/christmas/ - christmas/navidad

Inter-board christmas event / evento de navidad entre-ablones

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Welcome to /christmas/ - Bienvenido a /christmas/ Anonymous Board owner 12/16/2023 (Sat) 03:31:21 No. 3683 [Reply]
This is a dedicated board for christmas events and festivities. The events celebrares this year on December 16 and 17 and anons organize movie nights, etc. Este es un tablón dedicado a eventos y celebraciones navideñas. El evento se organiza este año el 16 y 17 de Diciembre y los anónimos van a organizar noche de película y similares. 'REGLAS/RULES >Have a good time/pásala bien >Don't be an idiot/no seas un idiota Eventos >Noche de películas y especiales animados navideños >Sketchful.io games and cozy Christmas movies/episodes >Gremlins, Die Hard and Home Alone 2 movie night (6 UTC Saturday)
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>>3686 >El año entrante podremos planear algo mejor y más grande con anticipación. Como sugerencia para la próxima, y si cabe la posibilidad, también se podrían extender los eventos hasta año nuevo y no limitarlos solo a Navidad. Y si, comento un mes tarde ya que estuve un tiempo ausente del chan y me perdí los festejos.
>>3687 La idea del evento es hacerlo uno - máximo dos días para concentrar toda la actividad y que se puedan hacer más cosas. Se organiza fuera del 24-25 y 31-1 por las mismas razones, no creo que alguien tenga tiempo para hacer algo para fin de año, al menos yo esas fechas las dedico a otras cosas.

Christmas / New Years Festival : 2023 / 2024 Anonymous 12/06/2023 (Wed) 20:55:24 No. 2984 [Reply] [Last]
POLL: How can we here extend the basic festival on /christmas/ to more-closely align with the so-called 'Twelve Days of Christmas' tradition?: (>>3518, >>3528, ...) --- The Season is upon us again. Please co-ordinate and RSVP here about your board's Christmas / New Years festivities. Anons please outreach to other boards and let them know. BO will update this OP with relevant information as it becomes available. --- Community Group Events Announcements: >Christmas 2023 * /vhs/ Christmas Movie Marathon 2023: (>>3014) https://cytu.be/r/OverlookTheater * Uncommon time Christmas stream 2023: (>>3016, >>3020, >>3134, >>3462) https://cytu.be/r/uncommontime * n/a/be midnight UTC between the 21st, 22nd, 23rd of December: (>>3023, >>3031, >>3162)

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What's going to happen to /christmas/ now that anon.cafe is shutting down?
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>>3563 >>3564 >>3565 We are relocating to trashchan.xyz, so don't worry Anons. See : (>>3571) Look forward to seeing you in December again! Cheers.

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Chobitsu Board owner 01/16/2024 (Tue) 01:39:50 No. 3567 [Reply]
I, Chobitsu, the current BO of /christmas/, can confirm all my named posts within the /shelter/ bunkers thread, such as: >>>/shelter/5444 >>>/shelter/5447 >>>/shelter/5460 I was given ownership of anon.cafe/christmas/ by it's previous BO, on 12/05/2023, as recorded in /meta/ here: >>>/meta/16419 >>>/meta/16420 >>>/meta/16426
I am hereby making an official request to the Admin of trashchan.xyz to migrate anon.cafe/christmas/ there to his site.

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Christmas Radio Thread Anonymous Board owner 12/18/2021 (Sat) 17:17:17 No. 267 [Reply] [Last]
Stream on intermission. Connect to PLW's stream! /animu/ stream: >>40 Good morning, anon! Merry Christmas! Have a wonderful Winter Solstice! Enjoy your Yule! Happy Hanukkah! Something something Kwanzaa! FUCK happy holidays Have some wonderful winter festivities! Eid Al-Fitr and Eid Al-Adha are a ways away but since we might not see each other until then I'll wish you guys a joyous Ramadan as well! I hope you are having a wonderful weekend before Christmas! Is anon eating and sleeping well? Make sure to stay hydrated and to take a nap if you're feeling tired since the event is gonna go for 12+ hours. Feel free to join in and out over the course of the day at your leisure! I had some beer cheese soup this morning that was quite delicious. Got some split pea/lentil and ham for later in the day. There are various winter festivities that will be taking place. Officially, Gliding Simulator Veloren >>233 will be the social server since it can handle a lot of people and runs on potato PCs, but as more events comes up anon should keep an eye on the events sticky! I'll try to update it every couple hours or sooner: >>188 Current stream can be found here: http://radio.anon.cafe:8000/christmas.m3u Just download the m3u and roll with it in your audio or video player of choice (mpv, vlc, and foobar are confirmed to work). If you're having issues with that, try accessing: https://radio.anon.cafe/ When/if it's time to swap streaming servers, I'll edit accordingly. Fatchan has generously donated an IRC for your livechat pleasure: https://irc.fatpeople.lol/#christmas Technical difficulties or info to import into your IRC client: >>160 With all that said, I hope anon will enjoy today. After a quick pre-stream connection test for a half hour, I will be streaming mostly traditional Christmas music (Manheim Steamroller, Bill Crosby, Trans-Siberian Orchestra) with some international (Read: Russian/German/Japanese) twists mixed in. /r/s in all languages are allowed! The other streamers will likely have their own music so I'm not totally sure what they will be doing, but it doesn't have to be Christmas themed all day if they want to play other things. If I'm back on later it might be weeb music for a while and some tavern songs later tonight. I mostly just sent out mass advertisements to what seemed to be the central hubs on each imageboard, but everyone is invited today! If I didn't get an invitation out to your board, or if your imageboard wasn't mentioned, then you have my heartfelt apologies since it was my fault for starting the process so late in the game. I was hand-typing the invitations outside of the copy/pasted greentext and was short on time, so I didn't get one out to everyone, but an invitation should have gone out to everyone in the grand scheme of things. Please enjoy the festivities and come on in; the fire is warm and the drinks are plentiful! With all that being said, let's have a wonderful day together, anon!

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It's becoming increasingly harder to communicate with my mother. My sister has a job and is away for the holidays. I almost envy her for being able to be away from it all, but her job is hard and stressful. I got my own work to deal with, even if I'm mental. I don't know what it is with my mother. Several times now she has just hung up on me during phone calls. As recently as a few minutes ago. I couldn't hear her, wanted her to move closer to her microphone or switch device, but she hung up on me just as I could hear her clearly. And then she blames ME for being irritable. Maybe I'll just fake a sickness on Christmas and stay home if this keeps up. I could use a Christmas miracle. Or get isekai'd. Wouldn't mind just escaping it all to some sci-fi, reincarnate as a robot. I could be a mechanic aboard a space-ship. That could be fun. I've taken up streaming movies for the guys over on cake/v/, it's been fun watching old action movies with everyone. Even showed some of my favorite stop-motion films. Here's a manga recommendation for you all, read Super Doctor K, it's good fun from the late '80s. Merry Christmas and a happy new year, guys. Here's hoping something good happens.
Merry christmas >1998 Fuck off redditor

Goodbye Cafe Anonymous Board owner 01/23/2024 (Tue) 15:02:44 No. 3571 [Reply]
/CHRISTMAS/ IS MOVING The Webring Festival is now hosted at Trashchan. Trashmin is a very capable and generous site owner & admin. We're all very grateful for his help during these moves. It's a very nice site already, and /christmas/ joining in the party will add just that much more fun & comfy there! :D > BTW, one fun new addition for this coming Christmas will be Tegaki ! This has been tremendous fun and blessing on Anoncafe during these Christmas seasons here. It's hard to say goodbye to you Good Admins & Anons. Its been a real honor to be a part of all this history here on The Cafe with everyone. Thank you. :) --- BTW, the new board is currently locked, and will probably remain that way for most of the year during 2024. However, starting around American Thanksgiving, we'll open the doors, remove the shutters, turn on the lights, dust things off and begin getting everything organized and planned out together for the next big Webring Festival event. We'll need some anons to help out of course; spreading the word, doing new arts, scheduling & running streams, and whatnot else is needed. Please start planning for the fun now! May all you anons have a blessed and prosperous year during 2024. See you all again next Christmastime, Lord willing, and looking forward to it! Our new home will be here: https://trashchan.xyz/christmas/index.html --- So long, Anon Cafe. Cheers.

Welcome to /christmas/ Anonymous Board owner 11/13/2021 (Sat) 20:22:48 No. 1 [Reply]
Welcome to /christmas/! In the interest of making sure everyone has a good time, please read below: Rules: 1) Follow all global rules of anon.cafe 2) Take it easy, don't be an idiot. 3) Fights and dumb drama here >>2 4) If you want to invite a board read this >>94 5) No gore. Porn is okay as long it's ontopic and spoliered. 6) Moderation reserves the right to ban troublemakers. En español: 1) Sigue las reglas globales de anon.cafe 2) Calmao compare, no te portes como un idiota. 3) Peleas y drama van aquí >>2586 4) Si quieres invitar a un tablón lee >>94 5) No gore. Porno está bien mientras tenga que ver con el hilo y sea ontopic 6) La moderación se reserva el derecho de banear problemáticos

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EEH: Fiesta de navidad Hilo de Hisrol 12/17/2023 (Sun) 15:06:17 No. 3666 [Reply]
/Hisrol/ presentandose, abriendo un pequeño hilo para pasar el rato. >¿Que es esto? Los EEH ya son algo que venia de Hispa, pero si quieres un resumen rapido es bastante auto-explicativo, se sigue una misma corriente de posteo en base a la premisa del hilo, en este caso mas orientada al shitpost escritura o descripcion de alguna situacion para pasar el rato y divertirse. ... >Es la fiesta de navidad organizada en la casita de /christmas/, el arbol armado, la comida hecha, los villancicos suenan afuera y en la tele estan dando un cuento de navidad >Una noche perfecta, ¿verdad?
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Feliz navidad negritos
>convierte a la grincha en un golem 1d100 = 38
>>3666 >un cuento de navidad >no el dilema navideño de Odeón Me decepcionas negro: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-2uiynPmbgM

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Anonymous 12/17/2023 (Sun) 00:55:45 No. 3654 [Reply]
/Argentina/ presente. Felices fiestas al 8 el culo te abrocho, de parte del tablón mas blanco y europeo. Canal de Tox para el que quiera chatear un rato: 4F8D26BD3E11F7CF1999DCF5CA790E0FEC95A6E9AA64E5DACD464BA9AC147E318584B3E5C69D >Que pijas es tox https://tox.chat/download.html Chat P2P de software libre. Lo descargas y lo abrís en un segundo, pesa menos de 5mb. >Chúpala Usa el hilo entonces.
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Merry Christmas argies! I hope the NAP jew lover will let you have festivities this year. From one former EE shithole to a future one: good luck and may God be with you.
>>3655 I love Messi in my country
>>3654 Para la próxima se podría usar alguno de estos sistemas que al parecer no requieren registro ni bajarte nada: * Element ( https://element.io/ ) * Jitsi ( https://meet.jit.si/ ) * Mattermost ( https://mattermost.com/ ) * Movim ( https://movim.eu/ ) * TeamNote ( https://teamnoteapp.com/ ) No estoy seguro de si sugerir también Cryptocat ( https://github.com/cryptocat/cryptocat ) ya que el desarrollo fue descontinuado hace años, y hace tiempo los /ac/meros habían organizado algo con Mumble, pero necesitas bajar un cliente. Por cierto, es posible que alguno deba montarse un servidor o buscar una instancia publica para tener un punto de reunión.

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/yuri/ Embassy Thread Anonymous 12/06/2021 (Mon) 01:31:00 No. 21 [Reply] [Last]
Gokigenyou, everyone. We, representing Smugloli's board dedicated the purest form of love, would like to thank the organizers for inviting us to this Christmas event. In turn, we would like to invite all of you to pay us a visit. https://smuglo.li/yuri/index.html Please bear in mind that though we have picked up activity in recent months, we still take things slow here and prefer it so. Our open, user-centric approach separates us from other GL communities and we hope to continue this tradition.
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Starting stream.
>missed the war stream First year that I have. I hope everyone liked it. I remember watching the Bridge, Stalingrad, Winter War, and Pretty Village Pretty Flame here. Merry Christmas and happy New Year, /yuri/.
>>3551 Thank you very much kind anon, and the same to you!! Sorry for the late response, I'm kinda just waking up from the 1st. We had some unexpected circumstances near the holidays, otherwise we would've had more nights and a more extended schedule. We hope to be much better prepared next time, but we'll definitely be back with something at least. For starters, the streamer has been relegated to take care of the piplup and nothing else. As for this year's schedule, the streamed features were: The 13th Warrior. (1999) Kagemusha. (1980) Excalibur. (1981) We'll see what we can find for the next festival. By the way, I'm totally on board with /christmas/ BO's idea of extending the next festival up to like Jan 6th, for Epiphany. It's kinda like that in my country anyways, since we celebrate the visit of the Three Wise Men. See you all next year, anons. For war-unrelated streams, you can always find us on smuglo.li/yuri We are a few weeks away from starting a new Backlog schedule, and you can check previous ones on the streams threads for some recs, we have a thread on smug /a/ too. Or just pay us a visit and ask whatever, door's always open. I hope you all have a great 2024, and even if you don't, we'll always have a place to come back here in the webring. Happy New Year, /christmas/!! We'll be waiting for our next invitations...

Anonymous 12/25/2023 (Mon) 18:51:11 No. 3461 [Reply]
When I was a boy I just wanted presents at Christmas. When I was older I wanted to exchange presents to my family and realized it was Jesus Birthday. When I got older I understood how it's better to give and Jesus birthday can be appreciated more by knowing his passion and ressurection. Merry Christmas.
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>>3461 That's touching, Anon. Merry Christmas. >>3475 Merry Christmas, Anon.
Why not celebrate the Christmas season for what it truly means, and begin your New Year out right by getting saved Anon? https://www.bitchute.com/video/mCSOyW6rh5oZ/
>>3543 Why not.

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You are invited to the Christmas Anime Nabe stream on Saturday dec 17 Anonymous 12/15/2022 (Thu) 06:07:30 No. 2587 [Reply]
Information updated for 2023: (>>3162, >>3525) --- Greetings, Christmas! You are cordially invited to anime nabe, anibe stream on Saturday, December 17 /2022 at https://cytu.be/r/animenabe More details can be found here https://smuglo.li/a/res/1161894.html if you wish, Merry Christmas!
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Here's the schedule for the nabe/Euronabe New Year Special: >Kyousougiga 2011 and 2012 >Gundam Thunderbolt Movies >Tetsuwan Birdy >Akira >Shounan Junai Gumi >Castle of Caligostro >Pichu to Pikachu >K-ON Movie Sometime during this will be the last episode of cooking with Emiya, and sometime at the end will be an eight episode marathon of the end of Shichinin no Nana as the first and last of the episodes in this marathon are about the New Year.
>>3201 >oh god why are you using h.264 instead of h.265? Unless you have a $3000 computer, it takes upwards of an hour per minute to process in h.265 as compared to about 2-5 minutes per minute in h.264.
>>3525 Sorry that Akira, Caligostro, Pichu to Pikachu, and the K-ON Movie didn't play yesterday. There were some technical difficulties with the encodes. Feel free to join now, as we're only a quarter through Akira!

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/vhs/ Christmas Movie Marathon 2023 Anonymous 12/16/2023 (Sat) 06:01:41 No. 3014 [Reply]
Got some hours to kill this Christmas? Why not stop by and watch some fun movies with a few autists? This 22nd, 23rd and 24th we'll be watching a variety of movies as you can see in this beautifully composed chart. It starts at 3:30pm PST/5:30pm CST/6:30pm EST/11:30 GMT every day at https://cytu.be/r/OverlookTheater Be there of be square. Oh, and Merry Christmas!
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Now Playing: Con Air
>>3502 Breen time soon /christmas/!

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/animu/ Christmas Music Stream Anonymous 12/08/2021 (Wed) 04:55:16 No. 40 [Reply] [Last]
Update schedule for 2023: * 22 to 25 of dic * starting at 3 pm PST / 22 UTC --- Grab a drink and enjoy the day by listening to some christmas music at 18 Dic. If you have some requests leave a link below and I will add the song to the stream. Starting at 1 pm PST / 20 UTC Tune in with any media player (I recommend VLC or MPV) at: http://prolikewoah.com:8989/radio http://prolikewoah.com:8989/radio.m3u http://prolikewoah.com:8989/radio.xspf >how? (>>3195)
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>>3517 Im just going to stream this friday, got nothing planned for New Years.
Sorry, cutting it short, since I have a cold and need to sleep, see you next friday!
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>>3519 >>3526 Thanks Anon! Sorry you're feeling under the weather please get to feeling better soon!

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UNCOMMON TIME CHRISTMAS STREAM 2023 Anonymous 12/16/2023 (Sat) 22:06:07 No. 3016 [Reply]
MERRY FUCKING CHRISTMAS ANONS, AND A HAPPY NEW YEAR! You are cordially invited to watch the Uncommon Time Winter stream with anons from all over the internet. It's that magical time of year where bitter hatred brings us together to laugh at a terrible RPG maker gamer created (and I use that term loosely) by a tumblerite with daddy issues as deep as the grand canyon. Unless I'm mistaken this winter stream marks the 8th year of this traditional imageboard custom, and frankly it gets better every year with new content, and new fanart of Teagan's abs. The current schedule has yet to be finalized, but it will start on the 18th and end as late as the 24th spending somewhere from 8-12 hours of play time a day because I have no life. It's possible that I may go beyond that time period, but I'll skip Christmas day so everyone can spend time with their families. Watch this thread for any further updates. I hope to see you there. [Stream Link] https://cytu.be/r/uncommontime [Muzak Box] https://cytu.be/r/themuzakbox
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Well SBGA was terrible. Anyways the 2023 stream is finished. Thank you all for coming, and I hope you have a Happy New Year.
>>3511 Thank you. Happy New Year!
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>>3512 You're welcome. Happy New Year to you to.

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Merry Christmas! - /robowaifu/ Embassy thread Kiwi 12/21/2023 (Thu) 21:28:56 No. 3110 [Reply]
Merry Christmas /christmas/! Which cute robot would you want Santa to bring you?
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>>3479 I'm not EtR/Nandroid afficionado, but as I understand it she's a fixer-upper that anon found on a waste dump and repaired her. Turns out she was a test robot for the company the manufactures Nandroids, and had become inoperable. Her name is Lulu, and I think she's part of the fandroid EU. But don't quote me, best to check with the real pros, Anon: https://alogs.space/robowaifu/res/27481.html#27481
Bit late in this thread, but "Merry Christmas".
>>3481 https://archiveofourown.org/works/30454647 You might as well call this story, "The Torturer's Wife." The grief is good, as is the comfort they take with each other, but the sex scene is uninteresting, and so I skipped most of it. Not enough is done with how Lulu smells, feels, and even weighs. I feel that should be played up if you're in a relationship with a nonhuman being, whatever the stripe.

Greetings from /ac/ Anonymous 12/23/2023 (Sat) 20:22:13 No. 3308 [Reply]
Updated stream info: (>>3338) --- Merry Christmas. Sorry for the late reply, this month has been very busy for all of us. We are a small Spanish speaking community of anons dedicated to animation and comics that started back in 2015 on Hispachan and over the years we managed to raise a unique board culture separated from the rest of the board which made it very special. Hispa passed away on mid 2022 but we didn't, we now operate as an independent board on 8chan dot moe you can come and say hello if you want, English speaking anons are more than welcomed.
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>>3392 Don't know anything about the snoot thingy, does she have clamidia?
>>3409 not clamidia if i remember right, canonically loona has syphilis
>>3426 All the more reason to steer clear. What about action cartoons?

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