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#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: Embracers Of Infamy Edition Anonymous 05/03/2022 (Tue) 08:27:27 Id: 7d484a No. 173668
ONGOING DISCUSSIONS: >Embracer (Formerly THQ Nordic) buys multiple IPs from Square Enix for $300 Million https://archive.ph/wGTUC >Elon Musk Buys Twitter: https://archive.ph/pweWJ https://archive.ph/5cyDH== >Disney employees create open letter and are asking people to sign a petition for political neutrality https://archive.ph/9ES8d >BuzzFeed shareholders urge CEO Jonah Peretti to shut down the ENTIRE news operation which has '100 staff and loses $10MILLION a year': Staff bombard execs with questions in leaked audio of tense meeting about the news https://archive.is/8viWf >Former Gawker Media properties G/O Media of staff from Kotaku, Gizmodo, Jalopnik, Jezebel, Lifehacker and The Root went on strike. https://archive.ph/pyYJg >MS buys Actiblizz https://archive.ph/Lc4Em >Sony buys Bungie for $3.6 Billion https://archive.fo/7BE4T >Sony Vice President of Playstation Network George Cacioppo exposed for trying to have sex with a 15 year old minors through Grindr App via chatlogs from "People Vs Predators" Group: https://archive.md/SlG30 >Archives Prove IGN Executive Review Editor Dan Stapleton Lied When Claiming Outlet Would Not Report On Sony Exec Pedophile Allegations Because They Don’t Cover “General Crime”: https://boundingintocomics.com/2021/12/07/archives-prove-ign-executive-review-editor-lied-when-claiming-outlet-would-not-report-on-sony-exec-pedophile-allegations-because-they-dont-cover-general-crime/ - https://archive.md/uuDNE https://archive.md/O7wma >Aforementioned People Vs Preds Groups also caught Senior Account Manager for Nvidia Todd Wiseman for allegedly trying to meet with a 15 year old boy for sex. https://archive.md/xMz2f >Nathan Grayson leaves Kotaku to join the Washington Post's "Launcher" section https://archive.is/9hqq0 >Five Nights at Freddy's developer Scott Cawthon retires after SJWs and game journalists attack him for donating to Republican politicians https://archive.fo/wCpMC https://archive.fo/Fe8Ey >Quinton Flynn Replaced as Kael’thas Voice Actor in WoW; Despite Judge Ruling Sexual Misconduct Allegations Came from Obsessive Stalker https://nichegamer.com/2021/04/19/quinton-flynn-replaced-as-kaelthas-voice-actor-in-wow-despite-judge-ruling-sexual-misconduct-allegations-came-from-obsessive-stalker/ - https://archive.is/Dj5a5 >A petition to deplatform once cancelled game "Six Days In Fallujah" started by Hala Alsalman receives game industry developer and figure support; gets stealthily updated https://archive.is/h6Da1 https://archive.is/eSpno CURRENT TASKS: 1. OPERATION TRAJAN: Collect and catalog all of the various localization and censorship accounts of past video games into a single repository from these sources: romhacking.net The_Cutting_Room_Floor/tcrf.net Segaretro.org https://redirect.invidious.io/channel/UCFItIX8SIs4zqhJCHpbeV1A Examples: http://archive.vn/XQOHW Sony's policies forces censorship; JP devs allegedly have to go through ENG approval process: https://archive.fo/awzFF - Japanese blog post about it: https://archive.fo/bF9bE Sony Japan President Says PS4 Censorship Policy Is To Match Global Standards And Protect Kids: https://archive.fo/U3GLa - Confirms censorship was deliberate: https://archive.fo/XgAgP - No rules for censorship policies, games judged case-by-case: https://archive.fo/37DhK - Marvelous partner starts petition against policy: https://archive.fo/rxQtf https://archive.fo/84UHo • Twitterfags: Tweet with Sony's stock code $SNE so that investors see your tweets and know you're pissed. • Consider spreading OP Timber materials to targets as well: http://archive.vn/URjtu ONGOING TASKS: A. Operation Download And Conquer: Loosen the death-grip of Google that has taken hold of the internet's audio and video services
[Expand Post]>>>/t/5546 B. Support archive.fo! Accountability needs proof: https://liberapay.com/archiveis/donate C. OP DisNod: Contact the FTC and advertisers about violations and unethical practices http://archive.vn/9bylT D. Internet Censorship happenings: Spread the word about the dangers of FOSTA/CLOUD act/Article 13, etc. https://www.eff.org/de/deeplinks/2020/03/earn-it-act-violates-constitution E. OP End the Era: Dig into resetera and their connections to journos, devs, etc. http://archive.vn/JfuSb Reminders (important, READ THESE!): • Use https://archive.today to deny sites ad revenue and traffic and preserve pages in case they are deleted later • Be civil if you have to argue with people on Twitter, Tumblr or any forum - don't make us look like douchebags • Do not accept requests for any goal, demand lists or personal army requests: https://pastebin.com/p5dVp1e5 • Beware COINTELPRO: The Gentleperson's Guide to Forum Spies: https://cryptome.org/2012/07/gent-forum-spies.htmSTOP REPLYING TO BAITS AND OBVIOUS DERAILMENT ATTEMPTS, JUST REPORT AND FILTER Resources >Summaries of #GamerGate:https://redirect.invidious.io/watch?v=wy9bisUIP3w - #GamerGate - If It's Not About Ethics • https://redirect.invidious.io/watch?v=5fnRSL3d_xU - #GamerGate in 60 Seconds • https://archive.fo/23Fde - GamerGate: A State of the Union Address >Background and Evidence for #GamerGate: • The #GamerGate Dossier: https://archive.fo/nv1Fb • #GamerGate Wiki: https://ggwiki.deepfreeze.it/index.php?title=Main_Page • History of #GamerGate: https://www.historyofgamergate.com/ • View the timeline links in the Current Happenings section! >Lists: • GG Steam Support & Boycott List: https://v.gd/vzRsRb • Key GamerGate Hubs: https://v.gd/LNJbat >Thread Repository: https://gitgud.io/gamergate/gamergateop/blob/master/ThreadRepository.md https://ggwiki.deepfreeze.it/index.php?title=Thread_Repository >Full OP Text: • Current: https://ggwiki.deepfreeze.it/index.php?title=The_GamerGate_OPCurrently offline; use the .txt. file of the GG OP to be provided near the beginning of every new thread instead >How Can I Help? >>>/gamergatehq/ • All OPs: https://gitgud.io/gamergate/gamergateop/tree/master/Operations • OP Vulcan: Learn logical debating: https://v.gd/Kbzw0L • An Anon's Guide to Twitter; basics: https://v.gd/nwrbYF >Want to Contribute to GitGud or Wiki? https://gitgud.io/gamergate/gamergateop/tree/master/How-to-Contribute
>>592517 >8chan before GG was a wasteland with basically no one posting on it. It might as well have not existed. 8chan only became anything resembling a community when Moot banned GG and a massive influx of expats (specifically from 4chan's GG threads) turned the site into a their own new version of 4chan with different boards. Over time the unity dissolved into cliqueiness and the majority of the people who still cared about GG remained on /v/ which had always been their home The banning of Gamergate on 4chan was symbolic of it having become fully compromised (with /pol/ harbor punctuating the point for anyone who missed it) and certainly was the spark that led to many anons getting off their lazy asses for better pastures instead of just grousing, but you have the most swelled head possible if you think it was "cliquishness" that resulted in the loss of Gamergate momentum and the rise of boards that weren't GG related, instead of it being the natural result of multiple communities (a good hunk of which were only related tangentially to Gamergate's lightning impetus of Five Guys>Gamers are Dead and subsequent digs) that saw a viable site away from janitors and other such niggers and promised the ideal of being able to make your own splinter board if the community that formed there wasn't to your liking (even though in practice everyone centralized where the PPH was because no one likes talking into the void) getting comfortable in the new surroundings and the natural decline of the hashtag's influence after Twatter kneecapped the ability to spread any further with algorithms before you start, I know Gamergate's influence lingers on, but that's shit like localization/politics outliving the hashtag itself Even putting that aside, there were plenty of anons that were on /v/ pre Tarrant shutdown that never once visited the Gamergate thread on /v/ itself and preferred to lurk the actual game threads (myself for example, lost interest around the time the HQ-Revolt civil war rendered both dead and the hot streak that set in after Gawker died ran cold). To reiterate, I fully acknowledge Gamergate is the reason we're here and respect that; I take offense to the idea that /v/ as a board cannot survive without it due to personal experience to the contrary (do not take this to mean I want it gone though). >>592523 I know the circular issue, but just as an example: /pol/ news only comes to to this place and nobody cares to use the actual /pol/ because Luciano shits it up (that's the refrain that's repeated when the subject comes up at least), so for lack of better options I'm stuck here. >>592533 >Fucking around with such a place is fucking stupid, what people need to do is make sure the rest of the board is healthier, but the moderation also needs to not work against the GG thread and the users either for that matter. You can't increase activity elsewhere when the moderation wants to reduce it, or at the very least, its a very uphill battle. What else can be done, then? I think this is the seventh time now we've come to the problem of "encouraging activity elsewhere", and it ultimately boils down to: >I use GG has my receptacle for [insert board topic] because the board for it is dead <be the PPH you want to see in the world >I do post on other boards as often as I can, but nobody gets back to me for days at a time, at which point I come back here for a demonstrably <after useless shit that boil down to "try harder", someone says we need more users then >suggestions are made on where to recruit from <nobody actually shills on those sites >repeat after everyone's forgotten we had this conversation I wouldn't blame Mark for trying a different approach to try and diffuse activity when the state of Gamergate thread affairs have effectively hit a deadlock. Whether it's a good move or not is yet to be seen. >>592535 >>592357 >Leak suggests SCOTUS will overturn Roe v. Wade. >Explanation for non burgers? Roe v. Wade is the Supreme Court case that enshrined Abortion as a right at any stage. If it gets overturned, women no longer have a "get-out-of-resposibility-free" option when getting knocked up.
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>>592538 yeah he made that and it's on his twitter. I only met my brother recently(we're actually half siblings, but I still see him as a full one) but he's been at this ever since he was in high school and he has the misfortune of being obscure despite his talent. I really hope he can make it, kid has more potential than me. Pic related, it's the NEW COMIC Drawn by my little bro, math is hard.
>>173669 >but you have the most swelled head possible if you think it was "cliquishness" that resulted in the loss of Gamergate momentum and the rise of boards that weren't GG related That's not what I said. I said it was the cliquishness that shattered 8chan's unity which it had in 2014. This was exploited by people specifically trying to destroy the site and divide it's userbase. They largely succeeded sadly. Gamergate's slowdown was the natural result of media recovering and shutting down all avenues of talk they didn't control. Board faction wars didn't kill the GG threads. They did kill the soul of 2014 8chan though, as did reddit expats fleeing to the site once their suhs got cracked down. >putting that aside, there were plenty of anons that were on /v/ pre Tarrant shutdown that never once visited the Gamergate thread on /v/ /v/ was created by expats from the GG threads. Were there newfags who came after and never engaged with the threads? Sure. But sorry, oldfags built the board. The original mods and the BO were oldfags. Then people got surprised why the GG thread was viewed as so important when it was literally the seed the board had sprouted from.
>>592557 good to know, keep with stanberry then
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>>173669 >I think this is the Xth time we've come down to this I've only seen it brought up a few times, but the difference is there is not anything organized, consistent, focused or directed, just loose thoughts that while true, disappear if it's not kept up I will admit I've been one of those people to bring it up, but not keep it up besides in my own personal behavior, as in repeatedly pushing people to do things each thread, possibly with updates on anything of note Moderation which forces things is usually a problem, and misguided efforts can lead to literal destruction, fucking with the GG threads is literally like fucking with the life of the very board especially at this stage when the userbase is both heavily reduced, somewhat volatile, and fractured across many boards now If I can find time soon, I will attempt to organize something more concrete later and try to help get shit on track again
>>592571 reported for antisemitism
>>173670 I love these fucking comics.
>>592578 Can't get dubs on slow site. You should be rolling the dice. Even = america has hope Odd = america has no hope 1d100000000 = 65308576
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>>173678 Hope I guess.
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>The Internet didn't help me get a girlfriend >chads use apps to keep a busy getting laid schedule
>>592589 Women are perfectly capable of exercising perfect and complete and eternal abstinence in my case, they can do it with the rest of guys as well.
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Talk about character assassination, am I right fellas?
>>173684 it's the same fucking model as the first game.
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>>173685 I haven't played it but I doubt the ass was negative thickness in the first game.
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>>173684 Wait until Cinco De Mayo, fucking Carlos Anyway, here's the OP text for the next thread
>>592608 >>592607 Uh videogames?
>>173686 Look closely anon, you can see her butt cheeks, but they don't protrude out.
Curious how some of you mentioned Tarrant. His actions managed to fuck up the original 8chan (fracturing a already small community), were used as a pretext strengthen tyrannical laws regarding internet censorship by governments and possible lead to Notre-dame's church arson. Now he's only known in chans and professional butthurt busy bodies. That's why violence doesn't work. It may feel good at the moment but sooner or later the results will caught you and make the rest of your (and others) life worse. His actions, at least indirectly, contributed to the dissolution of GG. It was already slowing down, but still had potential to be more influential. Now it's only a ghosts remembered by us and haunting literally-whos on Shitter.
Who is huggy wuggy and why are Michigan kids in danger? >The Sault Ste. Marie Police Department is alerting parents in Michigan about their concern over popular Poppy Playtime character 'Huggy Wuggy'. >Huggy Wuggy is an enormous creature with incredibly long arms and legs, leaving him standing at a towering height of at least 10 feet. He has blue fur and many razor-sharp teeth, on top of having another mouth inside of his mouth. He has yellow hands, red lips, and eyes that resemble googly eyes. Why Are People Concerned About Huggy Wuggy? >Sault Ste. Marie Police Chief Wesley Bierling and Sault Area Public Schools Superintendent Amy Kronemeyer have expressed concern about Huggy Wuggy in a release posted to Facebook. >Unfortunately, the online character “Huggy Wuggy” has come to our community. Huggy Wuggy spawned from the Poppy Playtime App and encourages children to commit violent acts to themselves and others. Huggy Wuggy demonstrates to children how to hug someone until “they can no longer breathe”. >Huggy Wuggy convinces children that toys or objects are trying to cause harm. Some of the Huggy Wuggy videos depict alcohol and drug use as well as sexual assault and violence towards women. Huggy Wuggy content can be found on Youtube, Tik Tok, and through online search engines. >Though some Huggy Wuggy content is being removed and regulated but we encourage all parents to audit their kids App and online usage for Huggy Wuggy content. <Wow!! From our very own Sheridan Elementary school. Which this building goes to 2nd grade!! 2nd grade!! <So this thing that has been going around on the internet telling kids bad things.. showed up on ezzys YouTube when he... <Ok fellow parent friends just want to share this as an FYI because this new trend is giving this anxiety momma more... >Police are urging parents to monitor their children’s use of YouTube and other video-sharing social media platforms for content that may be inappropriate or too intense for their viewing. https://archive.ph/rQqj8 Huggy Wuggy: child expert warns about video game character https://youtu.be/JabJP13HGIM >Character encouraging hugging is problematic Will journalists go after five nights at Freddy’s again or they are hoping for a new slender man stabbing?
>>173691 Man, the Poppy Playtime marketer must be having a field day.
Blizzard's rumoured Pokémon Go-like Warcraft project reportedly cancelled >Last month, Bloomberg's Jason Schreier tweeted that Blizzard was coming out of its "dry spell" and was set to release "a bunch of new games", with an accompanying link to tonight's mobile Warcraft announcement. Here, Schreier stated that this particular game was "one of two" mobile Warcraft projects in development. >Schreier then went into more detail about these games on ResetEra, saying: "Yup there are (at least) two Warcraft mobile games in development. One Pokémon Go, one other Clash-ish one. Heard good things about both." >However, it has now been confirmed that the Pokémon Go-like Warcraft game has in fact been cancelled. >On Friday, Jez Cordon from Windows Central tweeted: "For those DM'ing me about the Warcraft mobile games, I believe the Pokémon Go-like Warcraft game was actually cancelled a while ago. >The one being announced next week is not Pokémon Go-like at all but sounds like it'll be pretty great from what I've heard." >In response to this tweet, Schreier later shared the following reply. Can confirm this - the Warcraft Pokémon Go game, one of the two mentioned in my first tweet, was cancelled earlier this year. The other one will be revealed next week." >Can confirm this - the Warcraft Pokemon Go game, one of the two mentioned in my first tweet, was canceled earlier this year. The other one will be revealed next week >Cordon went on to thank Schrier for confirming, stating it, "makes sense they'd end it, non-Pokémon PoGo-type games haven't done that well." https://archive.ph/yjO3m Rumor: Ubisoft May Be Quietly Retiring The Watch Dogs Series >A Youtuber theorizes that Ubisoft may be finished with the Watch Dogs franchise using evidence from recent departures and development strategy. >Ubisoft has found itself in a quagmire of game release strategy. After middling game releases and suggested fatigue with its gameplay mechanics, the company has been looking to revamp its product offering and seems to be cutting franchises to focus resources on other games. >A YouTuber has offered up a theory that may suggest that the Watch Dogs franchise is on the chopping block as Ubisoft plans out its future. >YouTuber JorRaptor has put together a theory that suggests that Ubisoft may be finished with making Watch Dogs games after reception to the Watch Dogs: Legion was tepid at best. >He also took a look at job role personnel at Ubisoft and noticed that senior members of the Watch Dogs development team have either left the company or have been moved to other games. >At least seven senior developers that worked on Watch Dogs are now scattered in the wind. Anyone left with the company has moved on to other projects. >The release of the Watch Dogs: Legion Bloodline DLC marked the end of content updates for the game, as Ubisoft announced in early 2022 that no more patches or updates will be coming. >A sudden change of course after much of the promotion of the game was expected to include multi-year seasonal content similar to what has been done with Assassin's Creed: Valhalla and The Division 2. >The franchise has its fans but with Watch Dogs: Legion not taking hold after moderate gains with Watch Dogs 2, Ubisoft may be ready to cut the cord on this franchise as it looks to focus on bringing any of its other projects to market. >Ubisoft has a plethora of games supposedly in development but has offered very little insight on development progress. >Between xDefiant, The Division: Heartlands, Skull and Bones, Beyond Good and Evil 2, and many more, Ubisoft has revealed many games in development but has only been able to lean on Assassin's Creed and Far Cry titles to carry the company's water. >Except for a recent teaser for Skull and Bones, the only time anything is heard about the aforementioned games is in quarterly investor reports that end along the lines of "development is going well. >Ubisoft has other problems to go along with its game development issues and the supposed end of Watch Dogs. The company is also navigating in-house controversy for poor working conditions and sexual harassment allegations. >Those added issues will more than likely impact all games under the Ubisoft banner, leaving the company spread thin. Even as it announces new games, Ubisoft has a long road ahead to regain the prestige it once had. https://archive.ph/YX20j
>>173692 Is kid's horror even a thing outside of video games nowadays? Kids' horror was booming in the 90s with goosebumps books, tales from the crypt cartoon and afraid of the dark.
>>173692 >>173684 Any news of blizzard also censoring Mei, Dva and window maker asses?
>>173694 Yes, there's Five Nights at Freddy's which was popular some years ago and still is. Bendy and the Ink Machine, Hello Neighbor or whatever. I'm not a child so I haven't played any of these and can't vouch for their appeal, but I saw a FNAF thread here a few months ago (for SHAME) where anons discussed the series.
>>173696 >but I saw a FNAF thread here a few months ago (for SHAME) where anons discussed the series. FNAF pretty much the Pokémon or sonic the hedgehog for the zoomer generation. FNAF probably has more long term staying power than minecraft thanks to how badly Microsoft manage the IP.
>>173697 Quite baffling, I really don't see the appeal. Scott Cawthon can't even design a character that looks appealing or develop a game using actual devtools (he made the games with Clickteam Fusion AKA klik n play)
>>173691 There's something I don't understand. How did the Huggy Wuggy shit got so popular? I even saw many bad copy dolls sold in the spring holydays here. I thought it was just a shitty demo, and at least FNAF was a full game.
>>173699 Because it's a carefully orchestrated corporate ploy to try and replicate the organic growth and popularity of FNAF by funneling money into it. It's all crafted in such a way that it follows every trend that has been popular with these kinds of games for the last 8-10 years or so. https://yewtu.be/watch?v=wwb2Rh9MFQM Here's a retarded zoom*r talking about it
Jason Momoa to star in Minecraft movie from Napoleon Dynamite director Jared Hess >There’s been several blocks in the road for Warner Bros. long-planned Minecraft movie, and it seems the studio is now prepping a fresh take on the adaptation of the video game phenomenon, this time with the added star power of the studio’s Aquaman, Jason Momoa. >As per THR, Momoa has signed on to lead the cast of Minecraft, which now has Jared Hess (Napoleon Dynamite) in the director’s chair. >Mary Parent (Dune) and Roy Lee (Godzilla vs. Kong) are producing, while Lydia Winters and Vu Bui of Minecraft developer Mojang Studios will executive produce. >Minecraft launched in 2011 and has gone on to become the bestselling video game title of all time with an incredible 238 million sales across all platforms and still attracts some 140 million monthly active users. >Warner Bros. and Mojang first began developing a Minecraft film adaptation in 2014, with Shawn Levy (Free Guy), Rob McElhenney (It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia), Aaron and Adam Nee (The Lost City) and Peter Sollett (Nick & Norah’s Infinite Playlist) all attached to direct at one point or another. >It remains to be seen whether this latest iteration will break the mould, but it’s likely to be Warner’s last attempt as the rights will reportedly revert back to Mojang in January 2023 if the studio hasn’t managed to get production up and running by that point. https://archive.ph/7Rgin Former Crackdown 3 devs are seemingly working on a brand new project. >As first reported by Tech4Gamers, it seems as though several key developers of Crackdown 3 have moved on to work on a brand new project under Xbox Game Studios. >James Goddard, Mark Simon, and Dave McCrate have all been listed as working on a new project at Xbox Game Studios, as per their LinkedIn profiles. >Some of those developers have been working on the mysterious new project for nearly three years now. Goddard, who was a design director on Crackdown 3 at Xbox Game Studios, has been listed as working on the new project since September 2019, while Simon and McCrate have been associated with the new venture since 2017 and 2019, respectively. >Right now however, there's zero information to go on surrounding the enigmatic new game in development at Xbox Game Studios. The report from Tech4Gamers speculates that a brand new Crackdown game could be in development from the former Crackdown 3 leads, but this is all speculation as of right now, and considering the time it took to actually launch Crackdown 3, it seems unlikely. >As for what we do know is coming further down the line from developers similarly working under the Xbox Game Studios umbrella, it's a considerable list. >We've got the likes of Arkane's vampiric shooter Redfall to look forward to later this year, as well as the esteemed Fable 4 reboot further off on the horizon. There's also the likes of State of Decay 3 and the Perfect Dark reboot in the years to come. https://archive.ph/mTJj4
>>173700 Forgot my picture.
>>173700 So even the panic is just paid PR?
>>173703 You bet your ass it is, remember Sony and their North Korea hack sham?
>>173699 >I even saw many bad copy dolls sold in the spring holydays here. I assumed huggy Wuggy and FNAF got popular because they were easy to turn into toys.
>>173704 That was orchestrated too? I was thinking more like the fake christian outrage of Dante's Inferno. And fuck, didn't play it but the game looked as a terrible copy of God of War, which is already a terrible copy of Devil May Cry.
>>173705 So the secret of success is being able to make toys out of your property.
>>592657 Didn't have gameplay either.
>>173707 Yeah, basically. appealing designs and characters with striking, recognizable and archetypal personalities. Look at Sonic
>>592657 >>173709 Would people buy cowboy orcs?
>>173710 Can you make them look cool? And the females fuckable? If yes to both, then try.
>>592663 Enough with the cards.
>>173711 >cowgirl orc
>>173712 >Enough with the cards. Even Satan is fucking tired with these normies and their Pokemon cards.
>>173713 >cowgirl orc eating hambaga
>>173711 >>592665 Is just that I have a little idea I need to work in about spaghetti westerns in fantasy worlds, with confederate looking lyches, magicians who can shoot bullets without guns, the Inquisition using golems of mass destruction and orc boxer cowboys.
>>173707 Ever hear of this little movie franchise called "Star Wars"?
>>173709 >appealing designs and characters with striking, recognizable, and archetypal personalities. Sometimes cuteness is all you need. Can someone here describe hello kitty personality? Look at Sanrio and animal crossing. It’s makes it more baffling why Nintendo hasn’t done more with Star fox. Krystal would’ve been as big of a cash cow as animal crossing Isabelle is today.
>>173718 Krystal is furbait by anglos, Isabelle is fuckable only to those already down the rabbithole but she has something more, something else. She appeals to women and non-gamers as well with her OL personality and mannerisms.
>>173719 To be fair. Furbait might be the future. Especially when sonic the hedgehog 2 and bad guys might make more money than current year capeshit. I am a little surprised Triple AAA haven’t embraced Furbait it yet outside of japan and indie games.
>>173720 >bad guys Never heard of that one, also isn't Sonic 2 a flop?
>>173721 Sonic 2 might make more the woke Batman reboot. Bad guys is Zootopia but about criminals. Lupin the third with furries really.
Software and sites to give attention to! Operating systems >AROS: http://aros.sourceforge.net/ >BSD <Net: https://www.netbsd.org/ <Open: https://www.openbsd.org/ <DragonFly: https://www.dragonflybsd.org/ >GrapheneOS: https://grapheneos.org/ >Linux <Artix Linux: https://artixlinux.org/ <CLIP OS: https://clip-os.org/ <Devuan: https://www.devuan.org/ <EndeavourOS: https://endeavouros.com/ <Rocky Linux: https://rockylinux.org/ >ToaruOS: https://toaruos.org/ Archival >ArchiveBox: https://archivebox.io/ Chatrooms: >Session: https://getsession.org/ >Tox: https://tox.chat/ Database >Based Cooking: https://based.cooking/ >BigchainDB: https://www.bigchaindb.com/ >Gelbooru: https://gelbooru.com/ >Gun: https://gun.eco/ >Hydrus ( >>>/t/6469 ): https://hydrusnetwork.github.io/hydrus/ >Library Genesis: http://libgen.rs/ >ourobooru: https://ourobooru.booru.org/ >Sci-Hub: https://sci-hub.hkvisa.net/ Donation and payment services: >AlignPay: https://www.alignpay.com/ >Fanbox: https://www.pixiv.net/fanbox >Fantia: http://fantia.jp/ >Librepay: https://liberapay.com/ Email clients >Claws Mail: https://www.claws-mail.org/ >The Mutt: http://www.mutt.org/ Email hosting >Create your own: https://archive.fo/okVq4 >Cock.li: https://cock.li/ Encyclopedias >Infogalactic: https://infogalactic.com/info/Main_Page File sharing and storage >anonfile: https://anonfile.com/ >BitTorrent: https://infogalactic.com/info/BitTorrent >CacheP2P: https://github.com/guerrerocarlos/CacheP2P >Catbox: https://catbox.moe/ >Cryptosphere: https://github.com/cryptosphere/cryptosphere
[Expand Post]>Dat Project: https://datproject.org/ >Filecoin: https://filecoin.io/ >Holochain: https://github.com/holochain/holochain-proto >Instant.io: https://instant.io/ >IPFS: https://ipfs.io/ >Kek.gg https://kek.gg/ >Onion Share: https://onionshare.org/ >ORC: https://orc.apache.org/ >Peergos: https://peergos.org/ >Perkeep: https://perkeep.org/ >Pomf: https://github.com/pomf/pomf >QBittorrent: https://www.qbittorrent.org/ >Sia: https://sia.tech/ >Storj: https://storj.io/ >Swarm: https://github.com/ethersphere/swarm >Tahoe-LAFS: https://www.tahoe-lafs.org/trac/tahoe-lafs >Uguu: https://uguu.se/ >WebTorrent: https://webtorrent.io/ >Other sites: https://www.archiveteam.org/index.php?title=Pomf.se/Clones Galleries and image hosting >ArtStation (SFW only): https://www.artstation.com/ >HicceArs: https://www.hiccears.com/ >Wysp: https://www.wysp.ws/ Internet and browsers >BadWolf: https://hacktivis.me/projects/badwolf >Basilisk: https://www.basilisk-browser.org/ >Beaker: https://beakerbrowser.com/ >Bromite: https://www.bromite.org/ >Falkon: https://www.falkon.org/ >GNU IceCat: https://www.gnu.org/software/gnuzilla/ >Handshake: https://handshake.org/ >I2P: https://geti2p.net/ >InterPlanetary Wayback: https://github.com/oduwsdl/ipwb >Iridium Browser (Guide to remove spyware: https://spyware.neocities.org/guides/iridium.html ): https://iridiumbrowser.de/ >LibreWolf: https://librewolf-community.gitlab.io/ >MaidSafe: https://maidsafe.net >Mysterium Network: https://mysterium.network/ >Namecoin: https://namecoin.org/ >NetSurf (Guide to remove spyware: https://spyware.neocities.org/guides/netsurf.html ): https://www.netsurf-browser.org/ >Otter Browser: https://otter-browser.org/ >Qutebrowser: https://qutebrowser.org/ >Sphere Browser (WARNING: https://spyware.neocities.org/articles/sphere.html ): https://sphere.tenebris.cc/ >Surf: http://surf.suckless.org/ >Tor: https://www.torproject.org/ >Ungoogled-Chromium: https://ungoogled-software.github.io/ungoogled-chromium-binaries/ >Web Browser: https://git.nuegia.net/webbrowser.git/ >Yggdrasil Network: https://yggdrasil-network.github.io/ >ZeroNet: https://zeronet.io/ Marketplace >DLsite: https://www.dlsite.com/eng/ >DMM Games: https://games.dmm.com/ >Fruitbat Factory: https://sites.fastspring.com/fruitbatfactory/product/buy >ğchange: https://www.gchange.fr >JAST: https://jastusa.com/ >NekoNyan: https://nekonyansoft.com/shop >Play-Asia: https://www.play-asia.com/ >Top Hat Store: https://shop.tophat.studio >Zoom Platform: https://www.zoom-platform.com/ Pastebins >Paste: https://github.com/jordansamuel/PASTE >PrivateBin: https://privatebin.info/ Search engines >ActiveSearchResults: https://www.activesearchresults.com/ >ExactSeek: https://www.exactseek.com/ >Gigablast: https://www.gigablast.com/ >Marginalia : https://search.marginalia.nu/ >Mojeek: https://www.mojeek.com/ >Wiby: https://wiby.me/ >YaCy: https://yacy.net/ Social media >anime website: https://anime.website/ >Baest: https://bae.st/ >baraag.net: https://baraag.net/ >Free Speech Extremist: https://freespeechextremist.com/ >GNU Social: https://gnu.io/social/ >Hubzilla: https://zotlabs.org/page/hubzilla/hubzilla-project >Mediachain: http://www.mediachain.io/ >Pawoo: https://pawoo.net/ >Pleroma: https://pleroma.social/ >Plurk: https://www.plurk.com/ >Poast: https://poa.st/ >Shitposter Club: https://shitposter.club/ >Steemit: https://steemit.com/ Streaming >8chanTV ( >>>/site/1519 ): https://watch.8ch.moe/ Video and audio platforms >AVideo: https://github.com/WWBN/AVideo >BitTube: https://bittube.tv/ >D.tube: https://d.tube/ >MediaGoblin: https://mediagoblin.org/ >Veoh: https://www.veoh.com/ >VidLii: https://www.vidlii.com/ Video downloaders and converters >boram: https://github.com/Kagami/boram >ffmpeg: https://ffmpeg.org/download.html >NewPipe: https://newpipe.net/ >WebMConverter: https://gitgud.io/nixx/WebMConverter >webm.py: https://github.com/Kagami/webm.py >wybm: https://github.com/Kagami/wybm >youtube-dl (Also download ffmpeg for best compatability; guide: >>>/t/5546): https://youtube-dl.org/ Web hosts >Create your own: https://archive.vn/BtM69 >IONOS: https://www.ionos.com/ >KolymaNET: https://www.kolyma.org/ >Neocities: https://neocities.org/ Other >AdNauseam: https://adnauseam.io/ >Amateur Game Development General: >>>/agdg/ >ChannelChanger: >>>/t/1257 >Crescent Isle: >>>/site/532 >Kdenlive: https://kdenlive.org/ >LINE Sticker Downloader: https://goonlinetools.com/line-sticker-download/ >Magic Wormhole: https://github.com/warner/magic-wormhole >OpenTimestamps: https://opentimestamps.org/ >Privacy Possum: https://github.com/cowlicks/privacypossum >QEMU: https://www.qemu.org/ >The Wick Editor: https://www.wickeditor.com/ >VirtualBox: https://www.virtualbox.org/ Suggestions are always welcome! Revision Updates: 4/15/22: https://archive.ph/1FPcI
>>173723 Shit, I remember this character. There was this one autists who was absolutely obsessed with it, would upload hotgluing videos of it to Youtube and post on every single goddamn drawthread asking for fetish art of it. That was probably like 8-10 years ago, anyone knows what I'm talking about?
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>>173725 Is the among us the vagina?
>>173726 air in first pic
>>173669 >nobody cares to use the actual /pol/ because Luciano shits it up No, he doesn't. No one posts on /pol/ because they don't have much interest in talking about politics or current events there's a happening going on (Which I can't blame them for, I'm the same way), and the only people that seem interested in talking about current events all default to either this thread or /b/. Outside of that, the board mostly exists as a soft /polarchive/ or a general discussion.
>>592661 >Amy Hennig >'richly cinematic action-adventure game' You got my hopes up then crushed them.
>>592663 What's with the autism on getting Pokémon cards these days? >>173723 Why isn't Odysee part of the video platforms? >>173728 The low activity on /pol/ is one thing that you're not wrong, but that huemonkey is still shitting up the board regardless.
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NEW COMIC Math is hard! credit to my brother as the guest artist for this strip.
>>173730 >Why isn't Odysee part of the video platforms? https://archive.ph/1FPcI >Removed <LBRY (Social Media), reversed on original policies: https://archive.ph/Bbfke
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This is official new MTG art, not a shitpost. It's alternative art as part of a "LGBTQIA2S+"-themed "Secret Lair" (when they sell collections of individual cards, often with alternative art). https://archive.ph/ASkgz >This year we are introducing Pride Across the Multiverse, a celebration of the LGBTQIA2S+ community's relentless creativity. They've spent years cracking down on far milder cheesecake and sexualization of women, justified as it making people uncomfortable or whatever, but naturally when it comes time to pander all bets are off. https://archive.ph/oBaP0 As an example here's the "Gathering Throng" art from the latest set where we have the orignal art and can see they covered up the cleavage.
>>173733 Who on their right mind would buy that? It's like they are asking to go bankrupt.
>>173733 Well, at least is not a paint picture.
>>173733 We have a /tg/ board too.
>>173681 Dating apps are notoriously shit for any men. "Chads" would probably have more luck at a bar. The way women's brains work when it comes to mate seeking is incompatible with dating apps. A man that could easily get a gf or wife by interacting with her at work or school would be instantly written off on a dating app just based on superficial shit. When have all these autistic little check boxes in their minds when they are presented with options on a screen. But when they aren't thinking about their autistic little check boxes if you make them laugh in a casual environment their autism lists instantly disappear and they become infatuated with you.
>>592707 I'm curious if people buy Funkopops and comicbook figures because they want to or if they're under some misguided impression that it's an investment and that they'll make bank in a few years reselling them.
>>173737 GG has always discussed SJWs censoring and otherwise fucking with nerd media.
>>173739 I think that's pretty much it. it's like a more fake and gay beanie babies because at least beanie babies can be used by children as a toy.
>>173741 That whole fad lasted like a year at most. Funko shit has been around for much longer.
>>173737 Any design ideas on their own css theme here?
>>173743 Same thing with >>>/a/ here
>>173739 >buy limited editions of video games >have no intention of selling them, but if I did, I could literally make back nearly all the money I've spent on video games period just with selling 2-3 of them feels good
(550.00 KB 512x474 tiefling so good.png)

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>>173743 Put this face in the corner.
>>173746 fuck, that's actually a funny comic
>>173746 Do hooved animals actually enjoy wearing horseshoes?
>>173748 They are animals, they don't really have emotions.
>>173749 animals can enjoy things, if they didn't they wouldn't do anything.
>>173750 Yeah but they don't feel things the way we humans do. If a Dog has a collar on or not it matters the same to it unless it gets on its way.
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>>173707 Merchandising, where the REAL money is made!
>>592761 Americans just can't help it, can they?
>>592761 Who? also, how much was she shat by her own people?
I can't post
>>592761 Remember these people want you dead etc etc etc Are we being DDoSed again? Images are loading slowly and I can't get a captcha.
>>592761 >No archive. Then what the Hell did I just find: https://archive.ph/HbD90
>>173756 It's just the daily DDoS attack. It might take an hour so take it easy. Sent at 9PM.
>>592761 >small time struggling actress, big time racist lol These people want to be unemployable. >>173756 See >>592198 >>592202 >>173757 Good job anon.
>>173754 >Who? The narrator for some true crime drama called Accident, Suicide or Murder and the writer and director for the short film No Denying Love: https://www.imdb.com/name/nm1934035/
>>173757 I searched the wrong archive site by accident.
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>>592688 >>592756 a sexy yandere sounds like a good thing but a women with a dangerous personality in real life can only lead getting fucked in divorce court or worse.
So americans. Did your congress really called Elon Musk because they are butthurt they can't control twitter anymore?
>>173765 Haven't heard about it, but that sounds like something that would happen.
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>all of the abortion related topic posts were deleted
>>173768 Fuck, they deleted my post about Elon having enouth money to tell the congress to fuck off in public television.
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Hey, did you hear about video games?
>>173770 Yeah, VIDEO GAMES sure are nice, huh?
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>>173768 This is getting fucking irritating
>>173765 Why leave this question up but then delete my reply and his reply to my reply of the same topic. >>173769 Yeah I am going to assume this is going to get far worse before it gets better. >>173770 No, tell me more while I admire these trips of yours.
Does lynxchan have a move posts to board/thread? This would be better than just deleting the conversation.
(38.25 KB 180x169 7575787.899999976_image.png)

>>173770(checked) Nice digits.
>>173768 People can take it to /pol/.
>>173775 You can only merge entire threads with other threads. A feature to take threads and posts and offer/request to have them moved to another board would be very interesting. Then a BO could look through the requests and either accept the posts as new threads on his boards or reject them and they get deleted entirely.
>>173778 Since I don't have anything better to do, I'll look into it.
>>592661 >EA, Take-Two are the 'adults' The "go to" fallacy of soyfreaks. The more they call something adult, the more infantile it is.
>>173780 this really should be an internet law. Because usually the people who try the hardest to be the most adult are the most childish.
>>173778 also with a pop up not unlike the (deleted) one where it tells you that its been move and to where
>>173714 Go back to plebbit.
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GG Data: https://www.swisstransfer.com/d/937be082-24b9-48f3-b352-d9e8724dfa0e (150MB) New stuff attached so you can just add a few files if you have an earlier version. ArcadiaQatar.png has been updated with new info. Brandish's library: https://anonfiles.com/D5a0N7cbyb/infodrop_7z (550MB) Recommended reading for all of the feds watching this board.
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>>173770 I thought Kakyoin was into aras.
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>>173785 He was also very into video games.
>>173730 >What's with the autism on getting Pokémon cards these days? You're out of touch
>>173768 >all of the abortion related topic posts were deleted Can’t be. The post about magic the gathering news is still up. >>173733 This is why yu-gi-oh still the most popular trading card combat game in the world. I’m surprised SJW aren’t going after the yu-gi-oh community yet.
Watch out for GamerGate The public enemy of the world #1 It is the main hashtag responsible for… ☑ Accidentally re-starting the French Revolution ☑ Weaponized Gondolas ☑ Hacking German politicians and media ☑ Played "To Catch a Predator" with Randy Pickford ☑ Masterminded the destruction of GDQ via the Catfish of Legend: Namazu ☑ Under the light of the Blood Moon; Self-destructed Western Journalism by having a some kid smirk at a drumming savage ☑ Just wanted to start a conversation with everyone, everywhere, eternally ☑ Watched Gawker die TWICE ☑ Guilty of face crimes ☑ When GameStop tried to sell itself; offered $3.50 in in-store credit ☑ Made telling "journalists" to "learn to code" into a hate crime ☑ Taught the Alt-Right ✅Then harassed said Alt-Right ☑ Started in 2011-2012 when 4chan tried to steal Anita Sarkeesian's SSN# ☑ Created "Boner Culture" which made cis straight male erections the most powerful force on earth ☑ Had a Jewish Mobster 'Take Care' of it ☑ Asked THQ about gaemu which somehow triggered World Wide Web War III ☑ Tricked /cow/ into developing and sharing their fetish for Mark's plump bagel with ResetEra ☑ Triggered GJP3.0 with 57 hitpeices on THQ Nordic's AA ☑ Orchestrated the GaymerGay misogynist review backlash against Marvel's Captain Woman ☑ Taught New Zealand about "White Day" ☑ Radicalized Spyro the Dragon ☑ Turned Pewdiepie into the Osama Bin Ladin of GaymerGays ☑ "The nerds and gamers were joined by the proto-storm troopers of the alt-right in a bond that has never been broken" ☑ Was a trial run for "will the US tolerate fascist behavior" ☑ Exploring new frontiers in sexual harassment via Jelly Bean ☑ Groomed young impressionable politicians into misogynists ☑ Created and trained the alt-right to take over the political landscape on a global scale (And succeeded) ☑ Arranged for Sonic the Hedgehog (movie ver.) to get "fixed" ☑ Remains undefeated for all time ☑ Turned Rage 2 into a Trump-esque attack on game journos ☑ Joined forces with Amazon ☑ Helped Mark impress Resetera ☑ Used Elliot Rodger's martyrdom to unite 4Chan and Breitbart to elect Donald Trump ☑ Will be looked back upon in 50 years as the root cause of the coming Cultural Civil War ☑ Government-sponsored shitposting ☑ Mastered the manipulation of the news cycle to their advantage ☑ Made Anita cry when Feminist Frequency went broke ☑ Destroyer of Worlds ☑ Russian Conspiracies (all of them) ☑ Extended Reanon's death/meme-magic to animation studios (please meme responsibly) ☑ An instrument of American Trumpian Power Worldwide
[Expand Post]☑ Cured alleged "journalist" of dyslexic anxiety ☑ An aberrant, creeping horror ☑ As dangerous as Anti-Vax, ISIS, and Holocaust Denial ☑ Five years of ruining everything ☑ Came to the classroom ☑ Trained Google whistleblowers ☑ Never died and foreshadowed our toxic meme-strewn politics ☑ Blew up the Internet ☑ Made wanting challenge in videogames into supporting White Supremacy ☑ Was secretly fighting WWIII all along ☑ Stochastic Terrorism ☑ Being a national security threat according to the DHS ☑ Helped Mark win the lottery ☑ Gave the money back ☑ Living long enough to see itself become the villain in a TV Show THRICE ☑ Confused the FBI into thinking /v/ is /baphomet/ ☑ Turned Anita Sarkesian into a crazy cat lady ☑ It's #Gamergate Forever ☑ Justifiably felt alienated by the neoliberal fetishization of feminism and the reductionism of politics to identity teams ☑ Was rabidly pro-corporate ☑ Manipulated a SJWeeb into review-bombing a LGBTWTFBBQ-friendly game as a "test" ☑ Non-meat based cam girls ☑ Caused the Corona outbreak which destroyed China to cheer up a depressed CIA glownigger ☑ Digisexuals ☑ Called the cyber police to put a cripple in cyber jail ☑ Weaponizing decency ☑ Made the games industry a nightmare for Women, Colored People, and Ashley Burch ☑ The inevitable ultimate horror of Sega's "toxic" advertising for ChuChu Rocket ☑ Has the highest body count of any COVID-19 disinfo group ☑ Finally got the 8kun administration to get off their ass and answer the damn phone ☑ Searching for a new home (again) ☑ Made some /v/ hotpockets on other imageboards go insane ☑ Burned julay to the ground by doing basically fuck-all except continue to exist (props to a certain bunbunmaru reporter, tho) ☑ Having a high enough IQ to be mentioned on Rick and Morty ☑ Radicalized a grandmother to the point she promotes harassment against alleged games journalists ☑ Is the terrorist group backed by 'The French' who are behind President Trump's exhausting battle against twitter ☑ Protecting FUCKING GAMESTOP from looters ☑ Finally started the Race War by forcing a meth-head on a date with Corona-chan to take a knee to the neck from the police ☑ Confirmed for Baby Hitler ☑ Gave a lot of airtime to Soviet defector Yuri Bezmenov ☑ Got on the Atlantic's "free $100" van only to get intervewed ☑ Started a backlash against the French independent film industry because they want to raise pure little girls ☑ And then Russia wanted to shut down 8chan.moe to be ironic ☑ Was clearly a blueprint for Trump's online assault in 2016 ☑ A gravestone marked “Games Journalism; Dead By Suicide,” with the date of death corresponding with the launch of GG ☑ Took over the US capitol ☑ Funded by the GOP ☑ Using Reddit's radicalized nihilism to counter jews shorting FUCKING GAMESTOP ☑ Made Mark the Godfather of Gamergate ☑ Corrected Polygon on Titanfall lore ☑ Accidental meme magic discharge (R.I.P Miura) ☑ Planet-range racism field ☑ Not wanting people to put down the controller and talk about their feelings ☑ Destroyed the logic process of a bot wreaking havoc across multiple imageboards with just one simple trick ☑ Caused Blizzard executives to threaten their employees with rape ☑ Came to Alex Hutchinson's Defense ☑ Made Vivian a feminist symbol ☑ Grew to a geopolitical scale and spilled into real life with devastating consequences ☑ Got their own TV show ☑ Brandon’s First fan ☑ Gave birth to Qanon ☑ Is the precedent for /K/yle Rittenhouse ☑ Ruined people's brains by turning them into corporate bootlickers ☑ Created the concept of "Culture War" ☑ Was the watershed event in the ascendancy of online extremist personalities and tactics ☑ Mars manifest destiny
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>>173789 beep i'm a sheep
READ THIS IF YOU'RE HAVING ISSUES >>592980 >>592980 >>592980 >>592980 >>592980 >>592980 READ THIS IF YOU'RE HAVING ISSUES >>173791 NO
Now that Russians and Ukrainians are using midgets to fight. Should someone make a midget warfare video game?
>>173793 That actually sounds pretty fun.
>>173793 Where'd they get the midgets?
>>173793 only if they're black
>>173793 Are you talking about mighty hasbullah?
>>173694 golden shows, golden days
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>>173793 >Now that Russians and Ukrainians are using midgets to fight.
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>>173795 >Where'd they get the midgets? combination of alcoholism Induced birth effects and midget fighting popular in Slavic nations. Poland should be a setting for any midget-inspired video game. Maybe a Pokémon style monster collecting game? https://youtu.be/pyYcq0qMvsY https://youtu.be/Owodi8a28vY https://youtu.be/Nv9-WHAID5Q
>>593032 old news how'd he do in the primary?
(7.40 MB 300x300 coco dance.gif)

>>592661 The bigger they are, the harder they fall, delusions of grandeur by out of touch businemen won't change that.
>>173805 >Can't even write businessmen properly anymore I need sleep
>>173792 .moe not loading but .se fine so far. >Please wait for validation
(19.39 KB 286x271 kirby.jpg)

Why is there a schizo spambot here now?
>>173768 >>all of the abortion related topic posts were deleted Just got here, what did I miss? >>173808 Same one from the other day?
>>173809 >post describes exactly what happened <what did I miss? I'll never understand why you retards always do this shit. Is this just an underhanded way of trying to restart the off-topic conversation?
>>173809 No this one's just posting nonsense responses to nothing. The last one at least was an actual person that was just rambling about nothing.
>>173808 Beast me, and its gay that mods aren't doing anything right now to deal with this shit when they dealt with the abortion derail. >>173809 Nothing major, people discussing the Roe V Wade being overturned and some anons calling each other retards due to disagreements. As usual.
Can anyone tell me how internet crawlers work? I feel this is relevant since the site may have been spotted by some.
>>173810 No I only just got online and haven't heard any news. >Is this just an underhanded way of trying to restart the off-topic conversation? If that happens then just say 'here's a link to the /pol/ thread about it' [or whatever board]. >>173812 Thanks anon.
There are games about war and other topics like that, why not one about something controversial? >>173814 I just said that women are perfectly capable of never having sex with me, and can apply their skills just as well to the rest of men imo
Busty Clothing Brand Founder Apologizes for Supporting Tawawa no Getsuyoubi https://archive.ph/Teh9d Busty Clothing Brand Founder Mizuki Kurosawa has started to rev up legal action against defamation https://archive.ph/9V0tt https://archive.ph/BZOvq She tried to bend the knee and it didn't stop anything, so now she's going legal.
>>173816 Whats all this about?
>>173816 This is why you never apologize to these losers. Speaking of busty women though, did anyone catch that sadpanda link to the stalker doujin. Unless that was a different thread and I'm going crazy
>>173819 Thanks anon!
>>173817 You are supposed to click those links and figure it out yourself, something about clothes I suppose.
>>173693 >Blizzard's rumoured Pokémon Go-like Warcraft project reportedly cancelled >Blizzard retooled the fucking project into a tower defense mobile game >APPARENTLY THEY DON'T THE RESOURCES TO "FIX" WARCRAFT 3 REFUNDED https://archive.is/wip/bJgug HAHAHAHA.
(1.58 MB 498x277 i refuse.gif)

>>173821 IF youre going to talk about some bullshit that is not even vidya related, might aswell give a rundown on what the fuck is going on. >>173820 Anon must deliver wen hes able.
>>593084 VRChat or some MMO.
>>173817 >Clothing brand tweets something i support of big boobie anime/manga. >Screeching ensues, Clothing brand apologizes but it doesn't help, changes tact to legal action against people talking shit.
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>>173789 How did this OC generate so much content already? Hornyposting is too powerful. StinkWorm: >>589751 >>590684 >>591257 >>591810 >>592929 8anon: >>591024 >>592827 Recolors: >>590964 >>591060 >>591232 >>591233 >>591276 >>591710 >>591757 >>591937
>>173827 Well at least it's some pretty alright OC art.
>>173803 >reply to someone's post >delete it anyways You are an idiot cake kike
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>>173827 That's my secret, anon. I'm always horny.
Did the Earn it Act pass?
>>173829 It's a cakekike tradition to be an inconsistent moderator that does whatever he wants without rhyme or reason.
>>173831 no, but it was reintroduced
>>173833 Wasn't it already reintroduced from years before, did they reintroduced it again?
>>173816 Japs should realize by now the concept of "crocodile tears".
>>173835 Don't Japs think sarcasm is just "westerners lie" without grasping the facetiousness or humor of sarcasm?
>>173835 >Japs should realize by now the concept of "crocodile tears". They do, it's ワニの涙 (Tears of the crocodile, crocodile's tears, same thing)
>>173792 What's the plan for when Moldova is inevitably dragged into the war? This won't happen later than mid-June as the Odessa campaign draws Transnistria into the war and NATO troops will occupy Moldova?
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>>173838 >What's the plan for when Moldova is inevitably dragged into the war? Possibly Mexico or elsewhere in latin america.
>>173813 >Can anyone tell me how internet crawlers work? I feel this is relevant since the site may have been spotted by some. 1. open the webpage 2. look for links 3. follow the links 4. get stuck in an infinite loop 5. accidentally DoS the host
>>173813 In extremely simple terms, a little bot (spider) opens a site, registers it in its "map" and then opens every link inside the site it can find. Those links that returned a 500 (OK) message are registered as well, and those who send 4XX (not found, forbidden, not available) are discarded. Repeat this process of opening links and writing it in a "map" like in a dungeon crawling game billions of times and you'll get an index, then add the capacity to search through your index and you'll get a more traditional search engine. >>173839 Mexico is a good destination in theory. There aren't "hate speech" laws of any kind (as far I know) and has better laws regarding loli porn (basically it's only CP if a real minor is featured in media that could be considered erotic, while fictional stuff like loli and 3DCG porn gets a total pass). I say "in theory" because you still would have to look for a company with nice ToS that is willing to host you.
>>173839 >Possibly Mexico or elsewhere in Latin America. Luckily the Mexican cartel finds Sam Hyde hilarious. I’ll be more worried about /k/ LARP posters thinking they can win a proxy war against the Mexican cartel.
>>173842 The cartels should be worried about them succeeding. /k/'s well aware that there's no mercy among cartel operations, so they won't be showing any of their own. And strelo/k/s tend to be quite a bit more creative than a bunch of jumping beans with knives.
>>173843 It is an interesting point. Literally not a single human is retarded enough to humanize or underestimate the brutally of cartels, so they have absolutely zero play when shit hits the fan. They either obliterate everyone else or everyone else obliterates them.
>>173836 https://yewtu.be/watch?v=VpnzpEDshVY >>173842 How awful and secretive are the Mexican Cartel? Because I heard that they have private communications to hid under the radar to smuggle drugs like cocaine to various countries.
>>173827 It's all by the same guy though.
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>>593140 >back muscle sumata
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>>593140 >more Oga-san >muscular back view Good shit.
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Here's what I have come up with for /vhs/'s CSS theme. Largely inspired by Blockbuster's website from 1997-early 1998, I have even ripped a graphic from their site & modified it for the board. The wallpaper of that board is supposed to mimick those carpets you walked on while you decided what game & movie you wanted to rent for a couple of days before you had to return it or pay overdue fines. What do you think?
>>173852 Not bad.
>>173852 excellent anon, I really like the quality of work you're doing
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>>173853 >>173854 Glad you enjoy them. I just have /co/, /t/, & /h/ left to do (probably /hisrol/ too if they come up with something) Since /t/'s design will be TempleOS, any of these pics of Terry good as footer mascots or should something different be used?
>>173852 Looks neat
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>>173855 Here's more.
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Made more adjustments to /vhs/'s theme. What do you think of the reply box? Do you like the blue boxes or do you think it should remain dark? Carefully made sure not to make it look garish with the blue, white, & yellow as would be expected of Blockbuster. See 1st pic for reference >>173857 >>593175 Thank you for the pics, will be saving them & going over which one works good
>>173858 An alternative if the blue boxes don't work is to transfer the colors to the bar that sits between them & the text under the banner.
>>593175 >>173857 >waifu posting >>173858 No opinion either way, but I just want to point out that blue is the color of autism.
>>173860 Autist Blue is a much lighter shade than that.
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>>173860 I'm aware of blue being the autism color, but >>173861 is right. It would have to be a lighter blue to be autistm. If you want to get technical, the default 8moe logo's blue is lighter than mine & is closer to touching tha autistic blue >inb4 what about sonic, he's an autism magnet & is dark blue
>>593140 I keep forgetting how ripped Oga and Hitomi actually are.
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>>173864 I get the feeling the only thing really ripped here is the skin.

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>>173864 Don't forget how giant they are at full size.
>>173866 Synecdoche's finally starting to get into my preferred size ranges with his girls I am content
>>173860 I'm not going to tolerate your faggotry talk against Terry A. Davis like that.
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>>173858 It's a bit too bold. I Found it out when working on my own CSS that a lot of people seem to be sensitive to very strong colors. Here's some possible alternate choices.
>>173869 You're pretty good anon. Could I make a request? A "Dark Magical Girl" theme. Mostly pink with some dark blue and a little bit of black?
>>173866 I imagine getting leg locked during sex would result in certain death. I say it's one of the few ways I want to go.
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>>173871 I mean, something like that actually happens during the chapter.
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>>173869 Retooled the theme. I think it's about close to final & ready for delivery to /vhs/ What do you think?
>>593247 Will Smith normalised beating nigger funnymen on stage. Fucking el oh el.
>>173768 >>173874 So now is acceptable to beat black people like democrats did since it's conception?
>>593247 Chappelle joking it was a tranny is pretty spicy even for him.
>>593250 >We're not gonna take your games away, silly boys! <Here's a bunch of games that shouldn't exist.
>>173876 >Chappelle joking it was a tranny is pretty spicy even for him. judging from the picture of Dave Chapelle. He probably right. In fact it would be less embarrassing if the nigger was a tranny.
>>173877 Game journalists were far more anti-free speech and video games than Jack Thompson back in the day. Jack Thompson at least just wanted to destroy rockstar games for being crooked assholes if you listened to him. >>173866 >>593140 I wish the fact elf manga updated more often. Fun fact in France they call elf-san wa yaserarenai fifty shades of fat.
>>173880 That better be a girl.
>>593140 >>593247 >(((LGBT))) community tried to assassinated Dave Chapelle and (((journalists))) openly defending Chapelle attacker. If Jk Rowling was smart she would move to an American red state with Constitution carry. I doubt the police in the UK will protect her from tranny terrorism.
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>>173881 only the warden is a girl
>>593252 >totally normal mainstream games >and then a single rape hentai game This means that the author is explicitly 100% okay with every single other hentai game that exists, as well as every other game where you have to torture people, rape, murder, be a jew, etc. as part of the gameplay.
>>593250 >Sending Soldiers to die for Israel >lol its okay >Violence and Booba in Video Games >HOLY SHIT WE MUST STOP IT NOW Fucking niggers
>>593247 I have no idea why chappelle is being targeted by lgbt, and trannies of all. You'd think after all the BLM stuff he would be immune to all
>>173887 Because hes been shitting on it all really hard.
>>173887 >>173888 BLM going to have a civil war with the gay niggers and trannies faction. Similar to feminists and dykes fighting trannies and other dykes to control third wave feminism.
>>173889 Its is their nature to infight, the spanish civil war showed that.
>>173787 >>173783 Awwww...TORnigger got his precious Pokemon cards stolen? >>593257 >>593252 >Six months after Call of Duty: Vanguard flopped, Activision has worked out why >343 lost Halo Infinite’s casual crowd, now devs are driving hardcore players away too Add in Battlememe 2042, and I am looking forward to the eventual death of DICE, the Activision COD Farm. and 343.
>>593257 >The game’s World War II setting didn’t resonate with some of our community <Introduce a special forces unit headed by a English nigger who takes pride in destroying civilization <Comprise said unit of members of English colonies who all hate the English and want to feast on their entrails <Throw in there some elite Soviet sniper nurse who somehow racked up almost as many kills as Simo Häyhä <Make the Nazis all twink ladyboys who actually show some semblance of humanity <Meanwhile the "good guys" are all racist spiteful demons >The game’s World War II setting didn’t resonate It may be a completely uneducated and random guess, but I don't think the game's problem has anything to do with World War II.
>>173893 Ah yeah, didn't the game actually praised the rape of niggers all over europe caused by the french?
>>173880 Stfu tranny
Week of autism so far >Sonic the the hedgehog 2 and the bad guys will be more profitable than the Batman >Doctor strange multiverse madness got banned in China and the Islamic world along with it being called the last Jedi of the MCU >Dave Chapelle was almost Assassinated by an tranny under Netflix watch >Feminists threatening violence over SOCTUS because MUH abortion >Actvision blames WW2 setting for call of duty vanguard >Blizzard spent the Warcraft 3 remake budget on making a Pokémon go clone >Niggers got killed over Pokémon cards twice this week alone >DC comics teasing making Hal Jordan green lantern pansexual >Square ennix sold almost every western IP to invest in NFTs >Amber Heard fired her Obama appointed PR team over losing to Johnny depp The week not even over yet. It already pretty autistic.
>>173897 >Feminists threatening violence They're women. What can they do? >Niggers got killed over Pokémon cards This is the only time I want to hear about Pokemon cards ever again.
>>173893 >>173891 >>173886 Why were the video game headlines deleted and did anyone save anyone of the archives? I didn’t get to read them yet.
>>173897 The idea behind the Pokemon Go idea isn't bad, just retardedly executed. I wish they brought Dragon Quest Walk to the west so I could go to walks with my dog and at the same time kill monsters.
>>173886 >>173898 >This is the only time I want to hear about Pokemon cards ever again. You are in luck. It seems to be happening more often.
>>173897 You could at least keep it video game related only.
>>173901 Wasn't the Dragon Quest thing a joke by Google?
>>173904 No, just a game only made for the japanese. They made a poorly done witcher copy that also broke your phone.
>>173898 >>173901 I am a little surprised Pokémon go didn’t become as violent as Pokémon cards. When the last time someone got robbed playing Pokémon go? Whatever happen to the ghostbusters Pokémon go clone?
>>173906 >When the last time someone got robbed playing Pokémon go? Quite often, actually. Someone got mugged while livestreaming himself playing it. Hasn't really happened since the game shut itself down for the fake pandemic, though. Yes, the game literally stopped people from being able to play it because muh sow shul diss tancing.
>>173900 >>173900 Check the logs, we've been through the "VIDEO GAMES!" shit for two weeks and lo and behold, Video game related shit got deleted.
>>173905 I was thinking of this instead, sorry.
>>173903 Netflix banking on mobile games saving them. It will become harder to say Netflix not video game related from now on.
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>>173906 pokemon cards are a real object tho if you tried to rob someone playing pokemon go youd just be stealing their phone and maybe wallet because why not at that point
>>173897 >Sonic the the hedgehog 2 and the bad guys will be more profitable than the Batman My sister saw the former while I saw the latter. Both are extremely good.
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>>593349 Abortions have nothing to do with video games.
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>>173913 >Abortions have nothing to do with video games. I mean, they're kind of video games.
>>173913 >Abortions have nothing to do with video games But we live in a world where battlefield 2042 exist.
>>173900 Here's the articles in the deleted posts: >Ravendawn Eternal brings a new epic, game-first blockchain MMORPG experience in a bid to redefine the NFT space https://archive.ph/eG3Jg >Tomb Raider publisher sells iconic video game franchise to invest in blockchain https://archive.ph/tsL0r >343 lost Halo Infinite’s casual crowd, now devs are driving hardcore players away too https://archive.ph/kW1Nq These two articles are the ones that seemed somewhat relevant to the thread, though I've never heard of Gaming.net before and suspect it's some irrelevant clickbait/SEO site. The COD article provoked some relevant discussion of SJW stuff in the game. Gaming.net: 5 Controversial Video Games that Probably Should've Been Banned https://archive.ph/fsK8H TechRadar: Six months after Call of Duty: Vanguard flopped, Activision has worked out why https://archive.ph/7u8YW
>>173916 The question is, did anyone even talk about Vanguard a week after release?
>>173916 >TechRadar: Six months after Call of Duty: Vanguard flopped, Activision has worked out why It took them six months to figure out that the game is shit?
When did they add downvotes to twitter
>>173918 I bet Activision's scrambling to find more developers to buy so they can pigeonhole into making nothing but CoD and CoD DLC.
>>173916 >Blaming vanguard WW2 for flopping Does that mean the modern-day setting will be blamed if modern warfare 2 2022 flops? Also fuck whoever normalized naming sequels the same name as the original. I want to blame Halloween 2018 because Halloween kills sucked.
>>173920 Isn't Microsoft reassigning all those studios to get back into making their other IPs now?
>>173922 I'm confused, what does Microsoft have to do with CoD and Activision?
>>173923 Didn't they buy it?
>>173918 >It took them six months to figure out that the game is shit? It took them six months to wonder why both the fucking campaign written by Sam Maggs was shit and how constant crossovers and terrible content for the multiplayer wasn't a good long-term strategy. >>173922 >Isn't Microsoft reassigning all those studios to get back into making their other IPs now? Nothing concrete until the deal is done and the buyout finalized by next year in June. Just average company preparation and executive clean up crap during a buyout. The fucking divershitty, inclusivity, and equity shit as seen with Blizztard.
>>173924 Oh yeah that was a month or so ago, I was confused. I doubt Microsoft will reassign Raven back to making good games though.
>>173924 They haven't bought ABK yet, there's a lot of legal tape that they still need to go through. All that's confirmed is that they're currently set to buy it.
>>173926 >I doubt Microsoft will reassign Raven back to making good games though. Even then, the people who gave us Singularity, X-Men, Jedi Knight, and Heretic are likely no longer at the company anymore.
https://archive.ph/9KmJc >VTuber Kusuriko Removed From Agency After Labeling Dakimakura Art Pedophilia
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>>173897 >Square ennix sold almost every western IP to invest in NFTs >invest in NFTs
>>173930 The people running Square are convinced that blockchain tech and GaaS is what's going to carry the company through the next decade. Instead of, you know, sticking to their guns on making RPGs and NOT being autistic about them.
>>173932 NONE of the people who ran Squaresoft or Enix are currently at square enix. The executives now are simply people who wanna make money, and found video games to be the easiest way to do so
>>173912 >Anything jewood ever being good
I finally made some OC. Haven't done it in a while.
>>173935 Facebook will love it.
>>173934 Hey, Lucario, care to tell us what good media has come out within the first four months if this year?
>>173936 >Facebook will love it. That is the audience I was looking at reaching.
>>173935 >>173936 It's funny.
>>173938 Oh then it's perfect.
>>173937 Go watch old anime.
>>173941 How old? 20 year old series? 30? 40?
>>173897 >Doctor strange multiverse madness got banned in China and the Islamic world along with it being called the last Jedi of the MCU >Last Jedi of the MCU Jesus, it's that bad? >Square enix sold almost every western IP to invest in NFTs Every decade or so, Square makes some major mistake that almost results in the company dying. First it was The Spirits Within, second was FFXIV 1.0, now it might be this NFT obsession paired alongside the failure of FFXV and the Balan Wonderworld controversy. The only thing keeping SE alive at this point is Yoshi-P, but that might not be enough.
>>173942 The 3 of them, as a start, yes.
>>173929 >muh anime art is pedo >fired Good. Hopefully, the freak behind the avatar gets killed.
>>173932 >>173933 Why are the head execs at squeenix so fucking retarded? What do we know about these retarded old hoots? >>173943 >First it was The Spirits Within I still dont get both why they invested so much on it and why people hated it so much? Did everyone really expect it to be about FF7 when at no point was it even implied to be about it?
>>173945 I unironically agree with you for once.
>>173943 People don't ever remember that Final Fantasy 16 was announced anymore. That is how dead Square is.
>>173943 >Jesus, it's that bad? Go ask /co/. Aparrently the film is coming out tomorrow, which was news to me as I wasn't even aware that it was releasing. >>173944 >The 3 of them So, you're telling me to waste my time watching absolutely appauling anime like Genesis of Aqurion Martian Successor Nadisco, and Super Dimension Century Orguss. The answer is no!
>>173946 >I still dont get both why they invested so much on it Because old men are retards that think that jewood equals glamour and profit. Some do it for vanity. Others do it thinking that they will be rich if they make a jewood movie. >Did everyone really expect it to be about FF7 Yes. For the average normalfag, even to this day, anything from Square after Final Fantasy 7 was made should be about Final Fantasy 7.
>>173949 Anything from jewood is automatically shit. Anything else is better than jewood proiductions.
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>>173948 If only we got a ff6 anime.
>>593427 Anyone badmouthing anime art deserves to be purged.
>>173951 >Anything else is better than jewood proiductions. I'd rather drink nightshade tea than be subjected to Aquirion and Orguss ever again. So, fuck off!
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>>173948 Is it just FF15 but the protagonist is now old?
>>173955 No. It just looks like standard Isekai.
>>173955 Wait, I thought every main FF title was a different universe, with only few things like Cid or Cidny being a regular occurence, wouldn't this make it a FFXV-2?
>>173955 Nope. Completely new story & setting.
>>173957 No because different universe, I think this one has dragon magic or something as the main plot point.
>>593432 I'm startjng to get the impression that Lucario is a SA goon. >>173955 Worse, it's Dark Souls/Game of Throne with a FF flare.
>>593432 Don't reply to that fucking nonce
>>593432 im pedro
>retards replying to Luciano >>173932 >>173933 Man, I fucking hate Squeenix for what they are. They're no different from Konami. I think that Bandai Namco is the lesser evil company compared to those two. >>173943 >The Spirits Within I still don't get it why they made a movie about it since it has no resemblance to the series. Including the fact that the movie's production killed the development of a Xenogears sequel.
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>>173929 Why are western vtubers so fucking stupid in regards to getting pissed off with the demographic they're serving? It's not like they're working retail or something. If they don't even like them why do it at all?
>>173955 FF16 or what they call it, FF: Stranger in Paradise is something WAY off to the motif of the old FF games. It tried REALLY hard to sway away from what made FF so memorable to gaijins was its mystical leifmotif. Now, it's like they're trying to copy Devil May Cry starting with FF13 and with FF15. It's such a really damn shame that it really fell into grace like this. Hell, the only redeeming factor in the recent installments in the main FF games is it gave us all a sex icon that we'll always remember, Cidney Aurum, only to be overshadowed by emo kids that supposed to be in the early 2000s instead of the 2010s.
>>173964 >why do it at all? Because they don't have enough money to stop leeching off family/roommates and get kicked out for doing porn yet.
>>173964 Because some of them aren't there to be Vtubers. They're there to aid in the infiltration and conquest of the weeb audience. Remember when all the gaming journos turned on us at once? There's a plan to set up "the right kind of people" in the anime fan world to try and flip the script there too. Its why places like ANN are full of socjus retards yet always get the top rankings in Google searches for anime. Vtubers are the current big thing, so (((they))) want to get their own people in there to gain a foothold over that audience too. Only this time the company was based enough not to cave, but they only have to keep trying until one company caves once, and then the gates will open.
>>173965 Final Fantasy Kill Chaos isn't FF16, that's a different game.
>>173964 >dragonboobs not large enough to see from the back fail
>>173967 I heard a little about this, there are chink organizations which fund independent english vtubers to play gacha on occasion, as an example.
>>593459 Nigger go play Celeste already & stop spamming.
Ban that spammer!
Why won't presidential candidates try to get the endorsement of a big breasted anime babe? I'd vote for him!
>>173964 Depends on if they're vtubers or """vtubers""" >>173929 Good, thank goodness they're quick to take down cancer like that. My only worry is that westerners will bitch enough for the few non-cancerous companies to back down from approaches like this
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>>173974 Because >some still hold WWII grudges as if they'll take over the economy, buy everything up, & destroy us it's ok when chinks do all that though >some would be upset that a non-west company took a page out of the Playboy Femlings instead of Playboy themselves doing it, because gramp's cheesecake mag is more american >many are ill-prepared to ride the salt wave from 3DPD that will inevitably complain >televangelists will whine that the candidate isn't screaming JESUS hard enough & think they're straying away from him by getting said endorsement, even if it was that loli Jesus that university posted >some aren't brave to challenge the UN's bullshit 'drawing = pizza' propaganda while overlooking their blue helmets constantly getting into trouble over migrant pizza encounters and Saudi Arabia being in charge of human rights >some think they'll piss off chinks by getting an endorsement from japan's 2D babes
>>173870 I'll try to come up with something a little later today.
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About an hour long footage for the cancelled Arkane studios Half Life game called "Return to Ravenholm" is released. Shows all of the progress made before being shelved. Looks okayish. https://invidious.snopyta.org/watch?v=xMygnmB9Zw8
>>173978 Is that the one with shepard?
>>173976 To be fair, if a candidate posted loli Jesus then there goes the Christian vote right down the drain. They tend not to take kindly to sacrilege.
>>173980 They won't care, so long as you don't upset the yids, who are the true god of the state and of the churches.
>>173891 >Awwww...TORnigger got his precious Pokemon cards stolen? ¿Por que?
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>>173943 >Every decade or so, Square makes some major mistake that almost results in the company dying. >They fell for the NFT scam Just wish they wouldn't take Dragon Quest down with them, but they've lashed their masts too tightly to Square's ship and it's probably far too late to attempt to separate them now. On the bright side - now it's finally time for Phantasy Star to take the spotlight. >New Genesis Well fuck.
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>>173967 >There's a plan to set up "the right kind of people" in the anime fan world to try and flip the script there too. And do note, it's not a "plan" as in some big secret conspiracy though it could be that too, like JournosPros or GameJournosPros, it's more like an open agreement between all these people of similar (i.e. leftwing) political leanings, a prospiracy, to enter these entertainment media jobs and push their politics on them. To them, it's a matter of moral obligation that they force their beliefs on others and gain positions of influence in spheres that don't yet follow their beliefs. >Only this time the company was based enough not to cave Based on what? :^)
>>173955 FF15 already had the protagonist getting old through a time slip. FF16 is literally assets from 15 being used again, due to how untalented Square is.
>>173964 This >>173966 And the fact that they are shut-ins that are still desperate for atention and validation, but can't get in normaly.
what the fuck
Oh fuck you, Mark.
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>>173988 Check the board logs, it was pururin.
>>173987 >>173988 What happen?
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Bungie's Twitter lost it's fucking mind and sperged at reasonable people telling them to just make video games and stop pushing political shite.
>>173990 Oh fuck you, pururin! What an asshole.
Codexx if Lynx won't add the functionality of moving individual posts, could you attempt to do so? I think that would smooth things over.
>>173990 what did i do
>>173991 We started talking about the MCU and such after leaks of doctor strange, but that conversation was done and was deleted after the fact.
>>173995 You deleting the conversation about Doctor Strange.
>>173997 I didn't.
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>>173992 They better listen. Indications seem to be that the tide is turning against woke shit in entertainment. Companies like Bungie are liable to find themselves on the wrong side of history.lol
>>173999 I mentioned something along the lines that the state of media is shifting but I got dismissed as a naïve optimist.
>>173998 Someone did, and I don't think dog removed every single post talking about the MCU when he just removed one Anon and two other posts: https://archive.ph/TwuyN
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>>173999 >>174000 Normies are sick of political topics being pushed in everything and pre Musk Twitter you wouldn't of even have seen this many people calling Bungie out. There has been a massive shift and many aren't noticing it, as for the abortion shite why can't anyone use protection?
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>>174001 I can ensure you it wasn't me.
>>174000 We've had a lot of bad news over the last decade. It's not hard to see why anons are skeptical. That said, some come very close to being blackpilled as well, which is just counterproductive. At the very least it can be said this has been a very interesting year and there have been several very high profile instances of "get woke, go broke" as well as a massive hit against cancel culture in the form of the Depp trial as well.
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>>174002 >Normies
>>174001 Every deleted post number from the conversation I search on that page says it was deleted by Dog.
>>174004 The /k/yle case, Musk Twitter buyout and the Depp trial have been major white pills. But things in general have been shifting since 2020 with how angry normalfags are with the left due to the left burning down their homes. >>174005 He went at it for (245) posts actually.
>>174002 Just call them normalniggers you faggot.
>>174008 "normalfags" is the correct term. "Normalniggers" is, ironically, the politically correct term for "normalfags" on cuckchan.
>>174009 Cuckchan literally has an /lgbt/ board, what did you expect?
>>174009 You can get banned on cuckchan for racism though.
>>174011 Seriously? It's disgusting how far that place has fallen.
>>174009 >"Normalniggers" is, ironically, the politically correct term for "normalfags" on cuckchan. Well shit.
>>174012 /vore1/ and /fur/ exist because of how autistic the mods on Cuckchan are. And, according to crossposters on those boards, the only semblence of "classic" cuckchan is on /trash/.
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>>174014 >the only semblence of "classic" cuckchan is on /trash/.
>>174015 It makes sense when the April Fools hack from a few years ago had some people visit Cuckchan just to see what all changed, and they discovered that every board had turned into some variation of GameFaqs or /intl/.
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>>174016 >>174015 I went to the falcom thread on /vg/ to get their Hajimari translation. I couldn't even post there to tell the creator about some stuff he missed because literally every one of my vpn outlets was blocked there as well as basically every cellphone tower. They have a shitton of local isps blocked too, including mine. I don't even know how people post there anymore unl;ess they all buy the cuck pass. I did see the "fag" suffix and nigger used in the thread plenty, though.
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>>174016 > and they discovered that every board had turned into some variation of GameFaqs or /intl/. Jesus fuck. >>174017 >I went to the falcom thread on /vg/ to get their Hajimari translation. I couldn't even post there to tell the creator about some stuff he missed because literally every one of my vpn outlets was blocked there as well as basically every cellphone tower. They have a shitton of local isps blocked too, including mine. I don't even know how people post there anymore unl;ess they all buy the cuck pass. Despite all the bullshit on the webring I'd still rather these rump states instead of that mix of Leddit and gamefags.
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>posts get deleted for even going a little off topic >even when it's talking about how bad the new mahvel movie is This is getting fucking ridiculous. >>174017 >Fuck Geofront too Nice. Those hacks deserve to get shit on for forcing memes in Zero/Azure and then selling out to NISA. I never even played a Trails game, yet I am somewhat mad.
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>>174019 The most you could say about Geofront was that it was free, but even still they memed it up even more than NISA did. Interesting fact: though NISA apparently bought their translation the trailer they've shown for the game does not have the same dialogue as Geofront in many cases, so they actually are rewriting it. I'll laugh my ass off if they remove the memes, not because I have any intention of buying it, but because it will be funny to see the geofags sperg about it.
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>>173933 >NONE of the people who ran Squaresoft or Enix are currently at square enix Do you know where the former Square and Enix executives, managers, creatives, programmers, etc. are currently working? >>174014 >according to crossposters on those boards, the only semblence of "classic" cuckchan is on /trash/ After looking at the board for a brief moment I can disagree with this statement with all honestiy.
>>174021 I mean you could at least post porn censored before they split the boards on old cuckchan couldn't you?
>>174021 So it's just Furry /d/?
>>174021 what do those people even talk about
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>>174002 >Normies It's normalfag, niggerbrain! >>174012 <he doesn't know
>>174025 I remember when saying nigger on /b/ was the most tame shit you could say.
>>174009 I say both interchangeably, and you can't stop me, nigger.
>>174012 Racism has been a bannable offense for a very long time anon. You're out of touch.
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>>174030 Let. The industry. BURN!
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>>174031 I miss when companies just sold you a product and my biggest question to everyone from both pro life and pro choice is why can't anyone just use protection or safe sex?
>>174034 Or even get vasectomies and tied tubes?
>>174034 They'll motte and bailey to But rape, incest etc... Of course what they really want is to have tons of unprotected sex without the consequence of having a baby.
>>174034 >why can't anyone just use protection or safe sex? It's a multitude of factors, and none of them is a good answer. The best answer is: if you can make a civilization treat the most important thing for its survival (children) like garbage, you can destroy it with ease. That's the end-goal.
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>>173989 Is that completely translated yet?
>>174034 Most game companies don't virtue signal about stupid shit. They just don't get talked about because normalniggers don't play their games. Virtue signalling is a farm of viral marketing. No one actually has the conviction to get bothered by it except for people that weren't going to be buy the product to begin with. It's like that picture of the boycott MW3 steam group filled with retards playing MW3 day 1. People are angry about something for 48 hours then they don't care. So getting people angry about something is almost always a net positive for your sales.
>>174039 Actually, I am not sure which one it is. So I can't say.
>>174017 >>174019 Speaking of the Trails series, any censorship of Cold Steel I should know about before sailing the high seas? Saw some screenshots that looked promising but that was a while ago.
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>>174040 >Most game companies don't virtue signal about stupid shit. Yes they fucking do where have you been the last ten years?
>>174043 Most game companies that serve niggercattle do. Most game companies all together do not. I don't care about AAA developers.
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>>174044 >Most game companies all together do not Nigger again this isn't just AAA devs indie devs do this shit just as much if not more at times are you being obtuse on intention?
>>174031 >It's very relevant to the lives of our employees. >Bungie is HQ'd in Bellview WA. Literally no effect on them whatsoever. In fact, it's a small bonus because all that money which went into Planned Parenthood in states that are now going to move to restrict or ban abortion can now go into vital infrastructure, cancer research, and drone striking small brown kids and their goats. It's not an abortion ban, it's just an acknowledgement that the issue isn't considered in the constitution - therefore, a state issue. That's all. And there's no way in hell Washington State is going to move to ban abortions. Bungie should live up their company name, except with the rope around their necks rather than their feet.
>>174030 Get fucked, faggots.
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>>174029 It's a meme song now, but I legitimately like Hall & Oates music. I grew up with Maneater playing on the radio.
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>>174031 >>173992 Just a reminder that Bungie is owned by Soyny. So this was honestly to be expected
>>173992 Of course they love abortion. Destiny one big abortion for Actvision that even call of duty players hate.
>>173992 >>174031 Be easier if they just said: 'Screw you, customers! We don't want your money!'
>>174042 I remember this from a couple years ago: >NISA Responds to Trails of Cold Steel 3 Concerns of Censorship https://operationrainfall.com/2020/01/17/nisa-responds-to-trails-of-cold-steel-3-concerns-of-censorship/ reddit.com/r/KotakuInAction/comments/ep8qm9/censorship_in_an_interview_with_the_trail_of_cold/ Localizers for the game bragged about how they like to censor "sexist" jokes during a Trails of Cold Steel 3 livestream....but then as far as I can tell nobody ever found any actual censorship in the game. Which would potentially indicate they were talking about other games rather than Tales of Cold Steel itself.
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>>174042 Trails has no visual censorship to speak of even during the NISA era. They've at least left that aspect alone. There's a couple of instances I can think of dialogue being slightly changed for an obvious political reason off the top of my head. Those changes were incredibly minor and didn't really change the meaning of anything and you won't even notice them because they're omissions rather than changes. It should be noted, however, that the Trails series, even during the XSeed era, embellished the dialogue to a degree. Mostly, seemingly, in an attempt to make it sound more natural I guess. But there are several instances of borderline fanfiction even during the Sky games. But you're pirating, so who cares. You're certainly not going to run into anything blatant like the "all property is theft" shit from Ghostwire.
>>174055 PS2 tier models with subsurface scattering are not pleasant, no. Screw you.
>>173992 I wouldn’t be surprised if companies were celebrating the nigger tranny almost killing Dave Chapelle with an assassin’s creed wannabe retractable blade before busta rhymes and Jamie Foxx broke his arms.
Acid, can you put this faggot of a mod on a leash?
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>>174058 >almost killing Dave Chapelle with an assassin’s creed wannabe retractable blade
>>174060 it's dog
>>174059 >>174060 Who is this mod anyway and is there anyway to e-mail mark?
It's that shitty global who admitted to hotpocketting the /gg/ thread again.
This thread has been mostly on topic with video game topics and some general sjw topics.
>>174058 >>174061 Dont forget that afterwards chris rock showed up to make sure if chapelle was allright and cracked a joke on the mic of the agressor being will smith.
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>>173870 Is this along the lines of what you were looking for? I wanted to ask before I got to far out in the weeds.
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>>174067 yuck what is this
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Does this faggot mod realizes that GG threads always had conversation about politics for a very long time? He should focus more on faggots like niggerpill derailing the threads than non-vidya related topics. >>174043 >>174045 How many pictures of Japanese women do you have? >>174031 Why can't companies just stay apolitical for once?
>>174069 Isn't that the cute weather lady?
>>593765 >>593767 >>593771 >Depp sued Herd for her #METOO shit and ruining his life and the trial is doing so well in his favour that everyone in the public is rallying behind Depp >johnny depp is divorcing some cunt for being abusive after she spent several years exercising her influence in the media to convince the world that actually he was the abuser. the trial is shining a giant light on the fact that women can abuse men. >The tables turned super hard like if it was a phoenix wright case, now instead of depp being the accused, everyone is seeing the psyco bitch his exwife is. Jesus, I wasn't expecting anyone Hollyjew related to actually score one for the male sex. >>593772 >I still find the dyke haircut judge pretty sus. Remember Vic Mignogna had almost the same amount of evidence as Johnny depp and courts still fucked him over. Do you know this bitch's name? Does she have any history like how Judge Chupp was always a lazy nigger who already had a verdict in mind going in?
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>>174069 >Why can't companies just stay apolitical for once? Because the fags infilitrated HR. fired a lot of the workers, & replaced them with their foot soldiers. On top of that, you have investing companies like BlackRock who are all in on the ESG funding shit which is way many have drank the kool aid. To go back now after all those years would be an admitting those niggers brought nothing of value & should be blacklisted from working at any place again.
Sony loses millions after rejecting China’s demand to remove Statue of Liberty from new ‘Spider-Man' film >“Spider-Man: No Way Home” was not released in China after Sony rejected a request to delete scenes that include the Statue of Liberty, a new report claims. >In China, films are reviewed by the China Film Administration under the Publicity Department of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP). According to multiple sources who spoke to Puck, Chinese authorities initially wanted Sony and Marvel Studios to take out the American landmark, which is prominently featured during the film's third act. >Chinese regulators reportedly modified the original request to remove the action-packed sequence, instead asking for the removal of certain shots from the sequence that they deemed too “patriotic,” such as the scenes where Tom Holland’s Spider-Man stands on the Statue of Liberty’s crown. >The regulators also suggested dimming the parts when the statue is shown to make it less noticeable. Sony ultimately rejected the request, resulting in Chinese authorities preventing the latest Spider-Man film from being released in the biggest film market in the world. The >film lost a potential $170 million-$340 million in sales from China, according to reports. >“Spider-Man: Homecoming,” the first film in the latest Spider-Man trilogy, earned around $117 million – 13.3% of its global earnings – in China in 2017. >Its sequel, 2019’s “Spider-Man: Far From Home,” generated around $204.9 million – 18.25% of its global earnings – in the region. >Despite never having been released in China, “Spider-Man: No Way Home” still became one of the highest-grossing movies of all time, listed behind other blockbusters such as “Avatar,” “Titanic,” “Star Wars: The Force Awakens” and “Avengers: Infinity War.” https://archive.ph/nxcAh Hollywood China Simping journalists upset Sony lost money in China for refusing to remove the Statue of Liberty. Doctor strange 2 outright banned in China for having LGBT propaganda. Third Sonic movie on the way, plus Knuckles spinoff series starring Idris Elba >Sonic 2 is set to come out this April and the tiny blue hedgehog is already speeding toward a sequel. Paramount announced on Tuesday that Sonic 3 is already in development, along with a Paramount Plus series centered around Knuckles that will star Idris Elba. >Sonic 2 is already set to expand the world of the movie franchise, bringing in Tails (Colleen O’Shaughnessey) and Knuckles from the video games. >Of course, Sonic himself (Ben Schwartz) will also return, along with Jim Carrey’s evil Dr. Robotnik and James Marsden’s Tom. With the sequel still several months away, it’s hard to say what part three of Sonic’s live-action adventures might include. >Also on the way in the Sonic universe is a new series all about Knuckles the Echidna, which will stream on Paramount Plus. Once again, Paramount didn’t get into any of the details of the series, but we do know that Idris Elba, who voices Knuckles in Sonic 2, will be back for the series. The series is set to launch in 2023. https://archive.ph/fxOXq What’s the odds Amy rose will get a stand alone movie in the sonic cinematic universe before tails, shadow the hedgehog or blaze the cat?
>>174068 Someone wanted a "dark magical girl" theme. I know it looks like Amy Rose's geocities page from when she went through her teenage goth phase but this is my system for figuring things out. It's like an optometrist trying to dial in a glasses prescription.
I swear, if this faggot decides to police what GG threads should be, I'm going to fucking neck you myself. Go ahead, you faggot. Make my fucking day. You just came in here while we've been talking about various Marxist shit in various boards for years. Don't act like you are the defacto arbiter on what a GG should be. I have means to contact Acid and I am going to demand outright that you will be removed from your global volunteer position. Make my fucking day, you faggot.
>>174055 >There's a couple of instances I can think of dialogue being slightly changed for an obvious political reason off the top of my head. What were those instances? When I tried searching for if there was any known cases I didn't find anything. Do you think it's what they were talking about in >>174054 or was that referring to unrelated games they had worked on?
>>174031 Quick reminder to always pirate.
>>174075 calm down karen.
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Why isn't there any Ultra Gamergate? I'm a bit envious. https://archive.ph/xX8vf https://twitter.com/CNNPolitics/status/1521913063699582977
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>>174073 I get the LGBT shit, but why do they want to remove a fucking landmark of new york from spider-man?
>>174080 >why does a COMMUNIST nation want to remove one of the world's most recognized symbols of LIBERTY It is a mystery, anon.
>>174079 Dont worry, we are going to mars to become cobra.
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>>174079 This console is too ultra violent for brandon
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For localization/censorship concerns, I found a forum that may be a solid resource. https://varishangout.com/index.php?forums/censorship.41/ This looks like a good source at first glance for a lot of translation checks, and might actually be the source for the recent Triangle Strategy alert. I also saw threads on Fire Emblem Three Houses (bit late to do any good, but the EN localization is still pretty bad), as well as Trails of Cold Steel 3 (which didn't seem all that bad until the translator mentioned that they'd only gotten through the first chapter). I'm stepping out, but if any of you like-minded anons want to dig into this, it looks promising so far.
>>174076 The two I can think of off the top of my head is during the cooking class in CS3, some characters say they're surprised Juna can cook and in Japanese it's implied because she's a tomboy and not very "wifey" whereas in English they just because of her personality or something. The other one is I think Ash tells Wayne at some point not to give up and "lose to the girls" or something and they just omitted the losing to the girls bit.
>>593809 It's not about law, it's about society having standards.
>>593811 >>174086 Go force that at gunpoint and see how well it works out.
>>174069 The last pic is an Indonesian >Why can't companies just stay apolitical for once? Because they've been taken over by leftoids.
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>>174079 >Ultra Gamergate That sounds good. Can we have Ultra Vivian too?
>>174087 Go force what? You don't understand what's being said here. A healthy society DOESN'T NEED FORCING. YOU forced niggers and spics and dune coons and slants on us, literally at gunpoint. YOU stole from us in illegal taxes, literally at gunpoint. YOU confiscated our property, literally at gunpoint. Homogeneous societies don't need voluminous laws. Laws exist to CODIFY AND PROTECT EXISTING SOCIETAL BEHAVIORS, you dumbass. Government grows out of communities, not the other way around.
>>174089 Would that be a "decked out" Vivian or a "hyperrealistic" Vivian?
>>174090 >YOU forced niggers and spics and dune coons and slants on us, literally at gunpoint. I hate to say this cuckchan shit, but go take your meds.
Journalists mocked Russia’s spy agency after copies of the ‘Sims 3’ video game were spotted in a clip of agents allegedly foiling an assassination plot >A video purporting to show Russian agents foiling an assassination plot is being mocked. The video of a sting operation showed copies of the video game "The Sims" laid out on a bed. >President Vladimir Putin has said the state-media figure Vladimir Solovyov was the plot's target. Eagle-eyed social-media users are mocking Russia's spy agency after spotting clues indicating its agents may have staged the foiling of an assassination plot on a Kremlin propagandist. A video released over Telegram on Monday by Russia's state-owned RIA Novosti news agency showed what appeared to be a sting operation by the Federal Security Service, known as the FSB. >Captioned "Full video of the FSB with the moment of detention and the testimony of neo-Nazis who planned assassination attempts on Russian journalists," the video shows a person being pinned down and detained by Russian agents in an apartment. >The video then shows items the agents said they found in the apartment, including a stack of Ukrainian passports, a green wig, shirts with Nazi swastikas on them, and a photo of Adolf Hitler. Also found were what appeared to be drugs, pistols, and other weapons. >The video also showed a pile of supposed evidence of Nazi-linked activity — a pile that included copies of the popular "Sims 3" video game. Laid out on a bed were three expansion packs for the game: "The Sims 3: Master Suite Stuff," "The Sims 3: Outdoor Living Stuff," and "The Sims 3: Seasons." >Lees meer The sighting of the games led some journalists to speculate there might have been some confusion between the "Sims" game and SIM cards, which are used in cellphones. >Francis Scarr, a senior digital journalist with BBC Monitoring, jokingly called the games part of the "Ukrainian neo-Nazi starter pack," writing: "Who knew they were so into The Sims 3?" >Eliot Higgins, a staff member at the investigative-journalism outlet Bellingcat, tweeted: "I genuinely believe this is a dumb FSB officer being told to get 3 SIMs." >The political scientist Sergej Sumlenny highlighted how another still from the video showed a note bearing the Russian phrase "signature unclear," rather than an actual signature. >Yes, FSB got an order to sign it with a "signature unclear" — and did so!" Sumlenny wrote in his tweet. An alternative version of the video, which showed the "Sims" games blurred out, was later released on the FSB's official YouTube channel. >According to The Kyiv Independent, the FSB has insisted that those arrested during the operation are part of the National Socialism/White Power group, a neo-Nazi organization that the agency says was plotting to kill Vladimir Solovyov, a prominent figure in Russian state media. >Russian President Vladimir Putin made similar accusations, per VOA News, saying the West was plotting to kill journalists. >They have resorted to terror! To preparing the murders of our journalists. We know by name the curators of Western secret services, primarily, of course, from the CIA, who work with the security agencies of Ukraine," Putin said, per the outlet. >"Apparently they give such advice [to kill journalists]. So much for their attitude towards the rights of journalists ... [and] human rights in general," he said, according to VOA News. >EA Games, the makers of "The Sims 3" and its latest iteration, "The Sims 4," did not immediately respond to a request for comment from Insider. https://archive.ph/N577W disqualified from a tournament after one of its players drew a 'Z' symbol in a game against Ukrainian opponents >A Russian esports player drew the letter "Z" during a Dota 2 game on Saturday, Yahoo reported. >Ivan "Pure" Moskalenko drew the "Z" in a game against a team that had Ukrainian players, Yahoo said. Moskalenko's team was later disqualified. He said he made the drawing "by accident." >A Russian esports team was expelled from a tournament after one of its players drew a "Z" symbol in a game against a team including Ukrainian players, Yahoo News reported. >The incident occurred on Saturday during a Dota 2 qualifying game for the ESL One Stockholm Major, an elimination-style tournament that is set to run from May 20 to May 22 in Stockholm, Sweden. >The Russian team Virtus Pro (competing under the name Outsiders) was playing a semifinal match against Mind Games, a team that includes two Ukrainian players, according to Yahoo News. >During a break in the game, one of Virtus Pro's players, Ivan "Pure" Moskalenko, appeared to draw the letter "Z" on the game's minimap with a pink highlighter, Yahoo News reported. >A video of the incident was recorded and shared on social media. It shows Moskalenko's pink pen drawing the "Z" in the left-hand corner before his teammates quickly scribble over it, Yahoo reported. >The "Z" has become a symbol of support for the Russian invasion of Ukraine. It was first spotted emblazoned on Russian military vehicles rolling into Ukraine's eastern Donetsk region two days before the war began. >In a video posted by Virtus Pro after the incident, Moskalenko said he drew the "Z" on the map "by accident." >There was a long pause in the game. The guys and I were talking and drawing on the minimap. >When we realized what exactly my drawing turned out to be, we tried to cover it up," Moskalenko said in the video. "I didn't mean to offend anyone, it hall happened by accident. Peace to all," he added. >Moskalenko and the rest of Virtus Pro's roster have all been disqualified from the ESL One Stockholm Major, Beyond The Summit Dota announced Saturday. >In a statement published on Saturday, Virtus Pro said they terminated Moskalenko's contract but described the backlash of the incident as "shocking." >The severity of the punishment is shocking. Valve has a certain history of imposing disciplinary measures, but disqualifying the whole team from a DPC tournament based on a drawing on a minimap by single-player sets up a whole new precedent," the statement said. >Since Russia's invasion of Ukraine, there have been a number of incidents involving Russian athletes making pro-war gestures. >Last month, for instance, the International Swimming Federation (FINA) banned Russian swimmer Evgeny Rylov from the sport after he was spotted attending a rally in support of Russian President Vladimir Putin and the invasion of Ukraine. >During the rally, the 25-year-old swimmer appeared on stage wearing his Olympic medals and the "Z" symbol. Elsewhere, in March, Russian gymnast Ivan Kuliak wore the symbol on his chest during a podium ceremony at an event won by a Ukrainian athlete, while teenage kart racer Artem Severiukhin sparked outrage by displaying an apparent Nazi salute after winning a European championship race. https://archive.ph/w6OSu If (((Funimation))) was still around they would’ve virtue singles by removing Z from Dragon ball Z by now.
>>174079 >Ultra MAGA >Not Mega MAGA I don’t think even Hilary Clinton was this cringeworthy with Pokémon go to the polls.
>>593824 >So don't say things that expose your agenda, then? Nigger what are you even smoking at this point?
>>593811 I don't know what your point is if you aren't interested in being able to enforce your cultural desires despite going out of your way to bring up that we used to be able to enforce said cultural desires through the law. >aw geez it sure would be nice if people didn't do bad things Profound.
>>593829 You literally are going all over the place screeching and implying im god fucking knows what because i disagreed with you, that is how unwell mentally you are.
>>174055 >>174054 Good thing I'm considering the first game, though from what I understand Cold Steel is another "arc" of sorts in a very long series of games. >>174084 >I also saw threads on Fire Emblem Three Houses (bit late to do any good, but the EN localization is still pretty bad) Is hacking retranslations in Switch games anywhere near feasible? Also, I consider that pic mildly cringe but the lesser of evils. Not quite a rewrite but an unnecessary embellishment. That website documented far worse.
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>>174093 >Journalists mocked Russia’s spy agency after copies of the ‘Sims 3’ video game were spotted in a clip of agents allegedly foiling an assassination plot My friends speculated the guys staging it were told to get "three sim cards" but misunderstood and got three copies of The Sims 3 instead.
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>>174091 I guess more the first one but with super powers and costume - like Viv in spandex. Add an Ultra /v/ into the mix too.
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>>174089 all i have on-hand is giga viv; would ultra viv look like something out of killer instinct doing an ultra combo or what
>>174099 Lel, thats a good mental image. >>174101 This on the other hand its always awfull to look at.
>>174094 I am inclined to believe some retarded as shit Biden handlers/interns saw the "Dark MAGA" shitposts and took that too fucking seriously.
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>>174099 theres also a neon green novelty wig in the collection
>>174072 I don't understand why anyone wants to work with these people, besides soilless faggots. Nepotism is also bitch that's hard to dismiss. >>174093 >disqualified from a tournament after one of its players drew a 'Z' symbol in a game against Ukrainian opponents Does that mean that Ukrainians are the new Jews and the Z is the new Swatiska?
>>174106 >soilless *soulless
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>>174085 Thanks. That does seem like deliberate censorship, and probably at least part of what the livestream was referring to. Looks like the forum >>174084 linked has screenshots of both those examples: https://varishangout.com/index.php?threads/checking-nisas-localization-of-trails-of-cold-steel-3.323/
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<New York City pension funds sue Activision Blizzard, seeking records on CEO Bobby Kotick >New York City pension fund officials sued Activision Blizzard late last month in a bid to force the company to disclose records that may uncover whether CEO Bobby Kotick breached his fiduciary duty to investors, according to a newly released copy of the complaint >The complaint by the New York City Employees' Retirement System, along with pension funds representing city teachers, police and firefighters, seeks to open up the books at Activision Blizzard to prove whether Kotick negotiated the company's $68.7 billion sale to Microsoft as "a means to escape liability" stemming from allegations he turned a blind eye to years of staff harassment claims within the company. The funds are investors in Activision Blizzard, and claim that misconduct by Kotick and the company's board have undercut shareholder value https://archive.ph/k62tA
>>174109 >The complaint by the New York City Employees' Retirement System, along with pension funds representing city teachers, police and firefighter Geez, if it isn't Commiefornia it's Jew York that's trying to get a windfall from Kotick, but still, GET FUCKED, BOBBY!
>>174109 Why and how in the blue hell Bobby Kotick even got money from NYC's pension fund and hypnotized them into investing in his sex-pest infested company?
>>174111 I can only assume he has (((magical))) business powers.
>>174111 Connections
>>173668 >Musk Buys Twitter Heard today on the TV news that Musk proposed charging governments and companies a 'small fee' for using twatter. Wasn't really paying attention so don't know any more that that.
>>174114 >the twittard loicense
>>174115 kek, hadn't thought of it like that. >Oi! You got a loicense for that tweet?
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>>174073 >Sony rejecting Chinese censorship >Losing money from chinkland >To protect something in their film that isn't pozz Color me fucking surprised.

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>>174074 I imagine having something sparkly or featherly in the background would help give the 'magical girl' look, but I have no sites to check for references since the wayback machine wasn't able to fully archive them.
>>174117 >>174073 Heard that the real reason why was due to mechanical programming so they couldn't do it anyways without causing issues in the game at least according to Kotakuinaction. https://archive.ph/ZlPTo
>>174119 >mechanical programming so they couldn't do it anyways without causing issues in the game >>174073 <rejecting China’s demand to remove Statue of Liberty from new ‘Spider-Man' film But yes, you're right. It was probably prohibitively expensive to edit out if Spidey did any acrobatics around Lady Liberty herself.
>>174098 >though from what I understand Cold Steel is another "arc" of sorts in a very long series of games. You are correct. If you are starting with Cold Steel you are starting in the middle of a series with an extreme emphasis on continuity. CS1 and 2 aren't too tied up to the other games, though some things will go over your head or not have the impact they should. CS3 throws this out the window though as characters and plotlines from previous arcs start showing up in droves.
>>174120 Sorry, I should've said without causing program related errors.
>>174055 Nigger pill went off on a tirade how pirating it was accepting the pozz.
>>173978 I think I remember the last picture from some video from a while ago.
>>174118 The background in 2nd pic with the diamonds is the right idea - or you could have hearts in different shades. >>174120 They could have edited the face to look more chinese or wearing a coof mask and edit out the torch and have her holding a chinese lantern instead.
>>174081 But everyone knows it exists, it's one of the most famous landmarks in the world, you can't pretend it's not there, this retarded demand makes no sense.
>>174123 I wonder how he feels with the Twitter buyout+Roe Vs Wade verdict right on the heels of the French Election.
>>174126 Thats what i thougt at first, but then you realize they want the entire world to pretend that taiwan is under their control and that the chinese built the city of rome.
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>>174030 >Square Enix got rid of big properties like Avengers and Tomb Raider at fire sale prices at the worst time
>>593884 It must be more complex than that, back in the day they wrote about the roman empire a equals, and called it da qin, wich means "the other china".
>>593886 Not so easy to go to war with paper tiger military equipment. Their own cities are built on corncobs. I doubt their military prowess & gear is world conquering worthy.
>>174131 Not to mention that invading taiwan would be a bigger military operation than the fucking normandy landings.
>>174108 To be honest a lot of those examples I think are kind of overblown. Those in the picture and maybe about four or five others in that thread are things I think are actually bad. A lot of the rest is basically thinking standard otaku terms should have been left in as is (tsundere etc) which frankly I don't think is really relevant to Trails. You could argue it's a weeby game so most players would be weebs and recognize the terms, but still I don't necessarily disagree with those changes. Shit like being mad about Shirley not calling Randy-nii is stupid. They're cousins. Calling him brother is just confusing outside of knowing the characters and cutsy Japanese honorifics work. And frankly nii and nee san honorifics are a bitch to deal with in conversation anyway since very, very few people when speaking English talk about their siblings that way.
>>593893 Yeah nukes are the big equalizer here. It makes them dangerous because they're so retarded.
>>593893 Don't forget that just sanctioning russia has tipped wu flu inflation over the brim, sanctioning china would quickly lead to zero GDP if chink cyberattacks and subsequent nigger riots won't.
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>>174131 >Their own cities are built on corncobs. You mean this? >>593893 I wouldn't be surprised if Israel sells military tech to the Russians since they've been making money selling shit to the Chinese behind America's back.
>>593898 That's what I meant yeah, zero GDP on the sanctioning nation. It would probably improve china just because they'll consume less energy and water on manufacturing funko pops.
>>174136 No, theres a video of some pissed off chinese workers breaking a wall and showing that instead of concrete and steel, the interior was filled with sand and corncops.
>>174138 >corncops.
>>174141 Aw shit, it's gang violence. Spoilered for gore. >>174140 Do the one of the bridge made of styrofoam and filled with landfill waste.
>>174135 I think a lot of countries fear Americans and their guns, those in private hands. >U.S. Has At Least 20 Million Assault Rifles. A Ban Wouldn’t Reduce That Number. Forbes "assault rifle" was defined by eternal retard Feinstein the nursing home escapee as having >removable magazines (moar killy (ask me about my design ideas to already get around that rule)) >1/3 cosmetic/grip features (who gives a crap about retard things? exo options are infinite) That includes 22LR and other ridiculously non-assualty rifles. le sigh. But let's say 50% are really legit rifles. 10 million then. Russia and Ukraine have a combined active force of 1.3 million. 8^)
>>174143 But you also have thinks like AK-47s with no stock being sold as pistols, so.
>>174142 I can't find that one
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>>174145 Ah, it wasn't a video, just images. https://archive.ph/LYlxK
>>174133 Yeah but it still seems useful as a resource. It's easy to skim past any examples you don't care about and it generally seems to be presented with an attitude of letting you decide for yourself what you think of the changes presented. I don't know of anywhere else with screenshots of those lines, and the existence of censorship in those games at all is pretty unknown.
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>>174144 Also this, categorized a "firearm" (it's a shotgun).
What was China's reasoning for censoring Dragon maid boobs? Did they ever give a reason? If anyone knows what is the reason that breasts are censored besides sexism.
>>174149 Scandalous outfits, its nothing new, they do it with gacha, too!
>>593565 I watched the movie and I can confirm this review. No memorable fights and hurr durr America Chavez has two moms, so progressive!
>>174149 They unintentionally improved the show if anything, I hate big boobs.
What did you think of the new Angry Video Game Nerd video?
>>174153 James is old.
>>174152 How can you hate big boobs? the're so uniquely feminine and soothing. Small breasts are sexy also but not as much as big boobs.
>>174152 >not loving boobs of all sizes You're waifu will never love you if you don't appreciate boobs.
>>174153 What did he do? >>174155 Lick my arse, big boobs do nothing for me. It's just fat. >>174156 My waifu doesn't exist so her opinion is irrelevant.
>>174152 (checked) I like them. Pretty comfy place to rest your head on. Though of course other parts of the body work just as well. >>174153 Did he do something GG related? >>174157 >My waifu doesn't exist so her opinion is irrelevant That seems rude.
>>174156 She will appreciate you more if shes flat and you believe in her justice. >>174157 >What did he do? A video talking about how much he liked contra as a kid.
>>174157 >>174158 >What did he do? He played contra, it had a nostalgic ending, it was a better video. >Lick my arse, big boobs do nothing for me. It's just fat. I'm not licking your ass. That is just bizarre to me that someone would not appreciate big boobs. Are you a lolicon btw?
>>174158 Didn't ask for your oppai faggot monkey nigger brain or your opinion, you can rest your head on these nuts for all I care. >>174159 Cool, I'll watch it after I wake up. >>174160 >Are you a lolicon btw? Yes
>>174155 Maid Dragon's are too big and don't look well on their bodies. They're like gag implants tacked on for the sake of having a giggle instead of being genuinely erotic.
>>174162 That's is the only part of maid Dragon that i like, their reptile bodies and horns ruin them for me, i don't trust anything with horns, even if they have attractive bodies.
>>174163 You like intentionally shitty designs?
>>174164 If i don't like most of their design why would you assume i do, i only like big boobs, that is it.
>>174165 Because their breasts are literally the worst part about it.
>>174167 How so?
>>174145 Is china talk still allowed? Or will that be deleted later as well? >>174160 >He played contra, it had a nostalgic ending, it was a better video I can't remember the last time I watched anything from him. Was it really that special? >>174161 You may have a mental condition, but I will keep checking those digits anyway. Carry on anon.
>>174168 They look like Deviantart inflation art balloons. >>174169 I suffer from clinical good taste, quite rare here.
>>174169 >I can't remember the last time I watched anything from him. Was it really that special? It was one of his better videos, but nothing special though. >>174170 >They look like Deviantart inflation art balloons. Isn't that how almost all anime boobs look? like fake boobs.They don't look like Deviantart bad, that's too much, i could probably find worse DeviantArt boobs.
>>174152 Get a load of this homo.
>>174170 I agree on that, mass for the sake of mass is awfull and an indication of shit taste.
>>173792 Hey faggot, cool down on removing "off-topic" posts
>>174170 I kind of agree with you. Anime tits are often way too big and comical to the point where they're not sexy. Then again I dunno I like stuff like the sorceress from Dragon's crown as well I guess it really is just to how well done they are.
>>174172 Dragon Maid has the worst boobs out of any show in ages, they have no weight or organic shape. It's just the round shape tool from any graphics software. >>174173 u >>174174 It appeals to the lowest common denominator, the same kind of people who consume h content only if it has vaginal and can't appreciate any more sophisticated fetishes. >>174171 >-oomer cuckchan lingo ruined the meme
>>174177 What do you consider good boobs in anime then?
>>174179 not him but Bleach had some glorious tiddies too bad the asses usually sucked though
>>174030 Old men are retarded, as always.
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>>174180 My favourite anime tiddies have to be hilda's in beelzebub. They are of an adequate, realistic size, also firm and round.
>>174176 >I guess it really is just to how well done they are. I say so. Super Sonico's are nice, Pochaco on the other hand is not my type.
>>174184 This is garbage
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>>174179 Golden Boy. Last episode which gets meta with animation has Kintaro talking with an animator about drawing breasts in it too. >>174180 The characters in that show deserved better writing. >>174185 Finished that some months ago. Had some really nice girls in it. Air Master, a show with a similar title has the main character have a lesbian friend with a chest that's also too big it's more comical than anything.
>>174187 the air gear manga goes on a lot farther, and its pretty nice
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>>174175 Don't worry, all these conversations are going to get glassed later.
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>>174177 >It appeals to the lowest common denominator, the same kind of people who consume h content And, you're a faggot with a shit opinion. If a work is terrible without the characters being busty women, it's STILL going to be terrible even if you DO add busty women. That was true of 81diver, Asa Made Jugyou Chu!, Mahou Shoujo Neko X, Minamoto-kun Monogatari, Succubus Ni Tensei Shita Node Milk Wo Shiborimasu, Tsubasa-chan, and Wadatsumi.
>>174171 >flat lucoa
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>>174055 >this faggot again this retard has been singlehandedly keeping that shit thread alive, he has literally been 1/3 of the entire thread at times, close to half even with over 100 posts in it in past threads, and ready to excuse and come up with every thing he can think of to dismiss, minimize and excuse NISA cancer and bullshit with this "trust me bro" type shit Don't bother listening to him, he always posts with the same filenames as well so he's easily recognizable; if NISA is openly telling you they ruined the game, don't give them the benefit of the doubt, not only this but the instances were certainly not "minor" either They are doing the same kind of bullshit that you see in Triangle strategy, any reference to shit like biological gender for instance has a good chance of being fucked with, and they memed it up plenty.
>>174190 I didn't ask for you to take my post out of context by quoting only part of it.
At this rate we've regressed three weeks and we'll start talking about how flat women are more loyal because nobody wants them again.
>>174194 Used to be able to say that about fat girls. Now they're as far up their asses as any other woman nowadays.
>>174194 Flat girls are more loyal because they love their big brothers unconditionally.
>>174179 >>174180 >>174181 >>174183 >>174184 >>174185 >>174186 >>174187 You're all fags. A true anime breast connoisseur knows that Uno Makoto of the God of tits.
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>>174192 And here's some more examples while I'm at it since this faggot needs to be outed for what he's been doing

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>>174193 The "context" of in your post is that people lose all reasoning when you show a little more developed T&A, and I posted the contrary. It's not my fault that you can't look beyond your own fetishes to realize that a series is trash regardless of the art. In fact, that's one of my biggest gripes with Urushihara Satoshi. The game makes absolutely beautiful art, but his stories nearly always fall short of being actually good..
>>174199 I never implied that people lose all reasoning, I literally said : It appeals to the lowest common denominator, the same kind of people who consume h content only if it has vaginal and can't appreciate any more sophisticated fetishes. That is, people will leverage their criticism towards any given work if it appeals to their fetishes, and big breasts are the most common fetish. Maybe you should work on that reading comprehension, autizmo.
>>594004 Please don't talk about minecraft on this Internet. Thank you.
>>174040 >So getting people angry about something is almost always a net positive for your sales Being this retarded of a shill.
Does anyone know if there is a really good way to convert your own voice to an AI text to speech thing? I would pay for it. I think it would be rather satisfyingly creepy to listen to books read in my own voice.
>>174203 There was a site where you could do it for free, but you had to sign up for their open beta.
>>174200 >the same kind of people who consume h content only if it has vaginal Are you seriously implying that people who want to read and watch normal porn that only depicts regular sexual actions between a man and a woman are "normalfags"? >and can't appreciate any more sophisticated fetishes Such as what? Traps? Futas? Child birth? Amputees? Mai-chan's Daily Life? >I never implied that people lose all reasoning Yes, you are. You're implying that people who enjoy vanilla content are on the same level of normalfags who consume whatever content that media tells them to, and move along en masse to the next content, like a plague of locust.
>>174179 Nigger, you're talking to a lolicon, he doesn't like boobs.
>>174205 >Are you seriously implying that people who want to read and watch normal porn that only depicts regular sexual actions between a man and a woman are "normalfags"? Not all of them, but the overwhelming majority. Sure. Most vanilla doujinshi are boring as shit. >Such as what? Armpits and thigh jobs for starters. >Yes, you are. You're implying that people who enjoy vanilla content are on the same level of normalfags who consume whatever content that media tells them to, and move along en masse to the next content, like a plague of locust. As I said, an overabundance of them are like that.
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>>174030 Now that's quite the scadenfreude. >>174197 >Uno Makoto Hell no, It's all fucking futa.
>>174204 I see one where it's like 3 hours free (literally nothing for real tts users) and only monthly plans. Maybe open source tools will come along that can create an AI voice clone. I want to literally own it, not rely on some dumb website which could just close any day at random.
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>>174207 >Anon ridicules people for liking big tits in anime >Declares that anyone who likes big tits is a filthy normalfag >Goes even farther to say that enjoying purely vanilla hentai makes YOU (Yes, you) part of the problem in anime <Deems anyone who doesn't appeal to his obscure fetish as being part of the "problem" This is what autism looks like, ladies and gentlemen!
>>174212 I just think oppai a shit and it makes retards gawk and drool at the booba like animals and mostly giving a pass to the apparent flaws of any work. You are in no position to call anyone autistic. My obscure fetishes are irrelevant to this equation, vanilla content is fine. I just said it's boring and that the people who like it have a really low bar.
>>174213 Armpits is arguably pretty lowbar in the scale of good fetishes, is on the same tier as footfaggotry, a little worse id say.
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>>174213 >vanilla content is fine <the same kind of people who consume h content only if it has vaginal and can't appreciate any more sophisticated fetishes
>>174215 I've seen it first hand, people giving low ratings to doujinshi because it only has fellatio or foreplay but no penetration. Just not my cup of tea, you are clearly bent on interpreting my words as you please though so go ahead. >>174214 I don't care.
>>174095 t. leftard propagandist .
>>174216 >you are clearly bent on interpreting my words as you please though so go ahead. YOU are the one ridiculing people for disliking degenerate fetishes.
>>174198 >this faggot needs to be outed for what he's been doing Anon, I know exactly who you are. You have jerkoff sessions with niggerpill in that same thread all while blackpilling and acting like a general faggot. Your opinion is worth less than dogshit. I have never once advocated for anything other than piracy and have been completely up-front about the localization problems of both NISA and XSeed in this fucking thread.
>>174218 What's so degenerate about thighs and armpits?
>>174213 I mean technically you'd have a really low bar to be sexually attracted to drawings, and a boob connoisseur passing by you and a B cup gf would probably say you have a pretty low bar as well.
>>174220 It's as degenerate as being attracted to feet.
>>174221 Can you word that again but now in American English?
Came across this: https://archive.ph/DKP97 TLDR: US senator supposedly admits that Corona Vaccine causes Aids
>>174222 No, not even close.
>>174220 Thighs is a pretty popular fetish.
what about the fetish where you're attracted to women lol
>>174211 >>174204 This seems to be the answer, but I think it requires an (((NVidia))) gpu: https://github.com/NVIDIA/tacotron2
>>174227 According to 93b490, THAT MAKES YOU A NORMALFAG WHO'S RUING ANIME!
>>174223 pre-tumblrina era, all other factors equal, settling for smaller breasts would make you the one with a low bar >>174220 I'll give you an answer since noone else will, it's just degenerate because a woman probably wouldn't like it if you fawn over her armpit or hug her thighs. But really anything that doesn't lead to propagation is degenerate, so who cares. It also usually has sweat or a musk, which only certain asians with that allele smell good.
>>174230 >pre-tumblrina era, all other factors equal, settling for smaller breasts would make you the one with a low bar Sorry I never used tumblr, I don't understand.
>>174231 you must not have used imageboards very long either, then
>>174229 What about a housewife who doesn't cheat fetish?
I regret knowing that women exist, and believe the demiurge is an idiot.
>>174233 Again, a normalfag.
>>174232 I seriously don't understand what you are implying or why you brought up tumblr. You might be unable to realize this because of your autism, but you aren't speaking clearly at all my man.
>>174219 >post proof of NISA cancer >you're niggerpill's friend Fuck off, you know what being upfront is? Posting proof and being honest about what NISA is actually doing, they literally admitted to ruining the dialogue, now fuck off.
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>>174234 It's not God's fault that women choose feminism, God only provided the freewill to choose good or evil and women choose evil.
>>174236 the ones above 21% body fat, I find it hard to believe an american wouldn't know about the type when a third of them fall into it
>>174239 I still don't understand. Let's end this conversation here.
>>174237 Nice ip change. If you'd actually ready this thread you'd see that stuff was already talked about, by me and others. You literally came in to post things already shared and then lie about my stance on it. Unlike you my ID has been the same the whole time. Also, you're not niggerpill's friend because you shittalked NISA. Everyone does that. You're his friend because the two of you tag team in that thread to blackpill and tell everyone to leave.
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>>174235 Even when it's exceptionaly rare in hentai?
Do you think it's creepy for a man in his early 30s to date a women in her 20s?
>>174243 no, but the generation gap would probably do more to end it than any social stigma
>>174238 I wrote something, then deleted it. You are not prepared to acknowledge visible truth. What good is insight regarding the unseen? I see a man who claims that it's not the fault of women that they are so. What idiots, men who only blame men for their failures but not women also. Truly repugnant.
>>174222 >thighs are degenerate Now you're just being low-tier contrarian.
>>174245 Except he only blamed women and god's leniency?
>>174248 The maker made them exactly as they are, there is nothing else to say about it. Serpent, yes. The serpent maker.
>>174249 >It's not God's fault that women choose feminism, God only provided the freewill to choose good or evil and women choose evil. <I see a man who claims that it's not the fault of women that they are so. What idiots, men who only blame men for their failures but not women also. Truly repugnant. So what man is he blaming?
>>174250 Here is nature: A dog comes from a dog. An elephant comes from an elephant. The nature of things is that good comes from good, and vile comes from vile. And we see this from vile things, that they are born damned, as from the damned they came. And the pure came also from purity and is beautiful from the start and by its nature. Can a man save a woman? Don't you bother!!!
>>174152 I growing to hate it cause lots of of nice drawn big tits lady always end up with cheating, blacked, ugly bastard and NTR shit.
Pathetic you can't just go sudo apt install AI-Voices The same retards that can't package software want to inform you that they are totally women, despite being born with a pp.
>>174238 >Satanic feminism What? Satan is a dude.
>>174254 holy iq batman
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Last thing on the breasts thing, I think.
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>>174075 Do it faggot.
>>174143 >le sigh.
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>>174145 Why is this hidden in the beginning of the second video?
>>174153 >What do you think of kosher ecelebs latest video Nothing. I didn't, and won't, watch it.
>>174238 God made them and is omnipotent, therefore, he made them knowing what they'd do with their "free" will.
>>174145 Now that LiveLeak is basically dead, what are other sources for this kind of videos? I've seen chink videos circulating on youtube as well, but not that many.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xq_H1KEeObE >Initial D Successor Anime MF Ghost Reveals Staff, Eurobeat Soundtrack With 2nd Video https://archive.ph/F0sVS
>>174263 > 86 vs > Huracan > R8 > R35 GT-R Yeah nah, even if you put an actually good engine in that thing it's gonna get walked by a modern 4WD, immersion ruined. Also > Ferrari anything > actually racing with the car pick one Still gonna watch it though
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NEW COMIC I say there's nothing like smoking GPC cigarettes 'Cause any smokes will kill ya, but these will make you feel like it!
>>594140 >conservitard (You) are why gatekeeping videogames is necessary boring normalnigger.
>>594140 it's 'problematic' to oppose to sterilising children. it's 'degenerate' to sterilise children. kill yourself.
>>174265 Is that a pat the bunny reference? what year is it
>>174268 I wake up in the wrong side of the bed EVERYDAY SINCE 1997
>>174259 I think the vid was meant to be bug spray
>>594183 >everything I say about "the other" is true about me Okay.
>>594183 Lolbertarians are perpetually failures.
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>>174273 I cannot find the amogus!
>>174274 In the helicopter.
>>174275 it doesn't look sussy to me
>>174274 Tree would be my guess. Only thing that comes close.
>>173989 >>174039 No, not translated completely yet. Most of the game is translated though, but dialogue is basically not translated at all. It's eraAkumaMaid, check /hgg/ >>173985 Square Enix is astonishingly incompetent. The development of FF15 is best summed up as throwing a massive budget in all the wrong areas, after wasting money on a extremely expensive engine. Strangers of Paradise was decent, so it shows that they're willing to actually use the engines they develop for more than one game, but I doubt that competency will last for very long. For that matter, I doubt FFXIV will last for too much longer, because while it's the first MMO in a couple decades whose developers actually play the game, the company above them figured out mass casualization leads to short-term profits, much to the dismay of anyone who liked slightly complicated gameplay to work with during a given raid.
>>174277 Yeah, tree in the third panel looks most sus.
>>174273 I don't get the turning 30 joke. Does that mean that turning 30 makes you not act like a retard anymore and that the concept of transgender loses all meaning at that point?
>>174280 At 30 they kill themselves.
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>>174281 I don't know how I didn't think of that.
>>174273 turn the eyes to the side, it's always an amogus
>>594140 Buddy I think you got the wrong door.
So, anything new?
>>594140 What's the source of this screencap?
>>594140 So furfag scat orgies aren't degenerate?
>>174287 It's only degenerate if Anon dislikes it. If said degenerate thing is something Anon likes (or his particular favored degenerate fetish) then degeneracy is just a "nebulous term"
>>174288 Well I'm Anon, so what if I agree that many of my fetishes are degenerate?
>>594140 >spam from a torpedo left up Yeah, that'll happen.
>>594140 >spam from a torpedo left up Yeah, that'll happen.
>>174289 Degenerates must always be purged for existing .
>>174290 It was probably posted by the mods themselves.
>>594322 Would be more usefull to go to moldovia and purge transinitria.
>>174292 Come and get me, faggot.
>>174294 If only that was this easy. That being said, what are chances for moldovia to get "liberated" by Russia as well?
>>594322 >so that there's nothing to fight over They're not fighting over the people there, they're fighting over oil. No amount of killing makes the oil go away.
>>174296 If they manage to link up, ensured, since there are russian troops in the area since some years ago.
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>>174145 >>174140 Why did the chinks though that this was a good idea? I know that niggers can be retarded, but chinks can be so god awful. >>174177 >Dragon Maid has the worst boobs out of any show in ages, they have no weight or organic shape. It's just the round shape tool from any graphics software. Except that it wasn't meant to be realistic. You're complaining about cartoons that have intentionally disproportioned body figures for the sake of style, in short, you're being an idiot no different from the Twatterfags. >>174213 Seems like you have a close minded view when it comes to breasts.
>>594322 >be anon >say you don't have gun but want to fight >ask where the ops are and where everyone is defending >give wheatnigger rifle to gypsy to go rob somebody, pull out wodkanigger rifle from luggage >take pictures with soldiers, leave at night for "special patrol" >upload geotagged photos to facebook and reddit >shoot any survivors in the back >>174298 Moldova is just russian romania, they'll only resist because of corruption being exposed and wanting eu access.
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>>174297 Then we'll have to kill the oil!
>>174300 >Moldova is just russian romania Dunno, id rather they unify with romania. >but romania is shit Yeah but ive worked with some romanians on sweden and they were cool people, so their country becoming less shit is good news to me.
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>>174241 >jerking off your ID not changing Nigger that's a bad thing if anything, do you not have a VPN? Anyways let's look through your shit ID and see what kind of person you are >>174017 >admitting to using cuckchan interestingly you do seem to have a VPN, but it doesn't change your ID? Must not be a very good one >>174020 This is the only post I see referring to piracy, and its not you "advocating" for it, just you saying you don't have any intention of buying their shit and saying NISA's dogshit is better than Geofront's dogshit >>174055 And here there is no mention of avoiding against people buying it, nothing but dismissing and minimizing the shit with >its just omissions not changes >its only slightly changed >"couple of instances" >no visual censorship at least! >Trails was always embellished in its translations >there's nothing blatant >incredibly minor changes ,avoiding posting anything about actual proofs of what NISA did, but apparently Ghostwire, XSEED and Geofront matter more than NISA's shittery >but you're pirating so who cares In this case, its the opposite of advocating for piracy as a solution, because you literally advocate for zero standards. If you get it for free (but some people will pay for it no matter what, especially if you don't tell them the truth and explicitly tell them it must be pirated if at all), it doesn't matter if its dogshit apparently. This is the kind of complacency that has ruined shit like fansubbing, which is why most """fansubbing""" groups are now just rips of official CR and Funimation subs with the fonts changed. Apparently NISA needs every possible excuse and favorable comparison with everyone else, despite them being the worst localizers in the business, or do you want me to post the infographics? You disingenuous faggot, fuck off. Not only this, but you haven't addressed a single one of the screencaps I posted in response What happened to them being "minor changes" you won't notice? What happened to it being a "couple of instances"? What happened to it just being "omissions"? What happened to "not changing the meaning of anything" You are a faggot. While I'm at it, here's some more examples of NISA fuckery.
>>174261 I can't find it right now, but in the bible God "sighs" at the creation of man. He didn't make a mistake in the creation, but he knew that man would choose evil.
>>174304 Then why'd he do it?
>>174305 As detailed in Genesis when Cain kills Abel, God gave man the ability to act like niggers, but expect that man actually would act like niggers.
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>>174303 Oh you're also that faggot that thinks XSeed didn't fuck with the translation just as much. Got some bad news for you, Trails always has had "embellished" translations. Even with social justice in mind, such as pic related. From the very beginning. NISA didn't invent that. That was my point. I can find just as many examples in the older games as you did for yours. I do not think NISA is good. I do not think that anyone should ever buy from them. I figured that was fucking implied. Given that your only argument was "b-b-b-b-b-b-but you didn't say explicitly in every post to pirate" as for why I was this super big NISA shill I think it's plainly obvious you're grasping at straws. You have an autistic grudge against me, a literal fucking nobody, and the thread itself and you came in here specifically (literally you didn't talk about anything else) to bitch about what is, essentially, meta shit. I'm not going to reply to you again in any thread. I probably shouldn't have even done it here. My last piece of advice to you: find something else to do. Anything. If you're going to break out into autistic tard rage every time you see that thread in the catalogue or recognize me here it's going to be bad for your mental health.
>>174306 Yes. So he made man niggers on purpose.
>>174308 So kind of like a reverse Yakub?
>>174302 We've already had that conversation a while ago, if you're the same anon, romanians are nice as long as they don't reach a critical mass.
>>174305 Because you can't love someone without giving them the choice to not love you back, you can't force someone to love you back.
Here's how the TempleOS theme for /t/ looks so far. I have a feeling many compromises will have to be made as, while it aims to look like the OS, it has a lot of strong colors
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>>174311 So God didn't love his angels? Or did God only love Satan among his angels? If God, in His omnipotence, knows whether or not a being will choose to love Him or not, and thus creating any being He knows will love Him is thus forcing them to love Him, does that mean God can only truly love those who spurn Him?
>>174314 Angels are different from humans, i don't know how, but angels a can rebel from God since there are fallen angels that went with Satan in the rebellion. Your other questions is about freewill vs predestination which is difficult to answer, but the way an apologist answered it was if you're watching a recording of a sports game and you know the outcome, Do the players still have freewill? Yes, just because you know the outcome doesn't mean you have chosen their decisions for them. God still loves someone even if they reject him. In fact if someone keep rejecting God into death, God gives that person what they want by separating from him in hell.
>>174315 Fallen angels are more like misprogrammed robots that god is too autistic to reprogram. They perform a necessary task with undesirable consequences, so he hands them over to satan, who is also doing intended tasks for god, to make use of them.
>>174315 >if you're watching a recording of a sports game and you know the outcome, Do the players still have freewill? Yes, just because you know the outcome doesn't mean you have chosen their decisions for them. That kind of leaves out the core issue of God creating beings while omnipotently knowing how they'll behave. The person viewing the tape didn't create those players, let alone do so with knowledge of whether they'll win or lose.
>>174317 It's not a perfect analogy, but i don't understand your problem with it. The point is God knows our outcomes that we choose, How is it not still freewill?
>>174318 >The point is God knows our outcomes that we choose, How is it not still freewill? Because God is a clock maker and we are cogs. Precognition of sentient beings' actions by any being in the universe precludes free will.
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>>174316 >Global volunteers are more like misprogrammed robots that Acid is too autistic to reprogram. They perform a necessary task with undesirable consequences, so he hands them over to Parias, who is also doing intended tasks for Acid, to make use of them.
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>>174310 Hence why i want their country to prosper, that means tey wont need to go out.
a-ANOTHER religous shitflinging thread!?! OH YEEES!!XD!
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>>594493 Niggerpill is mad cause she can't have any more cherry blossoms
>>594322 >EU just voted to end countries veto rights and to create an EU army Deus ex and Alex Jones was right again!
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Baker is dead.
More than 3,000 people are working on Call of Duty, Activision says >Call of Duty is by far Activision-Blizzard's most important franchise, and now 31% of its workforce is working on the franchise. Activision-Blizzard confirms nearly 1/3rd of its total employee headcount is working on the Call of Duty franchise. >Call of Duty is by far Activision-Blizzard's most important and lucrative franchise. Annual releases paired with two multi-billion dollar F2P games have helped push company revenues to all-time highs from 2020-2021. >Activision now says it is doubling-down on Call of Duty investments. Over 3,000 people are working on the franchise, representing 31% of its total employee headcount (9,800) and nearly half of its total developers (6,800). The publisher says it is developing "the most ambitious plan" in franchise history, which will culminate in Modern Warfare II and the new revamped Warzone. >"We are working on the most ambitious plan in Call of Duty history, with over 3,000 people now working on the franchise and a return to the Modern Warfare setting that delivered our most successful Call of Duty title ever," Activision wrote in its 2021 annual report. >Activision also confirmed its total headcount: "Overview: As of December 31, 2021, Activision Blizzard had approximately 9,800 full-time and part-time employees, with approximately 68% in North America, approximately 25% in the Europe, Middle East, and Africa ("EMEA") region, and approximately 7% in the Asia Pacific region. Of these employees, approximately 68% either work directly on, or support, our game and technology development, which represents an approximate seven percentage point increase from 2020." https://archive.ph/Q7zgq New Kyle Rittenhouse video game hit the scene as Kyle Rittenhouse YouTube struggles with hero worship <One YouTube video depicts Rittenhouse as a computer game character >At the end, the final "boss'" is Alex Huber with his skateboard. The character shoots him, completing the level. >After showing this to YouTube the company once again deemed it unacceptable, and took it down for breaching its rules on glorifying violence. >But with a video showing how to set up your gun like Rittenhouse, YouTube did not act on it or give it an age restriction. >Next, a song called The Kenosha Kid. This is a ballad about Rittenhouse, marking him as a hero - making a stand against unruly protesters. This video was deemed to break YouTube's rules and was banned. <But many other videos using exactly the same song have not been. >Once again, the distinction between videos that are acceptable or unacceptable is hard to understand. Many of the comments in these videos call Rittenhouse a hero. >Others express surprise that they are allowed on YouTube. Of course, YouTube is also a great place to monetise content. <We're gonna run what I call a Kyle drill." >A man wearing sunglasses and carrying an assault rifle talks his way through a training circuit he's built at a gun range, showcased in a YouTube video. >The course lets participants recreate the moment Kyle Rittenhouse shot three protesters in Kenosha earlier this year, killing two of them. <This is the simulated mob," the man says. >"You're going to sit down and take a shot at the skater. I don't know how many shots Kyle took, but Kyle's a badass. So we're going to assume one shot, one kill." The skater he is referring to is Anthony Huber. <He was shot in the heart and killed by Kyle Rittenhouse. >He was carrying an assault rifle and said he was there to protect property, claiming he acted in self-defence when opening fire. He is awaiting trial for double murder. >This piece isn't about the shooting itself, rather what it tells us about YouTube and its policies on extremism. The Kyle Drill video is just one of dozens of disturbing uploads we found on YouTube venerating Rittenhouse. Other social media companies like Facebook have tight rules on what you can and can't say or show about Rittenhouse. >Facebook, for example, has banned his name from being searched for. On YouTube though, there are no such rules. <YouTube has fallen behind' >"Facebook and Twitter have taken much more concerted action against content supporting Rittenhouse," says Chloe Colliver from the Institute of Strategic Dialogue. >"YouTube has fallen behind other social media companies in the US this year in its efforts to deal with extremist content and disinformation." >That last sentence is one I've heard many times covering extremism on social media this year - that YouTube has a moderation problem. >The company has a set of rules that "prohibit any violent or graphic content intended to shock viewers". "We take swift action to remove content flagged by our community that violates those policies," >YouTube told the BBC. The glorification of Rittenhouse on YouTube, however, suggests community flagging simply isn't working. <Kyle Rittenhouse is an inspiration to me" is the first line of one YouTube video we found. >The man is holding a gun. So we decided to show YouTube a handful of these Rittenhouse videos for comment. First, that Kyle drill video. https://archive.ph/ZQ58Y
>>174327 >>174328 Where I'm seeing is that it's not 700 yet. Just a few more posts left, I hope I can time things right.
>>174319 >Precognition of sentient beings' actions by any being in the universe precludes free will. Just because someone knows the actions i will take doesn't mean they're not my actions. If God created us, why does that mean he can't create something that has freewill? What supernatural logic is he breaking?
>>174331 >Just because someone knows the actions i will take doesn't mean they're not my actions That's exactly what it means. If the choice is decided by fate before you decide yourself in the very moment, you're not actually making a choice. You're a machine, following a predetermined path from which you cannot err. >If God created us, why does that mean he can't create something that has freewill? Because he's omnipotent, particularly omniscient if you will, and thus knows the future. The existence of precognition precludes freewill for the above stated reason.
>>174332 But who says the future of everyone is set in stone if we have free will to choose? If God is all knowing then he sees all possibilities at once. There's no guarantee of there being a singular set path of events.
>>174331 >Immanuel Kant's God Sounds like flipping the table because he lost the argument. His God doesn't have to make sense, essentially, which makes it pointless to discuss his God. >Aquinas' God Has to decide between his omnipotence including precognitive omniscience, or the ability to create beings with free will. Anon's presentation of an ontologically omnipotent god is lopsided in the first example of the limitations of God's powers though. He says he can't create a rock he can't lift because he can lift any rock, but this just assumes omnipotence must include being able to lift any rock, rather than assuming it must include being able to create rocks he can't lift. In reality, it's a binary choice of powers just like the precognition vs creation of free willed beings. He could either be capable of creating a rock he can't lift, or be able to lift any rock.
>>174330 Could be here for some time if posts keep getting deleted.
>>174333 >But who says the future of everyone is set in stone The existence of precognitive omniscience. >If God is all knowing then he sees all possibilities at once. >There's no guarantee of there being a singular set path of events. That's just guess work then. If there's multiple possibilities, infinite really, then God doesn't actually know the future because it could change without his interference. Free will and precognition are logically incompatible by their nature. So you either have to limit God's powers like Aquinas, or give up on having a God and universe that makes sense, like Kant.
>>174335 just make it now, it's fine
>>174336 I mean you can't even speak the true name of God without unleashing incomprehensible holy wrath. So I think much of God's mechanics are meant to be unknowable for us.
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>>174337 You sure? The post count just dropped to 672 now
>>174337 But then I won't get to finish my off-topic back and forth. You really >>174338 >So I think much of God's mechanics are meant to be unknowable for us. "God works in mysterious ways" is nothing but a cop out. A free space for any atheist's "Christian arguments bingo" card. A get out of jail free card. If Christian scholars throughout the centuries thought like the people who say this boring shit, I'm sure there'd be a lot less interesting Christian literature.
>>174337 On the note of off topic religious derailing, I again urge you to light a fire under Lynx's ass to add individual and group post migration.
>>174340 Well I'm not exactly an expert religious philosopher so I can't really argue much more than that.
Since this thread is gonna get replaced soon by a new baker I want to ask, is tales of vesperia any good? I never played a tales game and it's on sale On switch eshop.
>>174339 There's been short breads in the past. Bake on!
>>174343 i dont have the ranking image saved but i believe its considered to be top tier for story/characters and mediocre-decent for gameplay
>>174342 Neither am I. I'm just going off the two versions of God presented in a cap someone else posted that allegedly "BTFO the fedora tippers!", when really, one is making necessary concessions and the other is giving up. But it doesn't take a genius to know that if you just go "God works in mysterious ways." every time some logic trap comes up, Christian religious philosophy wouldn't get very far.
where's the bread?
>porn OP Remake it.
>>174347 Man that took a while, partly due to site issues and the other due to Eltonel's very high quality image, but you know you just can't rush your babies. And in lieu of an actual Easter Day themed thread with Christ tan in it and the news of a certain verdict being overturned... BLESSED BREAD: >>594555 >>594555 >>594555 >>594555 >>594555 >>594555 >>594555 >>594555
>>174332 >That's exactly what it means. If the choice is decided by fate before you decide yourself in the very moment, you're not actually making a choice. You're a machine, following a predetermined path from which you cannot err. But God doesn't decide our choices (even if he can motivate us without effecting freewill), he just knows what we're going to do, i fail to see how we lose our decision. It's time travel not programming.Time for God is different from humanity, he exists outside of time.
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>>174348 Is the second image too risque? All of the naughty bits in it are covered, albeit just barely so.
>>174350 >It's time travel Same effect on free will. >Exists outside of time Such a concept can only hold true so long as such a being never interferes in the universe.
>>174353 >Same effect on free will. Time travel doesn't negate your freewill either. Are you just ignoring what i post and repeating your conclusion? >Such a concept can only hold true so long as such a being never interferes in the universe. Why?
>>174330 well they did say we can make new threads at 500 now, to account for the lounge thread soaking up discussion, which didnt happen very much
>>174328 But that's jobby the hong.
>>174265 >rad mom
>>173992 Remember to always pirate, and to never buy any physical products from this or their PARENT company ever again.

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