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Britain can be a lot better than this.

you VILL consneed
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>>201116 based civic wes
aside for spamming why is Mancs banned?
Foreign Office tells Brits still in Ukraine to leave 'while commercial means are still available' www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10503627/Foreign-Office-tells-Britons-Ukraine-commercial-means-available.html
we should havce a poll to decide a new BO tbh
>>201116 based >>201118 wanking to trannies >>201120 you think another poll can defeat my divine power?
>>201098 (200382) >Swedish Of course
>>201123 Dorset also wanks to trannies though so that alone can't be a reason
>slash the tires they aren't sending their best
>>201127 hope she actually tries it and is killed by the result too much work for a foid though
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>>201126 sadly this is true
>>201126 can't even remember what the first one was now tbh, he was spamming about jannie tyranny so he got banned for that and he just hasn't stopped since
>>201128 I think our dear leader was just enjoying femboys in a non sexual way.
>>201128 ah right remember when he kept posting that hit or miss lass and kind of avatarfagged as her, like he has that agp thing
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>>201114 What have I got to lose when you've already unjustly perma'd me? You'll just keep doubling down and making shit up like I'm a troomer like poombs/ttpw. Fucking low lad. >>201118 Literally fuck all. That's what's so annoying. Pic rel, before he deletes it again. I don't want to spam. He's been so unreasonable as to leave me no option.
>>201129 tbh >>201131 keeeeek tbh
>>201129 She will send the legions of sub 80 iq grugs to go die for her shit state purchased opinion.
>I could enter the thread, act like a civilised adult, and just move on with my day >or >I COULD SPAM AND SPAM AND SPAM AND SPAM AND MAYBE THEN PEOPLE WILL SIDE WITH MY LOVE FOR TRANNIES
>>201140 keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek
>>201140 jesus christ
>>201140 OH NO
women don't know how to fall properly a man would have twisted round like a cat
>>201141 You fucking perma'd me for nothing and refuse to undo it. You know you're in the wrong here. Stop projecting your own gayism, you discord using faggot nonce. Just. Unperma. Me. And I won't spam. I started spamming as a last resort. Stop fucking lying you dumb cunt. Nobody will believe you.
*starts cyring*
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>Telegram has suspended 64 channels after requests from the German Federal Ministry of the Interior and the Federal Criminal Police Office, Süddeutsche Zeitung reports.
>Friday night warmongering and closing down of chat rooms Isn't Shabbat supposed to a sunset, bit late isn't?
>>201121 (200382) wow those damn "swedes" attacking those "anglos" those names look like something out of bedes anglo saxon chronicle.
>scythians smoked opium mixed with cannabis https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mS7RDoiXv_s
>>201149 smh should have stayed with the pack crazy that there were lions in the mountains of greece and macedonia into the iron age
>>201171 for me its celts watching BIG BOARS in the glade and wishing they were as tough
>>201167 Anti Russia comes from the papacy, against Eastern Orthodoxy
seems more likely its based around amerishart propaganda based on nordstream
Oil is up.
>hmm maybe if I post seethe wall text enough people will realise im right.
just stop banning him please
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>>201156 (200382) they will never stop seething
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>hmm maybe if I keep dodging the question as to why I perma'd someone for saying they'd dodge an EU draft, and banning and deleting posts, after he's been driven to the point he has to spam out of spite, the board will stop hating me and my bongo cabalist's tyranny >>201184 t. apex seether >hehe I deleted it again
>>201187 Take heart lads, all we need is a good war to be rid of them.
DDOS an Antifa/Anonymous hacker group consisting of three trannies that are employed by the US government hacked givesendgo for allowing people to raise money for the Canadian truckers. They claim the info is only available for journalists and law enforcement, a very anarchist thing to say. https://twitter.com/MrAndyNgo/status/1492122706850074627? https://ddosecrets.substack.com/p/limited-distribution-givesendgo-part https://ddosecrets.com/wiki/GiveSendGo_2.0 https://ddosecrets.com/wiki/GiveSendGo
>>201187 whats it got to do with nigeria?
>>201191 >I hope GSG appreciates how much institutional globohomo power is against them
>>201187 >there are nigerians in ukraine
>>201192 wtf are Nigerians migrating to Ukraine for? Reeeeeeeeeeeeee
>>201192 What's banning me got to do with "tranny"?
>>201194 Probably Crypto-currency scammers.
>>201194 nobody can escape the spic-nig cycle, they will build 1000 billion dollar structures to house niggers on rockall with your money and you will like it goyim
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>>201199 keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek the storm in the backround is best part
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>>201201 >The Bongo Cabal
>moe will get its own /newbrit/ at this rate This board is developing its own lore at a grand pace! Makes one feel alive
>The Bongo Cabal
>The Bongo Cabal
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>this thread
Once the last IP is banned the vans will start rolling.
>>201209 wew that is francis e dec tier
also chad age difference
>Under questioning, the 45-year-old told detectives that he had a 'neuro-ling' implanted in his brain at a hospital, and that other people could read his thoughts, according to the prosecutor. >Burke was possibly referring to billionaire Elon Musk's Neuralink project, which involves plans to implant chips in human brains to connect them to computers. That technology is still in the development stage. >Burke reportedly told police that he was getting messages on his tablet from QAnon adherents claiming that his wife was a CIA asset who was involved in a sex-trafficking ring, and that he had to kill her. >'He also said that Joe Biden had twins, a daughter and a son, and that the son had a sex change and that’s who his wife was,' Kushion said. >killing your wife cos online schizos said she's a tranny
putin threatening nuclear war https://streamable.com/v3m1mw
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>>201204 Tbh. >>201209 Think I've demonstrated how pathetic (You) are enough for tonight. I've got Skyrooming to do. Later good lads. Fear my retvrn tomorrow, Bongo Cabal, and Salty Angus.
that's right, consneed
glad the whole femboy trap tranny phase has kind of ended
>>201213 Can he do it soon, I'm not sure how much more meta fagdrama I can endure.
>>201210 fucking insane tbh weird to think that they were on the same site as us >>201211 tbh wonder how he managed it, wonder if she was a fellow qoomer
>>201217 one of the most boring nothingburgers ever tbh
>>201209 Was he right about his wife though?
playing lemmings tbh
>>201220 tearing up knowing I can never have her as a gf
>>201213 hope he does it I can't take much more of toil tbh
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give us the war
>>201227 Why do you disagree with based "wogs at Calais" British islands sovereignty?
>Russia doesn't want war, the west is pushing the idea in the media as economic punishment to Ukraine for investigating the bidens >Putin now talking about Nuclear war Chudbros... were we wrong?
>>201229 Yeah somehow I think Ukraine was always a big nono for Russia.
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>>201226 track used for anyone wondering
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I am Martin, Martin Nost.
>>201177 sold my XOM and CVX at the peak a couple of days ago tbh, i expect a pullback in crude soon
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>>201236 keeeeeeeeeek cry more foid
>>201230 tbf they don't want to redo the time of troubles and they have some ancient paper signed with the cossacks showing that the zaprorozian sich is officially part of russia after the cossacks drew russia into protecting them from poles.
>>201236 so glad I don't have a gf
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dealing with women's hysteria is just another thankless job for men these days
>>201239 god forbid making sacrifices
>>201241 for what?
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>>201243 >we've heard you <we just haven't listened.
>>201243 can the truckers just start taking heads already >>201245 tbh
>>201242 for a crumb of pussy
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>>201242 the white race
>>201250 Women buried that idea in a hope proof coffin till the day of western collapse.
>>201241 yeah waste your 20s baby sitting some bpd cunt and being her emotional punching bag lad its heroic
tfw no breedhog gf
>>201252 but you're over 30
You're older than my dad was when he bred
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It's my way, or the spician way of artificial wombs
>the groomer or the artificial coomer
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>martin thinks he is going to breed random mask nutter vaxxies in leafland so he SIMPS for them
>>201260 You were speaking of women in general smh. I am hopefully going to breed a South-Norwegian Mosslander
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Rape is the only way.
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everyone settle down we've had enough truculence for one thread
>22st is the type of guy who pretends to care about some girls colored pencil drawing of a vagina while he smells her hair like baron haarkonen
When you get a lass. Elvish is code for East Asian
>>201264 keeeeeeeeeeeeeek
>>201264 Lies are just part of the groomers' toolkit tbh
My blood is pure, i can wait until 87 to breed
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>>201265 keeeeeek smh happy ending fags, I would have been busy in the tower getting the kinstrife going again, dol amroth is tired of propping up some mixed race bastard from eriador
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>>201268 eowyn>ariel >no rohan blond haired people only world to live in where all poohairs get slaughtered
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But no, she drew me this and I did not shower her with praise
>>201271 sick of this nothingburger, shit or get off the pot ambassador bridge blockade is more imporant
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>201275 >he collects little girls drawings
It's too early to breed, we haven't defeated Mordor yet.
>>201277 She's 18. Smh saving the white race is such a thankless job
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Ahh, Friday night. The toilweek finally comes to a close but oh no whats this, saturday overtoil is now for the foreseeable future?
>>201276 It's damage control, the market is on the brink.
>>201279 is she retarded
schnight chaps
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>>201282 she is autistic. She likes jigsaws, slime/clay, beads, a lot of creative things which I find endearing. She also has a tablet she watches what I assume is endless poz tv series on though smh
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>>201281 Are they going ruin boomers retirement?
rotherham-tier grooming
>First teaser of Better Call Saul "Slippin’ Jimmy" animated spinoff series (for kids). https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q9MMVZU1sOM
>>201287 Inflation is getting worse, and they can't print their way out or increase interest.
>>201291 >Inflation
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>news at 10 >literally all the reporters pushing the ukraine shite are women and nogs and woman nogs >no white men on the show
>>201291 >no gretchen whitmer inflation videos
at least travel is re0opening
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>>201292 you want suburbanoid cringe
>>201298 such light injuries
>>201294 keeeeeeeeeeek I really really like this image
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>>201298 Kek women must make up 80% of the costs of A/E by virtue of being retarded, they can't even fall properly, not bracing oneself at all, they are so fucking retarded, like that foid on the step ladder
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>>201301 Look at that integrated economies being used as justification for international illegal action.
>>201293 This tbh The economy is supposed to be in the toilet in a destabilised society. That people can be fooled that it ever isn't during current status quo, now that might be worth noticing
>>201301 keeeek I hope she stomps on them because biden is too cowardly, I was hopeing that the shitagain national guard get sent there so its a public relations fiasco which has not occured since the canadians had their little patriot war or whatever and the michigan militia was getting too involved on behalf of the canadian government
>>201302 yeah keek the best was how she fell and just ate it with her face
>>201303 >he is actually about to suplex her
All this "controversy" with the met just shows these people are living in another universe, yeah the met is "institutionally racist sexist and homophobic" and all the "scandals" as if its part of a trend when its literally nothing.
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>be autistic >go on youtube >click one video >and this will be your obsession for life I guess I kind of lucked out on this one
ngl the way SA talks about lads coming back from a ban and "posting normally" and "not seething" is reminiscent of reddit jannies who want a personal essay apology written to them to get an unban
>nelson mandela worship on the news again
>>201312 tfw 16 year old lads reading a book get prison time but we praise this literal terrorist
can't believe Nelson Mandela is part of the school curriculum in all of the west
>>201301 so true
leafs put a 1 year in jail order for any people blocking the shittroit bridge tomorrow so it might get spicy
>reading through the convictions of the ICTY >its 90% serbs getting convicted and when non serbs get convicted they get about 5 years >throw in a few croats too just to make it seem even the conviction rate for the serbs is about 95% or something
>>201314 we used to have assemblies about how great he was in school
>>201317 tbh it was a kangaroo court.
>>201316 saw some swarthoid talking about "feds" trying to force them to invade the parliament, also seen right wing grifters talking about how its non violent and basically trying to make sure nothing happens so the whole thing is turning into a grift not to mention the international tranny brigades are now being used against them it looks like another back stabbing then cupcaking nothingburger is on the cards, any trucker that tries to resist will be called a fed.
>>201320 or a fascist.
another blackpill, some posho accent indian bitch lisa teacher on the news talking about how shes managed to change the history curriculum in her school after realising "our" history was whitewashed in the wake of the blm shite in 2020 and the wog students they have alongside her agreed with it.
>>201320 yeah the cuckening is already in full swing. hope that some based lads keep going
was hoping some shart dafties would join them but the amerishart side of the bridge is a nigzone
>>201324 maybe the gretch will get some of her piggies to just go and lay a trail of dollars, kfc, purple drank and crack across the bridge toward the trucker crowd
heckin wholesome niggerinos posing with a bike they stole from a japanese child
>>201326 tbf tactical rape squads are almost justified when fighting imperial nippon
>>201326 >Ammo company >bike >wog praise You just can't escape the memes.
>>201325 that would be based most americoward conservatives will do fuck all to help the leafs many are complaining they can't cross the bridge on 4chud for the jobs
>>201326 keeeeeeeeeeek niggers stealing bikes
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>>201320 they should mine out the highway so it has to be repaved which would take ages
>>201332 tbh that would be incredibly based
>>201332 keeek it would look just like normal michigan roads
was going to make an insightful post but forgot it
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>>201342 >The Transporter
>>201344 >DIE A FREE MAN based
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orange matchmakers and barr cola for supper
Nelson Mandela = uppity, ugly dark papist, neo-haitian
>>201347 somehow I don't think those are his worst attributes
keeek this lad telling us to sit tight
Two Croissants, a scone, a slice of lemon tart and a cheesy fish cake for dins
>>201342 good lad
smh this stream is laggy
>>201353 go down there and cause a scene lad
The only trucker I knew was homeless, lost his job and was an alcoholic. Died a few years ago.
>>201356 BASED
>>201351 doesn't sound like a proper meal, lad. croissants are for brekkies not dindins
>>201355 I would not be allowed into leaf since I am novaxx chad don't know what its like on shart side, I hate that area its a nigger shithole and its frozen rain outside rn
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smh yeah mummy made me some omelet lad
>>201356 trucker is pretty much the worst job there is. make $40k after expenses and you're never home, essentially working 24 hours a day while your wife fucks the mailman. destroys your health too, sitting all day eating shit food while the sun bakes half your face and makes that half of your face look elderly by 30
>>201348 Taking the enemy as seriously as he'd like you to only plays into the intended demoralization and paralyzing victimhood complex
>>201365 >>201366 great posts
>>201356 Do you think the anectdote can be rightly viewed as a microcosm?
/brit/ more like /shit/ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oLIEbHu94hA
>>201370 Well yes if not representative I'd think he was at least not particularly atypical for his profession. He was a nice bloke, but things obviously got a bit much for him and his family abandoned him rather than deal with his drinking.
*starts crying* it's nothing
Got a marketing email from a company I had some training from saying we need more diversity in my profession. Always nice to know that being hardworking and competent isn't enough for my profession, because in order to truly excel we need to be inundated with wogs and cripples.
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no seacow not even a wessex attempt
>>201378 what a horrible night to have a curse
the manatee thing is stupid
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>finnish atheletes' dorms in beijing
>>201376 mine doesn't make much sense in parts, bit this AI generated story lark is a good bit of fun Priti Patel was thinking about David Davis again. David was an energetic serial resigner with charming fingers and tall eyes. Priti walked over to the window and reflected on her historic surroundings. She had always loved grand House of Commons with its gentle, grotesque green seats. It was a place that encouraged her tendency to feel hot and bothered. Then she saw something in the distance, or rather someone. It was the an energetic figure of David Davis. Priti gulped. She glanced at her own reflection. She was a bullying, greedy, male tears drinker with solid fingers and chubby eyes. Her friends saw her as a dizzy, dark dominatrix. Once, she had even revived a dying, Jeremy Corbyn. But not even a bullying person who had once revived a dying, Jeremy Corbyn, was prepared for what David had in store today. The rain hammered like drinking tortoises, making Priti happy. Priti grabbed a peculiar book that had been strewn nearby; she massaged it with her fingers. As Priti stepped outside and David came closer, she could see the colorful smile on his face. David gazed with the affection of 7460 strong and stable heavy horses. He said, in hushed tones, "I love you and I want boobies." Priti looked back, even more happy and still fingering the peculiar book. "David, you need to resign," she replied. They looked at each other with lonely feelings, like two raspy, red rats eating at a very admirable Boris' birthday party, which had classical music playing in the background and two splendid uncles flipping to the beat. Priti regarded David's charming fingers and tall eyes. "I feel the same way!" revealed Priti with a delighted grin. David looked ambivalent, his emotions blushing like a skinny, shivering sausage. Then David came inside for a nice drink of male tears. THE END
tldr tbh
Priti Peng
we did it lads...
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>>201384 just want to drink korma sauce from her boob
>>201386 Just don't let her get your walnuts in her mouth, that's a nutcracker set up!
>The Ayatollah ITT :soyjak:
>>201386 I'd unload my ghee on her quagmire jaw
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hmmmmmm paki cunny
lets seethe about this image again lads
>>201391 klunge gunge
>>201392 lad why
>>201392 in reality she was probably unhappy. she goes to the gym and toils to make her butt nicer, she buys this overpriced skimpy clothing, all because she wants men to validate her existence by making her feel pretty. then she squats in front of some guy at the gym, her scantily-clad ass a few feet in front of his face, and he doesn't even look. she must have been mortified
basically coping by posting it on social media for validation while spinning it as a positive thing. meanwhils she's internally screaming
Who cares?
>>201396 keeeeeeeek yeah
>>201388 >not an unironic theocrat NGMI
The real news is being made in Canada. Looks like another weekend of happenings there >>201397 This
>>201400 I actually do like him tbh, but his gf is 50% paki when sneed comes to chuck.
clampdown coming in canadia tonight maybe
clampdown on cunny
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>>201403 smh hope they fight back and make mummy gretchen cause an international incident so that jimbob can drive the load of dildos and car parts to canada on time for all the leafs
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>>201405 she should just go full queen of the lakes and send her militiamen to choke the detroit river with corpses
>>201407 that would be based I hope that it becomes an international incident and the corrupt DPD or some of the private security groups on the riverfront district beat up leafs. keeek like the detroit urban survival nigger and his larp brigade
>"Targeted assassinations, violence–that's what a 21st and 20th century civil war is," Kinzinger said. "We're identifying now by our race, by our ethnic group, we're separating ourselves and we live in different realities." https://www.newsweek.com/targeted-assassinations-coming-if-civil-war-breaks-out-adam-kinzinger-1678495
>>201409 just kayfabe and bureaucrats trying to increase their budgets
I looked at the data and society is collapsing
>>201411 :D noice
Hope Dutty is right tbh.
they released footage of the 6 cops getting shot by a nigger, starts at 4 mins in https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AlPs1Nbe1gs
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hope the boomers stand their ground
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The battle beginning today will decide the fate of the Canadian nation for the next thousand years
Canada's already a shithole anyway.
if it wasnt for covid we would be having a race war rn
race war's over bud the yellow man won
>>201420 >Tencent has stocks in BongoBongoLand
it really feels like any political energy in the public has completely waned. it's just nihilistic shuffling through the covid maze until the end. there is nothing the system can do to garner a response anymore. the blm revolution won and nobody has noticed. society is collapsing.
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>glowies shitposting Russian EAM shortwave channels with the Macarena
Is SA being a hot pocketing janny cunt again?
>>201424 ctrl+f "Mancs" tldr yes
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smorning lads >>201424 always >>201426 ban black barristers
>>201381 jesus christ is this the best China can do? why is their an animal in there?
>>201426 >they are literally English culture stupid nigger should be left in a gallows to starve and have his corpse picked at by crows
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>>201429 >stupid nigger should be left in a gallows to starve and have his corpse picked at by crows well said lad
>>201411 did the data show if I would ever be a dad
>>201431 he followed its movement through the charts and looked through its entrails but the results were inconclusive consult your local augur
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>>201433 based mummy gretchen
>>201433 so brave
>>201435 >chud is very clearly a different meme template to polface or are we the only lads who call him polface smh
>>201438 >Streicher and Sauckel
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>>201414 wew they all went in the front door, smh they usually resort to "smoke grenades" (WP) when there is a barricaded guy
>>201422 tbh still hoping the leafs do it, when canadians are mad they usually mean it its not like amerisharts
>>201442 >what's happening in canada wouldn't happen in america so what you're saying is..... this wouldn't happen in the south?
>>201426 wait a minute aren't ye olde BIG wigs like quintessential anglo culture?
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>>201438 *shakes head*
>>201442 do a vocarroo of an angry leaf who means business
smh ashamed I still have a drumpf mene
>>201443 keeeeeek >>201444 that's why they hate it
>>201447 do you have the rest your head cupcake pasta?
BIG WIGs is like anglocore next to wearing a suit
>screaming and dog snarling from the junkie flat >>201450 no it was on a text file on my old laptop which bricked
>>201453 >on a text file on my old laptop which bricked smh
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gonna try to do the plane scene but its trucks in canada
>>201455 first one to take the vax gets to stay on my bridge
>>201456 keeeeeeeeeeeeek
Perhaps he's wondering why you would honk a man... before bullying him out of parlaiment
Nobody cared who I was until I turned on the horn
Was getting HOOOOOOOOOOOOONKED part of your plan?
>>201459 >>201458 keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
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I honk....
>>201463 keeeeeek
>>201463 keeeeeeeeeeek goodlad
>>201466 keeek antifa uni autists think that average chud truckers even know what a romania is
>>201466 keeeek
>>201469 keeeeek retvrn to tradition
>>201470 wew is that a staged meme video?
only fans is for weak ass niggers, if you aren't turning tricks on the corner smoking crystal you aren't a real whore
>>201469 er er er outside of the box, you incel creep
>>201473 basically
1 hour for protestors to leave the bridge
>>201476 they'd better not break
>>201476 hope they stand their ground tbh
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time to bend the knee
>scab michigander tow trucks inbound
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>>201450 >The first drop of blood that lands on this great nation will be a rally call to all Patriots. At that point, a cohesive, organized force will rise, speak with one voice, move in one direction and overcome all obstacle that stand in the way of freedom. >It's okay if you don't believe me. You don't need to. Right now is meant to test the waters. Test the system. Disorganization plays to our side at the moment. You cannot cut the head off of a headless snake. >A shoe will drop, a tyrant will make an extreme move against freedom. >Then your eyes will open. For now, rest your sweet head cupcake. >Men are at work.
>>201483 classic boomer bluster
inb4 nothing happens
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cant believe mummy gretchen betrayed us
>>201320 keek, im glad this old rage comic face has caught on here. i stole it from /int/brit. also "peng"
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still can't get over this image keeek
>>201494 tbh looks completely retarded
fed rate hikes soon lads. lisa simpsons gon be strugglin with their mortgages after they were so smart with their 5% down mortgages
Miserable after pulling my leg's muscle or tendon or something trying to get back into shape after some ailments in January
>>201496 based can't wait for the whole world to be in severe financial trouble and struggling to survive tbh they don't deserve comfort >>201497 smh poor lad
Should I spend my Amazon vouchers now before inflation destroys them?
>>201500 >amazon vouchers yeah lad i'd get rid of those filthy things as soon as possible tbh and then never do business with amazon ever again
>>201501 but lad I'm basically cash gang, can't i only get stronger?
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>>201502 >but lad I'm basically cash gang, can't i only get stronger? i don't understand
The new wave of Auditors are so mean kek
>>201503 being le smug cash gang lad
>>201505 no lad what's cash gang?
>>201506 All the lads who are mostly in fiat, but had stocks or crypto before supposedly
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>>201507 lad why the fuck would you want to hold fiat it's in freefall by default and can only ever get worse when you said cash gang i thought you might mean cash in hand or something
>cashgang during the pre crash inflation bullmania
>>201509 >cashgang at any time after bretton woods
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>Spend 4 months working on code for trading strategy. >Experiment for a bit >Get a good one forward tested. >Not perfect but it can improve. >Binance caves to FCA pressue. I'm now currently a no-coiner and functionally broke.
Goats & ammunition gang.
>201513 looks intensely gay
>>201512 can't afford a goat tbh
suppose I could nick one
haven't you just ban evaded anyway?
the filters will continue until moral improves
filtering is extremely homosexual tbh go hugbox on Reddit
Yeah it was like funny the first time, gets fucking old quick.
lad this doesn't exactly endear people to your cause
I fucking hate the bongo cabal I wish they'd all fuck off to discord and leave us none homosexual, none paedophilic lads alone.
Imagine having nothing better to do other than spam a board of about 12 people to death because of fucking discord drama. I just wanted a comfy chatting space but screeching autists had to ruin it.
Also fuck you mancs you can keep your tbhs.
Let me guess the autist is acting like a nigger with no culpability now.
>>201559 i know lad he's a tyrant that said spamming the thread targets goodlads more than badlads >>kept banning with excuse: nonce tbh he's very egregious with this tbh literally everybody he doesn't like is a nonce even schizo (who i greatly dislike and would love to never see poost again) is clearly not a nonce but constantly gets labelled as such by sa smdh >>201563 tbqh
>>201567 im not mancs ffs why do i always get bullied and told im someone else
Pedagogy >Educating Wessex
>>201571 Lad the other tbh was from mancs.
ah wait nvm
>>201572 We're basically America now, we worship the wogs and gays.
>>201572 history deboonked lad is a good lad don't get me wrong but i'm seething constantly about how that generation waited this fucking long to actually wake the fuck up (and even then only a minority of them) and now they can spend the last twenty or so years of their lives being ineffectually based on the internet without ever having to risk anything real and with no worries of future consequences
>>201578 I'm sure it allows him to shift more of his books.
had a very foidian dream smh, travelled around the world and bringing back an african lad to lidls where he btfo all of the local westoid corrupted niggers >>201578 he refuses to acknowledge the JQ smh le niggis is okay but le jews.. no
>>201579 tbh smh >>201580 >bringing back an african lad to lidls *excommunicates (You) from the huwhite race
>>201580 did it end with the nigger enslaving all the westoid niggers and taking them back to Nigeria with him?
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I found this and it reminded me of that lad a few threads ago that was asking what he should do if he doesn't have a tv and brings a girl round.
>>201584 keeeeek based
>>201583 ended with him appearing in the checkout queue where the sheboon tiller was mocking me and the other niggers were joining in he defended me from the bullies
>>201586 The subliminal Wog worship signals are finally being broadcast into the UK over our 5G network.
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>>201586 >he defended me from the bullies
>>201587 tbhsmh
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last tinny
>>201590 Just go to your corner shop lad.
Fuck I agreed to help my mum put up her allotment shed. I just want to stay inside and drink for oblivion.
>>201591 already past closing time
>>201592 drink while on the job lad manual labour after a few tinnies is unironically the best feeling ever luv it
>>201592 >can't handle a beer AND help his mummy vbLONGneck.webm
>>201594 >>201595 It's more my mum will complain, but fuck it you need to be drinking something when working with tourch-on
>>201559 tbh, I stand with mancs
>>201597 Fine just don't shit up the thread. Ruining everything for 11 other people is not going to pressure SA in the least.
>>201598 I'm not him lass but I've been a victim of SA's wickedness before during the bum bum raids smh
Honestly making a new discord that SA was excluded from would probably hurt him more.
are we going to have a war on wednesday lads?
>>201602 We'll know within 20 minites of it's start because cruise missiles will be landing on British military airports.
wish i could win the lottery or something just so i could stop having to go through this shite cringe hellworld bullshit smh >>201601 tbh he doesn't care much about the thread beyond being in charge of it >>201602 hope so
>>201604 no way we would actually go to war with the ruskies tbh, russia could conceivably invade ukraine but western zog will do shite all
except le egonomi sangshuns
>>201606 A big war is a great way to restart a globally flatlining economy. No idea how they're going to magic up the capital without taking it back from the superwealthy or printing us into hyperinflation though.
No war, just never ending fud scares. Feel like a npc on here sometimes with the disrupter lads doing pvp
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>>201606 >western zog will do shite all ARE YOU SERIOUSLY IMPLYING THAT ECONOMIC SANCTIONS ARE "SHITE ALL"? FORGET ABOUT HOW THEY CONTROL BASICALLY ALL OF THE NATURAL GAS THAT WESTERN EUROPE CONSUMES SMH DON'T THINK ABOUT THAT WE WILL MAKE THEM BLEED >>201608 >printing us into hyperinflation obviously this you think they'd risk upsetting the wealthy? not a chance the proles can get fucked though lol they're already used to making do with nothing
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>>201609 You reckon it's coldwar 2 the jewish boogaloo
>>201612 yeah probably, they have been trying to establish that for years it's such a convenient scenario for the yids, real oceania vs eastasia style shit that lets them tighten control over the whole world and fuck with us even further
belarus and ukraine are unironically russia
Here's the situation in the unlikely event that Russia invades. >US ramps up sending in arms and advisors >The east is quickly captured. The west holds out a little longer, and there is lots of western propaganda about them being diverse and fighting the good fight, but they are soon routed with little bloodshed. >US imposes heavy economic sanctions, but Germany & France oppose >US starts sending military support to Romania and Poland, increasing tensions even further >Washington & journalists increase nu-cold war rhetoric >Both Boris Johnson & Biden polling numbers temporarily increase. >Sanctions on Russia are quietly weakened due to pressure from the EU and token commitments obtained from Russia
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>>201618 good morning Dorse
>>201618 This man wanks to trannies
lies and slander
Dorsie and Wessie
>>201614 genuinely do not care in the slightest if they're russia or not tbqh furrin country plus furrin country equals not my problem i learnt my lesson from world wars one and two tbh just tell the world to fuck off and don't get involved worked for switzerland and ireland and sweden etc countries legally cannot declare war on you unless you give them your consent
keeking at the euros still having covid measures tbh, thanks big turk for getting caught out partaying and enraging the boomers with some irrelevance
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I will see the black sun with my own eyes
>>201623 *performs a policing action on you* The British Empire must be restored in total with a policy of white supremacy and aiming toward the reduction of the non-white population until they are in essence endangered animals
cant wait to start drinking today
Mauritian government are trying to start shit with us https://www.bbc.com/news/world-africa-60349040
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>>201629 That island was literally unoccupied until westerners shipped wogs onto it.
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>now I want to fuck SA
>Waldo I fucking despise the great satan
>>201634 >mad mancs
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>>201638 what, no, I am.. that other lad
>>201637 did she already dump you lad? >>201635 tbh why are they so allergic to the name "wally"?
>>201643 I have no gf It's all made up
I never filter anyone. I don't want to. Don't make me
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>>201645 not exactly a big surprise lad i thought it was too good to be true smh had hoped for your sake you were telling the truth though smh shame on you
homos really stick their cocks in arseholes keeeeeeeeek
Manclord, you're right about SA, but please don't spam. you're frankling helping SA legitimize his treatment of you, don't do that, nobody wants a wal of red text
>>201649 I am close though Quite a few attractive lasses at the pub I talk to
>>201651 tbh, why choose an arse over lady bits? One is a poo chute but the other is a self lubricating pleasure chamber we were literally designed by the lord to coom in
>>201652 I'm with mancslad tbh, nothing legitimises the way SA treats this board The NEETs are up in arms!
>>201658 You can join him in the filter if you join in.
you know if you posted without a flag you wouldnt get banned
>>201659 Can't be arsed finding him, just gonna supply him (You)s occasionally to help fund his sneed efforts
>>201655 >a self lubricating pleasure chamber we were literally designed by the lord to coom in well if "the lord" is male then isn't that kinda gay also? masturbating yourself with a flesh tunnel designed for you by a male god? >>201658 yeah but I don't wanna see spam. what we should instead be doing instead of spamming is just be really mean to SA and continue to demand, demand, demand that he give up BO to somebody else. basically bully him until he just wants it to stop
filter really is a godsend tbh
>>201664 Yeah I'm sure the tyrant of bongoland will capitulate any day now.
>>201667 just two more weeks and SAs tyranny will be brought to an end
me personally i like SA
>>201584 keeek
use it as a way to improve your life and get off the site
i'm so fucking horny i'm going to have to go to the pub and see what i can find
>>201653 get in there lad seal the deal >>201658 tbh >>201665 >isn't that kinda gay also? no, obviously don't be stupid
>>201674 He's been eating nothing but spam in his bulking for the final confrontation with SA
>>201665 God isn't male except in his human incarnation you imbecile Filtering you for the inconceivably stupid shit that you just posted tbh
>>201679 >Filtering you for the inconceivably stupid shit that you just posted tbh
>>201675 pubs are terrible places to pick up women
>>201683 So is everywhere else.
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>>201683 i was with a rather attractive lady last night
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>>201679 >noo you don't understand, monotheism makes sense because >it just does
>>201686 was she a mentaller?
>>201689 no seems quite normie, but intelligent and classy, sexy yum
>>201689 Lad this will be the second lie you've fallen for in 2 dozen posts.
>>201692 i want to believe
>>201695 im telling the truth lass
why are you spamming? Literally only hurting principled non-filtering goodboys
great way to spend your saturday lad
>>201701 >>201701 >Nice change in tactic, SA. SA would just ban you
>all of these filtered posts
>>201710 >(You) tried that all last night and it just made (You) look pathetic. (You) opened with a heckin David Davis twitter screencapperino. Like fuck (You) aren't SA.
>>201703 I hope he creates a mad max tier gang all equipped with his masks.
>>201712 tbh makes me wonder if other seemingly good lads have it in them to make such atrocious posts
https://poal.me/uos2yg important >>201703 keeeking at all the vaxmongs getting left behind by the system they so desperately supported just keep boosting keeeek >>201714 tbh would join ngl
mummy said she would come this morning to do more flat rearranging so I got up early despite staying up late and now I really need a poo but the moment I sequester myself in the loo she will arrive and get pissy that I left her outside
>>201718 Just call her while on the loo and only respond with sharts.
very unhelpful lads thankyou >>201718 wait outside until she arrives then lock her inside and do the poo outside simple tbh
>>201717 Keeek fuck's sake, lad. Apology accepted smh >>201718 So open the door before you go for the poo
>>201720 Happy to serve lad
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god I wish that were me
>>201719 >>201720 keeeek tbh >>201721 >compromising the security of the coombox so that any old paki going around shaking hands with doorknobs could wonder in and nick my stuff at any moment
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I've been playing a porn game since all day yesterday lads . . . I'm unironically invested in the story keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek
We need to start training Wessex into our own version of Butterbean.
>>201724 >wessex gets robbed while on the loo
just had a gyppo ring our doorbell and try to buy our family caravan on the cheap to facilitate his nefarious gyppo lifestyle. No thank you please fuck off and die horribly in a fire
>>201728 Pretty sure gyppos are more likely to have you dying in a fire tbh. Denying them a camper is like killing one of their ponies.
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>we want the coomer audience
pot boodles are ingenious
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thank you, momofuku ando, your services to Britain have been based an kettle pilled
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hahaaaaa! Im mentally deteriorating lads! Weeeeeeeee!
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>straw in mouth literally me
>LGBT history mumf yikes
>>201736 can't believe dick cheney was actually pussy cheney all along wtf
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Why yes, I am going to watch the same band AGAIN tonight
>>201740 I don't want to breed anymore
>>201743 imagine sticking cocks up your arse being your identity keeeeeeeek I like fannies I don't need a fucking flag for it keeeeeek
>>201745 bit cringe lad
listening to Sneed Berry(formerly Chuck) tbh
>>201745 but there already is a fanny flag lad
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>>201746 exsqueeze me?
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>call of duty black ops >2010 aauughhhhh >>201740 best way to deal with these types is to just not react at all tbh they're fishing for irl (You)s that the toiler is under no obligation to give just ring them up for a vanilla a choc swirl a strawberry a sprinkles and a caramel swirl and tell them the total completely deadpan they're out fishing for free dopamine so it's every toiler's sovereign duty to deny them completely and utterly
>>201750 keeeeek
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dreading looking at the pub videos of last night because im probably in them smh
>>201754 poost them on youtube lad show us
>>201756 based
>>201756 keeeeeek
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>>201760 >>201761 >therapy is about being open and communicating >to promote therapy they are ghosting a bloke why do they want to prove jacob right
>>201762 it has to be a £100/h jewish therapist lad
therapy is literal fucking retard babymode thought-handholding for mongs who are incapable of introspection for therapy to actually have an effect two conditions must be met: 1) you must not know how to think for yourself 2) you must trust your therapist more than yourself no wonder men consistently drop out of therapy to deal with shite on their own whilst women fucking worship it
>>201763 >>201764 wasn't betterhelp one of those actual scam things that went around a few years ago? one that was being mass-promoted by ecelebs and it turned out the staff running the app were underpaid interns with no medical expertise giving people fucking awful advice
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>>201765 don't know but probably tbh they're all scams
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>>201759 therapist encouraging ostracising people keeek
>>201764 it's just for women to have another person to talk to, paying for it just makes it better because women love just wasting money
>>201771 keeeeeek exactly, shows that therapy is little more than a trendy fashion to them >>201772 it's funny watching them seethe when they realise their therapist isn't their friend
>>201772 a therapist is a woman's perfect conversation partner. They have to listen to endless self-absorbed ramblings, and will respond with inane platitudes or ask questions as if they actually give two shits how the woman feels. They're getting paid, so will put up with the crap that makes women in everyday conversations so intolerable.
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>tfw mummy knocks on the door while you're in the shower
time for the pub
>>201776 missed opportunity for a nice pub lunch
>>201776 hope you find a nice marriageable lass
>>201778 ive already found one i might ask her on a date
>>201776 good lad >>201774 tbh
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in my regular pub from a few years back the average age was probably about 40, almost all men. Current pub is more popular but still get absolute shite people. There was this one middle aged fat drunk woman with two old guys and every damn minute she would shout "heyoooo" for no good reason so the whole pub could hear. One bloke shouted at her to shut the fuck up but she just got angry back. I asked her politely to be a bit quieter and all she could say was "I've done what I want my entire life and I'm not going to stop now", and "it's a pub", as if that justfied her incoherently shouting. I hate women.
>>201782 >"I've done what I want my entire life and I'm not going to stop now" >"same" >*breaks her jaw*
Bozza is such a fucking irredeemable coomer
OMFG IT’S REAL AGAIN GUISE! hope these muckspreaders all catch it and die
nice legs and boobs tbh
>Stout yank slam pig >Legs are fucking rank >Probably a man Can smell it from here tbh
>anti-racism before the beginning of the six nations match keeeeeeeeeek
New angle *changes names on documents >Brett Bullock >that’ll btfo racists
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>>201791 >18 year old foid drinks and dances with man, and follows him to his hotel room >has sex, falls asleep on his bed >hax sex even more >complains she was raped I'm going to go out on a limb and say she wasn't nearly as reluctant as she asserted after the fact. Even if the guy's a rapey wog, sounds like she was asking for it.
>>201794 tbh should just stone both of them to death and be done with it
>Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky has called on his Western partners, who apparently did not notify him, to provide evidence that the "Russian invasion" would allegedly begin on February 16th.
>>201797 keeeeeeeeek poor hohols smh it's all being done without them being involved at all shouldn't have investigated hunter tbh
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>Dozens of birds mysteriously died today in small town in Chihuahua, Mexico. >Dead birds fall from the sky and rain down on cars in Pembrokeshire, Wales
Are we living in a massive psy-op?
>>201799 what does wessie make of this
>I'm sure e0f209 is him. Pwy?
Every man should receive a free house from the state tbh
>>201805 just a bandage over the larger and older problem that it's immoral to bring children into this world without land for them to live on and for them to farm
>>201806 when i bomb the niggers and restore the British empire every man will be entitled to his own parcel of land in the colonies (Greater Rhodesia, British, South Africa, British East Africa, Nigeria, the Gold Coast, Guyana, Sierra Leone, etc) we will build little englands over half the world tbh
>>201794 >Brett Bullock >wog He’s clearly British lad just check his overripe Cheddar complexion
>>201808 Yeah I'm going there too
imagine letting injuns have neo-Evropa for themselves
>>201812 we were already building that around the globe and they squandered it
I'm going to Uruguay to rape White Latino Feminists.
I mean White Latina Feminists. White Latino Feminists probably already are.
>>201617 good thing the women of our generation are so much worse than boomer women, at least boomer women could hold down a man and divorce rape them, women of today just get pumped and dumped by randoms they met on their phones. boomer women could at least cook food and dress properly, women of today just order uber eats and walk around looking like a hooker
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>>201814 >>201816 keeeeeek smh
>>201816 keeeeeeeek I didn't even notice the mistake
>>201799 Looks like a Russian bionuclearshock S-700 Super Spetsnaz Birdstriker attack.. …or these fuckers got caught in a microburst Think I’ll go with the Russian angle like a gud boi.. Russia bad
>>201617 >>201817 at least some zoomer men know how to boil an egg, the only ones zoomer women can cook are the ones between their legs
>>201817 smh all they know is eat hot chip and look at they phone >>201821 keeeeeksmh
might go to germany but do they accept un boostered chuds like myself?
>>201820 Two places on the same day? Hope it's astro-magnetics.
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>>201756 why are they maskooming in their car?
>>201826 good little slaves doing as they are told
>201825 if you stop calling attention to yourself and throwing a hissy fit and just post normally he'll stop banning you
>>201759 thanks lad this one made me seethe really fucking bad who ever invented the feminist concept of "emotional labor" needs to be drawn and quartered. also therapy is just secularist-heresy version of christian confession but you tell your sins to a drug dealer
>>201821 keeeke
>>201826 so that everybody on the internet can see that they're maskooming
>>201830 but he wants the attention >>201831 tbh it's all so tiresome >>201833 tbh
he's right tbh your habit of banning people with the reason "nonce" when they're not doing anything remotely noncey is really getting old smh
>ban him for being a trannylover >he starts sperging out over the EU actual schizo >>201837 that's was just done on meme minute bans and 22's grooming shit but this sperg got boring so I started doing it to his as well
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>>201837 Yeah, and what he calls nonce isn't even noncery. She is 18 and perfectly legal.
>>201839 keeeeeek
>>201838 don't try to rewrite history lad we were all there and it wasn't that long ago
>>201841 what are you even on about honestly, we don't do permas cos it breaks the already shaky site and I'm not the only janny why are you sticking up for the trannyloving schizo anyway lad
>>201842 i'm sticking up for him because he was banned unjustly lad we all had a hearty keek at him when he outed himself as a tranny lover but that's not what you banned him for you banned him for his anti-eu draft post that you unsuccessfully keep trying to erase from history
wales just avenged England in the cup lads based cum ree
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>>201843 >banned unjustly >you banned him for his anti-eu draft post that you unsuccessfully keep trying to erase from history I unironically have no idea what you are on about why would I ban someone for that
>>201845 >it's real
>>201846 You need to hand the board over. You're no loger fir for purpose.
>>201844 based >>201845 weeeeeeeew big if true\ >>201846 >why would I ban someone for that nobody knows your motivations except you lad but your actions speak for themselves very telling how you instantly delete every single post that contains a screencap of it
>>201850 I'm deleting his spam and as I've said we don't do permas, it could have been a typo from one of the other jannies which has happened in the past and the result was the lad would ask nicely and it'd get lifted, instead of sperging out and flooding the thread I could scroll through them and find out which one it was to lift it but since he keeps spamming that ban list is longer and I really cannot be arsed doing it
>>201799 What the fuck are these fucking subdimensional demons doing to our atmosphere?
>201842 > we don't do permas cos it breaks the already shaky site and I'm not the only janny lmao imagine lying about this, I was permad 2 days ago thats what caused this recent spam war, its not just SA either its cook, both bongofags with their little clique ruining the board
>down to eating sliced baguette like a french peasant
>>201856 tell me you atleast have some butter for it lad?
Wew it's finally going to be revealed that the vax is just poison.
>>201857 wew >>201859 took long enough
>>201799 Atmospheric EM weaponry it has to be.
>get a few extra days off toil >spoiled barbie princess sister visits >being an absolute cunt non stop for no reason I just wanted peace >>201858 no just dry bread
>>201862 Lock her out of your room and put some headphones on, after buying some butter.
>>201861 I think is the latest OTH Radar tech.
>>201866 Radar is basically em weaponry, they've lied repeatedly about it not being dangerous.
Finished the chink kino, just made me hate yanks even more and wish I was some based soldier fighting with comrades in a war of national liberation, don't think theres even been a worse time to be an incel, can't even die with dignity amongst fellow lads I'm just alone in the matriarchy surrounded by normalnigger scum rotting away.
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This one still gets to me about the whole Canada situation.
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>>201864 Weren't those supposed to set up a global 5G network?
>>201871 it was a shit film for mongs tbh
>>201872 >a foreign cunt with a civil service job in another country's government nothing suspicious to see here
>>201874 yeah it was supposed to help improve connection in shitholes iirc
>>201872 keeek some rich chinese barbie princess is upset her government funded 15 year sponsored spy on westoids and be a whore for white cock while larping as a student gig is less comfy
>>201872 >even the cunt tweeting it is a foreigner >>201875 filtered midwit mong
>femoid constantly complaining about being poor bullying me about living with my parents
Rockefeller lived and retvrned to trvdition
>>201878 She's an elected local councillor for Ottawa as well.
>>201881 I hate them so fucking much, this one jewess lass used to bully me about my uni toil job and how much I made when she was a literal preschool teacher and her parents bought her a house. its like people playing the game of life on tutorial mode trying to lecture somebody playing a realism mod on hardcore about how to beat the first boss
just put some more water in puglad's mummies water bowl ama

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