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Anonymous 12/09/2014 (Tue) 03:22:46 No. 53
Just went ahead and bought this a couple of days ago, thoughts on the game? Also, Sonic Games general I guess.
I've only played the Wii version, so I couldn't give judgment on the DS. As far as gameplay goes, I thought it was pretty solid. Story, well, that's up in the air. A few cheesy lines here and there, but it wasn't terrible.
havnt played colors, but i have played sega racing transformed and i think the colors level is fuckin rad
I'm getting Transformed for Christmas I'm so fucking hype
It's good, but in each world there are always 4 or 5 stages that are either really short or really long and play like a mario game. These stages aren't necessarily bad but I liked how they did the levels in generations better. There were several levels to choose from after each main stage and you only had to play a few of them, so any shit levels could be safely ignored.
I need to go back and finish it. I liked what I played of it.
OP here, beat the game a couple of days ago, I liked the game overall, but I didn't like how… Off, I guess, that the level design's pacing felt at times. Still a good game, though.
Colors was gud. But for most Sanic games in general, they tend to be hit or miss and I usually wait for good reviews to come in or I wait until the price drops if it has problems, but still looks good.
I had wicked bad Sonic autism as a teen but I dropped off after Heroes.
Picked up Generations a couple months ago and just about busted a nut. When did these games get fun again?
I'm still waiting for them to be fun again.
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Does anyone have the technical know how for getting games like sonic eraser onto a genesis without homemade cartridges. From what I know about the game (which isn't alot) you had to download it off of an internet extension for the mega drive (jp). My own Genesis has a port for it, because it was an original display console made when they were still considering bringing the modem to the US.

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