/delicious/ - Cake

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Bottomless/ Partially Undressed Cake Anonymous 02/17/2021 (Wed) 17:33:02 Id: 27b553 No. 11206 >>11225
I love it when we have a view of the good stuff while they still have some clothes on. Like when someone maybe impatiently undressed them or when they're showing a peek of what they've got. Or when there's only just one or two small pieces of clothing which accent the nude body underneath. I'd really love to see more stuff like that.
It’s about bloody time we got something like this.
>>11208 Great! Thanks for pitching in. And I'm glad to hear someone else was also eager to see a thread like this.
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>>11206 (OP) My favorite look is nude but with shoes (especially sneakers) and socks/legging and maybe a hat too. Does anyone have anymore?
>>11225 I love sneakers but they are such a bitch to draw well.
>>11225 Does it still count if they’re totally naked?
>>11225 Nice taste
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Why is this thread anchored?
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Anyone habe any Fogbank?
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>>36142 Wassup Anon, do you love bottomless cakes?

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