It's hardly "new information" when all you do is aggravate by preaching to the choir. Some anons could be strapped for time, working dead-end jobs and/or taking care of family where dump trucking negativity porn, most they already know about,
only to suggest "get educated lel", comes off as just more lazy, cheap platitudes by some arrogant prat. I guess you like hearing the sound of your own doom posting, to what you think are a bunch of dumbed-down gamers? It's a dopamine high.
So how about "voting/elections doesn't exist" suddenly exists when you suggest to support "local political activism outside of the two party paradigm" which you didn't even elaborate into further, just something you kinda phoned in there.
I don't think you're wrong about elections or who is
(((chosen))) to rule but to say it doesn't exist (unless that's hyperbole) is facile, especially how you wouldn't even know if voting was fucked unless you voted. If enough people know something's
been corrupted, they shouldn't simply stop supporting it as if they're allowing it to be taken away, they have to reclaim it. Because of 2020, I heard electronic voting was widely discouraged as more returned to paper ballots since that's harder
to rig. MSM is also at all-time-lows more than ever, with many of them jumping ship when they thought it was all in the bag. There's no such thing as something or someone being so thoroughly corrupted because it can be reversed, it's baby steps.
Just acquiescing to the thought of everything being scripted is no different than surrendering control over everything concerning your own life. Maybe you're actually just constantly coming here seeking solutions or to get educated yourself, I dunno.
>Faggots and niggers and feminism in historical games are here to stay!" Do you buy those games?
All I do is pirate but it's not that simplistic. Like with the other anon, sometimes something you really like just ends up being pozzed before you even know it. Even after the fact, you still highly regard them because you actually appreciated what they
offered in gameplay/story/writing much more that you could overlook some pozz. I liked this one group that does rpgm games, Large Battleship Studios, because I found out they were a bunch of anons, up until towards the very end of one of their
games, they just had to introduce some, though not overt, tranny shit. On principle, I never support this shit but in many cases the devs don't either and have the proverbial gun pointed to their heads by their shareholders or discord trannys.
So it's a bit of a dilemma. Some small time devs are particularly public figures through social media and have very few outlets to get their actual voices out and then get absorbed into this wicked, wicked void known as Discord as a final recourse.
Is it impossible to get through to them now? Just what is it about Discord, is it the next "belly of the beast" that needs to get sorted out now somehow?
And no, I'm being rhetorical, don't show me that video again.