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Hey. This is the furry board. We'll see how this goes, alright? Sister-Wives of /fur/: 【Comfy】|【Vidya B】|【Fast】|【404- RIP】

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Toshiaki 05/08/2021 (Sat) 14:54:02 No. 2682 >>6022 >>10068 >>10092 >>10114 >>10282
Really though, where did all the furries from the comfy sfw side of the fandom go? Are they all hiding in some discord circlejerk or did everyone finally succumb to the porn jew?
porn is more fun than SFW, its that simple.
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>>2693 This. I'm spoiling it because it's just an nsfw image (and not the point of the thread) but you can do silly things, like have the camera recognize the butthole as a face
we're still here
>where did all the furries from the comfy sfw side of the fandom go They discovered porn :^) I still enjoy SFW stuff as I always have: sporadically and with one of the following: >good looking art for eyecandy, much like I enjoy old fantasy artists >barashit as inspiration for lifting >cute things Who doesn't?
>>2693 The eternal problem with non-pornographic furry is that it's just about always a thing that makes an observer ask "why does this need to be furry." It's like the old "it's Star Trek but Kirk is a--" whatever it was furry meme from the late 90s. It's why furry doesn't catch on with the mainstream like some niche hobbies do. If I wrote a detective novel pastiche where Tecumseh Fox is actually a fox person, everyone--even furries--would just ask "but why is he a fox now?" If it was an original detective novel with some nobodies who are furries, they would still ask "but why are is the op a skunk, a drunk, and a punk" and nobody would read it. The two kemono anime series that are popular right now don't count, because nothing Japan does counts. At least if you're beating off to it, there's an intuitive and comprehensible reason for it to exist, even if it's filthy. As for the reason why comprehensibility is important, I haven't got a clue, unless it's just that only furry porn has the critical visibility mass to be noticeable enough to actually attract significantly more people to sustain itself.
>>2767 You act like Looney Tunes hasn't bee a thing for decades.
>>2770 Except the problem doesn't come up when you're talking about funny cartoons for children, because the question doesn't ever come up. If anyone seriously asked it, the average reasonable person's answer would be "because children like animals," probably accompanied by a derisive snort or leer. Really, that's one of the stereotyped responses or attempts by non-furries to rationalize furry, after all. "Oh, it's like cartoon animals or something, I guess I understand."
>>2767 You DO realize that you missed the entire problem, right? It's because of the fact that Western material is dominated by capeshit and cartoons for children. It's like pointing out how there used to be American cartoons for adults like Betty Boop and non-capeshit comics like Grimm's Ghost Stories and Turok. However, thanks to decades of self-important politicians and soccermoms wanting to sanitize just about everything that has more edge than a rubber ball, American media has been stuck in this rut where nothing can ever really change. And the "biggest" changes that are allowed to take place is just edgy-capeshit, or a "deconstruction" of a cast of characters that has ALREADY been deconstructed 50 million times (Both officially and in knock-offs). This extends to furfag material as well, to where nothing outside of children's cartoons can manage to slip anything by (Like the original Animaniacs with Minerva). And, to be quite honest, it doesn't really help matters when any venture outside of traditional norms happens to be a project headed by individuals who cannot create worth a damn (3rd pic is one of the most underwhelming novels I have read). Long story short, if anyone honestly wanted to make genuine furfag media, they're facing an uphill battle, just like everyone else. The best option is probably to just take to the internet and self-publish material. In fact, this sort-of already happened back when I was in high school, where I remember furfag webcomics popping up just about everywhere. Sadly, most of them where just the usual sort of "Fuck you dad, I do what I want" type of stories.
>>2812 >American media has been stuck in this rut where nothing can ever really change But American media has changed, just look at the innovation Adventure Time brought to the table. And not only that, there's so much more inclusiveness too! This is the greatest time of innovation in the history of American media! there are actually people who think this I'm not joking but I really wish I were
>>2815 >just look at the innovation Adventure Time brought to the table I always wondered what the appeal of that show was because I had zero interest in it, but it kept seeing it being pushed just about everywhere as "One of the greatest cartoons ever made". Actually, that sums up the majority of shows on CN from 2005 onward.
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>>2816 It was a decent adventure heavy show with some videogame references, adult innuendos and a high dose of surrealism. It didn't take itself too seriously and the characters had some pretty good dynamics. I wouldn't call it the best of anything, not even close unless you're a Twitter user. Then it turned into DEEPEST LORE, it had some good episodes after the creator left, but after the lead writers left it turned into a garbage pile which got even worse when literal Tumblrites who watched the show joined the writing team and turned it into a haven of "quirky so funny humour", fetish shit and political activism to the point that they did a Korra tier finale just to try and hype up after waning into irrelevance for years. The only things CN had left of quality were Regular Show, which ended some years ago and Gumball which they're betting everything on now. The franchise got so bad the OG creators want nothing to do with it and the revival cartoon has less viewership than Regular Shows creator Adult Cartoon. The most pathetic thing is that most of this CalArts trash is watched not by kids but mostly by Adults.
What are some useful tags to find sfw stuff that isn't obvious fap fuel? Why do people tag visibly sexualized stuff as SFW anyway?
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This movie was comfy as fuck.
money talks. SFW is not as profitable as smut why do cutesy shit no one would pay for when you can strip the slut-of-the-day and make some fast coin?
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>>3554 It's all about money huh. The only reason anyone does anything is for money. Even the drawings in 8chan/fur/ were intended to make money somehow and the only reason they were SFW is because they didn't happen to realize that NSFW would sell better.
>>3555 money, fame, ease of success, you name it. There're so little benefits to SFW ffor a starter noob to anyone planning to stay long term the last possible bastion of SFW was physical comics, even with indies like Radio Comix, someone could aspire to appear in those pages and brag about being in print now anyone can be their own comic distributor, and once more, a porn comic will outdo a clean comic
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>>2812 >>2822 It's a wall of derangement & butthurt that I suspect is written by someone who wears a red hat. "Capeshit" & "calarts" buzzwords give it away.
>>5643 And yet, he's not wrong.
Rule 34 porns everything. it is blind but unstoppable.
>>2767 >"why does this need to be furry." It's a justified question, animal people could bring their own special twist to a story, like the role of instincts in a civilised society or interspecies relationships; it feels like a missed opportunity when it's not used. But then again, people rarely ask similar questions about stories with human characters. Why does Star Wars have to be in space when the characters could go through pretty much the same experiences in a fantasy setting? Or why does Peter Parker have to be a super hero, you could explore his character arc in a more realistic approach, too. Ultimately, it shouldn't be important, as long as you can tell an interesting story. And if your furry characters are just there to be fun to look at, don't let anyone stop you. >>2682 (OP) Was there ever a time it wasn't this hyperfocused on porn?
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SFW barely gets any notice & you wonder why no one wants to make it?
>>9985 Well I can't do much but I can do this.
>>2682 (OP) "The comfy sfw side of the fandom," he said, while posting a panty shot of a character who looks about seven years old.
>>10068 >panty shot Anon. She's wearing culottes.
>>2682 (OP) There's no general meeting ground for purely SFW furry artists. All of the major websites are full of perverts, social media included. Wholesome art has given way to perversion due to the internet's rise to popularity because that's what gets clicks. Even if a wholesome piece of furry media becomes popular it will eventually get lewded to death due to Rule 34. The cold hard fact of the matter is that sex sells and that ultimately advances technology. It happened with VHS, it happened with the early internet, and it happened with VR. The internet is a technological place so it's only natural to expect perversion. Even if the perverts make up, hypothetically, 30% of the fan base, and that's being generous, they're a very loud minority with more dollars than sense. It's less of a fandom issue and more of a societal issue. Furry has become less about expression of self through anthro and more so how many dicks you can make hard at once. If the furry fandom wants to become wholesome, it needs to get off the internet.
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>>10092 How did all the hardcore fetishist circles start to intermingle with what was once a really niche interest, anyway?
>>10093 >how did sex sell The question answers itself. Everyone gets a boner from something. >niche Humans have been making stories about anthropomorphic animals since the dawn of storytelling. Although the furry fandom is something akin to niche being a product of the last couple decades, I'd hardly sell the idea of being drawn to works of fiction featuring animals that can walk/talk as we do as something new. It's in human nature to relate the world around us to something familiar since humans are social creatures and crave familiarity. Pareidolia is hardwired into our very being for a reason.
>>2682 (OP) Well anon, to answer your question... I started in the fandom as an innocent furry. I was 16 at the time and I vowed to myself that I wouldn't be your stereotypical furry that just enjoys porn all day and complains that parents of young kids call them "degenerate sex crazed kinksters" (afterwards reply to them with -phobic and -Ists) Thing is... It's impossible to be a completely sfw furry because the furry fandom is inherently degenerate no matter where you look. My sfw stories I wrote back in FA? ignored with 1-2 favs at most. I ended making a story request for a guy who had a car fucking fetish, got paid 75$ and of course, favs started to arrive, comments, watches... I just started to understand which way to go. Honestly, I enjoy sfw content for stories, images... But just quit on the sfw only mentality, even the memes for furries are made by gooners.
Cumbrains and the desire for EVERYTHING to be about making money. Add to that mental illnesses (seeing just how many artists I knew for years going trans is despair incarnate) and everything just collapses.
VR Chat has a lot of furries if you didn't already know. Unfortunately the community has a lot of NSFW activity. Honestly only a few people make VR Chat worth my time. The easiest way I know about for getting in contact with a lot of furries is VR Chat. Try to track down some Asexual Furries through there if you're willing to try it. I have a few furry friends that aren't constantly sexual.
>>2682 (OP) Pandapaco is a very well known safe artist that that make some pretty cute pics and uploads regularly. Don't know why he doesn't get posted and talked about more here. >>2309
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I'm sick of porn (especially the public consumption of it versus private fantasies). It feels like a hypersexual delusion I can never find satisfaction with, and there are ethical complications to the point where fantasizing about pedophilia may be less bad than consuming normal IRL porn that could be sex trafficking or otherwise exploiting the creator or consumer (IE findom). Coomers are never good enough at cooming, but SFW friends are sometimes good enough at having legitimate discussions.
>>11428 >I'm sick of porn So bet it. I, however, don't agree with you on it being inherently feeling like a delusion that can't be satisfactory. Speak for yourself about Coomers or whatever never being good enough to be spoken to. Eh.
>>11432 People who have some form of sexual desire are OK, but I don't like people who make it their whole personality. It feels shallow, and I feel like porn harms people in weird ways. It'd be so much easier to just keep it in our heads and fap to fantasies, rather than collectively gooning.

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