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Anonymous 08/30/2023 (Wed) 20:05:22 No. 25624
IDW Sonic Storytime #3 Starting with Sonic the Hedgehog: Endless Summer!!!
>>26006 Those covers are awful.
>>26007 They have Knuckles on them so they're good
>>26008 Would've prefered something more elaborate. Like your first picture. That's really neat.
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>>26007 I dislike them because I feel that to get the art to look like that it must have taken a lot of effort, but the art itself doesn't end up being very attractive. With some inspiration something so much better could have been created using the same amount of effort.
>>26006 >Thoughts? Trip cute! It's also always nice to see Knuckles make new friends and soften up a bit. Glad it's just a one shot too. Don't need another 4 part comic about the nothing adventures of other characters right now.
>>25994 I think Lanolin might be mildly retarded. Even the Rogues jumped to the immediate conclusion that Sonic was doing some deep cover work. In fact everyone is acting more sensible than her for what they know at a given moment. She is not fit for her position at all.
>>26013 I actually have my own crockpot theory that she is some kind of traitor, working for someone. She's always angry (kinda just gives off bad vibes but still), hasn't really done anything positive for the Restoration besides being on a mission with other people, and has shown to have little to no care for others like in >>25897 The last one is the biggest red flag for me. You saying she is not fit for her position is an understatement. It almost feels like she's either fucking up on purpose, or something is wrong with her that is causing her make bad or harmful decisions.
>>26014 I was going to say it'd be odd for a Wisp to go along with something like that, but then I remembered that she only got her Wispon fairly recently after having been in the Restoration for some time, so your theory still holds water.
>>25999 >play sonic superstars for the full story I probably should catch up on all the sonic games I've missed. Haven't played a sonic game in years. >>26000 The way this character speaks is very annoying. >>26006 I guess I would have enjoyed this more if I had played the game. So they created a new classic character and made basically a copy of knuckles backstory? >>26014 I think that's an interesting angle. I guess it could be, but I don't think she has been malicious enough so far. It would be interesting to have side stories like this that slowly develop across story arcs until they become arcs of their own. Would give the comic more depth
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IDW Sonic 75# Storytime!!!
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>>26026 The end!!! Finally! Thoughts on this arc and IDW overall?
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>>26027 Bonus covers
>>26027 >Thoughts on this arc and IDW overall? Disappointed they forgot about the whole "Clutch knows about Surge and Kit's past" subplot. It's how he roped the two of them in in the first place. This would also be an ideal time for the Restoration to stop being a de facto world government, but I don't have a whole lot of hope there.
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>>26027 >>26029 I have so longed for to see this expression on this sheep. Now waiting for her apology to Silver's?
So... What happens next? Where do they go from here?
>>26033 They're gonna go hunt for Mimic, at least for the next issue. I hope that after that they just do a timeskip to after Frontiers (and I guess Dream Team) and do some Frontiers-related stuff. It's been too damn long. The best arcs are the ones that are actually picking up from where the games left off. The first couple IDW arcs, when they were actually reasonably following up on Forces, were pretty cool. And the Eclipse Saga from the Archie Comics, very much following up on Shadow the Hedgehog (even if ten years later) was probably the best arc of that entire series. Plus, maybe if Flynn and Stanley were just using Sage, they'd get their "cute girl" obsession off their chests with her, instead of all these fucking OCs they keep focusing on.
>>25994 >>26019 Sonic needs to give the idiot sheep a good bitch slap. >>26027 The should have spent more time fleshing out the battle with Clutch, both because given the characters involved that could have been made more interesting and also because what came after was lengthy and not really very fun or well rounded off. Overall I liked that there was so much going on. Hopefully this means they stop with the restoration shit, or at least they make it into something else that's not so damn boring. >>26029 >Disappointed they forgot about the whole "Clutch knows about Surge and Kit's past" subplot. It's how he roped the two of them in in the first place. Oh man, that would have been awesome to include. Even if they didn't go anywhere with it in this issue given that things were all over the place, it'd have been good to touch upon it a bit and show that they aren't going to let it go and are going to chase it a bit more later. >>26033 Well, there's a few lose ends. They could explore what happens to Clutch, they could go after Mimic, I guess the bot they saved has some sort of story coming too. Or they could just pull something out of their ass like they're probably going to do about the Chaos emerald. Kind of interested in seeing what Eggman does with Clutch though. Wasn't expecting him to snatch him.
>>26047 >Clutch It took me until the latest issue to realize that Clutch is a blatant replacement for Mammoth Mogul. And I never thought I'd say anything good about Mammoth Mogul, but he's at least better than Clutch. I liked ArchieSonic's replacement for Mogul better, when they replaced him with Professor von Schlemmer, from Adventures of Sonic the Hedgehog. That was way cooler. If they were gonna do an evil gangster businessman type in a continuity that's supposed to be more like the games, they should have at least done something related to the Black Market Chao or something. Or just have Eggman do the role. Eggman can do evil businessman stuff if he wants to. Like in Sonic Riders 2 he does that a bit, and it was cool. They should do more with that.
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IDW Sonic 76# Storytime!!!
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>>26053 That's all for today!!!
>>26047 >I guess the bot they saved has some sort of story coming too. Motobud doesn't have Eggman's attack programming, and Tails had already developed a proof-of-concept system for using it to make other bots friendly. Looks like that got totally forgotten, though. Although, to be fair, Tails can't exactly develop a "pacify all off Eggman's badniks" gizmo with his lab's power source gone, so I guess there's no reason they shouldn't go on vacation or whatever.
Does this mean Lanolin and Jewel will finally just disappear? God, I hope so. And maybe even Belle, too! I don't hate the idea of Belle, but they didn't use her very well, and her story arc is done, and really she's just become one more character emblematic of what's been going wrong with this series. Unfortunately, I'm not as hopeful that Tangle and Whisper will just disappear. They're looking for Mimic, the solicits keep talking about looking for Mimic. So Mimic has the emerald and is running Clean Sweep, probably. Great. Hopefully Flynn just kills that fucker and says that with that, Tangle and Whisper can just disappear into the sunset. Then again, maybe I'm being far too hopeful, and even Jewel and Lanolin will keep being important. If they want to say Jewel becomes the Mayor of Emerald Town and Lanolin the Police Chief or something, fine. As long as they aren't important characters anymore. But maybe I'm being too hopeful, and we'll get a whole arc about them restoring Emerald Town or something. And they keep talking about how none of them will lead the Restoration now, but they aren't just admitting that it should go away. Fucking stupid. I wish it would just go away, but instead it will probably just go to those two birds that Stanley says she likes to imagine have buttsex with each other behind the scenes. Or the gorilla mechanic guy, who I'm sure Stanley also likes to imagine having buttsex. I really wish this was all just wrapped up in this issue. They could have just caught Mimic here, treated the issue as an epilogue, and moved on. But nope. At least three or four more issues of looking for Mimic. At least Flynn is writing, so it might be a bit better than when Stanley writes. And if we're lucky, it will just be game characters + Tangle & Whisper. And oh yeah, Rough and Tumble... and Mimic. They suck but at least not as bad. Mimic isn't a completely stupid villain, and Rough and Tumble are a bit annoying but not as bad as Lanolin or whatever. At least they serve a role as lesser mooks to fight. But they said they'd stop being villains, so hopefully the next issue is just wrapping up that arc with them, while still doing the main arc subplot of looking for Mimic.
So did I read this wrong of did they just put half the OC characters on a bus?

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