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Hey. This is the furry board. We'll see how this goes, alright? Sister-Wives of /fur/: 【Comfy】|【Vidya B】|【Fast】|【404- RIP】

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MLP stuff Toshiaki 01/06/2024 (Sat) 06:26:17 No. 9065
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It will be pointed ou t that the MLP fanbase was fucking psycho because Hasbro fanbases in general attract the mentally ill who form cults around this company's brands. It will also be pointed out that a few years back they fired 500 people claiming they lost money, then a week after that announced the buy out of the Power Rangers IP. They later spent $4 billion to buy the company that owned Peppa Pig only to sell that part off last year for $375 million & only 2 months ago they fired 1000 people claiming more losses, yet their CEO & CFO still get bonuses of millions. In all cases "wokeness" was somehow blamed yet Hasbro has still continued being the diversity & feminism company they were in the 80s & will never change that, when in fact this is all likely book-cooking to get large tax writeoffs. Nobody sells shit to welfare queen rightards who have no money. MLP was also straight up stolen from another pony toy brand that debuted a year prior in the 80s, but 99% of Hasbro ideas are stolen. Fuck this corporation & anyone who fanboys for them should be barred form voting in any election.
>>9230 >be big company >have a few product lines that print money >butcher them to appease you Vanguard and BlackRock shareholders >they stop printing money >express utter shock
>>9230 That's not quite correct. My Pretty Pony was developed in house by a freelance artist working for Hasbro at the time. Now you can certainly argue that it was "stolen" by ending the line despite the popularity and sales to introduce a similar line possibly to avoid having to pay the original artist residuals but that's not the same as saying they ripped off a competitor.
>>9230 You have no idea how little I care.
>>9246 Where's Applejack?
>>9256 She's directly under the penis head with her face pointed up.
>>9230 fuck the cute horsepussy
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>>11622 Speaking of I found this AB on >>>/404/ the other day.
(216.18 KB 1680x2096 tribute to steam.jpg)

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