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#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]:Mutton Dressed as Lamb Edition Anonymous 01/12/2023 (Thu) 04:18:00 Id: 67a5c6 No. 267679
ONGOING DISCUSSIONS: >Limited Run Games fires employee after complaints over who she follows on Twitter https://archive.vn/obNiJ >Regulators (FTC) Look To Block Microsoft Acquisition Of Activision Blizzard Inc https://archive.ph/rKNDf >EU antitrust regulators to probe Microsoft's $69 billion Activision bid https://archive.ph/SqhgU >IGN Journalist who reviewed The Last of Us Part 2 joins Naughty Dog as Editorial Content Manager https://archive.ph/eTmtu https://pastebin.com/GGG5Kwdr >Arc System Works confirms that Bridget is trans https://archive.ph/lkbiL >Cloudflare bans Kiwifarms https://archive.ph/5ziDX >IMDB deletes every user review for The Rings of Power which rated it 5 or less https://archive.ph/Zg95c >Ben Kuchera claims he was fired by Vox Media for taking time off to deal with his children being sexually abused https://archive.ph/nB79z >Arc System Works changes Guilty Gear Lore to appease Twitter https://yewtu.be/watch?v=sYDYXfdzGN8 >Wiki is up again! https://ggwiki.deepfreeze.it/index.php/Main_Page CURRENT TASKS: 1. OPERATION MAX REVIVE Rebuild the board's userbase and activity through simple, but effective methods 1. Post across the entire board Activity creates activity. Use threads you like, make new ones if topics don't exist. Easy examples are Drawthreads and Friday Night threads, go request or draw something right now. 2. Recruit and recover lost or potential anons Use this site's OC and features to entice anons if necessary when recruiting, just inform that we are alive. Here's some sites and links with at least some confirmed anons that can be recruited again: https://steamcommunity.com/groups/8chotwheels https://steamcommunity.com/groups/SSAVCH https://steamcommunity.com/groups/video_games https://steamcommunity.com/groups/8chmohun https://steamcommunity.com/groups/8chan_monster https://steamcommunity.com/groups/GoodLuckEbolaChan https://steamcommunity.com/search/groups/#text=8ch.net https://steamcommunity.com/search/groups/#text=8chan Other sites that might yield fruitful results and have anons (art sites use an account so you can see 18+ content): https://www.deviantart.com/search?q=Vivian+James https://www.newgrounds.com/search/summary?suitabilities=etm&terms=Vivian%20James https://twitter.com/search?q=Vivian%20James&src=typed_query&f=image https://rpgcodex.net/ https://old.reddit.com/r/KotakuInAction/ Somewhere on Telegram Just searching up GG or 8chan-related terms on certain places/sites can get you possible results. 3. Make your own OC/Memes/Content
[Expand Post]Doesn't matter what it is even if its just simple edits or full-on drawings or webms, just make it and have fun. Ask in thread for software recs if necessary. 4. Encourage or create fun events, activities, projects, etc. Think things like 8chanmania, weekly streams, re-translation projects, demo days, or zzz's gaming magazine for example. If you want to do something, try making or reviving it, it can't hurt and these things are great for the board. 5. Use other boards All it takes for a board to grow is at least 2 dedicated anons using it. Don't be afraid to make a post, check places periodically, shill, or what have you. Don't force discussions to boards, just encourage the usage of them. 2. OPERATION TRAJAN: Collect and catalog all of the various localization and censorship accounts of past video games into a single repository from these sources: romhacking.net The_Cutting_Room_Floor/tcrf.net Segaretro.org https://redirect.invidious.io/channel/UCFItIX8SIs4zqhJCHpbeV1A Examples: http://archive.vn/XQOHW Sony's policies forces censorship; JP devs allegedly have to go through ENG approval process: https://archive.fo/awzFF - Japanese blog post about it: https://archive.fo/bF9bE Sony Japan President Says PS4 Censorship Policy Is To Match Global Standards And Protect Kids: https://archive.fo/U3GLa - Confirms censorship was deliberate: https://archive.fo/XgAgP - No rules for censorship policies, games judged case-by-case: https://archive.fo/37DhK - Marvelous partner starts petition against policy: https://archive.fo/rxQtf https://archive.fo/84UHo • Twitterfags: Tweet with Sony's stock code $SNE so that investors see your tweets and know you're pissed. • Consider spreading OP Timber materials to targets as well: http://archive.vn/URjtu ONGOING TASKS: A. Operation Download And Conquer: Loosen the death-grip of Google that has taken hold of the internet's audio and video services >>>/t/5546 B. Support archive.fo! Accountability needs proof: https://liberapay.com/archiveis/donate C. OP DisNod: Contact the FTC and advertisers about violations and unethical practices http://archive.vn/9bylT D. Internet Censorship happenings: Spread the word about the dangers of FOSTA/CLOUD act/Article 13, etc. https://www.eff.org/de/deeplinks/2020/03/earn-it-act-violates-constitution E. OP End the Era: Dig into resetera and their connections to journos, devs, etc. http://archive.vn/JfuSb Reminders (important, READ THESE!): • Use https://archive.today to deny sites ad revenue and traffic and preserve pages in case they are deleted later • Be civil if you have to argue with people on Twitter, Tumblr or any forum - don't make us look like douchebags • Do not accept requests for any goal, demand lists or personal army requests: https://pastebin.com/p5dVp1e5 • Beware COINTELPRO: The Gentleperson's Guide to Forum Spies: https://cryptome.org/2012/07/gent-forum-spies.htmSTOP REPLYING TO BAITS AND OBVIOUS DERAILMENT ATTEMPTS, JUST REPORT AND FILTER Resources >Summaries of #GamerGate:https://redirect.invidious.io/watch?v=wy9bisUIP3w - #GamerGate - If It's Not About Ethics • https://redirect.invidious.io/watch?v=5fnRSL3d_xU - #GamerGate in 60 Seconds • https://archive.fo/23Fde - GamerGate: A State of the Union Address >Background and Evidence for #GamerGate: • The #GamerGate Dossier: https://archive.fo/nv1Fb • #GamerGate Wiki: https://ggwiki.deepfreeze.it/index.php?title=Main_Page • History of #GamerGate: https://www.historyofgamergate.com/ • View the timeline links in the Current Happenings section! >Lists: • GG Steam Support & Boycott List: https://v.gd/vzRsRb • Key GamerGate Hubs: https://v.gd/LNJbat >Thread Repository: https://gitgud.io/gamergate/gamergateop/blob/master/ThreadRepository.md https://ggwiki.deepfreeze.it/index.php?title=Thread_Repository >Full OP Text: • Current: https://ggwiki.deepfreeze.it/index.php?title=The_GamerGate_OP >How Can I Help? >>>/gamergatehq/ • All OPs: https://gitgud.io/gamergate/gamergateop/tree/master/Operations • OP Vulcan: Learn logical debating: https://v.gd/Kbzw0L • An Anon's Guide to Twitter; basics: https://v.gd/nwrbYF >Want to Contribute to GitGud or Wiki? https://gitgud.io/gamergate/gamergateop/tree/master/How-to-Contribute
bideo gams
>>766090 >Being legally obligated to put shareholder profits first over system upgrades and scheduled maintenance. Any company that "puts profits" over how they actually make profits is a retarded company. The only time companies act like this is when they have a monopoly: like British railways and electricity in Commiefornia.
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>>267682 It's not about being retarded or not. The government decided that shareholders can sue companies if they think they aren't being jewish enough.
>>267684 But, reinvesting profits into capitol instead of paying shareholders is the epitome of being jewish.
>>267684 Which is why you can stay private.
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>>267679 >bird tits
Disgusting thread theme, grey meat doesn't become pink meat just because you paint over it.
starbound will never be as good as terraria
>>267683 It's a compliment to get (you)s with no argument, thanks.
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Archive of previous bread https://archive.fo/a7SR6
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Remember to link to alternative video sites and/or attach videos to posts as WEBMs/MP4s for the purposes of ending Goolag's control Also, remember to contribute towards Operation Download And Conquer: >>>/t/5546
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>>766136 >>766137 Hold up a second, are you unironically post an example of why things would be better if the government wasn't the one dictating air travel? >Sure, there might be individual air traffic control just to direct traffic intending to land in a neat and orderly fashion, but there would be no reason to coordinate with other companies. Yes, there would, it would be for both the safety of their passengers, their personnel, their equipment, and their reputation.
>>267684 >The government decided that shareholders can sue companies if they think they aren't being jewish enough. The shareholder can try, but the burden is still placed upon the shareholder to prove that the company ISN'T putting their priorities first. The only times shareholders practically ever win that battle is almost exclusively whenever a company has been so flagerent and careless that they don't care about making money at all. The most recent example of this was Twatter doing everything possible to prevent the Musk buyout. >>267686 That's an option too.
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Remember to spread around this image recommending actually good games to the Nips! The point of this chart is to inform the Japanese on what the good games that the West has actually produced over the past few decades are rather than let companies tell them that Westerners "like" Ass Creed, Life is Tumblr, and CoD, and to make their games "like that". If you don't know who to send it to, post it on Japanese vidya discussion boards you know of, tag it to Nip e-celebs your enjoy, and/or inform Japanese creators who you think listen to their fans.
>>267696 But anon, you have to let the government control every aspect of your life because otherwise evil people will do it for you because you have no agency and also there are no evil people in the government because they say so and they would know because they constantly have internal investigations of themselves and never find anything wrong!
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>>267691 Starbound was such a fucking waste.
>>267691 I never understood why Starbound was even a thing.
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Software and sites to give attention to! Operating systems >AROS: http://aros.sourceforge.net/ >BSD <Net: https://www.netbsd.org/ <Open: https://www.openbsd.org/ <DragonFly: https://www.dragonflybsd.org/ >GrapheneOS: https://grapheneos.org/ >Linux <Artix Linux: https://artixlinux.org/ <CLIP OS: https://clip-os.org/ <Devuan: https://www.devuan.org/ <EndeavourOS: https://endeavouros.com/ <Rocky Linux: https://rockylinux.org/ >ToaruOS: https://toaruos.org/ Archival >ArchiveBox: https://archivebox.io/ Chatrooms: >Session: https://getsession.org/ >Tox: https://tox.chat/ Database >Based Cooking: https://based.cooking/ >BigchainDB: https://www.bigchaindb.com/ >Gelbooru: https://gelbooru.com/ >Gun: https://gun.eco/ >Hydrus ( >>>/t/6469 ): https://hydrusnetwork.github.io/hydrus/ >Library Genesis: http://libgen.rs/ >ourobooru: https://ourobooru.booru.org/ >Sci-Hub: https://sci-hub.hkvisa.net/ Donation and payment services: >AlignPay: https://www.alignpay.com/ >Fantia: http://fantia.jp/ >Librepay: https://liberapay.com/ Email clients >Claws Mail: https://www.claws-mail.org/ >The Mutt: http://www.mutt.org/ Email hosting >Create your own: https://archive.fo/okVq4 >Cock.li (Invite link required): https://cock.li/ Encyclopedias >Infogalactic: https://infogalactic.com/info/Main_Page File sharing and storage >anonfile: https://anonfile.com/ >BitTorrent: https://infogalactic.com/info/BitTorrent >CacheP2P: https://github.com/guerrerocarlos/CacheP2P >Catbox: https://catbox.moe/ >Cryptosphere: https://github.com/cryptosphere/cryptosphere >Dat Project: https://datproject.org/
[Expand Post]>Filecoin: https://filecoin.io/ >Holochain: https://github.com/holochain/holochain-proto >Instant.io: https://instant.io/ >IPFS: https://ipfs.io/ >Kek.gg https://kek.gg/ >Onion Share: https://onionshare.org/ >ORC: https://orc.apache.org/ >Peergos: https://peergos.org/ >Perkeep: https://perkeep.org/ >Pomf: https://github.com/pomf/pomf >QBittorrent: https://www.qbittorrent.org/ >Sia: https://sia.tech/ >Storj: https://storj.io/ >Swarm: https://github.com/ethersphere/swarm >Tahoe-LAFS: https://www.tahoe-lafs.org/trac/tahoe-lafs >Uguu: https://uguu.se/ >WebTorrent: https://webtorrent.io/ >Other sites: https://www.archiveteam.org/index.php?title=Pomf.se/Clones Galleries and image hosting >ArtStation (SFW only): https://www.artstation.com/ >HicceArs: https://www.hiccears.com/ >Wysp: https://www.wysp.ws/ Internet and browsers >BadWolf: https://hacktivis.me/projects/badwolf >Basilisk: https://www.basilisk-browser.org/ >Beaker: https://beakerbrowser.com/ >Bromite: https://www.bromite.org/ >Falkon: https://www.falkon.org/ >GNU IceCat: https://www.gnu.org/software/gnuzilla/ >Handshake: https://handshake.org/ >I2P: https://geti2p.net/ >InterPlanetary Wayback: https://github.com/oduwsdl/ipwb >Iridium Browser (Guide to remove spyware: https://spyware.neocities.org/guides/iridium.html ): https://iridiumbrowser.de/ >LibreWolf: https://librewolf-community.gitlab.io/ >MaidSafe: https://maidsafe.net >Mysterium Network: https://mysterium.network/ >Namecoin: https://namecoin.org/ >NetSurf (Guide to remove spyware: https://spyware.neocities.org/guides/netsurf.html ): https://www.netsurf-browser.org/ >Otter Browser: https://otter-browser.org/ >Qutebrowser: https://qutebrowser.org/ >Sphere Browser (WARNING: https://spyware.neocities.org/articles/sphere.html ): https://sphere.tenebris.cc/ >Surf: http://surf.suckless.org/ >Tor: https://www.torproject.org/ >Ungoogled-Chromium: https://ungoogled-software.github.io/ungoogled-chromium-binaries/ >Web Browser: https://git.nuegia.net/webbrowser.git/ >Yggdrasil Network: https://yggdrasil-network.github.io/ >ZeroNet: https://zeronet.io/ Marketplace >DLsite: https://www.dlsite.com/eng/ >DMM Games: https://games.dmm.com/ >Fruitbat Factory: https://sites.fastspring.com/fruitbatfactory/product/buy >ğchange: https://www.gchange.fr >JAST: https://jastusa.com/ >Play-Asia: https://www.play-asia.com/ >Top Hat Store: https://shop.tophat.studio >Zoom Platform: https://www.zoom-platform.com/ Pastebins >Paste: https://github.com/jordansamuel/PASTE >PrivateBin: https://privatebin.info/ Search engines >ActiveSearchResults: https://www.activesearchresults.com/ >Gigablast: https://www.gigablast.com/ >Marginalia : https://search.marginalia.nu/ >Mojeek: https://www.mojeek.com/ >Wiby: https://wiby.me/ >YaCy: https://yacy.net/ Social media >anime website: https://anime.website/ >Baest: https://bae.st/ >baraag.net: https://baraag.net/ >Free Speech Extremist: https://freespeechextremist.com/ >GNU Social: https://gnu.io/social/ >Hubzilla: https://zotlabs.org/page/hubzilla/hubzilla-project >Mediachain: http://www.mediachain.io/ >Pleroma: https://pleroma.social/ >Plurk: https://www.plurk.com/ >Poast: https://poa.st/ >Shitposter Club: https://shitposter.club/ >Steemit: https://steemit.com/ Streaming >8chanTV ( >>>/site/1519 ): https://watch.8ch.moe/ Video and audio platforms >AVideo: https://github.com/WWBN/AVideo >BitTube: https://bittube.tv/ >D.tube: https://d.tube/ >MediaGoblin: https://mediagoblin.org/ >Veoh: https://www.veoh.com/ >VidLii: https://www.vidlii.com/ Video downloaders and converters >boram: https://github.com/Kagami/boram >ffmpeg (Can be paired with Nadeshiko on Linux: https://codeberg.org/deterenkelt/Nadeshiko ): https://ffmpeg.org/download.html >NewPipe: https://newpipe.net/ >WebMConverter: https://gitgud.io/nixx/WebMConverter >webm.py: https://github.com/Kagami/webm.py >wybm: https://github.com/Kagami/wybm >youtube-dl (Also download ffmpeg for best compatability; guide: >>>/t/5546): https://youtube-dl.org/ Web hosts >Create your own: https://archive.vn/BtM69 >IONOS: https://www.ionos.com/ >KolymaNET: https://www.kolyma.org/ >Neocities: https://neocities.org/ Other >AdNauseam: https://adnauseam.io/ >Amateur Game Development General: >>>/agdg/ >ChannelChanger: >>>/t/1257 >Crescent Isle: >>>/site/532 >Kdenlive: https://kdenlive.org/ >LINE Sticker Downloader: https://goonlinetools.com/line-sticker-download/ >Magic Wormhole: https://github.com/warner/magic-wormhole >OpenTimestamps: https://opentimestamps.org/ >Privacy Possum: https://github.com/cowlicks/privacypossum >QEMU: https://www.qemu.org/ >The Wick Editor: https://www.wickeditor.com/ >VirtualBox: https://www.virtualbox.org/ Suggestions are always welcome! Revision Updates: 11/16/22: https://archive.ph/QLgWL
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>>267688 >Tits
>>267696 >>267699 This video is a big reason why I will never trust the government with any type of business.
>>267704 Wasn't there some strip club that the FBI gained control of decades ago, and managed to somehow drive into bankruptcy?
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>>267705 I'm not shocked glow in the darks fuck up constantly.
>>267696 I'm not even sure, some anon said my initial premise, a privatized shift from current air traffic control having shit safety standards, had me mislabeling it as being free market. So instead I offered to discuss what I'd see as a lolbert implementation, as seen in more remote areas right now in the real world! I also hinted in one of the last posts of the thread that modern planes already has pretty good radar. If every plane fends for itself you would probably want a weapon capable of taking down threats just in case, and probably up the cabin crew size to spot for threats, just in case, for the passenger and cargo concerns you mentioned, since modern politics show how one-dimensional it is to trust contracts that another party pinky-swears will never be broken. To be clear, maybe lolberts will just make privatized versions of the FCC to control EM waves, but otherwise not only radio communication but also radar and who knows what else can just get jammed by flying over some sovereign territory streaming dolphin porn 30 miles away. Some level of regulation would have to happen somewhere, and as shit as governments are, the stability of things like the EM spectrum are reasons lolberts will eventually form things that are governments in everything except name. That one other guy was having too much fun namecalling, so I'll be the one to pull VIDEOGAMES on this discussion.
>>267687 There's something oddly endearing about an older woman dressing like she's 18-25 if she's still got the looks to pull it off yet feels embarrassed about it. I'd assume her feeling is cute in someway or it's just that she's a bit humble about it is why. I can't tell exactly why.
>>267707 >but otherwise not only radio communication but also radar and who knows what else can just get jammed by flying over some sovereign territory streaming dolphin porn 30 miles away I do see that being a problem, but couldn't companies solve that by finding a way to rotate frequencies, or find another method of communication? However, outside of someone unironically spending who knows how much money just to do that, the only people I see pulling a stunt like that are opponents of a country, which is a matter I would agree the government get involved in because that's the government's job. Which is also part of the problem because a lot of people believe that it's the governments job to create an infrastructure that "protects" people rather than create an infrastructure that allows people to opperate freely.
>>267707 >To be clear, maybe lolberts will just make privatized versions of the FCC to control EM waves, but otherwise not only radio communication but also radar and who knows what else can just get jammed by flying over some sovereign territory streaming dolphin porn 30 miles away. Some level of regulation would have to happen somewhere, and as shit as governments are, the stability of things like the EM spectrum are reasons lolberts will eventually form things that are governments in everything except name. That one other guy was having too much fun namecalling, so I'll be the one to pull VIDEOGAMES on this discussion. So pretty much you have zero clue of what the hell your talking about since you conflate libertarianism with hardcore ancaps, if your gonna criticise something you should be able to not confuse it with something else.
>>267701 >One of the artist(Tiy) decided to stop working with red on terraria because reasons >Decides to make Starbound to cash in on the hype of the never ever terraria 2 >Focused more on the survival aspect and being slower paced in general >Formed Chucklefuck studios with a small team for making said game >Sold preorder with access to the first BETA (more like alpha) >Have roadmaps and dev diaries to keep interest and game direction going >Dev team was mostly working together online in different locations yet keeping pace >Constant art assets being released in their dev blogs >Yet progress was still going nowhere >Decide that its time to relocate all the dev team into a proper office space for a better dev enviroment <In super expensive londonistan of all places. <Did this help the game dev process? No <Turns out they had more artists and only about 2 devs working on the game proper and all the art assets was hardly implemented ingame >All a bunch of other shit that i forgot All in all the first beta showed some promise and this was during the time when after a year of 1.2 was thought to be the final version of terraria and relogic didnt release any details about a potential sequel or the otherworld spinoff
>>267711 Why are so many devs braindead?
>>267711 Why does this sound like Star Citizen, or practically majority of the Kickstarters out there?
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>>267713 I'm gonna be real I'd put Shekel Yidzen in it's own category as it's gone past a scam and into something resembling government corruption mixed with a cult's fanaticism.
>>267696 Wouldn't air traffic control just become the private responsibility of the airport? People controlling planes agree to follow the airport's rules if they want to use the airport. The airport would want to have good air traffic control or planes will crash and people will stop using that airport. If there are several airports close enough to each other to be dangerous, it will be logical for them to want to coordinate their air traffic control or risk crashes which will make future customers look elsewhere, to the airports and areas that don't have crashes, or to other methods of travel.
>>267715 >Wouldn't air traffic control just become the private responsibility of the airport? I didn't even think of that. The airline companies would operate the planes, and the airport would be it's own company.
>>267713 Its more like they pulled a reverse Numalesky. Only instead of adding more gameplay and polishing existing mechanics from the first alpha release. They gimped the survival aspect (Surviving planetside nowadays is just wearing the correct suit module instead of planning out bases with heaters/coolers/oxygen pumps) and remove all complexity from the combat by gimping the movement boosting options and weapon ammo and tying them all into the same fucking small energy pool just because they couldnt code the mechanics due to only having 1 guy essentially coding the game from scratch while Tiy was only an ideas guy and a bunch of useless artists >>267712 Thats the problem. Tiy wasnt even a game dev, more like a glorified ideas guy and the nigger himself couldnt do art at all
>>267709 Companies can rotate frequencies, but it can quickly become an arms race of just using more watts on your antennas to override interference. Or ceding the longer range frequencies and only using really short-range ones, which is kind of useless. Radios can also use frequency modulation to increasingly gain more bandwidth, and it won't be human nature to settle with a morsel of 200 bytes per second. >>267710 Are you saying libertarians wouldn't open up the EM spectrum? What is your opinion on that one pretty simple topic? The liberty to use whatever part of the spectrum you want, or the liberty to have a regulated, ungarbled spectrum for clearly defined purposes like we currently have? Surely you can spare the energy to construct a mental model of this for the sake of discussion, since we keep going on. >>267715 The single airport model is what I've been saying, and I'm sure some nearby major airports might coordinate, but if you're the government and feel like deregulating things, I'm pretty sure you'd also allow anyone to have a go at making an airstrip, and the idea of controlled airspace becomes severely challenged. Maybe not now, but eventually there would just be too much saturation to call your neighbors to tell them it's your turn to take off.
>>267718 >Maybe not now, but eventually there would just be too much saturation to call your neighbors to tell them it's your turn to take off. Rules could be deregulated enough to make it like cars, at that point. You're basically talking about a far future with flying cars, which might not ever be likely. But if it were, things would have changed much by that time. The nature of air vehicles would be very different, to allow everyone to have their own little airstrip. Now, and for the foreseeable future, airports (including small airstrips) coordinating with each other is very feasible and an obvious thing for them to do.
>>267717 >Thats the problem. Tiy wasnt even a game dev, more like a glorified ideas guy and the nigger himself couldnt do art at all Jesus. >>267718 >Are you saying libertarians wouldn't open up the EM spectrum They wouldn't go ancapistan like your trying to say, I'm gonna have to repeat myself (I have a feeling I'm going to do this a lot with you) do you understand that Ancaps and libertarians or hell even minarchists are different from each other despite some common overlap?
>>267718 >Companies can rotate frequencies, but it can quickly become an arms race of just using more watts on your antennas to override interference. Unless it's an actual attack, why would anyone waste the money and time to build and do that?
>>267719 Reasonable, but with deregulation planes aren't that expensive. A lot of it comes from being required to have a repair manifest for FAA safety reasons. >>267720 >I am different from them and have my own position but you'll have to guess what it is since you made my feelings hurt inb4 who r u quoting >>267721 People who need wireless communication, and it isn't as much power as you'd think. Small aircrafts seem to only use 5 to 10 watt radios, my handheld baofeng can put out that much and there are tons of people who would love to make their own cellular network with stronger antennas on phones, there were articles of cartels doing it in south america. A year or two ago you had the FAA concerned that starlink could interfere with some of the landing aid frequencies, things like that.
>>267710 >libertarianism with hardcore ancaps Hardcore ancaps have been indistinguishable from libertarians since the 2000s, not his fault if he conflates them.
>>267722 >A year or two ago you had the FAA concerned that starlink could interfere with some of the landing aid frequencies, things like that. A lot of that has to do with the fact that, thanks to government regulation, communications systems and methods haven't had to evolve or update for decades.
>>267724 Yeah, the closest thing I've even seen to being allowed to tinker with wireless devices is the requirement of a HAM loicense and only being allowed to do whatever you want above something like the 30GHz range at reasonably low power, aka line of sight and probably under 100 meters. Other bands are probably safe at low power but hammers self regulate pretty hard if they catch you, so their frequencies don't devolve into CB radio or daddy government snatching the frequency bands.
>>267722 >I am different from them and have my own position but you'll have to guess what it is since you made my feelings hurt Are you legit this stupid? Asking if you actually understand the differences shouldn't be a hard thing to grasp. >>267724 >A lot of that has to do with the fact that, thanks to government regulation, communications systems and methods haven't had to evolve or update for decades. What a shock government regulation stagnates innovation.
>>267723 No not really just people can't tell the difference between Ancaps, libertarians and minarchists due to them sharing an overlap sorta like how people can't tell that conservativism and being right wing or liberalism and being left wing is different.
>>267726 >>267727 Since you seem sincere, I will tell you that no, I sincerely can't tell them apart. I haven't looked into it because labels are just words, and I don't believe any political group is definitive gospel for every facet of government. Maybe in 30 years we will have culturally eradicated laziness and solved racial tensions with allocated settlements, and the discussion we have today would not reflect either of our beliefs. The only thing I just came up with is that maybe you believe in something like states rights, of county > state > federal authority, which I would indeed like for some things, but would want to see demonstration settlements of before committing it to it completely.
Wait is this the "Libertarians are bad" but when asked to define what Libertarians believes he can't so he restores to strawmen arguments of they believe in sperg again?
What branch of the military accepts toddlers? Infantry. How do you make a tissue dance? Put a little boogie in it.
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>>267728 > sincerely can't tell them apart. I haven't looked into it because labels are just words Holy fucking shit I'm speechless.
>>267728 Anon if you haven't looked into what you're arguing against how can you debate the subject matter?
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Good bread theme
>>267732 I never really wanted to discuss libertarianism, the lolbert dragged it away from discussing privatizing air traffic control. I even admitted I meant privatization instead of the free market. He refuses to say anything about any of those topics and just goes on and on about a word that he has clung to as a infallible label for himself without even discussing his precious word. Honestly I probably won't look up what a libertarian is now because it's more funny to misuse it.
>>267734 Anon stop making excuses if you're going to ever argue about anything have the actual knowledge to make an informed opinion. Why should I or anyone in this thread take anything you have to say seriously after >>267728 ? By bringing up that you haven't even looked up what it is you've been debating makes you look like an ignorant fool.
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>>267735 I'm sorry, your opinion doesn't matter to me since you don't know transylvanian bartering rites. You'll have to go look it up if you want me to care.
>>267735 I gave up as it's not worth losing braincells over.
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>>267704 Most of the inspectors were obviously cunts, but he can't complain about the coconut ingredient thing. Stupid rule or not, some dumb fuck with a coconut allergy could have sued his ass for approximately 6 gorrilion cookies' worth of money. That one was on him.
>>267738 >transylvanian bartering rites You mean "theft?"
>>267741 This is a strawman and I object to it, there is a very clear difference between theft and the aforementioned bartering. If you disagree then you're also a gypsy.
>>267738 Anon if you come into a discussion arguing against something but can't define what it is that you're against it that just makes you a dumbass plain and simple.
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Fleshlight bro here. Bought one. Going to take it for a run. Hope nothing happens or god damn it I gotta get tested because I swear I've been washing my cock all day since the last time I got balanitis.
>>267744 Why would you tell us this?
>>267745 Last thread.
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These threads are beyond awful. I wish I could nuke them or at least sent them to a different board.
>>267743 Yeah, I should have just said fuck off lolbert and saved the trouble of circular arguments.
Stop falling for low quality bait Do you think both Overwatch 2 and Halo still not able to retain users will be the death of multiplayer only seasonal battlepass emotes fest games?
>>267749 I have not played either of those games despite both of them being f2p.
>>267749 i dont play that fucking shit; do you think Firefall will ever come back officially?
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>>267743 This guy is too retarded to speak to. >>267744 > I swear I've been washing my cock all day since the last time I got balanitis.
>>267752 I wasn't washing them before. Long story. Anyway if this doesn't work I gotta get tested for sti's/std's.
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>"Anti libertarian sperg is still going" This thread always makes me laugh even in the busiest of work weeks. >>267749 Mp games have been unpopular for a while while Single player has been killing it for the past several years. What should really bother you is that fucking Destiny 2 is the least cancerous MP game and it's being run by nuBungie so let it sink in.
>>267749 Halo Infinite feels soulless and copies fortnites shitty battlepass system. The AI and nigress refuses to shut the fuck up on top of that okay medal announcer guy from the previous games, all these constant people talking into my ear non fucking stop triggers my autistic rage. Theres already the Mastercheif Collection out there too while $40 full price it comes with all the best of the best of what Halo has to offer making Gaylo Shitfinite absolutely obsolete. I do not give a single smidgen of a shit about faggotwatch, TF2 is infinitely superior despite it going to shit years ago.
>>267744 Excuse me?
>>267749 Matchmaking killed the possible modding scene that could have carried from the first overwatch's inspiration, tf2, which also died from a sterilized mod scene on workshop and matchmaking before becoming abandonware. Forge kind of sucks but not as bad as the twitch shooting that halo devolved into, instead of a casual localparty game. Ranked and battle passes just increase player retention (for profit motives), but only if there was something interesting to begin with.
>>267744 Anon just fuck a prostitute every once in a while. Or just fuck a hallowed out cucumber I hear they feel just as good. >>267754 Should I give Destiny 2 a try? I mean it IS free, the only thing I'd be wasting on it is my time although my limited time on this Earth is valuable to me as well.
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https://archive.is/tDbHa Article Title: The Last of Us, review: dystopian thriller is the greatest video game adaptation ever made Very First Sentence of the Article To my shame I have never played The Last of Us, the video game on which HBO's latest blockbuster series is based (Sky Atlantic). If you never played the game, how would you know it's a great adaption???
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>>267759 >to this day mortal kombat is still the best vidya adaptation WEW, why is hollywood so incomptent at adapting vidya historically?
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>>267758 D2 can be fun with friends with great gunplay, but you'll quickly become bored as the gameplay loop is bad. The game is constantly warring with itself over if it wants to be a RPG or Halo reach style shooter but ends up being a subpar in-between. >>267755 >I do not give a single smidgen of a shit about faggotwatch After the bugchaser overcuck faggot I try to pretend the game doesn't exist.
Friendly reminder to check out >>>/a/ if you want an additional place to talk about anime/manga/jp-whatever I've been posting there and will continue to post there regularly and it's been getting an overall solid amount of traction. Some good threads to check out: >>>/a/1236 >>>/a/1436 >>>/a/863 >>>/a/181 Can make whatever threads you want. We got a lot of banners recently, but if anyone wants to make/contribute more, here: >>>/a/804
>>267759 Maybe he means it's the best show which falls under the adaption category to him, rather than the most faithful adaption.
>>267759 >The Last of Us, review: dystopian thriller is the greatest video game adaptation ever made It's not even accurate to the game with it's already barebones basic zombie post apocalypse story. Hell they got rid of the spores just so they don't have to hide actors faces behind gasmasks. Sacrificing whatever little integrity of accuracy for writing around the actors likenesses. It's one of the reasons I hate shit like Quinton Tarantino saying there should be actors being the draw for movies instead of the property or story. It's all a bunch of bullshit to feed egos. >>267760 Not even accurate the game.
>>267762 die in a fire, animaggot
>>267764 >Not even accurate the game. Not really, its pretty close to the plot of MK1, including bi-han being a bad guy. >>267765 Whats up with these (1)s faggots going around insulting random anons?
>>267760 It's always ego. Even the dickheads that dominate the cinematic AAA landscape all think anything Hollywood puts out will be far superior to anything shitty video games will ever be able to accomplish, this has literally been going on since video games started to get adapted into movies. >>267764 Not only do they think their shit is better they specifically tell everyone involved to never play the original game because they don't want them to be tainted by the original product.
>>267766 Except no it's not accurate at all. Scorpion is a voiceless goon with no connection to Sub Zero who is also a voiceless goon. Reptile is a CGI snake looking lizard. Raiden's a white dude.
>>267766 Whats up with this retard crying like a faggot bitch?
>>267768 > Scorpion is a voiceless goon with no connection to Sub Zero who is also a voiceless goon. How the fuck is that innacurate to MK1? Youre taking a movie that came out before MK3 and applying the knowledge of future games and adaptations to it to call it bad. But yeah CGI reptile is shit. >>766292 >>267769 Gee youre gonna damage something with that mad IP hopping.
>>267679 >Can’t go to a family reunion without Bluey playing on TV and stepping on bluey toys >Girls at work keep comparing me to Bluey's dad >My last date ended with the girl that said I was cute because I was like Bluey's dad Bandit in real life but without being a dad part >Told her to FUCK off and told her to try not being chubby when making a dad bod joke I swear if someone compares to Bandit from bluey one more time. I’m going to rip out my teeth filings.
>>267770 I think Scorpions backstory was always that his family was killed by Sub Zero and so he's come back from hell in order to get revenge on him, actually I think there's actually a surprising amount of backstory in even in the original games
>>267772 Yeah but they werent front and center. Sub-zero and scorpion where always the most popular characters, but that doesnt means they were the focus back then, hell i remember from my magazine cutouts art was mostly raiden, goro or sonya.
>>267771 >I’m going to rip out my teeth filings. Ah, such a classic Bandit move
Naughty Dog's Neil Druckmann Is Intrigued by Elden Ring's Storytelling >The Last of Us director is drawn to games that "trust their audience to figure things out. Uncharted and The Last of Us are known for their cinematic storytelling, but Naughty Dog's Neil Druckmann is becoming increasingly fascinated with more subtle worldbuilding. >Speaking to The Washington Post, Druckmann said he's inspired by FromSoftware's minimalist storytelling in last year's Elden Ring. >I'm more recently intrigued by stuff like Elden Ring and Inside that doesn't rely as much on traditional narrative to tell its story," Druckmann said. "Some of the best storytelling in The Last of Us is in the cinematics, but a lot of it is in gameplay, and moving around the space, and understanding the history of a space by just looking at it and examining it. >To me, right now, that's some of the best joy I get out of games that trust their audience to figure things out. [Games] that don't hold your hand, that's the stuff I'm really intrigued by going forward." >FromSoftware and Naughty Dog's game design philosophies are polar opposites in a number of ways, but both studios have seen huge success. Given Naughty Dog's knack for curated, cinematic experiences. >It's interesting to hear that Druckmann is drawn to Elden Ring, which cuts the player loose and doesn't seem to care what story beats the player picks up on. >Fans of The Last of Us may remember sequences that lean more heavily on environmental storytelling. For instance, in the original game, players can piece together the story of a sailor named Ish by picking up optional notes in one of the game's levels. >Even though Naughty Dog has dabbled in environmental storytelling before, it seems the studio may lean harder into the concept in future games. >That doesn't mean we will never have dialogue, or cutscenes, I think those are tools in your toolbox... And I think there's a way to push that stuff forward https://archive.ph/LBiw6
>>267775 >This from the writer director who literally cannot handle any interpretations of events other than what he explicitly wants to tell. Yea I don't think Cuckman can handle not just outright explicitly saying over and over what he wants his story's to be about, TLOU2 is literally one of the most unsubtle and braindead story's.
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>>267776 >TLOU2 is literally one of the most unsubtle and braindead story's. Well DUH, he kicked out the actual brains behind the story ofthe first one and uncharted and you can plainly see it by the games that came out after she was fired from ND.
Watch out for GamerGate The public enemy of the world #1 It is the main hashtag responsible for… ☑ Accidentally re-starting the French Revolution ☑ Weaponized Gondolas ☑ Hacking German politicians and media ☑ Played "To Catch a Predator" with Randy Pickford ☑ Masterminded the destruction of GDQ via the Catfish of Legend: Namazu ☑ Under the light of the Blood Moon; Self-destructed Western Journalism by having a some kid smirk at a drumming savage ☑ Just wanted to start a conversation with everyone, everywhere, eternally ☑ Watched Gawker die TWICE ☑ Guilty of face crimes ☑ When GameStop tried to sell itself; offered $3.50 in in-store credit ☑ Made telling "journalists" to "learn to code" into a hate crime ☑ Taught the Alt-Right ✅Then harassed said Alt-Right ☑ Started in 2011-2012 when 4chan tried to steal Anita Sarkeesian's SSN# ☑ Created "Boner Culture" which made cis straight male erections the most powerful force on earth ☑ Had a Jewish Mobster 'Take Care' of it ☑ Asked THQ about gaemu which somehow triggered World Wide Web War III ☑ Tricked /cow/ into developing and sharing their fetish for Mark's plump bagel with ResetEra ☑ Triggered GJP3.0 with 57 hitpeices on THQ Nordic's AA ☑ Orchestrated the GaymerGay misogynist review backlash against Marvel's Captain Woman ☑ Taught New Zealand about "White Day" ☑ Radicalized Spyro the Dragon ☑ Turned Pewdiepie into the Osama Bin Ladin of GaymerGays ☑ "The nerds and gamers were joined by the proto-storm troopers of the alt-right in a bond that has never been broken" ☑ Was a trial run for "will the US tolerate fascist behavior" ☑ Exploring new frontiers in sexual harassment via Jelly Bean ☑ Groomed young impressionable politicians into misogynists ☑ Created and trained the alt-right to take over the political landscape on a global scale (And succeeded) ☑ Arranged for Sonic the Hedgehog (movie ver.) to get "fixed" ☑ Remains undefeated for all time ☑ Turned Rage 2 into a Trump-esque attack on game journos ☑ Joined forces with Amazon ☑ Helped Mark impress Resetera ☑ Used Elliot Rodger's martyrdom to unite 4Chan and Breitbart to elect Donald Trump ☑ Will be looked back upon in 50 years as the root cause of the coming Cultural Civil War ☑ Government-sponsored shitposting ☑ Mastered the manipulation of the news cycle to their advantage ☑ Made Anita cry when Feminist Frequency went broke ☑ Destroyer of Worlds ☑ Russian Conspiracies (all of them) ☑ Extended Reanon's death/meme-magic to animation studios (please meme responsibly) ☑ An instrument of American Trumpian Power Worldwide
[Expand Post]☑ Cured alleged "journalist" of dyslexic anxiety ☑ An aberrant, creeping horror ☑ As dangerous as Anti-Vax, ISIS, and Holocaust Denial ☑ Five years of ruining everything ☑ Came to the classroom ☑ Trained Google whistleblowers ☑ Never died and foreshadowed our toxic meme-strewn politics ☑ Blew up the Internet ☑ Made wanting challenge in videogames into supporting White Supremacy ☑ Was secretly fighting WWIII all along ☑ Stochastic Terrorism ☑ Being a national security threat according to the DHS ☑ Helped Mark win the lottery ☑ Gave the money back ☑ Living long enough to see itself become the villain in a TV Show THRICE ☑ Confused the FBI into thinking /v/ is /baphomet/ ☑ Turned Anita Sarkesian into a crazy cat lady ☑ It's #Gamergate Forever ☑ Justifiably felt alienated by the neoliberal fetishization of feminism and the reductionism of politics to identity teams ☑ Was rabidly pro-corporate ☑ Manipulated a SJWeeb into review-bombing a LGBTWTFBBQ-friendly game as a "test" ☑ Non-meat based cam girls ☑ Caused the Corona outbreak which destroyed China to cheer up a depressed CIA glownigger ☑ Digisexuals ☑ Called the cyber police to put a cripple in cyber jail ☑ Weaponizing decency ☑ Made the games industry a nightmare for Women, Colored People, and Ashley Burch ☑ The inevitable ultimate horror of Sega's "toxic" advertising for ChuChu Rocket ☑ Has the highest body count of any COVID-19 disinfo group ☑ Finally got the 8kun administration to get off their ass and answer the damn phone ☑ Searching for a new home (again) ☑ Made some /v/ hotpockets on other imageboards go insane ☑ Burned julay to the ground by doing basically fuck-all except continue to exist (props to a certain bunbunmaru reporter, tho) ☑ Having a high enough IQ to be mentioned on Rick and Morty ☑ Radicalized a grandmother to the point she promotes harassment against alleged games journalists ☑ Is the terrorist group backed by 'The French' who are behind President Trump's exhausting battle against twitter ☑ Protecting FUCKING GAMESTOP from looters ☑ Finally started the Race War by forcing a meth-head on a date with Corona-chan to take a knee to the neck from the police ☑ Confirmed for Baby Hitler ☑ Gave a lot of airtime to Soviet defector Yuri Bezmenov ☑ Got on the Atlantic's "free $100" van only to get intervewed ☑ Started a backlash against the French independent film industry because they want to raise pure little girls ☑ And then Russia wanted to shut down 8chan.moe to be ironic ☑ Was clearly a blueprint for Trump's online assault in 2016 ☑ A gravestone marked “Games Journalism; Dead By Suicide,” with the date of death corresponding with the launch of GG ☑ Took over the US capitol ☑ Funded by the GOP ☑ Using Reddit's radicalized nihilism to counter jews shorting FUCKING GAMESTOP ☑ Made Mark the Godfather of Gamergate ☑ Corrected Polygon on Titanfall lore ☑ Accidental meme magic discharge (R.I.P Miura) ☑ Planet-range racism field ☑ Not wanting people to put down the controller and talk about their feelings ☑ Destroyed the logic process of a bot wreaking havoc across multiple imageboards with just one simple trick ☑ Caused Blizzard executives to threaten their employees with rape ☑ Came to Alex Hutchinson's Defense ☑ Made Vivian a feminist symbol ☑ Grew to a geopolitical scale and spilled into real life with devastating consequences ☑ Got their own TV show ☑ Brandon’s First fan ☑ Gave birth to Qanon ☑ Is the precedent for /K/yle Rittenhouse ☑ Ruined people's brains by turning them into corporate bootlickers ☑ Created the concept of "Culture War" ☑ Was the watershed event in the ascendancy of online extremist personalities and tactics ☑ Mars manifest destiny ☑ Was behind Elon Musk's twitter takeover all along ☑ The Ruby Ridge of online violence ☑ Funneled men into far-right politics via witch-hunting ☑ We now live in a gamergateocracy ☑ Resulted in abortions being banned ☑ Accused of being none other than Gamergate ☑ Making mainstream games soft-sell white supremacy ☑ Getting their own theater piece in the Netherlands ☑ Was a rebellion against English class ☑ Conquistato il senato Italiano usando nerd armati ☑ Let the far right borrow it's online moves ☑ Radicalized a """"Right Wing"""" illegal immigrant canadian nudist hippy into assassinating Nancy Pelosi's husband with a hammer ☑ “How did I get into all this,” Mr. DePape wrote in one passage on his blog: “Gamer Gate it was gamer gate” ☑ Caught dogwhistling about Kotaku's journalistic integrity at MAGFest
>>267777 Im still not sure how Legacy of Kain came to be written by Amy Henning. The characters are written as if they're been there for hundreds of years. Kain himself is perfect for his dialogues and choices. It feels as if the world is shaped around Kain and yet Kain is himself a cog in the world. Soul Reaver 2 is better than 1
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>>267779 Well because amy started writing from soul reaver onward, blood was written by a different team and is set hundreds of years befor esoul reaver, amy just happened to get the gig for the second game and did such a superb job she took over for the rest of the series.
>>267766 /tv/ autists are known for hating anime, wouldn't be surprised if they're around considering the apparent webring drama involving the board lately
>>267781 It's literally a few members of our local rogues gallery the one revoltard from /b/ who always shits up the /v/ meta, the pedokike, and 2 previous /b/ BOs including the pedo who got ousted going shiing back and forth over how terrible and awful we are in front of a small crowd of ziggers. They're legit delusional, and regularly spin things that contradict their own "evidence." Point and laugh and carry on.
>>267777 > he kicked out the actual brains behind the story ofthe first one I recall Druckmann being credited for TLOU1's main strory, but I can't help but think he only wrote Left Behind and stole the credits for the rest, because I don't remember it being as bad as it was, outside of Left Behind.
>>267766 >Whats up with these (1)s faggots going around insulting random anons? They're tsundarily requesting a shota image dump but I refuse because they aren't being polite. Rude boys don't deserve wild and silly.
>>267784 I don't see how insulting people who are used to be called "niggerfaggots" on a daily basis can cause any damage to an imageboard.
>>267785 Anon, its not the usual way anons insult each other, specially when they are (1)s. And given how they suddenly dissapeared and LCP showed up, i was right on the money of this whole thing being some retarded "attack".
>>267785 dealing with annoying faggots all day can get tedious, also like >>267786 said its not the usual banter, its trying to get a rise out of people and shit-stir based on a specific topic
>>766326 Youre not even trying anymore, man.
>>267786 >>267785 >>267784 its the standard impotent rage (heh) bait post they have with a vague tint of politics, easy to spot and learn to avoid. Keep talking about productive topics and starve them (you)s >>267780 Amy Henning, the sonic artist who died, and the id mom. So many women that got pushed aside by idealogues
>>267789 >the sonic artist who died Who was that?
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>>267790 she. Died last year too. Don't many female artists in Japan go unrecognised when it is absorbed by the company?
>>766330 Milf wearing clothing from their younger age make me very productive at work. I should ask my secretary to do that.
>>267791 That's a shame. In what aspect did she contribute to Sonic? My non-rabbit associated Sonic knowledge is pretty empty.
>>267783 I think Amy was far more involved in Uncharted's story but she most likely still had a fairly heavily involvement in TLOU probably tard wrangling Cuckman. You can tell she was forced out exactly after Uncharted 3 because 4 is where Cuckman and his cronies start's retroactively fucking with the series making the black wahmen beat the shit out of drake and generally Drake being more of a buffoon, it's the exact same playbook played everywhere now where the idealogues get in and retroactively try to sabotage established franchises.
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>>766340 Nothing wrong with that
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>>267794 Neil went and killed Joel and beat Drake the moment Hennig left. It almost feels like Neil wanted to destroy what Hennig created.
>>267797 >Woman writes male character that kicks ass and fucks bitches >"Man" rewrites him getting pummeled by a "strong female" and gets another's head putted away leftism truly makes one gender-blind
>>267793 Wiki said worked as artist for Alex Kidd, Sonic and phantasy star, later a producer for skies of Arcadia.
>>267757 >>267755 >>267749 >>267754 Tbf it happened the same way when any cool new multiplayer game comes out. Bad company 2 comes out and people jump in. MW2 multiplayer gets hyped and more jump in. It's more about timing and audience hype that determines the normalfag focus on you >Have the existing game get stale and outdated >Have the new game steal it's thunder with offering more. Then all you need is keep them the attention span with jiggling new shiny things once every month and then you got "community" going.
>>267704 PragerU is a shit channel but one out of ten of their videos is objectively good and uncontestable, like the art degradation one being linked to money laundering. And yes, as ass backwards as it sounds, you need to specify that your product has all kinds of allergenics, even if it clearly says so on the product's name. However, this is more of a way to save YOUR ass in court, as scumbags and jews are known for pulling all kinds of stunts on the labels, including attacking you for not pointing out that an allergenic-filled product has allergenics even if advertised on the cover. It's not a State problem, it's a lawyers' problem. >>267740 I'm not even mad at inspectors themselves, if they fuck up it's their asses on the line.
>>267781 I can’t really stand watching anime anymore, it’s too childish for me. I’m still able to enjoy reading manga though-
>>766271 >Nobody posts about the Roman Empire
>>267686 Good luck competing with the public companies that will drive you out of business with their mountains of investor money.
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>>267744 Why would you say things like this on this thread? Are you fucking mental?!
>>267798 Whenever i see a woman that did a work with passion they pretty much always make the dude a badass that fuck bitches
>>267805 To be fair, I'm probably gonna post something similar when someone takes my virginity. I'm planning on taking a picture of my used condom and posting it in this thread as I promised a few years back
>>267808 Just let people post whatever the fuck they want, this site is dead anyways, threads move slow as hell.
>>267808 Excuse me for giving an update to a topic that got some people involved last thread. Anyway I'm fairly sure I didn't get balanitis post cumming this time, good enough for me.
>>267809 It may be slower than what one was used to 4 years ago, but it's definitely faster than other webring sites. Gotta accentuate the positive!
>>267812 Stop it with the retarded drama.
>>267813 Sorry, I fell for the bait.
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>>267793 > In what aspect did she contribute to Sonic? Mostly background art and environmental design on Sonic 1 and 2. She wasn't nearly as integral to Sonic as she was to Phantasy Star, which is why it's such a goddamned tragedy that she had the franchise taken away from her when the studios were re-organized. She went to work at Overworks with Yoshibon, while Sonic and Phantasy Star stayed with Sonic Team and Yuji Naka turned Sega's most iconic RPG franchise into space diablo. When Naka left, he handed the series over to Satoshi Sakai, who turned the franchise into a monthly-fee generator as a way to promote and fund future Sonic games with a team who were so burned out on Sonic shit that they hated the franchise. At the same time, Sega had already consolidated WOW and Overworks, and Rieko was stuck making shitty DS brain training shovelware until landing 7th Dragon, which was fairly popular in Japan but never really made it west until the 3rd game.
>>267815 >She went to work at Overworks with Yoshibon I should specify that it was the entire "Team Phantasy Star" which got spun off into Overworks. Sonic being a success kind of fucked AM8 because most future game ideas got shitcanned so they could work on Sonic Sequels. Phantasy Star itself got handed off to another internal team composed mostly of Golden Axe developers, which is why it's so narratively and tonally different. To correct this, Sega took Rieko and a few other Phantasy Star veterans and had them independently on Phantasy Star 4 - which was originally suppsed to be a SegaCD mega-game with full anime cutscenes, but eventually got stripped down to a base Genesis game after the CD didn't take off like they'd hoped. Team Phantasy Star then got spun off into Overworks with the launch of the Saturn, but the actual Phantasy Star franchise stayed with Sonic Team. While she was at Overworks, she produced Deep Fear and Directed Magic Knight Rayearth, neither of which really shook the gaming world, before producing Skies of Arcadia for the Dreamcast.
>>267815 >>267816 she seemed like a decent vision for dev, how the game would be made and the artstyle
>>267679 Good another hmofa enjoyer
>>267812 I’m going to advertise this site when I get off work today, be prepared, this place will be flooded with newfags.
>>267819 based
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>>267771 Are you Australian? I wouldn't blame you. It's also popular because it's a sight for sore eyes since there's hardly anything subversive.
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>>267771 >>267821 Guess who's working on it
>>267819 Raw advertising is probably less effective than recruiting individual anons from the websites in the OP.
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>>267824 AI art is one of those things that seems too free and too good to not get banned by the globohomo.
>>267826 Second panel, bottom left of the blue hair.
>>267824 >Gamergate is responsible for AI-generated art That reminds me of when Coco tried his hands on AI art, back when it had a hard time drawing hands.
>>267824 >people I don't like exist >I am literally shaking Such drama queens. >>267828 >back when it had a hard time drawing hands Oh it got over the hand issues?
>>267777 It pisses me off that she was thrown under the bus and not a single one of those fucking assholes who preach about there needing to have more woman in the game industry stood up for her. >>267779 >>267780 Masterful games in either case
>>267821 Are the two dog dads gay?
>>267829 >Oh it got over the hand issues Last I checked, it's getting there.
>>267824 >>267828 >Gamergate is responsible for AI-generated art If it weren't for our resident drawfriend posting voluptuous Victorian vixens on Twitter, then AI art wouldn't be as popular as it is now and John Carmack wouldn't have left Facebook/Meta to start his own company focused on AI.
>>267822 >From manwhore clips to kids show I mean at least dude got a job
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Reminder to dig into the Twitter files. In order of discoveries: https://anonfiles.com/J6p653Ley5/gg_zip https://nitter.catalyst.sx/bariweiss/status/1601007575633305600 https://nitter.poast.org/ShellenbergerMD/status/1604908670063906817 https://archive.vn/MWux4#selection-15285.0-15285.254 https://nitter.poast.org/lhfang/status/1605292454261182464 Expose them. Send emails to everyone about them. -The jewish communist group responsible for the censorship is the Strategic Response Team - Global Escalation Team ((( SRT-GET ))). -This secret group included Head of Legal, Policy and Trust (Vijaya Gadde), the Global Head of Trust &Safety (Yoel Roth), subsequent CEOs Jack Dorsey and Parag Agrawal, and others. -It's detailing special treatment for U.S. government propaganda. Twitter lying to congress (again) this time about shutting down sate propaganda. Pentagon running psyops on Twitter. Evidence of things people knew or suspected. > FBI ordered and paid off Twitter to censor the Biden corruption story > FBI intentionally did it to sway the election for Biden > FBI knowingly lied when they told Twitter that the info was hacked by the Russians > FBI had learned about the laptop by spying on Rudy Giuliani's emails > that's the prosecutor who took down the Mafia, New York's mayor during 9/11, and the President's personal lawyer > because the FBI was spying on all of the President's staff > with the intention of finding dirt to justify kicking him out of office > so the FBI was trying to overthrow the government for all four years of his presidency > because It Was Her Turn > they couldn't believe that Hillary could have lost the election without Russian interference > so FBI justified all the spying by claiming that Trump was working for the Russians because he had business dealings with the Russian mob in the past > they could have read Trump's file and seen that he was the FBI informant spying on the Russians for them > they found no evidence of Trump working for Russia, but kept trying to overthrow him > Hillary was working for Alfa Group and Sberbank the whole time HOW TWITTER RIGGED THE COVID DEBATE https://twitter.com/davidzweig/status/1607378386338340867 https://archive.ph/S1rN2 https://threadreaderapp.com/thread/1607383214452080647.html Former FBI General Counsel James Baker, who helped grease the wheels to get FISA warrants to spy on Trump, tried to get the sitting POTUS censored while working at Twitter for saying “don’t be afraid of COVID” https://twitter.com/DC_Draino/status/1607434394590904323 https://archive.ph/o6E7V Google currently employs at least 165 people, in high-ranking positions, from the Intelligence Community. Ex-CIA agents are Heads of Trust & Safety at Google & Facebook. https://twitter.com/NameRedacted247/status/1607539875712217089 https://archive.ph/7TxVJ https://threadreaderapp.com/thread/1607539875712217089.html Beijing On American Campuses: Here's Every College With A Confucius Institute. 2020.04.22 https://dailycaller.com/2020/04/22/beijing-china-american-college-campus-confucius-institute-list/ https://web.archive.org/web/20200424043755/https://dailycaller.com/2020/04/22/beijing-china-american-college-campus-confucius-institute-list/ https://archive.ph/NWvjF If It Seems Like the Washington Post Published chinese State Propaganda Today, It's Because It Might Actually Have. 2020.08.04 https://redstate.com/brandon_morse/2020/08/04/washington-post-ccp-paid-n250099 https://web.archive.org/web/20201212075259/https://redstate.com/brandon_morse/2020/08/04/washington-post-ccp-paid-n250099
[Expand Post]https://archive.ph/EfnW2 Beijing-Controlled News Outlet Paid U.S. Newspapers Millions To Publish Propaganda This Year. 2020.11.22 https://dailycaller.com/2020/11/22/china-daily-propaganda-wall-street-journal/ https://web.archive.org/web/20201123014550/https://dailycaller.com/2020/11/22/china-daily-propaganda-wall-street-journal/ https://archive.ph/uUfAA Revealed: Xiden UN, State Department Picks Are Documented chinese Communist Party Consultants. 2020.11.24 https://thenationalpulse.com/exclusive/biden-un-state-picks-are-ccp-consultants/ https://web.archive.org/web/20201124130205/https://thenationalpulse.com/exclusive/biden-un-state-picks-are-ccp-consultants/ https://archive.ph/W59KD Democrats Protect chinese Communist Propaganda 'Confucius' Groups from Punitive Action. 2020.12.18 https://thenationalpulse.com/breaking/democrats-protect-chinese-communist-propaganda-confucius-groups-from-punitive-action/ https://web.archive.org/web/20201218202056/https://thenationalpulse.com/breaking/democrats-protect-chinese-communist-propaganda-confucius-groups-from-punitive-action/ All Major Western Media Outlets Take 'Private Dinners', 'Sponsored Trips' from chinese Communist Propaganda Front. 2020.12.29 https://thenationalpulse.com/exclusive/media-private-ccp-dinners-trips/ https://web.archive.org/web/20201229172811/https://thenationalpulse.com/exclusive/media-private-ccp-dinners-trips/ https://archive.ph/z3POh REVEALED: Full List Of Western Media Outlets Participating In CUSEF chinese Communist Propaganda Events. 2020.12.30 https://thenationalpulse.com/exclusive/western-media-chinese-communist-events/ https://web.archive.org/web/20201230195140/https://thenationalpulse.com/exclusive/western-media-chinese-communist-events/ https://archive.ph/j6wdD CNN's Fareed Zakaria Met With chinese Communist Party Think-Tank Linked To "Favorable Coverage" Junkets. 2021.04.24 https://thenationalpulse.com/exclusive/fareed-zakaria-visited-ccp-think-tank/ https://web.archive.org/web/20210424152922/https://thenationalpulse.com/exclusive/fareed-zakaria-visited-ccp-think-tank/ chinese Propaganda Outlet Paid Millions to American Newspapers and Magazines, Records Show. 2021.05.25 https://freebeacon.com/media/chinese-propaganda-outlet-paid-millions-to-american-newspapers-and-magazines/ https://web.archive.org/web/20210525185141/https://freebeacon.com/media/chinese-propaganda-outlet-paid-millions-to-american-newspapers-and-magazines/ https://archive.ph/etaBT L.A. Times Publishes Beijing-Funded Propaganda, Conceals china's Massive Coal Use & Emissions. 2021.05.28 https://wattsupwiththat.com/2021/05/28/l-a-times-publishes-beijing-funded-propaganda-conceals-chinas-massive-coal-use-emissions/ https://web.archive.org/web/20210529010039/https://wattsupwiththat.com/2021/05/28/l-a-times-publishes-beijing-funded-propaganda-conceals-chinas-massive-coal-use-emissions/ https://archive.ph/PVa0D CCP buys media influence by paying millions to U.S. dailies, magazines: Report. 2021.07.04 https://www.timesofindia.com/world/china/ccp-buys-media-influence-by-paying-millions-to-us-dailies-magazines-report/articleshow/84109897.cms https://web.archive.org/web/20210704054006/https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/world/china/ccp-buys-media-influence-by-paying-millions-to-us-dailies-magazines-report/articleshow/84109897.cms Universities Like Yale Fail to Report chinese Communist Cash as Required by Law. 2022.02.10 https://www.breitbart.com/tech/2022/02/10/peter-schweizers-red-handed-universities-like-yale-fail-to-report-chinese-communist-cash-as-required-by-law/ https://web.archive.org/web/20220210205937/https://www.breitbart.com/tech/2022/02/10/peter-schweizers-red-handed-universities-like-yale-fail-to-report-chinese-communist-cash-as-required-by-law/ https://archive.ph/G3gzR From: china https://pste.link/q5xz3z5h
>>267822 Im glad hes getting paid and still finds time to shitpost about prince andrew and epstein island. >>267826 Whats findom?
>>267837 >Whats findom? It's the fetish of wanting to be bully and dominated by the creatures of the sea.
>>267837 >>267838 And, the damn image didn't attach.
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Nick Clegg caught taking bribes to put some whores on a terrorist blacklist to ban them from the internet https://archive.4plebs.org/pol/thread/399802381/ Which means: 1. The government has a blacklist to ban people from the internet 2. They put whoever they want on the blacklist Have a lot of info: https://files.catbox.moe/mro0ba.png Russia and UK https://files.catbox.moe/u1rh2e.png More Russians https://files.catbox.moe/etnryw.png ISIS https://files.catbox.moe/wbculf.png ISIS and the UN https://files.catbox.moe/nx2v5t.png China https://files.catbox.moe/lw36aq.jpg MacArthur Data & Society (known foreign agents; feds would not prosecute them) https://files.catbox.moe/ch9eg7.png ICG (Soros) https://files.catbox.moe/fbw3f7.png South African Communist Party https://archive.ph/xYSJz Saudi Arabia and Russia run the UN's "counterterrorism" office https://archive.ph/8ahQE Presenting the "progressive" (Guardian approved) group, Avaaz – astroturfing for Hamas. https://archive.ph/AOzsF The Spy Who Loved Hamas. And Hezbollah. And Iran. https://archive.ph/4y9nA Conflicts Forum https://archive.ph/YgKSe #Gamergate caught a Russian spy ring (TPG Rise Fund and Social Finance/Apax Partners) https://archive.ph/UVFAk Common Purpose and ICG working for Qatar https://archive.ph/VosGV UNAOC (Pakistan). Runs through Soliya (Saudi) and Silatech (Qatar). https://archive.ph/rf5Mf B Team (Hamas). Runs through Richard Branson, Oxfam America, and USAID. https://archive.ph/RR2tI DNA (Russia). Runs through the UN and Richard Branson. https://archive.ph/mtZAL ICG (Russia+Qatar). Runs through Soros. https://archive.ph/upgaU Inclusive Capitalism (Alfa Group). Runs through Rothschild. https://archive.ph/iFjv9 Israel Policy Forum (PLO). Runs through Ronald Cohen and Bronfman. https://archive.ph/TlZ6f GSGII - output for Sir Ronald Cohen's Russian operations. https://archive.ph/4ouoq The Epstein network (UK + everyone else) https://archive.ph/IzNuf WEF (Russia+Qatar). Runs through Chatham House and Bain. https://anonfiles.com/Q1Q701C6y3/Decide_Now_Act_Summit_Magazine_pdf Russia (Lebedev), Branson, and Big Tech https://anonfiles.com/w6w808Cdy9/gg_zip (digs) Prior to the 2020 election, tech companies including Twitter, Facebook, Reddit, Discord, Wikipedia, Microsoft, LinkedIn, and Verizon met on a monthly basis with the FBI, DHS, and other govt agencies on to coordinate censorship operations https://archive.ph/Gcqu9 https://archive.ph/xYSJz We've known for a while that their tips on who is an "extremist" come from Saudi Arabia and Russia Feds controlled social media on what story could go or disappear. They even had special portal for requests https://archive.ph/b79NE/ https://theintercept.com/2022/10/31/social-media-disinformation-dhs/
[Expand Post] More money is going into promoting the communists than you could have imagined. After digging and seeing how vast the Swamp is, I figure that your average communist traitor makes six figures. The useful idiots they recruit get peanuts, "here's twenty bucks to campaign on this issue". Most of them do it for free. The six-figure communists work for banks and investment firms with the Rothschilds and British nobility sitting at the top of the chain of command. The lords aren't paying all of this money out of their own pockets. Most of it comes from public pension funds stored with the banks and giant investment firms. They spent it all promoting communism, so they look for other funding sources in the form of taking bribes from Russia and China. https://archive.ph/0dbBQ Truth Cops: Leaked Documents Outline DHS’s Plans to Police Disinformation https://archive.ph/RfsaT https://theintercept.com/2022/10/31/social-media-disinformation-dhs/ Feds Ran ‘Cognitive Infrastructure’ Operations with Twitter, Facebook, Wikipedia https://archive.ph/9vn8J https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/human-events-daily-with-jack-posobiec/id1585243541?i=1000584705814 DHS fulfilling its promise to continue policing 'disinformation' https://archive.ph/rFQcv https://www.wnd.com/2022/11/dhs-fulfilling-promise-continue-policing-disinformation/ DHS Censorship Lead Believes Big Tech Has ‘Moral Obligation’ To Suppress Populism, Advised Group Working With DNC To Censor Conservatives. https://archive.ph/cpbWo https://warroom.org/2022/11/02/dhs-censorship-lead-believes-big-tech-has-moral-obligation-to-suppress-populism/ DHS "misinformation & disinformation” committee leader labeled Hunter Biden's hard drive as "disinformation" that was "forged" by "foreign operatives" in a tweet 1 day after the story dropped in the @NYPost https://archive.ph/75KhX https://twitter.com/nataliegwinters/status/1587832802573275144
>>267837 >Whats findom? It's the one fetish that's even worse than cuckoldry. It's basically a fetish for being exploited and blackmailed. Just skip the whole dating, marriage and divorce bullshit, just jump straight into paying alimony. Here is how it works: first you find a dom, contact her and she will demand you take some very embarrassing pictures, like shitting in diapers while wearing a tutu and eating out of a toilet or something like that. Basically something that would ruin your life if it ever came out. Then you send her those pictures and start paying her money on the threat that she will expose you if you ever stop being her paypig or ATM. Jim did a video on it years ago, it's hilarious. https://invidio.us/watch?v=ZUenB_0EMZM
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>>267834 Yeah, I remember Coco's victorian catgirls I think it was him, I forgotmaking a huge impression.
>>267807 >spoiler Just remember to remove it from your butt before taking the picture. >>267837 >Whats findom? Financial domination.
>>267842 This one in particular was someone else. >>267836 >That entire greentext. Funny, the big worry in 2016 being Russian bots skewing public opinion in favor of Trump was simply projection on 's end.
>>267840 Wow that's a lot of info to go through
>>267824 >wojak thumbnail This is a shitposter shitstirring
>>267824 Ai "art" is a subject I'm really torn on, I really aspired to be an artist and the idea that an algorithm just churns out pictures in the same sense that minecraft generates terrain by using a weight system and styles/subjects aggregated through a tagging system on art thrown into it's "training data set", it feels like an insult to the human struggle for greatness, it cheapens what art is if even a retard could smash their face on a keyboard and have a masterpiece appear in front of them. On the other hand it's hard to resist the temptation to potentially get free porn precision tailored for even the most niche of fetishes.
>>267847 >it cheapens what art is It cheapens lower tier art, for sure. Just like every other field with innovation (math and calculators, for example). But ultimately, this is more of a tool than a generator. Bad or average artists will just have to learn how to use this new tool. It won't even partially replace them (yet), since shit like animation, video, and many asset types are still a bit off. >even a retard could smash their face on a keyboard This isn't the case yet, of course. I'm sure a microphone input could eventually be used so that any retard even incapable of typing could generate a prompt worth looking at, and some prompting/use might take more time than a drawfag making a equivalent drawing. (due to maybe needing subsequent generations because something doesn't look right, or the subject/artstyle is wrong, there's two more words in the prompt you have to come up with. Some prompts are paragraphs long, and each word is carefully chosen, on top of needing subsequent redos.) >porn The details need to be ironed out still. Niche fetish porn tends to focus on that kind of shit, at best you still need to use photoshop afterwards for cleaning.
>>267847 To be honest, I don't like the look of the AI art coming out right now. There is a squishiness and distortion to it that feels very dream-like, rather than a conscious directed style. No doubt this problem will soon be fixed if we're already to this point, but for now it's annoying to see it flood porn sites and push out other artists. For the time being, I'd still rather fap/view even crudely drawn art with a distinctive individualized style, than to jump all in with AI generated art. That being said, fuck artists. The Arts and other "creative types" are where a lot of the current day wokeness and new-age bullshit ends up getting injected. Almost down to a one they have grossly inflated egos, and at the high end it's all a sham in order to cover up money laundering. Let them go back to starving.
Rick and Morty’ creator Justin Roiland charged with domestic violence, false imprisonment >The co-creator and star of the Adult Swim adult animated series “Rick and Morty” has been charged with felony domestic violence in connection to a 2020 incident in California, according to a criminal complaint obtained by NBC News. >The complaint – filed in May 2020 – charges Justin Roiland, 42, with one felony count of domestic battery with corporal injury and one felony count of false imprisonment by menace, violence, fraud and/or deceit. >He pleaded not guilty later that year before appearing in court on Thursday for a pre-trial hearing. The criminal complaint states the alleged incident occurred on or about Jan. 19, 2020, against an anonymous Jane Doe who was dating Roiland. >He was arrested in August and released on $50,000 bond. In October 2020, a protective order was filed against Roiland, ordering him to stay 100 feet away from the person named in the protective order, whose identity is unknown. >Roiland also must not harass, threaten or surveil the person, and was ordered to turn in any guns in his possession. The order expires in October 2023, NBC News reported. >Details of the case – including Roiland’s arrest report – are being withheld from the public by a protective order. The case has resulted in over dozen court hearings, including pre-trial hearings, but a trial date is not currently set. >During his court appearance Thursday, Roiland’s attorney told him there is a plea offer available. Roiland was then ordered to attend another hearing on April 27. >Adult Swim, whose parent company Warner Bros. Discovery also owns Cartoon Network, declined to comment on the incident to NBC News. https://archive.ph/JayhZ
>>267711 >>267712 >Turns out they had more artists and only about 2 devs working on the game proper That is always the case with those studios that don't produce tangible results or whose financial decisions ("decide that its time to relocate all the dev team into a proper office space iIn super expensive londonistan of all places") are retarded: they are a bunch of communists/artists, and know nothing about how to properly manage a business or even how to create anything actually good.
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>>267847 As a person who's only real talent is writing, the concept of ai is extremely attractive to me. I've always wanted to make games. I have writing ideas I think would work best as games. However, I have no drawing or modeling talent and basically no coding experience. Even if I was to buckle down and really work on my coding, I'd still have no visual artistic talent. "The writer" is not exactly in high demand for video game projects. Usually someone who could do those other things would just view writing as that thing they could do themselves. So the concept of a machine being able to take the words I write and make them into the kind of stories and worlds I want to create is like a dream come true. Doubt it's gets sophisticated enough in my lifetime to truly do what I want though.
>>267848 >It cheapens lower tier art, for sure. lower tier art couldn't be cheapened any further than it already has been if the mountain of cookie cutter anime drawings and calarts bullshit are anything to go by. its the higher tier art its able to put out that really changes the game because artists have largely abandoned photorealism thanks to photography and CGI. but of course this will just fall on deaf ears because you fags all think theres something virtuous about relegating yourselves to low tier art.
>>267850 Good. Kill him. Worthless piece of shit.
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>>267852 >Doubt it's gets sophisticated enough in my lifetime to truly do what I want though. Unless you're in your 50's, don't bet on it. It's only going to advance at a faster pace from here. What you're basically looking at is the beginnings of Star Trek Holodeck like real-time entertainment generation. Complete sci-fi hogwash just 20 years ago. A distant pipedream 10 years ago. An encroaching threat five years ago. There are writing AIs, Art AIs, Music AIs, and even some gameplay generating AIs IIRC. A few more years to mature and someone to bring them all together in a comprehensive suite... I could see personalized game generation on the fly in less than a decade. Very simplistic at first, but give that another 10 years...
>>267847 There isn't really anything to be torn about when we get to the actionable stage of being "against" AI art. If you believe the government should legislate against people arranging code in a way that produces 0's and 1's that arrange themselves into pretty pictures then you're an actual fucking retard. What is relevant isn't how we feel about things. What's relevant is that in your attempt to avoid feeling bad about things you end up stripping away basic freedoms from people. I might really hate fucking niggers, but I won't support the government infringing on their property rights to deport them to africa because then I would be opening myself up to abuse from the very same legislation. Sometimes we just need to live with bad feelings and bad things, like niggers.
>>766508 pity your mom had such relentless passion when she was making you
>>267858 >pity your mom had such relentless passion when she was making you Really? I thought she was kind of a dead fish.
>>267850 >recent andrew callaghan news >now this These aren't even the only examples. You always hear about some leftist socialist media figure abusing women. Wonder why that is.
>>267860 >some leftist socialist media figure Just you watch. They're going to try and pass him off as "alt right" now.
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>>766508 Shut your fucking whore mouth
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>>267860 We've had a leftist politician getting a suspended 4 month prison sentence for beating his girlfriend. I heard he apologized in that "inclusive" writing they try to push, with dots fucking everywhere.
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>>766508 Luciano, you dont even play videogames, why do you come here?
>>267861 I was actually thinking that as I was typing that post. They can try but he's been friends with openly communist Dan Harmon. >>267863 We need to have an updated mega compiled image of these leftist socialist male feminist types who were outed as abusers
>>267853 >higher tier art What 'higher tier art'? It still is a tool, even then, because every "AI generated" artwork of that style tends to lack both cohesiveness and detail. Something an artist still has to add. Either nonsensical shit is added to the piece, or the details are off. In either case, the artwork is mostly generated, and thus it is up to the artist to do this. In terms of time versus quality, a skilled artist can still produce these images in a similar time frame (since you have to put these images through photoshop or else they're dogshit.) albeit with more invested effort, both in preparation and the making of, obviously, and won't have to be dragged into photoshop after because these artisans are expected to know what hands look like. >artists have largely abandoned photorealism thanks to photography and CGI. Artists have largely abandoned photorealism because modern artfags are unskilled morons who wouldn't know realistic shading if it punched them in the face. >deaf ears because you fags all think theres something virtuous about relegating yourselves to low tier art. Oh fuck off. If a faggot like you is getting replaced, then the world is better off for it, if that imagined argument is what you pick up from the fucking thread. It's the plebe artists whose getting replaced. The skill floor is being raised once again for yet another industry. This is normal. And I notice you still haven't actually thought about my other point. The only asset this produces right now is straight images or text. Yes, that can be manipulated into landscape or skybox textures, but in business that's a small facet of what artists do. No way in hell some random pixel artist or sculpter five gorillion is getting replaced in any capacity for at least the next five years.
>>267792 >I should ask my secretary to do that. Is she temporary?
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>>267865 >We need to have an updated mega compiled image of these leftist socialist male feminist types who were outed as abusers Here's the guy I was talking about, for starters, Adrien Quatennens: https://archive.ph/JVT9z
>>267866 >What 'higher tier art'? I mean the difference between renaissance era art and the cartoons that pass for art that are being made today. >every "AI generated" artwork of that style tends to lack both cohesiveness and detail. Something an artist still has to add. ai generated art is progressing extremely fast and you're clearly already out of touch with it. >In terms of time versus quality, a skilled artist can still produce these images in a similar time frame maybe after years if not decades of honing the skill that nobody sees the point in devoting the time to anymore. now all it takes is someone with a rudimentary understanding of photoshop to fix anything that needs fixing.
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>>267850 The only surprising part is that he wasn't revealed as a sex pest first. I'm curious as to why now of all times celebrities are being revealed more and more to be abusers even though this shit is old as Hollywood you can't go a month without some actor, writer, or whoever works in the industry being outed as a sexpest, creep, abuser, or some kind of combination of those traits. Is there even a counter for how many Hollywood dipshits getting outed each and every year now? I wonder if #Metoo turned on Hollywood and everyone's trying to take each other down and in combination with political correctness they're basically going white terror on each other.
>>267870 But the modern metoo movement literally began with accusing someone in hollywood, the wikipedia page says before that it was a nigger-only version which was more of a support group. It always was about turning against hollywood.
When are they going to make an AI that plays vidya for me?
>>766535 It's not about siding with women it's about exposing these cucks as hypocrites https://yewtu.be/watch?v=Y1T_M85iWDc
>>267873 You are replying to the macaco.
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>>267873 Don't fucking engage with (((Luciano))) you fucking nigger.
>>267872 Have you tried playing games on youtube?
>>267850 Morty no!
>>267874 >>267875 I just wanted an excuse to link the fart video
>>267783 Druckmann's entire career is obviously just a series of stolen credits. He is credited as (at least)part of the head staff on all three Uncharted games and TLOU but the quality of those games and the ones he was actually in charge of, namely Uncharted 4 and TLOU2, is so cavernous that it makes it look like those were the first projects he ever worked on. Dude legit could not execute "revenge bad" story in TLOU2 but somehow he was in charge of a trilogy of games that were almost entirely built around "greed bad" narratives. He allegedly came up with the story of TLOU1 but then utterly failed to continue any of its narrative threads in the sequel. In fact both Uncharted 4 and TLOU are more about destroying their predecessors rather than continuing them. Which makes literary 0 sense to do for a guy who supposedly pioneered all of them. But if he was just given credit without actually being responsible for any of it then it suddenly all makes sense.
>>267877 how can a footfag draw these fucking abominations
>Doocy: "Classified materials next to your corvette? What were you thinking? >Biden: "My corvette is in a locked garage."
>>267880 The artist exaggerated the skin's red highlights too much rather than blending them in naturally.
>>267881 Ate my ogg file with thumbnail. will m4a work?
>>267880 it takes a footfag TO draw shit like that; no sensible person would be so deep into a fetish to find those attractive
>>267884 Who's this Jigsaw jezebel ?
>>267836 >Muh Russia wasn't just an impotent left wing rebuttal to Trump's victory >It's literally FBI astroturfing Lmao.
>>267847 > it cheapens what art is if even a retard could smash their face on a keyboard and have a masterpiece appear in front of them. This is the ultimate end of all digitization of art. You're late to the party. You should have been complaining decades ago about how much faster and easier digital art is than real art. Now you're too late, and digital art has reached a point where no one could possibly give it up.
>>267887 >no one could possibly give it up Until comrade brandon quintuples the electricity price :^)
>>267850 Wait, Roiland was the shitty of the two guys behind Rick and Memey, right? He's the guy that didn't have Rick say Israel is the source of all evil, right?
>>267888 There are so many layers of retardation and "meta-irony" to that statement that I'm just going to call you a fucking insufferable and irredeemable dipshit and be done with it rather than try to refute any of it. >>267887 >digital art has reached a point where no one could possibly give it up In this era of manmade horrors beyond one's comprehension, anon, there is no bottom to the lethargy of the NPC. Without exaggeration, there will soon be masses calling for mandatory in-home food delivery, for free, to accompany free internet and streaming access alongside UBI so that they never even have to move their bodies in the first place.
>>267877 >First two pics >Is that fucking Incognitymous? Why man?
What are the codes for age in hentai? I know JK, but I forgot the other ones.
>>267892 If it's just along the same lines as JK, then it would be CK (middle school), and SK (elementary).
>>267892 >JC means joshi chuugakusei 女子中学生, "middle school girl" in Japanese. >JS means joshi shougakusei 女子小学生, "elementary school girl" in Japanese. >JD means joshi daigakusei 女子大学生, "college girl" in Japanese. >>267893 >CK (middle school) >SK (elementary). If you don't know, don't just make shit up.
>>267892 And might as well add this too, >JK means joshikousei 女子校生, "school girl." I've seens JC and JS used many times in loli hentai. I've never once seen JD, though.
>>267887 Digital art is wholly different, in that you still need to master techniques, the aspects of light and shadow, color, blending, texture, and the tools to which you work with, without being able to grasp these concepts you can't just load up any art application and produce something good, unlike typing "penis balls thick pubes spongebob bent over showing pineapple" and having that artistic work guesstimated for you
>>267870 >the only surprising part is that he wasn't revealed as a sex pest first That surprised me too. I am curious if red letter media will try to scrub him off their channel like they did with Max Landis.
>>267897 >in that you still need to master techniques They're still easier. AI art is just the ultimate end of the easing of the technical skill requirement. Now all the skills you need are inpainting and image editing. In the future, people will make art purely by imagining it, and those with the best and sharpest imaginations will produce the best thought to machine art.
>>267894 Oh I just didn't think about it hard enough, Obviously J is joushi so you change the 2nd one instead, my bad.
>>267899 I, for one, don't recognize an artist unless he makes his own canvas and pigments from scratch.
>>267891 No it's relatedguy. He's dead.
>>267901 I just don't recognize artists at all. I consume the product then move on with my day.
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>>267850 >Ever think about how horrified the people we love would be if they found out who we truly are?
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>>267901 Well there goes all the drawfags.
>>267778 >Being as legitimately terrifying as loving AI art on alt-right hate subreddits. see pic >>267824
>>267899 Anon, come on. This is a false equivalency and you know it.
>>267908 *forgot the ☑
>>267908 oops wrong post I meant >>267907
>>267847 If something like AI deters you from gwtting into art then you aren't really passionate about it in the first place. Go LARP as an ubermensch somewhere else
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>>267792 >I should ask my secretary to do that. How many anons here have their own secretary?
>>267912 I have a milf mom who brings tendies on command, if that counts.
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>>267824 Wow, gamergate is truly based.
>>267911 >>267847 There's no fucking debate to be had here. It's another tool. Consider the following comparison: Ikea furniture is a thing. It's designed with a computer, cut using industrial CNC equipment, made out of paper and (if you get the expensive pieces) cardboard. Fancy furniture stores are also a thing. They're made out of the same shit ikea furniture is made out of, with the same computer design and CNC industrial equipment, and they change an arm and a leg for it. But you know what else exists? Hand-made furniture. Hand made as in no powertools whatsoever. Custom-made pieces. And I'm not just talking about the fucking Amish cornering that market. There hand tool carpenters making a living (and some making big bucks), and small local carpentry shops everywhere. They build things out of wood, it costs about as much as the fancy furniture store stuff, but it's made 8000% better and will actually be heirloom quality. AI art is the same shit. You want disposable art fit for mass production and consumption? You got it. Will this overtake the market for high-end quality craftmanship pieces? Fuck no. At most it'll be another tool to add to the painter's arsenal. Always think of the goddamn market. Rich people (more specifically, old money, not nouveau riche gangbangers) don't want mass produced shit and they've been the main patrons of the arts since basically always.
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>>267760 >why is hollywood so incompetent at adapting vidya It's simple.
>>267915 >Fancy furniture stores are also a thing. They're made out of the same shit ikea furniture is made out of, with the same computer design and CNC industrial equipment, and they change an arm and a leg for it. The furniture from Ikea can be taken apart and reassembled, which you cannot do with the furnature from the "fancy" places as it's built as one single item.
>>267918 Sorry anon, what was your point? You may be able to reassemble ikea furniture but it sure as fuck won't last very long. Also, many fancy furniture places just have heaps of shit made in china and the only reason why they'd advise against dissasembly isn't because it's physically impossible, but because it would 1.potentially reveal how shit it is 2.reduce the longevity of the product in case any nails/stapes/glues were used in addition to removable joints 3. require them to give you assembly instructions 4. any/all of the above That being said a great deal of fancy furniture can 100% be assembled/disassembled. After all it has to be transported to the store and to the client's house. But this is entirely besides the point since this was about AI art.
>>267915 >Always think of the goddamn market. Rich people (more specifically, old money, not nouveau riche gangbangers) don't want mass produced shit and they've been the main patrons of the arts since basically always. Artists don't make money selling things to rich people. They make money off of commercial work, which will be replaced by AI. Niche artisan carpenters exist and niche artists will exist, but the art work force will be cut down significantly which is what the artists are paranoid about. No one cares that 1% of artists might have enough mind share to sell shit at stupid prices to pretentious faggots.
>>267760 in the 90s Hollywood had to use sex appeal to appeal to "our" demographic, but now that we have internet porn they can remove the sex appeal and appeal to women who hate sex appeal.
>>267920 >They make money off of commercial work, which will be replaced by AI. Commercial work at scale. Because at scale, all that matters is cost of production and reproducibility. I'm sure local/small scale commercial artwork is not going to get substantially displaced. Whenever and wherever there is a demand for unique, one-off projects, the benefits of AI art are nowhere near substantial enough to completely replace traditional work.
>>267922 I think the better use is if you can draw rough linework and some flat colors and have the ai pass over like a filter with different shading styles, it would allow even animations to have a pen-shaded or watercolor look maybe, and noone would be the wiser.
>>267922 >I'm sure local/small scale commercial artwork is not going to get substantially displaced Small scale commercial applications stand to benefit the most from AI art. Local businesses don't have the capital to afford commissioning real art, especially in this hypothetical future you're describing where the only hands on artists left are catering to rich people. >the benefits of AI art are nowhere near substantial enough to completely replace traditional work. Lol, dude the benefit is that it's fucking free. That outweighs virtually every single benefit of traditional work. If I'm handing out posters to advertise my bakery I'm going to be generating a free image from an AI. Not paying someone hundreds of dollars.
>>267924 Monetary cost is not the primary hurdle for small businesses, it's time. They don't have many employees and every employee wears multiple hats. Either they bite the bullet and learn how to use an AI model (unlikely because many small business owners and staff work out of fucking macs and tablets) or they outsource marketing/design to a freelancer or a small firm.
>>267921 The fuck does sex appeal have to do with MK 1995 being a good vidya movie? Did you get horny at liu kang? >>267916 Techno syndrome tbh, i remember they played it on repeat in the arcade and the lazer tag center.
>>267925 >Either they bite the bullet and learn how to use an AI model (unlikely because many small business owners and staff work out of fucking macs and tablets) or they outsource marketing/design to a freelancer or a small firm. You are vastly over-estimating how difficult prompts are for the generic shit a local business would need. You are also ignoring the fact that you could hire a prompt specialist to pump out results for a fraction of the price of a real artist. But more likely than not the AI programs will be more than developed enough to give you plenty of results to choose from that fit a prompt even a complete retard can input.
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>>267925 I doubt the average normalnigger is incapable of downloading a design app for some poster templates and dropping some ai drawings in. I've seen many places just scribbling on paper with a sharpie and it looks god awful but from a utilitarian perspective it does the job and I still see them around for years.
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>>267928 Top JeJ.
>>267927 I could definitely see local businesses stating they support local artists in the future if AI-generated images become rampant for advertising. Sometimes it's not about it being free, but about supporting your local community. I know a lot of businesses that make it a point to use local print shops to print labels (as opposed to outsourcing it to China). Logos are another connection I've seen between businesses and artists (as opposed to some generic logo you can make online). If you're buying a local good, you're already paying more than going to a commercial business and buying said good there. Some people care that their money is going toward the small guy.
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>>267927 "prompt specialist" Did you mean: https://huggingface.co/spaces/pharma/CLIP-Interrogator I laugh at people who think that's gonna somehow be a thing after the art-pocalypse, just perform the necessary functions for image-to-text in reverse.
>>267926 >Did you get horny at liu kang? give me a break.
>>267928 i love how proud he drew the faggots at the top panel.
>>267926 Such a great song.
>>267923 >I think the better use is if you can draw rough linework and some flat colors and have the ai pass over like a filter with different shading styles Funny that you mention that, because the smarter artists (which are usually Japanese) are starting to figuring out a way to use the AI to speed up the coloring process. https://note.com/abubu_nounanka/n/ne59633583371
What is /v/'s favorite emoji?
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>>267940 >Carol >But no Nobeta Not really a bad choice, but that's unorthodox.
>>267943 its clearly centered around /delicious/ god rest its soul.
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>>267944 I think I don't have that one. Also checking >>766666
>>267945 Alright. Do try Onirism, it's the best half-game you can stumble across.
>>267879 Just like Kojimbo.
>>267879 Remember when Naughty Dog made fun little platformers that required skill, instead of just making movies with interactive segments? Watching him say he's "intrigued" by Elden Ring's storytelling is such a joke. They made narratives in gaming worse, but now that they're being outsold they're suddenly interested in subtlety and using gameplay to tell stories.
>>267949 I miss Jak and Dax.
>>267950 Try Kao the Kangaroo it's kind of similar, there is a rebellious sister character though.
Yes, i can run the Enhanced Edition of Metro Exodus on Windows 10 Ameliorated!
>>267952 cool for you anon
>>267943 Sorry, I ran out of holes.
>>267952 >native linux game uh lol
>>267954 No worries, French cunny is fine too.
>>267950 Sucks we only really got one. I enjoyed Jak 2 for what it was (an edgy GTA clone for kids) but I would have liked more of the first. Even before the PS2, I loved the Crash games. I was awful at them as a kid. In retrospect, I'm glad we got a trilogy that was just good, with each iteration slightly refining the formula but not really changing anything, Most developers really fumble after one or two launches. And CTR is still the best kart racer 25 years later. >>267951 Will have to check this out. >>267889 Harmon and Roiland are both weird and I don't know what to make of them. Both have made some pretty dark jokes and have had a laugh at anyone who gets offended. Harmon has a severe case of white guilt and will flog himself publicly. He's definitely got SJW tendencies, but like a lot of male feminists often thinks he's above their own rules until he gets cannibalized by them. Roiland strikes me as a guy who discovered 4chan in 2008 but really just ran with the randumb humor. I think if anyone in Hollywood is secretly /pol/ it's probably him. That said, he's also mentally ill and just sorta spews unstructured bullshit that isn't very funny.
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>>267951 >there is a rebellious sister character though. huh
>>267959 I only played the beginning but i assumed she would be another dyed hair, leather jacker cliché, but maybe she's only rebellious.
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>>267956 Yeah it is.
>>267956 >>267962 unless its on netflix right guys?
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>>267956 How about some French shota?
>>267962 Honestly I was surprised one would make a lewd mod for Onirism this fast.
>>267966 >ex anti what did zir mean by this?
>>267967 Think cow but aimed at ecelebs, you pretty much try to make streamers miserable by shitting up their chat and talking shit.
>>267967 Zir meant he is a professional liar
>>267966 >Isekai hater Why do we care about this tasteless trans creature?
(1.82 MB 1537x1694 PersonaFutaba1.png)

>>267966 >Female I'll just bet. >Futaba image and pfp I bet he's one of those fags who's like "Futaba is like your sister bro."
>>267959 Well tie me kangaroo down, sport.
>>267971 >I bet he's one of those fags who's like "Futaba is like your sister bro." Good thing my sister is my gf
>>267973 >Good thing my sister is my gf Hold up
>>267865 Reminder that the term "feminism" was coined by a proto-commie Frenchman named Charles Fourier that sought to liberate women so he could get easier access to pussy despite never getting any. He also wrote stories about raping women and leftists to this day defend his writings by calling it "satire".
>>267975 Nothing wrong with raping women, I’ve personally raped many of them, most of them never complained about it afterwards.
>>267836 Is there a condensed (smaller) image you have that can be shared easily? Mostly to facebook pages?
>>267928 Sorry for the off-topic post, but I think the Airplay documentary being made is pretty good, and would be very informative to people who don't know the story behind GG I think it would be worthwhile to share it with people you know, and for those of you who have them, share it on social media.
off topic again but hey, video gamess
>>267978 The guy literally has a vivian avatar, don't see how its offtopic.
>>267928 I'm sure I've seen that ass somewhere, but I don't remember where exactly.
>>267973 >Good thing my sister is my gf Wait a minute
>>267959 Was this character made before or Naughty Dog fucked up Tawna?
>>267954 So you're that fag that made the original with that abomination of a Cream I had to edit out? What the fuck were you thinking, man?
>>267966 >Random twitter fag defending lolcization >No archives Why should anyone care?
>>267978 >the Airplay documentary being made <08.15.20 Anon, did you fall into a coma for a couple years? >Sorry for the off-topic post <Posts a trailer for a documentary about GamerGate Anon, do you know where you are?
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https://archive.ph/disSY https://twitter.com/stillgray/status/1613908417994969090
>>267988 Is that even possible?
>>267988 >Children's hospital MAKE IT STOP
>>267986 Mind viruses can easily spread They must be stamped out and ridiculed at any moment.
>>267985 It was the first pic I ran across in high enough resolution. I did have a bunch of keki's Cream I could have used.
>>267989 Anything is possible if it is done in the name of the Dark Prince
>>267990 They sure managed to outdo the church's child abuse acts, when those priests were still shamed by diddling kids. These people abuse and butcher them while trying to pass it as if it's the best for them. >>267993 Stop butchering uteruses and make cute futa girls. If we are going to be flooded with degeneracy and faggotry, at least make it pleasant for the eye. Anyway, I need the 6 jewest names Anons can think of for a sci fi horror tabletop adventurer for a directive board comitting satanic rituals.
>>267988 Lmao. Every day we one one step further beyond parody. >>267991 Not archiving is a fucking mind virus, ya faggot.
>>267992 Do happen to hail from /delicious/ or something? How can you not be revolted by such a face? It's like an adult, male, somewhat more realistic, version of Cream.
>>267994 >Stop butchering uteruses and make cute futa girls. I don't think you can do that through surgery. Hell, is it even possible through some alien genetic reengineering?
>>267997 I mean all you'd need is to make a retractable dildo with some loose skin grafted to it.
>>267997 >>267998 I mostly mean that, if you are going to create abominations using slaneesh power, at least make something cute.
>>267978 >Airplay started putting out videos with this in the disclaimer >Discouraged not to These fucking retards. That's a double negative, which say viewers are encouraged to engage in harassment.
>>267997 The funny part is that you can just pass around 1 uterus. Suppose it miraculously work. >First real woman loses uterus >Trans-woman gets it >Trans-woman becomes """"""""woman"""""""" >Remove uterus from newly made woman for another trans-woman
>>267988 Give the uterus to a machine instead and impregnate it
>>267704 >>267801 I started to despise PragerU when they brought up retards and grifters like Ben Shapiro. Not only that, but I soon realized that Dennis is a literal kike. >>267824 Can AI help professional artists with their works? >>267966 Nigger, at least post something that its about noteworthy things about localization instead of a faggot with shitty opinions.
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>>268002 If you reach the point where silicon live can replicate the functions of biological life you would've hit the singularity of life and matter at least in theory where the creators could be considered akin to gods. Would that be cyberpunk, biopunk, or some type of bizarre mixture?
>CP on the front page >go to report it >can't read the captcha >refresh until I can >type it correctly <WRONG CAPTCHA >refresh and do another one <FLOOD DETECTED >wait and hit send again <WRONG CAPTCHA Fine. Enjoy the hell that you created.
>>268006 The captcha's not that hard, anon. I think you might just be retarded.
>>268009 >>268006 >>268008 There has long since been an issue where the captcha displayed is actually the old one lagging behind, as a result of the fact that a new captcha is auto-loading the moment you fail without you having to click Refresh, and the new one you need to type in is still in the process of loading. To circumvent this, I usually hit Refresh twice to be safe.
>>268006 Found it. Global and locally reported. It's that kind of CP bot spam that is already caught by word filters and is the most ugly kind. The child was clearly screaming in agony as she was being fucked in both holes by two large men, her friend/sister sitting in the background totally broken. I need something happy to cleanse my eyes of this suffering.
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>>268012 This was both comedic and mildly arousing. Thanks.
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>>268011 I have some cute images I've collected to cheer you up.
>>268006 Your best bet is to refresh the captcha if the timer is in the 200's, the site has had this issue for long before the new fonts were being used. Blame Stephan for being a nigger.
>>268003 >I started to despise PragerU when they brought up retards and grifters like Ben Shapiro. Not only that, but I soon realized that Dennis is a literal kike. I always preferred (((John Stossel)))'s videos, but I disagree with his absolutism towards global Libertarianism. Thus far, I think his most biased video was in regards to vaccines: https://odysee.com/@johnstossel:7/vaccine-still-work:1
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>>268008 Anon is now traumatized from Democrat activism that couldn't be taken down soon enough. I hope you're happy
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>>267742 My apologies, totally-not-a-gyp-anon
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>>766898 I'm disgusted, but you got a chuckle out of me.
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>>268011 Dude you really didn't have to describe what you saw. >>766898 That's not cute anon.
>>267890 >there will soon be masses calling for mandatory in-home food delivery, for free, to accompany free internet and streaming access alongside UBI so that they never even have to move their bodies in the first place All of those are good things. Let slaves work, while free people enjoy life for free.
>>268006 The new captcha is cancer.
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>>268011 You ever notice how the ESL bot spam CP is always, always, the grossest most disturbing shit? It's always an adult physically sexually abusing a child, and often the rape isn't just statutory. It's never those videos of girls just masturbating in front of a webcam, even though those are far more common and easy to find. Why is that?
>>268025 New captcha is EZ. Git gud.
>>268025 We need chess captcha.
>>268028 We need a Tohou captcha.
>>268029 Tohou chess captcha is what we really need.
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>>268028 >replace the cancer with aids no comment
>>268028 >>268029 >>268030 What >we need is for the block bypass to apply to captchas so you don't have to fill out a captcha for every single report >But muh report spam Each report should count as a post towards using up your bypass, which they really already ought to since the "please wait X seconds" shit applies to both posts and reports together already. If someone spams meaningless reports, treat it the same as spamming posts. There's no reason it shouldn't work like this already.
>>268033 There is literally nothing wrong with the zigger captcha.
>>268034 Neither Acid nor Codexx seem to know how to program core Lynxchan functionality. So the development moves at glacial speed as they just sit around making requests to the hue tranny and hoping he cares enough to implement it.
>>268036 Fucker's should stop fighting someone else's bad code and just make their own imageboard software at this rate. That's what Acid always seems to end up doing anyway, is just make his own shit because everyone else's is trash. Same with the ourobooru migration, though that's a potential emergency, so using shitty existing software is an unfortunate necessity.
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>>268038 >Colored watermarks from some shitty pirate site instead of mangadex >>>/a/
>>268038 What is this? >>268035 Do you ever look at the PPH of the board when it activates as a posting captcha? Literally drops it to a near-standstill.
>>268040 Same is true here. Whenever per post captcha shows up, I make a post bitching about it and then give up on posting for a few hours because a captcha per post just isn't worth it unless I make long multi-reply posts. Per post captcha never stops spam here either, and is usually shortly followed by PoW bypass verification, which you would think would remove the need for per post captcha to still be on, but they leave it on every time anyways. On the occasion I've used ziggerchan, I found their captcha, when enabled per post, to be less of a deterrent to me actually posting, since clicking some squares is on a lower mental processing level than typing, but I can understand people feeling otherwise. I've never been great at typing.
Why do you autistic faggots like to post random, out of context manga spoilers all the fucking time?
>>268042 It's one faggot, the same faggot, every time. /a/'s become a top board now and then and he still insists on doing it, even for shit nobody cares about.
>>268038 You don't need to do this everytime something happens in a manga you're reading online.
>>268041 the posting captcha here used to have a lesser effect than the zzzchan one does (haven't seen the new one in action yet and the PPH counter here is delayed by longer usually than theirs), and also takes more velocity to activate it so its rarer to see.
>>268043 >>268041 as a real-time example, their posting captcha went into effect around 25-30 minutes ago, and they haven't had a post in the last 25 minutes despite previously having enough activity before to activate it in the first place.
>>267988 At this point I don't even think people will elect a new Hitler. They'll elect fucking Gengis Khan. >>267870 Gotta hide Biden's umpteenth bad document leak somehow, cattle
>>268041 Gotta agree with anon here, hence why I think having a randomized captcha among the one we have right now, the crossed one, the dotted one and maybe some other funkier ones would fuck up bots much more than just forcing everyone to type the captcha all the time.
>>268047 Would that be so bad?
>>268049 Directly or indirectly, Gengis Khan has been responsible for the death of at least 40 million people in his time, which was probably something along the lines of one fourth of the Earth's population. The reason why Moslems are ass backwards today is because the Mongols ruined their civilization so bad that all their great thinkers believed the world to be a chaotic mess and only by abiding to the few surviving books from the Library of Baghdad could they hope to survive. He wasn't even the worst, though, at least another few Khans were even more bloodthirsty than he was but they were so thorough we don't even know their name today, apparently.
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>>268050 Khan!!!!
>>267989 Even if you were to able to somehow find the room to properly place it in a man's body which seems rather difficult, you cannot change a man's hips in order to accommodate a baby, the man's leg's connect completely different than a woman's, would this effect the way he walks and how the baby sits inside the bowl of his hips, but most importantly it would be impossible for the man to give birth naturally it would mean it would always have to a be a cesarean. In other words this is just another frankenstein operation that in the end just proves how much they will never be fucking women.
>>267976 >in this day and age, there are still idiots in this country who think that raping women is wrong No wonder your women are inviting niggers to replace you.
>>268042 Spoiling other people's fun is fun.
>>268053 >Replying to pzhos64.
>>268055 >Replying to pzhos64 replying to himself
>completely retcon the story and reorder the sequence of events like some greatest hits release >make Vash a crybaby with a zoomer lesbian haircut >Meryl might be a dyke who will no doubt step on Vash's balls with stiletto heels the entire show >get rid of Milly and replace her with a guy named after fucking Robert De Niro for no reason whatsoever (because that's what Trigun needed, a Robert De Niro reference) >Nicolas D Wolfwood loves lollipops and has a huge sweet tooth instead of being a chain smoker >change the caliber of Vash's bullets from 44 Magnum to .22 as a metaphor for overcoming toxic masculinity Is the Trigun reboot the first anime that adapts an unused Netflix live action adaption? To rub salt on the wounds, the 3D animation looks worse than season 1 of RWBY. At times Trigun Stampede looks like a cutscene from the Dreamcast game Illbleed.
>>268057 Sir this is /v/.
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>>268057 >Nicolas D Wolfwood loves lollipops and has a huge sweet tooth instead of being a chain smoker All right! We're back to 4kids again!
>>268059 At least 4kids could write a catchy rap.
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>>268057 >Milly replaced
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>>268057 A lot of old shit is getting reboots now, I guess Trigun just got unlucky.
>>268057 Did they literally try to hit all the squares on the "Shitty netflix reboot" bingo?
>>268064 >A lot of old shit is getting reboots now, I guess Trigun just got unlucky. Trigun reboot is the first anime reboot that feels like a bad American reboot. Nickelodeon Speed racer the next generation had more respect for the Source material than Trigun Stampede. Speed racer the next generation, are actually made by Americans.
>>268066 You know shit's bad when the creator of Kappa Mikey has more respect for the source material.
>>267980 I believe the joke was that gg threads are off-topic so often that being off-topic is being on-topic and vice versa.
Can someone name for me ANY classic music composers who aren't a Kike, aside from Beethoven and Mozart?
>>268069 You're kidding, right?
>>268069 literally almost all of them.
>>268069 just get a laundry list of composers and run down the list you lazy nigger
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>>268069 Salieri?
>>268070 No, I'm not. George Gershwin, Jerome Kern, Richard Rodgers, I'm starting to notice that just about every famous composer from the start of the 20th century are all Kikes.
>>268075 Well of course the blacks will say it's more effective. They're getting gibs. Police are almost always local government, not federal. Nogs aren't usually dealing with the feds unless its to get free shit.
>>268074 >from the 20th century Yeah, no shit. Their nepotism forbids others from getting popular. It's why psychiatry has been set back by a goddamned century and a half; they refused to publish white scientist and promoted fucking Sigmund "I wanted to rape my mother" Freud for decades as being "sane." Go back to when classical music was actually written and you'll find only whites (and whites complaining about jews who can't comprehend music, like Wagner).
>>268069 Brahms, Chopin, Bach, Handel, Wagner, Liszt, Schubert
>>268057 >change the caliber of Vash's bullets from 44 magnum to .22 as a metaphor for overcoming toxic masculinity Just to make it clear, .22 caliber refers to an entire family of cartridges, anon. I don't know if it specifies which one since I haven't seen this animoo and don't plan to, but .22's as a whole are commonly used for target shooting and don't pack too much of a punch although .22 inflicted injuries can fuck you up and put you in a plastic bag since the round has a tendency to follow the bone's direction upon impact, ripping through everything in its path which fits Vash's style of precise, non-lethal shots intended to disable rather than kill. You are probably right about the rest tho. >Robert De Niro You made me watch the trailer to check if you were bullshitting, you nigger. It's absolutely true, what the dick Rather than pushing an agenda, most of these changes seem to be made in an effort to appeal to zoomers... somehow. I wonder what the author thinks of it.
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>>268079 >Rather than pushing an agenda, most of these changes seem to be made in an effort to appeal to zoomers... somehow. Trigun Stampede is just your basic, "how do you do, fellow kids" remake for "a hip new young audience!". It's just the same as DmC:DMC and Ghost in the Shell: Arise. It stars a "younger, hipper" version of the MC and is total ass otherwise.
>>767005 >Ironically, those who perceive themselves as "smart" are the less apt to survive. The world favors impulsive and violent brutes. No anon. The world favors the smart, but smart people are rarer. Dumb people survive even less, they just pop out more kids to compensate.
>>268081 I highly suspect that is just (((Luciano))) again being his usual retarded monkey self.
>>268067 >You know shit's bad when the creator of Kappa Mikey has more respect for the source material. I don't get hate for Kappa Mikey. The show is a love letter to 80s and early 90s North American anime culture. I think people just shit on Kappa Mikey because tranny-loving cartoon reviewers on YouTube said it was bad.
>>268057 I mean it threw out every red flag it could right at the start. How anyone had any expectations of quality after they started showing it off is beyond me. Replacing Milly is also unforgivable.
>>268083 Anon it was pretty awful, and I know because I watched it. I count it as another one of Sean Schemmel's voice acting war crimes.
>>268057 >ever watching remakes/reboots It is your own fault if you are disappointed.
>>268079 >most of these changes seem to be made in an effort to appeal to zoomers What's worse, zoomers are re-discovering edgy anime like violence Jack and ninja scrolls. They reject the whole fan service as bad the Gen Xers pushed because they made nagatoro a hit. >>268080 >Trigun Stampede is just your basic, "how do you do, fellow kids" remake for "a hip new young audience 100% this but worse writing than DmC devil may cry.
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The Games Market in 2022: The Year in Numbers https://archive.is/wip/m9txL >For the first time since Newzoo started tracking global games market revenues, we forecast the market to decline year on year. We now estimate that the games market will generate $184.4 billion in 2022, down -4.3% year on year. >Tom Wijman, Lead Analyst Games: “2022 was a tumultuous year, with two successive downward corrections to our 2022 forecast to land at our current forecast of $184.4 billion generated by 3.2 billion players across the globe. We see 2022 as a corrective year following two years of lockdown-fueled growth for the market. Looking back at our pre-pandemic forecast for the games market (from January 2020), revenues in 2020 and 2021 were much higher than we anticipated, while 2022 is slightly lower. This revised forecast may seem like a setback for the games market, but the sum of revenues generated from 2020 to 2022 is almost $43 billion higher than we originally forecasted pre-pandemic.” >Mobile game revenues will decline faster than other segments. We forecast the mobile games market to generate $92.2 billion in 2022, down -6.4% year on year. Moreso than PC and console gaming, spending on mobile games is affected by the recession’s impact on people’s disposable income. >Tianyi Gu, Newzoo’s Mobile Market Lead: “There are two main factors contributing to mobile game revenues’ decline this year. First is the ongoing development in mobile gaming related to privacy, especially on iOS. The limited ability to identify and track valuable users continues to cause headwinds for mobile developers, publishers, and advertisers. Secondly, spending on mobile games dropped in consumers’ priorities as the world opened again after two years of lockdowns, and people’s disposable income became increasingly strained by inflation. In other words, mobile’s lower barrier to entry is also a lower barrier to exit.” >Console gaming will also see a -4.2% decline in spending year on year due to fewer releases, whereas PC gaming is not as hit-driven as console gaming and will see slight year-on-year growth (+0.5%) this year. COVID bump is wearing off.
>>268088 Kind of makes sense since pc has an existing library instead of having to restock every generation to justify the console.
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>Do you want to get even closer to the JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Stone Ocean heroine? https://archive.vn/Us6XL
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>>268047 >>268050 Call me insane, but I want a necessary evil (be a individual or group of people) to cleanse the hedonism and other mess that plaguing this world. >>268057 >make Vash a crybaby with a zoomer lesbian haircut Do the designers know that most people with those haircuts tend to be annoying retards?
NEW COMIC yup, still stuck in Gamer Hell.
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>>268091 Seems like Araki is living his dream, he's always been big into the fashion industry which is why there have been official collaborations between JJBA and shit like Gucci.
>>268091 >panties UNDER the gatherbelt Why? Both the woman and the people in the photoshoot should know how it goes.
>>268096 >thinking women know how their own clothes work
>>267994 >6 jewest names Theodore Nosewitz Noah Dimekelstein David Gastemfeld Matilda Mandelbaum Beatrice Jewblowsky And their leader Shlomo Shekelbergstein-Baunwitzmann
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>>268097 >>268096 I mean, men design most women's clothing. We always have, at least before the last century. We know what we want to see. They don't have a fucking clue what we want to see, but they'll willingly wear anything we tell them to if they believe it will get them access to us. Only when they were allowed to make their own decisions did everything collapse.
>>268099 go allah akbar the twin towers
>>268099 The design isn't really relevant. Panties go over the garter belt for functionality, so you can take your underwear off. I suppose no one there has ever worn a garter belt before.
>>268097 Bruv, lingerie are designed by men for women.
>>268091 The actual outfit design is sexier than the lingerie, tbh.
>>268079 It's the fucking .22lr, nigger, that shit doesn't even hurt, it's basically a fucking salvo/airsoft, for fucks sake, that's one the reasons of the bitching about trigun remake
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>>268096 You think panties under garterbelt is bad? Look at what self censorship and the absoluste unwillingness to even show legs has done to FE Engage: Stockings under garterbelt.
>>268105 I mean if it holds up the boots...
>>268108 Girls do not pee, poo, or fart, you genius.
>>267988 >taking women's reproductive organs from live women >live women How many 'live women' are going to sign up for this? >>268005 >Would that be cyberpunk, biopunk, or some type of bizarre mixture? Cybiopunk, bioberpunk? Probably just siliconpunk.
Two T1 ISPs stopped blackholing Foxdickfarms https://telewebgram.com/kiwifarms https://archive.ph/m60YX
>>268110 >How many 'live women' are going to sign up for this? Give the number of modern women who don't want babies and are sick of the monthly bleed, i imagine a lot of them as long as they don't have to pay for it.
>>267994 >They sure managed to outdo the church's child abuse acts, when those priests were still shamed by diddling kids.
>>268108 If you can lower your underwear midthigh with your pants on, its pretty much like that I'd guess.
>>268114 You cant exactly do that with a gatherbelt.
>>268113 >Church investigates itself, find that abuse has practically stopped since being called out last century I believe them, after all, this large religious organization is definitely to be trusted on matters such as revealing a potential large number of child abusers still active and in high positions of their clergy. :^) The only thing I'd trust about this report is that abuse rates are no higher than anywhere else that children are managed by non-parents, such as schools and other faiths, thus the attack on the Church in the past was a purely political move, singling out only ones enemies for a particular crime committed by many others.
>>268113 >we know that sexual orientation is not a risk factor for pedophilia >Homosexual men may be attracted to other men but not to children >research has found that most child rapists are just "situational generalists" <"You aren't gay if you are just fucking whatever hole is in front of you" Wew, is this the best that the Catholics could send to defend themselves with? Catholic priests suffer the same issue that prisoners do. Their imposed celibacy (which goes against Biblical teaching) leads them to crave sex and yes, fuck altar boys. Prisons induce homosexuality due to the lack of women around, and priests are essentially living in a prison where altar boys are the only thing around they can fuck, unless they have access to nuns and an attached orphanage to take care of the bastards they foster after screwing the nuns.
>>268111 While I oppose this out of pure principle I also don't feel sympathy for Josh/Foxdickfarms either.
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>>268011 To a normalfag I would tell them to pretend it didn't happen, to forget it exists, and I'd give them a few cute/comfy images to comfort them. But to you, a fellow anon, you should not be so sheltered from the darkness in the world. You should know that demons are real, and they are here. Let it strengthen your resolve and fuel your hatred
>>268120 Everyone under the sun has seen that video, and it opens with the stupidest line that destroys its credibility to any normalfag because you can easily look up that the word gender existed before John Money was ever born. He did not coin the fucking term, he and others corrupted an existing term.
Is it just me or that nigger pill has been quiet recently? If I had to guess. He is probably busy defending the shit Velma show on HBO max that even woke critics hate on Cuckchan /co/.
>>268122 If he's shut the fuck up, then there's no need to bring him up apropos of nothing and potentially summon the fag. His entire goal is to focus attention on him, dipshit.
>>268120 Seeing awful things doesn't do any of that. All it does is make you apathetic and desensitized. Or you start overcompensating like the feds that sit around watching it all day who get mad over shit like encryption existing. A child being raped isn't necessarily any more horrific than seeing the cartel peel a mans face off and expose his skull while he's still breathing like they're some kind of spic necromancers. In fact I'd say it's significantly less horrific. You just aren't exposed to child rape as much so it feels more visceral.
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>>268118 >not just fucking the nuns
>>268125 Problem with nuns is the similar vows of celibacy. Catholic beliefs are very backwards & outright contradictory to do the bible. God doesn't ask for or want wives.
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>>268126 >God doesn't ask for or want wives. If nuns are married to God, and his wives through their vow of celibacy, does that mean celibate clergymen are gay for God?
>>268127 No because they're about as faithful to God as a jew.
>>268128 The same applies to nuns. I'm making this question under the framework of accepting that "nuns are married to God", or so people say. That doesn't mean I believe it's true.
>>268118 >altar boys are the only thing around they can fuck, What about little girls? I always wonder what is the percent of priests that fuck little girls compared to the ones that fuck boys
>>268128 Holy men are a lot like politicians, the people who would be the best at it never find themselves in those positions and the people who are the worst for the job always seem to end up there. >>268126 >Catholic beliefs are very backwards & outright contradictory to do the bible. God doesn't ask for or want wives. But Anon, if we let nuns marry that would be a bunch of Japanese corruptionfags who'd need new material (or they'd just keep course but inject NTR into the mix)
>>268011 This is the world that you asked for, anon. Only you can end it.
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>>268006 >CP on 8ch Careful. Apple may remove the 8ch app from the Apple Store!
>>268130 Anon, that's like asking >I hear about Boy Scout Troop masters molesting boys, but what about the girls? It's the wrong territory to be asking, since it's obvious what those men are after. Also, what's with this dead horse shit where every thread we end up talking about pedophilia. Fuck, there are probably actual CP trading sites on the darkweb that talk about fucking kids less than this board has in the last two years.
>>268133 I only ever used multi-site imageboard apps until none of them supported the webring or 8moe. I think some became abandonware and even 8chan prime stopped being supported though. >>268134 Maybe one day I'll make short webm summaries of the week's threads, but I'll probably be even more busy than I am now.
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What did he mean by this?
>>268136 He probably thought of the conditioning of anime avatar = notsee on twitter. Maybe in his mind the explanation somehow blipped into meaning anime avatar in the image sense rather than a moving avatar.
>>268130 >>268134 I found something. https://archive.ph/xdRnY https://archive.ph/ZZaPp >The only age group in which girls accounted for more victims than boys was ages 1 to 7, when they made up 58 percent of victims. In the 8-to-10 age group, boys made up 71 percent of victims. Boys accounted for 85 percent of victims in both the 11-to-14 and 15-to-17 age categories. The report found that 3.6 percent of abusive priests abused both boys and girls of all ages, while 22.6 percent abused only females and 64 percent abused only males. In nearly 10 percent of the reported cases, the gender of the victim was unknown.
>>268135 >webm summaries GG threads usually aren't worth making summaries about unless there's an event/happening/news or something interesting that leads to OC being made in the threads (the recent niggerpill exposed saga was pretty funny), most discussions are unfortunately pretty ephemeral nowadays Drawthreads, game releases, Friday Night threads, and event threads like AGDG are generally better for making things like that
>>268139 AGDQ*
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>/zoo/ continues to claw its way up the top boards Soon it'll outpace /co/.
>>268136 Probably that fat people are fat because they're braindead.
>>268133 >glass houses comment is downvoted Way to get that bigot reddit! Also Jesus Christ the comments in there really make me want to repeatedly slap some sense into these retards. https://archive.is/M11O6 >>268136 >still carrying butthurt over anime twitter avatars that bullied them back during GG These people kill me.
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>>268141 >Soon it'll outpace /co/. Not hard to do. Even our /co/ pretty faggy.
>>268145 8/co/ only went to shit when beyonder gave it up, it used to be pretty fun and active before that. Then the shutdown absolutely destroyed it, I'm surprised it even exists anymore.
>>267994 >>267997 >>267998 >>268052 >you cannot change a man's hips in order to accommodate a baby, the man's leg's connect completely different than a woman's, would this effect the way he walks and how the baby sits inside the bowl of his hips Just thinking about this, it could be possible to change the skeletal structure of the body, but it would be a long process to do it, as in a decade long. Reason why is that you skeleton constantly dissolves and regenerates itself to the point that you have "new bones" every decade. In addition to that, scientists already regularly practice the act of breaking bones for the purposes of altering your physical features. One place this commonly occurs in is dentistry, where, if your teeth don't align correctly ever with the braces, they break the jaw and attach plates to repair and guide it to the proper place. So, theoretically, they could physically alter the pelvis to allow for trannies to "give birth" if the uterus transplants are actually successful. However, you're also encroaching upon Dr. Moreau territory when you get to that point.
>>268147 If you need your hips disintegrated over the course of a decade to be mentally fulfilled you should probably just be put out of your fucking misery.
>>268147 It could be something like limb lengthening surgery for the pelvis but way more painful and with way more complications and risks.
Don't you think that calling a handheld console a "boy" is a silly name?
>>268055 >being pzhos64. >>767013 >Yes. Fuck off with your censorship of who can reply to who. Ironically, also may be pzhos64 "playing both sides" What is NOT effective: <don't reply to niggerpill What IS effective: >digging on, then MERCILESSLY BULLYING niggerpill I generally assume anyone saying: ">don't reply to X >(1)" is X and should be treated as such. >>268069 Wagner is basically /pol/, so much so, that "The Wedding March" is banned at Jewish wedding due to "muh antisemitism."
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>>268150 only as silly as calling a computer an apple
Random question for anons in this thread. I saw an infographic a while ago (probably /fit/) that I can't find anymore. It mentioned supplements, one of which being magnesium. Anyone got the infograph? Need to know if it was magnesium citramate or magnesium bisglycinate.
>>268153 Protip, don't ingest vitamins based on an imageboard infographic.
>>268151 Can't help that my vpn is overzealous and changes my id like every ten minutes.
>>268146 I got ban on this /co/ for making fun of American comic sells numbers compared to manga.
>>268156 Most likely because there was a dedicated autist who would do nothing but bring that up in every single thread all day every day for months as if it was news.
>>268146 Better than cuckchan /comblr/ although that is an incredible low bar to clear
>>268125 Thats not how nuns work. Nuns and priests normally dont share places.
>>268118 Anyone who would vote Dems under any circumstances should be killed. If everyone would, like you're suggesting, well then I hope ays nuke our planet soon. But I don't actually believe your idea. I think most prisoners are fags or 'bi', as are these catholic priests. Also you're conveniently ignoring that schools have higher rates of child molestation. Last time I checked, teachers weren't celibate
>>268160 Is that filter really necessary Mark?
I scanned the thread and I didn't see anything about it posted, but prominent e-nobody Adam Sessler kinda, sorta, maybe admitted that "Gamergate was right" about games journalism being shit: https://archive.ph/UTYhT#selection-3311.215-3311.319 That must have been PAINFUL for him to admit to.
>>268159 Anon I don't think the degenerate who made that cares beyond their fetish for holy women. >>268162 I keep waiting for news of his overdose. >maybe admitted that "Gamergate was right" I love it when they begrudgingly admit it was right.
>>268162 This guy is the typical school bully who figured out that the way to get away with murder is going with the right crow and play the victim. So the typical commie.
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We're not gonna be writing our own imageboard. I looked into making a model of a tiny one just to play with some code, and the planning involved alone would have been a large undertaking. Stephen Lynx's autism is on another level. You can't just make an imageboard. You have to bake in limiters, security, modtools, and mind your I/O carefully so you don't frag your own server or be left wide open to DDoS (jschan's weakness). Try to build an imageboard like 4chan 1.0 and deploy it today and you'd be knocked offline by the first skiddie who got mad at you. We do have some site things in the works though. Nothing official yet, but if we decide to do any of them for real then it'll be announced like usual. Also looking into some social/fun stuff for anons like a MUX or even hosting Diablo 2 or PSO servers just for the boards. I've been sick a lot so my contributions are behind. I took a hard crack at fixing websockets a week ago and came up with jack shit, and then there's the new Tor edge guard I was supposed to be building that's waiting on the back burner. >>268162 What a slimy piece of shit. >>268057 I hope it dies a painful death. I always preferred Outlaw Star out of the big 3 "wild wess in spess" animes and was never a Trigunfag because Vash is an insufferable pussy from beginning to end, but it still didn't deserve whatever this is. And whoever removed Milly should be dragged behind a truck.
>>268154 I've been rubbing myself with onions and it hasn't hurt.
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>>268165 > I always preferred Outlaw Star
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>>268165 >I always preferred Outlaw Star ONE OF US
>>268118 I never bought this "prison gay" excuse shit. A priest can simply put down his office and stop being a priest, while a prisoner can't just just walk out and find himself a woman. And before you come with "muh vows" or something (I don't know if Catholic priest have to swear to being priest forever), I am pretty sure that fucking children is a greater sin than abandoning your office and becoming a regular family man.
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>>268026 >someone bothered to etch-a-sketch the Nier reaction image i made 6 years ago I can't believe this is my legacy.
>>268118 >which goes against Biblical teaching Don't pretend you give a shit about the Bible.
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>>268163 >Anon I don't think the degenerate who made that cares beyond their fetish for holy women. I was talking about what the anon said, nuns and monksusually cant bang, because apart from their vows ofcelibacy, they straight up arent in the same places, nuns have their jobs and monks and priests have theirs. >>268165 > I always preferred Outlaw Star out of the big 3 "wild wess in spess" animes and was never a Trigunfag because Vash is an insufferable pussy from beginning to end As always, acid with the awfull taste.
>>268133 The retard has it backwards anyhow. Many of the first and most prominent anti-feminist channels came out of the old Atheist/Rationalist movement just after Atheism+ made a mess of things. By the time GamerGate rolled around, a lot of the old skeptics from a freshly broken community were advising GamerGate figures on how these fuckers infiltrate and destroy communities. There's old interviews between Thunderf00t and Sargon of Akkad, for example, warning how things were going to go down if these shits were allowed to get a foothold in the industry. Though whatever holdouts and allies that GamerGate might have had in the "skeptic" community disintegrated with Trump and Brexit.
>>268111 Fantastic Don't like Kiwifarms and I feel tactically Josh didn't handle this situation correctly, but the Tranny's political power should not have exceeded to such heights that it has so I'm glad it seems to getting rolled back somewhat regardless. >>268162 I like how much more "normal" he is here compared to his Twitter ranting. Maybe he just needs get off Twitter.
>>268029 A small vidya captcha would be pretty fun >>268092 The problem with the Khans is that they were fundamentally barbarian kings with no concept of the future or culture. The Mongols and associated khanates destroyed anything and everything they could get their hands on if it didn't pay them tribute, but left people alone if they willingly obeyed the Khan's wishes, with their only weakness being the social hierarchy of their leaders - if one of them died for WHATEVER reason, the entire Khanate had to convene together to elect a new leader, this is the reason why Japan never got invaded by them, they got super unlucky and their kings died in two separate freak typhoon accidents. To be honest I wish we could either go back to Laissez-Faire pre-FDR governments (when you could do whatever the fuck you want and despite the corruption people were much more amicable) or to an oldschool empire form of government where as long as you followed orders you could be left to your own devices.
>>268111 Could it be possible that the companies involved got rattled at the thought that denying service without just cause could cause lawsuits down the line? >>268125 Nuns in real life are absolute cunts, I appreciate the fetishistic iconography but from my personal experience the slutty art nuns are probably more pious than the real life hags. >>268006 Seriously can't global reports trigger a captcha only after X attempts at reporting posts? It makes no sense that we have to solve a puzzle to stop people from posting CP.
>>268169 Anon, do you think before you post? A priest has great power within his community, on top of it being his livelihood and pretty much all he knows (most priests have been heavily educated and trained for it), and its also not a simple or easy thing to resign as a priest either even if you were one of the very few who would resign willingly without external pressures or problems forcing such a thing. You're basically asking a man to choose between all he's ever known and all his power, and pussy. For all intents and purposes, its imposed under very powerful forces (not as strong as legal confinement, but pretty damn strong), and if you think you can just "leave" it too, you haven't thought about what it actually means. You think being a priest is some ordinary job? Hell, a regular job is already hard for a lot of people in tough positions to leave, but you think leaving the priesthood is like that? >I am pretty sure that fucking children is a greater sin than abandoning your office and becoming a regular family man. Bravo, you figured out that a lot of people who aim for authority positions within the church are also scumbags, but the thing is they can't openly violate their own rules, which is why this shit happens in secret. >>268171 Being passive-aggressive doesn't change the fact of the matter.
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>>268176 >Nuns in real life are absolute cunts My great grandpa shot himself in the foot to avoid being drafted to fight in the spanish civil war, he got taken to a nun hospital and the nuns were such cunts to him he developed and absolute hatred for them, imagine his surprise when later on in life his favourite grand-daughter joined a convent.
>>268175 Forget turning the captcha into a game, the entire /v/ board should be turned into a game, with the catalog being a world map, threads being levels and reading posts is presented as talking to npcs, and to make a post you have to get to the end of the level.
>>268176 >Nuns in real life are absolute cunts Still butthurt from all the spanking?
>>268179 I actually thought about doing this in python for client-side fun, because it would take little effort to slap something together with pygame and use the RSS feature to get the catalog and thread data and to use as parameters for generating levels and such. I don't think the idea will work now though because of the disclaimer agreement page redirect.
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>>268180 define "spanking".
>>268178 Where I live, most nuns have accrued insane amounts of wealth thanks to donations and Church hand-me-downs (in the form of fucking buildings), yet they run scholastic and social institutes with the stingiest hand you can imagine. Imagine a female version of the happy merchant who cares more about the scriptures than money despite making a ton of it. >>268180 They use sticks on the hands, not the buttocks.
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>>268175 >this is the reason why Japan never got invaded by them, they got super unlucky and their kings died in two separate freak typhoon accidents. This sets off my autism every time I see it. No Khans went to Japan let alone died there. The Japs fought the Mongols off both times they invaded. Both sides recorded what happened, so there isn't much ambiguity about that happened
>>268011 You uh really didn't need to describe it but here's some happy.
>>268182 Why would you post this degenerate shit?
>>268157 It's possibly that dedicated autist you are talking to now. I use /co/ now and then, and I think they're pretty good at not mistaking innocent anons for that faggot.
Is talking about Adam Sessler breaking because he is irrelevant giving attention to e-celebs? I just find funny yet mildly infurating seeing him going with soyfilled faggot commies to shit in gamers and games like if he was any better than a crack whore.
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There should be a German word for that feeling of utter satisfaction after spending days perfectly organizing your smut collection. All my loli/shota stuff saved over decades are deleted, now replaced with bookmarked favorites after finding them on websites, and [artist][Eng title][JP title].txt files so I can find them again in case the site shuts down. So now when my PC is siezed by cops, they can't say "they had thousands of IMAGES on their hard drive." >I always take note of wether they say "photos" or "images". If it's photos, then fuck them and die bloody in prison... but if the article says "images", you know it's just hentai doujins, and no one will ever destroy their career by admitting there's a difference. I feel a sense of completion there's just no word for.
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>>268189 >cops seize PC >find lolishota URLs bookmarked >SUSPECT HAD THOUSANDS OF BOOKMARKS etc
>>268170 There was an etch-a-sketch anon from cuckchan that got kicked off cuckchan or sick of cuckchan or something, came to 8chan some years back, took requests, but no loli allowed. Got bulllied too hard and I think ragequit. I got him to draw some stuff too, like that one scene where Motoko has a tiny tight little booty, and Yupiel-sama's smug face without telling him that she was a loli. I do believe I saved most everything from that thread.
>>766952 >a lot of false positives How so?

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>>268189 >spending days perfectly organizing your smut collection. >Days Lmao. You have only a few hundred files or something? And where do you live that loli/shota is illegal? Canuckistan? Bongistan? There's no way I'm purging all my loli memes. I have a couple hundred hentai crops alone to be sure, to say nothing of hundreds and hundreds of standalone images not in any doujinshi or collections, some drawn by anons themselves. Or AI generated.
>>767244 >lookie loos that aren't actually doing anything illegal. Lookie loos are illegal, numbnuts.
>retarded pedonigger who posts cropped dialogue from hentai referencing age is still on this site I hate this website.
>>268186 >S&M hentai is 2degenerate4me Top lol.
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>>767244 >fear mongering
>>268197 I'm as vanilla as they come, what's wrong with that?
>>268199 Even if you live in a cucked country like Ausfailia, you'll be fine so long as you don't reveal your power level and practice some basic opsec. Lisa Simpson porn is shit taste, so it's evident this man is retarded and that that likely played a large role in his being arrested and subsequently convicted. >>268200 Nothing wrong with being pure vanilla, but you act surprised that some light sprinkles were posted, as if worse is not regularly posted here. Do you know where you are?
>>268201 >Do you know where you are? In an 8chan knock-off site ran by former Gamergate twitter activists and one lawsuit-friendly Jewish nepotist? :^)
>>268186 Hot nuns are hot, your question is rhetorical.
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For some reason, Adam Baldwin's twitter account was nuked https://archive.ph/wip/rOCN9 https://twitter.com/AdamBaldwin/
>>268165 >Also looking into some social/fun stuff for anons like a MUX or even hosting Diablo 2 or PSO servers just for the boards. How long until dedicated 8moe Dreamcast game nights?
>>268206 Anything happened to him before that?
>>268209 ╰(*°▽°*)╯
>>268165 >>268167 >>268168 One of the Outlaw star writers was antiGG, apparently: https://archive.is/AthkI
>>268211 He just sounds like your typical Japanese leftist. Probably bitches about the LDP and said Abe was evil for not giving a fuck about chink and gook whining.
>>268189 That's kind of pointless opsec. How the police frame cases like those depend on basically which quota they need to meet. You're better off just being competent with IP obfuscation and never getting "caught" to begin with, and having all of your drives encrypted. Or at the very least having your hentai folders encrypted. But your HDD will still have the temp files from browsing hentai on your web browser likely unencrypted so if they really wanted to scrape something they probably could. Best bet is just full drive encryption and turn off your machine when you aren't using it for a prolonged period of time. But I don't know German law and if there is a legal mandate to give up encryption keys to law enforcement. I know that in Canada and North America there is no legal obligation to. But in authoritarian regimes like Australia they'll just throw you in jail if you don't give them complete access to everything you own.
>>268211 Outlaw Star was never good then.
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>>268213 > I know that in Canada and North America there is no legal obligation to. But in authoritarian regimes like Australia they'll just throw you in jail if you don't give them complete access to everything you own. Now that I think about this it's silly. If they have a warrant to search your home and computer, wouldn't failing to provide the encryption key be obstruction of justice in the same way that not letting the police in your house after they present a valid warrant is?
>>268215 The American constitution gives you the right to not self-incriminate. No one can force you to say anything that might incriminate yourself, generally speaking. I forget what the Canadian thing was but they have some similar system. If your encrypted shit with bio-metrics they will typically use that to get around that issue though. Which is why you should never use bio-metrics to unlock phones. Well there's a million reasons why you shouldn't do that, but that's one of them.
>>268211 While a shame Outlaw star is still pretty great. >>268212 >Probably bitches about the LDP and said Abe was evil for not giving a fuck about chink and gook whining. I know a Zainichi Korean who is ironically enough one of the most right wing Japanese nationalist who thinks both Koreas were a mistake and wants them under Japanese control again but retain the strong Christianity. He an interesting one, I can talk more about him or convince him to post here if you anons like.
>>268217 >I can talk more about him or convince him to post here if you anons like. Please do, and also see if he can track down Gook. I worry about him.
>>268218 He knows of Gook anon but dislikes him for his somewhat anti Jap bent.
>>268216 > No one can force you to say anything that might incriminate yoursel Handing over an encryption key is not saying something unless you speak it aloud, and the key itself is not incriminating speech even if your do say it. Even if you decide that means of communicating the key is speech, they could ask you to unlock the computer yourself. Unlocking your computer yourself is not saying something, and would be no different from unlocking your door upon being presented with the proper warrant. >If your encrypted shit with bio-metrics they will typically use that to get around that issue though. If they can ask you to unlock a device with biometrics because it's not speech, you could also be asked to unlock your computer. Unless you want to say making a thumbprint is an expression of the self, and thus free expression, and thus forcing you to thumbprint something is compelled speech/expression. But again, it's not the "speech" that's incriminating, it's the contents of the box the "speech" unlocks, and if the police have a justified warrant to search all your property, then it's equivalent to not letting them in the house in spite of their warrant to not unlock that box. Really, I think it would be better to argue that instead of it being self-incrimination, you could simply "forget" your password, or if the box isn't digital, where you left the key.
>>268216 You can just shut off your phone since it will demand a password every boot, there is also a hard lock which does the same thing without turning it off. Of course anons would never use a phone right? :^)
>>268189 >>268193 I will never finish organizing my smut collection, not in my lifetime. My descendants have to continue my work
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>>268222 Make a booru to outsource it. >>268223 It's less than you think, there is one archivist with 1.5 petabytes of the internet.
>>268222 If you have 12 million files in your personal collection, I'd say you need to stop mass downloading and get more discerning taste.
>>268225 A lot of artists which I liked got their pixivs deleted afterward, and I only discovered them on hydrus.There's plenty of time to sort later, and storage is cheap.
>>268178 >Battle Nun A man of taste
>>268220 >Unlocking your computer yourself is not saying something, and would be no different from unlocking your door upon being presented with the proper warrant. Does a warrant obligate you to open the door or does it just give them the right to enter by force? That is a very big distinction. >If they can ask you to unlock a device with biometrics because it's not speech, you could also be asked to unlock your computer. They don't ask you. They literally take your fingerprint when they book you. They just use that or if you have facial recognition they just shove the thing in front of your face. They don't need your consent.
The Gamer: The Witcher: Blood Origin has an audience score of only eight percent, but many of these reviews perpetuate racist, sexist, and ableist talking points https://archive.is/I1WFD
>>268229 What's racist is making elves, a race of their own with no human like racial diversity, all a hodgepodge of brown & yellow. The whole show is supposed to be taking place before the conjunction of spears. The elves again don't have blacks or asians. Then when it comes to "sexism" the issue lies with the show making all the women cunty Mary Sues who survive everything while all the male characters either die horribly or are incompetently weak. Just look at what they did to Eredin. They made him a gay little bitch boy subservient to a black elf king. Eredin in the lore MURDERED his king to take over the dark elves.
>>268229 Journalism is pretending to be retarded to get rage clicks. Stop sharing these meaningless articles.
>>268231 >pretending
>>268232 It's template retardation. Whether or not they believe what they are saying isn't really relevant. I'd bet my life that they have PDF guides on which rage bait words to shove into every single article to maximize rage clicks. And that article just used probably 30% of them. Articles on content on the internet have evolved well beyond the point of genuine beliefs. When there is profit to be made you optimize for profit. No one reads articles about good news. No one cares about random writers thoughts on things in the age of jewtube. So every article ever written will be to maximize rage. Every time you share one of these articles you are acting like a little algorithmic goy slave rewarding the AI that pump out these articles with their robotic dopamine hits.
>>268233 >Every time you share one of these articles you are acting like a little algorithmic goy slave rewarding the AI that pump out these articles with their robotic dopamine hits. That would be the case if not for the denial of ad revenue via archiving. Spreading around the archive is not helping their ad revenue, and the one hit they get from archive.is is inconsequential to their ad revenue when it helps deny them further revenue.
>>268234 Fuck the revenue. I don't want to know these articles exist let alone click on them. It's literally noise to pollute online discussion. It's like pirating a game from a pozzed dev, they're happy as long as you aren't spending your time and money on a competitor instead.
>>268235 >Piracy bad! >You're supporting when you pirate! >Muh mindspace! Here comes this faggot again.
>>268236 Who are you quoting?
I have this comfy music in my E3 2019 folder. Anyone know how it related to E3? >>268237 What did he mean by this?
>>268238 >It ate the file It's fucken webm. I don't understand. https://anonfiles.com/J0W1NfRdy2/Serani_Poji_Pipo_Pipo-aIrIKGil55Q_webm >>268233 >Articles on content on the internet have evolved well beyond the point of genuine beliefs. When there is profit to be made you optimize for profit. >>268235 <Fuck the revenue. Heh. Gamers.
>>268239 I don't know what you're attempting to convey. I'm just going to filter you. No good can come from a (60)'s posts.
Go back to reddit, thin-skinned pussy.
>>267841 >Jim did a video on it years ago, it's hilarious
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>>268240 >No good can come from a (60)'s posts. It's the middle of January. Christmas and New Years have passed. I should not casually become more than 10% of a mostly done GG thread. Where the fuck is everyone? >I'm just going to filter you. >>268241 Careful anon, he might shield his eyes from you as well.
>>268235 If you steal from them how are you helping them? Also what stops me buying good shit from their rivals?
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>>268244 >Piracy is theft The hot takes keep on coming.
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>>268245 He's questioning the other anon. Not agreeing with him.
>>268246 >>268235 >It's like pirating a game from a pozzed dev, they're happy as long as you aren't spending your time and money on a competitor instead. >>268244 >If you steal from them >>268247 I know. That doesn't make him correct. I don't just support whatever is said by people who disagree with my enemies out of contrarianism.
>>268244 >If you steal from them You aren't stealing from them. >how are you helping them? You aren't helping them directly. But a company would rather you pirate their game then be playing a competitors games. Just like some AI journalist bot spammer would rather you be reading their article and headlines regardless of whether or not they generate a click. Successfully preventing a competitor from acquiring attention is good for a company in an attention based economy.
>>767351 I'm making my world a better place right now. Imageboard activity is just what I do between real life improvement work to stave off monotony. >>268249 >You aren't helping them directly. But a company would rather you pirate their game then be playing a competitors games. Which is why they put DRM on games, right? After all, if DRM actually worked, people would maybe buy competitor games or play competitor games because your game is too hard to open for pirates, and that's lost headspace! :^)
>>268250 >Imageboard activity is just what I do between real life improvement work to stave off monotony. yeah well I can't see that so it doesn't exist you pathetic deadbeat.
>>268251 >I can't see that so it doesn't exist
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>>268248 So what else do you want to me to refer it as? >>268249 >You aren't helping them directly. But a company would rather you pirate their game then be playing a competitors games If they don't see a dime and you spend money on their competitors how's that a win? >Successfully preventing a competitor from acquiring attention is good for a company in an attention based economy. You aware that one can consume multiple things at a time right? Are you a retard uni grade who only knows theory and not real life?
>>268253 >You aware that one can consume multiple things at a time right? Please tell us how you're able to play Devil May Cry, Bayonetta, and Ninja Gaiden within the same hour time and without detracting attention from any single one.
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>>268253 >So what else do you want to me to refer it as? Piracy?
>>268254 Not within the exact same time but sometimes I'll play one game for an hour, play another the next hour and back to the original after that.
>>268254 >Please tell us how you're able to play Devil May Cry, Bayonetta, and Ninja Gaiden within the same hour time and without detracting attention from any single one. I get you want to pull a gottcha on me with this but are you gonna tell me you can't play two games a day or in a week? I played some ER last night then an hour ago I was playing Doom so I fail to see what this point was about. >>268255 >>>268254 >Please tell us how you're able to play Devil May Cry, Bayonetta, and Ninja Gaiden within the same hour time and without detracting attention from any single one. I get you want to pull a gottcha on me with this but are you gonna tell me you can't play two games a day or in a week? I played some ER last night then an hour ago I was playing Doom so I fail to see what this point was about. >>268255 And what is a major thing of piracy?
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>>268141 And now there's a /cub/ (basically furry /delicious/loli/sm/tot/) board too. >>268150 Is less silly than calling a dead console "Vita". >>268165 >be left wide open to DDoS (jschan's weakness) I'm curious about this. Exactly what makes JSchan weak against DDoS attacks and how other engines like Lynxchan and Vichan (plus special engines centered around Tor like Nanochan and Picochan's) fare against the same kind of attacks from a technical standpoint? It's always cool to read about imageboard software. >Try to build an imageboard like 4chan 1.0 and deploy it today and you'd be knocked offline by the first skiddie who got mad at you True. I know a couple of imageboards that use "old school" engines, and all of them have suffered devastating attacks from underage niggers. The worst part is that in most cases technical knowledge wasn't required since the engines didn't even have basic anti-spam measures, backups or even a way to report posts, allowing niggers to flush away years worth of content in just a day. >I've been sick a lot so my contributions are behind Don't push yourself if you are in a poor condition, it'll only decrease the quality of your work and your life. As long as the base services run everything else can wait. >>268189 >"organizing" your offline collection by deleting it and replacing it with "bookmarks" You are the kind of retard who subscribes to 20 different services because they're "cheaper and easier" than downloading stuff. >>268222 And I thought having handpicked 78500 pics (more than half being shotas) was too much.
>>268257 Jesus the memory leak and site lag for me is making posting difficult.
>>268253 >If they don't see a dime and you spend money on their competitors how's that a win? If you read the sentence you just quoted you would have your answer. >You aware that one can consume multiple things at a time right? Are you a retard uni grade who only knows theory and not real life? I haven't stepped foot into an academic building since I was 13 years old. You can not simultaneously play most traditional video games at the same time. You invest time into one, usually until you finish it, then you move on to the next one. You have a limited amount of time. Companies want you to spend that time in their ecosystems, getting comfortable with their systems, and being familiar with their products. I don't know why faggots even take such issue with this obvious truth. It doesn't mean it's comparable to paying for their product. It doesn't mean you are meaningfully supporting the company. It just means what I said it means. That a company would rather have you pirating their game than spending attention and time on a competitors product. Develop some basic reading comprehension you brain dead nigger.
>>268260 Good lord you are such a fucking tosser who has no idea what your talking about.
>>268222 There is no such thing as truly organized smut,only timed organization
>>268261 Compelling argument you've got there.
>>268261 >tosser Oh, that explains a lot now.
>>268257 >And what is a major thing of piracy? That i can play free stuff without stealing?
>>268264 are you havin a go mate?
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>>268257 >And what is a major thing of piracy? Copying a file without permission? >>268256 >I'll play one game for an hour, play another the next hour >>268257 >are you gonna tell me you can't play two games a day or in a week? You both seem to missing the point of his statement, so I'll play devil's advocate for a paragaph. Yes, you can spend time on multiple things. But you're not immortal. You don't have infinite time. Time spent on X is time not spent on Y, and even if you split your time between multiple things, because everyone does, that's still to the exclusion of all the things you didn't spend that time on. So he's saying, from an "our competitors might financially crush us in the future" perspective, that time spent playing a pirated version of X, is better than time spent on Y which is competing with X and is supporting the developers of Y. This is silly though for two reasons. Firstly', this implies time spent doing Z, which is totally unrelated to X or Y, somehow benefits X purely by virtue of it not being Y. Therefore, if pirating a pozzed dev's game is helping them because you're not giving money to their competitors, then that means watching Dragon Ball Z is helping pozzed devs because you're not giving money and attention to their competitor of X when you do that either. If one still accepts this to be true, one must at least then concede that this level of help is entirely negligible, as if it wasn't, this would mean everyone in the world is significantly contributing to the success of millions of products that they never even know about by simple virtue of never knowing about their competitors either. Therefore, piracy's benefit is also negligible. The only benefit piracy has for a dev is word of mouth praise, and that's only if their game is good in the first place and mostly applies to places where buying isn't easily possible. Secondly, while time may not be infinite, the time required for X and Y is still a factor. If X and Y are short or niche, whether you pirate X is irrelevant because you're probably going to consume both all of X and Y regardless, since people who like X have a very high probability of liking Y. So ultimately the piracy has no effect besides denying X its potential profits.
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>>268260 >You can not simultaneously play most traditional video games at the same time. You invest time into one, usually until you finish it, then you move on to the next one. Yet I and others here play many games some in the same day. >You have a limited amount of time. Companies want you to spend that time in their ecosystems, getting comfortable with their systems, and being familiar with their products. I don't know why faggots even take such issue with this obvious truth. It doesn't mean it's comparable to paying for their product. It doesn't mean you are meaningfully supporting the company. It just means what I said it means. That a company would rather have you pirating their game than spending attention and time on a competitors product. Companies want you to buy their shit when you don't buy their shit they are unhappy because they want profit, not buying their shit means they don't get said profit. If I go to the seas and torrent some game but then buy the competing dev's game how is that a win for the dev's game I pirated?
>>268267 >is better than time spent on Y which is competing with X and is supporting the developers of Y. I mean X, fug.
>>268268 >Yet I and others here play many games some in the same day. Playing multiple games in the same day != playing games simultaneously you absolute fucking retard. Do you understand how time functions you dumb fuck? >If I go to the seas and torrent some game but then buy the competing dev's game how is that a win for the dev's game I pirated? It isn't.
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>>268258 >And now there's a /cub/ Looking at their first page of the index, I think they somehow have better taste than /delicious/. The average quality of the art seems higher, even if much of it still low. How in the hell? >>268260 >It doesn't mean you are meaningfully supporting the company. Then you admit nothing you've said really matters and people should just keep pirating whatever the hell they want. Why advocate against pirating certain games in the first place then?
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>>268267 But if you buy the competitors they still win ultimately as they got the profit off the sale of you buying their product, so it doesn't matter if you don't put in time into the product as they still got the money in the end where the people who got seven seas have jack shite.
>>268270 The time spent on a particular product is actually irrelevant because the consumption is in the acquisition itself as far as the producer/merchant is concerned If you steal an apple, is farmer Bob happy you took his apple instead of one from farmer Jim? No he's mad because you ostensibly took money out of his pocket by not paying for the apple you now have
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>>268274 You can't compare it with real theft. Farmer Bob did not lose an apple if you make a copy of it.
>>268274 >If you steal an apple, is farmer Bob happy you took his apple instead of one from farmer Jim? No he's mad because you ostensibly took money out of his pocket by not paying for the apple you now have You can't steal software. The analogy would be if I had a cloning device and cloned his apple that he genetically engineered. And he can go fuck himself, I can clone whatever I want. Don't put your apple in the public space if you don't want me to clone it.
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>>268276 >You can't steal software Yes you can what are you talking about?
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>>268243 So, how's your job going Mark? Awful lot of free time for it being mid-january and all.
>>268277 No you can't. At worst you can still the media that software is stored on, but that isn't theft of software, that's theft of the media it's stored on.
>>268278 Firstly, it's the weekend, ya doofus. Secondly, my job is super jewcy. Making the big bucks, like my big Jewish cheeks. >>268279 If it's the only copy, it's theft of software.
>>268275 >>268276 You can only steal a dev's willingness to continue supporting or making software or media, really. It's not that hard to DRM your shit up and make it too inconvenient to pirate future updates, or just sell off ownership for $1 to some company out of spite and become a soulless corporate dev when it stops working out. I'd say piracy actually just polarizes people into stallman and proprietary factions, since small timers won't make it.
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>>268281 No you definitely can't steal that either. And the overwhelming majority of indie dev's would rather have you pirate their game than not play it at all. There are exceptions to that of course, like the retards buying a 2 hour indie game and refunding it on steam. I'd also say that piracy probably leads to more sales in the case of indie games than less sales.
Is this Eltonel?
>>268283 It's a funny case since most programmers have made games as practice or to teach themselves, so you could argue that even commercial failures could be personal successes from the experience. You also have cases where the people live on neetbux or with family and don't really care about profit, or just as a hobby with a small return. Ultimately you'd probably have to collect a lot of data to come to any conclusions about it, but I'd probably say the devs only came out happy if they've made other games since then. A one and done probably means it was either a hobby/dream that they wanted to achieve, or it didn't make enough money to retain the team/dev. Of course studios could just have internal squabbles that kill off games too, but it's usually about money.
I want to fuck Danielle.
>>268285 The problem with game development is that it's completely and utterly saturated. You can develop a decent game and sell it for $5 on Steam and you'll likely get next to no sales, if any at all. At that point I'd at least rather have anyone experience the work that I spent hundreds of hours on.
>>268283 Again, the thing about piracy though is that it's only really helpful to the industry if it's SLIGHTLY risky and hard to get. Having to go to some sketchy looking site with a ton of penis pill advertisements, or use an outside torrent program, is enough to filter out 90% of potential pirates. Those people will happily buy a game, so long as it gets some kind of buzz or niche popularity that makes it seem worth their while. So pirates that have zero barrier to entry will play it and dispose of it immediately if it's trash - but if it's good, they'll talk about it. Word will spread. The lost sales from those 10% of people who aren't giant weeping vaginas or don't still run McAfee's as their primary antivirus is absolutely minuscule compared to the advertising budget an indie would need to get their game to rise above the din of thousands of competing games entering the market pretty much each day. I tend to think piracy is right where it needs to be. Make it too easy to pirate, and nobody will spend money to buy the product. Make it too hard to pirate, and you lose a ton of free grass-roots marketing and hype generation - as well as piss off a significant amount of your legitimate playerbase by treating them like criminals. But as it is now, most people would rather pay to get software through a legitimate channel rather than deal with piracy.
>>268288 >I tend to think piracy is right where it needs to be. Make it too easy to pirate, and nobody will spend money to buy the product. Make it too hard to pirate, and you lose a ton of free grass-roots marketing and hype generation - as well as piss off a significant amount of your legitimate playerbase by treating them like criminals. But as it is now, most people would rather pay to get software through a legitimate channel rather than deal with piracy. I worry that it's becoming easier and easier by the day, and ultimately the future that DRM shills have always claimed was the present will become a reality.
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>>268275 >Farmer Bob did not lose an apple if you make a copy of it. Apple Inflation. The more copies of an apple there are, the lower the value of the apple Farmer Bob owns.
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>>268286 i want danielle to fuck me
>>268290 But since there's no control for copying a program, there's effectively inifinite copies right out of the gate. Yet people still pay money for Farmer Bob's apples despite there being infinite apples.
>>268288 >compared to the advertising budget an indie would need to get their game to rise above the din of thousands of competing games entering the market pretty much each day. Didn't some Indie company in Argentina announce some thousand fold increase in sales after they released their game on a piracy website?
>>268292 Which is why farmer bob started selling boxes that may or may not contain any of a wide variety of apples, some far more rare than others, and is raking in millions that can't be truly copied.
>>268294 That only works so long as there's new rare apples. Every time rare apple is found, it immediately becomes worthless.
>>268293 While I do recall this, I also recall it being a thousand times 1 initial sale, or something of the like.
>>268294 >>268290 That doesn't make sense, your comparasion could work at most with NFTs
>>268297 Cmon goy don't you like the thrill of gacha? It's just cosmetics, don't you want to experience the game not looking the same as everyone else? We'll even matchmake you with people who perform better than you and have skins until you buy some.
>>268282 WORDS THAT KILL! WILL YOU SPEAK THEM TO ME? WITH YOUR BREATH SO STILL, IT MAKES ME BELIEVE... >>268284 Almost certainly not. >>268297 >that doesn't make sense Ever heard of fiat currency?
>>268299 >Ever heard of fiat currency? No,tell me.
>>268300 Every goddamned currency on Earth, anon. The more you print, the less each unit is worth.
>>268300 Fiat is latin for "let there be" or "let it be done." To use it is to subject yourself to the wiles of others.
>>268183 >yet they run scholastic and social institutes with the stingiest hand you can imagine I don't know bout them, but for regular civilians being stingy is good. Most millionaires got so rich due to being stingy. If you save enough money you can live off of compound interest alone, and then if you keep working or save enough to get spare money in addition to money for your needs you can use that for charity.
>>268251 You can't see love but that exists regardless.
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>>268304 SoUrCe?
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>>268306 Look at the broken bed me and your mum were in that's proof love exists anon.
>>268305 I wish my controller had a Doug button.
>>268307 What does that say about gays having sex every day :^)
>>268309 Well your Father has to get some ass too.
>>268306 common knowledge doesn't need a source.
>>268311 Your mother's a whore.
>>268138 Why is your pic thumbnail so small? >>268185 >4th pic - child pulling up flowers and standing on them Turn around mom, your kid is trashing the garden.
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>YT on my phone suggested to me to watch Kevin Samuels' videos about confronting women and their entitlement >Just found out that he died last year He's like a father that I never had, and my father left us over a decade ago as he went along to be with his teenage concubine. He's been always an adulterer and a leech.
>>268314 You should confront your father over his bullshit, too. Is he a nigger?
>>268315 No. He's a Flipper.
>>268316 I see. Is it common over in Flipland for fathers to ditch their families?
>>268278 Oh, I've been looking into other options since the commission based payment structure of my last job wasn't for me.
>>268317 It's a lot more complicated than that, since there's a program in our country that's also aired on YT who is hosted by now, a senator in the Philippines, have tackled a lot of marital problems like that. Trust me, it's really messy in here.
>>268319 >Trust me, it's really messy in here. It's the same way in Burgerland, though I suppose you guys have your own unique version of this problem. We even have a joke here about about a father "going out to buy a pack of smokes" and never returning. Niggers are just more known here for being deadbeat fathers. It's very common among the poor here, no matter the race. It's a shame you had to deal with that, anon.
>>268217 >I can talk more about him or convince him to post here if you anons like. do not, he'll see the retards here and know that by proxy you are also retarder, and maybe even make him question how stupid he his for interacting with you or even agreeing to coming here, talk about him if you want, image boards should not be for everyone, they aren't air or water
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>>268321 >retarder Added a new word to my vocabulary today. Thank's anon!
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>>268322 honestly that was a typo, i meant retarded, but i looked retarder up and yeah, its a word, cool
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>>268323 Here's a reward for your smartness. May the Cakelord's fat autistic face grace your dreams, anon. May your vocabulary expand unhindered and may you spend what you have been given wisely.
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>>268324 >tfw no personal tranny harem lusting after your jewcy bagel
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>>268327 That was quite a while ago. We've lost many anons. Is Reanon still here? Haven't seen anything that obviously him, though he did at least make it to moe I believe.
>>268305 What does the Doug button do?
>>268329 Isn't it obvious? It Dougs.
>>268328 He died of covid shots, obviously.
>>268318 Yeah honest commission or contract work isn't terribly stable and to be successful at it it requires one to be a balance between being a self starter and at the same time be good at fitting into standard business hierarchies and taking orders.
>>268289 It will never be as easy as it was when the Piratebay was the site literally everyone knew and used, back then literally everyone I knew pirated stuff, now with streaming and such people have literally forgotten how to torrent shit.
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>>268326 Serious question: Is this what atheist "skeptics" think how Christians think? >>268328 He's still here and occasionally posts from time to time. However, he sealed his power away out of a sense of responsibility. If I had the power to remotely kill people via repeating digits, I would go full DEATH NOTE while dramatically eating potato chips, but that's just me. >>268305 >>268308 >>268329 >>268330 >what does the Doug button do? It RAPES
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>>268335 >Serious question: Is this what atheist "skeptics" think how Christians think? >what atheist "skeptics" think I don't know anon. I thought they just thought about bananas.
>>268335 Atheists are just people who're upset they were forced to go to church as a kid.
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All games need a "Doug" button >>268337 That was true about the first generation of atheists (boomers and older Gen X) who were forced to go to church, had it shoved down their throat like Milo lol, and hold an understandable grudge about their mistreatment. The second generation (younger Gen X and older Millennials) at least read some of the bible and have an outsider's understanding of Christian philosophy. All the third generation (younger Millennials, Gen Z & ɑ) know about Christianity is from shitty Family Guy and Rick & Morty jokes.
>>268338 It's simpler than that. Everytime any kind of religion comes up in a political context, it's as a vehicle to restrict some kind of liberties. All it's used for in politics is for authoritarians of any creed to ban what they don't like. It's incredibly easy to convert people into atheists like that, even those who didn't care about religion at all. To be against Christianity is to be for personal choice, usual when it comes to issues the average christfag calls degenerate or demonic.
Morning gays
>>268340 gay checked
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>>268340 Morning, MILF.
>>268344 I wish I was a MILF
>>268345 Would you let me fuck you if you were a girl?
>>268346 Probably.
>>268346 Thanks.
>>268348 thanks for what?
>>268349 You know what you did.
>>268335 > Is this what atheist "skeptics" think how Christians think? I don't think even Dawkins is THAT full of shit, but I distance myself from atheists when I realized that it was taking on the form and function of religion in people's lives.
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>>268351 Sorry for the second post, but it took me too long to find this video. Here we have a small child spouting intolerance at a street preacher. Someone probably felt that this was an interaction worth recording because the small child is spewing approved hatred and intolerance towards an ideology that, I would assume, her parents don't share. Could you imagine how liberals would behave if she was yelling at a muslim giving the call to prayer? But, this bigotry is approved. It's "being intolerant of the intolerant" (when really it just shows that you have become the intolerant type that Popper was warning against). The problem with basing your identity around your supposed intellectual superiority is that society is quite average: if you wish to lord over your intellectual superiority, you must be an elitist and, therefore, right-wing.
>>268350 >What's stopping you from dressing like this My waist is too damn big, I have hair all over my body, and it wouldn't compliment my masculine facial features.
>>268335 >>268335 > Is this what atheist "skeptics" think how Christians think? The closest that I've seen that type of "thought" was from televangelists.
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Piracy Condoned By Belarus Government for “Enemy Countries” Including Japan https://www.sankakucomplex.com/2023/01/16/piracy-condoned-by-belarus-government-for-enemy-countries-including-japan/ https://archive.ph/BimyE#selection-1723.0-1723.168 https://archive.ph/yzPlc <The government of the country of Belarus has explicitly condoned piracy of audiovisual materials from “enemy countries” via a passed law that will be in effect until December 2024, including countries like Japan and its political allies like the US and UK. <The law was passed in response to the sanctions against Belarus due to its alliance with Russia and the ongoing situation in Ukraine. It covers audiovisual media (such as anime or films) or software (including games): >“Import of goods without the rights owner’s permission will be considered legal if these goods are included in the list of products essential for the domestic market. [This] will give an opportunity to import original goods not only to copyright holders of the object of intellectual property or their official distributors but to any importers. This temporary measure is aimed at preventing a shortage of imported goods and saturating the consumer market.”
>>268355 >>767580 So, be prepared for another golden age of piracy? For some reason, I don't seem to care about international cooperation breaking down. Actually, I seem quite thrilled by it.
>>268355 > legal if these goods are included in the list of products essential for the domestic market. I wasn't aware that anime and video games are considered essential. This is most likely aimed at proprietary software like Windows or MS Office. Daily reminder that you don't need anyone's permission to use Free (Libre) and Open Source Software (FLOSS). Uninstall Windows, embrace freedom with GNU/Linux or the BSD family. Even the EU have been taking baby steps to cut off their dependency on US big tech.
>>268358 The circus if bread & circus is just as essential as the bread.
>>268358 Excel is probably the culprit, at least in the office suite. Libreoffice just sucks not just for compatibility but also feature parity. And good luck trying to tell spreadsheet monkeys to switch to real databases.
So what should the next version be?
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>>268362 Ya fuckin' idiot. He's (8). I was (80).
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>>268352 kinda based tbh.
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>>268361 Hot nuns edition?
>>268363 >(81)
>>268367 absolute madman
>>268355 Rev up those Belarussian VPN addresses, folks.
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>>268355 Hold up, what did Japan do in the conflict? Imposed trade sanctions or some shit?
>>268370 >Imposed trade sanctions or some shit? Yep. However, it's isn't political posturing like all of the NATO nations. With Japan, they have the biggest bone to pick with the Rooskies, even more so than the Eastern Bloc, almost entirely due to the Kuril Islands: https://infogalactic.com/info/Kuril_Islands_dispute
>>268352 Look at the kids eyes. She keeps looking over to the side where I assume the parent(s) are encouraging her from. Adults trying to weaponize their kids for political points/virtue signalling are fucking cancer. I mean what if this guy preaching was some kind of wacko and assaulted the kid over this? A+ parenting job sending your child to argue with strangers while you film it. >>268355 (checked) Nice.
>>268371 Now that you mention it, that does make sense.
>>268370 >>268371 There was also that one japanese bureaucrat who donned some samurai armor to go fight for ukraine for the aforementioned reason. Also grandstanding against china's rogue fishermen fleets and artificial island memery.
>>268374 That one was fake. A Japanese ambassador decided to stay in Ukraine to fight, but the photos of him dressed as a samurai ready to fight were taken before the conflict began.
>>268375 The anons in these threads are pretty gullible.
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>>268367 What is this inspect element wizardry?

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