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#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: Oh, Those Russians! Edition Anonymous 03/15/2022 (Tue) 03:45:06 Id: 980978 No. 154483
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[Expand Post]A. Operation Download And Conquer: Loosen the death-grip of Google that has taken hold of the internet's audio and video services >>>/t/5546 B. Support archive.fo! Accountability needs proof: https://liberapay.com/archiveis/donate C. OP DisNod: Contact the FTC and advertisers about violations and unethical practices http://archive.vn/9bylT D. Internet Censorship happenings: Spread the word about the dangers of FOSTA/CLOUD act/Article 13, etc. https://www.eff.org/de/deeplinks/2020/03/earn-it-act-violates-constitution E. OP End the Era: Dig into resetera and their connections to journos, devs, etc. http://archive.vn/JfuSb Reminders (important, READ THESE!): •Use https://archive.today to deny sites ad revenue and traffic and preserve pages in case they are deleted later •Be civil if you have to argue with people on Twitter, Tumblr or any forum - don't make us look like douchebags •Do not accept requests for any goal, demand lists or personal army requests: https://pastebin.com/p5dVp1e5 •Beware COINTELPRO: The Gentleperson's Guide to Forum Spies: https://cryptome.org/2012/07/gent-forum-spies.htm • STOP REPLYING TO BAITS AND OBVIOUS DERAILMENT ATTEMPTS, JUST REPORT AND FILTER Resources >Summaries of #GamerGate:https://redirect.invidious.io/watch?v=wy9bisUIP3w - #GamerGate - If It's Not About Ethics •https://redirect.invidious.io/watch?v=5fnRSL3d_xU - #GamerGate in 60 Seconds •https://archive.fo/23Fde - GamerGate: A State of the Union Address >Background and Evidence for #GamerGate: •The #GamerGate Dossier: https://archive.fo/nv1Fb •#GamerGate Wiki: https://ggwiki.deepfreeze.it/index.php?title=Main_Page •History of #GamerGate: https://www.historyofgamergate.com/ •View the timeline links in the Current Happenings section! >Lists: •GG Steam Support & Boycott List: https://v.gd/vzRsRb •Key GamerGate Hubs: https://v.gd/LNJbat >Thread Repository: https://gitgud.io/gamergate/gamergateop/blob/master/ThreadRepository.md https://ggwiki.deepfreeze.it/index.php?title=Thread_Repository >Full OP Text: • Current: https://ggwiki.deepfreeze.it/index.php?title=The_GamerGate_OP >How Can I Help? >>>/gamergatehq/ •All OPs: https://gitgud.io/gamergate/gamergateop/tree/master/Operations •OP Vulcan: Learn logical debating: https://v.gd/Kbzw0L •An Anon's Guide to Twitter; basics: https://v.gd/nwrbYF >Want to Contribute to GitGud or Wiki? https://gitgud.io/gamergate/gamergateop/tree/master/How-to-Contribute
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>>154484 Starting the thread on a bad foot it seems.
Normalniggers are stockpiling "prepper" food, so it's a reminder to have a balanced stash of weapons, medicine, vitamins, shelf-stable food, personal hygiene items, and training before you can't afford to any more. On top of that though, you should have a pantry with some food to weather out the higher prices, such as flour, beans, rice; and a chest freezer with some meat and frozen fruits/vegetables.
>>154486 The hell are normalniggers panicking for? God knows they're too cowardly for civil war.
>>154487 They think russia and ukraine provide all the grains, and on top of this several places have insufficient fertilizer and are switching crops to, god forbid, something besides corn or soy, or any other fertilizer-dependent crops. It's the media pinning the blame on anyone except the federal reserve.
>>154484 (checked) Kid of odd how her clothes underwear didn't get torn apart from that.
>>154487 Just wait til the Russia Ukraine thins gets normalized and forgotten in 2024, so we can get invaded by otherwordly beings, but by given standards they are gonna end up being lame and killable with random stuff like salt, or zucchinis...
>>154483 >4th pic There goes le Reddit army. >>154487 >The hell are normalniggers panicking for? WW3, because they are sure as hell that the rest of the world cares about Ukraine that much.
>>154491 Forgot my other video.
bonus cuckchan post
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>>154484 i like that she seems surprised by it too
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>>154493 >>154494 >Redditor blood being shed en masse It's all I ever wanted.
>>154493 >>154494 >redditors get absolutely fucking wrecked Now if only there were people pushing more dumbasses to go into the meatgrinder, the world might actually be a better place after all this is over.
>>154484 >>154489 >>154495 is she cumming? she's not reacting orgasmicly? >>154485 >>154483 Has that angry g4 lesbian made any comments on the amaranth VShojo video? or do they finally have a gag on her?
can someone tell me why ukraine wasn't in nato? especially after crimea got annexed? this invasion just seems like a masterclass in why it's a bad idea to not join nato, especially if you literally fucking border russia and harbor some kind of widespread anti-russian sentiment. what, were they trying to stay neutral? ambivalent? were they holding onto some possibility that they might become russia's ally some day? was it purely because they didn't want to cause a cuban missile crisis situation? ukraine joining nato would have looked too much like aggression? shit, they could have involved russia in the negotiations, given them their donbass territories and kept crimea out of russian hands. crimea is russia's greatest prize in all of ukraine, it would have been preferable to give up basically all the rest of ukraine rather than let them just waltz in and take crimea. and then after crimea, they still didn't join nato. that at least makes sense because if it would have looked like aggression before, it certainly would look like aggression after crimea. this was all caused by ukraine's bizarre neutrality, if they had picked a side, deterrence would have kept them safe. as safe as the rest of the world, at least.
>>154493 >>154494 >nigger's name is spindokto >spindoctor Oh what I wouldn't fucking GIVE for an account with a shitton of gilded posts and karma just to shit all over this fucking fairweather faggot who believed what the nice people on the glowing box said.
>>154498 with a cock that big its likely just precum
>>154497 >1984 but the wars are all volunteer globalist socjus trannies against modern militaries >the host country skims off some of the retard class, the "invaded" country gets to get rid of old hardware, the invading country gets some live fire practice >>154499 Not this shit again. The entire warsaw pact region hates russia, but it was implied during the 1990s that nato would not expand membership eastward. Russia's only mistake was not asking for it in writing, but when your country collapsed you can't demand such concessions. Of course every single country would want NATO + EU globohomo membership just so their economy and defense has access to the richer countries.
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>>154502 now more like this
>>154503 >that greentext Now that's a dream I'm willing to live with. Imagine if the Eurozone got too pissy and they decided to pull some "we're invading burgerland" shit.
>>154505 >npcs make their way to the east coast >tv and reddit saying its anuddah redcoat invasion >it's hurricane season and a hurricane blows through their tents and floods trenches with crappy supplies >the eu army laughs and peppers them with some machinegun fire from their single aircraft carrier's silly delta wing jets, they don't have enough oil to bring the rest of the fleet
"Hyper proportions" is a garbage fetish for DeviantArt-tier lunatics and I'm glad /hyper/ is dead as a board. >>154499 >can someone tell me why ukraine wasn't in nato? especially after crimea got annexed? Countries with ongoing territorial disputes (like Ukraine with Crimea) can't join NATO. >>154499 >harbor some kind of widespread anti-russian sentiment. were they trying to stay neutral? ambivalent? were they holding onto some possibility that they might become russia's ally some day? They simply were too busy having internal conflicts over the anti-Russian politics that affect around 1/3 of their population (and are why two Ukrainian territories want to become independent states with help of Russia) to make further moves. >was it purely because they didn't want to cause a cuban missile crisis situation? ukraine joining nato would have looked too much like aggression? It was one of the motives, yes. One of the reasons Russia went as far as to take territory from Ukraine twice is to maintain a distance between NATO military bases and Moscow.
This is all a huge divide and conquer by the Space worms from the moon and their human servants. We are gonna get invaded by freaky Ayys next, mark my words
If The Bomb Drops... Know This... https://odysee.com/@canadianprepper:8/if-the-bomb-drops...-know-this...:e >>154499 >can someone tell me why the Holol oligarchs keep doing retarded asinine shit? Anon we're talking about a country that was so corrupt and inept they had one of the worlds biggest stockpiles of nuclear arms in the world that they inherited by accident after the Soviets collapsed and instead of maintain those warheads disarmed themselves for IMF and World Bank gibs by chucking TNT sticks down the missile silo's. Imagine if you will North Korea disarming itself and then acting surprised when it gets gang raped by China and the USA and their allies in yet another series of cold war games or Pakistan disarming itself and then being dumbfounded as India steam rolls them out of Kashmir. That's Ukraine for ya and frankly while it's a shame it was inevitable they'd become a tug of war rope between the EU;SSR and the Eurasian Union. Ukraine will likely be split in the end and neither side will be satisfied but also unwilling to accumulate even more casualties after the decades of war to come. >>154503 Hegelian Dialectics, moral of the story is play the middle man like India or Israel does as nuclear powers.
>>154509 >they had one of the worlds biggest stockpiles of nuclear arms in the world that they inherited by accident after the Soviets collapsed and instead of maintain those warheads disarmed themselves for IMF and World Bank gibs by chucking TNT sticks down the missile silo's. I thought the Chinese were making that up, can you provide a source?
Response to the anon in the previous bread with the >parallel economy with China, Russia, India, Middle East, South East Asia From the stuff I have learned, it's more likely that it's ultimately a pipe dream baring extreme circumstances and unlikely stuff happening. 1: India and its people absolutely hate China, primarily due to China being dumb and conflicts along with their cheap ass products that break if you even get that (see: you got plastic rice :^) ) 2: China's debt is absolutely insane both foreign and in-country, and with China lieing about everything it's more likely on par if not higher than the US's debt. One Example is the High Speed Rail they built, the debt was split to 49% covered by the local government and 51% by the central government, we only got the debt covered by the central government told to us and it was 900 billion, that's 51% so the actual debt could be around 1.8-2 trillion, also the high speed rail is losing roughly 24 million a day. 3: China needs the rest of the world to buy the cheap shit made in China otherwise they'd collapse. They also need the rest of the world for food because they don't produce much of it themselves due to a result of poisoning farmland and always treating farmers like complete shit and going as far as just taking (no paying) their produce. 4: Found out that China's own planned bank system thing they'd use to replace SWIFT actually uses SWIFT, unsure of exactly how heavily but from the sounds of it, it won't operate without SWIFT. 5: China, as they'd somehow fuck it up in ways I can't even think of. Ultimately though the main problem they face is the consumption of goods and the production of them (largely on raw material). This is a major problem because even the Chinese people know to buy foreign because while more expensive they are a: getting what they ordered and b: it's of quality.
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>>154499 let me add another question to your question because its a bit related - Would other countries jump over each other to join nato, knowing that they wouldn't protect them unless you're full card carrying nato member? If say ukraine managed to come out alive, win or lose, would they try to join NATO again since they never sent help? Or would they remain a puppet state?
>>154511 But india hates pakistan more, which is an american-backed puppet. Because of this they are fine with russia, who is fine with china, and so their economies will be linked anyway. In the end, not-CSAT will just be everyone who hates america and nato and wants to keep to themselves and their little buffer zone/pond.
>>154491 How the fuck are so many Ukrainians and Russians fat during the war? I expected this with the Americans and anglos not the Slavs.
>>154514 wodka and potato diet
>>154515 This is the correct answer. Slav foods are mostly carbs, or processed meat.
>>154516 It falls under carbs, but the sunflower oil which is so popular there has such a bad fat structure that you might get a heart attack before becoming obese.
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>>154512 >>154499 I think there will be 2pacs in europe after this conflict - politicians/countries/groups doesn't matter - 1st ones who will give their child to join EU/NATO right away. They may have been already liberal/westernized but now they have a military reason to join them by any means. The 2nd ones who saw the failings of nato and aggression of russia to go full militaristic self defense mode, relying only upon themselves (and few neighbours), to defend against russia. They will take whatever weapons nato might provide but have no intention to join nato. These will be the next tension zones, with both sides putting weapons right on their edges and glow-ops regularly.
>>154511 >1: India and its people absolutely hate China, primarily due to China being dumb and conflicts along with their cheap ass products that break if you even get that (see: you got plastic rice :^) ) Actually the relations between India and China aren't bad, with China being India's biggest trading partner and India being part of China's B&R initiative. The tensions between them come from Pakistan being in extremely friendly terms with China, disputes over some borders nobody really cares about that would be solved in no time if it wasn't for Pakistan's presence in the whole matter (India is willing to give claimed territory to China in exchange for cutting ties with Pakistan, something China can't do because Pakistan is part of the B&R), and some complains about India being on the "losing" side of trades with China, but that has more to do with India being a less economically developed country. A deeper Sino-Indian economic alliance is very possible, specially when USA is threatening India with economic sanctions for remaining neutral during the rounds of sanctions against Russia. >4: Found out that China's own planned bank system thing they'd use to replace SWIFT actually uses SWIFT, unsure of exactly how heavily but from the sounds of it, it won't operate without SWIFT. CIPS has an agreement with Swift that allows them to use Swift's messaging system infrastructure, but they could develop one of their own if wanted/required. The real obstacle CIPS has is to convince more countries to use a system clearly designed for a single country with a single currency and backed by that country's government. >>154514 Are you talking about the guy on the second video? That's a Brazilian who volunteered to fight in Ukraine on his way back to Brazil through Poland after his base was shelled to oblivion.
>>154519 I heard someone else say china has pushed CIPS into some of their developing african countries, but it could be a baseless claim.
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>>154510 >can you provide a source? https://archive.ph/fMQoq >>154513 >which is an american-backed puppet. More like a big aggressive rabies infested dog that bites everyone including it's owner (us)+the Saudi's since the strategy of the ISI (Pakistani glow niggers) is basically to play with fire and cry when they get burned after backing Theocratic and Marxist militias. As for India I doubt they will outright cut itself out of the US pie because it's profitable for them, especially Silicon Valley even if it's currently going down the drain. They'll likely just continue selling us shit while also buying Iranian oil to remain neutral which I'm personally fine with. India has never seen itself as a Warsaw pact Eurasian Union or N.A.T.O. puppet. Also India buys weapons from just about everyone, they don't give a shit so long as it works and isn't Chinese or Pakistani because anything is better than their domestic small arms. Russia just happens to be their main supplier of most of their stuff given it's physically closer than the USA, Israel, and Belgium. >>154511 >(see: you got plastic rice :^) ) Why? Just buy food from Vietnam. They actually grow real food and aren't constantly trying to Jew everyone.
Russia Has Big Plans for Africa <America Must Push Back—Without Getting Dragged In >The day after the military staged a coup in Burkina Faso in January, supporters of the new regime took to the streets waving Russian flags. >The scene may sound like a throwback to the Cold War, when the United States and the Soviet Union competed for influence in Africa, but the demonstrators were taken with more recent examples of the Kremlin’s actions on the continent. >They spoke approvingly about Russia’s deployment of mercenaries in Libya, Mali, and the Central African Republic (CAR) to fight off Islamist insurgents. “The Russians got good results in other African countries,” a supporter https://archive.ph/yosj7 Russian mercenaries have landed in West Africa, pushing Putin’s goals as Kremlin is increasingly isolate >They wear army fatigues with no flag and carry Kalashnikov assault rifles. They guard the presidential palace and track extremists in the scrubland. Hundreds of Russian mercenaries have landed here over the last three months, according to regional and Western officials, providing a shadowy source of protection as this nation’s alliances with the West unravel. >The missions are unfolding as support for Russia surges in the capital, Bamako: Protesters wave Russian flags and photos of Vladimir Putin. Signs declare: I LOVE WAGNER and THANK YOU WAGNER, referencing the Wagner Group, a Russian security organization targeted by U.S. sanctions that has been widely accused of war crimes. >We think they’re here to clean up the mess,” said Diamano Dolo, a 41-year-old souvenir merchant whose gear with Russian letters (“Мали” for Mali) sells quickly. >seen by the United States as a covert extension of the Kremlin — arrived in Mali after a 2020 coup d’etat isolated the West African country from its democratic partners. As Russia invades Ukraine, the Kremlin is pushing to amplify influence worldwide, and ostensibly private military groups like Wagner offer a deniable way to advance its goals, researchers say. Since 2016, the Russian mercenary footprint has grown from four nations to a total of 28, according to the Center for Strategic and International Studies in Washington. Eighteen are in Africa. >Wagner comes in, further destabilizes the country, ravages the mineral resources and makes as much money as they can before they choose to leave,” U.S. Navy Rear Admiral Milton Sands, head of Special Operations Command Africa, told The Washington Post. “The country is left poorer, weaker and less secure. Every time.” This story is based on interviews with 13 local, regional and Western officials who have reviewed intelligence, have access to internal reports or have been briefed on the details of Mali’s security partnership with Russia. >Several spoke on the condition of anonymity to discuss sensitive matters and avoid retaliation. Mali’s military junta has denied hiring Wagner, saying they work only with army instructors from Russia, a “historic” partner. Putin, however, made no mention of a military agreement at a February news conference. >When a reporter asked about mercenaries in Mali, the Russian leader acknowledged only “commercial activities,” saying the Kremlin has “nothing to do with the companies working in Mali.” >If Mali has opted to work with our companies, it has the right to do so,” Putin said. Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov echoed that sentiment in an email to The Washington Post. We have nothing to do with the activities of private military companies abroad,” he said. Peskov did not respond to other questions about Russia’s military presence in Mali. >Officially, Wagner does not exist as a single registered business. Instead, analysts say, the group operates as a nebulous tangle of entities connected to the Russian military and Yevgeniy Prigozhin, an oligarch who is wanted by the FBI on charges related to interfering in the 2016 presidential election. Prigozhin has denied ties to Wagner, and he did not respond to a request for comment. >On the afternoon of the French ambassador’s expulsion, a group of friends gathered outside near the embassy in question, cracking jokes. >We don’t even want to see the dust he leaves behind,” said Aminata Traore Bassadiki, a 46-year-old incense seller, slapping her knee. She hadn’t joined the protests. She just liked the idea of a new partner replacing France. Sidiki Magassouba, a 52-year-old energy company staffer, nodded along. >The anti-French feeling is more than boiling today,” he said. “It is France who pushed us into Russia’s arms.” Russians, Wagner — we don’t care who they are, Bassadiki said, pronouncing the accented W. >Vahg-ner. “If it means we will get our peace, we would follow Satan.” West and central African troops have flagged the need for more help. On their own, officers say, they lack the necessary manpower and equipment to end the conflict. >Since Paris deployed troops to thwart al-Qaeda extremists advancing on Bamako in 2013, the international intervention has failed to curb the bloodshed. Fighters have regrouped and scattered. Fatalities rose by 17 percent last year, according to the African Center for Strategic Studies in Washington. >Some in Mali feel pressure to silence their concerns about the junta’s new strategy, said one former Malian official. Distrust of Paris swelled after a U.N. report found that a French airstrike killed 19 civilians last year in the central Malian village of Bounti. >Working with mercenaries,” the former official said, “we will have dozens more situations like Bounti.” After Paris’s top diplomat accused mercenaries of “despoiling” Mali, Bamako shot back by expelling the French ambassador. >Then Macron announced his troops would exit, and the 800-soldier European counterterrorism force meant to bolster the French effort said it would follow suit. >The junta invited France to leave “without delay,” saying the Malian army has made more progress against extremists in recent months than it had in years. And pro-Russian rallies continue in Bamako. <Video showed demonstrators burning cardboard cutouts of Macron. Others brandished the face of Putin. https://archive.ph/BqQuQ
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>>154498 >Has that angry g4 lesbian made any comments on the amaranth VShojo video? I don't even know what this is about. I'm sure I don't care but I'm also bored. What's the latest vidya-dame thot drama?
>>154522 >https://archive.ph/fMQoq < February 27 2022 Anything that WASN'T published in the past three months?
https://archive.is/NNwUd >Man Withdraws Allegations Against Evangelion Voice Actor Daman Mills
>>154520 Actually that's one of the reasons China is developing things like CIPS and their "digital reminbi/yuan". Digital payments in yuan facilitate their operations in other countries, namely the development of their Belt and Road Initiative but also other investments across South Asia, Africa and the Middle East. This without mentioning other obvious advantages (for them) of an e-C(un)NY, like being able to monitor transactions, combat money laundering schemes and falsifications, and control the flow of money with even more ease, but that's a given with digital money in general. >>154522 >Why? Just buy food from Vietnam. They actually grow real food and aren't constantly trying to Jew everyone. Ironically, Vietnam is positioned to become the "China of China". With a Chinese middle class in the rise and environmental/labor regulations becoming a thing, more and more Chinese companies are outsourcing their production to Vietnam and other countries in the same way the west did with China. I don't know how much influence China has over Vietnam, however, but I assume it's enough to keep them busy for a while.
>>154523 See in a sane world Putin would be like I'm going to conquer all of the Slavs AND all of the NIGGERS as well! And everyone else would be "OK have fun with that." But noooooooo! We've got to go full brinkmanship.
>>154519 Most of the issues India as a country has with China is territory disputes, including 3rd party shenanigans. The people though have varying degrees of hatred towards China because of the shitty products, or not the products they bought (See again plastic rice equivalent, another is an Iphone 5 actually being an Iphone 4). Last I heard as well is that India has been steadily divesting their production and product acquisition from China to elsewhere as a result of the above and China doing economic abuse/blackmail towards India over retarded conflicts, latest being some land along some river on some border of China. The other issue with CIPS is it's fully controlled by the CCP and with the CCP having a history of straight up theft over retarded reasons, and with CIPS being based in and controlled by the CCP no one really wants to use it. That and it uses the yuan/RMB which the rest of the world sees as next to worthless and not as an international trading currency. It also came out a few months ago that the CCP has been printing the same serial number on each bill twice (aka they make the same exact bill twice). Oh also during the Evergrande and other retardation at the time, China told the companies that were going bankrupt that they have to repay "local debts" (in-country) and that they can completely neglect or outright ditch the foreign debts they owed. >>154522 See what I said about the Chinese people themselves buying foreign goods, this extends to everything. >>154527 They are also trying to use CIPS for control, which will backfire badly because the moment they seize the "digital assets" is the moment people start going back to hard real world currency.
>>154528 To be fair. Putin African nigger Allie’s defected and driven out the French military. They are already more useful than basketball American niggers and euronigs.
>>554825 >China has already decided to send economic aid to Russia in Ukraine conflict, US officials fear WHY WOULDN'T THEY? What did the US expect exactly. China has Russia over a barrel economically and the US+Europe put them over that barrel. They should have seen this coming and calculated it as part of whether to impose sanctions or not and if so how much.
EA needs to Push Out a Battlefield 3 Remake to Win Back Gamers, and Wash Away the Recent Disappointments >While it’s been less than six months since Battlefield 2042 launched, it’s safe to say now that the game has failed to live up to expectations. When you add the fact that Battlefield V also failed to live up to fan expectations, then that makes it two Battlefield games in a row that “bombed.” >Sure, BFV eventually got relaunched, but by then, most of the player base has moved on to other titles. With Vince Zampella and other EA devs now corralled to bring the franchise back on track, EA has a (relatively) easy “win” button waiting for them to win back gamers, and some of their trust, and that’s to simply release a Battlefield 3 Remake. >While I know it’s not just a matter of porting the game to newer consoles, DICE and EA can simply choose to stick to the game’s core formula, and then jazz up the visuals a bit. Add in all the DLC map packs into the re-release, and voila! You have an instant winner in your hands. >This will make franchise vets happy, and will let gamers who were too young then or just weren’t interested to get a taste of what a “peak” Battlefield experience felt like. This is an easy stop-gap while DICE, Ripple Effect and EA are regrouping to make sure the next Battlefield is a success. For most Battlefield franchise veterans, Battlefield 3 or Bad Company 2 are considered the pinnacle of the franchise, and a Battlefield 3 Remake announcement would be met with universal applaud (I think). >BF3 is considered by many to be one of the best multiplayer shooters of all-time, and to be able to re-experience it once more, but with a fresh coat of paint, improved performance, and of course, some other quality of life improvements, it would be such an easy win for everyone. >The big question is: Will EA do it? While we can’t say for sure, the chances of this happening is better now compared to recent years. Not only has EA re-released the Mass Effect trilogy, but they gave BioWare the chance to make it as a full-on remaster. Now we’re getting that experience with the Dead Space franchise, too, though in a much grander scale. >It’s logical to think that EA is doing this since the publisher wants not only make a quick buck on existing games, but also to put the gaming properties back into people’s minds for the eventual new entries that are being made. >Surely this can work for Battlefield too, right? Re-release Battlefield 3, and then build on that goodwill and try to wash away the acrid taste of Battlefield 2042 (and even BFV). >It would also be an excellent way for EA and DICE to test the waters out. For some time now, it seems both the developers and the publishers have lost touch on what made Battlefield such a good multiplayer shooter to begin with. >Perhaps a refresher is what they need, and if it’s received well enough, it could be exactly what is needed to open their eyes that gamers and fans simply want the same experience, but dialed up a notch (or two). https://archive.ph/LANsA News report suggests that the relationship between WWE and Take-Two Interactive may be coming to an end soon >which could result in WWE moving their video games to a competing publisher for the first time ever. Take-Two is the parent company of 2K Sports. >Fightful Select reports that WWE has had recent talks with Electronic Arts (EA) about bringing the WWE Games division over to their company, which is also one of the top gaming publishers in the world. >The upcoming WWE 2K22 video game is seen as a “make or break” release for the series and the report noted that there is a lot riding on the launch of the game, and the following weeks and months. >The last contract signed between WWE and Take-Two was in 2016, and while no official details were made public, it’s believed that this was a six-year deal with options to extend. >If the game is well-received by players and sales are near expectations, an extension could be signed not far after. If the game is seen as a failure, WWE Games moving to EA would be a greater possibility than ever before. >Talks between WWE and EA have been on & off for years, including before the 2016 deal between WWE and Take-Two, the two sides recently began talking about an agreement as far back as early 2021. >Sources report that the talks began after the disappointing release of WWE 2K20, and the lackluster reception to WWE 2K Battlegrounds. >WWE has shown a lot of frustration with the reception and lack of success of recent games,” one source reportedly said. “The gaming market is a major selling point for them, and they believe they’ve fallen behind the competition.” >The aforementioned competition are other sports games. Despite pro wrestling having a passionate and dedicated fan base, there is reportedly a feeling within WWE that players are making decisions to purchase other sports games instead of their own. >With video game prices increasing on new generation PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X/S, WWE officials feel like the games need to provide more reasons than ever to justify the cost. >There’s also a feeling that the WWE 2K games have not done that. There’s also a feeling within WWE that their games have unfairly, in their minds, been given less resources than the other major title from 2K Sports >NBA 2K. While NBA 2K sales and revenue are much higher than WWE 2K, officials feel like it’s more due to the cutting of resources towards development, rather than a general interest in the game. >Since WWE 2K15, which was the first game to be on the PS4, Xbox One and PC, the budget allocated to the development of the WWE game has gone down year over year. Whether it’s animation, art, or even quality testing areas, not a single area was left untouched during cutbacks towards the WWE 2K series. >When asked why this continued to happen, those who asked did not receive specific reasoning, but it was suggested by some that the increase in 2K sports titles in development didn’t help things. >It should be noted that everyone involved expects a split between WWE and Take-Two. A source noted that the development team at 2K developer Visual Concepts Creative is moving forward as if things will continue as normal. >The development team at VC is of the belief things will continue as normal,” one source close to the game said. “If anything is changing, no one’s been given even a hint of it. 2K is confident in it continuing.” >Another person within the WWE 2K22 team feels like they have put so much effort into improving the game that it will convince those making the decisions to move forward together. >It’s basically a brand new game in a lot of areas,” the person said. “There is a new foundation laid out to make this a series that everyone wants. It just needs to be understood that it won’t happen in one year.” >If WWE Games does move to EA, it’s speculated that the games would be developed at the EA Vancouver studio, which is the same studio in charge of the UFC series. It was also noted that there would be another “multi-year wait” for the first WWE EA game to come out. >One of the biggest questions, among so many, is whether WWE wants to wait years for a new game to be developed or stick with what’s already been being built,” the report noted. https://archive.ph/OIMuF
>>154532 >battlefield 3 remake theyll find some way to soy it up
>>154532 >Battlefield 3 remake https://youtube.076.ne.jp/watch?v=-YMDCqMmrA8 Who the fuck watches this and thinks that it needs a remake? This game holds up just fine, any game from the past decade is mechanically and technically sound, we are no longer talking about 80s or 90s games. >>154484 Where the fuck do you find this garbage?
Rainbow Six Siege removes the bios of its Spetsnaz operators >Ubisoft has quietly removed the biographies of five Rainbow Six Siege operators that either represent or previously served for the Russian Spetsnaz faction from the official Siege website. This is almost certainly related to Russia’s ongoing invasion of Ukraine. >As spotted by an eagle-eyed Reddit user and reported by SiegeGG, the biographies of Tachanka, Glaz, Kapkan, Fuze, and Finka have all been removed from their operator pages. All five of these operators have ties to the Spetsnaz faction and all five were born in the former Soviet Union. <Tachanka, Glaz, and Kapkan are Russian, while Fuze is from Uzbekistan, and Finka is from Belarus. >Despite being taken down from the Siege website, the bios for all five operators are currently still accessible in-game at the time of writing. The Loadout has reached out to Ubisoft to see if in-game bio removals for these operators will also be taking place. >While none of their bios contain any explicit references that could be linked to the current conflict in Ukraine, the Spetsnaz – the Russian special forces – have played a significant role in the invasion, according to reports. Prior to the full-scale invasion, Spetsnaz soldiers had already entered Ukraine in an attempt to assassinate the Ukrainian president as the first stage of a regime change. >Last week, Ubisoft, alongside several other major publishers and developers, halted sales of its games in Russia in response to the invasion. >Ubisoft also has two support studios in Ukraine – one in the capital Kyiv, and another in Odessa. In the opening days of the conflict, Ubisoft revealed that it was helping evacuate its staff out of Ukraine and would provide advanced salaries and housing in neighbouring countries to employees from both studios. https://archive.ph/xguT8 Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 Insider Leaks Details on Rumored DMZ Mode >With the sequel to Call of Duty: Modern Warfare confirmed and Call of Duty: Modern Warfare II – or whatever it may be called – on the way, people have still been talking about plans for the rumored "DMZ" mode that's supposedly in development. >Some new details about the mode were shared this week by a Call of Duty insider who claimed to have knowledge of the story setup for this DMZ mode and what kinds of events it would catalog. >Twitter user RalphsValve who frequently tweets about Call of Duty news and rumors talked about the DMZ mode on Friday. The Call of Duty insider said it'll be Modern Warfare II's third mode and that it's supposed to "follow an elaborate storyline in continuation from the Campaign." >This will involve various characters and fronts the game's battles are fought on, the user said. Those who played Modern Warfare when it released in 2019 will recall that the game also had an extra mode that continued the campaign in a way similar to what's described above. >That mode was Spec Ops, the experience first introduced in the original Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 before being updated for the newer Modern Warfare game. It consisted of various missions and challenges as players might've expected, but it also moved the story of Modern Warfare forward through those assignments. >This DMZ mode is one that's been talked about several times over with those who claim to be in the know often attaching this mode to Modern Warfare II as opposed to Call of Duty: Warzone. It's been described as a sandbox mode of sorts in the past, and when Activision talked about its plans for the future of Call of Duty not long ago, it did use that same word. >Activision framed the sandbox experience as "a massive evolution of Battle Royale," however, so it's still unclear at this time how exactly the mode will be implemented. >Warzone almost certainly isn't going anywhere though, so anyone who's planning on getting the next mainline Call of Duty game when it releases will get their hands on whatever this new mode is no matter what. https://archive.ph/DuHvc
>>154532 >remake older better games to win over gaymers because they can't make anything new that is worth playing Like they even could manage that. Devs these days seem hopeless. >WWE vidya budgets have been falling since 15 Yeah it was a pretty clear decline. Now I know why. >potentially moving to EA Get fucked you assholes.
>>154525 >Anything that WASN'T published in the past three months? Yes, I'm looking but nearly every web browser scrambling their search results has made finding shit that was once easy to find retardly hard. Here's one from 2018 but you'll need to translate it. https://www.radiosvoboda.org/a/29187717.html
>>154529 >>154527 Even during cold war, india wasn't outright an 'ally' to either side, it was cool with both soviets and us. While officially india chose to be non-aligned, it received help both from soviets in military and europe with trade, both wanted to cozy up as india was a potential domino to topple to soviet, right after vietnam. But in the end both sides fucked off in 70/80s leaving india
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>>154539 Nice to see so much support for such an underrated character, Homestar can be a pain in the ass so you gotta give it to him. Great Jorb.
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>>154539 i like the chad version of the mussolini face
>>154539 What am I looking at and why is there a sculpture of ⌈The World⌋ as the chad in the background?
>>154541 It's insane how fascism produced the absolute fucking embarrassment that was National Socialism. Mussolini was a dickhead but at the very least he seemed sane unlike Hitler.
>>154534 He's a faggot he can find it anywhere. I'm dissapointed in this shithole.
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Archive of previous bread https://archive.ph/DTNme
>>154539 That woman with the US flag has some really nice titties. I'd fuck her.
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>>154535 >be Russia >literally isolated in your National Firewall >Fagguette leafs think this somehow effects the Oligarchs at the top of government Has it ever occurred to them that this just looks petty and pathetic? If they want to make a difference that's actually worth a damn then maybe use their wealth to buy the state a ton of MRE's instead of this grifting meaningless bullshit. God I hate Canadians
Is anyone here surprised no one tried to make a new Moon man? McDonald’s retired Ronald McDonald because of the creepy clown scare. What’s the odds someone can get the ADL to list Mickey Mouse, Superman or SpongeBob as hate symbols?
>>154546 >That woman with the US flag has some really nice titties. I'd fuck her. Look closer at it’s face. That’s a man. You will get aids.
>>154548 If anything corporations attacking the Russian people will only make Putin more popular.
>>154549 Who cares? Their "food" taste like shit anyway and makes you feel sick and tired afterwords. All their mascots should be appropriated by the Gaymer G8'ers but only in a way that makes them unappealing to advertisers and TV channels. >>154551 Pretty much, and they won't realize their folly till it's to late which appears to be the case already.
>>154549 Did you also watch EmpLemon's video?
>>154551 >>154552 I dunno if Russian normalfags even have a dog in the Ukraine thing. I do agree they'll resent the foreign corporations for cutting off the Bread and Circuses, but I don't know if that'll directly translate into popularity for Putin. If they're anything like Western normalfags, they'll cry out for a return to comfy status quo of botting CSGO and access to goods ASAP.
>>154549 Why are Burgerslol scared of clowns anyway? At their worst clowns are annoying not frighting.
>>154555 Americans fear the clowncunny for some retarded reason.
>>154556 John Wayne Gacy molested an entire generation of Americans.
>>154555 Mimes are even scarier than clowns, I once saw a street performer as a child and I literally begged my mom to switch sidewalks because he could potentially approach us.
>>154553 >Did you also watch EmpLemon's video? That dude is faking being woke for YouTube fame. You can tell he liked moon man music. He is too familiar with the subject matter. History with YTMND isn’t well documented unless you a part of /pol/ inner circle or visit YTMND back in the day.
>>154558 Afraid he'd lasso you in with an invisible rope?
>>154560 Having to play along would have been utterly terrifying.
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>>154541 >>154543 Mussolini, a socialist came up with Fascism because the oh so progressive socialists and marxists, who used to be opposed to a world war, came out in full support of it when they thought they could abuse it to spread their ideology. He did so because he noticed how most people gave jack shit about their fellow men unless patriotism played a part on it, and used it to effectively shut Italy out of the world system, to avoid unnecessary loss of life. Then the economy hit him like a truck and he had to backpedal on a few points like colonies and alliances with other countries (he tried with Britain and was the de-facto protector of Austria, another fascist state before even Natsocs were in power). Also, Nazi propaganda was heavily influenced by cultshit while Italian propaganda was a product of Futurism, which was the artistic current of a madlad (D'Annunzio) who literally conquered a city and kept it as a poets' paradise for a couple of years. Tellingly, all of the garbage Nazi propaganda was removed while non-factionalist parts of the Italian one were not only kept but heavily influenced the Italian style of marketing up until the 70s. Even fascist era buildings are still around due to their striking image and artistic properties.

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>>154563 Now you see, female clowns are the opposite of male clowns, instead of being creepy, they’re universally arousing (but mostly when they’re a tad slutty)
>>154564 Give the clown a creampie.
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>>154565 How about clown gobbos ?
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>>>/gg/153125 test3.gif has the best composition by far.
>>154567 Goblins are for slaying, not laying. Yordles on the other hand...
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>>154567 fuck off with this garbage.
>>154567 Instead, how about loli clown gobbos?
>>154570 A big eared shorty is a big eared shorty is a big eared shorty, what is the difference?
>>154573 One isn't a filthy greenskin and the other is.
>>154574 Your choice, more shorties for me.
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>>154555 You see, back in the 70's there was a faggot serial killer named John Wayne Gacy who dressed up like a clown so he could rape and murder children and had a body count of at least 33. You murder a couple dozen people in a very specific way and there's gonna be some serious cultural backlash about it.
>>154577 The penis is actually a fairly complex torgan and this person actually went the extra mile. The way corpuses affect the fascial tissue is perfectly portrayed here. As someone who is quite interested in cocks I must applaud this appreciation for the male form. tldr About 70% of this picture is dude ass and dick.
>>154578 >About 70% of this picture is dude ass and dick. Sounds like average numbers when fucking a goblin.
>>154578 So is every porn with 2 or more guys and a girl. What's your point? "Man = homo = bad"?
>>154580 My point is that I don't have a point, i'm merely making an observation :)
>>154499 Have you never heard of the "Budapest Memorabdum"? It was an international agreement that would allow Ukraine to be an independent nation that would not be attacked by Russia or the US an European Nations in exchange for their nuclear arsenal that was then taken by the Russians. By joining the EU (blame people like Soros for that shit) and to a greater extent by joining NATO, that was described as a breach of that independence and thus a breach of that agreement. The ultra wealthy like Soros don't hire security to look after their investments, they get their political cock suckers to protect their inverstments with armies. I said it before a few threads ago. This is a turf war between the Russian Olygarchs and the Western Olygarchs (like Soros, Rothchilds, etc). The only ones in the political arena pressing Ukraine to join NATO are likely to be the ones (or their donors) that would profit from the instability caused by war in Ukraine. If the warmongers in the US government didn't try to trick the Ukraine government into abandoning independence and promoting the idea of Ukraine joining NATO then the shit the people of Ukraine are in would have a lesser chance of occurring in the first place. Yes. Putins claims of "Freeing" or "liberating" some of the eastern regions are complete bullshit. All three sides (US/NATO/EU, the Russian Federation and the jew-led Ukraine government) have been agitating each other for years in order to provoke the other side to do something stupid. Remember that the first casualty of war is the Truth.
>>154555 >>154576 That's fine and dandy too but people are wearing black trench coats again and Columbine was still a thing.
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>>154578 >As someone who is quite interested in cocks
>>154578 No, 70% of it is FUCKING TEXT so you're really supposed to be jerking off to letters and shit while THINKING of gobbo puss puss.
>>154585 Is it usually the artist itself adding the captions or someone else?
>>154493 >redditors actually meme themselves to their deaths Die for our entertainment, you people are horses.
>>>/gg/153083 You got (Deleted), so you're wrong, faggot. >>>/gg/153084 Make me queer. >>>/gg/153089 Wow, those are all ugly as fuck except for the last one, since it doesn't have a massive Jewish schnoz.
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>>154587 It is, like 99.9 percent of the time, someone else taking random photos and dumping metric fucktons of words all fucking over it. I know Spidu made four Stocking images like that though so there's at least one exception.
>>154582 So what you're saying is that the nation of Ukraine is the little blond girl on the couch, and US, EU, NATO, Russia, etc. are the slavering niggers behind her?
>>154577 >>154585 >>154590 Holy shit Buckley calm the fuck down I'm not here for a novel.
>>154589 >Make me queer. I don't think that anyone can make you any queerer than you already are.
>>154593 The right comma (or lack thereof) in the wrong place can make all the difference in the world.
>>154591 That's one way to put it. Yes. And all the niggers believe that if they rape her enough then she will make them food and not give food to the other niggers.
>>154585 Is this NTR?
>>154596 In the sense that you are getting cucked out of your time, yes.
>>154565 Okay, Hitler. You asked for it.
>>154596 NTR implies you have an investment or claim; this is just an uncharacteristic public slutting. Renting a whore doesn't mean you own her and you can never NTR a pimp because he knows bitches ain't shit.
>>154596 On a technicality, no, since she's a widow. Still doesn't feel right.
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>>154526 Daman mills is a snake iirc, this is far more likely to be true since he was one of the people who joined accusations against Vic he did not deny the accusations, he just said they were "consensual", ironically, but it confirms Mills is a pederast at best
>>154567 I don't give a fuck how niche your shit is, have some fucking standards of quality.
https://www.congress.gov/bill/117th-congress/house-bill/6869/text https://archive.ph/9r3zG >To authorize the President of the United States to issue letters of marque and reprisal for the purpose of seizing the assets of certain Russian citizens, and for other purposes <A letter of marque and reprisal was a government license in the Age of Sail that authorized a private person, known as a privateer or corsair, to attack and capture vessels of a nation at war with the issuer. Are they bringing back privateering?
>>154574 So dark goblins are okay then?
>>154604 Nigger greenskins are still greenskins, worse even!
>>154605 But their skin isn't green. It's purple.
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>>154604 >So dark goblins are okay then? Oh yes! Most certainly.
>>154526 you know reading that article, one thing stuck out was this photo and writing style - granted its a publicity shot and shit news rag outlet - is they treat it some sort legal notice with no hint of irony. >"The Ohio Man that previously accused Evangelion film and Sonny Boy voice actor Daman Mills of groping him and masturbating next to him while he was asleep when he was a teen has withdrawn the allegations." Like if this was any other guy, famous or not, the writer would have atleast put some words of their own into the article. Especially ANN, the tmz drama central of weaboos >Mills, through a Cease and Desist letter sent to the alleged victim on February 18, asserted that the relationship was "consensual and mutual" and the allegations were "wholeheartedly false and without merit." In a separate communication with Duncan, the voice actor asked that the allegations be retracted. And no hint that the victim is literally cease and desist into issueing an apology, something they have clearly called as "Man threatening to harm woman if she goes out with the story" and they write stuff like this with no hint of foul play, with a straight face. Yeah its nothing wrong. Just a simple misunderstanding among BOYS. >Another teen friend, Brian, who has asked us not to publish his last name due to privacy concerns, shared images of messages with Mills from 2014 to 2015 which appear to show Mills repeatedly asking for a video of Duncan allegedly in his underwear. In another message screenshot Brian shared with ANN, Mills appeared to state that he and Duncan "never really dated" and that his feelings for the teenager were "unrequited." Duncan's own messages from 2014 to 2015 show Mills discussed helping the teen masturbate, asked what kind of sexual acts he was interested in, and asked for a measurement of his penis. Shit why are you mentioning all these details if you are just gonna hand wave them as "nothing happened, move along". Is the writer trying to protect or harm the accussed? In a news rag famous for eceleb bitching and rumor drama. And why these people think they are some huge hollywood level star from voice acting in cartoons? They're not even tara strong level big.
>>154603 The last of reddit's privateers!
>>154603 >The Digital Age of Piracy is upon us We were born for this, anons
>>154609 >>154603 Oh god i'm shaking right now hugging my funko pops in excitement, we are going to be singing sea shanties with the lads it'll be like sea of thieves IRL!!!
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>>154603 This is a fucking clown war.
>>154603 Concentration camps when?
>tfw redditors actually believed war would be like call of duty and weren't just pretending to be retarded What was that saying, if you form an internet community on the basis of pretending to be retarded, you'll eventually be filled with actual retards?
>>154526 Fucking ANN, I don't even know what to say anymore. My opinion of them has went below rock bottom ever since how they fucked over vic, but his is just mind-blowing how obviously biased this is now. Fuck Funimation, ANN, and all these faggots.
>>154614 WEll, the Ucraine invasion caused stranger things. Men turning into women and loyal black ucranians suddenly becoming african out of a sudden. I don't really care much about Ucraine, but fuck Russia.
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>>154614 Poe's Law, and that quote by Voltaire.
>>154566 >Clussy.
>>154619 That's an interesting style. Source?
>>154620 shadman
>>154621 So everything western is Shadman?
>>154622 Yes. Hence why you should kill them all. Not just the Shadmen or the Shadwomen, but also the Shadchildren.
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>>154607 That imp is absolutely fine.
>>154564 that's true of everything. basically any thing that was scary/dangerous immediately turns sexy as soon as it looks hot and wants to fuck you. my niece was freaked out by clowns when she was younger (just as I was). now she's into spooky/slutty clown stuff. pennywise harley quinn, the joker, killer clowns from outer space. i'll probably tell her to check out chrono cross (but I'm betting the remaster/port will suck) I was always a fan of 1960's batman TV joker. crazy how they would play that before cartoons on Saturday.
>>154625 >but I'm betting the remaster/port will suck If they fuck up Chrono Cross somehow that might just be the thing that finally kills me.
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>>154586 Thank you.
>>154626 they already fucked up on some of the remade textures and character portraits, I'm sure will attempt some censorship just like the FF8 remaster. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-z1YP6fHV58&t
>>154512 When Ukraine loses, its constitution will be amended to say it will never join any supranational union or host any other nation's weapons on its territory, under penalty of being invaded again. NATO is over for Ukraine, and NATO itself might finally be dismantled after all this, since it has now been proven that it doesn't have any intention of defending any "new" members. It should have been destroyed in 1992 when the USSR was dissolved, but since it only exists to create a single world government that was never going to happen. >>154514 The war has only been going on for three weeks, anon.
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>>154603 How will Russia counter this offer? By promising free Belorussian mail-order brides? Lifetime supply of Vodka for anyone who manages to steal a boat? Bring Akella back together and put out a new Sea Dogs game to commemorate your heroic exploits?
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>>154629 >Who is "they"? NATO wants Russia exterminated. Whoa whoa whoa, slow your roll Anon. NATO doesn't want Russia exterminated, they ran into that problem after the Soviet collapse and had to put on an elaborate puppet show displaying how wrongbadawful and superstrongscary Russia was. NATO wants Russia looking hostile and threatening, which is why it's spent the last three decades poking Russia with a stick, and walking NATO closer and closer while singing "I'm not touching you, I'm not touching you!" Russia is right where NATO wants her, positioned to scare the shit out of the populations of NATO countries so they clamour for more globohomo cock.
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liberal hegemony
Look all I want out of this war is the recorded sexfight between the female ruskie soldiers and the female ukrainian soldiers. So I can study their tactics of course.
>>154637 This isn't an MMA pornhub video.
>>154638 Oy vey I thought we were all about that female and Alphabet Soup representation. How dare you be so intolerant?
>>154639 You're right. How silly of me. This is the only way to resolve the conflict.
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>>154542 They tried to do the same thing as the Communist Party in the 30s, with Lincoln, Lenin and Stalin except smaller
>>154550 I thought the same
>>154550 On one hand, I saw actual women with manlier faces, on the other hand, considering the world we live in, you might be right.
>>154525 >>154537 Found a source in English once I decided to go into one of my pre-2000's encyclopedias and look up Ukraine, and searched for "Leonid Kravchuk nuclear". Here's an article from 2020 about it: https://archive.ph/B50YN >Among the most significant developments in Ukraine during Kravchuk’s tenure was denuclearization. At the time of the Soviet Union’s collapse, Ukraine found itself possessing the world’s third-largest nuclear arsenal, including roughly 1,900 strategic nuclear warheads. By 1994, Kravchuk had negotiated a series of agreements governing the removal of nuclear weapons from Ukraine to Russia, and Ukraine’s accession to arms control and non-proliferation treaties. In exchange for de-nuclearization, Ukraine received security guarantees from the United States and European allies enshrined in the Budapest Memorandum, signed in late 1994. Here's his excuse from 2017: https://archive.ph/OfRDe >Some MPs say about the returning nuclear status of Ukraine. What should we do with this? <From the very beginning, the question about the nuclear weapons is populist and manipulative. Now there is a manipulation with nuclear weapons. We could not leave nuclear weapon in Ukraine because it was made outside Ukraine, and the physical time of nuclear weapons due to expire in 1997. In 1998, nuclear warheads were dangerous for Ukraine - I do not know, it would be a Chernobyl or maybe something even worse. And it was the right decision. It is about the restoration of nuclear weapons. When this question was put in my time, we believed that the restoration of nuclear weapons requires US $ 45 billion, I think that today it is $ 100 billion. I do not know where these gentlemen can see that kind of money. In theory, the government can make nuclear weapons. If North Korea did, Ukraine could do this too. Even if we had that money, we should look at the reaction of the world. Then I was convinced that Europe and the United States strongly opposed the increase in the world's nuclear states map; and my mind has not changed. There was another reason why I have opposed the nuclear status. I believe that any weapon of mass destruction is not the main factor for peace. Peace is achieved without weapons.
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>>154647 I know that voice.
Watch out for GamerGate The public enemy of the world #1 It is the main hashtag responsible for… ☑ Accidentally re-starting the French Revolution ☑ Weaponized Gondolas ☑ Hacking German politicians and media ☑ Played "To Catch a Predator" with Randy Pickford ☑ Masterminded the destruction of GDQ via the Catfish of Legend: Namazu ☑ Under the light of the Blood Moon; Self-destructed Western Journalism by having a some kid smirk at a drumming savage ☑ Just wanted to start a conversation with everyone, everywhere, eternally ☑ Watched Gawker die TWICE ☑ Guilty of face crimes ☑ When GameStop tried to sell itself; offered $3.50 in in-store credit ☑ Made telling "journalists" to "learn to code" into a hate crime ☑ Taught the Alt-Right ✅Then harassed said Alt-Right ☑ Started in 2011-2012 when 4chan tried to steal Anita Sarkeesian's SSN# ☑ Created "Boner Culture" which made cis straight male erections the most powerful force on earth ☑ Had a Jewish Mobster 'Take Care' of it ☑ Asked THQ about gaemu which somehow triggered World Wide Web War III ☑ Tricked /cow/ into developing and sharing their fetish for Mark's plump bagel with ResetEra ☑ Triggered GJP3.0 with 57 hitpeices on THQ Nordic's AA ☑ Orchestrated the GaymerGay misogynist review backlash against Marvel's Captain Woman ☑ Taught New Zealand about "White Day" ☑ Radicalized Spyro the Dragon ☑ Turned Pewdiepie into the Osama Bin Ladin of GaymerGays ☑ "The nerds and gamers were joined by the proto-storm troopers of the alt-right in a bond that has never been broken" ☑ Was a trial run for "will the US tolerate fascist behavior" ☑ Exploring new frontiers in sexual harassment via Jelly Bean ☑ Groomed young impressionable politicians into misogynists ☑ Created and trained the alt-right to take over the political landscape on a global scale (And succeeded) ☑ Arranged for Sonic the Hedgehog (movie ver.) to get "fixed" ☑ Remains undefeated for all time ☑ Turned Rage 2 into a Trump-esque attack on game journos ☑ Joined forces with Amazon ☑ Helped Mark impress Resetera ☑ Used Elliot Rodger's martyrdom to unite 4Chan and Breitbart to elect Donald Trump ☑ Will be looked back upon in 50 years as the root cause of the coming Cultural Civil War ☑ Government-sponsored shitposting ☑ Mastered the manipulation of the news cycle to their advantage ☑ Made Anita cry when Feminist Frequency went broke ☑ Destroyer of Worlds ☑ Russian Conspiracies (all of them) ☑ Extended Reanon's death/meme-magic to animation studios (please meme responsibly) ☑ An instrument of American Trumpian Power Worldwide
[Expand Post]☑ Cured alleged "journalist" of dyslexic anxiety ☑ An aberrant, creeping horror ☑ As dangerous as Anti-Vax, ISIS, and Holocaust Denial ☑ Five years of ruining everything ☑ Came to the classroom ☑ Trained Google whistleblowers ☑ Never died and foreshadowed our toxic meme-strewn politics ☑ Blew up the Internet ☑ Made wanting challenge in videogames into supporting White Supremacy ☑ Was secretly fighting WWIII all along ☑ Stochastic Terrorism ☑ Being a national security threat according to the DHS ☑ Helped Mark win the lottery ☑ Gave the money back ☑ Living long enough to see itself become the villain in a TV Show THRICE ☑ Confused the FBI into thinking /v/ is /baphomet/ ☑ Turned Anita Sarkesian into a crazy cat lady ☑ It's #Gamergate Forever ☑ Justifiably felt alienated by the neoliberal fetishization of feminism and the reductionism of politics to identity teams ☑ Was rabidly pro-corporate ☑ Manipulated a SJWeeb into review-bombing a LGBTWTFBBQ-friendly game as a "test" ☑ Non-meat based cam girls ☑ Caused the Corona outbreak which destroyed China to cheer up a depressed CIA glownigger ☑ Digisexuals ☑ Called the cyber police to put a cripple in cyber jail ☑ Weaponizing decency ☑ Made the games industry a nightmare for Women, Colored People, and Ashley Burch ☑ The inevitable ultimate horror of Sega's "toxic" advertising for ChuChu Rocket ☑ Has the highest body count of any COVID-19 disinfo group ☑ Finally got the 8kun administration to get off their ass and answer the damn phone ☑ Searching for a new home (again) ☑ Made some /v/ hotpockets on other imageboards go insane ☑ Burned julay to the ground by doing basically fuck-all except continue to exist (props to a certain bunbunmaru reporter, tho) ☑ Having a high enough IQ to be mentioned on Rick and Morty ☑ Radicalized a grandmother to the point she promotes harassment against alleged games journalists ☑ Is the terrorist group backed by 'The French' who are behind President Trump's exhausting battle against twitter ☑ Protecting FUCKING GAMESTOP from looters ☑ Finally started the Race War by forcing a meth-head on a date with Corona-chan to take a knee to the neck from the police ☑ Confirmed for Baby Hitler ☑ Gave a lot of airtime to Soviet defector Yuri Bezmenov ☑ Got on the Atlantic's "free $100" van only to get intervewed ☑ Started a backlash against the French independent film industry because they want to raise pure little girls ☑ And then Russia wanted to shut down 8chan.moe to be ironic ☑ Was clearly a blueprint for Trump's online assault in 2016 ☑ A gravestone marked “Games Journalism; Dead By Suicide,” with the date of death corresponding with the launch of GG ☑ Took over the US capitol ☑ Funded by the GOP ☑ Using Reddit's radicalized nihilism to counter jews shorting FUCKING GAMESTOP ☑ Made Mark the Godfather of Gamergate ☑ Corrected Polygon on Titanfall lore ☑ Accidental meme magic discharge (R.I.P Miura) ☑ Planet-range racism field ☑ Not wanting people to put down the controller and talk about their feelings ☑ Destroyed the logic process of a bot wreaking havoc across multiple imageboards with just one simple trick ☑ Caused Blizzard executives to threaten their employees with rape ☑ Came to Alex Hutchinson's Defense ☑ Made Vivian a feminist symbol ☑ Grew to a geopolitical scale and spilled into real life with devastating consequences ☑ Got their own TV show ☑ Brandon’s First fan ☑ Gave birth to Qanon ☑ Is the precedent for /K/yle Rittenhouse ☑ Ruined people's brains by turning them into corporate bootlickers ☑ Created the concept of "Culture War"
>>154636 Go back to /monarchy/
>>154537 >nearly every web browser scrambling their search results has made finding shit Yeah. They way they are hiding/deleting information is criminal. I hope the blood of this people starts to pour out.
>>154532 >WWE is moving to EA FUCK THAT Just give it to THQNordic
>>154652 Or give THQNordic a licence to make a wrestling game focused in actually creating everything and everyone by your own. All modern wrestlers are shit and I only want to make my OCs.
>>154652 Give it to Human so they can merge it with FPW
>>154652 >THQNordic FUCK THAT Give it to Yuke's
>>154652 >>154653 >get WB to go bankrupt >let THQ nordic buy netherrealms >finally set ed boon free so he may get rid of danger hairs and get his old buddies from midway back >give them the license to make more crazy wrestlans
>>154652 >EA giving up FIFA >but getting WWE This is possibly the worst trade deal, in the history of trade deals.
>>154657 EA is likely desperate
>>154656 >>get WB to go bankrupt >let THQ nordic buy netherrealms <NOT having Dambuster make a F.E.A.R., Second Sight, and Timeplitters crossover
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What if Gachimuchi: The Wrestling Game?
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>>154658 Your turn.
>>154661 Desperate
>>154650 ??? What's that?
>>154663 Believe me, you don't want to know
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Hey guys you remember The Avengers game right? >>>/co/24002
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>>154665 I wonder how hard that will flop since all woke shit flops. What has me worried right now is that apparently the '93 x-men cartoon is getting a continuation, and i couldnt deal with watching that get pozzed.
>>154668 The X-men comics have been woke for a long time. Sadly in modern times, The X-men are now living on a hippy island sex commune as clones that are totally absolutely not just soulless clones who think they're the original people that died.
>>154665 >>154668 Well, this might be easily the death of the MCU the same way she was the death of Marvel Comics.
>>154669 Aren't they also psychopaths that are way worse than Magneto ever was?
>>154669 >>154671 Don't forget the hippie cunt who kills random convenience store clerks just because she saw a turtle cough up a plastic bag with the logo of said store.
>>154672 And then drives off in a bike, which means she's also a massive hypocrite?
>>154669 Oh i dont care about the current year, that war is lost, but the old cartoon was x-men at its finest, id argue evolution is fine too. >>154670 Stop it anon! My penis can only get so erect. >>154671 Wich defeats the entire point of the x-men, they are mutants being heroes to clean the name of mutants and protect people from evil mutants.
>>154670 Arguably the death of marvel comics began post 2011 with Secret Invasion. That was the point where things got really stupid. >>154671 >>154672 Oh yes there was a mutant girl that was an eco terrorist that murdered a man over plastic hurting a sea turtle. The guy was just a cashier. While not psychotic, as a character, there's also the mutant girl who poops ice cream that's TOTALLY NOT the artists barely disguised fetish.
>>154675 Well, it's not the same dying than being dead. This abomination started the actual trent of selling books below the cancelation threshold and still go on.
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>>154676 Carol Manvers came first so you can blame her moreso. Then there's the real nail in the coffin that's Whor.
>>154677 What was first? Whor or Ms Muslim?
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>>154678 Kamala.
>>154664 I searched and it described liberal hegemony as us foreign policy of promoting liberalism and installing democracies by bombings, I don't know what's different about this
>>154668 Her & the Evo Rogue were the best; X-men was always about identity politics, social political commentary as muties are treated as a "whole new race" which is absolute peak frigging autism in my eyes. Flipside we got some fuckable looking girls, some with decent personalities barring all modern interpretations honestly
>>154672 >>154673 >>154675 Seriously? They wrote that as sympathetic character? I'm curious to see it, but a part of me would rather not. >>154677 >thor image <Yay for amazing writing, yay for beautiful art and yay for Thor: Goddess of Thunder What kind of subhuman wrote this.
>>154493 Cattle being cattle. I live comfortably in my home, laughing at their deaths.
>>154681 Yeah, but it wasnt a shit message, the x-men tried really hard to save everyone and protect the mutants, if that meant they had to fight other mutants because they were violent niggers that kept making things worse for everyone. The equivalent would be a group of black people in the segregation era fighting off both the violent nigger and the klan while trying to improve the life of the common man to make things better.
>>154684 What magical place do you live in? I'm merely joking but my point still stands.
>>154685 Im not saying its realistic, im saying thats what the x-men are supposed to be.
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>>154682 It's also conveniently in Marvel's mobile comic division so you get wonder panel layouts like this. A shill obviously wrote it. No one with writing standards actually reads & judges comics fairly.
>>154678 Ms Muslim was just an additional dumb element that came as a result of Carol Danvers becoming Captain Marvel, though. They needed a new Ms. Marvel, and since they already decided Danvers was going to be the epitome of SJWism, they couldn't have her replacement be anything less. The worst part is that Danvers was a well liked character for decades, with interesting history and relationships and flaws, and she was there in Captain Marvel stories since the start, so it could make a degree of sense to have her become the new Captain Marvel, but it doesn't make sense to have her personality change 100%. Also, it's stupid to have her change her name to Captain Marvel after decades of being Ms. Marvel, including decades after Mar-Vell died. If she became the new Captain Marvel shortly after, that would make sense, but no, it was well established that she wasn't called Ms. Marvel as some sort of lower (military) rank. She was called Ms. Marvel because that was her own identity that she forged for herself. It is insulting to her old self to imply that she is somehow being promoted by changing her name to Captain Marvel. She was never seen as lesser before, and it's only SJWs that saw her as lesser once they started looking. They turned Ms. Marvel, not just Khan, but retroactively Danvers, into Captain Marvel's sidekick, when decades of Danvers acting independently as Ms. Marvel, after the death of Mar-Vell, made that ridiculous. Ridiculous from a continuity standpoint, from a character standpoint, and even from a standpoint of trying to push feminist messaging. But of course, feminists just want things to complain about, so as soon as they achieve any of their goals, they immediately do an about-face and start saying that the goal they just achieved was sexist after all (which is usually true, because their intents are sexist) and now they need to go back. But they pretend that what they're doing isn't regressive, because they just pretend the past never happened, despite their constant references to it being sexist. The sheer doublethink drives me insane, and partially because as a comicsfag, I'm already maddened by contradictions. Feminists need a Crisis on Infinite Cunts to iron out the Mxyzptlk-level of contradictions under which they operate. But at a certain point you just have to realize that they're really just out to control and destroy. They're not Mxyzptlk, they're the Anti-Monitor.
>>154687 And that terrorist haven't been killed horribly and painfully yet. They managed to do what all the X Men villains didn't manage to do, make the regular guy hate mutants and want to see them exterminated. >>154688 Not even another Secret Invasion where EVERYONE is a skrull can save this shit.
>>154686 I know, I know it's why I cracked my joke. >>154687 Man it's so funny, horrible & lacks any self awareness all together.
>>154689 Probably because Magneto, while extreme, really do just want his people to be able to live free. He's wrong going about it the way he does but his motivations are relatable. This bitch killed a man working minimum wage at a grocery store over a random sea turtle.
>>154688 Just reset everything to before civil war. >>154691 Magneto wanted to pull off a latveria but for mutants, be it genosha or asteroid M, just a place where mutants can fuck off to and he can be the benevolent ruler of, you cant really blame him for that.
>>154691 Oh, and don't forget about the police dog betraying the people who loved and took care of him in exchange to revegen a turtle. All this retards see nature like some stupid Disney movie but evil instead of a chaotic ecosystem where everyone eats everyone. And dogs in particular are more human than animal comparing them to the wild animals.
>>154692 Exactly. >>154693 Human bad! Nature good! Check your privilege!
>>154692 Doesn't Magneto have humans in some of his countries? I may be thinking Doom though >>154693 >the dog betraying those Hey post that I wanna see it.
>>154695 Dont know if magneto, but dr. doom just has the people of latveria whatever the fuck they may be, hes the ruler of his country, wich is dope because hes a fucking techno-sorceror.
>>154696 Didn't Dr Doom turn into some sort of nice guy? Or they rebooted that because they ran out of ideas?
>>154696 Doom is also quite benevolent to his own people at least in some of the stuff I've seen but he's still a giant dickhead 90% of the time to anyone else.
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>>154698 Well wouldnt you be a dick when you country spent most of its existence getting glowniggered, you step up to fix its shit and make it a prosperous place and now the glows want to fuck you over for the sake of democracy? He has one major problem, and that is that he really, REALLY wants that invisible girl pussy.
>>154699 >and that is that he really, REALLY wants that invisible girl pussy. I mean, don't you? A man needs bitches at some point in his life.
>>154699 If comics weren't such shit, Wakanda would be conquered & taken over permanently by Doom who would actually make the world a better place with it's technology. Just to fuck over Reed.
>>154699 What do you expect from the fucking CIA of all things? In 2099 he pretty much rules the world, confirmed undying >>154701 Anyone could take that shithole at anytime & do something else with it. They're black/african so it's a do not do shit with these faggots.
>>154701 >Just to fuck over Reed. Yup, pretty much sums it up, i like dr doom because thats the kind of bullshit he does. >>154703 Excellent. >>154702 Speaking of 2099, in the new spider-verse trailer, when miguel shows up to beat miles, a little bit of the main theme of spider-man unlimited plays, that was a nice addition.
>>154704 >Miguel beats the half nigger/spic while being half spic himself I hate the spiderverse because focus on the worst thing ever made Miles Morales. They have so many fucking universes & they choose the dumb nigger? Come on now but it's Sony so I'm not even miffed anymore
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>>154704 Now let's bring in Reed's real nemesis. Plastic Man.
>Tokyo Mew Mew Artist Ikumi Mia Dies at 42 https://archive.is/eKdA8 rip
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>>154707 Damn. That's too young. What a horrible way to go.
>>154702 >In 2099 he pretty much rules the world, confirmed undying Didn't the 2099 comic start with him waking up from cryo and no one knowing who he is?
>>154709 I'm unsure as I only really saw him in Spiderman 2099; In 2099 all of the major heroes are remembered including Spidermang no surprise Doot man got forgotten.
>>154689 >Not even another Secret Invasion where EVERYONE is a skrull can save this shit. Honestly I do still think it would be possible to redeem the Marvel universe, but only from a storytelling standpoint, not from a financial standpoint. I can't imagine them ever regaining the readership they actively and hatefully turned away. But all that said, what if they actually acknowledged that Danvers and the X-Men became supervillains? If Danvers became the new big bad of the Marvel universe, like Parallax was supposed to be for DC, only it would be better because Parallax was a sudden thing, while Danvers operated as she has now for years without stories acknowledging it. But if they finally had someone stand up and acknowledge it, it could be powerful. Maybe Tony Stark would be the most powerful, since she fucking killed him, and there was even an issue where the clone that's running around now admitted he knows he isn't even the real one, that the real one was killed. Rogue would have to be another important character here. She feels extreme guilt for basically killing Danvers years earlier, and for the years when Danvers literally lived inside her mind, but due to this deep connection, Rogue understands that Danvers does have a seed of terrible evil inside her. And not sci-fi evil, but Rogue would know better than anyone that Danvers has elements of extreme narcissism and sociopathy. But Rogue would never have condemned Danvers for it before, because we all have darkness inside us, and Rogue, being a former villain, knows better than anyone that we also all have good, and people must be given a road to redemption. And due to her history with Danvers, she didn't want to admit that something had to be done about her. But Danvers has gone much too far. She needs to be stopped. (I can hardly imagine what could be worse than the shit she has already pulled, but have her do some new thing to cause a big conflict again.) From an artistic point of view, Danvers needs to die for her crimes. There is no way she could be forgiven after just going to jail. But of course it's a sci-fi universe and killing someone like Danvers wouldn't feel meaningful anyway. No, the most powerful end for her would probably be for Rogue to absorb her again, because this would be a massive sacrifice for Rogue as well, but one that she understands needs to be done. Tony Stark still wants to find another way, to imprison his former teammate, despite the fact that she killed him, but maybe when Danvers is about to kill him again, that's what finally makes Rogue use her final option. And yes, this leaves the door open for Danvers to return some day, the same way she did last time Rogue absorbed her, but in the meantime there can be years of stories with Rogue dealing with this supervillain living in her mind, and maybe, little by little, Danvers can start to be won over by Rogue and the things she experiences, and become less and less evil. But frankly, I don't think there would ever be a point when she could redeem herself enough to come back to life and become a good guy again. What could they do? One idea I've heard tossed around is to say that the Kree DNA she had implanted has slowly been becoming more dominant and taking her over, so what we have now isn't even the real Carol, but perhaps the mind of the Kree whose DNA she has. But no, that's too close to Parallax. It might be better than Parallax, but it's too close. And again, Parallax really only did one story where he did really bad stuff. If he did more, I don't know if even sacrificing himself then becoming a literal agent of God in an attempt to redeem himself, then saying he was possessed by a space bug the whole time anyway, and then following with several more years of redemption stories and having other heroes possessed by the same space-bug could have redeemed him. I don't think swapping Parallax for evil Kree DNA is a good option for dealing with Danvers. So no, I would have Rogue absorb her again, and then do years of stories with Danvers being in her head, only now it's like a supervillain is in her head, and Rogue has to deal with that. But slowly Rogue starts to convert Danvers back to the good side, but even when she becomes completely good again, she can't come back to life. She has to do something to sacrifice herself, perhaps to save Rogue, or maybe even more impactfully, Tony Stark. Maybe she secretly spends years becoming more powerful, to take over Rogue's body, and she is enacting some plan to get her old body back, and the audience and other characters think it's going to be the return of one of the most dangerous supervillains of all time, but actually she is doing it so she can sacrifice herself to save Tony Stark from some other even more major villain. Maybe Rogue was going to sacrifice herself instead (partially because she lives with even more guilt now than before) but Danvers stops her in order to save her. Of course then you'd need a villain even bigger than Danvers, and I can hardly imagine what that would even be. It would need to be some major cosmic-level shit. Something related to the Kree, I suppose. Meanwhile, after Danvers is defeated (by Rogue or whatever), they could have The (new) Champions realize that Danvers essentially turned them into her child army of brownshirts. Imprisoning, maiming, and killing people for thoughtcrime. And they can't live with the guilt of things like Khan crippling her friend for his thoughts that what she and Danvers were doing was wrong. Disappearing into the ether isn't enough because they can't live with themselves. The only way they can live with themselves is through trying to make up for their evil deeds by being real heroes. But the world hates and fears them, and unlike the original era of the X-Men, this hate and fear is justified, and they know it. But they have no other choice. What little morality they have left won't let them do anything else than try to do actual good now.
And of course the X-Men, as usual, are off doing their own shit, but it needs to be acknowledged that they've become the worst parts of Magneto but amplified. How could they deal with this in a way that hasn't been done already? Psychic control is too cliche for a series revolving around the most famous psychic guy in comics. Aliens? Did the Kree or Shi'ar do it? Can't do Skrulls because Marvel has already used that excuse way too many times. Maybe some alternate timeline stuff? Something to do with the Age of Apocalypse characters overlapping with the main continuity versions? Maybe it's some long con thing where Magneto went back in time to influence Jean Grey from before the young versions of the X-Men came to the present, which could explain how Jean could become so evil that she would use her powers to turn Iceman gay. Because we know Iceman wasn't gay because we could literally read his thoughts for 50 years. Maybe the best course of action would be to tie it in with Carol Danvers. Maybe she planted this seed of SJW evil in young Marvel Girl right after she arrived in the present, knowing that its effects would ripple out and destroy the already faltering morals of the X-Men. And she needed to do it, because if anyone was going to stop Danvers' quest to imprison, maim, and kill people over identity politics, it would be the X-Men. But okay, we can use that excuse for why they became so evil. How do they get better, though? Maybe Magneto finds out that they've all been manipulated by this filthy human. No, even worse, this filthy human manipulated a poor mutant child. This isn't what's best for mutant-kind, they're just being manipulated by their oppressors yet again. But when he tries to wake everyone up, Cyclops just kills him. Execution style, with a pretense of a court case. Seeing mutants running him through a kangaroo court only reinforces to Magneto how low mutants have fallen. To the level of humans. It also just reinforces how naive the X-Men are, as they always have been. But Wolverine has doubts. He couldn't do anything to stop Cyclops, and he knows it. And maybe Magneto did deserve it for other things, but this starts him on his quest to slowly and covertly begin a resistance against Cyclops. Things would probably have to come down to some sort of war, and maybe it would be too simple or cliche to just have Cyclops die, but even if he's just imprisoned, it would be a very long time before he could be redeemed. Also, at some point Spider-Man needs to get his daughter back from Mephisto. But that's a separate issue. And the SJW shit needs to be sorted out before adding May to the main universe again, otherwise she would just be ruined even harder than they can already do in alt-universe stuff.
>>154562 My ID might have changed but I'm the same guy Yeah it really shows. I don't even like fascism, but I still put it above the Nazi masturbatory faggotry.
>>154708 That almost sounds like what killed Miura.
>>154711 >>154712 There's two options: 1. Take over Disney and ignore the no fun police 2. Wait for Disney to sell off Marvel.
>>154715 >>154493 >Like a lot of dudes there have experience and really wanted to shape the battlefield and impact their advance, but ultimately they're manning frontline positions that are going to get hammered with artilery and airstrikes <volunteer cannon fodder wants to have a say in the conduct of the war I wonder if they were purposellystationed here by the Ukrainians in the hope of being attacked for the narrative.
>>154716 The gasoline drop.
>>154544 >he can't handle benis back to cuckchan
>>154721 Its not benis, is the same hyperfuta faggotry the same faggot keeps posting all the time.
>>154722 So... benis?
on a positive note, it seems Funimation is being absorbed as a company, sucked into Crunchyroll at Sony's behest, which hopefully ends up dying on its own too
>>154717 Both of those options seem less realistic than just waiting for the characters to become public domain. Captain America is coming up soon. Superman and Batman before him (but that's DC). But the problem is that the actual later stories wouldn't become public domain. In a few years we can reference that Namor and The Human Torch (Jim Hammond, not Johnny Storm) know each other, but that would pretty much be the extent of Marvel continuity that could actually be used until the 2050s and 2060s, and all the real autistic shit would be even later than that. Disney will never sell. They'll keep it just to stop someone else from having it. Maybe they'll license the rights to make comics to some other company, but I wouldn't expect that other company to be much better. It's not like they'd license it to anyone good.
>>154725 While I'm the type of guy who thinks stories & characters should be creator owned, it's for the best that comics go public domain when the companies don't give a shit about them. There's no integrity or basic story structure there. Batman doesn't have the same sanctity of Frodo Baggins.
>>154726 The problem that's happening to Lord of the Rings is that it is under copyright so when Amazon shits out their bastardized version, they'll have a monopoly on new Lord of the Rings material. If it was public domain, you'd have plenty of other people making their own, and Amazon's would be lost in a sea of shit, while the few good materials would rise to the top, just as happens with Dracula or Frankenstein or Sherlock Holmes. With capeshit, we are very close to the earliest characters becoming public domain, but the people who care don't just care about the basic first appearance versions, but the long autistic continuities that developed over decades. Let's say someone wants to continue Marvel as if the SJW shit never happened. Gonna have to wait until 2110 before you're allowed. And the autistic shit I typed out for fixing SJW Marvel would have to wait until the day they stop publishing, plus 95 years.
>>154729 Yeah but it doesn't mean the sea of shit is a good thing either. Plus Amazon only bought the rights to the Peter Jackson movies & 3 poems. Not the actual books. Especially not The Silmarillion. Since this is a prequel, they can't even use any of the Peter Jackson material. Well here's the thing. Most people don't read comics. Most people never read comics. Most people only know these characters because of merchandising, cartoons, & movies. They don't care about any continuity & frankly any former comic book readers who'd love to get their hands on this shit should care either. At least not the marvel continuity of shit when you're free to write any history you want.
>>154733 Hi Luciano
>>154731 >Yeah but it doesn't mean the sea of shit is a good thing either. Meh. I don't care. Frankenstein, Dracula, and Sherlock Holmes have excellent source materials. I am a big fan of all three. I don't care about the many terrible adaptations they've all had. But if copyrightfags had their way, Nosferatu would have had all of its copies destroyed, and Castlevania would never exist. The Amazon Lord of the Rings shit will be slightly annoying, and it will be more annoying than otherwise because they'll have a monopoly. I'll ignore it like I do with modern capeshit, but it would be even less annoying if others were allowed to make their own versions. It's not like they could ever override Tolkien's original works. Even Jackson's first three films, as beloved as they are, still only drive more people to read the novels, rather than overwriting them. A bad adaptation will certainly never overwrite the novels. But that would be even less of a concern if anyone could make their own adaptation, rather than only getting one whenever the SJWs in charge decide they want to spite Tolkien's legacy again. >They don't care about any continuity & frankly any former comic book readers who'd love to get their hands on this shit should care either. Yeah but those people aren't likely to make good adaptations if they don't know or understand the stories they're adapting anyway. We'd just get more shit like we did before X-Men, when most capeshit movies consisted practically of OCs, and even characters who shared names frequently had little to do with the source material. Aside from Batman and Superman movies, that was the rule for the 20th century. Then again, I do love the Incredible Hulk tv show. So I'd be fine with people trying their hand at their own casual adaptations. I can ignore the ones I don't like, and someone else can do the more autistic ones. >At least not the marvel continuity of shit when you're free to write any history you want. Marvel's history is generally tighter than DC's. DC is the one that has sci-fi reasons to have history change every now and then. But true autists know both are actually very tight continuities and that's what makes modern SJWs disregarding the history (and the personalities and relationships that come with that history) even more annoying.
https://odysee.com/@3DPrint:1/m-p-shield-3d-printed:3 Please turn off that pesky add block when browsing Odysee anons. >>154603 So commandeering Russian fishing boats Somalian warlord style with 3D printed M&P's is basically legal now? Well shit, that could be interesting...
>>154736 >and Castlevania would never exist. I'd take that loss if it means Netflix never got their hands on it. I get what you're saying though. True true on both fronts.
>>154614 >>154737 I've heard lefty ideology require a painstakingly-constructed inorganic denial of reality which is why they cannot create memes but instead walls of text.
>>154738 >turn of- no.
>>154740 Memes and symbolism in general work by inherently recognizing things. When you have to use doublethink to override what your eyes see, that doesn't work.
>>154740 Communism is a Hegelian cult, most of dictatorships in the world were leftist to begin with and all of them follow a similar philosophical developments.
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>>154741 I strongly urge you to reconsider anon, it really is pesky that add block is. In all seriousness though while all adds are annoying Odysee's isn't anywhere near as bad as "You"Tube or Yahoo's, not by a long shot.
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>>154738 I want to fuck a mouse
>>154744 I don't care about YT ads since I use invidious instances
>>154746 >I don't care about YT ads since I use invidious instances Same and even if I did need to go to YT main I'd have Ublock and Noscript enabled, I want Odysee however to grow as a strong alternative though since they have a chance to do what Bitchute failed to accomplish because fuck "You"Tube ///Goolag\\\ and (((Alphabet .inc))) for basically ruining the internet. >>154745 >I want to fuck a mouse We all do anon.
>>154539 I'm retard. What the "Z" stands for? I'm neither going to google it or watch the news regarding this war circus.
>>154748 Zombies, like all communists are.
>>154748 Its a symbol russian units are using in ukrain to avoid team-killing since the russians and ukranians use similar equipment.
>>154738 >Please turn off that pesky add block when browsing Odysee anons Or use Librarian frontend with Redirector for links and embed videos and LBRY app for vids that are not on Odysee.
>>154748 I was wondering the same for a while then found pic related on Anon.cafe. Here's the specific thread it's from, lots of war webms too of course. https://anon.cafe/k/res/27174.html#27597
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>>154750 Thanks for explaining. It's because whenever I see that "Z", I think about GTA2's Zaibatsu.
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>>154641 CHECKED >>154705 >I hate the spiderverse because focus on the worst thing ever made Miles Morales Same dubsman, I hate how hard Marvel pushes that annoying Mary Sue and the normalfags who have never read a comic book who think he's a cool character solely because of the Spiderverse movie. >>154707 Rest in peace.
>>154714 What's with manga artists and dying of aunerisms?
>>154755 Overwork & poor health?
>>154756 Pretty much. The only 2 manga artist that appear to have become wealthy and influential enough to avoid being overworked to death are toriyama and araki.
>>154757 I was going to say Oda, but he's always sick. Do you think he would make anything after One Piece?
>>154757 Well Toriyama stopped actually making the manga. He's just the idea writer man now. Araki is a vampire so he doesn't count.
>>154759 What about the author of Ranma? She's the richest mangaka in history and she looks healthy.
>>154760 Does she still make manga?
>>154761 I believe she retired, but I'm just guessing.
>>154762 Well, unless she is directly involved in the Inuyasha sequel.
>>154758 Oda is constantly sick because he overworks HIMSELF; he'll definitely make more shit provided he survives One Piece. >>154761 Last i heard she's doing a series called Mao, which is a bit more somber than the rest of her works from what i've read. I think the only thing she's done that i really loved was Ranma, though.
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>>154759 >Araki is a vampire so he doesn't count. Hes too powerfull and glamorous to be a lowly vampire, hes some kind of perpetual being that goes through the world with the objective to influence male fashion.
>>154765 I know in Gintama they called him an "immortal fairy", so maybe Araki is one of the Fae Folk.
>>154764 I guess she counts as an active mangaka who's healthy then. >>154765 Maybe some sort of alien? Maybe that's why he loves all genres of music & bizarre european fashion so much.
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>>154766 So araki knows where cirno is? We must quest to japan, gentlemen. >>154767 Maybe mikitaka was his way of telling us the truth.
>>154711 >>154712 None of that solves the REAL problem with the comics though: Who is going to read 60+ years of autism that's spread across hundreds series, and have a story? <''But you don't have to read "all" of those to understand the story. Then why not just scrap everything as start anew? OR just make original characters that have no ties to any other series that are "totally not rip-offs" of major characters and make your own independent stories. <But, specific stories can "only" be told with certain characters. That's you being hypocritical (Because you're saying that people don't need to read all of the autism in the comics, and then reversing that statement and stating that you absolutely need this character because of all this autism that you just stated was non-important) and your lack of imagination. Look at some of the story suggestions made in the Batman thread: >>>/c/23840 >Since we're on the subject of Batman, here's one way I just thought of a few nights ago. Have it where Bruce first starts out being an aimless generic thug who takes his anger (Of his parent's murder) out on the world in the usual ways people see (Getting into fights, being suicidal in his actions, etc.). Then have it confronted to him that the absolutely LAST thing his parents would have wanted their surviving son to do would be to cause the world the same, if not more, pain he felt over their loss. So, he tries to clean himself up, use his vast wealth for philanthropic purposes and to make technology to make Gotham better and safer, however it's all thrown back in his face because the problems in Gotham stem far deeper than money can solve. So, using that big brain of his as a result of that prep school education, he starts turning into an amateur detective to connect the various people who are causing problems around the city. He brings info to the police and the courts, but is effectively branded a conspiracy nut and ignored. So, he resolves take care of everything himself, dons the cowl to create some disconnect between himself and the Batman, and modifies the tech he's already released to create his various gadgets. >>>/c/23862 >Here's another idea, after his parent's death Bruce joins the police, because he is still naive enough to think that by doing so he will protect the innocent and stop criminals. As the story progresses, he notices that a lot of cops take bribes, all the gangsters he arrests are set free the next day, his colleagues hate him, and some of them, won't chase a criminal, because its his "lunch break". Jim is the only one that respects and helps him,l however the two of them are not enough. Bruce then quits the force, and become the Batman, using what he learned in Police Academy(Judo) to fight criminals, but still use standard police protocol to subdue them and hand them over to Jim. It might create a more interesting dynamic. Not sure if this has ever been done. Two great ideas right there that would make great series. And, it would actually be better if those ideas removed the Batman mythos and started out on their own because: >>>/c/23853 >That's really good idea, but then his parents' death should occur when he is older. However, being former delinquent is Terry' thing, not Bruce. >>>/c/23926 >IMHO it's still too young, not much of serious things can be done by most kids at these ages. >I think the idea that he will be the head of gang works better rather than him picking fights on his own which could be directly traced to him and cause troubles for him. Bruce is too calculated and I don't see him having a short temper, he is also very smart and manipulative. So all in all, it makes more sense and that way keeps the differentiation between him and Terry. But in all honesty, I wouldn't want this as rewrite/retcon of Bruce' story before handing the cowl to Terry, it should be separated and being part of solo story of Bruce. This could give really interesting angle to Bruce' twisted personality that could be explored. >The only thing Terry has in common fuck epilogue, and no I'm not going to argue about that pile of shit in this thread with Bruce, is, unfortunately, being a shit boyfriend, but that's for the most part easily fixable. And speaking of shit boyfriends and trying to improve Bruce' badly written character, I think he should either have one love interest or be a wizard instead of being a manwhore and fugging his enemies. Or at least, as I've said before, should have consequences to his actions like Damian being evil instead of mini bruceshit that manages to be somehow even more insufferable. >If he does it, you need to take into account that he would have to leave the Wayne mansion and not run his family company...I don't see Bruce giving up on those from his own will (as the mansion hold memories from his time with his family and the company is the legacy of his family). So unless you make an outside factor to make Bruce lose these and then become poorfag Batman (that could be quite innovative and interesting), this idea won't work. The TL;DR version is that you would have to change so much about the character of "Batman" for the concept of those theorized stories to work that he might as well not be Batman altogether. But, all of that is also missing another key aspect, which is that none of the comics have any cheescake anymore. As soon as they return to having lewds in comics again is the day the writing will also improve as well.
>>154768 >elves are fae >aliens in jojo look like elves >araki confirms space elves are real & he is one in disguise Fellas....
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>>154771 >araki confirms space elves are real & he is one in disguise I hope he isnt the dark space elf variant.
>>154772 No Warhammer is too gay for him.
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<According to someone, this was the schedule that Yoshihiro Togashi (Yu Yu Hakusho, HxH) created when he making manga back in the 90's.
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>>154759 Important question, does Toriyama still draw the art designs for Dragon Quest games? I couldn't bear to lose these semon daemons to some wishy washy second rate artist. >>154716 >>154720 That's a sneaky one, but he's 100% right
>>154773 Oh you cheeky fuck.
>>154775 Says he's the artist for Echoes of the Elusive Age so presumably he's still part of the team going forward. Even if he retires completely, they'll still ape his style.
>>154493 It's hard not to respond with a Luciano post. Many people already have, including the man himself.
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>>154778 Oh shit.
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>>154778 >>154779 You knew exactly what you were doing, you faggot.
>>154780 It was a coincidence. Anyway, the real one is coming up...
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>Only going to make one post >Doesn't insult Mark at all ONE JOB
>>154783 that meme came and went nigga we gotta start investing in funcoland now
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>>154787 >Wojack.
>>154787 >soyjak >pushing reddit cancer theories about stocks Please fulfill your promise already and fuck off nigger.
>>154783 Hi GME bro So when you gonna post your fluffy twink hair?
The GME guy and some of the recent posters are herdniggers. Do not respond to the derail.
>>154794 It's always funny that western otaku have written 3d girls off as absolute sluts and want 2d to be pure, but Japs insist on 3d girls pretending to be pure then make 2d the biggest slut whores around.
>>154798 >What the fuck is a "herdnigger" and why should anyone care. Lurk more.
I am beyond the point of caring about any of this. X-Men, Welcome to Die!!!!!! Hahahahaha.
>>154801 Lurk more.
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>>154803 I'm going to miss Goh.
>>154803 More like vidya gaymes.
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>>154807 >tfw no anons to play games with >tfw never getting to help relieve their gaming rage with blowjobs >tfw never getting gangbanged by sweaty musky cocks till they finish on my face
>>154774 Here's a more convenient translation I had saved.
>>154808 Take a break from the internet.
>>154811 Are you offering, anon?
>>154812 yeah whatever, i'm suffering from insomnia for two weeks now and i don't even know what's real and what isn't
>>154813 You think that's the internet you're using? Anon you're just sitting in front of your tv off. This is all in your head.
>>154813 Light up a fatty
>once again we have to sit through faggots posting their shit followed by the hyperfaggot that pretends that he doesnt get off to penises the size of a woman
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>>>/h/3652 Come to my /h/ thread to not post homosex Please stop posting homosex on /v/
>>154826 Water, anything else will fucking kill you from the boxed/canned food's sodium.
>>154827 Noone wants to see your disgusting shit either, youre only making the situation worse EVERY TIME.
>>154827 That's the gayest shit ever.
>>154826 I drink dark coffee and you should too, no sugar. Pretty good.
>>154826 Gwen tee >>154833 Plain black coffee is nice too sometimes but only on occasions as it always makes me shit some 40 minutes afterwords.
>>154824 that one with rainbow shirt on the right is that a male or female it looks like a god damn guy wearing wig
>>154836 It's a kid so it could be either frankly; nose makes it look like an octoroon though
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>>154824 I'll follow your approach and shill the threads for homosex since that's what is "active" at the moment: >>>/sm/1668 - random vidya shotas >>>/sm/2802 - NSFW Link thread >>>/sm/4328 - Splatoon >>>/sm/5629 - Pokemon boys >>>/sm/7539 - Undertale/Deltarune >>>/sm/9303 - SFW Link thread >>>/cb/2575 - cute boys from vidya Bonus: >>>/h/612 - vidya girls >>>/fur/11 - furry vidya characters (doesn't specify gender, so there may be surprise benises there) Enjoy playing with the joystick I guess ¯\_ (ツ)_/¯
(1.75 MB 480x360 Showtime - Undertale.mp4)

>>154838 Cancer
Mark wtf are you doing? You only needed to delete a few posts, not nuke half the thread... Please restore my posts, thanks.
>>154839 Here's another Undertale thread I forgot to include :^) >>>/fur/1368
Thanks mods for doing your jobs and cleansing the thread of homoposting.
>>154772 >pic oh no I hope it has a happy ending.
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>>154836 Def an ugly female kid. Back in those days you didn't see actual boys with hair to their necks.
>>154649 You win.
>>154846 you lose
>>154848 but you didn't win the grand prize
>>154808 Is that the actual voicework from the game? I might have to play it now just for how adorable that sounds. No wonder Klonoa attracted so much porn.
>>154850 Klonoa attracted porn because he's an androgynous furry character.
>>154851 The voice definitely played a part though. Just listen to it.
>>154770 Expanding on that concept, >Bruce joins the force and promptly runs into the inner workings of the Gotham Police Union >He witnesses officers abusing their constitutional protections by selectively claiming ignorance of the law and their lack of legal obligation to preserve citizens’ lives for their own self-gain. >There is a heavy emphasis on the benefits over duty and contempt for “civilians” in the conversations he strikes up with his peers, and over time a rift develops and his coworkers start to pick on him, as they see his concern for the public’s health a “luxury” he can afford due to his inheritance and a means of asserting his “elitism” over them. >One day, he ends up privy to his coworkers plotting an illegal strike (since Gotham is heavily inspired by Chiraq, this is evocative of the “blue flu”). When he tries to whistleblow on this, he ends up on the union’s shitlist and they revoke his benefits and assign him overtime and graveyard shifts as “punishment.” He see a number of citizens killed as a result of this willful inaction, sparking the impetus for him to quit the force and become a vigilante. As other posters have stated in the thread, fuck the niggerverse concept (((Warner Bros./Discovery))), I want to see new IPs with genuine contributions to our zeitgeist instead of recursive fanfiction and agitprop (although to be frank my suggestions are peak “soshul cumminterry.”) >>154765 I honestly wonder if his secret is just using somatropin to slow his aging. It seems like the simplest explanation and yet it is an obscure one to the normalfag. It’s not like he does competitive sports and he has the stature and assets to afford it. >>154614 It’s not just Retardditors, it’s normalfags in general. We’re at a point in history where people in “developed nations” have more simulated synthetic experiences than actual ones, and can’t tell that reality isn’t satire and satire isn’t reality. Their minds are in an infantile state due to lack of eustress factors from modern civilization and tend to prioritize subjects that are not very substantial like this thread, I just can’t find myself enjoying vidya discussion when so many are suffering and evil is about. I honestly express a lot of disgust just how little regard for human life Americans have, from how they’re treating the conflict like a water cooler conversation instead of fixing their goddamn nation and reclaiming it from the coup. Maybe it’s just me being too compassionate, but I actually find this sad. If this person turned his gun on Congress he would do his countrymen more good than falling for their manipulations. inb4 glowie but honestly 99% have demonstrated through their actions they would damn their constituents, there are only 1 to 3 congressmen I would leave unpunished I do get incensed at how arrogant and puffed-up Amerilards are as coddled manchildren slowly realizing their living standards are declining because they allowed their rights to be taken away, and in a dark way, want consequences to carry out so they can experience actual discipline. But at the same time, most of this nonsense is genuinely none of their business, yet they comply with a geriatric puppet’s wishes.
>>154852 by that metric you should want to fuck anything with a cute voice up to an including random appliances
Can you faggots keep your sex drives under control?
>>154697 >Didn't Dr Doom turn into some sort of nice guy? Yeah , there was a period of time when Doom decided to go around as Iron Man (Infamous Iron Man). >>154712 >Maybe Magneto finds out that they've all been manipulated by this filthy human. Magneto's drinking the Krakoa island kool-aid too. Check this out: >>>/co/21761
>>154843 The guardsman survives and gets an eldar stalker but he just wants to kill xenos for the emperor.
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>>154850 >Is that the actual voicework from the game? Yes.
>>154858 He stays true to the Emperor? Well. No bullet for now, but the inquisition is watching.
>>154862 I came.
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>>154864 Please don't lewd the fluffy boy, at least not this one.
>>154865 That's next to impossible
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60+ Major Companies Join HRC Urge Texas Governor Abbott & Elected Leaders Across the Country to Abandon Anti-Transgender Efforts Electronic Arts, Gearbox, Microsoft and Meta among them https://archive.ph/pQA59 https://hrc-prod-requests.s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/assets/DallasMorningNews_ad_030922final2-1.pdf
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>>154866 what about this one tho
>>154867 >Ben & Jerry's This one always gets me.
>>154867 I give the Governor a week before he breaks to preserve his Career of being a Politician, or has an unfortunate (((accident))).
>>154867 I hate gay people.
>>154867 Wow its most of the companies I cannot fucking stand. Except what the fuck is phillips murrah? >law firm in OKC and Dallas Pottery.
>>154867 It's over gaymergays!
Foxdicks farm just doxxed Linkara. That male feminist nasty cock slut house is smaller than the average American trailer park home. Reminder most breadtubers are this poor unless they are a trust fund baby.
>>154874 Okay but I don't really care.
>>154874 The hell's a breadtuber? Is that some new age term for shitty reviewers?
>>154876 Tranny-philosophy youtubers
>>154876 It's like an anti-sjw septic jewtuber except their gimmick is that they have an even worse comprehension of basic economics.
>>154876 I think its a reference to communism. As in they stream their buttholes for bread. Or possibly an attack from anti-keto dieticians. Who only eat pounds of bread on camera? Unclear at this time.
>>154876 its derived from some commie book called the conquest of bread
>>154867 What are they going to do of Texas declines?
>>154881 suicide protest
>>154880 But why are communists obsessed with bread? It's not even the best carbohydrate. Everyone knows pasta is better tasting and healthier.
>>154867 This kind of faggoty is why communism still popular in South America. Unlike the west true communists hang faggots. Communists in South America hang Fags and trannies when they leave colleges. Corporation pushing LGBT nonsense is what Soviet Union propaganda warn about.
>>154883 because its anglo peasant food
>>154885 So communists are larping as Anglos? Italians never get any love. Smh.
>>154876 Breadtubers are youtubers promoting communism that overwhelmingly from rich families.
>>154886 find out for us
>>154770 >None of that solves the REAL problem with the comics though: Who is going to read 60+ years of autism that's spread across hundreds series, and have a story? That's a massive problem for new readers, but once you get into it, like I did, it becomes very engrossing. After "fixing" things, I would then tell writers to all lay off on the continuity. While continuity should be respected, it should not be made important for the average story. One issue stories should be the rule, with only light subplots running through multiple issues, aside from a few very special two-parters every now and then. This is how things were until the late '80s, and it worked fine. New readers and old autists could both enjoy things. Then the lunatics took over the asylum. While I personally love the continuity and the things you can do with it, it's all in how it's handled. Comics used to be written so even when continuity was important, the story was told in a way that you never had to read anything more than the one issue you had in your hands to understand what was going on. The skill to write like that has become a lost art, and it's a massive problem. It shouldn't be that hard. >But, specific stories can "only" be told with certain characters. >That's you being hypocritical (Because you're saying that people don't need to read all of the autism in the comics, and then reversing that statement and stating that you absolutely need this character because of all this autism that you just stated was non-important) I didn't say it was non-important, but I would say that it should be much less important. That said, everything I suggested should be for the average issue. I do still think there is a place for the massively autistic shit. But that should be reserved for special instances. And they already pretend that that's what they do. There are special "maxi-series" that are even more autistic than everything else, but they bleed over into the main series way too much. They are not special enough and they are too "important." (They can be good without being "important" to the day to day regular issues to the degree that those issues become confusing to read without the special stuff.) I love mega autistic shit like Final Crisis or whatever, but I also like regular soap opera stories in Amazing Spider-Man. Most comics should be like '70s and '80s era Amazing Spider-Man, and when a Crisis or Secret Wars or Contest of Champions does happen, it should be handled in a way that it's clear when it happens in relation to regular series, and those regular series should be able to explain anything relevant to their own stories simply and so you don't "need" to read the autistic shit. But really the most important part is that multi-part stories should be very rare, and sub-plots should be the only things that go across multiple issues, not main plots. >>154857 >Magneto's drinking the Krakoa island kool-aid too. Yes, currently. Of course he should logically be one of the most enthusiastic. But that's why having him be the one to notice that it's all bullshit would be meaningful. >>154859 You're retarded to not notice that Disney would have had to start their efforts to extend copyright again years ago. They've shifted their strategy to instead just buying up all the competition. Mickey Mouse isn't worth that much money to them anymore, and they will retain the trademark for him anyway. You think they're still making that much money off of Steamboat Willie? They don't care. They know that the bad publicity from buying out congress yet again would no longer be worth it. Most Marvel characters won't become public domain for another 30+ years, and Star Wars for another 40-60 years. And they'll have already burned all public goodwill toward those franchises by then. And if their strategy goes to plan, it won't matter, because they'll have bought something else to replace them by then. They tarnished Mickey and his friends by using them as corporate mascots and symbols more than characters, then they started buying replacements, and they ruined Pixar, Marvel, and Star Wars by using them as propaganda. But they'll just buy more or die trying.
>>154888 Now that's a good question. The answer as I'm sure you already know is that communism hates language, and it's war on intelligible speach has been continuous for about a 100 years now. Thats century in latin right?
>>154884 Yeah, look at what Shinning Path did in Peru >>154887 And a lot of them are trannies for some reason
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>>154868 He's only for Chara and maybe Frisk, but his pothead counterpart from another universe is fair game since he's a slut. >>154871 >>154873 Technically the gays aren't affected by this issue. It's the parents and doctors of "transgender children" who would be affected by this bill since it would be illegal for them to give puberty blockers and similar treatment to minors. >>154881 Cancel them like they did with Russia, then complain because oil and gas prices are even higher.
(9.43 MB 640x360 john_money.webm)

>>154867 PLEASE THINK OF THE CHILDREN CHILD ABUSERS Those parents NEED those social media +1s from total strangers by engaging in Munchausen-by-proxy. They're so stunning and brave you see.
>>154892 >for some reason Yeah it's a fucking mystery. One for the ages.
>>154895 Guess we'll never know
>>154876 >>154744 I’m stunned no one got Mundanematt fired from his Uber driver job yet after how many people he screwed over on YouTube. Especially with Matt Jarbo admitted he got kick out of church for trying to rape a girl.( This also why Matt Jarbo an atheist) This is without bringing up Mundanematt jokes about molesting his sister on twitter multiple times. https://youtu.be/-hUxbloT0xg
>>154889 >1st page <Communism has never once worked, and it's been tried countless times over thousands of years Not sure about his history, but at least he realizes its an inherently flawed system. <But maybe it will this time! Oh goddamnit. Everytime with commies.
>>154897 >Matt Jarbo admitted he got kick out of church for trying to rape a girl. What? >( This also why Matt Jarbo an atheist) WHAT!?
>>154867 >shit companies whose entire workforce from pleb to upper management deserve the rope Fuck off with your goddamn degeneracy already. It's like listening to a broken record, how fucking long do the people need to keep listening to the same fucking drivel over and over again. It's like you're trying to incite people to kill you all and take all your shit.
>>154744 >>154892 I kind wish the Soviet Union won the Cold War. At least they throw faggoty and trannies in labor camps. As bad as communism is. Communism did far less damage to the family than capitalism.
>>154901 They would have gulag'd you and all of 8chan too
>>154902 Agreed. Lets just call them communist youtube trannies.
>>154899 Matt jarb aka Mundanematt apart of early YouTube atheist community before they relabel themselves as the skeptic community. He got famous because of early Gamer gate YouTube And later caught mass flagging people who made fun of him. He credited becoming an atheist because he got kicked out of church for attempting to rape a young girl. He later calm he attacked the 13 year old out of self defense because she was trying to rape his fat ass.
>>154867 Anyone want to help: >>>/pol/14407 >>154883 >But why are communists obsessed with bread? Are you just shitposting, or do you honestly NOT know about bread lines? >>154890 >And if their strategy goes to plan, it won't matter, because they'll have bought something else to replace them by then. But, Disney has been hemorrhaging money since 2008, with each new buyout looking more and more desperate. >>154901 >As bad as communism is. Communism did far less damage to the family than capitalism. You DO realize that Communists were the ones who originally created and funded much of the degeneracy that's been tearing apart the modern world, right? At this point, they're basically machines left running from a war that ended everything, but nothing is able to turn off the machines, so they're just running amok and causing trouble searching for their next target.
>>154899 >>154903 >They would have gulag'd you and all of 8chan too So? Better than faggot encouraging boys to twerk for money or trannies flashing children during drag story time.
>>154906 99% of everything I say is a shitpost. Mark told me that once, and he would never lie to me. But no I mean these are american kids who have never even seen a breadline, why are THEY obsessed with bread? Again not even the easiest carb to acquire for humanity. I understand why the USSR was obsessed, but not these kids. Is it just larping?
>>154909 I mean you'll probably have to boycott 90% of medium to large businesses because most use cisco gear.
>>154901 The problem isn't that the West won the Cold War. That was a good thing. The problem is that they won it so completely and one-sidedly. The US and Europe were running high after the USSR imploded and conceded. That gave them the inertia to push all the retarded shit in their own countries and then export it to the rest of the world. It's also why NATO continued to be a thing and continued to act aggressively. If the west had decisively won but it cake out exhausted and limping then people would have been sick of war and conflict and the glowniggerdry that beings it on and sick of ideologues running their experiments on society too. We would have had a time like the Edo period where the West turn inward and rested and was at relative peace. That's what we needed then. That's exactly what we need now. Our own Edo period.
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>>154906 >At this point, they're basically machines left running from a war that ended everything, but nothing is able to turn off the machines, so they're just running amok and causing trouble searching for their next target. This the story behind the anime movie "A Wind Called Amnesia" On the verge of WWIII, aliens wipe humanity's collective memories, returning humans to a barbaric wild state. The machines keep running based on whatever their final programming was imputed into them before the wipe, however (pic related).
>>154914 It's the premise to a lot of stories. Viper's Creed and Straight Title Robot Anime have a similar premise.
Battlefield 2042 has another game-breaking glitch >Battlefield 2042 is not in good shape. On top of the existing technical bugs, graphical glitches, and gameplay issues that have plagued the game since launch, a new bug has made its way to the shooter, causing players to spawn on the wrong side of multiplayer maps and killing them automatically. >Videos shared on the Battlefield 2042 subreddit show the bug in action. In one clip, a squad of US soldiers is deployed at the start of a match, but is dropped directly into the Russian spawn area. Before they can pick off any enemy soldiers or make a run for it, a warning screen tells the squad it’s outside of the designated combat area, automatically killing them a few seconds later. >Another video shows a similar scenario, in which a squad of players is dropped into enemy territory and given no options but to automatically die after waiting a few seconds. They’re deployed so deep into the enemy spawn, they can't escape into the main combat area before the game forcibly respawns them. >While such an overt bug would be irritating in any competitive multiplayer shooter, it’s particularly aggravating to Battlefield 2042 players who have had to grapple with persistent glitches and quality-of-life issues since the game launched late last year. >As the slew of Reddit comments indicate, this spawn-switching glitch has sparked particular ire among fans because it hasn’t occurred before. That means players are having to deal with new bugs on top of the game’s many existing problems. >You don’t have to dig too deep in the comments to find players admonishing the game for getting worse, rather than better. >For many, that’s simply not worth the trouble. Battlefield 2042’s playerbase has fallen dramatically over the last few months, even dipping below that of its nine-year-old predecessor Battlefield 4. Back in February, 200,000 people signed a petition demanding the game be refunded across all platforms, capturing the state of player frustration. >If there’s one thing that Battlefield 2042 doesn’t need more of - bugs. DICE previously delayed the game’s first season of DLC to later this year, on the basis of using the intervening months to fix the game’s glaring issues and improve its performance across the board. While some of those fixes have materialized, bugs like this glitch show there’s a long way to go. >A recent update has reworked the game’s scoreboard, introducing many of the fixes fans have been asking for since launch, but other much-requested features are yet to come. Squad voice chat, weapon rebalances, and tweaks to the infantry attachment system are expected to drop in April, while a larger overhaul to the game’s map size is coming sometime down the line. >Regardless of how many quality-of-life improvements DICE introduces to the game, they’re unlikely to count for much in the eyes of aggravated players if the game's most egregious bugs remain. With Battlefield 2042 firmly on the rocks, future updates are now a matter of damage limitation rather than additional features. https://archive.ph/0napF What’s the odds the rumored battlefield 3 remakes will be worse than the original in every way like GTA Definitive edition? Someone bought this rare Pokemon card in record $336K sale. Why is it worth so much? >A rare Pokemon card featuring a fire-breathing dragon recently sold for $336,000 after drawing 69 bids. >If you’re not familiar with the hobby, you might be wondering why there is so much demand for this card or why it is worth hundreds of thousands of dollars to some. >Even for those quite familiar, “this sale reinforced the fact that demand for Pokemon cards continues its climb,” said Heritage Auctions Trading Card Games Consignment Director Jesus Garcia in a statement. Heritage Auctions, with headquarters in Dallas, sold the first-edition Charizard No. 4 card in an online auction that grossed over $3.7 million. >Charizard is the final evolved form of Charmander, and if you watched the Indigo series, you might recall Charmander as kind and innocent. But as soon as he evolved into Charmeleon, everything changed,” Heritage Auctions said. >Charmeleon was rebellious, did not listen to Ash’s commands, and things only got worse when he evolved into Charizard. Cards like this don’t come up for auction often.” >Demand for the Charizard card was partially due to it being part of Pokemon’s first English print run, Heritage Auctions said in a news release. >It is also one of only 121 examples within the game rated a Gem Mint 10, meaning it was graded as a “virtually perfect card.” Cards in this grade must have sharp corners, their original gloss and no staining, according to Professional Sports Authenticator. >Cards from the first English print run are coveted by serious collectors, and finding one in this condition is exceptionally rare,” Heritage Auctions said. >With that said, the company estimated the card would sell for $200,000. But the price soared to a record $336,000, making it the most anyone has ever paid for this specific card at Heritage Auctions. https://archive.ph/TluV4
>>154888 >>154909 >you can't take that idea to its necessary and logical conclusion without being ready to die for your beliefs, anon. M8, Google, IKEA and the lot are jewish niggers with too much power, but they don't have hired guns.
>>154917 It's Lucario posting his ancap fantasies. Ignore him.
>>154910 >>154911 Don't boycott, just pirate.
>>154918 Luciano doesn't post like that you idiot. He usually goes something like: >You have no power, impotent leftard. >Hunt down and kill your authorities With unnecessary spacing after every sentence. He doesn't care about being deleted since he's on Tor all the time.
>>154564 >>154625 Female clowns do not have to be arousing. They only just need a silly clown nose and some colorful clothing for them to look like a clown. I remember not being afraid of clowns when I once saw a couple of episodes of The Big Comfy Couch on TV. The girls looked cute and funny.
>>154922 Is the being scared of clowns thing legit or is everyone just pretending in a "cute" way? I don't see how you can possibly be scared of a clown. That's the goofiest thing I can think of to be uncomfortable with.
>>154921 Autist or AI language-learning shitpost bot? The presumably brazilian thing we label "Luciano" could be a product undergoing testing for sale to governments, corporations, or NGOs for all we know.
>>154923 Especially if you've ever seen any video footage from deep underwater. There are things in this world... Terrifying things. That defy explanation. Things which exist beyond mortal description.
>>154923 People really do get scared of clowns, yeah. I imagine it's the bizarre appearance and mannerisms which are unlike what they are used to.
>>154924 He's just an autistic retard. He would have faded into the background and given up by now if it weren't for the fact that for every 1 post he makes 5 other posts acknowledge him and give him attention.
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>>154922 >The girls looked cute and funny.
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>>154923 I grew up with Killer Clowns from Outer Space so yeah i definitely saw them as an object of horror until i saw pictures of them being huge cum-gargling sluts. Same reason FNAF doesn't scare me, really.
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>>154922 Alyson Court voiced Claire Redfield from 1998 to 2012. Also, go look up Pixie Payasita and fap away. There are no lewds and you don't need any.
>>154930 Yeah monster clowns are scary. Just regular clowns aren't scary at all.
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>>154922 >clown >cute and funny
>>154933 >jester >clown next you're going to say stargazers are also clowns
>>154933 Words mean shit anon. Please buy a dictionary.
>>154924 Given he had an account on OAG/Disqus before coming here, I doubt it. He's just a monkey who's power-mad that he can't be banned. I knew it wasn't him when that anon responded to more than one post instead of flooding with one-at-a-time posts as if he was late to the thread and slowly going down. >>154929 >Fundamentally it's the banks. If you make your own payment processor, the bank shuts it down. If you say the wrong thing, the bank shuts you down and seizes your account. You can't boycott the banks. Making your own currency equals feds at your door and you gunned down. Stepping outside the system without making your own currency also equals feds at your door and you gunned down. Ever heard of Ruby Ridge? That's the "logical conclusion." I suppose I can see where you're coming from given Andrew Torba and his Gab processor getting fucked, but I don't believe the feds could get away with another Ruby Ridge/Waco style incident. Those things happened before the internet gave people tools to get the word out. For instance; you remember that Arizona standoff like a year or two back that caused a bunch of /k/ types to go and support the dude and scaring the feds off? Or the Canadian truckers that people only lost interest in because Putin pulled the trigger on Ukraine? If sign of real resistance happens, I'm sure it's gonna escalate quick.
>>154932 That's like saying guns aren't scary, just the ones that are shooting you; it doesn't stop the fear reaction and it doesn't mean i shouldn't be worried or nervous about it. Also, as i said earlier in this thread, John Wayne Gacy; imagine now many people would have saved their lives by NOT trusting the silly clown.
>>154938 From what I recall, it might be the bundy standoff where some niggers decided to raid the local park reserve building and the feds starved them out while the incarcerated in question kept denying any ties to them for doing it during his court trial.
>>154939 >guns are scary as shit bro Are you a noguns?
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>>154724 >on a positive note, it seems Funimation is being absorbed as a company, sucked into Crunchyroll at Sony's behest, which hopefully ends up dying on its own too You will live to see Sony die, the Playstation brand go down in flames, and take both CrunchyRoll and Funimation, and even EVO with it. >>154736 >Meh. I don't care. Frankenstein, Dracula, and Sherlock Holmes have excellent source materials Jesus Christ that just reminded me. Did you know there was a sequel to Dracula written by one of Stoker's descendents (some kind of nephew IIRC) and a (((Hollywood Screenwriter)))? It was marketed as an official sequel that ret-conned a bunch of stuff from the original book and had Mina Harker fighting Elizabeth Bathory with a katana in a burning down theatre. Fucking jews ruin everything they get their hands on including /v/
>>154942 If you marry into the stoker lineage you can have your son ret-con dracula into being a jew and finish the trilogy.
>>154941 no im just saying i dont completely blame that one guy for losing his shit over another guy pulling a gun out and you shouldnt completely blame me or anybody else for being nervous about the honking menace
>>154935 Oh right, I forgot her name was Jesterpiece
>>154944 Bro, if I feel the need to draw down on you, and your reaction is to "lose your shit" then you are going to get shot. No malice, just the way the world works man.
Hey Mark, I think you mistook a legit anon for Luciano again, I was in the middle of a discussion.
>>154948 END THE FED
>>154947 If guy one pulls a gun but doesn't start murdering and guy two completely freaks the fuck out then yeah guy two is kinda retarded, but if guy one DOES start shooting then guy two is entirely justified regardless of the circumstances. If you pull a gun out and shoot the fault is on you, and you should do as much as you can to de-escilate the situation rather than trying to be fuckin' Roy Rodgers scaring off a miscreant.
Mark, seriously, you can't just keep banning people you assume to be the monkey or you're going to degrade his name into a boogeyman. I know that last sentence with the "Cowardly leftist retard confirmed" bit must have sounded familiar, but you should know his posting patterns by now. If you need a refresher, just check the /pol/ Russia thread.
>>154952 Honesty I thought that was lucario too.
>>154948 Argument autismo is anything but legit, and discussing anything with him gets you nowhere.
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You better don't start an(other) autism war over being banned for spamming the thread/report list after being banned for some bullshit motive. This goes for you too, Mark. The last thing I want right now is a 100 replies long metadrama derail that ends with dozens of IP banned.
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>>154956 >mentioning the name of the forbidden one
>>154948 >>154952 Honestly the only difference is unlike the "no argument" sperg, Luciano probably too much of an ESL to hold an actual conversation.
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>>154950 It's happened. Some retard hobo with a bowie knife once rushed me, drawing down and asking him if he really wanted to die ended that. A second time I was driving on a backroad, dirt, miles from anyone. A truck started following real aggressive. This went on for about 15 miles til I pulled to the side of the road. Two teenagers with baseball bats jumped out. Drew and asked em who wanted to die first. >uh you aren't who we thought you were... Sorry Then they got back in the truck and fucked off. Sometimes you gotta draw on a motherfucker. And if they remain calm and fuck off it's all cool. They freak out or continue moving in your direction? Open fire.
That's not Luciano. Not a mod, no special info, it's just easy to tell. Luciano makes very dramatic posts in short bursts without much thought. Often a few sentences at most. No argument, no real discussion, just threats and shitposting about how the world should be. That other guy wrote out a legitimate paragraph and tried to discuss what he was saying rather than simply reciting it. It still breaks the rules (by calling for violence), but whatever.
>>154956 I treasure this post
>>154956 I'm just worried on principle. Banning a recurring nuisance with the same old script like Niggerpill and Luciano (pic related) means you have to pay actual attention to how they work lest you accidentally crossfire anons, and I don't want these "thread personalities" being used to dismiss discussion and dumb shit down. Mental shortcuts are the death of imageboard conversation. >>154958 I actually tried to have a conversation with him once, when I tried grilling him about why he constantly insisted "feds are paper tigers" and told people to go kill them when it didn't appear like he was doing anything to feds which implied he was still threatened by them. He said something vague about "who said I'm not doing my part" and didn't respond to me any further before Mark finally cleaned it up.
>>154959 Dammit that's better than mine. Saved.
>>154963 Anon, again, the guy that got banned is a recurring nuisance with the same script. Pay attention and you'll notice that he constantly spergs about spammers, shills, and people having no argument. He posts grandiose, edgelord shit that reads like a JRPG script. Whenever he finds a single thing he disagrees with in your post, he chimps out and starts calling you a "disproven shill/spammer" or something along those lines. He does this in every single fucking thread, in the meta thread, and according to another guy, on /pol/.
>>154965 The other two are pretty obvious so I'll admit to not noticing any other subtler faggots we may have gotten in the meanwhile, but I'll take your word for it and keep an eye out.
>>154965 How long did it take you to fabricate that narrative? >>154967 >I'll take your word for it Wow, what dispassionate and honest moderation.
There's the real deal. Whether it's him specifically or not, this is an authentic Luciano post. One sentence, pure ideology, no real argument, statement of how the world should be. >>154966 >Discrimination against women and lgbt abominations is good True.
>>154967 Well, he's already back, so here's your chance.
>>154962 definitely a treasure worth plundering
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>>154965 I didn't see anything particularly remarkable about that user or the way he posts. None of his comments resembled your description (constantly spergs about spammers, shills, and people having no argument. He posts grandiose, edgelord shit that reads like a JRPG script. Whenever he finds a single thing he disagrees with in your post, he chimps out and starts calling you a "disproven shill/spammer" or something along those lines), and while >>154968 is similar to a "sperg out", it is closer to a justified rant over being accused of being one of the resident spammers (Luciano) and having all of his posts deleted. Honestly I think you just took the easy route and believed a report without actually reading the content of the post or its context. Also whoever keeps spamming the report list needs to stop while this is sorted out.
>>154923 Insert pic of ARMS developer talking about Americans being scared of clowns here
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>>154971 >that bulge
>>154975 She looks half shark. Sharks have two cocks TWO KOKS!
>>154975 I hope its just a fish
>>154976 She's a narwhal. Pay attention to the horn in her head instead of the one in her shorts.
>>154978 Ahhh. Didn't see it with her hat. Wanna know what's in her shorts then? Iceland has you covered.
That filename isn't a joke by the way. Iceland has an institution dedicated to cocks, and lunch. They serve a very good lunch at the Museum. Seriously if your ever in Reykjavik, get an eye full of cock, and a stomach full of lunch. https://phallus.is/en/
>>154980 The secret ingredient is semen, isn't it?
>>154981 Maybeeeee
>>154982 Do they serve spotted dick? And cock fingers?
>>154983 I've had a meal there. It tasted like Old Dick.
>>154983 Only one way to find out anon.
>>154979 >The male member museum
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>>154965 I got incredibly tired of that asshole, it's impossible to argue with him. He's like a militiant /pol/fag and god knows if he's geniuent or not about it. It's like talking to a fucking cultist. Don't do politics buds, they turn you into faggots like those or retards like me who keep arguing with faggots like those.
If this post ends in all 5s, anons shall have their tomboy waifu.
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>>154991 Checked and based!
(11.09 MB 640x360 Tomboy Mine.mp4)

>>154991 Finally, a good get.
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>>154991 Thanks for a wonderful start to my day, anon.
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>>154991 OH BOY DO I GET TO PICK THE FLAVOUR? Red hair and fair skin and freckles and she gets massive tits and a big round butt and becomes uber feminine after wifing and childbirth
>>154991 WITNESSED
>>154991 Blessed digits
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>>154991 Can she be an anime midget tomboy?
(1.33 MB 1091x608 Shang thumbs up.png)

>>154991 (fukken checked) Aw man, how did it already reach 555555, last I checked we were still 5k posts away, I wanted to claim the get for vita-tan But this is still a great get, nicely done anon, I look forward to my tomboy waifu
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>>154991 Blessed get, tomboys are justice!
tomgirls > harrygirls >>>> dickgirls
>>155005 or 'boys' or whatever...
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>>155005 There's nothing wrong with hairy girls.
>>154867 >Companies leave California for Texas >Texas drops the steers and keeps the queers I knew this would happen
>>154991 Thank you Anon, I'm currently seeing one, this helps encourage me.
>>154894 Where did E;R disappear to?
>>155010 I think he got burned out after only reviewing Star Wars for years. He said he'd come out of semi-retirement if Netflix goes through with their live action version of The Last Airbender.
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>>155011 So what you're saying is when the world needed him most he disappeared, until he could no longer deal with it?
>>155010 >>155011 >>155012 He shows up on the efap (Every Frame A Pause) podcast once in a while.
>>154916 Heritage Auctions was involved in inflated video game cartriage scandal last year. They gain but inflating prices of "Collectables." Seems like Pokemon cards is their new market after they got caught.
>>155008 It’s the Latino population keeping Texas straight and red state. Latinos in America act more white than the actual whites nowadays.
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>>154931 >you will never help claire continue the redfield lineage and take responsability
>>155016 >you will never help claire continue the redfield lineage and take responsability
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>>154868 anatomically impossible
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>>154987 Erin's co creator approved of Elt's recent drawing: https://archive.ph/4To66 >>154991 Best post ITT. Can she be Russian?
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>>155021 >Erin's co creator approved of Elt's recent drawing That's cool but isn't he the one who jacked off to Erin porn? Eltonel's Erin porn, specifically.
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>>155016 >You will never put Loonette in a love press while she does 10:05 during her clock stretch.
Some Of The Most Popular 'Ukraine Footage' Is Actually A Video Game >ArmA III, a video game that in the right circumstances can look pretty realistic, has a long history of turning up on news broadcasts and being either confused with or intentionally used in place of actual camera footage of real-world events. That trend is continuing in the current crisis in Ukraine. >As Bloomberg reports, some of the most-viewed videos on Facebook’s gaming channel today were a number of clips purporting to be of military action taking place in Ukraine, “watched by more than 110,000 people and shared more than 25,000 times,” before they were taken down by Facebook. >The same videos are also circulating on other social media, including Twitter; here’s one of the clips, posted with the text, “Ukraine fires missiles to intercept Russian aircraft’s artillery fire,” though really it’s some Arma III footage >At time of posting, that tweet has 11,000 likes and almost 2,000 retweets. It’s easy for you and I to sit here and say, “Well of course that’s a video game,” but not everyone is familiar with ArmA’s attention to detail and visual fidelity. >And remember, the smaller and blurrier these videos get on social media, the easier they are to pass off as actual footage. >This also speaks to a wider problem that anyone who has been online in the last 24 hours (or last 10 years) will have seen unfolding: any coverage of the invasion that allows input from the community is overflowing with opportunists looking for engagement, no matter how inaccurate the content they’re actually sharing is. Add to them agents seeking to confuse and direct attention away from what’s actually happening. >It makes it hard to be able to tell what’s real and what’s not when looking at this stuff online, which is why sites like Facebook (see below) are trying to actually do something proactive and real-time for once, using human beings, to try to moderate things: https://archive.ph/wgwmP @mod_russia Extremists near Aleppo received several truckloads of chemical ammo. https://archive.ph/hFgc7 Redditors and Cuckchan /k/ spreading an old joke tweet from 2016 as real Ukraine news. A tweet that referencing command and conquer generals.
>>155025 AK 47S FOR EVERYONE
>>155026 I swear. Video games that predict that future it’s own genre. Command and conquer generals been more accurate in predicting future events than any of the call of duty and battlefield games.
>>155025 The video the slowtaku article was talking about
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>>155025 The only thing Jack Thompson got wrong about video games was that they cause violence. They actually just cause retarded zoomers.
>>155029 Apart of me glad EA canceled general 2. It saved us form Pro EU propaganda and politically correct multicultural GLA that no longer Islamic and pro gender equality.
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>>154991 CHECKED
>>155031 Mods for C&C Generals Zero Hour added a bunch of more politically incorrect units and generals, but every single EU faction mod is some fucking garbage. Though not gonna lie, I wanted to see Tesla troopers and high tech shit they wanted to add with the EU faction in 2. Maybe without baste and redpilled chink/african commadners at their helm.
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>>155023 >isn't he the one who jacked off to Erin porn? Eltonel's Erin porn, specifically. Don't know about that, but I know of the "we are watching you Eltonel" on the comic strip they did.
>>155032 Fauna is as far away from a tomboy as you can get.
>>155033 >but every single EU faction mod is some fucking garbage. Every time EU a faction in a video game they ended up being the less popular faction. European federation in tom Clancy end war plays worse than the rising sun in red alert 3. Battlefield 2142 is the only game with a cool EU faction. But that is mostly because the EU in battlefield 2142 resembles a futuristic British empire that has the United States as a member than the European Union. BF2143 doesn’t even use any blue or EU symbolism.
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>>154991 Very nice.
So, what is this Backrooms shit I'm hearing lately? the new SCP?
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Anime News Network's Review of Miss Kobayashi's Dragon Maid S https://archive.ph/ZhsjS https://archive.ph/sJaLs >Ilulu is the newest dragon to join the cast and she looks to be approximately 4'11 with comically large breasts. This was, understandably, a point of contention early in the show's announcement but to that I say this show already features another large boob dragon who directs her unwanted sexual attention on a Democrat supporting boy named "Shota." Last season's camera had a more-than-necessary fascination with Kanna's thighs. This stuff comes baked into the series, not unlike Made in Abyss' fascination with a little robot boy's penis. A lot of viewers, myself included, are stuck talking around these elements. >For the mainstream audience, or anyone otherwise not interested in fanservice that involves creeping on kid characters, a show like Dragon Maid can be frustrating. We're watching in spite of this particular content because there's a good heart underneath and the series is indulgently animated. That hasn't changed in the new season, which features great sequences focusing on Ilulu in particular and her backstory as a former friend to humans. The first two episodes set up a philosophical question where Ilulu, as an orphan, is told that humans are responsible for her misery. The adversarial relationship between the two species appears to be primarily dogmatic and the dragons have multiple factions based around how to interpret those beliefs. Ilulu begins to learn through her interactions with Kobayashi, who has a strong belief in free thought regardless of society's imposed expectations. >That's the good part. In the middle is a plot beat that fails to land comedically, serves little purpose to the overall narrative, and purports gender essentialism in a way that runs counterintuitive to everything described in the previous paragraph. The short of it is Ilulu causes Kobayashi to grow a penis and there is so much to unpack with how this is handled that I can't decide whether to call it out or settle on not wasting my breath on what is, in the end, a huge misstep for what amounts to a inconsequential joke. I have not read the corresponding manga chapter(s) for this, so I can't say how much KyoAni reworked the bit and, if by doing so, it led to being as inconsequential as it ultimately is here.
>>155043 >unwanted sexual attention on a Democrat supporting boy named "Shota." >Democrat supporting boy What happened in the dub?
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>>155044 Maybe it was 'Demoflat supporting'
>>155043 >Democrat Supporting Boy Que?
>>155046 >>155044 its the word filter for under@ge i think
>>155047 Democrat supporting pre-pubescent
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>>155047 >>155048 Ah, you appear to be correct. Well, carry on I suppose.
>>155043 Any nigger's opinion on the internet regarding anime, especially some no name rag like "anime news network" is not worth listening to.
>>155043 >frustrating for the mainstream audience Wow, it's almost like it's for a niche audience, imagine that.
>>155043 What "kid fanservice"?! All of Kanna's pantsu was excised!!
>>155053 You having a stroke there, torfag?
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>>155043 They seem pretty desperate for clicks.
>>155051 >>155055 Those psychotics are so self-conscious about liking that which is of a different culture that they seek to obliterate the very things that make anime anime, all so it can be as publicly celebrated as the MCU. >>155043 >Ilulu begins to learn through her interactions with Kobayashi, who has a strong belief in free thought regardless of society's imposed expectations. Anyone actually versed in both adaptation and source manga care to verify if this is a prominent thing or more projection due to the above reasons? I recall them making a similar mistake with the likes of the disaster that was Wonder Egg Priority.
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>>155052 I want to give Kanna military forces
>>155053 >>>/8kun/ And never, ever come back.
>>155056 I say it's half that and half desperate clickbait. I would not be surprised at all if we find out next that they aren't doing very well financially.
>>155060 Considering how long they've lasted, I doubt that. As far as the numerous NPCs are concerned, they're still the CNN of anime news. Sankaku Complex is far too slow on the uptake. Speaking of... Netflix’s Pregnant Male Series He’s Expecting Also Coming Westward https://archive.ph/hExnA >archived 5 hours ago Other sites actually bother with archive links?
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>>154991 Glorious madman, I thank you for this wonderous gift. May your days be happy with your blessed tomboy waifu.
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>>154991 Naisu
>>154991 Where is she?
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>>155043 >We're watching in spite of this particular content Wow how impartial, i wonder what you think of something you hate!
>>155068 Well, that's how the Japanese usually respond to this shit if they learn about it at all. "Why would you waste so much time on something you hate?"
>>155069 >Why would you waste so much time on something you hate? Because I want to see this trainwreck to the very end. That's why I managed to stand Nadesico and RoB: Virgin Soul. Meanwhile, if a show is just boring, I'll move onto something else, as happened with Dai-Appllon and Gatchaman. However, Age of Aquiarion of something else, it was BEYOND bad, and that's why I dropped that.
So fukushima got hit with another tsunami. Fire reported in turbine 5. Here we go again.
>>155071 A tsunami alert has been issued but none has hit yet. The fire alarm was from the earthquake and is a false alarm. And provide a source when you post these things. https://twitter.com/jijicom/status/1504143466112368642 >TEPCO has confirmed that there is no fire in the turbine building of Unit 5 at the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant.
>>154991 Anon, don't give me false hope, that's cruel.
>>155076 Dont let your dreams be dreams!
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>>155043 >>155068 Your typical ANN reviewer. You would think they have a serious problem with just having plain honesty or something.
>>155072 >>155074 How the hell no one made a S.T.A.L.K.E.R Fukushima mod yet? People joked about and drawn fan art of stalker Fukushima for years.
>>154991 I don't want a waifu for closeted-homosexuals, I want a nuclear holocaust so I don't have to face anyone ever again.
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>>155079 Everyone was too busy with anomaly, besides, japs dont get the deep soul of stalker and just would ruin it like they did with that one manga making it about cute girls and yuri instead of weird science and cheeky slavs suffering.
Everything is getting expensive. They expected Russia to burn down Ucraine in a week and see how they last. Milk is getting more expensive because out of a sudden we learn that most of the grain of the world comes from Ucraine and Russia and can't feed the cattle. Let's see if meat follows.
>>155083 Didn't government force a ton of farmers to dump their food and milk at start of plandemic?
>>155084 They're still doing it.
>>155084 Not in spain it seems, but lacking a lot of grain sure fuck things up. Never expected anything would come from east europe that I cared.
>>155086 From what I got, countries also import fertilizer from Russia. Expect fun for the next harvest.
>>155087 Not sure if my country relies on fertilizers as a very agricultural country, mostly because I see it really retarded to depend ot another country to fertilize your fields, but seeing how everyone has been not only stupid but braindead retarded it could easily be the future. I would eat a random fucker from the streets before I would eat my dog.
>>155083 No, from what I remember most grain is produced domestically in the same country that uses it. Ukraine/Russia are the majority of the international market but the international market isn't that big compared to the domestic market. It's mostly just an issue in countries like Egypt that import a significant amount of grain. Milk prices probably have more to do with the increase in the cost of oil and the general inflation that preceded the war (which was contributed to by factors like COVID-19 supply disruptions).
>>154524 Isn't VShojo a trashier Hololive knockoff?
>>155089 >Egypt [...] import a significant amount of grain How do you have the Nile floodplains and underproduce grain? >>155088 I think a lot of countries got their productive capacities deliberately crippled by globohomo, to manufacture international interdependence. See above, with Egypt.
>>155090 It has Nyanners in it; so it's not trashier, it's the trashiest.
>>155091 >How do you have the Nile floodplains and underproduce grain? Overpopulation, grownt of industrial and urban districts and also the nile is drying up thanks to their neightbours building a giant fuckoff damn.
>>155089 >>155091 Then it might be easily an excuse to increase the price of everything. My country was already suffering for an increase of price of everything, so the retarded in power saw this as an oportunity to cry Russia and wash his hands. >>155092 I find anime girls with cute voices acting like internet gremlins cute. And they are some of the few calling out G4 for using ugly teeth rotten harlots.
>>155094 They aren't anime girls because anime girls aren't real. They are rancid whores putting up an act to get retards to donate their hard earned money to them.
>>155094 >And they are some of the few calling out G4 for using ugly teeth rotten harlots. Let me guess it was Pipkin Pippa, wasn't it?
>>155092 >Nyanners Didn't she go full SJW a while back? Anything interesting happen since?
>>155094 Nyanners was one of the ones that G4 paid to try and attract an audience after female Sessler killed their channel, so it's not her you're talking about.
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>>154991 Oh nice, thanks anon.
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>>155087 >>155088 The worst part of the lack of Russian fertilizer is that farmers who use it can't simply replace that particular brand with another one due to differences in the specific "combination" of nitrogen, phosphor and potassium each brand has, which can damage or kill their crops if the incorrect amount is used. Basically any farmer who was using Vladimir's fertilizer at the beginning must continue using it until the cycle is completed, leaving a lot of farmers with few options. >>155090 There are truckloads of "virtual idol" groups and agencies, with Hololive the most popular of them. VShojo is one of the most popular western groups and has a couple of popular personalities, like Nyanners and Melody (which became popular for being the first virtual porn star, making striptease shows on Chaturbate), hence why it is often compared with Hololive's English branch. Another big agency is Nijisanji, which probably has more affiliated idols than any other agency. Pic semi-related, a "small" vtuber I like to watch from time to time.
>>155101 Why do you need an "agency" to sit around being a giggling roastie with a retarded uwu voice with an anime avatar?
>>155102 You really don't need an (((agency))) to be a vtuber (as shown by the thousands of independent idols that exist), but being part of one grants advantages like having a more recognizable brand, an actual budget for marketing, improved 3D models and better tools for streaming, greater ease in collaborating with other idols and organizing events, help to manage social media accounts, contracts for official merchandise, etc. It's like (((record companies))) mixed with social media managers but with the Jews telling the girls (and boys) with 3D anime avatars how to behave during streams and in social media. Groups, on the other side, are more like online vidya clans, with the members uniting under a single brand and managing their own resources in a freer way than with agencies, although it's possible for them to get a bigger budget through sponsors and hire people to manage accounts and events.
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>>155101 >>155087 >>155088 Honestly the worlds over reliance on foreign fertilizer as inevitably going to bite farmers in the ass eventually. Industrial farming was never sustainable and our ancestors of old didn't need to dig around in mines to grow food for themselves.
>>155103 I hate the modern world i really do, fucking women have it so easy.
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>>154991 Monumental digits there, anon.
>>155104 It certainly will be a pretty bad year for farmers around the world. Between Ukraine being the world's largest producer and exporter of wheat, Russia being the largest producer of oil, natural gas, fertilizers and the primary components of the later, and America/UE and Russia engaging in heavy sanctions against each other, the agricultural industry across the Americas, the Middle East and Asia will suffer, leading to higher food prices around the world.
>>155052 Wow. That's fucking gay. I thought the cancellation of the Olympics was supposed to shield us from this kind of censorship.
>>155043 >july 2021
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>>154991 witnessed
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>>154991 Thanks but I prefer a simple shortstack, really.
>>154874 Literally who?
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>>155082 uhhhhhhhhhhhhhpbbbttttthh hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm rock
>>154933 That image is disturbing. Please have some standards. Clownpiece will hate you for this.
>>155042 Backrooms is some modern horror trope based on liminal spaces, that is an uncanny looking place at any given time that has a certain unease to it while being familiar looking. A backroom is like an Ikea warehouse that never ends or a large hotel with similar looking rooms, a place or set of endless rooms that look familiar yet there's something clearly off at the same time, like threading on the fabrics of reality and glitching outta bounds on GMod except real.
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>>155116 It's a cool idea showing some of modern existential fears but became a bit overplayed recently. I don't mind the trend of existential horror right now, honestly it's far better than ghost stories, but the individual concepts can get really overplayed.
>>155108 Happened before then, I believe.
>>155068 >>155069 >>155078 You do know you're describing /v/ talking about videogames in 95% of cases, right?
>>155116 Liminal spaces are the spaces between where you actually want to go or be in, like the chicago pedway, which is an underground connected mall for miles, with no standard architectural style across building lots. The idea behind the meme is that it's a familiar but eerie place because your eye is no longer drawn to more familiar things like faces in a crowd, or without the motivation to just pass through as quickly as possible.
>>155121 Funny, I often consider them comfy as hell.
>>155122 A lot of night shift guards do too. It probably is a way to destress for some people, like a zen garden.
>>155121 Yeah, it's the same feeling as being at a mall after closing, or being in an abandoned grocery store full of empty shelves.
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>>155118 >>155121 I think it plays on the fears of being alone in an unfamiliar place, but supercharged in some people's minds because they're oversocialized and can't deal with being alone. There's this really cool, narrow winding path that looks like this in my neighborhood with loads of power poles, with a hill that you have to climb up to get to it, and it goes deep into the forest. There's this semi-mystical feeling I get from it, probably because the trees are so thick you can't see the sky the farther down it goes. I like imagining what's at the end of it and i've never been down it fully. I feel like I should, though.
>>155122 It might be some plebian phobia related to cityniggers being afraid of open fields, since mansions have a lot of hallway space but the average bungalow home has none or only wide enough to walk through
>>155125 Makes me wonder how many shitlib soydevs affect level design to exclude these sorts of liminal spaces. Even in games meant to have them like Control, I never really noticed it until a review pointed out how creepy the purposeful liminal space design was, but it wasn't exaggerated like some photographs of actual liminal spaces.
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It's mildly spooky to see a picture of a place where there should be people and things, but it's empty. I think the original spookyness of the backrooms was the idea of having noclipped out of reality and ended up in an endless expanse of empty rooms. Now it's just people autistically repeating the meme.
>>155052 That's pretty gay >>155043 What's this word filter censoring?
>>155128 For me it was always more interesting when it was like a multiplayer videogame map but in real life, with noone else in it.
>>155129 Fed bots scrape the web for key words and mark sites as CeePee dens if certain terms crop up enough. Terms like pre--pubescent. So they get filtered because the pedos on /b/ use the terms too much.
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>>155132 >Smollett's attorneys had argued that he would have completed the sentence by the time the appeal process was completed and that Smollett could be in danger of physical harm if he remained locked up in Cook County Jail. Generally everyone's in danger of physical harm if they go to jail, so maybe we should release everyone that's ever been in jail.
i guess jussie smollett was innocent after all.
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>>155134 He's innocent of being innocent, yes.
>>155136 Honestly sounds like concern trolling from nogs since they don't want people pointing out the absurd rates of them assaulting chinks compared to virtually anyone else. It essentially lets your get away with pointing out nigger crime rate but in a socially acceptable way by showing how it impacts another minority more than even whites.
>>155130 I've always found instances like that in my life (Such as random intervals in the day where no cars are present within eyesight despite standing in the middle of a busy street) to be quite soothing.

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Russia announces sanctions against Biden and top US officials >>>/pol/14426 https://archive.ph/18Y3w Oh no, our shitty politicians won't be able to send their bratty kids over the Moscow to fuck Russian prostitutes. >>155107 Yup, and it doesn't look like neither side is going to comprise, back down, or sue for peace any time soon. Europe and Turkey are gonna have even more North African refugee's flooding their borders now and they'll have no choice less they want to starve to death or resort to cannibalism though in retrospect they probably shouldn't have over populated a barren desert with few sources of water for agriculture and cattle raising. In an ideal world Ukraine would have just allowed Donbass to succeed, Russia would have given up on the idea of keeping the Ukraine as a puppet state and one of those two nations would have just erected a giant border wall and called it a day but that didn't happen. Oh well, at least it's a great time to be Raytheon or the Russian equivalent of that. >>155132 What a shame, I was looking forward to potentially seeing that elitist grifting fuck actually have to spend some time behind bars for wasting everyone's time because he wanted to be a famous "victim". At least he'll have to pay a hefty fine plus his acting carrier is pretty much over so at least there's a silver lining with that. >>155136 >Taiwan doom if Putin wins The US should just give them nukes already, China didn't hesitate to give nukes to Pakistan as a counter measure to India and the Paki's are fucking insane and unstable half of the time. Taiwan however just doesn't want to live under a shitty police state that harvests your organs if you dare criticize the state.
>>155108 >The US should just give them nukes already If the chinks catch wind of that, they'll immediately push the big red button in outrage. I'm convinced if anyone in the world would go nuclear first, it's China.
>>155140 How many chinese nukes are filled with concrete?
>>155141 or various other substandard parts that make them worthless?
>>155141 concrete would be too expensive. they're full of plastic rice.
>>155144 >Wean Africa Off Russian Wheat It'll fail, niggers expect wheat for free and won't pay for it or farm it.
>>155145 I thought African niggers were slightly better than American niggers, or at least held them in contempt for being lazier.
>>155146 That's only the educated ones, the poor ones have literally been raised to wait for white men to give them shit.
>>155147 And if they can't get free shit they show up with a weapon and start making demands. Anybody got that greentext about some anon who went to Africa and the way they got a bunch of people to stop breaking into the hospital for morphine or some other medical supplies was to spread the word that the windows were cursed?
>>155146 Depends on which part of Africa we're talking about. Sudan for example despite ironically being on top of a vast agricultural gold mine with two huge rivers passing through it is to busy massacring competing tribes to remember to grow their own food so famine is quite common there actually. There's a reason the only nation willing to sell weapons to to North Sudan is China which is why you occasionally see photo's of Janjaweed warlords armed with modern QBZ bullpups, also because those guns are cheap and Sudan is poor as fuck and doesn't produce anything. The San-tribe to the West though is pretty self reliant though and basically just eats wild berries and Giraffe they kill with poison arrows. The American government should just let companies like Kel-tec manufacture knock off QTZ's since China clearly doesn't respect our intellectual properties anyway. >inb4 muh intellectually "property" Never implied I actually give a fuck about that. Oh well at least Canadians of all people can buy them. >>155140 I mean it's not like the US has to outright announce it to the world before shipping them. Just do it in secret and then a few months later the Taiwanese can do an overly bombastic parade where they show the whole world they're capable of wiping Beijing off the face of the globe. That or Taiwan could just be ambiguous with them like Israel is.
>>155140 Nah, if anyone is gonna cause a nuclear war, im pretty sure it would be india-pakistan.
>>155146 >better The fuck? Why would you think that? They're the ones that never left the jungle. "African-Americans" have a 14% non-African admixture (thanks to jews fucking their slaves), which gives them an average of 15 IQ points over the average African. >>155150 That's the one case of nukes flying that wouldn't definitionally cause the end of human civilization. There's a very large chance that only Pakistan and India would launch, and only at each other. Any other nuclear power launching nukes means all others launch.
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>>155150 >Nah, if anyone is gonna cause a nuclear war, im pretty sure it would be india-pakistan. Implying India by the year 2035 won't be the most advanced nation on earth and have flying cars and more importantly giant force fields that that they can just switch on if their major cities are ever under thread of being nuked. They have no reason to be the aggressor anon.
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>>155152 reminds me of that video they made where white people would be taxi drivers and speaking pajeet by 2020
>>155144 Does India even export anything that warrants any kind of sanction to russia?
>>155144 >expecting something other than AIDS and illiteracy rates to grow in Africa lul, it will be a horrible disaster, and the fact all of Africa's wheat is imported should be an obvious warning of why this plan won't work. >>155150 India "accidentally" launched a missile to Pakistan, and Pakistan admitted some hours ago that they almost launched a retaliatory attack because of the "misunderstanding". I'm sure the rest of the world already expects these two to nuke each other and will nuke both at the same time as a response.
>>155155 >Does India even export anything that warrants any kind of sanction to russia? Tee-shirts, yoga pants, leather dress shoes, and spices? Not really worth it honestly. I'd like to think that Washington isn't so retarded as to make the Indians feel isolated and willing to throw away it's neutrality. The Ukraine is getting plenty in terms of anti tank missiles already, what good is India or a lack of India gonna do for the Holols? Also keep in mind India still wants to buy American F35's mostly because Russia left that market out of frustration with the Indian bureaucracy and it's delusions which is quite the funny story on it's own. >>155154 I know what your talking about, was originally gonna post that but couldn't find it in indivious because I don't remember what it was called. >>155156 >the fact all of Africa's wheat is imported should be an obvious warning of why this plan won't work. I think that's what Putin is counting on, he'll only give away free wheat as a bribe in exchange for UN votes on future Russian backed resolutions and bills or whatever and then drop all support and leave them to fend for themselves again. Course one could argue the UN itself is a useless and corrupt organization that shouldn't be bothered with at all but whatever.
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>>155157 >in exchange for UN votes Why has no one motioned to dissolve the UN? It's a useless organization who cause more problems than they solve.
>>155159 For the same reason most countries don't dissolve until something catastrophic happens, usually in regards to economics: people in power want to keep their power at all costs. Same reason the USSR didn't stop until they ran out of cash, same reason the EU won't fall apart until the supporting countries do under the weight of the useless ones.
>>155159 Because the countries powerful enough to dominate the UN and and always get their way are also the countries powerful enough to destroy you if you refuse to be a part of the UN.
>>155160 >>155161 But, the U.N. doesn't have any power. They're just a "super official kool kids klub" for world leaders, with all their power amounting to nothing more than just sending nastygrams. In fact, when it comes to real issues, such as nuclear weapons, even the so-called "leaders" in the organization tell everyone to go pound salt as they're not giving up their nukes despite the votes of the overwhelming majority of the members involved demanding otherwise.
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>>155159 >It's a useless organization who cause more problems than they solve. The UN isn't going away while it's still vaguely useful to the US, China, and Israel, and Saudi Arabia in regards to pushing their global bullshit agendas.... Unfortunately.
>>155159 >why has no one committed suicide for questioning jewish control of the world Gee, I wonder.
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>>155162 They have recognition in the nations that have joined them and thus have some degree of power over them; fame and influence are also a way of getting shit done, just like Dr Facui pushing the wushu flu jab.
>>155162 The UN is ineffectual by design - right from the start it has always been nothing more than a mechanism to let the dominant global superpower force its will onto weaker nations in a way that looks legitimate. The UN exists to talk a lot and move lots of paper around, and nothing more.
>>155167 That reminds me, why has the U.N lasted for as long as it has? Or, is that entirely because there hasn't been another global conflict since it's creation (Kind of like how Wilson's League still existed, even in name only, until the end of WWII)?
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>>155165 This is nothing new. Windows 10 had ads everywhere too, including in the file explorer, and to remove them you had to mess with 5 different settings panels.
>>155168 It's lasted this long because it's still doing exactly what it was created to do. It still serves the interests of its controlling members perfectly, and the subordinate members still don't have the power to leave without severe punishment (and they never will, by design). I'm not savvy enough to tell you when it'll collapse, or why.
>>154991 A perfect opportunity to check these 5ick get5. If I could, I would stream the entirety of Interstella 5555. >>155165 And a nice opportunity to recommend a M$ file explorer replacement: Tablacus Explorer. https://tablacus.github.io/explorer_en.html A thread on how to remove oneself from Windows in general on >>>/t/ would be nice, too, but I wouldn't know how to preface it.
>>155171 Why can't you? Is it ten hours long like the William Tell opera or something?
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>>155172 I've got the movie file, and it's a fair length of one hour without anything too complex like white noise to mess up compression, but I'm dense as hell and can't operate anything more complicated than a calculator, much less make a 31MB version of it with ffmpeg.
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>>155173 >but I'm dense as hell and can't operate anything more complicated than a calculator, much less make a 31MB version of it with ffmpeg. <If vid doesn't solve your problem, you could also visit the stream thread: >>552107
>>155169 >This is nothing new. Windows 10 had ads everywhere too, including in the file explorer, and to remove them you had to mess with 5 different settings panels. Oh believe me I know first hand how shit it is, and they started doing that before 10 because my laptop originally came with an early copy of Windows 8. That and several other bullshit things like Windows wiping out half of my saved files in a forced update is what finally motivated my lazy ass to switch to Ubuntu and then try out a dozen other distros ever since. I'm currently using Manjaro and it's pretty nice, heard some good things about Fedora too. >>155173 Try Kden live out anon. It's pretty easy to learn and has a fantastic online guide too. That's what I do anyway and a retard such as myself figured it out.
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>>155148 Found it.
>>155176 I thought africans were KANGZ
>>155177 Niggers couldn't be KANGZ if their fucking lives depended on it. At best half-assed warlord with no concept of tactics.
>>155177 N sheit. Thats the important part.
>>155177 Nubians wuz kangz an shiet. Central and southern Congolese Africans are just NIGGERS. The Khoisan are nice enough and the Pygmies are H. habilis/H. erectus level primitive and don't do anything but live in the jungle and get murdered by the Congo NIGGERS.
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Here's your Hermione Granger, bro.
>>155181 Imagine being the same age of 32 and getting mogged by Shrek's daughter.
>>155181 >things literally nobody asked for >least of all an undead wearing another person's skin
>>155181 Man, the Snortus Cocaina and the Feminismum spells did a number on her.
>>155181 Why does she look like she's 50?
>>155185 From the look of it, plastic surgery, drugs, excessive sunbathing, starvation, and hair treatments that left it stringy and barren. That and a lot of long nights being passed around as a fucktoy and being forced to do unspeakable things. Just look at any Disney child stars after they grew up and you'll see the same pattern.
>>155185 she probably does it on purpose as a defense against weinstein types, especially now that she has more money than she will ever be able to spend, especially since she's almost certainly barren by now.
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>>155190 Facial reconstruction has come a long way, that crash into the wall couldn't have been pretty.
You know if you fucks are going to be posting 3dpd can you at least make an attempt to post somewhat attractive ones? Or ones with BIG tits?
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>>155192 one mans sexy is another mans ugly
>>155176 How the hell is anything still alive in Africa?
>>155193 I'm not entirely opposed to the cute chinese(?) musclegirl but I doubt anyone here sees Emma Watson as sexy. >>155194 The warp.
>>155195 And that's the answer to the ancient question. Niggers are not orcs, they are hellspawns. Do they follow all gods except Tzeench? or Khorne, because it would require some little sense or honour.
Wait wait wait. So the nigger who beated himself being released is true? saw it arround here and thought it was a joke.
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>>155178 Speaking of nigger warlords, I wonder whatever happened to that one from CHAZ, the rapper Raz or whatever his name was.
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So much for randomly checking in on Acid's twitter.
>>155198 If he wasn't killed by other nigger by now, he is just waiting for his new chance to be a warlord in america. For fuck's sake, it's specially painful being raised in the 90s and believing all that shit about everyone being equal.
>>155200 just set your birthday as the earliest you can; prove how arbitrary and shit the system is by being the oldest person alive
>>155193 I would revolution her culture, if you ching my chong.
>>155098 Yes, when she denounced her own pomp parody and called anyone liking it creeps for some tumblr cred. Chuuba fans to this day bring it up every time she's subject of a thread.
>>155181 >>155182 >>155190 She looks like one of those girls who do fart porn online. They all have the same look.
>>155190 Bro she's aging like milk.
>>155200 >>155201 be careful actually, people changing their birthdays have gotten them locked out of their account permanently. better to just make a new alternate account
>>155196 Heres my headcanon. Africans=nurgle Pre-columbian americans, central asians and muslims= khorne chinks and jews = tzeencht globohomo=slaanesh
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>>155208 >globohomo=slaanesh Accurate.
>>155206 At least with aging milk you could make cheese, they are not even good enouth for that.
https://www.bleepingcomputer.com/news/security/big-sabotage-famous-npm-package-deletes-files-to-protest-ukraine-war/ https://archive.ph/tcAfJ >local javascript soydev updated his open source software library with obfuscated code that wipes any russian developer's pc So much for the age of open source, unless you're reading commit history for every update. You could argue for backups but I could argue that it starts bitrotting your filesystem silently. Really it seems the blame would be on any package maintainers though, but I imagine this comes as a rolling release dev environment, like how pip installs python extensions from their own repository, and packages are user maintained so there is no oversight until its actively reported as malware.
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>>155209 See, it baffles me how normalfags do not understand how insane these people are when they identify with demons, monsters, murderers and evil entities in general just because they tangiatially support their fuckery. Emperor preserve us, at this rate we wont make it to the age of strife.
>>155211 Once again, not updating proves to be the best choice.
>>155211 I'm sure with how every company and faggot on the planet is tripping over each other to show they're against the war by fucking over Russians totally will not have any negative consequences whatsoever in the future, no sir.
>>155211 >location activated code to destroy your PC This won't bite everyone in the ass at all, right? Like the many backdoors windows and apple did and now it's used to make ransomware. Also, even if I hate russians this is getting stupid. This won't do anything but affect the regular citizenshit that might have your opinion against the war but now say "fuck the west" because they had everything removed.
>>155214 Not even russia, just the random ivans we have dealt with since the fall of the iron courtains, specially the kind that make autistic mods with broken english.
>>155212 Peoples support slaanesh all the time. How many times has flick the thief depicted slaaneshies as lovable sex manics? People tend to think of slaanesh as the lewd god and ignore the kind of lewds slaaneshites canonically enjoy. It would be more accurate to describe slaanesh as the god of guro scat vore zoo necrophilia
>>155216 Point is these retards are targetting Russians and not Russia, in a show of complete hypocrisy. I'm sure persecuting an entire nationality will work out in the future, especially considering Russia is touted as a "world superpower" too.
>>155213 You'll love linux from scratch then. >>155214 We are rapidly approaching the future foretold in The Machine Stops, where people worship the infrastructure without understanding it.
>>155217 I mean yes, but they also show the sisters of battle as hot bimbos with white hair instead of the insane zealots scared by war even a desperate guardsman wouldnt tap from the lore. >>155218 I know, is depressing, i played with plenty of russians and sure as hell will miss their contributions to vidya.
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>>155221 It's not even the end of the month, demon!
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>>155211 This is pretty hilarious honestly, lol. I never trusted this kind of shoddy repositories and was always surprised with how liberal people were in using them. Same with pip or even those sites distributing flatpaks, appimages and whatever else. >This marks the second major incident of protest by an open source developer this year, following January's 'colors' and 'fakers' self-sabotage incident, as first reported by BleepingComputer. >Initially, users suspected that the libraries 'colors' and 'faker' used by these projects were compromised [1, 2, 3], similar to how coa, rc, and ua-parser-js libraries were hijacked last year by malicious actors. wew
>>155198 >empty egg carton that's an absolutely brutal roast, I'm stealing that
>>155223 >also javascript I rest my case
>>155222 Speaking of demons, any news about the foxy stone mama?
>>155226 >foxy [..] mama Carmelita fox?
>>155121 That's literally what I said but you didn't word it like a spastic fuck you.
>>155227 No, that nine tailed fox that was inside a stone which broke recently.
>>155226 >>155229 Unless the japanese lied, she was exorcised long long ago. The stone was just an empty stone.
>>155229 >>155230 Oh yeah and I guess Noah's Ark was a real event that happened, too?
>>155231 >He wasn't there
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>>155230 Im pretty sure soon we will see totally real footage of a jap priest going there and dicking the foxgirl back into a rock.
>>55 :^) 0 >>155211 >>155213 >>155214 >>155215 >>155216 >>155218 >>155219 >>155219 >>155220 >>155223 >>155225 Oh, come one, guys, can't you just fork it if it's THAT much of an issue?
>>155237 You might as well never update your system. Congrats, it's a fork that will never have soydevs writing malicious code.
>>155231 >I guess Noah's Ark was a real event that happened Yes, it is. Why else doesn't the Turkish government allow Western tourists to wonder around their mountains?
...must suck kazu dick... ...kazu so fucking hot...
>>155200 >>155202 He probably doesn't have a Twitter account, I've run into the same problem for the same reason. Before this there wasn't any reason to have an account if you weren't going to tweet yourself and didn't care about having a "feed". I still haven't made a Twitter account but for anyone who needs one I assume they still want a phone number to make one? Making a Twilio might still be a way around that, since they give you a phone number for a month that can receive SMS online and wouldn't be blacklisted like the public SMS-receiving numbers since it's custom, but I haven't checked for years so I don't know if it still works.
>>155242 If you're going to make a social media account, why bother with Twatter in the first place when there are so many alternatives?
>>155168 Come on. You know why. >>155169 >to remove them you had to mess with 5 different settings panels. You just have to block outgoing connections to Microsoft servers. They never show up again after that. >>155181 "If you or a loved one has become a victim of JCSA (jewish childhood sexual abuse), you may be entitled to compensation..." >>155243 But bro dude! How will I ever learn about the epic global happenings if I'm not part of the Largest Social Media Network (question it and be banned) where all the happening dudes and Official Legitimate Media post?!
>>155242 >>155243 >>155244 Speaking of social media, decided to pull up the terms for Trump's new social media site, Truth Social, and the terms are the exact same ones that you will find on Twatter; such as the "Don't be racist, transphobic, swear, talk dirty, etc.": https://archive.ph/Ywbz3
>>155242 Fortunately nitter still allows you to see content twitter won't serve you. >Twilio I'll give that a try. I was looking into shitposting someone but couldn't get past the phone block.
>>155243 Because something you want to see is there. For instance Twitter is the easiest way to dig for journo conflicts of interest, just search the username of the journo and the subject together and see if there's any tweets indicating they're friends or whatever. You don't need a Twitter account to do that, which is why I've never made one, but now that they're blocking images from some accounts for "age-restriction" that might provide a reason for some people. >>155246 >Fortunately nitter still allows you to see content twitter won't serve you. Oh, it does? I tried it a while back and it didn't work, but that was soon after the Twitter change so maybe they fixed it. >Twilio Tell me whether it still works. I think they sometimes request phone verification themselves, but their blacklists are much less comprehensive so if they do you can probably use a public SMS-receiver number. The account will then come with a non-public number that lasts for a month and can receive Twitter SMS via the website, assuming it still works the same way it worked years ago.
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>>155249 Finally someone with some sense to close this fucking gate. I for one welcome the end of this wild ride. >>155242 I heard twitter was adding a dislike feature or just recently added it. I am expecting that to make browsing even more of a chore. They claimed it would not effect the reach of a tweet or visibility but I fully expect it to make finding "problematic" replies very difficult.
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>>155248 *Num*
>>155248 It's St Patrick's Day, you know what that means
>>155253 Time to force niggers in every St Patrick's Day procession, program and guinness commercial because fuck white culture?
>>155253 Seconding this. Like I said earlier I'm on a trip away from my regular PC so I won't be able to make new threads until next week. Have to go out soon, anyway.
>>155253 leprecunny?
Next bread: >>556446 Next bread: >>556446 Next bread: >>556446 Next bread: >>556446 Next bread: >>556446 Next bread: >>556446 Next bread: >>556446 Next bread: >>556446 Next bread: >>556446 Next bread: >>556446 Next bread: >>556446 Next bread: >>556446 Next bread: >>556446 Next bread: >>556446 Next bread: >>556446 Next bread: >>556446 Next bread: >>556446 Next bread: >>556446 Next bread: >>556446 Next bread: >>556446 Next bread: >>556446 Next bread: >>556446
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