there's no obvious way to select player as pred. Student option only has the regular average student.
>>58804 Huh. Are you on a completely fresh save? IIRC, the game blocks a ton of features until you complete a few rounds. I'd not be surprised if student preds are also disabled until you actually unlock the other preds. Playing is pred is definitely not unlocked at start. I'd change that, but honestly the save/load/progress script is the most voodoo shit in the code and I haven't dared touch it. If that's not the case, then I have no idea what the issue could be.
>>58806 That might be it! I'll have to go for a few completed rounds and get back to you. Thanks for the help and the mod! Does map/book count towards it or just rounds escaped? Also sometimes keys on top of the generators in the electrical room are hard to grab, as feedback.
>>58807 No problem. Honestly I'd say to just edit your save instead, as the actual progression is...annoying Or, maybe just switch F8 on and run through the map. Because yeah, map/book escapes count as well, for...something. I think escaping with map/book unlocks that pred as playable?? Not sure. In any case, personally I'd just edit the save. It's in appdata, and you can use a website called something like saveeditor to do it. It's mentioned way the fuck earlier in the thread: >>52363
>>58808 Oh damn, thanks, that'll save a lot of headaches.
Anyone has Escape from deep pit university with everything unlocked?
HuntingHydra-0.1.1 game. Does anyone have?
Voronica Goes to Town just updated to 0.3.11 Anyone be kind enough to share please?
>>58849 Bump
is someone willing to share the newest version of From where you live?
>>58917 I second this request, please.
>>58917i second this request as well please
Can anyone share this game? https://m4dgl4d.itch.io/jessicas-game
>>58917 third this
>>49457 I once again request for this. Please
Anyone got the latest version of Voreocracy ?
Famished just released the 0.16 Update. Can anyone share it?
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does anyone know artists who make skyrim vore mod? like this example below. I forgot the artist name who make this too.
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>>59034 Damn someone already asked 2 days ago? Bump for Famished update I guess
>>59034 FAMISHED NEW BUILD?! WHAT THE FLIP?!!! Could someone please be a gentle soul and share the new update? I need that shit man, since kemono has stopped working i haven't been able to goon.
>>59132 Side note: please be a bro and share the new build please someone, before i fucking go insane my porn addiction needs to be satisfied.
>>59131 Gotta love kemono for caring about the shitty gumroad scrapers more than patreon. We'd have it now if they didn't fuck up so badly
>>59139 Gumroad doesn't even do NSFW anymore. They banned 18+ content over a month ago. Most of the good creators already jumped ship.
>>59142 Yeah. Makes it all the more aggravating. Allegedly they said the patreon scraper should be working by the end of november but some people said they're giving up entirely so idk who to believe. I just want vore games and I'm a cheap fucker
>>59133 if someone tells me how to share a file in here i can share the new build
>>59149 You just upload the build to any site you want, mega, gofile, mediafire, google drive even and share the link. I think most people just create a throwaway account with something like temp-mail.org
>>59126 That looks like the devourment refactor mod for skyrim special edition with some of the other addons added. You can find this on ekas there is a thread for it. The addons are Linked in this thread too. I hope that helped you a little. 🙂
>>59153 https://gofile.to/E6pK/famishedv016b.rar Is my first time doing this so if this make any problem please say it
>>59172 That works, thank you very much!
>>59172 Just a question, what's new in this update? I haven't been able to find any new scenes so far. The pt message says something about camp but there isn't anything different there either for me
>>59184 All I got was a short dialogue exchange with Kat at camp. And also the clasp guy was gone from oldmore, not says he's in regium. But I don't know where he is. I'm guessing he gives some kind of smuggling quest.
>>59172 Can a member post the description from the patreon post so we know what's in the update?
Anyone got the latest update for Testament of Minos?

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